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XV Cumbre reguladores y operadores AHCIET

                      La plataforma de
                     Conectividad de las

      Matteo Grazzi

      División de Competitividad, Tecnología e Innovación
      Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID)

     Bogotá, 13 de Junio 2012
Dependiendo del tipo de servicios, los requisitos en
        términos de velocidad y tecnología difieren
   • Broadband provides internet connectivity at high speeds.

Understanding broadband speed requirements for the “Home of the future”:

                                                                             2 M bps
                                                                              7            BA M óvil
                                                                                           Mobile BB       7 bps

          0.2 M bps   IP Telephony
                       Telefonía IP    0.2 M bps
                                                                                5 M bps       Internet       1 0 M bps

      1 M bps     Video Telephony
                   Vid eotelefonía    1 M bps
                                                                              1 0 M bps Alm acenam iento           20 M bps
                                                                                              en Red
      4 M bps    Video Conference
                 Vid eoconfere ncia 4 M bps
                                                                         0.32 M bps         SD TV        4 M bps

         0.5 M bps    JuegosOnline
                             online       1 M bps
                           games                                        0.5 M bps         HD TV     1 2 M bps
                                            0.7 M bps   3D TV   1 6 M bps

 *Broadband: Minimum of 0.2 Mbps to 100 Mbps
El uso y la demanda para todo tipo de servicios en línea
se espera que sigan creciendo en América Latina :

                                                  peer-to-peer file
                                                  sharing: ∆ 445%

 Source: Own elaboration, based on Informa Telecom & Media (2010)
La naturaleza del problema depende de las condiciones
         sociodemográficas y geográficas, que afectan el rendimiento
                        financiero de las inversiones
                                                                                            1 PRIVATE:
    % Hogares                                                                                 • Urban dense areas of high density
 100%                                                                                         • Usually exists more than one
                                                                            3                 infrastructure
                                                                                              • The main problems are related to the
  90%                                  2                                                      regulatory framework and competition
                                                                                              • Profitability is feasible: market dynamics
  80%                                                                                       2 PUBLIC/PRIVATE:
                                                                   Sin banda ancha
             1                                                                                • Urban-rural areas with medium density
                                                                                              • Mobile infrastructure is the best
                                                                                              technological option for voice and data
                                                                                              services. PPPs needed
                                                                                              • There are regulatory and infrastructure
                                                                                              problems. Public intervention may
                 >>5.000 hog./mun.
                   25,000 hh./mun.                                                            accelerate broadband development.
  50%                                                                                         • Profitability could be feasible

                     > 10,000 hh./mun.
                     >2.500 hog./mun.                              >>150 hog./mun.
                                                                     2,500 hh./mun.         3 PUBLIC:
  40%                                                                                         • Rural areas where specific intervention to
                                                                                              guarantee Service / Universal Access is
        0%   10%      20%   30%       40%      50%     60%      70%       80%   90% 100%
                                                                                              needed and incentives are required
                                     Zona de muy baja penetración en BA
                                                                           % Municipios
                                                                           Municipalities     • The main problem is the lack of
Source: García Zaballos, A (GSM)                                                              infrastructures
                                                                                              • Profitability is not feasible: market failure
La experiencia demuestra que la tipología de intervención
                                      pública depende de las condiciones específicas que enfrenta
                                                               cada país
Household Broadband Penetration


                                             Significant role of government
                                             in rollout of core and access                                                                                                 Med-High   Level of
                                             infrastructure, either through                                                                                                           strategic
                                             own and / or mandating                                                                                                                   regulatory /
                                             incumbent and regulatory /                                                                   Level of government intervention            policy
                                             policy changes to increase                                                                   increases to enable service                 Intervention
                                             penetration                                                                                  development to stimulate demand and
                                             Investment model: Ownership /                                                       Med      ensure BB availability to all services at
                                             PPP                                     Growth in broadband adoption is                      affordable prices
                                                                                     primarily driven by market forces. Major             Investment model: PPP / Financial
                                                                                     investments are from private sector                  incentives
                                                                                     with the role of government typically
                                                                                     limited to providing financial incentives
                                                                                     Investment model: PPP / Financial

                                                    Phase 1                                  Phase 2                                               Phase 3
                                               Network Deployment                   Ecosystem Development                               Universal Access and Welfare

                                    • Deploy backbone network          • Deploy high speed infrastructure in high                      • Stimulate further adoption through
                                      infrastructure                     economic areas                                                  development of public services targeted
                                    • Initiate policy enablers such as • Deploy access network to increase coverage in                   towards mass market and utility services
                                      infrastructure sharing to          the low demand areas (financial incentive)                    • Ensure coverage of un-served /
                                      increase competition             • In addition, develop services and applications to               underserved areas
                                                                         drive usage / demand

                                  Source: Analysys Mason
Teniendo en cuenta la diversidad de la región, América Latina se
                                  enfrenta a diferentes desafíos que requieren respuestas distintas
                                                                                                                                                               Source: Analysys Mason
Household Broadband Penetration


                                                                                                                                                                            Level of
                                                                                                                                                                            regulatory /


                                               Phase 1                                     Phase 2                                          Phase 3
                                             Network Deployment                    Ecosystem Development                               Universal Access and Welfare
                                  • Deploy backbone network              • Deploy high speed infrastructure in high economic         • Stimulate further adoption through
                                    infrastructure                         areas                                                       development of public services targeted
                                  • Initiate policy enablers such as     • Deploy access network to increase coverage in the           towards mass market and utility services
                                    infrastructure sharing to increase     low demand areas (financial incentive)                    • Ensure coverage of un-served / underserved
                                    competition                          • In addition, develop services and applications to drive     areas
                                                                           usage / demand
Países de todo el mundo han enfrentado este reto
    embarcándose en ambiciosos planes de expansión de banda                                                                             Increase speed
                                                                                                                                        Increase coverage
                             ancha                                                                                                      Develop Universal
                     Ireland                            UK                        Finland                                               Plan
Canada               Under the National Broadband       By 2012 intends to have   100Mbit/s to be available     Thailand
CAD225 million to    Scheme the government is           a universal service       to nearly all Finns by the    Developing a National Broadband
develop and          contributing EUR79.8 million       broadband commitment      end of 2015
implement a          towards an investment              of 2Mbit/s                                                                     Republic of Korea
broadband            programme of c.EUR223M                                                                                            KRW1.3 trillion to be
coverage strategy                                                                                                                      invested to increase
for under-served                                                                                                                       speeds from
communities                                                                                                                            100Mbits to 1Gbits
                                                                                                                                       by 2012

                                                                                                                                     Targeting over
USA                                                                                                                                  100Mbit/s for mobile
USD7.2 billion set aside to                                                                                                          and 1Gbit/s for fixed
expand broadband access                                                                                                              by 2015
to un-served and under-
served communities
                                                                                         Singapore                               Brunei
                                                                                         The Next                                Currently developing a
                                                                                         Generation                                    Broadband
                                                                                         National                                      Strategic Plan
 Public tenders
 issued to deliver
                                                                                         Network will
 broadband across                                                                                                                  Australia
                                                                                         deliver 1Gbit/s to
 the country at a                                                                                                                  90% of homes,
                        Spain                                                            95% by mid-2012
 minimum speed of                                                                                        Malaysia                  schools and
                        Broadband added to
 40Mbit/s                                                                                                The National              workplaces will
                        universal service           France
                                                                          Germany                        Broadband Initiative      receive 100Mbit/s
                        requirement, 100%           USD2.88 billion to
                                                                          By 2014, 75% of all            plus high-speed           broadband under
                        basic broadband             encourage service
                                                                          regions to have access to broadband                      National
                        coverage targeted by        provider network
                                                                          50Mbit/s Internet via fibre, deployment to               Broadband
                        2013 and extensive          investments in
                                                                          cable or wireless              increase penetration      Network plans
                        penetration of ultra-fast   smaller cities and
                                                                          connections                    rate to 50%
                        broadband by 2020           rural areas

                                                                                                                                Sources: Government websites 7
Las dimensiones de la Banda Ancha
              en América Latina

Hecho 1:      Baja penetración

Hecho 2:     Altos precios

Hecho 3:      Bajo uso
1:Baja penetración
Heterogénea entre países
Y desigual dentro de cada país
En conclusión:
                                                           Go Back

 Los países latinoamericanos tienen una penetración mucho
  menor de las TIC que los países de la OCDE

 Existen diferentes condiciones socio-demográficas y
  económicas a tener en cuenta

 La penetración móvil del 100% existe, como es la norma
  ahora casi todo el mundo, pero casi todos los teléfonos son
  de banda estrecha y no smartphones

 Hay una brecha entre la tasa de penetración móvil y la
  penetración de banda ancha móvil (oportunidad de
Hecho 2: Conexiones de baja velocidad
   a precios inaccesibles                                                                                              Go Back
      Average speed offered (Mbps)           Broadband prices - Average plans
                                                                                           Average price per Mbps (U$ PPP/Mbps)
                                             (U$ PPP/month)

                                                                                                                     OECD countries
                                                                                                                     pay, on average,
                                                                                                                     only 6% of LAC
                                                                                                                     prices per Mbps.

Latin-America Average    2.32                                           117                                    136

                                                 Broadband prices - Average plans as a %
                                                 of income per capita (U$ PPP/month)        Source: GNI Per capita PPP year –
 Source: Galperin and Ruzzier (2010, 2011)
                                                 OECD: 2% of monthly income                 World Bank data Catalogue (2010 )
                                                 LAC: 18% of monthly income

Hecho 3:Bajo uso por parte de todos los actores

 The usage subindex measures Information and Communication Technology (ICT) penetration
 and diffusion among the main social agents. The compounded subindex assesses individual
 efforts to increase their capacity to use ICT, as well as their actual use in their day-to-day
 activities with other agents.

 Source: Own elaboration, based on WEF, 2012
Estas dimensiones representan los mayores desafíos para
que la región y sus habitantes se beneficien de la banda

      Hecho 1:       Baja penetración

       Desafio 1:   Acceso universal
       Acceso       Y también….
                    Servicios universales

       Hecho 2:      Altos precios

       Desafio 2:
                     Precios accesibles

      Hecho 3:      Bajo uso
                    Falta de alfabetizacion digital
       Desafio 3:
       Uso          Falta de contenidos locales
La región ha reconocido la necesidad de promover la
penetración de banda ancha y ha solicitado el apoyo del
 Recent Regional Political Acknowledgement and Agreements:

 • VI Summit of the Americas: “To foster increased connection of
 telecommunication networks in general, including fiber optic and broadband,
 among the region’s countries, as well as international connections, to improve
 connectivity, increase the dynamism of communications between the nations of
 the Americas…” (Cartagena, 2012)

 • The 12 members of the Union of South American Countries (UNASUR)
 agreed to address the region’s gap in broadband penetration (Brazil, 2011).

 • Caribbean Ministers of Telecommunications requested an assessment of
 countries’ broadband infrastructure and regulatory frameworks and training on
 the importance of broadband. (2011)

                                                             …among others…
Una forma nueva y más eficiente de hacer lo que el Banco ya está

         Social                                   Integration

                          Broadband as an
                             enabler for

      Infrastructure                               Institutions
      & Environment
Un enfoque integral es necesario para aumentar el
    acceso, la adopción y el uso de servicios de banda
                   ancha en la región:

1     Políticas
                       2                     3                        4
     Públicas y                                                            Construcción
                           Regulación            Infraestructura
       visión                                                             de capacidades

                        Support efforts to
    Development of                                  Increase the              Development of
                            update the
    broadband plans                                penetration of          innovative services
     and broadband                                  services and          and applications and
                          frameworks to
      strategies for                                applications             through capacity
                        reduce the prices
      digitalization                             thorough PPP and         building of the public
                       and evolve towards
                                                 public investments           and the private
                          universality of
                            Broadband                                             sector
     Demand &                                      Supply &
     Supply side                                  Demand side               Demand side
                           Supply side
El Banco ya está apoyando a los países y desarrollando
                      trabajo analítico
                                                               1         2           3          4
Technical cooperation projects to:                            Public Regulation   Infra-    Capacity
                                                             Policies           structure   building
Develop Broadband Plans for Central America
Develop National Plan of Connectivity in Haiti
Support in the development of the Broadband strategy for
the Government of Honduras
Wireless networks and services for social inclusion in the
Municipality of Guacarí in Colombia
Broadband network for Yucatan
Development of a Regional Public Good in the Caribbean
Development of demonstration projects in Peru, Jamaica,
Costa Rica and Paraguay
Support to UNASUR in the development of an optical fiber
ring for the 13 countries. Prefeasibility studies
Knowledge products and ESWs - Ongoing Cross-cutting work:
•Development of a broadband index and a balance scorecard for the 26 countries
•Econometric model to show the impact that broadband has on economic growth and productivity.
•Development of broadband maps to open the dialogue on PPPs
•Review the regulatory framework on spectrum management to launch “white spaces”
•Study on funding / investment schemes for broadband deployment in the region

                   *IFD is grateful to the Korean and Spanish Governments for their support and vision
El BID ha fortalecido sus vínculos con el sector privado:

 PPPs are an essential element in this effort: Therefore, in coordination with more than
 25 representatives from the telecommunications industry worldwide, the Bank produced an
 action-oriented report stating the industry’s common position on how to accelerate
 broadband penetration in the LAC Region.
Como puede el BID apoyar a América Latina en este
El papel del BID:
 Continuar apoyando acciones específicas de acuerdo a su mandato de
  seguir haciendo lo que hacemos, pero hacerlo mejor
 Aprovechar el conocimiento disponible y la experiencia en sectores críticos
  para el desarrollo.
 Usar sus capacidades para seguir un enfoque integral para la expansión de la
  banda ancha en la región (4 pilares)
 Mantener alianzas estratégicas con otros organismos multilaterales y el sector

Instrumentos disponibles:
 Conjunto de instrumentos diversos para apoyar a los países: préstamos,
   cooperaciones técnicas no reembolsables, asesoría técnica, productos de
Para informaciones

Antonio Garcia Zaballos

Matteo Grazzi    
Matteo Grazzi, La plataforma de Conectividad de las Américas

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Matteo Grazzi, La plataforma de Conectividad de las Américas

  • 1. XV Cumbre reguladores y operadores AHCIET La plataforma de Conectividad de las Américas Matteo Grazzi Economista División de Competitividad, Tecnología e Innovación Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) Bogotá, 13 de Junio 2012
  • 2. Dependiendo del tipo de servicios, los requisitos en términos de velocidad y tecnología difieren • Broadband provides internet connectivity at high speeds. Understanding broadband speed requirements for the “Home of the future”: 2 M bps 7 BA M óvil Mobile BB 7 bps 2M 0.2 M bps IP Telephony Telefonía IP 0.2 M bps 5 M bps Internet 1 0 M bps 1 M bps Video Telephony Vid eotelefonía 1 M bps Network 1 0 M bps Alm acenam iento 20 M bps Storage en Red 4 M bps Video Conference Vid eoconfere ncia 4 M bps 0.32 M bps SD TV 4 M bps 0.5 M bps JuegosOnline online 1 M bps games 0.5 M bps HD TV 1 2 M bps 0.7 M bps 3D TV 1 6 M bps *Broadband: Minimum of 0.2 Mbps to 100 Mbps
  • 3. El uso y la demanda para todo tipo de servicios en línea se espera que sigan creciendo en América Latina : peer-to-peer file sharing: ∆ 445% Source: Own elaboration, based on Informa Telecom & Media (2010)
  • 4. La naturaleza del problema depende de las condiciones sociodemográficas y geográficas, que afectan el rendimiento financiero de las inversiones 1 PRIVATE: Households % Hogares • Urban dense areas of high density 100% • Usually exists more than one 3 infrastructure • The main problems are related to the 90% 2 regulatory framework and competition • Profitability is feasible: market dynamics 80% 2 PUBLIC/PRIVATE: Sin banda ancha 1 • Urban-rural areas with medium density • Mobile infrastructure is the best 70% technological option for voice and data services. PPPs needed • There are regulatory and infrastructure 60% problems. Public intervention may >>5.000 hog./mun. 25,000 hh./mun. accelerate broadband development. 50% • Profitability could be feasible > 10,000 hh./mun. >2.500 hog./mun. >>150 hog./mun. 2,500 hh./mun. 3 PUBLIC: 40% • Rural areas where specific intervention to guarantee Service / Universal Access is 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% needed and incentives are required Zona de muy baja penetración en BA % Municipios Municipalities • The main problem is the lack of Source: García Zaballos, A (GSM) infrastructures • Profitability is not feasible: market failure
  • 5. La experiencia demuestra que la tipología de intervención pública depende de las condiciones específicas que enfrenta cada país Household Broadband Penetration High Significant role of government in rollout of core and access Med-High Level of infrastructure, either through strategic own and / or mandating regulatory / incumbent and regulatory / Level of government intervention policy policy changes to increase increases to enable service Intervention penetration development to stimulate demand and Investment model: Ownership / Med ensure BB availability to all services at PPP Growth in broadband adoption is affordable prices primarily driven by market forces. Major Investment model: PPP / Financial investments are from private sector incentives with the role of government typically limited to providing financial incentives Investment model: PPP / Financial Incentives Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Network Deployment Ecosystem Development Universal Access and Welfare • Deploy backbone network • Deploy high speed infrastructure in high • Stimulate further adoption through infrastructure economic areas development of public services targeted • Initiate policy enablers such as • Deploy access network to increase coverage in towards mass market and utility services infrastructure sharing to the low demand areas (financial incentive) • Ensure coverage of un-served / increase competition • In addition, develop services and applications to underserved areas drive usage / demand Source: Analysys Mason
  • 6. Teniendo en cuenta la diversidad de la región, América Latina se enfrenta a diferentes desafíos que requieren respuestas distintas Source: Analysys Mason Household Broadband Penetration High Level of Med-High strategic regulatory / policy Intervention Med Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Network Deployment Ecosystem Development Universal Access and Welfare • Deploy backbone network • Deploy high speed infrastructure in high economic • Stimulate further adoption through infrastructure areas development of public services targeted • Initiate policy enablers such as • Deploy access network to increase coverage in the towards mass market and utility services infrastructure sharing to increase low demand areas (financial incentive) • Ensure coverage of un-served / underserved competition • In addition, develop services and applications to drive areas usage / demand
  • 7. Países de todo el mundo han enfrentado este reto embarcándose en ambiciosos planes de expansión de banda Increase speed Increase coverage ancha Develop Universal Ireland UK Finland Plan Canada Under the National Broadband By 2012 intends to have 100Mbit/s to be available Thailand CAD225 million to Scheme the government is a universal service to nearly all Finns by the Developing a National Broadband develop and contributing EUR79.8 million broadband commitment end of 2015 implement a towards an investment of 2Mbit/s Republic of Korea broadband programme of c.EUR223M KRW1.3 trillion to be coverage strategy invested to increase for under-served speeds from communities 100Mbits to 1Gbits by 2012 Japan Targeting over USA 100Mbit/s for mobile USD7.2 billion set aside to and 1Gbit/s for fixed expand broadband access by 2015 to un-served and under- served communities Singapore Brunei The Next Currently developing a Generation Broadband Portugal National Strategic Plan Public tenders Broadband issued to deliver Network will broadband across Australia deliver 1Gbit/s to the country at a 90% of homes, Spain 95% by mid-2012 minimum speed of Malaysia schools and Broadband added to 40Mbit/s The National workplaces will universal service France Germany Broadband Initiative receive 100Mbit/s requirement, 100% USD2.88 billion to By 2014, 75% of all plus high-speed broadband under basic broadband encourage service regions to have access to broadband National coverage targeted by provider network 50Mbit/s Internet via fibre, deployment to Broadband 2013 and extensive investments in cable or wireless increase penetration Network plans penetration of ultra-fast smaller cities and connections rate to 50% broadband by 2020 rural areas Sources: Government websites 7
  • 8. Las dimensiones de la Banda Ancha en América Latina Hecho 1: Baja penetración Hecho 2: Altos precios Hecho 3: Bajo uso
  • 11. Y desigual dentro de cada país
  • 12. En conclusión: Go Back  Los países latinoamericanos tienen una penetración mucho menor de las TIC que los países de la OCDE  Existen diferentes condiciones socio-demográficas y económicas a tener en cuenta  La penetración móvil del 100% existe, como es la norma ahora casi todo el mundo, pero casi todos los teléfonos son de banda estrecha y no smartphones  Hay una brecha entre la tasa de penetración móvil y la penetración de banda ancha móvil (oportunidad de crecimiento)
  • 13. Hecho 2: Conexiones de baja velocidad a precios inaccesibles Go Back Average speed offered (Mbps) Broadband prices - Average plans Average price per Mbps (U$ PPP/Mbps) (U$ PPP/month) OECD countries pay, on average, only 6% of LAC prices per Mbps. Latin-America Average 2.32 117 136 Broadband prices - Average plans as a % of income per capita (U$ PPP/month) Source: GNI Per capita PPP year – Source: Galperin and Ruzzier (2010, 2011) OECD: 2% of monthly income World Bank data Catalogue (2010 ) LAC: 18% of monthly income 13
  • 14. Hecho 3:Bajo uso por parte de todos los actores The usage subindex measures Information and Communication Technology (ICT) penetration and diffusion among the main social agents. The compounded subindex assesses individual efforts to increase their capacity to use ICT, as well as their actual use in their day-to-day activities with other agents. Source: Own elaboration, based on WEF, 2012
  • 15. Estas dimensiones representan los mayores desafíos para que la región y sus habitantes se beneficien de la banda ancha: Hecho 1: Baja penetración Desafio 1: Acceso universal Acceso Y también…. Servicios universales Hecho 2: Altos precios Desafio 2: Precios accesibles Adopcion Hecho 3: Bajo uso Falta de alfabetizacion digital Desafio 3: Uso Falta de contenidos locales
  • 16. La región ha reconocido la necesidad de promover la penetración de banda ancha y ha solicitado el apoyo del BID Recent Regional Political Acknowledgement and Agreements: • VI Summit of the Americas: “To foster increased connection of telecommunication networks in general, including fiber optic and broadband, among the region’s countries, as well as international connections, to improve connectivity, increase the dynamism of communications between the nations of the Americas…” (Cartagena, 2012) • The 12 members of the Union of South American Countries (UNASUR) agreed to address the region’s gap in broadband penetration (Brazil, 2011). • Caribbean Ministers of Telecommunications requested an assessment of countries’ broadband infrastructure and regulatory frameworks and training on the importance of broadband. (2011) …among others…
  • 17. Una forma nueva y más eficiente de hacer lo que el Banco ya está haciendo: Social Integration Broadband as an enabler for INNOVATION Infrastructure Institutions & Environment
  • 18. Un enfoque integral es necesario para aumentar el acceso, la adopción y el uso de servicios de banda ancha en la región: 1 Políticas 2 3 4 Públicas y Construcción Regulación Infraestructura visión de capacidades estratégica Support efforts to Development of Increase the Development of update the broadband plans penetration of innovative services regulatory and broadband services and and applications and frameworks to strategies for applications through capacity reduce the prices digitalization thorough PPP and building of the public and evolve towards public investments and the private universality of Broadband sector Demand & Supply & Supply side Demand side Demand side Supply side
  • 19. El Banco ya está apoyando a los países y desarrollando trabajo analítico 1 2 3 4 Technical cooperation projects to: Public Regulation Infra- Capacity Policies structure building ONGOING / ACTIVE: Develop Broadband Plans for Central America Develop National Plan of Connectivity in Haiti Support in the development of the Broadband strategy for the Government of Honduras Wireless networks and services for social inclusion in the Municipality of Guacarí in Colombia Broadband network for Yucatan IN-DESIGN / PIPELINE: Development of a Regional Public Good in the Caribbean Development of demonstration projects in Peru, Jamaica, Costa Rica and Paraguay Support to UNASUR in the development of an optical fiber ring for the 13 countries. Prefeasibility studies Knowledge products and ESWs - Ongoing Cross-cutting work: •Development of a broadband index and a balance scorecard for the 26 countries •Econometric model to show the impact that broadband has on economic growth and productivity. •Development of broadband maps to open the dialogue on PPPs *TO DO: •Review the regulatory framework on spectrum management to launch “white spaces” •Study on funding / investment schemes for broadband deployment in the region *IFD is grateful to the Korean and Spanish Governments for their support and vision
  • 20. El BID ha fortalecido sus vínculos con el sector privado: PPPs are an essential element in this effort: Therefore, in coordination with more than 25 representatives from the telecommunications industry worldwide, the Bank produced an action-oriented report stating the industry’s common position on how to accelerate broadband penetration in the LAC Region.
  • 21. Como puede el BID apoyar a América Latina en este desafío? El papel del BID:  Continuar apoyando acciones específicas de acuerdo a su mandato de seguir haciendo lo que hacemos, pero hacerlo mejor  Aprovechar el conocimiento disponible y la experiencia en sectores críticos para el desarrollo.  Usar sus capacidades para seguir un enfoque integral para la expansión de la banda ancha en la región (4 pilares)  Mantener alianzas estratégicas con otros organismos multilaterales y el sector privado Instrumentos disponibles:  Conjunto de instrumentos diversos para apoyar a los países: préstamos, cooperaciones técnicas no reembolsables, asesoría técnica, productos de conocimientos.
  • 22. Para informaciones Antonio Garcia Zaballos Matteo Grazzi

Editor's Notes

  1. High regional Broadband prices: OECD members GNI Per capita PPP year $35,130 GNI Per capita PPP month $2,927.50 Broadband prices - Average plans (U$ PPP/month) $50 Broadband prices - Average plans as % of monthly income 2% Latin America & Caribbean GNI Per capita PPP year $7,741 GNI Per capita PPP month $645.08 Broadband prices - Average plans (U$ PPP/month) $117 Broadband prices - Average plans as % of monthly income 18% Source: World Bank data Catalogue (2010 ) // Galperin and Ruzzier (2010, 2011)
  2. The Global Information Technology Report 2012 The usage subindex assesses the individual efforts of the main social agents—that is, individuals, business, and government—to increase their capacity to use ICT, as well as their actual use in their day-to-day activities with other agents. It includes 15 variables. The individual usage pillar (seven variables) measures ICT penetration and diffusion at the individual level, using indicators such as the number of mobile phone subscriptions, individuals using the Internet, households with a personal computer (PC), households with Internet access, both fixed and mobile broadband subscriptions, and the use of social networks. The business usage pillar (five variables) captures the extent of business Internet use as well as the efforts of the firms in an economy to integrate ICT into an internal, technology-savvy, innovation-conducive environment that generates productivity gains. Consequently, this pillar measures the firm’s technology absorption capacity as well as its overall capacity to innovate and the pro-duction of technology novelties measured by the number of PCT patent applications. It also measures the extent of staff training available, which indicates the extent to which management and employees are better capable of identifying and developing business innovations. The government usage pillar (three variables) pro-vides insights into the importance that governments place on carrying out ICT policies for competitiveness and the well-being of their citizens, the efforts they make to implement their visions for ICT development, and the number of government services they provide online.
  3. Mandates arising from the VI SoA: