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Bacteriology Training
Prepared By
Dr. Mohammad S. Rashwan
Product Manager
Microbial World
Chapter 1
What is Microbiology?
• Micro - too small to be seen with the naked
• Bio - life
• ology - study of
It is the science of the microorganisms which
include unicellular organisms:
It consists of 5 groups of organisms:
Unicellular algae.
Cell is the basic unit of life..
• Based on the organization of their cellular structures all living cells
can be divided into two groups:
• Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic
• e.g. Animals, plants fungi protozoa’s and algae all possess
Eukaryotic cell types, Only Bacteria have Prokaryotic cell types.
N.B bacteria possess only one chromosome and complex cell wall which is found in higher life
Structural Features of BacteriaFeatures Functions
All Bacteria Possess:
Nuclear Material
Cytoplasmic Membrane
Cell Wall
The controlling center of the cell.
A viscous fluid containing the cellular contents.
Structures which manufacture proteins under direction of nuclear material
A selectively-permeable membrane surrounding the cytoplasm which
controls the flow of material into and out of the cell.
A freely permeable but rigid structure which gives the cell its shape.
Some Bacteria also Possess:
A protective coating around the cell wall.
Long spiral thread proper the cell for movement.
Fine hairs which help the cell adhere to the surfaces.
A version of the bacterial cell which is highly resistant to adverse
The Bacterial Cell Wall
The bacterial Cell Wall provides Structural Integrity to the cell.
The Bacterial Cell wall differs from that of all other organisms by the presences of
Peptidoglycan, which is located immediately outside of the Cytoplasmic Membrane.
Peptidoglycan is responsible for the Rigidity of the Bacterial Cell wall and for the
Determination of Cell Shape.
It is freely permeable to Water and Small Solutes. It ‘ld considered relatively porous
and not considered to be a permeability barrier.
N.B. Intracellular parasites such as Mycoplasma (contain peptidoglycan,
not all cell walls have the same overall structures)
Classification of Bacteria
Biological classification of bacteria is done
on basis of common characteristics such
A: Morphology.
B: Gram Staining.
C: Oxygen Requirements.
Classification according to the Shape
1. Rod-shaped (Bacillus)
2. Round (Coccus, e.g. Streptococcus)
3. Spiral (Spirillum)
4. An additional group, (Vibrios), appears as
incomplete spirals.
2012 11
Classification according to the Gram Stain
• Gram Positive Bacteria: Single layered Cell Wall
containing a thick peptidoglycan layer and
Teichoic acids.
• Gram Negative Bacteria: more complex Multi-
layered cell wall. Has two layer of phospholipid
and a thin Peptidoglycan layer located in the
Periplasm (the region between the outer and
inner Cytoplasmic membranes)
Classification according to the Oxygen Need
 Strict (Obligatory) Anaerobes:
Grow only were oxygen is absent.
Clostridium, strict anaerobes grow only were oxygen is absent.
 Microaerephilic:
Survive with a little oxygen.
Require oxygen but grow best just below the surface of the agar where oxygen is reduced.
 Facultative Anaerobes:
Can survive with or without oxygen.
Escherichia, Enterobacter, and Proteus grow best in oxygen but can grow in the absence of
oxygen by stealing oxygen from foods such as nitrates, sugars.
 Strict (Obligatory) Aerobes:
Can’t survive without oxygen (areas rich in blood)
Bacterial Nutrition
1.Carbon: Basic for all organic compounds.
Required in large quantities.
2. Water: Required for bacterial growth.
Some species survive without moisture in the form of spores.
3. Nitrogen: For protein synthesis.
4. Minerals: Phosphorous, K, Na, Sulpher, Fe, Mg & Ca.
5. Vitamins: For some bacteria. e.g. Gut bacteria
produce vitamins.
Phases of Bacterial Growth
Picture of
the phases
ng &
not yet
able to
bacteria at their
maximum rate,
therefore number
increases during
this phase
Growth rate
slows due to
depletion of
this phase is
reached as
begin to
exhaust the
that are
available to
Bacteria run out
of nutrients and
Factors Affecting Bacterial Growth
1. Temperature:
 Minimum Temperature: (from 0 to 10 C)
Most bacteria are unable to grow at these temperature.
 Optimum Temperature: (from 10 to 50 C)
Optimum temperature for growth of many pathogens
 Maximum Temperature: (up to 80 C)
Most pathogens are killed at this temperature
“Temperature required to kill spores ( from 90 to 120 C)”
2. Oxygen:
3. PH Range: Growth of majority is limited to PH range of 2 (one above to one below their
optimum PH)
• Acidophile (PH less than 5.4)
Neutrophile (PH 5.8- 8.5)
Alkaliphile (PH 7.0 -11.5)
4. Moisture. 5. Light 6. Nutrients
Organisms included in the study of
• 1. Bacteria
• 2. Protozoans
• 3. Algae
• 4. Parasites
• 5. Yeasts and Molds
– Fungi
• 6. Viruses
• Bacteriology
• Protozoology
• Phycology
• Parasitology
• Mycology
• Virology
Microorganisms - Microbes - Germs
Bacteria - what comes to mind?
• Diseases
• Infections
• Epidemics
• Food Spoilage
• Only 1% of all known bacteria cause human
• About 4% of all known bacteria cause plant diseases
• 95% of known bacteria are non-pathogens
Microbes Benefit Humans
• 1.Bacteria are primary decomposers - recycle
nutrients back into the environment (sewage
treatment plants)
• 2. Microbes produce various food products
– cheese, pickles, sauerkraut, green olives
– yogurt, soy sauce, vinegar, bread
– Beer, Wine, Alcohol
Microbes are used to produce Antibiotics
• Penicillin
1928 Alexander Fleming
Bacteria synthesize chemicals that our body
needs, but cannot synthesize
• Example: E. coli
– B vitamins - for metabolism
– Vitamin K - blood clotting
• Escherichia coli
– Dr. Escherich
– Colon (intestine)
Some Important Pathogens:
Gram positive Cocci Gram negative Cocci
Staphylococcus S. Saprophyticus
Staph. epidermidis
Staphylococcus aureus
Streptococcus spp S. Viridans
Strep. Pyogene
Strep. Pneumonia
Enterococcus spp E. faecalis, E. faecium
Viridans-type streps
Neissena spp.
Branhamella spp.(Chest infection)
Moraxella catarrhalis
Gram Positive Bacilli Gram Negative Bacilli
a) Aerobes :
Bacillus Anthracis (Anthrax)
Corynebacterium Diphtheria
a) Aerobes:
Haemophilus Influenzae (RTI)
Bordetlla Pertussis. (Whooping Cough)
Escherichia Coli (UTI)
Shigella Dysenteniae. (Bacillary dysentery).
Salmonella spp. (Typhoid Fever)
Klebsiella spp. (Friedlander’s Pneumonia)
Proteus spp.
Pseudomonas spp.
b) Anaerobes:
Clostridium Tetani (Tetanus)
Clostridium Perfringens (Gas Gangrene)
b) Anaerobes:
Bacteroides spp. (Wound infections, Peritonitis,
Septicemia, Brain Abscess)
Non-Gram-stainable bacteria
Acid-fast bacilli: Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
Vibrios : Vibrio Cholerae (Cholera)
Spirochaetes: Treponema Pallidum (Syphilis)
Other Pathogenic Organisms which resemble Bacteria :
Rickettsia & coxiella spp.
Chlamydia spp. Mycoplasma spp.
Protozoa toxoplasma spp.
Microbial Mechanisms of
Chapter 2
PATHOGENICITY: the quality of producing disease or
the ability to produce pathologic changes or disease
VIRULENCE: a measure of pathogenicity; a measurement
of the degree of disease-producing ability of a microorganism
as indicated by the severity of the disease produced.
DOSAGE: the number of pathogenic microorganisms
entering the host
LD50 = the number of microorganisms required to cause
lethality (death) in 50% of the test host
TRUE PATHOGEN: any microorganism capable of
causing disease; an infecting agent
OPPORTUNISTIC PATHOGEN: a usually harmless
microorganism that becomes pathogenic under favorable
conditions causing an opportunistic infection
INFECTION: the colonization and/or invasion and
multiplication of pathogenic microrganisms in the host
with or without the manifestation of disease
DISEASE: an abnormal condition of body function(s)
or structure that is considered to be harmful to the affected
individual (host); any deviation from or interruption of the
normal structure or function of any part, organ, or system
of the body
Bacterial Pathogenicity
 Infection Results from:
 Invasion of the body by pathogenic bacteria.
 Contamination of tissues by normally harmless bacteria which
outside their normal habitat become virulent.
 Predisposing Factors to Infection:
 Immunosupressed Patients.
 Extremes of Age.
 Malnutrition.
 Poor Personal Hygiene.
 Diabetes.
 Hospital Admission.
Portals of Entry
• 1. Mucus Membranes
• 2. Skin
• 3. Parentarel
1. Mucus Membranes
• A. Respiratory Tract
– microbes inhaled into
mouth or nose in
droplets of moisture or
dust particles
– Easiest and most
frequently traveled
portal of entry
Common Diseases contracted via
the Respiratory Tract
• Common cold
• Flu
• Tuberculosis
• Whooping cough
• Pneumonia
• Measles
• Strep Throat
• Diphtheria
Mucus Membranes
• B. Gastrointestinal Tract
– microbes gain entrance thru
contaminated food & water or
fingers & hands
– most microbes that enter the
G.I. Tract are destroyed by
HCL & enzymes of stomach or
bile & enzymes of small
Common diseases contracted via
the G.I. Tract
• Salmonellosis
– Salmonella sp.
• Shigellosis
– Shigella sp.
• Cholera
– Vibrio cholorea
• Ulcers
– Helicobacter pylori
• Botulism
– Clostridium botulinum
Fecal - Oral Diseases
• These pathogens enter the G.I. Tract at one
end and exit at the other end.
• Spread by contaminated hands & fingers or
contaminated food & water
• Poor personal hygiene.
Mucus Membranes of the Genitourinary System - STD’s
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Treponema pallidum
Chlamydia trachomatis
Herpes Simplex II
Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
* UTIs are common, especially among women
* UTIs in men are less common and primarily
occur after 50 years of age
* UTIs infection usually occur by ascending route (urethra to bladder)
* UTIs infection is less common by haematogenous spread (kidney)
* UTIs occur in two general settings: community-acquired and hospital
(nosocomially) acquired
Urethritis : Infection of anterior urethral tract
dysuria, urgency
and frequency of micturition
- Dysuria (burning pain on passing urine)
- Urgency (the urgent need to pas urine)
- Frequency of micturition
* Cystitis : Infection of urinary bladder
dysuria, frequency, pyuria and
* Bacteriuria: Presence of bacteria in urine
A count of 10 organisms/ml or more in urine
* Pyuria : Presence of pus in urine
(more than 10 cells/HPF)
• Pyelonephritis: Infection of kidney (lion pain, pyuria,
Etiology Of Urinary Tract Infections
* Causative organisms:
Escherichia coli
Klebsiella, proteus and pseudomonas
1- Bacterial S. aureus, S. epidermidis and S. saprophyticus
Enterococci (Strept. faecalis)
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma
2- Viral Rubella, Mumps and HIV
3- Fungal Candida, Histoplasma capsulatum
4- Protozoal T. vaginalis, S. haematobium
Notes on pathogens
* Escherichia coli : the commonest urinary pathogen
causing 60-90 % of urinary infections
* Pseudomonas, Proteus, Klebsiella and S. aureus
are associated with hospital acquired infections because their resistance to
antibiotics favor their selection in hospital patients
(catheterization, gynaecological surgery)
* Proteus infections are associated with renal stones
Proteus produce a potent urease which act on ammonia, rendering the urine
* S. saprohyticus infections are found in
sexually active young women
Notes on pathogens
* Candida urinary infection is usually found in diabetic patients and
* Infection of the anterior urinary tract (urethritis) is mainly caused
by N. gonorrhoae, staphylococci, streptococci and chlamydiae
* M. tuberculosis is carried in blood to kidney from another site of
(e.g. respiratory T.B.)
Mechanical And Functional Factors Predispose to UTI
* Disruption of urine flow or complete emptying of bladder
- Pregnancy - Renal stones -Tumor
- Prostate hypertrophy - Strictures = narowing of ureter
* Loss of neurologic control of bladder and sphincters
Paraplegia, and multiple sclerosis
multiple sclerosis
* Vesicouretral reflux
(reflux of urine from bladder up the ureter)
Anatomic abnormalities in children
* Catheterization facilitate bacterial access to bladder
- During insertion
- In situ, bacteria access to bladder
Virulence Factors of Causative Organisms
- Fimbriae enable adherence to urethral epithelium
- Capsular polysaccharide inhibite phagocytosis
- Haemolysin production by E. coli
-Membrane damaging toxin
- Production of urease enzyme (proteus spp.)
Healthy Urinary Tract
Bacterial colonization in urinary tract is
prevented by:
- pH of urine (acidic)
- Chemical content of urine
- Flushing mechanisms
Clinical Features
Acute lower UTIs (Urithritis and cystitis):
Rapid onset of:
- Dysuria (burning pain on passing urine)
- Urgency (the urgent need to pas urine)
- Frequency of micturition
Upper UTIs (Pyelonephritis):
- Fever
- Chills
- Dysuria
- Urgency
- Frequency of micturition
Chronic prostatitis
The most common pathogens in prostatitis
Etiologically recognized pathogens
Escherichia coli
Klebsiella spp.
Chlamydia trachomatis
Proteus mirabilis
Ureaplasma urealyticum
Other pathogens of the Enterobacteriaceae family Mycoplasma
Enterococcus faecalis
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Mucus Membranes
• D. Conjunctiva –
– mucus membranes that cover
the eyeball and lines the eyelid
• Trachoma
– Chlamydia trachomatis
2nd Portal of Entry: Skin
• Skin - the largest organ of the body. When
unbroken is an effective barrier for most
• Some microbes can gain entrance thru
openings in the skin: hair follicles and sweat
3rd Portal of Entry: Parentarel
• Microorganisms are deposited into the tissues
below the skin or mucus membranes
• Punctures
• injections
• bites
• scratches
• surgery
• splitting of skin due to swelling or dryness
Preferred Portal of Entry
• Just because a pathogen enters your body it
does not mean it’s going to cause disease.
• pathogens - preferred portal of entry
Preferred Portal of Entry
• Streptococcus pneumoniae
– if inhaled can cause pneumonia
– if enters the G.I. Tract, no disease
• Salmonella typhi
– if enters the G.I. Tract can cause Typhoid Fever
– if on skin, no disease
How do Bacterial Pathogens penetrate Host
1. Adherence -
almost all pathogens have
a means to attach to host
Binding Sites
Adhesins and ligands are usually
on Fimbriae
• Neisseria gonorrhoeae
• ETEC (Entertoxigenic E.
• Bordetello pertussis
2. Capsules
• Prevent phagocytosis
• Streptococcus
• Klebsiella pneumoniae
• Haemophilus influenzae
• Bacillus anthracis
• Streptococcus mutans
• Yersinia pestisK. pneumoniae
3. Enzymes
• Many pathogens secrete enzymes that
contribute to their pathogenicity
A. Leukocidins
• Attack certain types of WBC’s
• 1. Kills WBC’s which prevents phagocytosis
• 2. Releases & ruptures lysosomes
– lysosomes - contain powerful hydrolytic enzymes which
then cause more tissue damage
B. Hemolysins - cause the lysis of RBC’s
1. Alpha Hemolytic Streptococci
- secrete hemolysins that cause the
incomplete lysis or RBC’s
2. Beta Hemolytic Streptococci
- secrete hemolysins that cause the complete lysis of RBC’s
3. Gamma Hemolytic Streptococci –
do not secrete any hemolysins
C. Coagulase - cause blood to coagulate
• Blood clots protect bacteria from phagocytosis
from WBC’s and other host defenses
• Staphylococci - are often coagulase positive
– boils
– abscesses
D. Kinases - enzymes that dissolve blood
• 1. Streptokinase - Streptococci
• 2. Staphylokinase - Staphylococci
• Helps to spread bacteria - Bacteremia
• Streptokinase - used to dissolve blood clots in the Heart
(Heart Attacks due to obstructed coronary blood vessels)
E. Hyaluronidase
• Breaks down Hyaluronic acid (found in connective
• “Spreading Factor”
• mixed with a drug to help spread the drug
thru a body tissue
F. Collagenase
• Breaks down collagen (found in many connective
• Clostridium perfringens - Gas Gangrene
– uses this to spread thru muscle tissue
G. Necrotizing Factor
- causes death (necrosis) to tissue cells
“Flesh Eating Bacteria”
Necrotizing fasciitis
4. Toxins
• Poisonous substances produced by
• toxins - primary factor - pathogenicity
• 220 known bacterial toxins
– 40% cause disease by damaging the Eukaryotic cell
• Toxemia
– Toxins in the bloodstream
2 Types of Toxins
• 1. Exotoxins
– secreted outside the bacterial cell
• 2. Endotoxins
– part of the outer cell wall of Gram (-) bacteria
1.IInntteeggrraall ppaarrtt ooff cceellll wwaallll
2.Endotoxin is LLPPSS;
lipid A is toxic
3.Heat stable
4.Antigenic; questionable
5.Toxoids not be produced
6.Many effects on host
7.Produced oonnllyy bbyy ggrraamm--
nneeggaattiivvee organisms
1.RReelleeaasseedd ffrroomm tthhee cceellll
before or after lysis
3.Heat labile
4.Antigenic and iimmmmuunnooggeenniicc
5.TTooxxooiiddss can be produced
6.Specific in effect on host
7.Produced by gram-positive
& gram-negative organisms
Summary of How Bacterial Pathogens
Penetrate Host Defenses
• 1. Adherence
• 2. Capsule
• 3. Enzymes
– A. leukocidins
– B. Hemolysins
– C. Coagulase
– D. Kinases
– E. Hyaluronidase
– F. Collagenase
– G. Necrotizing Factor
4. Toxins
Chemotherapy of Bacterial
Chapter 3
Definitions of Antibiotics
• OLD: An antibiotic is a chemical substance
produced by various species of microorganisms that
is capable in small concentrations of inhibiting the
growth of other microorganisms
• NEW: An antibiotic is a product produced by a
microorganism or a similar substance produced
wholly or partially by chemical synthesis, which in low
concentrations, inhibits the growth of other
Paul Ehrlich
“Magic Bullet”
– Chemicals with selective toxicity
ORIGIN: Selective Stains
DRUG: Arsphenamine(1910)
“606” Salvarsan
NOBEL: 1908
Gerhard Domagk
 Drugs are changed in the body
ORIGIN: Prontosil
(Only active in vivo)
DRUG: Sulfanilamide (1935)
NOBEL: 1939
Alexander Fleming
– Microbes make antibiotics
ORIGIN: moldy culture plate
DRUG: Penicillin (1928)
NOBEL: 1945
Selman Waksman
– Soil Streptomyces make antibiotics
– comes up with definition of antibiotic
ORIGIN: Penicillin development
DRUG: Streptomycin (1943)
NOBEL: 1952
Bactericidal - kills bacteria
Bacteristatic - inhibits bacterial growth
Fungi static
cidal vs. static
Factors that effect Antimicrobial
• 1. Temp
• 2. Time
• 3. Concentration of Antimicrobial agent
• 4. Type of Microbe
• 5. Activity of Microbe
• 6. Presence of organic matter
Targets of Antimicrobial Agents
• 1. Cell membrane
• 2. Enzymes & Proteins
• 3. DNA & RNA
The Ideal Drug*
1. Selective toxicity: against target pathogen but not against host
– LD50 (high) vs. MIC and/or MBC (low)
1. Bactericidal vs. bacteriostatic
2. Favorable pharmacokinetics: reach target site in body with
effective concentration
3. Spectrum of activity: broad vs. narrow
4. Lack of “side effects”
– Therapeutic index: effective to toxic dose ratio
1. Little resistance development
* There is no perfect drug.
Antibacterial spectrum—Range of activity
of an antimicrobial against bacteria. A
broad-spectrum antibacterial drug can
inhibit a wide variety of gram-positive and
gram-negative bacteria, whereas a
narrow-spectrum drug is active only
against a limited variety of bacteria.
Bacteriostatic activity—-The level of
antimicro-bial activity that inhibits the
growth of an organism. This is determined
in vitro by testing a standardized
concentration of organisms against a
series of antimicrobial dilutions. The
lowest concentration that inhibits the
growth of the organism is referred to as
the minimum inhibitory concentration
Bactericidal activity—The level of
antimicrobial activity that kills the test
organism. This is determined in vitro by
exposing a standardized concentration of
organisms to a series of antimicrobial
dilutions. The lowest concentration that
kills 99.9% of the population is referred to
as the minimum bactericidal
concentration (MBC).
Antibiotic combinations—Combinations of
antibiotics that may be used (1) to broaden
the antibacterial spectrum for empiric
therapy or the treatment of polymicrobial
infections, (2) to prevent the emergence of
resistant organisms during therapy, and (3)
to achieve a synergistic killing effect.
Antibiotic synergism—Combinations of
two antibiotics that have enhanced
bactericidal activity when tested together
compared with the activity of each
Antibiotic antagonism—Combination of
antibiotics in which the activity of one
antibiotic interferes With the activity of the
other (e.g., the sum of the activity is less
than the activity of the individual drugs).
Beta-lactamase—An enzyme that
hydrolyzes the beta-lactam ring in the
beta-lactam class of antibiotics, thus
inactivating the antibiotic. The enzymes
specific for penicillins and cephalosporins
aret he penicillinases and
cephalosporinases, respectively.
Modes of Antimicrobial Action
Inhibition of Cell Wall
Bacitracin, Vancomycin
Inhibition of Protein
Neomycin, Tetracycline,
Injury to Plasma
Polymyxin B
Inhibition of synthesis of
essential metabolites:
Inhibition of
Nucleic acid
replication &
Mechanism of action of antibiotics
Inhibition of cell wall
synthesis Inhibit the construction of the bacterial cell wall by interfering
with the transpeptidase enzyme responsible for the formation of
peptide cross linkage preventing the cross linkage, finally the cell
bursts as a result of the growing internal pressure.
Bacitracin zinc
Inhibition of protein
1.Inside a bacterial cell, proteins are manufactured at certain
structures known as Ribosomes
2. Erythromycin, lincomycin, and Chloramphenicol bind to the so
called 50s component of the ribosome and prevent the
movement of mRNA
3. Aminoglycosides and tetracycline bind to the so called 30s
component of the ribosome and interfere with protein synthesis
in other ways.
4. Protein synthesis comes to a halt and the bacterial cell
becomes unable to function and may die or susceptible to
Mechanism of action of antibiotic
Inhibition of DNA replication
Mode of action depends upon blocking
bacterial DNA replication by binding itself
to an enzyme called DNA gyrase, causing
double-stranded breaks in the bacterial
Inhibition of folic acid metabolism Folic acid (one of the B vits) is responsible
for the biosynthesis of nucleic acids (DNA
building blocks)Sulphonamide
Injury to Plasma membrane
Polymyxin B
Mode of action: Interfere with cell wall synthesis
 Broad spectrum penicillin:
i. Ampicillin
ii. Amoxyclillin
iii. Amoxyclillin+ Clavulanic acid
iv. Amoxycillin + Cloxacillin
v. Amoxycillin + Flucoxacillin
vi. Ampicillin + Sulbatam
 Narrow spectrum Penicillin:
i. Penicillin G
ii. Cloxacillin
iii. Fucoxacillin
Mode of action: Interfere with cell wall synthesis.
 1st
i. Cephazone
ii. Cephalexine
iii. Cephardine
iv. cephadroxil
 2nd
i. Cefuroxime
ii. Cephamandole
 3rd
i. Cefotaxime
ii. Ceftazidime
iii. Ceftraiaxone
iv. Cefoperazone
 4th
i. Cefepime
Mode of Action: Blocking Bacterial DNA replication by inhibiting
DNA gyrase enzyme
i. Ofloxacin
ii. Ciprofloxacin
iii. Levofloxacin
iv. Naledixic acid
v. Pefloexacin
vi. Nor floxacin
i. Erythromycin
ii. Sipramycin
iii. Roxithromycin
iv. Clarithromycin
v. Azithromycin
vi. clindamycin
• Aminoglycosides that are derived from bacteria of the Streptomyces
• Mode of Action: Inhibition of protein synthesis
1. Amikacin
2. Arbekacin
3. Gentamicin
4. Kanamycin
5. Neomycin
6. Netilmicin
7. Paromomycin
8. Rhodostreptomycin
9. Streptomycin Tobramycin
10. Apramycin
1. Actinomycin
2. Alamethicin
3. Bacitracin
4. Gramicidin
5. Viomycin
6. Polymyxin
Origin of Drug Resistance
• Genetic
– spontaneous mutation of old genes
• Vertical evolution
– Acquisition of new genes
• Horizontal evolution
• Chromosomal Resistance
• Extrachromosomal Resistance
of Resistance
• Household agents
– they inhibit bacterial growth
– purpose is to prevent transmission of disease-
causing microbes to noninfected persons.
– can select for resistant strains
• NO evidence that they are useful in a healthy
Implications of Resistance
• Triclosan studies
– effect diluted by water
– one gene mutation for resistance
– contact time exceeds normal hand wash time (5
• Allergies
– link between too much hygiene and increased allergy
What are main targets of Antibiotics?
Mechanism of Action
• β-Lactams
• Non β-Lactams
Mechanism of Action
β-Lactam ring structure
Mechanism of Action
• Aminoglycosides
• Macrolides
– Chloramphenicol
– Erythromycin
• Tetracyclines
• Clindamycin
Mechanism of Action
 Rifampin
 Metronidazole
 Quinolones and fluoroquinolones
Mechanism of Action
 Polymyxins
 Colistin
Mechanism of Action
 Sulfonamides
 Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole

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  • 1. 2012 Bacteriology Training Prepared By Dr. Mohammad S. Rashwan Product Manager
  • 3. 2012 What is Microbiology? • Micro - too small to be seen with the naked eye • Bio - life • ology - study of
  • 4. 2012 Microbiology It is the science of the microorganisms which include unicellular organisms: It consists of 5 groups of organisms: Unicellular algae. Bacteria Viruses Protozoa fungi 4
  • 5. 2012 Cell is the basic unit of life.. • Based on the organization of their cellular structures all living cells can be divided into two groups: • Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic • e.g. Animals, plants fungi protozoa’s and algae all possess Eukaryotic cell types, Only Bacteria have Prokaryotic cell types. 5
  • 6. 2012 Bacteria 6 N.B bacteria possess only one chromosome and complex cell wall which is found in higher life Capsule
  • 7. 2012 Structural Features of BacteriaFeatures Functions All Bacteria Possess: Nuclear Material Cytoplasm Ribosomes Cytoplasmic Membrane Cell Wall The controlling center of the cell. A viscous fluid containing the cellular contents. Structures which manufacture proteins under direction of nuclear material A selectively-permeable membrane surrounding the cytoplasm which controls the flow of material into and out of the cell. A freely permeable but rigid structure which gives the cell its shape. Some Bacteria also Possess: Capsule Flagella Fimbriae Spores A protective coating around the cell wall. Long spiral thread proper the cell for movement. Fine hairs which help the cell adhere to the surfaces. A version of the bacterial cell which is highly resistant to adverse conditions. 7
  • 8. 2012 The Bacterial Cell Wall The bacterial Cell Wall provides Structural Integrity to the cell. The Bacterial Cell wall differs from that of all other organisms by the presences of Peptidoglycan, which is located immediately outside of the Cytoplasmic Membrane. Peptidoglycan is responsible for the Rigidity of the Bacterial Cell wall and for the Determination of Cell Shape. It is freely permeable to Water and Small Solutes. It ‘ld considered relatively porous and not considered to be a permeability barrier. N.B. Intracellular parasites such as Mycoplasma (contain peptidoglycan, not all cell walls have the same overall structures) 8
  • 9. 2012 Classification of Bacteria Biological classification of bacteria is done on basis of common characteristics such as: A: Morphology. B: Gram Staining. C: Oxygen Requirements. 9
  • 10. 2012 Classification according to the Shape 1. Rod-shaped (Bacillus) 2. Round (Coccus, e.g. Streptococcus) 3. Spiral (Spirillum) 4. An additional group, (Vibrios), appears as incomplete spirals. 10
  • 12. 2012 Classification according to the Gram Stain • Gram Positive Bacteria: Single layered Cell Wall containing a thick peptidoglycan layer and Teichoic acids. • Gram Negative Bacteria: more complex Multi- layered cell wall. Has two layer of phospholipid and a thin Peptidoglycan layer located in the Periplasm (the region between the outer and inner Cytoplasmic membranes) 12
  • 13. 2012 Classification according to the Oxygen Need  Strict (Obligatory) Anaerobes: Grow only were oxygen is absent. Clostridium, strict anaerobes grow only were oxygen is absent.  Microaerephilic: Survive with a little oxygen. Require oxygen but grow best just below the surface of the agar where oxygen is reduced.  Facultative Anaerobes: Can survive with or without oxygen. Escherichia, Enterobacter, and Proteus grow best in oxygen but can grow in the absence of oxygen by stealing oxygen from foods such as nitrates, sugars.  Strict (Obligatory) Aerobes: Can’t survive without oxygen (areas rich in blood) 13
  • 14. 2012 Bacterial Nutrition 1.Carbon: Basic for all organic compounds. Required in large quantities. 2. Water: Required for bacterial growth. Some species survive without moisture in the form of spores. 3. Nitrogen: For protein synthesis. 4. Minerals: Phosphorous, K, Na, Sulpher, Fe, Mg & Ca. 5. Vitamins: For some bacteria. e.g. Gut bacteria produce vitamins. 14
  • 15. 2012 Phases of Bacterial Growth 15 Picture of the phases Individ ual bacteria are Maturi ng & not yet able to Divide! Individual bacteria at their maximum rate, therefore number increases during this phase Growth rate slows due to depletion of nutrients, this phase is reached as bacteria begin to exhaust the resources that are available to them. Bacteria run out of nutrients and die
  • 16. 2012 Factors Affecting Bacterial Growth 1. Temperature:  Minimum Temperature: (from 0 to 10 C) Most bacteria are unable to grow at these temperature.  Optimum Temperature: (from 10 to 50 C) Optimum temperature for growth of many pathogens  Maximum Temperature: (up to 80 C) Most pathogens are killed at this temperature “Temperature required to kill spores ( from 90 to 120 C)” 2. Oxygen: 3. PH Range: Growth of majority is limited to PH range of 2 (one above to one below their optimum PH) • Acidophile (PH less than 5.4) Neutrophile (PH 5.8- 8.5) Alkaliphile (PH 7.0 -11.5) 4. Moisture. 5. Light 6. Nutrients 16
  • 17. 2012 Organisms included in the study of Microbiology • 1. Bacteria • 2. Protozoans • 3. Algae • 4. Parasites • 5. Yeasts and Molds – Fungi • 6. Viruses • Bacteriology • Protozoology • Phycology • Parasitology • Mycology • Virology Microorganisms - Microbes - Germs
  • 18. 2012 Bacteria - what comes to mind? • Diseases • Infections • Epidemics • Food Spoilage • Only 1% of all known bacteria cause human diseases • About 4% of all known bacteria cause plant diseases • 95% of known bacteria are non-pathogens
  • 19. 2012 Microbes Benefit Humans • 1.Bacteria are primary decomposers - recycle nutrients back into the environment (sewage treatment plants) • 2. Microbes produce various food products – cheese, pickles, sauerkraut, green olives – yogurt, soy sauce, vinegar, bread – Beer, Wine, Alcohol
  • 20. 2012 Microbes are used to produce Antibiotics • Penicillin 1928 Alexander Fleming
  • 21. 2012 Bacteria synthesize chemicals that our body needs, but cannot synthesize • Example: E. coli – B vitamins - for metabolism – Vitamin K - blood clotting • Escherichia coli – Dr. Escherich – Colon (intestine)
  • 22. Some Important Pathogens: COCCI Gram positive Cocci Gram negative Cocci Staphylococcus S. Saprophyticus Staph. epidermidis Staphylococcus aureus Streptococcus spp S. Viridans Strep. Pyogene Strep. Pneumonia Enterococcus spp E. faecalis, E. faecium Viridans-type streps Neissena spp. Branhamella spp.(Chest infection) Moraxella catarrhalis 22
  • 23. Bacilli Gram Positive Bacilli Gram Negative Bacilli a) Aerobes : Bacillus Anthracis (Anthrax) Corynebacterium Diphtheria (Diphtheria) a) Aerobes: Haemophilus Influenzae (RTI) Bordetlla Pertussis. (Whooping Cough) Escherichia Coli (UTI) Shigella Dysenteniae. (Bacillary dysentery). Salmonella spp. (Typhoid Fever) Klebsiella spp. (Friedlander’s Pneumonia) Proteus spp. Pseudomonas spp. b) Anaerobes: Clostridium Tetani (Tetanus) Clostridium Perfringens (Gas Gangrene) b) Anaerobes: Bacteroides spp. (Wound infections, Peritonitis, Septicemia, Brain Abscess) 23
  • 24. Non-Gram-stainable bacteria Acid-fast bacilli: Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (Tuberculosis) Vibrios : Vibrio Cholerae (Cholera) Spirochaetes: Treponema Pallidum (Syphilis) Other Pathogenic Organisms which resemble Bacteria : Rickettsia & coxiella spp. Chlamydia spp. Mycoplasma spp. Protozoa toxoplasma spp. 24
  • 26. 2012 PATHOGENICITY vs. VIRULENCE PATHOGENICITY: the quality of producing disease or the ability to produce pathologic changes or disease VIRULENCE: a measure of pathogenicity; a measurement of the degree of disease-producing ability of a microorganism as indicated by the severity of the disease produced.
  • 27. 2012 PATHOGENICITY vs. VIRULENCE (Definitons) DOSAGE: the number of pathogenic microorganisms entering the host LD50 = the number of microorganisms required to cause lethality (death) in 50% of the test host TRUE PATHOGEN: any microorganism capable of causing disease; an infecting agent OPPORTUNISTIC PATHOGEN: a usually harmless microorganism that becomes pathogenic under favorable conditions causing an opportunistic infection
  • 28. 2012 INFECTION vs. DISEASE INFECTION: the colonization and/or invasion and multiplication of pathogenic microrganisms in the host with or without the manifestation of disease DISEASE: an abnormal condition of body function(s) or structure that is considered to be harmful to the affected individual (host); any deviation from or interruption of the normal structure or function of any part, organ, or system of the body
  • 29. 2012 Bacterial Pathogenicity  Infection Results from:  Invasion of the body by pathogenic bacteria.  Contamination of tissues by normally harmless bacteria which outside their normal habitat become virulent.  Predisposing Factors to Infection:  Immunosupressed Patients.  Extremes of Age.  Malnutrition.  Poor Personal Hygiene.  Diabetes.  Hospital Admission. 29
  • 30. 2012 Portals of Entry • 1. Mucus Membranes • 2. Skin • 3. Parentarel
  • 31. 2012 1. Mucus Membranes • A. Respiratory Tract – microbes inhaled into mouth or nose in droplets of moisture or dust particles – Easiest and most frequently traveled portal of entry
  • 32. 2012 Common Diseases contracted via the Respiratory Tract • Common cold • Flu • Tuberculosis • Whooping cough • Pneumonia • Measles • Strep Throat • Diphtheria
  • 33. 2012 Mucus Membranes • B. Gastrointestinal Tract – microbes gain entrance thru contaminated food & water or fingers & hands – most microbes that enter the G.I. Tract are destroyed by HCL & enzymes of stomach or bile & enzymes of small intestine
  • 34. 2012 Common diseases contracted via the G.I. Tract • Salmonellosis – Salmonella sp. • Shigellosis – Shigella sp. • Cholera – Vibrio cholorea • Ulcers – Helicobacter pylori • Botulism – Clostridium botulinum
  • 35. 2012 Fecal - Oral Diseases • These pathogens enter the G.I. Tract at one end and exit at the other end. • Spread by contaminated hands & fingers or contaminated food & water • Poor personal hygiene.
  • 36. 2012 Mucus Membranes of the Genitourinary System - STD’s Gonorrhea Neisseria gonorrhoeae Syphilis Treponema pallidum Chlamydia Chlamydia trachomatis HIV Herpes Simplex II
  • 38. 2012 Introduction * UTIs are common, especially among women * UTIs in men are less common and primarily occur after 50 years of age * UTIs infection usually occur by ascending route (urethra to bladder) * UTIs infection is less common by haematogenous spread (kidney) * UTIs occur in two general settings: community-acquired and hospital (nosocomially) acquired
  • 39. 2012 Definitions Urethritis : Infection of anterior urethral tract dysuria, urgency and frequency of micturition - Dysuria (burning pain on passing urine) - Urgency (the urgent need to pas urine) - Frequency of micturition * Cystitis : Infection of urinary bladder dysuria, frequency, pyuria and haematuria * Bacteriuria: Presence of bacteria in urine A count of 10 organisms/ml or more in urine * Pyuria : Presence of pus in urine (more than 10 cells/HPF) • Pyelonephritis: Infection of kidney (lion pain, pyuria, rigors ,fever
  • 40. 2012 Etiology Of Urinary Tract Infections * Causative organisms: Escherichia coli Klebsiella, proteus and pseudomonas 1- Bacterial S. aureus, S. epidermidis and S. saprophyticus Enterococci (Strept. faecalis) Mycobacterium tuberculosis Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma 2- Viral Rubella, Mumps and HIV 3- Fungal Candida, Histoplasma capsulatum 4- Protozoal T. vaginalis, S. haematobium
  • 41. 2012 Notes on pathogens * Escherichia coli : the commonest urinary pathogen causing 60-90 % of urinary infections * Pseudomonas, Proteus, Klebsiella and S. aureus are associated with hospital acquired infections because their resistance to antibiotics favor their selection in hospital patients (catheterization, gynaecological surgery) * Proteus infections are associated with renal stones Proteus produce a potent urease which act on ammonia, rendering the urine alkaline * S. saprohyticus infections are found in sexually active young women
  • 42. 2012 Notes on pathogens * Candida urinary infection is usually found in diabetic patients and immunosuppression * Infection of the anterior urinary tract (urethritis) is mainly caused by N. gonorrhoae, staphylococci, streptococci and chlamydiae * M. tuberculosis is carried in blood to kidney from another site of infection (e.g. respiratory T.B.)
  • 43. 2012 Mechanical And Functional Factors Predispose to UTI * Disruption of urine flow or complete emptying of bladder - Pregnancy - Renal stones -Tumor - Prostate hypertrophy - Strictures = narowing of ureter * Loss of neurologic control of bladder and sphincters Paraplegia, and multiple sclerosis Paraplegia multiple sclerosis * Vesicouretral reflux (reflux of urine from bladder up the ureter) Anatomic abnormalities in children * Catheterization facilitate bacterial access to bladder - During insertion - In situ, bacteria access to bladder
  • 44. 2012 Virulence Factors of Causative Organisms - Fimbriae enable adherence to urethral epithelium - Capsular polysaccharide inhibite phagocytosis - Haemolysin production by E. coli -Membrane damaging toxin - Production of urease enzyme (proteus spp.)
  • 45. 2012 Healthy Urinary Tract Bacterial colonization in urinary tract is prevented by: - pH of urine (acidic) - Chemical content of urine - Flushing mechanisms
  • 46. 2012 Clinical Features Acute lower UTIs (Urithritis and cystitis): Rapid onset of: - Dysuria (burning pain on passing urine) - Urgency (the urgent need to pas urine) - Frequency of micturition Upper UTIs (Pyelonephritis): - Fever - Chills - Dysuria - Urgency - Frequency of micturition
  • 47. 2012 Chronic prostatitis The most common pathogens in prostatitis Etiologically recognized pathogens Escherichia coli Staphylococci Klebsiella spp. Chlamydia trachomatis Proteus mirabilis Ureaplasma urealyticum Other pathogens of the Enterobacteriaceae family Mycoplasma Enterococcus faecalis Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  • 48. 2012 Mucus Membranes • D. Conjunctiva – – mucus membranes that cover the eyeball and lines the eyelid • Trachoma – Chlamydia trachomatis
  • 49. 2012 2nd Portal of Entry: Skin • Skin - the largest organ of the body. When unbroken is an effective barrier for most microorganisms. • Some microbes can gain entrance thru openings in the skin: hair follicles and sweat glands
  • 50. 2012 3rd Portal of Entry: Parentarel • Microorganisms are deposited into the tissues below the skin or mucus membranes • Punctures • injections • bites • scratches • surgery • splitting of skin due to swelling or dryness
  • 51. 2012 Preferred Portal of Entry • Just because a pathogen enters your body it does not mean it’s going to cause disease. • pathogens - preferred portal of entry
  • 52. 2012 Preferred Portal of Entry • Streptococcus pneumoniae – if inhaled can cause pneumonia – if enters the G.I. Tract, no disease • Salmonella typhi – if enters the G.I. Tract can cause Typhoid Fever – if on skin, no disease
  • 53. 2012 How do Bacterial Pathogens penetrate Host Defenses? 1. Adherence - almost all pathogens have a means to attach to host tissue Binding Sites adhesins ligands
  • 54. 2012 Adhesins and ligands are usually on Fimbriae • Neisseria gonorrhoeae • ETEC (Entertoxigenic E. coli) • Bordetello pertussis
  • 55. 2012 2. Capsules • Prevent phagocytosis attachment • Streptococcus pneumoniae • Klebsiella pneumoniae • Haemophilus influenzae • Bacillus anthracis • Streptococcus mutans • Yersinia pestisK. pneumoniae
  • 56. 2012 3. Enzymes • Many pathogens secrete enzymes that contribute to their pathogenicity
  • 57. 2012 A. Leukocidins • Attack certain types of WBC’s • 1. Kills WBC’s which prevents phagocytosis • 2. Releases & ruptures lysosomes – lysosomes - contain powerful hydrolytic enzymes which then cause more tissue damage
  • 58. 2012 B. Hemolysins - cause the lysis of RBC’s Streptococci
  • 59. 2012 1. Alpha Hemolytic Streptococci - secrete hemolysins that cause the incomplete lysis or RBC’s
  • 60. 2012 2. Beta Hemolytic Streptococci - secrete hemolysins that cause the complete lysis of RBC’s
  • 61. 2012 3. Gamma Hemolytic Streptococci – do not secrete any hemolysins
  • 62. 2012 C. Coagulase - cause blood to coagulate • Blood clots protect bacteria from phagocytosis from WBC’s and other host defenses • Staphylococci - are often coagulase positive – boils – abscesses
  • 63. 2012 D. Kinases - enzymes that dissolve blood clots • 1. Streptokinase - Streptococci • 2. Staphylokinase - Staphylococci • Helps to spread bacteria - Bacteremia • Streptokinase - used to dissolve blood clots in the Heart (Heart Attacks due to obstructed coronary blood vessels)
  • 64. 2012 E. Hyaluronidase • Breaks down Hyaluronic acid (found in connective tissues) • “Spreading Factor” • mixed with a drug to help spread the drug thru a body tissue
  • 65. 2012 F. Collagenase • Breaks down collagen (found in many connective tissues) • Clostridium perfringens - Gas Gangrene – uses this to spread thru muscle tissue
  • 66. 2012 G. Necrotizing Factor - causes death (necrosis) to tissue cells “Flesh Eating Bacteria” Necrotizing fasciitis
  • 67. 2012 4. Toxins • Poisonous substances produced by microorganisms • toxins - primary factor - pathogenicity • 220 known bacterial toxins – 40% cause disease by damaging the Eukaryotic cell membrane • Toxemia – Toxins in the bloodstream
  • 68. 2012 2 Types of Toxins • 1. Exotoxins – secreted outside the bacterial cell • 2. Endotoxins – part of the outer cell wall of Gram (-) bacteria
  • 69. 2012 ENDOTOXINS 1.IInntteeggrraall ppaarrtt ooff cceellll wwaallll 2.Endotoxin is LLPPSS; lipid A is toxic 3.Heat stable 4.Antigenic; questionable immunogenicity 5.Toxoids not be produced 6.Many effects on host 7.Produced oonnllyy bbyy ggrraamm-- nneeggaattiivvee organisms EXOTOXINS 1.RReelleeaasseedd ffrroomm tthhee cceellll before or after lysis 2.PPrrootteeiinn 3.Heat labile 4.Antigenic and iimmmmuunnooggeenniicc 5.TTooxxooiiddss can be produced 6.Specific in effect on host 7.Produced by gram-positive & gram-negative organisms
  • 70. 2012 Summary of How Bacterial Pathogens Penetrate Host Defenses • 1. Adherence • 2. Capsule • 3. Enzymes – A. leukocidins – B. Hemolysins – C. Coagulase – D. Kinases – E. Hyaluronidase – F. Collagenase – G. Necrotizing Factor 4. Toxins
  • 72. 2012 Definitions of Antibiotics • OLD: An antibiotic is a chemical substance produced by various species of microorganisms that is capable in small concentrations of inhibiting the growth of other microorganisms • NEW: An antibiotic is a product produced by a microorganism or a similar substance produced wholly or partially by chemical synthesis, which in low concentrations, inhibits the growth of other microorganisms
  • 73. 2012 History Paul Ehrlich “Magic Bullet” – Chemicals with selective toxicity ORIGIN: Selective Stains DRUG: Arsphenamine(1910) “606” Salvarsan NOBEL: 1908
  • 74. 2012 History (cont’d) Gerhard Domagk  Drugs are changed in the body ORIGIN: Prontosil (Only active in vivo) DRUG: Sulfanilamide (1935) NOBEL: 1939
  • 75. 2012 History Alexander Fleming – Microbes make antibiotics ORIGIN: moldy culture plate DRUG: Penicillin (1928) NOBEL: 1945 (cont’d)
  • 76. 2012 History Selman Waksman – Soil Streptomyces make antibiotics – comes up with definition of antibiotic ORIGIN: Penicillin development DRUG: Streptomycin (1943) NOBEL: 1952 (cont’d)
  • 77. 2012 Bactericidal - kills bacteria Bacteristatic - inhibits bacterial growth Fungicidal Fungi static Algacidal Algastatic cidal vs. static
  • 78. 2012 Factors that effect Antimicrobial Activity • 1. Temp • 2. Time • 3. Concentration of Antimicrobial agent • 4. Type of Microbe • 5. Activity of Microbe • 6. Presence of organic matter
  • 79. 2012 Targets of Antimicrobial Agents • 1. Cell membrane • 2. Enzymes & Proteins • 3. DNA & RNA
  • 80. 2012 The Ideal Drug* 1. Selective toxicity: against target pathogen but not against host – LD50 (high) vs. MIC and/or MBC (low) 1. Bactericidal vs. bacteriostatic 2. Favorable pharmacokinetics: reach target site in body with effective concentration 3. Spectrum of activity: broad vs. narrow 4. Lack of “side effects” – Therapeutic index: effective to toxic dose ratio 1. Little resistance development * There is no perfect drug.
  • 81. 2012
  • 82. 2012 Antibacterial spectrum—Range of activity of an antimicrobial against bacteria. A broad-spectrum antibacterial drug can inhibit a wide variety of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, whereas a narrow-spectrum drug is active only against a limited variety of bacteria. Bacteriostatic activity—-The level of antimicro-bial activity that inhibits the growth of an organism. This is determined in vitro by testing a standardized concentration of organisms against a series of antimicrobial dilutions. The lowest concentration that inhibits the growth of the organism is referred to as the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). Bactericidal activity—The level of antimicrobial activity that kills the test organism. This is determined in vitro by exposing a standardized concentration of organisms to a series of antimicrobial dilutions. The lowest concentration that kills 99.9% of the population is referred to as the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC). Antibiotic combinations—Combinations of antibiotics that may be used (1) to broaden the antibacterial spectrum for empiric therapy or the treatment of polymicrobial infections, (2) to prevent the emergence of resistant organisms during therapy, and (3) to achieve a synergistic killing effect. Antibiotic synergism—Combinations of two antibiotics that have enhanced bactericidal activity when tested together compared with the activity of each antibiotic. Antibiotic antagonism—Combination of antibiotics in which the activity of one antibiotic interferes With the activity of the other (e.g., the sum of the activity is less than the activity of the individual drugs). Beta-lactamase—An enzyme that hydrolyzes the beta-lactam ring in the beta-lactam class of antibiotics, thus inactivating the antibiotic. The enzymes specific for penicillins and cephalosporins aret he penicillinases and cephalosporinases, respectively.
  • 83. 2012 Modes of Antimicrobial Action 83 Inhibition of Cell Wall Synthesis: Penicillins, Cephalosporins, Bacitracin, Vancomycin Inhibition of Protein Synthesis: Chloramphenicol, Neomycin, Tetracycline, Streptomycin Injury to Plasma membrane: Polymyxin B Inhibition of synthesis of essential metabolites: Sulfanilamide, Trimethoprime Inhibition of Nucleic acid replication & transcription: Quinolones, Rifampin
  • 84. 2012 Mechanism of action of antibiotics Inhibition of cell wall synthesis Inhibit the construction of the bacterial cell wall by interfering with the transpeptidase enzyme responsible for the formation of peptide cross linkage preventing the cross linkage, finally the cell bursts as a result of the growing internal pressure. Penicillin Cephalosporins Bacitracin zinc Inhibition of protein synthesis 1.Inside a bacterial cell, proteins are manufactured at certain structures known as Ribosomes 2. Erythromycin, lincomycin, and Chloramphenicol bind to the so called 50s component of the ribosome and prevent the movement of mRNA 3. Aminoglycosides and tetracycline bind to the so called 30s component of the ribosome and interfere with protein synthesis in other ways. 4. Protein synthesis comes to a halt and the bacterial cell becomes unable to function and may die or susceptible to destruction Tetracycline Neomycin Macrolides Chloramphenicol 84
  • 85. 2012 Mechanism of action of antibiotic Inhibition of DNA replication Mode of action depends upon blocking bacterial DNA replication by binding itself to an enzyme called DNA gyrase, causing double-stranded breaks in the bacterial chromosome. Quinolones Inhibition of folic acid metabolism Folic acid (one of the B vits) is responsible for the biosynthesis of nucleic acids (DNA building blocks)Sulphonamide Injury to Plasma membrane Polymyxin B 85
  • 86. 2012 Penicillin Mode of action: Interfere with cell wall synthesis  Broad spectrum penicillin: i. Ampicillin ii. Amoxyclillin iii. Amoxyclillin+ Clavulanic acid iv. Amoxycillin + Cloxacillin v. Amoxycillin + Flucoxacillin vi. Ampicillin + Sulbatam  Narrow spectrum Penicillin: i. Penicillin G ii. Cloxacillin iii. Fucoxacillin 86
  • 87. 2012 Cephalosporins Mode of action: Interfere with cell wall synthesis.  1st generation i. Cephazone ii. Cephalexine iii. Cephardine iv. cephadroxil  2nd generation i. Cefuroxime ii. Cephamandole  3rd generation i. Cefotaxime ii. Ceftazidime iii. Ceftraiaxone iv. Cefoperazone  4th generation i. Cefepime 87
  • 88. 2012 Quinolones Mode of Action: Blocking Bacterial DNA replication by inhibiting DNA gyrase enzyme i. Ofloxacin ii. Ciprofloxacin iii. Levofloxacin iv. Naledixic acid v. Pefloexacin vi. Nor floxacin vii.Moxifloxacin 88
  • 89. 2012 Macrolides i. Erythromycin ii. Sipramycin iii. Roxithromycin iv. Clarithromycin v. Azithromycin vi. clindamycin 89
  • 90. 2012 Aminoglycosides • Aminoglycosides that are derived from bacteria of the Streptomyces genus • Mode of Action: Inhibition of protein synthesis 1. Amikacin 2. Arbekacin 3. Gentamicin 4. Kanamycin 5. Neomycin 6. Netilmicin 7. Paromomycin 8. Rhodostreptomycin 9. Streptomycin Tobramycin 10. Apramycin 90
  • 91. 2012 Polypeptide 1. Actinomycin 2. Alamethicin 3. Bacitracin 4. Gramicidin 5. Viomycin 6. Polymyxin 91
  • 92. 2012 Origin of Drug Resistance • Genetic – spontaneous mutation of old genes • Vertical evolution – Acquisition of new genes • Horizontal evolution • Chromosomal Resistance • Extrachromosomal Resistance (cont’d)
  • 93. 2012 Implications of Resistance • Household agents – they inhibit bacterial growth – purpose is to prevent transmission of disease- causing microbes to noninfected persons. – can select for resistant strains • NO evidence that they are useful in a healthy household
  • 94. 2012 Implications of Resistance • Triclosan studies – effect diluted by water – one gene mutation for resistance – contact time exceeds normal hand wash time (5 seconds) • Allergies – link between too much hygiene and increased allergy frequency
  • 96. 2012 What are main targets of Antibiotics? REVIEW
  • 97. 2012 Mechanism of Action INHIBITION OF CELL WALL SYNTHESIS • β-Lactams • Non β-Lactams REVIEW
  • 98. 2012 Mechanism of Action CELL WALL SYNTHESIS INHIBITORS β-Lactam ring structure (cont’d) REVIEW
  • 99. 2012 Mechanism of Action • Aminoglycosides • Macrolides – Chloramphenicol – Erythromycin • Tetracyclines • Clindamycin INHIBITION OF PROTEIN SYNTHESIS REVIEW
  • 100. 2012 Mechanism of Action INHIBITION OF NUCLEIC ACID SYNTHESIS  Rifampin  Metronidazole  Quinolones and fluoroquinolones REVIEW
  • 101. 2012 Mechanism of Action DISRUPTION OF CELL MEMBRANES  Polymyxins  Colistin REVIEW
  • 102. 2012 Mechanism of Action ANTIMETABOLITE ACTION  Sulfonamides  Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole REVIEW
  • 103. 2012

Editor's Notes

  1. What is the role of antibiotic in nature: Germ Warfare- the production of compounds that discourage microbial competitors. Problem with this explanation is that antibiotic production by microbes growing in nature is so low that levels of antibiotics are undetectable. May be signaling molecules NO EVIDENCE FOR EITHER ROLE
  2. Paul Ehrlich- derived from finding that dyes used in histochemistry became bound to cell-specific receptors. He asked” Why can’t such dyes be toxic for specific organisms?” 1910 looking for something to target Treponema pallidum. Looked at arsenic compounds and on the 606th one tested. Salvarsan- combo of salvation and arsenic. First documented case of a chemicla that could selectively kill pathogens w/o permanently harming the human host.
  3. In 1934, found that protosil cured a fatal streptococcal infection in mice - did not work in test tube. prontosil  sulfanilamide didn’t work in tt, but working in animal. Turns out that prontosil was split by a enzymes in animals blood into the first of the “Sulfa drugs” The cure rates for some diseases were rising and these findings gave impetus to the efforts to purify penicillin.
  4. Alexander Fleming penicillin developed in US in 1941 - spores from mold on coats of scientists
  5. Selman Waksman streptomycin - bacteria produced antibiotics too. Many began screening soils looking for antibiotics.
  6. Selective toxicity - greater harm to microbes than host, done by interfering with essential biological processes common in bacteria but not human cells. LD50 vs. MIC - Therapeutic index (the lowest dose toxic to the patient divided by the dose typically used for therapy). High TI are less toxic to the patient. Bactericidal vs. bacteriostatic Static rely on normal host defences to kill or eliminate the patogen after its growth has been inhibited. (UTIs) CIDAL given when host defenses cannot be relied on to remove or destroy pathogen. Favorable pharmacokinetics - drug interxns, how drug is distributed, metabolized and excreted in body (unstabel in acid, can it cross the Blood-brain barrier, etc) Spectrum of activity broad spectrum - wide Narrow spectrum - narrow range (pathogen must be ID’d) Lack of “side effects” allergic, toxic side effects, suppress normal flora Little resistance development
  7. Spontaneous evolution occurs at low rate (~1 in 10 million cells) Grow up 10 to the 9 or tenth cells, there is a good chance one cell is resistant to Streptomycin due to mutation, plate the load, isolate the resistant. Streptomycin: binds to 30S subunit of ribsome causes distortion and misreading Single target, easy to get spontaneuos mutation. Multiple targets are harder b/c several different mutations are required to prevent binding of the drug. Plasmids Transposons Integrons Thus if organism has two different plasmids, an antibiotic resistant gene can move from one to another. In this way, a gene could move from a narrow range host plasmid to a wide range host plasmid. Wide range host plasmids, in contrast to narrow range host plasmids, can replicate even if they are transferred to unrelated bacteria.
  8. High therapeutic index some block NAM elongation-Vancomycin precursor transport blockage - Bacitracin β-lactam drugs beta lactam ring has structural similarity between normal substrate (for enzymes known as penicillin binding proteins (PBPs) By mimicking the substrate the beta lactam drugs are bound by PBPs thus competitively inhibiting their enzymatic activity. This causes a disruption in CW synthesis. B/c CW are only synthesized in actively multiplying cells, these are only effective against growing bacteria. Some make beta lactamse, an enzyme that breaks down the ring structure and thus inactivates penicillins
  9. Tend to be bactericidal and broad spectrum Are actively transported onto the bacterial cell (this is one reason for selective toxicity - don’t work against animal cells) by a mechanism that involves ox phos. Therefore, they have little or no activity against strict anaerobes or those that metabolize only fermentatively (like streptococci) Gentamicin Tobramycin Amikacin Streptomycin - hardly used anymore b/c high-level and stable resistant mutants are frequently selected for during therapy Kanamycin Spectinomycin Neomycin - used to reduce the facultative flora of the large intestine befroe certain types of intestinal surgury. It is poorly absorbed therefore is active in the bowel.
  10. use along with other drugs for TB
  11. Tend to be very toxic. Have a cationic detergent effect, bind to cell membranes of Gm neg and alter permeability. Toxicity due to the effect that it has on cell membranes as well. USed topically and have the advantage that resistance to them rarely develops nephrotoxic and neurotoxic
  12. broad spectrum, cidal? Very few that do this. Most useful are folate inhibitors sulfonamide and trimethoprim. Inhibit various steps in the pathway for folic acid that ultimately blocks the synthesis of a coenzyme required for nucleotide synthesis. Animal cells lack the enzymes in the folic acid synthesis portion of the pathway which is why folic acid is a dietary requirement. Difference in the activity of the various sulfonamides reflect their ability to compete with PABA for the enzyme. High urine levels are achieved and is excreted in urine in active form therefore good for UTIs.