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A Project Report
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of
MBA Fourth semester
Underthesupervisionof:- submittedBy:-
Depart of Management Studies
SVN University, Sagar(M.P.)
SVN University,Sagar(M.P.)
Kanchan Rajak
Roll no:- 1612060130035
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This is certify that this report entitled “A Study on training
and development of employees in manappuram gold lone ”
which is submitted by Kanchan Rajak in partial Fulfillment
of requirement for the award of degree M.B.A. from S.V.N.
University , Sagar is a record of the candidate own work
carried out by him under my supervision .The matter
embodied in this is original and has not been submitted for the
award of any other degree.
Signature of Examiner Signature of Supervisor
Signature of H.O.D.
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This is certify that this report entitled “A study on training and
development of employees in manappuram gold lone” which
is submitted by Kanchan Rajak in partial Fulfillment of
requirement for the award of degree M.B.A. from S.V.N.
University comprises only my original work and due
acknowledgement has been made in the text to all other material
Supervision By :- Signature of the Candidate
Mr. Satyendra Thankur Kanchan
M.B.A. III sem.
Date: …/…../….
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I wish to express my deep sense of gratitude to all those who
generously helped in successful completion of this research work by
sharing their valuable time and knowledge. A great deal of motivation,
direction and hard work was require to complete the report, but the
precious guidance provided by my teachers made this job enjoyable
and a nice learning experience.
It is my proud privilege to express my deep sense regards to the
Dr. Sunita Dixit (Dean & H.O.D. of Department of management of
S.V.N. University, Sagar) for giving me opportunity to prepare a
project report on A STUDY ON DEVELOPMENT AND
have done. I express my deep sense of gratitude to Mr. Gaurav
Agarwal (Faculty OF Management Deptt. Of S.V.N. University,
Sagar) for his constant encouragement, guidance and his valuable
suggestion to undertake this study.
I am also grateful to my faculty members, customers, friends and
family members for their outstanding support and guidance.
Kanchan Rajak
Roll no:- 1612060130035
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The project report has an objective to get the MBA student familiar
with real life business situation and gives an opportunity to the
student of understand the theoretical concepts of marketing and
finance in practical way.
In today’s world “Consumer is the King” consumer test and
preference go alone way in the actual sales of the product. Every
research work has to deal with various people in concern organization
and each of them have their own opinion and thinking about various
The main aim of the survey report was to determine the “A
Study on training and development of employees in
manappuram gold lone”.
I tried my best to express the report through satisfaction
representation, graphs, pie diagrams etc. and it helped me to enhance
my knowledge I am extremely happy to place before our esteemed
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Manappuram Finance Ltd or MAFIL is a non-banking financial company (NBFCs) situated in
Valapad, Thrissur, Kerala state. Manappuram has over 3200+ branches across 25 states, a staff strength
of over 15,000+ people
1.2 HISTORY :-
The company was founded in 1949 by late V.C.Padmanabhan in Thrissur District. The company
commenced its operations at Valapad, mainly with money lending activity on a very modest scale. The
group's flagship company, MAGFIL, was established in 1992 in the wake of economic reforms
launched by the Government of India. Manappuram's origins go back to 1949 when it was founded in
Valapad (a coastal village in the Thrissur District of Kerala) by the late V.C. Padmanabhan, father of
Nandakumar. Its activity was mainly pawn broking and money lending carried out on a modest scale
As part of its diversification, Manappuram Finance Limited has also ventured into the Foreign
Exchange business with the Reserve Bank of India having granted an Authorised Dealer - II licence to
the Company which permits it to effect outward remittances for a variety of purposes such as overseas
medical treatment, higher education abroad, business travel, conferences etc. The Company has also
commenced Instant Money Transfer in collaboration with UAE Xchange, Wallstreet and MoneyGram.
HR is concerned with the people dimension in an organization, hence the trend in organizations to re-
designate Personnel Department into Human Resource Department. The functions undertaken by HRD
are to recruit, select, train and develop employees for an organization. Today with companies having a
global mix of employees, developing an understanding of the employees is a tough task for the HR
Department. Human Resource Management is a process of bringing people and organizations together,
so that their respective goals are met. Indian organizations are also witnessing a change in systems,
management cultures and philosophy due to the increasing global alignment of Indian companies.
As globalization has been a challenging issue for the organization—because international human
resource management has placed great emphasis on number of responsibilities and functions such as
relocation, orientation, translation services to help employees adapt to new and different environment
outside their own country— necessary attention must be paid by HR Managers in formulating policies,
motivation, maintaining the relationship and stressing on quality in administration. HR does this in a
measurable way. HR functionaries need to do a lot of things. In the end, HR plays the role of initiator,
planner and executor in organizations.
Taking a look at the world of human beings is a rewarding experience. Contracts abound in this world.
These contracts remain so despite the passage of time, sweeping political & economic changes, cultural
differences. HR could be the ultimate differentiator in the competitive marketplaces of the future. But
first ”Old HR” must be deconstructed. Great companies have for years been eliminating wasteful
process that don’t move the talent needle in the organization. It is critical to challenge historical norms,
eliminate bureaucracy, deploy the latest data technology, and optimize organizational structure, no
matter what your job title is, we are all in the HR, because employees are at the heart of every
organizational success.
In early 1900s, HR function known as industrial and labour relation after steel and oil had transformed
business in the 19th century, it become clear that workforce management needs its own discipline.
Later in 1920s in a thriving economy, good workers were hard to come by and even harder to retain.
HR introduced supervisors to treat people well.
During the 1930s, the era of the great depression, supervisors favored the drive system of Management
(threatening and sometimes even hitting workers) and saw HR as a hindrance. Workers put up with
almost anything to stay employed. Talent development was practically nonexistent. In the1950s, after
the Second World War, Western countries lost 1/3rd of their executives in the war with no one to
replace them. To fill that void, HR created a host of revolutionary hiring and development programs.
In the 1970s, as the economy slowed, labour was once again plentiful. Business Leaders started
undoing all those post-war programmes designed to attract and develop talent. Early 1980s, the US
went in to deep recession and workers clung to their jobs. Rather than invest in HR, companies pushed
hiring and developments tasks onto line managers, who had neither the time nor the training to do it
Late 1990s, during the dot-com boom, companies competed fiercely for employer of choice status to
meet their soaring talent needs. So, HR enjoyed a brief heyday, focusing primarily on hiring and
retention. From 2001, when the dot-com bubble burst and the economy tanked, business leaders felt
little urgency to attract talent. Productivity rose, wages stayed flat, and HR lost the influence it had
enjoyed during the boom.
Nowadays, with the effects of the great recession of 2008 still lingering, most people with jobs aren’t
jumping ship yet, so executives feel no urgent need for HR programmes. HR has to first make a case
for it and these days HR focuses attention on the following:
1. Policies- HR policies based on trust, openness, equity and consensus.
2. Motivation- Create conditions in which people are willing to work with zeal, initiative and
enthusiasm; make people feel like winners.
3. Relations- Fair treatment of people and prompt redress of grievances would pave the way for healthy
work-place relations.
4. Change agent- Prepare workers to accept technological changes by clarifying doubts.
5. Quality Consciousness- Commitment to quality in all aspects of personnel administration will ensure
Learning happens all the time whether or not you are fully aware of it. Are you a person who forgets to
save your work on your computer on a regular basis? If a power failure occurs and you lose some data,
do you learn anything? If you say to yourself, "I must remember to save more often", you have done
some learning. This type of learning is called incidental learning; you have learned without really
thinking about it or meaning to. On the other hand, intentional learning happens when you engage in
activities with an attitude of "what can I learn from this?" Employee development requires you to
approach everyday activity with the intention of learning from what is going on around you.
Training is a program that helps employees learn specific knowledge or skills to improve performance
in their current roles. Development is more expansive and focuses on employee growth and future
performance, rather than an immediate job role.
Employee training is essential in today’s competitive marketplace. However, many companies treat it
as a box to check or a chore to complete. When you do training well, it’s a true investment in your
business. The right training helps you educate and engage employees, giving you the competitive
advantage needed to boost the bottom line.
Good training and development programs help you keep the right people and grow profit. As the battle
for top talent becomes more competitive, employee training and development programs are more
important than ever. Hiring top talent takes time and money, and how you engage and develop that
talent impacts retention and business growth.
According to China Gorman, CEO at Great Places to Work, “As companies grow and the war for talent
intensifies, it is increasingly important that training and development programs are not only
competitive, but are supporting the organization on its defined strategic path.” And it’s not just about
retention. Employee training and development programs directly impact your bottom line.
In their Predictions for 2015, Bersin by Deloitte said, “Organizations with high-impact learning
delivered profit growth three times greater than their competitors. Why is this? Simply put if you can
keep your employees current and skilled, you can evolve and perform better than your competitors.”
with better skills deliver better work. Employee development and growth leads to innovation. By
making sure employees are well informed and well trained, you are building a foundation that will
allow you to stay at the top of your industry. And making sure people have the training and
development needed allows them to be more effective at work. Ultimately innovation and more
productivity will create a better customer experience and drive profitability for your company.
(ii) KEEP AND SUPPORT THE RIGHT TALENT: The cost of the wrong person in a
position or the right person leaving your company is a major problem for your bottom line.
Hiring top talent takes time and money, and how you engage and develop that talent impacts retention
and business growth. Forward-thinking organizations recognize that good training and development
programs keep the right people in the right roles. Further, a little investment in training can turn the
wrong person in a role into the right person. Helping foster leadership or boosting soft skills could
make your internal pipeline far more promising.
As the battle for top talent becomes more competitive, employee training and development programs
can be a primary differentiator for your business.
Employee training is the responsibility of the organization. Employee development is a shared
responsibility of management and the individual employee. The responsibility of management is to
provide the right resources and an environment that supports the growth and development needs of the
individual employee.
For employee training and development to be successful, management should:
 Provide a well-crafted job description - it is the foundation upon which employee training and
development activities are built
 Provide training required by employees to meet the basic competencies for the job. This is
usually the supervisor's responsibility
 Develop a good understanding of the knowledge, skills and abilities that the organization will
need in the future. What are the long-term goals of the organization and what are the
implications of these goals for employee development? Share this knowledge with staff
For employee development to be a success, the individual employee should:
 Look for learning opportunities in everyday activities
 Identify goals and activities for development and prepare an individual development plan.
Employee training and development needs to suit your organization's context, job descriptions,
employment contracts and collective agreements. When selecting employee training and development
methods, it is important to remember the learning process. There are many ways to provide employees
with learning opportunities, including:
On-the-job experience
 Committees are part of every-day activity in any organization. They can also be effective
learning tools, with the right focus
 Committees made up of staff from different areas of your organization will enhance learning
by allowing members to see issues from different perspectives
 Set aside part of the committee's work time to discuss issues or trends that may impact on the
organization in the future
Conferences and forums
 Employees can attend conferences that focus on topics of relevance to their position and the
 Upon their return, have the employee make a presentation to other staff as a way of enhancing
the individual's learning experience and as a way of enhancing the organization. (Some
conferences and forums may be considered off-the-job learning)
Critical incident notes
 Day-to-day activities are always a source of learning opportunities
 Select the best of these opportunities and write up critical incident notes for staff to learn from.
Maybe a client complaint was handled effectively. Write a brief summary of the incident and
identify the employee's actions that led to a successful resolution
 Share the notes with the employee involved and with others as appropriate. If the situation was
not handled well, again write a brief description of the situation identifying areas for
 Discuss the critical incident notes with the employee and identify the areas for the employee to
improve upon and how you will assist the employee in doing this
Field trips
 If your organization has staff at more than one site, provide employees with an opportunity to
visit the other sites
 This helps your employees gain a better understanding of the full range of programs and
clients that your organization serves
 Field trips to other organizations serving a similar clientele or with similar positions can also
provide a valuable learning experience
 Give staff going on field trips a list of questions to answer or a list of things to look for
 Follow up the field trip by having staff explain what they have learned and how they can apply
that learning to your organization. (Fieldtrips can also be an off-the-job activity)
Job aids
 Tools can be given to employees to help them perform their jobs better. These tools include:
manuals, checklists, phone lists, procedural guidelines, decision guidelines and so forth
 Job aids are very useful for new employees, employees taking on new responsibilities and for
activities that happen infrequently
Job expanding
 Once an employee has mastered the requirements of his or her job and is performing
satisfactorily, s/he may want greater challenges. Consider assigning new additional duties to
the employee
 Which duties to assign should be decided by the employee and her or his manager
 Organizations with flat organizational structure are starting to give some managerial tasks to
experienced staff as a way of keeping those staff challenged
Job rotation
 On a temporary basis, employees can be given the opportunity to work in a different area of
the organization
 The employee keeps his or her existing job but fills in for or exchanges responsibilities with
another employee
Job shadowing
 If an employee wants to learn what someone else in your organization does, your employee
can follow that person and observe him or her at work
 Usually the person doing the shadowing does not help with the work that is being done
Learning alerts
 Newspaper articles, government announcements and reports can be used as learning alerts
 Prepare a brief covering page which could include a short summary and one or two key
questions for your employees to consider. Then circulate the item
 Include the item on the agenda of your next staff meeting for a brief discussion
 Two employees agree to help each other learn different tasks. Both employees should have an
area of expertise that the co-worker can benefit from
 The employees take turns helping their co-worker master the knowledge or skill that they have
to share
'Stretch' assignments
 These assignments give the employee an opportunity to stretch past his or her current abilities.
For example, a stretch assignment could require an employee to chair a meeting if the person
has never done this before
 To ensure that chairing the meeting is a good learning experience, the manager should take
time after the meeting to discuss with the employee what went well and what could have been
Special projects
 Give an employee an opportunity to work on a project that is normally outside his or her job
duties. For example, someone who has expressed an interest in events planning could be given
the opportunity to work as part of a special events team
(i) A Layered Model Designed for Sales Success :-
Avigilon’s sales team is composed largely of independent contractors. For the company to grow, these
employees need to understand Avigilon’s complex line of HD cameras and security systems, and how
they benefit potential clients. After a thorough needs analysis, the company determined that a multi-
stage development program was necessary to meet their needs. This layered approach is helping
Avigilon produce a sales team has the product knowledge and sales skills necessary for company’s
growth into the future.
(ii) Building a Sustainable Talent Pipeline :
Leaders at Brunswick recognized that their existing management talent pipeline wouldn’t support their
growth plans. The company determined that the difference between effective and ineffective managers
could be as much as $50,000 in operating costs per facility each year. Challenges the company faced in
developing an effective training program included a geographically diverse audience, a relatively small
learner population, and disjointed employee hire dates. To meet these needs, the company developed a
6-week program that includes learner-driven content, virtual instructor-led options, semi-annual
conferences, and on-the-job projects.
(iii) Training and Developmentin banks :-In Banks there is a need for the continuous training
and development of the staff in the areas of customer care services on operational aspects and
behavioral aspects of the business. How are the needs identified? The training needs are assessed
through task analysis and performance analysis, which can be conducted through surveys, or from the
information furnished by the heads of the departments, customer complaints, even from the reports on
360 degree feedback systems. In case of a large banks, there are two ways of conducting training
programmes – through an established department having a full time HRD functionary who oversees all
the training and development functions of the Banks or through an external trainers coordinated by the
HRD department These days Banks have recognized the need for training and re-training their staff, in
order to develop a competitive edge over their competitors in delivering high quality services to the
customers. Traditionally, banks have recruited young school leavers, and their initial training was
either long apprenticeship or on-the-job or formal training in basic routine operations. Aspirants to
management position were encouraged to qualify professionally by reading for associate-ship of the
Institute of Bankers or an equivalent qualification. It was argued that banking requires exercise of
sound training and development programmes for their employees.
(3) Need for the study :-
Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a particular job. It
utilizes a systematic and organized procedure by which employee learns technical knowledge and
skills. Training refers to the teaching and learning activities carried on for the primary purpose of
helping members of an organization.
Training is closely related with education and development but needs to be differentiated from these
terms. It is aimed at improving the behavior and performance of a person.
Training is a continuous and life long process. Training provides an atmosphere of sharing synthesizing
with the help of the trainers, the information already available on the subject.
Manappuram Finance Ltd. is one of India’s leading gold loan NBFCs. Promoted by Shri. V.P.
Nandakumar, the current MD & CEO, its origins go back to 1949 when it was founded in the coastal
village of Valapad (Thrissur District) by his late father Mr. V.C. Padmanabhan. The firm was involved
in pawn broking and money lending carried out on a modest scale. Shri Nandakumar took over the
reins in 1986 after his father expired.
Since then, it has been a story of unparalleled growth with many milestones crossed. Incorporated in
1992, Manappuram Finance Ltd. has grown at a rapid pace. Today, it has 3,747 branches across 28
states/UTs with assets under management (AUM) of nearly Rs.13,0140 million and a workforce of
Soon after it commenced its operations, the company gathered several “firsts” to its credit. The first
non banking financial company (NBFC) in Kerala to receive a Certificate of Registration issued by the
RBI, it was also among the earliest to go for an IPO in 1995. In 2007, it became the first Kerala based
NBFC to receive investment from foreign institutional investors (FIIs) when the celebrated PE fund,
Sequoia Capital, invested Rs.700 million along with Hudson Equity Holdings. Sizable foreign
investment was received during two QIPS in 2010 when a total of Rs.12,450 million was raised.
Manappuram Finance Ltd. was the first NBFC in Kerala to obtain the highest short term credit rating of
A1+ from ICRA. In 2010, it became the first Kerala-based NBFC to offer ESOPs (Employee Stock
Option Plan) to its middle and senior management functionaries.
Technology innovations: In the matter of technology, Manappuram was one of the earliest to adopt
the “core banking” platform. This was no mean achievement considering that unlike the banking sector
there were no ready-made software solutions for gold loans. It came about only because the company
invested in developing its own proprietary solutions, and today its technology platform is one of its
core strengths. The investment in technology has paid off in many ways, for instance, in streamlining
procedures to reduce turnaround times in gold loan disbursal and in implementing advanced risk
management practices as described below.
4.3 Product innovations :- Manappuram has led the way in the matter of product innovations too,.
Gold loans were for long sold as a “one-size-fits-all” product. The company was a pioneer in
introducing variety to it, for instance, by offering progressively higher loan amounts at higher price
points. It was also the first to come up with “one-day interest” where borrowers have the option to
settle a gold loan at their earliest convenience, even within a day, at a time when the norm was to
recover a minimum interest of seven days, or even a month.
4.4 Innovative approach to raising finance :- For a non banking financial company (NBFC),
raising funds was a big challenge in the nineties. In the aftermath of the CRB scam of 1997, raising
deposits from the public was difficult and banks were not comfortable with lending to NBFCs in
general. Moreover, Manappuram’s foray into gold loans was untested as a business model. Growth was
slow in the initial days. The picture was to change only after the companyhit upon unconventional
ways to raise funds.
In the first breakthrough, Manappuram became the first gold loan company to raise finance through
the securitization and assignment route in a tie up with ICICI Bank. The arrangement with ICICI Bank
continued to work well for a few years and the company was put on the growth path. Buoyed by the
success, the company planned a big expansion of the branch network. However, around 2006, ICICI
Bank faced some regulatory hurdles regarding securitization and they could no longer fund the
company. With ICICI Bank pulling out, the expansion plans were in jeopardy.
At this point, the company chanced to get its second break. Temasek, the sovereign investment fund of
Singapore, was looking to expand its footprint in the Indian financial market. Mr. Nandakumar
happened to be in Singapore to take part in a conference of NBFCs. Having heard Mr. Nandakumar
speak about the gold loan business, Temasek expressed interested in financing Manappuram through
their India arm Fullerton. Temasek’s debt participation provided the visibility, and paved the way for
other international players to follow.
In December 2007, Manappuram became the first NBFC in Kerala to attract foreign institutional
investment when the celebrated PE fund Sequoia Capital invested Rs.700 million together with Hudson
Equity Holdings. Since then, the company has regularly received foreign investment.
The second round of private equity funding in November 2008 was led by Ashmore Alchemy which,
together with Sequoia and Hudson, put in another Rs.1,080 million. Sizable foreign investment was
received during the two QIPS in 2010 when a total of Rs.12,450 million was raised. Once private
equity came in, the company was able to shift gears and grow much faster than before because now
even the PSU banks were willing to lend to it. From this point onwards, there was no looking back.
Conventionally, companies have sought funds from foreign investors after they have tapped the
domestic banks and other financial institutions. In the case of Manappuram, the order was upended.
Because the domestic banks were uncomfortable lending to NBFCs, especially one with an untested
business model focused on gold loans, the company went out of India and roped in the foreign players
first. Once they were persuaded, the domestic players became more confident about lending to the
(i) INTRODUCATION :- Training need identification is a tool utilized to identify what educational
courses or activities should be provided to employees to improve their work productivity. Here the
focus should be placed on needs as opposed to desires of the employees for a constructive outcome. In
order to emphasize the importance of training need identification we can focus on the following areas: -
 To pinpoint if training will make a difference in productivity and the bottom line.
 To decide what specific training each employee needs and what will improve his or her
job performance.
 To differentiate between the need for training and organizational issues and bring about a
match between individual aspirations and organizational goals.
Identification of training needs (ITN), if done properly, provides the basis on which all other training
activities can be considered. Also requiring careful thought and analysis, it is a process that needs to be
carried out with sensitivity as people's learning is important to them, and the reputation of the
organization is also at stake.
Identification of training needs is important from both the organisational point of view as well as from
an individual's point of view. From an organisation's point of view it is important because an
organisation has objectives that it wants to achieve for the benefit of all stakeholders or members,
including owners, employees, customers, suppliers, and neighbours. These objectives can be achieved
only through harnessing the abilities of its people, releasing potential and maximising opportunities for
development. Therefore people must know what they need to learn in order to achieve organisational
goals. Similarly if seen from an individual's point of view, people have aspirations, they want to
develop and in order to learn and use new abilities, people need appropriate opportunities, resources,
and conditions. Therefore, to meet people's aspirations, the organization must provide effective and
attractive learning resources and conditions. And it is also important to see that there is a suitable
match between achieving organizational goals and providing attractive learning opportunities.
An individual development plan is prepared by the employee in partnership with his or her
supervisor. The plan is based upon the needs of the employee, the position and the
organization. A good individual development plan will be interesting, achievable, practical
and realistic. It is implemented with the approval of the employee's supervisor.
Step 1 - Self-assessment
The employee identifies his or her skills, abilities, values, strengths and weaknesses. To
conduct a self-assessment:
 Use the many self-assessment tools found on the internet
 Compare your knowledge, skills and abilities to those identified in your job
 Review performance assessments (performance assessments are often used as the
starting place for developing individual development plans)
 Ask for feedback from your supervisorr
Step 2 - Assess yourcurrent position and your work environment
The employee does an assessment of the requirement of his or her position at the present time
and how the requirements of the position and/or organization may change. To conduct a
position assessment:
 Identify the job requirements and performance expectations of your current position
 Identify the knowledge, skills and abilities that will enhance your ability to perform
your current job
 Identify and assess the impact on your position of changes taking place in the work
environment such as changes in clients, programs, services and technology.
Based on your analysis in Steps 1 and 2, use the sample Individual Development Plan form to
answer the following questions:
 What goals do you want to achieve in your career?
 Which of these development goals are mutually beneficial to you and your
Write what you would like to achieve as goals. Select two or three goals to work on at a time.
Set a time frame for accomplishing your goals.
Step 3 - Identify development activities
Identify the best ways to achieve your development goals.
 What methods will you use?
 What resources will be required?
Step 4 - Put your plan in action
Once you have prepared a draft of your individual development plan:
 Review your plan with your supervisor for his or her input and approval
 Start working on your plan
 Evaluate your progress and make adjustments as necessary
 Celebrate your successes
 Coaching refers to a pre-arranged agreement between an experienced manager and
his or her employee. The role of the coach is to demonstrate skills and to give the
employee guidance, feedback, and reassurance while s/he practices the new skill
 Mentoring is similar to coaching. Mentoring occurs when a senior, experienced
manager provides guidance and advice to a junior employee
 The two people involved have usually developed a working relationship based on
shared interest and values
 Some professional specialties have informal networks designed to meet the
professional development need of the members. Members meet to discuss current
issues and to share information and resources
 Performance appraisals are partly evaluation and partly developmental. In traditional
performance appraisals the manager and employee evaluate the employee's strengths
and weaknesses. In a 360-degree performance appraisal, feedback is gathered from
supervisors, peers, staff, other colleagues and sometimes clients. The results of an
appraisal can be used to identify areas for further development of the employee
 These are formal training opportunities that can be offered to employees either
internally or externally. A trainer, facilitator and/or subject matter expert can be
brought into your organization to provide the training session or an employee can be
sent to one of these learning opportunities during work time
 Many colleges and universities offer courses relevant to employees in the non-profit
sector. Employees may attend these classes on their own time or your organization
may give them time off with pay to attend. Employees are often compensated by the
organization for the cost of the course
 Professional associations, like networks, provide employees an opportunity to stay
current in their chosen field
 Self-paced independent reading, e-learning courses and volunteer work all provide
learning opportunities. The employee engages in the learning activity by choice and
at his or her desired pace of learning
 Information and course offered by the internet are called e-learning. A variety of
learning opportunities can be accessed this way. The choices range from formal
training offered by colleges and universities, to an informal walk-through of a given
subject, to reading reports on a topic. E-learning can take place on or off the job
To study the methods used in training the employees
To analyze whether the quality of training and satisfaction of respondents related.
To analyze whether the employees are satisfied with their current training methods.
To collect and analyze the views of the participants and superior on the training.
To study the training program on the basis of relevance, implementation and
The objective of the study is as follows:-
To examine the essential dimensions of service quality i.e. RATER- Reliability, assurance,
tangibles, empathy and responsiveness of HDFC bank and its effect on customer’s
To find out the level of perception of the customers from the service quality offered by the
To know which service quality dimension of the bank is performing well.
To identify which dimension of service quality needs improvement so that the quality of
service of HDFC banks is enhanced.
The study would try to throw some insights into the existing services provided by the banks,
perceptions and the actual service quality of the bank. The results of the study would be able
to recognize the lacunae in the system and thus provide key areas where improvement is
required for better performance and success ratio. In the days of intense competition, superior
service is the only differentiator left before the banks to attract, retain and partner with the
customers. Superior service quality enables a firm to differentiate itself from its competition,
gain a sustainable competitive advantage, and enhance efficiency
The scope of this research is to identify the service quality of HDFC bank. This research is
based on primary data and secondary data. This study only focuses on the dimensions of
service quality i.e. RATER. It aims to understand the skill of the company in the area of
service quality that are performing well and shows those areas which require improvement.
The study was done taking two branches of HDFC bank into consideration. The survey was
restricted to the bank customers in Delhi only.
(a)Primary Data: -
The primary data was collected by means of a survey. Questionnaires were prepared and
customers of the banks at two branches were approached to fill up the questionnaires. The
questionnaire contains 20 questions which reflect on the type and quality of services provided
by the banks to the customers. The response of the customer and the is recorded on a grade
scale of strongly disagree, disagree, uncertain, agree and strongly agree for each question.
The filled up information was later analyzed to obtain the required interpretation and the
(b)Secondary Data:-
In order to have a proper understanding of the service quality of bank a depth study was done
from the various sources such as books, a lot of data is also collected from the official
websites of the banks and the articles from various search engines like Google, yahoo search
The research design is exploratory till identification of service quality parameters. Later it
becomes descriptive when it comes to evaluating customer perception of service quality of
the banks.
Descriptive research, also known as statistical research, describes data and characteristics
about the population or phenomenon being studied. Descriptive research answers the
questions who, what, where, when and how.
Although the data description is factual, accurate and systematic, the research cannot describe
what caused a situation. Thus, descriptive research cannot be used to create a causal
relationship, where one variable affects another. In other words, descriptive research can be
said to have a low requirement for internal validity.
The description is used for frequencies, averages and other statistical calculations. Often the
best approach, prior to writing descriptive research, is to conduct a survey investigation.
Qualitative research often has the aim of description and researchers may follow-up with
examinations of why the observations exist and what the implications of the findings are
Since it is not possible to study whole universe, it becomes necessary to take sample from the
universe to know about its characteristics.
 SamplingUnits:Customersof Manappuram bank
 Sample Technique: Random Sampling.
 Research Instrument: Structured Questionnaire.
 Contact Method: Personal Interview.
The work is a case of HDFC Bank, one of the largest bank of Indian banking industry
together representing over 25 per cent of the market share of Indian banking space. The
survey was conducted in the city of Delhi with two branches of HDFC Bank, with 50
customers as respondent.
1 Strongly disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neither agree nor disagree
4. Agree
Strongly agree Liker scaling is a bipolar scaling method, measuring either positive or
negative response to a statement. The questionnaire consists of two parts. The first part
consists of three questions concerning the demographic information of the respondent such as
the name, age, educational qualifications and income. The second part consisting of 18
questions exploring the respondent’s perception about the service quality of MGL. For
evaluation of service quality of MGL bank service quality dimension of reliability, assurance,
tangibility, empathy and responsiveness is used in order to evaluate the actual service quality
of MGL bank.
 The study is only for the HDFC Bank confined to a particular location
and a very small sample of respondents. Hence the findings cannot be
treated as representative of the entire banking industry.
 The study can also not be generalized for public and private sectorbanks
of the country.
 Respondents may give biased answers for the required data. Some of the
respondents did not like to respond.
 Respondents tried to escape some statements by simply answering
“neither agree nor disagree” to most of the statements. This was one of
the most important limitation faced, as it was difficult to analyse and
come at a right conclusion.
 In our study we have included 50 customers of bank because of time
7.1 TOTAL INCOME:-Analysis of income 2012 to 2016 as per report of manappuram
gold loan finance. Manappuram Finance, India's Largest Listed and Highest Credit Rated
Gold Loan Company, reported standalone net profit of Rs. 124.84 crore for the quarter
ended March 31, 2016, registering growth of 79.15% yoy and 28.35% qoq. It's Net Interest
Income (NII) for the quarter stood at Rs. 388.99 crore, clocking growth of 37.98% yoy and
8.56% qoq.
For the year ended March 31, 2016, the company reported net profit of Rs. 337.24 crore,
registering growth of 24.57% yoy. It's NII for the current period of Rs. 1,329.21 crore was
up 20.48% yoy.
Net profit earning by Manappuram Company in 2016 represent in graph .
FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16
Series 1
FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16
Series 1
18 - 30 13.30 22.13%
31 - 40 20.68 34.41%
41 - 50 20.64 34.35%
51 - 57 5.47 9.11%
60.08 100.00%
Employees are one of the great assets in any company, and their importance is often
overlooked. This is because they are entrusted with the task of taking the company to greater
heights. A proper employee development system should be set up in every company to ensure
that the full potential of everyone involved is realized.
Expert trainers are hired by Manppuram Finance to ensure maximum results. Trainer
websites also used to avoid the need of human trainers. Training equips employees with
required problem solving skills. This, in the long-run, reduces the need for upper-level
management to intervene as often when issues arise. Employees will learn to solve their
problems by themselves and only require intervention when there is a major crisis.

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Mba project on manappuram gold loan

  • 1. - 1 - A Project Report On A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT OF EMPLOYEES IN MANAPPURAM GOLD LOAN Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of MBA Fourth semester Session-2016-17 Underthesupervisionof:- submittedBy:- To, Depart of Management Studies SVN University, Sagar(M.P.) SVN University,Sagar(M.P.) Kanchan Rajak MBA III SEM Roll no:- 1612060130035 Mr. SATYENDRA THAKUR CERTIFICATE
  • 2. - 2 - This is certify that this report entitled “A Study on training and development of employees in manappuram gold lone ” which is submitted by Kanchan Rajak in partial Fulfillment of requirement for the award of degree M.B.A. from S.V.N. University , Sagar is a record of the candidate own work carried out by him under my supervision .The matter embodied in this is original and has not been submitted for the award of any other degree. Signature of Examiner Signature of Supervisor Signature of H.O.D. DECLARATION BY CANDIDATE
  • 3. - 3 - This is certify that this report entitled “A study on training and development of employees in manappuram gold lone” which is submitted by Kanchan Rajak in partial Fulfillment of requirement for the award of degree M.B.A. from S.V.N. University comprises only my original work and due acknowledgement has been made in the text to all other material used. Supervision By :- Signature of the Candidate Mr. Satyendra Thankur Kanchan Rajak M.B.A. III sem. Date: …/…../…. Acknowledgement
  • 4. - 4 - I wish to express my deep sense of gratitude to all those who generously helped in successful completion of this research work by sharing their valuable time and knowledge. A great deal of motivation, direction and hard work was require to complete the report, but the precious guidance provided by my teachers made this job enjoyable and a nice learning experience. It is my proud privilege to express my deep sense regards to the Dr. Sunita Dixit (Dean & H.O.D. of Department of management of S.V.N. University, Sagar) for giving me opportunity to prepare a project report on A STUDY ON DEVELOPMENT AND EMPLOYEES IN MANAPPURAM GOLD in Sagar City which I have done. I express my deep sense of gratitude to Mr. Gaurav Agarwal (Faculty OF Management Deptt. Of S.V.N. University, Sagar) for his constant encouragement, guidance and his valuable suggestion to undertake this study. I am also grateful to my faculty members, customers, friends and family members for their outstanding support and guidance. Kanchan Rajak MBA III sem Roll no:- 1612060130035 PREFACE
  • 5. - 5 - The project report has an objective to get the MBA student familiar with real life business situation and gives an opportunity to the student of understand the theoretical concepts of marketing and finance in practical way. In today’s world “Consumer is the King” consumer test and preference go alone way in the actual sales of the product. Every research work has to deal with various people in concern organization and each of them have their own opinion and thinking about various topics. The main aim of the survey report was to determine the “A Study on training and development of employees in manappuram gold lone”. I tried my best to express the report through satisfaction representation, graphs, pie diagrams etc. and it helped me to enhance my knowledge I am extremely happy to place before our esteemed teachers. CONTENTS
  • 7. 7 (1) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 ORGANIZATION PROFILE :- Manappuram Finance Ltd or MAFIL is a non-banking financial company (NBFCs) situated in Valapad, Thrissur, Kerala state. Manappuram has over 3200+ branches across 25 states, a staff strength of over 15,000+ people 1.2 HISTORY :- The company was founded in 1949 by late V.C.Padmanabhan in Thrissur District. The company commenced its operations at Valapad, mainly with money lending activity on a very modest scale. The group's flagship company, MAGFIL, was established in 1992 in the wake of economic reforms launched by the Government of India. Manappuram's origins go back to 1949 when it was founded in Valapad (a coastal village in the Thrissur District of Kerala) by the late V.C. Padmanabhan, father of Nandakumar. Its activity was mainly pawn broking and money lending carried out on a modest scale 1.3 OTHER ACTIVITIES:- As part of its diversification, Manappuram Finance Limited has also ventured into the Foreign Exchange business with the Reserve Bank of India having granted an Authorised Dealer - II licence to the Company which permits it to effect outward remittances for a variety of purposes such as overseas medical treatment, higher education abroad, business travel, conferences etc. The Company has also commenced Instant Money Transfer in collaboration with UAE Xchange, Wallstreet and MoneyGram. 1.4 EMPLOYEE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT:- HR is concerned with the people dimension in an organization, hence the trend in organizations to re- designate Personnel Department into Human Resource Department. The functions undertaken by HRD are to recruit, select, train and develop employees for an organization. Today with companies having a global mix of employees, developing an understanding of the employees is a tough task for the HR Department. Human Resource Management is a process of bringing people and organizations together, so that their respective goals are met. Indian organizations are also witnessing a change in systems, management cultures and philosophy due to the increasing global alignment of Indian companies.
  • 8. 8 As globalization has been a challenging issue for the organization—because international human resource management has placed great emphasis on number of responsibilities and functions such as relocation, orientation, translation services to help employees adapt to new and different environment outside their own country— necessary attention must be paid by HR Managers in formulating policies, motivation, maintaining the relationship and stressing on quality in administration. HR does this in a measurable way. HR functionaries need to do a lot of things. In the end, HR plays the role of initiator, planner and executor in organizations. Taking a look at the world of human beings is a rewarding experience. Contracts abound in this world. These contracts remain so despite the passage of time, sweeping political & economic changes, cultural differences. HR could be the ultimate differentiator in the competitive marketplaces of the future. But first ”Old HR” must be deconstructed. Great companies have for years been eliminating wasteful process that don’t move the talent needle in the organization. It is critical to challenge historical norms, eliminate bureaucracy, deploy the latest data technology, and optimize organizational structure, no matter what your job title is, we are all in the HR, because employees are at the heart of every organizational success. In early 1900s, HR function known as industrial and labour relation after steel and oil had transformed business in the 19th century, it become clear that workforce management needs its own discipline. Later in 1920s in a thriving economy, good workers were hard to come by and even harder to retain. HR introduced supervisors to treat people well. During the 1930s, the era of the great depression, supervisors favored the drive system of Management (threatening and sometimes even hitting workers) and saw HR as a hindrance. Workers put up with almost anything to stay employed. Talent development was practically nonexistent. In the1950s, after the Second World War, Western countries lost 1/3rd of their executives in the war with no one to replace them. To fill that void, HR created a host of revolutionary hiring and development programs. In the 1970s, as the economy slowed, labour was once again plentiful. Business Leaders started undoing all those post-war programmes designed to attract and develop talent. Early 1980s, the US went in to deep recession and workers clung to their jobs. Rather than invest in HR, companies pushed hiring and developments tasks onto line managers, who had neither the time nor the training to do it properly.
  • 9. 9 Late 1990s, during the dot-com boom, companies competed fiercely for employer of choice status to meet their soaring talent needs. So, HR enjoyed a brief heyday, focusing primarily on hiring and retention. From 2001, when the dot-com bubble burst and the economy tanked, business leaders felt little urgency to attract talent. Productivity rose, wages stayed flat, and HR lost the influence it had enjoyed during the boom. Nowadays, with the effects of the great recession of 2008 still lingering, most people with jobs aren’t jumping ship yet, so executives feel no urgent need for HR programmes. HR has to first make a case for it and these days HR focuses attention on the following: 1. Policies- HR policies based on trust, openness, equity and consensus. 2. Motivation- Create conditions in which people are willing to work with zeal, initiative and enthusiasm; make people feel like winners. 3. Relations- Fair treatment of people and prompt redress of grievances would pave the way for healthy work-place relations. 4. Change agent- Prepare workers to accept technological changes by clarifying doubts. 5. Quality Consciousness- Commitment to quality in all aspects of personnel administration will ensure success.
  • 10. 10 (2) INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY Learning happens all the time whether or not you are fully aware of it. Are you a person who forgets to save your work on your computer on a regular basis? If a power failure occurs and you lose some data, do you learn anything? If you say to yourself, "I must remember to save more often", you have done some learning. This type of learning is called incidental learning; you have learned without really thinking about it or meaning to. On the other hand, intentional learning happens when you engage in activities with an attitude of "what can I learn from this?" Employee development requires you to approach everyday activity with the intention of learning from what is going on around you. 2.1 EMPLOYEE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT:- Training is a program that helps employees learn specific knowledge or skills to improve performance in their current roles. Development is more expansive and focuses on employee growth and future performance, rather than an immediate job role. Employee training is essential in today’s competitive marketplace. However, many companies treat it as a box to check or a chore to complete. When you do training well, it’s a true investment in your business. The right training helps you educate and engage employees, giving you the competitive advantage needed to boost the bottom line. Good training and development programs help you keep the right people and grow profit. As the battle for top talent becomes more competitive, employee training and development programs are more important than ever. Hiring top talent takes time and money, and how you engage and develop that talent impacts retention and business growth. According to China Gorman, CEO at Great Places to Work, “As companies grow and the war for talent intensifies, it is increasingly important that training and development programs are not only competitive, but are supporting the organization on its defined strategic path.” And it’s not just about retention. Employee training and development programs directly impact your bottom line. In their Predictions for 2015, Bersin by Deloitte said, “Organizations with high-impact learning
  • 11. 11 delivered profit growth three times greater than their competitors. Why is this? Simply put if you can keep your employees current and skilled, you can evolve and perform better than your competitors.” 2.2 COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE (i) IMPROVE PRODUCTIVITY AND PROFITABLITY:- It’s simple—employees with better skills deliver better work. Employee development and growth leads to innovation. By making sure employees are well informed and well trained, you are building a foundation that will allow you to stay at the top of your industry. And making sure people have the training and development needed allows them to be more effective at work. Ultimately innovation and more productivity will create a better customer experience and drive profitability for your company. (ii) KEEP AND SUPPORT THE RIGHT TALENT: The cost of the wrong person in a position or the right person leaving your company is a major problem for your bottom line. Hiring top talent takes time and money, and how you engage and develop that talent impacts retention and business growth. Forward-thinking organizations recognize that good training and development programs keep the right people in the right roles. Further, a little investment in training can turn the wrong person in a role into the right person. Helping foster leadership or boosting soft skills could make your internal pipeline far more promising. As the battle for top talent becomes more competitive, employee training and development programs can be a primary differentiator for your business. WHO IS RESPONSIBLEFOR EMPLOYEE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT? Employee training is the responsibility of the organization. Employee development is a shared responsibility of management and the individual employee. The responsibility of management is to provide the right resources and an environment that supports the growth and development needs of the individual employee. For employee training and development to be successful, management should:  Provide a well-crafted job description - it is the foundation upon which employee training and development activities are built
  • 12. 12  Provide training required by employees to meet the basic competencies for the job. This is usually the supervisor's responsibility  Develop a good understanding of the knowledge, skills and abilities that the organization will need in the future. What are the long-term goals of the organization and what are the implications of these goals for employee development? Share this knowledge with staff For employee development to be a success, the individual employee should:  Look for learning opportunities in everyday activities  Identify goals and activities for development and prepare an individual development plan. 2.3 COST-EFFECTIVE METHODS FOR EMPLOYEE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT :- Employee training and development needs to suit your organization's context, job descriptions, employment contracts and collective agreements. When selecting employee training and development methods, it is important to remember the learning process. There are many ways to provide employees with learning opportunities, including: On-the-job experience Committees  Committees are part of every-day activity in any organization. They can also be effective learning tools, with the right focus  Committees made up of staff from different areas of your organization will enhance learning by allowing members to see issues from different perspectives  Set aside part of the committee's work time to discuss issues or trends that may impact on the organization in the future Conferences and forums  Employees can attend conferences that focus on topics of relevance to their position and the organization
  • 13. 13  Upon their return, have the employee make a presentation to other staff as a way of enhancing the individual's learning experience and as a way of enhancing the organization. (Some conferences and forums may be considered off-the-job learning) Critical incident notes  Day-to-day activities are always a source of learning opportunities  Select the best of these opportunities and write up critical incident notes for staff to learn from. Maybe a client complaint was handled effectively. Write a brief summary of the incident and identify the employee's actions that led to a successful resolution  Share the notes with the employee involved and with others as appropriate. If the situation was not handled well, again write a brief description of the situation identifying areas for improvement  Discuss the critical incident notes with the employee and identify the areas for the employee to improve upon and how you will assist the employee in doing this Field trips  If your organization has staff at more than one site, provide employees with an opportunity to visit the other sites  This helps your employees gain a better understanding of the full range of programs and clients that your organization serves  Field trips to other organizations serving a similar clientele or with similar positions can also provide a valuable learning experience  Give staff going on field trips a list of questions to answer or a list of things to look for  Follow up the field trip by having staff explain what they have learned and how they can apply that learning to your organization. (Fieldtrips can also be an off-the-job activity) Job aids  Tools can be given to employees to help them perform their jobs better. These tools include: manuals, checklists, phone lists, procedural guidelines, decision guidelines and so forth  Job aids are very useful for new employees, employees taking on new responsibilities and for activities that happen infrequently
  • 14. 14 Job expanding  Once an employee has mastered the requirements of his or her job and is performing satisfactorily, s/he may want greater challenges. Consider assigning new additional duties to the employee  Which duties to assign should be decided by the employee and her or his manager  Organizations with flat organizational structure are starting to give some managerial tasks to experienced staff as a way of keeping those staff challenged Job rotation  On a temporary basis, employees can be given the opportunity to work in a different area of the organization  The employee keeps his or her existing job but fills in for or exchanges responsibilities with another employee Job shadowing  If an employee wants to learn what someone else in your organization does, your employee can follow that person and observe him or her at work  Usually the person doing the shadowing does not help with the work that is being done Learning alerts  Newspaper articles, government announcements and reports can be used as learning alerts  Prepare a brief covering page which could include a short summary and one or two key questions for your employees to consider. Then circulate the item  Include the item on the agenda of your next staff meeting for a brief discussion Peer-assistedlearning  Two employees agree to help each other learn different tasks. Both employees should have an area of expertise that the co-worker can benefit from  The employees take turns helping their co-worker master the knowledge or skill that they have to share
  • 15. 15 'Stretch' assignments  These assignments give the employee an opportunity to stretch past his or her current abilities. For example, a stretch assignment could require an employee to chair a meeting if the person has never done this before  To ensure that chairing the meeting is a good learning experience, the manager should take time after the meeting to discuss with the employee what went well and what could have been improved Special projects  Give an employee an opportunity to work on a project that is normally outside his or her job duties. For example, someone who has expressed an interest in events planning could be given the opportunity to work as part of a special events team 2.4 COMPANIES WHO ARE CREATING EFFECTIVE EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING :- (i) A Layered Model Designed for Sales Success :- Avigilon’s sales team is composed largely of independent contractors. For the company to grow, these employees need to understand Avigilon’s complex line of HD cameras and security systems, and how they benefit potential clients. After a thorough needs analysis, the company determined that a multi- stage development program was necessary to meet their needs. This layered approach is helping Avigilon produce a sales team has the product knowledge and sales skills necessary for company’s growth into the future. (ii) Building a Sustainable Talent Pipeline : Leaders at Brunswick recognized that their existing management talent pipeline wouldn’t support their growth plans. The company determined that the difference between effective and ineffective managers could be as much as $50,000 in operating costs per facility each year. Challenges the company faced in developing an effective training program included a geographically diverse audience, a relatively small learner population, and disjointed employee hire dates. To meet these needs, the company developed a 6-week program that includes learner-driven content, virtual instructor-led options, semi-annual conferences, and on-the-job projects.
  • 16. 16 (iii) Training and Developmentin banks :-In Banks there is a need for the continuous training and development of the staff in the areas of customer care services on operational aspects and behavioral aspects of the business. How are the needs identified? The training needs are assessed through task analysis and performance analysis, which can be conducted through surveys, or from the information furnished by the heads of the departments, customer complaints, even from the reports on 360 degree feedback systems. In case of a large banks, there are two ways of conducting training programmes – through an established department having a full time HRD functionary who oversees all the training and development functions of the Banks or through an external trainers coordinated by the HRD department These days Banks have recognized the need for training and re-training their staff, in order to develop a competitive edge over their competitors in delivering high quality services to the customers. Traditionally, banks have recruited young school leavers, and their initial training was either long apprenticeship or on-the-job or formal training in basic routine operations. Aspirants to management position were encouraged to qualify professionally by reading for associate-ship of the Institute of Bankers or an equivalent qualification. It was argued that banking requires exercise of sound training and development programmes for their employees.
  • 17. 17 (3) Need for the study :- Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a particular job. It utilizes a systematic and organized procedure by which employee learns technical knowledge and skills. Training refers to the teaching and learning activities carried on for the primary purpose of helping members of an organization. Training is closely related with education and development but needs to be differentiated from these terms. It is aimed at improving the behavior and performance of a person. Training is a continuous and life long process. Training provides an atmosphere of sharing synthesizing with the help of the trainers, the information already available on the subject.
  • 18. 18 (4) COMPANY PROFILE Manappuram Finance Ltd. is one of India’s leading gold loan NBFCs. Promoted by Shri. V.P. Nandakumar, the current MD & CEO, its origins go back to 1949 when it was founded in the coastal village of Valapad (Thrissur District) by his late father Mr. V.C. Padmanabhan. The firm was involved in pawn broking and money lending carried out on a modest scale. Shri Nandakumar took over the reins in 1986 after his father expired. Since then, it has been a story of unparalleled growth with many milestones crossed. Incorporated in 1992, Manappuram Finance Ltd. has grown at a rapid pace. Today, it has 3,747 branches across 28 states/UTs with assets under management (AUM) of nearly Rs.13,0140 million and a workforce of 19,372. 4.1 A CHIEVEMENTS :- Soon after it commenced its operations, the company gathered several “firsts” to its credit. The first non banking financial company (NBFC) in Kerala to receive a Certificate of Registration issued by the RBI, it was also among the earliest to go for an IPO in 1995. In 2007, it became the first Kerala based NBFC to receive investment from foreign institutional investors (FIIs) when the celebrated PE fund, Sequoia Capital, invested Rs.700 million along with Hudson Equity Holdings. Sizable foreign investment was received during two QIPS in 2010 when a total of Rs.12,450 million was raised. Manappuram Finance Ltd. was the first NBFC in Kerala to obtain the highest short term credit rating of A1+ from ICRA. In 2010, it became the first Kerala-based NBFC to offer ESOPs (Employee Stock Option Plan) to its middle and senior management functionaries. 4.2 INNOVATIONS :- Technology innovations: In the matter of technology, Manappuram was one of the earliest to adopt the “core banking” platform. This was no mean achievement considering that unlike the banking sector there were no ready-made software solutions for gold loans. It came about only because the company invested in developing its own proprietary solutions, and today its technology platform is one of its core strengths. The investment in technology has paid off in many ways, for instance, in streamlining
  • 19. 19 procedures to reduce turnaround times in gold loan disbursal and in implementing advanced risk management practices as described below. 4.3 Product innovations :- Manappuram has led the way in the matter of product innovations too,. Gold loans were for long sold as a “one-size-fits-all” product. The company was a pioneer in introducing variety to it, for instance, by offering progressively higher loan amounts at higher price points. It was also the first to come up with “one-day interest” where borrowers have the option to settle a gold loan at their earliest convenience, even within a day, at a time when the norm was to recover a minimum interest of seven days, or even a month. 4.4 Innovative approach to raising finance :- For a non banking financial company (NBFC), raising funds was a big challenge in the nineties. In the aftermath of the CRB scam of 1997, raising deposits from the public was difficult and banks were not comfortable with lending to NBFCs in general. Moreover, Manappuram’s foray into gold loans was untested as a business model. Growth was slow in the initial days. The picture was to change only after the companyhit upon unconventional ways to raise funds. In the first breakthrough, Manappuram became the first gold loan company to raise finance through the securitization and assignment route in a tie up with ICICI Bank. The arrangement with ICICI Bank continued to work well for a few years and the company was put on the growth path. Buoyed by the success, the company planned a big expansion of the branch network. However, around 2006, ICICI Bank faced some regulatory hurdles regarding securitization and they could no longer fund the company. With ICICI Bank pulling out, the expansion plans were in jeopardy. At this point, the company chanced to get its second break. Temasek, the sovereign investment fund of Singapore, was looking to expand its footprint in the Indian financial market. Mr. Nandakumar happened to be in Singapore to take part in a conference of NBFCs. Having heard Mr. Nandakumar speak about the gold loan business, Temasek expressed interested in financing Manappuram through their India arm Fullerton. Temasek’s debt participation provided the visibility, and paved the way for other international players to follow. In December 2007, Manappuram became the first NBFC in Kerala to attract foreign institutional investment when the celebrated PE fund Sequoia Capital invested Rs.700 million together with Hudson Equity Holdings. Since then, the company has regularly received foreign investment.
  • 20. 20 The second round of private equity funding in November 2008 was led by Ashmore Alchemy which, together with Sequoia and Hudson, put in another Rs.1,080 million. Sizable foreign investment was received during the two QIPS in 2010 when a total of Rs.12,450 million was raised. Once private equity came in, the company was able to shift gears and grow much faster than before because now even the PSU banks were willing to lend to it. From this point onwards, there was no looking back. Conventionally, companies have sought funds from foreign investors after they have tapped the domestic banks and other financial institutions. In the case of Manappuram, the order was upended. Because the domestic banks were uncomfortable lending to NBFCs, especially one with an untested business model focused on gold loans, the company went out of India and roped in the foreign players first. Once they were persuaded, the domestic players became more confident about lending to the company. 4.5 TRAINING NEED INDENTIFICATION FOR A COMPANT :- (i) INTRODUCATION :- Training need identification is a tool utilized to identify what educational courses or activities should be provided to employees to improve their work productivity. Here the focus should be placed on needs as opposed to desires of the employees for a constructive outcome. In order to emphasize the importance of training need identification we can focus on the following areas: -  To pinpoint if training will make a difference in productivity and the bottom line.   To decide what specific training each employee needs and what will improve his or her job performance.   To differentiate between the need for training and organizational issues and bring about a match between individual aspirations and organizational goals. Identification of training needs (ITN), if done properly, provides the basis on which all other training activities can be considered. Also requiring careful thought and analysis, it is a process that needs to be carried out with sensitivity as people's learning is important to them, and the reputation of the organization is also at stake.
  • 21. 21 Identification of training needs is important from both the organisational point of view as well as from an individual's point of view. From an organisation's point of view it is important because an organisation has objectives that it wants to achieve for the benefit of all stakeholders or members, including owners, employees, customers, suppliers, and neighbours. These objectives can be achieved only through harnessing the abilities of its people, releasing potential and maximising opportunities for development. Therefore people must know what they need to learn in order to achieve organisational goals. Similarly if seen from an individual's point of view, people have aspirations, they want to develop and in order to learn and use new abilities, people need appropriate opportunities, resources, and conditions. Therefore, to meet people's aspirations, the organization must provide effective and attractive learning resources and conditions. And it is also important to see that there is a suitable match between achieving organizational goals and providing attractive learning opportunities.
  • 22. 22
  • 23. 23 4.5 THE DEVELOPMENT PLANNING PROCESS :- An individual development plan is prepared by the employee in partnership with his or her supervisor. The plan is based upon the needs of the employee, the position and the organization. A good individual development plan will be interesting, achievable, practical and realistic. It is implemented with the approval of the employee's supervisor. Step 1 - Self-assessment The employee identifies his or her skills, abilities, values, strengths and weaknesses. To conduct a self-assessment:  Use the many self-assessment tools found on the internet  Compare your knowledge, skills and abilities to those identified in your job description  Review performance assessments (performance assessments are often used as the starting place for developing individual development plans)  Ask for feedback from your supervisorr Step 2 - Assess yourcurrent position and your work environment The employee does an assessment of the requirement of his or her position at the present time and how the requirements of the position and/or organization may change. To conduct a position assessment:  Identify the job requirements and performance expectations of your current position  Identify the knowledge, skills and abilities that will enhance your ability to perform your current job  Identify and assess the impact on your position of changes taking place in the work environment such as changes in clients, programs, services and technology. Based on your analysis in Steps 1 and 2, use the sample Individual Development Plan form to answer the following questions:
  • 24. 24  What goals do you want to achieve in your career?  Which of these development goals are mutually beneficial to you and your organization? Write what you would like to achieve as goals. Select two or three goals to work on at a time. Set a time frame for accomplishing your goals. Step 3 - Identify development activities Identify the best ways to achieve your development goals.  What methods will you use?  What resources will be required? Step 4 - Put your plan in action Once you have prepared a draft of your individual development plan:  Review your plan with your supervisor for his or her input and approval  Start working on your plan  Evaluate your progress and make adjustments as necessary  Celebrate your successes 4.6 RELATIONSHIPS AND FEEDBACK (i) COACHING  Coaching refers to a pre-arranged agreement between an experienced manager and his or her employee. The role of the coach is to demonstrate skills and to give the employee guidance, feedback, and reassurance while s/he practices the new skill (ii) MENTORING  Mentoring is similar to coaching. Mentoring occurs when a senior, experienced manager provides guidance and advice to a junior employee  The two people involved have usually developed a working relationship based on shared interest and values (iii) NETWORKING
  • 25. 25  Some professional specialties have informal networks designed to meet the professional development need of the members. Members meet to discuss current issues and to share information and resources (iv)PERFORMANCEAPPRAISAL  Performance appraisals are partly evaluation and partly developmental. In traditional performance appraisals the manager and employee evaluate the employee's strengths and weaknesses. In a 360-degree performance appraisal, feedback is gathered from supervisors, peers, staff, other colleagues and sometimes clients. The results of an appraisal can be used to identify areas for further development of the employee CLASSROOMTRAINING COURSES, SEMINARS, WORKSHOPS  These are formal training opportunities that can be offered to employees either internally or externally. A trainer, facilitator and/or subject matter expert can be brought into your organization to provide the training session or an employee can be sent to one of these learning opportunities during work time OFF-THE-JOB LEARNING COURSES OFFERED BY COLLEGES OR UNIVERSITIES  Many colleges and universities offer courses relevant to employees in the non-profit sector. Employees may attend these classes on their own time or your organization may give them time off with pay to attend. Employees are often compensated by the organization for the cost of the course PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS
  • 26. 26  Professional associations, like networks, provide employees an opportunity to stay current in their chosen field 4.6 SELF STUDY  Self-paced independent reading, e-learning courses and volunteer work all provide learning opportunities. The employee engages in the learning activity by choice and at his or her desired pace of learning  Information and course offered by the internet are called e-learning. A variety of learning opportunities can be accessed this way. The choices range from formal training offered by colleges and universities, to an informal walk-through of a given subject, to reading reports on a topic. E-learning can take place on or off the job
  • 27. 27 (5) OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY :- To study the methods used in training the employees To analyze whether the quality of training and satisfaction of respondents related. To analyze whether the employees are satisfied with their current training methods. To collect and analyze the views of the participants and superior on the training. To study the training program on the basis of relevance, implementation and outcomes.
  • 28. 28 (6) METHODOLOGY 6.1 RESEARCHOBJECTIVE :- The objective of the study is as follows:- To examine the essential dimensions of service quality i.e. RATER- Reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy and responsiveness of HDFC bank and its effect on customer’s satisfaction. To find out the level of perception of the customers from the service quality offered by the banks. To know which service quality dimension of the bank is performing well. To identify which dimension of service quality needs improvement so that the quality of service of HDFC banks is enhanced. (i)IMPORTANCE AND SCOPE OF THE STUDY:- The study would try to throw some insights into the existing services provided by the banks, perceptions and the actual service quality of the bank. The results of the study would be able to recognize the lacunae in the system and thus provide key areas where improvement is required for better performance and success ratio. In the days of intense competition, superior service is the only differentiator left before the banks to attract, retain and partner with the customers. Superior service quality enables a firm to differentiate itself from its competition, gain a sustainable competitive advantage, and enhance efficiency (ii) SCOPE OF STUDY :- The scope of this research is to identify the service quality of HDFC bank. This research is based on primary data and secondary data. This study only focuses on the dimensions of service quality i.e. RATER. It aims to understand the skill of the company in the area of service quality that are performing well and shows those areas which require improvement.
  • 29. 29 The study was done taking two branches of HDFC bank into consideration. The survey was restricted to the bank customers in Delhi only. 6.2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY :- (i)DATA SOURCE (a)Primary Data: - The primary data was collected by means of a survey. Questionnaires were prepared and customers of the banks at two branches were approached to fill up the questionnaires. The questionnaire contains 20 questions which reflect on the type and quality of services provided by the banks to the customers. The response of the customer and the is recorded on a grade scale of strongly disagree, disagree, uncertain, agree and strongly agree for each question. The filled up information was later analyzed to obtain the required interpretation and the findings. (b)Secondary Data:- In order to have a proper understanding of the service quality of bank a depth study was done from the various sources such as books, a lot of data is also collected from the official websites of the banks and the articles from various search engines like Google, yahoo search and 6.3 RESEARCH DESIGN :- The research design is exploratory till identification of service quality parameters. Later it becomes descriptive when it comes to evaluating customer perception of service quality of the banks.
  • 30. 30 Descriptive research, also known as statistical research, describes data and characteristics about the population or phenomenon being studied. Descriptive research answers the questions who, what, where, when and how. Although the data description is factual, accurate and systematic, the research cannot describe what caused a situation. Thus, descriptive research cannot be used to create a causal relationship, where one variable affects another. In other words, descriptive research can be said to have a low requirement for internal validity. The description is used for frequencies, averages and other statistical calculations. Often the best approach, prior to writing descriptive research, is to conduct a survey investigation. Qualitative research often has the aim of description and researchers may follow-up with examinations of why the observations exist and what the implications of the findings are (i) RESEARCH SAMPLE (a)SAMPLING PLAN: Since it is not possible to study whole universe, it becomes necessary to take sample from the universe to know about its characteristics.  SamplingUnits:Customersof Manappuram bank  Sample Technique: Random Sampling.  Research Instrument: Structured Questionnaire.  Contact Method: Personal Interview.
  • 31. 31 (b) SAMPLE SIZE: The work is a case of HDFC Bank, one of the largest bank of Indian banking industry together representing over 25 per cent of the market share of Indian banking space. The survey was conducted in the city of Delhi with two branches of HDFC Bank, with 50 customers as respondent. DATA COLLECTION TOOL 1 Strongly disagree 2. Disagree 3. Neither agree nor disagree 4. Agree Strongly agree Liker scaling is a bipolar scaling method, measuring either positive or negative response to a statement. The questionnaire consists of two parts. The first part consists of three questions concerning the demographic information of the respondent such as the name, age, educational qualifications and income. The second part consisting of 18 questions exploring the respondent’s perception about the service quality of MGL. For evaluation of service quality of MGL bank service quality dimension of reliability, assurance, tangibility, empathy and responsiveness is used in order to evaluate the actual service quality of MGL bank. (c) LIMITATIONS OF THE STRATEGY:-
  • 32. 32  The study is only for the HDFC Bank confined to a particular location and a very small sample of respondents. Hence the findings cannot be treated as representative of the entire banking industry.  The study can also not be generalized for public and private sectorbanks of the country.  Respondents may give biased answers for the required data. Some of the respondents did not like to respond.  Respondents tried to escape some statements by simply answering “neither agree nor disagree” to most of the statements. This was one of the most important limitation faced, as it was difficult to analyse and come at a right conclusion.  In our study we have included 50 customers of bank because of time limit.
  • 33. 33 (7) DATA ANALYSIS 7.1 TOTAL INCOME:-Analysis of income 2012 to 2016 as per report of manappuram gold loan finance. Manappuram Finance, India's Largest Listed and Highest Credit Rated Gold Loan Company, reported standalone net profit of Rs. 124.84 crore for the quarter ended March 31, 2016, registering growth of 79.15% yoy and 28.35% qoq. It's Net Interest Income (NII) for the quarter stood at Rs. 388.99 crore, clocking growth of 37.98% yoy and 8.56% qoq. For the year ended March 31, 2016, the company reported net profit of Rs. 337.24 crore, registering growth of 24.57% yoy. It's NII for the current period of Rs. 1,329.21 crore was up 20.48% yoy. 7.2 NET PROFIT :- Net profit earning by Manappuram Company in 2016 represent in graph . 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 TOTAL INCOME Series 1
  • 34. 34 ACTIVE COUSTOMER IN MANAPPURAM BANK OCCUPATION :- 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 NET PROFT Series 1
  • 36. 36 AGE WISE TOTAL PERCENTAGE 18 - 30 13.30 22.13% 31 - 40 20.68 34.41% 41 - 50 20.64 34.35% 51 - 57 5.47 9.11% 60.08 100.00%
  • 37. 37 (8)CONCLUSION :- Employees are one of the great assets in any company, and their importance is often overlooked. This is because they are entrusted with the task of taking the company to greater heights. A proper employee development system should be set up in every company to ensure that the full potential of everyone involved is realized. Expert trainers are hired by Manppuram Finance to ensure maximum results. Trainer websites also used to avoid the need of human trainers. Training equips employees with required problem solving skills. This, in the long-run, reduces the need for upper-level management to intervene as often when issues arise. Employees will learn to solve their problems by themselves and only require intervention when there is a major crisis.
  • 38. 38 9 BIBLIOGRAPHY  WEB SITES  