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My Media Product

Real Media


I have chosen to use these three
magazines’ front covers, contents
pages and double page spreads to show
how I have used, developed or
challenged forms and conventions of
real media products in my own media
I have chosen to use NME, Q and
Kerrang as I believe they all are similar
to the genre of my magazine.
Front Cover


My front cover uses conventions of real media products as I have used a bold masthead. Real media products such as
NME, Kerrang and Q, which have the same sub-genre as my music magazine, have a bold masthead also.
This creates a strong brand identity as it stands out to the reader, attracts them and sticks in their mind. I have used
the conventions of real media products as I have situated the masthead at the top of the mise-en-scene like in
Kerrang, NME and Q.
I have also challenged the conventions of the mastheads of the other media products because part of my main
image covers some of the masthead. This won’t disturb the brand identity of my media product because the
audience will be so familiar with the product the won’t need to see the whole of the masthead to see what it is.


My front cover uses conventions of real media products as I have used a banner at the top and a footer at the bottom of
the mise-en-scene like in NME and Kerrang but not Q. This is to promote the smaller cover features of the magazine.
The head banner is one of the first conventions of the magazine front cover that the audience sees, so is a good place to
advertise extra things the magazine has to offer. NME and Kerrang have advertised their competitions or free products in
their head banner where as I have developed this to remind the audience about regular features in my magazine.
My front cover develops but also uses conventions of real media products because I have put the text of the banner and
footer into a coloured text box to stand out from the background like Kerrang but NME has left the text against the
background. I have used bold text like in both of the real media products and two different colours for the text like in
NME. I have used these conventions in order to make sure the banner stands out to my audience.

NME’s head banner

Kerrang’s head banner

My head banner


The footer banner is one of the last conventions of the magazine front cover that the audience sees. This is a good
opportunity to advertise what other smaller features are in the magazine. On the footer I have not used the word ‘plus’ like
on NME and Kerrang, I have challenged this by just using the ‘+’ sign. This allows the text of the features to stand out with
out any additional text over powering it. I have also developed conventions of media products as I have used star shapes as
bullet points rather than an average bullet points like NME. This is to show that the bands mentioned in the feature are well
known and are important to the magazine as the stars connote Hollywood and being famous, however the shapes are plain
and basic in order to show how they are taken seriously by the magazine.

NME alternates the font colour in their footer, where as I have challenged this by keeping my font the same colour of white
but I have broken up the text by making the star bullet points a contrasting colour, like Kerrang have but with ‘+’ signs rather
than a star. This keeps the text easy to read but still allows it to stand out.

Kerrang’s footer banner

NME’s footer banner

My footer banner

However, I have challenged the front
cover of Q because it doesn’t have a
header or footer banner.
The banner is situated to the right side
of the mise-en-scene, where as I’ve
decided to use this space for a main
cover feature so I believe I have also
developed the front cover of Q as I have
two banners rather than one and more
space for main cover features.
main cover
main cover

Q’s main c

Main Cover Feature


My front cover uses conventions of real media products as I have used a main
cover feature. Real media products such as NME, Kerrang and Q have main cover
feature’s too. I have included a title, a pull quote and a subtitle (this provides extra
information and anchors the main image that relates to the cover story).
I have developed Kerrang and Q’s main cover feature because I have situated it on
top of the main image to show the relation between the image and the feature. I
have used the same convention as NME because both cover features are on top of
the main image.
I have used capitalised text for my whole main feature like Kerrang and Q. This
emphasises the feature and attracts the attention of the reader. However, I have
challenged this of NME because the pull quote is in lower case where as mine isn’t.
The capitalisation shows that what the artist has said in the interview is being
exclaimed, attracting the audience.
I have used different colour text and different sized fonts in my main cover feature
for certain information to stand out against others to attract the reader and these
conventions have been used in the real media products. The biggest piece of text is
the mian cover feature title and NME and Q have also coloured this differently to
the rest of the text where as Kerrang hasn’t but has used a completely different
font. All the colours used are part of the magazines’ house style colour scheme.

Main Image
I have used the same conventions for my main image as real media products such
as NME, Q and Kerrang. The images are the biggest convention on the mise-enscene to attract the audience as the cover star will be a well known artist from
that genre. All the artists have blank expressions to show that they are serious
about there music and want to be known for that.
NME’s main image

My main image

Kerrang’s main image

Q’s main image

I have also used the same form as NME and Kerrang as both have their star’s eyes
in the top third of the mise-en-scene and there is eye contact with the audience
creating a gaze.
However, I challenged and developed Q because the star is wearing sun glasses
meaning there is no gaze created with the audience.

Secondary Images
I have used similar conventions of NME’s secondary pictures as I have grouped them
all together and I’ve used a separate background colour to do this. I have also put
anchorage which explains to the audience what is going on in that image/feature.
I have challenged Kerrang’s conventions of secondary images as I have only used
three that are all grouped together where as Kerrang have used a group of images
then a single image on its own too. However, Kerrang’s images are small and some
overlap each other making them less clear to see where as my images are big and
Kerrang’s secondary
bright to make them stand off from the page.
I have developed Q’s conventions of secondary images as Q have not used any other
images apart from the main one where as I have used three others. This could
connote to the audience that I have more things to see in my magazine compared to
Q who would have more things to read.

Q has no
secondary images

NME’s secondary


Contents Page
Contents Title

My contents page uses conventions of real media products as I have used a contents title to indicate to the audience
what page they are on. Real media products such as Kerrang and Q, which have the same sub-genre as my music
magazine, have a contents title also. However, NME just go straight into introducing what is inside the issue.
I have used conventions of real media products as my text is in block capitals like in Kerrang, NME and Q. This stands
out to the audience, makes it clear and easier to read. I have also used conventions of real media products because I
have made the text a bright yellow colour that is still part of my house style colour scheme and stands out from my
background colour. Likewise, Kerrang has done this to stand out against the black background to the audience. Q also
uses a contrasting colour to make the contents title stand out but the colour isn’t too bright so the masthead of the
magazine doesn’t get over powered. NME also uses a contrasting colour on their introductory title to make it stand out
from the audience, as well as this the text is in block capitals and is the largest text on the page.
I have used conventions of real media products as I have included the issue date and issue number. Kerrang and Q have
included the issue number and date, but NME has just included the date. This reminds the audience of what issue they
are reading and this helps the audience keep up-to-date with the features.
NME’s title
My title

Kerrang’s title
Q’s title

Editor’s Letter
My contents page uses conventions of real media products as I have included a editor’s letter on my contents
page. Kerrang also includes a editors letter on it’s contents page. I have used similar conventions to Kerrang as I
have included a picture of the editor and a signature. This creates a personal feel for the audience and
encourages them to read on. My editors letter is also situated along the left hand side of the mise-en-scene like
Kerrang in order not to disturb and interfere with the contents listing.
My contents page challenges conventions of real media products as NME and Q don’t feature a editors letter
on their contents page. This is because a contents page is self explanatory so doesn’t need to include more
information in an editors letter. However, having a editors letter allows the editor to personally address the
audience and give recommendations.
My editors letter

editors letter

Q and

My contents page uses conventions of real media products as I have included primary (main) and secondary images. Real media
products such as Kerrang, NME and Q have used primary and secondary images also to go alongside their features. Using images
emphasises the main articles and attracts the audience to the features.

Kerrang has situated it’s main image at the top of the mise-en-scene and has secondary images, the title and text that anchors the main
image layered over the top. I have used this convention as my main image is at the top of my contents page also with information on
top of it too. Kerrang have also used other small secondary images next to some of the features and next to the subscription box to
attract the audience.
NME however have put their main image in the centre of the mise-en-scene with more anchorage text underneath. NME have provided
a lot of text that anchors the images with the secondary images that go around the main image. The main image is slightly larger than
the secondary images and in the centre so I have developed this by making my main image very large and at the top of the page.
Q’s main image is in the top right hand corner of the mise-en-scene but still takes up the majority of the page. Below this is the only
secondary image but attracts the audiences attention to the feature and persuades them to read it. I have developed Q’s contents page
because I have situated the main image at the top of the page in order not to disturb the content listing where as Q have one column
alongside the image.

My images



Content Listing


My contents page uses conventions of real media products as when I have listed the content of the magazine I have used sub titles and
columns to make it easier for the audience to read and understand. Real media products such as NME, Q and Kerrang have also used
these conventions.
I have used conventions of real media products like Kerrang and Q as they have used sub titles to categorise the features. This makes it
easier for the audience to locate what type of feature they want to read. However, I have developed Q’s contents page as I have used
more subtitles like Kerrang making it evident what types of features are on offer to the audience, like Kerrang. I have challenged
NME’s contents page as I have included sub titles where as they haven’t. I believe my contents page is easier to understand as my
audience can find what feature they want where as they will have to read all of NME’s contents page to find a feature.

I have also used conventions of real media products like NME, Q and Kerrang as I have used columns to make the feature titles clear
and easy to read. This also allows any extra information or secondary pictures to be structured and helps the audience understand
which items belong together. Like Kerrang I have used a regular arrangement of columns as they are all next to each other where as I
have developed the conventions of NME and Q because they have used an irregular arrangement of columns of different widths and

Double Page Spread
Main Image

I have used conventions of real media products as I have included a main image on my double page spread. Real media products such
as Q, NME and Kerrang, which have the same sub-genre as my music magazine, have main images also.
Q, NME and Kerrang have no text on top of their image or really surrounding it, where as I have challenged this because I have
situated my pull quote on top of my cover star and I have a box with information in it to the left of the mise-en-scene. Having the pull
quote on top of the cover star shows that this is a statement this person has said and leaves room on the other page for the article.
Q and my own magazine have challenged the conventions of Kerrang and NME as our cover star’s are looking away from the camera
and not creating a gaze with the audience where as the stars in the other two real media products look directly at the audience
attracting them. My audience will already have been attracted to read the article from the front cover and contents page so do not
need any more encouragement. I have also used the same convention as Kerrang as both our main images are mid-shots to show the
stars' facial expression and body language. However, Q has used a close up just to capture the stars’ facial expression and NME has
used a long shot to capture the background of where the star’s are.
I have also included a grey box near my image which uses conventions of real media products as O, NME and Kerrang all have one. A
grey box describes what is happening in the image so is beneficial to the audience.

My main

NME’s main

Q’s main



My double page spread uses conventions of real media products as it includes a headline. Real media products such as
NME, Q and Kerrang have also included a headline. The headline tells the audience what the article is and relates back
to the front cover and contents page where the audience will have first been intrigued to read the feature.
I have used the same conventions as Q because both headlines are of the star that the article is about. This tells the
audience who the person in the main image is if they haven’t heard of them before. However, I have challenged the
features pages of NME and Kerrang as they have used a pull quote as there headline where as I put my pull quote on
top of my main image. Using the pull quote intrigues the reader to find out what the star is talking about but doesn’t
actually indicate who the star is.
My headline uses conventions of real media products as the text is bold and capitalised. NME, Q and Kerrang have all
used bold, capitalised text to stand out to their audience and make it clear and easy for them to read. However, I have
developed NME and Q’s headlines because I have made the text quite large to fill the width of the mise-en-scene to
attract the audience.
My headline

NME’s headline

Q’s headline

Kerrang’s headline

Stand First

My double page spread has uses conventions of real media products as I have included a stand first before the actual
article. Real media products such as NME and Kerrang have also used a stand first but it seems that Q just goes straight
into the article.
I have used conventions of NME and Kerrang as I have made my stand first short and only a few lines long. I have also
highlighted key words in a different colour to stand out to the audience at first glance which encourages them to read on.
I have included the main points discussed in the article like NME and Kerrang as this makes the reader want to find out
more and therefore read on.

I have structured my stand first the same way NME have as it makes it evident that this is separate from the main article.
However, I have developed Kerrang by doing this as my stand first doesn’t get lost in the headline like it does with
My stand first
NME’s stand first

Kerrang’s stand first



My double page spread uses conventions of real media products as it includes an article. Real media products such as
NME, Q and Kerrang also include articles in their double page spreads.
I have used conventions the same as Kerrang as I have shown what questions were asked in the interview and put
them before the stars’ answer. I have also highlighted the questions, to distinguish them from the answers, by bolding
the text, similar to Kerrang who have highlighted the questions in white to contrast with the black text. I have also used
a drop cap for the first letter of the article, which NME and Q have also done.
I have used conventions of real media products as I have sectioned my article into columns like NME, Q and Kerrang.
This makes it clearer and more straight forward for the audience to read and understand. However, like Kerrang I have
used three regular columns where as NME have used two and Q have a long column and a short column which would
be more confusing for the audience.
I have used conventions of real media products by keeping the text of my article black. NME, Q and Kerrang have all
done this as it is the easiest colour to read and contrasts against the greyish background all the products use.

My article




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Media Evaluation Question 4

  • 3. Real Media Products Q4 I have chosen to use these three magazines’ front covers, contents pages and double page spreads to show how I have used, developed or challenged forms and conventions of real media products in my own media product. I have chosen to use NME, Q and Kerrang as I believe they all are similar to the genre of my magazine.
  • 4. Front Cover Q4 Masthead My front cover uses conventions of real media products as I have used a bold masthead. Real media products such as NME, Kerrang and Q, which have the same sub-genre as my music magazine, have a bold masthead also. This creates a strong brand identity as it stands out to the reader, attracts them and sticks in their mind. I have used the conventions of real media products as I have situated the masthead at the top of the mise-en-scene like in Kerrang, NME and Q. I have also challenged the conventions of the mastheads of the other media products because part of my main image covers some of the masthead. This won’t disturb the brand identity of my media product because the audience will be so familiar with the product the won’t need to see the whole of the masthead to see what it is.
  • 5. Q4 Banners My front cover uses conventions of real media products as I have used a banner at the top and a footer at the bottom of the mise-en-scene like in NME and Kerrang but not Q. This is to promote the smaller cover features of the magazine. The head banner is one of the first conventions of the magazine front cover that the audience sees, so is a good place to advertise extra things the magazine has to offer. NME and Kerrang have advertised their competitions or free products in their head banner where as I have developed this to remind the audience about regular features in my magazine. My front cover develops but also uses conventions of real media products because I have put the text of the banner and footer into a coloured text box to stand out from the background like Kerrang but NME has left the text against the background. I have used bold text like in both of the real media products and two different colours for the text like in NME. I have used these conventions in order to make sure the banner stands out to my audience. NME’s head banner Kerrang’s head banner My head banner
  • 6. Q4 Banners The footer banner is one of the last conventions of the magazine front cover that the audience sees. This is a good opportunity to advertise what other smaller features are in the magazine. On the footer I have not used the word ‘plus’ like on NME and Kerrang, I have challenged this by just using the ‘+’ sign. This allows the text of the features to stand out with out any additional text over powering it. I have also developed conventions of media products as I have used star shapes as bullet points rather than an average bullet points like NME. This is to show that the bands mentioned in the feature are well known and are important to the magazine as the stars connote Hollywood and being famous, however the shapes are plain and basic in order to show how they are taken seriously by the magazine. NME alternates the font colour in their footer, where as I have challenged this by keeping my font the same colour of white but I have broken up the text by making the star bullet points a contrasting colour, like Kerrang have but with ‘+’ signs rather than a star. This keeps the text easy to read but still allows it to stand out. Kerrang’s footer banner NME’s footer banner My footer banner
  • 7. Q4 Banners However, I have challenged the front cover of Q because it doesn’t have a header or footer banner. The banner is situated to the right side of the mise-en-scene, where as I’ve decided to use this space for a main cover feature so I believe I have also developed the front cover of Q as I have two banners rather than one and more space for main cover features.
  • 8. Kerrang’s main cover feature NME’s main cover feature Q’s main c Main Cover Feature Q4 My front cover uses conventions of real media products as I have used a main cover feature. Real media products such as NME, Kerrang and Q have main cover feature’s too. I have included a title, a pull quote and a subtitle (this provides extra information and anchors the main image that relates to the cover story). I have developed Kerrang and Q’s main cover feature because I have situated it on top of the main image to show the relation between the image and the feature. I have used the same convention as NME because both cover features are on top of the main image. I have used capitalised text for my whole main feature like Kerrang and Q. This emphasises the feature and attracts the attention of the reader. However, I have challenged this of NME because the pull quote is in lower case where as mine isn’t. The capitalisation shows that what the artist has said in the interview is being exclaimed, attracting the audience. I have used different colour text and different sized fonts in my main cover feature for certain information to stand out against others to attract the reader and these conventions have been used in the real media products. The biggest piece of text is the mian cover feature title and NME and Q have also coloured this differently to the rest of the text where as Kerrang hasn’t but has used a completely different font. All the colours used are part of the magazines’ house style colour scheme.
  • 9. Q4 Main Image I have used the same conventions for my main image as real media products such as NME, Q and Kerrang. The images are the biggest convention on the mise-enscene to attract the audience as the cover star will be a well known artist from that genre. All the artists have blank expressions to show that they are serious about there music and want to be known for that. NME’s main image My main image Kerrang’s main image Q’s main image I have also used the same form as NME and Kerrang as both have their star’s eyes in the top third of the mise-en-scene and there is eye contact with the audience creating a gaze. However, I challenged and developed Q because the star is wearing sun glasses meaning there is no gaze created with the audience.
  • 10. Q4 Secondary Images I have used similar conventions of NME’s secondary pictures as I have grouped them all together and I’ve used a separate background colour to do this. I have also put anchorage which explains to the audience what is going on in that image/feature. I have challenged Kerrang’s conventions of secondary images as I have only used three that are all grouped together where as Kerrang have used a group of images then a single image on its own too. However, Kerrang’s images are small and some overlap each other making them less clear to see where as my images are big and Kerrang’s secondary bright to make them stand off from the page. images I have developed Q’s conventions of secondary images as Q have not used any other images apart from the main one where as I have used three others. This could connote to the audience that I have more things to see in my magazine compared to Q who would have more things to read. Q has no secondary images NME’s secondary images My secondary images
  • 11. Q4 Contents Page Contents Title My contents page uses conventions of real media products as I have used a contents title to indicate to the audience what page they are on. Real media products such as Kerrang and Q, which have the same sub-genre as my music magazine, have a contents title also. However, NME just go straight into introducing what is inside the issue. I have used conventions of real media products as my text is in block capitals like in Kerrang, NME and Q. This stands out to the audience, makes it clear and easier to read. I have also used conventions of real media products because I have made the text a bright yellow colour that is still part of my house style colour scheme and stands out from my background colour. Likewise, Kerrang has done this to stand out against the black background to the audience. Q also uses a contrasting colour to make the contents title stand out but the colour isn’t too bright so the masthead of the magazine doesn’t get over powered. NME also uses a contrasting colour on their introductory title to make it stand out from the audience, as well as this the text is in block capitals and is the largest text on the page. I have used conventions of real media products as I have included the issue date and issue number. Kerrang and Q have included the issue number and date, but NME has just included the date. This reminds the audience of what issue they are reading and this helps the audience keep up-to-date with the features. NME’s title My title Kerrang’s title Q’s title
  • 12. Q4 Editor’s Letter My contents page uses conventions of real media products as I have included a editor’s letter on my contents page. Kerrang also includes a editors letter on it’s contents page. I have used similar conventions to Kerrang as I have included a picture of the editor and a signature. This creates a personal feel for the audience and encourages them to read on. My editors letter is also situated along the left hand side of the mise-en-scene like Kerrang in order not to disturb and interfere with the contents listing. My contents page challenges conventions of real media products as NME and Q don’t feature a editors letter on their contents page. This is because a contents page is self explanatory so doesn’t need to include more information in an editors letter. However, having a editors letter allows the editor to personally address the audience and give recommendations. My editors letter Kerrang’s editors letter Q and NME
  • 13. Q4 Images My contents page uses conventions of real media products as I have included primary (main) and secondary images. Real media products such as Kerrang, NME and Q have used primary and secondary images also to go alongside their features. Using images emphasises the main articles and attracts the audience to the features. Kerrang has situated it’s main image at the top of the mise-en-scene and has secondary images, the title and text that anchors the main image layered over the top. I have used this convention as my main image is at the top of my contents page also with information on top of it too. Kerrang have also used other small secondary images next to some of the features and next to the subscription box to attract the audience. NME however have put their main image in the centre of the mise-en-scene with more anchorage text underneath. NME have provided a lot of text that anchors the images with the secondary images that go around the main image. The main image is slightly larger than the secondary images and in the centre so I have developed this by making my main image very large and at the top of the page. Q’s main image is in the top right hand corner of the mise-en-scene but still takes up the majority of the page. Below this is the only secondary image but attracts the audiences attention to the feature and persuades them to read it. I have developed Q’s contents page because I have situated the main image at the top of the page in order not to disturb the content listing where as Q have one column alongside the image. My images Q NME Kerrang
  • 14. Content Listing Q4 My contents page uses conventions of real media products as when I have listed the content of the magazine I have used sub titles and columns to make it easier for the audience to read and understand. Real media products such as NME, Q and Kerrang have also used these conventions. I have used conventions of real media products like Kerrang and Q as they have used sub titles to categorise the features. This makes it easier for the audience to locate what type of feature they want to read. However, I have developed Q’s contents page as I have used more subtitles like Kerrang making it evident what types of features are on offer to the audience, like Kerrang. I have challenged NME’s contents page as I have included sub titles where as they haven’t. I believe my contents page is easier to understand as my audience can find what feature they want where as they will have to read all of NME’s contents page to find a feature. I have also used conventions of real media products like NME, Q and Kerrang as I have used columns to make the feature titles clear and easy to read. This also allows any extra information or secondary pictures to be structured and helps the audience understand which items belong together. Like Kerrang I have used a regular arrangement of columns as they are all next to each other where as I have developed the conventions of NME and Q because they have used an irregular arrangement of columns of different widths and alignments.
  • 15. Q4 Double Page Spread Main Image I have used conventions of real media products as I have included a main image on my double page spread. Real media products such as Q, NME and Kerrang, which have the same sub-genre as my music magazine, have main images also. Q, NME and Kerrang have no text on top of their image or really surrounding it, where as I have challenged this because I have situated my pull quote on top of my cover star and I have a box with information in it to the left of the mise-en-scene. Having the pull quote on top of the cover star shows that this is a statement this person has said and leaves room on the other page for the article. Q and my own magazine have challenged the conventions of Kerrang and NME as our cover star’s are looking away from the camera and not creating a gaze with the audience where as the stars in the other two real media products look directly at the audience attracting them. My audience will already have been attracted to read the article from the front cover and contents page so do not need any more encouragement. I have also used the same convention as Kerrang as both our main images are mid-shots to show the stars' facial expression and body language. However, Q has used a close up just to capture the stars’ facial expression and NME has used a long shot to capture the background of where the star’s are. I have also included a grey box near my image which uses conventions of real media products as O, NME and Kerrang all have one. A grey box describes what is happening in the image so is beneficial to the audience. My main image NME’s main image Q’s main image Kerrang’s main image
  • 16. Q4 Headline My double page spread uses conventions of real media products as it includes a headline. Real media products such as NME, Q and Kerrang have also included a headline. The headline tells the audience what the article is and relates back to the front cover and contents page where the audience will have first been intrigued to read the feature. I have used the same conventions as Q because both headlines are of the star that the article is about. This tells the audience who the person in the main image is if they haven’t heard of them before. However, I have challenged the features pages of NME and Kerrang as they have used a pull quote as there headline where as I put my pull quote on top of my main image. Using the pull quote intrigues the reader to find out what the star is talking about but doesn’t actually indicate who the star is. My headline uses conventions of real media products as the text is bold and capitalised. NME, Q and Kerrang have all used bold, capitalised text to stand out to their audience and make it clear and easy for them to read. However, I have developed NME and Q’s headlines because I have made the text quite large to fill the width of the mise-en-scene to attract the audience. My headline NME’s headline Q’s headline Kerrang’s headline
  • 17. Q4 Stand First My double page spread has uses conventions of real media products as I have included a stand first before the actual article. Real media products such as NME and Kerrang have also used a stand first but it seems that Q just goes straight into the article. I have used conventions of NME and Kerrang as I have made my stand first short and only a few lines long. I have also highlighted key words in a different colour to stand out to the audience at first glance which encourages them to read on. I have included the main points discussed in the article like NME and Kerrang as this makes the reader want to find out more and therefore read on. I have structured my stand first the same way NME have as it makes it evident that this is separate from the main article. However, I have developed Kerrang by doing this as my stand first doesn’t get lost in the headline like it does with Kerrang. My stand first NME’s stand first Kerrang’s stand first Q
  • 18. Q4 Article My double page spread uses conventions of real media products as it includes an article. Real media products such as NME, Q and Kerrang also include articles in their double page spreads. I have used conventions the same as Kerrang as I have shown what questions were asked in the interview and put them before the stars’ answer. I have also highlighted the questions, to distinguish them from the answers, by bolding the text, similar to Kerrang who have highlighted the questions in white to contrast with the black text. I have also used a drop cap for the first letter of the article, which NME and Q have also done. I have used conventions of real media products as I have sectioned my article into columns like NME, Q and Kerrang. This makes it clearer and more straight forward for the audience to read and understand. However, like Kerrang I have used three regular columns where as NME have used two and Q have a long column and a short column which would be more confusing for the audience. I have used conventions of real media products by keeping the text of my article black. NME, Q and Kerrang have all done this as it is the easiest colour to read and contrasts against the greyish background all the products use. My article NME’s article Q’s article Kerrang’s article