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Marketing Segmentation and Product Definition
Shana Williams
Professor Joan Draper
Mercy College
Marketing 225 DLA
Marketing Segmentation and Product Definition
The Industry
The new service that caters to education reform is The Col
School of Secondary Education. This school offers a secondary
education everywhere in the U.S. with strategic rock climbing.
These courses last every nine weeks without interfering with
other required credits. This would enhance the need for
competition through meeting the preferences of the schools,
parents, and students within the market of education. Along
with strategic rock climbing courses, this school will also
feature arithmetic, science, and humanities courses . The
concept and implementation of The Col School of Secondary
Education would intrigue the interest of students and instructors
alike since it bases on effective and efficient assimilation of
public schools. Education boards has never seen a service like
this ever because it allows students who would like to gain
cultural knowledge by traveling, decision making, problem
solving, and fitness, hence, the opportunity to take classrooms
by storm. It is crucial for the product to follow the quality
standards of classrooms in order to appeal effectively and
appropriately to parents and relevant institutions. The Col
School of Secondary Education falls in the education industry in
that it is a form of outdoor classrooms at enhancing the minds
of instructors and students. This allows instructors to be more
responsible for students and challenges them in the classroom
by trusting the student as well as themselves. It is ideal for the
organization to venture into this industry because of great
demand for the change in education reform and effective
communication and education system in order to minimize the
lack of attentiveness and structure in the classroom. The
industry is broken and has lackluster in that the modern society
depends on technology for most of its activities. This indicates
of the modern society and technology is crucial, but what has
happened to making leaders as well as fit individuals in an
morbidly obese society?
The Need that the Product or Service Addresses
Col school of rock climbing would aim at enhancing our
students to be future leaders and members of society and across
the globe. Students will gain characteristics such as planning,
concentration, goal setting, sense of achievement, and spatial
awareness. These prove to be ideal for today’s job market as
well as post secondary education. The service offers something
new to education due to the fact that there is so much fuss with
education reform and teachers. This is as a result of the lack of
creativity in the classroom, students becoming too overly
dependent on teachers, and teachers not being challenged. This
would cater to middle, low and high income families. The major
objective of the specified service contained by education
institutions and is to offer adequate structures and creativity to
the individuals in the society at by scholarship.
The service would also address hindrances to effective
education that it will be ideal for Ivy League colleges, SAT
preparation, and remarkable networking opportunities, thus the
ability to maintain constant evolving in classrooms and brighter
students. This type of education would address the reforms of
classical education, modern reforms, and funding levels in that
the product would be ideal for individuals aiming to have
interest in the program to bring enough buzz to bring on
funding. The service would come in different categorical
aspects with the specified major objective of meeting the
preference of all public education boards. It is ethical for the
service to address the issue of standard in education. This would
enhance the image of public schools to receive more funding for
a growing and creative program. Tackling of these issues would
be vital to surviving government reform of education. The
organization would also have the opportunity to address all
issues thus the chance to obtain competitive advantage of
crucial competitors such as private schools.
The Size of the Market Overall
The new service (Col) would be ideal for every public
school student who has interest in rock climbing activities. The
individuals must seek to address the issue of transformation in
public schools and quality of teachers in order to maximize the
benefits of the service in relation to meeting the needs and
preferences. The target market for the new service is public
schools. This section would include ages 16-18 (male and
female) who can be troubled, distracted, or non-challenged
students. Since the service is still new and under district
administration, it would concentrate as a summer program for
public schools before advancing or expanding to other
institutions. The American market would offer ideal size (5 to 8
students per class) to begin with thus the opportunity to
maximize feedback from the interaction with students, parents,
and teachers in this market.
The Size of Key Segments
The new service would consider developing critical
segments in order to enable education boards to choose their
service in accordance with U.S. standards of education. The
parents of individuals with higher income levels would have the
opportunity to enjoy public school education that is up to their
standards if accepted. This segment would be the majority
within the market and industry hence the opportunity to
maximize grants during each financial year-end by each
semester turnout. The other segment would consist of low-
income earners. This group will have the opportunity to have
high seniority with being accepted into the program. It is
crucial to concentrate on these segments for the enhancement of
education awareness on the new service available at their
specified disposal. This would include websites and
instructional videos promoting services to boards around the
The product’s Life Cycle
The first stage of the development and marketing of the
service would involve the introduction. This stage would entail
constant research, development, and launching of the service in
the context. The second stage reflects on the growth of the
service. This is through evaluation of working with students
that are placed in remedial classes who have weaknesses such as
math and lack confidence in the classroom. The third stage of
the specified service life cycle relates to maturity. At this stage
of the life cycle, it is evident that the organization has the
opportunity to experience higher success rates in students,
successful teachers, and growth in U.S public schools. During
this stage, it is ideal to offer diversification to the service,
compete with private schools by numbers, conduct quality
instructors who are great on the terrain as well as the
classrooms, and encourage trust back into the education system.
The last stage of the cycle involves the immediate rejection of
education administration. This stage calls for effective plans in
numbers, test scores, and surveys from students, parents and
The Life Cycle Strategy (How Will the Marketing Strategy
Change Over the Life Cycle)
The marketing strategy will continue to development in
relation to the service’s life cycle. During the last, stage
(decline), the organization would phase out programs within Col
that do not work in order to have positive feedback as well gain
more funding. It is considerably significant to enhance the
awareness of the market segments on the available market
opportunities. During the introduction stage, the strategy would
entail extensive evaluation of the market conditions and prove
the proper way to assess students. The progress of this program
could possibly offer different avenues to challenge students and
may possibly end the adaptation of magnate charter and private
The Distribution Strategy over the Life of the Product
The organization would not have such a need to distribute.
This would require simply conduct agreements with the
Department of Public Education and each instructor to pass the
Essential Test of Knowledge and Skills. The organization would
then have to contact accrediting groups for accreditation. This
group would began as a non-profit group and then co-mingle
with public schools alike. The organization would start off in a
school zone that has near rock climbing terrain that allows
students to commute from school grounds.
Introduction to Astronomy Investigation Paper
Page 1
John DiElsi
As indicated on your course outline, you will submit an
investigation paper that will be worth
20% of your final grade. You have been in the course for a
brief time and I’m sure you have
found some topics that you found interesting. This paper should
allow you to explore a topic of
your choice and write a brief paper about that topic. Some
sample topics are given at the end of
this document. You can choose topics from the history of
astronomy to recent discoveries. The
compilation of astronomy websites that is included in Course
Documents in Course Material
may be of assistance. The Mercy College Libraries
also can assist you in finding a topic.
• Write a minimum 600-word report on your research. Make
sure you include a bibliography
of the sources you used to write the paper. Appropriate
diagrams, charts or photos may be
included, but obviously don't count as part of the 600-word
• The text may NOT be used as a reference. Your paper should
provide information beyond
that provided in the text.
• The topic must be submitted and approved by me before you
do extensive research and start
writing the paper. You should do some preliminary research
when selecting the topic to
make sure there are resources available for your investigation. I
may make some suggestions
on your proposed topic before accepting it. You will have a
chance to accept my suggestions
or select another topic. The deadline for the topic approval is
Saturday, November 3.
• No two students can use the same topic so get your requests in
• The paper and bibliography must be submitted to
SafeAssignment -- a utility that checks for
plagiarism – by Saturday, December 15. Instructions for
submission through
SafeAssignment will be available later in the term.
• Plagiarism will not be tolerated and may result in a failing
grade for all involved.
• Points will be deducted for not following these guidelines.
The Mercy College Learning Center can assist you in
developing and writing this paper.
For your research, use several sources – books, trade
magazines, print journals, online journals,
online databases (the Library has several), websites, etc. Make
sure you cite any and all sources
used in the writing of the paper.
Introduction to Astronomy Investigation Paper
Page 2
Style Guide for Written Submissions
• Prepare a single, consistent, integrated, professional looking
• Use Times New Roman font, 12 point.
• Use double spacing with no larger than one-inch margins.
• Use page numbers.
• Prepare a cover (title) page.
• Use a cover sheet with: your name; the class number and
section; the instructor's name;
the date.
• Make the report readable and pleasant looking. Leave plenty
of white space and make
good use of paragraphs and indented sections.
• Use bold type and underlining for emphasis, but don't overdo
• Do not overload the text with details. Present what is
necessary for clarity in the body of
the report and place supporting material in appendices.
• Appropriate diagrams, charts and images may be used.
• In sentences use numerals for values of 11 and over and write
them out for values of ten
and under. Exceptions: don't start a sentence with a numeral;
use numbers for page,
figure, and table references.
• Avoid run-on sentences, wordiness, and incomplete sentences.
• Be consistent in your use of tense.
• Make sure subjects and verbs agree.
• Use proper punctuation.
• SPELLING AND GRAMMAR COUNT. You may use a spell-
checker, but don't rely on
it. Grammar-checkers are not reliable - they often give
erroneous advice. So,
Again, the Learning Center located as each campus can assist
you with making sure your
paper is well-written. Their services are available online also.
Introduction to Astronomy Investigation Paper
Page 3
Choosing aTopic
Some of these topics are covered in the text. Remember, your
paper must focus on material
not covered in the text. You should do some basic research
before selecting a topic. Some
topics can be more technical that others. Again, you can choose
your own topic -- pick
something that interests you -- or choose one of the topics
below. No two students can select
the same topic -- first come, first served.
• Hubble Space Telescope (HST) -- launching and problems that
had to be corrected
• comet-planet collisions
• specific sky objects such as a particular planet, nebulas, etc.
• future death of the Sun
• planetary nebulae (nebulas)
• supernovas
• neutron stars
• pulsars
• deaths of stars leading to births of other stars
• biographies of astronomers (Galileo, Copernicus, Kepler,
Hubble, Leavitt, etc.)
• the technology behind HST photos
• collisions of galaxies
• big bang vs. steady state theories of the creation of the
• mission and results of the Kepler telescope
• future mission of the proposed Webb telescope
• search for extrasolar planets (exoplanets)
• Mars Curiosity probe or other solar system probes (specify)
• comparison of craters on Moon and Earth
• safe ways to observe the Sun
• using the stars for navigation
Another source of possible topics are astronomy websites.
Many are listed in the Astronomy
Website files in the Course Document area under Course
Material. The sites can be found in
both Excel and pdf formats.
Feel free to ask questions using e-mail in Blackboard if you find
your topic is too broad. I will
try to help you focus on a particular aspect of your topic that
can provide useful information in a
narrower scope.
Running head: ASTRONOMY
Hubble Telescope
From the earliest days of astronomy, astronomers have shared a
common dream from generation to generation. They wanted to
have a clear sight of the space. With the launch of the Hubble,
human beings had significant advance of achieving their dream.
Hubble is a machine that rotates the orbit and is placed in the
atmosphere to block light from reaching the planet. It has an
advantage of capturing images more than the ground based
telescopes (Anderson & King 2006)
Problems and launching
The Hubble Space Telescope was carried in to the orbit in 1990.
It was named after a renowned astronomer Edwin Hubble. It has
been suggested that the Hubble is a significant tool of research
in the space. This vital element of public relation was built by
the United States space agency with the support of European
space agency.
According to David Alice Charles and Dawn (2012) the
telescope was expected to be launched in 1983, but scientist
discovered that the machine had been ground the wrong way. A
servicing mission team made observations that led to a
breakthrough of restoring the intended quality of the machine.
The mission team designed the telescope with features that
could enable astronauts conduct technical service in space in
2009. According to Mike Griffin approval, the telescope is
expected to function beyond 2013. After the launch of the
telescope, astronomers discovered that there was a serous
problem with the optical system. The quality of images
captured was below standard, which showed that Hubble had
failed to achieve its intended purpose. Hubble had flawed
images that suggested that the crucial mirror had been ground in
the wrong shape. However, astronomers went ahead, and used
the telescope to make productive observations. The lens were
wrongly spaced, an indication that it was incorrectly assembled
and the null corrector could not make proper shapes.
Astronomers began to seek ways of solving the problem because
servicing the Hubble in space was expensive. Therefore, the
servicing mission team designed fresh optical equipments to
correct the spherical irregularity. Hubble has beamed thousands
of descriptions back to earth flaking light on many mysteries. It
has helped astronauts to have a transformed look of the universe
(Ballesteros, Zamora, and Heitsch 2011). This was a successful
and long lasting achievement made by NASA. The blurry
images indicated that something was wrong. With the Hubble in
space, people expected clear images more than those of ground
based telescopes. The spherical aberration revealed that the
center of the focus mirror was in a wrong shape (Meylan 1993).
The blurred image was a challenge to scientists who had to
come up with ways of solving the aberration. Scientists and
engineers were aware of the optical problem and invented a
chain of mirrors to cut off the light reflections. They replaced
the planetary camera with a fresh adaptation.
Astronauts are proud of how Hubble has been able to expose the
secrets of the earth and the solar system. However, they should
realize that the telescope’s life span will come to an end. This
will be identified with the degradation of components. NASA
had planned bringing back the machine from the space after it
stops working, but the prolonged lifespan has postponed its
retirement. The presence of the telescope in the national
museums will reflect the determination of scientists. This shows
an achievement of a long time dream. Nevertheless, scientists
have identified a robotic mission to enable Hubble land in the
ocean when it stops functioning.
M. J. 2005, in ASP Conf. Ser. 340, Future Directions in High
Resolution Astronomy, ed. J. Romney & M. Reid San Francisco,
CA: ASP Publishers.
David R. Law, Alice E. Shapley, Charles C. Steidel, Naveen A.
Reddy, Charlotte R. Christensen, Dawn K. (2012) In a rare
grand-design spiral High velocity dispersion galaxy at redshift z
= 2.18. Nature, 487 (7407): 338
Anderson, J., & King, I. R. (2006). PSFs, Photometry and
Astrometry for the ACS/WFC ISR-ACS 2006-01; Baltimore,
Ballesteros-Paredes, J., Hartmann, L. W., V´azquez-Semadeni,
E., Heitsch, F., & Zamora-Avil´es, M. A. (2011) MNRAS, 277,
Meylan, G. (1993) in ASP Conf. Ser. 48, The Globular Cluster-
Galaxy Connection, ed. G. H. Smit & J. P. Brodie San
Francisco, CA: ASP Publishers.

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Please answer the following three questions in one to two paragraphs.docx
Please answer the following three questions in one to two paragraphs.docxPlease answer the following three questions in one to two paragraphs.docx
Please answer the following three questions in one to two paragraphs.docx
Please answer the following1.  Transformational leadership and .docx
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  • 1. MARKETING SEGMENTATION AND PRODUCT DEFINITION 1 MARKETING SEGMENTATION AND PRODUCT DEFINITION 4 Marketing Segmentation and Product Definition Shana Williams Professor Joan Draper Mercy College Marketing 225 DLA 11/25/2012 Marketing Segmentation and Product Definition The Industry The new service that caters to education reform is The Col School of Secondary Education. This school offers a secondary education everywhere in the U.S. with strategic rock climbing. These courses last every nine weeks without interfering with other required credits. This would enhance the need for competition through meeting the preferences of the schools, parents, and students within the market of education. Along with strategic rock climbing courses, this school will also feature arithmetic, science, and humanities courses . The
  • 2. concept and implementation of The Col School of Secondary Education would intrigue the interest of students and instructors alike since it bases on effective and efficient assimilation of public schools. Education boards has never seen a service like this ever because it allows students who would like to gain cultural knowledge by traveling, decision making, problem solving, and fitness, hence, the opportunity to take classrooms by storm. It is crucial for the product to follow the quality standards of classrooms in order to appeal effectively and appropriately to parents and relevant institutions. The Col School of Secondary Education falls in the education industry in that it is a form of outdoor classrooms at enhancing the minds of instructors and students. This allows instructors to be more responsible for students and challenges them in the classroom by trusting the student as well as themselves. It is ideal for the organization to venture into this industry because of great demand for the change in education reform and effective communication and education system in order to minimize the lack of attentiveness and structure in the classroom. The industry is broken and has lackluster in that the modern society depends on technology for most of its activities. This indicates of the modern society and technology is crucial, but what has happened to making leaders as well as fit individuals in an morbidly obese society? The Need that the Product or Service Addresses Col school of rock climbing would aim at enhancing our students to be future leaders and members of society and across the globe. Students will gain characteristics such as planning, concentration, goal setting, sense of achievement, and spatial awareness. These prove to be ideal for today’s job market as well as post secondary education. The service offers something new to education due to the fact that there is so much fuss with education reform and teachers. This is as a result of the lack of creativity in the classroom, students becoming too overly dependent on teachers, and teachers not being challenged. This would cater to middle, low and high income families. The major
  • 3. objective of the specified service contained by education institutions and is to offer adequate structures and creativity to the individuals in the society at by scholarship. The service would also address hindrances to effective education that it will be ideal for Ivy League colleges, SAT preparation, and remarkable networking opportunities, thus the ability to maintain constant evolving in classrooms and brighter students. This type of education would address the reforms of classical education, modern reforms, and funding levels in that the product would be ideal for individuals aiming to have interest in the program to bring enough buzz to bring on funding. The service would come in different categorical aspects with the specified major objective of meeting the preference of all public education boards. It is ethical for the service to address the issue of standard in education. This would enhance the image of public schools to receive more funding for a growing and creative program. Tackling of these issues would be vital to surviving government reform of education. The organization would also have the opportunity to address all issues thus the chance to obtain competitive advantage of crucial competitors such as private schools. The Size of the Market Overall The new service (Col) would be ideal for every public school student who has interest in rock climbing activities. The individuals must seek to address the issue of transformation in public schools and quality of teachers in order to maximize the benefits of the service in relation to meeting the needs and preferences. The target market for the new service is public schools. This section would include ages 16-18 (male and female) who can be troubled, distracted, or non-challenged students. Since the service is still new and under district administration, it would concentrate as a summer program for public schools before advancing or expanding to other institutions. The American market would offer ideal size (5 to 8 students per class) to begin with thus the opportunity to maximize feedback from the interaction with students, parents,
  • 4. and teachers in this market. The Size of Key Segments The new service would consider developing critical segments in order to enable education boards to choose their service in accordance with U.S. standards of education. The parents of individuals with higher income levels would have the opportunity to enjoy public school education that is up to their standards if accepted. This segment would be the majority within the market and industry hence the opportunity to maximize grants during each financial year-end by each semester turnout. The other segment would consist of low- income earners. This group will have the opportunity to have high seniority with being accepted into the program. It is crucial to concentrate on these segments for the enhancement of education awareness on the new service available at their specified disposal. This would include websites and instructional videos promoting services to boards around the U.S. The product’s Life Cycle The first stage of the development and marketing of the service would involve the introduction. This stage would entail constant research, development, and launching of the service in the context. The second stage reflects on the growth of the service. This is through evaluation of working with students that are placed in remedial classes who have weaknesses such as math and lack confidence in the classroom. The third stage of the specified service life cycle relates to maturity. At this stage of the life cycle, it is evident that the organization has the opportunity to experience higher success rates in students, successful teachers, and growth in U.S public schools. During this stage, it is ideal to offer diversification to the service, compete with private schools by numbers, conduct quality instructors who are great on the terrain as well as the classrooms, and encourage trust back into the education system. The last stage of the cycle involves the immediate rejection of education administration. This stage calls for effective plans in
  • 5. numbers, test scores, and surveys from students, parents and teachers. The Life Cycle Strategy (How Will the Marketing Strategy Change Over the Life Cycle) The marketing strategy will continue to development in relation to the service’s life cycle. During the last, stage (decline), the organization would phase out programs within Col that do not work in order to have positive feedback as well gain more funding. It is considerably significant to enhance the awareness of the market segments on the available market opportunities. During the introduction stage, the strategy would entail extensive evaluation of the market conditions and prove the proper way to assess students. The progress of this program could possibly offer different avenues to challenge students and may possibly end the adaptation of magnate charter and private schools. The Distribution Strategy over the Life of the Product The organization would not have such a need to distribute. This would require simply conduct agreements with the Department of Public Education and each instructor to pass the Essential Test of Knowledge and Skills. The organization would then have to contact accrediting groups for accreditation. This group would began as a non-profit group and then co-mingle with public schools alike. The organization would start off in a school zone that has near rock climbing terrain that allows students to commute from school grounds.
  • 6. Introduction to Astronomy Investigation Paper Page 1 PHSC 111 INTRODUCTION TO ASTRONOMY INVESTIGATION PAPER John DiElsi As indicated on your course outline, you will submit an investigation paper that will be worth 20% of your final grade. You have been in the course for a brief time and I’m sure you have found some topics that you found interesting. This paper should allow you to explore a topic of your choice and write a brief paper about that topic. Some sample topics are given at the end of this document. You can choose topics from the history of astronomy to recent discoveries. The compilation of astronomy websites that is included in Course Documents in Course Material may be of assistance. The Mercy College Libraries (
  • 7. also can assist you in finding a topic. Requirements: • Write a minimum 600-word report on your research. Make sure you include a bibliography of the sources you used to write the paper. Appropriate diagrams, charts or photos may be included, but obviously don't count as part of the 600-word minimum. • The text may NOT be used as a reference. Your paper should provide information beyond that provided in the text. • The topic must be submitted and approved by me before you do extensive research and start writing the paper. You should do some preliminary research when selecting the topic to make sure there are resources available for your investigation. I may make some suggestions on your proposed topic before accepting it. You will have a chance to accept my suggestions or select another topic. The deadline for the topic approval is Saturday, November 3. • No two students can use the same topic so get your requests in early.
  • 8. • The paper and bibliography must be submitted to SafeAssignment -- a utility that checks for plagiarism – by Saturday, December 15. Instructions for submission through SafeAssignment will be available later in the term. • Plagiarism will not be tolerated and may result in a failing grade for all involved. • Points will be deducted for not following these guidelines. The Mercy College Learning Center can assist you in developing and writing this paper. For your research, use several sources – books, trade magazines, print journals, online journals, online databases (the Library has several), websites, etc. Make sure you cite any and all sources used in the writing of the paper. Introduction to Astronomy Investigation Paper Page 2 Style Guide for Written Submissions
  • 9. • Prepare a single, consistent, integrated, professional looking document. • Use Times New Roman font, 12 point. • Use double spacing with no larger than one-inch margins. • Use page numbers. • Prepare a cover (title) page. • Use a cover sheet with: your name; the class number and section; the instructor's name; the date. • Make the report readable and pleasant looking. Leave plenty of white space and make good use of paragraphs and indented sections. • Use bold type and underlining for emphasis, but don't overdo it. • Do not overload the text with details. Present what is necessary for clarity in the body of the report and place supporting material in appendices. • Appropriate diagrams, charts and images may be used. • In sentences use numerals for values of 11 and over and write them out for values of ten and under. Exceptions: don't start a sentence with a numeral; use numbers for page,
  • 10. figure, and table references. • Avoid run-on sentences, wordiness, and incomplete sentences. • Be consistent in your use of tense. • Make sure subjects and verbs agree. • Use proper punctuation. • SPELLING AND GRAMMAR COUNT. You may use a spell- checker, but don't rely on it. Grammar-checkers are not reliable - they often give erroneous advice. So, • PROOFREAD Again, the Learning Center located as each campus can assist you with making sure your paper is well-written. Their services are available online also. Introduction to Astronomy Investigation Paper Page 3 Choosing aTopic Some of these topics are covered in the text. Remember, your paper must focus on material
  • 11. not covered in the text. You should do some basic research before selecting a topic. Some topics can be more technical that others. Again, you can choose your own topic -- pick something that interests you -- or choose one of the topics below. No two students can select the same topic -- first come, first served. • Hubble Space Telescope (HST) -- launching and problems that had to be corrected • comet-planet collisions • specific sky objects such as a particular planet, nebulas, etc. • future death of the Sun • planetary nebulae (nebulas) • supernovas • neutron stars • pulsars • deaths of stars leading to births of other stars • biographies of astronomers (Galileo, Copernicus, Kepler, Hubble, Leavitt, etc.) • the technology behind HST photos
  • 12. • collisions of galaxies • big bang vs. steady state theories of the creation of the universe • mission and results of the Kepler telescope • future mission of the proposed Webb telescope • search for extrasolar planets (exoplanets) • Mars Curiosity probe or other solar system probes (specify) • comparison of craters on Moon and Earth • safe ways to observe the Sun • using the stars for navigation Another source of possible topics are astronomy websites. Many are listed in the Astronomy Website files in the Course Document area under Course Material. The sites can be found in both Excel and pdf formats. Feel free to ask questions using e-mail in Blackboard if you find your topic is too broad. I will try to help you focus on a particular aspect of your topic that can provide useful information in a narrower scope.
  • 13. Running head: ASTRONOMY 1 PAGE 2 ASTRONOMY Hubble Telescope Name Instructor Introduction From the earliest days of astronomy, astronomers have shared a common dream from generation to generation. They wanted to have a clear sight of the space. With the launch of the Hubble, human beings had significant advance of achieving their dream. Hubble is a machine that rotates the orbit and is placed in the atmosphere to block light from reaching the planet. It has an advantage of capturing images more than the ground based telescopes (Anderson & King 2006) Problems and launching The Hubble Space Telescope was carried in to the orbit in 1990. It was named after a renowned astronomer Edwin Hubble. It has been suggested that the Hubble is a significant tool of research in the space. This vital element of public relation was built by the United States space agency with the support of European space agency. According to David Alice Charles and Dawn (2012) the telescope was expected to be launched in 1983, but scientist discovered that the machine had been ground the wrong way. A
  • 14. servicing mission team made observations that led to a breakthrough of restoring the intended quality of the machine. The mission team designed the telescope with features that could enable astronauts conduct technical service in space in 2009. According to Mike Griffin approval, the telescope is expected to function beyond 2013. After the launch of the telescope, astronomers discovered that there was a serous problem with the optical system. The quality of images captured was below standard, which showed that Hubble had failed to achieve its intended purpose. Hubble had flawed images that suggested that the crucial mirror had been ground in the wrong shape. However, astronomers went ahead, and used the telescope to make productive observations. The lens were wrongly spaced, an indication that it was incorrectly assembled and the null corrector could not make proper shapes. Astronomers began to seek ways of solving the problem because servicing the Hubble in space was expensive. Therefore, the servicing mission team designed fresh optical equipments to correct the spherical irregularity. Hubble has beamed thousands of descriptions back to earth flaking light on many mysteries. It has helped astronauts to have a transformed look of the universe (Ballesteros, Zamora, and Heitsch 2011). This was a successful and long lasting achievement made by NASA. The blurry images indicated that something was wrong. With the Hubble in space, people expected clear images more than those of ground based telescopes. The spherical aberration revealed that the center of the focus mirror was in a wrong shape (Meylan 1993). The blurred image was a challenge to scientists who had to come up with ways of solving the aberration. Scientists and engineers were aware of the optical problem and invented a chain of mirrors to cut off the light reflections. They replaced the planetary camera with a fresh adaptation. Conclusion Astronauts are proud of how Hubble has been able to expose the secrets of the earth and the solar system. However, they should
  • 15. realize that the telescope’s life span will come to an end. This will be identified with the degradation of components. NASA had planned bringing back the machine from the space after it stops working, but the prolonged lifespan has postponed its retirement. The presence of the telescope in the national museums will reflect the determination of scientists. This shows an achievement of a long time dream. Nevertheless, scientists have identified a robotic mission to enable Hubble land in the ocean when it stops functioning. References M. J. 2005, in ASP Conf. Ser. 340, Future Directions in High Resolution Astronomy, ed. J. Romney & M. Reid San Francisco, CA: ASP Publishers. David R. Law, Alice E. Shapley, Charles C. Steidel, Naveen A. Reddy, Charlotte R. Christensen, Dawn K. (2012) In a rare grand-design spiral High velocity dispersion galaxy at redshift z = 2.18. Nature, 487 (7407): 338 Anderson, J., & King, I. R. (2006). PSFs, Photometry and Astrometry for the ACS/WFC ISR-ACS 2006-01; Baltimore, MD: STScI Ballesteros-Paredes, J., Hartmann, L. W., V´azquez-Semadeni, E., Heitsch, F., & Zamora-Avil´es, M. A. (2011) MNRAS, 277, 362 Meylan, G. (1993) in ASP Conf. Ser. 48, The Globular Cluster- Galaxy Connection, ed. G. H. Smit & J. P. Brodie San Francisco, CA: ASP Publishers.