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Howdy and welcome to the Mariano legacy. I have been kind of lazy lately with posting *tsk tsk tsk*. I already had the
pictures ready, but got distracted by Pascal Curious in Strangetown. Anywho, the last time we visited the Marianos,
Kimberly was voted as heiress and returned home, and quickly moved in Bruce Platz. They got married and had a short
vacation before getting down to business. Spencer elderfied before I could get him a cake, and he didn’t turn out so bad
at all. Soon after Allyn followed him into elderhood, and became totally pervy. Kimberly gave birth to Roxanne, and
promptly put her on the floor. Ok, lets check up on them and see what’s happening…
Looks like Allyn is doing yard work. She looks so happy doing it too.
“Why don’t that lazy bum Bruce do this? I am supposed to be enjoying my golden years!”
Maybe not….
Spencer has picked up a new hobby: teaching an old cat new tricks.
“Ok, staaay…staaaaay…”
Which roughly translates to, I am a cat not a dog! Who teaches a cat to stay anyways?
Kimberly reached the top of the Natural Scientist career. Man that was fast. Plus she made a huge amount of money. I
don’t remember how much though.
“Mom, I really want to become a famous dancer and perform at the theatre downtown. But, I can’t seem to find any
“Just be patient dear, I am sure a job posting will come up soon.”
Kimberly’s LTW is neat, but the actual job hardly ever shows up in the paper. Grrr.
Spencer wasn’t satisfied with teaching Ringo to stay, so this is cat training lesson 4352525.
“Good boy! Now isn’t this cleaner than using that dusty old box?”
Oh ,the humiliation! The horror!
Bruce rolled the want for another baby, so they got down to business.
“Are you sure you want another baby, Bruce?”
“More than anything else babe.”
Bruce was a very hands-on father, always feeding Roxanne and changing her diapers all the time. And I don’t even have
to tell him to do it! He’s an awesome father.
But unfortunately he is a nitpicky husband.
“Why did you break the typewriter again? Don’t you know these things cost money?”
“Yes, dear I know….I was just writing a letter…”
“Where you pounding the keys or somethin’? Geez, be careful!”
He fussed at anyone who broke things in the house.
Allyn got the 2 hour sleep syndrome, so she decided to go out and harvest the first thriving batch of oranges in the
legacy. I might buy a juicer for them.
“Oh my, those crepes didn’t go down very well-*blaarrgghhh!!*”
Yay ! Another baby on the way! Kimberly didn’t handle her morning sickness very well though.
She distracted herself with playing with Roxanne. Since she had a lot of days off she took advantage of it.
“Look at the horse Roxie! And the odd pointy object thingy….why is that there anyways?”
Pretty soon it was time for Roxanne to grow up. Since everyone’s work schedule was messed up, Bruce decided to have
a small family party.
“Make a wish Roxie!”
And here she is! Roxanne looks a lot like Bruce, except for her skin colour. I think she is going to be very pretty when she
gets older.
“Daddy! Nose!”
Bruce doesn’t look so happy about his nose being molested.
Kimberly decided to steal the limelight by popping.
“Oh my! Look everyone! I’m in the family way!”
With all of the barfing she’s been doing, she shouldn’t be surprised.
Allyn brought home a friend near the end of the party and started a smustle session.
“I haven’t smustled like this in ages! I do hope my back doesn’t go out on me.”
Spencer is always doing things that most old people his age shouldn’t.
Ginger wanted to be a part of the celebration. This is the first time she has haunted in a while. So nice to see you again!
First thing on the agenda: potty training. Kimberly surprisingly rolled the want to do it, and Roxanne got the hang if it in
one go.
“Good job Roxie! You are a big girl now.”
“Big girl! Yay!”
Spencer was very attached to his granddaughter, and as soon as he came home from work he scooped Roxanne off of
the floor and started playing with her.
“Upside down you go!”
“Weee! Pop pop again again!”
Too bad the maid was walking by at the same time…perhaps Roxanne won’t be scared for life after what she saw.
Allyn got a bit too comfortable with her son in law. He tried to ignore it by maxing out his skills.
“If I keep looking at the pages, she will go away…”
Pop number 2!
Allyn isn’t always chasing her son-in-law around, thank goodness. She also enjoyed cuddling Roxanne. All. The. Time.
This was probably the fifth time she cuddled her today.
“Gamma lemme go pwese!”
“But l love you pumpkin! Here’s another snuggle for you!”
Poor child! Being neglected! I hope no one calls the Social worker.
Darn kid eating my nomnoms. This is my nomnoms!
Ringo gets very offensive about his food. Thankfully, Kimberly came to the rescue with more smart milk.
And then it happened. In the middle of the night of all times.
“ I’m coming dear! Hold on! I mean, push and spin!”
“Oh dear this hurts!”
Bruce was too busy trying to make up the bed to pay attention to the birth of his child.
Kimberly gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. But then….
“Darling, could you hold him for me?”
“Umm, sure.”
And then a second baby boy was born. Twins! Must be something in the water. There has been too many twins in this
This is Jude Allan Mariano. He has Kim’s skin tone and Bruce’s hair and eye colour. He was named after the Beatle’s
song, Hey Jude.
And to continue the naming theme, here is Daniel William Mariano. He has the same colouring as his older brother.
Daniel was named after the Elton John song of the same name. I am hoping they grow up looking identical.
It seems like Ginger always show up during happy occasions. She watched Kimberly bathe her son for a while, then
floated away when the bath was finished.
I wasn’t fast enough, but Ginger scared the pee pee out of Allyn.
“I am getting too old for this!”
Unfortunately Ringo and Bruce witnessed the accident, making Allyn feel even more humiliated.
Why did you have to piss by my food?? How rude!
She still dwelled on it hours later.
“I guess I really am getting old. I hope my children don’t put me in the old folks’ home.” *sigh*
“Mommy!!! Get me outta here!”
Roxanne has a very loud voice. And she’s taking on her father’s accent.
Looks like Allyn is going off the deep end.
Bruce decided to take a small break from the kids and invited his best friend over for a game of pool. He was sure he
was going to win this time, and win the 150 simoleons that they agreed upon as a prize.
Now its down to the 8 ball…will he get it?
“10 bucks says you miss.”
“Yea right, man. I’m going to get this one. 8 ball, center pocket.”
The look on his face definitely doesn’t spell victory.
“Darnnit! I thought I had it.”
Bruce: *snickers*
Bruce sunk it in the corner pocket with ease. Of course he did though, he has 100 pool points.
“Yessss!! Where’s that money? You know you can’t beat me!”
Get out of the way Allyn’s co-worker. You’re ruining the shot.
Meanwhile, Allyn decided to teach Roxanne how to walk. No one else had the energy to do it since Jude and Daniel
were extremely demanding babies.
See what I mean? If one is hungry, the other wants food too. It’s tiring!
“So, you wanna have another one, babe?”
“You must be insane.”
“What do I do with him? He won’t stop smelling funny!”
“I think you’re supposed to put a fresh diaper on him, darling.”
“Oh….ehehehe….I knew that…”
Allyn is beginning to lose it.
Roxanne was quite the artist. When she wasn’t screaming her head off in the crib, or being harassed by her grandma,
she spent her time drawing.
“How did I get stuck doing this?”
And I thought he was a family sim.
Put some clothes on me, geez!
“Oh my goodness! A fire! Someone put it out!”
They were doing the fire dance well after the rain put it out. Silly sims.
I just like this picture because this roast isn’t burnt. Good cook FTW!
Roxanne’s birthday came around, and Spencer did the honors of helping her blow out the candles.
“Ohhh shiny!”
“Don’t touch the candles, Roxie. Blow on them.”
Allyn: I am not eating that cake.
I knew she would grow up adorable!
“Wow look at my hands! Now I can sock people if they mess with me!”
The first thing she did after getting dressed was jump on her new bed.
“I’m testin’ it out to make sure it won’t break! Wheeeee!”
Kimberly celebrated the occasion by rocking it out in her pajamas. She dances just like Makoto.
Roxanne has learned how to clean up after others, something that I desperately needed in this house.
“This place is a mess. I sure hope mom cleans tomorrow.”
She’s a bit of a neat freak.
Lecturing is beginning to rub off on everyone. Spencer broke the toilet and Allyn commenced telling him off.
“Things cost money in this house you know. Now Bruce is going to have to fix it. And he hates fixing things, you know.”
“Yes, dear.” *blank look*
First day of school…accompanied by the creepy looking bus driver.
“Hello, little girl. Hop on in.”
“Umm…do I have to?”
Notice her head is slightly tilted to the side as she looks at him.
Everyone was at school or work except Spencer. He considered watching children by ear only while stuffing his face in a
Pay attention to me please! Hello?
“Hmm, the stock market is doing well today…”
Random Roxie smustle face. So cute!
“What is all of this stuff about? I hate those balloons too. They should be pink.”
All of this stuff is about Jude and Daniel’s birthday! I never thought the day would come. First up is Jude. Poor baby, he
probably will be deaf by the time its all said and done.
Next up is Daniel. Unfortunately his uncle and soon to be aunt have absolutely no manners at a kids party.
Bruce and Allyn took the boys inside to get dressed properly, so you will see them shortly. Roxanne wanted to get to
know her uncle Michael better so she challenged him to a game of toss football While Kimberly and Karen watched.
“So when are you going to get married? You know mom would love to see that happen.”
“Marriage is not for me, Kim. I hate being tied down.”
“But you have a boyfriend. And he lives with you.”
“Yea I know, but its easier to have a boyfriend than a husband. Once you get married that’s it for the rest of your life.”
“And besides, I am too busy having fun to have a family. It wouldn’t be fair.”
“Ok sis. I still love you though.”
“Love you too Kim. Now, where’s the booze?”
“It’s a kids party, Karen…”
Alright, here’s the twins. Starting with Jude sitting next to Roxanne’s neglected homework. He too looks more like
Bruce, but that can change as he gets older.
And here’s Daniel. I think he looks a bit more like Kimberly. Too bad the boys aren’t identical. That would have been
Kimberly finally got her dream job, and the first thing she did was try out the new ballet barre her boss gave her. And of
course, she had to have the right clothes.
Roxanne talked her dad into helping with her math homework. It wasn’t really his specialty though.
“What’s five plus two dad?”
“Uhhh…use your fingers. You will get the answer that way.”
“Hey! I’m not a friggin’ calculator.”
Yet again, Kimberly was stuck potty training the kids. I guess she’s a pro at it by now.
“Why am I always the one doing this? I don’t think I volunteered…”
Daniel tortured Ringo while waiting his turn.
You blasted child! Get your sticky hands off..of … me!
Kim made it up to him later though.
“Who’s a brave kitty? You are! Yes you are boogabooga boo!”
Jude tried his hand at contemporary art while Daniel tried his best to eat blocks. They were best friends by the time
they went to bed.
I just noticed that I never gave Bruce’s stats, so here they are. Sorry I’m late with it.

Bruce Mariano
Aspiration: Family
LTW: Have 6 Grandchildren
Daniel really loves Bruce. He’s always asking for attention from him.
“Daddy hugs pwese?”
“Awww, of course little man.”
They look s cute together.
Roxanne forgot about Finny the Fish, so Spencer gave him a proper burial. In the toilet.
Kimberly reached the top of her second career and now she will be perma-plat! Woot! She is definitely an over
achiever. And she is totally rocking that dress.
“Say mama!”
“Wow that’s great Jude! You are so smart!”
He caught on to talking quick.
Daniel is still stalking his dad, but at least he is getting a lesson in tinkering.
“Darn people…why can’t they stop breaking the friggin’ typewriter? Who do they think I am? Mr. Fix it?”
Very good example, Bruce.
Being the good father he is, he decided to spin Roxanne around.
“Daaaaaad…I’m going to be sick!”
‘What you want me to go faster? Ok, here we go!”
“Noooooo!!!” *Blarrghhh*
I need to put the mailbox back on the curb. I am tired of walkbys coming into the front yard. Allyn agrees.
“Ewww…that man is hideous!”
Oh no! It’s burnt pot roast! That could only mean one thing….
The headmaster is here! And he is totally digging that roast.
“Mmmm, reminds me of the time I ate some cajun food as a boy. Nothing better than blackened beef mmhmm.”
Despite Spencer’s crispified roast, Roxanne got into private school anyways. The headmaster chased Bruce into the
bathroom just so he could shake his hand.
Now this is just plain creepy. I think Allyn has the hots for Bruce, and this is how she shows it.
“Zzzzz…you wanna cuddle, Kim?”
“Kim? I’m Allyn! Why would you want your own daughter here?”
“Daughter? That’s my wife!”
And the child neglect continues. Actually, there’s a full bottle for him to drink, but he prefers Ringo’s meow mix to
wholesome milk for some reason.
“Hey everybody! I got a Pro Mo shun! Who’s the man? I’m the man! Ya dig?”
Yea, he was proud of that promotion.
Roxanne’s first day of private school didn’t go so well.
“A B+? Oh man this is bad news.”
“Hey little girl, I can help you with that. I’m gooood at homework.”
“Yipes! No thanks seeyoulaterkbye.”
Allyn interrupted his study session to talk about toys. And aliens.
“….and then we could buy the boys a space ship toy that makes sounds! Wouldn’t that be wonderful.”
“Woman, with all due respect, get the heck outta my space. I’m readin’ here!”
You just got to love the look on his face.
Time for Jude and Daniel’s birthday! Daniel was still sleeping even though he was moments away from being a child.
Bruce invited his best friend over for the festivities.
Daniel Blew out the candles, but for some reason the zzz’s remained. Perhaps he will grow out of them.
Next up was Jude. He was excited about growing up. But he watched Kimberly blow out the candles instead of doing it
himself. Bruce was too busy complaining about people standing in the way to pay attention.
Jude grew up into an over-energetic child. This was seriously the first thing he did after eating his slice of cake. Maybe
he should stay away from sugar from now on.
And Daniel joined him. Well monkey see monkey do.
“Hey bro, this is fun! Let’s do this all night!”
She has the want to max out the rest of her skills, so she’s living on espresso for the rest of the evening. She is so much
like Spencer its scary sometimes. Kimberly is always rolling skill wants.
Now that her grandchildren are growing up, she resorted to cuddling Ringo.
“Hey kitty kitty kitty! You are still small enough to cuddle!”
Poor Ringo just can’t get a break.
Just a random picture of Kimberly skilling it up.
Bruce finally reached the top of the Mechanic career. Thank goodness! He had to skill so much it wasn’t even funny.
Maxing out yet another skill. I think high IQ’s run in this family….for some of them anyways.
The twins’ first day of school. Daniel’s fun bar actually went up, so I guess that’s why he’s happy. He got the legacy B+
grade by the way.
Jude was a bit disappointed though.
“Aww man, a B-! This stinks! Stupid report card!”
“This is how you dance with the girls at school. You want to make a real good impression on them. Make sure you don’t
step on their toes.”
“I don’t like girls though. They have cooties, Grandpa.”
“You will get over that eventually.”
“…and that’s how you make your little brother do your homework for you. Don’t tell your ma I taught ya that.”
“Ok dad.” *grins*
Still being a good influence on him I see.
When he’s not giving out shady advice to his twin boys, he randomly tucks in his only girl. I love it when sims do that.
“Good night, sweet pea.”
Bruce…you surprise me.
“Once upon a time there was the rabbit that once lived in the forest. One day, he went hunting and then he heard a big
BOOM! And then, he was no more, and he became someone’s dinner. The end.”
Now she’s going to have nightmares instead of sweet dreams. Nice going, Bruce.
Spencer was getting bored with work, so he retired.
“Now I can spend more time with my grandchildren and the love of my life. Ah, sweet relief at last!”
He became a bit sad about not working, but immediately rolled the want to gain more skills. At lease he will be busy for
“Kim, you know that soon, all of this will be yours. I just want you to know, I feel very confident about your ability to
lead this family to even more greatness.”
“Dad, don’t talk like that. I don’t want to imagine you and mom gone. Not for a long time. But I appreciate knowing that
you have faith in me. I will do my best to keep the family going.”
“That’s all I ever wanted, princess.”
Allyn really wanted her gardening skills to be recognized, so she called the Bowerville Gardening Society. Every elderly
man and woman strived to get into the society before kicking the bucket, and she was no exception.
Matthew Smith: These compost containers really look top of the line. Perhaps they purchased them from Sims-
Roebuck. I must give Mrs. Mariano good marks for this.
I didn’t think compost bins counted for gardening. Well more points for her I guess.
“Grandpa, where are we going?”
“I forgot. We will figure it out eventually though right?”
The Mariano family haven’t left home since Kimberly’s engagement dinner, so they are overdue for a visit to town. The
whole family is in the car, but I guess you can’t see the backseat passengers.
After much debate, they finally stopped at the community rec center. This is the same place Ginger went to go spouse
hunting, and scrubbed down the grubby showers. Bruce immediately made a bee-line towards the pool table, and
challenged Ben Long to a hustling game of pool. We all know who won (sarcastic face).
Roxanne practiced her diving skills in the Olympic-sized pool.
“I’m an underwater ballerina! Wait, I shouldn’t be trying to talk underwater. *gurglegurgle*
Jude and Daniel played Marco Polo until nightfall. Even though their energy meter was in the red, they still insisted on
Jude: Marco!
Daniel: Polo! *yawns* I’m tired.
Jude: Me too! Marco!
Spencer ran into Michael and they sat down to a game of chess.
“So, who’s life going?”
“It’s pretty smooth, Pops. Me and the old lady is planning a trip to Twikki Island and maybe even open up our own
groovy shop.”
“What’s a groovy shop?”
“It’s a fancy way of saying record store. But record store is boring sounding, so we want to call it the groovy shop. You
“Ah, yes, I suppose I do.”
I don’t think kids should be allowed to play darts…..
Back at home, Makoto inspects the outside. He barely haunts anymore, but it’s nice to see him every once in a while.
He never scares anyone. He just likes to make sure the old bed is still there.
Very rare alone time for Bruce and Kimberly.
“Ma, I can see you swapping spit with Dad.”
I guess they really don’t care.
A few days later, Michael came to visit….in his workout wear.
“How’s it hanging, sis?”
“Going swell, bro! Hey, you still remember the Twikki greeting!”
“Yep, got to. Me and the girl are going back soon, and we got to fit in.”
Bruce just looks on with a blank look.
“So do you and the old man wanna tag along? It’ll be like old times.”
“I would, but you know I got the kids to take care of, and work…..I’m doing a ton of performances at the Performing Arts
Centre, but maybe next time?”
“Kim…always the busy bee. Ok no probs. But we will be going to the Island soon.”
“Of course! Maybe next summer.”
“Oh, what a beautiful morning!”
Jude happily makes up his bed at 6 A.M…….
Whereas Daniel is grumpy about getting up early in the morning.
“Whoever invented waking up at 6 A.M. needs to be shot.”
Yea, definitely not a morning person.
Since Kimberly has no more babies to cuddle, she decided to see why her husband was so addicted to pool.
“This doesn’t seem that exciting. Well, I guess I will give it a few more shots…”
Synchronized mopping!
Finally it’s Roxanne’s birthday! She insisted on a party, so a few people were invited to keep her from whining.
“Jude, why do we have to go to a girly party?”
“Because Dad told us to.”
“Oh. Well at least there’s cake.”
“I wish….I wish to make lots of money and make others rich too!”
“Are you sure you don’t want to dedicate your life to learning instead?”
“No Mom, that’s boring.”
“Oh…I see…”
Drat! The Headmaster came in the middle of the party! I forgot all about him. Don’t worry, Allyn isn’t making out with
him, they’re doing that tough handshake thing. Racks up the social points.
And as if things couldn’t get any worse, they ran out of food!
“Now I am sure the headmaster wouldn’t appreciate lunch meat sandwiches….or would he?”
Thank goodness for leftovers. I wish they could pop them back in the oven so that the food looks like it was freshly
cooked, but oh well.
Here’s Roxanne after a proper makeover. Doesn’t she look sweet?
Aspiration: Fortune
10-3-9-9-1 (quite the grumpy one)
Turn ons/offs: blonde hair, makeup/unemployment
LTW: have 6 pets reach the top career level
Allyn stalled the headmaster while Spencer frantically called the GDS (Grocery Delivery Service. I guess the delivery
woman knew what was going on and went all the way to the back door instead. Let’s hope there’s enough time to make
Oh…no…..not another roast.
“Ooh, man, this roast is going to turn out great! With my 10 cooking points and a lot of luck, this dish will be fit for
We will see about that.
Hula dancing! I wonder where she learned that from….
Well, now that she’s doing it, I am sure the whole house will be doing the hula for the next few weeks.
“Oh holy crackers! The stove is on fire! What should I do????”
Yep…Spencer maxed out all of his skills but He still can’t cook. What a shame.
Luckily, he came to his senses and put the fire out. That roast is toast…literally.
“I hope the extinguisher water doesn’t ruin the taste too much.” Yuck.
He rubbed some extra A1 sauce on it then served it like nothing happened.
“dumdeedumdeedum, Cajun style roast for everyone even though its really burnt to a crisp.
Regardless of the epic kitchen fire, Roxanne’s birthday, and running out of food, Jude and Daniel got into the prestigious
private school at 100 simoleons a day. He went to go shake Allyn’s hand, but found her in the bathtub. He stood there
for the longest time before leaving. Perv.
And I will leave you with Karen and Kimberly boogying it down. I’m sorry if the captions are bit boring. I promise to
make the next chapter more interesting. Stay tuned for more retro goodness!

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Mariano 4 1

  • 1. Howdy and welcome to the Mariano legacy. I have been kind of lazy lately with posting *tsk tsk tsk*. I already had the pictures ready, but got distracted by Pascal Curious in Strangetown. Anywho, the last time we visited the Marianos, Kimberly was voted as heiress and returned home, and quickly moved in Bruce Platz. They got married and had a short vacation before getting down to business. Spencer elderfied before I could get him a cake, and he didn’t turn out so bad at all. Soon after Allyn followed him into elderhood, and became totally pervy. Kimberly gave birth to Roxanne, and promptly put her on the floor. Ok, lets check up on them and see what’s happening…
  • 2. Looks like Allyn is doing yard work. She looks so happy doing it too. “Why don’t that lazy bum Bruce do this? I am supposed to be enjoying my golden years!” Maybe not….
  • 3. Spencer has picked up a new hobby: teaching an old cat new tricks. “Ok, staaay…staaaaay…” “Meow?” Which roughly translates to, I am a cat not a dog! Who teaches a cat to stay anyways?
  • 4. Kimberly reached the top of the Natural Scientist career. Man that was fast. Plus she made a huge amount of money. I don’t remember how much though.
  • 5. “Mom, I really want to become a famous dancer and perform at the theatre downtown. But, I can’t seem to find any openings.” “Just be patient dear, I am sure a job posting will come up soon.” Kimberly’s LTW is neat, but the actual job hardly ever shows up in the paper. Grrr.
  • 6. Spencer wasn’t satisfied with teaching Ringo to stay, so this is cat training lesson 4352525. “Good boy! Now isn’t this cleaner than using that dusty old box?” Oh ,the humiliation! The horror!
  • 7. Bruce rolled the want for another baby, so they got down to business. “Are you sure you want another baby, Bruce?” “More than anything else babe.”
  • 8. Bruce was a very hands-on father, always feeding Roxanne and changing her diapers all the time. And I don’t even have to tell him to do it! He’s an awesome father.
  • 9. But unfortunately he is a nitpicky husband. “Why did you break the typewriter again? Don’t you know these things cost money?” “Yes, dear I know….I was just writing a letter…” “Where you pounding the keys or somethin’? Geez, be careful!” He fussed at anyone who broke things in the house.
  • 10. Allyn got the 2 hour sleep syndrome, so she decided to go out and harvest the first thriving batch of oranges in the legacy. I might buy a juicer for them.
  • 11. “Oh my, those crepes didn’t go down very well-*blaarrgghhh!!*” Yay ! Another baby on the way! Kimberly didn’t handle her morning sickness very well though.
  • 12. She distracted herself with playing with Roxanne. Since she had a lot of days off she took advantage of it. “Look at the horse Roxie! And the odd pointy object thingy….why is that there anyways?” “Goo!”
  • 13. Pretty soon it was time for Roxanne to grow up. Since everyone’s work schedule was messed up, Bruce decided to have a small family party. “Make a wish Roxie!” *drools* “Umm..right…”
  • 14. And here she is! Roxanne looks a lot like Bruce, except for her skin colour. I think she is going to be very pretty when she gets older. “Daddy! Nose!” Bruce doesn’t look so happy about his nose being molested.
  • 15. Kimberly decided to steal the limelight by popping. “Oh my! Look everyone! I’m in the family way!” With all of the barfing she’s been doing, she shouldn’t be surprised.
  • 16. Allyn brought home a friend near the end of the party and started a smustle session. “I haven’t smustled like this in ages! I do hope my back doesn’t go out on me.” Spencer is always doing things that most old people his age shouldn’t.
  • 17. Ginger wanted to be a part of the celebration. This is the first time she has haunted in a while. So nice to see you again!
  • 18. First thing on the agenda: potty training. Kimberly surprisingly rolled the want to do it, and Roxanne got the hang if it in one go. “Good job Roxie! You are a big girl now.” “Big girl! Yay!”
  • 19. Spencer was very attached to his granddaughter, and as soon as he came home from work he scooped Roxanne off of the floor and started playing with her. “Upside down you go!” “Weee! Pop pop again again!” Too bad the maid was walking by at the same time…perhaps Roxanne won’t be scared for life after what she saw.
  • 20. Allyn got a bit too comfortable with her son in law. He tried to ignore it by maxing out his skills. “If I keep looking at the pages, she will go away…”
  • 22. Allyn isn’t always chasing her son-in-law around, thank goodness. She also enjoyed cuddling Roxanne. All. The. Time. This was probably the fifth time she cuddled her today. “Gamma lemme go pwese!” “But l love you pumpkin! Here’s another snuggle for you!”
  • 23. Poor child! Being neglected! I hope no one calls the Social worker. “Omnomnomnom”
  • 24. Darn kid eating my nomnoms. This is my nomnoms! Ringo gets very offensive about his food. Thankfully, Kimberly came to the rescue with more smart milk.
  • 25. And then it happened. In the middle of the night of all times. “OOOHHHH!!! BRUCE! BABY COMING!! “zzzzzzz…”
  • 26. “ I’m coming dear! Hold on! I mean, push and spin!” “Oh dear this hurts!” Bruce was too busy trying to make up the bed to pay attention to the birth of his child.
  • 27. Kimberly gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. But then….
  • 28. “Darling, could you hold him for me?” “Umm, sure.”
  • 29. And then a second baby boy was born. Twins! Must be something in the water. There has been too many twins in this family.
  • 30. This is Jude Allan Mariano. He has Kim’s skin tone and Bruce’s hair and eye colour. He was named after the Beatle’s song, Hey Jude.
  • 31. And to continue the naming theme, here is Daniel William Mariano. He has the same colouring as his older brother. Daniel was named after the Elton John song of the same name. I am hoping they grow up looking identical.
  • 32. It seems like Ginger always show up during happy occasions. She watched Kimberly bathe her son for a while, then floated away when the bath was finished.
  • 33. I wasn’t fast enough, but Ginger scared the pee pee out of Allyn. “I am getting too old for this!” Unfortunately Ringo and Bruce witnessed the accident, making Allyn feel even more humiliated. Why did you have to piss by my food?? How rude!
  • 34. She still dwelled on it hours later. “I guess I really am getting old. I hope my children don’t put me in the old folks’ home.” *sigh*
  • 35. “Mommy!!! Get me outta here!” Roxanne has a very loud voice. And she’s taking on her father’s accent.
  • 37. Bruce decided to take a small break from the kids and invited his best friend over for a game of pool. He was sure he was going to win this time, and win the 150 simoleons that they agreed upon as a prize.
  • 38. Now its down to the 8 ball…will he get it? “10 bucks says you miss.” “Yea right, man. I’m going to get this one. 8 ball, center pocket.”
  • 39. The look on his face definitely doesn’t spell victory. “Darnnit! I thought I had it.” Bruce: *snickers*
  • 40. Bruce sunk it in the corner pocket with ease. Of course he did though, he has 100 pool points. “Yessss!! Where’s that money? You know you can’t beat me!” Get out of the way Allyn’s co-worker. You’re ruining the shot.
  • 41. Meanwhile, Allyn decided to teach Roxanne how to walk. No one else had the energy to do it since Jude and Daniel were extremely demanding babies.
  • 42. See what I mean? If one is hungry, the other wants food too. It’s tiring! “So, you wanna have another one, babe?” “You must be insane.” “…”
  • 43. “What do I do with him? He won’t stop smelling funny!” “I think you’re supposed to put a fresh diaper on him, darling.” “Oh….ehehehe….I knew that…” Allyn is beginning to lose it.
  • 44. Roxanne was quite the artist. When she wasn’t screaming her head off in the crib, or being harassed by her grandma, she spent her time drawing.
  • 45. “How did I get stuck doing this?” And I thought he was a family sim. Put some clothes on me, geez!
  • 46. “Oh my goodness! A fire! Someone put it out!” They were doing the fire dance well after the rain put it out. Silly sims.
  • 47. I just like this picture because this roast isn’t burnt. Good cook FTW!
  • 48. Roxanne’s birthday came around, and Spencer did the honors of helping her blow out the candles. “Ohhh shiny!” “Don’t touch the candles, Roxie. Blow on them.” “Ppffftttthhhhh!” Allyn: I am not eating that cake.
  • 49. I knew she would grow up adorable! “Wow look at my hands! Now I can sock people if they mess with me!” Umm…ok….
  • 50. The first thing she did after getting dressed was jump on her new bed. “I’m testin’ it out to make sure it won’t break! Wheeeee!”
  • 51. Kimberly celebrated the occasion by rocking it out in her pajamas. She dances just like Makoto.
  • 52. Roxanne has learned how to clean up after others, something that I desperately needed in this house. “This place is a mess. I sure hope mom cleans tomorrow.” She’s a bit of a neat freak.
  • 53. Lecturing is beginning to rub off on everyone. Spencer broke the toilet and Allyn commenced telling him off. “Things cost money in this house you know. Now Bruce is going to have to fix it. And he hates fixing things, you know.” “Yes, dear.” *blank look*
  • 54. First day of school…accompanied by the creepy looking bus driver. “Hello, little girl. Hop on in.” “Umm…do I have to?” Notice her head is slightly tilted to the side as she looks at him.
  • 55. Everyone was at school or work except Spencer. He considered watching children by ear only while stuffing his face in a newspaper. Pay attention to me please! Hello? “Hmm, the stock market is doing well today…”
  • 56. Random Roxie smustle face. So cute!
  • 57. “What is all of this stuff about? I hate those balloons too. They should be pink.”
  • 58. All of this stuff is about Jude and Daniel’s birthday! I never thought the day would come. First up is Jude. Poor baby, he probably will be deaf by the time its all said and done.
  • 59. Next up is Daniel. Unfortunately his uncle and soon to be aunt have absolutely no manners at a kids party.
  • 60. Bruce and Allyn took the boys inside to get dressed properly, so you will see them shortly. Roxanne wanted to get to know her uncle Michael better so she challenged him to a game of toss football While Kimberly and Karen watched.
  • 61. “So when are you going to get married? You know mom would love to see that happen.” “Marriage is not for me, Kim. I hate being tied down.” “But you have a boyfriend. And he lives with you.” “Yea I know, but its easier to have a boyfriend than a husband. Once you get married that’s it for the rest of your life.”
  • 62. “And besides, I am too busy having fun to have a family. It wouldn’t be fair.” “Ok sis. I still love you though.” “Love you too Kim. Now, where’s the booze?” “It’s a kids party, Karen…”
  • 63. Alright, here’s the twins. Starting with Jude sitting next to Roxanne’s neglected homework. He too looks more like Bruce, but that can change as he gets older.
  • 64. And here’s Daniel. I think he looks a bit more like Kimberly. Too bad the boys aren’t identical. That would have been cool.
  • 65. Kimberly finally got her dream job, and the first thing she did was try out the new ballet barre her boss gave her. And of course, she had to have the right clothes.
  • 66. Roxanne talked her dad into helping with her math homework. It wasn’t really his specialty though. “What’s five plus two dad?” “Uhhh…use your fingers. You will get the answer that way.” “Dad!” “Hey! I’m not a friggin’ calculator.”
  • 67. Yet again, Kimberly was stuck potty training the kids. I guess she’s a pro at it by now. “Why am I always the one doing this? I don’t think I volunteered…” Daniel tortured Ringo while waiting his turn. “Kitty!” You blasted child! Get your sticky hands off..of … me!
  • 68. Kim made it up to him later though. “Who’s a brave kitty? You are! Yes you are boogabooga boo!”
  • 69. Jude tried his hand at contemporary art while Daniel tried his best to eat blocks. They were best friends by the time they went to bed.
  • 70. I just noticed that I never gave Bruce’s stats, so here they are. Sorry I’m late with it. Bruce Mariano Aspiration: Family 6-3-6-4-6 LTW: Have 6 Grandchildren
  • 71. Daniel really loves Bruce. He’s always asking for attention from him. “Daddy hugs pwese?” “Awww, of course little man.” They look s cute together.
  • 72. Roxanne forgot about Finny the Fish, so Spencer gave him a proper burial. In the toilet.
  • 73. Kimberly reached the top of her second career and now she will be perma-plat! Woot! She is definitely an over achiever. And she is totally rocking that dress.
  • 74. “Say mama!” “Mama!” “Wow that’s great Jude! You are so smart!” He caught on to talking quick.
  • 75. Daniel is still stalking his dad, but at least he is getting a lesson in tinkering. “Darn people…why can’t they stop breaking the friggin’ typewriter? Who do they think I am? Mr. Fix it?” Very good example, Bruce.
  • 76. Being the good father he is, he decided to spin Roxanne around. “Daaaaaad…I’m going to be sick!” ‘What you want me to go faster? Ok, here we go!” “Noooooo!!!” *Blarrghhh*
  • 77. I need to put the mailbox back on the curb. I am tired of walkbys coming into the front yard. Allyn agrees. “Ewww…that man is hideous!”
  • 78. Oh no! It’s burnt pot roast! That could only mean one thing….
  • 79. The headmaster is here! And he is totally digging that roast. “Mmmm, reminds me of the time I ate some cajun food as a boy. Nothing better than blackened beef mmhmm.”
  • 80. Despite Spencer’s crispified roast, Roxanne got into private school anyways. The headmaster chased Bruce into the bathroom just so he could shake his hand.
  • 81. Now this is just plain creepy. I think Allyn has the hots for Bruce, and this is how she shows it. “Zzzzz…you wanna cuddle, Kim?” “Kim? I’m Allyn! Why would you want your own daughter here?” “Daughter? That’s my wife!” “….”
  • 82. And the child neglect continues. Actually, there’s a full bottle for him to drink, but he prefers Ringo’s meow mix to wholesome milk for some reason.
  • 83. “Hey everybody! I got a Pro Mo shun! Who’s the man? I’m the man! Ya dig?” Yea, he was proud of that promotion.
  • 84. Roxanne’s first day of private school didn’t go so well. “A B+? Oh man this is bad news.” “Hey little girl, I can help you with that. I’m gooood at homework.” “Yipes! No thanks seeyoulaterkbye.”
  • 85. Allyn interrupted his study session to talk about toys. And aliens. “….and then we could buy the boys a space ship toy that makes sounds! Wouldn’t that be wonderful.” “Woman, with all due respect, get the heck outta my space. I’m readin’ here!” You just got to love the look on his face.
  • 86. Time for Jude and Daniel’s birthday! Daniel was still sleeping even though he was moments away from being a child. Bruce invited his best friend over for the festivities.
  • 87. Daniel Blew out the candles, but for some reason the zzz’s remained. Perhaps he will grow out of them.
  • 88. Next up was Jude. He was excited about growing up. But he watched Kimberly blow out the candles instead of doing it himself. Bruce was too busy complaining about people standing in the way to pay attention.
  • 89. Jude grew up into an over-energetic child. This was seriously the first thing he did after eating his slice of cake. Maybe he should stay away from sugar from now on.
  • 90. And Daniel joined him. Well monkey see monkey do. “Hey bro, this is fun! Let’s do this all night!” “Okay!”
  • 91. She has the want to max out the rest of her skills, so she’s living on espresso for the rest of the evening. She is so much like Spencer its scary sometimes. Kimberly is always rolling skill wants.
  • 92. Now that her grandchildren are growing up, she resorted to cuddling Ringo. “Hey kitty kitty kitty! You are still small enough to cuddle!” Poor Ringo just can’t get a break.
  • 93. Just a random picture of Kimberly skilling it up.
  • 94. Bruce finally reached the top of the Mechanic career. Thank goodness! He had to skill so much it wasn’t even funny.
  • 95. Maxing out yet another skill. I think high IQ’s run in this family….for some of them anyways.
  • 96. The twins’ first day of school. Daniel’s fun bar actually went up, so I guess that’s why he’s happy. He got the legacy B+ grade by the way.
  • 97. Jude was a bit disappointed though. “Aww man, a B-! This stinks! Stupid report card!”
  • 98. “This is how you dance with the girls at school. You want to make a real good impression on them. Make sure you don’t step on their toes.” “I don’t like girls though. They have cooties, Grandpa.” “You will get over that eventually.”
  • 99. “…and that’s how you make your little brother do your homework for you. Don’t tell your ma I taught ya that.” “Ok dad.” *grins* Still being a good influence on him I see.
  • 100. When he’s not giving out shady advice to his twin boys, he randomly tucks in his only girl. I love it when sims do that. “Good night, sweet pea.”
  • 101. Bruce…you surprise me. “Once upon a time there was the rabbit that once lived in the forest. One day, he went hunting and then he heard a big BOOM! And then, he was no more, and he became someone’s dinner. The end.” Now she’s going to have nightmares instead of sweet dreams. Nice going, Bruce.
  • 102. Spencer was getting bored with work, so he retired. “Now I can spend more time with my grandchildren and the love of my life. Ah, sweet relief at last!” He became a bit sad about not working, but immediately rolled the want to gain more skills. At lease he will be busy for awhile.
  • 103. “Kim, you know that soon, all of this will be yours. I just want you to know, I feel very confident about your ability to lead this family to even more greatness.” “Dad, don’t talk like that. I don’t want to imagine you and mom gone. Not for a long time. But I appreciate knowing that you have faith in me. I will do my best to keep the family going.” “That’s all I ever wanted, princess.”
  • 104. Allyn really wanted her gardening skills to be recognized, so she called the Bowerville Gardening Society. Every elderly man and woman strived to get into the society before kicking the bucket, and she was no exception. Matthew Smith: These compost containers really look top of the line. Perhaps they purchased them from Sims- Roebuck. I must give Mrs. Mariano good marks for this. I didn’t think compost bins counted for gardening. Well more points for her I guess.
  • 105. “Grandpa, where are we going?” “I forgot. We will figure it out eventually though right?” “Ermm….maybe…” The Mariano family haven’t left home since Kimberly’s engagement dinner, so they are overdue for a visit to town. The whole family is in the car, but I guess you can’t see the backseat passengers.
  • 106. After much debate, they finally stopped at the community rec center. This is the same place Ginger went to go spouse hunting, and scrubbed down the grubby showers. Bruce immediately made a bee-line towards the pool table, and challenged Ben Long to a hustling game of pool. We all know who won (sarcastic face).
  • 107. Roxanne practiced her diving skills in the Olympic-sized pool. “I’m an underwater ballerina! Wait, I shouldn’t be trying to talk underwater. *gurglegurgle*
  • 108. Jude and Daniel played Marco Polo until nightfall. Even though their energy meter was in the red, they still insisted on playing. Jude: Marco! Daniel: Polo! *yawns* I’m tired. Jude: Me too! Marco!
  • 109. Spencer ran into Michael and they sat down to a game of chess. “So, who’s life going?” “It’s pretty smooth, Pops. Me and the old lady is planning a trip to Twikki Island and maybe even open up our own groovy shop.” “What’s a groovy shop?” “It’s a fancy way of saying record store. But record store is boring sounding, so we want to call it the groovy shop. You dig?” “Ah, yes, I suppose I do.”
  • 110. I don’t think kids should be allowed to play darts…..
  • 111. Back at home, Makoto inspects the outside. He barely haunts anymore, but it’s nice to see him every once in a while. He never scares anyone. He just likes to make sure the old bed is still there.
  • 112. Very rare alone time for Bruce and Kimberly.
  • 113. Awww! “Ma, I can see you swapping spit with Dad.” I guess they really don’t care.
  • 114. A few days later, Michael came to visit….in his workout wear. “How’s it hanging, sis?” “Going swell, bro! Hey, you still remember the Twikki greeting!” “Yep, got to. Me and the girl are going back soon, and we got to fit in.” Bruce just looks on with a blank look.
  • 115. “So do you and the old man wanna tag along? It’ll be like old times.” “I would, but you know I got the kids to take care of, and work…..I’m doing a ton of performances at the Performing Arts Centre, but maybe next time?” “Kim…always the busy bee. Ok no probs. But we will be going to the Island soon.” “Of course! Maybe next summer.”
  • 116. “Oh, what a beautiful morning!” Jude happily makes up his bed at 6 A.M…….
  • 117. Whereas Daniel is grumpy about getting up early in the morning. “Whoever invented waking up at 6 A.M. needs to be shot.” Yea, definitely not a morning person.
  • 118. Since Kimberly has no more babies to cuddle, she decided to see why her husband was so addicted to pool. “This doesn’t seem that exciting. Well, I guess I will give it a few more shots…”
  • 120. Finally it’s Roxanne’s birthday! She insisted on a party, so a few people were invited to keep her from whining. “Jude, why do we have to go to a girly party?” “Because Dad told us to.” “Oh. Well at least there’s cake.”
  • 121. “I wish….I wish to make lots of money and make others rich too!” “Are you sure you don’t want to dedicate your life to learning instead?” “No Mom, that’s boring.” “Oh…I see…”
  • 122. Drat! The Headmaster came in the middle of the party! I forgot all about him. Don’t worry, Allyn isn’t making out with him, they’re doing that tough handshake thing. Racks up the social points.
  • 123. And as if things couldn’t get any worse, they ran out of food! “Now I am sure the headmaster wouldn’t appreciate lunch meat sandwiches….or would he?” Thank goodness for leftovers. I wish they could pop them back in the oven so that the food looks like it was freshly cooked, but oh well.
  • 124. Here’s Roxanne after a proper makeover. Doesn’t she look sweet? Stats: Aspiration: Fortune 10-3-9-9-1 (quite the grumpy one) Turn ons/offs: blonde hair, makeup/unemployment LTW: have 6 pets reach the top career level
  • 125. Allyn stalled the headmaster while Spencer frantically called the GDS (Grocery Delivery Service. I guess the delivery woman knew what was going on and went all the way to the back door instead. Let’s hope there’s enough time to make dinner.
  • 126. Oh…no…..not another roast. “Ooh, man, this roast is going to turn out great! With my 10 cooking points and a lot of luck, this dish will be fit for royalty.” We will see about that.
  • 127. Hula dancing! I wonder where she learned that from…. Well, now that she’s doing it, I am sure the whole house will be doing the hula for the next few weeks.
  • 128. “Oh holy crackers! The stove is on fire! What should I do????” Yep…Spencer maxed out all of his skills but He still can’t cook. What a shame.
  • 129. Luckily, he came to his senses and put the fire out. That roast is toast…literally. “I hope the extinguisher water doesn’t ruin the taste too much.” Yuck.
  • 130. He rubbed some extra A1 sauce on it then served it like nothing happened. “dumdeedumdeedum, Cajun style roast for everyone even though its really burnt to a crisp.
  • 131. Regardless of the epic kitchen fire, Roxanne’s birthday, and running out of food, Jude and Daniel got into the prestigious private school at 100 simoleons a day. He went to go shake Allyn’s hand, but found her in the bathtub. He stood there for the longest time before leaving. Perv.
  • 132. And I will leave you with Karen and Kimberly boogying it down. I’m sorry if the captions are bit boring. I promise to make the next chapter more interesting. Stay tuned for more retro goodness!