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Uranus, The Planet Of Planet
Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun, right behind Saturn, and in front of Neptune. Uranus is
considered a Jovian planet alongside with Jupiter, Saturn & Neptune. In 1781, a British astronomer
named William Hershel discovered the planet of Uranus. Hershel discovered the planet through his
6–inch telescope and thought it moved relative to the star, but noticed it traveled rather slow to be a
star of some sort. Hershel originally wanted to name the planet Georgium Sidus, which is Latin for
"George's Star". Astronomer Johann Bode suggested to Hershel that he shall name the planet
"Uranus" which is the father of Saturn, in that way using the names from ancient mythology is
continued on. It's not easy to see Uranus from Earth; you need to have specific equipment to observe
it closely. Even through a telescope, Uranus looks like a tiny, bluish, greenish disk. Uranus' distance
from the sun is approximately 2.9 billion km, which is about 1.8 billion miles. It has one of the
lowest densities of about, on average, 710(kg/m3). As you may already know, there is never a
definite explanation on how the planets we see today were formed. There are a couple of theories
that explain how it may have come about. 2 theories that are known about are Core accretion and the
disk instability method. The core accretion explains the terrestrial planets better rather than giant
planets like Uranus. An estimated 4 billion years ago the solar system was a cloud of dust and gas
which we know as the
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The Scorpio Research Paper
I asked Jackleen about my sign, the Scorpio, for my tattoo that I had been thinking of for a while.
She said it was her favorite sign surprisingly enough but also the hardest sign to be. I've learned that
Scorpios are the only sign with 3 symbols. The first one is the Scorpio and is described as vindictive
and grudge holding. The scorpion then evolves in to an eagle. You have transformed into the eagle
when you become less self–absorbed. Lastly, the phoenix is the final transformation when you
reached self–actualization. Everyone has a little Scorpio in their chart so we all give off these
characteristics. "Pluto and mars are a Scorpio's commanding planets, which means they control the
sign." ( I also asked Jackleen about my
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The Physics Of The Solar System
Formally, classified natural satellites or moons include 176 planetary satellites orbiting six of the
eight planets. Of the inner planets, Mercury and Venus have no natural satellites; Earth has one large
natural satellite, known as the Moon; and Mars has two tiny natural satellites, Phobos and Deimos.
The large gas giant planets have extensive systems of natural satellites, including half a dozen
comparable in size to Earth 's Moon. The objects in the solar system are classified foremost by their
dynamics and motion, while size and composition are important for secondary classification. The
solar system itself is, defined by the orbits of its constituent bodies. Classification by motion is more
useful for astronomers. In fact, the dynamics of the solar system were a central issue for early
astronomers such as Ptolemy in the second century and Nicholaus Copernicus in the 16th century. In
what follows, we introduce different classifications of the planetary moons.
1.2. Classification of motion of natural satellites
1.2.1 Classification based on the orbits
The natural satellites may be, classified into three categories according to their orbits (Newburn and
Gulkis, 1973; Burns, 1986) as follows.
Category 1: Regular satellites
The regular satellites move prograde in nearly circular orbits in the equatorial plane of the mother
planet. This sector of satellites represents the four Galilian satellites of Jupiter, the eight classical
satellites of Saturn (from Mimas to Iapetus),
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Anime And The Anime Of Anime
Subtitles are captions displayed somewhere on the screen that translate foreign language. Whether
or not an anime has subtitles has proven its importance amongst its western fans. Anime is Japanese
made so for other countries like the United States to be able to watch it without any prior knowledge
of their spoken language it must either have subtitles added in or translate the japanese to the native
language of said group by recording also known as dubbing. Many people in the western culture
begin by watching dubbed anime as children then eventually transition to watching subbed. With so
many who belong to opposing sides this led to disagreements to which is better, anime subbed or
English dubbed. This disagreement led to a sub group within the anime community known as the
purist, purist are fans that only watch subbed anime. These fans are often known to belittle dubbed
viewers on a variety of different points that make dubs inferior. Many of these claims actually
manage to carry some weight, such as dubs changing the meanings of entire situations, changing the
animation to remove what they consider explicit and removing scenes, that cause choppy character
development. Needless to say that the experience between the two groups must be vastly different.
The claims made by the the purist audience is true Anime with subtitles is more beneficial to the
anime community than English dubbed anime.
Dubbed anime are known to make errors in the translation that has the capacity
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Earth : The Only Frontier
Levi Clay
English 12
Robin Cook
30 November 2015
Earth: The Only Frontier Scientists have thought for many years that life could exist beyond Earth.
Outer space is a large place and has endless places life could possibly exist. Life is a very delicate
thing therefor the planet which contains it has to meet precise conditions. However, after all the
exploration and research scientists have come up with no results on other life forms away from
Earth. Earth is the only place to support human life because of its atmosphere, planetary
composition, climate and water availability. Scientists however are misleading people into believing
in the possibility of life beyond our planet. A planet's atmosphere plays an important role in life.
Earth has atmospheric conditions that are perfect to support human life. Oxygen is what humans
need to breath and is the most important gas. Oxygen makes up twenty one percent of earths
atmosphere. Seventy eight percent of earths atmosphere is nitrogen which is used by plants and put
out when humans exhale. The other one percent of gases in earths atmosphere are small and of very
little importance to human life. This makes earth very different from the other seven planets
"What you take from the earth, you must give back. That 's nature 's way." (Chris d 'Lacey, The Fire
Within) Mercury however has a different atmospheric composition. It is composed of hydrogen,
helium, oxygen, sodium, and potassium.
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Similarities Between The Inner And Outer Planets
"Our solar system consists of one star and some debris," said Carl Sagan. There are many
differences and similarities between the Inner and Outer planets. Our solar system is comprised of
the Sun being in the middle, then followed by planets rotating it. The planets which orbit the Sun are
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The Inner planets are very
different from Outer planets and the Outer planets are completely different from Inner planets, but
both are very similar in many ways. Our planets in the solar system have many similarities and
First of all, Inner planets are different from Outer planets in many ways. The surface of Inner planets
compared to Outer planets are rocky, Inner planets are denser, all the Inner planets are in the asteroid
belt. "The Cosmos is all that is or was or ever will be. Our feeblest contemplations of the Cosmos
stir us –– there is a tingling in the spine, a catch in the voice, a faint sensation as if a distant memory,
of falling from a height. We know we are approaching the greatest of mysteries."–Carl Sagan.There
is nothing more than what there is. The surface of the Inner planets is very different from those of
the Outer planets because, Earth compared to Uranus is completely different due to Uranus being
mostly made out of gas. The Inner planets are also much denser than Outer planets. For example,
Venus ' average density is 5.24g/cm3 as opposed to Neptune which is 1.33g/cm3. Lastly,
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Argumentative Essay About Pluto
Pluto is the ninth planet in Earth's solar system. However, throughout the years, Pluto has had many
differing views on it. Some believe that it isn't a planet at all, since it does not meet all 3
classifications of a planet (Williams Dwarf). On the other hand many scientists do still classify Pluto
as a planet. Looking past all of the controversy, Pluto still has a remarkable history in astronomy.
Pluto was discovered in 1930 by, Clyde Tombaugh, an American Astronomer. But, received its name
by an 11 year old girl from England named Venetia Burney (NASA). In Roman mythology Pluto
was the god of the Underworld. This name is believed to have won due to the fact that it is the
farthest from the sun that it is in darkness, like the Underworld. However it was a total accident how
Pluto was discovered in the first place. ... Show more content on ...
In 1906 Percival Lowell, an American mathematician and Astronomer, initiated a research project to
find the infamous "Planet X," the possible ninth planet. Sadly, Lowell died before completing the
project. However, his research captured two pictures of Pluto that no one recognized as the ninth
planet. After Lowell's death, the search did not resume until the late 1920's, when Tombaugh was
entrusted with the "PLanet X" project. At the time Tombaugh was 23 and spent a year
photographing the night sky and analyzing the images. On February 18th, 1930, Tombaugh
discovered a possible moving object in an image taken that Janurary. After this more proof was
found that "Planet X" had been discovered (Williams
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Pluto Characteristics
The once ninth planet in our solar system has a very interesting inception from the creation of the
mass itself to the naming and later Planet status change. It was the most recently discovered planet
in our solar system before it was declassified.
Pluto is a dwarf planet formed as many other small rocky objects in space did, but is much larger in
comparison. Like the other satellites in close proximity with Pluto, it is composed mostly of the very
common things found naturally in space particles of rock, dust, and ice held together by its low but
effective gravitational pull. Soon afterward the new planet drew in an atmosphere made out of
primarily Nitrogen with small traces of Methane and Carbon Monoxide. The characteristics of
Pluto's atmosphere are very unique for the planets in our solar system. As Pluto gets farther away
from the Sun, it's atmosphere begins to deteriorate because the water vapor making up a majority of
the atmosphere refreezes back to it's surface. ... Show more content on ...
Further observations of Neptune in the late 19th century led astronomers to believe that Uranus's
orbit was being disturbed by a large unknown object besides Neptune. In 1906, Percival Lowell–a
wealthy Bostonian who had founded the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, in 1894–started
an extensive project in search of a possible ninth planet ninth planet, which he termed "Planet X".
Lowell conducted his search for the not–yet discovered Pluto until his death in 1916. Ironically, his
surveys had actually take two faint images of Pluto on March 19 and April 7, 1915. The earliest
known prediscovery observation was made by the Yerkes Observatory on August 20,
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The Goal : A Process Of Ongoing Improvement
From: MIDN 2/C Sangrones, Joshua R
To: My Future Sailors
Ref: (a) The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement
Encl: (1) Citation Page
1. Introduction
a. In the near future, I plan to be an officer in the United States Navy. With that being said, an officer
is required to have certain traits and abilities in order to succeed. What I believe the most important
trait an officer can have is the ability to be an effective leader. Upon commissioning, as a young
junior officer in the fleet, I will face challenges that will test my ability to lead efficiently. A trait that
in my opinion, that is essential to every effective leader is being knowledgeable. In order to prepare
to become an effective ... Show more content on ...
After commissioning, as a young junior officer, we will be tasked with unfamiliar jobs and
responsibilities. It would be wise for me as a new member to meet with the Commanding Officer to
see the status of the command and the division that I will be in charge of. I would also be tasked to
fix the problems and overcome challenges that coincide with the position I am entrusted with. These
problems and challenges may include but are not limited to low morale, work inefficiencies,
incorrect procedures, incompetency, etc. Solving these problems require the initiative seek and
identify the root of the problem. Having knowledge of these roots within a specific area would make
it easier to determine a solution. I, the junior officer, will be able to use what I know in order to
come up with the best possible way to solve the issue. With these solutions, we are able to
accomplish the ultimate goal set by the CO.
2. Knowing the goal
a. The story then proceeds to Rogo leaving the meeting in order to recoup. After some time thinking
about what Jonah said, he realized that he needed to understand what the goal of the company is. He
came up with several desired results including efficient production of goods, low production cost,
being a good boss, and meeting sales requirements. However, when he thoroughly analyzed what
the goal was, he realized that what the plant really needed
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A Brief Summary On Drinking And Traveling
– 08 JAN – AIMD will have their AMI.
– 08 JAN – All Hands call in the AM. G–1, make sure you have two flatbeds on the Flight Deck for
this All Hands call.
– Each Division LCPO/DIVO shall hold at least 5 minutes talk with your Division about Drinking
and Driving before securing Friday. Hammer in their heads UBER! UBER! UBER! and make them
repeat UBER! back to you. No one will secure Friday until you have reported to me directly face to
face that you held a 5 minutes talk with your Sailors about Drinking and Driving. Try to make a
positive impact!!
The attached msg shall be read during your 5 minutes talk loud and clear. No exception!!
– 10 Jan (1800) will be our Pre–deployment Brief. This is mandatory for All Hands. All ... Show
more content on ...
– BIG XO made the following mandatory: Any Sailor found on the 03 Level using their phone at
any time, they will lose their phone and this one will be turned in to Security. Culprit will have to go
down with his/her LCPO/DIVO to retrieve the phone. If I am called to Security to retrieve the phone
then you are out and I am in. Corrective action will be max and well documented. Get the word
out!! – MID–TERM Counseling for E–3/4 is coming. It is mandatory for All Hands to receive a
Mid–Term Counseling. Once you have completed your MID–Term Counseling you will report
completion to me. I do not need to see the MID–TERM but I will receive a recall list indicating
completed. Ensure you write in the MID–TERM each Sailor's role and responsibility within their
Division and in the Navy.
– 13–14 Jan Reactor will power down and we will have no electricity again.
– If your thermostat is not working then you need to but a trouble call and get it fixed.
– We are not in "CASREP ONLY". Get the RPPO to S–1 and make sure that everything we have
place on order still outstanding and not deleted. Order everything you will need for Deployment
now. We have money!!!! First come – First Served.
– Anyone who misses Firefighting Class will receive a Counseling Chit for documentation purposes.
Sailor will not get another chance to miss Firefighting Class.
– Anyone who wants to be a facilitator for the New FULL SPEED AHEAD training can volunteer
now. It is open for E–6
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Should Pluto Be Considered A Planet Essay
Many may urge that Pluto should be considered a planet for it has similar characteristics as the
planets of the Solar System; however, others still believe that Pluto should not be considered a
planet because of its slight differences and conditions that are not matched.
Pluto is recognised by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) as a dwarf planet for it doesn't
match the third condition of what defines a planet. IAU proposed three conditions to becoming a
planet. The first condition being: (a) is in orbit around the Sun; the second condition being: (b) has
sufficient mass for its self–gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic
equilibrium (nearly round) shape; the third condition, in which Pluto has not met the standards to,
being:(c) has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit. Pluto doesn't meet the standards to the
final condition as Pluto follows the orbit path of some asteroid–like objects in space and are
surrounded with these objects. If people were to ignore the third condition and recognise Pluto ...
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Reporters with interest in Pluto have published many articles related to the matter of whether Pluto
should be considered a planet. Many are opposing the opinion that Pluto should not be considered a
planet as the third condition is very vague. For instance, the Earth's neighbourhood could be
considered as not cleared out as the moon is following it around; Jupiter is continuously having
contact with asteroids named Trojans, and Neptune's orbit crosses over with Pluto's orbit. The
Guardian stated in one of it's articles that Pluto should not have a ban from being a planet due to its
small size. IAU, however, has not made any regards on this criticism. These opposing views about
Pluto may be correct in a way; however, factually speaking, Pluto is still not considered as a planet
as IAU has not made any changes towards its definition of the word,
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Pluto Pros And Cons
People love Pluto, whether they are young or old it does not seem to matter. The 'planet' (and Walt
Disney's beloved character) holds a special place in a lot of people's hearts. Yet, this only became
clear to me after reading The Pluto Files by Neil deGrasse Tyson. I remember when Pluto's
classification changed from being a planet to a dwarf planet however, I was never aware of how big
of a controversy it caused. The fact that there was a conference deciding whether or not we should
keep Pluto as our ninth planet was not something I was aware of previously to this book. Tyson does
a wonderful job explaining the story of Pluto and not only the how the planet was reclassified but
also why. As we spoke about in class Pluto does not really fit into the categories of being a planet,
this was one of the major arguments as to why Pluto should not be considered our nineth planet
anymore. I believe that it is interesting that some people were trying to then create a classification
specifically for Pluto. However, this obviously did not come to be as there must be more than one of
something in order for it ... Show more content on ...
What is surprising is how people reacted and continue to over the decision. I agree with Tyson when
he says "Find quote about Pluto being the smallest planet and largest dwarf planet" Yet, it is
surprising that a lot of people do not feel this way. Why are people so emotionally attached to an
object that is billions of miles away? Is it because it was one of the easier planets to remember in the
solar system? Or perhaps it was because it was the smallest and people tend to cheer for the
underdog. No doubt Disney's fun, loving pup had some help in the matter as well. Whatever the case
people feel strongly enough about the issue to write Tyson personally about the regrouping of their
favorite planet. Again what surprises me is that it was not only children but also
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The Pluto: The Creation Of Our Solar System
To me, astronomy means understanding more about the universe we live in. We often get short
sighted living on Earth, and we fail to realise just how much more there really is out there, not only
in our Solar System but in the Milky Way and beyond! Learning about different planets and other
celestial bodies opens up a whole new world (pardon the pun) of learning, and can teach us about
past events such as the creation of our Solar System or even the universe. And by learning more
about these foreign bodies, we are also learning more about the forces that govern Earth, how Earth
came to be, and what may lie in store for us. Overall I think it is a very interesting subject, and while
more down–to–Earth people (again, pardon the pun) may scoff ... Show more content on ...
Once considered the last planet in our Solar System, it was declassified in 2006 and is now said to
be located in the Kuiper Belt. Pluto failed the third section of the planet test: the planet must have
cleared the neighbourhood of its orbit of all other celestial objects. It was named after the Roman
god of the Underworld, and has 5 moons. The largest, Chiron, is sometimes considered to be a twin
planet to Pluto, since they are so similar in size and Chiron always faces Pluto the same way, much
like our Moon does the Earth. The other moons, Nix, Hydra, Styx, and Kerberos, orbit at a greater
distance, and are considered true moons. Pluto also has an elliptical orbit, and sometimes passes in
front of Neptune so that it is closer to the Sun than the farthest planet of our galaxy.
There are three main characteristics that define a planet, and two that divide a planet from a dwarf
planet. The two main characteristics between a planet and a dwarf planet are:
A planet must have enough "self gravity" to have a spherical shape.
A planet must have cleared the surrounding neighbourhood of it's orbit of all other celestial bodies
and objects.
Although most dwarf planets inhabit the Kuiper Belt, there is one notable exception that reside in
the Asteroid Belt named Ceres. Dwarf planets are also notorious for following long elliptical orbits,
while the planets, though they still follow an elliptical orbit, are on a much more circular path.
Overall, dwarf planets
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In a Category All Their Own: Dwarf Planets Essay
Since ancient times, the universe had captivated people's imagination and curiosity. With the
limitation on technology, early sky watchers were only capable of classifying objects they observed
as either a star or a planet. During the twentieth century, with advancement in telescopes to see
further into space with more accurate details, scientists were able to find numerous stars and planet
like objects within the solar system. Scientists had no trouble classifying objects such as Uranus and
Neptune as planets. However, the real trouble came when they discovered a planetary object called
Ceres. Objects like Ceres and Pluto behaved similarly to regular planets. Because of the limitations
on the technology at the time, it was very difficult ... Show more content on ...
Dwarf planets are celestial bodies that are in direct orbit of the Sun.
In 2006, the IAU set a definition for a planet in the solar system as the following: is in orbit around
the Sun, has sufficient mass to assume a hydrostatic equilibrium (or a nearly spherical shape) and
has cleared the neighborhood around the object. Dwarf Planets passed two of the three necessary
requirements of the planet test. One is that they are always in orbit around the Sun and the other is
that they are nearly spherical in shape. However, they did not pass the test of clearing its
neighborhood of any debris. Planets are able to clear smaller bodies near its orbit such as small
asteroids through collision, capture or gravitational disturbance. Dwarf planets lack the mass to do
so. As a result, they have a weak gravitational force that is unable to keep its orbital influence
cleared from asteroids that float around in the Kuiper Belt territory.
Although the International Astronomical Union had given their guidelines for a planet they haven't
specified an upper and lower size and mass limits of dwarf planets. Many scientists assume the
upper mass of a dwarf planet is when the mass of the object is just below of what is necessary to
have a strong gravity to clear its orbiting neighborhood. Because once the object is large enough to
have a stronger gravitational field then it is not a dwarf planet anymore.
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Essay On Safety Training Center
Thank you for taking the time on being interested in this plan. The goal is to open a new Maritime
Training Center in Las Vegas, Nevada and become an established Safety Training Center in the
maritime industry to various commercial enterprises and most importantly Military Sealift
Command, the largest operator of civilian manned logistic support vessels for the U.S. Navy. Before
we get into want everyone wants to know, let me start off with a bit about my background and
I'm Captain Edward Santillan, and a current employer with Military Sealift Command. I have been
working with MSC for the last 20 years, started as an entry–level position in the Supply Department
and worked by way up to Master Unlimited Tonnage. I'm and ... Show more content on ...
This is something Las Vegas can capitalize on as there is no training site available. There are a good
percentage of sailors that live in the area, as most sailors desire to live in a tax–free state. I am one
of them!
There are 8 maritime academies that are pumping out 800 Third Officers and Third Assistant
Engineers every year. These new junior officers that end up sailing will eventually require attending
the courses we will be providing. Now, they are creating Junior Supply Officer(s), which I intend to
create courses to support advancement in this rate.
There are various Gun Ranges to support Small Arms Training, which is a high demand course
requirement in Military Sealift Command, even with the Unions who are contracted by Military
Sealift Command. This course alone would pay for the overhead cost at the training center.
However, this business plan is not about one course; it's about two dozen courses we can start
without having to invest in high price training aids like a simulator. However, once we get
established the goal will become a full service Maritime Center with a Simulator.
The proposed training center will be only 5 hours away from the Military Sealift Command CSU–W
pool in San Diego, where CIVMARs are backlogged sometime waiting weeks for openings on their
required training. We will provide transportation to and from the San Diego
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Analysis Of Robin Thicke 's ' The Summer '
In 2013, Robin Thicke, a relatively unknown but well–seasoned R&B singer, found major success in
his upbeat song "Blurred Lines," which featured the big–named artists Pharrell Williams and T.I.
(McKinley). The hit song broke records by spending 16 weeks on top of Billboard's Hot R&B/Hip–
Hop Song chart, its popularity earning it the title of Billboard's Song of the Summer (Ramirez). The
uncensored video on Vevo features three female models wearing nothing but shoes and nude–
colored underwear dancing and strutting around Thicke, Williams, and T.I., who are fully dressed
and frequently seen looking at the women's bodies. Although "Blurred Lines" garnered extreme
popularity, it didn't go unnoticed that the lyrics and video, especially when paired together, tended to
be off–putting for women, even though there was supposedly no intention of sexist allusions. When
viewed through the lens of Stuart Hall's "Encoding/decoding" model, the stark contrast between the
creators' intended meaning of the "Blurred Lines" video and the way in which the audience
perceived it illustrates??? In "Encoding/decoding," Stuart Hall provides audiences with an alternate
process of communication. Instead of following the "sender/message/receiver" structure, Hall
examines what he describes as a "'complex structure of dominance'" which considers the "distinctive
moments" including "production, circulation, distribution/consumption, reproduction." One of the
most major aspects of Hall's proposed
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The Elven Star
I think that the star is very beautiful I do not know much about the Elven star yet but what I do know
about it is that it is a seven pointed star or, Then again it is known as a septagram or heptagram and
it other name is a faerie star a sacred symbol to the faeries. It is said to have many meanings it is just
the way the person looks at it. The number seven is also a number that I believe is a lucky number
and it is also just so happens to be the same number of points on the Elven star. Seven is surrounded
by the remarkable things such as thought which is associated with consciousness, it deals with
analysis and understanding,it has the knowledge and awareness, it stands for meditating and
spiritual, and is a eccentric loner. purple is associated ... Show more content on ...
with these symbols being seen as balance, they are equal in mirroring the seven great powers of
planetary magic. This seven pointed star is a gateway symbol this means that it is a opening for our
world and for the Faery, and the otherworld. The Faerie star has been selected by many old and
newer faiths,which is some of these modern day Wicca or witchcraft such as the Faerie Tradition
and then there is the Blue star. "It has been found in the Former Georgian Coat of Arms (1918–1921;
1991–2004). The Cherokee Nation has integrated the symbol into various bands of the Cherokee
Nation." Many police bodies use the 7 pointed star on their badges, the Navajo Nation Police are
one of them. According to "The Elements Encyclopedia of Secret Signs and Symbols" this star
shows the seven stars called the Pleiades. It represents the number seven. Seven is also a lucky
number It represents the Seven Colors of the Rainbow – Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo,
and Violet. Sums up with your new understanding of the symbol. the symbol is used for practices in
the Faerie tradition it represents many things depending on who is looking at it, it is also a seven
pointed star that is encircled in a circle. Seven is associated with the moon. The moon is a concept of
the maiden, mother and
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Family : A Different Definition Than An Adult Essay
Family can be defined in a verity of different ways and depending who you ask, the answer will
vary. A 5–year–old can have a different definition than an adult. Our book Understanding families
defines family as "any unit that defines itself as a family, including individuals who are related by
blood or marriage as well as those who have made a commitment to share their lives" (Hanson, 2).
The definition of family will be viewed differently in school systems, hospitals, and even legally.
Society has constructed this image of family, that holds an unrealistic expectation on communities
and especially on children. The image society has placed on us, is a husband and a wife living
behind a white picket fence, with 2.5 children and a dog. However, what I have learned is that
family changes, they come and go, and do not last forever. As a little girl I thought my family whom
is blood related are the only people I can call family. I learned that is not the case, family are the
people who will stand by you, and be there for you. Family can be anyone who you choose, and
deiced to intergrade into your family system. My family system has changed a lot over the course of
my lifetime. At a young age I learned that family was not always going to stick around, they leave to
live in another life, and with time I have slowly accepted that realization. The family model I
selected to represent my family structure is the solar system. I have carefully selected and placed my
family in
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The Educational Journey Essay
The Educational Journey
Education is a journey through the universe. The universe is enormous and seems to have no end. If
a person wants to be truly educated, he or she must spend years in school studying both important
and trivial information. The material in the solar system represents the years a student spends in
school. The remaining space in the universe is the endless learning one does outside of the
The sun may not be in the center of the universe; however, the sun is the central core of the
educational journey. The sun is where the educational journey begins. The elementary school years,
kindergarten through fifth grade, are important years for the student. The elementary school grades
are the years where a ... Show more content on ...
On the other hand, Thomas argues that boys often have a hard time in the classroom when their
teacher is female. According to Tony Moody, in Thomas' article, instead of encouraging the boys,
female teachers may ridicule them for their aggressive behavior. This constant chastising is seen by
male students and their parents as a lack of respect for the male student (121). However, Moody first
came to this conclusion with the experience of his own son. Can a person who uses his own son as
an example be taken seriously? After all, there are not many parents in this wold who will admit that
their son or daughter could possibly be a troublemaker. Most parents are in denial, believing that
their child is a perfect angel. I have experienced this numerous times when talking to parents about
their children. Yet, students must get past this so called bias and grasp the concepts that will be the
basis of the rest of their knowledge. Once a student has the basic concepts, the space shuttle can be
boarded for the tour of the terrestrial planets.
The terrestrial planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. These four planets are the planets that
are closest to the sun. Terrestrial means earthlike; therefore, these planets are all earthlike because
they have a solid ground. The terrestrial planets are the middle school years. The knowledge learned
here orbits the sun. If the knowledge learned at the sun is not retained, a student may have a
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New Horizon Space Project Report
On January 19, 2006 NASA launched the New Horizon Space Probe from Cape Canaveral Air Force
Base in Florida. It soured into space via the Atlas–V rocket. The New Horizon Space Probe is part
of the New Frontier Program which was developed in 2001. This program was designed to explore
new frontiers via satellites in our solar system. The New Horizon Space Probe was sent into space to
explore Pluto (at the time it was considered a planet) and its moons. By the time the probe reached
Pluto the planet was no longer considered a planet. The budget New Horizons was around $700
million and built by the Southwest Research Institute and Johns hopkins Physics Research Institute.
Along with all the scientific equipment on the prob there were a handful ... Show more content on ...
This is a Trans–Neptunian object or a minor planet. It was discovered in 2014 by scientists using the
Hubble Telescope. There are a few other object which appear to be gravitationally attracted to one
another, making it a contact binary. The orbital period of these object are about 295 years. New
Horizon will come within 3,500 miles of the objects. The New Horizon Mission brought a new
information on Pluto and the surrounding moons. Based on the crater count on Pluto's surface the
dwarf planet has been geologically active the past four billion years. In particular, a massive ice plan
large than Texas named Sputnik–Planum shows signs of being geologically active within the past
ten million years. Also Pluto's surface is still puzzling to scientists as its composition is unlike any
of the other Jovian planets. The surface goes from Nitrogen based to methane based to Oxygen
based. In addition the atmospheric temperature is much colder than what scientists believed, by
about 70 degrees F. Also thanks to the New Horizons probe scientists now believe they can theorize
how Pluto's atmosphere haze layer formed. The process of its formation is based on atmospheric
buoyancy waves or gravity waves. This affected is caused by the winds blowing over the
mountainous surface of Pluto.
Pluto's Moon Charon appeared to have a "ancient surface". It was observed in the Vulcan Planum
area of the planets where the once great plans lied. Scientists
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Pluto Essay
In the outer limits of our solar system there is a planet unlike any other, Pluto. Pluto was discovered
in February of 1930 by an American astronomer, Clyde Tombaugh. It is the only planet to have been
discovered by an American. All though we have known of the existence of Pluto for over thirty
years now, there are still many mysteries surrounding this celestial body. Being the farthest planet
has made it difficult to study Pluto, Adding to the obscurity of this strange planet is that the
capability to send spacecraft such distances has never been achieved. Through the wonders of
science and astronomy, there are many things that can be determined, concluded, and hypothesized
about this obscure planet.
Pluto's ... Show more content on ...
To be qualified as a planet and object must orbit a star, is not star–like in that it is undergoing
internal nuclear fusion, and has a gravitational force that will allow it to retain a spherical shape.
Pluto certainly fulfills these requirements, however, there are Kuiper objects that also meet the same
criteria. These objects have been classified as minor planets and have been assigned a numerical
designation. Despite all the argument for demoting Pluto to a minor planet, its status has remained
the same, even if solely contributed to maintaining historical context.
As mentioned earlier, Pluto has a rather unusual orbit. Pluto, while it is the furthest planet from the
sun, for twenty years during its two–hundred and forty nine year orbit, it is actually the eighth
planet, crossing over Neptune's orbit. Regardless of the fact that the orbits of the two planets cross,
their orbits will not allow for them to ever collide. This is mainly due to Pluto's orbiting not staying
in the elliptic plane. Because of its unusual orbit, Pluto travels above and below Neptune as the
cross, avoiding collision. What also allows these two bodies to cross paths and avoid impact is that
when Pluto is at one side of the sun, Neptune is at the other. This is a result of Pluto taking three
times as long to make one orbit around the sun in comparison to Neptune.
Pluto crossed in
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Neptune: Fastest Gas Planets In The Solar System
Neptune is unique. Neptune is one of the biggest gas planets in the solar system, also it is about the
eighth planet that is closest to the sun. Neptune is twice as big as the earth in so many ways, When
Neptune was first discovered in 1846, Neptune became the most distant planet in the Solar System.
The gentlemen that discovered it was named Johann Gottfried Gann he is a German astronomer that
wanted to discover something new and different so him and his team urban le terrier and John
Couch Adams. They discovered the planet Neptune and everything that surrounds the planet. The
surface of Neptune is very different than most of the planet's surfaces. Neptune has a rocky inner
core, which is surrounded by water. The first layer of Neptune is the icy atmosphere, which is
mostly hydrogen and also helium. The bluish ... Show more content on ...
there wouldn't be any possibly for anything on that planet. The atmosphere of Neptune is mostly the
same as the other planets in the Solar System; it mostly consists of hydrogen and helium, with a
little amount of methane, water, ammonia and other ices. But unlike the other gas planets in the
Solar System, Neptune's atmosphere has a larger proportion of wind and ice. Neptune is known for
the bright blue colors and its rings also for the sea god named Poseidon, Neptune is one of the
largest gravidity other than Jupiter in the solar system. Another similarity is that Jupiter and Neptune
almost have the same red dot on the planet. Both Neptune and Jupiter are in the Outer or Gaseous
Planets section of our Solar System–instead of being made of solid rock and liquid like Earth and
many of the Inner Planets are, they're made of gas–so there is no solid base for something like a
space ship to land on or a person to walk on, you would just fall through the gas and eventually be
crushed under the pressure. Both planets have rings–like all the Gaseous Planets, but nothing like
the rings of Saturn–they are only small and you can only really see them
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Essay on The Solar System
The Solar System
What are planets? Planets are kinda like asteroid around the sun. There are nine planets in the solar
system, Mercury, Venus, Earth ( Our planet ), Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
The Terrestrial Planets
The terrestrial planets are the four innermost planets in the solar system, Mercury, Venus, Earth and
Mars. They are called terrestrial because they have a compact, rocky surface like the Earth's. The
planets, Venus, Earth, and Mars have significant atmospheres while Mercury has almost none. The
following diagram shows the approximate distance of the terrestrial planets to the Sun.
The Sun
The Sun is the most prominent feature in our solar system. It is the largest object and contains ...
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Prominences are immense clouds of glowing gas that erupt from the upper chromosphere. The outer
region of the corona stretches far into space and consists of particles traveling slowly away from the
Sun. The corona can only be seen during total solar eclipses.
The Sun appears to have been active for 4.6 billion years and has enough fuel to go on for another
five billion years or so. At the end of its life, the Sun will start to fuse helium into heavier elements
and begin to swell up, ultimately growing so large that it will swallow the Earth. After a billion
years as a red giant, it will suddenly collapse into a white dwarf –– the final end product of a star
like ours. It may take a trillion years to cool off completely.
It is the closest planet to the Sun, and second smallest planet in the solar system. Its diameter is 40%
smaller than Earth and 40% larger than the Moon. It is even smaller thanJupiter's moon Ganymede
and Saturn's moon Titan Mercury is one of the planet that doesn't have a moon or salitlite obriting
around it. Mercury obrit around ( and all the way ) the sun takes about 88 Earth days. Mercury has
no atmosphere, and the planet is too small to hold one. With no atmosphere, there is no heat, so it's
temp. is about –133 C.Mercury was named by the Romans after the fleet–footed messenger of the
gods because it seemed to move more quickly than any other planet,obriting around ( and all the
way ) the sun takes
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Robotic Exploration And Human Exploration
Ahhh. Robots. Some may think they are creepy and some may be fascinated by how they work. But
how do robots come in handy when exploring space? Robots come in handy when exploring space
because of the fact that robots can travel further than a human and they also don't need as many
necessities as a human does. People may have different opinions about sending robots versus
humans to space. I am in fact one of those people that have a different opinion. I go back and forth
with believing that well robots are better. Then I believe that humans are better. When a robot goes
to space there is more of a possibility of finding new life. A robot detects certain things that humans
don't. Robotic exploration is necessary to enable human exploration by setting the context,
providing critical information, and reducing the risk to humans. When sending a human info space
that can take months maybe even years of training. And when sending a robot to space that may take
months even years to build. A robot may also cost A LOT more than a human. I really can't make up
my mind if robots or humans are better. Some of the biggest achievements of robotic exploration
include Ceres, Vesta, and New Horizons.
One of the robots that is up in space is called New Horizons. New Horizons is an interplanetary
space probe that was launched as a part of NASA's New Frontiers program. New Horizons travelled
to Pluto. Well it flew past Pluto in July 14, 2015. New Horizons was launched January 19, 2006.
The goal of New Horizons launch was to Answer questions about Pluto, its moons, and Kuiper Belt
Objects. New Horizons mission has found evidence of exotic ices flowing across Pluto's surface.
The bluish–white coloring featured on Pluto tell us that there is exotic ices. Pluto undergoes climate
variation and sometimes, when Pluto is a little warmer, the methane ice begins to basically
'evaporate' away. Some of the other surprising things found out about Pluto is that it has a young
surface and it has some mountain ranges. New Horizons only flew by Pluto, which means it did not
settle into a nice orbit. This is because Pluto is not big enough to have a gravitational pull on New
Horizons. When sending a robot up to space you have to keep in mind
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Argumentative Essay On Planet 9
Have you ever wondered about what else may be out there in the universe? Well as it turns out there
are many more things than what may meet the eye. I have always been interested about what's been
going on away from earth as well as what's on it so this topic really sparked my interest. One of
those many hidden wonders that have been controversial away from earth is a planet scientists like
to call Planet 9. Planet 9 was discovered by two Caltech researchers by the names of Mike Brown
and Konstantin Batygin. They discovered it January 20, 2016 by using computer simulations and
mathematical equations. Scientist believe that our sun ripped planet 9 from its previous orbit an
eternity ago, but no one knows for sure. No has seen planet 9 either ... Show more content on ...
Planet 9 is actually located near Pluto, which is a dwarf planet, in something called the Kuiper Belt.
Planet 9 is actually found to be a 9th planet in our solar system and, much to some people's surprise,
is actually one of three that has been recently discovered. Scientists have also discovered that for
every one year on earth, there are approximately 10,000 to 20,000 years on planet 9. The most
controversial thing about planet 9 is what effect it will ever have on earth. Some scientists believe
that Planet 9 could cause mayhem is the universe some day. The theory was that someday the sun
will start to die and swallow the earth and other inner planets while it is becoming a red giant and
the outer planets like Jupiter, Saturn, and etc. will just be pushed away and possibly find another
orbit, but some scientist now believe that with Planet 9 in the mix things will play out differently.
They believe that instead of being pushed away, planet 9 instead will be pulled in and potentially
ram into the other outer planets destroyed them is the process. Other scientists believe that it is not
the case, but we may never know for certain what will happen if that day
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What Is The Impact Of Neptune On Astronomers
The discovery of Neptune has greatly impacted astronomers because of a dark spot that could
swallow the earth, but two other dark spots have appeared over the last decade.
Neptune is consed the ice giant because on its surface can reach –235 degrees Celsius or –391
degrees Fahrenheit even though the temperatures reach almost 400 degrees fahrenheit there have
been gyses found the "spewing ice materials out from the ground".
Neptune has 14 moons, but a 14th tiny, dim moon has been discovered, most of Neptune's moon has
been discovered by Voyager 2. The largest moon is tryton it orbits the planet the opposite way of the
rest. Neptune has 5 rings which hold the moon in Neptune's orbit, has also covered many asteroids it
has captured Pluto in
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How Does Neptune Influence Space
outermost reigns of where the solar wind and sun's magnetic field dominate space. In September
2007, it crossed the termination shock at 84 AU. ( What was the planet
originally named after Neptune was named after a roman god of the sea. Urbain le Verrier
discovered it. ( How far away is Neptune from the sun? The average distance
Neptune is from the sun is 2,795,084,800 miles. The closest Neptune gets to sun is 2,771,087,000
miles. The farthest it gets from the sun is 2,819,080,000 miles. ( How long is
Neptune orbit–the amount of time it takes for it to go around the sun? Neptune takes 164.79 years to
orbit the sun. On July 11,2011 Neptune completed one full orbit. ( How long ...
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The average temp is –353 degrees Fahrenheit. ( Does Neptune have an atmosphere? If so
what is it mostly composed of? Neptune atmosphere by volume is Molecular hydrogen 80%,
Helium 19%, Methane 1.5 %, hydrogen deuteride 192 parts per million 7 ethane 1.5 part per
million. ( How many moons does Neptune have and facts about them? Neptune has 14
moons the biggest being Triton which slightly smaller than Earths moon. Triton orbits Neptune
backward it is the largest moon to do so. On July 15 the 14th moon was discovered and is
temperately called S/2004 N 1. Triton is one of the four moons in the solar system to have an
atmosphere. Neptune has seven inner moons Naiad, Despina, Galatea, Larissa, S/2004 N 1 and
Proteus. ( Some interesting facts bout Neptune? Third largest planet dealing with mass.
It is also the fourth largest planet dealing with diameter. Has the second largest gravity of any planet.
Spins quickly on its axis. Neptune has the strongest winds in the solar system. Its surface gravity is
almost like Earths. It's also the coldest planet in the solar system. It's a gas like planet. Neptune has
five many rings that are Haller, Le Verrier, Lassell, Arago, and
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Discovery Of Uranus Research Paper
Discovery of Uranus by William Herschel in 1781
In 1781 William Herschel, discovered the planet we know today as Uranus. Herschel, who had been
raised in a musical family, was an amateur astronomer who enjoyed charting the sky in sections
each night. Herschel used his skills in music to fund his passions for astronomy and building
telescopes. Through his nightly charting, Herschel discovered Uranus. Initially, Herschel thought it
was a comet because of its slightly askew shape, however upon further exploration he found it to be
a planet. Herschel confirmed his discovery by contacting Nevil Maskelyne. Maskelyne was the
astronomer royal. Herschel named the planet 'Georgium Sidus' after King George III. France would
not use the name, calling the
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Pluto Lost Its Status : Pluto And Pluto
Topic 7; What is a name? In 2006 Pluto lost its status as a planet (of our solar system) after a heated
scientific debate that had gone on for years. What were the events leading up to Pluto's demotion?
Why was there a problem and why was it such a big deal? What are the implications for the future
of other planets in our solar system?
The main focus of this paper will be focused on the impact of the demotion of Pluto and what
implications this has for future planets. Pluto was discovered on the 18th of February 1930 at the
Lowell Observatory in Arizona by American astronomer Clyde Tombaugh ( 2013). The
Observatory was given the right to name the planet, they received over 1,000 suggestions from all
over the globe however, the members of the Observatory made the decision to name it Pluto after
the Greek god 'Pluto' god of the underworld (Top10archive 2015). Pluto was known as the smallest
planet in the solar system and the ninth planet from the sun, being 5.9 billion kilometers away
(universe today 2016). It is 30 to 50 times as far from the sun as Earth and if travelling at the speed
of light it would take 327 minutes to reach Pluto from Earth (google search 2016). It was the first
object to be discovered in what would later be identified as the Kuiper belt.
After decades of Pluto being a planet, astronomers began wondering whether Pluto might just be the
first of many small, icy bodies in the Kuiper Belt (BBC news 2015). it wasn't until
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Neptune, The Ice Planet
Neptune:the ice planet
When was Neptune discovered?"Neptune was the very first planet to be discovered by using math!
(mathematics). After the discovery of Uranus in 1781, astronomers noticed that the planet was being
pulled a little bit out of its normal orbit. John Couch Adams of Britain and Urbain Jean Joseph
Leverrier of France, used math to figure out that the gravity from another planet beyond Uranus was
affecting the orbit of Uranus. They figured out not only where the planet was, but also how much
mass it had. A young astronomer, Johann Gottfried Galle, decided to search for the predicted planet
and observed Neptune for the first time in 1846." –––
"WHAT IS THE SURFACE OF NEPTUNE LIKE"? "As a gas giant (or ... Show more content on ...
Neptune was only discovered on September 23, 1846. That was only 163 years ago in other words,
since its discovery, Neptune has made one single orbit around the Sun! The orbit was in 2011" ––long–does–it–take–neptune–to–orbit–the–sun/
Let's see what Neptune is made of. The outermost layer of Neptune is the atmosphere, forming
about 5–10% of the planet's mass, and extending up to 20% of the way down to its core. Neptune's
atmosphere is about 80%hydrogen, 19% helium, with trace amounts of other ices, like methane,
ammonia and water– ice–is–neptune–made–of/
It takes Neptune 164.8 Earth years to orbit the Sun. On 11 July 2011, Neptune completed its first
full orbit since its discovery in 1846.
Neptune was discovered by Jean Joseph Le Verrier. The planet was not known to ancient
civilizations because it is not visible to the naked eye. The planet was initially called Le Verrier after
its discoverer. This name, however, quickly was abandoned and the name Neptune was chosen
Neptune is the Roman God of the Sea. In Greek, Neptune is called
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Song Analysis: Why I Hate These Blurred Lines
I Hate These Blurred Lines 2013 has been a good year. We've had a royal birth, a celebration
marking 50 years of Doctor Who and Andy Murray won Wimbledon making him the first British
male to do so in *77 years. Unfortunately this year also saw the release of what is quite possibly the
worst song ever made: Blurred Lines. It is a monstrosity created by Robin Thicke. The song has
attracted much attention due it its misogynistic video and offensive lyrics. That attention has caused
both positive and negative reactions. Blurred Lines has become the *most downloaded song of 2013
but it has also been banned in several places including at least *9 universities in the UK alone. My
question is, why hasn't it been banned all together? It is shocking really that a song that promotes
date rape and objectifies women is even permitted to play on the radio. The argument, of course, is
that the song does not affiliate itself at all with the subject of rape, and that people who take offence
are, in fact, simply reading too much into the lyrics.. This notion is outrageous. Even if the song was
not intended to have this sort of content no one can deny that the is little to dispute when
deciphering the meaning behind *these lyrics: "I hate these blurred lines I know you want it I know
you ... Show more content on ...
However, both Robin Thicke – and most of modern culture – are wrong. There are no blurred lines
when it comes to consent, yes is yes and no is no. Simple. Clear. Very precise lines that are in no
way blurred. But of course, Robin knows best. To him when this girl says no, what she quite clearly
means is yes. Because he knows she wants it. Thinking about that makes me feel extremely
uncomfortable. This girl has expressed that she has no interest in this man but he still chooses to
peruse her because he feels like she obviously can't resist him. If that doesn't sound like the thoughts
of a rapist before an attack then what
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In the outer limits of our solar system there is a planet unlike any other, Pluto. Pluto was discovered
in February of 1930 by an American astronomer, Clyde Tombaugh. It is the only planet to have been
discovered by an American. All though we have known of the existence of Pluto for over thirty
years now, there are still many mysteries surrounding this celestial body. Being the farthest planet
has made it difficult to study Pluto, Adding to the obscurity of this strange planet is that the
capability to send spacecraft such distances has never been achieved. Through the wonders of
science and astronomy, there are many things that can be determined, concluded, and hypothesized
about this obscure planet. Pluto's discovery was actually a ... Show more content on
This gives Pluto the appearance that it is tipped on its side, which, in essence, it virtually is. Pluto's
rotation also has notable qualities. Pluto's rotation period is 6.387 days, the same as its
satellite/moon Charon. Although it is common for a moon to travel in a synchronous orbit with its
planet, Pluto is the only planet to rotate synchronously with the orbit of its satellite. Thus being
tidally locked, Pluto and Charon continuously face each other as they travel through space. From
1985 to 1990, the Earth lined up with Pluto and Charon to cause and eclipse every Pluto day. This
occurrence allowed astronomers to gather a multitude of valuable information about Pluto and its
moon. The eclipses lasted as much as four hours and by carefully timing their beginning and ending,
measurements for their diameters were taken. Photograph's later taken by the Hubble telescope
confirms Pluto's diameter of 1413 miles, and Charon's, at nearly half the size, 728 miles across
within one percent accuracy.
Astronomers where also able to determine the density of Pluto during the daily eclipses. By
discovering the density to be approximately two grams per cubic centimeter, astronomers where
able to hypothesize the make up of the planet. They concluded that Pluto is fifty to seventy percent
rock with mixed with ice. Astronomers are also confident in the density of Charon. If correct, the
approximate density of one gram per cubic centimeter would mean that Charon
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Terrestrial Planets Essay
1. What are the terrestrial planets?
The terrestrial planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. These planets are composed primarily
of silicate rocks with structures consisting of a central metallic core, mostly iron, with a surrounding
silicate mantle.
2. How were Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune formed?
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune were formed by different types of rock and frozen materials
(water, ammonia, and methane). These materials were once planetesmals, which formed from the
rocky, metallic solid materials that were able to survive the collapse of the solar nebula which
formed our solar system.
3. What role do impact craters play on Venus? Which planet is Earth most like? In what ways is this
planet like Earth?
Venus' ... Show more content on ...
Specifically, Mercury was once volcanically active, but no longer is. Eighty–five percent of Venus'
surface is made up of low lying volcanic plains. As we know, Earth has volcanoes. Mars has two
large volcanic systems, with the largest, the Tharsis region, stretching across 8,000 kilometers of the
planet. Volcanoes exist due to the buildup of pressure in the outer core. This forces the molten core
up to the surface of a planet, in the form of lava.
4. What are the characteristics of the inner planets? How do these vary from the outer planets?
Inner planets all contain a core, mantle, and crust. These planets are very dense and rocky. In
comparison to outer planets, inner planets are smaller, denser, and rockier.
5. What evidence is there to support that planets exist outside of our Solar System?
The discovery of other stars in early stages of formation support the fact that planets exist outside of
our solar system. These stars, surrounded by disks of gas and dust, are called proplyds. According to
astronomers, these disks are like that which the solar nebula was believed to be like, providing a
good source of evidence of other planets. Extrasolar planets, or planets outside of our solar system,
are believed to have formed from the distortion of the proplyd
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Who Is Responsible for Billy Budd's Death?
Who is responsible for killing Billy Budd? Is it Claggart, Captain Vere, or Billy Bubb himself?
There are many people who will argue all three men are responsible for killing Billy Budd. Their
argument is Claggart, also known as Jemmy Leggs, provoked Billy in to striking him, attacking an
officer is a serious offense. Captain Vere witnessed Claggart pushing Billy's buttons by yelling at
him, accusing him of mutiny, and saw the frustration in Billy's face, but did not pull rank and order
both men to stand down. However Billy is responsible for his own actions and should never had let
anyone control his emotions. Billy Budd is a simple man who has a stuttering problem and also he
cannot read. Billy did not let that stop him from helping ... Show more content on ...
Billy Budd is responsible for his own death. There are times when taking someone's life is necessary
such as a time of war, but not in a heating argument. Captain Vere, said it best that the crime is what
they were worried about, not the case between right and wrong. The crime was murder. Billy was a
hard worker who would do his best to help anyone out. However, Billy was not judged on the type
of man he was he was judged by the action that had taken place. Killing a man in cold blood but not
meaning to kill him offer very little defense in military law or any court. Regardless of Billy's
intentions, the crime was committed and the penalty followed. The military law was taken into place
and there was nothing to decide on. If the court had let him go for killing a man than the next sailor
that kills a man in a heated argument should be let go as well. The wrong message would have been
sent in letting Billy get away with murder. Be sides his suturing problem, being naïve, and not being
able to read, Billy had no real issues. Billy had no mental problems. He was more than capable of
having a conversation and could have explained himself to the captain. Billy let his emotions get the
best of him. Billy regretted striking Claggart. Billy was punished correctly for the crime he
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Space Mission : Pluto And Kuiper Belt Objects
PHYS1160 – Space Mission To Pluto
Question: The "New Horizons" mission is on its way to explore the outer Solar System. Describe the
objectives of the mission and important scientific instruments on the space probe. Discuss what we
have learnt about Pluto after the closest approach to this dwarf planet. Explain how this mission
helps us to understand the processes of formation and evolution of the planetary system.
Space exploration is one of the most important and essential technologies in our astronomical
history. In the recent 70 years human have started using rocket science and other specialties to bring
probes and humans into extra–terrestrial space, as to make detail observations and explorations of
other planets and celestial ... Show more content on ...
However, due to the reclassification by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in 2006, Pluto
is reclassified as a dwarf planet – excluded from the Solar System. This doesn't stop New Horizons
to continue its mission and explore Pluto. There are a few goals that New Horizons will attain:
1. Collect data and help us to understand the early formation of Solar System
2. Detail observation of the geology of Pluto and its moon Charon
3. Analyze the atmosphere and surface of Pluto and Charon
4. Determine surface temperature of Pluto
5. Similar observations on one or more KBOs
Through these observations, astronomers can answer some concerns about Pluto such as how solar
wind interferes with Pluto, the origin of Pluto and more numerical data of Pluto.
NASA, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (ALP) and Southwest Research
Institute (SwRI) cooperates and develops the New Horizons in 2001. It replaces the cancellation of
Pluto Kuiper Express Project by reason of expenditure budget, and continues the discovery mission
of Solar System. Under the leadership of Sol. Alan Stern, New Horizons was successfully built and
launched in 2006. With the inspiration from Ulysses (one of the space probes orbits around the Sun
and study its features), New Horizons carries 7 advance instruments in order to improve the quality
of observation:
Long Range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI)
The first instrument on New Horizons that can observe and produce a
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Lab Report On Solar System
Kimberly Greene
Dr. Newton
Astronomy 1000–Section A
August 29, 2017
Lab Report 1–The Solar System During our first lab in Astronomy, we got to develop and perform a
hands–on experiment of the overall scale of our Solar System. We got to physically interact by
demonstrating and constructing a model of our Solar System by using a simple tool such as toilet
paper. Who knew? We used the toilet paper shown in the pictures as a visual representation to
illustrate the overall scale of the Solar System, to show the distance between each individual planet,
and to represent the distances of each planet from the Sun. We physically counted out each piece or
sheet of toilet paper to reach the destination of which the next or neighboring planet was from its
neighboring planet. We started with the Sun, then Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, until we finally reached our final planet, Neptune. We drew dots to represent each planet. In
our lab activity, we created and demonstrated a relative scale model to show how the planets are
aligned and the distance between each of them. We created this model, so that we could better
understand the overall sizes of each planet and the distances of each of the planets from the Sun.
First, we used the model distance formula, which is model distance=0.25 inches/1,391,900 km *
actual distance in km. We used this formula to calculate the distance in which each planet lies from
the Sun. We found the overall scale distance of each planet
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Stars Are Made All Of The Time
Gravity has an important role in many things, this including, but not limited to, how stars are made,
how planets orbit, and rings around planets. It can make rings, and it can also make black holes, that
destroy rings, and the planets they are around. It pushes galaxies apart, and also pulls the smallest of
atoms to the center of the Earth. Gravity has an important role in space and time, along with our
lives. Stars are made all of the time, and this is because of gravity. Star are made when gravity
squeezes interstellar gas with so much pressure that they begin fusion. After they begin this fusion,
the fusion lets out a force to the outside of the star. When the gravitational force and the force made
by the fusion are the same, the star is stable. If they are not the same, for any reason, the star will be
unstable and explode. Stars are made all the time because of gravity, even if we can't see them being
made. ... Show more content on ...
Planets are constantly pulled towered their star, but they are also going around the star, and spinning.
This act of revolving around the star, paired with the spinning, makes them keep missing the star as
they pulled towered, and to the side at the same time, because of the spin. This keeps it near the star,
and lets it go around it at the same time. Newton's third law states as follows, "For every action there
is an equal and opposite reaction." This means that when gravity pulls the planet towered the star,
the star is also pushing back on them. When this happens, it is called an
... Get more on ...
Pluto: Greek And Roman Mythology In Translation
Rebecca McKenney
Mrs. McCleanhan
Greek and Roman Mythology in Translation
5 December 2016
Clyde Tombaugh was initially hired by Vesto Slipher of the Lowell Observatory, located in Arizona,
as an "assistant observer on a trial basis," according to David Leverington, author of "A History of
Astronomy from 1890 to the Present". (Leverington) But, starting on April 6th, 1929, Tombaugh
began the search that was started by Percival Lowell for what he had dubbed as 'Planet X'.
Between January 21st and 29th of 1930, Tombaugh was taking "plates (pictures) of the Delta
Geminorum region...on began blinking the plates on 15th February." (Leverington) Around 4:00
p.m. on the 18th of February, Tombaugh noticed that there was an object that moved! He checked
his earlier plates ... Show more content on ...
Burney comments to Rincon that she was "quite interested in Greek and Roman myths and legends
at the was extremely lucky that the name was there. There were practically no names left
from classical mythology." (Rincon)
For clarification of Pluto's role in mythology, NASA editor Philips Davis talked to Dr. Elizabeth
Vandiver who is a chair member of the Department of Classic at Whitman College located in Walla
Walla, Washington for help in the article, "Pluto – In Depth." She replies,
"Pluto is the name of the Roman god of the Underworld, equivalent to the Greek Hades. However,
the Greek name "Plouton" (from which the Romans derived their name "Pluto") was also
occasionally used as an alternative name for Hades. But Pluto is definitely the Roman spelling."
(Pluto) There was another benefit of naming the new planet Pluto. The first two letters, PL, is
considered to also pay tribute to Percival Lowell, who as mentioned above, started the search for
this new planet. Although Pluto was demoted to a dwarf planet by the International Astronomical
Union in 2006, the discovery is still important and helps spark some our curiosities of the heavens
... Get more on ...
Persuasive Essay Comparing Two Planets
In 1905 Pervical Lowell was the fist person to notice Pluto and he started observing Neptune and
Uranus and he observed a similarity from this two planets and Pluto. After almost 25 years Pluto
then was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh and like it was stated in the "Pluto files" Core Friday,
Pluto was then named after an 11 year old girl who told her grandfather that "the new world get its
name from the Roman god of the underworld " from there her grandfather passed the name on to
Lowell Observatory. Pluto was once consider the ninth most distant planet from the sun , but in
recent years research have found that Pluto after all does not fit most of the characteristics that other
planets do therefor they have reclassified Pluto as one of the largest dwarf planet in the solar system.
In 2006 when Pluto was reclassified controversy began and debates have developed among the
scientific ... Show more content on ...
We have always trust scientist in every aspect because they are the ones who define mostly
everything that we know like a "triangle" and "energy" because that's their responsibility. When they
gather to come up with the classifications on what makes a Planet an actual "Planet" they had
background knowledge and they had their research to backup their decision and the new discoveries
they had made since 1930 until 2006. Why should Pluto be consider a Planet when the other objects
they have found throughout the years with the same classification have being label differently? In
order for a planet to become a Planet it has to have something special and unique otherwise every
single rock they find in outer space would be classifies as a planet and in a few years the word
"Planet" itself would just be another word without a special
... Get more on ...

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Uranus, The Planet Of Planet

  • 1. Uranus, The Planet Of Planet Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun, right behind Saturn, and in front of Neptune. Uranus is considered a Jovian planet alongside with Jupiter, Saturn & Neptune. In 1781, a British astronomer named William Hershel discovered the planet of Uranus. Hershel discovered the planet through his 6–inch telescope and thought it moved relative to the star, but noticed it traveled rather slow to be a star of some sort. Hershel originally wanted to name the planet Georgium Sidus, which is Latin for "George's Star". Astronomer Johann Bode suggested to Hershel that he shall name the planet "Uranus" which is the father of Saturn, in that way using the names from ancient mythology is continued on. It's not easy to see Uranus from Earth; you need to have specific equipment to observe it closely. Even through a telescope, Uranus looks like a tiny, bluish, greenish disk. Uranus' distance from the sun is approximately 2.9 billion km, which is about 1.8 billion miles. It has one of the lowest densities of about, on average, 710(kg/m3). As you may already know, there is never a definite explanation on how the planets we see today were formed. There are a couple of theories that explain how it may have come about. 2 theories that are known about are Core accretion and the disk instability method. The core accretion explains the terrestrial planets better rather than giant planets like Uranus. An estimated 4 billion years ago the solar system was a cloud of dust and gas which we know as the ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. The Physics Of The Solar System Formally, classified natural satellites or moons include 176 planetary satellites orbiting six of the eight planets. Of the inner planets, Mercury and Venus have no natural satellites; Earth has one large natural satellite, known as the Moon; and Mars has two tiny natural satellites, Phobos and Deimos. The large gas giant planets have extensive systems of natural satellites, including half a dozen comparable in size to Earth 's Moon. The objects in the solar system are classified foremost by their dynamics and motion, while size and composition are important for secondary classification. The solar system itself is, defined by the orbits of its constituent bodies. Classification by motion is more useful for astronomers. In fact, the dynamics of the solar system were a central issue for early astronomers such as Ptolemy in the second century and Nicholaus Copernicus in the 16th century. In what follows, we introduce different classifications of the planetary moons. 1.2. Classification of motion of natural satellites 1.2.1 Classification based on the orbits The natural satellites may be, classified into three categories according to their orbits (Newburn and Gulkis, 1973; Burns, 1986) as follows. Category 1: Regular satellites The regular satellites move prograde in nearly circular orbits in the equatorial plane of the mother planet. This sector of satellites represents the four Galilian satellites of Jupiter, the eight classical satellites of Saturn (from Mimas to Iapetus), ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Anime And The Anime Of Anime Subtitles are captions displayed somewhere on the screen that translate foreign language. Whether or not an anime has subtitles has proven its importance amongst its western fans. Anime is Japanese made so for other countries like the United States to be able to watch it without any prior knowledge of their spoken language it must either have subtitles added in or translate the japanese to the native language of said group by recording also known as dubbing. Many people in the western culture begin by watching dubbed anime as children then eventually transition to watching subbed. With so many who belong to opposing sides this led to disagreements to which is better, anime subbed or English dubbed. This disagreement led to a sub group within the anime community known as the purist, purist are fans that only watch subbed anime. These fans are often known to belittle dubbed viewers on a variety of different points that make dubs inferior. Many of these claims actually manage to carry some weight, such as dubs changing the meanings of entire situations, changing the animation to remove what they consider explicit and removing scenes, that cause choppy character development. Needless to say that the experience between the two groups must be vastly different. The claims made by the the purist audience is true Anime with subtitles is more beneficial to the anime community than English dubbed anime. Dubbed anime are known to make errors in the translation that has the capacity ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Earth : The Only Frontier Levi Clay English 12 Robin Cook 30 November 2015 Earth: The Only Frontier Scientists have thought for many years that life could exist beyond Earth. Outer space is a large place and has endless places life could possibly exist. Life is a very delicate thing therefor the planet which contains it has to meet precise conditions. However, after all the exploration and research scientists have come up with no results on other life forms away from Earth. Earth is the only place to support human life because of its atmosphere, planetary composition, climate and water availability. Scientists however are misleading people into believing in the possibility of life beyond our planet. A planet's atmosphere plays an important role in life. Earth has atmospheric conditions that are perfect to support human life. Oxygen is what humans need to breath and is the most important gas. Oxygen makes up twenty one percent of earths atmosphere. Seventy eight percent of earths atmosphere is nitrogen which is used by plants and put out when humans exhale. The other one percent of gases in earths atmosphere are small and of very little importance to human life. This makes earth very different from the other seven planets atmospheres. "What you take from the earth, you must give back. That 's nature 's way." (Chris d 'Lacey, The Fire Within) Mercury however has a different atmospheric composition. It is composed of hydrogen, helium, oxygen, sodium, and potassium. ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Similarities Between The Inner And Outer Planets "Our solar system consists of one star and some debris," said Carl Sagan. There are many differences and similarities between the Inner and Outer planets. Our solar system is comprised of the Sun being in the middle, then followed by planets rotating it. The planets which orbit the Sun are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The Inner planets are very different from Outer planets and the Outer planets are completely different from Inner planets, but both are very similar in many ways. Our planets in the solar system have many similarities and differences. First of all, Inner planets are different from Outer planets in many ways. The surface of Inner planets compared to Outer planets are rocky, Inner planets are denser, all the Inner planets are in the asteroid belt. "The Cosmos is all that is or was or ever will be. Our feeblest contemplations of the Cosmos stir us –– there is a tingling in the spine, a catch in the voice, a faint sensation as if a distant memory, of falling from a height. We know we are approaching the greatest of mysteries."–Carl Sagan.There is nothing more than what there is. The surface of the Inner planets is very different from those of the Outer planets because, Earth compared to Uranus is completely different due to Uranus being mostly made out of gas. The Inner planets are also much denser than Outer planets. For example, Venus ' average density is 5.24g/cm3 as opposed to Neptune which is 1.33g/cm3. Lastly, ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Argumentative Essay About Pluto Pluto is the ninth planet in Earth's solar system. However, throughout the years, Pluto has had many differing views on it. Some believe that it isn't a planet at all, since it does not meet all 3 classifications of a planet (Williams Dwarf). On the other hand many scientists do still classify Pluto as a planet. Looking past all of the controversy, Pluto still has a remarkable history in astronomy. Pluto was discovered in 1930 by, Clyde Tombaugh, an American Astronomer. But, received its name by an 11 year old girl from England named Venetia Burney (NASA). In Roman mythology Pluto was the god of the Underworld. This name is believed to have won due to the fact that it is the farthest from the sun that it is in darkness, like the Underworld. However it was a total accident how Pluto was discovered in the first place. ... Show more content on ... In 1906 Percival Lowell, an American mathematician and Astronomer, initiated a research project to find the infamous "Planet X," the possible ninth planet. Sadly, Lowell died before completing the project. However, his research captured two pictures of Pluto that no one recognized as the ninth planet. After Lowell's death, the search did not resume until the late 1920's, when Tombaugh was entrusted with the "PLanet X" project. At the time Tombaugh was 23 and spent a year photographing the night sky and analyzing the images. On February 18th, 1930, Tombaugh discovered a possible moving object in an image taken that Janurary. After this more proof was found that "Planet X" had been discovered (Williams ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Pluto Characteristics The once ninth planet in our solar system has a very interesting inception from the creation of the mass itself to the naming and later Planet status change. It was the most recently discovered planet in our solar system before it was declassified. Pluto is a dwarf planet formed as many other small rocky objects in space did, but is much larger in comparison. Like the other satellites in close proximity with Pluto, it is composed mostly of the very common things found naturally in space particles of rock, dust, and ice held together by its low but effective gravitational pull. Soon afterward the new planet drew in an atmosphere made out of primarily Nitrogen with small traces of Methane and Carbon Monoxide. The characteristics of Pluto's atmosphere are very unique for the planets in our solar system. As Pluto gets farther away from the Sun, it's atmosphere begins to deteriorate because the water vapor making up a majority of the atmosphere refreezes back to it's surface. ... Show more content on ... Further observations of Neptune in the late 19th century led astronomers to believe that Uranus's orbit was being disturbed by a large unknown object besides Neptune. In 1906, Percival Lowell–a wealthy Bostonian who had founded the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, in 1894–started an extensive project in search of a possible ninth planet ninth planet, which he termed "Planet X". Lowell conducted his search for the not–yet discovered Pluto until his death in 1916. Ironically, his surveys had actually take two faint images of Pluto on March 19 and April 7, 1915. The earliest known prediscovery observation was made by the Yerkes Observatory on August 20, ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Goal : A Process Of Ongoing Improvement From: MIDN 2/C Sangrones, Joshua R To: My Future Sailors Subj: LEADING EFFICIENTLY Ref: (a) The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement Encl: (1) Citation Page 1. Introduction a. In the near future, I plan to be an officer in the United States Navy. With that being said, an officer is required to have certain traits and abilities in order to succeed. What I believe the most important trait an officer can have is the ability to be an effective leader. Upon commissioning, as a young junior officer in the fleet, I will face challenges that will test my ability to lead efficiently. A trait that in my opinion, that is essential to every effective leader is being knowledgeable. In order to prepare to become an effective ... Show more content on ... After commissioning, as a young junior officer, we will be tasked with unfamiliar jobs and responsibilities. It would be wise for me as a new member to meet with the Commanding Officer to see the status of the command and the division that I will be in charge of. I would also be tasked to fix the problems and overcome challenges that coincide with the position I am entrusted with. These problems and challenges may include but are not limited to low morale, work inefficiencies, incorrect procedures, incompetency, etc. Solving these problems require the initiative seek and identify the root of the problem. Having knowledge of these roots within a specific area would make it easier to determine a solution. I, the junior officer, will be able to use what I know in order to come up with the best possible way to solve the issue. With these solutions, we are able to accomplish the ultimate goal set by the CO. 2. Knowing the goal a. The story then proceeds to Rogo leaving the meeting in order to recoup. After some time thinking about what Jonah said, he realized that he needed to understand what the goal of the company is. He came up with several desired results including efficient production of goods, low production cost, being a good boss, and meeting sales requirements. However, when he thoroughly analyzed what the goal was, he realized that what the plant really needed
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  • 38. A Brief Summary On Drinking And Traveling All, – 08 JAN – AIMD will have their AMI. – 08 JAN – All Hands call in the AM. G–1, make sure you have two flatbeds on the Flight Deck for this All Hands call. – Each Division LCPO/DIVO shall hold at least 5 minutes talk with your Division about Drinking and Driving before securing Friday. Hammer in their heads UBER! UBER! UBER! and make them repeat UBER! back to you. No one will secure Friday until you have reported to me directly face to face that you held a 5 minutes talk with your Sailors about Drinking and Driving. Try to make a positive impact!! The attached msg shall be read during your 5 minutes talk loud and clear. No exception!! – 10 Jan (1800) will be our Pre–deployment Brief. This is mandatory for All Hands. All ... Show more content on ... – BIG XO made the following mandatory: Any Sailor found on the 03 Level using their phone at any time, they will lose their phone and this one will be turned in to Security. Culprit will have to go down with his/her LCPO/DIVO to retrieve the phone. If I am called to Security to retrieve the phone then you are out and I am in. Corrective action will be max and well documented. Get the word out!! – MID–TERM Counseling for E–3/4 is coming. It is mandatory for All Hands to receive a Mid–Term Counseling. Once you have completed your MID–Term Counseling you will report completion to me. I do not need to see the MID–TERM but I will receive a recall list indicating completed. Ensure you write in the MID–TERM each Sailor's role and responsibility within their Division and in the Navy. – 13–14 Jan Reactor will power down and we will have no electricity again. – If your thermostat is not working then you need to but a trouble call and get it fixed. – We are not in "CASREP ONLY". Get the RPPO to S–1 and make sure that everything we have place on order still outstanding and not deleted. Order everything you will need for Deployment now. We have money!!!! First come – First Served.
  • 39. – Anyone who misses Firefighting Class will receive a Counseling Chit for documentation purposes. Sailor will not get another chance to miss Firefighting Class. – Anyone who wants to be a facilitator for the New FULL SPEED AHEAD training can volunteer now. It is open for E–6 ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Should Pluto Be Considered A Planet Essay Many may urge that Pluto should be considered a planet for it has similar characteristics as the planets of the Solar System; however, others still believe that Pluto should not be considered a planet because of its slight differences and conditions that are not matched. Pluto is recognised by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) as a dwarf planet for it doesn't match the third condition of what defines a planet. IAU proposed three conditions to becoming a planet. The first condition being: (a) is in orbit around the Sun; the second condition being: (b) has sufficient mass for its self–gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape; the third condition, in which Pluto has not met the standards to, being:(c) has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit. Pluto doesn't meet the standards to the final condition as Pluto follows the orbit path of some asteroid–like objects in space and are surrounded with these objects. If people were to ignore the third condition and recognise Pluto ... Show more content on ... Reporters with interest in Pluto have published many articles related to the matter of whether Pluto should be considered a planet. Many are opposing the opinion that Pluto should not be considered a planet as the third condition is very vague. For instance, the Earth's neighbourhood could be considered as not cleared out as the moon is following it around; Jupiter is continuously having contact with asteroids named Trojans, and Neptune's orbit crosses over with Pluto's orbit. The Guardian stated in one of it's articles that Pluto should not have a ban from being a planet due to its small size. IAU, however, has not made any regards on this criticism. These opposing views about Pluto may be correct in a way; however, factually speaking, Pluto is still not considered as a planet as IAU has not made any changes towards its definition of the word, ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Pluto Pros And Cons People love Pluto, whether they are young or old it does not seem to matter. The 'planet' (and Walt Disney's beloved character) holds a special place in a lot of people's hearts. Yet, this only became clear to me after reading The Pluto Files by Neil deGrasse Tyson. I remember when Pluto's classification changed from being a planet to a dwarf planet however, I was never aware of how big of a controversy it caused. The fact that there was a conference deciding whether or not we should keep Pluto as our ninth planet was not something I was aware of previously to this book. Tyson does a wonderful job explaining the story of Pluto and not only the how the planet was reclassified but also why. As we spoke about in class Pluto does not really fit into the categories of being a planet, this was one of the major arguments as to why Pluto should not be considered our nineth planet anymore. I believe that it is interesting that some people were trying to then create a classification specifically for Pluto. However, this obviously did not come to be as there must be more than one of something in order for it ... Show more content on ... What is surprising is how people reacted and continue to over the decision. I agree with Tyson when he says "Find quote about Pluto being the smallest planet and largest dwarf planet" Yet, it is surprising that a lot of people do not feel this way. Why are people so emotionally attached to an object that is billions of miles away? Is it because it was one of the easier planets to remember in the solar system? Or perhaps it was because it was the smallest and people tend to cheer for the underdog. No doubt Disney's fun, loving pup had some help in the matter as well. Whatever the case people feel strongly enough about the issue to write Tyson personally about the regrouping of their favorite planet. Again what surprises me is that it was not only children but also ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. The Pluto: The Creation Of Our Solar System To me, astronomy means understanding more about the universe we live in. We often get short sighted living on Earth, and we fail to realise just how much more there really is out there, not only in our Solar System but in the Milky Way and beyond! Learning about different planets and other celestial bodies opens up a whole new world (pardon the pun) of learning, and can teach us about past events such as the creation of our Solar System or even the universe. And by learning more about these foreign bodies, we are also learning more about the forces that govern Earth, how Earth came to be, and what may lie in store for us. Overall I think it is a very interesting subject, and while more down–to–Earth people (again, pardon the pun) may scoff ... Show more content on ... Once considered the last planet in our Solar System, it was declassified in 2006 and is now said to be located in the Kuiper Belt. Pluto failed the third section of the planet test: the planet must have cleared the neighbourhood of its orbit of all other celestial objects. It was named after the Roman god of the Underworld, and has 5 moons. The largest, Chiron, is sometimes considered to be a twin planet to Pluto, since they are so similar in size and Chiron always faces Pluto the same way, much like our Moon does the Earth. The other moons, Nix, Hydra, Styx, and Kerberos, orbit at a greater distance, and are considered true moons. Pluto also has an elliptical orbit, and sometimes passes in front of Neptune so that it is closer to the Sun than the farthest planet of our galaxy. There are three main characteristics that define a planet, and two that divide a planet from a dwarf planet. The two main characteristics between a planet and a dwarf planet are: A planet must have enough "self gravity" to have a spherical shape. A planet must have cleared the surrounding neighbourhood of it's orbit of all other celestial bodies and objects. Although most dwarf planets inhabit the Kuiper Belt, there is one notable exception that reside in the Asteroid Belt named Ceres. Dwarf planets are also notorious for following long elliptical orbits, while the planets, though they still follow an elliptical orbit, are on a much more circular path. Overall, dwarf planets ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. In a Category All Their Own: Dwarf Planets Essay Since ancient times, the universe had captivated people's imagination and curiosity. With the limitation on technology, early sky watchers were only capable of classifying objects they observed as either a star or a planet. During the twentieth century, with advancement in telescopes to see further into space with more accurate details, scientists were able to find numerous stars and planet like objects within the solar system. Scientists had no trouble classifying objects such as Uranus and Neptune as planets. However, the real trouble came when they discovered a planetary object called Ceres. Objects like Ceres and Pluto behaved similarly to regular planets. Because of the limitations on the technology at the time, it was very difficult ... Show more content on ... Dwarf planets are celestial bodies that are in direct orbit of the Sun. In 2006, the IAU set a definition for a planet in the solar system as the following: is in orbit around the Sun, has sufficient mass to assume a hydrostatic equilibrium (or a nearly spherical shape) and has cleared the neighborhood around the object. Dwarf Planets passed two of the three necessary requirements of the planet test. One is that they are always in orbit around the Sun and the other is that they are nearly spherical in shape. However, they did not pass the test of clearing its neighborhood of any debris. Planets are able to clear smaller bodies near its orbit such as small asteroids through collision, capture or gravitational disturbance. Dwarf planets lack the mass to do so. As a result, they have a weak gravitational force that is unable to keep its orbital influence cleared from asteroids that float around in the Kuiper Belt territory. Although the International Astronomical Union had given their guidelines for a planet they haven't specified an upper and lower size and mass limits of dwarf planets. Many scientists assume the upper mass of a dwarf planet is when the mass of the object is just below of what is necessary to have a strong gravity to clear its orbiting neighborhood. Because once the object is large enough to have a stronger gravitational field then it is not a dwarf planet anymore. ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Essay On Safety Training Center Thank you for taking the time on being interested in this plan. The goal is to open a new Maritime Training Center in Las Vegas, Nevada and become an established Safety Training Center in the maritime industry to various commercial enterprises and most importantly Military Sealift Command, the largest operator of civilian manned logistic support vessels for the U.S. Navy. Before we get into want everyone wants to know, let me start off with a bit about my background and myself. I'm Captain Edward Santillan, and a current employer with Military Sealift Command. I have been working with MSC for the last 20 years, started as an entry–level position in the Supply Department and worked by way up to Master Unlimited Tonnage. I'm and ... Show more content on ... This is something Las Vegas can capitalize on as there is no training site available. There are a good percentage of sailors that live in the area, as most sailors desire to live in a tax–free state. I am one of them! There are 8 maritime academies that are pumping out 800 Third Officers and Third Assistant Engineers every year. These new junior officers that end up sailing will eventually require attending the courses we will be providing. Now, they are creating Junior Supply Officer(s), which I intend to create courses to support advancement in this rate. There are various Gun Ranges to support Small Arms Training, which is a high demand course requirement in Military Sealift Command, even with the Unions who are contracted by Military Sealift Command. This course alone would pay for the overhead cost at the training center. However, this business plan is not about one course; it's about two dozen courses we can start without having to invest in high price training aids like a simulator. However, once we get established the goal will become a full service Maritime Center with a Simulator. The proposed training center will be only 5 hours away from the Military Sealift Command CSU–W pool in San Diego, where CIVMARs are backlogged sometime waiting weeks for openings on their required training. We will provide transportation to and from the San Diego ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Analysis Of Robin Thicke 's ' The Summer ' In 2013, Robin Thicke, a relatively unknown but well–seasoned R&B singer, found major success in his upbeat song "Blurred Lines," which featured the big–named artists Pharrell Williams and T.I. (McKinley). The hit song broke records by spending 16 weeks on top of Billboard's Hot R&B/Hip– Hop Song chart, its popularity earning it the title of Billboard's Song of the Summer (Ramirez). The uncensored video on Vevo features three female models wearing nothing but shoes and nude– colored underwear dancing and strutting around Thicke, Williams, and T.I., who are fully dressed and frequently seen looking at the women's bodies. Although "Blurred Lines" garnered extreme popularity, it didn't go unnoticed that the lyrics and video, especially when paired together, tended to be off–putting for women, even though there was supposedly no intention of sexist allusions. When viewed through the lens of Stuart Hall's "Encoding/decoding" model, the stark contrast between the creators' intended meaning of the "Blurred Lines" video and the way in which the audience perceived it illustrates??? In "Encoding/decoding," Stuart Hall provides audiences with an alternate process of communication. Instead of following the "sender/message/receiver" structure, Hall examines what he describes as a "'complex structure of dominance'" which considers the "distinctive moments" including "production, circulation, distribution/consumption, reproduction." One of the most major aspects of Hall's proposed ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. The Elven Star I think that the star is very beautiful I do not know much about the Elven star yet but what I do know about it is that it is a seven pointed star or, Then again it is known as a septagram or heptagram and it other name is a faerie star a sacred symbol to the faeries. It is said to have many meanings it is just the way the person looks at it. The number seven is also a number that I believe is a lucky number and it is also just so happens to be the same number of points on the Elven star. Seven is surrounded by the remarkable things such as thought which is associated with consciousness, it deals with analysis and understanding,it has the knowledge and awareness, it stands for meditating and spiritual, and is a eccentric loner. purple is associated ... Show more content on ... with these symbols being seen as balance, they are equal in mirroring the seven great powers of planetary magic. This seven pointed star is a gateway symbol this means that it is a opening for our world and for the Faery, and the otherworld. The Faerie star has been selected by many old and newer faiths,which is some of these modern day Wicca or witchcraft such as the Faerie Tradition and then there is the Blue star. "It has been found in the Former Georgian Coat of Arms (1918–1921; 1991–2004). The Cherokee Nation has integrated the symbol into various bands of the Cherokee Nation." Many police bodies use the 7 pointed star on their badges, the Navajo Nation Police are one of them. According to "The Elements Encyclopedia of Secret Signs and Symbols" this star shows the seven stars called the Pleiades. It represents the number seven. Seven is also a lucky number It represents the Seven Colors of the Rainbow – Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. Sums up with your new understanding of the symbol. the symbol is used for practices in the Faerie tradition it represents many things depending on who is looking at it, it is also a seven pointed star that is encircled in a circle. Seven is associated with the moon. The moon is a concept of the maiden, mother and ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Family : A Different Definition Than An Adult Essay Family can be defined in a verity of different ways and depending who you ask, the answer will vary. A 5–year–old can have a different definition than an adult. Our book Understanding families defines family as "any unit that defines itself as a family, including individuals who are related by blood or marriage as well as those who have made a commitment to share their lives" (Hanson, 2). The definition of family will be viewed differently in school systems, hospitals, and even legally. Society has constructed this image of family, that holds an unrealistic expectation on communities and especially on children. The image society has placed on us, is a husband and a wife living behind a white picket fence, with 2.5 children and a dog. However, what I have learned is that family changes, they come and go, and do not last forever. As a little girl I thought my family whom is blood related are the only people I can call family. I learned that is not the case, family are the people who will stand by you, and be there for you. Family can be anyone who you choose, and deiced to intergrade into your family system. My family system has changed a lot over the course of my lifetime. At a young age I learned that family was not always going to stick around, they leave to live in another life, and with time I have slowly accepted that realization. The family model I selected to represent my family structure is the solar system. I have carefully selected and placed my family in ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. The Educational Journey Essay The Educational Journey Education is a journey through the universe. The universe is enormous and seems to have no end. If a person wants to be truly educated, he or she must spend years in school studying both important and trivial information. The material in the solar system represents the years a student spends in school. The remaining space in the universe is the endless learning one does outside of the classroom. The sun may not be in the center of the universe; however, the sun is the central core of the educational journey. The sun is where the educational journey begins. The elementary school years, kindergarten through fifth grade, are important years for the student. The elementary school grades are the years where a ... Show more content on ... On the other hand, Thomas argues that boys often have a hard time in the classroom when their teacher is female. According to Tony Moody, in Thomas' article, instead of encouraging the boys, female teachers may ridicule them for their aggressive behavior. This constant chastising is seen by male students and their parents as a lack of respect for the male student (121). However, Moody first came to this conclusion with the experience of his own son. Can a person who uses his own son as an example be taken seriously? After all, there are not many parents in this wold who will admit that their son or daughter could possibly be a troublemaker. Most parents are in denial, believing that their child is a perfect angel. I have experienced this numerous times when talking to parents about their children. Yet, students must get past this so called bias and grasp the concepts that will be the basis of the rest of their knowledge. Once a student has the basic concepts, the space shuttle can be boarded for the tour of the terrestrial planets. The terrestrial planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. These four planets are the planets that are closest to the sun. Terrestrial means earthlike; therefore, these planets are all earthlike because they have a solid ground. The terrestrial planets are the middle school years. The knowledge learned here orbits the sun. If the knowledge learned at the sun is not retained, a student may have a ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. New Horizon Space Project Report On January 19, 2006 NASA launched the New Horizon Space Probe from Cape Canaveral Air Force Base in Florida. It soured into space via the Atlas–V rocket. The New Horizon Space Probe is part of the New Frontier Program which was developed in 2001. This program was designed to explore new frontiers via satellites in our solar system. The New Horizon Space Probe was sent into space to explore Pluto (at the time it was considered a planet) and its moons. By the time the probe reached Pluto the planet was no longer considered a planet. The budget New Horizons was around $700 million and built by the Southwest Research Institute and Johns hopkins Physics Research Institute. Along with all the scientific equipment on the prob there were a handful ... Show more content on ... This is a Trans–Neptunian object or a minor planet. It was discovered in 2014 by scientists using the Hubble Telescope. There are a few other object which appear to be gravitationally attracted to one another, making it a contact binary. The orbital period of these object are about 295 years. New Horizon will come within 3,500 miles of the objects. The New Horizon Mission brought a new information on Pluto and the surrounding moons. Based on the crater count on Pluto's surface the dwarf planet has been geologically active the past four billion years. In particular, a massive ice plan large than Texas named Sputnik–Planum shows signs of being geologically active within the past ten million years. Also Pluto's surface is still puzzling to scientists as its composition is unlike any of the other Jovian planets. The surface goes from Nitrogen based to methane based to Oxygen based. In addition the atmospheric temperature is much colder than what scientists believed, by about 70 degrees F. Also thanks to the New Horizons probe scientists now believe they can theorize how Pluto's atmosphere haze layer formed. The process of its formation is based on atmospheric buoyancy waves or gravity waves. This affected is caused by the winds blowing over the mountainous surface of Pluto. Pluto's Moon Charon appeared to have a "ancient surface". It was observed in the Vulcan Planum area of the planets where the once great plans lied. Scientists ... Get more on ...
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  • 83. Pluto Essay In the outer limits of our solar system there is a planet unlike any other, Pluto. Pluto was discovered in February of 1930 by an American astronomer, Clyde Tombaugh. It is the only planet to have been discovered by an American. All though we have known of the existence of Pluto for over thirty years now, there are still many mysteries surrounding this celestial body. Being the farthest planet has made it difficult to study Pluto, Adding to the obscurity of this strange planet is that the capability to send spacecraft such distances has never been achieved. Through the wonders of science and astronomy, there are many things that can be determined, concluded, and hypothesized about this obscure planet. Pluto's ... Show more content on ... To be qualified as a planet and object must orbit a star, is not star–like in that it is undergoing internal nuclear fusion, and has a gravitational force that will allow it to retain a spherical shape. Pluto certainly fulfills these requirements, however, there are Kuiper objects that also meet the same criteria. These objects have been classified as minor planets and have been assigned a numerical designation. Despite all the argument for demoting Pluto to a minor planet, its status has remained the same, even if solely contributed to maintaining historical context. As mentioned earlier, Pluto has a rather unusual orbit. Pluto, while it is the furthest planet from the sun, for twenty years during its two–hundred and forty nine year orbit, it is actually the eighth planet, crossing over Neptune's orbit. Regardless of the fact that the orbits of the two planets cross, their orbits will not allow for them to ever collide. This is mainly due to Pluto's orbiting not staying in the elliptic plane. Because of its unusual orbit, Pluto travels above and below Neptune as the cross, avoiding collision. What also allows these two bodies to cross paths and avoid impact is that when Pluto is at one side of the sun, Neptune is at the other. This is a result of Pluto taking three times as long to make one orbit around the sun in comparison to Neptune. Pluto crossed in ... Get more on ...
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  • 87. Neptune: Fastest Gas Planets In The Solar System Neptune Neptune is unique. Neptune is one of the biggest gas planets in the solar system, also it is about the eighth planet that is closest to the sun. Neptune is twice as big as the earth in so many ways, When Neptune was first discovered in 1846, Neptune became the most distant planet in the Solar System. The gentlemen that discovered it was named Johann Gottfried Gann he is a German astronomer that wanted to discover something new and different so him and his team urban le terrier and John Couch Adams. They discovered the planet Neptune and everything that surrounds the planet. The surface of Neptune is very different than most of the planet's surfaces. Neptune has a rocky inner core, which is surrounded by water. The first layer of Neptune is the icy atmosphere, which is mostly hydrogen and also helium. The bluish ... Show more content on ... there wouldn't be any possibly for anything on that planet. The atmosphere of Neptune is mostly the same as the other planets in the Solar System; it mostly consists of hydrogen and helium, with a little amount of methane, water, ammonia and other ices. But unlike the other gas planets in the Solar System, Neptune's atmosphere has a larger proportion of wind and ice. Neptune is known for the bright blue colors and its rings also for the sea god named Poseidon, Neptune is one of the largest gravidity other than Jupiter in the solar system. Another similarity is that Jupiter and Neptune almost have the same red dot on the planet. Both Neptune and Jupiter are in the Outer or Gaseous Planets section of our Solar System–instead of being made of solid rock and liquid like Earth and many of the Inner Planets are, they're made of gas–so there is no solid base for something like a space ship to land on or a person to walk on, you would just fall through the gas and eventually be crushed under the pressure. Both planets have rings–like all the Gaseous Planets, but nothing like the rings of Saturn–they are only small and you can only really see them ... Get more on ...
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  • 91. Essay on The Solar System The Solar System What are planets? Planets are kinda like asteroid around the sun. There are nine planets in the solar system, Mercury, Venus, Earth ( Our planet ), Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. The Terrestrial Planets The terrestrial planets are the four innermost planets in the solar system, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. They are called terrestrial because they have a compact, rocky surface like the Earth's. The planets, Venus, Earth, and Mars have significant atmospheres while Mercury has almost none. The following diagram shows the approximate distance of the terrestrial planets to the Sun. The Sun The Sun is the most prominent feature in our solar system. It is the largest object and contains ... Show more content on ... Prominences are immense clouds of glowing gas that erupt from the upper chromosphere. The outer region of the corona stretches far into space and consists of particles traveling slowly away from the Sun. The corona can only be seen during total solar eclipses. The Sun appears to have been active for 4.6 billion years and has enough fuel to go on for another five billion years or so. At the end of its life, the Sun will start to fuse helium into heavier elements and begin to swell up, ultimately growing so large that it will swallow the Earth. After a billion years as a red giant, it will suddenly collapse into a white dwarf –– the final end product of a star like ours. It may take a trillion years to cool off completely. Mercury It is the closest planet to the Sun, and second smallest planet in the solar system. Its diameter is 40% smaller than Earth and 40% larger than the Moon. It is even smaller thanJupiter's moon Ganymede and Saturn's moon Titan Mercury is one of the planet that doesn't have a moon or salitlite obriting around it. Mercury obrit around ( and all the way ) the sun takes about 88 Earth days. Mercury has no atmosphere, and the planet is too small to hold one. With no atmosphere, there is no heat, so it's temp. is about –133 C.Mercury was named by the Romans after the fleet–footed messenger of the
  • 92. gods because it seemed to move more quickly than any other planet,obriting around ( and all the way ) the sun takes ... Get more on ...
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  • 96. Robotic Exploration And Human Exploration Ahhh. Robots. Some may think they are creepy and some may be fascinated by how they work. But how do robots come in handy when exploring space? Robots come in handy when exploring space because of the fact that robots can travel further than a human and they also don't need as many necessities as a human does. People may have different opinions about sending robots versus humans to space. I am in fact one of those people that have a different opinion. I go back and forth with believing that well robots are better. Then I believe that humans are better. When a robot goes to space there is more of a possibility of finding new life. A robot detects certain things that humans don't. Robotic exploration is necessary to enable human exploration by setting the context, providing critical information, and reducing the risk to humans. When sending a human info space that can take months maybe even years of training. And when sending a robot to space that may take months even years to build. A robot may also cost A LOT more than a human. I really can't make up my mind if robots or humans are better. Some of the biggest achievements of robotic exploration include Ceres, Vesta, and New Horizons. One of the robots that is up in space is called New Horizons. New Horizons is an interplanetary space probe that was launched as a part of NASA's New Frontiers program. New Horizons travelled to Pluto. Well it flew past Pluto in July 14, 2015. New Horizons was launched January 19, 2006. The goal of New Horizons launch was to Answer questions about Pluto, its moons, and Kuiper Belt Objects. New Horizons mission has found evidence of exotic ices flowing across Pluto's surface. The bluish–white coloring featured on Pluto tell us that there is exotic ices. Pluto undergoes climate variation and sometimes, when Pluto is a little warmer, the methane ice begins to basically 'evaporate' away. Some of the other surprising things found out about Pluto is that it has a young surface and it has some mountain ranges. New Horizons only flew by Pluto, which means it did not settle into a nice orbit. This is because Pluto is not big enough to have a gravitational pull on New Horizons. When sending a robot up to space you have to keep in mind ... Get more on ...
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  • 100. Argumentative Essay On Planet 9 Have you ever wondered about what else may be out there in the universe? Well as it turns out there are many more things than what may meet the eye. I have always been interested about what's been going on away from earth as well as what's on it so this topic really sparked my interest. One of those many hidden wonders that have been controversial away from earth is a planet scientists like to call Planet 9. Planet 9 was discovered by two Caltech researchers by the names of Mike Brown and Konstantin Batygin. They discovered it January 20, 2016 by using computer simulations and mathematical equations. Scientist believe that our sun ripped planet 9 from its previous orbit an eternity ago, but no one knows for sure. No has seen planet 9 either ... Show more content on ... Planet 9 is actually located near Pluto, which is a dwarf planet, in something called the Kuiper Belt. Planet 9 is actually found to be a 9th planet in our solar system and, much to some people's surprise, is actually one of three that has been recently discovered. Scientists have also discovered that for every one year on earth, there are approximately 10,000 to 20,000 years on planet 9. The most controversial thing about planet 9 is what effect it will ever have on earth. Some scientists believe that Planet 9 could cause mayhem is the universe some day. The theory was that someday the sun will start to die and swallow the earth and other inner planets while it is becoming a red giant and the outer planets like Jupiter, Saturn, and etc. will just be pushed away and possibly find another orbit, but some scientist now believe that with Planet 9 in the mix things will play out differently. They believe that instead of being pushed away, planet 9 instead will be pulled in and potentially ram into the other outer planets destroyed them is the process. Other scientists believe that it is not the case, but we may never know for certain what will happen if that day ... Get more on ...
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  • 104. What Is The Impact Of Neptune On Astronomers The discovery of Neptune has greatly impacted astronomers because of a dark spot that could swallow the earth, but two other dark spots have appeared over the last decade. Neptune is consed the ice giant because on its surface can reach –235 degrees Celsius or –391 degrees Fahrenheit even though the temperatures reach almost 400 degrees fahrenheit there have been gyses found the "spewing ice materials out from the ground". Neptune has 14 moons, but a 14th tiny, dim moon has been discovered, most of Neptune's moon has been discovered by Voyager 2. The largest moon is tryton it orbits the planet the opposite way of the rest. Neptune has 5 rings which hold the moon in Neptune's orbit, has also covered many asteroids it has captured Pluto in ... Get more on ...
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  • 108. How Does Neptune Influence Space outermost reigns of where the solar wind and sun's magnetic field dominate space. In September 2007, it crossed the termination shock at 84 AU. ( What was the planet originally named after Neptune was named after a roman god of the sea. Urbain le Verrier discovered it. ( How far away is Neptune from the sun? The average distance Neptune is from the sun is 2,795,084,800 miles. The closest Neptune gets to sun is 2,771,087,000 miles. The farthest it gets from the sun is 2,819,080,000 miles. ( How long is Neptune orbit–the amount of time it takes for it to go around the sun? Neptune takes 164.79 years to orbit the sun. On July 11,2011 Neptune completed one full orbit. ( How long ... Show more content on ... The average temp is –353 degrees Fahrenheit. ( Does Neptune have an atmosphere? If so what is it mostly composed of? Neptune atmosphere by volume is Molecular hydrogen 80%, Helium 19%, Methane 1.5 %, hydrogen deuteride 192 parts per million 7 ethane 1.5 part per million. ( How many moons does Neptune have and facts about them? Neptune has 14 moons the biggest being Triton which slightly smaller than Earths moon. Triton orbits Neptune backward it is the largest moon to do so. On July 15 the 14th moon was discovered and is temperately called S/2004 N 1. Triton is one of the four moons in the solar system to have an atmosphere. Neptune has seven inner moons Naiad, Despina, Galatea, Larissa, S/2004 N 1 and Proteus. ( Some interesting facts bout Neptune? Third largest planet dealing with mass. It is also the fourth largest planet dealing with diameter. Has the second largest gravity of any planet. Spins quickly on its axis. Neptune has the strongest winds in the solar system. Its surface gravity is almost like Earths. It's also the coldest planet in the solar system. It's a gas like planet. Neptune has five many rings that are Haller, Le Verrier, Lassell, Arago, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 112. Discovery Of Uranus Research Paper Discovery of Uranus by William Herschel in 1781 In 1781 William Herschel, discovered the planet we know today as Uranus. Herschel, who had been raised in a musical family, was an amateur astronomer who enjoyed charting the sky in sections each night. Herschel used his skills in music to fund his passions for astronomy and building telescopes. Through his nightly charting, Herschel discovered Uranus. Initially, Herschel thought it was a comet because of its slightly askew shape, however upon further exploration he found it to be a planet. Herschel confirmed his discovery by contacting Nevil Maskelyne. Maskelyne was the astronomer royal. Herschel named the planet 'Georgium Sidus' after King George III. France would not use the name, calling the ... Get more on ...
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  • 116. Pluto Lost Its Status : Pluto And Pluto Topic 7; What is a name? In 2006 Pluto lost its status as a planet (of our solar system) after a heated scientific debate that had gone on for years. What were the events leading up to Pluto's demotion? Why was there a problem and why was it such a big deal? What are the implications for the future of other planets in our solar system? Introduction The main focus of this paper will be focused on the impact of the demotion of Pluto and what implications this has for future planets. Pluto was discovered on the 18th of February 1930 at the Lowell Observatory in Arizona by American astronomer Clyde Tombaugh ( 2013). The Observatory was given the right to name the planet, they received over 1,000 suggestions from all over the globe however, the members of the Observatory made the decision to name it Pluto after the Greek god 'Pluto' god of the underworld (Top10archive 2015). Pluto was known as the smallest planet in the solar system and the ninth planet from the sun, being 5.9 billion kilometers away (universe today 2016). It is 30 to 50 times as far from the sun as Earth and if travelling at the speed of light it would take 327 minutes to reach Pluto from Earth (google search 2016). It was the first object to be discovered in what would later be identified as the Kuiper belt. Discussion After decades of Pluto being a planet, astronomers began wondering whether Pluto might just be the first of many small, icy bodies in the Kuiper Belt (BBC news 2015). it wasn't until ... Get more on ...
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  • 120. Neptune, The Ice Planet Neptune:the ice planet When was Neptune discovered?"Neptune was the very first planet to be discovered by using math! (mathematics). After the discovery of Uranus in 1781, astronomers noticed that the planet was being pulled a little bit out of its normal orbit. John Couch Adams of Britain and Urbain Jean Joseph Leverrier of France, used math to figure out that the gravity from another planet beyond Uranus was affecting the orbit of Uranus. They figured out not only where the planet was, but also how much mass it had. A young astronomer, Johann Gottfried Galle, decided to search for the predicted planet and observed Neptune for the first time in 1846." ––– When–was–Neptune–discovered– "WHAT IS THE SURFACE OF NEPTUNE LIKE"? "As a gas giant (or ... Show more content on ... Neptune was only discovered on September 23, 1846. That was only 163 years ago in other words, since its discovery, Neptune has made one single orbit around the Sun! The orbit was in 2011" ––long–does–it–take–neptune–to–orbit–the–sun/ WHAT ARE NEPTUNE'S GASES MADE OF Let's see what Neptune is made of. The outermost layer of Neptune is the atmosphere, forming about 5–10% of the planet's mass, and extending up to 20% of the way down to its core. Neptune's atmosphere is about 80%hydrogen, 19% helium, with trace amounts of other ices, like methane, ammonia and water– ice–is–neptune–made–of/ It takes Neptune 164.8 Earth years to orbit the Sun. On 11 July 2011, Neptune completed its first full orbit since its discovery in 1846. Neptune was discovered by Jean Joseph Le Verrier. The planet was not known to ancient civilizations because it is not visible to the naked eye. The planet was initially called Le Verrier after its discoverer. This name, however, quickly was abandoned and the name Neptune was chosen instead. Neptune is the Roman God of the Sea. In Greek, Neptune is called ... Get more on ...
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  • 124. Song Analysis: Why I Hate These Blurred Lines I Hate These Blurred Lines 2013 has been a good year. We've had a royal birth, a celebration marking 50 years of Doctor Who and Andy Murray won Wimbledon making him the first British male to do so in *77 years. Unfortunately this year also saw the release of what is quite possibly the worst song ever made: Blurred Lines. It is a monstrosity created by Robin Thicke. The song has attracted much attention due it its misogynistic video and offensive lyrics. That attention has caused both positive and negative reactions. Blurred Lines has become the *most downloaded song of 2013 but it has also been banned in several places including at least *9 universities in the UK alone. My question is, why hasn't it been banned all together? It is shocking really that a song that promotes date rape and objectifies women is even permitted to play on the radio. The argument, of course, is that the song does not affiliate itself at all with the subject of rape, and that people who take offence are, in fact, simply reading too much into the lyrics.. This notion is outrageous. Even if the song was not intended to have this sort of content no one can deny that the is little to dispute when deciphering the meaning behind *these lyrics: "I hate these blurred lines I know you want it I know you ... Show more content on ... However, both Robin Thicke – and most of modern culture – are wrong. There are no blurred lines when it comes to consent, yes is yes and no is no. Simple. Clear. Very precise lines that are in no way blurred. But of course, Robin knows best. To him when this girl says no, what she quite clearly means is yes. Because he knows she wants it. Thinking about that makes me feel extremely uncomfortable. This girl has expressed that she has no interest in this man but he still chooses to peruse her because he feels like she obviously can't resist him. If that doesn't sound like the thoughts of a rapist before an attack then what ... Get more on ...
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  • 128. Planet In the outer limits of our solar system there is a planet unlike any other, Pluto. Pluto was discovered in February of 1930 by an American astronomer, Clyde Tombaugh. It is the only planet to have been discovered by an American. All though we have known of the existence of Pluto for over thirty years now, there are still many mysteries surrounding this celestial body. Being the farthest planet has made it difficult to study Pluto, Adding to the obscurity of this strange planet is that the capability to send spacecraft such distances has never been achieved. Through the wonders of science and astronomy, there are many things that can be determined, concluded, and hypothesized about this obscure planet. Pluto's discovery was actually a ... Show more content on ... This gives Pluto the appearance that it is tipped on its side, which, in essence, it virtually is. Pluto's rotation also has notable qualities. Pluto's rotation period is 6.387 days, the same as its satellite/moon Charon. Although it is common for a moon to travel in a synchronous orbit with its planet, Pluto is the only planet to rotate synchronously with the orbit of its satellite. Thus being tidally locked, Pluto and Charon continuously face each other as they travel through space. From 1985 to 1990, the Earth lined up with Pluto and Charon to cause and eclipse every Pluto day. This occurrence allowed astronomers to gather a multitude of valuable information about Pluto and its moon. The eclipses lasted as much as four hours and by carefully timing their beginning and ending, measurements for their diameters were taken. Photograph's later taken by the Hubble telescope confirms Pluto's diameter of 1413 miles, and Charon's, at nearly half the size, 728 miles across within one percent accuracy. Astronomers where also able to determine the density of Pluto during the daily eclipses. By discovering the density to be approximately two grams per cubic centimeter, astronomers where able to hypothesize the make up of the planet. They concluded that Pluto is fifty to seventy percent rock with mixed with ice. Astronomers are also confident in the density of Charon. If correct, the approximate density of one gram per cubic centimeter would mean that Charon ... Get more on ...
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  • 132. Terrestrial Planets Essay 1. What are the terrestrial planets? The terrestrial planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. These planets are composed primarily of silicate rocks with structures consisting of a central metallic core, mostly iron, with a surrounding silicate mantle. 2. How were Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune formed? Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune were formed by different types of rock and frozen materials (water, ammonia, and methane). These materials were once planetesmals, which formed from the rocky, metallic solid materials that were able to survive the collapse of the solar nebula which formed our solar system. 3. What role do impact craters play on Venus? Which planet is Earth most like? In what ways is this planet like Earth? Venus' ... Show more content on ... Specifically, Mercury was once volcanically active, but no longer is. Eighty–five percent of Venus' surface is made up of low lying volcanic plains. As we know, Earth has volcanoes. Mars has two large volcanic systems, with the largest, the Tharsis region, stretching across 8,000 kilometers of the planet. Volcanoes exist due to the buildup of pressure in the outer core. This forces the molten core up to the surface of a planet, in the form of lava. 4. What are the characteristics of the inner planets? How do these vary from the outer planets? Inner planets all contain a core, mantle, and crust. These planets are very dense and rocky. In comparison to outer planets, inner planets are smaller, denser, and rockier. 5. What evidence is there to support that planets exist outside of our Solar System? The discovery of other stars in early stages of formation support the fact that planets exist outside of our solar system. These stars, surrounded by disks of gas and dust, are called proplyds. According to astronomers, these disks are like that which the solar nebula was believed to be like, providing a good source of evidence of other planets. Extrasolar planets, or planets outside of our solar system, are believed to have formed from the distortion of the proplyd ... Get more on ...
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  • 136. Who Is Responsible for Billy Budd's Death? Who is responsible for killing Billy Budd? Is it Claggart, Captain Vere, or Billy Bubb himself? There are many people who will argue all three men are responsible for killing Billy Budd. Their argument is Claggart, also known as Jemmy Leggs, provoked Billy in to striking him, attacking an officer is a serious offense. Captain Vere witnessed Claggart pushing Billy's buttons by yelling at him, accusing him of mutiny, and saw the frustration in Billy's face, but did not pull rank and order both men to stand down. However Billy is responsible for his own actions and should never had let anyone control his emotions. Billy Budd is a simple man who has a stuttering problem and also he cannot read. Billy did not let that stop him from helping ... Show more content on ... Billy Budd is responsible for his own death. There are times when taking someone's life is necessary such as a time of war, but not in a heating argument. Captain Vere, said it best that the crime is what they were worried about, not the case between right and wrong. The crime was murder. Billy was a hard worker who would do his best to help anyone out. However, Billy was not judged on the type of man he was he was judged by the action that had taken place. Killing a man in cold blood but not meaning to kill him offer very little defense in military law or any court. Regardless of Billy's intentions, the crime was committed and the penalty followed. The military law was taken into place and there was nothing to decide on. If the court had let him go for killing a man than the next sailor that kills a man in a heated argument should be let go as well. The wrong message would have been sent in letting Billy get away with murder. Be sides his suturing problem, being naïve, and not being able to read, Billy had no real issues. Billy had no mental problems. He was more than capable of having a conversation and could have explained himself to the captain. Billy let his emotions get the best of him. Billy regretted striking Claggart. Billy was punished correctly for the crime he ... Get more on ...
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  • 140. Space Mission : Pluto And Kuiper Belt Objects PHYS1160 – Space Mission To Pluto Question: The "New Horizons" mission is on its way to explore the outer Solar System. Describe the objectives of the mission and important scientific instruments on the space probe. Discuss what we have learnt about Pluto after the closest approach to this dwarf planet. Explain how this mission helps us to understand the processes of formation and evolution of the planetary system. Space exploration is one of the most important and essential technologies in our astronomical history. In the recent 70 years human have started using rocket science and other specialties to bring probes and humans into extra–terrestrial space, as to make detail observations and explorations of other planets and celestial ... Show more content on ... However, due to the reclassification by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in 2006, Pluto is reclassified as a dwarf planet – excluded from the Solar System. This doesn't stop New Horizons to continue its mission and explore Pluto. There are a few goals that New Horizons will attain: 1. Collect data and help us to understand the early formation of Solar System 2. Detail observation of the geology of Pluto and its moon Charon 3. Analyze the atmosphere and surface of Pluto and Charon 4. Determine surface temperature of Pluto 5. Similar observations on one or more KBOs Through these observations, astronomers can answer some concerns about Pluto such as how solar wind interferes with Pluto, the origin of Pluto and more numerical data of Pluto. NASA, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (ALP) and Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) cooperates and develops the New Horizons in 2001. It replaces the cancellation of Pluto Kuiper Express Project by reason of expenditure budget, and continues the discovery mission of Solar System. Under the leadership of Sol. Alan Stern, New Horizons was successfully built and launched in 2006. With the inspiration from Ulysses (one of the space probes orbits around the Sun and study its features), New Horizons carries 7 advance instruments in order to improve the quality of observation: Long Range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI) The first instrument on New Horizons that can observe and produce a ... Get more on ...
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  • 144. Lab Report On Solar System Kimberly Greene Dr. Newton Astronomy 1000–Section A August 29, 2017 Lab Report 1–The Solar System During our first lab in Astronomy, we got to develop and perform a hands–on experiment of the overall scale of our Solar System. We got to physically interact by demonstrating and constructing a model of our Solar System by using a simple tool such as toilet paper. Who knew? We used the toilet paper shown in the pictures as a visual representation to illustrate the overall scale of the Solar System, to show the distance between each individual planet, and to represent the distances of each planet from the Sun. We physically counted out each piece or sheet of toilet paper to reach the destination of which the next or neighboring planet was from its neighboring planet. We started with the Sun, then Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, until we finally reached our final planet, Neptune. We drew dots to represent each planet. In our lab activity, we created and demonstrated a relative scale model to show how the planets are aligned and the distance between each of them. We created this model, so that we could better understand the overall sizes of each planet and the distances of each of the planets from the Sun. First, we used the model distance formula, which is model distance=0.25 inches/1,391,900 km * actual distance in km. We used this formula to calculate the distance in which each planet lies from the Sun. We found the overall scale distance of each planet ... Get more on ...
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  • 148. Stars Are Made All Of The Time Gravity has an important role in many things, this including, but not limited to, how stars are made, how planets orbit, and rings around planets. It can make rings, and it can also make black holes, that destroy rings, and the planets they are around. It pushes galaxies apart, and also pulls the smallest of atoms to the center of the Earth. Gravity has an important role in space and time, along with our lives. Stars are made all of the time, and this is because of gravity. Star are made when gravity squeezes interstellar gas with so much pressure that they begin fusion. After they begin this fusion, the fusion lets out a force to the outside of the star. When the gravitational force and the force made by the fusion are the same, the star is stable. If they are not the same, for any reason, the star will be unstable and explode. Stars are made all the time because of gravity, even if we can't see them being made. ... Show more content on ... Planets are constantly pulled towered their star, but they are also going around the star, and spinning. This act of revolving around the star, paired with the spinning, makes them keep missing the star as they pulled towered, and to the side at the same time, because of the spin. This keeps it near the star, and lets it go around it at the same time. Newton's third law states as follows, "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." This means that when gravity pulls the planet towered the star, the star is also pushing back on them. When this happens, it is called an ... Get more on ...
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  • 152. Pluto: Greek And Roman Mythology In Translation Rebecca McKenney Mrs. McCleanhan Greek and Roman Mythology in Translation 5 December 2016 Pluto Clyde Tombaugh was initially hired by Vesto Slipher of the Lowell Observatory, located in Arizona, as an "assistant observer on a trial basis," according to David Leverington, author of "A History of Astronomy from 1890 to the Present". (Leverington) But, starting on April 6th, 1929, Tombaugh began the search that was started by Percival Lowell for what he had dubbed as 'Planet X'. Between January 21st and 29th of 1930, Tombaugh was taking "plates (pictures) of the Delta Geminorum region...on began blinking the plates on 15th February." (Leverington) Around 4:00 p.m. on the 18th of February, Tombaugh noticed that there was an object that moved! He checked his earlier plates ... Show more content on ... Burney comments to Rincon that she was "quite interested in Greek and Roman myths and legends at the was extremely lucky that the name was there. There were practically no names left from classical mythology." (Rincon) For clarification of Pluto's role in mythology, NASA editor Philips Davis talked to Dr. Elizabeth Vandiver who is a chair member of the Department of Classic at Whitman College located in Walla Walla, Washington for help in the article, "Pluto – In Depth." She replies, "Pluto is the name of the Roman god of the Underworld, equivalent to the Greek Hades. However, the Greek name "Plouton" (from which the Romans derived their name "Pluto") was also occasionally used as an alternative name for Hades. But Pluto is definitely the Roman spelling." (Pluto) There was another benefit of naming the new planet Pluto. The first two letters, PL, is considered to also pay tribute to Percival Lowell, who as mentioned above, started the search for this new planet. Although Pluto was demoted to a dwarf planet by the International Astronomical Union in 2006, the discovery is still important and helps spark some our curiosities of the heavens today. Work ... Get more on ...
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  • 156. Persuasive Essay Comparing Two Planets In 1905 Pervical Lowell was the fist person to notice Pluto and he started observing Neptune and Uranus and he observed a similarity from this two planets and Pluto. After almost 25 years Pluto then was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh and like it was stated in the "Pluto files" Core Friday, Pluto was then named after an 11 year old girl who told her grandfather that "the new world get its name from the Roman god of the underworld " from there her grandfather passed the name on to Lowell Observatory. Pluto was once consider the ninth most distant planet from the sun , but in recent years research have found that Pluto after all does not fit most of the characteristics that other planets do therefor they have reclassified Pluto as one of the largest dwarf planet in the solar system. In 2006 when Pluto was reclassified controversy began and debates have developed among the scientific ... Show more content on ... We have always trust scientist in every aspect because they are the ones who define mostly everything that we know like a "triangle" and "energy" because that's their responsibility. When they gather to come up with the classifications on what makes a Planet an actual "Planet" they had background knowledge and they had their research to backup their decision and the new discoveries they had made since 1930 until 2006. Why should Pluto be consider a Planet when the other objects they have found throughout the years with the same classification have being label differently? In order for a planet to become a Planet it has to have something special and unique otherwise every single rock they find in outer space would be classifies as a planet and in a few years the word "Planet" itself would just be another word without a special ... Get more on ...