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        2011 Fall

         - Part I -

 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şebnem Burnaz
Marketing Concept and
Marketing Management

     ‖The aim of marketing is to know and
    understand the customer so well that the
    product or service fits him and sells itself.‖
                                Peter Drucker

   What is marketing?
   Why is marketing important?
   What is the scope of marketing?
   What are some fundamental
    marketing concepts?
   What are the tasks necessary for
    successful marketing management?
What is Marketing?

   Selling?

   Advertising?

   Making products available in stores?

         All of the above, plus much more!
Marketing…is about…

   ―Identifying and meeting human and
    social needs‖

   ―Meeting needs profitably‖

   ―Generating customer value at a profit‖
          ―Managing profitable customer relationships by
           delivering superior value to customers‖
What is Marketing?
   No single correct definition or approach
   Common subject matters:
       The ability to satisfy customers,
       The identification of favorable marketing
       The need to create an edge over competitors,
       The capacity to make profits to enable a viable
        future for the organization,
       The use of resources to maximize a business‘ market
       The aim to increase market share mainly in target
What is Marketing?
                      Marketing as a Process                 Capture
                                                            value from
          Create value for customers                        customers
             and build customer                             in return

 Understand     Design a     Construct a        Build        value from
     the       customer-     marketing        profitable     customers
marketplace      driven       program       relationships    to create
and customer   marketing    that delivers    and create      profits and
needs&wants     strategy      superior        customer       customer
                               value           delight       quality
What Is Marketing?
Marketing is an organizational function and a
 set of processes for creating, communicating,
 and delivering value to customers and for
 managing customer relationships in ways that
 benefit the organization and its stakeholders
The ________ is the United States‘ 24th
 largest advertiser with an annual budget of
 more than $1 billion.
  1.  Procter & Gamble Company
  2. Boeing Company
  3. U.S. Government
  4. Levi Strauss & Co.
Core Concepts of Marketing

                    Needs, wants,
                    and demands

    Markets                             Products
                                      and services

  Exchange,                         Value and
and relationships                   satisfaction
Core Concepts of Marketing
                                  Need
   Needs, wants, and                 State of felt deprivation
    demands                           Basic human requirements
   Marketing offers:                      e.g. needs food
    including products,           Wants
    services and experiences          Needs directed to specific
   Value and satisfaction            The form of needs as
   Exchange and                       shaped by culture and the
    relationships                      individual
                                           e.g. wants a BigMac
    Markets                      Demands
                                      Wants which are backed by
                                       buying power
Core Concepts of Marketing
   Needs, wants, and           Marketing offering
    demands                         Combination of
   Marketing offers:                products, services,
                                     information or
    products, services,              experiences offered to a
    experiences…                     market that satisfy a
   Value and satisfaction           need or want.
                                     Offer may include
   Exchange and                 

                                     services, activities,
    relationships                    people, places,
    Markets                         information or ideas.
    Marketing myopia is
         focusing only on existing
         offers and losing sight
         of underlying consumer

       Market offerings are
        not limited to
        physical products:
          UNCF markets the
           idea that ―A mind is
          terrible thing to
Core Concepts of Marketing
                  What is Marketed?
Anything that can be Offered to a Market to Satisfy a Need or Want

      Events                  Places                 Persons

   Experiences              Properties            Information

  Organizations                                       Ideas

    Activities or Benefits Offered for Sale That Are Essentially
    Intangible and Don‘t Result in the Ownership of Anything
Core Concepts of Marketing
                                  Value
   Needs, wants, and                 Customers form expectations
    demands                            regarding value
   Marketing offers:
    including products,               Value:
    services and experiences          the customer‘s estimate of the
                                       product‘s overall capacity to
   Value and satisfaction             satisfy his or her needs.
   Exchange and                      the satisfaction of customer
    relationships                      requirements at the lowest
                                       possible cost
    Markets                       Satisfaction
Value - Satisfaction
   Customer benefits                    Customer satisfaction
    Anything desired by the               The feeling that a product
      customer that is received in        has met or exceeded the
      an exchange                         customer‘s expectations
   Customer costs
    Anything a customer gives up
      in an exchange for benefits
                                          What is the benefit of
     Monetary      price of the
                                          a satisfied customer to
     Search    costs (time and
                                          the company?
      effort) to locate the product
     Risks associated with the

Core Concepts of Marketing
    Needs, wants, and
                                     The act of obtaining a desired
    demands                           object from someone by
   Marketing offers:                 offering something in return
    including products,              The response may be more

    services and experiences          than simply buying or trading
                                      products and services
   Value and satisfaction        One exchange is not the goal,
   Exchange and                   relationships with several
    relationships                  exchanges are the goal
    Markets
                                  Relationships are built through
                                   delivering value and satisfaction
                                     Marketing network 
                                       consists of the company and all
                                       its supporting stakeholders
Relationship Marketing

   Relationship marketing aims to build
    mutually satisfying long-term
    relationships with key constituents in
    order to earn and retain their
Managing Relationships: Customers
   Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
       Using information about customers to create
        marketing strategies that develop and sustain
        desirable customer relationships

           Identifying buying-behavior patterns of customers
           Using behavioral information to
            focus on the most profitable customers
Managing Customer Relationships

     Relationship Building Blocks
                                          •   AIM  to increase
   Customer             Customer              CLV (consumer
perceived value        satisfaction           lifetime value)!
• The difference    • The extent to             • to gain a greater
  between total       which a product‘s           proportion of an
  customer value      perceived                   existing
  and total           performance                 customer‘s
  customer cost       matches a                   purchases over a
                      buyer‘s                     long period
Core Concepts of Marketing
   Needs, wants, and             Market
    demands                           Set of actual and
   Marketing offers:                  potential buyers of a
    including products,                product
    services and experiences          These buyers share a
                                       particular need or want
   Value and satisfaction             that can be satisfied
   Exchange and                       through exchange relshps
                                       Marketing means
    Markets                       

                                       managing markets to
                                       bring about profitable
                                       customer relshps
A Simple Marketing System
Marketing defined as...

Process by which individuals and groups
obtain what they need and want through
  creating and exchanging products and
            value with others.

Simply put: Marketing  the delivery of
 customer satisfaction at a profit.
―Good marketing is no accident, but a result of careful
planning and execution…But marketing excellence is
rare and difficult to achieve. Marketing is both an ‗art‘
and a ‗science‘ –there is constant tension between the
formulated side of marketing and the creative side ‖
More Definitions of Marketing
   From the societal perspective; some marketers
    describe marketing as the creation and delivery of
    a standart of living.

   From the managerial perspective; marketing
    (management) is the process of planning and
    executing the conception, pricing, promotion and
    distribution of goods and services to create
    exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational
What Is Marketing Management?

   Marketing management is the art
    and science of choosing target markets
    and building profitable relationships by
         getting, keeping, and growing customers through
                creating, delivering, and communicating
                       superior customer value

       This definition must include answers to 2 questions:
            What customers will we serve?
            How can we best serve these customers?
Marketing Management
   Marketing management involves  managing
    demand  involves managing customer
       Marketers aim to influence the level, timing and
        composition of demand to meet organizational goals.

   Marketing management is concerned
       not only with finding and increasing demand,
       but also with changing or even reducing it in some
Marketing Management
Marketing management:
   Customer management & Demand management

       Choosing a Value Proposition

The value proposition is the set of benefits
  or values a company promises to deliver to
  customers to satisfy their needs
Company Orientations towards
   the Marketplace
                        Consumers prefer products that are
Production Concept        widely available and inexpensive

                           Consumers favor products that
 Product Concept         offer the most quality, performance,
                                 or innovative features

                        Consumers will buy products only if
  Selling Concept           the company aggressively
                          promotes/sells these products

                         Focuses on needs/ wants of target
Marketing Concept            markets & delivering value
                              better than competitors

                          Focuses on delivering the desired
Societal Marketing   satisfaction more effectively and efficiently
                     than competitors in a way that preserves or
     Concept          enhances the well-being of both consumer
                                    and society
Marketing Concept
   Achieving organizational goals depends on
    knowing the needs and wants of the target
    markets and delivering the desired satisfactions
    better than competitors do

   4 pillars of modern marketing :
       1. Target market
       2. Customer needs
       3. Integrated marketing
       4. Profitability through customer satisfaction
Marketing and Sales Concepts Contrasted
 point       Focus       Means            Ends

            Existing   Selling and   Profits through
Factory     products   promotion      sales volume

           (a) The selling concept

           Customer    Integrated    Profits through
Market      needs      marketing        customer

         (b) The marketing concept
Marketing Concept
1)       Target    market        homogenous group of
         customers to whom the company wishes to appeal

2)       Customer needs
          Consumers may not be fully conscious of their needs /
           it may not be easy to articulate these needs OR they
           may use words that require some interpretation
          Customer-oriented thinking  to define customer
           needs from the customer‘s point of view
          Sales revenue  New customers + Repeat customers
          ―Customer Retention‖ vs. ―Customer Attraction‖
          Customer value and customer satisfaction  building
           blocks of customer relationship management
Marketing Concept
3)       Integrated Marketing              Various marketing
         functions must work together for customer satisfaction
         (coordination of marketing mix elements: 4Ps)
                Marketing Mix  controllable variables the company
                 puts together to satisfy its target market(s).
                        Goods, services, or ideas that satisfy customer
 Product                needs
                        Decisions and actions that establish pricing
     Pricing            objectives and policies and set product prices
      Place             The ready, convenient, and timely availability
     (Distribution)     of products
                        Activities that inform customers about the
Promotion               organization and its products
Marketing Concept - The 4 Ps
Marketing Concept - The 4 Ps  The 4 Cs


Product                                    Place

 Solution     Price

              Cost          Communication
Marketing Concept

Integrated Marketing  Marketing must be
well coordinated with other departments in
the company;
  all departments have to work together to satisfy
  customers‘ needs and wants

        “Marketing is too important
        to be left to the marketing department.”
                                         David Packard,
Marketing Concept

4)       Profitability through customer
          To achieve profits as a result of
           creating superior customer value
Selling – Marketing...

             ―There will always be need for
         some selling. But the aim of marketing
        is to make selling unnecessary. The aim
        of marketing is to know and understand
        the customer so well that the product or
         service fits him and sells itself. Ideally,
         marketing should result in a customer
                   who is ready to buy.‖
                                  Peter Drucker
Societal Marketing Concept

   Company‘s negative effects on
   Conflict between    consumer
    wants and long-term social

   The company should make good
    marketing decisions by
    considering consumers‘ wants,
    the company‘s requirements,
    consumers‘ long-term interests,
    and society‘s long-run interests
Societal Marketing Concept
                      (Human Welfare)


  Consumers                             Company
(Want Satisfaction)                     (Profits)
Evolution of Marketing Thought

    How marketing has become
    “marketing” as we understand it
    and apply its practices today?
Evolution of Marketing Thought
   Production Era (1850s-1920s)
       Industrial revolution; mass production
       Few products and little competition
   Sales Era (1920s-1950s)
       The focus was on personal selling and advertising
       Sales seen as the major means for increasing profits
   Mktg Era (1950s-present)
       Customer orientation replaced the ―hard sell‖ of the sales-led era
       Determination of the needs and wants of customers before
        introducing products or services
   Relationship Marketing Era: 1990s-
       Marketing era has recently shifted from being ―transaction-based‖
         to focusing on ―relationships‖
       Both attracting and ―retaining‖ customers
Evolution of Marketing Thought:
    New Era(s) in Marketing (The Millenium)

..from Relationship Marketing to...
     Network marketing

     E-marketing

     Community marketing

     Buzz marketing

     Digital marketing

     Mobile marketing

     ... ... ...
Holistic Marketing Concept
   New marketing…
   A need to think about how to operate and compete
    in a new marketing environment
   Holistic marketing  based on the
    development, design, and implementation of
    marketing programs, processes, and activities that
    recognize their breadth and interdependencies

   Premise: ―everything matters‖ with marketing!
Holistic Marketing
The New Four Ps




Marketing Management Tasks
   Develop market strategies and plans
   Capture marketing insights
   Connect with customers
   Build strong brands
   Shape market offerings
   Deliver value
   Communicate value
   Create long-term growth
Shifts in Marketing Management

   from marketing does the marketing  to… everyone does
    the marketing
   from organizing by product units  to… organizing by
    customer segments
   from making everything  to… buying more goods and
    services from outside
   from using many suppliers  to… working with fewer
    suppliers in a ‗partnership‘
   from relying on old market positions  to… uncovering
    new ones
   from emphasizing tangible assets  to… emphasizing
    intangible assets
Shifts in Marketing Management

   from building brands through advertising  to… building
    brands through integrated communications
   from organizing by product units  to… organizing by
    customer segments
   from attracting customers through stores and salespeople
     to...making products available online
   from trying to sell everyone  to... be the best firm
    serving well-defined target markets
   from focusing on profitable transactions  to… focusing
    on customer lifetime value
   from focusing on shareholders  to… focusing on
Marketing Management Tasks
   Developing
                              Shaping the market
    marketing strategies
    and plans
                              Delivering value
   Capturing marketing
    insights                  Communicating
   Connecting with
    customers                 Creating long-term
   Building strong
Strategic Marketing

     ―The company without a strategy is willing to try anything.‖

                                                  Michael Porter
Major Questions
   How does marketing affect customer
   How is strategic planning carried out at
    different levels of the organization?
   What is the role of marketing in the
    overall strategic direction of the
   What does a marketing plan include?
Phases of Value Creation and Delivery

         Choosing the value

        Providing the value

      Communicating the value
What is the Value Chain?

The value chain is a tool to create
more customer value because every
firm is a synthesis of primary and
support activities performed to design,
produce, market, deliver, and support
its product.
Core Business Processes

   Market-sensing process
   New-offering realization process
   Customer acquisition process
   Customer relationship management
   Fulfillment management process
Characteristics of Core Competencies

   A source of competitive advantage
   Applications in a wide variety of
   Difficult to imitate
Maximizing Core Competencies

   (Re)define the business concept
   (Re)shaping the business scope
   (Re)positioning the company‘s brand
What is Holistic Marketing?

      Holistic marketing sees itself as
integrating the value exploration, value
   creation, and value delivery activities
with the purpose of building long-term,
    mutually satisfying relationships and
 co-prosperity among key stakeholders.
Questions to Address in Holistic

  What value opportunities are available?

  How can we create new value offerings

  How can we delivery the new offerings
Strategic Planning

   Strategic Planning  Managerial
    process of developing and maintaining
    a match between the organization‘s
    resources and the market opportunities.

       The aim  to shape and reshape
        company‘s businesses and products in
        order to reach to targeted profits and
The Strategic Planning, Implementation,
and Control Processes
Steps in Strategic Planning
                                     Business unit,
          Corporate Level              product,
                                      and market

1) Defining the corporate mission
2) Setting objectives and goals       Planning,
3) Designing business portfolio       marketing,
       Determining SBUs               and other
       Assigning resources to SBUs    functional
4) Assessing growth opportunities     strategies
Defining the Corporate Mission
   A mission statement 
    a statement of the
    organization‘s purpose --        ―Mission statement 
    what it wants to accomplish       to be guided by a
    in the larger environment         ―vision‖—an almost
                                      ―impossible dream‖
   A clear mission statement         that provides a
     acts as ―invisible hand‖        direction for the
    that guides employees to          company for the next
    work toward realizing the         10 to 20 years
    organization‘s goals
Defining the Corporate Mission

   What is our business?
   Who is the customer?
   What is the value to the customer?
   What will our business be?
   What should our business be?
Good Mission Statements
   Focus on a limited number of goals
   Stress major policies and values
   Define major competitive spheres
   Take a long-term view
   Short, memorable, meaningful
What is our business:
         Product Orientation vs. Market Orientation
       Company              Product                           Market

Disney              We run theme parks           We create fantasies—a place where
                                                 dreams come true
Xerox               We make copying              We improve office productivity
Columbia Pictures   We make movies               We entertain people          We sell books, videos,       We make the Internet buying
                    CDs, toys, consumer          experience fast, easy, and
                    electronics and other        enjoyable— we‘re the place where
                    products online              you can find and discover anything
                                                 you want to buy online
Nike                We sell athletic shoes and   We bring inspiration and innovation
                    apparel                      to every athlete* in the world (*if
                                                 you have a body, you are an
Company Goals and Objectives

Mission  hierarchy of objectives


             Marketing         Marketing       Marketing
            Objective # 1     Objective # 2   Objective # 3

Marketing               Marketing
 Strategy                Strategy
―We will provide branded products
  and services of superior quality
  and value that improve the lives
  of the world's consumers, now
  and for generations to come.

   As a result, consumers will reward us with leadership
   sales, profit, and value creation, allowing our people,
   our shareholders, and the communities in which we
   live and work to prosper.‖
Business Portfolio Analysis

Identify key businesses (SBUs)
that make up the company

   Assess the attractiveness of its
   various SBUs

       Decide how much support
       each SBU deserves
The Boston Consulting Group‘s
                       Growth-Share Matrix
                     20%-              Stars                  Question marks
Market Growth Rate

                     18%-                         4
                                                              3          ?     1
                     12%-                  5
                      8%-         Cash cow                            Dogs
                      6%-                                                      8
                      2%-         6                               7
                            10x       4x       2x 1.5x   1x       .5x .4x .3x .2x .1x
                                           Relative Market Share
Boston Consulting Group Approach

                                  Relative Market Share
                                  High                          Low
                               Stars                 Question Marks
Market Growth Rate

                       • High growth & share       • High growth, low share
                       • Profit potential          • Build into Stars or phase out
                       • May need heavy            • Require cash to hold
                          investment to grow          market share

                        Cash Cows                          Dogs
                       • Low growth, high share    • Low growth & share

                       • Established, successful   • Low profit potential
                       •Produce cash
Boston Consulting Group Approach
    and Strategies
   After the classification of SBUs  determine
    what role each will play in the future
       Build  to invest more in the SBU in order to build
        its share
       Hold  to invest enough just to hold at the current
       Harvest to increase the SBU‘s short-term cash
       Divest  to sell or to liquidate the business
The SBU Life Cycle

SBUs have a life cycle in general:
a) Question marks
b) Stars
c) Cash cows
d) Dogs

Examine not only the business‘ current
   positions, but also its moving positions.
Problems With Matrix Approaches

Can be Difficult, Time-Consuming, & Costly to Implement

Difficult to Define SBU‘s & Measure Market Share/ Growth

  Focus on Current Businesses, But Not future Planning

     Can Lead to Unwise Expansion or Diversification
The Strategic-Planning Gap
                         Diversification growth
                           Integrative growth             gap

                           Intensive growth

                                 Portfolio sales

        0                  5                      10
                      Time (years)
Planning New Business, Downsizing
Older Businesses

GROWTH STRATEGIES – 3 alternatives :

1.   Intensive Growth
2.   Integrative Growth
3.   Diversification Growth
Growth Strategies: Ansoff‘s
  Product/Market Expansion Grid
           Existing              New
           products            products

Existing    1. Market        3. Product
markets     penetration      development

 New       2. Market
markets    development    4. Diversification

   Some reasons that a company might want to
    abandon products or markets:
       The market environment might change (making some
        of the company‘s product or markets less profitable – e.g.
        economic recession)

       The company may have grown too fast or entered
        areas where it lacks experience

       Some of the company‘s products or business units
        age and die.
Marketing‘s Key Role in
Strategic Planning

   Provide a guiding philosophy
   Identify attractive opportunities
   Design effective strategies
   Build strong value chains
   Form superior value delivery networks
The Business Unit Strategic Planning
The Business Unit Strategic Planning

   Business Mission  each SBU needs to define its
    specific mission within the broader company
   External Environment Analysis  to build a
    MIS to monitor:
        Key external macroenvironment forces
        Significant microenvironment actors
        Trends and important developments  to identify
         the associated opportunities and threats
The Business Unit Strategic Planning

   Internal Environment Analysis  Each
    business needs to evaluate its internal strengths
    and weaknesses periodically
        ―Checklistfor Performing Strengths/Weaknesses
        Management or an outside consultant  reviews the
         business‘s marketing, financial, manufacturing and
         organizational competencies and rates each factor
         as strength or weakness
                          SWOT ANALYSIS
The Business Unit Strategic Planning /
                                            Example of a Checklist
ı                                                           PERFORMANCE                       IMPORTANCE
                                  Main         2nd      Moderate     2nd      Main     High   Medium   Low
                                 Strength    Strength              Weakness Weakness
  Firm's reputation
  Market share
  Product/service quality
  Sales force
  R&D / Innovation
  Geographical location
  High profitability
  Low cost of capital
  Cash flow
  Financial stability
  Scale economies
  Capacity of meeting demand
  Talented productive power
  Timely production
  Technical competence
  Skillful managers
  Loyal employees
  Entrepreneurship orientation
  Flexibility degree
  Rapid adaptation
SWOT Analysis
Marketing Analysis – SWOT Analysis
Market Opportunity Analysis (MOA)

   Can the benefits involved in the opportunity
    be articulated convincingly to a defined
    target market?
   Can the target market be located and
    reached with cost-effective media and trade
   Does the company possess or have access
    to the critical capabilities and resources
    needed to deliver the customer benefits?
Market Opportunity Analysis (MOA)

   Can the company deliver the benefits better
    than any actual or potential competitors?
   Will the financial rate of return meet or
    exceed the company‘s required threshold for
Opportunity Matrix
                        Success Probability      Opportunities
                          High        Low
                                              1. Company develops a more
                                                 powerful lighting system

                                              2. Company develops a device
                 High       1           2        for measuring the energy
                                                 efficiency of any lighting
                                              3. Company develops a device
                                                 for measuring illumination
                 Low        3                 4. Company develops a
                                        4        software program to teach
                                                 lighting fundamentals to TV
                                                 studio personnel
Threat Matrix
                Probability of Occurrence          Threats
                     High       Low
                                            1. Competitor develops
                                               a superior lighting

              High                             system
                       1         2
                                            2. Economic depression
                                            3. Higher costs
                                            4. Legislation to reduce
                                               number of TV studio
              Low      3         4             licenses
The Business Unit Strategic Planning

   Goal Formulation (Goals  objectives that are
    specific with respect to magnitude and time)
       Turning objectives  into measurable goals  facilitates
        management planning, implementation and control
The Business Unit Strategic Planning:
    Strategy Formulation

                 Overall Cost Leadership


Michael Porter
The Marketing Process

 Analyzing marketing opportunities
 Researching   and selecting target
 Designing marketing strategies

 Planning marketing programs

 Organizing, implementing, controlling

  the marketing effort
The Marketing Process
 Managing the Marketing Effort
Managing the Marketing Effort

Marketing Functions
                         Finding opportunities : the
                          company must analyze
•   Analysis                 its market & mktg
•   Planning              
                              company strengths &
•   Implementation            weaknesses
                             current and possible mktg
•   Control                   actions
                         Avoiding threats
                         Understanding strengths
                         Analyzing weaknesses
Managing the Marketing Effort

Marketing Functions

•   Analysis             Marketing planning 
                          involves deciding on
•   Planning              marketing strategies
•   Implementation        that will help the
                          company reach its
•   Control               strategic objectives
What is a Marketing Plan?

             A marketing plan is the
                 central instrument for
            directing and coordinating
                  the marketing effort.
 It operates at a strategic and tactical
Levels of a Marketing Plan

   Strategic                      Tactical
       Target marketing               Product features
        decisions                      Promotion
       Value proposition              Merchandising
       Analysis of marketing          Pricing
        opportunities                  Sales channels
                                       Service
Marketing plan
The application of marketing resources to achieve marketing objectives

                                  Executive     Marketing     Threats and
                                  summary       situation     opportunities

                                 Objective      Marketing       Action
                                 and issues      strategy      programs

                                          Budgets       Controls
Managing the Marketing Effort
Marketing Functions
                         The process that turns
                          mktg plans into mktg
•   Analysis              actions to accomplish
                          strategic mktg objectives
•   Planning             Successful implementation
•   Implementation        depends on how well the
                          company blends its people,
•   Control               organizational structure,
                          decision and reward
                          system, and company
                          culture into a cohesive
                          action plan that supports its
Managing the Marketing Effort
Marketing Department Organization
            Functional organization

            Geographic organization

       Product management organization

        Market or customer management
Managing the Marketing Effort
Marketing Functions
                         Measurement and
                          evaluation of the
•   Analysis              results of marketing
•   Planning              strategies
•   Implementation       Checking for
                          differences between
•   Control               goals and
                         Taking of corrective
                          action as needed
Measuring Marketing Plan

   Sales analysis
   Market share analysis
   Marketing expense-to-sales ratio
   Financial analysis
Managing the Marketing Effort

   Return on marketing investment
    (Marketing ROI) is the net return from a
    marketing investment divided by the costs
    of the marketing investment.

       provides a measurement of the profits generated
        by investments in marketing activities.
Managing the Marketing Effort
            Marketing Analysis of Company‘s Situation

  Marketing                Marketing               Control
   Planning              Implementation
Develop Strategic           Carry Out
     Plans                     The
                              Plans                Results
   Marketing                                        Take
     Plans                                        Corrective
Marketing Environment
The Marketing Environment
   Marketing Environment 
    the actors and forces outside marketing that
    affect marketing management‘s ability to develop
    and maintain successful relationships with its
    target customers.
      Microenvironment actors - forces close to
       the company that affect its ability to serve its
      Macroenvironment forces - larger societal
       forces that affect all the microenvironment.
The Marketing Environment

Demographic-             Marketing              Technological-
  Economic             Intermediaries              Natural
Environment                                      Environment

Suppliers      Place    Customer        Price           Publics

  Political-                                      Social-
   Legal                Competitors               Cultural
Environment                                     Environment
The Microenvironment
         Customer Markets


The Microenvironment:
     Company‘s Internal Environment
   Functional areas inside a company that have an
    impact on the marketing department‘s plans
   Top management  responsible for setting
    company‘s mission, objectives, broad strategies and
   Marketing managers;
         make decisions within the parameters

          established by top management
         must also work closely with other company

The Microenvironment:
   Firms and individuals providing resources to the
    company and its competitors to produce goods
    and services.
   Important link in the company‘s overall
    customer ―value delivery system‖
       to watch supply availability
       to monitor price trends of key inputs
The Microenvironment:
   Firms that help the company to promote, sell,
    and distribute its goods to final buyers
      Resellers

      Physical distribution firms

      Marketing service agencies

      Financial intermediaries
The Microenvironment:
    Customer Markets
   Consumer markets  Individuals & households that
    buy goods & services for personal consumption
   Business markets  Buy goods & services for
    further processing in their production process
   Resellers markets  Buy goods & services in order
    to resell them at a profit
   Government markets  Buy goods & services in
    order to produce public services or transfer them to
    those that need them
   International markets  Buyers of all types in
    foreign countries
The Microenvironment:

   Every company faces a wide range of
   A company must secure a strategic advantage
    over competitors to be successful in the
   No single competitive strategy is best for all
The Microenvironment:
   Any group that has actual or potential interest
    in or impact on an organization‘s ability to
    achieve its objectives.
       Financial publics (banks, stockholders)
       Media publics (newsp.,magazines, radio&TV)
       Government publics
       Citizen-action publics (consumer org.,
        environmental groups
       Local publics
       General publics
       Internal publics
The Macroenvironment

    Demographic
    Economic
    Natural
    Technological
    Political-Legal
    Social-Cultural
Demographic Environment
Worldwide Population Growth

    Age Structure of the Population

             Household Patterns

          Geographical Shifts in Population

                     Educational Groups

               Shift from Mass Market to Micromarkets

                                Ethnic Markets
Economic Environment


Changes in Income     Economic
                     Concerns for

Changing Consumer
 Spending Patterns
Economic Environment
     Income Distribution
Subsistence economies  The vast majority of people engage in simple
agriculture, consume most of their output and barter the rest for simple goods
and services.

  Raw-material-exporting economies  are rich in one or more natural
  resources but poor in other respects. Much of their revenue comes from
  exporting these resources.

    Industrializing economies  Manufacturing accounts for 10 to 20% of
    gross domestic product. Industrialization creates a new rich class and a small
    but growing middle class, both demanding new types of goods.

      Industrial economies  are major exporters of manufactured goods and
      investment funds. They buy manufactured goods from one another & export them
      to other types of economies in exchange for raw materials & semi-finished goods.

                           Savings, Debt, & Credit Availability
Natural Environment
                    Shortages of
                    Raw Materials

Increased Energy       Affecting      Increased
      Costs               the          Pollution

                   Changing Role of
Technological Environment
Accelerating Pace                  Unlimited Opportunities
   of Change                            for Innovation

             Issues in the Technological

     Varying                               Increased
  R & D Budgets                            Regulation
Legal Environment

Includes laws, government agencies, etc. that influence
   & limit organizations/individuals in a given society

                                      Growth of
Social/Cultural Environment

                   People‘s View of

People‘s View of              People‘s View of
 the Universe Cultural Values     Others
                        of a
People‘s View of       Society
                                      People‘s View of
                    People‘s View
                      of Society
Understanding Markets
  through Marketing
 Information Systems

    Marketing is becoming a battle based more
           on information than on sales power
Major Questions
   What are the components of a modern
    marketing information system?
   What are useful internal records?
   What makes up a marketing intelligence
   How can companies accurately measure
    and forecast demand?
Importance of Market Information
   Companies need information about their
    marketing environment, competition, customer needs
    Reasons for the need for real-time market
        Global marketing
        Buyer needs & wants
        Price competition vs. nonprice competition

    Companies with superior information;
       choose its markets better
       develop better offerings
       execute better marketing planning
The Marketing Information System

   A marketing information system (MkIS)
       consists of people, equipment, and procedures
          to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute

              needed, timely, and accurate info. to marketing
               decision makers.
   The MkIS helps managers to:
    1. Assess information needs,
    2. Develop needed information,
    3. Distribute information.
The Marketing Information System
Useful questions to determine information
    needs of marketing managers

   What decisions do you regularly make?
   What information do you need to make these
   What information do you regularly get?
   What studies do you periodically request?
   What information would you want that you are
    not getting now?
   What are the four most helpful improvements
    that could be made in the present marketing
    information system?
Functions of a MkIS:
     Developing Information
Information Needed by Managers Can be Obtained From:

                       Computerized Collection of Information
   Internal Data        from Data Sources (i.e. accounting)
                               within the Company.

     Marketing          Collection and Analysis of Publicly
                      Available Information about Competitors
    Intelligence          and the Marketing Environment
                         Design, Collection, Analysis, and
    Marketing           Reporting of Data about a Specific
    Research               Marketing Situation Facing the
Internal Record System
   Consists of computerized collections of info.
    obtained from data sources within the company
    (internal data);
   Includes reports on orders, sales, prices, costs,
    inventory levels, receivables, payables, etc.
       ―opportunities‖ and ―problems‖ can be determined by
        analyzing these information
   Can usually be accessed more quickly and cheaply
   May be incomplete or data may be in the wrong
Internal Record System
   The order-to-payment cycle
       Sales representatives, dealers, and customers
        send orders to the firm
       The sales department prepares invoices, transmits
        copies to various departments, and back-orders
        out-of-stock items
       Shipped items generate shipping and billing
        documents that go to various departments.
   Sales Information Systems
       Marketing managers need timely and accurate
        reports on current sales.
Marketing Intelligence System
   A set of procedures and sources used by
    managers to obtain everyday information about
    developments in the marketing environment

   Competitive info. gathering sources:
          Company sales representatives
          Suppliers, resellers, customers (―mystery shoppers‖)
          Annual reports, speeches, press releases, and
          Business publications, web pages
          Trade show exhibits
          Outside companies (e.g. mktg research company)
Sources of Competitive Information

   Independent customer goods and service
    review forums
   Distributor or sales agent feedback sites
   Combination sites offering customer reviews
    and expert opinions
   Customer complaint sites
   Public blogs
Steps to Quality Marketing Intelligence

   Train sales force to scan for new developments
   Motivate channel members to share intelligence
   Hire external experts to collect intelligence
   Network externally
   Utilize a customer advisory panel
   Utilize government data sources
   Purchase information
Additional Information
    Forecasting and Demand Measurement

   Which market to measure?
     Potential market
     Available market

     Target market

     Penetrated market
A Vocabulary for Demand Measurement
           Market Demand
           Market Forecast
          Market Potential
         Company Demand
       Company Sales Forecast
       Company Sales Potential
Demand Measurement
   Market demand—the total volume for a
    product that would be bought by a defined
    customer group in a defined geographical area in
    a defined time period in a defined marketing
    environment under a defined marketing
   Market potential—the limit approached by
    market demand as industry marketing
    expenditures approach infinity for a given
    marketing environment.
Market Demand Functions
Company Demand and Sales Forecast

   Company demand—the company‘s
    estimated share of market demand at
    alternative levels of company marketing effort
    in a given time period.
   Company sales forecast—the expected
    level of company sales based on a chosen
    marketing plan and an assumed marketing
Estimating Current Demand
   Total market potential—the maximum
    number of sales that might be available to all of
    the industry‘s firms during a given period, under
    a given level of industry marketing effort and
    environmental conditions.
   Area market potential—the market potential
    of a specific location:
     Market buildup method

     Multiple-factor method
Estimating Current Demand:
    Total Market Potential

   Calculations
       Multiple potential number
        of buyers by average
        quantity each purchases
        times price
       Chain-ratio method
Estimating Current Demand:
Area Market Potential
Estimating Current Demand:
Area Market Potential
      Multiple-Factor Index
Sales Forecasting Techniques

   Time Series Methods                Correlational
       Naive Forecasting               Methods
       Trend Analysis                     Simple regression
            Linear trends                 Multiple regression
             Non-linear trends
            Seasonal adjustments
       Moving Averages
                                           Jury of Executive
       Exponential
                                           Sales Force
Marketing Research System

   Marketing research  the systematic
    design, collection, analysis, and reporting of
    data and findings relevant to a specific
    marketing situation facing an organization.
   Market research  research into a
    particular market !
       just one component of mktg research
Examples of research
Types of research

• Quantitative Research: Seeks to quantify the data
and typically applies some form of statistical analysis.
      It is based on large number of representative sample
      Data collection is structured
      Recommend a final course of action

• Qualitative Research: The main objective is to gain
qualitative understanding of the underlying reasons &
      It is based on large number of representative sample
      Sample consists of small number of nonrepresentative cases.
      Data collection is unstructured
      Data analysis is nonstatistical
      It is possible to develop an initial understanding
Types of Marketing Research Firms



The Marketing Research Process
Defining the                        Implementing
                                    the research
problem and       Developing the
                                   plan: collecting
 research         research plan        the data

                Interpreting        the research
               and reporting       plan: analyzing
                the findings           the data
Step 1: Defining the Problem &
    Research Objectives
     Example: ABC Airlines Case
   ABC Airlines is constantly looking for new ways to
    serve the needs of air travelers:

       One manager came up with the idea of offering
        phone service to passengers.
       The other managers got excited about this idea
        and agreed that it should be researched further.
       The marketing manager volunteered to do
        some preliminary research
       The marketing manager then asked the company‘s
        research manager to find out how air travelers
        would respond to this new service.
Defining the Problem & Research Objectives
   Example: ABC Airlines Case (cont.)

 Research Problem ?
   “to find out everything about air travelers’ need” – too broad!
   “to find out if enough passengers aboard a B-747 flying
     between East Coast and West Coast would be willing to pay $
     25” to make a phone call so that the company would break
     even on the cost of offering this service” – too narrow!

 Research Problem is finally defined as: “Will offering an in-
  flight phone service create enough incremental preference
  and profit for ABC Airlines to justify its cost against other
  possible investments that the company might make?”
Defining the Problem & Research Objectives
Example: ABC Airlines Case (cont.)

   Research Objectives:
       What are the main reasons that airline passengers
        might place phone calls while flying?
       What kinds of passengers would be the most likely
        to make phone calls?
       How many passengers are likely to make phone
        calls, given different price levels?
        How many extra customers might choose this
        company because of this new service?
       How important will phone service be relative to
        other factors? (such as flight schedules, food quality,
        baggage handling, etc.)
Defining the Problem & Research
                   •Sheds light on problem - suggest
Exploratory              solutions or new ideas.
                    •Gathers preliminary information
 Research           that will help define the problem
                        and suggest hypotheses

                         •Ascertain magnitudes
Descriptive         •Describes things as market
 Research             potential for a product or the
                     demographics and consumers’

                          •Test cause- and-effect
  Causal                       relationships.
 Research            •Tests hypotheses about cause-
                         and-effect relationships.
Step 2: Developing the Research Plan

      Data               Research
     Sources             Approach

    Research             Sampling
   Instruments             Plan

Developing the Research Plan:
   Data Sources
                           both must
 Data that were
collected for another      Relevant    Data gathered for
purpose, and already                   a specific purpose
exist somewhere            Accurate    or for a specific
                                       research project
(+)Obtained more quikcly    Current
        / at lower cost

  (-)Might not be          Impartial
        usable data.
A classification of marketing research data
Developing the Research Plan
    Secondary Data Collection
    Internal Sources
       Company profit-loss statements, balance sheets,
        sales figures, sales-call reports, invoices, inventory
        records, and prior research reports.
    Government Publications
       Statistical Abstract
       County and City Data Book
       Industrial Outlook
       Marketing Information Guide
    Periodicals and Books
       Business Periodicals Index
       Standard and Poor‘s Industry
    On-Line Databases     (e.g. Lexis-Nexis, Compuserve, Dialog)
Applications of Secondary Data

   Demand Estimation
   Monitoring the environment
   Segmentation and Targeting
Sources of Secondary Data (examples)
   ESOMAR website -
      founded in 1948
      4,400 members in 100 countries
      mission : "ESOMAR is the world organisation for enabling better
       research into markets, consumers and societies."
      the aim is to promote the value of market and opinion research in
       illuminating real issues and bringing about effective decision-
      creates and manages a comprehensive programme of industry-
       specific and thematic conferences, publications and
 in Turkey
    (TÜAD – Türkiye Araştırmacılar Derneği)
   Other useful sources:
        AMA website –
        AMS website –
Research Approaches

      Observation       Ethnographic
         Focus Group

             In-depth Interview

              Projective techniques


Developing the Research Plan:
    Contact Methods
   Mail
   Telephone
   Personal (arranged or intercept interviews)
       Individual or group interviewing
       CAPI and CATI
   On-line (Internet research)
            the data are not representative of a target population
            people in the target market who do not use the Internet
             or who don‘t want to answer a questionnaire can bias the
Pros and Cons of Online Research
Advantages           Disadvantages
 Inexpensive         Small samples

 Fast                Skewed samples

 Accuracy of data    Technological

 Versatility          problems
                      Inconsistencies
Developing the Research Plan:
     Sampling Plan

                       Sample -
                    segment of the
  How should the                     Who is to be
    sample be                         surveyed?
     chosen?                          (Sampling
(Sampl.procedure)                        Unit)

                       How many
                       should be
                     (Sample size)
Developing the Research Plan:
        Research Instruments

   Questionnaires             Technological
       What questions to
        ask?                       Galvanometers
       Form of each               Tachistoscope
        question?                  Eye cameras
       Closed-end                 Audiometers
       Open-end                   GPS
       Wording?
       Ordering?
Questionnaire Do‘s and Don‘ts

   Ensure questions are         Avoid negatives
    free of bias                 Avoid hypotheticals
   Make questions simple        Avoid words that could be
   Make questions specific       misheard
   Avoid jargon                 Use response bands
   Avoid sophisticated          Use mutually exclusive
    words                         categories
   Avoid ambiguous words        Allow for ―other‖ in fixed
                                  response questions
Additional Information:
Question Types - Dichotomous

In arranging this trip, did you contact ABC
 Yes  No
Question Types – Multiple Choice

With whom are you traveling on this trip?
 No one
 Spouse
 Spouse and children
 Children only
 Business associates/friends/relatives
 An organized tour group
Question Types – Likert Scale

Indicate your level of agreement with the
following statement: Small airlines generally
give better service than large ones.
 Strongly disagree
 Disagree
 Neither agree nor disagree
 Agree
 Strongly agree
Question Types – Semantic Differential

              ABC Airlines
Large ………………………………...…….Small
Question Types – Importance Scale

Airline food service is _____ to me.
 Extremely important
 Very important
 Somewhat important
 Not very important
 Not at all important
Question Types – Rating Scale

 ABC Airlines‘ food service is _____.
  Excellent
  Very good
  Good
  Fair
  Poor
Question Types – Intention to Buy Scale

 How likely are you to purchase tickets on
 ABC Airlines if in-flight Internet access were
  Definitely buy
  Probably buy
  Not sure
  Probably not buy
  Definitely not buy
Qualitative Techniques
          Word Association

          Sentence completion

            Third person technique


                 Brand Personification

Characteristics of Good Marketing

   Scientific method
   Research creativity
   Multiple methods
   Interdependence
   Value and cost of information
   Healthy skepticism
   Ethical marketing
Analyzing Marketing Information
   Information gathered in internal databases and
    through marketing intelligence and marketing
    research  may require more analysis
   Managers may need help in applying the info. to
    their mktg problems and decisions

       Marketing decision support sysytems (MDSS) 
        ―coordinated collection of data, systems, tools and
        techniques with supporting software and hardware, by
        which an organization gathers and interprets relevant
        information from business and environment and turns it
        into a basis for marketing action‖
           marketing and sales software programs

           decision models
Interpreting and Reporting Findings

Researcher should present important findings that are
 useful in the major decisions faced by management.

         Step 1. Interpret the Findings

        Step 2. Draw Conclusions

        Step 3. Report to Management
   Marketing metrics are the set of
     measures that helps marketers
    quantify, compare, and interpret
       marketing performance.
Marketing Metrics
External                    Internal
   Awareness                  Awareness of goals
   Market share               Commitment to goals
   Relative price             Active support
   Number of complaints       Resource adequacy
   Customer satisfaction      Staffing levels
   Distribution               Desire to learn
   Total number of            Willingness to change
    customers                  Freedom to fail
   Loyalty                    Autonomy
Marketing-Mix Modeling

Marketing-mix models analyze data
  from a variety of sources, such as
    retailer scanner data, company
 shipment data, pricing, media, and
     promotion spending data, to
understand more precisely the effects
    of specific marketing activities.
Marketing Measurement Pathway
Marketing Dashboard
Example of some Customer-Performance
    Scorecard Measures

   %   of   new customers to average #
   %   of   lost customers to average #
   %   of   win-back customers to average #
   %   of   customers in various levels of satisfaction
   %   of   customers who would repurchase
   %   of   target market members with brand recall
   %   of   customers who say brand is most preferred
Analyzing Consumer
   Markets and
  Buyer Behavior

―The most important ingredient in the success of an
organization is a satisfied customer‖
Consumer Buying Behavior

The central question for marketers :

  ―How do consumers respond
  to various marketing efforts
  the company might use?”
Model of Buyer Behavior
Marketing and   Buyer’s Black Box          Buyer Responses
Other Stimuli
                Buyer Characteristics      Product Choice
Marketing          Cultural
Product            Social                  Brand Choice
Price              Personal                Dealer Choice
Other                                      Purchase Timing
                Buyer Decision Process     Purchase Amount
Economic           Problem recognition
Technological      Information search
Political          Evaluation
Cultural           Postpurchase behavior
Factors Influencing Consumer
                          •Age and      Psycho-
•Culture   •Reference     life-cycle     logical
                        •Occupation    •Motivation
 •Sub-                   •Economic     •Perception    BUYER
culture     •Family       situation     •Learning
                          •Lifestyle   •Beliefs and
             •Roles                      attitudes
•Social                 •Personality
              and             and
 class       status     self-concept
Factors Influencing
  Consumer Behavior:Cultural
                • Culture
 Cultural          Forms a person‘s wants and behavior

  •Culture      • Subculture
                   Groups with shared value systems

                • Social Class
                   Society‘s divisions who share values,
•Social class      interests and behaviors
Factors Influencing
      Consumer Behavior:Cultural
                • Subculture
                  Groups with shared value systems
                 e.g. Hispanic subculture in the US


•Social class
Factors Influencing
   Consumer Behavior:Cultural
                • Culture
 Cultural          Forms a person‘s wants and behavior

                • Subculture
  •Culture         Groups with shared value systems

•Subculture     • Social Class
                   Society‘s divisions who share values,
•Social class      interests and behaviors
Factors Influencing
   Consumer Behavior:Cultural
                • Social Class
 Cultural           Society‘s divisions who share values,
                     interests and behaviors

                   Measured by a combination of
                    occupation, income, education, wealth,
                    and other variables
                   Turkey  introduced first by PIAR
•Social class      SES analyses (
Factors Influencing Consumer
 Behavior: Social
                  • Reference Groups
                    • Membership
                    • Aspirational
                       • Opinion Leaders
  •Reference               • Buzz marketing
                  • Family
   •Family          • Many influencers
                    • Buyers vs. users
•Roles & status

                  • Roles and Status
Factors Influencing Consumer
   Behavior: Social (cont.)
                  • Ref. Groups : have a direct or
                    indirect   influence    on    the
                    person’s attitudes or behavior
                    • Membership Groups  groups
  •Reference          to which a person belongs
                        • primary groups
                        • secondary groups
                    • Aspirational Groups  groups
•Roles & status       to which a person would like to
Factors Influencing Consumer
  Behavior: Social (cont.)

                  • Opinion Leader       person
                    within a reference group
                    who exert influence on
    Social          others

  •Reference      • Also called influentials or
                    leading adopters
                  • offers advice or information about
   •Family          a specific product or product
•Roles & status   • can be found in all social classes
Groups and Social Networks

           Online Social Networks /
            online communities where
            people socialize or exchange
            information and opinions
               blogs, social networking sites
                (facebook), virtual worlds
                (second life)
Factors Influencing Consumer
   Behavior: Social (cont.)
                  • The most important consumer-
                    buying organization in the
                  • Roles and relative influence of
  •Reference        family members in buying
    groups          decisions
                     • Buying roles vary in different
                       countries and social classes
                     • Buying roles change with evolving
•Roles & status         • joint decision making
                        • women arising as active buyers
                        • increasing role of children
Factors Influencing Consumer
   Behavior: Social (cont.)
                  • The person‘s position in each
                    group  can be defined in
    Social          terms of both role and status:

  •Reference      • A Role  consists of the
    groups          activities that a person is
                    expected to perform according to
   •Family          the people around him
                     • Each role  carries a status
•Roles & status   • A Status  is the general
                    esteem given a role by society
Factors Influencing Consumer
  Behavior: Personal
               • Family Life Cycle  stages
                 throughout which families pass as they
 Personal        mature over time
  •Age and
  life-cycle      1.   bachelor stage
                  2.   newly married couples, no children
                  3.   full nest 1; youngest child under 6
 •Economic        4.   full nest 2; youngest child 6 or over
                  5.   full nest 3; older married couples with
  •Lifestyle           dependent children
•Personality      6.   empty nest 1; older married couples no
      and              children with them
self-concept      7.   empty nest 1; older married couples no
                       children at home; retired
                  8.   solitary survivor, working
                  9.   solitary survivor, retired
Stages in Family Life Cycle

1. Bachelor stage:           Few financial burdens. Fashion opinion leaders.
Young, single, not living    Recreation oriented. Buy: basic home equipment,
at home                      furniture, cars, equipment for the mating game;
2. Newly married             Highest purchase rate and highest average
couples:                     purchase of durables: cars, appliances, furniture,
Young, no children           vacations.

3. Full nest I:              Home purchasing at peak. Liquid assets low.
Youngest child under six     Interested in new products, advertised products.
                             Buy: washers, dryers, TV, baby food, chest rubs
                             and cough medicines, vitamins, dolls, wagons,
                             sleds, skates.
4. Full nest II:             Financial position better. Less influenced by
Youngest child six or over   advertising. Buy larger-size packages, multiple-unit
                             deals. Buy: many foods, cleaning materials,
                             bicycles, music lessons, pianos.
                                                      See text for complete table
Factors Influencing Consumer
 Behavior: Personal (cont.)

               • Consumption patterns often
 Personal        shaped by:
  •Age and
  life-cycle     • occupation &
                 • economic circumstances:
  •Lifestyle        •   spendable income,
•Personality        •   savings and assets,
      and           •   debts,
                    •   attitudes towards spending &
Factors Influencing Consumer
 Behavior: Personal (cont.)

               • Consumption patterns often
 Personal        shaped by:
  •Age and
  life-cycle     • occupation &
                 • economic circumstances:
  •Lifestyle        •   spendable income,
•Personality        •   savings and assets,
      and           •   debts,
                    •   attitudes towards spending &
Factors Influencing Consumer
 Behavior: Personal (cont.)
               • Lifestyle  a person‘s pattern of
                 living as expressed in his activities,
                 interests and opinions
  •Age and        • Psychographics  technique of
  life-cycle        measuring lifestyles and developing lifestyle
•Occupation         classifications
 •Economic        • Major dimensions measured are:
  situation           • Activities (work, hobbies, social
  •Lifestyle            events, entertainment, shopping,
      and             • Interests (family, home, job,
self-concept            recreation, fashion, food, media,
                      • Opinions (themselves, social issues,
                        politics, business, economics, products,
The VALS segmentation system:
An 8-part typology
AIOs and Lifestyle Dimensions
Excerpts from AIO Inventory

Instructions: Please read each statement and place an “x” in the box that best
indicates how strongly you “agree” or “disagree” with the statement.
                                                     Agree                Disagree
                                                   Completely            Completely
I feel that my life is moving faster and faster,
sometimes just too fast.                              [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

If I could consider the “pluses” and “minuses,”
                                                      [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
technology has been good for me.
                                                      [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
I find that I have to pull myself away from e-mail.

Given my lifestyle, I have more of a shortage of      [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
time than money.

I like the benefits of the Internet, but I often don’t [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
have the time to take advantage of them.
Factors Influencing Consumer
  Behavior: Personal (cont.)
                • Personality  a person‘s unique
                  characteristics that lead to relatively
 Personal         consistent and lasting responses to the
   •Age and
   life-cycle      • Brand personality  specific mix of
                     human traits that may be attributable to a
• Occupation         particular brand
  •Economic     • Self-concept  the self image or general
                  picture that people have of themselves
   •Lifestyle      • Person‘s actual self-concept  how she views
 •Personality        herself
       and         • Ideal self-concept  how she would like to view
 self-concept        herself
                   • Others‘ self-concept  how she thinks others see
Factors Influencing Consumer
   Behavior: Psychological
                • Freud’s Theory : Psychological
                  forces shaping people‘s behavior 
                  largely unconscious
Psychological      • A person cannot understand fully his/her
                     own motivations
                   • Motivation research  looks for hidden and
                     subconscious motivation
 •Perception           • in-depth interviews / laddering
                       • projective techniques (i.e. word association,
  •Learning              sentence completion, picture interpretation,
                         role playing)
  •Beliefs &
                • Maslow’s Theory : Maslow ordered
                  needs based on how pressing they are
                  to the consumer
Psychological Factors
   A motive is a need that is sufficiently
    pressing to direct the person to seek
   Motivation research is based on
    Freud. Looks for hidden and
    subconscious motivation
   Maslow ordered needs based on how
    pressing they are to the consumer

Factors Influencing Consumer
  Behavior: Psychological(cont)
• Research found:
   • Consumers resist prunes because prunes are wrinkled
     looking and remind people of old age.
   • Men smoke cigars as an adult version of thumb
   • Women prefer vegetable shortening to animal fats
     because the latter arouse a sense of guilt over killing
   • Women don‘t trust cake mixes unless they require
     adding an egg, because this helps them feel they are
     giving ―birth.‖
Maslow‘s Hierarchy of Needs
Factors Influencing Consumer
   Behavior: Psychological(cont)
                • Perception  process by which
                  people select, organize and interpret
                  information to form a meaningful
                  picture of the world
                   1.Selective attention  tendency of people
 •Perception         to eliminate most of the information to
                     which they are exposed
  •Learning        2.Selective distortion  to interpret
  •Beliefs &         information in a way that will support what
   attitudes         they already believe
                   3.Selective retention  to retain only part
                     of the information to which they are
Factors Influencing Consumer
  Behavior: Psychological(cont)
                • Learning  changes in a person‘s
                  behavior, arising from experience
Psychological   • Learning occurs through the interplay
                  of: drives, stimuli, cues, responses and
 •Motivation      reinforcement
                   • A drive: strong internal stimulus that calls
  •Learning          for action
                   • Cues: minor stimuli that determine when,
  •Beliefs &         where and how the person responds
   attitudes       • If the experience is rewarding  the
                     response will be positively reinforced
Factors Influencing Consumer
    Behavior: Psychological(cont)
                • Through doing and learning 
                  people acquire beliefs and
Psychological     attitudes  have influence on
                  buying behavior
                • A Belief  descriptive thought that a
 •Perception      person holds about something
                • An Attitude  a person‘s consistently
  •Beliefs &      favorable or unfavorable evaluations,
                  feelings and tendencies toward an
                  object or idea
Factors Influencing Consumer
    Behavior: Psychological(cont)
                • Through doing and learning 
                  people acquire beliefs and
Psychological     attitudes  have influence on
                  buying behavior
                • A Belief  descriptive thought that a
 •Perception      person holds about something
                • An Attitude  a person‘s consistently
  •Beliefs &      favorable or unfavorable evaluations,
                  feelings and tendencies toward an
                  object or idea
The Buying Decision

• Marketers have to identify:

  • Who makes the buying decision
  • The types of buying decisions
  • The steps in the buying process
Buying Roles –
   Who makes the buying decision

• Initiator       who first gives the idea of
  buying the product or service
• Influencer  whose view or advice influences
                   the decision
• Decider         who decide on any component
                   of buying decision
• Buyer           who makes the actual purchase
• User            who uses the product or sevice
Types of Buying Behavior
                     High           Low
                 Involvement    Involvement
Significant      Complex         Variety-
   between        Buying         Seeking
     brands      Behavior        Behavior

        Few     Dissonance-      Habitual
differences   Reducing Buying     Buying
     brands      Behavior        Behavior
Stages of the Buying Decision

           Evaluation        Postpurchase
         of Alternatives       Behavior
The Buyer Decision Process
 Stage 1. Problem Recognition

                                   Needs Arising from:
State where the       recognizes   Internal Stimuli
buyer’s needs are
fulfilled and the     a problem
buyer is satisfied.       or       External Stimuli
                       a need      (friends)
The Buyer Decision Process
Stage 2. Information Search

 Personal Sources      •Family, friends, neighbors
                       •Most effective source of
Commercial Sources     •Advertising, salespeople
                       •Receives most information
                       from these sources

  Public Sources       •Mass Media
                       •Consumer-rating groups

                       •Handling the product
Experiential Sources   •Examining the product
                       •Using the product
The Buyer Decision Process
Successive Sets Involved in Customer Decision Making
The Buyer Decision Process
Stage 3. Evaluation of Alternatives
   Consumer May Use Careful
  Calculations & Logical Thinking

    Consumers May Buy on Impulse and
            Rely on Intuition
        Consumers May Make Buying Decisions
                   on Their Own.

             Consumers May Make Buying Decisions
                 Only After Consulting Others.

Marketers must study buyers to find out how they
          evaluate brand alternatives
Consumer Evaluation Process
• The consumer is trying to satisfy a need
• The consumer is looking for certain benefits from the
  product solution
• The consumer sees each product as a ―bundle of
   • The attributes of interest to buyers vary by product
• Consumers differ as to which product attributes they see
  as most relevant and the importance they attach to each
Consumer Evaluation Process (cont.)

• The consumer develops ―a set of brand beliefs‖ about
  where each brand stands on each attribute (see table, next
• The set of beliefs about a brand make up “brand
• The consumer arrives at attitudes (judgments
  /preferences) toward different brands through an
  attribute evaluation procedure.
Example: A Consumer’s Brand Beliefs
 about Computers

   Computer     Memory       Graphics      Size and
                Capacity     Capability     Weight    Price
       A          10             8            6        4
       B          8              9            8        3
       C          6              8           10        5
       D          4              3            7        8
    Computer A: 0.4(10)+0.3(8)+0.2(6)+0.1(4) = 8.0

Choice will be made based on the ―highest perceived value‖
Consumer Evaluation Process (cont.)
• Strategies designed to influence buyer decisions:

  • Redesign the product – real positioning
  • Alter beliefs about the brand – psychological positioning
  • Alter beliefs about competitors‘ brands – competitive
  • Alter the importance weights
  • Call attention to neglected attributes
  • Shift the buyer‘s ideas
The Buyer Decision Process
Stage 4. Purchase Decision
The Buyer Decision Process
Stage 5. Postpurchase Behavior

          Satisfied Customer!

 Expectations of Product’s Performance ---
           Product’s Perceived

         Dissatisfied Customer
Buyer Decision Process for
        New Products

   New Products
       Good, service or idea that is perceived by
        customers as new.
   Stages in the Adoption Process
       Marketers should help consumers move
        through these stages.

Stages in the Adoption Process
                             Awareness: Consumer is aware of
                                  product, but lacks information.
                         Interest: Consumer seeks
                        Information about new product.

               Evaluation: Consumer considers
                       trying new product.
           Trial: Consumer tries new
            product on a small scale.

Adoption: Consumer decides
to make regular use of product.
Buyer Decision Process for
        New Products

   Individual Differences in Innovativeness:

       Consumers can be classified into five
        adopter categories, each of which behaves
        differently toward new products

Adopter Categories
Percentage of Adopters

                                         Early Majority          Late Majority

                                                      34%       34%              Laggards

                                          13.5%                           16%
                              Early                  Time of Adoption            Late

Buyer Decision Process for
        New Products
   Product Characteristics influencing the adoption rate:

       Relative Advantage  Is the innovation superior to
        existing products?
       Compatibility  Does the innovation fit the values
        and experience of the target market?
       Complexity  Is the innovation difficult to
        understand or use?
       Divisibility  Can the innovation be used on a trial
       Communicability  Can results be easily observed
        or described to others?
Buyer Decision Process for
        New Products

   International Consumer Behavior

       Values, attitudes and behaviors differ greatly in other
       Physical differences exist which require changes in
        the marketing mix.
       Customs vary from country to country.
       Marketers must decide the degree to which they will
        adapt their marketing efforts.
Analyzing Business
Markets and Business
  Buyer Behavior
Many businesses
are wisely turning
their suppliers
and distributors
into ―valued
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
Marketing Management
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Marketing Management

  • 1. MARKETING MANAGEMENT 2011 Fall - Part I - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şebnem Burnaz
  • 2. Understanding Marketing Concept and Marketing Management ‖The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service fits him and sells itself.‖ Peter Drucker
  • 3. Overview  What is marketing?  Why is marketing important?  What is the scope of marketing?  What are some fundamental marketing concepts?  What are the tasks necessary for successful marketing management?
  • 4. What is Marketing?  Selling?  Advertising?  Making products available in stores? All of the above, plus much more!
  • 5. Marketing…is about…  ―Identifying and meeting human and social needs‖  ―Meeting needs profitably‖  ―Generating customer value at a profit‖  ―Managing profitable customer relationships by delivering superior value to customers‖
  • 6. What is Marketing?  No single correct definition or approach  Common subject matters:  The ability to satisfy customers,  The identification of favorable marketing opportunities,  The need to create an edge over competitors,  The capacity to make profits to enable a viable future for the organization,  The use of resources to maximize a business‘ market position,  The aim to increase market share mainly in target markets…
  • 7. What is Marketing? Marketing as a Process Capture value from Create value for customers customers and build customer in return relationships Capture Understand Design a Construct a Build value from the customer- marketing profitable customers marketplace driven program relationships to create and customer marketing that delivers and create profits and needs&wants strategy superior customer customer value delight quality
  • 8. What Is Marketing? Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders
  • 9. The ________ is the United States‘ 24th largest advertiser with an annual budget of more than $1 billion. 1. Procter & Gamble Company 2. Boeing Company 3. U.S. Government 4. Levi Strauss & Co.
  • 10. Core Concepts of Marketing Needs, wants, and demands Markets Products and services Exchange, Value and and relationships satisfaction
  • 11. Core Concepts of Marketing  Need  Needs, wants, and  State of felt deprivation demands  Basic human requirements  Marketing offers:  e.g. needs food including products,  Wants services and experiences  Needs directed to specific objects  Value and satisfaction  The form of needs as  Exchange and shaped by culture and the relationships individual  e.g. wants a BigMac  Markets  Demands  Wants which are backed by buying power
  • 12. Core Concepts of Marketing  Needs, wants, and  Marketing offering demands  Combination of  Marketing offers: products, services, information or products, services, experiences offered to a experiences… market that satisfy a  Value and satisfaction need or want. Offer may include  Exchange and  services, activities, relationships people, places,  Markets information or ideas.
  • 13. Marketing myopia is focusing only on existing offers and losing sight of underlying consumer needs.  Market offerings are not limited to physical products:  UNCF markets the idea that ―A mind is terrible thing to waste‖.
  • 14. Core Concepts of Marketing What is Marketed? Products Anything that can be Offered to a Market to Satisfy a Need or Want Events Places Persons Experiences Properties Information Organizations Ideas Services Activities or Benefits Offered for Sale That Are Essentially Intangible and Don‘t Result in the Ownership of Anything
  • 15. Core Concepts of Marketing  Value  Needs, wants, and  Customers form expectations demands regarding value  Marketing offers: including products,  Value: services and experiences  the customer‘s estimate of the product‘s overall capacity to  Value and satisfaction satisfy his or her needs.  Exchange and  the satisfaction of customer relationships requirements at the lowest possible cost  Markets Satisfaction
  • 16. Value - Satisfaction  Customer benefits  Customer satisfaction Anything desired by the The feeling that a product customer that is received in has met or exceeded the an exchange customer‘s expectations  Customer costs Anything a customer gives up in an exchange for benefits What is the benefit of  Monetary price of the benefit a satisfied customer to  Search costs (time and the company? effort) to locate the product  Risks associated with the exchange
  • 17. Core Concepts of Marketing Exchange Needs, wants, and    The act of obtaining a desired demands object from someone by  Marketing offers: offering something in return including products,  The response may be more services and experiences than simply buying or trading products and services  Value and satisfaction  One exchange is not the goal,  Exchange and relationships with several relationships exchanges are the goal  Markets  Relationships are built through delivering value and satisfaction  Marketing network  consists of the company and all its supporting stakeholders
  • 18. Relationship Marketing  Relationship marketing aims to build mutually satisfying long-term relationships with key constituents in order to earn and retain their businesses.
  • 19. Managing Relationships: Customers  Customer Relationship Management (CRM)  Using information about customers to create marketing strategies that develop and sustain desirable customer relationships  Identifying buying-behavior patterns of customers  Using behavioral information to focus on the most profitable customers
  • 20. Managing Customer Relationships Relationship Building Blocks • AIM  to increase Customer Customer CLV (consumer perceived value satisfaction lifetime value)! • The difference • The extent to • to gain a greater between total which a product‘s proportion of an customer value perceived existing and total performance customer‘s customer cost matches a purchases over a buyer‘s long period expectations
  • 21. Core Concepts of Marketing  Needs, wants, and  Market demands  Set of actual and  Marketing offers: potential buyers of a including products, product services and experiences  These buyers share a particular need or want  Value and satisfaction that can be satisfied  Exchange and through exchange relshps relationships Marketing means  Markets  managing markets to bring about profitable customer relshps
  • 23. Marketing defined as... Process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others. Simply put: Marketing  the delivery of customer satisfaction at a profit.
  • 24. ―Good marketing is no accident, but a result of careful planning and execution…But marketing excellence is rare and difficult to achieve. Marketing is both an ‗art‘ and a ‗science‘ –there is constant tension between the formulated side of marketing and the creative side ‖
  • 25. More Definitions of Marketing (cont.)  From the societal perspective; some marketers describe marketing as the creation and delivery of a standart of living.  From the managerial perspective; marketing (management) is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals.
  • 26. What Is Marketing Management?  Marketing management is the art and science of choosing target markets and building profitable relationships by getting, keeping, and growing customers through creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value  This definition must include answers to 2 questions:  What customers will we serve?  How can we best serve these customers?
  • 27. Marketing Management  Marketing management involves  managing demand  involves managing customer relationships  Marketers aim to influence the level, timing and composition of demand to meet organizational goals.  Marketing management is concerned  not only with finding and increasing demand,  but also with changing or even reducing it in some cases
  • 28. Marketing Management Marketing management:  Customer management & Demand management  Choosing a Value Proposition The value proposition is the set of benefits or values a company promises to deliver to customers to satisfy their needs
  • 29. Company Orientations towards the Marketplace Consumers prefer products that are Production Concept widely available and inexpensive Consumers favor products that Product Concept offer the most quality, performance, or innovative features Consumers will buy products only if Selling Concept the company aggressively promotes/sells these products Focuses on needs/ wants of target Marketing Concept markets & delivering value better than competitors Focuses on delivering the desired Societal Marketing satisfaction more effectively and efficiently than competitors in a way that preserves or Concept enhances the well-being of both consumer and society
  • 30. Marketing Concept  Achieving organizational goals depends on knowing the needs and wants of the target markets and delivering the desired satisfactions better than competitors do  4 pillars of modern marketing : 1. Target market 2. Customer needs 3. Integrated marketing 4. Profitability through customer satisfaction
  • 31. Marketing and Sales Concepts Contrasted Starting point Focus Means Ends Existing Selling and Profits through Factory products promotion sales volume (a) The selling concept Customer Integrated Profits through Market needs marketing customer satisfaction (b) The marketing concept
  • 32. Marketing Concept 1) Target market  homogenous group of customers to whom the company wishes to appeal 2) Customer needs  Consumers may not be fully conscious of their needs / it may not be easy to articulate these needs OR they may use words that require some interpretation  Customer-oriented thinking  to define customer needs from the customer‘s point of view  Sales revenue  New customers + Repeat customers  ―Customer Retention‖ vs. ―Customer Attraction‖  Customer value and customer satisfaction  building blocks of customer relationship management
  • 33. Marketing Concept 3) Integrated Marketing  Various marketing functions must work together for customer satisfaction (coordination of marketing mix elements: 4Ps)  Marketing Mix  controllable variables the company puts together to satisfy its target market(s). Goods, services, or ideas that satisfy customer Product needs Decisions and actions that establish pricing Pricing objectives and policies and set product prices Place The ready, convenient, and timely availability (Distribution) of products Activities that inform customers about the Promotion organization and its products
  • 35. Marketing Concept - The 4 Ps  The 4 Cs Marketing Mix Product Place Convenience Customer Solution Price Promotion Customer Cost Communication
  • 36. Marketing Concept Integrated Marketing  Marketing must be well coordinated with other departments in the company; all departments have to work together to satisfy customers‘ needs and wants “Marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department.” David Packard, Hewlett-Packard
  • 37. Marketing Concept 4) Profitability through customer satisfaction  To achieve profits as a result of creating superior customer value
  • 38. Selling – Marketing... ―There will always be need for some selling. But the aim of marketing is to make selling unnecessary. The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service fits him and sells itself. Ideally, marketing should result in a customer who is ready to buy.‖ Peter Drucker
  • 39. Societal Marketing Concept  Company‘s negative effects on society  Conflict between consumer wants and long-term social welfare  The company should make good marketing decisions by considering consumers‘ wants, the company‘s requirements, consumers‘ long-term interests, and society‘s long-run interests
  • 40. Societal Marketing Concept Society (Human Welfare) Societal Marketing Concept Consumers Company (Want Satisfaction) (Profits)
  • 41. Evolution of Marketing Thought  How marketing has become “marketing” as we understand it and apply its practices today?
  • 42. Evolution of Marketing Thought  Production Era (1850s-1920s)  Industrial revolution; mass production  Few products and little competition  Sales Era (1920s-1950s)  The focus was on personal selling and advertising  Sales seen as the major means for increasing profits  Mktg Era (1950s-present)  Customer orientation replaced the ―hard sell‖ of the sales-led era  Determination of the needs and wants of customers before introducing products or services  Relationship Marketing Era: 1990s-  Marketing era has recently shifted from being ―transaction-based‖  to focusing on ―relationships‖  Both attracting and ―retaining‖ customers
  • 43. Evolution of Marketing Thought: New Era(s) in Marketing (The Millenium) ..from Relationship Marketing to...  Network marketing  E-marketing  Community marketing  Buzz marketing  Digital marketing  Mobile marketing  ... ... ...
  • 44. Holistic Marketing Concept  New marketing…  A need to think about how to operate and compete in a new marketing environment  Holistic marketing  based on the development, design, and implementation of marketing programs, processes, and activities that recognize their breadth and interdependencies  Premise: ―everything matters‖ with marketing!
  • 46. The New Four Ps People Processes Programs Performance
  • 47. Marketing Management Tasks  Develop market strategies and plans  Capture marketing insights  Connect with customers  Build strong brands  Shape market offerings  Deliver value  Communicate value  Create long-term growth
  • 48. Shifts in Marketing Management  from marketing does the marketing  to… everyone does the marketing  from organizing by product units  to… organizing by customer segments  from making everything  to… buying more goods and services from outside  from using many suppliers  to… working with fewer suppliers in a ‗partnership‘  from relying on old market positions  to… uncovering new ones  from emphasizing tangible assets  to… emphasizing intangible assets
  • 49. Shifts in Marketing Management  from building brands through advertising  to… building brands through integrated communications  from organizing by product units  to… organizing by customer segments  from attracting customers through stores and salespeople  to...making products available online  from trying to sell everyone  to... be the best firm serving well-defined target markets  from focusing on profitable transactions  to… focusing on customer lifetime value  from focusing on shareholders  to… focusing on stakeholders
  • 50. Marketing Management Tasks  Developing  Shaping the market marketing strategies offerings and plans  Delivering value  Capturing marketing insights  Communicating value  Connecting with customers  Creating long-term growth  Building strong brands
  • 51. Strategic Marketing Planning ―The company without a strategy is willing to try anything.‖ Michael Porter
  • 52. Major Questions  How does marketing affect customer value?  How is strategic planning carried out at different levels of the organization?  What is the role of marketing in the overall strategic direction of the company?  What does a marketing plan include?
  • 53. Phases of Value Creation and Delivery Choosing the value Providing the value Communicating the value
  • 54. What is the Value Chain? The value chain is a tool to create more customer value because every firm is a synthesis of primary and support activities performed to design, produce, market, deliver, and support its product.
  • 55. Core Business Processes  Market-sensing process  New-offering realization process  Customer acquisition process  Customer relationship management process  Fulfillment management process
  • 56. Characteristics of Core Competencies  A source of competitive advantage  Applications in a wide variety of markets  Difficult to imitate
  • 57. Maximizing Core Competencies  (Re)define the business concept  (Re)shaping the business scope  (Re)positioning the company‘s brand identity
  • 58. What is Holistic Marketing? Holistic marketing sees itself as integrating the value exploration, value creation, and value delivery activities with the purpose of building long-term, mutually satisfying relationships and co-prosperity among key stakeholders.
  • 59. Questions to Address in Holistic Marketing What value opportunities are available? How can we create new value offerings efficiently? How can we delivery the new offerings efficiently?
  • 60. Strategic Planning  Strategic Planning  Managerial process of developing and maintaining a match between the organization‘s resources and the market opportunities.  The aim  to shape and reshape company‘s businesses and products in order to reach to targeted profits and growth.
  • 61. The Strategic Planning, Implementation, and Control Processes
  • 62. Steps in Strategic Planning Business unit, Corporate Level product, and market level 1) Defining the corporate mission 2) Setting objectives and goals Planning, 3) Designing business portfolio marketing, Determining SBUs and other Assigning resources to SBUs functional 4) Assessing growth opportunities strategies
  • 63. Defining the Corporate Mission  A mission statement  a statement of the organization‘s purpose --  ―Mission statement  what it wants to accomplish to be guided by a in the larger environment ―vision‖—an almost ―impossible dream‖  A clear mission statement that provides a  acts as ―invisible hand‖ direction for the that guides employees to company for the next work toward realizing the 10 to 20 years organization‘s goals
  • 64. Defining the Corporate Mission  What is our business?  Who is the customer?  What is the value to the customer?  What will our business be?  What should our business be?
  • 65. Good Mission Statements  Focus on a limited number of goals  Stress major policies and values  Define major competitive spheres  Take a long-term view  Short, memorable, meaningful
  • 66. What is our business: Product Orientation vs. Market Orientation Company Product Market Disney We run theme parks We create fantasies—a place where dreams come true Xerox We make copying We improve office productivity equipment Columbia Pictures We make movies We entertain people We sell books, videos, We make the Internet buying CDs, toys, consumer experience fast, easy, and electronics and other enjoyable— we‘re the place where products online you can find and discover anything you want to buy online Nike We sell athletic shoes and We bring inspiration and innovation apparel to every athlete* in the world (*if you have a body, you are an athlete)
  • 67. Company Goals and Objectives Mission  hierarchy of objectives Mission Statement Marketing Marketing Marketing Objective # 1 Objective # 2 Objective # 3 Marketing Marketing Strategy Strategy
  • 69. ―We will provide branded products and services of superior quality and value that improve the lives of the world's consumers, now and for generations to come. As a result, consumers will reward us with leadership sales, profit, and value creation, allowing our people, our shareholders, and the communities in which we live and work to prosper.‖
  • 70. Business Portfolio Analysis Identify key businesses (SBUs) that make up the company Assess the attractiveness of its various SBUs Decide how much support each SBU deserves
  • 71. The Boston Consulting Group‘s Growth-Share Matrix 20%- Stars Question marks Market Growth Rate ?2 18%- 4 16%- 14%- 3 ? 1 12%- 5 10%- 8%- Cash cow Dogs 6%- 8 4%- 2%- 6 7 0 10x 4x 2x 1.5x 1x .5x .4x .3x .2x .1x Relative Market Share
  • 72. Boston Consulting Group Approach Relative Market Share High Low Stars Question Marks ? High Market Growth Rate • High growth & share • High growth, low share • Profit potential • Build into Stars or phase out • May need heavy • Require cash to hold investment to grow market share Cash Cows Dogs • Low growth, high share • Low growth & share Low • Established, successful • Low profit potential SBU‘s •Produce cash
  • 73. Boston Consulting Group Approach and Strategies  After the classification of SBUs  determine what role each will play in the future  Build  to invest more in the SBU in order to build its share  Hold  to invest enough just to hold at the current level  Harvest to increase the SBU‘s short-term cash flow  Divest  to sell or to liquidate the business
  • 74. The SBU Life Cycle SBUs have a life cycle in general: a) Question marks b) Stars c) Cash cows d) Dogs Examine not only the business‘ current positions, but also its moving positions.
  • 75. Problems With Matrix Approaches Can be Difficult, Time-Consuming, & Costly to Implement Difficult to Define SBU‘s & Measure Market Share/ Growth Focus on Current Businesses, But Not future Planning Can Lead to Unwise Expansion or Diversification
  • 76. The Strategic-Planning Gap Desired sales Diversification growth Strategic- planning Integrative growth gap Sales Intensive growth Current Portfolio sales 0 5 10 Time (years)
  • 77. Planning New Business, Downsizing Older Businesses GROWTH STRATEGIES – 3 alternatives : 1. Intensive Growth 2. Integrative Growth 3. Diversification Growth
  • 78. Growth Strategies: Ansoff‘s Product/Market Expansion Grid Existing New products products Existing 1. Market 3. Product markets penetration development New 2. Market markets development 4. Diversification
  • 79. Downsizing  Some reasons that a company might want to abandon products or markets:  The market environment might change (making some of the company‘s product or markets less profitable – e.g. economic recession)  The company may have grown too fast or entered areas where it lacks experience  Some of the company‘s products or business units age and die.
  • 80. Marketing‘s Key Role in Strategic Planning  Provide a guiding philosophy  Identify attractive opportunities  Design effective strategies  Build strong value chains  Form superior value delivery networks
  • 81. The Business Unit Strategic Planning
  • 82. The Business Unit Strategic Planning  Business Mission  each SBU needs to define its specific mission within the broader company mission  External Environment Analysis  to build a MIS to monitor:  Key external macroenvironment forces  Significant microenvironment actors  Trends and important developments  to identify the associated opportunities and threats
  • 83. The Business Unit Strategic Planning  Internal Environment Analysis  Each business needs to evaluate its internal strengths and weaknesses periodically  ―Checklistfor Performing Strengths/Weaknesses Analysis‖  Management or an outside consultant  reviews the business‘s marketing, financial, manufacturing and organizational competencies and rates each factor as strength or weakness  SWOT ANALYSIS
  • 84. The Business Unit Strategic Planning / Example of a Checklist ı PERFORMANCE IMPORTANCE Main 2nd Moderate 2nd Main High Medium Low Strength Strength Weakness Weakness MARKETING Firm's reputation Market share Product/service quality Pricing Distribution Promotion Sales force R&D / Innovation Geographical location FINANCE High profitability Low cost of capital Cash flow Financial stability PRODUCTION Scale economies Capacity of meeting demand Talented productive power Timely production Technical competence ORGANIZATION Skillful managers Loyal employees Entrepreneurship orientation Flexibility degree Rapid adaptation
  • 85. SWOT Analysis Marketing Analysis – SWOT Analysis
  • 86. Market Opportunity Analysis (MOA)  Can the benefits involved in the opportunity be articulated convincingly to a defined target market?  Can the target market be located and reached with cost-effective media and trade channels?  Does the company possess or have access to the critical capabilities and resources needed to deliver the customer benefits?
  • 87. Market Opportunity Analysis (MOA)  Can the company deliver the benefits better than any actual or potential competitors?  Will the financial rate of return meet or exceed the company‘s required threshold for investment?
  • 88. Opportunity Matrix Success Probability Opportunities High Low 1. Company develops a more powerful lighting system Attractiveness 2. Company develops a device High 1 2 for measuring the energy efficiency of any lighting system 3. Company develops a device for measuring illumination level Low 3 4. Company develops a 4 software program to teach lighting fundamentals to TV studio personnel
  • 89. Threat Matrix Probability of Occurrence Threats High Low 1. Competitor develops a superior lighting Seriousness High system 1 2 2. Economic depression 3. Higher costs 4. Legislation to reduce number of TV studio Low 3 4 licenses
  • 90. The Business Unit Strategic Planning  Goal Formulation (Goals  objectives that are specific with respect to magnitude and time)  Turning objectives  into measurable goals  facilitates management planning, implementation and control
  • 91. The Business Unit Strategic Planning: Strategy Formulation Overall Cost Leadership Differentiation Michael Porter Focus
  • 92. The Marketing Process  Analyzing marketing opportunities  Researching and selecting target markets  Designing marketing strategies  Planning marketing programs  Organizing, implementing, controlling the marketing effort
  • 93. The Marketing Process Managing the Marketing Effort
  • 94. Managing the Marketing Effort Marketing Functions  Finding opportunities : the company must analyze • Analysis  its market & mktg • Planning  environment company strengths & • Implementation weaknesses  current and possible mktg • Control actions  Avoiding threats  Understanding strengths  Analyzing weaknesses
  • 95. Managing the Marketing Effort Marketing Functions • Analysis  Marketing planning  involves deciding on • Planning marketing strategies • Implementation that will help the company reach its • Control strategic objectives
  • 96. What is a Marketing Plan? A marketing plan is the central instrument for directing and coordinating the marketing effort. It operates at a strategic and tactical level.
  • 97. Levels of a Marketing Plan  Strategic  Tactical  Target marketing  Product features decisions  Promotion  Value proposition  Merchandising  Analysis of marketing  Pricing opportunities  Sales channels  Service
  • 98. Marketing plan The application of marketing resources to achieve marketing objectives Executive Marketing Threats and summary situation opportunities Objective Marketing Action and issues strategy programs Budgets Controls
  • 99. Managing the Marketing Effort Marketing Functions  The process that turns mktg plans into mktg • Analysis actions to accomplish strategic mktg objectives • Planning  Successful implementation • Implementation depends on how well the company blends its people, • Control organizational structure, decision and reward system, and company culture into a cohesive action plan that supports its strategies
  • 100. Managing the Marketing Effort Marketing Department Organization Functional organization Geographic organization Product management organization Market or customer management
  • 101. Managing the Marketing Effort Marketing Functions  Measurement and evaluation of the • Analysis results of marketing • Planning strategies • Implementation  Checking for differences between • Control goals and performance  Taking of corrective action as needed
  • 102. Measuring Marketing Plan Performance  Sales analysis  Market share analysis  Marketing expense-to-sales ratio  Financial analysis
  • 103. Managing the Marketing Effort  Return on marketing investment (Marketing ROI) is the net return from a marketing investment divided by the costs of the marketing investment.  provides a measurement of the profits generated by investments in marketing activities.
  • 104. Managing the Marketing Effort Marketing Analysis of Company‘s Situation Marketing Marketing Control Planning Implementation Measure Results Develop Strategic Carry Out Plans The Evaluate Plans Results Develop Marketing Take Plans Corrective Action
  • 106. The Marketing Environment  Marketing Environment  the actors and forces outside marketing that affect marketing management‘s ability to develop and maintain successful relationships with its target customers.  Microenvironment actors - forces close to the company that affect its ability to serve its customers.  Macroenvironment forces - larger societal forces that affect all the microenvironment.
  • 107. The Marketing Environment Demographic- Marketing Technological- Economic Intermediaries Natural Environment Environment Product Profitable Suppliers Place Customer Price Publics Relshps. Promotion Political- Social- Legal Competitors Cultural Environment Environment
  • 108. The Microenvironment Customer Markets Company Internal Environment
  • 109. The Microenvironment: Company‘s Internal Environment  Functional areas inside a company that have an impact on the marketing department‘s plans  Top management  responsible for setting company‘s mission, objectives, broad strategies and policies  Marketing managers;  make decisions within the parameters established by top management  must also work closely with other company departments
  • 110. The Microenvironment: Suppliers  Firms and individuals providing resources to the company and its competitors to produce goods and services.  Important link in the company‘s overall customer ―value delivery system‖  to watch supply availability  to monitor price trends of key inputs
  • 111. The Microenvironment: Intermediaries  Firms that help the company to promote, sell, and distribute its goods to final buyers  Resellers  Physical distribution firms  Marketing service agencies  Financial intermediaries
  • 112. The Microenvironment: Customer Markets  Consumer markets  Individuals & households that buy goods & services for personal consumption  Business markets  Buy goods & services for further processing in their production process  Resellers markets  Buy goods & services in order to resell them at a profit  Government markets  Buy goods & services in order to produce public services or transfer them to those that need them  International markets  Buyers of all types in foreign countries
  • 113. The Microenvironment: Competitors  Every company faces a wide range of competitors.  A company must secure a strategic advantage over competitors to be successful in the marketplace.  No single competitive strategy is best for all companies
  • 114. The Microenvironment: Publics  Any group that has actual or potential interest in or impact on an organization‘s ability to achieve its objectives.  Financial publics (banks, stockholders)  Media publics (newsp.,magazines, radio&TV)  Government publics  Citizen-action publics (consumer org., environmental groups  Local publics  General publics  Internal publics
  • 115. The Macroenvironment  Demographic  Economic  Natural  Technological  Political-Legal  Social-Cultural
  • 116. Demographic Environment Worldwide Population Growth Age Structure of the Population Household Patterns Geographical Shifts in Population Educational Groups Shift from Mass Market to Micromarkets Ethnic Markets
  • 117. Economic Environment Economic Development Key Changes in Income Economic Concerns for Marketers Changing Consumer Spending Patterns
  • 118. Economic Environment Income Distribution Subsistence economies  The vast majority of people engage in simple agriculture, consume most of their output and barter the rest for simple goods and services. Raw-material-exporting economies  are rich in one or more natural resources but poor in other respects. Much of their revenue comes from exporting these resources. Industrializing economies  Manufacturing accounts for 10 to 20% of gross domestic product. Industrialization creates a new rich class and a small but growing middle class, both demanding new types of goods. Industrial economies  are major exporters of manufactured goods and investment funds. They buy manufactured goods from one another & export them to other types of economies in exchange for raw materials & semi-finished goods. Savings, Debt, & Credit Availability
  • 119. Natural Environment Shortages of Raw Materials Factors Increased Energy Affecting Increased Costs the Pollution Natural Environment Changing Role of Governments
  • 120. Technological Environment Accelerating Pace Unlimited Opportunities of Change for Innovation Issues in the Technological Environment Varying Increased R & D Budgets Regulation
  • 121. Legal Environment Includes laws, government agencies, etc. that influence & limit organizations/individuals in a given society Growth of Legislation Special- Regulating Interest Business Groups
  • 122. Social/Cultural Environment People‘s View of Themselves People‘s View of People‘s View of the Universe Cultural Values Others of a People‘s View of Society People‘s View of Nature Organizations People‘s View of Society
  • 123. Understanding Markets through Marketing Information Systems Marketing is becoming a battle based more on information than on sales power
  • 124. Major Questions  What are the components of a modern marketing information system?  What are useful internal records?  What makes up a marketing intelligence system?  How can companies accurately measure and forecast demand?
  • 125. Importance of Market Information  Companies need information about their marketing environment, competition, customer needs  Reasons for the need for real-time market information  Global marketing  Buyer needs & wants  Price competition vs. nonprice competition  Companies with superior information;  choose its markets better  develop better offerings  execute better marketing planning
  • 126. The Marketing Information System  A marketing information system (MkIS)  consists of people, equipment, and procedures  to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute  needed, timely, and accurate info. to marketing decision makers.  The MkIS helps managers to: 1. Assess information needs, 2. Develop needed information, 3. Distribute information.
  • 128. Useful questions to determine information needs of marketing managers  What decisions do you regularly make?  What information do you need to make these decisions?  What information do you regularly get?  What studies do you periodically request?  What information would you want that you are not getting now?  What are the four most helpful improvements that could be made in the present marketing information system?
  • 129. Functions of a MkIS: Developing Information Information Needed by Managers Can be Obtained From: Computerized Collection of Information Internal Data from Data Sources (i.e. accounting) within the Company. Marketing Collection and Analysis of Publicly Available Information about Competitors Intelligence and the Marketing Environment Design, Collection, Analysis, and Marketing Reporting of Data about a Specific Research Marketing Situation Facing the Organization.
  • 130. Internal Record System  Consists of computerized collections of info. obtained from data sources within the company (internal data);  Includes reports on orders, sales, prices, costs, inventory levels, receivables, payables, etc.  ―opportunities‖ and ―problems‖ can be determined by analyzing these information  Can usually be accessed more quickly and cheaply  May be incomplete or data may be in the wrong form.
  • 131. Internal Record System  The order-to-payment cycle  Sales representatives, dealers, and customers send orders to the firm  The sales department prepares invoices, transmits copies to various departments, and back-orders out-of-stock items  Shipped items generate shipping and billing documents that go to various departments.  Sales Information Systems  Marketing managers need timely and accurate reports on current sales.
  • 132. Marketing Intelligence System  A set of procedures and sources used by managers to obtain everyday information about developments in the marketing environment  Competitive info. gathering sources:  Company sales representatives  Suppliers, resellers, customers (―mystery shoppers‖)  Annual reports, speeches, press releases, and advertisements  Business publications, web pages  Trade show exhibits  Outside companies (e.g. mktg research company)
  • 133. Sources of Competitive Information  Independent customer goods and service review forums  Distributor or sales agent feedback sites  Combination sites offering customer reviews and expert opinions  Customer complaint sites  Public blogs
  • 134. Steps to Quality Marketing Intelligence  Train sales force to scan for new developments  Motivate channel members to share intelligence  Hire external experts to collect intelligence  Network externally  Utilize a customer advisory panel  Utilize government data sources  Purchase information
  • 135. Additional Information Forecasting and Demand Measurement  Which market to measure?  Potential market  Available market  Target market  Penetrated market
  • 136. A Vocabulary for Demand Measurement Market Demand Market Forecast Market Potential Company Demand Company Sales Forecast Company Sales Potential
  • 137. Demand Measurement  Market demand—the total volume for a product that would be bought by a defined customer group in a defined geographical area in a defined time period in a defined marketing environment under a defined marketing program.  Market potential—the limit approached by market demand as industry marketing expenditures approach infinity for a given marketing environment.
  • 139. Company Demand and Sales Forecast  Company demand—the company‘s estimated share of market demand at alternative levels of company marketing effort in a given time period.  Company sales forecast—the expected level of company sales based on a chosen marketing plan and an assumed marketing environment.
  • 140. Estimating Current Demand  Total market potential—the maximum number of sales that might be available to all of the industry‘s firms during a given period, under a given level of industry marketing effort and environmental conditions.  Area market potential—the market potential of a specific location:  Market buildup method  Multiple-factor method
  • 141. Estimating Current Demand: Total Market Potential  Calculations  Multiple potential number of buyers by average quantity each purchases times price  Chain-ratio method
  • 142. Estimating Current Demand: Area Market Potential Market-Buildup
  • 143. Estimating Current Demand: Area Market Potential Multiple-Factor Index
  • 144. Sales Forecasting Techniques  Time Series Methods  Correlational  Naive Forecasting Methods  Trend Analysis  Simple regression  Linear trends  Multiple regression Non-linear trends Judgemental    Seasonal adjustments Methods  Moving Averages  Jury of Executive  Exponential Opinion Smoothing  Sales Force Composite
  • 145. Marketing Research System  Marketing research  the systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data and findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing an organization.  Market research  research into a particular market !  just one component of mktg research
  • 147. Types of research • Quantitative Research: Seeks to quantify the data and typically applies some form of statistical analysis.  It is based on large number of representative sample  Data collection is structured  Recommend a final course of action • Qualitative Research: The main objective is to gain qualitative understanding of the underlying reasons & motives.  It is based on large number of representative sample  Sample consists of small number of nonrepresentative cases.  Data collection is unstructured  Data analysis is nonstatistical  It is possible to develop an initial understanding
  • 148. Types of Marketing Research Firms Syndicated Custom Specialty-line
  • 149. The Marketing Research Process Defining the Implementing the research problem and Developing the plan: collecting research research plan the data objectives Implementing Interpreting the research and reporting plan: analyzing the findings the data
  • 150.
  • 151. Step 1: Defining the Problem & Research Objectives Example: ABC Airlines Case  ABC Airlines is constantly looking for new ways to serve the needs of air travelers:  One manager came up with the idea of offering phone service to passengers.  The other managers got excited about this idea and agreed that it should be researched further.  The marketing manager volunteered to do some preliminary research  The marketing manager then asked the company‘s research manager to find out how air travelers would respond to this new service.
  • 152. Defining the Problem & Research Objectives Example: ABC Airlines Case (cont.)  Research Problem ?  “to find out everything about air travelers’ need” – too broad!  “to find out if enough passengers aboard a B-747 flying between East Coast and West Coast would be willing to pay $ 25” to make a phone call so that the company would break even on the cost of offering this service” – too narrow!  Research Problem is finally defined as: “Will offering an in- flight phone service create enough incremental preference and profit for ABC Airlines to justify its cost against other possible investments that the company might make?”
  • 153. Defining the Problem & Research Objectives Example: ABC Airlines Case (cont.)  Research Objectives:  What are the main reasons that airline passengers might place phone calls while flying?  What kinds of passengers would be the most likely to make phone calls?  How many passengers are likely to make phone calls, given different price levels?  How many extra customers might choose this company because of this new service?  How important will phone service be relative to other factors? (such as flight schedules, food quality, baggage handling, etc.)
  • 154. Defining the Problem & Research Objectives •Sheds light on problem - suggest Exploratory solutions or new ideas. •Gathers preliminary information Research that will help define the problem and suggest hypotheses •Ascertain magnitudes Descriptive •Describes things as market Research potential for a product or the demographics and consumers’ attitudes. •Test cause- and-effect Causal relationships. Research •Tests hypotheses about cause- and-effect relationships.
  • 155. Step 2: Developing the Research Plan Data Research Sources Approach Research Sampling Instruments Plan Contact Methods
  • 156. Developing the Research Plan: Data Sources both must be: Data that were collected for another Relevant Data gathered for purpose, and already a specific purpose exist somewhere Accurate or for a specific research project (+)Obtained more quikcly Current / at lower cost (-)Might not be Impartial usable data.
  • 157. A classification of marketing research data
  • 158. Developing the Research Plan Secondary Data Collection  Internal Sources  Company profit-loss statements, balance sheets, sales figures, sales-call reports, invoices, inventory records, and prior research reports.  Government Publications  Statistical Abstract  County and City Data Book  Industrial Outlook  Marketing Information Guide  Periodicals and Books  Business Periodicals Index  Standard and Poor‘s Industry  On-Line Databases (e.g. Lexis-Nexis, Compuserve, Dialog)
  • 159. Applications of Secondary Data  Demand Estimation  Monitoring the environment  Segmentation and Targeting
  • 160. Sources of Secondary Data (examples)  ESOMAR website -  founded in 1948  4,400 members in 100 countries  mission : "ESOMAR is the world organisation for enabling better research into markets, consumers and societies."  the aim is to promote the value of market and opinion research in illuminating real issues and bringing about effective decision- making.  creates and manages a comprehensive programme of industry- specific and thematic conferences, publications and communications  in Turkey (TÜAD – Türkiye Araştırmacılar Derneği)  Other useful sources:  AMA website –  AMS website – 
  • 161. Research Approaches Observation Ethnographic research Focus Group In-depth Interview Projective techniques Survey Experimentation
  • 162. Developing the Research Plan: Contact Methods  Mail  Telephone  Personal (arranged or intercept interviews)  Individual or group interviewing  CAPI and CATI  On-line (Internet research)  the data are not representative of a target population  people in the target market who do not use the Internet or who don‘t want to answer a questionnaire can bias the results.
  • 163. Pros and Cons of Online Research Advantages Disadvantages  Inexpensive  Small samples  Fast  Skewed samples  Accuracy of data  Technological  Versatility problems  Inconsistencies
  • 164. Developing the Research Plan: Sampling Plan Sample - representative segment of the How should the Who is to be population sample be surveyed? chosen? (Sampling (Sampl.procedure) Unit) How many should be surveyed? (Sample size)
  • 165. Developing the Research Plan: Research Instruments  Questionnaires  Technological devices  What questions to ask?  Galvanometers  Form of each  Tachistoscope question?  Eye cameras  Closed-end  Audiometers  Open-end  GPS  Wording?  Ordering?
  • 166. Questionnaire Do‘s and Don‘ts  Ensure questions are  Avoid negatives free of bias  Avoid hypotheticals  Make questions simple  Avoid words that could be  Make questions specific misheard  Avoid jargon  Use response bands  Avoid sophisticated  Use mutually exclusive words categories  Avoid ambiguous words  Allow for ―other‖ in fixed response questions
  • 167. Additional Information: Question Types - Dichotomous In arranging this trip, did you contact ABC Airlines?  Yes  No
  • 168. Question Types – Multiple Choice With whom are you traveling on this trip?  No one  Spouse  Spouse and children  Children only  Business associates/friends/relatives  An organized tour group
  • 169. Question Types – Likert Scale Indicate your level of agreement with the following statement: Small airlines generally give better service than large ones.  Strongly disagree  Disagree  Neither agree nor disagree  Agree  Strongly agree
  • 170. Question Types – Semantic Differential ABC Airlines Large ………………………………...…….Small Experienced………………….….Inexperienced Modern……………………….…..Old-fashioned
  • 171. Question Types – Importance Scale Airline food service is _____ to me.  Extremely important  Very important  Somewhat important  Not very important  Not at all important
  • 172. Question Types – Rating Scale ABC Airlines‘ food service is _____.  Excellent  Very good  Good  Fair  Poor
  • 173. Question Types – Intention to Buy Scale How likely are you to purchase tickets on ABC Airlines if in-flight Internet access were available?  Definitely buy  Probably buy  Not sure  Probably not buy  Definitely not buy
  • 174. Qualitative Techniques Word Association Sentence completion Third person technique Visualization Brand Personification Laddering
  • 175. Characteristics of Good Marketing Research  Scientific method  Research creativity  Multiple methods  Interdependence  Value and cost of information  Healthy skepticism  Ethical marketing
  • 176. Analyzing Marketing Information  Information gathered in internal databases and through marketing intelligence and marketing research  may require more analysis  Managers may need help in applying the info. to their mktg problems and decisions  Marketing decision support sysytems (MDSS)  ―coordinated collection of data, systems, tools and techniques with supporting software and hardware, by which an organization gathers and interprets relevant information from business and environment and turns it into a basis for marketing action‖  marketing and sales software programs  decision models
  • 177. Interpreting and Reporting Findings Researcher should present important findings that are useful in the major decisions faced by management. Step 1. Interpret the Findings Step 2. Draw Conclusions Step 3. Report to Management
  • 178. Appendices-- Marketing metrics are the set of measures that helps marketers quantify, compare, and interpret marketing performance.
  • 179. Marketing Metrics External Internal  Awareness  Awareness of goals  Market share  Commitment to goals  Relative price  Active support  Number of complaints  Resource adequacy  Customer satisfaction  Staffing levels  Distribution  Desire to learn  Total number of  Willingness to change customers  Freedom to fail  Loyalty  Autonomy
  • 180. Marketing-Mix Modeling Marketing-mix models analyze data from a variety of sources, such as retailer scanner data, company shipment data, pricing, media, and promotion spending data, to understand more precisely the effects of specific marketing activities.
  • 183. Example of some Customer-Performance Scorecard Measures  % of new customers to average #  % of lost customers to average #  % of win-back customers to average #  % of customers in various levels of satisfaction  % of customers who would repurchase  % of target market members with brand recall  % of customers who say brand is most preferred
  • 184. Analyzing Consumer Markets and Buyer Behavior ―The most important ingredient in the success of an organization is a satisfied customer‖
  • 185.
  • 186. Consumer Buying Behavior The central question for marketers : ―How do consumers respond to various marketing efforts the company might use?”
  • 187. Model of Buyer Behavior Marketing and Buyer’s Black Box Buyer Responses Other Stimuli Buyer Characteristics Product Choice Marketing Cultural Product Social Brand Choice Price Personal Dealer Choice Psychological Place Promotion Other Purchase Timing Buyer Decision Process Purchase Amount Economic Problem recognition Technological Information search Political Evaluation Decision Cultural Postpurchase behavior
  • 188. Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior Cultural Social Personal •Age and Psycho- •Culture •Reference life-cycle logical groups •Occupation •Motivation •Sub- •Economic •Perception BUYER culture •Family situation •Learning •Lifestyle •Beliefs and •Roles attitudes •Social •Personality and and class status self-concept
  • 189. Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior:Cultural • Culture Cultural Forms a person‘s wants and behavior •Culture • Subculture Groups with shared value systems •Subculture • Social Class Society‘s divisions who share values, •Social class interests and behaviors
  • 190. Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior:Cultural • Subculture Groups with shared value systems Cultural e.g. Hispanic subculture in the US •Culture •Subculture •Social class
  • 191. Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior:Cultural • Culture Cultural Forms a person‘s wants and behavior • Subculture •Culture Groups with shared value systems •Subculture • Social Class Society‘s divisions who share values, •Social class interests and behaviors
  • 192. Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior:Cultural • Social Class Cultural Society‘s divisions who share values, interests and behaviors •Culture  Measured by a combination of occupation, income, education, wealth, •Subculture and other variables  Turkey  introduced first by PIAR •Social class  SES analyses (
  • 193. Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior: Social • Reference Groups • Membership Social • Aspirational • Opinion Leaders •Reference • Buzz marketing groups • Family •Family • Many influencers • Buyers vs. users •Roles & status • Roles and Status
  • 194. Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior: Social (cont.) • Ref. Groups : have a direct or indirect influence on the person’s attitudes or behavior Social • Membership Groups  groups •Reference to which a person belongs groups • primary groups • secondary groups •Family • Aspirational Groups  groups •Roles & status to which a person would like to belong
  • 195. Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior: Social (cont.) • Opinion Leader person within a reference group who exert influence on Social others •Reference • Also called influentials or groups leading adopters • offers advice or information about •Family a specific product or product category, •Roles & status • can be found in all social classes
  • 196. Groups and Social Networks  Online Social Networks / online communities where people socialize or exchange information and opinions  blogs, social networking sites (facebook), virtual worlds (second life)
  • 197. Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior: Social (cont.) • The most important consumer- buying organization in the society Social • Roles and relative influence of •Reference family members in buying groups decisions • Buying roles vary in different countries and social classes •Family • Buying roles change with evolving life-styles •Roles & status • joint decision making • women arising as active buyers • increasing role of children
  • 198. Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior: Social (cont.) • The person‘s position in each group  can be defined in Social terms of both role and status: •Reference • A Role  consists of the groups activities that a person is expected to perform according to •Family the people around him • Each role  carries a status •Roles & status • A Status  is the general esteem given a role by society
  • 199. Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior: Personal • Family Life Cycle  stages throughout which families pass as they Personal mature over time •Age and life-cycle 1. bachelor stage 2. newly married couples, no children •Occupation 3. full nest 1; youngest child under 6 •Economic 4. full nest 2; youngest child 6 or over situation 5. full nest 3; older married couples with •Lifestyle dependent children •Personality 6. empty nest 1; older married couples no and children with them self-concept 7. empty nest 1; older married couples no children at home; retired 8. solitary survivor, working 9. solitary survivor, retired
  • 200. Stages in Family Life Cycle 1. Bachelor stage: Few financial burdens. Fashion opinion leaders. Young, single, not living Recreation oriented. Buy: basic home equipment, at home furniture, cars, equipment for the mating game; vacations. 2. Newly married Highest purchase rate and highest average couples: purchase of durables: cars, appliances, furniture, Young, no children vacations. 3. Full nest I: Home purchasing at peak. Liquid assets low. Youngest child under six Interested in new products, advertised products. Buy: washers, dryers, TV, baby food, chest rubs and cough medicines, vitamins, dolls, wagons, sleds, skates. 4. Full nest II: Financial position better. Less influenced by Youngest child six or over advertising. Buy larger-size packages, multiple-unit deals. Buy: many foods, cleaning materials, bicycles, music lessons, pianos. See text for complete table
  • 201. Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior: Personal (cont.) • Consumption patterns often Personal shaped by: •Age and life-cycle • occupation & •Occupation •Economic • economic circumstances: situation •Lifestyle • spendable income, •Personality • savings and assets, and • debts, self-concept • attitudes towards spending & saving.
  • 202. Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior: Personal (cont.) • Consumption patterns often Personal shaped by: •Age and life-cycle • occupation & •Occupation •Economic • economic circumstances: situation •Lifestyle • spendable income, •Personality • savings and assets, and • debts, self-concept • attitudes towards spending & saving.
  • 203. Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior: Personal (cont.) • Lifestyle  a person‘s pattern of living as expressed in his activities, Personal interests and opinions •Age and • Psychographics  technique of life-cycle measuring lifestyles and developing lifestyle •Occupation classifications •Economic • Major dimensions measured are: situation • Activities (work, hobbies, social •Lifestyle events, entertainment, shopping, sports,vacation) •Personality and • Interests (family, home, job, self-concept recreation, fashion, food, media, achievements) • Opinions (themselves, social issues, politics, business, economics, products, future)
  • 204. The VALS segmentation system: An 8-part typology
  • 205. AIOs and Lifestyle Dimensions
  • 206. Excerpts from AIO Inventory Instructions: Please read each statement and place an “x” in the box that best indicates how strongly you “agree” or “disagree” with the statement. Agree Disagree Completely Completely I feel that my life is moving faster and faster, sometimes just too fast. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] If I could consider the “pluses” and “minuses,” [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] technology has been good for me. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] I find that I have to pull myself away from e-mail. Given my lifestyle, I have more of a shortage of [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] time than money. I like the benefits of the Internet, but I often don’t [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] have the time to take advantage of them.
  • 207. Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior: Personal (cont.) • Personality  a person‘s unique characteristics that lead to relatively Personal consistent and lasting responses to the environment •Age and life-cycle • Brand personality  specific mix of human traits that may be attributable to a • Occupation particular brand •Economic • Self-concept  the self image or general situation picture that people have of themselves •Lifestyle • Person‘s actual self-concept  how she views •Personality herself and • Ideal self-concept  how she would like to view self-concept herself • Others‘ self-concept  how she thinks others see her
  • 208. Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior: Psychological • Freud’s Theory : Psychological forces shaping people‘s behavior  largely unconscious Psychological • A person cannot understand fully his/her own motivations •Motivation • Motivation research  looks for hidden and subconscious motivation •Perception • in-depth interviews / laddering • projective techniques (i.e. word association, •Learning sentence completion, picture interpretation, role playing) •Beliefs & attitudes • Maslow’s Theory : Maslow ordered needs based on how pressing they are to the consumer
  • 209. Psychological Factors Motivation  A motive is a need that is sufficiently pressing to direct the person to seek satisfaction  Motivation research is based on Freud. Looks for hidden and subconscious motivation  Maslow ordered needs based on how pressing they are to the consumer 226
  • 210. Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior: Psychological(cont) • Research found: • Consumers resist prunes because prunes are wrinkled looking and remind people of old age. • Men smoke cigars as an adult version of thumb sucking. • Women prefer vegetable shortening to animal fats because the latter arouse a sense of guilt over killing animals. • Women don‘t trust cake mixes unless they require adding an egg, because this helps them feel they are giving ―birth.‖
  • 212. Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior: Psychological(cont) • Perception  process by which people select, organize and interpret information to form a meaningful Psychological picture of the world •Motivation 1.Selective attention  tendency of people •Perception to eliminate most of the information to which they are exposed •Learning 2.Selective distortion  to interpret •Beliefs & information in a way that will support what attitudes they already believe 3.Selective retention  to retain only part of the information to which they are exposed
  • 213. Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior: Psychological(cont) • Learning  changes in a person‘s behavior, arising from experience Psychological • Learning occurs through the interplay of: drives, stimuli, cues, responses and •Motivation reinforcement •Perception • A drive: strong internal stimulus that calls •Learning for action • Cues: minor stimuli that determine when, •Beliefs & where and how the person responds attitudes • If the experience is rewarding  the response will be positively reinforced
  • 214. Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior: Psychological(cont) • Through doing and learning  people acquire beliefs and Psychological attitudes  have influence on buying behavior •Motivation • A Belief  descriptive thought that a •Perception person holds about something •Learning • An Attitude  a person‘s consistently •Beliefs & favorable or unfavorable evaluations, attitudes feelings and tendencies toward an object or idea
  • 215. Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior: Psychological(cont) • Through doing and learning  people acquire beliefs and Psychological attitudes  have influence on buying behavior •Motivation • A Belief  descriptive thought that a •Perception person holds about something •Learning • An Attitude  a person‘s consistently •Beliefs & favorable or unfavorable evaluations, attitudes feelings and tendencies toward an object or idea
  • 216. The Buying Decision Process • Marketers have to identify: • Who makes the buying decision • The types of buying decisions • The steps in the buying process
  • 217. Buying Roles – Who makes the buying decision • Initiator  who first gives the idea of buying the product or service • Influencer  whose view or advice influences the decision • Decider  who decide on any component of buying decision • Buyer  who makes the actual purchase • User  who uses the product or sevice purchased
  • 218. Types of Buying Behavior High Low Involvement Involvement Significant Complex Variety- differences between Buying Seeking brands Behavior Behavior Few Dissonance- Habitual differences Reducing Buying Buying between brands Behavior Behavior
  • 219. Stages of the Buying Decision Process Purchase Decision Evaluation Postpurchase of Alternatives Behavior Information Search Problem Recognition
  • 220. The Buyer Decision Process Stage 1. Problem Recognition Buyer Needs Arising from: State where the recognizes Internal Stimuli buyer’s needs are (hunger) fulfilled and the a problem or buyer is satisfied. or External Stimuli a need (friends)
  • 221. The Buyer Decision Process Stage 2. Information Search Personal Sources •Family, friends, neighbors •Most effective source of information Commercial Sources •Advertising, salespeople •Receives most information from these sources Public Sources •Mass Media •Consumer-rating groups •Handling the product Experiential Sources •Examining the product •Using the product
  • 222. The Buyer Decision Process Successive Sets Involved in Customer Decision Making
  • 223. The Buyer Decision Process Stage 3. Evaluation of Alternatives Consumer May Use Careful Calculations & Logical Thinking Consumers May Buy on Impulse and Rely on Intuition Consumers May Make Buying Decisions on Their Own. Consumers May Make Buying Decisions Only After Consulting Others. Marketers must study buyers to find out how they evaluate brand alternatives
  • 224. Consumer Evaluation Process • The consumer is trying to satisfy a need • The consumer is looking for certain benefits from the product solution • The consumer sees each product as a ―bundle of attributes‖ • The attributes of interest to buyers vary by product • Consumers differ as to which product attributes they see as most relevant and the importance they attach to each attribute
  • 225. Consumer Evaluation Process (cont.) • The consumer develops ―a set of brand beliefs‖ about where each brand stands on each attribute (see table, next page) • The set of beliefs about a brand make up “brand image‖ • The consumer arrives at attitudes (judgments /preferences) toward different brands through an attribute evaluation procedure.
  • 226. Example: A Consumer’s Brand Beliefs about Computers Attribute Computer Memory Graphics Size and Capacity Capability Weight Price A 10 8 6 4 B 8 9 8 3 C 6 8 10 5 D 4 3 7 8 Computer A: 0.4(10)+0.3(8)+0.2(6)+0.1(4) = 8.0 Choice will be made based on the ―highest perceived value‖
  • 227. Consumer Evaluation Process (cont.) • Strategies designed to influence buyer decisions: • Redesign the product – real positioning • Alter beliefs about the brand – psychological positioning • Alter beliefs about competitors‘ brands – competitive positioning • Alter the importance weights • Call attention to neglected attributes • Shift the buyer‘s ideas
  • 228. The Buyer Decision Process Stage 4. Purchase Decision
  • 229. The Buyer Decision Process Stage 5. Postpurchase Behavior Satisfied Customer! Consumer’s Expectations of Product’s Performance --- Product’s Perceived Performance. Dissatisfied Customer
  • 230. Buyer Decision Process for New Products  New Products  Good, service or idea that is perceived by customers as new.  Stages in the Adoption Process  Marketers should help consumers move through these stages. 247
  • 231. Stages in the Adoption Process Awareness: Consumer is aware of product, but lacks information. Interest: Consumer seeks Information about new product. Evaluation: Consumer considers trying new product. Trial: Consumer tries new product on a small scale. Adoption: Consumer decides to make regular use of product.
  • 232. Buyer Decision Process for New Products  Individual Differences in Innovativeness:  Consumers can be classified into five adopter categories, each of which behaves differently toward new products 249
  • 233. Adopter Categories Percentage of Adopters Early Majority Late Majority Innovators Early 34% 34% Laggards Adopters 13.5% 16% 2.5% Early Time of Adoption Late 250
  • 234. Buyer Decision Process for New Products  Product Characteristics influencing the adoption rate:  Relative Advantage  Is the innovation superior to existing products?  Compatibility  Does the innovation fit the values and experience of the target market?  Complexity  Is the innovation difficult to understand or use?  Divisibility  Can the innovation be used on a trial basis?  Communicability  Can results be easily observed or described to others?
  • 235. Buyer Decision Process for New Products  International Consumer Behavior  Values, attitudes and behaviors differ greatly in other countries.  Physical differences exist which require changes in the marketing mix.  Customs vary from country to country.  Marketers must decide the degree to which they will adapt their marketing efforts.
  • 236. Analyzing Business Markets and Business Buyer Behavior
  • 237. Many businesses are wisely turning their suppliers and distributors into ―valued partners‖.