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Getting The Upper Advantage No Matter The Odds
By: Anthony Hines
Who Am I….I am a hardworking guy who, like many others, found himself out of work
during the economic downturn in 2010. After a long battle of wrong turns, job search
strategies that led to no where, and dead end leads, I decided to take a more strategic
approach to my job search. Like anything else in life, I needed to treat my search like a
full-time job and create a plan that would allow me to stand out above the competition.
This came in especially handy as I was in transition again in 2017. Basically, I just used
the tips that I have shared with others and was out of work a total of ZERO days. Yes, I
got a job offer the day after my last day at my previous job. Let me show you how I did it
so you too can have a quicker landing than you would have had without my tips.
Why Am I Sharing What Helped Me…because I quickly realized that to handle an event
like that is to focus on what you can control and share the experience to help others. I
believe that an experience not shared is a lost opportunity in life, and that smart people
learn from their mistakes and smarter people learn from other people’s experiences.
Plus, I told myself that once I figured this out I would share it with others so that they
too could navigate the world of unemployment. In these chapters, I show you how I did
it so that you will have the confidence to make it through the process. I hope that this
presentation helps you to get your next great job.
Donations accepted. Just click this link for more info. Thanks!!!
Get Your Resume Checked
 Email your resume to me at and I will ask one of my
resume contacts to look at it and get back to you. That way you will get free
feedback as to how your resume looks and flows. Go for it because without a
great resume, you have no chance of getting any job much less a great job. The
turnaround is quick and the service is stellar.
 Read My Job Search Tip Document First .
These are the Free documents that tell you everything that I did to get activity
& visibility in my search. Email me at and I will send
you them.
 The next group of slides will discuss things that I believe you
could do to help you to deal with the deep upset that you may
feel when you have been let go or laid off from the job you so
 I will tell you the tip or idea and let you know why I like it to
help you in dealing with the process.
 Remember, I am by no means a professional and never claim to
be. I am just giving you things as I see them to help you to see
through the ‘fog’ and get ahead in your career.
 I hope my ideas help you out and help me to end unemployment
one person at a time.
 In some of the slides throughout this presentation, both before and
after this slide, you will see “donation” links to my Paypal account.
 Though no payment is mandatory at this time, any donation is
appreciated in order to compensate me in some small way if this
information helps to get you your next opportunity. This will help me
to continue to do this type of work and allow me to celebrate your
success with you. The donation links will be at the bottom of the page
and look like this in much smaller print.
 Donations accepted. Just click this link for more info. Thanks!!!
 Thanks in advance for any donation an know that no matter what the
amount, it is greatly appreciated. Good Luck and please check out all of
the upcoming slides to receive the most value from your read.
 In many ways this was the toughest presentation for
me to create because it gets to the real reason why
for the last 10+ years that I have created job search
and transition tools to help people deal with all of
the happy and sad feelings that are about being in
 I decided a long time ago that I would let people
know that they are not alone in feeling that shock,
disbelief, anger and fear that come with the job
seeking process and that they could overcome this
like I have and that they will get their next position.
 How to deal with the people who say
insensitive things and the people at the
unemployment office who have heard the
stories all before and frankly don’t really care
that you have been unemployed after many
 How to deal with the fact that co-workers that
you talked to for many years are not people
that you have a common goal with anymore
and how to deal with the fact that they don’t
call you and they don’t check an and not to
take that personally.
 How to deal with the fact that you really feel
that you are perfect for the positions that
you apply for and no one calls you.
 When that recruiter promises to call you
and you wait for the call all day and it never
 How to deal with people who just are
negative and offer nothing but restating the
 When to realize someone just wants your
money and is preying on your situation.
 How to deal with that pressure that you
naturally feel when you are the bread
 How to deal with all of your
accomplishments from your old company
and when one second your work area is
filled with things to make you feel like you
are home and the next second it is filled
with boxes for you to move out of that same
area and sometimes move out quickly.
 Do I have your attention yet? Can you see
now that I am not some professional that
just wants something from you and instead
am someone who also felt all of these
feelings and who has tips to help you deal
with all of them. Just understand that these
are all feelings that you are able to control
and I will now show you how to deal with
all that all the way through the process.
 First, you have to look in the mirror and tell yourself
that this will never happen to you again and that in
this time off, you are going to focus on your own
 Getting certified in your field, working with your
unemployment office to take every class possible
and network at every thing that you attend and
work at. That is because these improvements will
go with you to your next opportunity and beyond. If
a layoff ever happens again, you will have more
credentials and thus get a job even quicker.
 Second, your old company probably gave you
transitional services as part of your agreement.
Don’t take that service lightly. Use them for all
that they can give you. Get every minute
available and more if you can. Your old
company paid a ton of cash for this service but
it is up to you to get the most out of it. No one
is going to make sure this happens. That is on
you. They are there for support and to help you
deal with what you are gong through so use
this service as much as you can.
 Third, think about improving your health in
your free time. No matter what you love to do
to exercise and do it consistently. This will
allow you to gain a routine and will allow you
to get something really positive for you at a
personal level. It will also allow you to have a
clear, sharp mind that will be ready help you
and not be a hindrance to your progress by
giving you negative thoughts. This is a giant
point. Don’t discount it.
 Now let me give you my answers to the
negative situations that I listed earlier and
tell you how I dealt with them.
 Before I do that, I want you to know that
networking is a 24/7 thing because you
never know where the next job will come
from. Plus you may become a referral bonus
tool for someone if they help you get in.
Remember, you do have value
 How to deal with the people who say insensitive things and the
people at the unemployment office who have heard the stories
all before and frankly don’t really care that you have been
unemployed after many years.
 These are people that are either insensitive to the situation or
have never been through it. The people who give the bad
comments actually think that they are helping because they don’t
know because they have never been unemployed. They think that
they are helping you. Watch the people that you know who have
been in transition come to help. Stick with them. They get it and
will be more understanding to your situation. I don’t care if it’s a
close friend or someone who you think should know better. If they
have never been through it, they just don’t so adjust and go.
 How to deal with the fact that co-workers that you talked to for
many years are not people that you have a common goal with
anymore and how to deal with the fact that they don’t call you
and they don’t check an and not to take that personally.
 There is nothing for them to say and they just don’t know what to
say as to why they were kept and you weren’t. Plus, they are
worried that they will be next. Finally, do you really want to hear
about their bonus or raise or how the company is doing since it is
in your rear view mirror? Now maybe you can get the word out to
keep an eye open for new positions that maybe you could fill down
the line but even they how would you feel walking back in when
they let you go before? Sometimes it is better if you are left alone
so that you can focus on your growth and your next move as the
past can possibly be negative energy that could wear you down.
 How to deal with the fact that you really feel
that you are perfect for the positions that you
apply for and no one calls you.
 Companies get many applications and
sometimes don’t look at every applicant as they
don’t have time so they never see your
application. Focus on networking with someone
in the company to get your resume noticed and
that way you have a fighting chance. Don’t just
sit and wait.
 When that recruiter promises to call you and you wait for the
call all day and it never comes.
 Well understand that the job could have gone on hold or someone
could have been hired from within or the recruiter may have just
found someone that is a better fit. It isn’t personal. If a recruiter
spent lots of time with people that were not a match, they would
be eating spam for meals as much of their pay is based on placing
people and if someone is a better match, that is where their time
is going. Much like say a real estate broker has a million dollar
listing and a quarter of a million dollar listing. Guess where their
time is spent? Want results? Get a contact on the inside and then
tell the recruiter that you have that to work with he/she to submit
you and watch their eyes light up. If you are a great match for a
position they are trying to submit for, they will call you every 15
minutes, believe me.
 How to deal with people who just are negative and
offer nothing but restating the obvious.
 Dump all negativity in your life as best as you can.
Frankly, you have no time to be babying other people
and need to focus on you. I don’t care how much of a
giver that you are. Its time for you now. Negativity,
guilt and stubbornness have no value so toss them
out with the garbage. No time for any of that right
now because this is a time for YOU. Do this ASAP
because every second that you don’t is a wasted
 When to realize someone just wants your money and is
preying on your situation.
 You need all of the money that you have and will get in
order to live. There are no magic wizards who will
produce a job for you out of thin air. They will no to do the
work for you. Now they may give you tips but really are
they that better than what I give you from my experience?
Sure coaches can be useful but make sure that they are
helping you. Only you know that. Oh and you don’t need a
financial planner to take your 401k. Leave that alone as
you can always deal with that after you are placed. You
are vulnerable and want
 How to deal with that pressure that you naturally feel
when you are the bread winner.
 Keep you family in the loop on what you are doing so that
they don’t worry. You have more time now so maybe, be
more involved in the fun things that your family does that
you may have missed out on before. Tell them how to help
you like by doing more chores or by spreading the word to
help you. Keep on pushing and never give up and they
won’t give up. Your attitude gives people the signal of how
to act. This is an opportunity for you to get closer to these
people. Don’t worry instead take action to improve
yourself and you get more support and admiration which
is very important.
 How to deal with all of your accomplishments from your old company
and when one second your work area is filled with things to make you
feel like you are home and the next second it is filled with boxes for
you to move out of that same area and sometimes move out quickly.
 Look it was a great ride and these experiences will come in handy at
your next stop. Take pride in all that you did and all that you built. Its
not personal. The company just needs to make changes and maybe you
made things run so well that they don’t think that they need you to run
the well oiled machine that you built and its time for you to do the same
thing somewhere else that really needs you and your gifts. Layoffs are
not usually about the lack of talent of the laid off person because if that
was true, how did they not get let go a long time ago. Your home is your
home. This work area is just a work area that will be used again by
someone else to build their well oiled machine. Who says the next
company won’t respect you more and make you happier? It really
happens so focus on that possibility and it is more apt to happen.
 Ok now you have your next position and that will
happen because you really do have skills that people
want especially if you used the time to hone your talents
and improve yourself.
 You must remember that this boss did not lay you off
and this company had nothing to do with what
happened to you so you have the opportunity to think
about what you can do better at this job as that chance
is in front of you. Everyone has things that they could
have done better at their last job. Instead of thinking
about the experience as hurtful, think of it as the door
opening to the new job that will get an improved you.
 In life you cannot always control the event that
happens to you but you can always control
what you do to respond to that event. Embrace
all that you did in the last company as part of
the value that you bring to the next company.
You can control that. Take advantage of all of
their free education benefit so that if it
happens again, you have more credentials so
that your time in transition is less. Of course it
is not something you want but, it may happen
so be ready.
 Reach out and help others who are going through the transition
process and your memory will become more of a positive one as
that experience allows you to help someone else. I started to do
that many years ago just by writing some tips and placing them
online for people to use.
 Now I am a job search SME on LinkedIn, have had tools that
have helped 1000’s and talked with hundreds more to help
them deal just by using my experience. That has helped me to
heal the deep pain and sadness thatI felt when I was in
transition. You can do that as well. Believe, me once you do that,
you will actually feel the healing and gain motivation to do more
for yourself and others and will look back on the experience
much differently.
 I want to reiterate that I am not a professional and only
providing you with things I did that helped me out
during my own job search.
 I do these presentations because the job search process
has a lot to do with attitude and outlook. That’s on you.
As I say, excuses are for losers. Be a winner and take
charge. You can do it because you have done it before I
 Make sure you individualize any all of the information
provided on this or any of my presentations. My ideas
are to guide you and help you to understand concepts.
 Come join the LinkedIn group that I recently
created. It is called the Anthony Hines Job
Search Survival Group. It’s a unique group
because the people in it really support and
help each other to get their next opportunity.
 Just log into, go to groups and
join the above named group. People really
seem to find it useful and I check in often as
well. Come join today.
 If you want to quickly increase your LinkedIn
connection total, including many recruiters, go to .
 This paid service will make your connection total
explode. I caution that if you are not ready for a
substantial amount of LinkedIn connection requests
especially from recruiters, you may not want to sign
up and believe me it doesn’t stop. They keep coming.
 Now if you want that type of traffic and want many
more contacts guaranteed, please use the above link
for quick service.
 Got great professional skills and experience
that you can share with a company that needs
help? You may want to consider Maven. This
company has a list of many requests for
information or experience that maybe you
could answer and pick up some cash on the
side while doing it. Plus, you can tell your
friends about it and make some cash if they
signup . Check out this link for more
 If you have found this presentation helpful and found
some ways to gain an advantage in your job search, then
my hours of work to help the unemployed one person at
a time has been a success.
 please email me at and tell
me how its going. If you have read my docs and have
seen my other Job Search Survival Kit presentations , I
believe that you are on your way to your next group of
opportunities. Embrace the challenge and do your best
daily. Go for it and don’t look back. No excuses, no
delays, no procrastination. Go for it.
 Donations accepted. Just click this link for more info. Thanks!!!
 Look, I know the feeling of despair and
hopelessness that can come over you because
this process can be so overwhelming.
 Face the situation and own the situation. There
is no reason you cannot get an even better job
in the near future. Make it happen. Believe in
yourself and it will happen.
 Donations accepted. Just click this link for more info. Thanks!!!

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Job Search Survival Kit -- How To Deal With The Layoff Hurt And Learn From It --

  • 1. Getting The Upper Advantage No Matter The Odds By: Anthony Hines
  • 2. Who Am I….I am a hardworking guy who, like many others, found himself out of work during the economic downturn in 2010. After a long battle of wrong turns, job search strategies that led to no where, and dead end leads, I decided to take a more strategic approach to my job search. Like anything else in life, I needed to treat my search like a full-time job and create a plan that would allow me to stand out above the competition. This came in especially handy as I was in transition again in 2017. Basically, I just used the tips that I have shared with others and was out of work a total of ZERO days. Yes, I got a job offer the day after my last day at my previous job. Let me show you how I did it so you too can have a quicker landing than you would have had without my tips. Why Am I Sharing What Helped Me…because I quickly realized that to handle an event like that is to focus on what you can control and share the experience to help others. I believe that an experience not shared is a lost opportunity in life, and that smart people learn from their mistakes and smarter people learn from other people’s experiences. Plus, I told myself that once I figured this out I would share it with others so that they too could navigate the world of unemployment. In these chapters, I show you how I did it so that you will have the confidence to make it through the process. I hope that this presentation helps you to get your next great job. Donations accepted. Just click this link for more info. Thanks!!!
  • 3. BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING MORE. Get Your Resume Checked  Email your resume to me at and I will ask one of my resume contacts to look at it and get back to you. That way you will get free feedback as to how your resume looks and flows. Go for it because without a great resume, you have no chance of getting any job much less a great job. The turnaround is quick and the service is stellar.  Read My Job Search Tip Document First . These are the Free documents that tell you everything that I did to get activity & visibility in my search. Email me at and I will send you them.
  • 4.  The next group of slides will discuss things that I believe you could do to help you to deal with the deep upset that you may feel when you have been let go or laid off from the job you so love.  I will tell you the tip or idea and let you know why I like it to help you in dealing with the process.  Remember, I am by no means a professional and never claim to be. I am just giving you things as I see them to help you to see through the ‘fog’ and get ahead in your career.  I hope my ideas help you out and help me to end unemployment one person at a time.
  • 5.  In some of the slides throughout this presentation, both before and after this slide, you will see “donation” links to my Paypal account.  Though no payment is mandatory at this time, any donation is appreciated in order to compensate me in some small way if this information helps to get you your next opportunity. This will help me to continue to do this type of work and allow me to celebrate your success with you. The donation links will be at the bottom of the page and look like this in much smaller print.  Donations accepted. Just click this link for more info. Thanks!!!  Thanks in advance for any donation an know that no matter what the amount, it is greatly appreciated. Good Luck and please check out all of the upcoming slides to receive the most value from your read.
  • 6.  In many ways this was the toughest presentation for me to create because it gets to the real reason why for the last 10+ years that I have created job search and transition tools to help people deal with all of the happy and sad feelings that are about being in transition.  I decided a long time ago that I would let people know that they are not alone in feeling that shock, disbelief, anger and fear that come with the job seeking process and that they could overcome this like I have and that they will get their next position.
  • 7.  How to deal with the people who say insensitive things and the people at the unemployment office who have heard the stories all before and frankly don’t really care that you have been unemployed after many years.  How to deal with the fact that co-workers that you talked to for many years are not people that you have a common goal with anymore and how to deal with the fact that they don’t call you and they don’t check an and not to take that personally.
  • 8.  How to deal with the fact that you really feel that you are perfect for the positions that you apply for and no one calls you.  When that recruiter promises to call you and you wait for the call all day and it never comes.
  • 9.  How to deal with people who just are negative and offer nothing but restating the obvious.  When to realize someone just wants your money and is preying on your situation.  How to deal with that pressure that you naturally feel when you are the bread winner.
  • 10.  How to deal with all of your accomplishments from your old company and when one second your work area is filled with things to make you feel like you are home and the next second it is filled with boxes for you to move out of that same area and sometimes move out quickly.
  • 11.  Do I have your attention yet? Can you see now that I am not some professional that just wants something from you and instead am someone who also felt all of these feelings and who has tips to help you deal with all of them. Just understand that these are all feelings that you are able to control and I will now show you how to deal with all that all the way through the process.
  • 12.  First, you have to look in the mirror and tell yourself that this will never happen to you again and that in this time off, you are going to focus on your own improvements.  Getting certified in your field, working with your unemployment office to take every class possible and network at every thing that you attend and work at. That is because these improvements will go with you to your next opportunity and beyond. If a layoff ever happens again, you will have more credentials and thus get a job even quicker.
  • 13.  Second, your old company probably gave you transitional services as part of your agreement. Don’t take that service lightly. Use them for all that they can give you. Get every minute available and more if you can. Your old company paid a ton of cash for this service but it is up to you to get the most out of it. No one is going to make sure this happens. That is on you. They are there for support and to help you deal with what you are gong through so use this service as much as you can.
  • 14.  Third, think about improving your health in your free time. No matter what you love to do to exercise and do it consistently. This will allow you to gain a routine and will allow you to get something really positive for you at a personal level. It will also allow you to have a clear, sharp mind that will be ready help you and not be a hindrance to your progress by giving you negative thoughts. This is a giant point. Don’t discount it.
  • 15.  Now let me give you my answers to the negative situations that I listed earlier and tell you how I dealt with them.  Before I do that, I want you to know that networking is a 24/7 thing because you never know where the next job will come from. Plus you may become a referral bonus tool for someone if they help you get in. Remember, you do have value
  • 16.  How to deal with the people who say insensitive things and the people at the unemployment office who have heard the stories all before and frankly don’t really care that you have been unemployed after many years.  These are people that are either insensitive to the situation or have never been through it. The people who give the bad comments actually think that they are helping because they don’t know because they have never been unemployed. They think that they are helping you. Watch the people that you know who have been in transition come to help. Stick with them. They get it and will be more understanding to your situation. I don’t care if it’s a close friend or someone who you think should know better. If they have never been through it, they just don’t so adjust and go.
  • 17.  How to deal with the fact that co-workers that you talked to for many years are not people that you have a common goal with anymore and how to deal with the fact that they don’t call you and they don’t check an and not to take that personally.  There is nothing for them to say and they just don’t know what to say as to why they were kept and you weren’t. Plus, they are worried that they will be next. Finally, do you really want to hear about their bonus or raise or how the company is doing since it is in your rear view mirror? Now maybe you can get the word out to keep an eye open for new positions that maybe you could fill down the line but even they how would you feel walking back in when they let you go before? Sometimes it is better if you are left alone so that you can focus on your growth and your next move as the past can possibly be negative energy that could wear you down.
  • 18.  How to deal with the fact that you really feel that you are perfect for the positions that you apply for and no one calls you.  Companies get many applications and sometimes don’t look at every applicant as they don’t have time so they never see your application. Focus on networking with someone in the company to get your resume noticed and that way you have a fighting chance. Don’t just sit and wait.
  • 19.  When that recruiter promises to call you and you wait for the call all day and it never comes.  Well understand that the job could have gone on hold or someone could have been hired from within or the recruiter may have just found someone that is a better fit. It isn’t personal. If a recruiter spent lots of time with people that were not a match, they would be eating spam for meals as much of their pay is based on placing people and if someone is a better match, that is where their time is going. Much like say a real estate broker has a million dollar listing and a quarter of a million dollar listing. Guess where their time is spent? Want results? Get a contact on the inside and then tell the recruiter that you have that to work with he/she to submit you and watch their eyes light up. If you are a great match for a position they are trying to submit for, they will call you every 15 minutes, believe me.
  • 20.  How to deal with people who just are negative and offer nothing but restating the obvious.  Dump all negativity in your life as best as you can. Frankly, you have no time to be babying other people and need to focus on you. I don’t care how much of a giver that you are. Its time for you now. Negativity, guilt and stubbornness have no value so toss them out with the garbage. No time for any of that right now because this is a time for YOU. Do this ASAP because every second that you don’t is a wasted second.
  • 21.  When to realize someone just wants your money and is preying on your situation.  You need all of the money that you have and will get in order to live. There are no magic wizards who will produce a job for you out of thin air. They will no to do the work for you. Now they may give you tips but really are they that better than what I give you from my experience? Sure coaches can be useful but make sure that they are helping you. Only you know that. Oh and you don’t need a financial planner to take your 401k. Leave that alone as you can always deal with that after you are placed. You are vulnerable and want
  • 22.  How to deal with that pressure that you naturally feel when you are the bread winner.  Keep you family in the loop on what you are doing so that they don’t worry. You have more time now so maybe, be more involved in the fun things that your family does that you may have missed out on before. Tell them how to help you like by doing more chores or by spreading the word to help you. Keep on pushing and never give up and they won’t give up. Your attitude gives people the signal of how to act. This is an opportunity for you to get closer to these people. Don’t worry instead take action to improve yourself and you get more support and admiration which is very important.
  • 23.  How to deal with all of your accomplishments from your old company and when one second your work area is filled with things to make you feel like you are home and the next second it is filled with boxes for you to move out of that same area and sometimes move out quickly.  Look it was a great ride and these experiences will come in handy at your next stop. Take pride in all that you did and all that you built. Its not personal. The company just needs to make changes and maybe you made things run so well that they don’t think that they need you to run the well oiled machine that you built and its time for you to do the same thing somewhere else that really needs you and your gifts. Layoffs are not usually about the lack of talent of the laid off person because if that was true, how did they not get let go a long time ago. Your home is your home. This work area is just a work area that will be used again by someone else to build their well oiled machine. Who says the next company won’t respect you more and make you happier? It really happens so focus on that possibility and it is more apt to happen.
  • 24.  Ok now you have your next position and that will happen because you really do have skills that people want especially if you used the time to hone your talents and improve yourself.  You must remember that this boss did not lay you off and this company had nothing to do with what happened to you so you have the opportunity to think about what you can do better at this job as that chance is in front of you. Everyone has things that they could have done better at their last job. Instead of thinking about the experience as hurtful, think of it as the door opening to the new job that will get an improved you.
  • 25.  In life you cannot always control the event that happens to you but you can always control what you do to respond to that event. Embrace all that you did in the last company as part of the value that you bring to the next company. You can control that. Take advantage of all of their free education benefit so that if it happens again, you have more credentials so that your time in transition is less. Of course it is not something you want but, it may happen so be ready.
  • 26.  Reach out and help others who are going through the transition process and your memory will become more of a positive one as that experience allows you to help someone else. I started to do that many years ago just by writing some tips and placing them online for people to use.  Now I am a job search SME on LinkedIn, have had tools that have helped 1000’s and talked with hundreds more to help them deal just by using my experience. That has helped me to heal the deep pain and sadness thatI felt when I was in transition. You can do that as well. Believe, me once you do that, you will actually feel the healing and gain motivation to do more for yourself and others and will look back on the experience much differently.
  • 27.  I want to reiterate that I am not a professional and only providing you with things I did that helped me out during my own job search.  I do these presentations because the job search process has a lot to do with attitude and outlook. That’s on you. As I say, excuses are for losers. Be a winner and take charge. You can do it because you have done it before I bet.  Make sure you individualize any all of the information provided on this or any of my presentations. My ideas are to guide you and help you to understand concepts.
  • 28.  Come join the LinkedIn group that I recently created. It is called the Anthony Hines Job Search Survival Group. It’s a unique group because the people in it really support and help each other to get their next opportunity.  Just log into, go to groups and join the above named group. People really seem to find it useful and I check in often as well. Come join today.
  • 29.  If you want to quickly increase your LinkedIn connection total, including many recruiters, go to .  This paid service will make your connection total explode. I caution that if you are not ready for a substantial amount of LinkedIn connection requests especially from recruiters, you may not want to sign up and believe me it doesn’t stop. They keep coming.  Now if you want that type of traffic and want many more contacts guaranteed, please use the above link for quick service.
  • 30.  Got great professional skills and experience that you can share with a company that needs help? You may want to consider Maven. This company has a list of many requests for information or experience that maybe you could answer and pick up some cash on the side while doing it. Plus, you can tell your friends about it and make some cash if they signup . Check out this link for more information. tOnwRzvx.dpuf
  • 31.  If you have found this presentation helpful and found some ways to gain an advantage in your job search, then my hours of work to help the unemployed one person at a time has been a success.  please email me at and tell me how its going. If you have read my docs and have seen my other Job Search Survival Kit presentations , I believe that you are on your way to your next group of opportunities. Embrace the challenge and do your best daily. Go for it and don’t look back. No excuses, no delays, no procrastination. Go for it.  Donations accepted. Just click this link for more info. Thanks!!!
  • 32.  Look, I know the feeling of despair and hopelessness that can come over you because this process can be so overwhelming.  Face the situation and own the situation. There is no reason you cannot get an even better job in the near future. Make it happen. Believe in yourself and it will happen.  Donations accepted. Just click this link for more info. Thanks!!!