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                                                   Family planning
                                                   after pregnancy

Before you begin this unit, please take the        CONTRACEPTIVE
corresponding test at the end of the book to
assess your knowledge of the subject matter. You   COUNSELLING
should redo the test after you’ve worked through
the unit, to evaluate what you have learned.
                                                   14-1 What is family planning?
                                                   Family planning is far more than simply birth
 Objectives                                        control, and aims at improving the quality of life
                                                   for everybody. Family planning is an important
                                                   part of primary healthcare and includes:
 When you have completed this unit you
 should be able to:                                1. Promoting a caring and responsible
 • Explain the wider meaning of family                attitude to sexual behaviour.
                                                   2. Ensuring that every child is wanted.
                                                   3. Encouraging the planning and spacing
 • Give contraceptive counselling.                    of the number of children according to
 • List the efficiency, contraindications and         a family’s home conditions and financial
   side effects of the various contraceptive          income.
   methods.                                        4. Providing the highest quality of maternal
 • List the important health benefits of              and child care.
                                                   5. Educating the community with regard
                                                      to the disastrous effects of unchecked
 • Advise a postpartum patient on                     population growth on the environment.
   the most appropriate method of
                                                   It is essential to obtain prior community
                                                   acceptance of, and promote community
                                                   participation in, any family planning
                                                   programme if the programme is to succeed in
                                                   that community.

14-2 Who requires family                           Step 1: Discussion of the patient’s future
planning education?                                reproductive career
Because family planning aims at improving          Ideally a woman should consider and plan her
the quality of life for everybody, every person,   family before her first pregnancy, just as she
female or male, requires family planning           would have considered her professional career.
education. Such education should ideally start     Unfortunately in practice this hardly ever
during childhood and be given in the home by       happens and many women only discuss their
the parents. It is then continued at school and    reproductive careers for the first time when
throughout the rest of the individual’s life.      they are already pregnant or after the birth of
                                                   the infant.
14-3 Who needs contraceptive counselling?          When planning her family the woman (or
Every person who is sexually active, or            preferably the couple) should decide on:
who probably will soon become sexually             1. The number of children wanted.
active, needs contraceptive counselling (i.e.      2. The time intervals between pregnancies
information and advice about birth control).          as this will influence the method of
While the best time to advise a woman on              contraception used.
contraception is before the first coitus, the      3. The contraceptive method of choice when
antenatal and post-delivery periods are an            the family is complete.
excellent opportunity to provide contraceptive
counselling. Some patients will ask you for        Very often the patient will be unable or
contraceptive advice. However, you will often      unwilling to make these decisions immediately
have to first motivate a patient to accept         after delivery. However, it is essential to discuss
contraception before you can advise her about      contraception with the patient so that she can
an appropriate method of contraception.            plan her family. This should be done together
                                                   with her partner and, where appropriate, other
                                                   members of her family or friends.
14-4 How should you motivate a patient
to accept contraception after delivery?
                                                   Step 2: The patient’s choice of contraceptive
A good way to motivate a patient to accept         method
contraception is to discuss with her, or
                                                   The patient should always be asked which
preferably with both her and her partner, the
                                                   contraceptive method she would prefer as this
health and socio-economic effects further
                                                   will obviously be the method with which she is
children could have on her and the rest of the
                                                   most likely to continue.
family. Explain the immediate benefits of a
smaller, well-spaced family.
                                                   Step 3: Consideration of contraindications to
It is generally hopeless to try and promote        the patient’s preferred method
contraception by itself. To gain individual and
                                                   You must decide whether the patient’s choice
community support, family planning must
                                                   of a contraceptive method is suitable, taking
be seen as part of total primary healthcare.
                                                   into consideration:
A high perinatal or infant mortality rate in a
community is likely to result in a rejection of    1. The effectiveness of each contraceptive
contraception.                                        method.
                                                   2. The contraindications to each
14-5 How should you give                              contraceptive method.
contraceptive advice after delivery?               3. The side effects of each contraceptive
There are five important steps which should be     4. The general health benefits of each
followed.                                             contraceptive method.

If the contraceptive efficiency of the preferred      5. The condom.
method is appropriate, if there are no
                                                      Breastfeeding, spermicides alone, coitus
contraindications to it, and if the patient is
                                                      interruptus and the ‘safe period’ are all very
prepared to accept the possible side effects,
                                                      unreliable. All women should know about
then the method chosen by the patient should
                                                      postcoital contraception.
be used. Otherwise proceed to step 4.

Step 4: Selection of the most appropriate              Breastfeeding cannot be relied upon to provide
alternative method of contraception                    postpartum contraception.
The selection of the most suitable alternative
method of contraception after delivery will           14-7 How effective are the various
depend on a number of factors including the           contraceptive methods?
patient’s wishes, her age, the risk of side effects
and whether or not a very effective method of         Contraceptive methods for use after delivery
contraception is required.                            may be divided into very effective and less
                                                      effective ones. Sterilisation, injectables, oral
Step 5: Counselling the patient once the              contraceptives and intra-uterine contraceptive
contraceptive method has been chosen                  devices are very effective. Condoms are less
                                                      effective contraceptives.
Virtually every contraceptive method has its
own side effects. It is a most important part         The effectiveness of a contraceptive method
of contraceptive counselling to explain the           is given as an index which indicates the
possible side effects to the patient. Expert          number of women who would be expected to
family planning advice must be sought if the          fall pregnant if 100 women used that method
local clinic is unable to deal satisfactorily         for one year. The ideal efficacy index is 0.
with the patient’s problem. If family planning        The higher the index, the less effective is the
problems are not satisfactorily solved, the           method of contraception. The efficacy of the
patient will probably stop using any form of          various contraceptive methods for use after
contraception.                                        delivery is shown in table 14-1.

                                                      14-8 How effective is postcoital
 After delivery the reproductive career of each       contraception?
 patient must be discussed with her in order to
                                                      1. Norlevo, E Gen-C or Ovral are effective
 decide on the most appropriate method of family
                                                         within five days of unprotected sexual
 planning to be used.
                                                         intercourse, but are more reliable the
                                                         earlier they are used.
14-6 What contraceptive methods                       2. A copper intra-uterine contraceptive
can be offered after delivery?                           device can be inserted within six days of
                                                         unprotected intercourse.
1. Sterilisation. Either tubal ligation (tubal
                                                      3. Postcoital methods should only be used in
   occlusion) or vasectomy.
                                                         an emergency and not as a regular method
2. Injectables (i.e. an intramuscular injection
                                                         of contraception.
   of depot progestogen).
                                                      4. If Norlevo is used, one tablet should be
3. Oral contraceptives. Either the combined
                                                         taken as soon as possible after intercourse,
   pill (containing both oestrogen and
                                                         followed by another one tablet after
   progestogen) or a progestogen-only pill
                                                         exactly 12 hours.
   (the ‘minipill’).
                                                      5. If Ovral or E-Gen-C is used, two tablets
4. An intra-uterine contraceptive device
                                                         are taken as soon as possible after

Table 14-1: The efficacy of the various contraceptive methods for use after delivery

                              Contraceptive method                                     Efficacy index
 Sterilisation:               Vasectomy                                                0.05
                              Tubal ligation                                           0.5
 Injectables:                 Depo-Provera/Petogen                                     0.2
                              Nur-Isterate                                             0.6
 Oral contraceptives:         Combined pill                                            0.3
                              Minipill                                                 1.2
 IUCD:                        Copper                                                   0.5
 Condom:*                     Male                                                     2-15
                              Female (Reality female condom)                           5-15
*The safety of condoms depends on the reliability with which they are used.

   intercourse, followed by another two                      •  Age 35 years or more with risk factors
   tablets exactly 12 hours later.                              for cardiovascular disease.
                                                            • Anyone of 50 or more years.
The tablets for postcoital contraception
                                                            • Oestrogen-dependent malignancies
often cause nausea and vomiting, which
                                                                such as breast or uterine cancer.
reduces their effectiveness. These side effects
                                                         4. Progestogen-only pill (minipill)
are less with levonorgestrel (Norlevo and
                                                            • None.
Escapelle)which contains no oestrogen.
                                                         5. Intra-uterine contraceptive device
Therefore levonorgestrel (Norlevo and
                                                            • A history of excessive menstruation.
Escapelle) is a more reliable method and
                                                            • Anaemia.
should be used if available. Norlevo and
                                                            • Multiple sex partners when the risk of
Escapelle as a single dose method is available
                                                                genital infection is high.
in South Africa.
                                                            • Pelvic inflammatory disease.
14-9 What are the contraindications to                   A menstrual abnormality is a contraindication
the various contraceptive methods?                       to any of the hormonal contraceptive methods
                                                         (injectables, combined pill or progestogen-
The following are the common or important                only pill) until the cause of the menstrual
conditions where the various contraceptive               irregularity has been diagnosed. Thereafter,
methods should not be used:                              hormonal contraception may often be used to
1. Sterilisation                                         correct the menstrual irregularity. However,
   • Marital disharmony.                                 during the puerperium a previous history of
   • Psychological problems.                             menstrual irregularity before the pregnancy
   • Forced or hasty decision.                           is not a contraindication to hormonal
   • Gynaecological problem requiring                    contraception.
2. Injectables                                              NOTE  If a woman has a medical complication,
                                                            then a more detailed list of contraindications may
   • Depression.
                                                            be obtained from the standard reference books
   • Pregnancy planned within one year.
                                                            such as J Guillebaud: Your questions answered. Fifth
3. Combined pills                                           edition. London: Churchill Livingstone 2009.
   • A history of venous thrombo-
       embolism.                                            The World Health Organisation (WHO) medical
                                                            eligibility criteria for contraceptive use is also

  available on a WHO website (                • Depression.
  reproductive -health/publications/mec/).                • Fluid retention and breast tenderness.
                                                          • Chloasma (a brown mark on the face).
14-10 What are the major side effects of                  • Headaches and migraine.
the various contraceptive methods?                   4.   Progestogen-only pill
                                                          • Menstrual abnormalities, e.g. irregular
Most contraceptive methods have side
effects. Some side effects are unacceptable to
                                                          • Headaches.
a patient and will cause her to discontinue
                                                          • Weight gain.
the particular method. However, in many
                                                     5.   Copper-containing intra-uterine
instances side effects are mild or disappear
                                                          contraceptive device
with time. It is, therefore, very important to
                                                          • Expulsion in 3–15 cases per 100
counsel a patient carefully about the side effects
                                                              women who use the device for one year.
of the various contraceptive methods, and to
                                                          • Pain at insertion.
determine whether she would find any of them
                                                          • Dysmenorrhoea.
unacceptable. At the same time the patient
                                                          • Menorrhagia (excessive and/or
may be reassured that some side effects will
                                                              prolonged bleeding).
most likely become less or disappear after a few
                                                          • Increase in pelvic inflammatory
months’ use of the method.
The major side effects of the various                     • Perforation of the uterus is uncommon.
contraceptive methods used after delivery are:            • Ectopic pregnancy is not prevented.
                                                     6.   Progesterone-containing intra-uterine
1. Sterilisation
                                                          contraceptive devices (Mirena) have lesser
   Tubal ligation and vasectomy have no
                                                          side effects and reduce menstrual blood
   medical side-effects and, therefore,
                                                          loss. These devices are expensive and not
   should be highly recommended during
                                                          generally available in South Africa
   counselling of patients who have completed
                                                     7.   Condom
   their families. Menstrual irregularities
                                                          • Decreased sensation for both partners.
   are not a problem. However, about 5% of
                                                          • Not socially acceptable to everyone.
   women later regret sterilisation.
2. Injectables
   • Menstrual abnormalities, e.g.                    If a couple have completed their family the
       amenorrhoea, irregular menstruation            contraceptive method of choice is tubal ligation
       or spotting.                                   or vasectomy.
   • Weight gain.
   • Headaches.
                                                     Additional contraceptive precautions must
   • Delayed return to fertility within a
                                                     be taken when the effectiveness of an oral
       year of stopping the method. There is
                                                     contraceptive may be impaired, e.g. diarrhoea
       no evidence that fertility is reduced
                                                     or when taking antibiotics. There is no medical
                                                     reason for stopping a hormonal method
   With Nur-Isterate there is a quicker
                                                     periodically to ‘give the body a rest’.
   return to fertility, slightly less weight gain
   and a lower incidence of headaches and
   amenorrhoea than with Depo-Provera or             14-11 What are the important health
   Petogen.                                          benefits of contraceptives?
3. Combined pill                                     The main objective of all contraceptive
   • Reduction of lactation.                         methods is to prevent pregnancy. In developing
   • Menstrual abnormalities, e.g. spotting          countries pregnancy is a major cause of
       between periods.                              mortality and morbidity in women. Therefore,
   • Nausea and vomiting.

the prevention of pregnancy is a very important    2. Teenagers and patients with multiple
general health benefit of all contraceptives.         sexual partners.
                                                      • An injectable, as this is a reliable method
Various methods of contraception have
                                                          even with unreliable patients who might
a number of additional health benefits.
                                                          forget to use another method.
Although these benefits are often important,
                                                      • Additional protection against HIV
they are not generally appreciated by many
                                                          infection by using a condom is
patients and healthcare workers.
                                                          essential. It is important to stress
1. Injectables                                            that the patient should only have
   • Decrease in dysmenorrhoea.                           intercourse with a partner who is
   • Less premenstrual tension.                           willing to use a condom.
   • Less iron-deficiency anaemia due to           3. HIV-positive patients
       decreased menstrual flow.                      • Condoms must be used in addition to
   • No effect on lactation.                              the appropriate contraceptive method
2. Combined pill                                          (dual contraception).
   • Decrease in dysmenorrhoea.                    4. Patients whose families are complete
   • Decrease in menorrhagia (heavy and/or            • Tubal ligation or vasectomy is the
       prolonged menstruation).                           logical choice.
   • Less iron-deficiency anaemia.                    • An injectable, e.g. Depo-Provera or
   • Less premenstrual tension.                           Petogen (12 weekly) or Nur-Isterate (8
   • Fewer ovarian cysts.                                 weekly).
   • Less benign breast disease.                      • A combined pill until 35 years of age if
   • Less endometrial and ovarian                         there are risk factors for cardiovascular
       carcinoma.                                         disease, or until 50 years if these risk
3. Progestogen-only pill                                  factors are absent.
   • No effect on lactation.                       5. Patients of 35 years or over without risk
4. Condom                                             factors for cardiovascular disease
   • Less risk of HIV infection and other             • Tubal ligation or vasectomy is the
       sexually transmitted diseases.                     logical method.
   • Less pelvic inflammatory disease.                • A combined pill until 50 years of age.
   • Less cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia.        • An injectable until 50 years of age.
                                                      • A progestogen-only pill until 50 years
                                                          of age.
 The condom is the only contraceptive method
                                                      • An intra-uterine contraceptive device
 that provides protection against HIV infection.          until one year after the periods have
                                                          stopped, i.e. when there is no further
14-12 What is the most appropriate                        risk of pregnancy.
method of contraception for                        6. Patients of 35 years or over with risk
a patient after delivery?                             factors for cardiovascular disease
                                                      • As above but no combination pill.
The most suitable methods for the following
groups of patients are:
1. Lactating patients
                                                    The puerperium is the most convenient time
   • An injectable, but not if a further            for the patient to have a bilateral tubal ligation
      pregnancy is planned within the next          performed.
   • A progestogen-only pill (minipill) for        Every effort should be made to provide
      three months, then the combined pill.        facilities for tubal ligation during the
   • An intra-uterine contraceptive device.

puerperium for all patients who request                  CASE STUDY 1
sterilisation after delivery.
Remember that sperms may be present                      You have delivered the fourth child of an
in the ejaculate for up to three months                  unbooked 36-year-old patient. All her
following vasectomy. Therefore, an additional            children are alive and well. She is a smoker,
contraceptive method must be used during                 but is otherwise healthy. She has never used
this time.                                               contraception.

14-13 What are the risk factors for                      1. Should you counsel this patient
cardiovascular disease in women                          about contraception?
taking the combined pill?
                                                         Yes. Every sexually active person needs
The risk of cardiovascular disease increases             contraceptive counselling. This patient in
markedly in women of 35 or more years of                 particular needs counselling as she is at an
age who have one or more of the following                increased risk of maternal and perinatal
risk factors:                                            complications, should she fall pregnant again,
                                                         because of her age and parity.
1.    Smoking.
2.    Hypertension.
3.    Diabetes.                                          2. Which contraceptive methods would
4.    Hypercholesterolaemia.                             be appropriate for this patient?
5.    A personal history of cardiovascular               Tubal ligation or vasectomy would be the
      disease.                                           most appropriate method of contraception if
                                                         she does not want further children. Should
 Smoking is a risk factor for cardiovascular             she not want sterilisation, either an injectable
                                                         contraceptive or an intra-uterine contraceptive
                                                         device would be the next best choice.

14-14 When should an intra-                              3. If the patient accepts tubal ligation,
uterine contraceptive device                             when should this be done?
be inserted after delivery?
                                                         The most convenient time for the patient
It should not be inserted before six weeks as            and her family is the day after delivery
the uterine cavity would not yet have returned           (postpartum sterilisation). Every effort should
to its normal size. At six weeks or more after           be made to provide facilities for postpartum
delivery there is the lowest risk of:                    sterilisation for all patients who request it.
1. Pregnancy.
2. Expulsion.                                            4. If the couple decides not to have a
                                                         tubal ligation or vasectomy, how will
Postpartum patients choosing this method must
                                                         you determine whether an injectable
be discharged on an injectable contraceptive
                                                         or an intra-uterine contraceptive
or progestogen-only pill until an intra-uterine
                                                         device would be the best choice?
contraceptive device has been inserted.
                                                         Assessing the risk for pelvic inflammatory
     NOTE  Insertion of an intra-uterine contraceptive   disease will determine which of the two
     device immediately after delivery may be            methods to use. If the patient has a stable
     considered if it is thought likely that a patient   relationship, an intra-uterine contraceptive
     will not use another contraceptive method and
                                                         device may be more appropriate. However, if
     where sterilisation is not appropriate. However,
     the expulsion rate will be as high as 15 to 20%.
                                                         she or her partner has other sexual partners, an
                                                         injectable contraceptive would be indicated.

5. What other advice must be given               appropriate. Oral contraceptives are only
to a patient at risk of sexually                 reliable if taken every day.
transmitted infections?
The patient must insist that her partner wears   5. The patient and her mother are worried
a condom during sexual intercourse. This will    that the long-term effect of injectable
reduce the risk of HIV infection.                contraception could be harmful to a girl
                                                 of 15 years. What would be your advice?
                                                 Injectable contraception is extremely safe and,
CASE STUDY 2                                     therefore, is an appropriate method for long-
                                                 term use. This method will not reduce her
A 15-year-old primigravida had a normal          future fertility.
delivery in a district hospital. She has never
used contraception. Her mother asks you for
contraceptive advice for her daughter after      CASE STUDY 3
delivery. The patient’s boyfriend has deserted
her.                                             You have just delivered the first infant of a
                                                 healthy 32-year-old patient. In discussing
1. Does this young teenager require              contraception with her, she mentions that
contraceptive advice after delivery?             she is planning to fall pregnant again within
                                                 a year after she stops breastfeeding. She is a
Yes, she will certainly need contraceptive
                                                 schoolteacher and would like to continue her
counselling and should start on a
                                                 career after having two children.
contraceptive method before discharge
from hospital. She needs to learn sexual
responsibility and must be told where the        1. The patient says that she has used
nearest family planning clinic to her home is    an injectable contraceptive for five
for follow-up. She also needs to know about      years before this pregnancy and would
postcoital contraception.                        like to continue with this method.
                                                 What would your advice be?
2. Which contraceptive method would be           Injectable contraception would not be
most the appropriate for this patient?           appropriate as she plans her next pregnancy
                                                 within a year, and there may be a delayed
An injectable contraceptive would probably be
                                                 return to fertility.
the best method for her as she needs reliable
contraception for a long time.
                                                 2. If the patient insists on using an
                                                 injectable contraceptive, which drug
3. Why would she need a long-
                                                 would you advise her to use?
term contraceptive?
                                                 Any of the injectables can be used (Depo-
Because she should only have her next child
                                                 Provera/Petogen or Nur-Isterate) as there is no
when she is fully grown up and able to take
                                                 proven advantages of the one above the others.
care of her children by herself.

                                                 3. Following further counselling, the
4. If the patient prefers to use an oral
                                                 patient decides on oral contraception
contraceptive, would you regard
                                                 and is given a combined pill. Do you
this as an appropriate method
                                                 agree with this management?
of contraception for her?
                                                 No. As she plans to breastfeed, she should
No. A method which she is more likely to
                                                 be given a progestogen-only pill. Combined
use correctly and reliably would be more

oral contraceptive pills may reduce milk           2. When should the device be inserted?
production while breastfeeding is being
                                                   Six weeks or more after delivery, as there is
established. Progestogen-only pills have no
                                                   an increased risk of expulsion if the device is
effect on breastfeeding.
                                                   inserted earlier.

CASE STUDY 4                                       3. Could the patient, in the
                                                   meantime, rely on breast feeding
                                                   as a contraceptive method?
A married primipara from a rural area has just
been delivered in a district hospital. She has a   No. The risk of pregnancy is too high. She
stable relationship with her husband and they      should use reliable contraception, such as
decide to have their next infant in five years’    injectable contraception or the progestogen-
time. The patient would like to have an intra-     only pill, until the device is inserted.
uterine contraceptive device inserted.
                                                   4. The patient asks if the intra-uterine
1. Is this an appropriate                          contraceptive device could be inserted
method for this patient?                           before she is discharged from hospital.
                                                   Would this be appropriate management?
Yes, as the risk of developing pelvic
inflammatory disease is low.                       The expulsion rate and, therefore, the risk of
                                                   contraceptive failure is much higher if the
                                                   device is inserted soon after delivery. Therefore,
                                                   it would be far better if she were to return six
                                                   weeks later for insertion of the device.

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Maternal Care: Family planning after pregnancy

  • 1. 14 Family planning after pregnancy Before you begin this unit, please take the CONTRACEPTIVE corresponding test at the end of the book to assess your knowledge of the subject matter. You COUNSELLING should redo the test after you’ve worked through the unit, to evaluate what you have learned. 14-1 What is family planning? Family planning is far more than simply birth Objectives control, and aims at improving the quality of life for everybody. Family planning is an important part of primary healthcare and includes: When you have completed this unit you should be able to: 1. Promoting a caring and responsible • Explain the wider meaning of family attitude to sexual behaviour. 2. Ensuring that every child is wanted. planning. 3. Encouraging the planning and spacing • Give contraceptive counselling. of the number of children according to • List the efficiency, contraindications and a family’s home conditions and financial side effects of the various contraceptive income. methods. 4. Providing the highest quality of maternal • List the important health benefits of and child care. 5. Educating the community with regard contraception. to the disastrous effects of unchecked • Advise a postpartum patient on population growth on the environment. the most appropriate method of It is essential to obtain prior community contraception. acceptance of, and promote community participation in, any family planning programme if the programme is to succeed in that community.
  • 2. 258 MATERNAL CARE 14-2 Who requires family Step 1: Discussion of the patient’s future planning education? reproductive career Because family planning aims at improving Ideally a woman should consider and plan her the quality of life for everybody, every person, family before her first pregnancy, just as she female or male, requires family planning would have considered her professional career. education. Such education should ideally start Unfortunately in practice this hardly ever during childhood and be given in the home by happens and many women only discuss their the parents. It is then continued at school and reproductive careers for the first time when throughout the rest of the individual’s life. they are already pregnant or after the birth of the infant. 14-3 Who needs contraceptive counselling? When planning her family the woman (or Every person who is sexually active, or preferably the couple) should decide on: who probably will soon become sexually 1. The number of children wanted. active, needs contraceptive counselling (i.e. 2. The time intervals between pregnancies information and advice about birth control). as this will influence the method of While the best time to advise a woman on contraception used. contraception is before the first coitus, the 3. The contraceptive method of choice when antenatal and post-delivery periods are an the family is complete. excellent opportunity to provide contraceptive counselling. Some patients will ask you for Very often the patient will be unable or contraceptive advice. However, you will often unwilling to make these decisions immediately have to first motivate a patient to accept after delivery. However, it is essential to discuss contraception before you can advise her about contraception with the patient so that she can an appropriate method of contraception. plan her family. This should be done together with her partner and, where appropriate, other members of her family or friends. 14-4 How should you motivate a patient to accept contraception after delivery? Step 2: The patient’s choice of contraceptive A good way to motivate a patient to accept method contraception is to discuss with her, or The patient should always be asked which preferably with both her and her partner, the contraceptive method she would prefer as this health and socio-economic effects further will obviously be the method with which she is children could have on her and the rest of the most likely to continue. family. Explain the immediate benefits of a smaller, well-spaced family. Step 3: Consideration of contraindications to It is generally hopeless to try and promote the patient’s preferred method contraception by itself. To gain individual and You must decide whether the patient’s choice community support, family planning must of a contraceptive method is suitable, taking be seen as part of total primary healthcare. into consideration: A high perinatal or infant mortality rate in a community is likely to result in a rejection of 1. The effectiveness of each contraceptive contraception. method. 2. The contraindications to each 14-5 How should you give contraceptive method. contraceptive advice after delivery? 3. The side effects of each contraceptive method. There are five important steps which should be 4. The general health benefits of each followed. contraceptive method.
  • 3. FAMILY PLANNING AFTER PREGNANC Y 259 If the contraceptive efficiency of the preferred 5. The condom. method is appropriate, if there are no Breastfeeding, spermicides alone, coitus contraindications to it, and if the patient is interruptus and the ‘safe period’ are all very prepared to accept the possible side effects, unreliable. All women should know about then the method chosen by the patient should postcoital contraception. be used. Otherwise proceed to step 4. Step 4: Selection of the most appropriate Breastfeeding cannot be relied upon to provide alternative method of contraception postpartum contraception. The selection of the most suitable alternative method of contraception after delivery will 14-7 How effective are the various depend on a number of factors including the contraceptive methods? patient’s wishes, her age, the risk of side effects and whether or not a very effective method of Contraceptive methods for use after delivery contraception is required. may be divided into very effective and less effective ones. Sterilisation, injectables, oral Step 5: Counselling the patient once the contraceptives and intra-uterine contraceptive contraceptive method has been chosen devices are very effective. Condoms are less effective contraceptives. Virtually every contraceptive method has its own side effects. It is a most important part The effectiveness of a contraceptive method of contraceptive counselling to explain the is given as an index which indicates the possible side effects to the patient. Expert number of women who would be expected to family planning advice must be sought if the fall pregnant if 100 women used that method local clinic is unable to deal satisfactorily for one year. The ideal efficacy index is 0. with the patient’s problem. If family planning The higher the index, the less effective is the problems are not satisfactorily solved, the method of contraception. The efficacy of the patient will probably stop using any form of various contraceptive methods for use after contraception. delivery is shown in table 14-1. 14-8 How effective is postcoital After delivery the reproductive career of each contraception? patient must be discussed with her in order to 1. Norlevo, E Gen-C or Ovral are effective decide on the most appropriate method of family within five days of unprotected sexual planning to be used. intercourse, but are more reliable the earlier they are used. 14-6 What contraceptive methods 2. A copper intra-uterine contraceptive can be offered after delivery? device can be inserted within six days of unprotected intercourse. 1. Sterilisation. Either tubal ligation (tubal 3. Postcoital methods should only be used in occlusion) or vasectomy. an emergency and not as a regular method 2. Injectables (i.e. an intramuscular injection of contraception. of depot progestogen). 4. If Norlevo is used, one tablet should be 3. Oral contraceptives. Either the combined taken as soon as possible after intercourse, pill (containing both oestrogen and followed by another one tablet after progestogen) or a progestogen-only pill exactly 12 hours. (the ‘minipill’). 5. If Ovral or E-Gen-C is used, two tablets 4. An intra-uterine contraceptive device are taken as soon as possible after (IUCD).
  • 4. 260 MATERNAL CARE Table 14-1: The efficacy of the various contraceptive methods for use after delivery Contraceptive method Efficacy index Sterilisation: Vasectomy 0.05 Tubal ligation 0.5 Injectables: Depo-Provera/Petogen 0.2 Nur-Isterate 0.6 Oral contraceptives: Combined pill 0.3 Minipill 1.2 IUCD: Copper 0.5 Condom:* Male 2-15 Female (Reality female condom) 5-15 *The safety of condoms depends on the reliability with which they are used. intercourse, followed by another two • Age 35 years or more with risk factors tablets exactly 12 hours later. for cardiovascular disease. • Anyone of 50 or more years. The tablets for postcoital contraception • Oestrogen-dependent malignancies often cause nausea and vomiting, which such as breast or uterine cancer. reduces their effectiveness. These side effects 4. Progestogen-only pill (minipill) are less with levonorgestrel (Norlevo and • None. Escapelle)which contains no oestrogen. 5. Intra-uterine contraceptive device Therefore levonorgestrel (Norlevo and • A history of excessive menstruation. Escapelle) is a more reliable method and • Anaemia. should be used if available. Norlevo and • Multiple sex partners when the risk of Escapelle as a single dose method is available genital infection is high. in South Africa. • Pelvic inflammatory disease. 14-9 What are the contraindications to A menstrual abnormality is a contraindication the various contraceptive methods? to any of the hormonal contraceptive methods (injectables, combined pill or progestogen- The following are the common or important only pill) until the cause of the menstrual conditions where the various contraceptive irregularity has been diagnosed. Thereafter, methods should not be used: hormonal contraception may often be used to 1. Sterilisation correct the menstrual irregularity. However, • Marital disharmony. during the puerperium a previous history of • Psychological problems. menstrual irregularity before the pregnancy • Forced or hasty decision. is not a contraindication to hormonal • Gynaecological problem requiring contraception. hysterectomy. 2. Injectables NOTE If a woman has a medical complication, then a more detailed list of contraindications may • Depression. be obtained from the standard reference books • Pregnancy planned within one year. such as J Guillebaud: Your questions answered. Fifth 3. Combined pills edition. London: Churchill Livingstone 2009. • A history of venous thrombo- embolism. The World Health Organisation (WHO) medical eligibility criteria for contraceptive use is also
  • 5. FAMILY PLANNING AFTER PREGNANC Y 261 available on a WHO website ( • Depression. reproductive -health/publications/mec/). • Fluid retention and breast tenderness. • Chloasma (a brown mark on the face). 14-10 What are the major side effects of • Headaches and migraine. the various contraceptive methods? 4. Progestogen-only pill • Menstrual abnormalities, e.g. irregular Most contraceptive methods have side menstruation. effects. Some side effects are unacceptable to • Headaches. a patient and will cause her to discontinue • Weight gain. the particular method. However, in many 5. Copper-containing intra-uterine instances side effects are mild or disappear contraceptive device with time. It is, therefore, very important to • Expulsion in 3–15 cases per 100 counsel a patient carefully about the side effects women who use the device for one year. of the various contraceptive methods, and to • Pain at insertion. determine whether she would find any of them • Dysmenorrhoea. unacceptable. At the same time the patient • Menorrhagia (excessive and/or may be reassured that some side effects will prolonged bleeding). most likely become less or disappear after a few • Increase in pelvic inflammatory months’ use of the method. disease. The major side effects of the various • Perforation of the uterus is uncommon. contraceptive methods used after delivery are: • Ectopic pregnancy is not prevented. 6. Progesterone-containing intra-uterine 1. Sterilisation contraceptive devices (Mirena) have lesser Tubal ligation and vasectomy have no side effects and reduce menstrual blood medical side-effects and, therefore, loss. These devices are expensive and not should be highly recommended during generally available in South Africa counselling of patients who have completed 7. Condom their families. Menstrual irregularities • Decreased sensation for both partners. are not a problem. However, about 5% of • Not socially acceptable to everyone. women later regret sterilisation. 2. Injectables • Menstrual abnormalities, e.g. If a couple have completed their family the amenorrhoea, irregular menstruation contraceptive method of choice is tubal ligation or spotting. or vasectomy. • Weight gain. • Headaches. Additional contraceptive precautions must • Delayed return to fertility within a be taken when the effectiveness of an oral year of stopping the method. There is contraceptive may be impaired, e.g. diarrhoea no evidence that fertility is reduced or when taking antibiotics. There is no medical thereafter. reason for stopping a hormonal method With Nur-Isterate there is a quicker periodically to ‘give the body a rest’. return to fertility, slightly less weight gain and a lower incidence of headaches and amenorrhoea than with Depo-Provera or 14-11 What are the important health Petogen. benefits of contraceptives? 3. Combined pill The main objective of all contraceptive • Reduction of lactation. methods is to prevent pregnancy. In developing • Menstrual abnormalities, e.g. spotting countries pregnancy is a major cause of between periods. mortality and morbidity in women. Therefore, • Nausea and vomiting.
  • 6. 262 MATERNAL CARE the prevention of pregnancy is a very important 2. Teenagers and patients with multiple general health benefit of all contraceptives. sexual partners. • An injectable, as this is a reliable method Various methods of contraception have even with unreliable patients who might a number of additional health benefits. forget to use another method. Although these benefits are often important, • Additional protection against HIV they are not generally appreciated by many infection by using a condom is patients and healthcare workers. essential. It is important to stress 1. Injectables that the patient should only have • Decrease in dysmenorrhoea. intercourse with a partner who is • Less premenstrual tension. willing to use a condom. • Less iron-deficiency anaemia due to 3. HIV-positive patients decreased menstrual flow. • Condoms must be used in addition to • No effect on lactation. the appropriate contraceptive method 2. Combined pill (dual contraception). • Decrease in dysmenorrhoea. 4. Patients whose families are complete • Decrease in menorrhagia (heavy and/or • Tubal ligation or vasectomy is the prolonged menstruation). logical choice. • Less iron-deficiency anaemia. • An injectable, e.g. Depo-Provera or • Less premenstrual tension. Petogen (12 weekly) or Nur-Isterate (8 • Fewer ovarian cysts. weekly). • Less benign breast disease. • A combined pill until 35 years of age if • Less endometrial and ovarian there are risk factors for cardiovascular carcinoma. disease, or until 50 years if these risk 3. Progestogen-only pill factors are absent. • No effect on lactation. 5. Patients of 35 years or over without risk 4. Condom factors for cardiovascular disease • Less risk of HIV infection and other • Tubal ligation or vasectomy is the sexually transmitted diseases. logical method. • Less pelvic inflammatory disease. • A combined pill until 50 years of age. • Less cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia. • An injectable until 50 years of age. • A progestogen-only pill until 50 years of age. The condom is the only contraceptive method • An intra-uterine contraceptive device that provides protection against HIV infection. until one year after the periods have stopped, i.e. when there is no further 14-12 What is the most appropriate risk of pregnancy. method of contraception for 6. Patients of 35 years or over with risk a patient after delivery? factors for cardiovascular disease • As above but no combination pill. The most suitable methods for the following groups of patients are: 1. Lactating patients The puerperium is the most convenient time • An injectable, but not if a further for the patient to have a bilateral tubal ligation pregnancy is planned within the next performed. year. • A progestogen-only pill (minipill) for Every effort should be made to provide three months, then the combined pill. facilities for tubal ligation during the • An intra-uterine contraceptive device.
  • 7. FAMILY PLANNING AFTER PREGNANC Y 263 puerperium for all patients who request CASE STUDY 1 sterilisation after delivery. Remember that sperms may be present You have delivered the fourth child of an in the ejaculate for up to three months unbooked 36-year-old patient. All her following vasectomy. Therefore, an additional children are alive and well. She is a smoker, contraceptive method must be used during but is otherwise healthy. She has never used this time. contraception. 14-13 What are the risk factors for 1. Should you counsel this patient cardiovascular disease in women about contraception? taking the combined pill? Yes. Every sexually active person needs The risk of cardiovascular disease increases contraceptive counselling. This patient in markedly in women of 35 or more years of particular needs counselling as she is at an age who have one or more of the following increased risk of maternal and perinatal risk factors: complications, should she fall pregnant again, because of her age and parity. 1. Smoking. 2. Hypertension. 3. Diabetes. 2. Which contraceptive methods would 4. Hypercholesterolaemia. be appropriate for this patient? 5. A personal history of cardiovascular Tubal ligation or vasectomy would be the disease. most appropriate method of contraception if she does not want further children. Should Smoking is a risk factor for cardiovascular she not want sterilisation, either an injectable contraceptive or an intra-uterine contraceptive disease. device would be the next best choice. 14-14 When should an intra- 3. If the patient accepts tubal ligation, uterine contraceptive device when should this be done? be inserted after delivery? The most convenient time for the patient It should not be inserted before six weeks as and her family is the day after delivery the uterine cavity would not yet have returned (postpartum sterilisation). Every effort should to its normal size. At six weeks or more after be made to provide facilities for postpartum delivery there is the lowest risk of: sterilisation for all patients who request it. 1. Pregnancy. 2. Expulsion. 4. If the couple decides not to have a tubal ligation or vasectomy, how will Postpartum patients choosing this method must you determine whether an injectable be discharged on an injectable contraceptive or an intra-uterine contraceptive or progestogen-only pill until an intra-uterine device would be the best choice? contraceptive device has been inserted. Assessing the risk for pelvic inflammatory NOTE Insertion of an intra-uterine contraceptive disease will determine which of the two device immediately after delivery may be methods to use. If the patient has a stable considered if it is thought likely that a patient relationship, an intra-uterine contraceptive will not use another contraceptive method and device may be more appropriate. However, if where sterilisation is not appropriate. However, the expulsion rate will be as high as 15 to 20%. she or her partner has other sexual partners, an injectable contraceptive would be indicated.
  • 8. 264 MATERNAL CARE 5. What other advice must be given appropriate. Oral contraceptives are only to a patient at risk of sexually reliable if taken every day. transmitted infections? The patient must insist that her partner wears 5. The patient and her mother are worried a condom during sexual intercourse. This will that the long-term effect of injectable reduce the risk of HIV infection. contraception could be harmful to a girl of 15 years. What would be your advice? Injectable contraception is extremely safe and, CASE STUDY 2 therefore, is an appropriate method for long- term use. This method will not reduce her A 15-year-old primigravida had a normal future fertility. delivery in a district hospital. She has never used contraception. Her mother asks you for contraceptive advice for her daughter after CASE STUDY 3 delivery. The patient’s boyfriend has deserted her. You have just delivered the first infant of a healthy 32-year-old patient. In discussing 1. Does this young teenager require contraception with her, she mentions that contraceptive advice after delivery? she is planning to fall pregnant again within a year after she stops breastfeeding. She is a Yes, she will certainly need contraceptive schoolteacher and would like to continue her counselling and should start on a career after having two children. contraceptive method before discharge from hospital. She needs to learn sexual responsibility and must be told where the 1. The patient says that she has used nearest family planning clinic to her home is an injectable contraceptive for five for follow-up. She also needs to know about years before this pregnancy and would postcoital contraception. like to continue with this method. What would your advice be? 2. Which contraceptive method would be Injectable contraception would not be most the appropriate for this patient? appropriate as she plans her next pregnancy within a year, and there may be a delayed An injectable contraceptive would probably be return to fertility. the best method for her as she needs reliable contraception for a long time. 2. If the patient insists on using an injectable contraceptive, which drug 3. Why would she need a long- would you advise her to use? term contraceptive? Any of the injectables can be used (Depo- Because she should only have her next child Provera/Petogen or Nur-Isterate) as there is no when she is fully grown up and able to take proven advantages of the one above the others. care of her children by herself. 3. Following further counselling, the 4. If the patient prefers to use an oral patient decides on oral contraception contraceptive, would you regard and is given a combined pill. Do you this as an appropriate method agree with this management? of contraception for her? No. As she plans to breastfeed, she should No. A method which she is more likely to be given a progestogen-only pill. Combined use correctly and reliably would be more
  • 9. FAMILY PLANNING AFTER PREGNANC Y 265 oral contraceptive pills may reduce milk 2. When should the device be inserted? production while breastfeeding is being Six weeks or more after delivery, as there is established. Progestogen-only pills have no an increased risk of expulsion if the device is effect on breastfeeding. inserted earlier. CASE STUDY 4 3. Could the patient, in the meantime, rely on breast feeding as a contraceptive method? A married primipara from a rural area has just been delivered in a district hospital. She has a No. The risk of pregnancy is too high. She stable relationship with her husband and they should use reliable contraception, such as decide to have their next infant in five years’ injectable contraception or the progestogen- time. The patient would like to have an intra- only pill, until the device is inserted. uterine contraceptive device inserted. 4. The patient asks if the intra-uterine 1. Is this an appropriate contraceptive device could be inserted method for this patient? before she is discharged from hospital. Would this be appropriate management? Yes, as the risk of developing pelvic inflammatory disease is low. The expulsion rate and, therefore, the risk of contraceptive failure is much higher if the device is inserted soon after delivery. Therefore, it would be far better if she were to return six weeks later for insertion of the device.