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VOL-07 | ISSUE-01 | 2023
Leadership Aspects
Exploring the Traits of
Transforma ve Leaders
Ellie Shefi
Founder & President
MTC Consul ng
Made to Change the
World™, Inc.; and
Made to Change the
World™ Publishing
Impact of Technology on
Leadership Approaches
is the Capacity
to Translate Vision
into Reality
Note The Attributes of
Entrepreneurship has always been a catalyst for
innovation, economic growth, and societal change.
In the dynamic world of business, there are certain
individuals who stand out as visionary leaders, driving
significant impact through their entrepreneurial endeavours.
It is crucial to identify and follow the footsteps of these
impactful entrepreneurs who are shaping industries,
disrupting traditional norms, and pushing the boundaries of
what is possible.
These entrepreneurs represent various sectors, including
technology, sustainability, healthcare, finance, and social
entrepreneurship. They have demonstrated exceptional
leadership skills, innovative thinking, and a relentless
pursuit of their goals. By following their journeys, you will
gain valuable insights into their approaches, strategies, and
philosophies that have led them to success.
In a rapidly changing business landscape, staying abreast of
the ideas and initiatives of these impactful entrepreneurs
can provide inspiration, guidance, and opportunities for
collaboration. Their stories not only offer valuable lessons
for aspiring entrepreneurs but also serve as a source of
motivation for anyone seeking to make a positive difference
in the world.
The latest edition of Insights Success, ‘The Most
Impactful Entrepreneurs to Follow in 2023,’ features
remarkable entrepreneurs making their mark on the world.
Basking in the reflected glory with a track record, the
potential for future impact, and the significance of their
The year 2023 holds tremendous promise for entrepreneurs
who are driven to create positive change. By following the
journeys of these impactful entrepreneurs, you will gain
insights into their visionary thinking, innovative solutions,
and their ability to navigate the challenges of our rapidly
evolving world. So, fasten your seatbelts and prepare to
embark on a journey of inspiration, entrepreneurship and
the pursuit of impactful change alongside these remarkable
The Power of Narra ve
A r t i c l e s
Andy Harne
Pamela Garmon Johnson
Leadership Aspects
Exploring the Traits of Transforma ve
Impact of Technology on Leadership
July, 2023
Senior Sales Manager Business Development Manager
Marketing Manager
Technical Head
Technical Specialist Digital Marketing Manager
Research Analyst
Database Management Technology Consultant
Merry D'Souza
Deputy Editor Executive Editor Assistant Editors
David King
Art & Design Director Associate Designer
Sihanee M., Rouniyar A. Peter Collins, Niwrutti Sawant
John Matthew
Sales Executives
David, Martin
Business Development Executives
Steve, Joe
Jacob Smile
Prachi Mokashi Dominique T.
SME-SMO Executive
Sagar Lahigade Frank Adams
Circulation Manager
Robert Brown Stella Andrew David Stokes
Ankita Pandharpure
Copyright © 2023 Insights Success, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any
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Reprint rights remain solely with Insights Success.
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Abhishek Joshi
Revati Badkas
Jenny Fernandes Anish Miller
Company Name
Anastasia a senior marketing professional with 14 years of
experience across multiple industries, including satcom,
oil&gas, and aviation.
Featured Person
IEC Telecom Global
Anastasia Kuzmenko
VP-Marketing &
Andy plays an essential role as WLMN continues to work
towards economic sustainability.
Willow Lake Métis Nation
Andy Harnett
Ellie Shefi is a strategist, leadership consultant, and corporate
trainer who helps organizations optimize their culture and
individuals expand their influence.
MTC Consulting
Ellie Shefi
Founder & President
With 26 years of experience as a catalyst for change in the
health sector, Pamela brings an empowering and innovative
energy to this work.
American Heart Association
Pamela Garmon
Nominated for 40 Under 40, Steven is the President & Founder
of Matchstick, a Houston-based executive search and
consulting firm.
Matchstick Inc.
Steven Leeper
Coaches and mentors who are
further along in the journey
are invaluable for helping you
anticipate obstacles, identify
blindspots, and bridge gaps.
They model best practices,
help you think outside the box,
and empower you to take
Ellie Shefi
Founder & President
MTC Consul ng
Made to Change the
World™, Inc.; and
Made to Change the
World™ Publishing
“Knowing your story is the key to understanding yourself,
your mission, and your purpose. Sharing your story is the
key to empowering your impact in the world.”
Ellie Shefi says 2023 is the year of your story. While
you are the living manifestation of all that’s
happened to you—the events and people and facts
of your life that have influenced you up to this point—your
story is how you present this to yourself and to the world.
It’s how you perceive everything that’s gone into shaping
the unique being that is you. And it’s the perspective you
apply to those facts in order to harness those events and
influences to determine how they will shape your future …
the next chapters of your story.
According to Ellie, knowing your story is the key to
understanding yourself, your mission, and your purpose,
and sharing your story is the key to empowering your
impact in the world.
She emphasizes that when you know and share your unique
story and espouse your purpose, what you are uniquely
meant to do, you also learn how to prosper from it. Your
story is what makes you stand out. It likewise makes your
business and your brand stand out. It’s all that makes you
YOU—it’s the one-of-kind combination of everything
you’ve learned and experienced throughout your life—from
traditional education to lessons learned through failures and
getting knocked down but getting up again! The story of
these hard-learned and hard-earned lessons are what will
position you as the go-to expert in your field while
establishing your credibility and authority—in essence,
your brand. Your story is the rock-solid foundation of your
brand. It’s the gateway to the life, business, and impact that
you desire.
Let’s hear more from Ellie about how she became a
powerhouse consultant and advisor to organizations,
governments, NGOs, and individuals, and learn how she
helps her clients tell and sell their stories to build their
brand and amplify their impact in the world!
From Mastering the Art of the Hustle to One of the
Most Impactful Entrepreneurs to Watch in 2023
The entrepreneurship that had started as a necessity when
she was very young became the rock on which she built the
rest of her life.
Ever since she was young, Ellie has been a passionate
entrepreneur. Her family didn’t have much in the way of
disposable income, so, even from a young age, she worked
as tutor, proofreader, and dance teacher to help out and pay
for her teenager extras like concerts, clothes, and movies.
She mastered the art of the hustle early! This proved
fortuitous when she took a break from higher education to
earn more tuition money and followed a job in management
training that led her from California to Texas. Only the job
turned out to be a closed door. She knew that she needed to
be resilient. The entrepreneurship that had started as a
necessity when she was very young became the rock on
which she built the rest of her life.
Though in Texas with no job, no home, no connections, she
knew she was good at connecting with people, with
motivating them, and teaching them how to hustle—just as
she did! She decided to open her own management training
center. So, she rented office space instead of apartment
space, and, while living out of her car, she recruited and
trained people for companies that contracted with her.
Within a year, she had built up a lucrative entrepreneurship
that paid for her housing and enabled her to save money for
her tuition so she could finish college! That was when she
knew she was destined to become a master problem solver!
After college came law school—a lifelong dream born of
her desire to make a difference, fight injustice, and help
others! And in this, she has truly succeeded! For more than
two decades, Ellie has used her voice as a force for good,
working as an advisor to universities on discrimination
rights, as a staff attorney in the judiciary, and as an advocate
for many human rights-related causes. Ellie serves on the
leadership councils and advisory boards of nonprofits
focused on human rights, civil rights, fighting human
trafficking, disaster recovery, criminal justice reform,
and ending mass atrocities. In fact, she was Women in
Law’s Discrimination & Human Rights Lawyer of the
Year 2022.
Now Ellie combines her advocacy and law experience with
her entrepreneurship expertise in her various consulting and
coaching services. Through MTC Consulting, she helps
companies develop corporate practices that create a more
diverse, inclusive, and participatory culture where their
employees are seen as a whole person and have a platform
and a voice. Ellie also works with high-achieving women to
help them reclaim their voice and advocate for themselves
and their families. She founded and manages Made to
Change the World Publishing, a full-service, independent
publishing house through which mission-driven individuals
share their message and forge their brand.
The Most Impac ul Entrepreneurs to Follow in 2023
I believe that the best way to
innovate and adapt to changes
in the industry is to go straight
to the source - your clients.
And she offers her Best-Selling Book Bootcamp ,
Monetize Your Message , and Master the Media
programs to help entrepreneurs and leaders become global
brands through writing and publishing best-selling books,
speaking on stages, and being featured in the media.
Through all of these services, Ellie offers platforms to
everyday people where they have an opportunity to tell
their story and amplify their impact in the world.
It’s no wonder Ellie is considered one of the most impactful
entrepreneurs to follow in 2023!
2023—The Year of Your Story
Book writing is essential to getting one’s story out into the
world, which is the foundation of building one’s brand.
This year, Ellie is particularly proud of her Best-Selling
Book Bootcamp and her publishing house. Ellie launched
Made to Change the World Publishing in 2020 during the
height of the pandemic. At the same time, she coached
individuals who wanted to write books to get them out of
their heads and into readers’ hands. Knowing that book
writing is essential to getting one’s story out into the world,
which is the foundation of building one’s brand, she
realized that she needed to encourage not just aspiring
writers but all experts, changemakers, and burgeoning
entrepreneurs to tell their stories.
And so began her Best-Selling Book Bootcamp
workshops. During these semi-private, weeklong programs,
Ellie harnesses her 20+ years of writing, ghostwriting, and
publishing experience, plus her expertise as a multiple #1
international best-selling author, member of the National
Academy of Best-Selling Authors, and Quilly Award
recipient to guide writers in a step-by-step, no fluff, hands-
on manner to write their books.
Already, Ellie has achieved a 100 percent success rate! One
hundred percent of individuals who have participated in her
Best-Selling Book Bootcamp workshops have
successfully written their book in a week and 100 percent of
the books published by Made to Change the World
Publishing have become bestsellers!
My mission is to
change the world
and empower
others to do the
For Ellie, this success is thrilling not just as a coach and
publisher, but because there is nothing better than seeing
her clients get clear on their vision, find their voice, take
control of their destiny, and create the brand the business
the impact and the life they love.
Overcoming Current Challenges Facing
Client experiences include deeply immersive and
individualized workshops.
While 2023 has started with a bang for Ellie, she’s fully
aware that entrepreneurs are nonetheless facing plenty of
First and foremost, entrepreneurs need to cut through the
noise and distinguish themselves. That’s a huge part of what
drove Ellie to launch her Best-Selling Book Bootcamp
and Made to Change the World™ Publishing. She cannot
emphasize enough that your story is your superpower! It’s
the vehicle that sells your brand because it reaches your
right-fit clients and delivers your unique impact. You must
tell it!
Ellie has also recognized that entrepreneurs need to
overcome their own Zoom and learning fatigue, as well as
that of their ideal clients. They need to learn how to
strategically create powerful, engaging 5-star client
experiences. For her, such client experiences include deeply
immersive and individualized workshops where clients
leave with their book manuscript, their story bank and
signature talk, their monetization strategy and customized
action plan for building a business, or their step-by-step
strategy to get media bookings.
Innovating and Adapting to Changes in the
To best stay on top of her industry, Ellie remains immersed
and comes from a place of service.
Ellie believes that the best way to innovate and adapt to
changes in the industry is to go straight to the source—her
clients. She doesn’t look to third parties to discern trends
after they’ve begun. Rather, she asks her clients what they
want and what they need. Then, based on their responses,
she innovates, creates, and delivers the services and
products they’re asking for. She also stays attuned to the
ancillary and complementary needs her clients have, then
finds a way to meet those needs!
Your story is your
superpower. It's
your vehicle to
reach your right-fit
clients and deliver
your unique
In addition to focusing on the “who,” Ellie also stays clear
on the “how.” To best stay on top of her industry, keeps her
finger on the pulse of the latest developments through life-
long learning, full immersion, and asking insightful
questions, and she comes from a place of service. She
serves powerfully, adds massive value, and over-delivers.
She consistently shows her clients that she values and
appreciates them, even through simple acknowledgments
like sending birthday cards. She is consistent and clear in
her communication and nurtures an inclusive community of
which her clients are proud.
Ellie’s Advice to Aspiring Entrepreneurs
The gift of coaches and mentors.
Ellie believes that the most powerful gift aspiring
entrepreneurs can give themselves is the gift of coaches and
mentors. She believes there’s a reason the old adages “you
don’t know what you don’t know” and “you can’t see the
forest through the trees” remain popular. Seeking insights,
guidance, and advice from experts across a range of
industries and disciplines is how entrepreneurs continuously
learn new lessons and advance in their success.
Coaches and mentors who are further along in the journey
are invaluable for helping you anticipate obstacles, identify
blindspots, and bridge gaps. They model best practices, help
you think outside the box, and empower you to take action.
They allow you to condense decades into days so you can
go further, faster, with greater clarity and ease, all while
avoiding costly mistakes. She observes that success takes a
village and no one successful does it alone. She notes that if
presidents have advisors and championship teams have
coaches, you should too!
Reflecting Her Mission in Everything She Does
Her mission is to change the world!
Ellie proudly declares that her mission is to change the
world and empower others to do the same! And because she
works and offers her services in alignment with her
purpose, that mission imbues her company and permeates
all of her services.
Not only does she want the organizations and individuals
with whom she consults and coaches to succeed business-
wise, but once fully aligned in their own mission and
purpose, they’ll create impact in the lives of their families,
their communities, and ultimately, the world. It’s a ripple
effect that Ellie is proud to kickstart!
Thank you, Ellie, for all that you do and for being one of
the most impactful entrepreneurs to follow in 2023!
To connect with Ellie and learn more about her work, please
the Traits
Leadership plays a pivotal role in driving
organizational success and societal progress. While
different leadership styles exist, transformative
leadership has emerged as a highly effective approach in
bringing about meaningful change and inspiring followers
to reach their full potential. Transformative leaders possess
a unique set of traits that distinguish them from other
leadership styles. In this article, we will delve into the key
traits of transformative leaders and explore how they
contribute to their ability to create lasting impact.
July 2023 | 18 |
Leadership Aspects
July 2023 | 19 |
Visionary Thinking
Transformative leaders possess a clear and compelling
vision for the future. They are able to articulate a purpose
that resonates with others and inspires them to join in the
pursuit of a shared goal. These leaders can see beyond the
present challenges and envision a better future, and they
effectively communicate this vision to their followers,
fueling their motivation and commitment.
Authenticity is a fundamental trait of transformative
leaders. They are genuine, transparent, and true to their
values and beliefs. By leading with authenticity, they build
trust and credibility with their followers, fostering an
environment of openness and collaboration. Authentic
leaders also encourage others to embrace their own
authenticity, creating a culture that values diversity and
individual strengths.
Empathy and Emotional Intelligence
Transformative leaders possess a high degree of empathy
and emotional intelligence. They understand the emotions
and perspectives of their followers and demonstrate genuine
concern for their well-being. By empathizing with others,
they build strong relationships and create a sense of
belonging. These leaders are skilled at active listening and
are responsive to the needs and concerns of their team
Intellectual Stimulation
Transformative leaders challenge the status quo and
promote a culture of intellectual stimulation. They
encourage their followers to think critically, question
assumptions, and explore innovative ideas. By fostering an
environment that values learning and growth,
transformative leaders empower their teams to unleash their
creative potential and find new solutions to complex
Inspirational Motivation
Transformative leaders inspire and motivate their followers
to achieve greatness. They set high expectations and
provide support and encouragement along the way. Through
their own passion and enthusiasm, they ignite a sense of
purpose and dedication in their teams. These leaders lead by
example, consistently demonstrating a strong work ethic
and a commitment to excellence.
Adaptability and Resilience
Transformative leaders are adaptable and resilient in the
face of challenges and uncertainty. They embrace change as
an opportunity for growth and guide their teams through
periods of transition. These leaders remain calm and
composed under pressure, inspiring confidence in their
followers and enabling them to navigate complex situations
with confidence.
Transformative leaders possess a unique combination of
visionary thinking, authenticity, empathy, intellectual
stimulation, inspirational motivation, adaptability, and
resilience. Their ability to inspire and empower others to
reach their full potential distinguishes them as effective
leaders who drive meaningful change. By understanding
and cultivating these traits, aspiring leaders can develop
their own transformative leadership style and contribute to
creating a better future for their organizations and society as
a whole.
July 2023 | 20 |
The Power of
The world is driven by storytelling. Brands rise and
fall in the function of customer loyalty. Marketers
create legends for customers to love and follow.
CIO Look approached Anastasia Kuzmenko, VP of
Marketing & Communication at IEC Telecom Group, to
shed light on recent developments and explain the role of IT
technologies in this process.
About Anastasia Kuzmenko
A marketing professional with 14+ years of experience
across multiple industries, including satcom, oil&gas, and
aviation, Anastasia has been recognised as a top performer
by prestigious industry awards, including Thuraya “Best
Marketing Campaign” in 2018, 2021 and 2022.
Recently appointed as Head of Strategic Partnerships &
Communication at the Ukrainian Business Council in the
UAE, she is regularly featured as a woman in leadership by
international business editions and invited as a speaker at
professional and educational events.
Anastasia holds an Executive MBA degree with distinction
from Hult International Business School.
You recently delivered a keynote speech about the
Power of Narrative at the CMO Show Middle East. In a
nutshell, what is it about?
Attention spans have significantly decreased. In the year
2000, it was 12 seconds. Today, on average, it is about 8
seconds. The pressure on marketers keeps growing as we
have less and less time to engage with end-users. The role
of content creation has increased exponentially.
We have only one shot sometimes, and it must be right.
Messaging needs to be lean and straight to the point. This is
where the power of narrative comes into play. The narrative
is not limited to creative copywriting. It is a brand promise,
wrapped in the shape and form appealing to the customer. It
is the informational product that gets sold before the service
or physical order reaches the end destination.
How would you characterise the current market? What
are the prevailing trends?
As of 2022, the creator economy market size was estimated
at $104.2 billion, more than double its value since 2019.
50 million people contribute to the industry, with 2 million
being professional creators. As the content market evolves,
stakeholders polarise around relevant channels. Influencers
reign predominantly on YouTube and TikTok. We check
peer-to-peer reviews on and Trip Advisor.
Amazon and AliExpress are perfect platforms for B2C
promotions. LinkedIn is all about B2B. Lastly, G2P
relations heavily leverage such platforms as Twitter. We
depend on social media channels to guide our attention in
the infinite ocean of information, and we tend to follow
content-makers whose stories we can trust.
This naturally explains the fact that “Influencer/Content
Creator” is the fourth most popular dream job among Gen
Z. According to a market study, micro-influencers earn
about $500 per post, while revenues of macro-influencers
span range between $3K and $500K.
The content market is a very lucrative place for start-ups.
For instance, in 2021, this market was valued at $5 billion.
The economic downturn made investors pull back in 2022.
However, the rise of new technology gives a second wind to
this niche, and I believe we’ll see lots of developments on
this front in the near future.
Content marketing has also become a driving force in the
corporate and political worlds. Brands and statesmen
leverage various media channels to build relationships with
their target pool. In one way, it may open the door for
manipulation, but on the other hand, it also incites
storytellers to deliver more qualitative content. Blunt
advertisement is replaced by persuasive and fact-driven
dialogues, materialised in photo reports, case studies, live-
stream videos, and so on.
July 2023 | 22 |
July 2023 | 23 |
How do new technologies fit the picture, and which one
to follow in 2023?
It is no news that MARTECH (marketing technology)
shapes the power of narrative today.
Speaking of 2023, I’d start, of course, with AI-generative
platforms. Chat GPT is already changing the way we search
for information and deliver content. Just look at its stellar
journey. Chat GPT was launched on November 30, 2022. In
just two months, the platform had 100 million active users.
In 2022, Chat GPT made about $10 million in revenue. The
projected revenue for 2023 is $200 million and $1 billion
by 2024.
While ChatGPT had the advantage of the first mover, Open
AI has to watch out for the competition that is rising fast.
Band by Google and Bing by Microsoft are fighting for a
share of this pie. And the story is unfolding as we speak.
Both platforms were launched in February 2023. Google
rushed the announcement for Bard to be ahead of Bing, yet
this did not play out so well, as the product was still in the
testing mode. When Bing launched its AI chat, Alphabet’s
stock lost 16% of value (reflecting in $160 billion).
Just as Microsoft seemed to take over, the story had another
twist. On May 11 , Google introduced a range of updates
and new features at the annual Google I/O conference in
Mountain View, bumping Alphabet’s share price back by
AI chats are undoubtedly enjoying momentum, but there
are other important technologies to follow. One of them is
CDP (customer data platform).
It is more and more challenging to win customers with
generic content. According to statistics, brand loyalty is
decreasing, with 40% of users open to the idea of switching
from one brand to another.
To remain relevant, we need to not only know our end-
users, but also be able to forecast their demand.
This is what CDPs are for. They enable hyper-
personalisation of user journeys based on the insights
generated from multiple touch points (including personal
data, purchase behaviour, and more).
Is it worth it? Yes. Companies that implemented AI report
2x satisfaction in meeting marketing objectives and 8X
return on investment on marketing expenses.
What would be your predictions for marketing
I think we need to accept the fact that we are moving
towards virtual storytelling. Whether we like it or not, but
the METAVERSE is real and evolving fast. The market was
valued at $61.8 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow at
47% CAGR to $426.9 by 2027.
Yes, it is not mainstream just yet due to its high adoption
cost. However, it is just a matter of time before hardware
will become more affordable.
How will that affect marketing communication? First of all,
it is a shift from static to dynamic storytelling. We’ll have to
develop multiple narratives based on different choices made
by end-users. Harnessing AI will be crucial to ensure real-
time personalised delivery of information in this highly
interactive ecosystem.
NFTs will gain more power in the marketing world too.
NFTs are not only cryptographic tokens; they are message
carriers of which future content creators need to be aware.
NFTs can be used to showcase membership & association,
which could be instrumental to educational institutions and
professional organisations. They can be used for loyalty &
rewards programs within the hospitality sector. Last, but not
the least, it is about branded collectables. These are
especially in high demand in the fashion industry, where
brands can drive margins based on exclusivity with minimal
production costs.
What would be your piece of advice to aspiring
“In the beginning, was the word,” a famous quote that
needs no introduction. Communication is the distinctive
trait that defines humankind. When starting a campaign,
think of the story you wish to tell. Be sure you believe in it
first and then translate it in a way that appeals to your end-
Technologies change the way we communicate, but the
essence remains the same. The power of narrative persists
through millennia and will continue to guide us in the
July 2023 | 24 |
July 2023 | 28 |
Willow Lake Métis Group (WLMG) is
delighted to announce the appointment of a new
Board of Directors necessary to preserve the
independence of our group of companies. This development
comes at a time of significant growth that further strength-
ens our position as Northern Alberta's partner of choice.
The newly formed Board of Directors will oversee our
business activities as a separate entity from Willow Lake
Métis National (WLMN). With these feedbacks, we aim
to strengthen the structure of our organization and make it
more successful.
Our partnership with 11 industry leaders makes us the
Native partner of choice as we expand our Wood Buffalo
location. Andy Harnett, CEO of WLMG, said, “I have full
confidence in the work and experience of our Board of
Directors. Through the work we have done with this team
of talented people, we have provided the necessary controls
and structures for our country and society.
The success of our community Catherine Koch Dan Forigo
Mike Daley Saad Rahali Conor Chell Detailed information
on each member is available on the WLMG website and in
a span of a few months, WLMG will be promoting each
member through our social media channels. Willow Lake
Métis Board of Directors: Mike Daley, Conor Chell,
Saad Rahali, Dan Forigo, Catherine Koch (left to right)
The group recently held a two-day meeting in the Edmon-
ton area. and main idea. This valuable meeting confirms
that our team is now ready to take WLMG to new heights.
Our unwavering commitment and commitment to advocacy
demonstrates that our commitment to achieving these goals
outlined in WLMN's 5-year plan is unmatched.
The Board of Directors identified five key strategies
(Operational Excellence and Innovation; Financial Impact
and Results; Environmental, Social and Governance;
Growth; Accountability) to support resource growth and
home building.
“We are excited about this exciting journey because the new
Board of Directors will support us to achieve more,” added
Harnett. “We are committed to creating opportunities for
our communities while promoting well-being.” Willow
Lake Métis Group. sectors for Incentives. Guided by a
strong commitment to environmental, social and gover-
nance principles, their mission is to achieve sustainable
development, even respecting their heritage and being
committed to orderly work.
Willow Lake Métis Group strives to be the Aboriginal
partner of choice in resource and infrastructure develop-
ment, delivering value, preserving Aboriginal culture and
knowledge, and excelling in leadership, relationships and
management. They exist in Willow Lake Metis Nation to
improve the quality of life for their citizens and all the
communities they serve.
July 2023 | 29 |
Impact of
on Leadership
n today's fast-paced and digitally driven world,
Itechnology has become an integral part of our daily
lives, transforming various aspects of society,
including the way we lead and manage teams. The
integration of technology into leadership approaches has
revolutionized traditional methods, enabling leaders to
enhance their effectiveness, improve communication, and
drive organizational success. In this article, we will explore
the profound impact of technology on leadership
approaches and how it has reshaped the dynamics of
leadership in the modern era.
Enhanced Communication and Collaboration
One of the most significant impacts of technology on
leadership is the facilitation of communication and
collaboration. Technology tools such as instant messaging,
July 2023 | 30 |
July 2023 | 31 |
video conferencing, and project management platforms
have made it easier for leaders to connect with their teams,
regardless of geographical barriers. Leaders can now
communicate in real-time, share ideas, provide feedback,
and coordinate tasks more efficiently. This seamless
communication fosters collaboration breaks down silos, and
promotes a more inclusive and cohesive work environment.
Access to Information and Data-driven Decision Making
Technology has revolutionized the way leaders access and
analyze information, enabling data-driven decision making.
With the abundance of digital platforms and tools, leaders
can gather real-time data, monitor key performance
indicators, and gain insights into various aspects of their
organization. This access to information empowers leaders
to make informed decisions, identify trends, and respond
swiftly to emerging opportunities or challenges. Data-
driven leadership approaches result in more accurate
predictions, better resource allocation, and improved overall
organizational performance.
Remote Leadership and Flexible Work Arrangements
Advancements in technology have also facilitated remote
leadership and flexible work arrangements. Leaders can
effectively manage and guide teams spread across different
locations through virtual collaboration tools, cloud-based
project management systems, and online team platforms.
This flexibility allows leaders to tap into a global talent
pool, foster a diverse workforce, and promote work-life
balance. Remote leadership also encourages autonomy and
self-motivation among team members, leading to increased
productivity and job satisfaction.
Automation and Streamlined Processes
The integration of technology in leadership approaches has
led to increased automation and streamlined processes.
Leaders can leverage automation tools and artificial
intelligence to optimize routine tasks, allowing them to
focus on more strategic initiatives. Automation reduces
human error, enhances efficiency, and frees up time for
leaders to engage in higher-level decision making and
provide guidance to their teams. Streamlined processes also
lead to cost savings and a more agile and adaptable
Continuous Learning and Development
Technology has revolutionized learning and development
opportunities for leaders. Online learning platforms,
webinars, and virtual conferences provide leaders with
instant access to a wealth of knowledge and expertise from
around the world. Leaders can stay updated on the latest
trends, acquire new skills, and expand their professional
networks without the constraints of time or location. This
continuous learning culture promotes personal growth,
enhances leadership capabilities, and enables leaders to
adapt to the rapidly evolving business landscape.
Technology has had a profound impact on leadership
approaches, transforming the way leaders communicate,
make decisions, manage teams, and drive organizational
success. The integration of technology has enhanced
communication and collaboration, facilitated data-driven
decision making, enabled remote leadership, streamlined
processes through automation, and provided continuous
learning opportunities. As technology continues to evolve,
leaders must embrace and leverage its potential to stay
ahead of the curve and effectively navigate the challenges
and opportunities of the digital age.
July 2023 | 32 |
Pamela serves as
National Vice-
President, Health
Equity and
Partnerships and
National Executive
Director for the National
Hypertension Control
Initiative for the American
Heart Association, where she
is responsible for leading the
strategic planning for improving
the health of communities across
the United States by identifying
opportunities with powerful
partnerships to impact transformative lifestyle
and community change. Pamela has 20+ years of
strategic planning, change management,
marketing and accounting experience and is
passionate about empowering individuals,
communities and corporations to be
agents for change.
Pamela received her Bachelor of Science
in Accounting from the University of
North Texas in Denton, Texas and her
Master of Business Administration
from Southern Methodist University
in Dallas, Texas. Pamela is a Board
Member for the CHIArts
Foundation, now (Corewell Health
South) Spectrum Health Lakeland,
a Council Member for Babson
Women of Excellence Coach.
She is a distinguished member of
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc.,
The Links, Incorporated, Jack
and Jill of America, Inc.,
American Marketing
Association, the McKinsey Black
Executive Leadership Program,
and a Lifetime Member of the
National Black MBA Association.
Pamela is married to Robert
Johnson, Chief Equity Officer at Bezos
2023 | 34 | www.ins
Garmon Johnson
ommunity health workers play a vital role in
connecting communities with clinical services,
especially in under-invested communities.
Emerging technologies can greatly enhance the scalability
of community-to-clinical linkages and improve overall
health outcomes. The technologies can be beneficial and
sustainable if they are community and patient-centered. If
the technologies do not incorporate health and digital
strategies, then the unintended consequences are greater
health disparities.
Here are some examples of emerging technologies that can
be utilized by community health workers:
Mobile Health (mHealth) Solutions: Mobile technologies
such as smartphones, tablets, and wearable devices can be
used by community health workers to collect and transmit
health data, provide education and counseling, and facilitate
communication with healthcare providers. mHealth
solutions can also enable remote monitoring of patients,
enhancing follow-up care, treatment adherence and linkage
to social services (i.e., housing, food, transportation and
Telemedicine and Teleconsultation: Telemedicine allows
community health workers to connect remotely with
healthcare professionals, enabling them to consult on
complex cases, receive guidance, and make informed
decisions. Teleconsultation platforms, through audio, video,
or text-based communication, facilitate real-time
interactions, reducing the need for physical referrals or
Electronic Health Records (EHRs): Implementing
electronic health records in community health settings helps
streamline data management, enhance information sharing,
and improve care coordination. Community health workers
can record and access patient information, update treatment
plans, and ensure continuity of care between community
and clinical settings. The Community Health Worker may
also assist with health and digital literacy by engaging the
patient over time which also builds trust.
Decision Support Tools: Decision support tools, such as
mobile applications or software solutions, can provide
community health workers with evidence-based guidelines,
protocols, and algorithms for diagnosing and managing
common health conditions. These tools help community
health workers make informed decisions and deliver
standardized care.
Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI): Advanced
analytics and AI techniques can analyze large volumes of
health data collected by community health workers. These
technologies can identify patterns, predict disease
outbreaks, prioritize interventions, and provide insights to
improve community health programs. AI can also assist in
automated triaging and preliminary diagnosis, empowering
community health workers with diagnostic support.
Social Navigation Platforms: Mapping tools and
navigation applications can help community health workers
identify the location of social services, health facilities, and
other resources. These technologies assist in planning and
optimizing outreach activities, enabling community health
workers to efficiently navigate and reach the most at-risk
Training and Education Platforms: Online training
platforms, e-learning modules, and virtual simulations can
provide community health workers with continuous
education, skill-building, and capacity development. These
platforms enhance their knowledge, improve their
competencies, and ensure they stay updated with the latest
healthcare practices.
It's important to note that while these emerging
technologies offer significant potential, their successful
implementation requires considering factors such as
health/digital literacy, infrastructure availability, privacy
and security concerns, cultural relevancy, and equitable
access to technology. Community engagement and
collaboration with local stakeholders are crucial to ensure
the effective integration of these technologies into existing
healthcare systems.
Therefore, establishing trust among stakeholders is key to
ensuring a successful deployment strategy and sustainable
program model.
July 2023 | 35 |
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The Most Impactful Entrepreneurs to Follow in 2023.pdf

  • 1. VOL-07 | ISSUE-01 | 2023 Leadership Aspects Exploring the Traits of Transforma ve Leaders Ellie Shefi Founder & President MTC Consul ng Made to Change the World™, Inc.; and Made to Change the World™ Publishing Tech-Leaders Impact of Technology on Leadership Approaches
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  • 3. Leadership is the Capacity to Translate Vision into Reality
  • 5. Entrepreneurship has always been a catalyst for innovation, economic growth, and societal change. In the dynamic world of business, there are certain individuals who stand out as visionary leaders, driving significant impact through their entrepreneurial endeavours. It is crucial to identify and follow the footsteps of these impactful entrepreneurs who are shaping industries, disrupting traditional norms, and pushing the boundaries of what is possible. These entrepreneurs represent various sectors, including technology, sustainability, healthcare, finance, and social entrepreneurship. They have demonstrated exceptional leadership skills, innovative thinking, and a relentless pursuit of their goals. By following their journeys, you will gain valuable insights into their approaches, strategies, and philosophies that have led them to success. In a rapidly changing business landscape, staying abreast of the ideas and initiatives of these impactful entrepreneurs can provide inspiration, guidance, and opportunities for collaboration. Their stories not only offer valuable lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs but also serve as a source of motivation for anyone seeking to make a positive difference in the world. The latest edition of Insights Success, ‘The Most Impactful Entrepreneurs to Follow in 2023,’ features remarkable entrepreneurs making their mark on the world. Basking in the reflected glory with a track record, the potential for future impact, and the significance of their contributions. The year 2023 holds tremendous promise for entrepreneurs who are driven to create positive change. By following the journeys of these impactful entrepreneurs, you will gain insights into their visionary thinking, innovative solutions, and their ability to navigate the challenges of our rapidly evolving world. So, fasten your seatbelts and prepare to embark on a journey of inspiration, entrepreneurship and the pursuit of impactful change alongside these remarkable individuals.
  • 7. 22 The Power of Narra ve A r t i c l e s 18 30 C X O C O N T E N T S 28 Andy Harne 34 Pamela Garmon Johnson Leadership Aspects Exploring the Traits of Transforma ve Leaders Tech-Leaders Impact of Technology on Leadership Approaches
  • 8. July, 2023 Editor-in-Chief Senior Sales Manager Business Development Manager Marketing Manager Technical Head Technical Specialist Digital Marketing Manager Research Analyst Database Management Technology Consultant Merry D'Souza Deputy Editor Executive Editor Assistant Editors Visualizer David King Art & Design Director Associate Designer Sihanee M., Rouniyar A. Peter Collins, Niwrutti Sawant John Matthew Sales Executives David, Martin Business Development Executives Steve, Joe Jacob Smile Prachi Mokashi Dominique T. SME-SMO Executive Sagar Lahigade Frank Adams Circulation Manager Robert Brown Stella Andrew David Stokes Ankita Pandharpure Copyright © 2023 Insights Success, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from Insights Success. Reprint rights remain solely with Insights Success. Follow us on : We are also available on : Abhishek Joshi Revati Badkas Jenny Fernandes Anish Miller
  • 9. Brief Company Name Anastasia a senior marketing professional with 14 years of experience across multiple industries, including satcom, oil&gas, and aviation. Featured Person IEC Telecom Global Anastasia Kuzmenko VP-Marketing & Communications Andy plays an essential role as WLMN continues to work towards economic sustainability. Willow Lake Métis Nation Andy Harnett CEO Ellie Shefi is a strategist, leadership consultant, and corporate trainer who helps organizations optimize their culture and individuals expand their influence. MTC Consulting consultingconnect Ellie Shefi Founder & President With 26 years of experience as a catalyst for change in the health sector, Pamela brings an empowering and innovative energy to this work. American Heart Association Pamela Garmon Johnson VP Nominated for 40 Under 40, Steven is the President & Founder of Matchstick, a Houston-based executive search and consulting firm. Matchstick Inc. Steven Leeper Founder
  • 10. C O V E R S T O R Y Coaches and mentors who are further along in the journey are invaluable for helping you anticipate obstacles, identify blindspots, and bridge gaps. They model best practices, help you think outside the box, and empower you to take action.
  • 11. Ellie Shefi Founder & President MTC Consul ng Made to Change the World™, Inc.; and Made to Change the World™ Publishing
  • 12. “Knowing your story is the key to understanding yourself, your mission, and your purpose. Sharing your story is the key to empowering your impact in the world.” Ellie Shefi says 2023 is the year of your story. While you are the living manifestation of all that’s happened to you—the events and people and facts of your life that have influenced you up to this point—your story is how you present this to yourself and to the world. It’s how you perceive everything that’s gone into shaping the unique being that is you. And it’s the perspective you apply to those facts in order to harness those events and influences to determine how they will shape your future … the next chapters of your story. According to Ellie, knowing your story is the key to understanding yourself, your mission, and your purpose, and sharing your story is the key to empowering your impact in the world. She emphasizes that when you know and share your unique story and espouse your purpose, what you are uniquely meant to do, you also learn how to prosper from it. Your story is what makes you stand out. It likewise makes your business and your brand stand out. It’s all that makes you YOU—it’s the one-of-kind combination of everything you’ve learned and experienced throughout your life—from traditional education to lessons learned through failures and getting knocked down but getting up again! The story of these hard-learned and hard-earned lessons are what will position you as the go-to expert in your field while establishing your credibility and authority—in essence, your brand. Your story is the rock-solid foundation of your brand. It’s the gateway to the life, business, and impact that you desire. Let’s hear more from Ellie about how she became a powerhouse consultant and advisor to organizations, governments, NGOs, and individuals, and learn how she helps her clients tell and sell their stories to build their brand and amplify their impact in the world! From Mastering the Art of the Hustle to One of the Most Impactful Entrepreneurs to Watch in 2023 The entrepreneurship that had started as a necessity when she was very young became the rock on which she built the rest of her life. Ever since she was young, Ellie has been a passionate entrepreneur. Her family didn’t have much in the way of disposable income, so, even from a young age, she worked as tutor, proofreader, and dance teacher to help out and pay for her teenager extras like concerts, clothes, and movies. She mastered the art of the hustle early! This proved fortuitous when she took a break from higher education to earn more tuition money and followed a job in management training that led her from California to Texas. Only the job turned out to be a closed door. She knew that she needed to be resilient. The entrepreneurship that had started as a necessity when she was very young became the rock on which she built the rest of her life. Though in Texas with no job, no home, no connections, she knew she was good at connecting with people, with motivating them, and teaching them how to hustle—just as she did! She decided to open her own management training center. So, she rented office space instead of apartment space, and, while living out of her car, she recruited and trained people for companies that contracted with her. Within a year, she had built up a lucrative entrepreneurship that paid for her housing and enabled her to save money for her tuition so she could finish college! That was when she knew she was destined to become a master problem solver! After college came law school—a lifelong dream born of her desire to make a difference, fight injustice, and help others! And in this, she has truly succeeded! For more than two decades, Ellie has used her voice as a force for good, working as an advisor to universities on discrimination rights, as a staff attorney in the judiciary, and as an advocate for many human rights-related causes. Ellie serves on the leadership councils and advisory boards of nonprofits focused on human rights, civil rights, fighting human trafficking, disaster recovery, criminal justice reform, and ending mass atrocities. In fact, she was Women in Law’s Discrimination & Human Rights Lawyer of the Year 2022. Now Ellie combines her advocacy and law experience with her entrepreneurship expertise in her various consulting and coaching services. Through MTC Consulting, she helps companies develop corporate practices that create a more diverse, inclusive, and participatory culture where their employees are seen as a whole person and have a platform and a voice. Ellie also works with high-achieving women to help them reclaim their voice and advocate for themselves and their families. She founded and manages Made to TM Change the World Publishing, a full-service, independent publishing house through which mission-driven individuals share their message and forge their brand. The Most Impac ul Entrepreneurs to Follow in 2023
  • 13. I believe that the best way to innovate and adapt to changes in the industry is to go straight to the source - your clients.
  • 14. TM And she offers her Best-Selling Book Bootcamp , TM TM Monetize Your Message , and Master the Media programs to help entrepreneurs and leaders become global brands through writing and publishing best-selling books, speaking on stages, and being featured in the media. Through all of these services, Ellie offers platforms to everyday people where they have an opportunity to tell their story and amplify their impact in the world. It’s no wonder Ellie is considered one of the most impactful entrepreneurs to follow in 2023! 2023—The Year of Your Story Book writing is essential to getting one’s story out into the world, which is the foundation of building one’s brand. This year, Ellie is particularly proud of her Best-Selling TM Book Bootcamp and her publishing house. Ellie launched TM Made to Change the World Publishing in 2020 during the height of the pandemic. At the same time, she coached individuals who wanted to write books to get them out of their heads and into readers’ hands. Knowing that book writing is essential to getting one’s story out into the world, which is the foundation of building one’s brand, she realized that she needed to encourage not just aspiring writers but all experts, changemakers, and burgeoning entrepreneurs to tell their stories. TM And so began her Best-Selling Book Bootcamp workshops. During these semi-private, weeklong programs, Ellie harnesses her 20+ years of writing, ghostwriting, and publishing experience, plus her expertise as a multiple #1 international best-selling author, member of the National Academy of Best-Selling Authors, and Quilly Award recipient to guide writers in a step-by-step, no fluff, hands- on manner to write their books. Already, Ellie has achieved a 100 percent success rate! One hundred percent of individuals who have participated in her TM Best-Selling Book Bootcamp workshops have successfully written their book in a week and 100 percent of TM the books published by Made to Change the World Publishing have become bestsellers! My mission is to change the world and empower others to do the same.
  • 15. For Ellie, this success is thrilling not just as a coach and publisher, but because there is nothing better than seeing her clients get clear on their vision, find their voice, take control of their destiny, and create the brand the business the impact and the life they love. Overcoming Current Challenges Facing Entrepreneurs Client experiences include deeply immersive and individualized workshops. While 2023 has started with a bang for Ellie, she’s fully aware that entrepreneurs are nonetheless facing plenty of challenges. First and foremost, entrepreneurs need to cut through the noise and distinguish themselves. That’s a huge part of what TM drove Ellie to launch her Best-Selling Book Bootcamp and Made to Change the World™ Publishing. She cannot emphasize enough that your story is your superpower! It’s the vehicle that sells your brand because it reaches your right-fit clients and delivers your unique impact. You must tell it! Ellie has also recognized that entrepreneurs need to overcome their own Zoom and learning fatigue, as well as that of their ideal clients. They need to learn how to strategically create powerful, engaging 5-star client experiences. For her, such client experiences include deeply immersive and individualized workshops where clients leave with their book manuscript, their story bank and signature talk, their monetization strategy and customized action plan for building a business, or their step-by-step strategy to get media bookings. Innovating and Adapting to Changes in the Industry To best stay on top of her industry, Ellie remains immersed and comes from a place of service. Ellie believes that the best way to innovate and adapt to changes in the industry is to go straight to the source—her clients. She doesn’t look to third parties to discern trends after they’ve begun. Rather, she asks her clients what they want and what they need. Then, based on their responses, she innovates, creates, and delivers the services and products they’re asking for. She also stays attuned to the ancillary and complementary needs her clients have, then finds a way to meet those needs!
  • 16. Your story is your superpower. It's your vehicle to reach your right-fit clients and deliver your unique impact.
  • 17. In addition to focusing on the “who,” Ellie also stays clear on the “how.” To best stay on top of her industry, keeps her finger on the pulse of the latest developments through life- long learning, full immersion, and asking insightful questions, and she comes from a place of service. She serves powerfully, adds massive value, and over-delivers. She consistently shows her clients that she values and appreciates them, even through simple acknowledgments like sending birthday cards. She is consistent and clear in her communication and nurtures an inclusive community of which her clients are proud. Ellie’s Advice to Aspiring Entrepreneurs The gift of coaches and mentors. Ellie believes that the most powerful gift aspiring entrepreneurs can give themselves is the gift of coaches and mentors. She believes there’s a reason the old adages “you don’t know what you don’t know” and “you can’t see the forest through the trees” remain popular. Seeking insights, guidance, and advice from experts across a range of industries and disciplines is how entrepreneurs continuously learn new lessons and advance in their success. Coaches and mentors who are further along in the journey are invaluable for helping you anticipate obstacles, identify blindspots, and bridge gaps. They model best practices, help you think outside the box, and empower you to take action. They allow you to condense decades into days so you can go further, faster, with greater clarity and ease, all while avoiding costly mistakes. She observes that success takes a village and no one successful does it alone. She notes that if presidents have advisors and championship teams have coaches, you should too! Reflecting Her Mission in Everything She Does Her mission is to change the world! Ellie proudly declares that her mission is to change the world and empower others to do the same! And because she works and offers her services in alignment with her purpose, that mission imbues her company and permeates all of her services. Not only does she want the organizations and individuals with whom she consults and coaches to succeed business- wise, but once fully aligned in their own mission and purpose, they’ll create impact in the lives of their families, their communities, and ultimately, the world. It’s a ripple effect that Ellie is proud to kickstart! Thank you, Ellie, for all that you do and for being one of the most impactful entrepreneurs to follow in 2023! To connect with Ellie and learn more about her work, please visit:
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  • 20. Exploring the Traits of Transformative Transformative Transformative Leaders Leadership plays a pivotal role in driving organizational success and societal progress. While different leadership styles exist, transformative leadership has emerged as a highly effective approach in bringing about meaningful change and inspiring followers to reach their full potential. Transformative leaders possess a unique set of traits that distinguish them from other leadership styles. In this article, we will delve into the key traits of transformative leaders and explore how they contribute to their ability to create lasting impact. July 2023 | 18 |
  • 21. Leadership Aspects July 2023 | 19 |
  • 22. Visionary Thinking Transformative leaders possess a clear and compelling vision for the future. They are able to articulate a purpose that resonates with others and inspires them to join in the pursuit of a shared goal. These leaders can see beyond the present challenges and envision a better future, and they effectively communicate this vision to their followers, fueling their motivation and commitment. Authenticity Authenticity is a fundamental trait of transformative leaders. They are genuine, transparent, and true to their values and beliefs. By leading with authenticity, they build trust and credibility with their followers, fostering an environment of openness and collaboration. Authentic leaders also encourage others to embrace their own authenticity, creating a culture that values diversity and individual strengths. Empathy and Emotional Intelligence Transformative leaders possess a high degree of empathy and emotional intelligence. They understand the emotions and perspectives of their followers and demonstrate genuine concern for their well-being. By empathizing with others, they build strong relationships and create a sense of belonging. These leaders are skilled at active listening and are responsive to the needs and concerns of their team members. Intellectual Stimulation Transformative leaders challenge the status quo and promote a culture of intellectual stimulation. They encourage their followers to think critically, question assumptions, and explore innovative ideas. By fostering an environment that values learning and growth, transformative leaders empower their teams to unleash their creative potential and find new solutions to complex problems. Inspirational Motivation Transformative leaders inspire and motivate their followers to achieve greatness. They set high expectations and provide support and encouragement along the way. Through their own passion and enthusiasm, they ignite a sense of purpose and dedication in their teams. These leaders lead by example, consistently demonstrating a strong work ethic and a commitment to excellence. Adaptability and Resilience Transformative leaders are adaptable and resilient in the face of challenges and uncertainty. They embrace change as an opportunity for growth and guide their teams through periods of transition. These leaders remain calm and composed under pressure, inspiring confidence in their followers and enabling them to navigate complex situations with confidence. Transformative leaders possess a unique combination of visionary thinking, authenticity, empathy, intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation, adaptability, and resilience. Their ability to inspire and empower others to reach their full potential distinguishes them as effective leaders who drive meaningful change. By understanding and cultivating these traits, aspiring leaders can develop their own transformative leadership style and contribute to creating a better future for their organizations and society as a whole. July 2023 | 20 |
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  • 24. The Power of NARRATIVE The world is driven by storytelling. Brands rise and fall in the function of customer loyalty. Marketers create legends for customers to love and follow. CIO Look approached Anastasia Kuzmenko, VP of Marketing & Communication at IEC Telecom Group, to shed light on recent developments and explain the role of IT technologies in this process. About Anastasia Kuzmenko A marketing professional with 14+ years of experience across multiple industries, including satcom, oil&gas, and aviation, Anastasia has been recognised as a top performer by prestigious industry awards, including Thuraya “Best Marketing Campaign” in 2018, 2021 and 2022. Recently appointed as Head of Strategic Partnerships & Communication at the Ukrainian Business Council in the UAE, she is regularly featured as a woman in leadership by international business editions and invited as a speaker at professional and educational events. Anastasia holds an Executive MBA degree with distinction from Hult International Business School. You recently delivered a keynote speech about the Power of Narrative at the CMO Show Middle East. In a nutshell, what is it about? Attention spans have significantly decreased. In the year 2000, it was 12 seconds. Today, on average, it is about 8 seconds. The pressure on marketers keeps growing as we have less and less time to engage with end-users. The role of content creation has increased exponentially. We have only one shot sometimes, and it must be right. Messaging needs to be lean and straight to the point. This is where the power of narrative comes into play. The narrative is not limited to creative copywriting. It is a brand promise, wrapped in the shape and form appealing to the customer. It is the informational product that gets sold before the service or physical order reaches the end destination. How would you characterise the current market? What are the prevailing trends? As of 2022, the creator economy market size was estimated at $104.2 billion, more than double its value since 2019. 50 million people contribute to the industry, with 2 million being professional creators. As the content market evolves, stakeholders polarise around relevant channels. Influencers reign predominantly on YouTube and TikTok. We check peer-to-peer reviews on and Trip Advisor. Amazon and AliExpress are perfect platforms for B2C promotions. LinkedIn is all about B2B. Lastly, G2P relations heavily leverage such platforms as Twitter. We depend on social media channels to guide our attention in the infinite ocean of information, and we tend to follow content-makers whose stories we can trust. This naturally explains the fact that “Influencer/Content Creator” is the fourth most popular dream job among Gen Z. According to a market study, micro-influencers earn about $500 per post, while revenues of macro-influencers span range between $3K and $500K. The content market is a very lucrative place for start-ups. For instance, in 2021, this market was valued at $5 billion. The economic downturn made investors pull back in 2022. However, the rise of new technology gives a second wind to this niche, and I believe we’ll see lots of developments on this front in the near future. Content marketing has also become a driving force in the corporate and political worlds. Brands and statesmen leverage various media channels to build relationships with their target pool. In one way, it may open the door for manipulation, but on the other hand, it also incites storytellers to deliver more qualitative content. Blunt advertisement is replaced by persuasive and fact-driven dialogues, materialised in photo reports, case studies, live- stream videos, and so on. July 2023 | 22 |
  • 25. CXO Anastasia Kuzmenko July 2023 | 23 |
  • 26. How do new technologies fit the picture, and which one to follow in 2023? It is no news that MARTECH (marketing technology) shapes the power of narrative today. Speaking of 2023, I’d start, of course, with AI-generative platforms. Chat GPT is already changing the way we search for information and deliver content. Just look at its stellar journey. Chat GPT was launched on November 30, 2022. In just two months, the platform had 100 million active users. In 2022, Chat GPT made about $10 million in revenue. The projected revenue for 2023 is $200 million and $1 billion by 2024. While ChatGPT had the advantage of the first mover, Open AI has to watch out for the competition that is rising fast. Band by Google and Bing by Microsoft are fighting for a share of this pie. And the story is unfolding as we speak. Both platforms were launched in February 2023. Google rushed the announcement for Bard to be ahead of Bing, yet this did not play out so well, as the product was still in the testing mode. When Bing launched its AI chat, Alphabet’s stock lost 16% of value (reflecting in $160 billion). Just as Microsoft seemed to take over, the story had another th twist. On May 11 , Google introduced a range of updates and new features at the annual Google I/O conference in Mountain View, bumping Alphabet’s share price back by 8%. AI chats are undoubtedly enjoying momentum, but there are other important technologies to follow. One of them is CDP (customer data platform). It is more and more challenging to win customers with generic content. According to statistics, brand loyalty is decreasing, with 40% of users open to the idea of switching from one brand to another. To remain relevant, we need to not only know our end- users, but also be able to forecast their demand. This is what CDPs are for. They enable hyper- personalisation of user journeys based on the insights generated from multiple touch points (including personal data, purchase behaviour, and more). Is it worth it? Yes. Companies that implemented AI report 2x satisfaction in meeting marketing objectives and 8X return on investment on marketing expenses. What would be your predictions for marketing communications? I think we need to accept the fact that we are moving towards virtual storytelling. Whether we like it or not, but the METAVERSE is real and evolving fast. The market was valued at $61.8 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow at 47% CAGR to $426.9 by 2027. Yes, it is not mainstream just yet due to its high adoption cost. However, it is just a matter of time before hardware will become more affordable. How will that affect marketing communication? First of all, it is a shift from static to dynamic storytelling. We’ll have to develop multiple narratives based on different choices made by end-users. Harnessing AI will be crucial to ensure real- time personalised delivery of information in this highly interactive ecosystem. NFTs will gain more power in the marketing world too. NFTs are not only cryptographic tokens; they are message carriers of which future content creators need to be aware. NFTs can be used to showcase membership & association, which could be instrumental to educational institutions and professional organisations. They can be used for loyalty & rewards programs within the hospitality sector. Last, but not the least, it is about branded collectables. These are especially in high demand in the fashion industry, where brands can drive margins based on exclusivity with minimal production costs. What would be your piece of advice to aspiring marketers? “In the beginning, was the word,” a famous quote that needs no introduction. Communication is the distinctive trait that defines humankind. When starting a campaign, think of the story you wish to tell. Be sure you believe in it first and then translate it in a way that appeals to your end- user. Technologies change the way we communicate, but the essence remains the same. The power of narrative persists through millennia and will continue to guide us in the future. July 2023 | 24 |
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  • 31. Willow Lake Métis Group (WLMG) is delighted to announce the appointment of a new Board of Directors necessary to preserve the independence of our group of companies. This development comes at a time of significant growth that further strength- ens our position as Northern Alberta's partner of choice. The newly formed Board of Directors will oversee our business activities as a separate entity from Willow Lake Métis National (WLMN). With these feedbacks, we aim to strengthen the structure of our organization and make it more successful. Our partnership with 11 industry leaders makes us the Native partner of choice as we expand our Wood Buffalo location. Andy Harnett, CEO of WLMG, said, “I have full confidence in the work and experience of our Board of Directors. Through the work we have done with this team of talented people, we have provided the necessary controls and structures for our country and society. The success of our community Catherine Koch Dan Forigo Mike Daley Saad Rahali Conor Chell Detailed information on each member is available on the WLMG website and in a span of a few months, WLMG will be promoting each member through our social media channels. Willow Lake Métis Board of Directors: Mike Daley, Conor Chell, Saad Rahali, Dan Forigo, Catherine Koch (left to right) The group recently held a two-day meeting in the Edmon- ton area. and main idea. This valuable meeting confirms that our team is now ready to take WLMG to new heights. Our unwavering commitment and commitment to advocacy demonstrates that our commitment to achieving these goals outlined in WLMN's 5-year plan is unmatched. The Board of Directors identified five key strategies (Operational Excellence and Innovation; Financial Impact and Results; Environmental, Social and Governance; Growth; Accountability) to support resource growth and home building. “We are excited about this exciting journey because the new Board of Directors will support us to achieve more,” added Harnett. “We are committed to creating opportunities for our communities while promoting well-being.” Willow Lake Métis Group. sectors for Incentives. Guided by a strong commitment to environmental, social and gover- nance principles, their mission is to achieve sustainable development, even respecting their heritage and being committed to orderly work. Willow Lake Métis Group strives to be the Aboriginal partner of choice in resource and infrastructure develop- ment, delivering value, preserving Aboriginal culture and knowledge, and excelling in leadership, relationships and management. They exist in Willow Lake Metis Nation to improve the quality of life for their citizens and all the communities they serve. CXO July 2023 | 29 |
  • 32. Impact of Technology on on on Leadership Leadership Leadership Approaches n today's fast-paced and digitally driven world, Itechnology has become an integral part of our daily lives, transforming various aspects of society, including the way we lead and manage teams. The integration of technology into leadership approaches has revolutionized traditional methods, enabling leaders to enhance their effectiveness, improve communication, and drive organizational success. In this article, we will explore the profound impact of technology on leadership approaches and how it has reshaped the dynamics of leadership in the modern era. Enhanced Communication and Collaboration One of the most significant impacts of technology on leadership is the facilitation of communication and collaboration. Technology tools such as instant messaging, July 2023 | 30 |
  • 33. Tech-Leaders July 2023 | 31 |
  • 34. video conferencing, and project management platforms have made it easier for leaders to connect with their teams, regardless of geographical barriers. Leaders can now communicate in real-time, share ideas, provide feedback, and coordinate tasks more efficiently. This seamless communication fosters collaboration breaks down silos, and promotes a more inclusive and cohesive work environment. Access to Information and Data-driven Decision Making Technology has revolutionized the way leaders access and analyze information, enabling data-driven decision making. With the abundance of digital platforms and tools, leaders can gather real-time data, monitor key performance indicators, and gain insights into various aspects of their organization. This access to information empowers leaders to make informed decisions, identify trends, and respond swiftly to emerging opportunities or challenges. Data- driven leadership approaches result in more accurate predictions, better resource allocation, and improved overall organizational performance. Remote Leadership and Flexible Work Arrangements Advancements in technology have also facilitated remote leadership and flexible work arrangements. Leaders can effectively manage and guide teams spread across different locations through virtual collaboration tools, cloud-based project management systems, and online team platforms. This flexibility allows leaders to tap into a global talent pool, foster a diverse workforce, and promote work-life balance. Remote leadership also encourages autonomy and self-motivation among team members, leading to increased productivity and job satisfaction. Automation and Streamlined Processes The integration of technology in leadership approaches has led to increased automation and streamlined processes. Leaders can leverage automation tools and artificial intelligence to optimize routine tasks, allowing them to focus on more strategic initiatives. Automation reduces human error, enhances efficiency, and frees up time for leaders to engage in higher-level decision making and provide guidance to their teams. Streamlined processes also lead to cost savings and a more agile and adaptable organization. Continuous Learning and Development Technology has revolutionized learning and development opportunities for leaders. Online learning platforms, webinars, and virtual conferences provide leaders with instant access to a wealth of knowledge and expertise from around the world. Leaders can stay updated on the latest trends, acquire new skills, and expand their professional networks without the constraints of time or location. This continuous learning culture promotes personal growth, enhances leadership capabilities, and enables leaders to adapt to the rapidly evolving business landscape. Technology has had a profound impact on leadership approaches, transforming the way leaders communicate, make decisions, manage teams, and drive organizational success. The integration of technology has enhanced communication and collaboration, facilitated data-driven decision making, enabled remote leadership, streamlined processes through automation, and provided continuous learning opportunities. As technology continues to evolve, leaders must embrace and leverage its potential to stay ahead of the curve and effectively navigate the challenges and opportunities of the digital age. July 2023 | 32 |
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  • 36. Pamela serves as National Vice- President, Health Equity and Partnerships and National Executive Director for the National Hypertension Control Initiative for the American Heart Association, where she is responsible for leading the strategic planning for improving the health of communities across the United States by identifying opportunities with powerful partnerships to impact transformative lifestyle and community change. Pamela has 20+ years of strategic planning, change management, marketing and accounting experience and is passionate about empowering individuals, communities and corporations to be agents for change. Pamela received her Bachelor of Science in Accounting from the University of North Texas in Denton, Texas and her Master of Business Administration from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. Pamela is a Board Member for the CHIArts Foundation, now (Corewell Health South) Spectrum Health Lakeland, a Council Member for Babson Women of Excellence Coach. She is a distinguished member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc., The Links, Incorporated, Jack and Jill of America, Inc., American Marketing Association, the McKinsey Black Executive Leadership Program, and a Lifetime Member of the National Black MBA Association. Pamela is married to Robert Johnson, Chief Equity Officer at Bezos Academy. July 2023 | 34 | www.ins
  • 37. Pamela Garmon Johnson CXO C ommunity health workers play a vital role in connecting communities with clinical services, especially in under-invested communities. Emerging technologies can greatly enhance the scalability of community-to-clinical linkages and improve overall health outcomes. The technologies can be beneficial and sustainable if they are community and patient-centered. If the technologies do not incorporate health and digital strategies, then the unintended consequences are greater health disparities. Here are some examples of emerging technologies that can be utilized by community health workers: Mobile Health (mHealth) Solutions: Mobile technologies such as smartphones, tablets, and wearable devices can be used by community health workers to collect and transmit health data, provide education and counseling, and facilitate communication with healthcare providers. mHealth solutions can also enable remote monitoring of patients, enhancing follow-up care, treatment adherence and linkage to social services (i.e., housing, food, transportation and employment). Telemedicine and Teleconsultation: Telemedicine allows community health workers to connect remotely with healthcare professionals, enabling them to consult on complex cases, receive guidance, and make informed decisions. Teleconsultation platforms, through audio, video, or text-based communication, facilitate real-time interactions, reducing the need for physical referrals or transfers. Electronic Health Records (EHRs): Implementing electronic health records in community health settings helps streamline data management, enhance information sharing, and improve care coordination. Community health workers can record and access patient information, update treatment plans, and ensure continuity of care between community and clinical settings. The Community Health Worker may also assist with health and digital literacy by engaging the patient over time which also builds trust. Decision Support Tools: Decision support tools, such as mobile applications or software solutions, can provide community health workers with evidence-based guidelines, protocols, and algorithms for diagnosing and managing common health conditions. These tools help community health workers make informed decisions and deliver standardized care. Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI): Advanced analytics and AI techniques can analyze large volumes of health data collected by community health workers. These technologies can identify patterns, predict disease outbreaks, prioritize interventions, and provide insights to improve community health programs. AI can also assist in automated triaging and preliminary diagnosis, empowering community health workers with diagnostic support. Social Navigation Platforms: Mapping tools and navigation applications can help community health workers identify the location of social services, health facilities, and other resources. These technologies assist in planning and optimizing outreach activities, enabling community health workers to efficiently navigate and reach the most at-risk populations. Training and Education Platforms: Online training platforms, e-learning modules, and virtual simulations can provide community health workers with continuous education, skill-building, and capacity development. These platforms enhance their knowledge, improve their competencies, and ensure they stay updated with the latest healthcare practices. It's important to note that while these emerging technologies offer significant potential, their successful implementation requires considering factors such as health/digital literacy, infrastructure availability, privacy and security concerns, cultural relevancy, and equitable access to technology. Community engagement and collaboration with local stakeholders are crucial to ensure the effective integration of these technologies into existing healthcare systems. Therefore, establishing trust among stakeholders is key to ensuring a successful deployment strategy and sustainable program model. July 2023 | 35 |