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Hey! When you see dirty sinks you know what time it is……college time! Yep…generation 3 is in college and they are
already driving me crazy! Hahahaha. Any who, last time we visited the Mariano family, The twins grew up into unique
looking girls, and Makoto broke on through to the other side to be with Ginger. Spencer went into worried mode but
soon took over the family with confidence. Even Ringo missed Makoto *snifflesniffle*. Michael got on the ball with
fulfilling his LTW of 50 dream dates, And Spencer fulfilled his second lifetime want of becoming an Education Minister
*yay!*. Ginger haunted for the first time in ages, and scared a few of her grandchildren. The twins grew up into teens,
and after racking up a bunch of scholarships, got shipped off to college with their brother. Now they are settled into
their dorms…lets see what’s going on there….
Kimberly decided to make friends immediately with this girl (I forgot her name).
“I love cooking! I wish I could cook but the lunch lady always kick me out!”
“That’s too bad….maybe you should move to your own house.”
“I wish I could….”
“…and I have way more BFF’s than both of you combined. And you know what? I am going to have more dates than
you all too!”
“Mikey, grow up.”
Kimberly: If I keep looking straight, that creepy dude will just walk away…
Blonde dude: Hey man, welcome to the facially challenged study group!
Michael: Uhhh, I am not facially challenged thankyouverymuch.
Orange sweater girl: The first step of acceptance is denial.
Michael: …….
Some of the dormies may think he was facially challenged, but this cheerleader was totally digging him.
Unfortunately, he didn’t find her the least bit appealing, they have absolutely no bolts. But, they made friends pretty
College life stressed Kimberly out a lot, so she put her thoughts on canvas, since no one else used it. The long haired
guy was her official stalker, he was everywhere she was in the dorm most days.
Just ignore him and he will go away..go away little man, go away….
“Hello?...Oh sorry my name is Kimberly, and you are?....Why did I call you?....Well, I saw your number in the book so I
thought I would call you and get to know you better……No not usually…..”
I wonder who she is talking to…
Looks like she’s trying to cheat on the homework even though they have two different majors.
“Hey, stop lookin’ at my homework, loser!”
“I was not looking…I was seeing if my brother was here, so shut up!”
“Whatever man *mumblemumblecheater*”
Just a random picture of Kimberly writing her term paper….I have no idea why I took it lol.
Crazy dormie going to sleep in Kimberly’s room. Don’t you have your own bed?
“Eat those pancakes! Put on some syrup! Slide on the butter and eat eat eat! Gerbits, gerbits, voooo gerbits!”
Karen wasn’t impressed.
“Woman , go do something productive. Geez!”
“Oh hey cuz, what’s going on?...Really?...mmhmmm…”
Franklyn called Michael almost everyday. More often than his parents. Kind of scary….
Karen is racking up more friends for the Greek house. They will definitely come in handy later. This is one of the few
times she actually changed into everyday clothes. She walks around all day in a bathrobe usually. Thank goodness she
has nice points, otherwise she would have punched the living daylights out of that girl.
“Do you mind? I am using the toilet!”
“Just a moment….you look so pertyful….”
Looks like we just found out who she was talking to on the phone.
“Oh Bruce! I have missed you so much!”
“What was that darling?”
“I forgot…..”
“Bruce, I really love the way you speak. Say something for me.”
“Yea, you an me babes, we are meant for each otha. Ya know that, right?”
Kimberly: *swoons*
Bruce is from Sim York, and Kimberly was soaking in his accent big time. Plus, the two bolts doesn’t hurt either.
“Let’s go look at clouds, Bruce. I love seeing the birds.”
“Hey, I’m diggin that cloud ova there…it looks like a BBQ grill.”
“You are so silly, honey….wait, it does look like a grill”
“Told ya.”
We interrupt this legacy for a public announcement. All over La Fiesta Tech, stinky dormies plague the dorms,
unaware of their offensive stink. Please donate to the college so that we may put extra showers in their rooms and in
every place in the dorm. Your donation will make a difference. That is all.
Kimberly invited Spencer over for the first time in weeks. He insisted he come over to see their dorms, since he never
stayed there, and he wanted to make sure they were safe and sound.
“Hurry up dad, I’m getting tired!”
Actually, she declined a date with Bruce because of Spencer’s visit. She wasn’t so happy about that.
“Princess! Long time no see!”
“Daaaad, I’m grown now. You don’t have to call me princess anymore.”
“You will always be my little princess, no matter how old you are.”
Inside, Michael was chatting up a random walk by. She’s kind of pretty actually. I might keep her in mind for the future
“You are prettier than an exotic sunrise in Twikki Island babe.”
“Oooh, Michael, so sweet of you!”
He should have been a romance sim instead.
“Congrats on passing this semester, bro!”
“Thanks you too! You know what this means right?”
“We get to join the Greek house!”
So Michael called Beverly up, and after chasing her all over the dorms, he eventually got accepted into Lambda Pi
Cham. The twins were accepted as well.
Kimberly left after Michael did, relieved to pack up and head over to the Greek house.
Karen left immediately after.
“Driver, hurry up! I’m moving to a Greek house!”
“Sure kid, get in.”
To celebrate being accepted into Lambda Pi Cham, she called up her boyfriend Bruce for a date.
“So, where we goin sweets?”
“I thought we would head downtown and check out this cool new club over there.”
“Sounds good.”
They enjoyed their evening, starting out with a nutritious meal of cake and rice *haahahaha!*. Well…it was the
cheapest thing on the menu.
After dinner, Bruce pulled Kimberly close and started slow dancing. He was truly a romantic, even if he was a bit harsh
at times.
“This was a good idea, sweets. I was gettin’ tired of school. If I saw one more assignment I would have gone postal on
The date ended with a modest kiss, leaving Kimberly flustered. It was her “first kiss” after all. How sweet! : )
After celebrating, Karen, Michael, and Kimberly arrived at the well lit house.
“This must be it guys. Dad really built this house up pretty well.”
“Yea he sure did. Wanna look inside? I wanna see the bong!”
Kimberly just shook her head. “I hope there’s a library in there. I need to study.”
Beverly came out to greet them in her pajamas. (What is with college and PJ’s??)
“Welcome to lambda Pi Cham. Sorry you had to arrive when it wasn’t sunny out. No problem though, there’s plenty
of light inside.”
Wow she is hothothot! I hope she will want to go out with me.
Kimberly was impressed by her aunts’ and uncles’ paintings.
“Wow, they looked so different back then. Look at dad! He was totally hip! I can’t wait to have my painting up here.”
The next day, Kim invited Bruce over for something special.
“Bruce, I have something to ask you.”
“Yea? What is it?”
“Well…I was wondering….if you would like to join the Greek house and come live with me. I..I would like it if you were
here all the time.”
“Whoa! Of course I will sweets! This is awesome!”
“You will have to get a makeover once you pass the initiation though.”
“No problem, as long as you don’t have me lookin like a clown or something.”
I just wanted to show off the Greek house mini bowling alley. This was one of the things Beverly installed after
generation two left. She had a lot of money to play with, so why not?
The cute couple practiced their skills after he did his newbie duties of cooking and cleaning. He was pretty good
After the initiation period ended, Kimberly asked him to move in and be a permanent part of the house. She
reminded him of the makeover too, which he agreed to. Bruce was totally excited about how he was going to turn out
in the end.
And here is the new Bruce Platz! Dreamy, isn’t he?
Looks like Karen has found herself a man too. He has the right hairstyle but the wrong clothes…looks almost like the
Kennedy Cox fashion lol. I forgot his name though *oops!*.
Bruce has definitely been a help around the house, fixing broken toilets after the toga parties, and repairing the
typewriters after all-nighters. But I don’t think putting your hand in there will work…that looks painful.
This is Karen’s favorite hangout: the hot tub. She literally hangs out here until its time for class or bed.
Michael never forgot about his original sweetheart, and invited her on a home date. Even though he has the hots for
Beverly. Even though Beverly is home. Right now. Dangerous waters, my man, dangerous waters.
“I love you so much *kisskisskiss*”
“Oh ,Michael!”
“That darn burglar! I can’t believe he broke into our house umpteen years ago!”
That burglary happened so long ago…get over it.
“OMGWTFBBQ! Dude! Get your wang outta my face before I go postal on you!”
“Feel the love, man feel the love.”
“You got three seconds before I damage you permanently.”
“Would you look at the time, I gotta go to class or something.”
Isn’t he dreamy? Looking all serious while he plays pool. This is his favorite hobby. He will soon be a professional, and
we when he is, he will be hustling downtown in his spare time.
Look at that! My first Greek house furniture! A desk! It’s going upstairs.
“Man, that desk was heavy. How did I get it in a trash bag again?”
“Eeww, go get a room!”
PDA’s are not acceptable to Kimberly, unless she is the one involved.
And here is Bruce heartfarting his girlfriend while she is trying terribly to boogie woogie to some disco music.
“Man she is steaming hot! Love those moves man!”
Michael: Dude, stop heartfarting my sister!
Bruce wanted to surprise Kimberly with a nice meal, but instead he caught the house on fire.
“Omgomgomg We are all going to diiiiiieeeee!!!”
“Kim calm down it’s just…whoa FIRE! Omgomgomg we are going to die!”
Luckily Karen called the fire department just in time, otherwise they would have had ashes for a stove.
“So, what are you going to do once you graduate?”
“Oh, I am probably going to become a Townie and live downtown somewhere.”
“Oh…that’s..nice…I guess..”
“That’s the best way of living though. It’s better than being stuck in the bin for the rest of my life.”
Michael worked out so much he was accepted into the fitness club. I hope those muscle of his will get him more
dates. *chuckles*
…and Bruce fell in love with Orson’s bong. And yes, Kimberly has snuck out here a few times to take a few puffs. Bad,
bad girl.
“Who me? I have no idea what you guys are talking about. I have been working out all this time.”
Sure you have. *rolls eyes*
“Hey Mikey, I have an idea.”
“Yea. Let’s go on vacation, like explore the world a little. We may not get the chance to do it all together after
“You know, that’s a swell idea. Maybe when spring comes we can do it.”
She wanted to leave sooner than that so she bugged him about it all the time, even during bowling matches.
“C’mon, let’s go next week! I am bored of school right now.”
“Yea right, sis, you’re a knowledge sim. Knowledge sims love learning.”
“You are right, but….but I wanna go anyways!”
After much debating, they all decided to go on a mini vacation to Twikki Island to get away from the craziness that is
college. The twins were the first one out of the door, glad to get away from the strange winter in the middle of the
desert. (Ok, I forgot to turn winter off….but it looks cool anyways)
Don’t look so excited you guys!
Why is it that they look so sad whenever they get in a vacation taxi? If it was me I would be grinning from ear to ear.
Bruce was relieved to register at the hotel after being on the plane for 10 hours. All he wanted to do was sleep.
“No offense sir, but you know this is an island right? That winter coat may be too much for the nice weather here.”
“Yes I know.”
His gravelly voice made the concierge silent.
“I am so happy to be here with ya, all alone…well kinda”
“Me too honey. I can’t wait to see the sights and take some tours.”
They have to be a bit frugal with the spending, since they spent a lot of money on the rooms.
The first thing they did was go on a tour, but unfortunately I picked the wrong answer on the chance card and they all
came back with their comfort in the red. Sorry guys.
“OMG I want to lay down, pronto! My back feels like a Mack truck ran it ova!”
Kim and Bruce fell asleep quickly. They slept until nightfall from all of the jetlag and the bad tour trip they had.
“Oh geez, I am not facially challenged!.....Phew it was just a dream.”
Michael kept getting nightmares, so he was the last one to be well rested.
Later that night, they all decided to go shopping for some new threads. Bruce was looking for something a little closer
to what the natives wore.
The Fire Dancer persuaded Michael to learn the ancient art of fire dancing, so he and the teacher spent the entire
night practicing. He got the hang of it without setting himself on fire.
Bruce was having fun with one of the locals, and was quickly learning the history of the island.
“Beware of King Okawalo. He becomes angry if soap enters his water.”
“Where is this king at?”
“He is tucked away near the ancient ruins. You may visit, but do not anger him, lest a curse will befall the island.”
“Oh, ok…”
“This island is beautiful isn’t it darling?”
“Oh yes it is….so breathtaking. I am so glad we came.”
“Me too….Kim, I…I have somethin’ to ask ya. I have been meaning to ask for awhile now, but the time was never
“Kimberly, you are the light of my life, and everything that makes me whole. Will you do me the honor of marrying
me and being my wife forever?”
“Ooh ooh ooh! Of course I will!”
“I love you sweets.”
I love you too!” *drools at ring*
The engagement must have made them into three-bolters, because this was all they did for the rest of the night.
Everyone even stopped to look at them.
Beverly: I wish that was me *sigh*
Karen: get a room you squares!
The next day, the group ventured off to the haunted pirate’s ship, where Bruce autonomously started playing swords
with the dummy pirate.
“Arrgh, take that you stinkin’ thief! Arggh!”
Kimberly showed off her 10 creative points by making a beautiful sandcastle…..
…which Karen destroyed shortly after Kimberly walked away. Well…she only has 3 nice points, what do you expect?
After plundering the cabin about 53621314356 times, she finally found the ghost!
“We come from Bowerville, which is halfway across the world!”
“Aye, you don’t say? Is the world still flat m’dear?”
“Umm…no. We found out it was round a long time ago. We can even go into outer space to see it!”
“My, times have changed, arrggh!”
The pirate was so impressed with the news that he taught her a sea shanty that will no doubt be autonomously sung
constantly forever and ever.
Later that night, they wandered over to the ancient ruins. Michael and Beverly found themselves isolated near king
Okawalo’s tomb.
“This place is great, isn’t it?”
“Yea, I dig it. Kinda spooky though.”
“You know, this water makes your eyes sparkle.”
Yea….very pretty.”
They all went to the hot springs to enjoy the last few moments of their vacation.
“This was a great break from college, man. I was so close to goin’ postal on my professor.”
“I can relate, hun. I love learning, but I needed a break before my head exploded.”
“I’m graduating soon so I am glad I won’t have to worry about studying anymore.”
“Oh crap! What did I do! Maybe if I just walk away slowly no one will notice…”
What did she do, you wonder?
She just unleashed the wrath of the king onto the whole Island. That’s all. Nothing to worry about.
A random local decided to swish her hand in the water, but got crispified instead. Poor thing. *snickers*
Before they left, they decided to get a nice beach picture to remember their vacation by. This is also the first time I
didn’t have to chase anyone down to pose.
Kimberly: Do we really have to leave? I wanted to see one more thing…
Bruce: Yes we do sweets. We can’t live here ya know.
Karen: Too bad about that. There’s so much fun stuff to do here!
Back at the college, Michael wasted no time in wooing Beverly, even though he is in love with someone else….
…and he even went as far as kissing her all over the place while his twin sisters were in the same room. Shame on
you, Michael.
“Ugh, you are so gross, Mikey. That’s why we have something called rooms. Go use it. Please.”
“You’re just jealous sis. Don’t be though. I am sure Bruce will give you a pat on the back or something.”
“Shut up!”
“Now how am I typing my essay with only one hand? Hmm…maybe I have special powers. Yea, that might be it.”
Bruce’s hand glitched bad, so he typed his entire paper with one hand. Impressive, huh?
“Oh my goodness, it’s so good to see you! How was your trip, Karen?”
“Oh it was great. Too bad you couldn’t come along. You would have loved it.”
“It’s ok, babe. Maybe one day we can go on our own.”
“That would be nice.”
Orange sweater girl: That man should be mines. Why do I always get the short end of the stick!
Karen decided to explain everything they did on Twikki Island.
“We went faaaar away on an airplane, and then we stayed in this cool hotel, and then we saw the ocean…..and at the
end I thought it would be cool to put soap in the water fall, but then some lava came out and I ran off.”
“Oh…I see…”
“Kimberly, As you know this is a legacy family, and one of you kids are going to have become the her and continue the
family line.”
“Yes, of course, Dad.”
“So, your mother and I had a long talk, and eventually we came to a decision.”
“Ok….So what did you all decide?”
“Kimberly, we have decided that you should be heiress. Congratulations!”
“Yes really. You have always had the family close to your heart, so you would be
the best choice.”
“Thanks Dad. I won’t let you down! I promise.”
Good. Now, make sure you keep studying hard so you can graduate with
“Of course!”
“Thanks again, Dad.”
“No problem.”
“I hope that stupid cow isn’t coming . I will kick his bovine butt!”
Karen hates that cow. It’s like a family tradition.
“Omg I hope he didn’t see that I said I thought he was cute and sexy and stuff!”
She’s always writing in her diary about Bruce. I think she has a secret crush on him.
And this is why Karen hates the cow.
“Hey dude, look over there! There’s a naked muscular man over there!”
Here she goes again…heart farting an engaged man. Beverly surely has no shame.
“Ooohhh he is so hot!”
“I will just pretend I didn’t hear that…”
Looks like Michael has no shame either…accepting the advances of the cow. Tsk tsk tsk!
“How dare you cheat on me! With a cow! That is the lowest of lows!”
“But, but I didn’t mean it! He told me had a secret to tell me! I didn’t know!”
“Yea sure you didn’t!” *slapslapslap*
I can’t believe he cheated on me with the cow even though I heartfart over Bruce all the time! Waaaaaaahhhh!!!!
Autonomous couple painting. How cute! Bruce loves to paint with Kimberly, because they get to talk about their
future together.
“Hello? Oh hey Joanne! How have you been?...Yea? Oh the Greek house is doing great! I will make sure to invite you
to the next toga party……Ok buh bye!”
Joanne and Beverly are very close friends….BFF’s to be exact.
Karen decided to try to get Beverly to take Michael back, despite all of the PDA’s.
“Beverly, my brother didn’t mean to flirt with that dirty ole cow. Accept his apology, please?”
“Well…I will think about it.”
“I am so sorry Beverly. Forgive me!”
“Ok! I forgive you!”
“I really am sorry, babe. I didn’t think that cow would do that to me.”
OK, apology accepted. But don’t do that again ok?”
“I love you sweets. More than you know. I can’t wait to dance with you at our wedding.”
“Me too. I wonder what kind of dress I am going to wear. This is going to be so great!”
“Yea…as long as we have a keg I will be happy.”
Eventually, Beverly warmed back up to Michael, and they cuddled in the hot tub most of night…and it lead to some
make up woohoo.
“I can’t believe you messed with my man again! You will not get away with this! *slapslapslap*
“Woman, I have idea what you are talking about!”
“Oh yea? Well let me show you!”
So Beverly commensed beating the spots off of the Cow. She won of course, and the cow went sulking back to
wherever he came from.
While there was a war going on in the living room, Karen and her boyfriend decided to woohoo the night away. Even
though she heard the fighting, she preferred to stay in bed instead.
The hang loose plague as now penetrated the Greek house! Danger!
“Far out dude!”
“What? Man, what are you on?”
I love how Bruce looks in this pic. It definitely fits his character.
“You know you like this! It’s ok to look!”
“Man, get outta here and put some clothes on!” His package isn’t too bad though.
Bad Kimberly. Very bad.
His painting skills improved so much, he decided to paint Kim’s official Greek house picture. I think it’s going to come
out looking good.
Allyn got to know her future son-in-law over a game of pool.
“It’s good to finally meet you, Bruce. Kim talks about you all the time.”
“It’s good to meet you too, Mrs. Mariano. It’s cool to be part of your family.”
“Please, call me Mom. It sounds much better.”
“Alright, Ma.”
Another couple moment. They are always flirting with each other. It’s too cute.
Llama vs. Cow fight! Right here at Lambda Pi Cham! I wonder who’s going to win?
The Llama won! Woot! Maybe now he will stop coming and bothering people. But…I doubt it.
A few weeks later, Beverly’s graduation day came.
“I’m going to miss you, Bev. I really am.”
“Don’t worry, we will see each other really soon. I promise.”
“Maybe we can get a place together Downtown. Ya know, so we can stay together.”
“That’s a good idea. Let’s do that.”
They spent the rest of the graduation party cuddling in the hot tub. Unfortunately, Joanne had to witness all of the
gooey stuff.
“Ugh, I think I will be leaving now. Don’t need to see my own nephew trying to get it on!”
“Well, now that Beverly is gone, we need another place holder. Who do you suggest?”
“Well, I think I have the perfect person in mind…”
*A few hours later*
“Hey Erin, how would you like to be a member of Lambda Pi Cham? We have all you can eat pizza!”
“Wow sure! I never thought I would join a Greek house. This is cool!”
“There is an initiation period though…”
“I don’t care! Sign me up!”
Erin’s first job as a new recruit was cleaning the grungy house. No one else really bothers to clean unless they have
nothing better to do.
After two days, Michael asked Erin to move into the Greek house. Graduation was coming up soon, and they needed
someone there before they left.
“Welcome to the house, Erin. You are now a full member.”
“Ah, thanks so much. This is going to be so cool to live here! I don’t have to clean anymore, right?”
“Nope, you just get someone else to do it.”
After a few shopping trips, Erin’s makeover came out very nice.
“Cool! I look like a Barbie doll. Very cool.”
The last toga party of generation 3. Bruce even got the hang of the togas and spread school spirit to his future
“Gerbits, gerbits, vooooo gerbits!”
Erin is a bit more open-minded than everyone though. Instead of wearing a night gown, she comes out in her
“Just pretend she’s not standing there and everything will be ok. I’m walking away slowly now….”
“OMG, that’s awful!”
“What scary thing has she seen?
Oh goodness it’s a nanny on TV! No matter she was scared! LOL!
“Graduation Day. Finally.” *sigh*
Yes, the Mariano kids are finally graduating. It only took me almost two weeks, but yay! Kimberly looks as relieved as I
The drama teacher slapped the crap out of Kimberly for some reason at the party. I forgot I had invited her. That was
a huge mistake. Luckily, Bruce paid no mind.
“The next time we dance like this will be during the wedding.”
“I know, huh…..hurry up with the wedding though, I can’t wait to get out of here.”
“Me either.”
I guess Spencer is praying to the radio in the background….but I can’t be sure.
Bruce got back at the Drama teacher since she kept causing problems. Michael was the only one that bothered to
And of course he won. My hero!
“I am so proud of you, princess. You graduated with top honors!”
“Thanks. It was hard though. My head still hurts from all of that learning.”
“It will wear off after awhile. I have been there before.”
So Kimberly grew up, and exploded into an interesting outfit.
“I am definitely changing this when I get home!”
Karen grew up next, and I guess she didn’t like her outfit either.
Last but not least, Michael grew up in an outfit similar to his uncle Gene’s. *snicker*
I guess he grew into his nose…a tiny bit.

Next time will be the wedding of Kimberly and Bruce. Stay tuned! Credit to all of the CC creators out there. There’s so
much CC in my game I cannot list them all. Ciao!

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The Mariano Legacy Chapter 3.4

  • 1. Hey! When you see dirty sinks you know what time it is……college time! Yep…generation 3 is in college and they are already driving me crazy! Hahahaha. Any who, last time we visited the Mariano family, The twins grew up into unique looking girls, and Makoto broke on through to the other side to be with Ginger. Spencer went into worried mode but soon took over the family with confidence. Even Ringo missed Makoto *snifflesniffle*. Michael got on the ball with fulfilling his LTW of 50 dream dates, And Spencer fulfilled his second lifetime want of becoming an Education Minister *yay!*. Ginger haunted for the first time in ages, and scared a few of her grandchildren. The twins grew up into teens, and after racking up a bunch of scholarships, got shipped off to college with their brother. Now they are settled into their dorms…lets see what’s going on there….
  • 2. Kimberly decided to make friends immediately with this girl (I forgot her name). “I love cooking! I wish I could cook but the lunch lady always kick me out!” “That’s too bad….maybe you should move to your own house.” “I wish I could….”
  • 3. “…and I have way more BFF’s than both of you combined. And you know what? I am going to have more dates than you all too!” “Mikey, grow up.” Kimberly: If I keep looking straight, that creepy dude will just walk away…
  • 4. Blonde dude: Hey man, welcome to the facially challenged study group! Michael: Uhhh, I am not facially challenged thankyouverymuch. Orange sweater girl: The first step of acceptance is denial. Michael: …….
  • 5. Some of the dormies may think he was facially challenged, but this cheerleader was totally digging him. Unfortunately, he didn’t find her the least bit appealing, they have absolutely no bolts. But, they made friends pretty quickly.
  • 6. College life stressed Kimberly out a lot, so she put her thoughts on canvas, since no one else used it. The long haired guy was her official stalker, he was everywhere she was in the dorm most days. Just ignore him and he will go away..go away little man, go away….
  • 7. “Hello?...Oh sorry my name is Kimberly, and you are?....Why did I call you?....Well, I saw your number in the book so I thought I would call you and get to know you better……No not usually…..” I wonder who she is talking to…
  • 8. Looks like she’s trying to cheat on the homework even though they have two different majors. “Hey, stop lookin’ at my homework, loser!” “I was not looking…I was seeing if my brother was here, so shut up!” “Whatever man *mumblemumblecheater*”
  • 9. Just a random picture of Kimberly writing her term paper….I have no idea why I took it lol.
  • 10. Crazy dormie going to sleep in Kimberly’s room. Don’t you have your own bed? “zzzzzzznondormiebedfeelsnicerzzzzz”
  • 11. “Eat those pancakes! Put on some syrup! Slide on the butter and eat eat eat! Gerbits, gerbits, voooo gerbits!” Karen wasn’t impressed. “Woman , go do something productive. Geez!”
  • 12. “Oh hey cuz, what’s going on?...Really?...mmhmmm…” Franklyn called Michael almost everyday. More often than his parents. Kind of scary….
  • 13. Karen is racking up more friends for the Greek house. They will definitely come in handy later. This is one of the few times she actually changed into everyday clothes. She walks around all day in a bathrobe usually. Thank goodness she has nice points, otherwise she would have punched the living daylights out of that girl.
  • 14. “Do you mind? I am using the toilet!” “Just a moment….you look so pertyful….” Perv.
  • 15. Looks like we just found out who she was talking to on the phone. “Oh Bruce! I have missed you so much!” “Mmmppph!!” “What was that darling?” “I forgot…..”
  • 16. “Bruce, I really love the way you speak. Say something for me.” “Yea, you an me babes, we are meant for each otha. Ya know that, right?” Kimberly: *swoons* Bruce is from Sim York, and Kimberly was soaking in his accent big time. Plus, the two bolts doesn’t hurt either. “Let’s go look at clouds, Bruce. I love seeing the birds.”
  • 17. “Hey, I’m diggin that cloud ova there…it looks like a BBQ grill.” “You are so silly, honey….wait, it does look like a grill” “Told ya.”
  • 18. We interrupt this legacy for a public announcement. All over La Fiesta Tech, stinky dormies plague the dorms, unaware of their offensive stink. Please donate to the college so that we may put extra showers in their rooms and in every place in the dorm. Your donation will make a difference. That is all.
  • 19. Kimberly invited Spencer over for the first time in weeks. He insisted he come over to see their dorms, since he never stayed there, and he wanted to make sure they were safe and sound. “Hurry up dad, I’m getting tired!” Actually, she declined a date with Bruce because of Spencer’s visit. She wasn’t so happy about that.
  • 20. “Princess! Long time no see!” “Daaaad, I’m grown now. You don’t have to call me princess anymore.” “You will always be my little princess, no matter how old you are.” Awwwwwww!
  • 21. Inside, Michael was chatting up a random walk by. She’s kind of pretty actually. I might keep her in mind for the future heirs. “You are prettier than an exotic sunrise in Twikki Island babe.” “Oooh, Michael, so sweet of you!” He should have been a romance sim instead.
  • 22. “Congrats on passing this semester, bro!” “Thanks you too! You know what this means right?” “What?” “We get to join the Greek house!” “Cool!”
  • 23. So Michael called Beverly up, and after chasing her all over the dorms, he eventually got accepted into Lambda Pi Cham. The twins were accepted as well.
  • 24. Kimberly left after Michael did, relieved to pack up and head over to the Greek house.
  • 25. Karen left immediately after. “Driver, hurry up! I’m moving to a Greek house!” “Sure kid, get in.”
  • 26. To celebrate being accepted into Lambda Pi Cham, she called up her boyfriend Bruce for a date. “So, where we goin sweets?” “I thought we would head downtown and check out this cool new club over there.” “Sounds good.”
  • 27. They enjoyed their evening, starting out with a nutritious meal of cake and rice *haahahaha!*. Well…it was the cheapest thing on the menu.
  • 28. After dinner, Bruce pulled Kimberly close and started slow dancing. He was truly a romantic, even if he was a bit harsh at times. “This was a good idea, sweets. I was gettin’ tired of school. If I saw one more assignment I would have gone postal on someone.” “Umm…ok…”
  • 29. The date ended with a modest kiss, leaving Kimberly flustered. It was her “first kiss” after all. How sweet! : )
  • 30. After celebrating, Karen, Michael, and Kimberly arrived at the well lit house. “This must be it guys. Dad really built this house up pretty well.” “Yea he sure did. Wanna look inside? I wanna see the bong!” Kimberly just shook her head. “I hope there’s a library in there. I need to study.” “Square!”
  • 31. Beverly came out to greet them in her pajamas. (What is with college and PJ’s??) “Welcome to lambda Pi Cham. Sorry you had to arrive when it wasn’t sunny out. No problem though, there’s plenty of light inside.” Wow she is hothothot! I hope she will want to go out with me.
  • 32. Kimberly was impressed by her aunts’ and uncles’ paintings. “Wow, they looked so different back then. Look at dad! He was totally hip! I can’t wait to have my painting up here.”
  • 33. The next day, Kim invited Bruce over for something special. “Bruce, I have something to ask you.” “Yea? What is it?” “Well…I was wondering….if you would like to join the Greek house and come live with me. I..I would like it if you were here all the time.” “Whoa! Of course I will sweets! This is awesome!” “You will have to get a makeover once you pass the initiation though.” “No problem, as long as you don’t have me lookin like a clown or something.”
  • 34. I just wanted to show off the Greek house mini bowling alley. This was one of the things Beverly installed after generation two left. She had a lot of money to play with, so why not?
  • 35. The cute couple practiced their skills after he did his newbie duties of cooking and cleaning. He was pretty good actually.
  • 36. After the initiation period ended, Kimberly asked him to move in and be a permanent part of the house. She reminded him of the makeover too, which he agreed to. Bruce was totally excited about how he was going to turn out in the end.
  • 37. And here is the new Bruce Platz! Dreamy, isn’t he?
  • 38. Looks like Karen has found herself a man too. He has the right hairstyle but the wrong clothes…looks almost like the Kennedy Cox fashion lol. I forgot his name though *oops!*.
  • 39. Bruce has definitely been a help around the house, fixing broken toilets after the toga parties, and repairing the typewriters after all-nighters. But I don’t think putting your hand in there will work…that looks painful.
  • 40. This is Karen’s favorite hangout: the hot tub. She literally hangs out here until its time for class or bed.
  • 41. Michael never forgot about his original sweetheart, and invited her on a home date. Even though he has the hots for Beverly. Even though Beverly is home. Right now. Dangerous waters, my man, dangerous waters. “I love you so much *kisskisskiss*” “Oh ,Michael!”
  • 42. “That darn burglar! I can’t believe he broke into our house umpteen years ago!” That burglary happened so long ago…get over it.
  • 43. “OMGWTFBBQ! Dude! Get your wang outta my face before I go postal on you!” “Feel the love, man feel the love.” “You got three seconds before I damage you permanently.” “Would you look at the time, I gotta go to class or something.”
  • 44. Isn’t he dreamy? Looking all serious while he plays pool. This is his favorite hobby. He will soon be a professional, and we when he is, he will be hustling downtown in his spare time.
  • 45. Look at that! My first Greek house furniture! A desk! It’s going upstairs. “Man, that desk was heavy. How did I get it in a trash bag again?”
  • 46. “Eeww, go get a room!” PDA’s are not acceptable to Kimberly, unless she is the one involved.
  • 47. And here is Bruce heartfarting his girlfriend while she is trying terribly to boogie woogie to some disco music. “Man she is steaming hot! Love those moves man!” Michael: Dude, stop heartfarting my sister!
  • 48. Bruce wanted to surprise Kimberly with a nice meal, but instead he caught the house on fire. “Omgomgomg We are all going to diiiiiieeeee!!!” “Kim calm down it’s just…whoa FIRE! Omgomgomg we are going to die!”
  • 49. Luckily Karen called the fire department just in time, otherwise they would have had ashes for a stove.
  • 50. “So, what are you going to do once you graduate?” “Oh, I am probably going to become a Townie and live downtown somewhere.” “Oh…that’s..nice…I guess..” “That’s the best way of living though. It’s better than being stuck in the bin for the rest of my life.” “….”
  • 51. Michael worked out so much he was accepted into the fitness club. I hope those muscle of his will get him more dates. *chuckles*
  • 52. …and Bruce fell in love with Orson’s bong. And yes, Kimberly has snuck out here a few times to take a few puffs. Bad, bad girl.
  • 53. “Who me? I have no idea what you guys are talking about. I have been working out all this time.” Sure you have. *rolls eyes*
  • 54. “Hey Mikey, I have an idea.” “Yea?” “Yea. Let’s go on vacation, like explore the world a little. We may not get the chance to do it all together after college.” “You know, that’s a swell idea. Maybe when spring comes we can do it.”
  • 55. She wanted to leave sooner than that so she bugged him about it all the time, even during bowling matches. “C’mon, let’s go next week! I am bored of school right now.” “Yea right, sis, you’re a knowledge sim. Knowledge sims love learning.” “You are right, but….but I wanna go anyways!” *sigh*
  • 56. After much debating, they all decided to go on a mini vacation to Twikki Island to get away from the craziness that is college. The twins were the first one out of the door, glad to get away from the strange winter in the middle of the desert. (Ok, I forgot to turn winter off….but it looks cool anyways)
  • 57. Don’t look so excited you guys! Why is it that they look so sad whenever they get in a vacation taxi? If it was me I would be grinning from ear to ear. Sims.
  • 58. Bruce was relieved to register at the hotel after being on the plane for 10 hours. All he wanted to do was sleep. “No offense sir, but you know this is an island right? That winter coat may be too much for the nice weather here.” “Yes I know.” His gravelly voice made the concierge silent.
  • 59. “I am so happy to be here with ya, all alone…well kinda” “Me too honey. I can’t wait to see the sights and take some tours.” They have to be a bit frugal with the spending, since they spent a lot of money on the rooms.
  • 60. The first thing they did was go on a tour, but unfortunately I picked the wrong answer on the chance card and they all came back with their comfort in the red. Sorry guys. “OMG I want to lay down, pronto! My back feels like a Mack truck ran it ova!”
  • 61. Kim and Bruce fell asleep quickly. They slept until nightfall from all of the jetlag and the bad tour trip they had.
  • 62. “Oh geez, I am not facially challenged!.....Phew it was just a dream.” Michael kept getting nightmares, so he was the last one to be well rested.
  • 63. Later that night, they all decided to go shopping for some new threads. Bruce was looking for something a little closer to what the natives wore.
  • 64. The Fire Dancer persuaded Michael to learn the ancient art of fire dancing, so he and the teacher spent the entire night practicing. He got the hang of it without setting himself on fire.
  • 65. Bruce was having fun with one of the locals, and was quickly learning the history of the island. “Beware of King Okawalo. He becomes angry if soap enters his water.” “Where is this king at?” “He is tucked away near the ancient ruins. You may visit, but do not anger him, lest a curse will befall the island.” “Oh, ok…”
  • 66. “This island is beautiful isn’t it darling?” “Oh yes it is….so breathtaking. I am so glad we came.” “Me too….Kim, I…I have somethin’ to ask ya. I have been meaning to ask for awhile now, but the time was never right.”
  • 67. “Kimberly, you are the light of my life, and everything that makes me whole. Will you do me the honor of marrying me and being my wife forever?” “Ooh ooh ooh! Of course I will!” “I love you sweets.” I love you too!” *drools at ring*
  • 69. The engagement must have made them into three-bolters, because this was all they did for the rest of the night. Everyone even stopped to look at them. Beverly: I wish that was me *sigh* Karen: get a room you squares!
  • 70. The next day, the group ventured off to the haunted pirate’s ship, where Bruce autonomously started playing swords with the dummy pirate. “Arrgh, take that you stinkin’ thief! Arggh!”
  • 71. Kimberly showed off her 10 creative points by making a beautiful sandcastle…..
  • 72. …which Karen destroyed shortly after Kimberly walked away. Well…she only has 3 nice points, what do you expect?
  • 73. After plundering the cabin about 53621314356 times, she finally found the ghost! “We come from Bowerville, which is halfway across the world!” “Aye, you don’t say? Is the world still flat m’dear?” “Umm…no. We found out it was round a long time ago. We can even go into outer space to see it!” “My, times have changed, arrggh!”
  • 74. The pirate was so impressed with the news that he taught her a sea shanty that will no doubt be autonomously sung constantly forever and ever.
  • 75. Later that night, they wandered over to the ancient ruins. Michael and Beverly found themselves isolated near king Okawalo’s tomb. “This place is great, isn’t it?” “Yea, I dig it. Kinda spooky though.” “Yea.” “Yep.” Silence.
  • 76. “You know, this water makes your eyes sparkle.” ‘Yea?” Yea….very pretty.”
  • 78. They all went to the hot springs to enjoy the last few moments of their vacation. “This was a great break from college, man. I was so close to goin’ postal on my professor.” “I can relate, hun. I love learning, but I needed a break before my head exploded.” “Ditto.” “I’m graduating soon so I am glad I won’t have to worry about studying anymore.” “….”
  • 79. “Oh crap! What did I do! Maybe if I just walk away slowly no one will notice…” What did she do, you wonder?
  • 80. She just unleashed the wrath of the king onto the whole Island. That’s all. Nothing to worry about.
  • 81. A random local decided to swish her hand in the water, but got crispified instead. Poor thing. *snickers*
  • 82. Before they left, they decided to get a nice beach picture to remember their vacation by. This is also the first time I didn’t have to chase anyone down to pose.
  • 83. Kimberly: Do we really have to leave? I wanted to see one more thing… Bruce: Yes we do sweets. We can’t live here ya know. Karen: Too bad about that. There’s so much fun stuff to do here!
  • 84. Back at the college, Michael wasted no time in wooing Beverly, even though he is in love with someone else….
  • 85. …and he even went as far as kissing her all over the place while his twin sisters were in the same room. Shame on you, Michael.
  • 86. “Ugh, you are so gross, Mikey. That’s why we have something called rooms. Go use it. Please.” “You’re just jealous sis. Don’t be though. I am sure Bruce will give you a pat on the back or something.” “Shut up!”
  • 87. “Now how am I typing my essay with only one hand? Hmm…maybe I have special powers. Yea, that might be it.” Bruce’s hand glitched bad, so he typed his entire paper with one hand. Impressive, huh?
  • 88. “Oh my goodness, it’s so good to see you! How was your trip, Karen?” “Oh it was great. Too bad you couldn’t come along. You would have loved it.” “It’s ok, babe. Maybe one day we can go on our own.” “That would be nice.” Orange sweater girl: That man should be mines. Why do I always get the short end of the stick!
  • 89. Karen decided to explain everything they did on Twikki Island. “We went faaaar away on an airplane, and then we stayed in this cool hotel, and then we saw the ocean…..and at the end I thought it would be cool to put soap in the water fall, but then some lava came out and I ran off.” “Oh…I see…”
  • 90. “Kimberly, As you know this is a legacy family, and one of you kids are going to have become the her and continue the family line.” “Yes, of course, Dad.” “So, your mother and I had a long talk, and eventually we came to a decision.” “Ok….So what did you all decide?”
  • 91. “Kimberly, we have decided that you should be heiress. Congratulations!” “Wow…Dad…really?” “Yes really. You have always had the family close to your heart, so you would be the best choice.” “Thanks Dad. I won’t let you down! I promise.” Good. Now, make sure you keep studying hard so you can graduate with honors.” “Of course!”
  • 93. “I hope that stupid cow isn’t coming . I will kick his bovine butt!” Karen hates that cow. It’s like a family tradition.
  • 94. “Omg I hope he didn’t see that I said I thought he was cute and sexy and stuff!” She’s always writing in her diary about Bruce. I think she has a secret crush on him.
  • 95. And this is why Karen hates the cow. “Hey dude, look over there! There’s a naked muscular man over there!” “Where?” “Hehehehe!”
  • 96. Here she goes again…heart farting an engaged man. Beverly surely has no shame. “Ooohhh he is so hot!” “I will just pretend I didn’t hear that…”
  • 97. Looks like Michael has no shame either…accepting the advances of the cow. Tsk tsk tsk!
  • 98. “How dare you cheat on me! With a cow! That is the lowest of lows!” “But, but I didn’t mean it! He told me had a secret to tell me! I didn’t know!” “Yea sure you didn’t!” *slapslapslap*
  • 99. I can’t believe he cheated on me with the cow even though I heartfart over Bruce all the time! Waaaaaaahhhh!!!! Hypocrite.
  • 100. Autonomous couple painting. How cute! Bruce loves to paint with Kimberly, because they get to talk about their future together.
  • 101. “Hello? Oh hey Joanne! How have you been?...Yea? Oh the Greek house is doing great! I will make sure to invite you to the next toga party……Ok buh bye!” Joanne and Beverly are very close friends….BFF’s to be exact.
  • 102. Karen decided to try to get Beverly to take Michael back, despite all of the PDA’s. “Beverly, my brother didn’t mean to flirt with that dirty ole cow. Accept his apology, please?” “Well…I will think about it.” “I am so sorry Beverly. Forgive me!” “Ok! I forgive you!”
  • 103. “I really am sorry, babe. I didn’t think that cow would do that to me.” OK, apology accepted. But don’t do that again ok?” “Deal.”
  • 104. “I love you sweets. More than you know. I can’t wait to dance with you at our wedding.” “Me too. I wonder what kind of dress I am going to wear. This is going to be so great!” “Yea…as long as we have a keg I will be happy.” “Umm….ok…”
  • 106. Eventually, Beverly warmed back up to Michael, and they cuddled in the hot tub most of night…and it lead to some make up woohoo.
  • 107. “I can’t believe you messed with my man again! You will not get away with this! *slapslapslap* “Woman, I have idea what you are talking about!” “Oh yea? Well let me show you!” “Wha-”
  • 108. So Beverly commensed beating the spots off of the Cow. She won of course, and the cow went sulking back to wherever he came from.
  • 109. While there was a war going on in the living room, Karen and her boyfriend decided to woohoo the night away. Even though she heard the fighting, she preferred to stay in bed instead.
  • 110. The hang loose plague as now penetrated the Greek house! Danger! “Far out dude!”
  • 111. “What? Man, what are you on?” I love how Bruce looks in this pic. It definitely fits his character.
  • 112. “You know you like this! It’s ok to look!” “Man, get outta here and put some clothes on!” His package isn’t too bad though. Bad Kimberly. Very bad.
  • 113. His painting skills improved so much, he decided to paint Kim’s official Greek house picture. I think it’s going to come out looking good.
  • 114. Allyn got to know her future son-in-law over a game of pool. “It’s good to finally meet you, Bruce. Kim talks about you all the time.” “It’s good to meet you too, Mrs. Mariano. It’s cool to be part of your family.” “Please, call me Mom. It sounds much better.” “Alright, Ma.”
  • 115. Another couple moment. They are always flirting with each other. It’s too cute.
  • 116. Llama vs. Cow fight! Right here at Lambda Pi Cham! I wonder who’s going to win?
  • 117. The Llama won! Woot! Maybe now he will stop coming and bothering people. But…I doubt it.
  • 118. A few weeks later, Beverly’s graduation day came. “I’m going to miss you, Bev. I really am.” “Don’t worry, we will see each other really soon. I promise.” “Maybe we can get a place together Downtown. Ya know, so we can stay together.” “That’s a good idea. Let’s do that.”
  • 119. They spent the rest of the graduation party cuddling in the hot tub. Unfortunately, Joanne had to witness all of the gooey stuff. “Ugh, I think I will be leaving now. Don’t need to see my own nephew trying to get it on!”
  • 120. “Well, now that Beverly is gone, we need another place holder. Who do you suggest?” “Well, I think I have the perfect person in mind…”
  • 121. *A few hours later* “Hey Erin, how would you like to be a member of Lambda Pi Cham? We have all you can eat pizza!” “Wow sure! I never thought I would join a Greek house. This is cool!” “There is an initiation period though…” “I don’t care! Sign me up!”
  • 122. Erin’s first job as a new recruit was cleaning the grungy house. No one else really bothers to clean unless they have nothing better to do.
  • 123. After two days, Michael asked Erin to move into the Greek house. Graduation was coming up soon, and they needed someone there before they left. “Welcome to the house, Erin. You are now a full member.” “Ah, thanks so much. This is going to be so cool to live here! I don’t have to clean anymore, right?” “Nope, you just get someone else to do it.” “Cool!”
  • 124. After a few shopping trips, Erin’s makeover came out very nice. “Cool! I look like a Barbie doll. Very cool.”
  • 125. The last toga party of generation 3. Bruce even got the hang of the togas and spread school spirit to his future mother-in-law. “Gerbits, gerbits, vooooo gerbits!”
  • 126. Erin is a bit more open-minded than everyone though. Instead of wearing a night gown, she comes out in her underwear. “Just pretend she’s not standing there and everything will be ok. I’m walking away slowly now….”
  • 127. “OMG, that’s awful!” “What scary thing has she seen?
  • 128. Oh goodness it’s a nanny on TV! No matter she was scared! LOL!
  • 129. “Graduation Day. Finally.” *sigh* Yes, the Mariano kids are finally graduating. It only took me almost two weeks, but yay! Kimberly looks as relieved as I do.
  • 130. The drama teacher slapped the crap out of Kimberly for some reason at the party. I forgot I had invited her. That was a huge mistake. Luckily, Bruce paid no mind.
  • 131. “The next time we dance like this will be during the wedding.” “I know, huh…..hurry up with the wedding though, I can’t wait to get out of here.” “Me either.” I guess Spencer is praying to the radio in the background….but I can’t be sure.
  • 132. Bruce got back at the Drama teacher since she kept causing problems. Michael was the only one that bothered to watch.
  • 133. And of course he won. My hero!
  • 134. “I am so proud of you, princess. You graduated with top honors!” “Thanks. It was hard though. My head still hurts from all of that learning.” “It will wear off after awhile. I have been there before.”
  • 135. So Kimberly grew up, and exploded into an interesting outfit. “I am definitely changing this when I get home!”
  • 136. Karen grew up next, and I guess she didn’t like her outfit either.
  • 137. Last but not least, Michael grew up in an outfit similar to his uncle Gene’s. *snicker* I guess he grew into his nose…a tiny bit. Next time will be the wedding of Kimberly and Bruce. Stay tuned! Credit to all of the CC creators out there. There’s so much CC in my game I cannot list them all. Ciao!