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Marketing Plan Final Paper
Basic Outline
Company name
(Following could be not available or recommended)
Street address
City, state, ZIP
Business phone
Website URL
Email address
Part 1 (Individual assignment)
o Market and Industry Definition
o Major Competitors and Descriptions
o Competitor Strategies and niche
o Product features
o What problem does product solve
o Product Category Sales
o Previous Performance Versus Competition History
o Estimated Market Shares
o Start
o Size
o Major changes
o Mission & Vision statement
o Who is in charge today
Part 2 (Group work)
Current Product/Service problem to solve
Product Characteristics
SWOT Analysis
o Strengths
o Weaknesses
o Opportunities
o Threats
Competitive Analysis Worksheet
For each factor listed in the first column, assess whether you
think it’s a strength or a weakness
(S or W) for the business and for the top 3 competitors.
Then rank how important each factor is to your target customer
on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 = very
important; 5 = not very important). Use this information to
explain your competitive advantages
and disadvantages.
to Customer
Sales Method
to Customer
Group Members Contribution:
Part 3
Customer Analysis
high startup costs
Demographic Market Segments:
- History
– Family Life Cycle
– Social Status
– Social Status
Psychographic Consumer Behavior:
ersonal activities
Media and Communications used
Marketing Objectives and Goals
o Within course time frame
o Future
Strategic and Tactical Recommendations
o The tactics to meet the strategic goals
Secondary Research
magazines, newspapers
o Justify market and goals
Primary Research Results
Group Members Contribution:
Part 4
Strategic Plan
omotional tools
advertising and promotions
o Benchmark and success measurement
Part 5
Start Marketing Plan over from the beginning.
ingle voice
Add to beginning:
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Add to end:
Elevator Speech
r speech of the problem, goal, and success.
Final Presentation:
Group Members Contribution:
Name of interviewer:
Name of person playing role:
Verbal content and intonation
Nonverbal Content
Hi my name is Christina. And your name is
Offer to shake hands
Ok Hi Carol. Uhm I am the social worker here at the hospital.
Your doctor has asked me to speak with you about some options
you may have cause uh ah I was told that you were a teenager
still and that you are pregnant. I was hoping to meet with you so
I was hoping to meet with you to just discuss with you some
options that you may have Is that the understanding that you
had for today?
laughed nervously
I was too worried about saying the right thing that I was talking
faster then I was thinking
Yes it is
Seems unsure as to why here
I smiled to ease the tension
Ok, so tell me a little bit about your self
Oh like….
Before you start let me clarify everything you say here is going
to be between me and you. Unless of course you tell me that
someone has been hurting you or you have plans to hurt
someone else or yourself then I will have to report it. Otherwise
what you say will be between me and you. I didn’t mean to
interrupt you but I wanted to make sure that you understood
I should have let her finish and then mentioned this instead of
Ok I understood that.
Loosens up a little
Knows purpose of meeting so is relaxing
So do you want to tell me a little bit about your situation, how
old you are, where are you living right now?
Ok I’m 17
I live with my girlfriend…
Hesitant to talk about situation
And uhm yeah we stay in an apartment.
Looking at hands instead of me
Can tell is unsure of what to tell me
Ok so you guys stay in an apartment do you guys pay the rent
or is there, is there someone older living in this apartment?
I should have asked a few more questions to clarify for myself,
instead of jumping to conclusions
No my girlfriend is 35.
Quick to correct me
Oh ok I guess I should have clarified that better. Uhm so does
she, is she kind of helping you out right now or
I was not expecting this answer and should have been more
anticipatory that this could be the situation
Uhm so you’re living with your girlfriend do you have any
family around here or?
I have family but they disowned me when they found out I was
Less defensive in body language
Must be becoming more comfortable
Oh ok so they kind of said that you couldn’t come home or
anything so then you ended up pregnant and then…
No I didn’t.
Which came first, is what I’m trying to get at?
What me being gay or?
Unsure of what I was asking
You coming out to your parents or being pregnant?
Uhm kind of like both.
Yeah I was dating a guy and I told him I was kind of like
cheating on him with this woman and uhm he raped me.
Looking around at floor and room
May be nervous to disclose
Oh ok. So it wasn’t a consensual conception?
Was looking at notes instead of client
Didn’t react with empathy, kind of blew off the situation
Ok so have you uhm worked on, have you met with anybody to
discuss some of the things that have happened?
I realized that I had done this and am now unsure how to deal
with the topic
Ok so have you been feeling is this something that you’re
depressed about? That you would maybe seek some other help
besides speaking with me about some issues that you might be
dealing with?
Maybe, this is actually like the first time that I’ve talked to
anybody about this besides with my girlfriend
Must be more comfortable and trusting of me to disclose
Oh ok, right. Well I’m glad you feel that you can tell me this
information because obviously you told me that you’ve never
really talked to anybody about this. So thank you for trusting
me with this information. Uhm do you think maybe you would
want to seek some help to maybe deal with some of the feelings
you may be having right now?
Fidgeting again
Like well, who do you think I would talk to, I can’t continue to
talk to you about this?
Looking at me like, what help are you?
Must be questioning why they are talking to me if I can’t help
I, I, I’m really willing to help you with this but I do know that
I’m not, I don’t have a degree in therapy, I I I’m not a licensed
therapist but I am more than willing to sit here and help you
discuss some issues but if you are having some deeper issues
with things it might be helpful to get another outside person to
talk to as well.
Not thinking before I speak, trying to avoid uncomfortable
silence, not finding the right words
Ok and you could help me do that?
Looking down at floor
Yes I could help you get in touch with somebody that would be
better suited to discuss this but I am more than willing to help
you through your pregnancy to you know make sure you make
the right decisions about things.
I don’t think I got my point across as well as I had hoped to
Ok ok sounds good.
Small smile
Uhm so you’re living with your girlfriend right now, and we’re,
how far along pregnant are you?
Four months
Four months. Are you planning on keeping the baby or?
Yes we’re going to be a family.
Ok, well that’s so you’re not dealing with raising a child by
yourself because you are 17 and that would be pretty hard to do.
Are you still in school right now?
I need to take more time in asking my questions
Yeah I’m in my last year.
Ok, are you planning on finishing then even after you have the
Uh huh.
Ok I’m glad to hear that. Are you thinking about trying to go to
college after that or are you thinking that you’re going to get a
job and raise your child or?
Uhm I’m thinking I want to go to college. I know it’ll be hard
but my baby is due around the summer time so I’ll probably
take that first semester off and maybe get back to school in the
Looking around the room
Maybe unsure how to answer the question. Is she answering
how she thinks I want her to?
Ok well I know that I can help you with that too. I can help you
to get the resources you need to maybe you know get enrolled in
college and to figure out what you are going to do and maybe
some help to you know get some child care and options and like
that while you attend school so you can fulfill that goal.
Yeah that would be great. Yeah cause I don’t want to be totally
dependent upon my girlfriend to take care of me.
Yeah I understand you want to be independent in case you
know something happened that you would be able to take care
of your child.
Did I jump to a conclusion too soon
Well I’m glad to hear that. I think our next step would be to set
up some future sessions and get you in touch with someone with
some therapy and we could maybe work on getting you the
topics about childcare and getting you enrolled in college.
Ok yeah that sounds great.
Hopefully we’ll make sure to do that then.
Ok thank you.
Process Recording Questions
1. How is school right now?
2. Can you tell me about your friends, what do you do for fun?
3. What would make school better for you?
4. How would you describe your classes, hard, boring, easy?
And what makes them that way?
5. What do you like/dislike about school?
I had originally planned to do my process recording from the
viewpoint of a school social worker. As I met with my partner
and we worked on this, our topic changed and therefore my
questions were not valid.
Peer Review
Christina made use of many effective skills in her interview.
She also had a few areas that I identified that she could work on
for future interviews.
Christina did a good job of stating the purpose of our meeting in
the beginning. She clarified her role and the role that I had. She
also made sure to state that she was a mandated reporter but that
our conversation would otherwise be confidential.
Christina did a good job at listening to what I had to say and
relaying the information back to me by using paraphrasing. At
the same time she did a good job of maintaining her presence in
the interview, I felt that she was present the entire time that our
interaction was taking place.
Another good thing that Christina did was to recognize the
efforts I as the client had already made towards my situation as
well as identifying goals that could be of use to the client.
Also during the interview Christina did a good job at picking up
on the clues that I was throwing out that there may be more
going on besides my pregnancy that I wish to deal with.
She tried to build trust by stating to the client that she was glad
that the information was shared and made an agreement to work
on goals in the future.
Things that Christina may want to work on are as follows. She
should slow down the interview. She appeared to not want to
pause but to keep talking the entire time, rushing the interview.
It is ok to pause and take a moment to reflect on what is being
Also Christina needs to work on not doubting her ability, as
what appeared to happen when she was discussing using another
source of help for therapy. She should have more confidence on
what she has to offer the client.
Also it is important for Christina not to make judgments or
assumptions, as she did when discussing the client’s
relationship with her girlfriend.
Personal Critique
After reviewing what was said during my interview as well as
what was mentioned in my peer review, I realize that I have
several things that I would like to work on in future interviews.
For example I feel that I rush things in my interviews, I do not
take time to pause and reflect on what it being said. I think I am
trying to avoid uncomfortable pauses and it is causing me to
stumble over my words or to not think if the appropriate words
that I am looking for. An example of this is when I am talking
about seeking therapy, what I meant to say is that I may not
have the expertise on this subject and instead it sounds like I am
doubting my ability to work with this client.
Another area that I feel I need to work on is my ability to
empathize with my client. I think I am afraid of being too
empathetic and using statements such as I understand, or I know
how you feel. Because of this I grazed over the statement of my
client mentioning that she had been raped and didn’t reply in
the most appropriate way.
Another area to work on would be the fact that I interrupted my
client in the beginning of our interview. I realized that I had
forgotten to mention confidentiality to my client. Instead of
letting her speak I interrupted her to make my point. I think this
may impinge upon my ability to build a relationship with my
client because it may make them feel that I am trying to stick to
an agenda instead of working with their problem.
I also think that I may need to be more culturally aware of
different relationships. I didn’t take into consideration that
when my client said girlfriend that this may mean someone
other than a friend. Had I maybe asked more questions to clarify
I would have avoided making this assumption. Although this did
not hinder my ability to relate it may have affected my
relationship because the client may not feel that I understand
her if I am not thinking in this way. I also think that maybe I
tried to take too much control of the situation and that maybe I
should have let the client come up with goals on her own. I
almost feel as if I tried to impose too many of my expectations
onto her.
I do think that I also had some effective skills in my interview.
I think that I did a good job of addressing the work that the
client has already done to improve her situation as well as
identify goals that could be worked upon. I also think that I did
a good job of getting my client to open up and let me know of
other concerns besides just the pregnancy that she may have
had, for example the goal of attending college. I do not feel that
I made too many drastic mistakes but the ones that I did make
are some that I can work on improving.
Cal State University of San Bernardino
Spring Quarter 2019
La Casita Restaurant Marketing Plan
Marketing 496 Planning and Strategy
With Professor Eric Newman
Table of Contents
Executive Summary 3
Part One:
Restaurant Information/Photos 4
Industry History 5-7
Product History 7-
Company History 10
Part Two:
Current Product/Service Problem to Solve 11
Product Characteristics
Product Characteristics
SWOT Analysis
Competitive Analysis
Competitive Advantages and Disadvantages 15-16
Part Three:
Customer Analysis
Demographic Market Segments 17-
Socioeconomic 18
Purchase Behavior
Psychographic Consumer Behavior
Media and Communications Used
Part Four:
Marketing Objectives and Goals
Strategic and Tactical Recommendations
Secondary Research
Primary Research
Personal Interviews
Restaurant Market Research Survey
Focus Group
Part Five:
Strategic Plan
Table of Contents Cont.
Part Six:
Marketing Plan Advertisements and Promotion Samples
Elevator Speech
1.1 Personal Interview Questions
1.2 Restaurant Market Research Survey 96-100
1.3 Focus Group Discussion Questions
Group Members Contribution 110
Executive Summary:
La Casita Nueva Mexican Restaurant has been serving its
customers fresh, authentic Mexican
food with excellent service since 1993. Located in Yucca
Valley, CA, customers include
residents of the Morongo Basin, and tourists to the beautiful
Joshua Tree National Park and
local community attractions. Yucca Valley is a small town in
the Morongo Basin with community
involvement being an important characteristic. The restaurant is
an ideal choice to celebrate
birthdays, graduations, anniversaries, and youth sport team
victories as it can accommodate
large parties.
As more and more competitors open in the town, it is crucial to
plan a marketing strategy to
attract new patrons and maintain returning guests. In
researching the target market, it revealed
a few methods that will meet the goal of bringing in more
customers and maintaining its loyal
customers to experience La Casita’s great food and amazing
customer experience. A few of the
solutions to reach this goal are to establish a restaurant website,
incorporate technology in
communications, advertise current promotions, maintain
employee satisfaction, and offer
incentives to attract customers.
Establishing the restaurant’s website is recommended to be
completed within a four-month
period, thus one of the primary actions to complete. Primary
research has shown that the top
two ways individuals prefer to research information about a
restaurant is via the restaurant’s
website and review sites. Establishing a website will allow La
Casita to present their menus,
current promotions, and upcoming events, while offering online
viewers' connections to the
restaurant’s customer reviews and social media sites. Also,
maintaining active social media
presence is important as a way to connect with customers
allowing a mutual attraction of
sharing photos and experiences. The website will be a one stop
solution to connect potential
and loyal customers to what La Casita has to offer.
Launching and continuously updating the website, being active
in advertising current
promotions, and actively promoting the restaurants daily,
weekly, and monthly promotions will
enhance La Casita’s marketability to boost traffic into the
restaurant, thus increase sales and
revenues. Also, it will help stimulate economic growth in the
local community by bringing in
more tax revenues and the possibility of new job openings. In
order to track the success of this
new marketing strategy, periodically reviewing of the outlined
SWOT and PESTEL analysis,
financial benchmarks, and customer feedback will be essential,
thus adjusting the marketing
strategy over time to achieve the outlined objectives. .
Part One:
★ La Casita Nueva Restaurant Information
Physical Address: 57154 Twentynine Palms Highway, Yucca
Valley, CA 92284
Business Phone: 760-365-5061
Website URL:
valley/about/ – Main website is currently
Facebook Page: - Facebook
Email Address: No email address available – you may message
through Facebook
★ Restaurant Photos:
○ Outdoors:
○ Indoors:
★ Industry History
○ Market: Hospitality Industry
○ Market and Industry Definition:
■ This restaurant can be classified as a casual/family ethnic
serving Mexican cuisine.
■ The restaurant itself has been around since 1993. It is the
original of the
Las Casita Restaurants.
■ The restaurant would be included in the Food and Beverage
along with
Hospitality industry.
■ They have been around for many years according to Yelp.
They go as far
back as 2009 in Reviews. They have been around since 1993.
○ Major Competitors and Descriptions
■ Competition within a 10 mile radius includes the following
(information found on the first website above, as well as, their
Page, Yelp, and Tripadvisor).
● El Guero Mexican Grill Restaurant:
○ This Mexican restaurant has been open since 1990.
Serves breakfast, lunch and dinner. Casual and family
friendly dining establishment
○ This restaurant is 0.10 miles away – 57113 Twentynine
Palms Hwy. Yucca Valley, CA 92284
○ Hours: Tues: 7:00am-9:00pm Wed-Mon: 7:00am-8:00pm
● La Palapa Mexican Restaurant:
○ Hours: Tues: 7:00am-9:00pm Wed-Mon: 7:00am-8:00pm
○ Mexican & Seafood restaurant – serves lunch and dinner.
Casual and family friendly dining establishment
○ This restaurant is 0.70 Miles Away – 57173 Sunnyslope
Dr. Yucca Valley, CA 92284
○ Hours: Sunday-Saturday: 10:00am - 9:00pm
● Algobertos Taco Shop:
○ Traditional Mexican restaurant that serves lunch and
dinner. Fast and extremely casual located in a strip-mall
with counter service.
○ This restaurant is 1.30 Miles Away – 56143 Twentynine
Palms Hwy. Yucca Valley, CA 92284
○ Hours: Mon-Sat: 8:00am - 10:00pm Sun 8:00am - 9:00pm
● L’s Salsa Restaurant:
○ This is a family owned Mexican restaurant
○ This restaurant is 1.30 miles away – 56093 Twentynine
Palms Hwy. Yucca Valley, CA 92284
○ Hours: Mon-Sat: 9:30am - 8:30pm Sun: Closed
● Kasa Carniceria y Taqueria:
○ Quick-service meat market taco shop
○ This restaurant is 1.35 Miles away – 56089 Twentynine
Palms Hwy. Yucca Valley, CA 92284
○ Hours: Mon-Sat: 8:00am-8:00pm Sun: 8:00am-7:00pm
● Las Palmas Restaurant:
○ Traditional Mexican restaurant – known for authentic food
and strong drinks. Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner
○ This restaurant is 1.74 Miles away – 55792 Twentynine
Palms Hwy. Yucca Valley, CA 92284
○ Hours: Mon-Sat: 10:00am – 9:00pm Sun: 9:00am - 9:00pm
● Castenada’s Mexican Food
○ Counter-serve regional chain – casual and quick-service
○ This restaurant I 6.2 miles away – 56547 Twentynine
Palms Hwy. Yucca Valley, CA 92284
○ Hours: Mon-Sun 24 hours
○ Competitor Strategies and niche:
■ El Guero Mexican Grill Restaurant
● Highlights bringing in business since 1990 (family business)
continuing with the tradition of serving authentic Mexican
that is made fresh.
■ La Palapa Mexican Restaurant
● Large accommodations for large parties, so can hold events
does cater
■ Algobertos Taco Shop
● Offers counter serve offering to go or dine in with more of a
food style.
■ L’s Salsa Restaurant
● In a small strip mall, thus allowing for walkability
■ Kasa Carniceria y Taqueria
● Convenience as is located in Latin specialty mini grocer.
● Convenient for local residents
■ Las Palmas Restaurant
● Offers lunch specials, taco night, and Sunday buffet
● Online menu options / enhanced website / modern approach
○ Competitor Strategies and nich for La Casita:
■ Mexican environment with music and décor and fun
■ Affordable establishment ($11-$30) making it a family based
and oriented
restaurant. Target market considering this a low-income area.
■ Variety of Mexican foods to help increase multiple options
for everyone.
■ Family environment
■ Proving a full bar for eating in or the convenience of take out
■ Entertainment nights
■ La Casita is a community based restaurant. The restaurant
discounts to graduates from Yucca Valley High School and
rewards card
★ Product History
○ Product Features
● Mainly lunch and dinner but also brunch/breakfast
● Margaritas
● Kids Menu
■ Hours:
● Sunday-Saturday 11:00am - 9:00pm
■ Meals:
● Brunch, Lunch and Dinner
■ Takeout:
● Yes
■ Delivery:
● No
■ Attire:
● Casual
■ Reservations:
● Yes
■ Alcohol:
● Full Bar
■ Outdoor Seating:
● No but there is a patio area adjacent to Kokopellis Kantina
■ Parking:
● Private parking lot for customers
■ Wi-fi:
● No
○ What problem does product solve
■ Las Casita Nueva understands the customer’s wants and
needs. The
restaurant satisfies customers’ desire to relax and enjoy a meal
drink while away from home. Also, the restaurant is an ideal
location to
socialize with family, friends, and acquaintances in a positive
○ Product Category Sales
■ Restaurant category: Independent restaurant serving Mexican
with breakfast, lunch and dinner options, appetizers, kid’s
menu, full bar
● Margaritas (most liked)
● Fajitas (most liked)
● Enchiladas
● Burritos
● Tacos, etc.
○ Previous Performance Versus Competition History
■ The restaurant has remained in same location since opening.
■ Competition:
● Three competitors are less than 2 years old (El Guero
Grill, La Palapa Mexican Restaurant, L’s Salsa Restaurant)
● The term “family environment” that other competition does
state in their mission or vision statement.
● Implementing margaritas as a feature compared to their
★ Company History
○ Start:
■ Opened 1993 - “The Original Since 1993”
■ Other La Casita restaurants in the Coachella Valley (Indio, La
Palm Desert, and Cathedral City) and Beaumont are family
owned but
managed individually
○ Size
■ Only one in the area (Yucca Valley, CA)
■ Small to medium - intimate restaurant
○ Major changes
■ The adjacent Kokopellis Kantina opened which offers
dancing, live music,
bar and karaoke.
■ Implemented rewards cards back in 2014
○ Mission & Vision statement
■ Fajitas, Margaritas..Always La Casita.
■ La Casita provides fresh, authentic Mexican food and superior
service at reasonable prices in a casual family environment.
○ Who is in charge today
■ Family owned restaurant
■ Andrew Garcia, manager
Part 2
★ Current Product/Service problem to solve:
○ According to their mission statement, La Casita provides
fresh authentic Mexican
food and superior customer service at reasonable prices in a
casual family
La Casita touches on four ideas that customers see value in:
○ Fresh authentic Mexican food
○ Superior customer service
○ Reasonable prices
○ Family environment
○ Their current product is the driving force of their company
and if they can
implement all of these traits, it will enhance their business. This
is a low income
area where many families and friends seek to find reasonable
★ Problem Characteristics
○ Currently, there is no website for the restaurant, thus possible
customers rely
primarily on the restaurants Facebook page to gather
information or call the
■ Set up a website and include:
● Hours and phone number
● Address with directions/map
● Menu
● Food/ drink specials
● Ordering online option
● Reservations option
● Payment options accepted
● Upcoming events
● Links to social media and links reviews
● About us
■ Maintain often to keep updated
■ Ensure the website is accessible via a desktop or mobile
○ Problem effects on stakeholders
■ Primary Stakeholders:
● Owner/Shareholders -
○ Lost business/ revenue
○ Reduced customer loyalty as competition is up to
par, so customers will try a new restaurant
○ Poor image created of local community due to
● Customers -
○ Misinformed with current restaurant information
○ Might choose to dine at other establishments
● Employees/Managers -
○ Extra time spent assisting customers with issues/
complaints about no website, and incorrect or
missing restaurant information
○ Causes added stress
■ Secondary Stakeholders:
● Community Members -
○ Unable to search for restaurant information
regarding correct hours, menu, specials, etc.
● Media -
○ The restaurant only has Facebook for their social
media outlet which does not give the restaurant the
opportunity to gain more business/customers
○ The restaurant does have opportunity for events
but without a working website or additional social
media outlets it is hard to gain more exposure
drawing in more business
● Competitors -
○ May gain more business from customers that had a
bad experience from the lack of current information
found online for La Casita
○ Could prompt them to update/maintain their website
to gain an advantage
○ Why is it important?
■ It is always important to monitor and manage stakeholder
relationships. It is vital to the success or failure of a business
because the business wouldn't be able to exist without their
★ Product Characteristics
○ Uniqueness, niche
■ Dining room decorations are bright and colorful, matching the
■ Large menu selection with lunch specials
● Fajitas and margaritas are popular items
● Specials on alcoholic drinks
■ Can accommodate large parties, so great for celebrations
anniversaries, graduations, etc.)
○ High/low cost
■ La Casita Restaurant provides delicious food to their
customers at a more
than fair price.
● Some price ranges for menu items include:
○ Fajitas: $14.49 - $22.49
○ Burritos & Chimichangas: $8.99 - $12.99
○ Enchiladas: $10.99 - $14.99
○ Children’s Menu: $6.25
○ Breakfast: $9.99
○ Specialities: $9.99 - $15.99
○ Combinations: $8.99 - $15.49
○ Lunch specials: Monday - Friday; 11:00am - 3:00pm
■ Specialities: $9.00 - $10.49
■ Combinations: $7.99 - $10.49
■ Fajitas for Two: $18.99
■ Fiesta Platter for Two: $18.99
■ Burritos: $9.99 - $10.49
○ Distribution channel of product/service
■ Direct distribution channel preparing and serving food and
through the physical restaurant location.
■ Restaurant does have the option of take-out and can
accommodate large
■ Advertising: Via social media (Facebook page)
★ SWOT Analysis
● Family environment
● Low prices
● Authentic Mexican Food
● Great customer service
● Location
● Established family restaurant
● Private parking lot for customers
● Brand image - La Casita restaurants
have been around for many years and
has a positive and established brand
throughout the local valleys.
● Website is down - there is no way to
check out upcoming events and/or
promotions unless you have a
Facebook or call the restaurant directly
● Ensure there are enough servers/staff
available to cover peak hours and influx
of customers
● No outside dining experience for
customers that would like to enjoy the
weather during the Fall-Spring seasons
when it is not too hot outside.
● Can gain customers from Yucca Valley
High School (1.4 miles away)
● Attract tourists visiting Joshua Tree
National Park with point of sale
brochures distributed to local hotels,
motels, etc.
● Include catering in their distribution
● Join Yucca Valley Chamber of
Commerce for community exposure and
● Set up Wi-Fi marketing to connect new
and returning customers with
promotions, food/drink specials, events.
● Competitors - other Mexican food
restaurants are within a 6 mile radius
● Rising labor costs (minimum wage will
increase to $15/ hour by January 1,
2023 with $1 increase every year in
● With rising labor costs comes potential
rising cost for certain foods and/or
supplies. A threat exists if you need to
raise prices or find new suppliers
because you may lose business.
★ Competitive Analysis Worksheet
○ The Business: La Casita Nueva Restaurant
○ Competitor A: El Guero Mexican Grill Restaurant
○ Competitor B: La Palapa Mexican Restaurant
○ Competitor C: Algobertos Taco Shop
Competitor A: El Guero Mexican Grill Restaurant:
- This Mexican restaurant has been open since 1990. Serves
breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Casual and family friendly dining establishment
- This restaurant is 0.10 miles away – 57113 Twentynine Palms
Hwy. Yucca Valley, CA
- Hours: Tuesday: 7:00am-9:00pm; Wednesday - Monday:
Competitor B: La Palapa Mexican Restaurant:
- Mexican & Seafood restaurant – serves lunch and dinner.
Casual and family friendly
dining establishment
- This restaurant is 0.70 Miles Away – 57173 Sunnyslope Dr.
Yucca Valley, CA 92284
- Hours: Sunday-Friday: 10:00am - 9:00pm; Saturday: 10:00am
- 8:00pm
Competitor C: Algobertos Taco Shop:
- Traditional Mexican restaurant that serves lunch and dinner.
Fast and extremely casual
located in a strip-mall with counter service.
- This restaurant is 1.30 Miles Away – 56143 Twentynine
Palms Hwy. Yucca Valley, CA
- Hours: Mon-Sat: 8:00am - 10:00pm; Sunday: 8:00am - 9pm
Importance to
Products S S S S 5
Price S S S S 5
Quality S S S S 4
Selection S S S S 4
Service S S S S 4
Reliability S S S S 3
Stability S S S S 2
Expertise S S S S 3
S S S S 4
Location S S S S 5
Appearance S W S W 3
Sales Method S W S S 1
Credit Policies S S S S 1
Advertising W W W W 3
Image S S S W 3
★ Competitive advantages and disadvantages:
○ Advantages:
■ High traffic exposure as located on Highway 62 (Twentynine
Hwy.), which is the main street for the town
● Restaurant is on a corner lot with easy access and ample
■ Well-established family business since 1993
■ Large square footage, thus can accommodate large parties
■ Supports local high school
■ The adjacent Kokopelli’s Katina attracts new guests as it has
live music,
events, full bar, and karaoke
■ Lacking website, so potential customers find information
about the
restaurant primarily through their Facebook page and other
online sites
(Yelp, Tripadvisor, the Yellow Pages, Foursquare, Zomato etc.
● Hours posted on different online sites vary from site to site
● Leads to incorrect information posted, especially regarding
restaurant hours, leading to potential disappointment with
customers and lost business
■ Does not serve breakfast, as competitor A, B, and C do
● Missing opportunity for morning breakfast market
■ Not part of Yucca Valley Chamber of Commerce, which is
great for
exposure and networking
● Competitor B (La Palapa) is part of local chamber as well as
another competitor, Las Palmas Mexican restaurant
Part 3
★ Customer Analysis
○ Total Market Size
■ Yucca Valley current population is made up of 21,748
residents. The
focused market for La Casita Nueva Restaurant would be
couples/families which would consist of more than half the
○ Target Market trends growth/shrinkage
■ Growth
● Tourism is on the rise
○ Tourists dine out at local restaurants
■ The town of Yucca Valley has seen an increase in
dining tax revenue:
● 2012 was estimated a little under $300,00;
2017 was estimated nearing $400,00
○ Occupancy rates for vacation rentals (Airbnb,Vrbo, etc.),
hotels, motels are growing as a result of visitors to Joshua
Tree National Park
■ The town of Yucca Valley has seen an increase in
hotel occupancy tax revenue:
● Year 2012 was estimated around $190,000;
year 2017 was estimated around $320,000
○ Art tours are becoming more popular
○ Popular festivals are driving in tourists (Bhakti Fest in
Joshua Tree, Joshua Tree Music Festival, etc.)
○ King of the Hammers off-road event in February is bringing
in more attendees
○ Market Potential and realistic future forecast
■ Joshua Tree National Park has seen an increase in visitors,
thus more
opportunities for dining out at local restaurants
● Year 2016 had over 2.5 million visitors; Year 2017 had
visitors, continuing with four consecutive years of record
numbers (Land, 2018).
○ Barriers to entry such as technology, qualified employees,
high startup costs
■ As this restaurant is already well established, the barriers to
entry have
already been faced (location, start-up capital, attracting
marketing, health regulations, etc.)
★ Demographic Market Segments: Yucca Valley, CA (“Yucca
Valley,” 2019)
○ Age
■ Median Age: 42.4
■ 16,553 adults; 4,137 are seniors
■ Number of Veterans 2,461
● Male 2,145
● Female 316
■ Target Market Age: between mid 20’s to mid 40’s
○ Gender
■ 51.99% - Female (11,169)
■ 48.01% - Male (10,314)
○ Marital Status
■ Marriage Rates:
● Overall Marriage Rate - 46.1%
● Male Marriage Rate - 47.6%
● Female Marriage Rate - 44.7%
■ Household types
● Rates: Home ownership (62.5%); Rent (37.5%)
○ Married: Own (73.6%); Rent (26.4%)
○ Non Family: Own (64.5%); Rent (35.5%)
○ By Gender:
■ Female: Own (33.9%); Rent (66.1%)
■ Male: Own (23.6%); Rent (76.4%)
● Average Family Size: 3.13
● Average Household Size (persons per household): 2.44
○ Race
■ White - 80% (17,188)
■ African American - 6.3% (1,348)
■ Two or more races - 5% (1075)
■ Some other race -4.3% (930)
■ American Indian and Alaska Native - 2.9% (619)
■ Asian - 1.4% (291)
■ Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander - 0.1% (32)
● Hispanic -
○ White - 62%
○ African American - 0.4%
○ Two or more races - 8.9%
○ Some other race - 13.6%
○ American Indian and Alaska Native - 7.6%
○ Asian - 6.7%
○ Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander - 0.7%
● Non-Hispanic -
○ White - 83%
○ African American - 7.6%
○ Two or more races - 3.9%
○ Some other race - 1.9%
○ American Indian and Alaska Native - 1.7%
○ Asian - 1.7%
○ Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander - 0.2%
★ Socioeconomic (“Yucca Valley”, 2019)
○ Income - Median
■ Household: $44,428
■ Families: $62,557
■ Married Families: $77,738
■ Non- Families: $26,879
○ Education – Social Status
■ Data is for educational attainment for individual over age 25
● Graduate degree - 6.8% (1,053)
● Bachelor's degree - 9.0% (1,398)
● Associates degree - 9.6% (1,484)
● Some college - 34.3% (5,316)
● High school graduate - 28.4% (4,408)
● 9th to 12th grade - 8.8% (1,357)
● Less than 9th grade - 3.2% (491)
○ Occupation
■ Labor Force Participation: 53.2%
■ Employment Rate: 44.8%
■ Unemployment Rate: 13.1%
■ Occupations (“Business and Economy,” 2019)
● Management, Business, Science, and Arts: 30%
● Natural Resources, Construction and Maintenance: 14.2%
● Production, Transportation and Materials Moving: 5.1%
● Sales and office: 25.7%
● Service: 25%
★ Purchase Behavior
■ Considering this a low-income area, many people from the
ages 16- early
20’s have a very high purchasing behavior.
● Young high school students and college students spend their
eating out with friends. Their food options are very influential
can be persuaded to try new places.
● There aren’t too many places for this market to experience, so
food can be a big focus for how they spend their time.
that La Casita is within a mile and half away from Yucca Valley
High School, this can be a good market for them.
■ Aside from this market, families are very likely to eat out at
Mexican Restaurants.
● Besides typical fast food places such as Del Taco,
Applebees, etc, there aren’t very many restaurants that have a
high quality rating.
● The biggest and most liked restaurant markets in Yucca
Valley are
Mexican, which explains the high amount of them in the area.
family market typically tends to dine in with their kids and
■ Another purchasing behavior depends strongly on price. The
best price
ranges for eating out are between $11 - $25 per person.
● Prices higher than this range will most likely cause consumers
not choose to put their money towards this establishment.
○ Communication Style
■ Many people are more modern in their communications where
they will
search the web, make phone calls and some can rely on social
media at
■ When looking for a restaurant, many customers use the
internet as their
initial tool through their cell phones or laptop.
○ Geographic
■ Region
● Southern California: High Desert: Morongo Basin including
communities/ cities of Morongo Valley, Yucca Valley,
Pioneertown, Landers, Flamingo Heights, Joshua Tree,
Twentynine Palms, and Wonder Valley
■ Population of Yucca Valley (“Yucca Valley,” 2019)
● 21,748 as of 2017
■ Density of Yucca Valley (“Yucca Valley,” 2019)
● Density (mi²): 543.49
● Town
★ Psychographic Consumer Behavior:
○ Personal activities
■ Many people in this area have families and their teenage kids
go to Yucca
Valley High School. The majority of students participate in
sports such as
football, cross country, track, cheerleading, baseball, etc. Many
after games go out to eat for celebrations. The young market
tends to
spend their own time attending school, college, or going out.
■ Volunteering
■ Hiking
■ Visiting coffee shops
○ Group activities
■ The older market, their families, spend their time with their
kids going out
as families to the movies, the park, and even food places.
■ Attending local concerts (Concerts in the Park)
■ Attending community sponsored events (e.g. health fairs,
Earth day
celebration, Gourd festival, Morongo Basin Orchid Festival,
events, etc.)
■ Attending art galleries events/ tours
■ Grubstake Days (carnival, rodeo, parade, 5K run, horseshoe
business decorating contest, beard contest, dance, Pony Express
golf tournament, tug of war competition, etc.)
■ Paint nights
■ Going out to bars
■ Dancing
○ How time is spent
■ Visiting Joshua Tree National Park (hiking, camping,
picnicking, etc.)
■ Attending local sport events (youth soccer, youth baseball &
tennis, swim, BMX racing, high school sports, etc.)
■ Participating in sports
■ Volunteering
■ Dining out
■ Going to the movies
■ Shopping
■ Attending community fairs
○ How they think (decision process)
■ Shop local and support local businesses
■ Community oriented
○ Other
■ AIO (activities, interests, opinions)
● Activities: work, hobbies, social events, entertainment,
shopping, sports
● Interests: family, home, job, community, recreation, food,
● Opinions: social issues, business, economics, education,
products, future, culture
★ Media and Communications used
○ Traditional Marketing
● Newspaper: Hi- Desert Star
○ Restaurant mentioned in article (Sanson, 2016).
○ Restaurant mentioned in an event that took place at the
restaurant (Shaw, 2015).
○ Letter to editor, Executive director of Boys and Girls Club
of the Hi-Desert thanking restaurant for donating silent
auction items for the Blue and White Gala annual live and
silent auction at the Boys & Girls Club (Perrance, 2014).
○ Letter to editor, mentioning La Casita (Turner, 2014).
○ Letter to editor, thanking business for its involvement and
support for a recent fundraiser, (Handley. 2011).
○ Letter to editor, thanking business for sponsorship
(McKittrick, 2007).
○ Article about graduation of Citizens on Patrol academy
held at La Casita(Biggerstaff, 2007b).
● The Local Pages phone book (listed with address and phone
● The Real Yellow Pages online listing
● Outdoor: “human directionals” or sign spinning (Biggerstaff,
● The Real Route 62 Guide to the Joshua Tree Gateway
Communities produced by The Sun Runner Magazine (listed
under dining in Yucca Valley) (Brown, 2013).
○ Nontraditional Marketing
■ Philosophy
● More flexible, uncertain, and subjective
● Focuses on execution above planning
■ Capabilities and Benefits
● More credible and efficient
● Creates “Buzz”
■ Budgeting
● Many costs are unknown and cannot be predicted
■ Target Audience
● Non-discriminatory, all-inclusive
● The intended audience selects itself
■ After doing research, La Casita Nueva Restaurant doesn’t
appear to be using any non-traditional marketing techniques,
however, in
the past they have done the following:
● Street Marketing: They use to have a sign twirler a few years
at the stop signs surrounding the restaurant
● Events: The restaurant still puts on live music and events,
however, use to have a lot more evening events for the public
then they currently they do.
○ Social
■ Facebook page
● @LaCasitaRestaurantYV
■ Twitter: No account but name (La Casita Restaurant in Yucca
tagged in other Twitter users posts
■ YouTube - Promotional video (2017)
■ Instagram: #lacasitayuccavalley
La Casita Restaurant
■ Review and localization sites:
● Yelp - is a claimed business page
● Foursquare - (
● Tripadvisor -
● Zomato - (
● Untapped - (
● Skyscanner - (
● Restaurant Guru - (
● Roadtrippers - (
● America’s Best Value Inn and Suites under Red Lion Hotels
Corporation - Local restaurant -
● Postmates - Delivery service
■ Publicity:
● Thrillist - Mentioned in article (Shouse, 2014)
● Kate’s Lazy Meadow under Kate’s Lazy Desert (Kate Pierson
B-52’s) - Mentioned as a local restaurant (Local Desert, 2019)
● Meetup - Restaurant mentioned in an hiking group trip
itinerary -
● Joshua Tree Visitors Guide - Listed as one of the
places to eat - (
○ Search engines
■ The following search engines reveal information about La
Casita Nueva
Mexican Restaurant using the exact search words: La Casita
Mexican Restaurant, 57154 29 Palms Hwy, Yucca Valley, CA
■ Listed below each search engine are the top five search
results with the
search results of duplicate sites removed.
● Google (11,000)
○ Yelp -
○ Tripadvisor -
○ Mapquest -
○ Facebook -
○ Zomato -
● Bing/ MSN (3,370 results)
○ Restaurant website (unavailable) -
○ Yelp -
○ Local Yahoo -
○ Mapquest -
○ MenuPix -
● Yahoo (3,350 results)
○ Yelp -
○ Mapquest -
○ Local Yahoo -
○ Facebook -
○ Tripadvisor -
● AOL (3,330 results)
○ Yelp -
○ Mapquest -
○ Local Yahoo -
○ Facebook -
○ Tripadvisor -
● DuckDuckGo
○ Yelp -
○ Mapquest -
○ Local Yahoo -
○ Tripadvisor -
○ Facebook -
● Esocia (3,380 results)
○ Tripadvisor -
○ Yelp -
○ Mapquest -
○ Facebook -
○ The Real Yellow Pages -
Part 4
★ Marketing Objectives and Goals
○ Expected results
■ Within course time frame (within 4 months)
● Implement a new website within 4 months from May.
○ Customers are highly engaged in technology and it will
only be a useful tool for others to view the menu before
○ Customers and potential customers should be made aware
when events and activities will be going on at the
restaurant which will only help draw in more business
● Maintain SWOT analysis frequently - monthly recommended
● Maintain Strengths and Opportunities
○ Opportunities within the travel industry, students, and
● Inspire outdoor dining with outside live music (within a
time frame for local neighbors and to comply with city
● Grow social media presence to help millennials be aware of
○ This will also allow opportunity to grow the name of the La
Casita Nueva name.
● Offer weekly specials providing a better deal for lunch on one
of the week between specific hours of the day from 10 - 4 pm.
■ Future
● Determine specials of the restaurant that bring back the
customers by analyzing with SWOT analysis
● Go above and beyond for customer service
● Create a strong bond within the workforce & employees
● Continue or start networking within the community by
in fundraisers for students, attending & catering to nearby
such as the park next door.
● Continue to provide high customer service for families
● Expand in the market of the Travel Industry
○ During big events such as the Joshua Tree Music Festival,
Coachella, etc, highlight and promote La Casita through
various ways such as social media, big signs, etc.
Advertising Objectives
● Create Digital Flyers
● Post flyers around various places
around the area such as the park,
chamber of commerce, high school,
local banks
● Definite advertising within social
media to help reach out to the
younger market
Media Objectives ● During Coachella, Stagecoach, other
festivals, focus on Tourism and
highlighting Joshua Tree (provide
information on beautiful places to see
in Joshua Tree as well as other
tourism spots in the area. People love
hearing about where to check out and
that can help promote La Casita
through Yelp, Trip Advisor, etc. Good
reviews will help this overall market
get interested
○ Providing pamphlets with
Joshua Tree information can
help promote as well
● Create a monthly or weekly budget on
advertising to the Media
● Post regularly - weekly is
Public Relations Objectives ● Increase the awareness of Joshua
Tree and the environment they live in
● People, especially millennials, are
very involved with the environment
and keeping a “leave no trace”
attitude. Implementing this will not
only give La Casita Credibility, but will
also help the community.
● Maintain and increase social media
presence for the calendar year
Communication Objectives ● Reach families, tourism, and
are the area
● Must promote the type of people that
come in by posting stories, writing
articles, newspapers and sharing on
social media
Marketing Objectives ● Goal is to bring in many customers to
enjoy La Casita’s great food and
customer experience in a family
● Achieve a set sales goal for the next
calendar year as well as creating a
budget to help advertise
★ Strategic and Tactical Recommendations
○ Creating a strong restaurant business plan is important to the
success of La
Casita Nueva which is why we came up with strategic and
tactical goals in order
to meet the next level standard of the restaurant
■ The strategy to accomplish goals
● The tactics to meet the strategic goals
■ Grow In Restaurant Traffic / Creativity of the Restaurant
● Offer more customer desired daily specials
● Increase monthly and daily net sales
○ Having a goal for bringing in a certain amount of customers
on a daily, weekly or even monthly basis. Accomplishing it
by using email, the website, social platforms, and other
strategies to bring new and returning customers in
● Implementing small changes to the restaurant design by
new dishes and drinks, presentation, and variations on service
● Promote by having specials, gift cards and discounts for
■ Improving Customer Satisfaction
● Improve customer satisfaction (especially by going over
reviews from online and face-to-face interactions)
● Encouraging customers to post online reviews and fill out
surveys when signing for their bill regarding customer
■ Ensure Food Service, Quality and Safety
● Ensure chef’s are getting monthly evaluations along with all
staff to make sure the restaurants standards for quality and
knowledge of food is being upheld
● Making sure OSHA regulations are being met, along with all
policies are being followed and maintained
■ Increasing Employment Satisfaction
● Having weekly staff meetings with managers and other
will increase the flow of the business so checking in and
communicating with employees on a regular basis
● Posting two week schedules a week in advance so employees
can plan their personal lives accordingly.
■ Increase Technology Involvement
● Embracing technology is vital especially in our world today
improving and monitoring the website and technology the
restaurant is using is a key
○ Social media engagements - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
○ Posting job hiring and openings online
○ Restaurant information
○ Event information
○ Potential vendor and supplier information
○ Using a user-friendly check out service device and
software system so meals can be placed and inputted
★ Secondary Research
○ Review of published databases, journal articles, trade
magazines, newspapers.
● News publication: Business operations: Using technology to
improve operational processes (Matthews, 2018)
○ Found on Fourth Source website
■ This article focuses on the use of technology in a
business and how it can improve operations
■ Some operations to focus on are communication,
customer service, project management,
conferencing, and automation.
● Journal Article: Factors That Affect And Enhance Customer
Satisfaction (Alanazi & Bach, 2016)
○ Quest Journals: Journal of Research in Business and
■ This article concentrates on customer satisfaction
highlighting the crucial factors that affect it and
what it is important for business success.
● Research Report: Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement:
Revitalizing a Changing Workforce (“Employee Job,” 2016)
○ Conducted by Society for Human Resource Management
■ This report is a employee survey completed
annually aiming to recognize the factors that
prompt employee satisfaction and engagement in
the workplace.
● Journal article: The Sweet Spot in Email Marketing (Zhang,
Kumar, & Cosguner, 2018)
○ Found on American Marketing Association website
■ Article gives insight into finding the right balance of
emails to send to customers to increase traffic to
business. It also highlights the importance of
customizing the email for each customer and
changing periodically.
● Journal article: The Drivers of Brand Loyalty May Surprise
(Aaker, Marcum, & News, 2017)
○ Found on American Marketing Association website
■ Article highlights that there are two types of loyal
customers: the satisfied and the committed
■ Factors that impact customer loyalty include
dependability, emotional connection, superiority
and social media presence
■ Emotional connection is achieved when a brand
shows consistency and superiority
● Journal article: Rewards, Returns and Ringside Seats (Brooke,
○ Found on American Marketing Association website
■ Article examines rewards programs
● When designing a rewards program,
rational value (or monetary value) needs to
be part of the benefits, but experiential and
emotional value are a solid essential
needed as well.
■ Justify market and goals
● By focusing on various sections of the business such as
information technology and customer satisfaction, it can help
overall business improve. Also maintaining the brand and
presence of La Casita is important through email, website,
and flyer promotions.
● The goal is the get customers to choose La Casita over other
Mexican Restaurants within this market, and by looking into
multiple topics, it will help enhance the business that already
exists and help improve sales and revenue in the long-run.
★ Primary Research & Results
○ Personal Interviews
■ Please see the following link for the Personal Interview for La
Mexican Restaurant: or
see Appendix A 1.1 for Personal Interview Questions
● Survey data collected and analysis results:
○ Results:
○ Analysis:
● After reviewing the results from our participants, we
can see that most of them were female at 61.5%,
from the age 31-41, single, no children and had an
income of about $50,000 - $74,000. This data ruled
out families and the younger generation, which will
help determine our target market.
● Another important factor is that 100% of the
participants said they are willing and prefer family
owned restaurants which is what exactly La Casita
represents. On top of that, the majority would prefer
live music, 53% prefer lunch than any other part of
the day, and 75.9% prefer Mexican food over other
types of food. With implementing live music at La
Casita, they would be a very likable restaurant for
many people.
● 38.5% participants research for the restaurants
menu before dining there, which shows that having
an online presence is an important part of the
restaurants success.
● The number one choice method preferred to use
when researching for any restaurant information
was tied at 46.2% for looking at the restaurants
website and browsing online review sites.
○ This shows La Casita needs to create a
website. Plus, they should monitor their
online reviews to realize their strengths and
weaknesses perceived by past guests, thus
create a strategy to focus on boosting
positive feedback by implementing changes.
● 84.8% of the participants mostly go on social media
and 46.2% prefer getting emails about specials and
● A few incentive ideas through the results show that
48.2% enjoy alcoholic beverages when they dine,
33.3% spend an average of $20 or less, 61.5% like
free wifi, and 38.5% prefer loyalty programs to keep
coming back. By implementing the loyalty programs
with occasional deals would help this market be
more involved and to have more reason to come
○ Restaurant Market Research Survey
■ Please see the following link for the Restaurant Market
Research: or please see
Appendix A 1.2
for Restaurant Market Research Question
● Survey data collected and analysis results:
○ Results:
○ Analysis:
■ From the results we can see that most of the
participants were 62.5% female, 68.8% single and
37.5% between the ages 22-25. This being a
general survey, much of the market shows the
majority of women who are single and are young.
■ Not only are they single, but they also live with
families still with an average of 3-4 in their
household. This is important information because
many families like to go out and eat together.
■ Because this market is a younger generation,
57.1% prefer browsing online reviews, so keeping
an online presence is vital for any restaurant in
today’s society.
■ Also, 46.2% of respondents revealed that looking at
a restaurants website is their number one choice
method to research for information about the
■ Another technological aspect to this survey shows
that 62.5% prefer specials sent to their phones via
SMS, which shows how tech savvy this market can
■ When looking at other parts of the business that will
attract business shows that 58.5% prefer tacos,
and next after are burritos and enchiladas. Keeping
these specials are essential for Mexican
Restaurants. 43.8% spend $20 or less, so low
prices are important for this market. Another
important factor in making a restaurant successful
are happy hour. 73.3% prefer to drink at happy
hour which means where there is alcohol, there are
people with money and they might be willing to
purchase lunch or dinner during this time.
○ Focus Group
■ Please see the following link for the Focus Group: La Casita
Restaurant: or please
Appendix A 1.3 for Focus Group Discussion Questions
■ Focus Group Detail Information:
● Location:
○ Head Start Preschool
56389 Pima Trail
Yucca Valley, CA
● Participants:
○ Total - 9
○ Parents and guardians of students attending the preschool
■ Focus Group Discussion Topics:
● The focus group followed the same questions as the personal
interviews our team conducted in order to stay consistent with
analyzing the end results.
○ Classification Section
○ Lifestyle Questions Section
○ General Questions about Restaurants Section
○ La Casita Nueva Restaurant
○ Promotions and Advertising Section
○ Entertainment
■ Information and Notes Collected
● Prior to starting the focus group, each participant filled out
classification section on their own.
● Some questions are formatted with options for answers, but
participants were encouraged to respond with their own answers
and discussion among each other.
● During the focus group discussion, the group talked openly
interacted among each other sharing their opinions.
○ As with any focus group:
■ people were influenced by others opinions
● Some people stuck with their original
● Others adapted their answer to another
person's view
● In the end, as people shared their opinions/
answers this sparked conversation with new
ideas about the topic.
● Focus Group information collected and analysis results:
○ Results:
○ Analysis:
■ Some highlights that stood out in the focus group
as the group conversed were:
● Regarding price:
○ If the food quality is great, I will pay
a higher price; “Worth it, will pay
● Regarding reasons for re-visiting restaurant:
○ Sometimes food quality and service
is not consistent:
■ “Depends on chef”
■ “Recalling my only visit,
seemed waitress didn’t want
to be there”
● Regarding attributes for selecting a
○ Cleanliness topped the list
● Regarding option to purchase branded
apparel, cups, etc.:
○ Some participants laughed and did
not understand a reason to purchase
■ “Who would want to wear a t-
shirt showing the restaurants
Part 5
★ Strategic Plan
○ “Big idea”
Goal is to bring in many customers to enjoy La Casita’s great
food and
customer experience in a family environment through various
ways such
as website, employee satisfaction, technological advancement,
the target market, and finding incentives to attract customers.
● Website - showcase La Casita’s authentic brand and their
location, and specials
● Employee Satisfaction - getting the right employees to hire
● Technological advancement - through website, emails and
● Target Market - younger families with 3-4 in the household
● Implementation
○ Promote family owned restaurant to the younger generation
○ 53% prefer lunch - lunch specials are a big success
○ Live Music - finding the right bands with the right type of
○ Online presence - maintain through yelp, trip advisor,
○ Promote Alcoholic beverages, free wifi, loyalty programs -
browse online for menus and other various information
○ Guide promotions through Text message and Email Marketing
○ Flyers - to help post around various events in Yucca Valley -
Chamber of Commerce, Yucca Valley High
○ Highlight specials - menus including most like dishes - tacos,
burritos, and enchiladas
★ Message
○ Explanation and justification of message
■ Website Promotion
● Important to promote a high quality restaurant that will
their brand, image and menu. Every restaurant has to clearly
communicate their brand with an online presence in order for
to gain interest. It's also important to communicate a fresh look
within the website because many people are discouraged with
outdated websites that does not accurately showcase what the
restaurant is all about.
■ Email Promotion
● It's a great use to locate the customer back to the website. It’s
a useful tool to help showcase and communicate promotions,
loyalty programs and to give them updates of specials and live
music nights. Using this tool can also transport customers to
social media sites and other tools.
■ Flyer Promotion
● Message is to communicate the authenticity of the brand as
as implement special examples, wifi and live music promotions.
Through this, the business can promote this around various
of the valley to gain attention and viewers. Not only can this be
distributed personally but it can also be distributed digitally.
○ Examples of message and graphics/Consistent layout design
and mandatory
★ Promotions
○ Daily promotions: (options throughout various months)
■ Customers can mention they heard the restaurant
advertisement on
Z107.7 fm and receive 10% off their order everyday during all
■ Customers are encouraged to sign up for the restaurants
loyalty club (La
Casita Amigos) to earn points for every purchase. For every
dollar spent,
one point will be earned ($1=1 point) Earning 100 points can be
redeemed for $5 off the total bill. Plus, signing up for the
loyalty program
entitles members to coupons, one free birthday dessert during
month, and updates on restaurant upcoming events. New
members can
sign up with an email or phone number or both.
● When first signing up for La Casita Amigos loyalty club,
will receive $5 off their first purchase of $25 or more.
● Customers sharing their email will receive La Casita’s
email newsletter.
● Customers sharing their mobile phone number will receive
SMS of
food/ drink specials and events every couple of weeks (of
they will opt in for these messages).
■ Customers can fill out a feedback card after dining and drop
in our giant
margarita glass (for a chance to win a free appetizer. Drawing
in held the
last day of the month. Winner will be notified by email or text
○ Justification of everyday promotions:
■ These promotions will attract loyal customers to return to the
and be rewarded for their patronage. The everyday promotions
designed to stay connected with the restaurant and community
appreciation for community.
○ Weekly promotions: (options throughout various months)
■ Monday: Buy one Combination meal (1 item; 2 items; or 3
items) and get
one Combination meal half off (half off of equal or less value)
■ Tuesday: The three T’s day: tacos, tamales, and taquitos
chicken or beef taco(1), shredded beef tamale(1), and shredded
or beef taquitos (3)) Choice of one of the T’s served with
refried beans
and rice for $6. Served during all hours.
■ Wednesday: Active duty military member and veterans
receive 20% off by
showing a military ID.
■ Thursday: Locals discount day with all residents of the
Morongo Basin
communities receiving 20% off their total order (must show
current ID to
receive discount).
■ Friday: Fajitas Friday offering fajitas for two for $19.99 (or
for one for
$10.99) Choice of meats include beef, chicken, and shrimp.
■ Saturday: Visitors to the Joshua Tree National Park receive
15% off their
total order by showing their park entrance receipt to the
within seven days) and a posted selfie picture (taken while in
and can a selfie, food, drink, etc.) on Instagram, Facebook, or
mentioning the hashtag #YuccaValleyLaCasitaJTNP.
■ Sunday: Kids eat free with one paid adult entree priced $9.99
or higher.
■ Monday-Thursday; Happy Hour from 2-5pm. Also, music in
Katina. La Casita Amigos club members receive one free drink
with the
purchase of one drink and one appetizer (free drink is of equal
or less
value and appetizer is off of happy hour appetizer menu)
● Beers: $2.00 for domestic; $3.00 for imported
● Cocktails: $4 (Lime margaritas, red sangria, and much more)
● Well Liquors: Barton vodka, Barton gin, Pancho Villa
Barton rum
● Appetizers: $6 each; Cheese nachos, chimichanga rancheros
taquitos (3), street tacos (3)
■ Friday- Sunday nights: Kokopelli’s Kantina music
● Friday: Live music and dancing
● Saturday: Karaoke night
● Sunday: Open mic with local musicians and comedians
○ Justification of weekly promotions: These specials will entice
customers to visit
the restaurant on certain days of the week to take advantage of
the deals. Plus,
during the slow days of the week these specials will help bring
traffic to the
restaurant.Some promotions are targeted to specific customers
and designed to
engage with the restaurant, so the promotions are designed to
connect and show
support with the local community.
○ Monthly Specials:
■ May 15, 2019 - June 15, 2019
● Purchase one of our special tacos and get one free
○ Conditions: Only one free taco can be claimed per order
■ Each month a special word (Word of the month:palabra del
mes) will be
shared on restaurants Facebook page and website. Customers
mention this word will receive 10% off their total order.
○ Justification of monthly promotions: Having monthly
promotions will keep loyal
customers coming back and looking forward to the specials each
month. The
“Word of the Month” is a way for customers to feel involved
with the restaurant.
Also, it gives the restaurant an idea of how many customers are
staying up to
date with what the restaurant has to offer.
○ Seasonal promotions:
■ St. Patrick Day (March 17)
● Green beer, cocktail, and food specials from 4-5pm
● Raffle ticket earned for every drink purchase (drink specials
for the
night). One ticket will be drawn at the end of the night for one
appetizer (up to $10) on next visit. Winner does not need to be
present to win and winner will be contacted by email or text
message and can pick up prize in restaurant.
■ Cinco de Mayo (May 5th) specials for the week
● Special drink menu with a specialty cocktail menu for $5
plus $5 appetizer menu
● Customers who check-in with the restaurant on Facebook,
Instagram or Twitter with hashtag #YuccaValleyLaCasitaCinco
receive a free drink (up to $5 value). Just show server the check
● During dinner hours (5pm till closing) live music will play,
year to year from live latin bands to a mariachi band.
■ June (Graduation month)
● Local high school grads from Morongo Basin communities
come celebrate their success with specials. Choose from one of
the following deals. (Graduate must show a current school ID or
diploma). Graduates are encouraged to show off their
accomplishment by checking in with Facebook, Instagram, or
Twitter (or all three) and use hashtag
○ Buy one entree of $9.99 or more and a fountain drink and
receive one entree free (of equal or less value)
○ Free fried ice cream dessert with purchase of one entree of
$9.99 or more
○ Justification of seasonal promotions: Including seasonal
promotions will attract
loyal and new customers to experience what La Casita has to
offer throughout
the year for celebrations with family and friends. Plus,
customers feel connected
by sharing their experiences on their social media accounts.
★ Media
○ Media Chart of all running Marketing Communications
advertising and
Target Market
● Demographics:
○ Age: 25 - 45
○ Income: $40k - $60k
○ Employment Type: Full-time
○ Marital Status: married with children
○ Household Size: 3-4
○ Education: High school and some college
● Psychographics:
○ Entertainment: Live music, park visitations, Joshua Tree
○ Social Class: Middle Class
○ Food Experience: High interest in Mexican foods
○ Interests: Going out with friends, going to repeat
restaurants, and going out with families
○ Social Media
● Instagram
● Reason for using: By using Instagram marketing we are only
increasing to our brand awareness. It is important for our
restaurant to reach our consumers and actively communicate to
them what is going on so they always feel include with current
future events and/or specials we may have
○ Title: @lacasitayv
○ Message Goal: To show specials and delicious photos of
○ Images: Tons of food photos
○ % of Audience Exposed: 40%
○ Approximate cost per spot: Cost per thousand views)
○ Total Cost: $40.20
Time Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
12:00pm Tu M Tu, Th
5:00pm Th W N/A
● Facebook
● Reason for using: By using Facebook marketing we are able
reach a target audience more efficiently. We add more value to
the organization by extending your channels of social media and
opening up opportunities for customers to make comments and
feel heard by the restaurant. Facebook helps nurture customers,
improve awareness and provide more resources to our clients.
○ Title: @lacasitatyv
○ Message Goal: Provide updates of specials, offers,
promote entertainment, and show various hours
throughout the year
○ Images: plenty of staff photos, food options, entertainment
○ % of Audience Exposed: 60%
○ Approximate cost per spot: Per ad - $30
○ Total Cost: $150
Time Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
5:00pm F W Tu
12:00pm S N/A F
● Email/Text
● Reason for using: to provide specials, loyalty programs and
for live music
○ Title: La Casita
○ Message Goal: to get customers excited about events,
details, happy hour and food specials, as well as spread
message through word-of-mouth
○ Images: food images
○ % of Audience Exposed: 30%
○ Approximate cost per spot: N/A because of integrated cost
with website. It is included.
○ Total Cost: Cost is with Website format
Time Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
10:30am M W T
3:30pm Tu Th Th
● Yelp
● Reason for using: By using Yelp marketing you reach to a
market of potential customers. Yelp is becoming a quick way
individuals to check out new restaurants by making sure ratings
and standards meet their own.
○ Title: La Casita Restaurant
○ Message Goal: To have customers rate and give reviews
when visiting the restaurant to help build our customer
base and ensure we are meeting their standards as well as
our own
○ Images: Customer photos of food, drinks, the restaurant
itself and them having a good time
○ % of Audience Exposed: 30%
○ Approximate cost per spot: $300 per month
○ Total Cost: $275
Time Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
4:00 T Th F
6:00 M W S
● Radio - Z107.7 FM and
○ 6448 Hallee Road, Suite 5
Joshua Tree, CA 92252
(760) 366-8471
○ On air and website advertisement
● Reason for using: This is the local radio station known a
“Community Radio.” This station is the only source for daily
news, seven days a week, seven times daily. Plus, ABC news
broadcasts national news each hour. Also, the community tunes
for the weekday morning show, community events, emergency
information, and a mix of contemporary music from the 90’s
● to today. This station has the power to reach 100,000 listeners
(Snyder, 2019).
● The station's website ( averages 50,000 unique
monthly visitors per month(Snyder, 2019).
■ On air advertisement
● Title: “Have you been to La Casita Nueva
Mexican Restaurant in Yucca Valley lately?
● Message Goal: Exposure radio listeners to
what La Casita Nueva Mexican Restaurant
has to offer
● On-air Message: “Have you been to La
Casita Nueva Mexican Restaurant in Yucca
Valley lately? Family owned since 1993,
serving authentic mexican dishes. Daily
lunch specials and don’t forget to visit
adjacent Kokopelli’s Kantina Friday nights
for live music. Mention you heard this ad on
Z107.7 and receive 10% off your order...
Fajitas, Margaritas… Always La Casita”
● % of Audience Exposed: 60%
● Approximate cost per spot: $50
● Total Cost: $1,500
■ Website advertisement (Banner Ad)
● Title:”Fajitas, Margaritas… Always La
● Message Goal: Exposure website visitors
to the local family owned restaurant
● Images: 2 inch by 2 inch
● % of Audience Exposed: 60%
● Approximate cost per spot: Included in
contract for on air advertising as “value add”
● Total Cost: Included in On-air contract
On-air advertisement
Time Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
8:00am - 10:00am
12:00pm - 2:00pm
4:00pm - 6:00pm
Total: 18 Spots
(6 spots)
(6 spots)
(6 spots)
12:00 pm-2:00 pm
Total: 12 Spots
Saturday- Sunday
(4 spots)
Saturday- Sunday
(4 spots)
Saturday- Sunday
(4 spots)
Website advertisement
Time Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
24 hours Sunday-Saturday Sunday-Saturday Sunday-Saturday
● Newspapers - Hi-Desert Star and Desert Trail in Yucca Valley
○ In-print and online version
○ 56445 29 Palms Hwy.
Phone: (760) 365-3315
● Reason for using: These are the local newspapers connecting
members of the community to experience hometown pride
current news and events. Readers become aware of local
businesses to patronize as they are exposed to advertisements.
○ Throughout the Morongo Basin there are many rack
location selling the weekly newspaper
■ Hi-Desert Star rack locations and the number of
racks in the Morongo Basin:
● Yucca Valley (34)
● Joshua Tree (9)
● Twentynine Palms (15)
● Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center
(MGAGCC) (2)
● Landers (5)
● Morongo Valley (5)
● Pioneertown (1)
■ Desert Trail rack locations and the numbers of
racks in the Morongo Basin:
● Yucca Valley (2)
● Joshua Tree (5)
● Twnentynine Palms (22)
● MGAGCC (7)
● Morongo Valley (5)
○ Title: Fajitas, Margaritas… Always La Casita
○ Message Goal: To provide information on what La Casita
is all about as well as various promotions
○ Images: flyers, pictures of food/drink special, etc
○ % of Audience Exposed: 70%
○ Approximate cost per spot: $40 x 3 =$120
○ Total Cost: $240
Hi-Desert Star & Desert Trail
Time Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Newspaper out
Thursday Thursday Thursday
Newspaper out
Thursday Thursday Thursday
● Website
● Reason for using: to provide valuable information on deals,
promotions, contact, menu, and an overall presence
○ Title: La Casita Restaurant
○ Message Goal: Provide a high quality appearance in
overall environment as well as food
○ % of Audience Exposed: 90%
○ Approximate cost per spot: WebSelf $6.95 per month
○ Total Cost: yearly cost - $83.40
Time Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
All All All All
All All All All
★ Measurement
○ How will we measure the success
■ Benchmark and success measurements
● Overhead Rate –
○ Fixed costs is vital because it is one bill, one price. It is
very important to know how much fixed costs are on an
hour-by-hour / day-by-day basis with La Casita Restaurant.
The overhead rate would be a way to understand how
much it cost to run the restaurant when only viewing our
fixed costs. A way of calculating that would be as follows:
○ Total Indirect (Fixed) Cost / Total Amount of Hours Open =
Openhead Rate
● Break Even Point –
○ La Casita is an established restaurant, however, with
future upgrades/redesigns, equipment purchases and the
new marketing campaign and ordering system that may be
implemented at a later date it is important to figure out
ahead of time the break even point to determine how long
down the road it will take to pay for itself. To calculate this
you can use the following formula:
○ Total Fixed Costs / ((Total Sales – Total Variable Costs) /
Total Sales) = Break Even Point
● Food Cost Percentage –
○ La Casita takes great pride in being a reasonably priced
establishment for its customers. From a business aspect it
is important to know the cost of making the menu items
(taking into consideration all ingredients in the dish) and
the actual selling price of it. This is crucial to a business to
ensure we are not underpricing items, as well as, not
overpricing our items. La Casita wants to remain a fair
priced restaurant for its customers. To calculate this you
can use the following formula:
○ Food Cost / Total Sales = Food Cost Percentage
● Cost of Goods Sold
○ Having the right and correct food inventory during specific
seasons/weeks throughout the year it key. It’s important to
monitor the cost of goods sold because it is usually one of
the largest expenses for a restaurant. By us being able to
identify ways to reduce cost for La Casita by negotiating
lower pricing with our food distributor or selecting in-
season ingredients, it is possible for us to increase
margins. To calculate this you can use the following
○ Beginning Inventory + Purchased Inventory – Final
Inventory = Cost of Goods Sold
● Prime Cost –
○ The prime cost would be the total labor costs and the cost
of goods sold as a whole. This would include salary and
hourly based employees, benefits, expenses and other
things of that sort plus the cost of goods sold. Our goal
would be to get our prime cost as low as possible but
logically it will make up around 50%-70% of our total sales.
We want to decrease cost and increase profit. To calculate
this you can use the following formula:
○ Labor + Cost of Goods Sold = Prime Cost
● Gross Profit –
○ Gross profit would show the profit of the restaurant makes
after eliminating the cost of goods sold. To calculate this
you can use the following formula:
○ Total Sales – Cost of Goods Sold = Gross Profit
■ SWOT Analysis
■ PESTEL Analysis
● Pricing
● Tax rates
● Wage legislation
● Regulations on work for employees
● Employee benefits
● Product labeling on menus
● Labor costs and productivity
● Economic growth rate
● Discretionary income
● Unemployment rate
● Inflation rate
● Interest rates
● Demographics and skill level
● Education level
● Culture (gender and social roles)
● Attitudes (health and environmental
● Social Media Marketing
● Communication with the public
● Mobile technology - Geolocalization
● Optimized scheduling software
● Digital inventory tracking
Environmental (ecological)
● Weather
● Air and water pollution
● Recycling
● Attitudes toward “green” or ecological
products (straws)
● Discrimination law
● Consumer protection and e-commerce
● Employment law
● Health and safety law
Part 6
★ Marketing Plan Advertisements and Promotion Samples
○ Website Link & Various Pages
■ Website Link:
○ Advertisement/Promotion Samples - Can modify any
promotion into email
format, website section, social media, etc.
■ Graduation Promotion
■ Happy Hour/ Live Entertainment
■ The Three T’s - Tacos, Tamales, Taquitos Promotion
Graduation Promotion
Hour/ Live Entertainment Promotion
Three T’s - Tacos, Tamales, Taquitos Promotion
Elevator Speech
Problem: There is no website for the restaurant and there is a
lack of presence of marketing to
their ideal audience. It is necessary to have a proper online
presence and resources for people
to make the best decisions. They also lack entertainment and the
overall experience that they
can easily portray through La Casita.
Goals: The goal for La Casita is to find opportunities within the
community, tourism and
families. This can be achieved by networking, creating high
quality marketing materials,
promoting through their website, email, and flyer promotions.
Providing incentives can also be a
motivator to connect to others and provide them to more
information of La Casita . They can use
a chosen tradition and non traditional mediums to convey the
message and brand.
Success: People can make better decisions and judgements
based on information provided to
them. It can also be a great first impression through a modern
look of a website as well as other
marketing materials. Being open, honest and transparent of what
La Casita has to offer will be
the reason for their future success.
The marketing plan is essential for any business in realizing the
steps to outline the business
goals, define the market, and market to the correct customers all
while laying out the specific
actions to follow in order to attract customers. The marketing
plan is not a one-time endeavor as
it needs to be updated regularly as to adjust to any business
strategy changes and tools to
achieve the new tactic.
In preparing La Casita Nueva Mexican Restaurant marketing
plan, steps were taken to narrow
down the specific marketing actions to take in order to
successfully market to the targeted
customer base. Research was completed to discover the nearby
competitors and determine the
ways for La Casita to differentiate from them. After a SWOT
analysis was completed, a clear
idea of the restaurants advantages and disadvantages were
exposed, giving direction for a path
of improvement. After researching via primary and secondary
research via a market research
survey, personal interviews, focus group, and articles, the target
market was determined, and
evidence was found to support the new objective purpose.
Some objectives outlined were to offer more daily specials,
concentrate on improving customer
satisfaction, ensure food service, quality, and safety, increase
employee satisfaction, and
increase technology involvement. One of the first objectives is
to set up the restaurant’s website
within four months from May, as to allow the restaurant to
showcase what they have to offer
including their menu, events, promotions, and brand. Included
in the marketing plan is a
simulated website, promotional advertisements for various
media, including social sites,
newspapers, radio, and email contained within in a media chart.
The website will be a powerful
marketing tool that connects La Casita with its loyal customers
and potential customers,
increasing exposure to bring in more traffic, thus boosting sales
and profit.
Aaker, D., Marcum, A., & News, M. (2017, January 01). The
Drivers of Brand Loyalty May
Surprise You. Retrieved from American Marketing Association
Alanazi, A & Bach, C. (2016). Factors That Affect and Enhance
Customer Satisfaction. Journal
of Research in Business & Management, 4(9), 80-88. Retrieved
Biel, Justin. “Top 7 Benchmark KPIs Every Restaurant Owner
Should Measure.” NetSuite,
Biggerstaff, J. (2007, June 30). Sign twirlers give highway
drivers 'spinteraction'. Hi-Desert Star.
Retrieved from
Biggerstaff, J. (2007, October 06). New crop of citizens don
uniforms.Hi-Desert Star. Retrieved
Brooke, Z. (2016, December 12). Rewards, Returns and
Ringside Seats. Retrieved from
American Marketing Association website:
Brown, S. (Ed.). (2013, January 6). The Real Route 62 Guide to
the Joshua Tree Gateway
Communities. Retrieved from
Business and Economy in Yucca Valley, CA. (2019). Retrieved
from Livability website:
Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: Revitalizing a
Changing Workforce. (2016, April).
Society for Human Resource Management [PDF]. Retrieved
Handley, S. (2011, September 26). Youth depend on
generosity.Hi-Desert Star. Retrieved from
Land, G. (2018, February 6). Joshua Tree National Park Sets
New Visitation Record. Retrieved
Local Desert Fun. (2019). Retrieved from Lazy Meadow
Matthews, T. (2018, March 08). Business operations: Using
technology to improve operational
processes. Retrieved from Fourth Source website:
McKittrick, A. (2007, April 25). Many thanks. Hi-Desert Star.
Retrieved from
Perrance, K. (2014, December 12). Boys & Girls Club
fundraiser a success. Hi-Desert Star.
Retrieved from
Sanson, L. (2016, December 14). Window painter brings cheer
to Basin. Hi-Desert Star.
Retrieved from
Shaw, L. (2015, February 10). Friends honor Fedora on 100th
birthday. Hi-Desert Star.
Retrieved from
Shouse, A. (2014, March 31). The official unofficial Joshua
Tree Drinking Guide. Retrieved from
Thrillist website:
Snyder, S. (2019). Media Kit. Retrieved from z107.7
Turner, K. (2014, January 07). Dear Ms. 'Where did the eggnog
go?' Hi-Desert Star. Retrieved
(2017, March 06). La Casita Commercial [Video file]. Retrieved
Yucca Valley, California Population 2019. (2019, March 30).
Retrieved from World Population
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Walker, J. R. (2017). Introduction to hospitality (7th ed.). New
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Zhang, X., Kumar, V., & Cosguner, K. (2018, May 2). The
Sweet Spot in Email Marketing.
Retrieved from American Marketing Association website:
1.1 Personal Interview Questions
1.2 Restaurant Market Research Survey
1.3 Focus Group Discussion Questions
Group Members Contribution:
Eastern Classic Marketing
Haixin Hu
Joselyn Lopez Morales
Javier Figueroa
Eric Newman Ph. D
Cal State University San Bernardino
Marketing 496
Part 1
Company Information
Eastern Classic Thai Restaurant Company with an American
background. It is popularly known as General Motors. It has
its headquarters at Redlands in Tennessee, California in the
United States of America. Situated at the 300 Renaissance Ctr
in the city and zip code 92373-8167. The business uses several
business phones numbers with over phone communication
dedicated to serving customers. The main phone number is +1
909-793-0150. The company operates using a business website,, where company information is
available to the customers. General Motors Company operates
without a specific email address but uses contact forms to
collect mailed information.
Industry History
Growth of restaurants has been mainly attributed to the
growth of cities. The market demand that was created during
trade functions back then in the Roman Empire. The people who
were bringing their goods to the market were in need of eateries
where they would quench their thirst as well as feed. The rise of
chain restaurants can be seen a steady rise since the 20th
century (Khan, 2014). McDonald being the pioneer of fast food
and chain restaurants. The target market of many fast foods
being people from the middle class and upper-class members of
Marketing Plan Final Paper  Basic Outline  Company n.docx
Marketing Plan Final Paper  Basic Outline  Company n.docx
Marketing Plan Final Paper  Basic Outline  Company n.docx
Marketing Plan Final Paper  Basic Outline  Company n.docx
Marketing Plan Final Paper  Basic Outline  Company n.docx
Marketing Plan Final Paper  Basic Outline  Company n.docx
Marketing Plan Final Paper  Basic Outline  Company n.docx
Marketing Plan Final Paper  Basic Outline  Company n.docx
Marketing Plan Final Paper  Basic Outline  Company n.docx
Marketing Plan Final Paper  Basic Outline  Company n.docx
Marketing Plan Final Paper  Basic Outline  Company n.docx
Marketing Plan Final Paper  Basic Outline  Company n.docx
Marketing Plan Final Paper  Basic Outline  Company n.docx
Marketing Plan Final Paper  Basic Outline  Company n.docx
Marketing Plan Final Paper  Basic Outline  Company n.docx
Marketing Plan Final Paper  Basic Outline  Company n.docx
Marketing Plan Final Paper  Basic Outline  Company n.docx
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  • 11. FORM FOR PROCESS RECORDING Name of interviewer: Name of person playing role: Date: Verbal content and intonation Nonverbal Content Reflection Interviewer Hello Client Hi Interviewer Hi my name is Christina. And your name is Offer to shake hands Client Carol Interviewer Ok Hi Carol. Uhm I am the social worker here at the hospital. Your doctor has asked me to speak with you about some options you may have cause uh ah I was told that you were a teenager still and that you are pregnant. I was hoping to meet with you so I was hoping to meet with you to just discuss with you some options that you may have Is that the understanding that you had for today? laughed nervously I was too worried about saying the right thing that I was talking faster then I was thinking
  • 12. Client Yes it is Seems unsure as to why here I smiled to ease the tension Interviewer Ok, so tell me a little bit about your self Client Oh like…. Interviewer Before you start let me clarify everything you say here is going to be between me and you. Unless of course you tell me that someone has been hurting you or you have plans to hurt someone else or yourself then I will have to report it. Otherwise what you say will be between me and you. I didn’t mean to interrupt you but I wanted to make sure that you understood that. I should have let her finish and then mentioned this instead of interrupting Client Ok I understood that. Loosens up a little Knows purpose of meeting so is relaxing Interviewer So do you want to tell me a little bit about your situation, how old you are, where are you living right now? Client Ok I’m 17
  • 13. Interviewer ok Client I live with my girlfriend… Hesitant to talk about situation Interviewer Ok Client And uhm yeah we stay in an apartment. Looking at hands instead of me Can tell is unsure of what to tell me Interviewer Ok so you guys stay in an apartment do you guys pay the rent or is there, is there someone older living in this apartment? I should have asked a few more questions to clarify for myself, instead of jumping to conclusions Client No my girlfriend is 35. Quick to correct me Interviewer Oh ok I guess I should have clarified that better. Uhm so does she, is she kind of helping you out right now or fidgeting I was not expecting this answer and should have been more anticipatory that this could be the situation Client Yeah
  • 14. Interviewer Uhm so you’re living with your girlfriend do you have any family around here or? Client I have family but they disowned me when they found out I was gay. Less defensive in body language Must be becoming more comfortable Interviewer Oh ok so they kind of said that you couldn’t come home or anything so then you ended up pregnant and then… Client No I didn’t. Interviewer Which came first, is what I’m trying to get at? Client What me being gay or?
  • 15. Unsure of what I was asking Interviewer You coming out to your parents or being pregnant? Client Uhm kind of like both. Interviewer Both? Client Yeah I was dating a guy and I told him I was kind of like cheating on him with this woman and uhm he raped me. Looking around at floor and room May be nervous to disclose Interviewer Oh ok. So it wasn’t a consensual conception? Was looking at notes instead of client Didn’t react with empathy, kind of blew off the situation Client No.
  • 16. Interviewer Ok so have you uhm worked on, have you met with anybody to discuss some of the things that have happened? fidgeting I realized that I had done this and am now unsure how to deal with the topic Client No Interviewer Ok so have you been feeling is this something that you’re depressed about? That you would maybe seek some other help besides speaking with me about some issues that you might be dealing with? Client Maybe, this is actually like the first time that I’ve talked to anybody about this besides with my girlfriend Must be more comfortable and trusting of me to disclose information Interviewer Oh ok, right. Well I’m glad you feel that you can tell me this information because obviously you told me that you’ve never really talked to anybody about this. So thank you for trusting me with this information. Uhm do you think maybe you would
  • 17. want to seek some help to maybe deal with some of the feelings you may be having right now? Fidgeting again Client Like well, who do you think I would talk to, I can’t continue to talk to you about this? Looking at me like, what help are you? Must be questioning why they are talking to me if I can’t help Interviewer I, I, I’m really willing to help you with this but I do know that I’m not, I don’t have a degree in therapy, I I I’m not a licensed therapist but I am more than willing to sit here and help you discuss some issues but if you are having some deeper issues with things it might be helpful to get another outside person to talk to as well. fidgeting Not thinking before I speak, trying to avoid uncomfortable silence, not finding the right words Client Ok and you could help me do that? Looking down at floor Interviewer Yes I could help you get in touch with somebody that would be better suited to discuss this but I am more than willing to help you through your pregnancy to you know make sure you make the right decisions about things.
  • 18. relaxing I don’t think I got my point across as well as I had hoped to Client Ok ok sounds good. Small smile Interviewer Uhm so you’re living with your girlfriend right now, and we’re, how far along pregnant are you? Client Four months Interviewer Four months. Are you planning on keeping the baby or? Client Yes we’re going to be a family. Interviewer
  • 19. Ok, well that’s so you’re not dealing with raising a child by yourself because you are 17 and that would be pretty hard to do. Are you still in school right now? I need to take more time in asking my questions Client Yeah I’m in my last year. Interviewer Ok, are you planning on finishing then even after you have the baby? Client Uh huh. nodding Interviewer Ok I’m glad to hear that. Are you thinking about trying to go to college after that or are you thinking that you’re going to get a job and raise your child or? Client Uhm I’m thinking I want to go to college. I know it’ll be hard but my baby is due around the summer time so I’ll probably take that first semester off and maybe get back to school in the
  • 20. spring. Looking around the room Maybe unsure how to answer the question. Is she answering how she thinks I want her to? Interviewer Ok well I know that I can help you with that too. I can help you to get the resources you need to maybe you know get enrolled in college and to figure out what you are going to do and maybe some help to you know get some child care and options and like that while you attend school so you can fulfill that goal. Client Yeah that would be great. Yeah cause I don’t want to be totally dependent upon my girlfriend to take care of me. smiling Interviewer Yeah I understand you want to be independent in case you know something happened that you would be able to take care of your child. Did I jump to a conclusion too soon Client Yeah. Interviewer
  • 21. Well I’m glad to hear that. I think our next step would be to set up some future sessions and get you in touch with someone with some therapy and we could maybe work on getting you the topics about childcare and getting you enrolled in college. Client Ok yeah that sounds great. smiling Interviewer Hopefully we’ll make sure to do that then. Client Ok thank you. smiles Process Recording Questions 1. How is school right now? 2. Can you tell me about your friends, what do you do for fun? 3. What would make school better for you? 4. How would you describe your classes, hard, boring, easy? And what makes them that way? 5. What do you like/dislike about school?
  • 22. I had originally planned to do my process recording from the viewpoint of a school social worker. As I met with my partner and we worked on this, our topic changed and therefore my questions were not valid. Peer Review Christina made use of many effective skills in her interview. She also had a few areas that I identified that she could work on for future interviews. Christina did a good job of stating the purpose of our meeting in the beginning. She clarified her role and the role that I had. She also made sure to state that she was a mandated reporter but that our conversation would otherwise be confidential. Christina did a good job at listening to what I had to say and relaying the information back to me by using paraphrasing. At the same time she did a good job of maintaining her presence in the interview, I felt that she was present the entire time that our interaction was taking place. Another good thing that Christina did was to recognize the efforts I as the client had already made towards my situation as well as identifying goals that could be of use to the client. Also during the interview Christina did a good job at picking up on the clues that I was throwing out that there may be more going on besides my pregnancy that I wish to deal with. She tried to build trust by stating to the client that she was glad that the information was shared and made an agreement to work on goals in the future. Things that Christina may want to work on are as follows. She
  • 23. should slow down the interview. She appeared to not want to pause but to keep talking the entire time, rushing the interview. It is ok to pause and take a moment to reflect on what is being said. Also Christina needs to work on not doubting her ability, as what appeared to happen when she was discussing using another source of help for therapy. She should have more confidence on what she has to offer the client. Also it is important for Christina not to make judgments or assumptions, as she did when discussing the client’s relationship with her girlfriend. Personal Critique After reviewing what was said during my interview as well as what was mentioned in my peer review, I realize that I have several things that I would like to work on in future interviews. For example I feel that I rush things in my interviews, I do not take time to pause and reflect on what it being said. I think I am trying to avoid uncomfortable pauses and it is causing me to stumble over my words or to not think if the appropriate words that I am looking for. An example of this is when I am talking about seeking therapy, what I meant to say is that I may not have the expertise on this subject and instead it sounds like I am doubting my ability to work with this client. Another area that I feel I need to work on is my ability to empathize with my client. I think I am afraid of being too empathetic and using statements such as I understand, or I know how you feel. Because of this I grazed over the statement of my client mentioning that she had been raped and didn’t reply in the most appropriate way. Another area to work on would be the fact that I interrupted my
  • 24. client in the beginning of our interview. I realized that I had forgotten to mention confidentiality to my client. Instead of letting her speak I interrupted her to make my point. I think this may impinge upon my ability to build a relationship with my client because it may make them feel that I am trying to stick to an agenda instead of working with their problem. I also think that I may need to be more culturally aware of different relationships. I didn’t take into consideration that when my client said girlfriend that this may mean someone other than a friend. Had I maybe asked more questions to clarify I would have avoided making this assumption. Although this did not hinder my ability to relate it may have affected my relationship because the client may not feel that I understand her if I am not thinking in this way. I also think that maybe I tried to take too much control of the situation and that maybe I should have let the client come up with goals on her own. I almost feel as if I tried to impose too many of my expectations onto her. I do think that I also had some effective skills in my interview. I think that I did a good job of addressing the work that the client has already done to improve her situation as well as identify goals that could be worked upon. I also think that I did a good job of getting my client to open up and let me know of other concerns besides just the pregnancy that she may have had, for example the goal of attending college. I do not feel that I made too many drastic mistakes but the ones that I did make are some that I can work on improving. Cal State University of San Bernardino
  • 25. (CSUSB) Spring Quarter 2019 La Casita Restaurant Marketing Plan By for Marketing 496 Planning and Strategy With Professor Eric Newman 1 Table of Contents Executive Summary 3 Part One: Restaurant Information/Photos 4 Industry History 5-7
  • 26. Product History 7- 9 Company History 10 Part Two: Current Product/Service Problem to Solve 11 Product Characteristics 11-12 Product Characteristics 12-13 SWOT Analysis 13 Competitive Analysis 14-15 Competitive Advantages and Disadvantages 15-16 Part Three: Customer Analysis 16 Demographic Market Segments 17- 18 Socioeconomic 18 Purchase Behavior 19
  • 27. Psychographic Consumer Behavior 19-20 Media and Communications Used 20-25 Part Four: Marketing Objectives and Goals 25-27 Strategic and Tactical Recommendations 27-28 Secondary Research 28-29 Primary Research Personal Interviews 29-42 Restaurant Market Research Survey 42-50 Focus Group 50-63 Part Five: Strategic Plan 63 Message
  • 28. Website 63-64 Email 64-65 Flyer 65-66 2 Table of Contents Cont. Promotions Daily 66-67 Weekly 67-68 Monthly 68 Seasonal 68-69 Media 69-75
  • 29. Measurements 75-76 Part Six: Marketing Plan Advertisements and Promotion Samples 77-83 Elevator Speech 84 Conclusion 84 References 85-86 Appendices 1.1 Personal Interview Questions 87-95 1.2 Restaurant Market Research Survey 96-100 1.3 Focus Group Discussion Questions 101-109 Group Members Contribution 110
  • 30. 3 Executive Summary: La Casita Nueva Mexican Restaurant has been serving its customers fresh, authentic Mexican food with excellent service since 1993. Located in Yucca Valley, CA, customers include residents of the Morongo Basin, and tourists to the beautiful Joshua Tree National Park and local community attractions. Yucca Valley is a small town in the Morongo Basin with community involvement being an important characteristic. The restaurant is an ideal choice to celebrate
  • 31. birthdays, graduations, anniversaries, and youth sport team victories as it can accommodate large parties. As more and more competitors open in the town, it is crucial to plan a marketing strategy to attract new patrons and maintain returning guests. In researching the target market, it revealed a few methods that will meet the goal of bringing in more customers and maintaining its loyal customers to experience La Casita’s great food and amazing customer experience. A few of the solutions to reach this goal are to establish a restaurant website, incorporate technology in communications, advertise current promotions, maintain employee satisfaction, and offer incentives to attract customers. Establishing the restaurant’s website is recommended to be completed within a four-month period, thus one of the primary actions to complete. Primary research has shown that the top two ways individuals prefer to research information about a restaurant is via the restaurant’s
  • 32. website and review sites. Establishing a website will allow La Casita to present their menus, current promotions, and upcoming events, while offering online viewers' connections to the restaurant’s customer reviews and social media sites. Also, maintaining active social media presence is important as a way to connect with customers allowing a mutual attraction of sharing photos and experiences. The website will be a one stop solution to connect potential and loyal customers to what La Casita has to offer. Launching and continuously updating the website, being active in advertising current promotions, and actively promoting the restaurants daily, weekly, and monthly promotions will enhance La Casita’s marketability to boost traffic into the restaurant, thus increase sales and revenues. Also, it will help stimulate economic growth in the local community by bringing in more tax revenues and the possibility of new job openings. In order to track the success of this new marketing strategy, periodically reviewing of the outlined SWOT and PESTEL analysis,
  • 33. financial benchmarks, and customer feedback will be essential, thus adjusting the marketing strategy over time to achieve the outlined objectives. . 4 Part One: ★ La Casita Nueva Restaurant Information Physical Address: 57154 Twentynine Palms Highway, Yucca Valley, CA 92284 Business Phone: 760-365-5061 Website URL: valley/about/ – Main website is currently down Facebook Page:
  • 34. - Facebook Page Email Address: No email address available – you may message through Facebook ★ Restaurant Photos: ○ Outdoors: ○ Indoors: valley/about/ valley/about/ 5 ★ Industry History ○ Market: Hospitality Industry ○ Market and Industry Definition: ■ This restaurant can be classified as a casual/family ethnic restaurant
  • 35. serving Mexican cuisine. ■ The restaurant itself has been around since 1993. It is the original of the Las Casita Restaurants. ■ The restaurant would be included in the Food and Beverage along with Hospitality industry. ■ They have been around for many years according to Yelp. They go as far back as 2009 in Reviews. They have been around since 1993. ○ Major Competitors and Descriptions ■ Competition within a 10 mile radius includes the following restaurants (information found on the first website above, as well as, their Facebook Page, Yelp, and Tripadvisor). ● El Guero Mexican Grill Restaurant: ○ This Mexican restaurant has been open since 1990. Serves breakfast, lunch and dinner. Casual and family friendly dining establishment
  • 36. ○ This restaurant is 0.10 miles away – 57113 Twentynine Palms Hwy. Yucca Valley, CA 92284 ○ Hours: Tues: 7:00am-9:00pm Wed-Mon: 7:00am-8:00pm ● La Palapa Mexican Restaurant: ○ Hours: Tues: 7:00am-9:00pm Wed-Mon: 7:00am-8:00pm ○ Mexican & Seafood restaurant – serves lunch and dinner. Casual and family friendly dining establishment ○ This restaurant is 0.70 Miles Away – 57173 Sunnyslope Dr. Yucca Valley, CA 92284 ○ Hours: Sunday-Saturday: 10:00am - 9:00pm ● Algobertos Taco Shop: ○ Traditional Mexican restaurant that serves lunch and dinner. Fast and extremely casual located in a strip-mall with counter service. ○ This restaurant is 1.30 Miles Away – 56143 Twentynine Palms Hwy. Yucca Valley, CA 92284 ○ Hours: Mon-Sat: 8:00am - 10:00pm Sun 8:00am - 9:00pm ● L’s Salsa Restaurant:
  • 37. ○ This is a family owned Mexican restaurant ○ This restaurant is 1.30 miles away – 56093 Twentynine Palms Hwy. Yucca Valley, CA 92284 ○ Hours: Mon-Sat: 9:30am - 8:30pm Sun: Closed ● Kasa Carniceria y Taqueria: ○ Quick-service meat market taco shop 6 ○ This restaurant is 1.35 Miles away – 56089 Twentynine Palms Hwy. Yucca Valley, CA 92284 ○ Hours: Mon-Sat: 8:00am-8:00pm Sun: 8:00am-7:00pm ● Las Palmas Restaurant: ○ Traditional Mexican restaurant – known for authentic food and strong drinks. Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner ○ This restaurant is 1.74 Miles away – 55792 Twentynine Palms Hwy. Yucca Valley, CA 92284 ○ Hours: Mon-Sat: 10:00am – 9:00pm Sun: 9:00am - 9:00pm ● Castenada’s Mexican Food
  • 38. ○ Counter-serve regional chain – casual and quick-service ○ This restaurant I 6.2 miles away – 56547 Twentynine Palms Hwy. Yucca Valley, CA 92284 ○ Hours: Mon-Sun 24 hours ○ Competitor Strategies and niche: ■ El Guero Mexican Grill Restaurant ● Highlights bringing in business since 1990 (family business) and continuing with the tradition of serving authentic Mexican cuisine that is made fresh. ■ La Palapa Mexican Restaurant ● Large accommodations for large parties, so can hold events and does cater ■ Algobertos Taco Shop ● Offers counter serve offering to go or dine in with more of a fast food style. ■ L’s Salsa Restaurant
  • 39. ● In a small strip mall, thus allowing for walkability ■ Kasa Carniceria y Taqueria ● Convenience as is located in Latin specialty mini grocer. ● Convenient for local residents ■ Las Palmas Restaurant ● Offers lunch specials, taco night, and Sunday buffet ● Online menu options / enhanced website / modern approach ○ Competitor Strategies and nich for La Casita: ■ Mexican environment with music and décor and fun entertainment ■ Affordable establishment ($11-$30) making it a family based and oriented restaurant. Target market considering this a low-income area. ■ Variety of Mexican foods to help increase multiple options for everyone. ■ Family environment ■ Proving a full bar for eating in or the convenience of take out ■ Entertainment nights ■ La Casita is a community based restaurant. The restaurant offers
  • 40. discounts to graduates from Yucca Valley High School and rewards card holders 7 ★ Product History ○ Product Features ● Mainly lunch and dinner but also brunch/breakfast ● Margaritas ● Kids Menu 8 ■ Hours: ● Sunday-Saturday 11:00am - 9:00pm ■ Meals:
  • 41. ● Brunch, Lunch and Dinner ■ Takeout: 9 ● Yes ■ Delivery: ● No ■ Attire: ● Casual ■ Reservations: ● Yes ■ Alcohol: ● Full Bar ■ Outdoor Seating: ● No but there is a patio area adjacent to Kokopellis Kantina ■ Parking: ● Private parking lot for customers
  • 42. ■ Wi-fi: ● No ○ What problem does product solve ■ Las Casita Nueva understands the customer’s wants and needs. The restaurant satisfies customers’ desire to relax and enjoy a meal and/or drink while away from home. Also, the restaurant is an ideal location to socialize with family, friends, and acquaintances in a positive environment. ○ Product Category Sales ■ Restaurant category: Independent restaurant serving Mexican cuisine with breakfast, lunch and dinner options, appetizers, kid’s menu, full bar options. ● Margaritas (most liked) ● Fajitas (most liked) ● Enchiladas ● Burritos
  • 43. ● Tacos, etc. ○ Previous Performance Versus Competition History ■ The restaurant has remained in same location since opening. ■ Competition: ● Three competitors are less than 2 years old (El Guero Mexican Grill, La Palapa Mexican Restaurant, L’s Salsa Restaurant) ● The term “family environment” that other competition does not state in their mission or vision statement. ● Implementing margaritas as a feature compared to their competition 10 ★ Company History
  • 44. ○ Start: ■ Opened 1993 - “The Original Since 1993” ■ Other La Casita restaurants in the Coachella Valley (Indio, La Quinta, Palm Desert, and Cathedral City) and Beaumont are family owned but managed individually ○ Size ■ Only one in the area (Yucca Valley, CA) ■ Small to medium - intimate restaurant ○ Major changes ■ The adjacent Kokopellis Kantina opened which offers dancing, live music, bar and karaoke. ■ Implemented rewards cards back in 2014 ○ Mission & Vision statement ■ Fajitas, Margaritas..Always La Casita. ■ La Casita provides fresh, authentic Mexican food and superior customer service at reasonable prices in a casual family environment.
  • 45. ○ Who is in charge today ■ Family owned restaurant ■ Andrew Garcia, manager 11 Part 2 ★ Current Product/Service problem to solve: ○ According to their mission statement, La Casita provides fresh authentic Mexican food and superior customer service at reasonable prices in a casual family environment. La Casita touches on four ideas that customers see value in: ○ Fresh authentic Mexican food ○ Superior customer service ○ Reasonable prices ○ Family environment
  • 46. ○ Their current product is the driving force of their company and if they can implement all of these traits, it will enhance their business. This is a low income area where many families and friends seek to find reasonable prices. ★ Problem Characteristics ○ Currently, there is no website for the restaurant, thus possible customers rely primarily on the restaurants Facebook page to gather information or call the restaurant. ■ Set up a website and include: ● Hours and phone number ● Address with directions/map ● Menu ● Food/ drink specials ● Ordering online option ● Reservations option ● Payment options accepted
  • 47. ● Upcoming events ● Links to social media and links reviews ● About us ■ Maintain often to keep updated ■ Ensure the website is accessible via a desktop or mobile device. ○ Problem effects on stakeholders ■ Primary Stakeholders: ● Owner/Shareholders - ○ Lost business/ revenue ○ Reduced customer loyalty as competition is up to par, so customers will try a new restaurant ○ Poor image created of local community due to frustration ● Customers - ○ Misinformed with current restaurant information (frustration) ○ Might choose to dine at other establishments ● Employees/Managers -
  • 48. 12 ○ Extra time spent assisting customers with issues/ complaints about no website, and incorrect or missing restaurant information ○ Causes added stress ■ Secondary Stakeholders: ● Community Members - ○ Unable to search for restaurant information regarding correct hours, menu, specials, etc. ● Media - ○ The restaurant only has Facebook for their social media outlet which does not give the restaurant the opportunity to gain more business/customers ○ The restaurant does have opportunity for events but without a working website or additional social media outlets it is hard to gain more exposure
  • 49. drawing in more business ● Competitors - ○ May gain more business from customers that had a bad experience from the lack of current information found online for La Casita ○ Could prompt them to update/maintain their website to gain an advantage ○ Why is it important? ■ It is always important to monitor and manage stakeholder relationships. It is vital to the success or failure of a business because the business wouldn't be able to exist without their participation. ★ Product Characteristics ○ Uniqueness, niche ■ Dining room decorations are bright and colorful, matching the restaurants theme ■ Large menu selection with lunch specials ● Fajitas and margaritas are popular items
  • 50. ● Specials on alcoholic drinks ■ Can accommodate large parties, so great for celebrations (birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, etc.) ○ High/low cost ■ La Casita Restaurant provides delicious food to their customers at a more than fair price. ● Some price ranges for menu items include: ○ Fajitas: $14.49 - $22.49 ○ Burritos & Chimichangas: $8.99 - $12.99 ○ Enchiladas: $10.99 - $14.99 ○ Children’s Menu: $6.25 13 ○ Breakfast: $9.99 ○ Specialities: $9.99 - $15.99 ○ Combinations: $8.99 - $15.49
  • 51. ○ Lunch specials: Monday - Friday; 11:00am - 3:00pm ■ Specialities: $9.00 - $10.49 ■ Combinations: $7.99 - $10.49 ■ Fajitas for Two: $18.99 ■ Fiesta Platter for Two: $18.99 ■ Burritos: $9.99 - $10.49 ○ Distribution channel of product/service ■ Direct distribution channel preparing and serving food and beverages through the physical restaurant location. ■ Restaurant does have the option of take-out and can accommodate large orders ■ Advertising: Via social media (Facebook page) ★ SWOT Analysis STRENGTHS ● Family environment ● Low prices ● Authentic Mexican Food ● Great customer service
  • 52. ● Location ● Established family restaurant ● Private parking lot for customers ● Brand image - La Casita restaurants have been around for many years and has a positive and established brand throughout the local valleys. WEAKNESSES ● Website is down - there is no way to check out upcoming events and/or promotions unless you have a Facebook or call the restaurant directly ● Ensure there are enough servers/staff available to cover peak hours and influx of customers ● No outside dining experience for customers that would like to enjoy the weather during the Fall-Spring seasons when it is not too hot outside. OPPORTUNITIES ● Can gain customers from Yucca Valley High School (1.4 miles away) ● Attract tourists visiting Joshua Tree
  • 53. National Park with point of sale brochures distributed to local hotels, motels, etc. ● Include catering in their distribution channel ● Join Yucca Valley Chamber of Commerce for community exposure and connection ● Set up Wi-Fi marketing to connect new and returning customers with promotions, food/drink specials, events. THREATS ● Competitors - other Mexican food restaurants are within a 6 mile radius ● Rising labor costs (minimum wage will increase to $15/ hour by January 1, 2023 with $1 increase every year in between) ● With rising labor costs comes potential rising cost for certain foods and/or supplies. A threat exists if you need to raise prices or find new suppliers because you may lose business.
  • 54. 14 ★ Competitive Analysis Worksheet ○ The Business: La Casita Nueva Restaurant ○ Competitor A: El Guero Mexican Grill Restaurant ○ Competitor B: La Palapa Mexican Restaurant ○ Competitor C: Algobertos Taco Shop Competitor A: El Guero Mexican Grill Restaurant: - This Mexican restaurant has been open since 1990. Serves breakfast, lunch and dinner. Casual and family friendly dining establishment - This restaurant is 0.10 miles away – 57113 Twentynine Palms Hwy. Yucca Valley, CA 92284 - Hours: Tuesday: 7:00am-9:00pm; Wednesday - Monday: 7:00am-8:00pm Competitor B: La Palapa Mexican Restaurant: - Mexican & Seafood restaurant – serves lunch and dinner. Casual and family friendly dining establishment - This restaurant is 0.70 Miles Away – 57173 Sunnyslope Dr. Yucca Valley, CA 92284
  • 55. - Hours: Sunday-Friday: 10:00am - 9:00pm; Saturday: 10:00am - 8:00pm Competitor C: Algobertos Taco Shop: - Traditional Mexican restaurant that serves lunch and dinner. Fast and extremely casual located in a strip-mall with counter service. - This restaurant is 1.30 Miles Away – 56143 Twentynine Palms Hwy. Yucca Valley, CA 92284 - Hours: Mon-Sat: 8:00am - 10:00pm; Sunday: 8:00am - 9pm FACTOR The Business Competitor A Competitor B Competitor C Importance to Customer
  • 56. Products S S S S 5 Price S S S S 5 Quality S S S S 4 Selection S S S S 4 15 Service S S S S 4 Reliability S S S S 3 Stability S S S S 2 Expertise S S S S 3 Company Reputation S S S S 4 Location S S S S 5 Appearance S W S W 3 Sales Method S W S S 1 Credit Policies S S S S 1 Advertising W W W W 3
  • 57. Image S S S W 3 ★ Competitive advantages and disadvantages: ○ Advantages: ■ High traffic exposure as located on Highway 62 (Twentynine Palms Hwy.), which is the main street for the town ● Restaurant is on a corner lot with easy access and ample parking ■ Well-established family business since 1993 16 ■ Large square footage, thus can accommodate large parties ■ Supports local high school ■ The adjacent Kokopelli’s Katina attracts new guests as it has live music, events, full bar, and karaoke Disadvantages: ■ Lacking website, so potential customers find information about the
  • 58. restaurant primarily through their Facebook page and other online sites (Yelp, Tripadvisor, the Yellow Pages, Foursquare, Zomato etc. ● Hours posted on different online sites vary from site to site ● Leads to incorrect information posted, especially regarding restaurant hours, leading to potential disappointment with customers and lost business ■ Does not serve breakfast, as competitor A, B, and C do ● Missing opportunity for morning breakfast market ■ Not part of Yucca Valley Chamber of Commerce, which is great for exposure and networking ● Competitor B (La Palapa) is part of local chamber as well as another competitor, Las Palmas Mexican restaurant Part 3 ★ Customer Analysis ○ Total Market Size ■ Yucca Valley current population is made up of 21,748 residents. The focused market for La Casita Nueva Restaurant would be
  • 59. married couples/families which would consist of more than half the population. ○ Target Market trends growth/shrinkage ■ Growth ● Tourism is on the rise ○ Tourists dine out at local restaurants ■ The town of Yucca Valley has seen an increase in dining tax revenue: ● 2012 was estimated a little under $300,00; 2017 was estimated nearing $400,00 (http://yucca- pacts.pdf) ○ Occupancy rates for vacation rentals (Airbnb,Vrbo, etc.), hotels, motels are growing as a result of visitors to Joshua Tree National Park ■ The town of Yucca Valley has seen an increase in hotel occupancy tax revenue:
  • 60. ● Year 2012 was estimated around $190,000; year 2017 was estimated around $320,000 ○ Art tours are becoming more popular ○ Popular festivals are driving in tourists (Bhakti Fest in Joshua Tree, Joshua Tree Music Festival, etc.) 17 ○ King of the Hammers off-road event in February is bringing in more attendees ○ Market Potential and realistic future forecast ■ Joshua Tree National Park has seen an increase in visitors, thus more opportunities for dining out at local restaurants ● Year 2016 had over 2.5 million visitors; Year 2017 had 2,853,619 visitors, continuing with four consecutive years of record visitation numbers (Land, 2018). ○ Barriers to entry such as technology, qualified employees,
  • 61. high startup costs ■ As this restaurant is already well established, the barriers to entry have already been faced (location, start-up capital, attracting customers, marketing, health regulations, etc.) ★ Demographic Market Segments: Yucca Valley, CA (“Yucca Valley,” 2019) ○ Age ■ Median Age: 42.4 ■ 16,553 adults; 4,137 are seniors ■ Number of Veterans 2,461 ● Male 2,145 ● Female 316 ■ Target Market Age: between mid 20’s to mid 40’s ○ Gender ■ 51.99% - Female (11,169) ■ 48.01% - Male (10,314) ○ Marital Status ■ Marriage Rates:
  • 62. ● Overall Marriage Rate - 46.1% ● Male Marriage Rate - 47.6% ● Female Marriage Rate - 44.7% ■ Household types ● Rates: Home ownership (62.5%); Rent (37.5%) ○ Married: Own (73.6%); Rent (26.4%) ○ Non Family: Own (64.5%); Rent (35.5%) ○ By Gender: ■ Female: Own (33.9%); Rent (66.1%) ■ Male: Own (23.6%); Rent (76.4%) ● Average Family Size: 3.13 ● Average Household Size (persons per household): 2.44 ○ Race ■ White - 80% (17,188) ■ African American - 6.3% (1,348) ■ Two or more races - 5% (1075) ■ Some other race -4.3% (930) ■ American Indian and Alaska Native - 2.9% (619)
  • 63. ■ Asian - 1.4% (291) 18 ■ Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander - 0.1% (32) ● Hispanic - ○ White - 62% ○ African American - 0.4% ○ Two or more races - 8.9% ○ Some other race - 13.6% ○ American Indian and Alaska Native - 7.6% ○ Asian - 6.7% ○ Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander - 0.7% ● Non-Hispanic - ○ White - 83% ○ African American - 7.6% ○ Two or more races - 3.9% ○ Some other race - 1.9%
  • 64. ○ American Indian and Alaska Native - 1.7% ○ Asian - 1.7% ○ Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander - 0.2% ★ Socioeconomic (“Yucca Valley”, 2019) ○ Income - Median ■ Household: $44,428 ■ Families: $62,557 ■ Married Families: $77,738 ■ Non- Families: $26,879 ○ Education – Social Status ■ Data is for educational attainment for individual over age 25 ● Graduate degree - 6.8% (1,053) ● Bachelor's degree - 9.0% (1,398) ● Associates degree - 9.6% (1,484) ● Some college - 34.3% (5,316) ● High school graduate - 28.4% (4,408) ● 9th to 12th grade - 8.8% (1,357) ● Less than 9th grade - 3.2% (491)
  • 65. ○ Occupation ■ Labor Force Participation: 53.2% ■ Employment Rate: 44.8% ■ Unemployment Rate: 13.1% ■ Occupations (“Business and Economy,” 2019) ● Management, Business, Science, and Arts: 30% ● Natural Resources, Construction and Maintenance: 14.2% ● Production, Transportation and Materials Moving: 5.1% ● Sales and office: 25.7% ● Service: 25% 19 ★ Purchase Behavior ■ Considering this a low-income area, many people from the ages 16- early 20’s have a very high purchasing behavior. ● Young high school students and college students spend their
  • 66. time eating out with friends. Their food options are very influential and can be persuaded to try new places. ● There aren’t too many places for this market to experience, so food can be a big focus for how they spend their time. Considering that La Casita is within a mile and half away from Yucca Valley High School, this can be a good market for them. ■ Aside from this market, families are very likely to eat out at authentic Mexican Restaurants. ● Besides typical fast food places such as Del Taco, McDonalds, Applebees, etc, there aren’t very many restaurants that have a high quality rating. ● The biggest and most liked restaurant markets in Yucca Valley are Mexican, which explains the high amount of them in the area. The family market typically tends to dine in with their kids and family.
  • 67. ■ Another purchasing behavior depends strongly on price. The best price ranges for eating out are between $11 - $25 per person. ● Prices higher than this range will most likely cause consumers to not choose to put their money towards this establishment. ○ Communication Style ■ Many people are more modern in their communications where they will search the web, make phone calls and some can rely on social media at times. ■ When looking for a restaurant, many customers use the internet as their initial tool through their cell phones or laptop. ○ Geographic ■ Region ● Southern California: High Desert: Morongo Basin including the communities/ cities of Morongo Valley, Yucca Valley, Pioneertown, Landers, Flamingo Heights, Joshua Tree,
  • 68. Twentynine Palms, and Wonder Valley ■ Population of Yucca Valley (“Yucca Valley,” 2019) ● 21,748 as of 2017 ■ Density of Yucca Valley (“Yucca Valley,” 2019) ● Density (mi²): 543.49 ● Town ★ Psychographic Consumer Behavior: ○ Personal activities ■ Many people in this area have families and their teenage kids go to Yucca Valley High School. The majority of students participate in sports such as football, cross country, track, cheerleading, baseball, etc. Many people 20 after games go out to eat for celebrations. The young market tends to spend their own time attending school, college, or going out.
  • 69. ■ Volunteering ■ Hiking ■ Visiting coffee shops ○ Group activities ■ The older market, their families, spend their time with their kids going out as families to the movies, the park, and even food places. ■ Attending local concerts (Concerts in the Park) ■ Attending community sponsored events (e.g. health fairs, Earth day celebration, Gourd festival, Morongo Basin Orchid Festival, holiday events, etc.) ■ Attending art galleries events/ tours ■ Grubstake Days (carnival, rodeo, parade, 5K run, horseshoe competition, business decorating contest, beard contest, dance, Pony Express ride, golf tournament, tug of war competition, etc.) ■ Paint nights ■ Going out to bars
  • 70. ■ Dancing ○ How time is spent ■ Visiting Joshua Tree National Park (hiking, camping, picnicking, etc.) ■ Attending local sport events (youth soccer, youth baseball & softball, tennis, swim, BMX racing, high school sports, etc.) ■ Participating in sports ■ Volunteering ■ Dining out ■ Going to the movies ■ Shopping ■ Attending community fairs ○ How they think (decision process) ■ Shop local and support local businesses ■ Community oriented ○ Other ■ AIO (activities, interests, opinions) ● Activities: work, hobbies, social events, entertainment,
  • 71. community, shopping, sports ● Interests: family, home, job, community, recreation, food, media, achievements ● Opinions: social issues, business, economics, education, products, future, culture ★ Media and Communications used ○ Traditional Marketing ● Newspaper: Hi- Desert Star ○ Restaurant mentioned in article (Sanson, 2016). 21 ○ Restaurant mentioned in an event that took place at the restaurant (Shaw, 2015). ○ Letter to editor, Executive director of Boys and Girls Club of the Hi-Desert thanking restaurant for donating silent auction items for the Blue and White Gala annual live and
  • 72. silent auction at the Boys & Girls Club (Perrance, 2014). ○ Letter to editor, mentioning La Casita (Turner, 2014). ○ Letter to editor, thanking business for its involvement and support for a recent fundraiser, (Handley. 2011). ○ Letter to editor, thanking business for sponsorship (McKittrick, 2007). ○ Article about graduation of Citizens on Patrol academy held at La Casita(Biggerstaff, 2007b). ● The Local Pages phone book (listed with address and phone number) ● The Real Yellow Pages online listing ● Outdoor: “human directionals” or sign spinning (Biggerstaff, 2007a). ● The Real Route 62 Guide to the Joshua Tree Gateway Communities produced by The Sun Runner Magazine (listed under dining in Yucca Valley) (Brown, 2013). ○ Nontraditional Marketing ■ Philosophy
  • 73. ● More flexible, uncertain, and subjective ● Focuses on execution above planning ■ Capabilities and Benefits ● More credible and efficient ● Creates “Buzz” ■ Budgeting ● Many costs are unknown and cannot be predicted ■ Target Audience ● Non-discriminatory, all-inclusive ● The intended audience selects itself ■ After doing research, La Casita Nueva Restaurant doesn’t currently appear to be using any non-traditional marketing techniques, however, in the past they have done the following: ● Street Marketing: They use to have a sign twirler a few years back at the stop signs surrounding the restaurant ● Events: The restaurant still puts on live music and events, however, use to have a lot more evening events for the public
  • 74. then they currently they do. ○ Social ■ Facebook page ( ● @LaCasitaRestaurantYV 22 ■ Twitter: No account but name (La Casita Restaurant in Yucca Valley) tagged in other Twitter users posts ■ YouTube - Promotional video (2017) ■ Instagram: #lacasitayuccavalley La Casita Restaurant ■ Review and localization sites: ● Yelp - is a claimed business page ( casita-nueva-mexican-restaurant-yucca-valley) ● Foursquare - ( restaurant/4b930f50f964a520373234e3)
  • 75. ● Tripadvisor - ( g33304-d2435262-Reviews-La_Casita- Yucca_Valley_California.html) ● Zomato - ( restaurant-yucca-valley) ● Untapped - ( restaurant/264956) ● Skyscanner - ( ca/restaurants/la-casita) ● Restaurant Guru - ( Yucca- Valley) ● Roadtrippers - ( valley- ca/food-drink/la-casita-restaurant-yucca-valley?lng=- 116.41868100424364&lat=34.123290139526176&z=15.0844137 0 0736322&a2=p!6,s!26) ● America’s Best Value Inn and Suites under Red Lion Hotels
  • 76. Corporation - Local restaurant - ( inn- suites-joshua-tree-national-park#dining) ● Postmates - Delivery service casita-restaurant-yucca-valley ■ Publicity: ● Thrillist - Mentioned in article (Shouse, 2014) ( bars- thrillist-los-angeles) ● Kate’s Lazy Meadow under Kate’s Lazy Desert (Kate Pierson of B-52’s) - Mentioned as a local restaurant (Local Desert, 2019) ( ● Meetup - Restaurant mentioned in an hiking group trip itinerary - ( group/events/247261178/) ● Joshua Tree Visitors Guide - Listed as one of the
  • 77. recommended places to eat - ( ○ Search engines 23 ■ The following search engines reveal information about La Casita Nueva Mexican Restaurant using the exact search words: La Casita Nueva Mexican Restaurant, 57154 29 Palms Hwy, Yucca Valley, CA ■ Listed below each search engine are the top five search results with the search results of duplicate sites removed. ● Google (11,000) ○ Yelp - restaurant-yucca-valley ○ Tripadvisor - d2435262-Reviews-La_Casita-
  • 78. Yucca_Valley_California.html ○ Mapquest - casita-nueva-mexican-restaurant-356402527 ○ Facebook - ○ Zomato - casita-restaurant-yucca-valley/menu ● Bing/ MSN (3,370 results) ○ Restaurant website (unavailable) - ○ Yelp - restaurant-yucca-valley ○ Local Yahoo - casita-original-restaurant-yucca-valley ○ Mapquest - casita-nueva-mexican-restaurant-356402527 ○ MenuPix - a-Casita-Menu-Yucca-Valley-CA
  • 79. ● Yahoo (3,350 results) ○ Yelp - restaurant-yucca-valley ○ Mapquest - casita-nueva-mexican-restaurant-356402527 ○ Local Yahoo - casita-original-restaurant-yucca- valley;_ylt=Awr9Jh0ch8dcRh8A3z9XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTE yb2d1aTQ3BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMzBHZ0aWQDQjcw MTJfMQRzZWMDc3I- ○ Facebook - ○ Tripadvisor - 24 d2435262-Reviews-La_Casita- Yucca_Valley_California.html
  • 80. ● AOL (3,330 results) ○ Yelp - restaurant-yucca-valley ○ Mapquest - casita-nueva-mexican-restaurant-356402527 ○ Local Yahoo - casita-yucca-valley ○ Facebook - ○ Tripadvisor - d2435262-Reviews-La_Casita- Yucca_Valley_California.html ● DuckDuckGo ○ Yelp - restaurant-yucca-valley ○ Mapquest - casita-nueva-mexican-restaurant-356402527
  • 81. ○ Local Yahoo - casita-original-restaurant-yucca-valley ○ Tripadvisor - d2435262-Reviews-La_Casita- Yucca_Valley_California.html ○ Facebook - ● Esocia (3,380 results) ○ Tripadvisor - d2435262-Reviews-La_Casita- Yucca_Valley_California.html ○ Yelp - restaurant-yucca-valley ○ Mapquest - restaurants-yucca-valley/la-casita-restaurant-356402527
  • 82. ○ Facebook - ○ The Real Yellow Pages - casita-15012283 25 Part 4 ★ Marketing Objectives and Goals ○ Expected results ■ Within course time frame (within 4 months) ● Implement a new website within 4 months from May. ○ Customers are highly engaged in technology and it will only be a useful tool for others to view the menu before attending ○ Customers and potential customers should be made aware
  • 83. when events and activities will be going on at the restaurant which will only help draw in more business ● Maintain SWOT analysis frequently - monthly recommended ● Maintain Strengths and Opportunities ○ Opportunities within the travel industry, students, and families ● Inspire outdoor dining with outside live music (within a reasonable time frame for local neighbors and to comply with city regulations) ● Grow social media presence to help millennials be aware of La Casita ○ This will also allow opportunity to grow the name of the La Casita Nueva name. ● Offer weekly specials providing a better deal for lunch on one day of the week between specific hours of the day from 10 - 4 pm. ■ Future ● Determine specials of the restaurant that bring back the
  • 84. customers by analyzing with SWOT analysis ● Go above and beyond for customer service ● Create a strong bond within the workforce & employees ● Continue or start networking within the community by participating in fundraisers for students, attending & catering to nearby events such as the park next door. ● Continue to provide high customer service for families ● Expand in the market of the Travel Industry ○ During big events such as the Joshua Tree Music Festival, Coachella, etc, highlight and promote La Casita through various ways such as social media, big signs, etc. SMART OBJECTIVES Advertising Objectives ● Create Digital Flyers ● Post flyers around various places around the area such as the park, chamber of commerce, high school, local banks
  • 85. ● Definite advertising within social 26 media to help reach out to the younger market Media Objectives ● During Coachella, Stagecoach, other festivals, focus on Tourism and highlighting Joshua Tree (provide information on beautiful places to see in Joshua Tree as well as other tourism spots in the area. People love hearing about where to check out and that can help promote La Casita through Yelp, Trip Advisor, etc. Good reviews will help this overall market get interested ○ Providing pamphlets with Joshua Tree information can help promote as well ● Create a monthly or weekly budget on advertising to the Media ● Post regularly - weekly is recommended Public Relations Objectives ● Increase the awareness of Joshua Tree and the environment they live in
  • 86. ● People, especially millennials, are very involved with the environment and keeping a “leave no trace” attitude. Implementing this will not only give La Casita Credibility, but will also help the community. ● Maintain and increase social media presence for the calendar year Communication Objectives ● Reach families, tourism, and students are the area ● Must promote the type of people that come in by posting stories, writing articles, newspapers and sharing on social media Marketing Objectives ● Goal is to bring in many customers to enjoy La Casita’s great food and customer experience in a family environment ● Achieve a set sales goal for the next calendar year as well as creating a budget to help advertise 27
  • 87. ★ Strategic and Tactical Recommendations ○ Creating a strong restaurant business plan is important to the success of La Casita Nueva which is why we came up with strategic and tactical goals in order to meet the next level standard of the restaurant ■ The strategy to accomplish goals ● The tactics to meet the strategic goals ■ Grow In Restaurant Traffic / Creativity of the Restaurant ● Offer more customer desired daily specials ● Increase monthly and daily net sales ○ Having a goal for bringing in a certain amount of customers on a daily, weekly or even monthly basis. Accomplishing it by using email, the website, social platforms, and other strategies to bring new and returning customers in ● Implementing small changes to the restaurant design by including new dishes and drinks, presentation, and variations on service ● Promote by having specials, gift cards and discounts for referrals
  • 88. ■ Improving Customer Satisfaction ● Improve customer satisfaction (especially by going over customer reviews from online and face-to-face interactions) ● Encouraging customers to post online reviews and fill out short surveys when signing for their bill regarding customer experience. ■ Ensure Food Service, Quality and Safety ● Ensure chef’s are getting monthly evaluations along with all other staff to make sure the restaurants standards for quality and knowledge of food is being upheld ● Making sure OSHA regulations are being met, along with all FDA policies are being followed and maintained ■ Increasing Employment Satisfaction ● Having weekly staff meetings with managers and other employees will increase the flow of the business so checking in and communicating with employees on a regular basis
  • 89. ● Posting two week schedules a week in advance so employees can plan their personal lives accordingly. ■ Increase Technology Involvement ● Embracing technology is vital especially in our world today so improving and monitoring the website and technology the restaurant is using is a key ○ Social media engagements - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. ○ Posting job hiring and openings online ○ Restaurant information ○ Event information ○ Potential vendor and supplier information 28 ○ Using a user-friendly check out service device and software system so meals can be placed and inputted quickly
  • 90. ★ Secondary Research ○ Review of published databases, journal articles, trade magazines, newspapers. ● News publication: Business operations: Using technology to improve operational processes (Matthews, 2018) ○ Found on Fourth Source website ■ This article focuses on the use of technology in a business and how it can improve operations efficiency ■ Some operations to focus on are communication, customer service, project management, conferencing, and automation. ● Journal Article: Factors That Affect And Enhance Customer Satisfaction (Alanazi & Bach, 2016) ○ Quest Journals: Journal of Research in Business and Management ■ This article concentrates on customer satisfaction highlighting the crucial factors that affect it and
  • 91. what it is important for business success. ● Research Report: Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: Revitalizing a Changing Workforce (“Employee Job,” 2016) ○ Conducted by Society for Human Resource Management ■ This report is a employee survey completed annually aiming to recognize the factors that prompt employee satisfaction and engagement in the workplace. ● Journal article: The Sweet Spot in Email Marketing (Zhang, Kumar, & Cosguner, 2018) ○ Found on American Marketing Association website ■ Article gives insight into finding the right balance of emails to send to customers to increase traffic to business. It also highlights the importance of customizing the email for each customer and changing periodically. ● Journal article: The Drivers of Brand Loyalty May Surprise You (Aaker, Marcum, & News, 2017)
  • 92. ○ Found on American Marketing Association website ■ Article highlights that there are two types of loyal customers: the satisfied and the committed ■ Factors that impact customer loyalty include dependability, emotional connection, superiority and social media presence 29 ■ Emotional connection is achieved when a brand shows consistency and superiority ● Journal article: Rewards, Returns and Ringside Seats (Brooke, 2016) ○ Found on American Marketing Association website ■ Article examines rewards programs ● When designing a rewards program, rational value (or monetary value) needs to be part of the benefits, but experiential and
  • 93. emotional value are a solid essential needed as well. ■ Justify market and goals ● By focusing on various sections of the business such as information technology and customer satisfaction, it can help the overall business improve. Also maintaining the brand and presence of La Casita is important through email, website, events, and flyer promotions. ● The goal is the get customers to choose La Casita over other Mexican Restaurants within this market, and by looking into multiple topics, it will help enhance the business that already exists and help improve sales and revenue in the long-run. ★ Primary Research & Results ○ Personal Interviews ■ Please see the following link for the Personal Interview for La Casita Mexican Restaurant: or please
  • 94. see Appendix A 1.1 for Personal Interview Questions ● Survey data collected and analysis results: ○ Results: v78Qvj2lxWbe3Vu6trvzdXXZ6yoSKEM96QH5B0o/edit#res ponses 30 31 32 33
  • 96. ○ Analysis: ● After reviewing the results from our participants, we can see that most of them were female at 61.5%, from the age 31-41, single, no children and had an income of about $50,000 - $74,000. This data ruled out families and the younger generation, which will help determine our target market. ● Another important factor is that 100% of the participants said they are willing and prefer family owned restaurants which is what exactly La Casita represents. On top of that, the majority would prefer live music, 53% prefer lunch than any other part of the day, and 75.9% prefer Mexican food over other types of food. With implementing live music at La Casita, they would be a very likable restaurant for many people. ● 38.5% participants research for the restaurants
  • 97. menu before dining there, which shows that having 42 an online presence is an important part of the restaurants success. ● The number one choice method preferred to use when researching for any restaurant information was tied at 46.2% for looking at the restaurants website and browsing online review sites. ○ This shows La Casita needs to create a website. Plus, they should monitor their online reviews to realize their strengths and weaknesses perceived by past guests, thus create a strategy to focus on boosting positive feedback by implementing changes. ● 84.8% of the participants mostly go on social media and 46.2% prefer getting emails about specials and events.
  • 98. ● A few incentive ideas through the results show that 48.2% enjoy alcoholic beverages when they dine, 33.3% spend an average of $20 or less, 61.5% like free wifi, and 38.5% prefer loyalty programs to keep coming back. By implementing the loyalty programs with occasional deals would help this market be more involved and to have more reason to come back. ○ Restaurant Market Research Survey ■ Please see the following link for the Restaurant Market Research: or please see Appendix A 1.2 for Restaurant Market Research Question ● Survey data collected and analysis results: ○ Results: TTyuyKZFxMOuLXrU398esUiJj3hROZoJoAsBR2c/edit#re sponses
  • 100. 48 49 ○ Analysis: ■ From the results we can see that most of the participants were 62.5% female, 68.8% single and 37.5% between the ages 22-25. This being a general survey, much of the market shows the majority of women who are single and are young. ■ Not only are they single, but they also live with families still with an average of 3-4 in their household. This is important information because many families like to go out and eat together. ■ Because this market is a younger generation, 57.1% prefer browsing online reviews, so keeping an online presence is vital for any restaurant in today’s society.
  • 101. ■ Also, 46.2% of respondents revealed that looking at a restaurants website is their number one choice method to research for information about the restaurant. 50 ■ Another technological aspect to this survey shows that 62.5% prefer specials sent to their phones via SMS, which shows how tech savvy this market can be. ■ When looking at other parts of the business that will attract business shows that 58.5% prefer tacos, and next after are burritos and enchiladas. Keeping these specials are essential for Mexican Restaurants. 43.8% spend $20 or less, so low prices are important for this market. Another important factor in making a restaurant successful
  • 102. are happy hour. 73.3% prefer to drink at happy hour which means where there is alcohol, there are people with money and they might be willing to purchase lunch or dinner during this time. ○ Focus Group ■ Please see the following link for the Focus Group: La Casita Mexican Restaurant: or please see Appendix A 1.3 for Focus Group Discussion Questions ■ Focus Group Detail Information: ● Location: ○ Head Start Preschool 56389 Pima Trail Yucca Valley, CA ● Participants: ○ Total - 9 ○ Parents and guardians of students attending the preschool ■ Focus Group Discussion Topics:
  • 103. ● The focus group followed the same questions as the personal interviews our team conducted in order to stay consistent with analyzing the end results. ○ Classification Section ○ Lifestyle Questions Section ○ General Questions about Restaurants Section ○ La Casita Nueva Restaurant ○ Promotions and Advertising Section ○ Entertainment ■ Information and Notes Collected ● Prior to starting the focus group, each participant filled out the classification section on their own. ● Some questions are formatted with options for answers, but the participants were encouraged to respond with their own answers and discussion among each other.
  • 104. 51 ● During the focus group discussion, the group talked openly and interacted among each other sharing their opinions. ○ As with any focus group: ■ people were influenced by others opinions ● Some people stuck with their original responses ● Others adapted their answer to another person's view ● In the end, as people shared their opinions/ answers this sparked conversation with new ideas about the topic. ● Focus Group information collected and analysis results: ○ Results: VMtDE89O-LN7mpa-zlebPT1U/edit#responses
  • 106. 58 59 60 61 62 ○ Analysis: ■ Some highlights that stood out in the focus group as the group conversed were: ● Regarding price: ○ If the food quality is great, I will pay a higher price; “Worth it, will pay more”
  • 107. ● Regarding reasons for re-visiting restaurant: ○ Sometimes food quality and service is not consistent: ■ “Depends on chef” ■ “Recalling my only visit, seemed waitress didn’t want to be there” ● Regarding attributes for selecting a restaurant: ○ Cleanliness topped the list ● Regarding option to purchase branded apparel, cups, etc.: 63 ○ Some participants laughed and did not understand a reason to purchase ■ “Who would want to wear a t-
  • 108. shirt showing the restaurants name” Part 5 ★ Strategic Plan ○ “Big idea” Goal is to bring in many customers to enjoy La Casita’s great food and customer experience in a family environment through various ways such as website, employee satisfaction, technological advancement, analyzing the target market, and finding incentives to attract customers. ● Website - showcase La Casita’s authentic brand and their menu, location, and specials ● Employee Satisfaction - getting the right employees to hire ● Technological advancement - through website, emails and texting platforms ● Target Market - younger families with 3-4 in the household ● Implementation ○ Promote family owned restaurant to the younger generation ○ 53% prefer lunch - lunch specials are a big success ○ Live Music - finding the right bands with the right type of Mexican Music
  • 109. ○ Online presence - maintain through yelp, trip advisor, websites, etc. ○ Promote Alcoholic beverages, free wifi, loyalty programs - many browse online for menus and other various information ○ Guide promotions through Text message and Email Marketing ○ Flyers - to help post around various events in Yucca Valley - Park, Chamber of Commerce, Yucca Valley High ○ Highlight specials - menus including most like dishes - tacos, burritos, and enchiladas ★ Message ○ Explanation and justification of message ■ Website Promotion ● Important to promote a high quality restaurant that will showcase their brand, image and menu. Every restaurant has to clearly communicate their brand with an online presence in order for them to gain interest. It's also important to communicate a fresh look within the website because many people are discouraged with outdated websites that does not accurately showcase what the
  • 110. restaurant is all about. 64 ■ Email Promotion ● It's a great use to locate the customer back to the website. It’s also a useful tool to help showcase and communicate promotions, loyalty programs and to give them updates of specials and live music nights. Using this tool can also transport customers to social media sites and other tools. 65 ■ Flyer Promotion ● Message is to communicate the authenticity of the brand as well
  • 111. as implement special examples, wifi and live music promotions. Through this, the business can promote this around various areas of the valley to gain attention and viewers. Not only can this be distributed personally but it can also be distributed digitally. ○ Examples of message and graphics/Consistent layout design and mandatory inclusions: 66 ★ Promotions ○ Daily promotions: (options throughout various months) ■ Customers can mention they heard the restaurant advertisement on Z107.7 fm and receive 10% off their order everyday during all hours. ■ Customers are encouraged to sign up for the restaurants loyalty club (La Casita Amigos) to earn points for every purchase. For every dollar spent,
  • 112. one point will be earned ($1=1 point) Earning 100 points can be redeemed for $5 off the total bill. Plus, signing up for the loyalty program entitles members to coupons, one free birthday dessert during birthday 67 month, and updates on restaurant upcoming events. New members can sign up with an email or phone number or both. ● When first signing up for La Casita Amigos loyalty club, members will receive $5 off their first purchase of $25 or more. ● Customers sharing their email will receive La Casita’s monthly email newsletter. ● Customers sharing their mobile phone number will receive SMS of food/ drink specials and events every couple of weeks (of course they will opt in for these messages).
  • 113. ■ Customers can fill out a feedback card after dining and drop in our giant margarita glass (for a chance to win a free appetizer. Drawing in held the last day of the month. Winner will be notified by email or text message. ○ Justification of everyday promotions: ■ These promotions will attract loyal customers to return to the restaurant and be rewarded for their patronage. The everyday promotions are designed to stay connected with the restaurant and community showing appreciation for community. ○ Weekly promotions: (options throughout various months) ■ Monday: Buy one Combination meal (1 item; 2 items; or 3 items) and get one Combination meal half off (half off of equal or less value) ■ Tuesday: The three T’s day: tacos, tamales, and taquitos (shredded chicken or beef taco(1), shredded beef tamale(1), and shredded chicken or beef taquitos (3)) Choice of one of the T’s served with
  • 114. refried beans and rice for $6. Served during all hours. ■ Wednesday: Active duty military member and veterans receive 20% off by showing a military ID. ■ Thursday: Locals discount day with all residents of the Morongo Basin communities receiving 20% off their total order (must show current ID to receive discount). ■ Friday: Fajitas Friday offering fajitas for two for $19.99 (or for one for $10.99) Choice of meats include beef, chicken, and shrimp. ■ Saturday: Visitors to the Joshua Tree National Park receive 15% off their total order by showing their park entrance receipt to the server(dated within seven days) and a posted selfie picture (taken while in restaurant and can a selfie, food, drink, etc.) on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter mentioning the hashtag #YuccaValleyLaCasitaJTNP.
  • 115. ■ Sunday: Kids eat free with one paid adult entree priced $9.99 or higher. ■ Monday-Thursday; Happy Hour from 2-5pm. Also, music in Kokopelli’s Katina. La Casita Amigos club members receive one free drink with the purchase of one drink and one appetizer (free drink is of equal or less value and appetizer is off of happy hour appetizer menu) ● Beers: $2.00 for domestic; $3.00 for imported ● Cocktails: $4 (Lime margaritas, red sangria, and much more) 68 ● Well Liquors: Barton vodka, Barton gin, Pancho Villa Tequila, Barton rum ● Appetizers: $6 each; Cheese nachos, chimichanga rancheros (3), taquitos (3), street tacos (3) ■ Friday- Sunday nights: Kokopelli’s Kantina music ● Friday: Live music and dancing
  • 116. ● Saturday: Karaoke night ● Sunday: Open mic with local musicians and comedians ○ Justification of weekly promotions: These specials will entice customers to visit the restaurant on certain days of the week to take advantage of the deals. Plus, during the slow days of the week these specials will help bring traffic to the restaurant.Some promotions are targeted to specific customers and designed to engage with the restaurant, so the promotions are designed to connect and show support with the local community. ○ Monthly Specials: ■ May 15, 2019 - June 15, 2019 ● Purchase one of our special tacos and get one free ○ Conditions: Only one free taco can be claimed per order ■ Each month a special word (Word of the month:palabra del mes) will be shared on restaurants Facebook page and website. Customers who
  • 117. mention this word will receive 10% off their total order. ○ Justification of monthly promotions: Having monthly promotions will keep loyal customers coming back and looking forward to the specials each month. The “Word of the Month” is a way for customers to feel involved with the restaurant. Also, it gives the restaurant an idea of how many customers are staying up to date with what the restaurant has to offer. ○ Seasonal promotions: ■ St. Patrick Day (March 17) ● Green beer, cocktail, and food specials from 4-5pm ● Raffle ticket earned for every drink purchase (drink specials for the night). One ticket will be drawn at the end of the night for one free appetizer (up to $10) on next visit. Winner does not need to be present to win and winner will be contacted by email or text message and can pick up prize in restaurant. ■ Cinco de Mayo (May 5th) specials for the week
  • 118. ● Special drink menu with a specialty cocktail menu for $5 drinks, plus $5 appetizer menu ● Customers who check-in with the restaurant on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter with hashtag #YuccaValleyLaCasitaCinco will receive a free drink (up to $5 value). Just show server the check in. ● During dinner hours (5pm till closing) live music will play, changing year to year from live latin bands to a mariachi band. ■ June (Graduation month) 69 ● Local high school grads from Morongo Basin communities can come celebrate their success with specials. Choose from one of the following deals. (Graduate must show a current school ID or diploma). Graduates are encouraged to show off their accomplishment by checking in with Facebook, Instagram, or
  • 119. Twitter (or all three) and use hashtag #YuccaValleyLaCasitaGrad. ○ Buy one entree of $9.99 or more and a fountain drink and receive one entree free (of equal or less value) ○ Free fried ice cream dessert with purchase of one entree of $9.99 or more ○ Justification of seasonal promotions: Including seasonal promotions will attract loyal and new customers to experience what La Casita has to offer throughout the year for celebrations with family and friends. Plus, customers feel connected by sharing their experiences on their social media accounts. ★ Media ○ Media Chart of all running Marketing Communications advertising and promotions Target Market ● Demographics: ○ Age: 25 - 45
  • 120. ○ Income: $40k - $60k ○ Employment Type: Full-time ○ Marital Status: married with children ○ Household Size: 3-4 ○ Education: High school and some college ● Psychographics: ○ Entertainment: Live music, park visitations, Joshua Tree Area ○ Social Class: Middle Class ○ Food Experience: High interest in Mexican foods ○ Interests: Going out with friends, going to repeat restaurants, and going out with families ○ Social Media ● Instagram ● Reason for using: By using Instagram marketing we are only increasing to our brand awareness. It is important for our restaurant to reach our consumers and actively communicate to them what is going on so they always feel include with current and
  • 121. future events and/or specials we may have ○ Title: @lacasitayv ○ Message Goal: To show specials and delicious photos of food ○ Images: Tons of food photos ○ % of Audience Exposed: 40% 70 ○ Approximate cost per spot: Cost per thousand views) $6.70 ○ Total Cost: $40.20 Time Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 12:00pm Tu M Tu, Th 5:00pm Th W N/A ● Facebook ● Reason for using: By using Facebook marketing we are able to
  • 122. reach a target audience more efficiently. We add more value to the organization by extending your channels of social media and opening up opportunities for customers to make comments and feel heard by the restaurant. Facebook helps nurture customers, improve awareness and provide more resources to our clients. ○ Title: @lacasitatyv ○ Message Goal: Provide updates of specials, offers, promote entertainment, and show various hours throughout the year ○ Images: plenty of staff photos, food options, entertainment nights ○ % of Audience Exposed: 60% ○ Approximate cost per spot: Per ad - $30 ○ Total Cost: $150 Time Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 5:00pm F W Tu 12:00pm S N/A F
  • 123. ● Email/Text ● Reason for using: to provide specials, loyalty programs and dates for live music ○ Title: La Casita ○ Message Goal: to get customers excited about events, details, happy hour and food specials, as well as spread message through word-of-mouth ○ Images: food images ○ % of Audience Exposed: 30% ○ Approximate cost per spot: N/A because of integrated cost with website. It is included. 71 ○ Total Cost: Cost is with Website format Time Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 10:30am M W T
  • 124. 3:30pm Tu Th Th ● Yelp ● Reason for using: By using Yelp marketing you reach to a huge market of potential customers. Yelp is becoming a quick way for individuals to check out new restaurants by making sure ratings and standards meet their own. ○ Title: La Casita Restaurant ○ Message Goal: To have customers rate and give reviews when visiting the restaurant to help build our customer base and ensure we are meeting their standards as well as our own ○ Images: Customer photos of food, drinks, the restaurant itself and them having a good time ○ % of Audience Exposed: 30% ○ Approximate cost per spot: $300 per month ○ Total Cost: $275
  • 125. Time Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 4:00 T Th F 6:00 M W S ● Radio - Z107.7 FM and ○ 6448 Hallee Road, Suite 5 Joshua Tree, CA 92252 (760) 366-8471 ○ On air and website advertisement ● Reason for using: This is the local radio station known a “Community Radio.” This station is the only source for daily local news, seven days a week, seven times daily. Plus, ABC news broadcasts national news each hour. Also, the community tunes in for the weekday morning show, community events, emergency information, and a mix of contemporary music from the 90’s ● to today. This station has the power to reach 100,000 listeners (Snyder, 2019).
  • 126. 72 ● The station's website ( averages 50,000 unique monthly visitors per month(Snyder, 2019). ■ On air advertisement ● Title: “Have you been to La Casita Nueva Mexican Restaurant in Yucca Valley lately? ● Message Goal: Exposure radio listeners to what La Casita Nueva Mexican Restaurant has to offer ● On-air Message: “Have you been to La Casita Nueva Mexican Restaurant in Yucca Valley lately? Family owned since 1993, serving authentic mexican dishes. Daily lunch specials and don’t forget to visit adjacent Kokopelli’s Kantina Friday nights for live music. Mention you heard this ad on Z107.7 and receive 10% off your order...
  • 127. Fajitas, Margaritas… Always La Casita” ● % of Audience Exposed: 60% ● Approximate cost per spot: $50 ● Total Cost: $1,500 ■ Website advertisement (Banner Ad) ● Title:”Fajitas, Margaritas… Always La Casita” ● Message Goal: Exposure website visitors to the local family owned restaurant ● Images: 2 inch by 2 inch ● % of Audience Exposed: 60% ● Approximate cost per spot: Included in contract for on air advertising as “value add” ● Total Cost: Included in On-air contract On-air advertisement Time Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 8:00am - 10:00am 12:00pm - 2:00pm 4:00pm - 6:00pm Total: 18 Spots
  • 128. Monday-Friday (6 spots) Monday-Friday (6 spots) Monday-Friday (6 spots) 12:00 pm-2:00 pm Total: 12 Spots Saturday- Sunday (4 spots) Saturday- Sunday (4 spots) Saturday- Sunday (4 spots) Website advertisement Time Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 73
  • 129. 24 hours Sunday-Saturday Sunday-Saturday Sunday-Saturday ● Newspapers - Hi-Desert Star and Desert Trail in Yucca Valley ○ In-print and online version ○ 56445 29 Palms Hwy. Phone: (760) 365-3315 ● Reason for using: These are the local newspapers connecting the members of the community to experience hometown pride sharing current news and events. Readers become aware of local businesses to patronize as they are exposed to advertisements. ○ Throughout the Morongo Basin there are many rack location selling the weekly newspaper ■ Hi-Desert Star rack locations and the number of racks in the Morongo Basin: ● Yucca Valley (34) ● Joshua Tree (9) ● Twentynine Palms (15) ● Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center
  • 130. (MGAGCC) (2) ● Landers (5) ● Morongo Valley (5) ● Pioneertown (1) ■ Desert Trail rack locations and the numbers of racks in the Morongo Basin: ● Yucca Valley (2) ● Joshua Tree (5) ● Twnentynine Palms (22) ● MGAGCC (7) ● Morongo Valley (5) ○ Title: Fajitas, Margaritas… Always La Casita ○ Message Goal: To provide information on what La Casita is all about as well as various promotions ○ Images: flyers, pictures of food/drink special, etc 74
  • 131. ○ % of Audience Exposed: 70% ○ Approximate cost per spot: $40 x 3 =$120 ○ Total Cost: $240 Hi-Desert Star & Desert Trail Time Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Newspaper out weekly Thursday Thursday Thursday Newspaper out weekly Thursday Thursday Thursday NON- TRADITIONAL MEDIA ● Website ● Reason for using: to provide valuable information on deals, promotions, contact, menu, and an overall presence ○ Title: La Casita Restaurant ○ Message Goal: Provide a high quality appearance in overall environment as well as food
  • 132. ○ % of Audience Exposed: 90% ○ Approximate cost per spot: WebSelf $6.95 per month ○ Total Cost: yearly cost - $83.40 Time Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 All All All All 75 All All All All ★ Measurement ○ How will we measure the success ■ Benchmark and success measurements ● Overhead Rate – ○ Fixed costs is vital because it is one bill, one price. It is very important to know how much fixed costs are on an hour-by-hour / day-by-day basis with La Casita Restaurant. The overhead rate would be a way to understand how much it cost to run the restaurant when only viewing our
  • 133. fixed costs. A way of calculating that would be as follows: ○ Total Indirect (Fixed) Cost / Total Amount of Hours Open = Openhead Rate ● Break Even Point – ○ La Casita is an established restaurant, however, with future upgrades/redesigns, equipment purchases and the new marketing campaign and ordering system that may be implemented at a later date it is important to figure out ahead of time the break even point to determine how long down the road it will take to pay for itself. To calculate this you can use the following formula: ○ Total Fixed Costs / ((Total Sales – Total Variable Costs) / Total Sales) = Break Even Point ● Food Cost Percentage – ○ La Casita takes great pride in being a reasonably priced establishment for its customers. From a business aspect it is important to know the cost of making the menu items (taking into consideration all ingredients in the dish) and
  • 134. the actual selling price of it. This is crucial to a business to ensure we are not underpricing items, as well as, not overpricing our items. La Casita wants to remain a fair priced restaurant for its customers. To calculate this you can use the following formula: ○ Food Cost / Total Sales = Food Cost Percentage ● Cost of Goods Sold ○ Having the right and correct food inventory during specific seasons/weeks throughout the year it key. It’s important to monitor the cost of goods sold because it is usually one of the largest expenses for a restaurant. By us being able to identify ways to reduce cost for La Casita by negotiating lower pricing with our food distributor or selecting in- season ingredients, it is possible for us to increase 76 margins. To calculate this you can use the following
  • 135. formula: ○ Beginning Inventory + Purchased Inventory – Final Inventory = Cost of Goods Sold ● Prime Cost – ○ The prime cost would be the total labor costs and the cost of goods sold as a whole. This would include salary and hourly based employees, benefits, expenses and other things of that sort plus the cost of goods sold. Our goal would be to get our prime cost as low as possible but logically it will make up around 50%-70% of our total sales. We want to decrease cost and increase profit. To calculate this you can use the following formula: ○ Labor + Cost of Goods Sold = Prime Cost ● Gross Profit – ○ Gross profit would show the profit of the restaurant makes after eliminating the cost of goods sold. To calculate this you can use the following formula: ○ Total Sales – Cost of Goods Sold = Gross Profit
  • 136. ■ SWOT Analysis ■ PESTEL Analysis Political ● Pricing ● Tax rates ● Wage legislation ● Regulations on work for employees ● Employee benefits ● Product labeling on menus Economic ● Labor costs and productivity ● Economic growth rate ● Discretionary income ● Unemployment rate ● Inflation rate ● Interest rates Socio-Cultural ● Demographics and skill level ● Education level ● Culture (gender and social roles) ● Attitudes (health and environmental consciousness) Technological ● Social Media Marketing ● Communication with the public ● Mobile technology - Geolocalization ● Optimized scheduling software ● Digital inventory tracking Environmental (ecological)
  • 137. ● Weather ● Air and water pollution ● Recycling ● Attitudes toward “green” or ecological products (straws) Legal ● Discrimination law ● Consumer protection and e-commerce ● Employment law ● Health and safety law Part 6 ★ Marketing Plan Advertisements and Promotion Samples ○ Website Link & Various Pages 77 ■ Website Link: 78
  • 138. 79 80 ○ Advertisement/Promotion Samples - Can modify any promotion into email format, website section, social media, etc. ■ Graduation Promotion ■ Happy Hour/ Live Entertainment ■ The Three T’s - Tacos, Tamales, Taquitos Promotion 81 Graduation Promotion 82
  • 139. Hour/ Live Entertainment Promotion 83 Three T’s - Tacos, Tamales, Taquitos Promotion 84 Elevator Speech Problem: There is no website for the restaurant and there is a lack of presence of marketing to their ideal audience. It is necessary to have a proper online presence and resources for people to make the best decisions. They also lack entertainment and the overall experience that they can easily portray through La Casita.
  • 140. Goals: The goal for La Casita is to find opportunities within the community, tourism and families. This can be achieved by networking, creating high quality marketing materials, promoting through their website, email, and flyer promotions. Providing incentives can also be a motivator to connect to others and provide them to more information of La Casita . They can use a chosen tradition and non traditional mediums to convey the message and brand. Success: People can make better decisions and judgements based on information provided to them. It can also be a great first impression through a modern look of a website as well as other marketing materials. Being open, honest and transparent of what La Casita has to offer will be the reason for their future success. Conclusion The marketing plan is essential for any business in realizing the steps to outline the business goals, define the market, and market to the correct customers all while laying out the specific
  • 141. actions to follow in order to attract customers. The marketing plan is not a one-time endeavor as it needs to be updated regularly as to adjust to any business strategy changes and tools to achieve the new tactic. In preparing La Casita Nueva Mexican Restaurant marketing plan, steps were taken to narrow down the specific marketing actions to take in order to successfully market to the targeted customer base. Research was completed to discover the nearby competitors and determine the ways for La Casita to differentiate from them. After a SWOT analysis was completed, a clear idea of the restaurants advantages and disadvantages were exposed, giving direction for a path of improvement. After researching via primary and secondary research via a market research survey, personal interviews, focus group, and articles, the target market was determined, and evidence was found to support the new objective purpose. Some objectives outlined were to offer more daily specials, concentrate on improving customer
  • 142. satisfaction, ensure food service, quality, and safety, increase employee satisfaction, and increase technology involvement. One of the first objectives is to set up the restaurant’s website within four months from May, as to allow the restaurant to showcase what they have to offer including their menu, events, promotions, and brand. Included in the marketing plan is a simulated website, promotional advertisements for various media, including social sites, newspapers, radio, and email contained within in a media chart. The website will be a powerful marketing tool that connects La Casita with its loyal customers and potential customers, increasing exposure to bring in more traffic, thus boosting sales and profit. 85 References Aaker, D., Marcum, A., & News, M. (2017, January 01). The
  • 143. Drivers of Brand Loyalty May Surprise You. Retrieved from American Marketing Association website: loyalty-may-surprise-you/ Alanazi, A & Bach, C. (2016). Factors That Affect and Enhance Customer Satisfaction. Journal of Research in Business & Management, 4(9), 80-88. Retrieved Biel, Justin. “Top 7 Benchmark KPIs Every Restaurant Owner Should Measure.” NetSuite, brainyard/industries/articles/retail/top-7- benchmark-kpis-every-restaurant-owner-should-measure.shtml. issue9/J498088.pdf Biggerstaff, J. (2007, June 30). Sign twirlers give highway drivers 'spinteraction'. Hi-Desert Star. Retrieved from Ml Biggerstaff, J. (2007, October 06). New crop of citizens don uniforms.Hi-Desert Star. Retrieved
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  • 145. and- surveys/Documents/2016-Employee-Job-Satisfaction-and- Engagement-Report.pdf Handley, S. (2011, September 26). Youth depend on generosity.Hi-Desert Star. Retrieved from 1a27c62-e86f-11e0-a9a1- 001cc4c002e0.html Land, G. (2018, February 6). Joshua Tree National Park Sets New Visitation Record. Retrieved from sets-new-visitation-record- in-2017.htm Local Desert Fun. (2019). Retrieved from Lazy Meadow website: Matthews, T. (2018, March 08). Business operations: Using technology to improve operational processes. Retrieved from Fourth Source website: technology-improve-opera
  • 146. tional-processes-22584 86 McKittrick, A. (2007, April 25). Many thanks. Hi-Desert Star. Retrieved from 8573763b6ec7.html Perrance, K. (2014, December 12). Boys & Girls Club fundraiser a success. Hi-Desert Star. Retrieved from 471d82a-825b-11e4-be50- c78739c007fe.html Sanson, L. (2016, December 14). Window painter brings cheer to Basin. Hi-Desert Star. Retrieved from 11e6-bc70- 7b7363d23b95.html Shaw, L. (2015, February 10). Friends honor Fedora on 100th birthday. Hi-Desert Star.
  • 147. Retrieved from 83f8-bffab48683d0.html Shouse, A. (2014, March 31). The official unofficial Joshua Tree Drinking Guide. Retrieved from Thrillist website: bars-thrillist-los-angeles Snyder, S. (2019). Media Kit. Retrieved from z107.7 Turner, K. (2014, January 07). Dear Ms. 'Where did the eggnog go?' Hi-Desert Star. Retrieved from b4d279e-77f2-11e3-ada9- 001a4bcf887a.html (2017, March 06). La Casita Commercial [Video file]. Retrieved from Yucca Valley, California Population 2019. (2019, March 30). Retrieved from World Population Review website
  • 148. cities/yucca-valley-ca-population/ Walker, J. R. (2017). Introduction to hospitality (7th ed.). New York: Pearson. Zhang, X., Kumar, V., & Cosguner, K. (2018, May 2). The Sweet Spot in Email Marketing. Retrieved from American Marketing Association website: marketing/ 87 Appendices 1.1 Personal Interview Questions
  • 151. 97 98 99 100 101 1.3 Focus Group Discussion Questions
  • 153. 107 108 109 110 Group Members Contribution: Running head: EASTERN CLASSIC MARKETING 1 EASTERN CLASSIC MARKETING 10 Eastern Classic Marketing Haixin Hu Joselyn Lopez Morales Javier Figueroa Eric Newman Ph. D
  • 154. Cal State University San Bernardino Marketing 496 14.7.2019 Part 1 Company Information Eastern Classic Thai Restaurant Company with an American background. It is popularly known as General Motors. It has its headquarters at Redlands in Tennessee, California in the United States of America. Situated at the 300 Renaissance Ctr in the city and zip code 92373-8167. The business uses several business phones numbers with over phone communication dedicated to serving customers. The main phone number is +1 909-793-0150. The company operates using a business website,, where company information is available to the customers. General Motors Company operates without a specific email address but uses contact forms to collect mailed information. Industry History Growth of restaurants has been mainly attributed to the growth of cities. The market demand that was created during trade functions back then in the Roman Empire. The people who were bringing their goods to the market were in need of eateries where they would quench their thirst as well as feed. The rise of chain restaurants can be seen a steady rise since the 20th century (Khan, 2014). McDonald being the pioneer of fast food and chain restaurants. The target market of many fast foods being people from the middle class and upper-class members of