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The False Prophet. The following references
found in Revelations 16:12-14; 19:19-21; and 20:7-10
speaks of the false prophet. Revelation 16 speaks of the
dragon or Satan; the beast or Roman Catholic church and
its following; and the false prophet leading the Muslims,
including the descendants of Ishmael. At the outset, the
Qur’an perplexes theologians and scholars alike, for
while it holds so many of the truths of Jews and
Christians, there remains a number of critical issues
upon which are grounded the reason for the Middle East
conflict. Todays Rabbinical Jews’ unbelief in Jesus Christ;
some of powerful and influential Muslims’ denial of the
time of Israel’s restoration; and the majority of
Christians’ inability to comprehend the Qur’an as
“categorically” embodying the covenant of G-d with
Ishmael (Gen 17: 4-27; Gal 3:16-22 4:24-31); although
Muhammad may be the one referred to in the Book of
Revelation in the Christian Bible as the false prophet.
Who can fathom the ways of the Lord? (Job 11:7) As
Christians often say, “we are but mere clay and the Lord is
the potter” (Jer 18:6-7). That is to say that the Qur'an may
yet evolve its own canon as the Old and New Testaments
have. Its evidence is the contemporary sectarian conflict
between Sunni and Shiites which can be likened to the
religious wars between the Roman Catholics and the
Protestants. Its final form may be reconciled with the
much older two covenants. Also, that the terms used,
e.g. false prophet are used, because they serve a purpose
by their choice which is to define, albeit limited.
However, if viewed as a concept, and in this particular
case, to reach beyond the limits of human language in its
definition, we can attain an understanding much like the
wisdom of G-d. Which is to say that one belief while
true to its own set of believers is defined as the enemy of
the other. The more important thing is that we gain an
understanding that goes beyond the limits of doctrine or
dogma of a single faith by affording us a view of one
faith from the position of another. That there exists at
the outset, under the current state of understanding of
the relationship between the Qur'an and the Bible, an
understandable animosity between the followers of said
faiths that is likened to the quarrel between siblings of
the same father but of two different mothers, such that
the law which governs the first sibling cannot be applied
to the second.
Prophet Muhammad. Muhammad ibn
‘Abdullâh (Arabic: Muḥammad also spelled Mohammed
or Muhammed; ca. 570/571) was born on June 8, 632 in
Medina, is the founder of the religion of Islam and is
regarded by Muslims as a messenger and prophet of G-d
(Arabic: Allah), the last and the greatest law-bearer in a
series of Islamic prophets as taught by the Qur’an (Sura
Muslims thus consider him the restorer of an
uncorrupted original monotheistic faith (Islâm) of Adam,
Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and other prophets. He
was also active as a diplomat, merchant, philosopher,
orator, legislator, reformer, military general, and,
according to Muslim belief, an agent of divine action.ii
The Qu r’an. A symbiosis of Judaism and Islam
exist where one can readily observe that the latter is
written from the point of view of the Jews' kin among
the descendants of Ishmael, expressing acknowledgment
of the prophets, priests, and kings of Israel. That while it
acknowledges them and both the Old and New
Covenant, it propounds another covenant, the Qur’an,
which also bears witness to the G-d of Abraham and of
Israel, they (Muslims) call Allah. Included among them
would be the descendants of Esau and the aliens among
the Jews, who became their wives, conscripts in the army
or slaves. A cursory reading of the Qur’an to the
uninitiated novice will not escape to note the word
covenant used and the names of Israelites like Moses,
Noah, David, Jonah and Abraham of the old covenant
and Jesus, Mary and John the Baptist of the new
covenant acknowledged by the Qur’an.
Where Genesis and Galatians left off, we find in
the Qur’an the covenant with Abraham beginning with
Sura 2:27 , thus:
“Those who break Allah.s
Covenant(45-A) after it is ratified, and
who sunder what Allah Has ordered to be
joined, and do mischief on earth:
These cause loss (only) to themselves.
(Sura 2:27 Qur’an)iii
Here is Yusop Ali's Comment no. 45-A for the above
45-A “The mention of the Covenant
has a particular and a general
signification. The particular one has
reference to the Jewish tradition that a
Covenant was entered into with “Father
Abraham” that in return for Allah's favours
the seed of Abraham would serve Allah
faithfully. But as a matter of fact a
great part of Abraham's progeny were in
constant spiritual rebellion against Allah,
as is testified by their own Prophets and
Preachers and by Muhammadal-Mustaf
and Sura 2:83:
“And remember We took(87) a
covenant from the Children of Israel
(to this effect): Worship none but
Allah. treat with kindness your
parents and kindred, and orphans and
those in need; speak fair to the
people; be steadfast in prayer; and
practise regular charity. Then did ye
turn back, except a few among you,
and ye backslide (even now).” (Sura 2:83
with Yusop Ali's Comment no. 87 for the above verse:
“87 So far from the Covenant being of
the kind suggested in 2:80, the real
Covenant is about the moral law,
which is set out in 2:83. This moral
law is universal, and if you break it, no
privileges will lighten your punishment or
help you in any way (2:86). "Speak fair to
the people" not only means outward
courtesy from the leaders to the
meanest among the people, but the
protection of the people from being
exploited, deceived, defrauded, or doped
with things to lull their intelligence.”vi
An express admission of the book of the
covenant given to Moses for Israel that is also spoken of
in Exodus 19:3-5, finds confirmation in Sura 3:3 and 17:2,
written in this wise:
“3. It is He Who sent down to thee (step
by step), in truth, the Book, confirming
what went before it; and He sent down
the Law (of Moses) and the Gospel (of
Jesus) before this, as a guide to mankind,
and He sent down the criterion (of
judgment between right and wrong).”
(Sura 3:3 Qu’ran)vii
“We gave Moses the Book, and made it a
Guide to the Children of Israel,
(commanding): "Take not other than Me
as Disposer of (your) affairs."(Sura 17:2
In the Qur’an finds a book that confirms the Law
and the Gospel, and a guide for the descendants of
Ishmael for their share in the inheritance as sons of
Abraham. It should agree with these books and all three
should agree with each other. In the verses above from
the Qur’an, both the Old and New Covenants are
referred to, so that a Muslim must necessarily
understand both covenants (the Tanakh and the Gospel).
Furthermore, it tells that Muslims are guided by the
Qur’an which the rest of mankind must acknowledge
and understand to find Ishmael’s fitting place in the
To the Jew and the Christian, there is a call for
them to administer justice (Jer 21:12; 22). The Muslim,
himself a victim of the Crusades and the Inquisition will
not succumb to receiving any mark from a Roman
Catholic. Thus the followers of the prophet Mohammad
are the ones referred to in Revelation 19:20 as the false
prophet who did not receive the mark of the beast.
Reference from the scriptures concerning Ishmael and
his descendants abound. In Genesis, after Hagar was
thrown out of the house by Sarah, the Lord took pity on
her and gave her a blessing based on the promises made
by Him to Abraham (Galatians 3:16). Ishmael lived with
her mother in Paran and took a wife from Egypt (Gen
21:21). From then on, outcasts from Israel took refuge on
the land where he settled. We see Esau, Jacob’s twin
brother getting married to an Ishmaelite. It is not
uncommon for siblings to quarrel over inheritance. In
the case of Isaac and Ishmael their differences have
escalated into feuds that have grown into the scale of
present-day conflict between Israel and the Arab states it
is almost impossible to reconcile the descendants of the
half-brothers without a precise execution of the will of
Abraham which are to be found in the covenant between
G-d and Abraham’s sons. Thus, it has become a challenge
to reconcile the Tanakh, the Christian Bible, and the
Qur’an. While most Jews still await the Messiah and do
not believe the gospel of Jesus nor the cause of Simon
Bar Kochba, Christians, particularly those of the
Reformation, are relatively tolerant of Jews in keeping
with the admonition of the prophets concerning the
remnants who are saved by grace. Neither was this
toleration confined to Protestants, for during the
Diaspora, particularly in the east, Jews found solace
among Muslims and enjoyed the situation from the
beginning of the Golden Age of Islam (mid-8th to the
mid-13th century AD) until the end of the Ottoman
empire as Daniel had spoken. However, since then and
the gathering of the remnants until Israel’s unilateral
declaration of its independence in May 14, 1948, or 61
years hence, Muslims may not have fully understood
that G-d intends Israel to be restored and after she has
fully served the wrath of G-d, her punishers will see
their own punishment. While the Jew remains deaf and
blind to Jesus and the new covenant, the Christian of the
Reformation, Messianic Jews and other true Christians
understand that Ishmael’s descendants will be saved and
his offerings will be accepted at Zion.
The problem poised today over the Middle East
conflict lies in the fact that the remnant remains
impervious to accepting Jesus Christ as their Messiah. In
fact, it is taboo and Jews shun away from this very act
blaming the same as the reason for their continued
persecution. The very few Messianic Jews have barely
chinked Orthodox issues on Jesus Christ, who to a
Muslim is a prophet of the gospel (New Testament).
Muslims readily believe in Jesus Christ (Esa), a basis for
chastising the Jews unbelief, consistent with their being
made instruments of G-d’s punishment since
Shalmanesser in 721 BC. Unless the time of the Jews’
acknowledgment of Jesus as Messiah becomes a reality,
which may be inferred from Zechariah 14:2 as half of all
the Jews (also Matt 24:40-41; Luke 17:34-36), and he is
officially acknowledged by the theocratic Israeli
government, the Muslims have a rational justification for
their (Israel’s) continued chastisement. Over the period
of the Jews immobility on the issue, an advantage
accrues to the Muslim. The year 2009 brought the end of
2730 years of the wrath of G-d upon the kingdom of
Israel and brought from America, her shepherd, a
president whose father is a Muslim – an ominous sign
that it is time to gather all of Israel and Judah as one
kingdom, (Eze 37:18-22) for as Ishmael’s descendants are
acknowledged, all of Israel will be free to come home.
In the example below is a verse from the Qur'an
acknowledging Zechariah, the father of John the
Baptist (Yahya), and Jesus and Elias.
“ 85. And Zakariya and Yahya and Jesus
and Elias: all in the ranks of the
righteous:” (Sura 6:85 Qu’ran)
In fact, annotations and comments which
helps to understand the Qur’an, cites the scriptures
(from both the Old and New Covenants) as a
reference to historic events. One such by Yusuf Ali
(Comment 905) is found below.
“905 The third group consists not of men of
action, but Preachers of Truth, who led
solitary lives. Their epithet is: "the
Righteous." They form a connected group
round Jesus. Zakariya was the father of John
the Baptist, the precursor of Jesus (3:37-41);
and Jesus referred to John the Baptist as
Elias: "this is Elias, which was to come"
(Matt. 11:14 ); and Elias is said to have been
present and talked to Jesus at the
Transfiguration on the Mount (Matt. 17:3).
Elias is the same as Elijah (Cf. 37:123).
“87.We gave Moses the Book and followed
him up with a succession of messengers;
We gave Jesus the son of Mary(90)
Clear (Signs) and strengthened him with
the holy spirit. Is it that whenever there
comes to you a messenger with what ye
yourselves desire not, ye are puffed up
with pride?- Some ye called impostors,
and others ye slay(91)!” (Sura 2:87)
“47. She said: "O my Lord! How shall I
have a son when no man hath touched
me?" He said: "Even so: Allah createth
what He willeth: When He hath decreed
a plan, He but saith to it, ´Be,´ and it is!
She was addressed by angels, who gave
her Allah's message. In reply she speaks
as to Allah. In reply, apparently an angel
again gives Allah's message. 48. "And
Allah will teach him the Book and
Wisdom, the Law and the Gospel, 49.
"And (appoint him) a messenger to the
Children of Israel, (with this message):
"´I have come to you, with a Sign from
your Lord, in that I make for you out of
clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, and
breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by
Allah's leave: And I heal those born
blind, and the lepers, and I quicken the
dead, by Allah’s leave; and I declare to
you what ye eat, and what ye store in
your houses. Surely therein is a Sign for
you if ye did believe. 50. "´(I have come
to you), to attest the Law which was
before me. And to make lawful to you
part of what was (Before) forbidden to
you; I have come to you with a Sign from
your Lord. So fear Allah, and obey me.
51. "´It is Allah Who is my Lord and
your Lord; then worship Him. This is a
Way that is straight.´" 52. When Jesus
found Unbelief on their part He said:
"Who will be My helpers to (the work of)
Allah." Said the disciples: "We are
Allah’s helpers: We believe in Allah, and
do thou bear witness that we are
Muslims.”(Sura 3:47-52 Qur’an)
In the Qur’an’s acknowledgement referred to
above of the angel appearing to Mary, mother of Jesus,
who Muslim’s believe is a messenger of G-d to the
Children of Israel to confirm the law and to help Allah
(G-d) for the Jews to believe in Jesus (the message). This
is perhaps one of controversial verses among many,
which places the Muslim’s help as indispensable in
bringing the gospel to the Jews. Controversial because, it
can justify the Muslim’s conviction that the Jew accept
Jesus Christ as his Messiah.
Of the Qur’an’s significance, Yusuf Ali’s
commentary on Sura 3:23 tells of the Jew and Christian
(People of the Book) who must complete the Book by
including the Qur’an as part of scriptures, having been
corrupted and misinterpreted over the years. It certainly
adds to the complexity of reconciling the scriptures, not
to mention the books that have been classified as non-
canonical but are essential to understanding the
scriptures, found in the Christian apocrypha, pseudo-
epigrapha, or deuterocanonical books.
“23. Hast thou not turned Thy vision to
those who have been given a portion of
the Book? They are invited to the Book
of Allah, to settle their dispute, but a
party of them Turn back and decline
(The arbitration).” (Sura 3:23 Qu’ran)
Of the verses above, Yusuf Ali comments, thus:
“366 A portion of the Book. I conceive that
Allah's revelation as a whole throughout
the ages is "The Book". The Law of
Moses, and the Gospel of Jesus were
portions of the Book. The Qur'an
completes the revelation and is par
excellence the Book of Allah (Cf. 4:44).
367 The Commentators mention a
particular incident when a dispute was
submitted by the Jews for arbitration to the
Prophet. He appealed to the authority of
their own books, but they tried to conceal
and prevaricate. The general lesson is that
the People of the Book should have been
the first to welcome in Muhammad the
living exponent of the Message of Allah as
a whole, and some of them did so; but
others turned away from guilty arrogance,
relying on corrupted texts and doctrines
forged out of their own fancies, though
they were not conformable to reason and
good sense.”x
“When he had turned away from them
and from those whom they worshiped
besides Allah, We bestowed on him Isaac
and Jacob, and each one of them. We
made a prophet”. (Sura 4:163 Qur’an)
Isaac and Isaac's son Jacob are mentioned here as
carrying on one line of Abraham's traditions. The other
line was carried on by Ishmael, who is mentioned
independently, as his line got special honor in the Holy
Prophet of Islam. That is why his mention comes after
that of Moses.xi
“163. We have sent thee inspiration, as
We sent it to Noah and the Messengers
after him: we sent inspiration to
Abraham, Isma´il, Isaac, Jacob and the
Tribes, to Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron, and
Solomon, and to David We gave the
Psalms.” (Sura 19:49 Qur’an)
Here, the Psalms found in the Old Testament
are attributed by the Qur’an to David as do the
Christians and Jews. The fact is, the Qur’an does
acknowledge all its historic participation in the
rescue of Israel, particularly during the great Age of
Islam (traditionally dated from the mid-8th to the
mid-13th century AD) which coincided with the
deliverance of Israel spoken of by Daniel in 12:11-12
corresponding to the eastern Diaspora.
Disagreements with Christians and Jews.
Although Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet,
they have so far rejected the Christian doctrine of
the Trinity and do not believe that Jesus is the Son
of G-d comparing it to polytheism.xii
In Islamic
theology, Jesus was just a man and not the son of G-
d. God is described in Sura 112:1-4 as "…God, the One
and Only; God, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not,
nor is He begotten; And there is none like unto Him."
Islamic texts depict Judaism and Christianity as
prophetic successor traditions to the teachings of
Abraham. The Qur'an calls Jews and Christians
"People of the Book" (ahl al-kitâb), and distinguishes
them from polytheists. Muslims believe that parts of
the previously revealed scriptures, the Tawrat
(Torah) and the Injil (Gospels) had become distorted
either in interpretation, in text, or both.xiii
Belief in
angels is crucial to the faith of Islam (Arabic: malak;
Hebrew: malakh; Greek: angelos) which means
"messenger". According to the Qur'an, angels do not
possess free will, and worship God in perfect
The belief runs contrary to Christian
belief that Satan who was an angel of G-d rebelled
against the will of G-d.
Muslims consider the Qur'an to be the literal
word of God; revealed to Muhammad by God
through the angel Gabriel on many occasions
between 610 AD and his death on June 8, 632 AD.
The Qur'an was reportedly written down by
Muhammad's companions (sahabah) while he was
alive and transmitted primarily by oral tradition.
Compiled in the time of Abu Bakr, the first caliph, it
was standardized under the administration of
Uthman, the third caliph. From textual evidence
Islamic studies scholars find that the Qur'an of today
has not changed significantly since it was
To Muslims, the Qur'an is perfect only
as revealed in the original Arabic; translations are
necessarily deficient because of language differences,
the fallibility of translators, and the impossibility of
preserving the original's inspired style. Translations
are therefore regarded only as commentaries on the
Qur'an, or "interpretations of its meaning", not as the
Qur'an itself.xvi
Ishmael represents the Muslim. The hope
of the Muslim, in both the Old and New Covenant
lies in the whole of Chapter 54 of the Book of Isaiah,
which speaks of Hagar, the mother of Ishmael, and in
Galatians 4:21-31, of the New Testament, where the
apostle Paul had written to confirm it. The verses
bring attention to the promises made by the Lord to
Hagar concerning Ishmael. Ishmael lived in the
fringes of the covenant with Isaac, under another
covenant (e.g. Qu r’an) but when Israel walked not in
the ways of the Lord, Ishmael became Jacob’s
prosecutor. And of his mother – she is encouraged by
the Lord, her husband (Isa 54:4-8), and promised that
her descendants to be more than Sarah’s (Isa 54:1).
Her tent, stretched and spread left and right to
dispossess nations (Israel included) and settled in
their desolate cities, wayward Israel's included (Isa
54:3-4) . Great promises were made by the Lord to
Hagar, too. The Lord will call her back from her
rejection with compassion and swore never to be
angry nor rebuke her again and offers her the
covenant of peace – Jesus Christ (Isa 54:9-10). One
might say that Muslims are in a better position
concerning faith in Jesus Christ, for Jesus is
considered a prophet by Muslims and the early
Christians are acknowledged by the Qur’an.
Furthermore, from the tone of Paul’s message, he
knew that this time when Ishmael’s heirs will
possess the land would come at a future time, in the
time of Muhammad. Thus, he talks about a Jerusalem
that is still on high for Jerusalem will yet come into
the possession of Ishmael’s heirs, before it returns to
Israel (Gal 4:21-31). Be that as it may, Israel as the
chosen people, is the favored one, “loved on account
of the patriarchs – as far as election is concerned, but
where the gospel is concerned – enemies on account of
the Gentiles (Christians and Muslims)” (Rom 11:28)
Even the descendants of Kedar and Nebaoith,
sons of Ishmael, are acknowledged from the following
verses in Isaiah 60:1-7, thus:
"1Arise, shine, for your light has come,
and the glory of the LORD rises upon
you. 2 See, darkness covers the earth and
thick darkness is over the peoples, but the
LORD rises upon you and his glory
appears over you. 3 Nations will come to
your light, and kings to the brightness of
your dawn. 4 "Lift up your eyes and look
about you: All assemble and come to you;
your sons come from afar, and your
daughters are carried on the arm. 5 Then
you will look and be radiant, your heart
will throb and swell with joy; the wealth
on the seas will be brought to you, to you
the riches of the nations will come. 6
Herds of camels will cover your land,
young camels of Midian and Ephah. And
all from Sheba will come, bearing gold
and incense and proclaiming the praise
of the LORD. 7 All Kedar's flocks will be
gathered to you, the rams of Nebaioth
will serve you; they will be accepted as
offerings on my altar, and I will adorn
my glorious temple. (Isa 60:1-7 NIV)
Nebaoith is Ishmael’s firstborn and Kedar, his
second son is more popularly known as the prophet
Muhammad's direct ancestor. Of course, Ishmael is
firstborn of Abraham by Hagar, Sarah’s maid. Midian is
the fourth son of Abraham by his concubine, Keturah.
Ephah is firstborn of Midian and grandson of Abraham.
Sheba is the firstborn of Jokshan, second son of Keturah.
Isaiah Chapter 60 speaks of a time when the light of G-d
shines on Israel and all the nations bow down to the G-d
of Israel to be blessed.
Islam’s main strength is in its powerful rebuke of
the Jew for the innumerable times the Jew is castigated
for his disobedience. However, each of Islamic countries
in turn will learn their costly and fatal lesson once again
for the last time. For once restored, Jacob will pay them
back all the lashings he has received and more, until
Ishmael licks the dust off Jacob’s feet and bows down to
him and acknowledges that the G-d of Abraham has
favored Isaac, though not his first born, is the son by
“the covenant” (Gen 17:21). The Muslim until the end
will be one of the forces that will make the Jew keep the
decrees of the Lord and this will be done by constantly
placing him in war footing so he will not have the luxury
of indulging himself in a worldly way. Israeli morale has
always made its soldier, if not the best, one of the best in
the world. It is not uncommon for an Israeli officer to be
at the forefront of a fight and be its first casualty. This
simple Israeli strategy has always been what the Lord
wanted for him. As in the past, when Israel walked in the
ways of the Lord and the king did right in the eyes of the
Lord, the Lord fought his wars for him. Israel’s
restoration is now and the road to Armageddon will be
replete with the bodies of “kings, generals, and mighty
men, of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all people,
free and slave, small and great". (Rev 19:18)
Chapter 4. The Beasts of Daniel and John
The ‘end time’ prophecies in Daniel are best seen in
the light of related prophecies that are found in the Book of
Revelation and find that most of these events are already
history and those which remain are events that will
unmistakably tell who the characters are, what they have
done, what they are doing now, will do in the future and
when they will happen. Understand that the Book of
Revelation is also called the revelation of Jesus Christ. Here,
he is the Lamb, worthy to open the seven seals and the events
in the vision of John are believed occurrences that begin
shortly before Jesus Christ’s time. Where Daniel 8:10 left off
with the ‘little horn that came out from one of the four horns
that reached the host of the heavens, and threw some of the
starry host down to the earth and trampled on them’; Revelation
12: 4 begins with ‘his tail swept a third of the stars out of the
sky and flung them to the earth’ beginning the war in heaven.
To follow through on the significance of the temple as the
focus of ‘end time’ prophecies, Revelation Chapter 12 opens
shortly before the beginning of the 1260 years in 70 AD
presumably at the time of Jesus Christ’s birth. Here several
significant events occurred in heaven and earth. First, it is the
time when the woman (the church) clothed with the sun with
the moon on her feet and 12 stars crowning her head (12
apostles) appeared in heaven. She is pregnant with a child
(Jesus who is also the Word of G-d). Then the red dragon
(Satan) with 7 heads and 10 horns and 7 crowns appeared and
swept a third of the stars and flung them to the earth and
stood before the woman ready to devour the child but the
child was snatched up to G-d and his throne while the woman
fled to a place (a desert) where she is protected and taken
cared of for 1,260 years. Thus, the church is said to be “in the
wilderness”. Church is to the new covenant as temple is to the
old as the place reserved for the worship of God. However,
there is continuity, in that both would have meant one and
the same substance, and church admitted the Gentiles who are
not related consanguinely with the Jews and did away with
the sacrificial rites of the temple with the Lord’s Supper.
Notice too, that the dragon has 10 horns and as horns are the
pride of whosever’s head it is worn, their number is more
than there are heads. Second, a war in heaven ensued between
the angels loyal to G-d against the rebel dragon or Satan. As
the loyalist outnumber the rebels 2 to 1, the rebels (a third of
the ‘stars’ or ‘host’ or inhabitants of heaven) were flung to the
earth. The dragon continued to make war against the Word of
G-d (Jesus) on earth and stood at the shores of the sea from
whence came the first beast. The dragon is a picture of a beast
with 7 heads, 10 horns and 7 crowns on each head while the
first beast has 7 heads, 10 horns and 10 crowns on each horn.
Third, the dragon gave the first beast (the Roman Empire) its
authority. The Roman emperor, through his representative in
Judea, the Idumaean, Herod the Great, Governor of Galilee
and later King of Judea sought to kill the child Jesus. He failed
to do so, but his subsequent heirs to the throne followed his
pro-Roman policies. Fourth, the first beast gave the second
beast with 2 horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon its
authority (Rev 13:11-12). During this period, the Roman
empire until its revival as the Holy Roman empire (image of
the first beast) by the pope (second beast), chief priest of the
Roman Catholic church, the state's religion, gave through
Roman Catholic baptism, the mark of the beast on the
foreheads and/or the right hand (priests give the mark of
baptism or “chrism” on the forehead and on the palm of the
right hand of the child being baptized). No one during these
times could live normal lives (buying or selling) if one was not
a Roman Catholic. Only barbarians living in the fringes of the
empire were free of the mark of the beast but even this was
not a guarantee that they were safe from the clutches of the
beast as their womenfolk knew that their religiosity would
come under scrutiny in public places like the market, where
everyone converges in keeping with good marketing sense
and everything is traded, not the least, gossip and fishwives’
tales. Nor were they secure that their own villages would not
be conquered and annexed to the empire’s. Those who desired
to enjoy the cosmopolitan amenities obtainable within the
boundaries of the empire, most especially those whose
business involved in trading within the boundaries of the
empire were later baptized in keeping with the culture of the
Romans. As the adage goes, “When in Rome, do as the Romans
do.” The emperor derived his authority from G-d and the
symbol of this authority, his crown, is set on his head by the
bishop of Rome, the pope, as the representative of G-d on
earth. The Holy Roman Empire aspired to equal the width and
breadth of the Roman Empire, which at the height of its
power encompassed the British Isles from the West to
Mesopotamia in the East and all of the coastlands around the
The Mark of the Beast. As the beast goes into
battle, he will be known by his marks or uniform. Revelation
13:11-18 speaks of the one who gave the mark and who were
given the mark. When the Roman empire (the first beast) fell,
the pope found himself as the head of the church (the second
beast) in the tandem of the church and state, the sole
surviving authority that could unite the empire’s subjects who
were all Roman Catholics. His two horns are the Western
Roman Catholic church in Rome and the Eastern Orthodox
church in Byzantium. The Roman pope, to prevent the Roman
empire from breaking up, crowned kings from the former
Germanic tribes as Holy Roman emperor to revive the Roman
empire, thus healing the wound of one of its heads (Rome)
and preventing its total disintegration. Having done this, he
now exercised the authority of the first beast, whose image is
the Holy Roman empire. Having established itself as
authority, it caused ‘fire to come from heaven’ in the
Inquisition that was established to put a stop to heresy.
Heretics who did not renounce their heresies were burned at
the stakes. True, much of the doctrines of the Roman Catholic
church during the ‘1260 days’ that the early Christian church
and saints were given over to, were sound because they were
the work of the saints and the early Christian church who
continued even when given over to the Roman Catholic
church. Furthermore, authority was given the beast to get the
truth out of the old and new testaments (Rev 11:3-6) but
anyone who tried to harm both by making or even inserting
or taking a word of truth out of it will be destroyed. However,
once their contribution to doctrine was made, many of them
ran afoul with the Roman Catholic orthodoxy and martyred.
The mark of the beast is given to Roman Catholics
during the rite of baptism when a priest marks the forehead of
the child and the right hand as is written in Revelation 13:16.
Thus the mark or “chrism”, as the Roman Catholic church calls
this, was given a long time ago. Then, it was easy to question
the loyalty of a non-Catholic to the Holy Roman emperor and
be suspected of heresy. Several Christian movements declared
as heretics, Jews, and Muslims who did not succumb to
Roman Catholic baptism were the subject of the Crusades. It
is for this reason that everyone who did not receive the mark
‘could not buy or sell’. You could not come to a public place
where imperial forces were watching for fear of
discrimination and persecution once you were identified as a
barbarian, not being a Roman Catholic. There was absolute
fear living under the feudal system then prevailing when you
were not a Roman Catholic. All the members of the royalty
were Roman Catholics saved for those princes who would
later question the authority of the Roman Catholic church but
who were themselves Roman Catholics by convenience, and
whose number were too few and far between. 666 is the mark
of the beast. 6 is man’s number, opposed to 7 which is the
number of divinity.xvii
6 is man’s number but Christ is not
mere man but the Son of G-d. Three 6’s is in opposition to
Christ’s three characteristics: high priest, prophet and king.
The anti-Christ possesses these three characteristics in
opposition to Christ’s by falsely assuming these
characteristics of Christ with the intention to deceive. He was
Phannias, a common man elevated to the high priest by the
Sicarii, a Roman puppet spoken of in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 in
the time of the reign of Herod Agrippa II. He did not have the
mark of the beast yet, but in the ‘end time’, the man of
lawlessness will have one, even if discreetly. He is also the
pope, and the Roman emperor, his prince and underlings.
Against the popular view based on the ‘first
resurrection’ spoken of in Revelation 20:4 and the ‘seventy
sevens’ prophecy in Daniel 9:24-27 believed by so many
Protestants concerning the rapture and the anti-Christ who
will give the mark of the beast at a future date, specifically
during the ‘last week to confirm a covenant’ - such declaration
must be viewed by suspicion as part of a sinister plot to
mislead Christians, and many such ideas proliferate giving
rise to false beliefs espoused by end-time Christians who
harbor weapons preparing for a literal fight with the risen
dead amongst the raptured Christians whom they call
zombies and help the anti-Christ give the mark of the beast to
the remaining Christians. The anti-Christ (pope) has long
given the mark (Roman Catholic baptism). After the fall of the
Roman empire, the Merovingians, who were Salian Franks
and Nicean or Western Christians beginning with Clovis,
allied with the Roman Catholic bishops and became protector
of the papacy. In return the pope justified and confirmed their
kingship. The Ostrogoths and other Germanic tribes who were
Arian Christians were considered heretics by the Roman
Catholic church. Thus, it became politically convenient to
convert to Roman Catholicism and have the support of the de
facto ruler of the Roman empire by them who aspired to rule
its breadth and width. With the aid of the state, the anti-
Christ by enforced baptism caused the giving of the mark of
the beast (the Roman empire) to all the peoples who fell under
the jurisdiction of the empire. Because the rite of baptism was
exercised by the early Christian church before it was adopted
by the Romans who gave it its own distinguishing ritual, the
mark of the beast was given soon as the church was given
over to the Roman empire. The word “Roman” to describe this
faith, is so obvious as to make it inconspicuous, that this faith
is the faith that worships the ancient Roman empire. That is
spoken of in Revelation 13:8, to wit:
“8 All inhabitants of the earth will worship
the beast – all whose names have not been
written in the book of life belonging to the
Lamb that was slain from the creation of
the world.” (Rev 13:8 NIV)
The False Prophet. The following references found
in Revelations 16:12-14; 19:19-21; and 20:7-10 speaks of the
false prophet. Revelation 16 speaks of the dragon or Satan; the
beast or Roman Catholic church and its following; and the
false prophet leading the Muslims, including the descendants
of Ishmael. At the outset, the Qur’an perplexes theologians
and scholars alike, for while it holds so many of the truths of
Jews and Christians, there remains some sticky issues upon
which are grounded the reason for the Middle East conflict.
The Jews’ unbelief in Jesus Christ; some of powerful and
influential Muslims’ denial of the time of Israel’s restoration;
and the majority of Christians’ inability to comprehend the
Qur’an as 'categorically' embodying the covenant of G-d with
Ishmael; although Muhammad may be the one referred to in
the Book of Revelation in the Christian Bible as the false
prophet. Who can fathom the ways of the Lord. As Christians
often say, “we are but mere clay and the Lord is the potter” (Jer
18:6-7). That is to say that the Qur'an may yet evolve its own
canon as the Old and New Testaments have. Its final form
may be reconciled with the much older two covenants. Also,
that the terms used are used, e.g. false prophet, because they
serve a purpose which is to define, albeit limited. However, if
viewed as a concept, and in this particular case, to reach
beyond the limits of human language in its definition, we can
attain an understanding much like the wisdom of G_d. Which
is to say that one belief while true to its own set of believers is
defined as the enemy of the other. The more important thing
is that we gain an understanding that goes beyond the limits
of doctrine or dogma of a single faith by affording us a view
of one faith from the position of another.
i“ Wikipedia contributors, "Muhammad," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia,
title=Muhammad&oldid=607168419 (accessed October 16, 2010).
ii Ibid.
ivComment 45-A. english-quran-with-commentaries(yusuf-ali) by Abraham created 7/18/2006, Accessed April 27, 2010.
v english-quran-with-commentaries(yusuf-ali)
viComment 87. english-quran-with-commentaries(yusuf-ali) by Abraham created 7/18/2006, Accessed April 27, 2010.
viii english-quran-with-commentaries(yusuf-ali) by Abraham created 7/18/2006, Accessed April 27, 2010.
ixComment 905.
x Ibid, Comment 366
xi Ibid, Comment 2501,
xii Thomas, David, "Tathlith, Trinity", Encyclopaedia of the Qur'an Online, as quoted in,
Date accessed: October 20, 2010:
Contrary to Muslim understanding, some scholars have suggested that the Qur'an only opposes certain deviant forms of“
Trinitarian belief.”
xiii Accad, Martin (2003). "The Gospels in the Muslim Discourse of the Ninth to the Fourteenth Centuries: An Exegetical
Inventorial Table (Part I)". Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 14 (1). ISSN 0959-6410:
According to Ibn Taymiya, although only some Muslims accept the textual veracity of the entire Bible, most Muslims will
grant the veracity of most of it.”
xiv Qur'an 21:1920; Qur'an 35:1–
xv Peters, F. E. (1991),"The Quest for Historical Muhammad", International Journal of Middle East Studies.
xvi Turner, Colin (2006). Islam: the Basics. p. 42, Routledge (UK). ISBN 041534106X.
xvii “Anti-Christ, from Fausset's Bible Dictionary, Electronic Database Copyright (c)1998 by Biblesoft.”
Six is next to the sacred seven, which it mimics but falls short of; it is the number of the world given over to judgment. There“
is a pause between the sixth and seventh seals, the sixth and seventh trumpets: for the judgments of the world are completed
in six; at the seventh the world kingdoms become Christ's. As twelve is the number of the church, so six, its half, symbolizes
the world kingdoms broken. The radicals in Christ are CH, R, and ST (chi, rho, and sigma); Antichrist's monogram
impersonates it, but falls short of it, Ch X St (chi, xi, and sigma) (666).”

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The false prophet

  • 1. The False Prophet. The following references found in Revelations 16:12-14; 19:19-21; and 20:7-10 speaks of the false prophet. Revelation 16 speaks of the dragon or Satan; the beast or Roman Catholic church and its following; and the false prophet leading the Muslims, including the descendants of Ishmael. At the outset, the Qur’an perplexes theologians and scholars alike, for while it holds so many of the truths of Jews and Christians, there remains a number of critical issues upon which are grounded the reason for the Middle East conflict. Todays Rabbinical Jews’ unbelief in Jesus Christ; some of powerful and influential Muslims’ denial of the time of Israel’s restoration; and the majority of Christians’ inability to comprehend the Qur’an as “categorically” embodying the covenant of G-d with Ishmael (Gen 17: 4-27; Gal 3:16-22 4:24-31); although Muhammad may be the one referred to in the Book of Revelation in the Christian Bible as the false prophet. Who can fathom the ways of the Lord? (Job 11:7) As Christians often say, “we are but mere clay and the Lord is the potter” (Jer 18:6-7). That is to say that the Qur'an may yet evolve its own canon as the Old and New Testaments have. Its evidence is the contemporary sectarian conflict between Sunni and Shiites which can be likened to the religious wars between the Roman Catholics and the Protestants. Its final form may be reconciled with the much older two covenants. Also, that the terms used, e.g. false prophet are used, because they serve a purpose by their choice which is to define, albeit limited. However, if viewed as a concept, and in this particular case, to reach beyond the limits of human language in its definition, we can attain an understanding much like the wisdom of G-d. Which is to say that one belief while true to its own set of believers is defined as the enemy of the other. The more important thing is that we gain an
  • 2. understanding that goes beyond the limits of doctrine or dogma of a single faith by affording us a view of one faith from the position of another. That there exists at the outset, under the current state of understanding of the relationship between the Qur'an and the Bible, an understandable animosity between the followers of said faiths that is likened to the quarrel between siblings of the same father but of two different mothers, such that the law which governs the first sibling cannot be applied to the second. Prophet Muhammad. Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullâh (Arabic: Muḥammad also spelled Mohammed or Muhammed; ca. 570/571) was born on June 8, 632 in Medina, is the founder of the religion of Islam and is regarded by Muslims as a messenger and prophet of G-d (Arabic: Allah), the last and the greatest law-bearer in a series of Islamic prophets as taught by the Qur’an (Sura 33:40).i Muslims thus consider him the restorer of an uncorrupted original monotheistic faith (Islâm) of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and other prophets. He was also active as a diplomat, merchant, philosopher, orator, legislator, reformer, military general, and, according to Muslim belief, an agent of divine action.ii The Qu r’an. A symbiosis of Judaism and Islam exist where one can readily observe that the latter is written from the point of view of the Jews' kin among the descendants of Ishmael, expressing acknowledgment of the prophets, priests, and kings of Israel. That while it acknowledges them and both the Old and New Covenant, it propounds another covenant, the Qur’an, which also bears witness to the G-d of Abraham and of Israel, they (Muslims) call Allah. Included among them would be the descendants of Esau and the aliens among the Jews, who became their wives, conscripts in the army
  • 3. or slaves. A cursory reading of the Qur’an to the uninitiated novice will not escape to note the word covenant used and the names of Israelites like Moses, Noah, David, Jonah and Abraham of the old covenant and Jesus, Mary and John the Baptist of the new covenant acknowledged by the Qur’an. Where Genesis and Galatians left off, we find in the Qur’an the covenant with Abraham beginning with Sura 2:27 , thus: “Those who break Allah.s Covenant(45-A) after it is ratified, and who sunder what Allah Has ordered to be joined, and do mischief on earth: These cause loss (only) to themselves. (Sura 2:27 Qur’an)iii Here is Yusop Ali's Comment no. 45-A for the above verse: 45-A “The mention of the Covenant has a particular and a general signification. The particular one has reference to the Jewish tradition that a Covenant was entered into with “Father Abraham” that in return for Allah's favours the seed of Abraham would serve Allah faithfully. But as a matter of fact a great part of Abraham's progeny were in constant spiritual rebellion against Allah, as is testified by their own Prophets and Preachers and by Muhammadal-Mustaf a.”iv and Sura 2:83: “And remember We took(87) a
  • 4. covenant from the Children of Israel (to this effect): Worship none but Allah. treat with kindness your parents and kindred, and orphans and those in need; speak fair to the people; be steadfast in prayer; and practise regular charity. Then did ye turn back, except a few among you, and ye backslide (even now).” (Sura 2:83 Qur’an)v with Yusop Ali's Comment no. 87 for the above verse: “87 So far from the Covenant being of the kind suggested in 2:80, the real Covenant is about the moral law, which is set out in 2:83. This moral law is universal, and if you break it, no privileges will lighten your punishment or help you in any way (2:86). "Speak fair to the people" not only means outward courtesy from the leaders to the meanest among the people, but the protection of the people from being exploited, deceived, defrauded, or doped with things to lull their intelligence.”vi An express admission of the book of the covenant given to Moses for Israel that is also spoken of in Exodus 19:3-5, finds confirmation in Sura 3:3 and 17:2, written in this wise: “3. It is He Who sent down to thee (step by step), in truth, the Book, confirming what went before it; and He sent down the Law (of Moses) and the Gospel (of Jesus) before this, as a guide to mankind, and He sent down the criterion (of judgment between right and wrong).”
  • 5. (Sura 3:3 Qu’ran)vii “We gave Moses the Book, and made it a Guide to the Children of Israel, (commanding): "Take not other than Me as Disposer of (your) affairs."(Sura 17:2 Qur’an)viii In the Qur’an finds a book that confirms the Law and the Gospel, and a guide for the descendants of Ishmael for their share in the inheritance as sons of Abraham. It should agree with these books and all three should agree with each other. In the verses above from the Qur’an, both the Old and New Covenants are referred to, so that a Muslim must necessarily understand both covenants (the Tanakh and the Gospel). Furthermore, it tells that Muslims are guided by the Qur’an which the rest of mankind must acknowledge and understand to find Ishmael’s fitting place in the kingdom. To the Jew and the Christian, there is a call for them to administer justice (Jer 21:12; 22). The Muslim, himself a victim of the Crusades and the Inquisition will not succumb to receiving any mark from a Roman Catholic. Thus the followers of the prophet Mohammad are the ones referred to in Revelation 19:20 as the false prophet who did not receive the mark of the beast. Reference from the scriptures concerning Ishmael and his descendants abound. In Genesis, after Hagar was thrown out of the house by Sarah, the Lord took pity on her and gave her a blessing based on the promises made by Him to Abraham (Galatians 3:16). Ishmael lived with her mother in Paran and took a wife from Egypt (Gen 21:21). From then on, outcasts from Israel took refuge on the land where he settled. We see Esau, Jacob’s twin brother getting married to an Ishmaelite. It is not
  • 6. uncommon for siblings to quarrel over inheritance. In the case of Isaac and Ishmael their differences have escalated into feuds that have grown into the scale of present-day conflict between Israel and the Arab states it is almost impossible to reconcile the descendants of the half-brothers without a precise execution of the will of Abraham which are to be found in the covenant between G-d and Abraham’s sons. Thus, it has become a challenge to reconcile the Tanakh, the Christian Bible, and the Qur’an. While most Jews still await the Messiah and do not believe the gospel of Jesus nor the cause of Simon Bar Kochba, Christians, particularly those of the Reformation, are relatively tolerant of Jews in keeping with the admonition of the prophets concerning the remnants who are saved by grace. Neither was this toleration confined to Protestants, for during the Diaspora, particularly in the east, Jews found solace among Muslims and enjoyed the situation from the beginning of the Golden Age of Islam (mid-8th to the mid-13th century AD) until the end of the Ottoman empire as Daniel had spoken. However, since then and the gathering of the remnants until Israel’s unilateral declaration of its independence in May 14, 1948, or 61 years hence, Muslims may not have fully understood that G-d intends Israel to be restored and after she has fully served the wrath of G-d, her punishers will see their own punishment. While the Jew remains deaf and blind to Jesus and the new covenant, the Christian of the Reformation, Messianic Jews and other true Christians understand that Ishmael’s descendants will be saved and his offerings will be accepted at Zion. The problem poised today over the Middle East conflict lies in the fact that the remnant remains impervious to accepting Jesus Christ as their Messiah. In fact, it is taboo and Jews shun away from this very act
  • 7. blaming the same as the reason for their continued persecution. The very few Messianic Jews have barely chinked Orthodox issues on Jesus Christ, who to a Muslim is a prophet of the gospel (New Testament). Muslims readily believe in Jesus Christ (Esa), a basis for chastising the Jews unbelief, consistent with their being made instruments of G-d’s punishment since Shalmanesser in 721 BC. Unless the time of the Jews’ acknowledgment of Jesus as Messiah becomes a reality, which may be inferred from Zechariah 14:2 as half of all the Jews (also Matt 24:40-41; Luke 17:34-36), and he is officially acknowledged by the theocratic Israeli government, the Muslims have a rational justification for their (Israel’s) continued chastisement. Over the period of the Jews immobility on the issue, an advantage accrues to the Muslim. The year 2009 brought the end of 2730 years of the wrath of G-d upon the kingdom of Israel and brought from America, her shepherd, a president whose father is a Muslim – an ominous sign that it is time to gather all of Israel and Judah as one kingdom, (Eze 37:18-22) for as Ishmael’s descendants are acknowledged, all of Israel will be free to come home. In the example below is a verse from the Qur'an acknowledging Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist (Yahya), and Jesus and Elias. “ 85. And Zakariya and Yahya and Jesus and Elias: all in the ranks of the righteous:” (Sura 6:85 Qu’ran) In fact, annotations and comments which helps to understand the Qur’an, cites the scriptures (from both the Old and New Covenants) as a reference to historic events. One such by Yusuf Ali (Comment 905) is found below.
  • 8. “905 The third group consists not of men of action, but Preachers of Truth, who led solitary lives. Their epithet is: "the Righteous." They form a connected group round Jesus. Zakariya was the father of John the Baptist, the precursor of Jesus (3:37-41); and Jesus referred to John the Baptist as Elias: "this is Elias, which was to come" (Matt. 11:14 ); and Elias is said to have been present and talked to Jesus at the Transfiguration on the Mount (Matt. 17:3). Elias is the same as Elijah (Cf. 37:123). (R).”ix “87.We gave Moses the Book and followed him up with a succession of messengers; We gave Jesus the son of Mary(90) Clear (Signs) and strengthened him with the holy spirit. Is it that whenever there comes to you a messenger with what ye yourselves desire not, ye are puffed up with pride?- Some ye called impostors, and others ye slay(91)!” (Sura 2:87) “47. She said: "O my Lord! How shall I have a son when no man hath touched me?" He said: "Even so: Allah createth what He willeth: When He hath decreed a plan, He but saith to it, ´Be,´ and it is! She was addressed by angels, who gave her Allah's message. In reply she speaks as to Allah. In reply, apparently an angel again gives Allah's message. 48. "And Allah will teach him the Book and Wisdom, the Law and the Gospel, 49. "And (appoint him) a messenger to the Children of Israel, (with this message):
  • 9. "´I have come to you, with a Sign from your Lord, in that I make for you out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, and breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by Allah's leave: And I heal those born blind, and the lepers, and I quicken the dead, by Allah’s leave; and I declare to you what ye eat, and what ye store in your houses. Surely therein is a Sign for you if ye did believe. 50. "´(I have come to you), to attest the Law which was before me. And to make lawful to you part of what was (Before) forbidden to you; I have come to you with a Sign from your Lord. So fear Allah, and obey me. 51. "´It is Allah Who is my Lord and your Lord; then worship Him. This is a Way that is straight.´" 52. When Jesus found Unbelief on their part He said: "Who will be My helpers to (the work of) Allah." Said the disciples: "We are Allah’s helpers: We believe in Allah, and do thou bear witness that we are Muslims.”(Sura 3:47-52 Qur’an) In the Qur’an’s acknowledgement referred to above of the angel appearing to Mary, mother of Jesus, who Muslim’s believe is a messenger of G-d to the Children of Israel to confirm the law and to help Allah (G-d) for the Jews to believe in Jesus (the message). This is perhaps one of controversial verses among many, which places the Muslim’s help as indispensable in bringing the gospel to the Jews. Controversial because, it can justify the Muslim’s conviction that the Jew accept Jesus Christ as his Messiah. Of the Qur’an’s significance, Yusuf Ali’s commentary on Sura 3:23 tells of the Jew and Christian
  • 10. (People of the Book) who must complete the Book by including the Qur’an as part of scriptures, having been corrupted and misinterpreted over the years. It certainly adds to the complexity of reconciling the scriptures, not to mention the books that have been classified as non- canonical but are essential to understanding the scriptures, found in the Christian apocrypha, pseudo- epigrapha, or deuterocanonical books. “23. Hast thou not turned Thy vision to those who have been given a portion of the Book? They are invited to the Book of Allah, to settle their dispute, but a party of them Turn back and decline (The arbitration).” (Sura 3:23 Qu’ran) Of the verses above, Yusuf Ali comments, thus: “366 A portion of the Book. I conceive that Allah's revelation as a whole throughout the ages is "The Book". The Law of Moses, and the Gospel of Jesus were portions of the Book. The Qur'an completes the revelation and is par excellence the Book of Allah (Cf. 4:44). 367 The Commentators mention a particular incident when a dispute was submitted by the Jews for arbitration to the Prophet. He appealed to the authority of their own books, but they tried to conceal and prevaricate. The general lesson is that the People of the Book should have been the first to welcome in Muhammad the living exponent of the Message of Allah as a whole, and some of them did so; but others turned away from guilty arrogance, relying on corrupted texts and doctrines forged out of their own fancies, though
  • 11. they were not conformable to reason and good sense.”x “When he had turned away from them and from those whom they worshiped besides Allah, We bestowed on him Isaac and Jacob, and each one of them. We made a prophet”. (Sura 4:163 Qur’an) Isaac and Isaac's son Jacob are mentioned here as carrying on one line of Abraham's traditions. The other line was carried on by Ishmael, who is mentioned independently, as his line got special honor in the Holy Prophet of Islam. That is why his mention comes after that of Moses.xi “163. We have sent thee inspiration, as We sent it to Noah and the Messengers after him: we sent inspiration to Abraham, Isma´il, Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes, to Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron, and Solomon, and to David We gave the Psalms.” (Sura 19:49 Qur’an) Here, the Psalms found in the Old Testament are attributed by the Qur’an to David as do the Christians and Jews. The fact is, the Qur’an does acknowledge all its historic participation in the rescue of Israel, particularly during the great Age of Islam (traditionally dated from the mid-8th to the mid-13th century AD) which coincided with the deliverance of Israel spoken of by Daniel in 12:11-12 corresponding to the eastern Diaspora. Disagreements with Christians and Jews. Although Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet,
  • 12. they have so far rejected the Christian doctrine of the Trinity and do not believe that Jesus is the Son of G-d comparing it to polytheism.xii In Islamic theology, Jesus was just a man and not the son of G- d. God is described in Sura 112:1-4 as "…God, the One and Only; God, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; And there is none like unto Him." Islamic texts depict Judaism and Christianity as prophetic successor traditions to the teachings of Abraham. The Qur'an calls Jews and Christians "People of the Book" (ahl al-kitâb), and distinguishes them from polytheists. Muslims believe that parts of the previously revealed scriptures, the Tawrat (Torah) and the Injil (Gospels) had become distorted either in interpretation, in text, or both.xiii Belief in angels is crucial to the faith of Islam (Arabic: malak; Hebrew: malakh; Greek: angelos) which means "messenger". According to the Qur'an, angels do not possess free will, and worship God in perfect obedience.xiv The belief runs contrary to Christian belief that Satan who was an angel of G-d rebelled against the will of G-d. Muslims consider the Qur'an to be the literal word of God; revealed to Muhammad by God through the angel Gabriel on many occasions between 610 AD and his death on June 8, 632 AD. The Qur'an was reportedly written down by Muhammad's companions (sahabah) while he was alive and transmitted primarily by oral tradition. Compiled in the time of Abu Bakr, the first caliph, it was standardized under the administration of Uthman, the third caliph. From textual evidence Islamic studies scholars find that the Qur'an of today has not changed significantly since it was standardized.xv To Muslims, the Qur'an is perfect only
  • 13. as revealed in the original Arabic; translations are necessarily deficient because of language differences, the fallibility of translators, and the impossibility of preserving the original's inspired style. Translations are therefore regarded only as commentaries on the Qur'an, or "interpretations of its meaning", not as the Qur'an itself.xvi Ishmael represents the Muslim. The hope of the Muslim, in both the Old and New Covenant lies in the whole of Chapter 54 of the Book of Isaiah, which speaks of Hagar, the mother of Ishmael, and in Galatians 4:21-31, of the New Testament, where the apostle Paul had written to confirm it. The verses bring attention to the promises made by the Lord to Hagar concerning Ishmael. Ishmael lived in the fringes of the covenant with Isaac, under another covenant (e.g. Qu r’an) but when Israel walked not in the ways of the Lord, Ishmael became Jacob’s prosecutor. And of his mother – she is encouraged by the Lord, her husband (Isa 54:4-8), and promised that her descendants to be more than Sarah’s (Isa 54:1). Her tent, stretched and spread left and right to dispossess nations (Israel included) and settled in their desolate cities, wayward Israel's included (Isa 54:3-4) . Great promises were made by the Lord to Hagar, too. The Lord will call her back from her rejection with compassion and swore never to be angry nor rebuke her again and offers her the covenant of peace – Jesus Christ (Isa 54:9-10). One might say that Muslims are in a better position concerning faith in Jesus Christ, for Jesus is considered a prophet by Muslims and the early Christians are acknowledged by the Qur’an. Furthermore, from the tone of Paul’s message, he knew that this time when Ishmael’s heirs will
  • 14. possess the land would come at a future time, in the time of Muhammad. Thus, he talks about a Jerusalem that is still on high for Jerusalem will yet come into the possession of Ishmael’s heirs, before it returns to Israel (Gal 4:21-31). Be that as it may, Israel as the chosen people, is the favored one, “loved on account of the patriarchs – as far as election is concerned, but where the gospel is concerned – enemies on account of the Gentiles (Christians and Muslims)” (Rom 11:28) Even the descendants of Kedar and Nebaoith, sons of Ishmael, are acknowledged from the following verses in Isaiah 60:1-7, thus: "1Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. 2 See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you. 3 Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn. 4 "Lift up your eyes and look about you: All assemble and come to you; your sons come from afar, and your daughters are carried on the arm. 5 Then you will look and be radiant, your heart will throb and swell with joy; the wealth on the seas will be brought to you, to you the riches of the nations will come. 6 Herds of camels will cover your land, young camels of Midian and Ephah. And all from Sheba will come, bearing gold and incense and proclaiming the praise of the LORD. 7 All Kedar's flocks will be gathered to you, the rams of Nebaioth will serve you; they will be accepted as offerings on my altar, and I will adorn my glorious temple. (Isa 60:1-7 NIV)
  • 15. Nebaoith is Ishmael’s firstborn and Kedar, his second son is more popularly known as the prophet Muhammad's direct ancestor. Of course, Ishmael is firstborn of Abraham by Hagar, Sarah’s maid. Midian is the fourth son of Abraham by his concubine, Keturah. Ephah is firstborn of Midian and grandson of Abraham. Sheba is the firstborn of Jokshan, second son of Keturah. Isaiah Chapter 60 speaks of a time when the light of G-d shines on Israel and all the nations bow down to the G-d of Israel to be blessed. Islam’s main strength is in its powerful rebuke of the Jew for the innumerable times the Jew is castigated for his disobedience. However, each of Islamic countries in turn will learn their costly and fatal lesson once again for the last time. For once restored, Jacob will pay them back all the lashings he has received and more, until Ishmael licks the dust off Jacob’s feet and bows down to him and acknowledges that the G-d of Abraham has favored Isaac, though not his first born, is the son by “the covenant” (Gen 17:21). The Muslim until the end will be one of the forces that will make the Jew keep the decrees of the Lord and this will be done by constantly placing him in war footing so he will not have the luxury of indulging himself in a worldly way. Israeli morale has always made its soldier, if not the best, one of the best in the world. It is not uncommon for an Israeli officer to be at the forefront of a fight and be its first casualty. This simple Israeli strategy has always been what the Lord wanted for him. As in the past, when Israel walked in the ways of the Lord and the king did right in the eyes of the Lord, the Lord fought his wars for him. Israel’s restoration is now and the road to Armageddon will be replete with the bodies of “kings, generals, and mighty men, of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all people,
  • 16. free and slave, small and great". (Rev 19:18)
  • 17. Chapter 4. The Beasts of Daniel and John The ‘end time’ prophecies in Daniel are best seen in the light of related prophecies that are found in the Book of Revelation and find that most of these events are already history and those which remain are events that will unmistakably tell who the characters are, what they have done, what they are doing now, will do in the future and when they will happen. Understand that the Book of Revelation is also called the revelation of Jesus Christ. Here, he is the Lamb, worthy to open the seven seals and the events in the vision of John are believed occurrences that begin shortly before Jesus Christ’s time. Where Daniel 8:10 left off with the ‘little horn that came out from one of the four horns that reached the host of the heavens, and threw some of the starry host down to the earth and trampled on them’; Revelation 12: 4 begins with ‘his tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth’ beginning the war in heaven. To follow through on the significance of the temple as the focus of ‘end time’ prophecies, Revelation Chapter 12 opens shortly before the beginning of the 1260 years in 70 AD presumably at the time of Jesus Christ’s birth. Here several significant events occurred in heaven and earth. First, it is the time when the woman (the church) clothed with the sun with the moon on her feet and 12 stars crowning her head (12 apostles) appeared in heaven. She is pregnant with a child (Jesus who is also the Word of G-d). Then the red dragon (Satan) with 7 heads and 10 horns and 7 crowns appeared and swept a third of the stars and flung them to the earth and stood before the woman ready to devour the child but the child was snatched up to G-d and his throne while the woman
  • 18. fled to a place (a desert) where she is protected and taken cared of for 1,260 years. Thus, the church is said to be “in the wilderness”. Church is to the new covenant as temple is to the old as the place reserved for the worship of God. However, there is continuity, in that both would have meant one and the same substance, and church admitted the Gentiles who are not related consanguinely with the Jews and did away with the sacrificial rites of the temple with the Lord’s Supper. Notice too, that the dragon has 10 horns and as horns are the pride of whosever’s head it is worn, their number is more than there are heads. Second, a war in heaven ensued between the angels loyal to G-d against the rebel dragon or Satan. As the loyalist outnumber the rebels 2 to 1, the rebels (a third of the ‘stars’ or ‘host’ or inhabitants of heaven) were flung to the earth. The dragon continued to make war against the Word of G-d (Jesus) on earth and stood at the shores of the sea from whence came the first beast. The dragon is a picture of a beast with 7 heads, 10 horns and 7 crowns on each head while the first beast has 7 heads, 10 horns and 10 crowns on each horn. Third, the dragon gave the first beast (the Roman Empire) its authority. The Roman emperor, through his representative in Judea, the Idumaean, Herod the Great, Governor of Galilee and later King of Judea sought to kill the child Jesus. He failed to do so, but his subsequent heirs to the throne followed his pro-Roman policies. Fourth, the first beast gave the second beast with 2 horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon its authority (Rev 13:11-12). During this period, the Roman empire until its revival as the Holy Roman empire (image of the first beast) by the pope (second beast), chief priest of the Roman Catholic church, the state's religion, gave through Roman Catholic baptism, the mark of the beast on the foreheads and/or the right hand (priests give the mark of baptism or “chrism” on the forehead and on the palm of the right hand of the child being baptized). No one during these times could live normal lives (buying or selling) if one was not a Roman Catholic. Only barbarians living in the fringes of the empire were free of the mark of the beast but even this was not a guarantee that they were safe from the clutches of the beast as their womenfolk knew that their religiosity would come under scrutiny in public places like the market, where
  • 19. everyone converges in keeping with good marketing sense and everything is traded, not the least, gossip and fishwives’ tales. Nor were they secure that their own villages would not be conquered and annexed to the empire’s. Those who desired to enjoy the cosmopolitan amenities obtainable within the boundaries of the empire, most especially those whose business involved in trading within the boundaries of the empire were later baptized in keeping with the culture of the Romans. As the adage goes, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” The emperor derived his authority from G-d and the symbol of this authority, his crown, is set on his head by the bishop of Rome, the pope, as the representative of G-d on earth. The Holy Roman Empire aspired to equal the width and breadth of the Roman Empire, which at the height of its power encompassed the British Isles from the West to Mesopotamia in the East and all of the coastlands around the Mediterranean. The Mark of the Beast. As the beast goes into battle, he will be known by his marks or uniform. Revelation 13:11-18 speaks of the one who gave the mark and who were given the mark. When the Roman empire (the first beast) fell, the pope found himself as the head of the church (the second beast) in the tandem of the church and state, the sole surviving authority that could unite the empire’s subjects who were all Roman Catholics. His two horns are the Western Roman Catholic church in Rome and the Eastern Orthodox church in Byzantium. The Roman pope, to prevent the Roman empire from breaking up, crowned kings from the former Germanic tribes as Holy Roman emperor to revive the Roman empire, thus healing the wound of one of its heads (Rome) and preventing its total disintegration. Having done this, he now exercised the authority of the first beast, whose image is the Holy Roman empire. Having established itself as authority, it caused ‘fire to come from heaven’ in the Inquisition that was established to put a stop to heresy. Heretics who did not renounce their heresies were burned at the stakes. True, much of the doctrines of the Roman Catholic church during the ‘1260 days’ that the early Christian church and saints were given over to, were sound because they were
  • 20. the work of the saints and the early Christian church who continued even when given over to the Roman Catholic church. Furthermore, authority was given the beast to get the truth out of the old and new testaments (Rev 11:3-6) but anyone who tried to harm both by making or even inserting or taking a word of truth out of it will be destroyed. However, once their contribution to doctrine was made, many of them ran afoul with the Roman Catholic orthodoxy and martyred. The mark of the beast is given to Roman Catholics during the rite of baptism when a priest marks the forehead of the child and the right hand as is written in Revelation 13:16. Thus the mark or “chrism”, as the Roman Catholic church calls this, was given a long time ago. Then, it was easy to question the loyalty of a non-Catholic to the Holy Roman emperor and be suspected of heresy. Several Christian movements declared as heretics, Jews, and Muslims who did not succumb to Roman Catholic baptism were the subject of the Crusades. It is for this reason that everyone who did not receive the mark ‘could not buy or sell’. You could not come to a public place where imperial forces were watching for fear of discrimination and persecution once you were identified as a barbarian, not being a Roman Catholic. There was absolute fear living under the feudal system then prevailing when you were not a Roman Catholic. All the members of the royalty were Roman Catholics saved for those princes who would later question the authority of the Roman Catholic church but who were themselves Roman Catholics by convenience, and whose number were too few and far between. 666 is the mark of the beast. 6 is man’s number, opposed to 7 which is the number of divinity.xvii 6 is man’s number but Christ is not mere man but the Son of G-d. Three 6’s is in opposition to Christ’s three characteristics: high priest, prophet and king. The anti-Christ possesses these three characteristics in opposition to Christ’s by falsely assuming these characteristics of Christ with the intention to deceive. He was Phannias, a common man elevated to the high priest by the Sicarii, a Roman puppet spoken of in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 in the time of the reign of Herod Agrippa II. He did not have the mark of the beast yet, but in the ‘end time’, the man of
  • 21. lawlessness will have one, even if discreetly. He is also the pope, and the Roman emperor, his prince and underlings. Against the popular view based on the ‘first resurrection’ spoken of in Revelation 20:4 and the ‘seventy sevens’ prophecy in Daniel 9:24-27 believed by so many Protestants concerning the rapture and the anti-Christ who will give the mark of the beast at a future date, specifically during the ‘last week to confirm a covenant’ - such declaration must be viewed by suspicion as part of a sinister plot to mislead Christians, and many such ideas proliferate giving rise to false beliefs espoused by end-time Christians who harbor weapons preparing for a literal fight with the risen dead amongst the raptured Christians whom they call zombies and help the anti-Christ give the mark of the beast to the remaining Christians. The anti-Christ (pope) has long given the mark (Roman Catholic baptism). After the fall of the Roman empire, the Merovingians, who were Salian Franks and Nicean or Western Christians beginning with Clovis, allied with the Roman Catholic bishops and became protector of the papacy. In return the pope justified and confirmed their kingship. The Ostrogoths and other Germanic tribes who were Arian Christians were considered heretics by the Roman Catholic church. Thus, it became politically convenient to convert to Roman Catholicism and have the support of the de facto ruler of the Roman empire by them who aspired to rule its breadth and width. With the aid of the state, the anti- Christ by enforced baptism caused the giving of the mark of the beast (the Roman empire) to all the peoples who fell under the jurisdiction of the empire. Because the rite of baptism was exercised by the early Christian church before it was adopted by the Romans who gave it its own distinguishing ritual, the mark of the beast was given soon as the church was given over to the Roman empire. The word “Roman” to describe this faith, is so obvious as to make it inconspicuous, that this faith is the faith that worships the ancient Roman empire. That is spoken of in Revelation 13:8, to wit: “8 All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast – all whose names have not been
  • 22. written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb that was slain from the creation of the world.” (Rev 13:8 NIV) The False Prophet. The following references found in Revelations 16:12-14; 19:19-21; and 20:7-10 speaks of the false prophet. Revelation 16 speaks of the dragon or Satan; the beast or Roman Catholic church and its following; and the false prophet leading the Muslims, including the descendants of Ishmael. At the outset, the Qur’an perplexes theologians and scholars alike, for while it holds so many of the truths of Jews and Christians, there remains some sticky issues upon which are grounded the reason for the Middle East conflict. The Jews’ unbelief in Jesus Christ; some of powerful and influential Muslims’ denial of the time of Israel’s restoration; and the majority of Christians’ inability to comprehend the Qur’an as 'categorically' embodying the covenant of G-d with Ishmael; although Muhammad may be the one referred to in the Book of Revelation in the Christian Bible as the false prophet. Who can fathom the ways of the Lord. As Christians often say, “we are but mere clay and the Lord is the potter” (Jer 18:6-7). That is to say that the Qur'an may yet evolve its own canon as the Old and New Testaments have. Its final form may be reconciled with the much older two covenants. Also, that the terms used are used, e.g. false prophet, because they serve a purpose which is to define, albeit limited. However, if viewed as a concept, and in this particular case, to reach beyond the limits of human language in its definition, we can attain an understanding much like the wisdom of G_d. Which is to say that one belief while true to its own set of believers is defined as the enemy of the other. The more important thing is that we gain an understanding that goes beyond the limits of doctrine or dogma of a single faith by affording us a view of one faith from the position of another.
  • 23. i“ Wikipedia contributors, "Muhammad," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, title=Muhammad&oldid=607168419 (accessed October 16, 2010). ii Ibid. iiienglish-quran-with-commentaries(yusuf-ali) ivComment 45-A. english-quran-with-commentaries(yusuf-ali) by Abraham created 7/18/2006, Accessed April 27, 2010. v english-quran-with-commentaries(yusuf-ali) viComment 87. english-quran-with-commentaries(yusuf-ali) by Abraham created 7/18/2006, Accessed April 27, 2010. viienglish-quran-with-commentaries(yusuf-ali) viii english-quran-with-commentaries(yusuf-ali) by Abraham created 7/18/2006, Accessed April 27, 2010. ixComment 905. x Ibid, Comment 366 xi Ibid, Comment 2501, xii Thomas, David, "Tathlith, Trinity", Encyclopaedia of the Qur'an Online, as quoted in, Date accessed: October 20, 2010: Contrary to Muslim understanding, some scholars have suggested that the Qur'an only opposes certain deviant forms of“ Trinitarian belief.” xiii Accad, Martin (2003). "The Gospels in the Muslim Discourse of the Ninth to the Fourteenth Centuries: An Exegetical Inventorial Table (Part I)". Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 14 (1). ISSN 0959-6410: According to Ibn Taymiya, although only some Muslims accept the textual veracity of the entire Bible, most Muslims will grant the veracity of most of it.” xiv Qur'an 21:1920; Qur'an 35:1– xv Peters, F. E. (1991),"The Quest for Historical Muhammad", International Journal of Middle East Studies. xvi Turner, Colin (2006). Islam: the Basics. p. 42, Routledge (UK). ISBN 041534106X. xvii “Anti-Christ, from Fausset's Bible Dictionary, Electronic Database Copyright (c)1998 by Biblesoft.” Six is next to the sacred seven, which it mimics but falls short of; it is the number of the world given over to judgment. There“ is a pause between the sixth and seventh seals, the sixth and seventh trumpets: for the judgments of the world are completed in six; at the seventh the world kingdoms become Christ's. As twelve is the number of the church, so six, its half, symbolizes the world kingdoms broken. The radicals in Christ are CH, R, and ST (chi, rho, and sigma); Antichrist's monogram impersonates it, but falls short of it, Ch X St (chi, xi, and sigma) (666).”