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The Fallacy of Millennialism
 23And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
 24Son of man, say unto her, Thou art the land that is not cleansed, nor rained
upon in the day of indignation.
 25There is a conspiracy of her prophets in the midst thereof, like a roaring
lion ravening the prey; they have devoured souls; they have taken the treasure and
precious things; they have made her many widows in the midst thereof.
 26Her priests have violated my law, and have profaned mine holy things: they have put no
difference between the holy and profane, neither have they shewed difference between the unclean and
the clean, and have hid their eyes from my sabbaths, and I am profaned among them.
 27Her princes in the midst thereof are like wolves ravening the prey, to shed blood, and to
destroy souls, to get dishonest gain.
 28And her prophets have daubed them with untempered morter, seeing vanity, and divining lies
unto them, saying, Thus saith the Lord GOD, when the LORD hath not spoken.
 29The people of the land have used oppression, and exercised robbery, and have
vexed the poor and needy: yea, they have oppressed the stranger wrongfully.
 30And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand
in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.
 31Therefore have I poured out mine indignation upon them; I have consumed them
with the fire of my wrath: their own way have I recompensed upon their heads, saith
the Lord GOD.
 The above quotation comes from Ezekiel 22:23-31. It tells us of the day when
the priesthood will become like wolves, treating their congregation as a prey instead
of as their flock. False prophets abound today. They are called the Judeo-Christian
priesthood. Most of them are nothing but pro-Zionist puppets, who lead their
flocks into perdition, by preaching hatred of the Jews' enemies instead of the
doctrine of Jesus Christ. You can hear them say, "What would Jesus do?" But if you
ask them, " Would Jesus approve of the bombing of Beirut and Gaza," they turn their backs
on Jesus and hide behind their paymasters. The land is full of false prophets.
 One of the most persistent and problematic interpretations of Scripture is the
belief that the Book of Revelation, in Chapter 20, teaches that Satan will be cast
into the "bottomless pit" for a thousand years AFTER the Tribulation and
Judgment. This teaching assumes that Jesus Christ will return at the Judgment Day,
not to destroy Satan, but merely to bind him, thus postponing his inevitable
destruction for a thousand years. (For a good introductory explanation of the
various millennialist positions, please refer to this
article: )
 Unlike many of the modern apostasies, this mistake is actually understandable.
It is due to the fact that the verses dealing with the bottomless pit occur right after
the verse discussing the Judgment Day. It is quite natural to assume that the events
depicted at the end of Chapter 19 will be followed by the events depicted in the
beginning of Chapter 20. However, as I will show, this is an ASSUMPTION,
because the Millennialists ignore the critical fact that the final battle (Armageddon)
between True Israel versus Gog and Magog (Verses 7-10) occurs in the verses right
after Satan was let loose.
 In other words, the Battle of Armageddon is brought about by the
very beast that was bound for a thousand years. If the post-tribulation
Millennialists are correct, then they will have to explain how the Battle of
Armageddon can occur after the Judgment Day.
 Assuming that the events depicted are in strict chronological order, they would
occur as such:
 The Tribulation and Great Battle, with the Beast and False Prophet cast into the
Lake of Fire. (Rev. 19:19-21.)
 The binding and casting into the Bottomless Pit of the Dragon. (Rev. 20:1-2.)
 The 1,000 years confinement. (Verse 3.)
 The judgment of thrones. (Verse 4.) This is a problem for the chronology, since
the Beast was already cast into the Lake of Fire under item 1.
 Who or what is being judged here? The saints suffering and dying for
refusing to worship the Beast, which had already been cast into the Lake
of Fire, living and reigning with Christ, presumably for this same 1,000-
year period, while the Dragon is bound. Most interpreters assume that
this reign will be peaceful. But these verses declare the contrary. Rather,
the entirety of Rev. 20:4 suggests a victorious struggle, not a thousand
years of peace. The word peace does not occur in these verses. A reign can
be either peaceful or tumultuous.
 The "dead" in Christ "resurrected." (Verse 5.) Most interpreters believe that this resurrection
will not occur until after the Judgment Day. But we already had the judgment of the Beast and
False Prophet under item 1.
 The release of the Dragon (Verse 7), with the attendant 1,000-year "reign" of Christ coming
to an end. (Verses 5 & 6.)
 The Dragon goes out to deceive the nations again and organizes the armies of Gog and
Magog, which are destroyed in the Great Battle. (Verses 8 and 9.)
 The devil (Dragon) is cast into the Lake of Fire. (Verse 10.)
 The Judgment of the Living and the Dead. (Verses 11-15.)
 The problem with this Post-Trib chronology is that it is contradicted by Ezekiel 38:8,
which is very clear in stating that the invasion of Gog and Magog will occur "in the latter
years." This can only mean during a time leading up to the Judgment Day. But the Great
Battle had already begun in verses 11-21 of Chapter 19, with the Beast and False Prophet
being judged by throwing them into the Lake of Fire. What the Post-Trib Millennialists
have done is to focus on certain sentences or phrases, without paying close attention to
the fact that the saints are marked by the beast, being beheaded, etc., while Satan was
bound. (Verse 4.) Lifting verses out of context is a favorite tactic of naive interpreters;
and this is the problem with Post-Tribulation Millennialism.
 Taking the descriptions from Rev. 19:10 to Rev. 20:10 as a cohesive
story, we have two possible interpretations:
 There are two Judgments with a period of one thousand years
intervening; or
 There is only one Judgment, with the events of Rev. 20:1-7
representing a flashback to the days before the Great Battle between
the people of Israel versus Gog and Magog. (Rev. 20:8-10.)
 I will argue for the latter interpretation, meaning that Rev. 19:10
through 20:10 is the story of a single Judgment, but that John's
vision discusses the Beast and False Prophet first, and then focuses
on the Dragon second. Rather than taking the events depicted in strict
chronological order, the story is divided into two themes, the first telling
the story of the judgment of the Beast and False Prophet, and the
second theme concerning the judgment of the Devil, or Dragon.
 In other words, there is not a 1,000-year period between two judgments.
Nothing else in Scripture would indicate such a scenario, especially
since the Judgment Day is major theme, mentioned hundreds of
times in both the Old and New Testaments! Given this fact, it is
much more likely that we are being given two separate stories of the
same events. Rev. 20:1 takes up the story of the Dragon, having
dispensed with the Beast and False Prophet in Chapter 19.
 Viewing the story in this way eliminates the contradiction create by
two judgment events: Rev. 19:20 and Rev. 20:10. The idea that Gog
and Magog would be judged a thousand years after the kings and
thrones of Rev. 19:19 is a major problem for the Post-Trib view. The
fact is that all of the eschatological statements contained in the Bible
indicate only one Judgment Day, not two separate judgment events.
 The Bible, in Genesis 3:15, declares a perpetual enmity (hatred,
struggle and strife) between two sets of people: the seed of Eve and the
seed of Nachash (the Devil). Since mainstream Bible scholarship totally
ignores this prophecy (or they assume that it ended when Jesus died on
the Cross), it leads to a misidentification of God's chosen people. Put
quite simply: The Jews ARE NOT "God's chosen people." This is one of
the foundational principles of Christian Identity.
 The Celto-Saxons (Caucasians) are God's chosen people. Rev. 2:9,
3:9 and 12:9 clearly tell us that there is a group of people in the world
today who CLAIM to be Judeans, but are NOT, and they are the
SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN. And these people are deceiving the
whole world with their false ethnic claims, false religion (the
Babylonian Talmud), and false history.
 Here is how one Identity author summarizes the situation:
 "Judaism's masquerade as Biblical Judah and, moreover, as all Israel -- which is
the basis of Jewish Nationalism -- becomes patently counterfeit when placed in
juxtaposition with the historical record of the true Houses of Israel and Judah. Even
a brief summary will show the contrast between the descendants of Biblical Jacob-
Israel as opposed to the alien posterity of the cabal which claims for itself not only the
Promised Land but the very name and inheritance of Israel." - W.N. Saxon, "The
Mask of Edom," p. 8.
 The whole world has been deceived by Judaism's claim to be Israel.
This is why orthodox Judeo-Christianity is very much mystified about
the ENTIRE APOCALYPSE, not just this particular episode
concerning the Millennium. Since they falsely identify the Jews
with/as Israel, they are incapable of understanding a single word of
the Revelation concerning True Israel versus the impostor Jews!!!!
(Such as Rev. 2:9 and 3:9.)
 Although they understand that the Dragon is Satan, they do not understand that
Talmudic Judaism is the religion of Satan masquerading as the religion of Moses.
Nor do they understand that the Eighth Beast is also the international Jewish
mercantile Beast (the Empire of Merchants, Rev., Chapters 17-19)!!! Failing to
understand such important concepts is a guarantee that they will misinterpret just
about all of the Apocalypse. In short, Judeo-Christianity, operating under the
delusion that the Jews are Israel, cannot possibly understand the Bible, let alone the
book of Revelation.
 The world has been brainwashed by the antagonist into believing that he is the
protagonist. The Devil is masquerading as "God's chosen people." Therefore, most of
the orthodox prophecy interpreters are in the employ of the False Prophet, and their
main job is to obscure Biblical prophecy so as not to implicate their paymaster, the
International Jew. With all of the money at their disposal, the Jews have the capability
of hiring armies of false prophets, whose main job is to keep spreading the lie that the
"Jews are God's chosen people." It is not permitted by the Kosher crowd to discuss Jewish
claims openly. Critics are routinely subjected to ad hominem attacks. Is this what Jesus
would do to His critics? Do He not confront them openly? Are the Jews better than
Jesus that they don't have to face criticism?
 In the words of another observer:
 "World events, most especially the activities of the present Bush administration,
demonstrate a clear agenda to implement Draconian Controls precisely as described in
the prophecies of the book of Revelation. What baffles me is the almost complete
silence of the Fundamentalist Christian groups who spent so many years preaching and
warning everyone about the coming 'New World Order,' and 'Mark of the Beast,' and
now that it is here - it's real - they don't even seem to see it. That is, of course, because
they are PART of it." - Laura Knight-Jadczyk, "The Beast and His Empire."
 The Scriptural and spiritual blindness of the Judeo-Christian world
was, of course, prophesied by Paul at II Thessalonians 2:2. Speaking of
the latter days, just before the Second Coming:
 "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there
REVEALED, THE SON OF PERDITION; even him, whose coming is after
the working of Satan, with all power and signs and lying wonders; And for this cause
God shall send themSTRONG DELUSION, that they should believe a lie;"
 Why would Yahweh cause these Christians to believe a lie? Paul answers this question
 "That they might all be damned who believed not the TRUTH, but had
pleasure in unrighteousness."
 The simple fact is this: Modern Judeo-Christianity teaches all kinds of UNTRUTH in
the name of the Holy Scriptures (Dispensationalism, Antinomianism, Universalism,
rejection of the Old Testament, etc.); and we in the Christian Identity movement have
dedicated ourselves to exposing these lies. Without realizing it, the Judeo-Christian world has
allied itself with the Devil, having been duped into following the International Jew and the blaspheming
rabbis of Judaism.
 Using their agents, the televangelists, the Jews have successfully
converted these Christians into antichrists; and these "Christians" are
now totally deluded by the false teaching that the Jews are "God's
chosen people." Thus putting Jewish concerns before their Lord and
Savior, Jesus Christ, modern Christianity has fallen into the GREAT
 The absurdity of this situation is exemplified by the fact that the
Christian sheeple, who sit in the pews of the Baal-worshipping temples of
Judeo-Christianity, have allowed all sorts of abominations into their
churches, including homosexuals, feminists, voodoo practitioners,
wiccans, and even Christ-denying blasphemers, such as John Hagee, who
denies that Jesus is the Messiah and who claims that the Jews "have their
own path to salvation." The Jews hand him the script and he preaches it.
 Of course, those who are brainwashed are not aware that they are brainwashed,
so it is nearly impossible to reach these people with facts. They believe numerous
self- contradictory propositions, such as "the law has been done away" while church
attendance is nevertheless mandatory, not to mention throwing shekels in the
collection basket - and don't forget to make your donation to the State of Israel!
"You won't be blessed unless you bless Israel!" According to their self-contradictory
 If hypocrisy had legs, it would run to the nearest Christian Zionist
church! Or, try this one: "You can't be a good Christian if you don't go to
church!" On the contrary, Jesus said, "Go into your closet and pray." (Matt.
6:6.) You are much more likely to find God in your closet than in a
denominational church!!!!
 The Christian sheeple nod their heads in glowing approval while their Baal priests tell
them that "God loves everybody" - except for the Palestinian people, who must be bombed
into oblivion for opposing Zionism. Observe: One minute, they are told, "God loves
everybody." The next minute, they are told, "God hates the Palestinians." (This same type of
scorn is reserved for "anti-Semites" as well!) Do these sheeple know the meaning of the
word, contradiction? Are the Palestinian people - many of whom are also Christians, by the
way! - some kind of sub-human vermin that they do not qualify for God's Love? With an
olive branch in one hand and a bazooka in the other, the Christian Zionists flatter
themselves by claiming to be "good Christians."
 If stupidity were a capital offense, all of the Christian Zionists would
be dangling from trees, with nooses around their necks. And the Bible
clearly tells us that these people have condemned themselves for their
folly, because they have turned their backs on the TRUTH in favor of
Jewish fables. They claim to be Christians, to whom Paul says, "Study to
show thyself approved," while they never actually read their Bibles, preferring
to let their Baal priests do the talking and interpreting, while their Bibles
sit on their coffee tables and bookshelves, gathering dust!
 The ANTICHRIST is leading them around by the nose, and they actually think
that they are doing the work of Christ!!!!
 Jesus Himself spoke of this day, when He said:
 "Yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth
God service." - John 16:2.
 At the Judgment Day, Jesus will ask us what we have done for His Kingdom.
When the Christian Zionists stand before Him on that day, they will say, beaming
with pride and self-righteousness, "We have prophesied in your name!"
 They will not anticipate the crushing response: "How many
Palestinians did you kill in My name?"
 Is it any wonder that atheists look at these people and can only
shake their heads and say, "What hypocrisy!" Modern Christianity, under
the influence of the Zionists, has become a doctrine of devils.
 The Millennium under discussion is in Chapter 19, continuing into
Chapter 20, where the Beast and the False Prophet are cast into the "lake
of fire," but first we have to identify this pair of beings, the Beast and the
False Prophet, in order to distinguish them from the Dragon.
 We confront these two entities earlier in Rev., Chapter 16:
 12And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the
water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.
 13And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out
of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
 14For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the
earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.
 15Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk
naked, and they see his shame.
 16And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.
 I repeat: nowhere in the Bible is there any hint of two judgment days. But the
Post-Trib Millennialists are logically forced to assert a Judgment Day for the Beast
and False Prophet, with all of their minions, PLUS a Judgment Day for the minions
of Gog and Magog, a thousand years later! This 1,000-year hiatus between two
judgment events is the inherent flaw of Millennialism. Of course, these
Millennialists totally ignore the fact that the Gog and Magog scenarios is part of the
equation! If they wish to argue for a chronological interpretation of Rev. 19 & 20,
then they have to be consistent and account for all of the facts! - not just those they
wish to include!!!
 In my thorough study of all of the prophecies in the Book of Revelation {http://www.anglo- }, I have identified Chapter 16 as a FLASHFORWARD to the End
Times. Chapter 16 refers to events, which occur prior to and up to the Judgment Day. The Apocalyptic succession
of beasts (a major plot of Revelation) is
 Egypt,
 Assyria,
 Babylon,
 Medo-Persia,
 Greece,
 Rome (Imperial Rome received the "deadly wound," paving the way for Papal Rome to take its place),
 Napoleon, and, finally,
 The House of Rothschild, the "Empire of Merchants." Only a handful of Bible scholars
have ever even broached the subject of the 8th Beast; and woefully few of these are Judeo-
Christian theologians. Only Identity theologians, such as Howard B. Rand and Bertrand
Comparet, have successfully identified the Eighth Beast, Mystery Babylon (Rev. 17:11). This is
quite amazing, since John the Revelator devotes practically all of Chapters 17-19 to colorful
descriptions of this last Beast, which is the reincarnation of the ancient Babylonian debt-usury
system, of which the Federal Reserve System is a major component. These two chapters go into
great detail, describing the "Empire of Merchants." The United Nations, which is under the
control of the Eighth Beast, the House of Rothschild, is also a part of this vision.
 While the Apocalyptic Succession of beasts follow each other in
chronological order through the pages of history and Bible Prophecy,
only one of these beasts exists during the period of the End Times. That
is the Eighth Beast, the house of Rothschild, which is the reigning "beast"
of this Tribulation period. This Beast also symbolizes the Babylonian
Debt-Usury System, which has re-emerged upon the historical scene,
although few Bible interpreters make this connection, since they do
everything possible to avoid implicating the Jews as one of the "beasts."
 The False Prophet is easily identified. It is a specific reference to false religions,
especially as personified in Judaism and Judeo-Christianity. Both of these religious
ideologies prophesy falsely about the meaning of Scripture in the End Times
(eschatology). The Catholic Church is a major part of the False Prophet entity. I
include Universalism and Ecumenism as being part of the False Prophet, as these
latter two heretical doctrines are shared by numerous misguided
denominations. The False Prophet is False Religion issuingFalse
Statements about Scriptural Prophecy.
 This would certainly include Judaism and all of the Judeo-Christian denominations,
for they have swallowed Jewish lies like hungry fish! Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism
would also fall under this umbrella, because they do not accept Jesus Christ as the Son of
 "Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ?" - I John 2:22.
 Now, with an understanding of who the Beast and the False Prophet are, let us now
reconsider Rev. 19:
 17And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that
fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God;
 18That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh
of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the
flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great.
 19And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered
together to make war against him that sat on the horse [Jesus Christ], and
against his army.
 20And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that
wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the
mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image.These both were
cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
 21And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse,
which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their
 So, the international banking empire of the House of Rothschild (8th Beast) and
the twin set of false religions (Judaism and Judeo-Christianity, taken together as the
False Prophet, because of perverting God's Holy Word) are to be cast into the lake
of fire. Now, ordinarily, being cast into the lake of fire should be considered the
FINAL END of these two beings/entities, as this implies total destruction. The
problem of interpretation for the Post-Trib Millennialists occurs in Chapter
20, which seems to suggest a second tribulation period, which would occur after one
thousand years, when the Dragon is released from its chains.
 Let's read:
 1And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the
bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.
 2And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil,
and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,
 3And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon
him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be
fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.
 Now, since these verses follow on the heels of the prose of Chapter
19, everyone assumes that Chapter 20:1-3 is a chronological continuation
of the story in Chapter 19. But few Judeo-Christian interpreters have read
the Apocalypse carefully enough to understand that this Apocalypse is
composed of several ongoing plots and sub-plots. The Seven Church Ages
announce the first major plot. The Seven Beasts and the Eighth Beast,
listed above, combine to make another major plot; and this plot
is revisitedsub-plot, which occurs three or four times in various chapters.
 You have to read each Chapter carefully to see if one of these plots or sub-plots
is being revisited. Generally speaking, the Apocalypse is a prophetic chronograph of
history,but this chronograph is repeatedly interrupted by these other
themes. So, it is important to keep these themes separated from one another and
not to mix them up with the chronograph. When these themes are revisited, the
chronograph is interrupted.
several times in different chapters of the Apocalypse. The Beast and the False
Prophet also combine to make a
 This is like a movie that tells several different stories at the same time. The
movie cuts away from one story to another, giving us bits and pieces of each sub-
plot, with all of the sub-plots converging at the end of the story, when all of the
sub-plots fit into the big picture.
 Nor do most Bible scholars understand that the Book of Revelation contains
FLASHFORWARDS AND FLASHBACKS. I explain this concept and thoroughly
document it in "Revelation Unfolded." [http://www.anglo- ] Understanding this, you will see that
the entire content of Chapter Sixteen is a flashforward to the End Times.
 Chapters 15 and 16 deal with the Seven Last Plagues, announcing them ahead of
time, and then describing in detail what it will be like when the plagues arrive. Chapter 15
announces the seven bowls (which pour out the plagues) and then digresses into a
description of Yahweh's heavenly throne. Then Chapter 16 gives us the details of the
Seven Last Plagues as a flashforward. For example, Verse 2 describes the skin lesions of
those who accept the Mark of the Beast. If this a prophecy concerning the current fad of
having RFID chips implanted under our skin, then it is compelling, because it has already
been demonstrated that these chips can cause cancerous lesions!!!!! Verse 3 describes
people having "dead blood," which I believe is a reference to vaccinations, which actually
destroy our immune systems!!
 Verse 4 says the "rivers and springs will turn to blood." This could easily mean
pre and post-natal diseases, including diseases caused by vaccinating infants. Autism,
degenerative diseases, and childhood asthma would fall into this category, as these
diseases are related to toxicity and invasive medical "treatment," such as
vaccination. Verse 8 describes a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME), a gigantic solar flare
from the sun, which will scorch the earth with fire. (For the rest of the
interpretation, see Revelation Unfolded.)
 The first three plagues are things that we are going through right now, while the
solar flare is due, according to some sun observers, in 2012.
 Chapter 16 gives us the details of the Last Plagues in a flashforward.
Chapter 17 then goes into a description of the Great Whore, Babylon the
Great, the international banking and mercantile empire of the New World
Order. All of the Seven Last Plagues, the Battle of Armageddon, and the
Judgment of the Great Whore will probably happen simultaneously in the
very near future. We are presently seeing food riots (famine) and
economic collapse as we speak!
 Note, first, that the subject of the first three verses of Chapter 20 is
the DRAGON, which is identified as "the Devil and Satan." This is not the same as
the Beast or the False Prophet. The Dragon is a spiritual entity, which lives
continuously throughout the entire Book of Revelation narrative, while the 8th
Beast and False Prophet are earthly institutions that develop during the latter days.
While it is certainly true that Satan has his earthly representatives, it must be
remembered that Satan is a spiritual entity, not a banking syndicate or a collection
of religious denominations.
 Let's continue with Rev. 20:
 4And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto
them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus,
and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the [sixth] beast, neither
his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands;
and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
 The Sixth Beast was Rome, which had placed the mark of
excommunication upon those who refused to do business with this beast;
and Papal Rome was the reigning beast during the Reformation. Verse 4 is
describing the Sixth beast and the Reformation. So the Protestant
Reformers (saints) lived during this long period, even though many of
them were beheaded for their beliefs. It was these Reformers who had the
true Christian Faith. Everyone else was spiritually "dead."
 5But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were
finished. This is the first resurrection.
 6Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the
second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and
shall reign with him a thousand years.
 From today's perspective, the saints and martyrs of the Protestant
Reformation, the "first resurrection," are already in "heaven," i.e.,
qualified for eternal life. Although in a disembodied state, they are,
like us, waiting for the Judgment Day to come about to bring in the
Era of Eternal Life, so that they can be resurrected in the flesh, when
we will be given bodies surrounded and protected by the Holy Spirit.
 This protection will give our literal flesh bodies an immortal status, which is
what Yahweh had intended for Adam and Eve before they fell. Some of us will
actually live through the Great Tribulation and Judgment Day and be thus glorified!!!
This is what Paul means when he says we, the "living," will meet these disembodied
souls (the "dead") "in the clouds"! (I Thess. 4:17.)
 Praise Yahweh! I can't wait for the day, even though it may be dreadful and
terrible to behold! His Remnant will be saved! Since verses 4-6 describe the
martyrdom of the Reformers at the hands of the Catholic Church, these verses are
also a flashback to those days.
 So, while the Catholic Church reigned as the Sixth Beast, the
Dragon was imprisoned in the underworld for a Thousand Years. This
is a historical event. The Dragon is Satan, but since Judaism is the
Synagogue of Satan, this verse is telling us that the power of the
Synagogue of Satan will be curtailed for a thousand years!
 The Spirit of Judaism is the Babylonian Talmud and its Babylonian Debt-
Usury system. Satan is the Spirit that animates Mystery Babylon (Rev. 17:1-5.)
During the era of the Holy Roman Empire, the Jewish Debt-Usury System was held
in check, unable to prey upon whole Christian nations, although the Jews were able
to establish small-scale usury operations within the duchies and earldoms of the
Holy Roman Empire. But these were the exception rather than the rule; and, when
it was done, it was usually done in secret, against the declared policy of the Papacy
and the rest of the Holy Roman Empire.
 Occasionally, a nobleman would need money to pay off gambling
debts or to cover some expenses; and he would turn to a Jewish banker
for funds. When he did this, he would risk incurring the wrath of the
other noblemen and also that of the Vatican. He would also risk losing his
property if he could pay his debts, so many financially troubled noblemen
did turn to Jewish moneylenders for "help." This type of small-scale usury
did go on during this period, but nothing like the banker to the nations
status that the Rothschilds have achieved.
 There were times when the local banking operation expanded into a city-wide
business. The city-states of Medieval Europe were essentially independent states.
Due to the nature of the feudalistic system, peasants were tied to their plots of
land; and travel was restricted. Besides armies, only noblemen, merchants, and
church leaders traveled extensively; and this was often dangerous, due to the
highwaymen and renegades in the countryside. The fact that the Jews were
repeatedly driven out of these city-states is proof that they were not able to gain a
major foothold within them.
 Both Church and Monarchy strictly forbade the practice of usury, which had
always been the exclusive province of the Jews (and still is). During this time,
neither the Papacy nor the Kings and Queens of the Holy Roman Empire needed
any money from the Jews. This is why Queen Isabella had no difficulty evicting the
Jews from Spain. She could have had them all killed. Spain was rich in gold and
other goods from the spoils of colonialism. To Isabella, the Jews were a pestilence,
so she got rid of the pest. Would that governments today could so easily get rid of
the pestilence!
 The other monarchies procured all the money they needed through taxation;
and the Church derived its income from the various monarchies. Also, the Roman
Catholic Church derived income from the selling of indulgences, the collection
basket, and from the spoils of war, which would include the Crusades. Given this
economic situation, the 8th Beast could not emerge until the prohibitions against
usury were lifted; and this began to happen under Napoleon, who both liberated the
Jews from the ghetto system and created the opportunity for the Rothschilds to lend
money to Christian nations, for the purpose of making war against Napoleon.
 It was not until after the Napoleonic Wars that Christian Europe collectively dropped
its guard against Jewish usury. Austria, Italy, Spain, and the various German principalities
were forced to borrow money from Jewish bankers in order to pay for their national
defense against Napoleon's marauding armies. Russia, especially, had a strict policy against
usury; and many pogroms against Jews occurred in Russia after Jewish moneylenders
defied the law and pauperized the peasants with their moneylending activities. The Czars
of Russia never did borrow a dime from any Jewish moneylenders. For this insolence,
Jacob Schiff, a Rothschild banker agent, financed the Japanese against Russia during the
Japanese-Russian War. Later, the Rothschilds financed the Bolshevik coup, which was
nothing else than Jewish vengeance taken out against Christian Russia.
 When the Napoleonic war was finally over, Europe was devastated
and in great debt to one Jewish banking family in particular: the
Rothschilds. War-weary Europe, now heavily in debt to the
Rothschilds and other Jewish bankers, was forced to continue doing
business with the devil. Thus, it was the Holy Roman Empire which
had held this Dragon in check, and it lasted from 800 AD until about
1804 AD, or, just a little over 1000 years.
 7And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,
 The Napoleonic Wars were the death knell of the Holy Roman
Empire. The final nail was hammered into the coffin in 1804. What
happened in the year 1804?
 It was during the Napoleonic Wars that Napoleon issued orders that
the Jews living in their various countries should be liberated from the
 Furthermore, they were to receive equal citizenship with
Christians, thus overturning centuries of anti-Jewish tradition. This
was a very unpopular move by Napoleon, but it earned him some
much-needed capital, to continue funding the war. Many anxious
Jewish communities readily paid bribes to Napoleon's army to acquire
this highly coveted liberty. Realizing the Army's need for these
provisional funds, Napoleon quipped, "An army travels on its stomach."
 This was a quid pro quo between the Jewish ghettoes and Napoleon. Few
history books mention this exchange of funds for ghetto liberation, because for the
Jewish community, it was most certainly a policy of bribery; and this is too
embarrassing for modern Jews to admit, as they are always denying that they use
their money to manipulate nations through bribery or extortion. If they admit that
they did it once, the natural question is, "How often do you do this?" The Jewish
ghettoes were willing to pay, and Napoleon needed the money. History books never
mention the fact that Jewish control of international finance is the true source of
international strife.
 Near the conclusion of the first stage of the Napoleonic Wars, and at the height of
his imperial power, it came time for Napoleon to be crowned as the new Holy Roman
Emperor. Since Charlemagne was first crowned on Christmas Day in 800 AD by Pope
Leo III, all of the succeeding Emperors had been crowned by the contemporary reigning
Pope. The scene was set in Paris, France, 1804. The reigning Pope was Pius VII. As the
ceremony to crown Napoleon proceeded, Pope Pius VII lifted the crown, intending to place
it upon Napoleon's head, but, in one of history's most bizarre moments, the assembled
audience stood aghast as Napoleon snatched the crown out of the Pope's hands! He
then crowned himself with his own two hands. This act symbolized two very important
The Pope no longer had the power to crown monarchs and
• Napoleon was declaring his independence from the Holy Roman
The handwriting was on the wall: The HRE was at an end.
 By releasing the Jews from their ghettoes, Napoleon had opened
up the bottomless pit, which contained all of the evils of the
Babylonian, Jewish debt-usury system. Rev. 20:1 states that the angel
which restrained Satan had a "great chain" in his hand. It is an
interesting fact of ghetto history that most of the Jewish ghettoes,
strewn about in Europe, had curfews placed upon them.
 The Jews could come out of their ghettoes during daylight hours
to do certain kinds of business, but usury was forbidden. Most of
these ghettoes had gates which were raised and lowered
with great chains, symbolizing their confinement in the ghetto. The
Jews would have to return to their ghettoes before nightfall, before
the gates were shut. Otherwise, they would be liable to prosecution.
 So, we can easily see how this "shutting up" and "loosing" of Satan
is directly related to the establishment of the Jewish ghetto system by
a "great chain" and its eventual removal. The House of Rothschild
was founded in the ghetto of Frankfurt, Germany. It is this monetary
beast, let loose from the Frankfurt ghetto, which today controls the
economy of the whole world, utilizing their hereditary control of
international banking as a means of world conquest.
 This same beast created the United Nations Organization, which speaks in the
name of "peace," but which makes war for profit. It is this Beast, which is currently
deceiving the whole world (Rev. 12:9). It was Napoleon who opened the door for
the House of Rothschild and their Jewish banker friends to take over Europe with
their nefarious banking and war-mongering practices.
 This is what the thousand years in the bottomless pit is all about. It has already
happened. It is NOT an event that takes place after the Judgment Day!
 The reign of the Eighth Beast is the "little season" of verse 3, from the
establishment of the 5 Rothschild banks in Europe until the Judgment Day. All of
these things were fulfilled during the reign of Napoleon. Now, Satan having been
loosed from his chains, he has used the House of Rothschild to deceive the nations
ever since. In 1815, the Rothschilds tried to exploit the Congress of Vienna in order
to set up their dream of a global financial empire. The delegates of the Congress of
Vienna were lavishly entertained in the homes of Jewish bankers, who had become
fantastically rich during the chaos of the Nopleonic Wars.
 These Jewish bankers realized that the Congress of Vienna was a
great opportunity to hawk for customers. Mayer Rothschild, ever
dreaming of revenge against Christian Europe, saw the Congress as
an opportunity to control the economies of the nations. Using such a
centralized medium of finance, the Jews could gain influence on the
national and international policies of the nations.
 "Vienna, Congress of, international congress held in Vienna, September
1814 to June 1815, to reestablish peace and order in Europe after the
Napoleonic Wars. The congress met at the Apollosaal built by the English-born
Jew, Sigmund Wolfssohn, and the delegates were often entertained during the course
of the proceedings in the salons of Jewish hostesses, such as Fanny von Arnstein
and Cecily Eskeles." -Encyclopedia Judaica, Vol 16, 1972, p. 132.
 You can bet that, while these Jewish hostesses were serving Matzo ball soup, the
Jewish bankers were offering government officials loans of all types, with usurious strings
attached! Realizing what power such a Congress could give organized banking, the
Rothschilds kept organizing more such events, which eventually resulted in the League of
Nations. When that failed, due to America's rejection of the plan, the United Nations was
finally established by the Rothschilds on June 26, 1945. Alger Hiss, a Soviet-Zionist spy,
worked on the UN Charter while Nelson Rockefeller, a capitalist-Zionist banker, arranged
for its headquarters to be set up in New York City. The Rockefellers donated the property,
but the American taxpayer has been paying for this Satanic Trojan Horse ever since.
 The House of Rothschild has been deceiving the world with its One
World Government designs since the demise of the Holy Roman Empire.
There is no doubt that this is the "little season" of Verse 3. As Mayer
Amschel Rothschild put it: "Give me the power to issue a nation's currency and I
care not who makes its laws." The UNO makes greasing the palms of the
world's bureaucrats very easy, for they are all assembled in one place
perpetually. He who controls the world's bank accounts determines how
the money is spent.
 Once the people of the world understand who this devil is, they will
be amazed. Considering how mythology and movies condition us to
imagine the devil as a fearsome, snarling beast, with a pointed tail and
horns on his head, it will be somewhat anti-climatic to realize that he is
merely 5 foot, 3 inch hunchback with varicose veins, named Rothschild!
 "They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this
the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms, that made the world
as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof?'" - Isa. 14:16-17.

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The fallacy of millennialism part 1pdf

  • 1.
  • 2. BY PASTOR ELI JAMES PART 1 OF 2 The Fallacy of Millennialism
  • 3.
  • 4.  23And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,  24Son of man, say unto her, Thou art the land that is not cleansed, nor rained upon in the day of indignation.  25There is a conspiracy of her prophets in the midst thereof, like a roaring lion ravening the prey; they have devoured souls; they have taken the treasure and precious things; they have made her many widows in the midst thereof.
  • 5.  26Her priests have violated my law, and have profaned mine holy things: they have put no difference between the holy and profane, neither have they shewed difference between the unclean and the clean, and have hid their eyes from my sabbaths, and I am profaned among them.  27Her princes in the midst thereof are like wolves ravening the prey, to shed blood, and to destroy souls, to get dishonest gain.  28And her prophets have daubed them with untempered morter, seeing vanity, and divining lies unto them, saying, Thus saith the Lord GOD, when the LORD hath not spoken.
  • 6.  29The people of the land have used oppression, and exercised robbery, and have vexed the poor and needy: yea, they have oppressed the stranger wrongfully.  30And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.  31Therefore have I poured out mine indignation upon them; I have consumed them with the fire of my wrath: their own way have I recompensed upon their heads, saith the Lord GOD.
  • 7. INTRODUCTION  The above quotation comes from Ezekiel 22:23-31. It tells us of the day when the priesthood will become like wolves, treating their congregation as a prey instead of as their flock. False prophets abound today. They are called the Judeo-Christian priesthood. Most of them are nothing but pro-Zionist puppets, who lead their flocks into perdition, by preaching hatred of the Jews' enemies instead of the doctrine of Jesus Christ. You can hear them say, "What would Jesus do?" But if you ask them, " Would Jesus approve of the bombing of Beirut and Gaza," they turn their backs on Jesus and hide behind their paymasters. The land is full of false prophets.
  • 8.  One of the most persistent and problematic interpretations of Scripture is the belief that the Book of Revelation, in Chapter 20, teaches that Satan will be cast into the "bottomless pit" for a thousand years AFTER the Tribulation and Judgment. This teaching assumes that Jesus Christ will return at the Judgment Day, not to destroy Satan, but merely to bind him, thus postponing his inevitable destruction for a thousand years. (For a good introductory explanation of the various millennialist positions, please refer to this article: )
  • 9.  Unlike many of the modern apostasies, this mistake is actually understandable. It is due to the fact that the verses dealing with the bottomless pit occur right after the verse discussing the Judgment Day. It is quite natural to assume that the events depicted at the end of Chapter 19 will be followed by the events depicted in the beginning of Chapter 20. However, as I will show, this is an ASSUMPTION, because the Millennialists ignore the critical fact that the final battle (Armageddon) between True Israel versus Gog and Magog (Verses 7-10) occurs in the verses right after Satan was let loose.
  • 10.  In other words, the Battle of Armageddon is brought about by the very beast that was bound for a thousand years. If the post-tribulation Millennialists are correct, then they will have to explain how the Battle of Armageddon can occur after the Judgment Day.
  • 11.  Assuming that the events depicted are in strict chronological order, they would occur as such:  The Tribulation and Great Battle, with the Beast and False Prophet cast into the Lake of Fire. (Rev. 19:19-21.)  The binding and casting into the Bottomless Pit of the Dragon. (Rev. 20:1-2.)  The 1,000 years confinement. (Verse 3.)  The judgment of thrones. (Verse 4.) This is a problem for the chronology, since the Beast was already cast into the Lake of Fire under item 1.
  • 12.  Who or what is being judged here? The saints suffering and dying for refusing to worship the Beast, which had already been cast into the Lake of Fire, living and reigning with Christ, presumably for this same 1,000- year period, while the Dragon is bound. Most interpreters assume that this reign will be peaceful. But these verses declare the contrary. Rather, the entirety of Rev. 20:4 suggests a victorious struggle, not a thousand years of peace. The word peace does not occur in these verses. A reign can be either peaceful or tumultuous.
  • 13.  The "dead" in Christ "resurrected." (Verse 5.) Most interpreters believe that this resurrection will not occur until after the Judgment Day. But we already had the judgment of the Beast and False Prophet under item 1.  The release of the Dragon (Verse 7), with the attendant 1,000-year "reign" of Christ coming to an end. (Verses 5 & 6.)  The Dragon goes out to deceive the nations again and organizes the armies of Gog and Magog, which are destroyed in the Great Battle. (Verses 8 and 9.)  The devil (Dragon) is cast into the Lake of Fire. (Verse 10.)  The Judgment of the Living and the Dead. (Verses 11-15.)
  • 14.  The problem with this Post-Trib chronology is that it is contradicted by Ezekiel 38:8, which is very clear in stating that the invasion of Gog and Magog will occur "in the latter years." This can only mean during a time leading up to the Judgment Day. But the Great Battle had already begun in verses 11-21 of Chapter 19, with the Beast and False Prophet being judged by throwing them into the Lake of Fire. What the Post-Trib Millennialists have done is to focus on certain sentences or phrases, without paying close attention to the fact that the saints are marked by the beast, being beheaded, etc., while Satan was bound. (Verse 4.) Lifting verses out of context is a favorite tactic of naive interpreters; and this is the problem with Post-Tribulation Millennialism.
  • 15.  Taking the descriptions from Rev. 19:10 to Rev. 20:10 as a cohesive story, we have two possible interpretations:  There are two Judgments with a period of one thousand years intervening; or  There is only one Judgment, with the events of Rev. 20:1-7 representing a flashback to the days before the Great Battle between the people of Israel versus Gog and Magog. (Rev. 20:8-10.)
  • 16.  I will argue for the latter interpretation, meaning that Rev. 19:10 through 20:10 is the story of a single Judgment, but that John's vision discusses the Beast and False Prophet first, and then focuses on the Dragon second. Rather than taking the events depicted in strict chronological order, the story is divided into two themes, the first telling the story of the judgment of the Beast and False Prophet, and the second theme concerning the judgment of the Devil, or Dragon.
  • 17.  In other words, there is not a 1,000-year period between two judgments. Nothing else in Scripture would indicate such a scenario, especially since the Judgment Day is major theme, mentioned hundreds of times in both the Old and New Testaments! Given this fact, it is much more likely that we are being given two separate stories of the same events. Rev. 20:1 takes up the story of the Dragon, having dispensed with the Beast and False Prophet in Chapter 19.
  • 18.  Viewing the story in this way eliminates the contradiction create by two judgment events: Rev. 19:20 and Rev. 20:10. The idea that Gog and Magog would be judged a thousand years after the kings and thrones of Rev. 19:19 is a major problem for the Post-Trib view. The fact is that all of the eschatological statements contained in the Bible indicate only one Judgment Day, not two separate judgment events.
  • 19. P ROTG O N I S T V E R S U S A N TA G O N I S T  The Bible, in Genesis 3:15, declares a perpetual enmity (hatred, struggle and strife) between two sets of people: the seed of Eve and the seed of Nachash (the Devil). Since mainstream Bible scholarship totally ignores this prophecy (or they assume that it ended when Jesus died on the Cross), it leads to a misidentification of God's chosen people. Put quite simply: The Jews ARE NOT "God's chosen people." This is one of the foundational principles of Christian Identity.
  • 20.  The Celto-Saxons (Caucasians) are God's chosen people. Rev. 2:9, 3:9 and 12:9 clearly tell us that there is a group of people in the world today who CLAIM to be Judeans, but are NOT, and they are the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN. And these people are deceiving the whole world with their false ethnic claims, false religion (the Babylonian Talmud), and false history.
  • 21.  Here is how one Identity author summarizes the situation:  "Judaism's masquerade as Biblical Judah and, moreover, as all Israel -- which is the basis of Jewish Nationalism -- becomes patently counterfeit when placed in juxtaposition with the historical record of the true Houses of Israel and Judah. Even a brief summary will show the contrast between the descendants of Biblical Jacob- Israel as opposed to the alien posterity of the cabal which claims for itself not only the Promised Land but the very name and inheritance of Israel." - W.N. Saxon, "The Mask of Edom," p. 8.
  • 22.  The whole world has been deceived by Judaism's claim to be Israel. This is why orthodox Judeo-Christianity is very much mystified about the ENTIRE APOCALYPSE, not just this particular episode concerning the Millennium. Since they falsely identify the Jews with/as Israel, they are incapable of understanding a single word of the Revelation concerning True Israel versus the impostor Jews!!!! (Such as Rev. 2:9 and 3:9.)
  • 23.  Although they understand that the Dragon is Satan, they do not understand that Talmudic Judaism is the religion of Satan masquerading as the religion of Moses. Nor do they understand that the Eighth Beast is also the international Jewish mercantile Beast (the Empire of Merchants, Rev., Chapters 17-19)!!! Failing to understand such important concepts is a guarantee that they will misinterpret just about all of the Apocalypse. In short, Judeo-Christianity, operating under the delusion that the Jews are Israel, cannot possibly understand the Bible, let alone the book of Revelation.
  • 24.  The world has been brainwashed by the antagonist into believing that he is the protagonist. The Devil is masquerading as "God's chosen people." Therefore, most of the orthodox prophecy interpreters are in the employ of the False Prophet, and their main job is to obscure Biblical prophecy so as not to implicate their paymaster, the International Jew. With all of the money at their disposal, the Jews have the capability of hiring armies of false prophets, whose main job is to keep spreading the lie that the "Jews are God's chosen people." It is not permitted by the Kosher crowd to discuss Jewish claims openly. Critics are routinely subjected to ad hominem attacks. Is this what Jesus would do to His critics? Do He not confront them openly? Are the Jews better than Jesus that they don't have to face criticism?
  • 25.  In the words of another observer:  "World events, most especially the activities of the present Bush administration, demonstrate a clear agenda to implement Draconian Controls precisely as described in the prophecies of the book of Revelation. What baffles me is the almost complete silence of the Fundamentalist Christian groups who spent so many years preaching and warning everyone about the coming 'New World Order,' and 'Mark of the Beast,' and now that it is here - it's real - they don't even seem to see it. That is, of course, because they are PART of it." - Laura Knight-Jadczyk, "The Beast and His Empire."
  • 26.  The Scriptural and spiritual blindness of the Judeo-Christian world was, of course, prophesied by Paul at II Thessalonians 2:2. Speaking of the latter days, just before the Second Coming:  "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a FALLING AWAY FIRST, AND THAT MAN OF SIN BE REVEALED, THE SON OF PERDITION; even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan, with all power and signs and lying wonders; And for this cause God shall send themSTRONG DELUSION, that they should believe a lie;"
  • 27.  Why would Yahweh cause these Christians to believe a lie? Paul answers this question himself:  "That they might all be damned who believed not the TRUTH, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."  The simple fact is this: Modern Judeo-Christianity teaches all kinds of UNTRUTH in the name of the Holy Scriptures (Dispensationalism, Antinomianism, Universalism, rejection of the Old Testament, etc.); and we in the Christian Identity movement have dedicated ourselves to exposing these lies. Without realizing it, the Judeo-Christian world has allied itself with the Devil, having been duped into following the International Jew and the blaspheming rabbis of Judaism.
  • 28.  Using their agents, the televangelists, the Jews have successfully converted these Christians into antichrists; and these "Christians" are now totally deluded by the false teaching that the Jews are "God's chosen people." Thus putting Jewish concerns before their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, modern Christianity has fallen into the GREAT APOSTASY.
  • 29.  The absurdity of this situation is exemplified by the fact that the Christian sheeple, who sit in the pews of the Baal-worshipping temples of Judeo-Christianity, have allowed all sorts of abominations into their churches, including homosexuals, feminists, voodoo practitioners, wiccans, and even Christ-denying blasphemers, such as John Hagee, who denies that Jesus is the Messiah and who claims that the Jews "have their own path to salvation." The Jews hand him the script and he preaches it.
  • 30.  Of course, those who are brainwashed are not aware that they are brainwashed, so it is nearly impossible to reach these people with facts. They believe numerous self- contradictory propositions, such as "the law has been done away" while church attendance is nevertheless mandatory, not to mention throwing shekels in the collection basket - and don't forget to make your donation to the State of Israel! "You won't be blessed unless you bless Israel!" According to their self-contradictory doctrine, even though THE LAW HAS BEEN DONE AWAY WITH, YOU STILL HAVE TO BLESS THE JEWS!
  • 31.  If hypocrisy had legs, it would run to the nearest Christian Zionist church! Or, try this one: "You can't be a good Christian if you don't go to church!" On the contrary, Jesus said, "Go into your closet and pray." (Matt. 6:6.) You are much more likely to find God in your closet than in a denominational church!!!!
  • 32.  The Christian sheeple nod their heads in glowing approval while their Baal priests tell them that "God loves everybody" - except for the Palestinian people, who must be bombed into oblivion for opposing Zionism. Observe: One minute, they are told, "God loves everybody." The next minute, they are told, "God hates the Palestinians." (This same type of scorn is reserved for "anti-Semites" as well!) Do these sheeple know the meaning of the word, contradiction? Are the Palestinian people - many of whom are also Christians, by the way! - some kind of sub-human vermin that they do not qualify for God's Love? With an olive branch in one hand and a bazooka in the other, the Christian Zionists flatter themselves by claiming to be "good Christians."
  • 33.  If stupidity were a capital offense, all of the Christian Zionists would be dangling from trees, with nooses around their necks. And the Bible clearly tells us that these people have condemned themselves for their folly, because they have turned their backs on the TRUTH in favor of Jewish fables. They claim to be Christians, to whom Paul says, "Study to show thyself approved," while they never actually read their Bibles, preferring to let their Baal priests do the talking and interpreting, while their Bibles sit on their coffee tables and bookshelves, gathering dust!
  • 34.  The ANTICHRIST is leading them around by the nose, and they actually think that they are doing the work of Christ!!!!  Jesus Himself spoke of this day, when He said:  "Yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service." - John 16:2.  At the Judgment Day, Jesus will ask us what we have done for His Kingdom. When the Christian Zionists stand before Him on that day, they will say, beaming with pride and self-righteousness, "We have prophesied in your name!"
  • 35.  They will not anticipate the crushing response: "How many Palestinians did you kill in My name?"  Is it any wonder that atheists look at these people and can only shake their heads and say, "What hypocrisy!" Modern Christianity, under the influence of the Zionists, has become a doctrine of devils. 
  • 36. THE MILLENNIUM A ND THE DAY OF J UDGMENT  The Millennium under discussion is in Chapter 19, continuing into Chapter 20, where the Beast and the False Prophet are cast into the "lake of fire," but first we have to identify this pair of beings, the Beast and the False Prophet, in order to distinguish them from the Dragon.  We confront these two entities earlier in Rev., Chapter 16:  12And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.
  • 37.  13And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.  14For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.  15Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.  16And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.
  • 38.  I repeat: nowhere in the Bible is there any hint of two judgment days. But the Post-Trib Millennialists are logically forced to assert a Judgment Day for the Beast and False Prophet, with all of their minions, PLUS a Judgment Day for the minions of Gog and Magog, a thousand years later! This 1,000-year hiatus between two judgment events is the inherent flaw of Millennialism. Of course, these Millennialists totally ignore the fact that the Gog and Magog scenarios is part of the equation! If they wish to argue for a chronological interpretation of Rev. 19 & 20, then they have to be consistent and account for all of the facts! - not just those they wish to include!!!
  • 39.  In my thorough study of all of the prophecies in the Book of Revelation {http://www.anglo- }, I have identified Chapter 16 as a FLASHFORWARD to the End Times. Chapter 16 refers to events, which occur prior to and up to the Judgment Day. The Apocalyptic succession of beasts (a major plot of Revelation) is  Egypt,  Assyria,  Babylon,  Medo-Persia,  Greece,  Rome (Imperial Rome received the "deadly wound," paving the way for Papal Rome to take its place),  Napoleon, and, finally,
  • 40.  The House of Rothschild, the "Empire of Merchants." Only a handful of Bible scholars have ever even broached the subject of the 8th Beast; and woefully few of these are Judeo- Christian theologians. Only Identity theologians, such as Howard B. Rand and Bertrand Comparet, have successfully identified the Eighth Beast, Mystery Babylon (Rev. 17:11). This is quite amazing, since John the Revelator devotes practically all of Chapters 17-19 to colorful descriptions of this last Beast, which is the reincarnation of the ancient Babylonian debt-usury system, of which the Federal Reserve System is a major component. These two chapters go into great detail, describing the "Empire of Merchants." The United Nations, which is under the control of the Eighth Beast, the House of Rothschild, is also a part of this vision.
  • 41.  While the Apocalyptic Succession of beasts follow each other in chronological order through the pages of history and Bible Prophecy, only one of these beasts exists during the period of the End Times. That is the Eighth Beast, the house of Rothschild, which is the reigning "beast" of this Tribulation period. This Beast also symbolizes the Babylonian Debt-Usury System, which has re-emerged upon the historical scene, although few Bible interpreters make this connection, since they do everything possible to avoid implicating the Jews as one of the "beasts."
  • 42.  The False Prophet is easily identified. It is a specific reference to false religions, especially as personified in Judaism and Judeo-Christianity. Both of these religious ideologies prophesy falsely about the meaning of Scripture in the End Times (eschatology). The Catholic Church is a major part of the False Prophet entity. I include Universalism and Ecumenism as being part of the False Prophet, as these latter two heretical doctrines are shared by numerous misguided denominations. The False Prophet is False Religion issuingFalse Statements about Scriptural Prophecy.
  • 43.
  • 44.  This would certainly include Judaism and all of the Judeo-Christian denominations, for they have swallowed Jewish lies like hungry fish! Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism would also fall under this umbrella, because they do not accept Jesus Christ as the Son of God.  "Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ?" - I John 2:22.  Now, with an understanding of who the Beast and the False Prophet are, let us now reconsider Rev. 19:  17And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God;
  • 45.  18That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great.  19And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse [Jesus Christ], and against his army.
  • 46.  20And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image.These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.  21And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.
  • 47.  So, the international banking empire of the House of Rothschild (8th Beast) and the twin set of false religions (Judaism and Judeo-Christianity, taken together as the False Prophet, because of perverting God's Holy Word) are to be cast into the lake of fire. Now, ordinarily, being cast into the lake of fire should be considered the FINAL END of these two beings/entities, as this implies total destruction. The problem of interpretation for the Post-Trib Millennialists occurs in Chapter 20, which seems to suggest a second tribulation period, which would occur after one thousand years, when the Dragon is released from its chains.
  • 48.  Let's read:  1And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.  2And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,  3And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.
  • 49.  Now, since these verses follow on the heels of the prose of Chapter 19, everyone assumes that Chapter 20:1-3 is a chronological continuation of the story in Chapter 19. But few Judeo-Christian interpreters have read the Apocalypse carefully enough to understand that this Apocalypse is composed of several ongoing plots and sub-plots. The Seven Church Ages announce the first major plot. The Seven Beasts and the Eighth Beast, listed above, combine to make another major plot; and this plot is revisitedsub-plot, which occurs three or four times in various chapters.
  • 50.  You have to read each Chapter carefully to see if one of these plots or sub-plots is being revisited. Generally speaking, the Apocalypse is a prophetic chronograph of history,but this chronograph is repeatedly interrupted by these other themes. So, it is important to keep these themes separated from one another and not to mix them up with the chronograph. When these themes are revisited, the chronograph is interrupted. several times in different chapters of the Apocalypse. The Beast and the False Prophet also combine to make a
  • 51.  This is like a movie that tells several different stories at the same time. The movie cuts away from one story to another, giving us bits and pieces of each sub- plot, with all of the sub-plots converging at the end of the story, when all of the sub-plots fit into the big picture.  Nor do most Bible scholars understand that the Book of Revelation contains FLASHFORWARDS AND FLASHBACKS. I explain this concept and thoroughly document it in "Revelation Unfolded." [http://www.anglo- ] Understanding this, you will see that the entire content of Chapter Sixteen is a flashforward to the End Times.
  • 52.  Chapters 15 and 16 deal with the Seven Last Plagues, announcing them ahead of time, and then describing in detail what it will be like when the plagues arrive. Chapter 15 announces the seven bowls (which pour out the plagues) and then digresses into a description of Yahweh's heavenly throne. Then Chapter 16 gives us the details of the Seven Last Plagues as a flashforward. For example, Verse 2 describes the skin lesions of those who accept the Mark of the Beast. If this a prophecy concerning the current fad of having RFID chips implanted under our skin, then it is compelling, because it has already been demonstrated that these chips can cause cancerous lesions!!!!! Verse 3 describes people having "dead blood," which I believe is a reference to vaccinations, which actually destroy our immune systems!!
  • 53.  Verse 4 says the "rivers and springs will turn to blood." This could easily mean pre and post-natal diseases, including diseases caused by vaccinating infants. Autism, degenerative diseases, and childhood asthma would fall into this category, as these diseases are related to toxicity and invasive medical "treatment," such as vaccination. Verse 8 describes a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME), a gigantic solar flare from the sun, which will scorch the earth with fire. (For the rest of the interpretation, see Revelation Unfolded.)  The first three plagues are things that we are going through right now, while the solar flare is due, according to some sun observers, in 2012.
  • 54.  Chapter 16 gives us the details of the Last Plagues in a flashforward. Chapter 17 then goes into a description of the Great Whore, Babylon the Great, the international banking and mercantile empire of the New World Order. All of the Seven Last Plagues, the Battle of Armageddon, and the Judgment of the Great Whore will probably happen simultaneously in the very near future. We are presently seeing food riots (famine) and economic collapse as we speak! 
  • 55. SORTING OUT THE LANGUAGE  Note, first, that the subject of the first three verses of Chapter 20 is the DRAGON, which is identified as "the Devil and Satan." This is not the same as the Beast or the False Prophet. The Dragon is a spiritual entity, which lives continuously throughout the entire Book of Revelation narrative, while the 8th Beast and False Prophet are earthly institutions that develop during the latter days. While it is certainly true that Satan has his earthly representatives, it must be remembered that Satan is a spiritual entity, not a banking syndicate or a collection of religious denominations.
  • 56.  Let's continue with Rev. 20:  4And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the [sixth] beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
  • 57.  The Sixth Beast was Rome, which had placed the mark of excommunication upon those who refused to do business with this beast; and Papal Rome was the reigning beast during the Reformation. Verse 4 is describing the Sixth beast and the Reformation. So the Protestant Reformers (saints) lived during this long period, even though many of them were beheaded for their beliefs. It was these Reformers who had the true Christian Faith. Everyone else was spiritually "dead."
  • 58.  5But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.  6Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.
  • 59.  From today's perspective, the saints and martyrs of the Protestant Reformation, the "first resurrection," are already in "heaven," i.e., qualified for eternal life. Although in a disembodied state, they are, like us, waiting for the Judgment Day to come about to bring in the Era of Eternal Life, so that they can be resurrected in the flesh, when we will be given bodies surrounded and protected by the Holy Spirit.
  • 60.  This protection will give our literal flesh bodies an immortal status, which is what Yahweh had intended for Adam and Eve before they fell. Some of us will actually live through the Great Tribulation and Judgment Day and be thus glorified!!! This is what Paul means when he says we, the "living," will meet these disembodied souls (the "dead") "in the clouds"! (I Thess. 4:17.)  Praise Yahweh! I can't wait for the day, even though it may be dreadful and terrible to behold! His Remnant will be saved! Since verses 4-6 describe the martyrdom of the Reformers at the hands of the Catholic Church, these verses are also a flashback to those days.
  • 61.  So, while the Catholic Church reigned as the Sixth Beast, the Dragon was imprisoned in the underworld for a Thousand Years. This is a historical event. The Dragon is Satan, but since Judaism is the Synagogue of Satan, this verse is telling us that the power of the Synagogue of Satan will be curtailed for a thousand years!
  • 62.  The Spirit of Judaism is the Babylonian Talmud and its Babylonian Debt- Usury system. Satan is the Spirit that animates Mystery Babylon (Rev. 17:1-5.) During the era of the Holy Roman Empire, the Jewish Debt-Usury System was held in check, unable to prey upon whole Christian nations, although the Jews were able to establish small-scale usury operations within the duchies and earldoms of the Holy Roman Empire. But these were the exception rather than the rule; and, when it was done, it was usually done in secret, against the declared policy of the Papacy and the rest of the Holy Roman Empire.
  • 63.  Occasionally, a nobleman would need money to pay off gambling debts or to cover some expenses; and he would turn to a Jewish banker for funds. When he did this, he would risk incurring the wrath of the other noblemen and also that of the Vatican. He would also risk losing his property if he could pay his debts, so many financially troubled noblemen did turn to Jewish moneylenders for "help." This type of small-scale usury did go on during this period, but nothing like the banker to the nations status that the Rothschilds have achieved.
  • 64.  There were times when the local banking operation expanded into a city-wide business. The city-states of Medieval Europe were essentially independent states. Due to the nature of the feudalistic system, peasants were tied to their plots of land; and travel was restricted. Besides armies, only noblemen, merchants, and church leaders traveled extensively; and this was often dangerous, due to the highwaymen and renegades in the countryside. The fact that the Jews were repeatedly driven out of these city-states is proof that they were not able to gain a major foothold within them.
  • 65.  Both Church and Monarchy strictly forbade the practice of usury, which had always been the exclusive province of the Jews (and still is). During this time, neither the Papacy nor the Kings and Queens of the Holy Roman Empire needed any money from the Jews. This is why Queen Isabella had no difficulty evicting the Jews from Spain. She could have had them all killed. Spain was rich in gold and other goods from the spoils of colonialism. To Isabella, the Jews were a pestilence, so she got rid of the pest. Would that governments today could so easily get rid of the pestilence!
  • 66.  The other monarchies procured all the money they needed through taxation; and the Church derived its income from the various monarchies. Also, the Roman Catholic Church derived income from the selling of indulgences, the collection basket, and from the spoils of war, which would include the Crusades. Given this economic situation, the 8th Beast could not emerge until the prohibitions against usury were lifted; and this began to happen under Napoleon, who both liberated the Jews from the ghetto system and created the opportunity for the Rothschilds to lend money to Christian nations, for the purpose of making war against Napoleon.
  • 67.  It was not until after the Napoleonic Wars that Christian Europe collectively dropped its guard against Jewish usury. Austria, Italy, Spain, and the various German principalities were forced to borrow money from Jewish bankers in order to pay for their national defense against Napoleon's marauding armies. Russia, especially, had a strict policy against usury; and many pogroms against Jews occurred in Russia after Jewish moneylenders defied the law and pauperized the peasants with their moneylending activities. The Czars of Russia never did borrow a dime from any Jewish moneylenders. For this insolence, Jacob Schiff, a Rothschild banker agent, financed the Japanese against Russia during the Japanese-Russian War. Later, the Rothschilds financed the Bolshevik coup, which was nothing else than Jewish vengeance taken out against Christian Russia.
  • 68.  When the Napoleonic war was finally over, Europe was devastated and in great debt to one Jewish banking family in particular: the Rothschilds. War-weary Europe, now heavily in debt to the Rothschilds and other Jewish bankers, was forced to continue doing business with the devil. Thus, it was the Holy Roman Empire which had held this Dragon in check, and it lasted from 800 AD until about 1804 AD, or, just a little over 1000 years.
  • 69.  7And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,  The Napoleonic Wars were the death knell of the Holy Roman Empire. The final nail was hammered into the coffin in 1804. What happened in the year 1804?  It was during the Napoleonic Wars that Napoleon issued orders that the Jews living in their various countries should be liberated from the ghettoes.
  • 70.  Furthermore, they were to receive equal citizenship with Christians, thus overturning centuries of anti-Jewish tradition. This was a very unpopular move by Napoleon, but it earned him some much-needed capital, to continue funding the war. Many anxious Jewish communities readily paid bribes to Napoleon's army to acquire this highly coveted liberty. Realizing the Army's need for these provisional funds, Napoleon quipped, "An army travels on its stomach."
  • 71.  This was a quid pro quo between the Jewish ghettoes and Napoleon. Few history books mention this exchange of funds for ghetto liberation, because for the Jewish community, it was most certainly a policy of bribery; and this is too embarrassing for modern Jews to admit, as they are always denying that they use their money to manipulate nations through bribery or extortion. If they admit that they did it once, the natural question is, "How often do you do this?" The Jewish ghettoes were willing to pay, and Napoleon needed the money. History books never mention the fact that Jewish control of international finance is the true source of international strife.
  • 72.  Near the conclusion of the first stage of the Napoleonic Wars, and at the height of his imperial power, it came time for Napoleon to be crowned as the new Holy Roman Emperor. Since Charlemagne was first crowned on Christmas Day in 800 AD by Pope Leo III, all of the succeeding Emperors had been crowned by the contemporary reigning Pope. The scene was set in Paris, France, 1804. The reigning Pope was Pius VII. As the ceremony to crown Napoleon proceeded, Pope Pius VII lifted the crown, intending to place it upon Napoleon's head, but, in one of history's most bizarre moments, the assembled audience stood aghast as Napoleon snatched the crown out of the Pope's hands! He then crowned himself with his own two hands. This act symbolized two very important facts:
  • 73. • The Pope no longer had the power to crown monarchs and • Napoleon was declaring his independence from the Holy Roman Empire.  The handwriting was on the wall: The HRE was at an end.
  • 74.  By releasing the Jews from their ghettoes, Napoleon had opened up the bottomless pit, which contained all of the evils of the Babylonian, Jewish debt-usury system. Rev. 20:1 states that the angel which restrained Satan had a "great chain" in his hand. It is an interesting fact of ghetto history that most of the Jewish ghettoes, strewn about in Europe, had curfews placed upon them.
  • 75.  The Jews could come out of their ghettoes during daylight hours to do certain kinds of business, but usury was forbidden. Most of these ghettoes had gates which were raised and lowered with great chains, symbolizing their confinement in the ghetto. The Jews would have to return to their ghettoes before nightfall, before the gates were shut. Otherwise, they would be liable to prosecution.
  • 76.  So, we can easily see how this "shutting up" and "loosing" of Satan is directly related to the establishment of the Jewish ghetto system by a "great chain" and its eventual removal. The House of Rothschild was founded in the ghetto of Frankfurt, Germany. It is this monetary beast, let loose from the Frankfurt ghetto, which today controls the economy of the whole world, utilizing their hereditary control of international banking as a means of world conquest.
  • 77.  This same beast created the United Nations Organization, which speaks in the name of "peace," but which makes war for profit. It is this Beast, which is currently deceiving the whole world (Rev. 12:9). It was Napoleon who opened the door for the House of Rothschild and their Jewish banker friends to take over Europe with their nefarious banking and war-mongering practices.  This is what the thousand years in the bottomless pit is all about. It has already happened. It is NOT an event that takes place after the Judgment Day!
  • 78.  The reign of the Eighth Beast is the "little season" of verse 3, from the establishment of the 5 Rothschild banks in Europe until the Judgment Day. All of these things were fulfilled during the reign of Napoleon. Now, Satan having been loosed from his chains, he has used the House of Rothschild to deceive the nations ever since. In 1815, the Rothschilds tried to exploit the Congress of Vienna in order to set up their dream of a global financial empire. The delegates of the Congress of Vienna were lavishly entertained in the homes of Jewish bankers, who had become fantastically rich during the chaos of the Nopleonic Wars.
  • 79.  These Jewish bankers realized that the Congress of Vienna was a great opportunity to hawk for customers. Mayer Rothschild, ever dreaming of revenge against Christian Europe, saw the Congress as an opportunity to control the economies of the nations. Using such a centralized medium of finance, the Jews could gain influence on the national and international policies of the nations.
  • 80.  "Vienna, Congress of, international congress held in Vienna, September 1814 to June 1815, to reestablish peace and order in Europe after the Napoleonic Wars. The congress met at the Apollosaal built by the English-born Jew, Sigmund Wolfssohn, and the delegates were often entertained during the course of the proceedings in the salons of Jewish hostesses, such as Fanny von Arnstein and Cecily Eskeles." -Encyclopedia Judaica, Vol 16, 1972, p. 132.
  • 81.  You can bet that, while these Jewish hostesses were serving Matzo ball soup, the Jewish bankers were offering government officials loans of all types, with usurious strings attached! Realizing what power such a Congress could give organized banking, the Rothschilds kept organizing more such events, which eventually resulted in the League of Nations. When that failed, due to America's rejection of the plan, the United Nations was finally established by the Rothschilds on June 26, 1945. Alger Hiss, a Soviet-Zionist spy, worked on the UN Charter while Nelson Rockefeller, a capitalist-Zionist banker, arranged for its headquarters to be set up in New York City. The Rockefellers donated the property, but the American taxpayer has been paying for this Satanic Trojan Horse ever since.
  • 82.  The House of Rothschild has been deceiving the world with its One World Government designs since the demise of the Holy Roman Empire. There is no doubt that this is the "little season" of Verse 3. As Mayer Amschel Rothschild put it: "Give me the power to issue a nation's currency and I care not who makes its laws." The UNO makes greasing the palms of the world's bureaucrats very easy, for they are all assembled in one place perpetually. He who controls the world's bank accounts determines how the money is spent.
  • 83.  Once the people of the world understand who this devil is, they will be amazed. Considering how mythology and movies condition us to imagine the devil as a fearsome, snarling beast, with a pointed tail and horns on his head, it will be somewhat anti-climatic to realize that he is merely 5 foot, 3 inch hunchback with varicose veins, named Rothschild!  "They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms, that made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof?'" - Isa. 14:16-17.
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