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Mary Stevenson Cassatt Essay
There were many great artists who have done impeccable work. One was Mary Stevenson Cassatt
was born on May 22, 1844, in Allegheny City, Pennsylvania, which is now part of Pittsburgh. She
was the daughter of a real–state and investment broker. She was one of seven children, but two of
her siblings died when they were infants. She was brought up in a high social ranking and her family
reflected that. Mary went to schooling to prepare her to be a proper wife and mother. Other classes
included homemaking, embroidery, music, sketching and painting. The Cassatt thought that travel
was in essential part of learning, so in the 1850's her parents moved her and her siblings to Europe.
She spent five years in Europe and visited many of the capitals, ... Show more content on ...
In 1912, he developed cataracts in his right eye. In the art world, Monet was out of step with the
But there was still a great deal of interest in Monet's work. During this period, Monet began a final
series of 12 waterlily paintings commissioned by the Orangerie des Tuileries, a museum in Paris. As
he experienced in other points in his life, Monet struggled with depression in his later years. Despite
his feelings of despair, he continued working on his paintings until his final day on December 5,
1926, at his home in Giverny. There are some similarities between Cassatt's and Monet's style of
painting. Such as their use of bright colors. And how they would stray from the contemporary style
of some artists when they used theses bright colors. They were both impressionist artists. They also
added the effect of chiaroscuro. However, there were some differences between them. Monet mostly
painted landscapes, and he tended to use brighter colors when he painted. He would like to paint
multiple pictures to capture the beauty in a land scape. Cassatt focused more on self–portraits, and
her paintings were more structured, in my opinion. She really brought out the facial features of the
people she
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Camille Paglia Summary
Camille Paglia in presents a very critical analysis into the changes that have occurred over a long
period involving the treatment of women by male species within the society. She highlights that
women were strictly supervised back in the days since they saw male individuals as very dangerous
and harmful to their wellbeing if they have their way. However, she highlights that the trend
changed during their time in the early 1960s. However, her assertions can be seen to be heavily
detached from the real engagement in the society. Therefore, this paper provides a detailed analysis
into some of the weaknesses and fallacies as exhibited by Camille Paglia's reasoning.
Camille Paglia talks about the increasing risk of rape in the current society as women demand more
freedom without putting into consideration that it is their responsibility to take care of themselves.
What the author forgets is that she is trying to compare the current society with her times in the
1960s, which are quite very different. She begins making her sentiments by stating the olden times
and the difficulties they had to go through in their attempts to get the freedom they were yawning
for. Camille states that it is only until the 60s when women started breaking the rules but always
kept in mind that they were taking risks (Paglia, 2011, p. 22).
This is a very confused reasoning since breaking of rules is something that cannot be carried out
while being cautious since the consequences are the same. The
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Paul Gaugin Day Of The God
Cameron Howard Hum Midterm Essay In Paul Gaugin's painting Day of the God (Mahana No Atua)
it depicts a fictional presentation of an indigenous praise ritual being carried out by the Tahitian
women the setting is on an island of Tahiti. Gaugin's painting is oil on canvas and uses a variety of
colors to comply with his post–impressionistic style depicting real objects and expressing flat
curving shapes pink, magenta, blues and reds for the shadows of the water it gives it a mystical look
but the background of the painting gives the viewer somewhat of a realistic setting with the blue
skies and the wind carved mountains that are complimented by the soft white clouds. When looking
at this composition the viewers eyes are naturally attracted to the colorful water in the lower half of
the painting, when looking on the left half of the pool it gives a sense of depth but flat and two–
dimensional on the right as well as illogic color schemes in the reflection of the water. With the
colors that were used in this painting it gives off a warm relaxing feeling within its island setting.
There are some noticeable differences in this painting, the women all have different pose's as well as
there all engaging in something different from the nude female bather in the front to the two
islanders in the top left performing a ritual near the sculpture. The three women in the front are said
to signify birth, life, and death which resembles the three "Ages of Man" with the figure to the
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Paul Gauguin Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are...
Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?
Paul Gauguin is known for being one of the world's greatest painters, although he was not much
appreciated at his time. His work seems to tell stories of his life. In his series of painting done in
Tahiti, we can see the many wonders that Gauguin himself explored. Today Gauguin's painting run
for millions. For example; Paul Gauguin's Maternite (II) done in 1899 was sold for $39.2 million.
That wasn't the case back when Gauguin first started his new career. In this essay I will determine to
explore Gauguin's life and his well–known painting Where Do We Come From? What Are We?
Where Are We Going?
Paul Gauguin was born in Paris, France on June 7, 1848. Gauguin's family was middle ... Show
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By 1883 he had decided to devote himself full–time to painting, a profession that had no secure
income. As Gauguin's wife realized that her husband would no longer be able to support her and
their five children, she returned to her family, leaving Gauguin to pursue his art on his own.
Between 1886 and 1891 Gauguin lived mostly in rural Brittany, although he did visit Panama and
Martinique during that period of time. In Brittany, however, Gauguin was the center of a small
group of experimental painters who were known as the school of Pont–Aven. Gauguin began to turn
away from impressionism, and eventually began to adopt a less naturalistic style. His inspirations
came from medieval stained glass, the lives of indigenous peoples, and Japanese prints. Dutch artist
Vincent van Gogh introduced Gauguin to Japanese prints when the two men spent two months
together at Arles in the south of France in 1888. By 1891, Gauguin was greatly in debt. He was also
depressed, feeling that the civilized world around him was artificial. He left France to go to the
South Seas to escape European civilization. He remained in the tropics for the rest of his life except
for a visit to France between 1893 and 1895. He lived in Tahiti for a time and later moved to the
Marquesas Islands. In the South Seas, his style remained essentially the same; as he used expressive
color, no perspective, and thick, flat, brush strokes.
On the year 1987, Gauguin
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Group Of Emotion In Monet
According to Claude Monet, a famous impressionist artist, "It's on the strength of observation and
reflection that one finds a way. So we must dig and delve unceasingly." (as cited by Kendall, 2004).
As artwork is chiefly depicted in many different ways, such as in natural, spiritual, objective, or
subjective description, Monet believes that a plein–air painting style can convey such profound
feelings to audiences based on thorough observation and comprehension (Perry, 1927). Thus, there
are four groups of emotion in Monet's paintings, which are serenity, loneliness, confusion, and joy.
The first group of emotion in Monet's paintings is serenity. Serenity is a state in which people are
liberated from anxiety or stress of daily hassle. Monet, ... Show more content on ...
Joy is an emotion that reflects the fulfilment of human's desires involving the relationship. Monet, in
general, depicts the happiness in his paintings based on a group of people and a nature as a subject
matter (Stuart, 1916). A group of people represents love and caring between friends with an
impressively intimate conversation. They share a moment of laughter while reminiscing the
hilarious action of their friends. Furthermore, the beautiful nature around them, such as the flower
bushes and the small trees, is depicted in a vividly bright tone of color as responded to the joyful
moment of people. While, the their clothes are depicted in a more natural shade of color, such as
blue and green. These colors imply that their feelings toward one another are perceptibly real and
sincere as a natural color (Fitzgerald, 1905). The emotion of his paintings is mostly described in an
amiable atmosphere of a group of people that shares a similar taste in particular subject (Fitzgerald,
1905). Monet paints them with the reminiscent emotion of his colleagues helping and supporting
him through difficult times (Borgmeyer, 1912). A wonderful example of joyful moments in Monet's
paintings is Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe or known as "The luncheon on the Grass" (Isaacson, 1972). The
subject matter is a group of people having lunch together amid the beautiful nature. The colors in
this painting include a natural shade of yellow, green, and blue. The painting represents the amiably
delightful atmosphere of friends sharing food and beverage (Isaacson, 1972). In summary, joy is the
final group of
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Article Summary Of On Date Rape By Camille Paglia
"On Date Rape" is an article written by Camille Paglia, which argues the young women of today pay
not much care about their safety while they're enjoying the freedom with men. The author points out
that a woman should pay more attention to their safety while they spend their time with men,
because a woman is likely becoming a victim in a rape case. In this article, the author also implies
that even the law will protect women from the rape, but women themselves should build up a self–
protection awareness to keep them away from the rape crime. However, even this article points out a
main argument about self–protection awareness is necessary for a woman, but more or less of its
points become fallacies of this article. In additional, the focus of my article is about to analysis the
article by Camille Paglia, "On Date Rape". For the following paragraphs of my article, I'll
summarize her article paragraph by paragraph briefly and analysis main fallacies of her article in
Granting to the article "On Date Rape" by Camille Paglia, each paragraphs of her article frame the
main idea about why women should pay more attention about their safety. The first paragraph of the
article explains how the author thinks about the freedom when she was a college student. When she
was a college student, she insists to break the rules to run outside and enjoy the freedom with man,
even her aunt advised her not to do that (Paglia). As well, the author points out in paragraph two,
women should acknowledge the risk when they are having fun with men. I believe that this two
paragraph give us the background information and the main argument of this article. But the author
uses an instance of different racial group in paragraph three, to explain the white feminists were lack
of self–protection awareness compared with black or Hispanic. She explains that because the black
and Hispanic women come from a culture fill with sexuality and dangerous, that's why they will be
more vigilant (Paglia). In my view, I think this is an improper example because it seems rushed to
the conclusion without considering all of the variables about different racial group. In the fourth
paragraph, Paglia uses a metaphor to explain even the women will have the
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Comparing Johann Liss And Shepherd And Camille Corot's...
Johann Liss's Nymph and Shepherd and Camille Corot's Diana and Actaeon (Diana Surprised in Her
Bath) evoke themes of female exposure under male surveillance. Both artists interject two male
figures in the background of their paintings, one, the shepherd and Actaeon, is named and the other
is unknown. Liss personifies danger and protection through his two men while Corot uses them as a
narrative device to illustrate several moments in one space. Liss is particularly heedful of the sinister
nature he crafts through the vulnerable, exposed, and unsupported nature of the nymph. Corot, on
the other hand, creates a scene where the female subjects have a strong leader in Diana and are
connected to and supported by their environment. Both artists achieve these differing interpretations
by diverging in their use of space, color, and relationships between figures and landscape. Liss and
Corot achieve very distinct goals through the two male figures placed in their works, but they both
primarily place the men spatially behind the women in positions of surveillance. Liss places the
shepherd behind and overlooking the nymph; he is identified as a shepherd because of the crook in
his right hand. His profession is significant because it alters how the viewer perceives him. Without
this knowledge, he would look threatening because of the dark value of the color of his body and the
positioning of his crook above the nymph, perhaps in an attempt to harm her. Despite this, the
layperson knows
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Camille Pissarro's 'Apple Harvest In Europe'
Apple Harvest in Europe
Apple Harvest is a painting created by a French artist named Camille Pissarro in 1888. The artwork
is derived from the European culture focusing on the style of neo–impressionism or pointillism. The
painting is made with the use of oil on canvas and currently located inside the Dallas Museum of Art
in second floor in the section of European art. It depicts a lively image of farmers engaging in their
daily activities where they are picking apples on a sunny day. The background of the landscape
consists of a huge ranch with additional apple trees that gives a vibration of harvesting season.
Similarly, it is a form of a representational artwork portraying physical labor by the farmers during
that period. Camille Pissarro seemed to support the farmers of low social status and believed in hard
work as some of his artworks are the representations of lives of these social groups (Dallas Museum
of Art 2017). In the painting "Apple Harvest", he tries to picture working peasants in an apple farm
in the French Countryside (Dallas Museum of Art 2017). This paper is an integration of the analysis
of formal elements and principles relevant to the art work "Apple Harvest" and my experience of
observation of this piece of art at the Dallas Museum of Art including a reflection upon the visit.
Figure 1: "Apple Harvest", 1888, Oil on Canvas, European Art. Image Courtesy of Dallas Museum
of Art.
Formal Analysis
Camille Pissarro uses different forms of
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The Thinker By Dantes Inferno
One of the most well–known sculptures in the world, A French Sculptor, Auguste–Rene Rodin
created The Thinker (Also known as the thinking man) and was first seen completed of the year
1904. In France, the thinker was originally named The Poet, respectively Le Poète in French.
Auguste started creating the artwork for a doorway, named "The Gates of Hell". Rodin created the
piece based off of "The Inferno", a section of the Divine Comedy.
Dante Alighieri wrote his first section of the Epic to describe a soul to the journey onwards to
Heaven. It starts with Dante in Hell, as he endures suffering and punishment, while being guided by
a poet named Virgil. The Gates of Hell summarize the first third of the Divine Comedy effectively.
This doorway includes The Thinker, who seems to be looking down on Hell or Inferno.
Many infer what the meaning of the Thinker could be the Actual character Dante in the poem,
observing Hell as he does. He also could be portrayed as the Writer looking down at his poem and
his scene. Just by observing this you can tell that the pose has consideration, doubt, but overall
literally looking down on, avoiding hell, a sign of repentance of sin. This is just the backstory of the
figure. In reality ... Show more content on ...
The figure shows a naked man sitting down with his fist underneath his chin, with a curious
expression, usually sitting on a rock. Just to examine the artwork itself, it is a great expression of
philosophy, curiosity, meaning. Many critics say it is one of the most influential sculptures ever
made. There are many ways to understanding the meaning of Rodin's masterpiece. It can relate to
people that are regretting a action, pursuing an action, looking over on their life, Rodin was able to
show various meanings and thoughts in only 1 sculpture. Arguably the most universal sculpture to
ever been made. This work also bears a fitting quote, "A picture is worth a thousand
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Article Analysis Of Camille Paglia's On Date Rape
On Date Rape is an article written by Camille Raglia, which argues the young women of today pay
not much attention about their safety while they're enjoying the freedom they deserve. (Paglia)
According to the author of this article, who also is a humanities professor and a cultural critic, a
woman should pay more attention to their safety while they pursuit the freedom as man does.
Because a woman is likely become a victim in a rape case. In this article, the author also implies that
even the law should protect women from the rape, but women themselves still should build up a
self–protection awareness to keep them away from the rape crime. (Paglia) However, even this
article points out a main argument about self–protection awareness is necessary for a woman, but
some of its point didn't support the main argument of this article. In additional, the focus of my
article is about to analysis the article of Camille Paglia, On Date Rape. Also, I'll point out some
misconceptions about her work.
The first point I recognized in Paglia's article is the third paragraph of the article, which explains
that because of the young feminists come from a white, middle class world, so that they expect
everything should be safe as they think. On the other side, because the black or Hispanic women
grow up in a different environment, where full of sexual culture, therefore they will pay more
attention of their safety (Paglia). In my opinion, the rape crime is not only existing in black and
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Claude Manet – Impressionism – 19Th . Oscar-Claude Monet
Claude Manet – Impressionism – 19th
Oscar–Claude Monet was a founder of French Impressionist painting, and the most consistent and
productive expert of the movement 's philosophy of communicating one 's observations before
nature particularly applied to plein–air landscape painting. The expression "Impressionism" is from
the title of his piece Impression, soleil levant (Impression, Sunrise), which was shown in 1874 in the
first of the independent presentations mounted by Monet and his partners as an alternate choice to
the Salon de Paris.
Monet 's aspiration of painting the French countryside drove him to embrace a technique for
painting the same scene repeatedly, trying to catch the changing of light and the death of the
seasons. From ... Show more content on ...
35. Monet painted the subject twice, and it is unknown which of the two pictures was the artwork
that showed up in the pivotal 1874 presentation, however more as of late, the Moscow picture has
been favoured.
Monet has been portrayed as "the main thrust behind Impressionism". Essential to the art of the
Impressionist painters was the comprehension of the effects of light on the local colour of objects,
and the impacts of the contrast of hues with each other. Monet 's long profession as a painter was
spent in the quest for this aim.
In 1856, his shot meeting with Eugene Boudin, a painter of little beaches, opened his eyes to the
idea of plein–air painting. From that time, with a short intrusion for military administration, he
committed himself to hunting down better than ever strategies for painterly expression.
In 1877 a progression of works of art at St–Lazare Station had Monet taking a gander at smoke and
steam and the way that they influenced shading and perceivability, being here and there misty and
some of the time translucent. He was to further utilize this in study in the painting of the effects of
mist and rain on the landscape. The investigation of the impacts of climate was to develop into
various arrangements of works of art in which Monet often painted a similar subject in various
lights, at various hours of the day, and through the
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Gibson Girl versus Flapper Girl Essay
Gibson Girl versus Flapper Girl During the roaring twenty's a new type of women arose, a women
who rebelled against society's standards for women, the Flapper Girl. The new Flapper Girl shocked
society by setting a new type of women beauty that expressed their independence just like men.
Meanwhile the Gibson Girl was the ideal figurehead for female beauty, they were often shown as
fragile and vulnerable. Flapper Girls astonished the world by pushing the limits of the average
Gibson Girl setting new limits that were never foreseen before for women. Before the Flapper Girl
there was a more traditional women, the Gibson Girl who were seen as fragile ladies who relied on
men to care for them. They often used corsets to obtain a hourglass ... Show more content on ...
Many women enjoyed working, some of them continued to work after the war to pay for new labor
saving devices such as the washing machine and vacuum. These women were also out of the house
more and took leisure in dancing, smoking, drinking and other activates that use to be restricted to
men only. Flapper Girls changed how society viewed women, they were now seen as more
independent women who were not reliant on others, they even demanded the same rights as men
such as the right to vote. The roaring twenty's completely changed how society viewed women, they
were now independent and had many of the same rights men had. Gibson Girls were now a thing of
the past; the new Flapper Girls took the country by storm allowing women to be more self–reliant.
Women no longer stayed at home all day, they could now decide for themselves and what they
wanted to do with their lives. This allowed many women to get jobs and earn a living for
themselves. No longer did women have to live up to the standards of men, being a Flapper Girl
allowed women to be treated equally. Women could now vote and obtain jobs that were once only
available to men. In conclusion the roaring twenty's opened new opportunities for women that they
had never had before. The Flapper Girl era allowed women to be more independent. Women could
now vote, get the same jobs as men, wear clothing that
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Analysis: Landing Of The Rodrigue Brothers
George Rodrigue is the artist I chose to research on because of his very bland unique of art work.
George Rodrigue was born in the city of New Iberia on March 13, 1944– December 14, 2013.
Mr.Rodrigue attended an all–male high school named Brothers of the Christian Schools. He started
painting small landscape portraits and gradually increased to family gatherings. He studied art at
University of Southwestern Louisiana which is known to us today as University of Louisiana at
Lafayette. Also, he attended the Art Center College of Design in California. When Rodrigue
returned back home in the late 1960s he was known for his creativity in the Cajun arts. This painting
is called Landing of the Rodrigue Brothers it was created ... Show more content on
This painting looks very basic and unusual. I would consider this to be a very unidentified portrait of
a dog embracing the Cajun cultures. This painting shows me that it's okay to be unique and not like
everyone else. The dog wearing a tie is not something you see on a daily basis which shows that
being different is absolutely fine. Yes, this form does reflect the art because the meaning of this
painting is very straight to the point and justified. The dog is sitting very still with a distinguished
face almost as to like your different why can't I be. The artist emphasized the tie by painting bright
yellow polka dots. By creating the bright yellow polka dots, it will pop out to people viewing the
painting first. Majority of Rodrigue`s work is associated with the Cajun lifestyle. In all of his
painting you can see little details of Cajun cultures. The artist doesn't really use much technique
besides shading, lines, and a variety of colors. The blue dog that Rodrigue is famous for he uses a
very distinct style of shading just enough to give some characteristics of the dog features. Lines are
used to create the defined shapes. Rodrigue doesn't use a wide variety of colors. Most of his
creations he uses very vibrant colors. The main source of inspiration is based off f the Cajun
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Moment Factory Analysis
Check the new phrase I added in last paragraph, you can remove it if ya want if it does not fit Or
help me out with where to put the new sentence MOMENT FACTORY: CULTURAL
economy is defined by its nocturnalization, created through installations like the illumination of the
Pont Jacques–Cartier bridge, the festivals of light such as Illuminart, and is capitalized upon by
cultural economic producers, such as Moment Factory. Montreal's culture via these lights are a
reverence to the city, providing a night time economy and a nocturnalization that are iconic to the
city, but they do not change the inherent Montrealness. Moment Factory is a Montreal based
entertainment ... Show more content on ...
Cities tend to be the core of the overall night time economy, which constitutes of an," evening
economy, running from 17.00 to 20.00 and a late night economy running from 20.00 until perhaps
04.00 the next morning" (Jones et al. 96). According to the article, "Media and the Urban Night",
written by Will Straw, western society's transformation to 24 hour media access has impacted the
longevity of urban encounters from day into night (Straw 1). The city seeks out these multimedia
companies and artists for projects to support the demand of innovative concepts in order to make
profit of socialization in the late hours (Straw 2). Moment Factory's method of doing this revolves
around the medium of light, by eliminating the dominant restriction of nighttime living: darkness
and inaccessibility. Historically, the creation of light supported by electricity was the starting point
for nocturnalization and the night time economy as it is an, "... extension of the public realm, a new
space and time of socialization" (Lovatt and O'Connor 131). The safety and accessibility for night
time events in cities continues to depend on light and is what fully embodies the urban life after
sunset, known as the urban night. (Straw 1). In Montreal, the night is a realm that allows urban
creativity to be expressed in a matter it may market itself to make profit with the aim to attract both
local citizens and tourists (Lecture 25,
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Essay On The Art Of Camille Corot
When I first saw this painting done by Camille Corot, I was in awe. It was one of the many beautiful
paintings that I saw on my first trip to the Fine Arts Museum of Houston. The painting looks almost
dreamlike and soft, which amazed me on how a painter could create an art piece as such. This piece
is called Orpheus Leading Eurydice from the Underworld, by Camille Corot, French, 1861, the
medium is oil on canvas. I was immediately attracted to this art piece because of the earthy and
naturalistic colors used, and how the landscape seems almost hazy. This enchanting painting tells the
tragic Greek myth of Orpheus, the Greek god of music, saving his wife, Eurydice, from Hades, God
of the Underworld. Orpheus absentmindedly breaks the terms of ... Show more content on ...
Devoted to his paintings he once said to a friend "All I really want to do in life... is to paint
landscapes. This firm resolve will stop me forming any serious attachments. That is to say, I shall
not get married".
I like the softness of how Corot painted this art piece. The painting, to me, looks simple yet
topographical, due to the trees and bushes painted. What I did not like about this piece is the way he
depicted the Underworld. The Underworld is said to be very dark and gloomy, due to all the dead
spirits living there, but Corot paints it with light and lush, making it look anything but eerie. He uses
Time and motion by showing Orpheus legs in a walking position, whilst holding Eurydice arm,
leading her out of the Hades Underworld. Also, the texture of the trees and bushes have a realistic
topographical and layered appearance with shades of blacks and browns. Since Corot is a landscape
painter, he often uses atmospheric perspective to create the illusion of depth. He shows the spirits
mourning their death in the background with shades of cool tones and uses light colors, while
emphasizing Eurydice and Orpheus in the foreground with more deep and darker colors. Another
element I've seen in Corot's painting is his use of space, he shows Orpheus and Eurydice on the
corner right while the rest of the image is more focused on his beautiful landscape in the
Additionally, the focal point that immediately caught my eyes attention was the spirits depicted
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An Archival Memory Of The Pain Of Living With And Among...
I do not wish to address the pain of living with and among human beings. Instead, I 'd like to
respond to Nietzsche by posing a couple of questions that I find far more interesting: do we develop
an archival memory of theory and the arts because of the pain they inflict on us? What relation does
this have to the development of our being? In order to answer such a question, one would need to
modify a couple of understandings: curiosity is now the act of making oneself open to the possibility
of pain; fascination is a kind of pain tolerance, and the more sustained it is, the more one enjoys how
much he or she can bear it. Socrates ' "block of wax" will be the major organizing image of this
piece: "When we wish to remember anything which we ... Show more content on ...
It sends signals that it 's filled to capacity, and when sentences stubbornly continue to be scanned, it
tranquilizes. Is Sedgwick moving toward the painful end of the spectrum when she writes of
Melanie Klein, "Engaging closely with Klein often feels like getting stoned, in the sense that the
unchecked proliferation of the reader 's sense of recognition, endlessly recursive and relentlessly
architectonic, quickly turns into a kind of fractal ineffability, resistant to the formulations of
ordinary exposition" (128)? Despite the ostensible clarification ("in the sense that"), it is still unclear
which sense of stoned is being suggested, and the diction that follows binds both senses into a
somewhat banal but still effective pun: the "unchecked proliferation" is akin to too many "hits"; by
"relentlessly architectonic," one must assume that Klein 's cunningly discharged barrage of ideas is
experienced as a pummeling, one that Sedgwick may or may not be psychically prepared for at first
flush. I once wrote that "the psychotic is paradoxically a seer and a gapeseed; he or she has traded
one kind of stupidity for another, and, at least initially, can only react to this sudden perceptual
expansion with stupefaction, a wide–eyed and witless 'Golly. '" There 's a comparable kind of ego
pain that follows the inhalation of marijuana, in which a simple activity such as watching a movie
absolutely overwhelms perception. Any time I 've ever
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Research Paper On Claude Monet
Claude Monet and Impressionism Claude Monet was born in Paris on the 14th November, 1840.
When he was five years old, he moved to the port town of Le Havre. For much of his childhood,
Monet was considered by both his teachers and his parents to be undisciplined and, therefore,
unlikely to make a success of his life. Enforcing this impression, Monet showed no interest in
inheriting his father's wholesale grocery. The only subject which seemed to spark any interest in the
child was painting. He developed a decent reputation in school for the caricatures he was fond of
creating. By the age of fifteen, he was receiving commission for his work.
It was at Le Havre that Monet met the painter Eugene Boudin. While Boudin's own paintings ...
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The landscapes and colors of Algeria presented an entirely different perspective of the world, one
which was to inspire him for many years to come. Theoretically, Monet should have remained in
Algeria for seven years, but his time there was curtailed by the contraction of typhoid. The artist's
aunt, Madame Lecadre, intervened and bought Monet out of the army. Her only condition: that
Monet return to Paris and make a serious attempt at completing a formal artistic tuition course.
Despite these provisions, Monet did not enroll in l'École des Artistes . It was a renowned institution,
but one filled with the traditionalists that Monet was so determined to contradict. Instead, he joined
the studio of the Swiss–born Charles Gleyre. Gleyre was a successful Salon painter but he was
neither a professor at the École nor was he a member of the Académie . Remembering his own
poverty as a student artist, Gleyre charged very little , only 10 francs for models and the studio. This
leniency attracted a large number of artists. The student body, such as it existed, was extremely
diverse: young, old; rich, poor; good, bad, etc. Among them all, however, Monet was to meet three
very cl ose and influential friends: Frédéric Bazille, Auguste Renoir and Alfred SisleyThis
subcategory of Gleyre's students was representative of the studio's diverse constitution. While all
three of these painters were talented, they came from very different social backgrounds. Noticeably,
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Article Summary Of Camille Paglia's On Date Rape
On Date Rape is an article written by Camille Paglia, which argues the young women of today pay
not much care about their safety while they're enjoying the freedom they deserve. According to the
writer of this article, who also is a humanities professor and a cultural critic, a woman should pay
more attention to their safety while they pursuit the freedom as a man does. Because a woman is
likely becoming a victim in a rape case. In this article, the author also implies that even the law
should protect women from the rape, still, women themselves should build up a self–protection
awareness to keep them away from the rape crime. However, even this article points out a main
argument about self–protection awareness is necessary for a woman, but more or less of its points
didn't support the main argument of this article. In additional, the focus of my article is about to
analysis the article of Camille Paglia, On Date Rape. Besides, I'll point out some misconceptions
about her article.
The first point I recognized in Paglia's article is the third paragraph of the article, which explains
that because of the young feminists come from a white, middle class world, so that they expect
everything should be safe as they think. On the other side, because the black or Hispanic women
grow up in a different environment, where full of sexual culture, hence they will pay more attention
of their safety (Paglia, paragraph 3). In my judgment, the rape crime is not only existing in black
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HUM 112 Assigment 2 Essay
Assignment 2: Project Paper Edwin D Giraldo Professor: Ibrahim H Alsaeed, Ph.D. HUM 112
11/29/14 Abstract In this paper, I choose to discuss three pieces of art from the 19th century
Impressionist period and three from the Post–Impressionist period and how these six pieces of art
compare to each style. Then I will draft a memo to the CEO of my company to describe the
appearance, so that they will have an idea of what the art looks like and where it should be placed
throughout the corporate offices. Next, we are going to explain the historical significance for each
piece of artwork that I choose. Finally, I will descried to the CEO of my company how each piece of
art matches the company's overall image. Office ... Show more content on ...
As for placement of the last three paintings, I decided to put the A Lion Devouring its Prey in the
central work area to show the employees that hard work and dedication will get them the rewards
that they deserve for they have done for the company, the next one, In the Oise in the Valley, could
be placed in the main break room of the company, so that the employees have a place to relax and
not be disturbed in order to get away from the regular environment that any workplace create, even
though just for a little while from their rigorous job, and The Yellow Books could be placed where
the company keeps all its information on the business to represent how the business conducts itself
and what the future holds for the business and all the customers. Explain why each piece is
considered to be historically significant. Pierre Auguste Renoir made his mark historically on the
surfaces of his paintings by using small dabs of pigment that were applied uniformly, but his brush
strokes were somewhat nervous, but yet he used the sunlight effects that were achieved with colored
shadows, and loose brushwork.
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Impressionist Artists: Jane Peterson
Jane Peterson belongs to the group of Impressionist artists. Features of Impressionist artists include
vibrant colors, genre subject matter, everyday life scenes, and thick, quick brushstrokes (2). She
developed a thriving career as a female artist in the early to mid 1900s, which was uncommon.
During this time women were seen as passive, weak, and were not allowed to do things men were
allowed to do, according to the class notes. Peterson is an American artist, born in Illinois, and
attended art school in New York then later studied in Europe. While studying in Europe the artist
that influenced her most was Joaquin Sorolla. She met Sorolla when she was studying in Madrid,
Spain. Sorolla is a Spanish Impressionist best known for landscape and genre paintings (5). During
the early 1900s Peterson traveled all over the world including: Europe, the Middle East, and Coastal
New England (6). While traveling she created paintings of scenic landscapes. Peterson's journey to
Egypt in 1910 supplied her with the subject matter for multiple paintings including Boats on the
Nile, Dawn. Key elements of the impressionistic style in Boats on the Nile, Dawn include heavy
brushstrokes and vibrant colors. This painting portrays a sunrise at dawn with "two traditional
Egyptian sailboats known as, "feluccas, gliding along the Nile (4)." Boats on the Nile, Dawn is a
landscape painting of two sailboats at sunrise on the Nile River in Egypt. It is square shaped, about
three by three
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Article Summary Of On Date Rape By Camille Paglia
"On Date Rape" is an article written by Camille Paglia, which argues young women of today don't
pay much attention to their safety while they're enjoying the freedom with men. The author points
out that a woman should pay more attention to their safety while they spend their time with men
because a woman will likely become a victim in a rape case. In this article, the author also implies
that even the law will protect women from the rape, but women themselves should build up a self–
protection awareness to keep them away from the rape crime. However, even this article points out
the main argument about self–protection awareness is necessary for a woman, but more or less of its
points become fallacies of this article. Also, the focus of my article is about to analysis the article by
Camille Paglia, "On Date Rape". For the following paragraphs of my article, I'll summarize her
article paragraph by paragraph briefly and analysis main fallacies of her article in detail.
Granting to the article "On Date Rape" by Camille Paglia, each paragraph of her article frame the
main idea about why women should pay more attention to their safety. The first paragraph of the
article explains how the author thinks about the freedom when she was a college student. When she
was a college student, she insists on breaking the rules to run outside and enjoy the freedom with a
man, and even her aunt advised her not to do that. As well, the author points out in paragraph two,
women should acknowledge the risk when they are having fun with men (Paglia). I believe that
these two paragraphs give us the background information and the main argument of this article. But
the author uses an instance of the different racial group in paragraph three, to explain the white
feminists were lack of self–protection awareness compared with black or Hispanic. She explains that
because the black and Hispanic women come from a culture fill with sexuality and dangerous, that's
why they will be more vigilant (Paglia). In my view, I think this is an odd example because it seems
rushed to the conclusion without considering all of the variables about the different racial group. In
the fourth paragraph, Paglia uses a metaphor to explain even the women will have
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The Vanquished Auguste Rodin Essay
Auguste Rodin was born in Paris in on November 12, 1840. He was born into a poor family and his
father was a policeman. Although he was a talented artist as a teenager, he lacked encouragement
which made him choose a different career. Rodin worked as a bricklayer for 20 years. Then he went
to Italy and during his stay he found inspiration there. On his return to Paris, he sculpted his first
major piece, "The Age of Bronze", originally named "The Vanquished". Rodin said that, "Much as I
love the Greeks, there is one thing I love more and that is nature." (AMA 130). This is very true of
his sculptures. Although there is the presence of a body you can see the true nature of emotion
through it.
School was hard for Rodin because he had a hard time reading, but he took interest in drawing. He
started taking art classes when he turned 13. This is when students and teachers gave him no
recognition on his art and Rodin started doubting himself. At 17 years old, he applied ... Show more
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Italy is known for the deep art history with artists like Michelangelo, Donatello, and Raphael to
name just a few. Rodin was inspired so much by these artists that he made his first major piece, "The
Vanquished". It was made in 1876 and stands at six feet tall, making it a life size sculpture of a nude
man. This sculpture showed his attention to such detail that when people came to see this sculpture
they did not like how real it looked. People rumored that it was a fake sculpture. In the 1800's art
had to be made for a reason and it had to have a theme. It does not represent most art from that time
that had to with mythology. With its lack of "purpose" critics did not see "The Vanquished" as real
art. All of the criticisms made him change the name to "The Age of Bronze". This also led to
changing his style from something realistic to more naturalistic abstracted ideas. To do this he
stopped being detailed and showed the inner turmoil's of human emotion through their
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Similarities And Differences Between Van Gogh And Monet
Vincent van Gogh and Claude Monet are two highly influential contributors to the art world. Both
are renowned artists whose creations are on display in several art museums throughout the world.
They are two artistic geniuses who are more alike than they appear to be. While there are many
similarities between the lives and art of these two prodigies there are numerous differences as well
in their technique/style, subject matter, and personal lives. Technique and style are two things that an
artist develops in order to define themselves. It acts as a trademark and it is what makes an artist's
work unique. Van Gogh and Monet have incredibly similar techniques and styles, however, it is the
disparities within them that make them distinct. The ... Show more content on ...
During his 'Dutch' period, Van Gogh's subject matter was primarily focused on the lifestyle of the
poor and the bible (Dubecky). In his 'French' period, Van Gogh had begun to shift his focus to
drawing nude figures and portraits. Monet, conversely, liked to paint his subject matters in series.
He would paint "the same subject at different times of the day in different lights" (Brown 1536).
Some series that he painted included water lilies, bridges, and haystacks. Something that Van Gogh
and Monet both really took passion in is basing their art on their life experiences. They both painted
their surroundings such as landscapes, seascapes, and people around them. Van Gogh would also
draw still lifes of food and would paint paintings based on his emotions during his recovered bouts
of mental illness. Van Gogh and Monet had both lived exceptionally different lives. Van Gogh did
not start off wanting to become an artist, he was actually very interested in theology and had
eventually become a minister. It had seemed as though Van Gogh had found his calling.
Unfortunately, he was released from the church after his generosity had betrayed him. While trying
to help miners, he gave away all of his clothes and was only left with a cloth. The church committee
overseeing Van Gogh let him go because he did not dress or preach eloquently. This led to Van Gogh
gaining an interest in art which would lead him to go to an art school in Paris to
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On the Bank of the Seine Bennecourt Formal Analysis
Shane Cratty
A Beautiful Day on the River Seine
April 17th, 2012
Art 1.2
Section 4136
On the Bank of the Seine, Bennecourt by the French painter Claude Monet is one of the few great
paintings that truly embody Impressionism. On the Bank of the Seine, Bennecourt was painted in
1868 on the Seine River in the Northwestern Portion of France. Created with oil on canvas and
standing at thirty–two inches tall by thirty–nine and two–thirds inches wide, this painting depicts
Monet's future wife, Camille Doncieux, gazing across the Seine River at a village not too far off in
the distance. The ability this painting has to capture the eye is amazing and unique, and allows you
to fully appreciate the Impressionist Art Movement.
In this piece, ... Show more content on ...
The artist creates color harmonies and contrasts throughout the whole peace which gives it a strange
balance overall.
The texture of the painting itself is probably rough. The artist makes no great attempt at conveying
implied texture to the viewer. It seems as though implying texture may detract from the overall
attitude of the piece. Altogether texture doesn't play a huge role in this work of art.
Claude Monet's use of the illusionary space in this image is actually quite amazing. At first glance,
your eye is drawn towards the left side of the painting, due to the amount of large and bulky objects
in the foreground. Suddenly though your eyes turn to Camille; the woman gazing into the distance.
As she stares off into the distance she acts a point to redirect the focus of the piece past the water
and into the village across the river. This painting has a surprising power in that it is ability to fully
mesmerize and captivate the viewer in a way few pieces of art can.
The use of line in this piece is also very interesting. The artist employs a high horizontal line to
create a plunging effect giving the piece more depth. Another use of lines in the image is to create
focal points to attract the viewer. Lines are also used to separate the different sections of the
painting. Overall this painting uses lines in dynamic ways that vastly enhance the viewers' pleasure
and admiration of the piece.
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What Is The Difference Between Monet's Garden And Picasso...
Differences between Two Famous Artists' Artwork
Artwork could be defined as a universal language that can carry ideas and emotions of an artist
toward audiences via a particular narrative. Presently, there are many memorable art pieces from
various artists. Claude Monet and Pablo Picasso have become prominent from their unique styles of
artwork, which conveys a profound feeling through basic elements of art, such as the use of color
and a narrative. Although two of them are highly notable for art, there are four differences between
Monet's garden and Picasso's garden, which are artist's background information, technique,
inspiration and meaning.
The first difference between Monet's garden and Picasso's garden is artist's background information.
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Meaning is an explanation that uses to describe an emotion in the scene, which leads the audience to
a better interpretation of a narrative in the painting. Monet uses a quick–painted style to portray
reality, which, in this case, is a collective joy of intimate friends in a garden (Walton, 2007). In the
foreground, there is a graceful woman sitting under the tree and smiling at the sounds of her two
friends flirting behind her. A man and a woman seem to share a flirtatious conversation as the
woman appears a pink flush on her cheeks while answering the man's question, covering her face
with a bouquet of flowers in her hands, and sneakily looking at the man's face. Another woman,
young and innocent, staying in the background, is delightfully admiring the flower bushes around
her with a beaming smile appeared on her lips. She seems to be one of the nature lovers who can
solely spend most of her time outdoor amid the flower garden. The feelings of these three people are
all freshened up by the delightful talk and the support of natural surrounding around them. On the
contrary, Picasso prefers a sharp painting style represented in geometric shapes, such as triangle,
rectangle or oval, which may lead audiences to have a profound feeling ("Pablo Picasso," 2009).
Considering the painting named "Seated woman in a garden", Picasso captures a moment of a
woman sitting alone in a spacious garden. Perhaps the woman is waiting for her lover at the
appointment; however, as she waits longer she does not seem to see her love, therefore appearing
gloomy features. In addition, the nature around her seems to reciprocate her grief by appearing
leaves in a dull tone of green color instead of the freshly light green as revealed in the Monet's
garden. Thus, the painting of Monet is more appealing due to the delightful story of lively friends, a
pleasant couple, and a nature lover, which many
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Claude Debussy
Impressionism is a style of music that derived in the late 19th century thanks to French composer
Claude Debussy. It was almost analogous to the impressionist art at the time, which was supposed to
leave an "impression" on the audience, having meaning but never a clear one. The use of "color", or
timbre in the case of music, was heavily used to create the atmosphere of the pieces, achieved by
orchestration and texture. This style was seen as a response to Romanticism, getting rid of the
forward direction of standard harmonic progression, resulting in an obscure tonality and harmony.
The father of this style, Claude Debussy, was born in Saint–Germain–en–Laye, France on August
22, 1862, and having died in Paris on March 25, 1918. "Clair de Lune" ... Show more content on ...
For instance, textural reference to the sky or light might be expressed by a rising melodic line.
Symbolism was often found in Claude Debussy's work. Prélude à l'après–midi d'un faune or Prelude
to the Afternoon of a Faun, is an orchestral symphonic poem, based on the poem poem L'après–midi
d'un faune by Stéphane Mallarmé that was composed in 1894 by Debussy. Debussy used layered
orchestration and a free form texture to evoke the feeling of the original poem. Postmodernism in
music often follows characteristics that also adhere to other areas of postmodernism, like embracing
the absence of a single defining structure or ideology. It is not seen as a specific style of music but
rather music in the postmodern era. American composer John Milton Cage Jr, born on September 5,
1912 in Los Angeles and having died on August 12, 1992 in New York. Music for Piano, composed
through the years 1952–1962, consists of 85 indeterminate compositions for piano. The works
contained paper imperfections that were then turned into sounds using chance
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Claude Monet And Van Gogh
Impressionism began in the mid–1800 's while Paris was the artistic capital of Europe. While
Impressionism was rejected by the Salon de Paris, numerous artists grouped together so they could
finally paint what they wanted to paint. Impressionists broke away from traditional artists who
covered their canvas with dark undercoats versus the Impressionists painted on a white or cream–
colored background for a brighter look. What attracted many to impressionism paintings was the
shift from paintings focused on religious beliefs, historical moments, and influential people to art
that emphasized both beauty and feelings. Two of the most well–known impressionist artists are
Claude Monet and Vincent Van Gogh. Even though Monet and van Gogh were ... Show more
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Once there Monet met his first art dealer, Paul Durand–Ruel. After the war, his family moved to
Argenteuil, France. "Banding together with several other artists, Monet helped form the Société
Anonyme des Artistes, Peintres, Sculpteurs, Graveurs, as an alternative to the Salon and exhibited
their works together." He and other artists created an art group to challenge the Salon. These artists
were Pierre–Auguste Renoir, Camille Pissarro and Edouard Manet. The two hardships that Monet
faced in his life was financial hardship associated with the birth of his first son and the death of his
wife after she had been sick. "Throughout her life, Monet had painted her portrait several things
capturing her beauty, graciousness, and joy of life on canvas." Camille had been his muse, and
model in some of his paintings. With her passing, Monet felt lost and angry and grieved for the
longest time alone. These two things had a huge impact on his paintings that he made. Here is the in
the artwork, especially with the brush stroke. painting that he made of his wife when she passed
away. The painting shows impressionist styles by using thick brush strokes. Camille looks peaceful,
sleeping in a cocoon of blankets is protecting her. It seems as though Monet painted a bouquet of
flowers on top of her, white and
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Causes And Prevention Of Hurricane Katrina
Hurricane Katrina was a devastating event that left massive destruction in the Gulf coast of America
from Florida to Texas. It is recorded as the most cost devastating disaster in American history and
ranked third as the most catastrophic tropical cyclone in United States behind the Labor Day
Hurricane of 1935 and the Hurricane Camille of 1969. Much of this devastation was caused by
failure of storm surge and levee put in place for protection against these natural disasters. Two thirds
of deaths in New Orleans were attributed to these failures. Designers and builders of this system
were made responsible for its failure since they used shortcuts to save on funds. The devastation that
followed after the hurricane hit America was too big and people were furious at the government for
their lack of quick response to help their citizen. ... Show more content on ...
This is provided under the Assistance Act of Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency and
individual agency authorities to save lives, for public health protection, for citizen's safety, for
property protection and to minimise future threats. Under the Stafford Act, the president has to
declare a major disaster and determine the federal assistance needed to aid the state and local
government efforts. The measures put in place were supposed to be quick and effective to minimize
the vast effects of any disaster that might strike the
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Bay Saint Louis : The Characteristics Of Bay St. Louis
Bay Saint Louis is a town in Hancock County, Mississippi, United States. It is a peaceful town, had
a little population, which attracts the tourists. The city attacked by Hurricane Katrina in 2005, but it
recovered and be a tourist spot again. Bay Saint Louis is bordered to the north by the Jourdan River,
the primary inlet of the bay. The eastern boundary of the city is the Harrison County line in the
middle of the bay. The Stennis International Airport is the nearest airport in Hancock County. The
airport is just 15 km away from Bay St. Louis, Mississippi. So if you want, you can book a cab from
there. The casinos in Bay St. Louis Mississippi are very popular for tourists too.
If you're planning a quick and peaceful trip or want to be in a new coastal town for fun, Bay St.
Louis has all the characteristics you want. There are plenty of places you can visit in Bay Saint
Louis. Bellow, we give you some little details about them.
St. Rose de Lima Catholic Church: It is the first established school in this town for African
Americans opened in 1868. On 1925, the school became the St. Rose de Lima Church. It's a very
active church, and people come to prayer and to get the peace of mind.
Kate lobrano house: This House is constructed and planned as the shotgun style. Ms. Lobrano was
the owner of this home, died in 1921. You can see some Victorian architecture, Indian artifacts, and
historic photos of Bay Saint Louis in this house. This place is Open for Monday–Friday 10 am to
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Life Changing Experience Essay
Life Changing Experience
About one year ago I had a life changing experience, a trip to a little town called
Kerry on the outskirts of Dublin, Ireland. It was the most beautiful place that I have ever seen. Being
in the presence of such beauty helped me see life from a different perspective. I was just going to be
happy, appreciate what I have, be open–minded, not take anything for granted, and love everyone
and everything. When I came back from
Ireland I was truly happy, nothing could make me upset. But after awhile my constant elation came
to a gradual end, but I was soon to find that even though my elation ended I was going to be a
happy, loving, and open–minded person forever. And there was everyday influences like ... Show
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Someone doesn't die for
something they don't appreciate. When I think about those movies I am really happy, because I am
lucky, free, and free to seize any opportunity that comes my way. Art also reminds me of my
happiness, a single piece of art work can capture a moment of emotion or feeling. Artists like Claude
Monet really capture emotion well, in the painting, "The Stroll: Camille Monet", Monet painted
Camille standing in the middle of a field, it sounds simple. But Monet did such a good job that there
seems to be more, there is emotion. That is what makes art special, emotion, and that I can have my
own thoughts about what the artist is trying to say through their painting. In the Edward
Hopper painting, "Route 6" there is a real warm feeling coming from it. That warm feeling is one of
the best emotions that I have experienced, the only other time I get that feeling is when nature is at
it's best (sunsets, sunrises, grassy fields, ect.). That brings me to the artist Liz Sexton, her paintings
of nature are some of the most beautiful, natural, and unique pieces of art that I have ever seen. I
think that I am on of the luckiest people in the world to be able to appreciate this artistic beauty, that
in its self makes me a happy person. The most important influence in my
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Claude Monet And Impressionism
Claude Monet is one of the most classic examples of an impressionist artist. Impressionism
originated in France in the 1860's. It is characterized by visible brush strokes and a focus on light,
texture, and colors rather than looking realistic. Impressionist paintings are extremely easy to
recognize and often elicit strong emotions of tranquility and warmth. Monet had a life full of ups
and downs which shaped his artwork and his paintings and life have also influenced my own
personal style. Monet lived an interesting life full of hardships which inspired his paintings. He was
born in Paris, France on November 14, 1840. At an early age, Monet hated being confined to the
classroom and would rather spend his time being outside or filling notebooks with drawings. He
found support in his artistic efforts from his mother and therefore was greatly upset by her death in
1857. Monet became well known for his drawings of people around town and attracted the attention
of a local landscape artist, Eugene Boudin. Boudin introduced Monet to incorporating nature into his
art and to painting outside, which would later become one of Monet's most used techniques. In 1859
Monet moved to Paris to enroll in the Academie Suisse art school. Monet's paintings were selected
to be shown at an important art show in Paris called the Salon. One of the paintings shown was
Woman in Green which featured his lover, later wife, Camille Doncieux. Despite Monet's small
amount of success and notoriety as a
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Art Works Of Claude Monet
Monday morning, at 6:30 A.M, I can hear the sound of the wind blowing away the leaves on the tree
and rain pitter–patter outside my window that made me feel relaxed. Suddenly I heard my mother,
Elizabeth, yelling, "Elijah wake up! It's time for you to get out of bed and get ready for school!"
This is the perfect weather to stay in and sleep but unfortunately, I had to get out of bed and go to
school. I am currently attending an art school Le Havre, located in Le Havre, Normandy, where I
hope to develop my art skills and become a well–known artist. There, I met a good friend of mine,
Claude Monet, who is very passionate about art. We are very different when it comes to lifestyle, for
I was the only child of a wealthy family who owns a business and Monet's family was making
enough to get by. Monet's father, Adolphe Monet, was a grocer while his mother, Louise–Justine
Monet, was a singer. Monet was very undisciplined as a child, for he loved to be outdoors. For
Monet, going to school felt like prison, which explains why I rarely see him in class. One day, I
received a letter from Monet saying, "Dear Elijah, I am sorry to inform you that I am no longer able
to attend school because my mother had passed away and I will be living with my aunt for the next
year. We'll be in contact." One Saturday morning, 1866, I was finally able to reunite with an old
friend, Claude Monet, who I haven't seen for a couple of years. We managed to stay in contact using
the telegraph and decided
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Claude Monet Influences
Claude Monet has been one of the most influential artists of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Leading the Impressionist Movement, he brought forth new ideals in the art world. Monet had a
rough beginning, with many critics disapproving of his unconventional art style, but his
revolutionary works would come to be loved and would influence many future artists. Claude Oscar
Monet (though some sources say Oscar–Claude Monet) was born on November 14, 1840 in Paris
("Claude Oscar Monet Biography"). He and his older brother, Leon ("Claude Monet"), were born to
Claude–Adolphe Monet, a grocer, and Louise–Justine Aubrée, a singer. Monet's father wanted him
to continue the family's grocery store business, but he wanted to be an artist instead (Claude Oscar
Monet Biography"). This may have been due to, in part, his mother's influence–being a singer, she
taught him to appreciate the arts ("Claude Monet and His Paintings"). On April 1, 1851, at age ten,
Monet attended the Le Havre secondary school of the arts ("Claude Oscar Monet Biography"). He
was considered a decent student, but he would much rather be outside with nature than confined in
the ... Show more content on ...
. . was to share the experience of a blind person suddenly restored to sight, so that he could see the
world anew." Even the way in which he approached painting was out of the ordinary. Instead of
trying to paint specific objects, Monet broke the objects down into the colors and shapes that made
them up. He once gave advice to an American painter in 1890, saying "When you go out to paint, try
to forget what objects you have before you, a tree, a house, a field, or whatever. Merely think, here
is a little square of blue, here an oblong of pink, here a streak of yellow." Monet wasn't very
religious, and it's possible that he was even an atheist. Some say he used painting as a sort of form
of meditation
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Claude Monet Research Paper
Claude Monet had a different style of painting in the 1800's. He was a French painter who shed a
whole new light on the way painting could be done; he also was a lead figure in the impressionist
movement. To this day, Monet made such a huge impact on the world, that you can find his
paintings in museums across the globe! Monet was born on November 14th, 1840 in Paris, France.
His father worked in a family shipping business while his mother stayed home to care for him and
his siblings. In 1845 Monet was moved to the Normandy region and spent his childhood growing up
there. Although he was a good student, he never liked being in a classroom as he would much rather
spend his days outside. From the get go it was noticeable that Money was a fan ... Show more
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Boudin introduced Monet to the different styles of painting of the outdoors. Monet liked this
significant type of paintings and began to explore it in his own unique style which later became the
center of Monet's artistic work. Monet entered an annual juried art show in Paris in 1865, this show
chose two of his marine landscape paintings, he received critical praise and even though his work
was out there and being noticed, he still struggled financially. However, in the following year, he
was selected again to compete in the Paris art show; the judges chose a particular piece called "The
Woman In Green," this piece had a woman named Camille Doncieux. Doncieux was a muse for
Monet for several years and eventually the two got married. Monet was desperate for money, as he
had never struggled this much before. His father showed no interest in helping Monet and his wife.
Because of the money situation, Monet tried to commit suicide in 1868, by attempting to drown
himself in the Seine River. Louis–Joachim Gaudibert helped Monet by becoming a patron of his
work. With Gaudibert being a patron Monet was able to continue working and caring for his
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Paul Cezanne Essay
Post Impressionism, as the name would suggest, is the art movement that directly followed
Impressionism. One artist, who led the Post Impressionism movement, was French artist, Paul
Cézanne. Much of his early work was pure Impressionism and, although he was introduced to the
style and guided by Camille Pissarro, Cézanne's works showed a distinctive uniqueness. Cézanne
broke away from Impressionism because of the lack of composition; he felt the desire to depict
subjects in the third dimension as well as appearing flat. Cézanne did not agree with the
Impressionistic trait of portraying the world through light, instead, he built up images by a generous
use of colour. ... Show more content on ...
He did not have the same attraction towards light as did many Impressionist, he believed that the
structure of objects should be portrayed through colour, not light, "I seek to render perspective
only through colour". Cézanne created the illusion of depth in his works by adding numerous
layers of colour to distinguish the form of his subjects. He would perfect the design in his works by
distorting objects and having multiple viewpoints on the same object. In "Still Life with
Apples and Peaches" (1905), the table is seen from two different sides, as well as from above
and some of the objects on the table are viewed front on, while others are viewed from above.
Cézanne would create a 3D effect in his works by giving each object many planes he would add to
this effect with his vast use of colours. He took advantage of how 'warm' colours (reds and oranges)
and 'cool' colours (blues and greens) draw the eye closer or push it away. An example of this is in
"Mont Ste.– Victoire Seen from Bibemus Quarry" (1898–1906), the mountain in the
background use blues and greys to emphasise its position in relation to other objects. The boulders
in the foreground demonstrate Cézanne's use of planes; the areas that protrude are in blocks of red,
whereas the areas that are sunken in are in blocks of orange or yellow, giving the impression that it
has many faces.
Cézanne's later works
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Example Of A Fallacy Essay
1. A fallacy I found in the first paragraph is Red herring because there was a shift from "Dating is a
very recent phenomenon in world history" to a discussion of how women were chaperoned with
strict rules to follow (pg, 144). The second paragraph, I found the fallacy Hasty generalization:
"Today these young women want the freedoms that we won..." this is a generalization that is
unrepresentative of the targeted population (pg, 144). For the third paragraph, I found the fallacy
Straw man – the author creates and then attack young feminists, "they come from a protected, white,
middle–class world" and attacks with "these other women are nice, genteel, sexually repressed white
girls coming out of pampered homes, and when they arrive at college ... Show more content on ...
Author Paglia sets a bar stating, "Today these young women want the freedoms that we won," and
puts down the young women with, "they don't want to acknowledge the risk" (pg, 144).
Hasty Generalization: This citation was used for Straw Man and it falls under this fallacy too,
"Today these young women want the freedoms that we won..." this is a generalization that is
unrepresentative of the targeted population (pg, 144). "These young feminists today are deluded"
attacks targeted populations, which are the young feminists. Below there are many Hasty
generalizations found in the third paragraph:
"They come from protected, white, middle–class world, and they expect everything to be safe.
Notice how it's rarely black or Hispanic women who are making a fuss about this in the media or on
campus–they come from cultures that are fully sexual, and they are fully realistic about the dangers
of life. But many of these other women are nice, genteel, sexually repressed white girls coming out
of pampered homes, and when they arrive at college and suddenly hit raw male lust, the go, "Oh,
no!" (pg,
... Get more on ...
Camille Paglia's Rape and the Modern Sex War Essay
Camille Paglia's Rape and the Modern Sex War
Camille Paglia writes the article, Rape and the Modern Sex War, which is about young women being
vulnerable in today's society against rape and how feminism has mistakenly led women to believe
that they aren't in any danger. Paglia states her opinion to women because she believes "that women
are vulnerable and should be aware of the pervasiveness of rape" (83) all the time. Rape has been
around for hundreds of years and the effects it has on women are life long terrifying memories.
Paglia speaks to women saying that they should be ready for these situations and not be with a group
of guys alone, always be with other girlfriends, and learn to take feminism out of the picture and
realize ... Show more content on ...
Running to a certain authority is not the definition of a strong woman, says Paglia referring to her
Italian philosophy that existence brings about confrontation (84). She wants women to stand up for
themselves and when a man makes a rude remark about a women's sexuality they should deal with it
then and there. Paglia uses an example from the movie Where the Boys Are when talking about
feminism because the movie takes place in 1960 and is about women anticipating and defending
themselves against horny men. It's victim is lured into a room full of guys not seeing what is about
to happen and says that actions are often not perceived correctly and this is where the different
sexualities are noticed (84). This point can be argued because the media blows things out of
proportion and this evidence isn't really evidence because it 3 lacks reality and is an opinion of
Paglia's. Paglia's final assumption in her essay is geared toward both sexes and how we must prevent
rape as a society. Men and women must come to certain identities, which are somewhat similar but
are easily distinguished according to Paglia in my point of view. When a man has sex with a girl it is
said that he is entering manhood. When a woman menstruates she is becoming a "real woman" and
she wants women to know
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Nicolas Camille Flammarion : Skeptics And Characteristics
There are many skeptics and believers of psychics and the powers they possess. According to
Cambridge Dictionary, a psychic is "a person believed to have abilities, especially involving a
knowledge of the future, that cannot be explained by modern science"(Cambridge University Press
2017). The word psychic is derived from the Greek word 'psychikos' meaning pertaining to the soul
and also refers to the word, 'psyche' meaning the human mind. The word, psychic, is founded on a
bit of history and stories from Greek mythology and is still present in today's culture.
There's two possible people that coined the term psychic. It is believed that the term could have been
created by either astrologer and spiritualist, Camille Flammarion or chemist, William Crookes.
Nicolas Camille Flammarion was a French astronomer born in the mid 1800's. Flammarion was
exposed to two significant movements, the concepts by Darwin and Lamarck, and was here during a
time when spiritism was becoming extremely popular. He was believed to be "obsessed by life after
death, and on other worlds, and [who] seemed to see no distinction between the two" (Herrick).
Flammarion attempted to approach spiritism from a scientific viewpoint. Flammarion felt that
psychic was a great term to describe the abilities present within clairvoyance as they have the ability
to see into the human soul. In other words, to be psychic was to see the story of the human soul and
it's long path to perfection, and that
... Get more on ...
Biography Of Auguste Rodin 's ' The Gates Of Hell '
Auguste Rodin has a number of awe–inspiring pieces, ranging in medium, size, and location.
Outside the massive cluster in Paris, they pop up in the most unusual places, such as Philadelphia,
Seoul, Tokyo, and Raleigh. What is even more interesting is that many of Rodin's pieces were
designed to be part of a single great piece, a massive pair of doors, intended for an art museum that
grew into something much more. This piece is Rodin's Gates of Hell. The gates are particularly
significant to the world of art, not only for the sculptural mastery they display, but also for being a
rather revolutionary piece in regards to the physical build and the emotion provocation. They display
the characteristic Rodin flair for emotional content, perhaps ... Show more content on ...
In his creation techniques, Rodin used a casting technique, where he would first make the sculpture
out of clay or plaster, and then it to someone else to be cast and glazed into the blackened bronze
look he is so well known for. Perhaps this spare time allowed him to create more prolifically, as he
made multiple copies of many pieces, ranging in size. He would also often also combine separate
pieces with modification to create a new piece, many of which are well known. His gates are
remarkable because of this dedication, taking the typical relief method of only having only slight
amounts of depth created, to having the surface of the gates roiling with sinners pulling away from
the slab, their bodies protruding outwards. Theses gates excluded a number of motifs from a variety
of places, which leads, in turn, back to speculation on the influences Rodin had while designing
them. The main influences on the gates include Rodin's personal and professional life, The Inferno,
and artists and writers of the times. A relief is a sculpture done on a slab, with rationally layer being
taken away or added to create depth, without any main protrusions from the slab. Casting is a
complex process, but ultimately results in in a hollow metal replica of the sculpted. The pieces are
ground down to remove any imperfections, then finished with coats of metal oxides, known as a
patina, that react with the bronze and produces the
... Get more on ...

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Mary Stevenson Cassatt Essay

  • 1. Mary Stevenson Cassatt Essay There were many great artists who have done impeccable work. One was Mary Stevenson Cassatt was born on May 22, 1844, in Allegheny City, Pennsylvania, which is now part of Pittsburgh. She was the daughter of a real–state and investment broker. She was one of seven children, but two of her siblings died when they were infants. She was brought up in a high social ranking and her family reflected that. Mary went to schooling to prepare her to be a proper wife and mother. Other classes included homemaking, embroidery, music, sketching and painting. The Cassatt thought that travel was in essential part of learning, so in the 1850's her parents moved her and her siblings to Europe. She spent five years in Europe and visited many of the capitals, ... Show more content on ... In 1912, he developed cataracts in his right eye. In the art world, Monet was out of step with the avant–garde. But there was still a great deal of interest in Monet's work. During this period, Monet began a final series of 12 waterlily paintings commissioned by the Orangerie des Tuileries, a museum in Paris. As he experienced in other points in his life, Monet struggled with depression in his later years. Despite his feelings of despair, he continued working on his paintings until his final day on December 5, 1926, at his home in Giverny. There are some similarities between Cassatt's and Monet's style of painting. Such as their use of bright colors. And how they would stray from the contemporary style of some artists when they used theses bright colors. They were both impressionist artists. They also added the effect of chiaroscuro. However, there were some differences between them. Monet mostly painted landscapes, and he tended to use brighter colors when he painted. He would like to paint multiple pictures to capture the beauty in a land scape. Cassatt focused more on self–portraits, and her paintings were more structured, in my opinion. She really brought out the facial features of the people she ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Camille Paglia Summary Camille Paglia in presents a very critical analysis into the changes that have occurred over a long period involving the treatment of women by male species within the society. She highlights that women were strictly supervised back in the days since they saw male individuals as very dangerous and harmful to their wellbeing if they have their way. However, she highlights that the trend changed during their time in the early 1960s. However, her assertions can be seen to be heavily detached from the real engagement in the society. Therefore, this paper provides a detailed analysis into some of the weaknesses and fallacies as exhibited by Camille Paglia's reasoning. Camille Paglia talks about the increasing risk of rape in the current society as women demand more freedom without putting into consideration that it is their responsibility to take care of themselves. What the author forgets is that she is trying to compare the current society with her times in the 1960s, which are quite very different. She begins making her sentiments by stating the olden times and the difficulties they had to go through in their attempts to get the freedom they were yawning for. Camille states that it is only until the 60s when women started breaking the rules but always kept in mind that they were taking risks (Paglia, 2011, p. 22). This is a very confused reasoning since breaking of rules is something that cannot be carried out while being cautious since the consequences are the same. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Paul Gaugin Day Of The God Cameron Howard Hum Midterm Essay In Paul Gaugin's painting Day of the God (Mahana No Atua) it depicts a fictional presentation of an indigenous praise ritual being carried out by the Tahitian women the setting is on an island of Tahiti. Gaugin's painting is oil on canvas and uses a variety of colors to comply with his post–impressionistic style depicting real objects and expressing flat curving shapes pink, magenta, blues and reds for the shadows of the water it gives it a mystical look but the background of the painting gives the viewer somewhat of a realistic setting with the blue skies and the wind carved mountains that are complimented by the soft white clouds. When looking at this composition the viewers eyes are naturally attracted to the colorful water in the lower half of the painting, when looking on the left half of the pool it gives a sense of depth but flat and two– dimensional on the right as well as illogic color schemes in the reflection of the water. With the colors that were used in this painting it gives off a warm relaxing feeling within its island setting. There are some noticeable differences in this painting, the women all have different pose's as well as there all engaging in something different from the nude female bather in the front to the two islanders in the top left performing a ritual near the sculpture. The three women in the front are said to signify birth, life, and death which resembles the three "Ages of Man" with the figure to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Paul Gauguin Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are... Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going? Paul Gauguin is known for being one of the world's greatest painters, although he was not much appreciated at his time. His work seems to tell stories of his life. In his series of painting done in Tahiti, we can see the many wonders that Gauguin himself explored. Today Gauguin's painting run for millions. For example; Paul Gauguin's Maternite (II) done in 1899 was sold for $39.2 million. That wasn't the case back when Gauguin first started his new career. In this essay I will determine to explore Gauguin's life and his well–known painting Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going? Paul Gauguin was born in Paris, France on June 7, 1848. Gauguin's family was middle ... Show more content on ... By 1883 he had decided to devote himself full–time to painting, a profession that had no secure income. As Gauguin's wife realized that her husband would no longer be able to support her and their five children, she returned to her family, leaving Gauguin to pursue his art on his own. Between 1886 and 1891 Gauguin lived mostly in rural Brittany, although he did visit Panama and Martinique during that period of time. In Brittany, however, Gauguin was the center of a small group of experimental painters who were known as the school of Pont–Aven. Gauguin began to turn away from impressionism, and eventually began to adopt a less naturalistic style. His inspirations came from medieval stained glass, the lives of indigenous peoples, and Japanese prints. Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh introduced Gauguin to Japanese prints when the two men spent two months together at Arles in the south of France in 1888. By 1891, Gauguin was greatly in debt. He was also depressed, feeling that the civilized world around him was artificial. He left France to go to the South Seas to escape European civilization. He remained in the tropics for the rest of his life except for a visit to France between 1893 and 1895. He lived in Tahiti for a time and later moved to the Marquesas Islands. In the South Seas, his style remained essentially the same; as he used expressive color, no perspective, and thick, flat, brush strokes. On the year 1987, Gauguin ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Group Of Emotion In Monet According to Claude Monet, a famous impressionist artist, "It's on the strength of observation and reflection that one finds a way. So we must dig and delve unceasingly." (as cited by Kendall, 2004). As artwork is chiefly depicted in many different ways, such as in natural, spiritual, objective, or subjective description, Monet believes that a plein–air painting style can convey such profound feelings to audiences based on thorough observation and comprehension (Perry, 1927). Thus, there are four groups of emotion in Monet's paintings, which are serenity, loneliness, confusion, and joy. The first group of emotion in Monet's paintings is serenity. Serenity is a state in which people are liberated from anxiety or stress of daily hassle. Monet, ... Show more content on ... Joy is an emotion that reflects the fulfilment of human's desires involving the relationship. Monet, in general, depicts the happiness in his paintings based on a group of people and a nature as a subject matter (Stuart, 1916). A group of people represents love and caring between friends with an impressively intimate conversation. They share a moment of laughter while reminiscing the hilarious action of their friends. Furthermore, the beautiful nature around them, such as the flower bushes and the small trees, is depicted in a vividly bright tone of color as responded to the joyful moment of people. While, the their clothes are depicted in a more natural shade of color, such as blue and green. These colors imply that their feelings toward one another are perceptibly real and sincere as a natural color (Fitzgerald, 1905). The emotion of his paintings is mostly described in an amiable atmosphere of a group of people that shares a similar taste in particular subject (Fitzgerald, 1905). Monet paints them with the reminiscent emotion of his colleagues helping and supporting him through difficult times (Borgmeyer, 1912). A wonderful example of joyful moments in Monet's paintings is Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe or known as "The luncheon on the Grass" (Isaacson, 1972). The subject matter is a group of people having lunch together amid the beautiful nature. The colors in this painting include a natural shade of yellow, green, and blue. The painting represents the amiably delightful atmosphere of friends sharing food and beverage (Isaacson, 1972). In summary, joy is the final group of ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Article Summary Of On Date Rape By Camille Paglia "On Date Rape" is an article written by Camille Paglia, which argues the young women of today pay not much care about their safety while they're enjoying the freedom with men. The author points out that a woman should pay more attention to their safety while they spend their time with men, because a woman is likely becoming a victim in a rape case. In this article, the author also implies that even the law will protect women from the rape, but women themselves should build up a self– protection awareness to keep them away from the rape crime. However, even this article points out a main argument about self–protection awareness is necessary for a woman, but more or less of its points become fallacies of this article. In additional, the focus of my article is about to analysis the article by Camille Paglia, "On Date Rape". For the following paragraphs of my article, I'll summarize her article paragraph by paragraph briefly and analysis main fallacies of her article in detail. Granting to the article "On Date Rape" by Camille Paglia, each paragraphs of her article frame the main idea about why women should pay more attention about their safety. The first paragraph of the article explains how the author thinks about the freedom when she was a college student. When she was a college student, she insists to break the rules to run outside and enjoy the freedom with man, even her aunt advised her not to do that (Paglia). As well, the author points out in paragraph two, women should acknowledge the risk when they are having fun with men. I believe that this two paragraph give us the background information and the main argument of this article. But the author uses an instance of different racial group in paragraph three, to explain the white feminists were lack of self–protection awareness compared with black or Hispanic. She explains that because the black and Hispanic women come from a culture fill with sexuality and dangerous, that's why they will be more vigilant (Paglia). In my view, I think this is an improper example because it seems rushed to the conclusion without considering all of the variables about different racial group. In the fourth paragraph, Paglia uses a metaphor to explain even the women will have the ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Comparing Johann Liss And Shepherd And Camille Corot's... Johann Liss's Nymph and Shepherd and Camille Corot's Diana and Actaeon (Diana Surprised in Her Bath) evoke themes of female exposure under male surveillance. Both artists interject two male figures in the background of their paintings, one, the shepherd and Actaeon, is named and the other is unknown. Liss personifies danger and protection through his two men while Corot uses them as a narrative device to illustrate several moments in one space. Liss is particularly heedful of the sinister nature he crafts through the vulnerable, exposed, and unsupported nature of the nymph. Corot, on the other hand, creates a scene where the female subjects have a strong leader in Diana and are connected to and supported by their environment. Both artists achieve these differing interpretations by diverging in their use of space, color, and relationships between figures and landscape. Liss and Corot achieve very distinct goals through the two male figures placed in their works, but they both primarily place the men spatially behind the women in positions of surveillance. Liss places the shepherd behind and overlooking the nymph; he is identified as a shepherd because of the crook in his right hand. His profession is significant because it alters how the viewer perceives him. Without this knowledge, he would look threatening because of the dark value of the color of his body and the positioning of his crook above the nymph, perhaps in an attempt to harm her. Despite this, the layperson knows ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Camille Pissarro's 'Apple Harvest In Europe' Apple Harvest in Europe Introduction Apple Harvest is a painting created by a French artist named Camille Pissarro in 1888. The artwork is derived from the European culture focusing on the style of neo–impressionism or pointillism. The painting is made with the use of oil on canvas and currently located inside the Dallas Museum of Art in second floor in the section of European art. It depicts a lively image of farmers engaging in their daily activities where they are picking apples on a sunny day. The background of the landscape consists of a huge ranch with additional apple trees that gives a vibration of harvesting season. Similarly, it is a form of a representational artwork portraying physical labor by the farmers during that period. Camille Pissarro seemed to support the farmers of low social status and believed in hard work as some of his artworks are the representations of lives of these social groups (Dallas Museum of Art 2017). In the painting "Apple Harvest", he tries to picture working peasants in an apple farm in the French Countryside (Dallas Museum of Art 2017). This paper is an integration of the analysis of formal elements and principles relevant to the art work "Apple Harvest" and my experience of observation of this piece of art at the Dallas Museum of Art including a reflection upon the visit. Figure 1: "Apple Harvest", 1888, Oil on Canvas, European Art. Image Courtesy of Dallas Museum of Art. Formal Analysis Camille Pissarro uses different forms of ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Thinker By Dantes Inferno One of the most well–known sculptures in the world, A French Sculptor, Auguste–Rene Rodin created The Thinker (Also known as the thinking man) and was first seen completed of the year 1904. In France, the thinker was originally named The Poet, respectively Le Poète in French. Auguste started creating the artwork for a doorway, named "The Gates of Hell". Rodin created the piece based off of "The Inferno", a section of the Divine Comedy. Dante Alighieri wrote his first section of the Epic to describe a soul to the journey onwards to Heaven. It starts with Dante in Hell, as he endures suffering and punishment, while being guided by a poet named Virgil. The Gates of Hell summarize the first third of the Divine Comedy effectively. This doorway includes The Thinker, who seems to be looking down on Hell or Inferno. Many infer what the meaning of the Thinker could be the Actual character Dante in the poem, observing Hell as he does. He also could be portrayed as the Writer looking down at his poem and his scene. Just by observing this you can tell that the pose has consideration, doubt, but overall literally looking down on, avoiding hell, a sign of repentance of sin. This is just the backstory of the figure. In reality ... Show more content on ... The figure shows a naked man sitting down with his fist underneath his chin, with a curious expression, usually sitting on a rock. Just to examine the artwork itself, it is a great expression of philosophy, curiosity, meaning. Many critics say it is one of the most influential sculptures ever made. There are many ways to understanding the meaning of Rodin's masterpiece. It can relate to people that are regretting a action, pursuing an action, looking over on their life, Rodin was able to show various meanings and thoughts in only 1 sculpture. Arguably the most universal sculpture to ever been made. This work also bears a fitting quote, "A picture is worth a thousand ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Article Analysis Of Camille Paglia's On Date Rape On Date Rape is an article written by Camille Raglia, which argues the young women of today pay not much attention about their safety while they're enjoying the freedom they deserve. (Paglia) According to the author of this article, who also is a humanities professor and a cultural critic, a woman should pay more attention to their safety while they pursuit the freedom as man does. Because a woman is likely become a victim in a rape case. In this article, the author also implies that even the law should protect women from the rape, but women themselves still should build up a self–protection awareness to keep them away from the rape crime. (Paglia) However, even this article points out a main argument about self–protection awareness is necessary for a woman, but some of its point didn't support the main argument of this article. In additional, the focus of my article is about to analysis the article of Camille Paglia, On Date Rape. Also, I'll point out some misconceptions about her work. The first point I recognized in Paglia's article is the third paragraph of the article, which explains that because of the young feminists come from a white, middle class world, so that they expect everything should be safe as they think. On the other side, because the black or Hispanic women grow up in a different environment, where full of sexual culture, therefore they will pay more attention of their safety (Paglia). In my opinion, the rape crime is not only existing in black and ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Claude Manet – Impressionism – 19Th . Oscar-Claude Monet Claude Manet – Impressionism – 19th Oscar–Claude Monet was a founder of French Impressionist painting, and the most consistent and productive expert of the movement 's philosophy of communicating one 's observations before nature particularly applied to plein–air landscape painting. The expression "Impressionism" is from the title of his piece Impression, soleil levant (Impression, Sunrise), which was shown in 1874 in the first of the independent presentations mounted by Monet and his partners as an alternate choice to the Salon de Paris. Monet 's aspiration of painting the French countryside drove him to embrace a technique for painting the same scene repeatedly, trying to catch the changing of light and the death of the seasons. From ... Show more content on ... 35. Monet painted the subject twice, and it is unknown which of the two pictures was the artwork that showed up in the pivotal 1874 presentation, however more as of late, the Moscow picture has been favoured. Monet has been portrayed as "the main thrust behind Impressionism". Essential to the art of the Impressionist painters was the comprehension of the effects of light on the local colour of objects, and the impacts of the contrast of hues with each other. Monet 's long profession as a painter was spent in the quest for this aim. In 1856, his shot meeting with Eugene Boudin, a painter of little beaches, opened his eyes to the idea of plein–air painting. From that time, with a short intrusion for military administration, he committed himself to hunting down better than ever strategies for painterly expression. In 1877 a progression of works of art at St–Lazare Station had Monet taking a gander at smoke and steam and the way that they influenced shading and perceivability, being here and there misty and some of the time translucent. He was to further utilize this in study in the painting of the effects of mist and rain on the landscape. The investigation of the impacts of climate was to develop into various arrangements of works of art in which Monet often painted a similar subject in various lights, at various hours of the day, and through the ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Gibson Girl versus Flapper Girl Essay Gibson Girl versus Flapper Girl During the roaring twenty's a new type of women arose, a women who rebelled against society's standards for women, the Flapper Girl. The new Flapper Girl shocked society by setting a new type of women beauty that expressed their independence just like men. Meanwhile the Gibson Girl was the ideal figurehead for female beauty, they were often shown as fragile and vulnerable. Flapper Girls astonished the world by pushing the limits of the average Gibson Girl setting new limits that were never foreseen before for women. Before the Flapper Girl there was a more traditional women, the Gibson Girl who were seen as fragile ladies who relied on men to care for them. They often used corsets to obtain a hourglass ... Show more content on ... Many women enjoyed working, some of them continued to work after the war to pay for new labor saving devices such as the washing machine and vacuum. These women were also out of the house more and took leisure in dancing, smoking, drinking and other activates that use to be restricted to men only. Flapper Girls changed how society viewed women, they were now seen as more independent women who were not reliant on others, they even demanded the same rights as men such as the right to vote. The roaring twenty's completely changed how society viewed women, they were now independent and had many of the same rights men had. Gibson Girls were now a thing of the past; the new Flapper Girls took the country by storm allowing women to be more self–reliant. Women no longer stayed at home all day, they could now decide for themselves and what they wanted to do with their lives. This allowed many women to get jobs and earn a living for themselves. No longer did women have to live up to the standards of men, being a Flapper Girl allowed women to be treated equally. Women could now vote and obtain jobs that were once only available to men. In conclusion the roaring twenty's opened new opportunities for women that they had never had before. The Flapper Girl era allowed women to be more independent. Women could now vote, get the same jobs as men, wear clothing that ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Analysis: Landing Of The Rodrigue Brothers George Rodrigue is the artist I chose to research on because of his very bland unique of art work. George Rodrigue was born in the city of New Iberia on March 13, 1944– December 14, 2013. Mr.Rodrigue attended an all–male high school named Brothers of the Christian Schools. He started painting small landscape portraits and gradually increased to family gatherings. He studied art at University of Southwestern Louisiana which is known to us today as University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Also, he attended the Art Center College of Design in California. When Rodrigue returned back home in the late 1960s he was known for his creativity in the Cajun arts. This painting is called Landing of the Rodrigue Brothers it was created ... Show more content on ... This painting looks very basic and unusual. I would consider this to be a very unidentified portrait of a dog embracing the Cajun cultures. This painting shows me that it's okay to be unique and not like everyone else. The dog wearing a tie is not something you see on a daily basis which shows that being different is absolutely fine. Yes, this form does reflect the art because the meaning of this painting is very straight to the point and justified. The dog is sitting very still with a distinguished face almost as to like your different why can't I be. The artist emphasized the tie by painting bright yellow polka dots. By creating the bright yellow polka dots, it will pop out to people viewing the painting first. Majority of Rodrigue`s work is associated with the Cajun lifestyle. In all of his painting you can see little details of Cajun cultures. The artist doesn't really use much technique besides shading, lines, and a variety of colors. The blue dog that Rodrigue is famous for he uses a very distinct style of shading just enough to give some characteristics of the dog features. Lines are used to create the defined shapes. Rodrigue doesn't use a wide variety of colors. Most of his creations he uses very vibrant colors. The main source of inspiration is based off f the Cajun ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Moment Factory Analysis Check the new phrase I added in last paragraph, you can remove it if ya want if it does not fit Or help me out with where to put the new sentence MOMENT FACTORY: CULTURAL NOCTURNALIZATION AND NIGHT TIME ECONOMY THESIS: Montreal's nighttime cultural economy is defined by its nocturnalization, created through installations like the illumination of the Pont Jacques–Cartier bridge, the festivals of light such as Illuminart, and is capitalized upon by cultural economic producers, such as Moment Factory. Montreal's culture via these lights are a reverence to the city, providing a night time economy and a nocturnalization that are iconic to the city, but they do not change the inherent Montrealness. Moment Factory is a Montreal based entertainment ... Show more content on ... Cities tend to be the core of the overall night time economy, which constitutes of an," evening economy, running from 17.00 to 20.00 and a late night economy running from 20.00 until perhaps 04.00 the next morning" (Jones et al. 96). According to the article, "Media and the Urban Night", written by Will Straw, western society's transformation to 24 hour media access has impacted the longevity of urban encounters from day into night (Straw 1). The city seeks out these multimedia companies and artists for projects to support the demand of innovative concepts in order to make profit of socialization in the late hours (Straw 2). Moment Factory's method of doing this revolves around the medium of light, by eliminating the dominant restriction of nighttime living: darkness and inaccessibility. Historically, the creation of light supported by electricity was the starting point for nocturnalization and the night time economy as it is an, "... extension of the public realm, a new space and time of socialization" (Lovatt and O'Connor 131). The safety and accessibility for night time events in cities continues to depend on light and is what fully embodies the urban life after sunset, known as the urban night. (Straw 1). In Montreal, the night is a realm that allows urban creativity to be expressed in a matter it may market itself to make profit with the aim to attract both local citizens and tourists (Lecture 25, ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Essay On The Art Of Camille Corot When I first saw this painting done by Camille Corot, I was in awe. It was one of the many beautiful paintings that I saw on my first trip to the Fine Arts Museum of Houston. The painting looks almost dreamlike and soft, which amazed me on how a painter could create an art piece as such. This piece is called Orpheus Leading Eurydice from the Underworld, by Camille Corot, French, 1861, the medium is oil on canvas. I was immediately attracted to this art piece because of the earthy and naturalistic colors used, and how the landscape seems almost hazy. This enchanting painting tells the tragic Greek myth of Orpheus, the Greek god of music, saving his wife, Eurydice, from Hades, God of the Underworld. Orpheus absentmindedly breaks the terms of ... Show more content on ... Devoted to his paintings he once said to a friend "All I really want to do in life... is to paint landscapes. This firm resolve will stop me forming any serious attachments. That is to say, I shall not get married". I like the softness of how Corot painted this art piece. The painting, to me, looks simple yet topographical, due to the trees and bushes painted. What I did not like about this piece is the way he depicted the Underworld. The Underworld is said to be very dark and gloomy, due to all the dead spirits living there, but Corot paints it with light and lush, making it look anything but eerie. He uses Time and motion by showing Orpheus legs in a walking position, whilst holding Eurydice arm, leading her out of the Hades Underworld. Also, the texture of the trees and bushes have a realistic topographical and layered appearance with shades of blacks and browns. Since Corot is a landscape painter, he often uses atmospheric perspective to create the illusion of depth. He shows the spirits mourning their death in the background with shades of cool tones and uses light colors, while emphasizing Eurydice and Orpheus in the foreground with more deep and darker colors. Another element I've seen in Corot's painting is his use of space, he shows Orpheus and Eurydice on the corner right while the rest of the image is more focused on his beautiful landscape in the background. Additionally, the focal point that immediately caught my eyes attention was the spirits depicted ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. An Archival Memory Of The Pain Of Living With And Among... I do not wish to address the pain of living with and among human beings. Instead, I 'd like to respond to Nietzsche by posing a couple of questions that I find far more interesting: do we develop an archival memory of theory and the arts because of the pain they inflict on us? What relation does this have to the development of our being? In order to answer such a question, one would need to modify a couple of understandings: curiosity is now the act of making oneself open to the possibility of pain; fascination is a kind of pain tolerance, and the more sustained it is, the more one enjoys how much he or she can bear it. Socrates ' "block of wax" will be the major organizing image of this piece: "When we wish to remember anything which we ... Show more content on ... It sends signals that it 's filled to capacity, and when sentences stubbornly continue to be scanned, it tranquilizes. Is Sedgwick moving toward the painful end of the spectrum when she writes of Melanie Klein, "Engaging closely with Klein often feels like getting stoned, in the sense that the unchecked proliferation of the reader 's sense of recognition, endlessly recursive and relentlessly architectonic, quickly turns into a kind of fractal ineffability, resistant to the formulations of ordinary exposition" (128)? Despite the ostensible clarification ("in the sense that"), it is still unclear which sense of stoned is being suggested, and the diction that follows binds both senses into a somewhat banal but still effective pun: the "unchecked proliferation" is akin to too many "hits"; by "relentlessly architectonic," one must assume that Klein 's cunningly discharged barrage of ideas is experienced as a pummeling, one that Sedgwick may or may not be psychically prepared for at first flush. I once wrote that "the psychotic is paradoxically a seer and a gapeseed; he or she has traded one kind of stupidity for another, and, at least initially, can only react to this sudden perceptual expansion with stupefaction, a wide–eyed and witless 'Golly. '" There 's a comparable kind of ego pain that follows the inhalation of marijuana, in which a simple activity such as watching a movie absolutely overwhelms perception. Any time I 've ever ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Research Paper On Claude Monet Claude Monet and Impressionism Claude Monet was born in Paris on the 14th November, 1840. When he was five years old, he moved to the port town of Le Havre. For much of his childhood, Monet was considered by both his teachers and his parents to be undisciplined and, therefore, unlikely to make a success of his life. Enforcing this impression, Monet showed no interest in inheriting his father's wholesale grocery. The only subject which seemed to spark any interest in the child was painting. He developed a decent reputation in school for the caricatures he was fond of creating. By the age of fifteen, he was receiving commission for his work. It was at Le Havre that Monet met the painter Eugene Boudin. While Boudin's own paintings ... Show more content on ... The landscapes and colors of Algeria presented an entirely different perspective of the world, one which was to inspire him for many years to come. Theoretically, Monet should have remained in Algeria for seven years, but his time there was curtailed by the contraction of typhoid. The artist's aunt, Madame Lecadre, intervened and bought Monet out of the army. Her only condition: that Monet return to Paris and make a serious attempt at completing a formal artistic tuition course. Despite these provisions, Monet did not enroll in l'École des Artistes . It was a renowned institution, but one filled with the traditionalists that Monet was so determined to contradict. Instead, he joined the studio of the Swiss–born Charles Gleyre. Gleyre was a successful Salon painter but he was neither a professor at the École nor was he a member of the Académie . Remembering his own poverty as a student artist, Gleyre charged very little , only 10 francs for models and the studio. This leniency attracted a large number of artists. The student body, such as it existed, was extremely diverse: young, old; rich, poor; good, bad, etc. Among them all, however, Monet was to meet three very cl ose and influential friends: Frédéric Bazille, Auguste Renoir and Alfred SisleyThis subcategory of Gleyre's students was representative of the studio's diverse constitution. While all three of these painters were talented, they came from very different social backgrounds. Noticeably, ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Article Summary Of Camille Paglia's On Date Rape On Date Rape is an article written by Camille Paglia, which argues the young women of today pay not much care about their safety while they're enjoying the freedom they deserve. According to the writer of this article, who also is a humanities professor and a cultural critic, a woman should pay more attention to their safety while they pursuit the freedom as a man does. Because a woman is likely becoming a victim in a rape case. In this article, the author also implies that even the law should protect women from the rape, still, women themselves should build up a self–protection awareness to keep them away from the rape crime. However, even this article points out a main argument about self–protection awareness is necessary for a woman, but more or less of its points didn't support the main argument of this article. In additional, the focus of my article is about to analysis the article of Camille Paglia, On Date Rape. Besides, I'll point out some misconceptions about her article. The first point I recognized in Paglia's article is the third paragraph of the article, which explains that because of the young feminists come from a white, middle class world, so that they expect everything should be safe as they think. On the other side, because the black or Hispanic women grow up in a different environment, where full of sexual culture, hence they will pay more attention of their safety (Paglia, paragraph 3). In my judgment, the rape crime is not only existing in black and ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. HUM 112 Assigment 2 Essay Assignment 2: Project Paper Edwin D Giraldo Professor: Ibrahim H Alsaeed, Ph.D. HUM 112 11/29/14 Abstract In this paper, I choose to discuss three pieces of art from the 19th century Impressionist period and three from the Post–Impressionist period and how these six pieces of art compare to each style. Then I will draft a memo to the CEO of my company to describe the appearance, so that they will have an idea of what the art looks like and where it should be placed throughout the corporate offices. Next, we are going to explain the historical significance for each piece of artwork that I choose. Finally, I will descried to the CEO of my company how each piece of art matches the company's overall image. Office ... Show more content on ... As for placement of the last three paintings, I decided to put the A Lion Devouring its Prey in the central work area to show the employees that hard work and dedication will get them the rewards that they deserve for they have done for the company, the next one, In the Oise in the Valley, could be placed in the main break room of the company, so that the employees have a place to relax and not be disturbed in order to get away from the regular environment that any workplace create, even though just for a little while from their rigorous job, and The Yellow Books could be placed where the company keeps all its information on the business to represent how the business conducts itself and what the future holds for the business and all the customers. Explain why each piece is considered to be historically significant. Pierre Auguste Renoir made his mark historically on the surfaces of his paintings by using small dabs of pigment that were applied uniformly, but his brush strokes were somewhat nervous, but yet he used the sunlight effects that were achieved with colored shadows, and loose brushwork. ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Impressionist Artists: Jane Peterson Jane Peterson belongs to the group of Impressionist artists. Features of Impressionist artists include vibrant colors, genre subject matter, everyday life scenes, and thick, quick brushstrokes (2). She developed a thriving career as a female artist in the early to mid 1900s, which was uncommon. During this time women were seen as passive, weak, and were not allowed to do things men were allowed to do, according to the class notes. Peterson is an American artist, born in Illinois, and attended art school in New York then later studied in Europe. While studying in Europe the artist that influenced her most was Joaquin Sorolla. She met Sorolla when she was studying in Madrid, Spain. Sorolla is a Spanish Impressionist best known for landscape and genre paintings (5). During the early 1900s Peterson traveled all over the world including: Europe, the Middle East, and Coastal New England (6). While traveling she created paintings of scenic landscapes. Peterson's journey to Egypt in 1910 supplied her with the subject matter for multiple paintings including Boats on the Nile, Dawn. Key elements of the impressionistic style in Boats on the Nile, Dawn include heavy brushstrokes and vibrant colors. This painting portrays a sunrise at dawn with "two traditional Egyptian sailboats known as, "feluccas, gliding along the Nile (4)." Boats on the Nile, Dawn is a landscape painting of two sailboats at sunrise on the Nile River in Egypt. It is square shaped, about three by three ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Article Summary Of On Date Rape By Camille Paglia "On Date Rape" is an article written by Camille Paglia, which argues young women of today don't pay much attention to their safety while they're enjoying the freedom with men. The author points out that a woman should pay more attention to their safety while they spend their time with men because a woman will likely become a victim in a rape case. In this article, the author also implies that even the law will protect women from the rape, but women themselves should build up a self– protection awareness to keep them away from the rape crime. However, even this article points out the main argument about self–protection awareness is necessary for a woman, but more or less of its points become fallacies of this article. Also, the focus of my article is about to analysis the article by Camille Paglia, "On Date Rape". For the following paragraphs of my article, I'll summarize her article paragraph by paragraph briefly and analysis main fallacies of her article in detail. Granting to the article "On Date Rape" by Camille Paglia, each paragraph of her article frame the main idea about why women should pay more attention to their safety. The first paragraph of the article explains how the author thinks about the freedom when she was a college student. When she was a college student, she insists on breaking the rules to run outside and enjoy the freedom with a man, and even her aunt advised her not to do that. As well, the author points out in paragraph two, women should acknowledge the risk when they are having fun with men (Paglia). I believe that these two paragraphs give us the background information and the main argument of this article. But the author uses an instance of the different racial group in paragraph three, to explain the white feminists were lack of self–protection awareness compared with black or Hispanic. She explains that because the black and Hispanic women come from a culture fill with sexuality and dangerous, that's why they will be more vigilant (Paglia). In my view, I think this is an odd example because it seems rushed to the conclusion without considering all of the variables about the different racial group. In the fourth paragraph, Paglia uses a metaphor to explain even the women will have ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. The Vanquished Auguste Rodin Essay Auguste Rodin was born in Paris in on November 12, 1840. He was born into a poor family and his father was a policeman. Although he was a talented artist as a teenager, he lacked encouragement which made him choose a different career. Rodin worked as a bricklayer for 20 years. Then he went to Italy and during his stay he found inspiration there. On his return to Paris, he sculpted his first major piece, "The Age of Bronze", originally named "The Vanquished". Rodin said that, "Much as I love the Greeks, there is one thing I love more and that is nature." (AMA 130). This is very true of his sculptures. Although there is the presence of a body you can see the true nature of emotion through it. School was hard for Rodin because he had a hard time reading, but he took interest in drawing. He started taking art classes when he turned 13. This is when students and teachers gave him no recognition on his art and Rodin started doubting himself. At 17 years old, he applied ... Show more content on ... Italy is known for the deep art history with artists like Michelangelo, Donatello, and Raphael to name just a few. Rodin was inspired so much by these artists that he made his first major piece, "The Vanquished". It was made in 1876 and stands at six feet tall, making it a life size sculpture of a nude man. This sculpture showed his attention to such detail that when people came to see this sculpture they did not like how real it looked. People rumored that it was a fake sculpture. In the 1800's art had to be made for a reason and it had to have a theme. It does not represent most art from that time that had to with mythology. With its lack of "purpose" critics did not see "The Vanquished" as real art. All of the criticisms made him change the name to "The Age of Bronze". This also led to changing his style from something realistic to more naturalistic abstracted ideas. To do this he stopped being detailed and showed the inner turmoil's of human emotion through their ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Similarities And Differences Between Van Gogh And Monet Vincent van Gogh and Claude Monet are two highly influential contributors to the art world. Both are renowned artists whose creations are on display in several art museums throughout the world. They are two artistic geniuses who are more alike than they appear to be. While there are many similarities between the lives and art of these two prodigies there are numerous differences as well in their technique/style, subject matter, and personal lives. Technique and style are two things that an artist develops in order to define themselves. It acts as a trademark and it is what makes an artist's work unique. Van Gogh and Monet have incredibly similar techniques and styles, however, it is the disparities within them that make them distinct. The ... Show more content on ... During his 'Dutch' period, Van Gogh's subject matter was primarily focused on the lifestyle of the poor and the bible (Dubecky). In his 'French' period, Van Gogh had begun to shift his focus to drawing nude figures and portraits. Monet, conversely, liked to paint his subject matters in series. He would paint "the same subject at different times of the day in different lights" (Brown 1536). Some series that he painted included water lilies, bridges, and haystacks. Something that Van Gogh and Monet both really took passion in is basing their art on their life experiences. They both painted their surroundings such as landscapes, seascapes, and people around them. Van Gogh would also draw still lifes of food and would paint paintings based on his emotions during his recovered bouts of mental illness. Van Gogh and Monet had both lived exceptionally different lives. Van Gogh did not start off wanting to become an artist, he was actually very interested in theology and had eventually become a minister. It had seemed as though Van Gogh had found his calling. Unfortunately, he was released from the church after his generosity had betrayed him. While trying to help miners, he gave away all of his clothes and was only left with a cloth. The church committee overseeing Van Gogh let him go because he did not dress or preach eloquently. This led to Van Gogh gaining an interest in art which would lead him to go to an art school in Paris to ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. On the Bank of the Seine Bennecourt Formal Analysis Shane Cratty A Beautiful Day on the River Seine April 17th, 2012 Art 1.2 Section 4136 On the Bank of the Seine, Bennecourt by the French painter Claude Monet is one of the few great paintings that truly embody Impressionism. On the Bank of the Seine, Bennecourt was painted in 1868 on the Seine River in the Northwestern Portion of France. Created with oil on canvas and standing at thirty–two inches tall by thirty–nine and two–thirds inches wide, this painting depicts Monet's future wife, Camille Doncieux, gazing across the Seine River at a village not too far off in the distance. The ability this painting has to capture the eye is amazing and unique, and allows you to fully appreciate the Impressionist Art Movement. In this piece, ... Show more content on ... The artist creates color harmonies and contrasts throughout the whole peace which gives it a strange balance overall. The texture of the painting itself is probably rough. The artist makes no great attempt at conveying implied texture to the viewer. It seems as though implying texture may detract from the overall attitude of the piece. Altogether texture doesn't play a huge role in this work of art. Claude Monet's use of the illusionary space in this image is actually quite amazing. At first glance, your eye is drawn towards the left side of the painting, due to the amount of large and bulky objects in the foreground. Suddenly though your eyes turn to Camille; the woman gazing into the distance. As she stares off into the distance she acts a point to redirect the focus of the piece past the water and into the village across the river. This painting has a surprising power in that it is ability to fully mesmerize and captivate the viewer in a way few pieces of art can. The use of line in this piece is also very interesting. The artist employs a high horizontal line to create a plunging effect giving the piece more depth. Another use of lines in the image is to create focal points to attract the viewer. Lines are also used to separate the different sections of the painting. Overall this painting uses lines in dynamic ways that vastly enhance the viewers' pleasure and admiration of the piece. ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. What Is The Difference Between Monet's Garden And Picasso... Differences between Two Famous Artists' Artwork Artwork could be defined as a universal language that can carry ideas and emotions of an artist toward audiences via a particular narrative. Presently, there are many memorable art pieces from various artists. Claude Monet and Pablo Picasso have become prominent from their unique styles of artwork, which conveys a profound feeling through basic elements of art, such as the use of color and a narrative. Although two of them are highly notable for art, there are four differences between Monet's garden and Picasso's garden, which are artist's background information, technique, inspiration and meaning. The first difference between Monet's garden and Picasso's garden is artist's background information. ... Show more content on ... Meaning is an explanation that uses to describe an emotion in the scene, which leads the audience to a better interpretation of a narrative in the painting. Monet uses a quick–painted style to portray reality, which, in this case, is a collective joy of intimate friends in a garden (Walton, 2007). In the foreground, there is a graceful woman sitting under the tree and smiling at the sounds of her two friends flirting behind her. A man and a woman seem to share a flirtatious conversation as the woman appears a pink flush on her cheeks while answering the man's question, covering her face with a bouquet of flowers in her hands, and sneakily looking at the man's face. Another woman, young and innocent, staying in the background, is delightfully admiring the flower bushes around her with a beaming smile appeared on her lips. She seems to be one of the nature lovers who can solely spend most of her time outdoor amid the flower garden. The feelings of these three people are all freshened up by the delightful talk and the support of natural surrounding around them. On the contrary, Picasso prefers a sharp painting style represented in geometric shapes, such as triangle, rectangle or oval, which may lead audiences to have a profound feeling ("Pablo Picasso," 2009). Considering the painting named "Seated woman in a garden", Picasso captures a moment of a woman sitting alone in a spacious garden. Perhaps the woman is waiting for her lover at the appointment; however, as she waits longer she does not seem to see her love, therefore appearing gloomy features. In addition, the nature around her seems to reciprocate her grief by appearing leaves in a dull tone of green color instead of the freshly light green as revealed in the Monet's garden. Thus, the painting of Monet is more appealing due to the delightful story of lively friends, a pleasant couple, and a nature lover, which many ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Claude Debussy Impressionism is a style of music that derived in the late 19th century thanks to French composer Claude Debussy. It was almost analogous to the impressionist art at the time, which was supposed to leave an "impression" on the audience, having meaning but never a clear one. The use of "color", or timbre in the case of music, was heavily used to create the atmosphere of the pieces, achieved by orchestration and texture. This style was seen as a response to Romanticism, getting rid of the forward direction of standard harmonic progression, resulting in an obscure tonality and harmony. The father of this style, Claude Debussy, was born in Saint–Germain–en–Laye, France on August 22, 1862, and having died in Paris on March 25, 1918. "Clair de Lune" ... Show more content on ... For instance, textural reference to the sky or light might be expressed by a rising melodic line. Symbolism was often found in Claude Debussy's work. Prélude à l'après–midi d'un faune or Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun, is an orchestral symphonic poem, based on the poem poem L'après–midi d'un faune by Stéphane Mallarmé that was composed in 1894 by Debussy. Debussy used layered orchestration and a free form texture to evoke the feeling of the original poem. Postmodernism in music often follows characteristics that also adhere to other areas of postmodernism, like embracing the absence of a single defining structure or ideology. It is not seen as a specific style of music but rather music in the postmodern era. American composer John Milton Cage Jr, born on September 5, 1912 in Los Angeles and having died on August 12, 1992 in New York. Music for Piano, composed through the years 1952–1962, consists of 85 indeterminate compositions for piano. The works contained paper imperfections that were then turned into sounds using chance ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Claude Monet And Van Gogh Impressionism began in the mid–1800 's while Paris was the artistic capital of Europe. While Impressionism was rejected by the Salon de Paris, numerous artists grouped together so they could finally paint what they wanted to paint. Impressionists broke away from traditional artists who covered their canvas with dark undercoats versus the Impressionists painted on a white or cream– colored background for a brighter look. What attracted many to impressionism paintings was the shift from paintings focused on religious beliefs, historical moments, and influential people to art that emphasized both beauty and feelings. Two of the most well–known impressionist artists are Claude Monet and Vincent Van Gogh. Even though Monet and van Gogh were ... Show more content on ... Once there Monet met his first art dealer, Paul Durand–Ruel. After the war, his family moved to Argenteuil, France. "Banding together with several other artists, Monet helped form the Société Anonyme des Artistes, Peintres, Sculpteurs, Graveurs, as an alternative to the Salon and exhibited their works together." He and other artists created an art group to challenge the Salon. These artists were Pierre–Auguste Renoir, Camille Pissarro and Edouard Manet. The two hardships that Monet faced in his life was financial hardship associated with the birth of his first son and the death of his wife after she had been sick. "Throughout her life, Monet had painted her portrait several things capturing her beauty, graciousness, and joy of life on canvas." Camille had been his muse, and model in some of his paintings. With her passing, Monet felt lost and angry and grieved for the longest time alone. These two things had a huge impact on his paintings that he made. Here is the in the artwork, especially with the brush stroke. painting that he made of his wife when she passed away. The painting shows impressionist styles by using thick brush strokes. Camille looks peaceful, sleeping in a cocoon of blankets is protecting her. It seems as though Monet painted a bouquet of flowers on top of her, white and ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Causes And Prevention Of Hurricane Katrina Hurricane Katrina was a devastating event that left massive destruction in the Gulf coast of America from Florida to Texas. It is recorded as the most cost devastating disaster in American history and ranked third as the most catastrophic tropical cyclone in United States behind the Labor Day Hurricane of 1935 and the Hurricane Camille of 1969. Much of this devastation was caused by failure of storm surge and levee put in place for protection against these natural disasters. Two thirds of deaths in New Orleans were attributed to these failures. Designers and builders of this system were made responsible for its failure since they used shortcuts to save on funds. The devastation that followed after the hurricane hit America was too big and people were furious at the government for their lack of quick response to help their citizen. ... Show more content on ... This is provided under the Assistance Act of Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency and individual agency authorities to save lives, for public health protection, for citizen's safety, for property protection and to minimise future threats. Under the Stafford Act, the president has to declare a major disaster and determine the federal assistance needed to aid the state and local government efforts. The measures put in place were supposed to be quick and effective to minimize the vast effects of any disaster that might strike the ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Bay Saint Louis : The Characteristics Of Bay St. Louis Bay Saint Louis is a town in Hancock County, Mississippi, United States. It is a peaceful town, had a little population, which attracts the tourists. The city attacked by Hurricane Katrina in 2005, but it recovered and be a tourist spot again. Bay Saint Louis is bordered to the north by the Jourdan River, the primary inlet of the bay. The eastern boundary of the city is the Harrison County line in the middle of the bay. The Stennis International Airport is the nearest airport in Hancock County. The airport is just 15 km away from Bay St. Louis, Mississippi. So if you want, you can book a cab from there. The casinos in Bay St. Louis Mississippi are very popular for tourists too. If you're planning a quick and peaceful trip or want to be in a new coastal town for fun, Bay St. Louis has all the characteristics you want. There are plenty of places you can visit in Bay Saint Louis. Bellow, we give you some little details about them. St. Rose de Lima Catholic Church: It is the first established school in this town for African Americans opened in 1868. On 1925, the school became the St. Rose de Lima Church. It's a very active church, and people come to prayer and to get the peace of mind. Kate lobrano house: This House is constructed and planned as the shotgun style. Ms. Lobrano was the owner of this home, died in 1921. You can see some Victorian architecture, Indian artifacts, and historic photos of Bay Saint Louis in this house. This place is Open for Monday–Friday 10 am to ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Life Changing Experience Essay Life Changing Experience About one year ago I had a life changing experience, a trip to a little town called Kerry on the outskirts of Dublin, Ireland. It was the most beautiful place that I have ever seen. Being in the presence of such beauty helped me see life from a different perspective. I was just going to be happy, appreciate what I have, be open–minded, not take anything for granted, and love everyone and everything. When I came back from Ireland I was truly happy, nothing could make me upset. But after awhile my constant elation came to a gradual end, but I was soon to find that even though my elation ended I was going to be a happy, loving, and open–minded person forever. And there was everyday influences like ... Show more content on ... Someone doesn't die for something they don't appreciate. When I think about those movies I am really happy, because I am lucky, free, and free to seize any opportunity that comes my way. Art also reminds me of my happiness, a single piece of art work can capture a moment of emotion or feeling. Artists like Claude Monet really capture emotion well, in the painting, "The Stroll: Camille Monet", Monet painted Camille standing in the middle of a field, it sounds simple. But Monet did such a good job that there seems to be more, there is emotion. That is what makes art special, emotion, and that I can have my own thoughts about what the artist is trying to say through their painting. In the Edward Hopper painting, "Route 6" there is a real warm feeling coming from it. That warm feeling is one of the best emotions that I have experienced, the only other time I get that feeling is when nature is at it's best (sunsets, sunrises, grassy fields, ect.). That brings me to the artist Liz Sexton, her paintings of nature are some of the most beautiful, natural, and unique pieces of art that I have ever seen. I think that I am on of the luckiest people in the world to be able to appreciate this artistic beauty, that in its self makes me a happy person. The most important influence in my ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Claude Monet And Impressionism Claude Monet is one of the most classic examples of an impressionist artist. Impressionism originated in France in the 1860's. It is characterized by visible brush strokes and a focus on light, texture, and colors rather than looking realistic. Impressionist paintings are extremely easy to recognize and often elicit strong emotions of tranquility and warmth. Monet had a life full of ups and downs which shaped his artwork and his paintings and life have also influenced my own personal style. Monet lived an interesting life full of hardships which inspired his paintings. He was born in Paris, France on November 14, 1840. At an early age, Monet hated being confined to the classroom and would rather spend his time being outside or filling notebooks with drawings. He found support in his artistic efforts from his mother and therefore was greatly upset by her death in 1857. Monet became well known for his drawings of people around town and attracted the attention of a local landscape artist, Eugene Boudin. Boudin introduced Monet to incorporating nature into his art and to painting outside, which would later become one of Monet's most used techniques. In 1859 Monet moved to Paris to enroll in the Academie Suisse art school. Monet's paintings were selected to be shown at an important art show in Paris called the Salon. One of the paintings shown was Woman in Green which featured his lover, later wife, Camille Doncieux. Despite Monet's small amount of success and notoriety as a ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Art Works Of Claude Monet Monday morning, at 6:30 A.M, I can hear the sound of the wind blowing away the leaves on the tree and rain pitter–patter outside my window that made me feel relaxed. Suddenly I heard my mother, Elizabeth, yelling, "Elijah wake up! It's time for you to get out of bed and get ready for school!" This is the perfect weather to stay in and sleep but unfortunately, I had to get out of bed and go to school. I am currently attending an art school Le Havre, located in Le Havre, Normandy, where I hope to develop my art skills and become a well–known artist. There, I met a good friend of mine, Claude Monet, who is very passionate about art. We are very different when it comes to lifestyle, for I was the only child of a wealthy family who owns a business and Monet's family was making enough to get by. Monet's father, Adolphe Monet, was a grocer while his mother, Louise–Justine Monet, was a singer. Monet was very undisciplined as a child, for he loved to be outdoors. For Monet, going to school felt like prison, which explains why I rarely see him in class. One day, I received a letter from Monet saying, "Dear Elijah, I am sorry to inform you that I am no longer able to attend school because my mother had passed away and I will be living with my aunt for the next year. We'll be in contact." One Saturday morning, 1866, I was finally able to reunite with an old friend, Claude Monet, who I haven't seen for a couple of years. We managed to stay in contact using the telegraph and decided ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Claude Monet Influences Claude Monet has been one of the most influential artists of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Leading the Impressionist Movement, he brought forth new ideals in the art world. Monet had a rough beginning, with many critics disapproving of his unconventional art style, but his revolutionary works would come to be loved and would influence many future artists. Claude Oscar Monet (though some sources say Oscar–Claude Monet) was born on November 14, 1840 in Paris ("Claude Oscar Monet Biography"). He and his older brother, Leon ("Claude Monet"), were born to Claude–Adolphe Monet, a grocer, and Louise–Justine Aubrée, a singer. Monet's father wanted him to continue the family's grocery store business, but he wanted to be an artist instead (Claude Oscar Monet Biography"). This may have been due to, in part, his mother's influence–being a singer, she taught him to appreciate the arts ("Claude Monet and His Paintings"). On April 1, 1851, at age ten, Monet attended the Le Havre secondary school of the arts ("Claude Oscar Monet Biography"). He was considered a decent student, but he would much rather be outside with nature than confined in the ... Show more content on ... . . was to share the experience of a blind person suddenly restored to sight, so that he could see the world anew." Even the way in which he approached painting was out of the ordinary. Instead of trying to paint specific objects, Monet broke the objects down into the colors and shapes that made them up. He once gave advice to an American painter in 1890, saying "When you go out to paint, try to forget what objects you have before you, a tree, a house, a field, or whatever. Merely think, here is a little square of blue, here an oblong of pink, here a streak of yellow." Monet wasn't very religious, and it's possible that he was even an atheist. Some say he used painting as a sort of form of meditation ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Claude Monet Research Paper Claude Monet had a different style of painting in the 1800's. He was a French painter who shed a whole new light on the way painting could be done; he also was a lead figure in the impressionist movement. To this day, Monet made such a huge impact on the world, that you can find his paintings in museums across the globe! Monet was born on November 14th, 1840 in Paris, France. His father worked in a family shipping business while his mother stayed home to care for him and his siblings. In 1845 Monet was moved to the Normandy region and spent his childhood growing up there. Although he was a good student, he never liked being in a classroom as he would much rather spend his days outside. From the get go it was noticeable that Money was a fan ... Show more content on ... Boudin introduced Monet to the different styles of painting of the outdoors. Monet liked this significant type of paintings and began to explore it in his own unique style which later became the center of Monet's artistic work. Monet entered an annual juried art show in Paris in 1865, this show chose two of his marine landscape paintings, he received critical praise and even though his work was out there and being noticed, he still struggled financially. However, in the following year, he was selected again to compete in the Paris art show; the judges chose a particular piece called "The Woman In Green," this piece had a woman named Camille Doncieux. Doncieux was a muse for Monet for several years and eventually the two got married. Monet was desperate for money, as he had never struggled this much before. His father showed no interest in helping Monet and his wife. Because of the money situation, Monet tried to commit suicide in 1868, by attempting to drown himself in the Seine River. Louis–Joachim Gaudibert helped Monet by becoming a patron of his work. With Gaudibert being a patron Monet was able to continue working and caring for his ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Paul Cezanne Essay PAUL CÉZANNE Post Impressionism, as the name would suggest, is the art movement that directly followed Impressionism. One artist, who led the Post Impressionism movement, was French artist, Paul Cézanne. Much of his early work was pure Impressionism and, although he was introduced to the style and guided by Camille Pissarro, Cézanne's works showed a distinctive uniqueness. Cézanne broke away from Impressionism because of the lack of composition; he felt the desire to depict subjects in the third dimension as well as appearing flat. Cézanne did not agree with the Impressionistic trait of portraying the world through light, instead, he built up images by a generous use of colour. ... Show more content on ... He did not have the same attraction towards light as did many Impressionist, he believed that the structure of objects should be portrayed through colour, not light, "I seek to render perspective only through colour". Cézanne created the illusion of depth in his works by adding numerous layers of colour to distinguish the form of his subjects. He would perfect the design in his works by distorting objects and having multiple viewpoints on the same object. In "Still Life with Apples and Peaches" (1905), the table is seen from two different sides, as well as from above and some of the objects on the table are viewed front on, while others are viewed from above. Cézanne would create a 3D effect in his works by giving each object many planes he would add to this effect with his vast use of colours. He took advantage of how 'warm' colours (reds and oranges) and 'cool' colours (blues and greens) draw the eye closer or push it away. An example of this is in "Mont Ste.– Victoire Seen from Bibemus Quarry" (1898–1906), the mountain in the background use blues and greys to emphasise its position in relation to other objects. The boulders in the foreground demonstrate Cézanne's use of planes; the areas that protrude are in blocks of red, whereas the areas that are sunken in are in blocks of orange or yellow, giving the impression that it has many faces. Cézanne's later works ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Example Of A Fallacy Essay 1. A fallacy I found in the first paragraph is Red herring because there was a shift from "Dating is a very recent phenomenon in world history" to a discussion of how women were chaperoned with strict rules to follow (pg, 144). The second paragraph, I found the fallacy Hasty generalization: "Today these young women want the freedoms that we won..." this is a generalization that is unrepresentative of the targeted population (pg, 144). For the third paragraph, I found the fallacy Straw man – the author creates and then attack young feminists, "they come from a protected, white, middle–class world" and attacks with "these other women are nice, genteel, sexually repressed white girls coming out of pampered homes, and when they arrive at college ... Show more content on ... Author Paglia sets a bar stating, "Today these young women want the freedoms that we won," and puts down the young women with, "they don't want to acknowledge the risk" (pg, 144). Hasty Generalization: This citation was used for Straw Man and it falls under this fallacy too, "Today these young women want the freedoms that we won..." this is a generalization that is unrepresentative of the targeted population (pg, 144). "These young feminists today are deluded" attacks targeted populations, which are the young feminists. Below there are many Hasty generalizations found in the third paragraph: "They come from protected, white, middle–class world, and they expect everything to be safe. Notice how it's rarely black or Hispanic women who are making a fuss about this in the media or on campus–they come from cultures that are fully sexual, and they are fully realistic about the dangers of life. But many of these other women are nice, genteel, sexually repressed white girls coming out of pampered homes, and when they arrive at college and suddenly hit raw male lust, the go, "Oh, no!" (pg, ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Camille Paglia's Rape and the Modern Sex War Essay Camille Paglia's Rape and the Modern Sex War Camille Paglia writes the article, Rape and the Modern Sex War, which is about young women being vulnerable in today's society against rape and how feminism has mistakenly led women to believe that they aren't in any danger. Paglia states her opinion to women because she believes "that women are vulnerable and should be aware of the pervasiveness of rape" (83) all the time. Rape has been around for hundreds of years and the effects it has on women are life long terrifying memories. Paglia speaks to women saying that they should be ready for these situations and not be with a group of guys alone, always be with other girlfriends, and learn to take feminism out of the picture and realize ... Show more content on ... Running to a certain authority is not the definition of a strong woman, says Paglia referring to her Italian philosophy that existence brings about confrontation (84). She wants women to stand up for themselves and when a man makes a rude remark about a women's sexuality they should deal with it then and there. Paglia uses an example from the movie Where the Boys Are when talking about feminism because the movie takes place in 1960 and is about women anticipating and defending themselves against horny men. It's victim is lured into a room full of guys not seeing what is about to happen and says that actions are often not perceived correctly and this is where the different sexualities are noticed (84). This point can be argued because the media blows things out of proportion and this evidence isn't really evidence because it 3 lacks reality and is an opinion of Paglia's. Paglia's final assumption in her essay is geared toward both sexes and how we must prevent rape as a society. Men and women must come to certain identities, which are somewhat similar but are easily distinguished according to Paglia in my point of view. When a man has sex with a girl it is said that he is entering manhood. When a woman menstruates she is becoming a "real woman" and she wants women to know ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Nicolas Camille Flammarion : Skeptics And Characteristics There are many skeptics and believers of psychics and the powers they possess. According to Cambridge Dictionary, a psychic is "a person believed to have abilities, especially involving a knowledge of the future, that cannot be explained by modern science"(Cambridge University Press 2017). The word psychic is derived from the Greek word 'psychikos' meaning pertaining to the soul and also refers to the word, 'psyche' meaning the human mind. The word, psychic, is founded on a bit of history and stories from Greek mythology and is still present in today's culture. There's two possible people that coined the term psychic. It is believed that the term could have been created by either astrologer and spiritualist, Camille Flammarion or chemist, William Crookes. Nicolas Camille Flammarion was a French astronomer born in the mid 1800's. Flammarion was exposed to two significant movements, the concepts by Darwin and Lamarck, and was here during a time when spiritism was becoming extremely popular. He was believed to be "obsessed by life after death, and on other worlds, and [who] seemed to see no distinction between the two" (Herrick). Flammarion attempted to approach spiritism from a scientific viewpoint. Flammarion felt that psychic was a great term to describe the abilities present within clairvoyance as they have the ability to see into the human soul. In other words, to be psychic was to see the story of the human soul and it's long path to perfection, and that ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Biography Of Auguste Rodin 's ' The Gates Of Hell ' Auguste Rodin has a number of awe–inspiring pieces, ranging in medium, size, and location. Outside the massive cluster in Paris, they pop up in the most unusual places, such as Philadelphia, Seoul, Tokyo, and Raleigh. What is even more interesting is that many of Rodin's pieces were designed to be part of a single great piece, a massive pair of doors, intended for an art museum that grew into something much more. This piece is Rodin's Gates of Hell. The gates are particularly significant to the world of art, not only for the sculptural mastery they display, but also for being a rather revolutionary piece in regards to the physical build and the emotion provocation. They display the characteristic Rodin flair for emotional content, perhaps ... Show more content on ... In his creation techniques, Rodin used a casting technique, where he would first make the sculpture out of clay or plaster, and then it to someone else to be cast and glazed into the blackened bronze look he is so well known for. Perhaps this spare time allowed him to create more prolifically, as he made multiple copies of many pieces, ranging in size. He would also often also combine separate pieces with modification to create a new piece, many of which are well known. His gates are remarkable because of this dedication, taking the typical relief method of only having only slight amounts of depth created, to having the surface of the gates roiling with sinners pulling away from the slab, their bodies protruding outwards. Theses gates excluded a number of motifs from a variety of places, which leads, in turn, back to speculation on the influences Rodin had while designing them. The main influences on the gates include Rodin's personal and professional life, The Inferno, and artists and writers of the times. A relief is a sculpture done on a slab, with rationally layer being taken away or added to create depth, without any main protrusions from the slab. Casting is a complex process, but ultimately results in in a hollow metal replica of the sculpted. The pieces are ground down to remove any imperfections, then finished with coats of metal oxides, known as a patina, that react with the bronze and produces the ... Get more on ...