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Islam and
Future events
MI 396
Dr. Robert Patton
Christian view of
eschatology (last things)
 Rapture – can occur at any time. I
take a pre-tribulation position
 The great tribulation (on earth) –
seven years long
 Judgment seat of Christ and the
marriage of the Lamb (heaven)
 Return of Christ to Millenial reign
Christian view of the
 The AntiChrist will arise, and sign a
seven year contract with Israel
 There will be great fighting and
 About 50% of mankind is destroyed
 The earth itself is nearly destroyed
 Israel is almost destroyed
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 3
AntiChrist will be satanically
 He will be assisted by the false prophet,
who establishes a one-world religion,
but later it is destroyed
 AntiChrist will place his mark on
everyone so that they can only buy and
sell with the mark
 Those who do not submit are beheaded
11/07/16 4
AntiChrist leads a coalition
against Jerusalem
 His desire is total annihilation of
the Jews.
 He breaks his seven year
contract after 3 ½ years and sets
up his own image in the rebuilt
temple, demanding worship or
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 5
Battle of Armageddon
 God hides 1/3 of Jews in Petra
 AntiChrist’s army battles the believers
who have accepted Christ and may still
be alive
 Christ comes with angels and saints,
and destroys antichrist, the false
prophet, and their armies
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 6
Christ sets up the millennial
 The remaining Jews are saved
 The armies of AntiChrist are
 The millennium is set up
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 7
Final things according to Islam
 Jesus did not die on the cross, but
was taken directly to heaven. Allah
changed someone to look like Jesus
 The Madhi will come (12ers believe
that he has been hidden since 9th
century) during world chaos.
 Dajjal will be causing much of the
trouble11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 8
Isa (Jesus) returns
 Isa comes out of heaven, not as a
Christian but as a Muslim
 He fights with the Madhi and personally
kills Dajjal
 Islam triumphs.
 Isa lives 40 years on earth, marries
and has children, and dies later as a
great prophet
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 9
Important beliefs for Muslims
 Allah – one transcendent God
 Last days (and judgment day)
 Angels
 Scripture (for them ultimately,
 Prophets
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 10
Shia signs for the coming of
the Madhi
 Red death (sword) white death
 One eyed Dajjal & Sufyani (bad guy
who is a Muslim) come
 Arabs revolt against authority of
 Confict in Syria which is destroyed
 Death and fear in Baghdad, red sky
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 11
Marks of Madhi coming
 Descendent of Muhammad & Fatima
 His name is Muhammad
 Ruling 7, 9, or 19 years
 Distribute wealth, raise black flag
 Lunar & solar eclipse on Ramadan
 Star with luminous tail will appear
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 12
Marks of Madhi coming
 Restore faith & remove corruption
 Islam will prevail worldwide
 Broad forehead, prominent nose,
eyes mascaraed
 Fill the world with justice and fairness
in place of oppression
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 13
Sunni ideas about the marks
of Madhi coming
 They believe he comes from
Muhammad’s family and from Al
 He has not yet been born (Shi’a
believe he his hidden)
 12er Shiites believe that the Madhi
was born about 869 – others don’t
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 14
 Tall, fair complexion, broad forehead
and prominent nose
 Personality like Muhammad
 Speaks with slight stutter, occasionally
hit his thigh from frustration of stutter
 He will defeat Bani Kalb tribe,
distribute spoils; Islam will conquer
the world
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 15
 Voice from heaven will announce him
 Makes 4 covenants, the last with
Christians mediated by Jews for 7
years. Madhi comes then to power
 Rides a white horse (Muslims state
Rev. 6:2 is the Madhi)
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 16
 Unstoppable army with black flags
coming from east (Afghaistan)
 Army will capture Israel, slaughter the
Jews and set up headquarters in
 Madhi controls rain, wind & crops
 He discovers Torah in Syria to show
Jews the rightness of Islam
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 17
Biblical AntiChrist
 Superb military and political
 Spiritual leader of entire world
 Made peace treaty with Jews
 Breaks peace treaty
 Kills Jews & Christians
 Captures & controls Jerusalem
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 18
Biblical AntiChrist
 Changes times and laws
 Blasphemes God & sets himself
up like God
 Works together with the False
Prophet and Satan
 Destroyed by God & cast into hell
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 19
Madhi vs. Biblical AntiChrist
 Both deny the trinity (see I Jn.
2:22) Note shahada puts
Muhammad above Jesus
 Both deny the Father and the Son
– I Jn. 4:2-3
 Muslims deny Christ’s deity,
incarnation, death and
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 20
Muslim pure monotheism
 Tawhid – God is one
 Jesus is not God
 God has no son, and no children
 Calling Jesus as God is “shirk” –
the Islamic unpardonable sin
 Both the Madhi & antichrist deny
the cross
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 21
Both the Madhi and antichrist
 Allah is the greatest of deceivers
– Sura 3:54
 Antichrist deceives – II Jn. 7, 2
Thess 2:9
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 22
Madhi vs. Antichrist
 Both will change times and laws
 Both regard women as less than
men, or disregard them: Surah
2:282; Daniel 7:25
 Perhaps both will rule over 10
entities – Rev. 17:12-13; Muslim
plan that the caliph will be helped
by 10 man council
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 23
Madhi vs. Antichrist
 Both will change times and laws
 Muslim countries use lunar
calendar of 360 or so days –
actually about 10 days shorter
than solar
 Starts with hijra – AD 622
 Law – must be Shari’a law
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 24
Madhi vs. Antichrist
 Both claim to be the messiah
 Both will ride a white horse
 Both work “false” miracles
 Both work with the “god of forces”
and result in beheading many
 Both take booty and loot, and
seek glory through war
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Madhi vs. Antichrist
 Both use rape as a part of war
 Both make a treaty for seven years.
Muslim tradition states that it will be
made through the mediation of a
Jewish priest
 Both deceive through peace treaties
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 26
Mahdi vs. Antichrist
 Both want world domination & destroy
all others in their way
 Both have armies coming from Turkey
(in the Bible, it uses Ionia, but refers to
western Turkey, not Greece)
 Both practice beheading – Surah 47;
Surah 8:12 – Long history of Islam
starting with Muhammad at Medina
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 27
Mahdi vs. Antichrist
 Both hate Israel & the Jews
 Both want the temple mount and
Jerusalem as center of
 Both desecrate bodies of the
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 28
Everything twisted around
 The characteristics of the Islamic
messiah, the Madhi, matches those
described in the Bible for antichrist
 Al Dajjal is described by Muslims as a
false Jesus. He will have all power,
will heal the sick, and many will love
 The Madhi will kill him and defeat
70,000 Jews with him according to11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 29
Isa (Jesus) of the Qur’an
 Isa was born of the virgin Mary
Surah 19:19-21
 Isa spoke from the cradle: Surah
19:27-33 Specially blessed:
 Supernatural wisdom: Surah 3:48
 Endowed with the Holy Spirit:
Surah 2:87
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 30
Isa (Jesus) of the Qur’an
 Called the Word of God: Surah 4:171
 Allah’s messiah: Surah 39:44-45
 Jesus made a clay bird come to life as
a child. He raised the dead and did
many miracles: Surah 5:110; 3:49
 The Jews thought they crucificied him
but they did not: Surah 4:157-158
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 31
Isa (Jesus) of the Qur’an
 Isa ascended directly into heaven:
Surah 3:55
 But they deny the incarnation, death
and resurrection of the Lord.
 They claim that he returns from
heaven as a radical Muslim and forces
the Jews to recant, and he kills al
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 32
Muslim Jesus returning from
heaven – their tradition
 Returns – mosque near Damascus
 Arrives when Madhi starts prayers.
Madhi asks him to lead, but he
declines, saying that the Madhi is the
leader of the Muslims, and prays as a
 He is a faithful Muslim
 He makes the Hajj
11/07/16 33
Muslim Jesus returning from
heaven – their tradition
 Salutes Muhammad’s grave and
Muhammad salutes back from the
 Destroys Christianity
 Abolishes the jizya tax – now only two
options – convert or die
 Enforces Shari’a law throughout the
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 34
Muslim Jesus returning from
heaven – their tradition
 Kills their antichrist Dajjal and his
followers, mostly Jews & women
 Lives 40 years on earth, marries
and has children and dies
 He is buried next to Muhammad
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 35
Ad-Dajjal – Muslim tradition
Jewish false messiah
 One blind eye, curly hair, something
wrong with one foot
 Claims first to be prophet, then God
 Has hell fire by his side; forces people
to follow him or pushed into hell fire
though it is an illusion, cool and safe
 Word kafir written between his eyes
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 36
Ad-Dajjal – Muslim tradition
Jewish false messiah
 Travels great speed on white mule
 Can heal the sick wiping his hand, and
raise the dead
 Deceives people by his powers
 Comes to earth for 40 days, first as
long as a year, second as a month,
third as a week, then normal
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 37
Ad-Dajjal – Muslim tradition
Jewish false messiah
 Tries to go to Mecca & Medina but
blocked by angels
 Goes to Syria, confronted by Madhi
 There will be a great battle in which
Isa, who descends to Damascus, will
defeat and destroy Dajjal at Lydda.
His breath will melt Dajjal, and he
thrusts a spear into his chest
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 38
 He will abolish the jizya tax and
break all crosses
 Note – Muslim tradtion of the
signs of the end and Dajjal are
virtually the same as the signs of
the end and rise of antichrist.
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 39
 Two books: Bible and Qur’an
 Two saviors – Jesus Christ &
 Two returning deliverers – Lord Jesus
Christ and the Madhi
 Two evil ones – Antichrist and Dajjal
 Two assistants – Isa and the False
11/07/16 40
 Thus the Muslim savior (the Madhi) is
the Christian antichrist
 The Muslim antichrist (al Dajjal) is the
Christian messiah
 The Muslim Jesus (Isa) is the
Christian False prophet
 The end is 100% opposite – Qur’an
states total Muslim victory
11/07/16 41
 There is so much similarity that the
Muslims who fight will believe that
when Christ comes, they are fighting
against al Dajjal.
 They will be convinced that the Madhi
is the true savior – a masterpiece of
deceit by the master of deceit - Satan
11/07/16 42
Where is the northern
 Most commentators state that the focus
of antichrist and Armageddon is on
Europe, especially Russia
 But many say that Gog & Magog & cities
are in Asia Minor, not Russia
 Suggestion – Battle of Gog/Magog in
Ezekiel & Armageddon in Revelation =
same battle
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 43
Why one battle, not two?
 Ezekiel 38-39 states that God & Jesus
will be IN Israel (not preceding the
return of Christ)
 Both have earthquake: Ezekiel 38:19;
Revelation 16:19-20
 Both have feast for birds of prey: Rev.
19:17; Ezekiel 39:17
 Both invade from the north
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 44
Rome or Islam
 Only Islam, not Rome, conquered the
previous 3 empires – Babylon, Persia
and Greece –
 Actually the CULTURE of Greece
conquered Rome culturally even as
Rome conquered Greece militarily
 Rome did not dominate east of the
Euphrates River; defeated by the
Parthians11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 45
Rome or Islam
 We see Islam replacing Europe with its
population. Europe’s birth rate so low
that it halfs Europeans every 35 years;
Muslims have very high population,
and many Muslim men marry Christian
women and make Muslim children
 Europe is weak morally and militarily
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 46
What is the day of the Lord?
 Author Gus Gurganus believes it is the
time God destroys Israel’s enemies at
the end time – tribulation
 Starts with a number of prophecies
against Seir, Edom, Moab, Egypt and
Lebanon for their hatred of Israel – the
Lord will take vengeance
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 47
The day of the Lord
 Gurganus believes Joel 2 is really
talking about raptured saints in
glorified bodies returning with Christ to
 He believes the sword in Christ’s
mouth represents his command to the
saints to fight – not supernatural
 Judgment of nations = how nations11/07/16 48
Which is the city? Mecca vs.
 Location – desert of the sea = Arabia
 Multiple people come there (think Hajj)
 Huge foreign work population – but not
offered citizenship
 Many nations drunk on wine (symbol of
oil?) Does not really fit with Catholic
church and communion
11/07/16 49
Which is the city? Mecca vs.
 Harlot will be destroyed! At least two
Muslim traditions predict destruction of
Mecca & Medina in the last days.
 Bible warns to flee to their own lands
– ?for the foreign work force?
 Businessmen sad that Mecca cannot
buy many things they want to sell any
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 50
Who is the beast? Both the
kingdom and antiChrist
 The fourth kingdom is Islam, who
encompassed the first three kingdoms
 Roman empire did not destroy other
nations; transformed them with
government, etc.
 Muslim culture destroys other cultures
completely when successful – Shari’a
law, jihad, etc.
11/07/16 51
Who is the beast? Both the
kingdom and antiChrist
 The beast (antichrist) contends with the
two witnesses and kills them – Rev. 11
 Another beast = false prophet
 Forces worship
 Mark – can’t buy or sell without it – 666
 Kills others but Bible calls the martyrs
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 52
Beast & Harlot – relationship
and end according to Bible
 Beast first works with the harlot, then
turns on her (Antichrist destroying
 Fights against Jesus Christ (true
messiah) and is destroyed. Beast
(antichrist) and false prophet thrown
alive into the lake of fire.
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 53
Tentative conclusions
 Much evidence suggests that the
antichrist = Madhi, and that Isa
may in fact resemble the false
prophet rather than Jesus.
 In many ways, Dajjal represents
the real Jesus, our messiah,
though some variation is there
11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 54
Tentative conclusions
 Opposition in the last days may
not come from Europe.
 Islam seems more likely, with
direct confrontation looming in
the near future
11/07/16 55
Tentative conclusions
 As we look to the future, we see
changes compatible with the
Biblical prediction of the last days
 We should be encouraged to
serve the Lord with more fervor,
and to witness to many for
11/07/16 56
Addendum – Who is Allah?
 We see that the Madhi =
 Al Dajjal = the Christian Christ
 Merciful
 Isa (Eesa) = the false prophet
 But who is Allah? Is he Jehovah?
 Compassionate
 Creator, etc.
11/07/16 57
Addendum – Who is Allah?
 Names of Allah:
 The proud (proudest) one
 The one who causes death
 The great (or greatest) deceiver
 Many other (total 99 names)
11/07/16 58
Addendum – Who is Allah?
 Jesus said: Jn. 8:44 Ye are of your
father the devil, and the lusts of your
father ye will do. He was a murderer
from the beginning, and abode not in
the truth, because there is no truth in
him. When he speaketh a lie, he
speaketh of his own: for he is a liar,
and the father of lies.
11/07/16 59
Addendum – Who is Allah?
 Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from
heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!
How art thou cut down to the ground,
which didst weaken the nations. For
thou hast said in thine heart, I will
ascend into heaven, I will exalt my
thrown above the stars of God:
11/07/16 60
Addendum – Who is Allah?
 Isaiah 14:13b I will sit also upon the
mount of the congregation, in the side
of the north. I will ascend above the
heights of the clouds; I will be like the
most High.
11/07/16 61
Addendum – Who is Allah?
 The Christian finds certain salvation
only in trusting that Jesus Christ died
and shed His blood for him to go to
 The Muslim finds certain salvation
only if he trusts in shedding his own
blood as a shahid for Allah with
promise of paradise or the blood of a
kafir.11/07/16 62
Addendum – Who is Allah?
 Who is the greatest deceiver than the
one who convinces his followers to die
for him and join him in hell?
11/07/16 63
Addendum – Who is Allah?
 Satan also deceived 1/3 of the angels
to follow him in rebellion against the
most High God (Revelation 12:3-9)
 Satan is an angel. Angels do not
reproduce (Mt. 22:30) Thus an angel
cannot be a father, nor have a son.
Thus Allah cannot have a Son!
11/07/16 64

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Mi 210 lesson 17.2 last things 1

  • 1. Islam and Future events MI 396 Dr. Robert Patton
  • 2. Christian view of eschatology (last things)  Rapture – can occur at any time. I take a pre-tribulation position  The great tribulation (on earth) – seven years long  Judgment seat of Christ and the marriage of the Lamb (heaven)  Return of Christ to Millenial reign
  • 3. Christian view of the tribulation  The AntiChrist will arise, and sign a seven year contract with Israel  There will be great fighting and problems  About 50% of mankind is destroyed  The earth itself is nearly destroyed  Israel is almost destroyed 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 3
  • 4. AntiChrist will be satanically inspired  He will be assisted by the false prophet, who establishes a one-world religion, but later it is destroyed  AntiChrist will place his mark on everyone so that they can only buy and sell with the mark  Those who do not submit are beheaded 11/07/16 4
  • 5. AntiChrist leads a coalition against Jerusalem  His desire is total annihilation of the Jews.  He breaks his seven year contract after 3 ½ years and sets up his own image in the rebuilt temple, demanding worship or death 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 5
  • 6. Battle of Armageddon  God hides 1/3 of Jews in Petra  AntiChrist’s army battles the believers who have accepted Christ and may still be alive  Christ comes with angels and saints, and destroys antichrist, the false prophet, and their armies 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 6
  • 7. Christ sets up the millennial rule  The remaining Jews are saved  The armies of AntiChrist are destroyed  The millennium is set up 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 7
  • 8. Final things according to Islam  Jesus did not die on the cross, but was taken directly to heaven. Allah changed someone to look like Jesus (?Judas)  The Madhi will come (12ers believe that he has been hidden since 9th century) during world chaos.  Dajjal will be causing much of the trouble11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 8
  • 9. Isa (Jesus) returns  Isa comes out of heaven, not as a Christian but as a Muslim  He fights with the Madhi and personally kills Dajjal  Islam triumphs.  Isa lives 40 years on earth, marries and has children, and dies later as a great prophet 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 9
  • 10. Important beliefs for Muslims  Allah – one transcendent God  Last days (and judgment day)  Angels  Scripture (for them ultimately, Qur’an)  Prophets 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 10
  • 11. Shia signs for the coming of the Madhi  Red death (sword) white death (plague)  One eyed Dajjal & Sufyani (bad guy who is a Muslim) come  Arabs revolt against authority of foreigners  Confict in Syria which is destroyed  Death and fear in Baghdad, red sky 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 11
  • 12. Marks of Madhi coming  Descendent of Muhammad & Fatima  His name is Muhammad  Ruling 7, 9, or 19 years  Distribute wealth, raise black flag  Lunar & solar eclipse on Ramadan  Star with luminous tail will appear 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 12
  • 13. Marks of Madhi coming  Restore faith & remove corruption  Islam will prevail worldwide  Broad forehead, prominent nose, eyes mascaraed  Fill the world with justice and fairness in place of oppression 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 13
  • 14. Sunni ideas about the marks of Madhi coming  They believe he comes from Muhammad’s family and from Al Hasan  He has not yet been born (Shi’a believe he his hidden)  12er Shiites believe that the Madhi was born about 869 – others don’t 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 14
  • 15. Madhi  Tall, fair complexion, broad forehead and prominent nose  Personality like Muhammad  Speaks with slight stutter, occasionally hit his thigh from frustration of stutter  He will defeat Bani Kalb tribe, distribute spoils; Islam will conquer the world 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 15
  • 16. Madhi  Voice from heaven will announce him  Makes 4 covenants, the last with Christians mediated by Jews for 7 years. Madhi comes then to power  Rides a white horse (Muslims state Rev. 6:2 is the Madhi) 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 16
  • 17. Madhi  Unstoppable army with black flags coming from east (Afghaistan)  Army will capture Israel, slaughter the Jews and set up headquarters in Jerusalem  Madhi controls rain, wind & crops  He discovers Torah in Syria to show Jews the rightness of Islam 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 17
  • 18. Biblical AntiChrist  Superb military and political genius  Spiritual leader of entire world  Made peace treaty with Jews  Breaks peace treaty  Kills Jews & Christians systematically  Captures & controls Jerusalem 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 18
  • 19. Biblical AntiChrist  Changes times and laws  Blasphemes God & sets himself up like God  Works together with the False Prophet and Satan  Destroyed by God & cast into hell 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 19
  • 20. Madhi vs. Biblical AntiChrist  Both deny the trinity (see I Jn. 2:22) Note shahada puts Muhammad above Jesus  Both deny the Father and the Son – I Jn. 4:2-3  Muslims deny Christ’s deity, incarnation, death and resurrection 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 20
  • 21. Muslim pure monotheism  Tawhid – God is one  Jesus is not God  God has no son, and no children  Calling Jesus as God is “shirk” – the Islamic unpardonable sin  Both the Madhi & antichrist deny the cross 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 21
  • 22. Both the Madhi and antichrist deceive  Allah is the greatest of deceivers – Sura 3:54  Antichrist deceives – II Jn. 7, 2 Thess 2:9 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 22
  • 23. Madhi vs. Antichrist  Both will change times and laws  Both regard women as less than men, or disregard them: Surah 2:282; Daniel 7:25  Perhaps both will rule over 10 entities – Rev. 17:12-13; Muslim plan that the caliph will be helped by 10 man council 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 23
  • 24. Madhi vs. Antichrist  Both will change times and laws  Muslim countries use lunar calendar of 360 or so days – actually about 10 days shorter than solar  Starts with hijra – AD 622  Law – must be Shari’a law 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 24
  • 25. Madhi vs. Antichrist  Both claim to be the messiah  Both will ride a white horse  Both work “false” miracles  Both work with the “god of forces” and result in beheading many  Both take booty and loot, and seek glory through war 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 25
  • 26. Madhi vs. Antichrist  Both use rape as a part of war  Both make a treaty for seven years. Muslim tradition states that it will be made through the mediation of a Jewish priest  Both deceive through peace treaties 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 26
  • 27. Mahdi vs. Antichrist  Both want world domination & destroy all others in their way  Both have armies coming from Turkey (in the Bible, it uses Ionia, but refers to western Turkey, not Greece)  Both practice beheading – Surah 47; Surah 8:12 – Long history of Islam starting with Muhammad at Medina 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 27
  • 28. Mahdi vs. Antichrist  Both hate Israel & the Jews  Both want the temple mount and Jerusalem as center of operations  Both desecrate bodies of the dead 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 28
  • 29. Everything twisted around  The characteristics of the Islamic messiah, the Madhi, matches those described in the Bible for antichrist  Al Dajjal is described by Muslims as a false Jesus. He will have all power, will heal the sick, and many will love him.  The Madhi will kill him and defeat 70,000 Jews with him according to11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 29
  • 30. Isa (Jesus) of the Qur’an  Isa was born of the virgin Mary Surah 19:19-21  Isa spoke from the cradle: Surah 19:27-33 Specially blessed: 19:31  Supernatural wisdom: Surah 3:48  Endowed with the Holy Spirit: Surah 2:87 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 30
  • 31. Isa (Jesus) of the Qur’an  Called the Word of God: Surah 4:171  Allah’s messiah: Surah 39:44-45  Jesus made a clay bird come to life as a child. He raised the dead and did many miracles: Surah 5:110; 3:49  The Jews thought they crucificied him but they did not: Surah 4:157-158 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 31
  • 32. Isa (Jesus) of the Qur’an  Isa ascended directly into heaven: Surah 3:55  But they deny the incarnation, death and resurrection of the Lord.  They claim that he returns from heaven as a radical Muslim and forces the Jews to recant, and he kills al Dajjal 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 32
  • 33. Muslim Jesus returning from heaven – their tradition  Returns – mosque near Damascus  Arrives when Madhi starts prayers. Madhi asks him to lead, but he declines, saying that the Madhi is the leader of the Muslims, and prays as a subordinate  He is a faithful Muslim  He makes the Hajj 11/07/16 33
  • 34. Muslim Jesus returning from heaven – their tradition  Salutes Muhammad’s grave and Muhammad salutes back from the grave  Destroys Christianity  Abolishes the jizya tax – now only two options – convert or die  Enforces Shari’a law throughout the earth 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 34
  • 35. Muslim Jesus returning from heaven – their tradition  Kills their antichrist Dajjal and his followers, mostly Jews & women  Lives 40 years on earth, marries and has children and dies  He is buried next to Muhammad 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 35
  • 36. Ad-Dajjal – Muslim tradition Jewish false messiah  One blind eye, curly hair, something wrong with one foot  Claims first to be prophet, then God  Has hell fire by his side; forces people to follow him or pushed into hell fire though it is an illusion, cool and safe  Word kafir written between his eyes 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 36
  • 37. Ad-Dajjal – Muslim tradition Jewish false messiah  Travels great speed on white mule  Can heal the sick wiping his hand, and raise the dead  Deceives people by his powers  Comes to earth for 40 days, first as long as a year, second as a month, third as a week, then normal 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 37
  • 38. Ad-Dajjal – Muslim tradition Jewish false messiah  Tries to go to Mecca & Medina but blocked by angels  Goes to Syria, confronted by Madhi  There will be a great battle in which Isa, who descends to Damascus, will defeat and destroy Dajjal at Lydda. His breath will melt Dajjal, and he thrusts a spear into his chest 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 38
  • 39. Isa  He will abolish the jizya tax and break all crosses  Note – Muslim tradtion of the signs of the end and Dajjal are virtually the same as the signs of the end and rise of antichrist. 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 39
  • 40. Summary  Two books: Bible and Qur’an  Two saviors – Jesus Christ & Muhammad  Two returning deliverers – Lord Jesus Christ and the Madhi  Two evil ones – Antichrist and Dajjal  Two assistants – Isa and the False Prophet 11/07/16 40
  • 41. Summary  Thus the Muslim savior (the Madhi) is the Christian antichrist  The Muslim antichrist (al Dajjal) is the Christian messiah  The Muslim Jesus (Isa) is the Christian False prophet  The end is 100% opposite – Qur’an states total Muslim victory 11/07/16 41
  • 42. Summary  There is so much similarity that the Muslims who fight will believe that when Christ comes, they are fighting against al Dajjal.  They will be convinced that the Madhi is the true savior – a masterpiece of deceit by the master of deceit - Satan 11/07/16 42
  • 43. Where is the northern confederation?  Most commentators state that the focus of antichrist and Armageddon is on Europe, especially Russia  But many say that Gog & Magog & cities are in Asia Minor, not Russia  Suggestion – Battle of Gog/Magog in Ezekiel & Armageddon in Revelation = same battle 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 43
  • 44. Why one battle, not two?  Ezekiel 38-39 states that God & Jesus will be IN Israel (not preceding the return of Christ)  Both have earthquake: Ezekiel 38:19; Revelation 16:19-20  Both have feast for birds of prey: Rev. 19:17; Ezekiel 39:17  Both invade from the north 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 44
  • 45. Rome or Islam  Only Islam, not Rome, conquered the previous 3 empires – Babylon, Persia and Greece –  Actually the CULTURE of Greece conquered Rome culturally even as Rome conquered Greece militarily  Rome did not dominate east of the Euphrates River; defeated by the Parthians11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 45
  • 46. Rome or Islam  We see Islam replacing Europe with its population. Europe’s birth rate so low that it halfs Europeans every 35 years; Muslims have very high population, and many Muslim men marry Christian women and make Muslim children  Europe is weak morally and militarily 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 46
  • 47. What is the day of the Lord?  Author Gus Gurganus believes it is the time God destroys Israel’s enemies at the end time – tribulation  Starts with a number of prophecies against Seir, Edom, Moab, Egypt and Lebanon for their hatred of Israel – the Lord will take vengeance 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 47
  • 48. The day of the Lord  Gurganus believes Joel 2 is really talking about raptured saints in glorified bodies returning with Christ to fight.  He believes the sword in Christ’s mouth represents his command to the saints to fight – not supernatural destruction  Judgment of nations = how nations11/07/16 48
  • 49. Which is the city? Mecca vs. Rome  Location – desert of the sea = Arabia  Multiple people come there (think Hajj)  Huge foreign work population – but not offered citizenship  Many nations drunk on wine (symbol of oil?) Does not really fit with Catholic church and communion 11/07/16 49
  • 50. Which is the city? Mecca vs. Rome  Harlot will be destroyed! At least two Muslim traditions predict destruction of Mecca & Medina in the last days.  Bible warns to flee to their own lands – ?for the foreign work force?  Businessmen sad that Mecca cannot buy many things they want to sell any more 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 50
  • 51. Who is the beast? Both the kingdom and antiChrist  The fourth kingdom is Islam, who encompassed the first three kingdoms  Roman empire did not destroy other nations; transformed them with government, etc.  Muslim culture destroys other cultures completely when successful – Shari’a law, jihad, etc. 11/07/16 51
  • 52. Who is the beast? Both the kingdom and antiChrist  The beast (antichrist) contends with the two witnesses and kills them – Rev. 11  Another beast = false prophet  Forces worship  Mark – can’t buy or sell without it – 666  Kills others but Bible calls the martyrs victorious 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 52
  • 53. Beast & Harlot – relationship and end according to Bible  Beast first works with the harlot, then turns on her (Antichrist destroying Mecca?)  Fights against Jesus Christ (true messiah) and is destroyed. Beast (antichrist) and false prophet thrown alive into the lake of fire. 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 53
  • 54. Tentative conclusions  Much evidence suggests that the antichrist = Madhi, and that Isa may in fact resemble the false prophet rather than Jesus.  In many ways, Dajjal represents the real Jesus, our messiah, though some variation is there 11/07/16 Les 1 Santa Jejej 54
  • 55. Tentative conclusions  Opposition in the last days may not come from Europe.  Islam seems more likely, with direct confrontation looming in the near future 11/07/16 55
  • 56. Tentative conclusions  As we look to the future, we see changes compatible with the Biblical prediction of the last days  We should be encouraged to serve the Lord with more fervor, and to witness to many for salvation 11/07/16 56
  • 57. Addendum – Who is Allah?  We see that the Madhi = antiChrist  Al Dajjal = the Christian Christ  Merciful  Isa (Eesa) = the false prophet  But who is Allah? Is he Jehovah?  Compassionate  Creator, etc. 11/07/16 57
  • 58. Addendum – Who is Allah?  Names of Allah:  The proud (proudest) one  The one who causes death  The great (or greatest) deceiver  Many other (total 99 names) 11/07/16 58
  • 59. Addendum – Who is Allah?  Jesus said: Jn. 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of lies. 11/07/16 59
  • 60. Addendum – Who is Allah?  Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations. For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my thrown above the stars of God: 11/07/16 60
  • 61. Addendum – Who is Allah?  Isaiah 14:13b I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the side of the north. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. 11/07/16 61
  • 62. Addendum – Who is Allah?  The Christian finds certain salvation only in trusting that Jesus Christ died and shed His blood for him to go to heaven.  The Muslim finds certain salvation only if he trusts in shedding his own blood as a shahid for Allah with promise of paradise or the blood of a kafir.11/07/16 62
  • 63. Addendum – Who is Allah?  Who is the greatest deceiver than the one who convinces his followers to die for him and join him in hell? 11/07/16 63
  • 64. Addendum – Who is Allah?  Satan also deceived 1/3 of the angels to follow him in rebellion against the most High God (Revelation 12:3-9)  Satan is an angel. Angels do not reproduce (Mt. 22:30) Thus an angel cannot be a father, nor have a son. Thus Allah cannot have a Son! 11/07/16 64