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Dear reader, welcome to the Bookacy Family Alphabet                   "Oh hi honey. I didn't hear you two come in", said Joy without
Adventures, chapter 15!                                               turning, "How did those affairs go?"

When we last left off, some unfortunate events had just taken         "Yeah... About that. I'd kind of need to tell you something."
place. Salahuddin had kidnapped Adson's girlfriend, Rebecca, to
demand his beloved Author in return. Unfortunately, things went       "Okay, honey. Wait a minute, I'll just finish this omelet so Marsha
wrong, and Rebecca died in her kidnapper's hands. Salahuddin          will have something to eat when she wakes up. You know kids,
and his son, Aadam, escaped with their lives. Salahuddin returned     they're always hungry."
to his drawing board, but Aadam was increasingly worried and
unhappy. The next morning, Aadam found Joy in the kitchen.

"Umm... Honey? I'd need to talk to you." With difficulty, Aadam had
reached a decision. He wanted Joy's advice on all these difficult
matters. He couldn't handle them by himself.
Joy finished the omelet and put it to one side, to wait for Marsha,   Joy had been listening intently, a worried expression on her face.
who was, by the sound of it, taking a shower.                         She had had a hunch that not everything was right, but she hadn't
                                                                      expected anything this bad.
"Alright, honey", she said, "I'm listening."
                                                                      "Oh honey, I just had a feeling that not everything was quite right
Aadam took a deep breath, and before he knew it, he was               here, and turns out I was right."
explaining all of it. How his father had fallen for his mother, how
their love had been doomed to failure from the start, and how his
father was unable to give up. He told how left out and lonely he'd
felt during his teen years, without ever knowing why, and how
happy he'd been to finally meet his real father. How he had gotten
involved all this, and eventually, how it had come to last night's
terrible conclusion.

"... and then he told me to escape, and I knew I would have to.
Rebecca was dead, and it was my fault as much as his."
"I'm sorry to say this", Joy went on, relieved to finally share her thoughts with Aadam, "but
I've had the feeling that not everything is quite right with your father for a while now."

Aadam stayed quiet. It hurt him to hear this, but he couldn't deny the truth in her words.

"It's difficult to say how I've come to see it. But it's the little things. For example, how he
doesn't really seem to appreciate me all that much. He is always so very polite and
seemingly friendly. But before I know it, I am again tending the garden for him, cleaning the
house for him, or baby sitting a kid that isn't mine. Mind you, Marsha is an adorable child.
But still. I have the feeling that I'm some kind of a live-in-maid for him."

And then, he's all secretive about this business that is supposedly about his job. How much
should he need to hide from me? I am in Crime too, so if it wasn't about something I
wouldn't approve of, why wouldn't he use me as an ally? And then I realized that he wasn't
telling you either."
So while I've been busy scrubbing the counters, I've also had time to think. Think about
what you've ever told me about your father and your family. And I realized that it wasn't all
that much."

Aadam sighed. "I guess I didn't know all that much myself."

Joy nodded. "Probably. And I got worried. It all didn't make sense to me. There was
something wrong, but I didn't know what. Well, I suppose now I know."

Aadam stayed quiet, just nodded. Joy hesitated.

"I don't know what to tell you. I can see that you are in deep trouble, wanted by the police
and abandoned by the family. But I am afraid I have to tell you that your father isn't who you
thought he was, and in fact, he is a dangerous man."
Aadam swallowed hard. "I am starting to fear that myself", he said quietly. "But what can I

Joy shook her head. "That is something I can't tell you. You have to decide for yourself."

"This is so horrible. Poor Rebecca, we've been friends for so long, and now... I still can't
believe it", said Aadam in a shaky voice. "But he is still my father, you know? I could run
from him, but I couldn't escape the fact that he is my father."

"I know. Come here. No matter how alone you may feel right now, I'm still here for you. And
we'll figure something out", said Joy, pulling Aadam into her arms.
Meanwhile in the Bookacy family, life went on. The family was still sorrowful over the latest
happenings, but there was nothing they could really do. The police had been looking for the
escapees from the moment Arthur and Kendra had reported the incident at work, but with no
results. The two men seemed to have gone missing from all Alphabetia.

But today is a special day, a day worth cake.
Namely, the double birthday of the two boys of generation B!
While the family watches, the boys twirl. Goodbye, childhood...
... hello, teenage!
So, here they go. This is Baudolino, the secondborn of Adrian and Nicole. Baudolino rolls
fortune for his aspiration, and his lifetime want is to own five top ranked businesses. Just
like his mama.
And this is Bill, Adrian's alien son. Bill rolls popularity, the same as Beth did. And his lifetime
want is... You guessed it, to have 5 top ranked businesses. Now I have three of you under
the same roof, what on earth am I going to do? Well, at least this is bad news for Nicole -
I've already given her two lifetime wants, so it's highly unlikely I'll give her the businesses,
especially now that these young fellows want the same.

Quite surprisingly by the way, both grew up into clothes I can live with. Actually, that's what
the firstborn, Beth, did as well.
But I do want rid of the default hair.

"Mom? Are you sure about this? You've never given anyone a makeover, after all."

"Of course I am, Bill honey! Your Mom is great at everything she tries!"
"See? It isn't even that difficult!"
Umm, Nicole? This, err... well, it wasn't exactly what I had in mind.

"Err... Yeah. Don't worry, we'll fix that."
Now that's better!

"Cool, Mom! I like it!"
"Your turn, Baudolino. What would you like?"

"Well, as long as you don't make it like Bill looked a while ago..."
"Cool, Mom! On the first try!"
"... and then if y is the number of grilled cheese sandwiches you've eaten, then by solving x
you will know your amount of happiness!"

So this is what Adrian is up to. Stuffing sandwiches in his face. But those calculations can't
be his originally - am I guessing right if I say he's been reading your calculation's, Nicole?

"Yes, Creator, we've been planning the security system, and he must have taken that from
there and used it on sandwiches. How many does he have left? He is driving me to drink,
you know."
Speaking of the security system, in the light of the recent unfortunate events, the grown-ups
of the family had decided to hurry their plans and put them into action as soon as possible.
They started one beautiful morning from the front yard.

"Nicole, are you sure all the calculations are correct?"

"Positive, Count Curtis. I've checked and re-checked them a dozen or more times. Now is
time to put the plan into action to protect this family."

"Excellent. Let's get to work, then. Adrian, I'm going to need your help. Nicole, if you'd read
the instructions for us from the drawings, that would be nice."
So they set to work. The men started building a strong fence around the house to keep
unwanted visitors outside. Not only was it strong, but it was also heavily protected with the
newest electronic sensors and devices.
Nicole read the drawings for Adrian and Count Curtis, and when she wasn't needed for that,
she did some outside decorating by planting flowers and shrubs.
With hard work, the defenses rose surprisingly quickly. The three stood at the gate,
admiring the results of their work.

"... and the alarm system is integrated to our burglary alarm system, so that if anyone
without a personal code attempts to enter, we will know immediately. Guests can only enter
with one of the residents of the house", Nicole explained, going through the details once

"And if someone attempts to go over the fence, with or without wings, we'll also get an
alarm?" Adrian asked.

"Definitely, that has been taken into account", Count Curtis confirmed.
And so the Bookacy family home got well protected, and got some outside decorations as
well as a garage for a possible second car. I still like the house, even though it's slightly big.
Soon after this, young Baudolino asked his parents if it would be okay if he invited over the
local private school headmaster. Especially Nicole was happy to hear his son was so
ambitious and wanted to pursue the best education available. So Baudolino happily invited
the headmaster.
"Hello, mr. Ryan. I'm glad you could make it."

"But of course, son! I would never pass the chance to meet potential new talents for my

"And a free meal?"

"Well, that too."
"Sir, would you maybe like a tour of our house? I could show you if you want."

"That would be absolutely splendid, son! I hear this is a Legacy family – I suppose there are
lots of expensive items I can cheer at?"

"Of course, sir."

Baudolino, keep an eye on the headmaster, will you? That grin looks like he is going to put
some of that expensive stuff into his inventory when you aren't watching or something.
"Umm... Yeah, this is the living room, sir."

"Hooray! Plenty of expensive objects!"

"Err... Yeah."
"That's my Grandfather over there, banging on the piano. He does that a lot. Says he
suddenly got the urge to maximize creativity. And that's my sister, always on the phone. She
wants to be buddies with everyone."

"I'm sorry, son, what did you say? I was distracted by your expensive sofa."
"And this is our room, I mean the kids'. Not much in here, really, just beds and..."

"But expensive beds, son, excellent!"
"Oh, don't mind us, gramps. I'm just showing mr. Ryan the house a bit. Oh, and you
maximized creativity now? Congrats!"

"Thanks, Baudolino dear. Hmm... let's see. Yes, I think I want to play some chess."
"This is my brother Bill, mr. Ryan. He's also applying for your school, sir."

"Very nice to meet you, son. Now, tell me, do you like expensive items?"
"It is so nice to have you over mr. Ryan. My son Baudolino is so eager to get to study in your

"It's my pleasure, mrs. Bookacy. Your son seems such a fine young man, and we've had a
wonderful conversation about expensive items."
"Speaking of those, I think I heard a mechanical man move around somewhere in the
house. I am very interested in those. Is it true that you have such a rare and expensive
possession, mrs. Bookacy?"
"Oh, you mean George? Yes, he's been our simnoid for a while now. My father-in-law here,
Count Curtis, built him."

"Yes, as a matter of fact I did. He has the personality of my deceased wife, and we are all
very fond of George."

"That is very interesting, mr. Bookacy. It would be very interesting to see it... I mean, him."

"Sure. George is always around. I think I can hear him jumping on the coach. Maybe you'll
run into him after dinner."
The rest of the dinner went by with Baudolino describing his career ambitions.

"I don't know yet which career path to take, but I'm sure to have a job in addition to the
businesses. And of course I want to top it as well."
After dinner, it was George who got congratulated by BJ Ryan, if in perhaps a little peculiar

"It is certain these kids will make a great addition to our school. And I'm glad to accept
someone from a family with such a fine, expensive mechanical man!"

With that, Beth, Baudolino and Bill were in private school.
And now that that's done, you get to do what my teens get to do: hit the books!

"But we want parties! And new buddies!"

Later. For now, your aspiration levels are just fine. Besides, you three are currently the
fastest skilling teens I've ever seen in my game, it's as if you had the smart milk effect on or
something. So we're taking advantage of it, whatever it is.


Shush. More skilling now means more money and more time to have fun in college!

"And more parties and new buddies?"

Yes. And if you're really good, maybe best buddies too.

Later that evening:

"Adrian, I hope you don't mind... I just somehow felt so alone, the other bedroom felt cold
and unfriendly."

"*Yawn* Sure, no problem. Nicole will be badge building late anyway. You miss Mom?"

"I do."

"Okay. Me too. Hope you can get some sleep. G'night."

"Good night, son."
"Mr. Chamcha?"

"Yes, Marsha?"

"Would it be okay if I called a friend of mine now? I've done all of my homework already."

"You have? And have you helped Joy to clean the kitchen?"

"I have, mr. Chamcha."
"Very well then. I suppose you are re-rolling the general want to chat again?"

"Yes, mr. Chamcha."

"I see. What is the name of this friend, Marsha?"

"His name is Adrian, mr. Chamcha. We've been friends since he was my age, and now he is
all grown up and has a family of his own. Our friendship has been fading a bit lately, and I
wouldn't want to lose him as a friend."

"I see. Adrian, did you say? What is Adrian's last name, may I ask?"
"Adrian Bookacy, mr. Chamcha."

"Adrian Bookacy... Hmm... Yes, I do believe my contacts have told me about him... He
seems to be a suitable companion... Yes, Marsha, you may call this friend. Friends are, after
all, important, too. Just remember the rules."

"Don't tell anyone where I live and with whom. And if I need to refer to you or Aadam, I will
explain you are my adoption Dad and brother."

"Exactly, Marsha, very good. Now, I believe the phone is free right now. Enjoy your chat.
Remember that bedtime is at ten."

"Yes, mr. Chamcha, sir! Thank you, mr. Chamcha!"
Back with the Bookacies, it's time to work on Nicole's business a bit. I've gotten her a
makeover chair there, so she can simultaneously work on the makeover badges.
Many townies already have a cool new look.
Others... not so cool.

We immediately fix them, though. One, to give Nicole the practice she needs, and two, to
prevent the business from losing too many stars. Luckily Nicole has been reasonably good
at this from the start. I don't think she's ever needed more than two tries per customer.
I also realized that I hadn't given Aurora an adult makeover yet. High time to do so!

"Are you sure about this, Creator? I hear the results can be funny if the stylist is not so

Don't fret Aurora, Nicole has plenty of experience by now, don't you, Nicole?

"Yes, Creator, errm... Plenty."
Look, Aurora. Not too shabby, eh?

"Wow, cool! Thanks Nicole!"

And on the first try!
Oh, and thanks, Aurora. We have a bronze badge, now!

"No problem! I think I'll send Andrew here as well."

In unison with Nicole: please do!
Speaking of Aurora, she made it to perma-platness shortly after this by becoming
Professional Party Guest. Andrew still has some work to do, as he wants to become
Criminal Mastermind.
Back at home, it's dinner time.                                   "Don't worry about that, Arthur. I know the police are doing their
                                                                  best. I wouldn't expect a man like Salahuddin to be found easily",
"So there are no news about Salahuddin or Aadam?" asked           Count Curtis replied with a sad tone in his voice, "I would have
Adrian.                                                           wanted to see things sorted out with Aadam, but it seems he is too
                                                                  deep in his father's plottings and too scared to show his face."
"No, unfortunately not. We have been looking for them with all
men the chef has been able to take off from other cases, but it   Adrian and Arthur both nodded in silence. Beth, even though
seems as if they had vanished in thin air."                       silent, had listened intently. Now that the kids were teenagers, they
                                                                  were considered old enough to know, for safety reasons.
Arthur took a bite of his sandwich and went on:

"I'm sorry, Dad. I know how much you would want to see
Salahuddin caught and Aadam back with us. But the tracks are
cold, and getting colder all the time."
After dinner Count Curtis went to Adrian.

"Son, about the situation with Aadam still. I know I've said this before, but I want to say it
again. I saw Aadam that night, and I know how sorry he was. The boy is not evil, just lost
and confused. If he ever shows up, asking for forgiveness.. I ask you, all of you, to forgive
him. For me, and your mother."

"You know we will, Dad. We are all very angry with him for what he caused our brother to
suffer, and forgiving will not be easy. I cannot speak for the others, especially not Adson, but
personally, if Aadam ever shows up and asks for my forgiveness, I'll do my best to give him
"Thank you, Adrian, that's all I'm asking for. Then there was one other thing I needed to say
to you."

Count Curtis drew breath and went on in a calm manner.

"Adrian, I trust you as the heir, to love your family and take care of them the best you can.
And when the time comes, you need to pass on all the information that the next generation
will need to stay safe. I have full confidence in you and Nicole with that."

Adrian didn't know what to say, so he remained silent.

"And I want you to know, that I love you, Adrian. You and all your siblings. Tell them that for

"We know", said Adrian quietly, slightly confused.

"I know you do, but I needed to say that."
"I love you too, Dad", Adrian said. Count Curtis just nodded and smiled. Then, as if
something was happening, something that he had been expecting, he remained silently
where he was, as if waiting.

And then, it was suddenly not just Count Curtis that could feel the chill.
Alright then, Curty. I guess this is it. I hate to see you go, but I guess you have to. Have fun
with Author on that eternal Dream Date. Oh, and say hi from me.

"I will."
"Dad!" wailed Adrian. The death of his father had not been fully unexpected, but that didn't
make it hurt any less.
"Count Curtis Bookacy, it is your time."
"You know, that is a shame. I would have wanted to see my family reunited once more.
There are so many unfinished things in this family right now... I suppose you can't wait?"
"No, son, unfortunately I cannot. But I'll try to make it up to you as well as I can. First
of all, there is a free drink involved. And well, as I told your wife, there are bubble
blowers and bowling alleys too. By the way, she asked me to tell you to hurry up."

"Really? How is Author?"

"She is fine, just expecting you to show up any moment."
"Wow, that does sound like a good deal. But will you manage here?"

We will, Curty hon. You can take the deal. Even though I am sobbing together with the
family right now, we'll manage, I promise. Go.

"If you say so, Creator. One, question, though, mr. Reaper: are there chess boards?"

"I am sure that can be arranged."
"In that case, it's settled. Lead the way!"
"Very well, son. Grab your suitcase and let's go."
Hush, guys. I know. I'm sad too. Count Curtis was one of my all time favorite sims. Shh,
poor things...

But hey, what's that over there?
No, Arthur, don't! Get up, now! You can take it!

Dammit! Who the idiot invited the family sim over the day his father would die?

... oh, it must have been me. My bad.
"*Hiccup* My grandfather's dead and now my uncle's gone mad, hasn't he? *sniff*"

Don't worry, he'll be back on his feet in no time, won't you, Arthur?
Hmm... Doesn't look like it. Please, Arthur, try to collect yourself, okay? There is a point
penalty for aspiration failures, you know.

Oh, but wait. The penalty... it's for Sim Shrink visits. I mean, can you see a Sim Shrink?
... Didn't think so. Thus, I can't see a point penalty either. Nyah nyah!

"Thanks, mr. Shrink, for not showing up. Creator there says that is cheering her up quite a
bit right now."
This honestly had me almost burst into tears. Even in death, that is so Curty.
Again, a cool breeze swept through the room where Count Curtis had just left forever, and
me and his oldest son had a common experience of seeing him one last time.

Well, goodbye then, buddy. You were so much fun to play. Now go to your wife. Love you,
Rest in peace, Count Curtis Bookacy. You were a great Grand Vampire and spouse to the
foundress. Not to mention father and grandfather. Achieved permanent platinum aspiration
by becoming Mayor of Alphabetia. Died at the age of 84, just as your wife, Author. You will
be missed, and certainly not least by me.
Despite all, life goes on. To get my sims' minds off sad things, we head for our businesses,
and both are doing good. In the bakery, River starts earning some badges.

Unfortunately, this was before both of the stoves caught fire, River walked in the kitchen
while I was desperately trying to put the fires out, panicked, fired himself and started
docking us stars. So there will be some repairing to do next time. And I don't have any
pictures of the incident, as with two stoves on fire and way too many sims in the room with
them photography wasn't the first thing on my mind.
Nicole's, on the other hand, is doing quite well. It's caught up with the bakery by now, and
gaining stars way faster. I guess not having stoves there to catch fire is a benefit. And no
making and restocking of items either, yay.
Well, not everything always goes according to plan, and the makeover badges are painfully
slow to gain...
... but with practice, we eventually make the customers happy. And it does seem that Aurora
sent her fiance over. So thanks for that!
Slightly later, back at home.                                        "Actually, you know what? It's been a while since I've seen you, so
                                                                     why don't you come over for dinner tonight? It would be nice to
"Hello, Adrian Bookacy speaking."                                    see you, and well, I know my kids are a little older than you, but I
                                                                     think you could still have a good time together."
"Oh hi Marsha, good to hear from you."
                                                                     "So, in about a half an hour? Meet me behind our fence and I'll get
...                                                                  us through our security without causing an alarm."

"No, not at all. I was just watching TV with my kids before fixing
grilled cheese for dinner."

"Umm... Hi", said Adrian to the teenage girl standing by the gate, "Have you seen a little girl
in a yellow t-shirt and jeans? She's a friend of mine and was supposed to meet me here by
the gate."
The girl looked anticipatingly at Adrian for a while. Then she answered, a wide smile on her

"But Adrian, it's me, Marsha! You really didn't recognize me, did you?"

Adrian just stared at her. Then, slowly, he returned the smile.

"Marsha! You're all grown up! How's that possible? I thought that townies cannot age."

"Well, technically, I'm not all grown up, just a teenager", Marsha replied, grinning, "and it
seems I got lucky. I was destined to be a little girl forever, but then I got adopted to a
playable family, and that totally changed my life. Or rather, gave me one."

"But that's wonderful, Marsha! I'm so happy for you. Now let's not stand outside, but rather
talk about this over a plateful of delicious grilled cheese sandwiches."
They turned and started walking towards the gate while still talking about the many wonders
of grilled cheese, when Marsha suddenly stopped and pulled Adrian for a hug.

"I'm so happy to have a friend like you, Adrian. Ever since I was the little girl who'd never
grow up, you've been so kind and caring. Thanks for having me."

"Hey, no problem Marsha. Even for a grilled cheese sim, buddies are good to have. Now
let's go inside so you can meet my kids. I've got three teenagers now, so you three should
come along swimmingly."
"So, kids, this is Marsha, my friend ever since I was a little kid. She's gotten lucky and been
adopted, so now she's been able to grow up. Marsha, these are my kids: Bill, Beth and

"Hi, guys. I always love to meet someone new!"

"Hi Marsha."

"Hey Marsha, nice to meet you too."

"Hi, good to meet you."
Adrian went to fix a dinner of grilled cheese sandwiches, and after hanging out with the girls
a while, Baudolino and Bill went to get ready for dinner. Beth, instead, stayed in the living
room to keep company for their guest. The two girls hit it right off, they found out that they
came along marvelously.
After dinner, Beth and Marsha went upstairs to play some pool and tell jokes.

"Wow, Beth, you're so funny! And so much fun to be with!" said Marsha, still trying to catch
her breath and wiping her eye corners.

"Yeah, you too", replied Beth, grinning widely, "Wanna hang out tomorrow after school?"

"That'd be so cool!"

"Alright then, it's a deal. Here's my cell number, you can also call me to chat if you like."

"Great, I love to chat."

"Me too."

"Okay, I'll call tomorrow when I've done my homework. I'm sure I'll be allowed to see you if I
just take care of school."
So, life goes on as normal. Well, I've come across a certain, not so pleasant finding about
the wonderful grilled cheese.

You see, I had been wondering about Adrian. He's been cramming grilled cheese down his
gullet ever since halfway through college, and I had been wondering when he would hit his
lifetime want. I'd waited and waited, but nothing.

I had noticed that every now and then he'd gain a memory "ate grilled cheese". He had
about twenty or thirty of them, so I was estimating that they probably appear every five or so
sandwiches. I was content, as at that rate, I'd be well on my way. Until I found out.

The memory is gained by finishing the sandwich. I just happened to see Adrian finish a
sandwich and saw he had gained the memory. So I realized two things. First, I had been
having Adrian eat and eat and eat grilled cheese – by starting the sandwiches That qualifies
for the want you know. Second, the memory appears for every sandwich eaten, and Adrian
had about thirty of them.
So, *sigh*, eat up, Adrian! From now on, I don't care about your fitness or your job or
anything. You'll be using your days off and sitting in the kitchen eating sandwiches with
George. You can take turns making the plateful, and then George can start the sandwiches
and leave you the very last bites so you can finish them and gain the memories. Okay?

"Okay, C! Don't worry, I'll work hard so we can achieve the want."

"That does sound like a clever plan, miss Creator. I only regret that I cannot jump on the
coach now."

Thanks, George. And sorry about that, but I'll promise to get you some coach jumping and
bubble blowing later.
Marsha was a frequent guest in the Bookacy house. Beth was the     "I think I want to be Captain Hero. I want to do my part of keeping
closest with her.                                                  Alphabetia a safe place to live."

"So what do you want to do when you grow up?"                      "Hey you know what? I've got an uncle who's a cop, he wants to
                                                                   be a Captain Hero too. I could introduce you some time, so maybe
"I want to be Mayor like my grandpa. He was the coolest grandpa    he could give you some tips on what skills to focus on or so."
ever. Grand Vampire."
                                                                   "That sounds so cool, Beth!"
"Wow, that sounds neat. Having a grandfather and all."

"It is. Or was, I guess."

"Oh, he's dead? I'm so sorry to hear that."

"Thanks. Yeah, he died a while ago. We all miss him." Beth was
silent for a short while. "But what about you, what do you wanna
do when you grow up, Marsha?"
The boys aren't as close with Marsha, maybe it's all that girl business. Or maybe because
I'm making them skill so much. Beth does skill too, of course. All three of them are like
seriously the biggest skilling monsters I've ever seen in my game, it's as if they had the
smart milk effect on them or something. But I thought that only happens to children.
Whatever it is, I'm so taking advantage of it.
Again, here's proof that I'm not cruel, though. The kids do get some sneaking out fun when
they need aspiration boosts. Well, to be honest, mainly Beth and Bill do, because Baudolino
mostly wants to gain scholarships and stuff anyway.
Please, George, be careful with the sandwich! I don't think Adrian will want to eat that if you
drop it on the floor.

"No worries, miss Creator. Look, mr. Bookacy makes them extra cheesy!"
"Hello, young mister and miss. May I tempt you with a freshly made grilled cheese

"Cassidy, I think I need more juice."

"Me too."
Hang in there, Bill! Just a couple of more bites and you can go to bed. I'll stuff the rest of the
sandwich into your dad's inventory for him.

"Wah. I think I got some cheese in my nose."
"Hi, bro. How's your skilling going?"

"Still fast. And you?"

"Same here. Actually, I wouldn't even really need logic anymore, I've got the scholarship
already. I'm just avoiding Dad and his cheese."

"Oh. Well, you're welcome to join me of course. Not that I have too many points to go
So, it seems you aren't avoiding the cheese yet, Baudolino?

"Well, I figured that it's not that long until we go to college anyway."

So you decided to endure. And got hungry?

"Well that too."

What about you Bill, what are you doing?

"I'm smustle cheering my brother on with his sandwich. Go Baudolino!"
"How many more, miss Creator?"

Two words for you George: too many.
But let us visit someone else for a change. Adson and Barry have       "Yeah, I guess so", said Adson with a faint smile. "I don't think it
been staying with Abraham, Kendra and Bianca since Rebecca             would be good for Barry to just be with me right now."
died. With the combined funds of two households, they've added a
second floor to better accommodate the guests.                         "No. And it wouldn't be good for you either. Really. Do stay as long
                                                                       as you like."
"So, do you like it?" asked Kendra while entering the newly built
second master bedroom.

"It's very nice", replied Adson, "I think I'll be as happy here as I
could possibly be anywhere now."

He paused for a while and went on: "Thanks for having us."

"No problem, really. Me and Abraham are just happy to have you
here, and it's good for Bianca to have company of her own age.
And that way we have three adults to take care of two kids, it feels
rather luxurious."
And well, Kendra was right. It was Adson who was having the hardest time, and to whom it
would have been most harmful to live on his own. All of the family did do their best to cheer
him up, but it was his niece Bianca who managed the best. No matter how sad Adson felt,
the little girl could always bring a smile on his face.
Abraham, on the other hand, reacted the way a true knowledge              When Adson still didn't say anything, Abraham went on.
sim would: he saw a problem in his brother's situation and did his
best to find a solution. Adson was grateful for his support, but          "I mean, maybe you could look for the Paranormal job in the
didn't really believe in any solutions – Rebecca was dead, so what        paper. Didn't you say you lost the Slacker one anyway?"
more could be done?
                                                                          "Yeah, bad chance card. I guess I've been distracted lately... Well,
"Adson, things are going nicely. I got another promotion, and the         I guess trying to get a new job wouldn't hurt", Adson said and
Mad Scientists are starting to trust me more. They're still not telling   shrugged.
me everything, and I doubt they will until I'm one myself."

Adson didn't know what to say, so he just nodded.

"But what they do tell me, is I'm going to need help. They hint that
someone with skills in the paranormal area would be of help when
I... Well, whatever it is I need to do."
Barry, Adson and Rebecca's son, had become a young man. He still missed his mother, but
as he had been only a little kid when it all had happened, he didn't remember too much of it.
He was focused on keeping company for his dad as long as he could before college, and
spending time with his other relatives, especially his little cousin Bianca.
Barry is also a frequent guest in the Thayer household. He is good friends with his other
cousin, Bonnie. She has been a great comfort in his sorrow, and the two understand each
other well. Maybe in part because both are family sims.
Speaking of Bonnie, she did turn quite a gorgeous young lady. As I said earlier, she and
Beth look very much alike. In fact, they could almost be twins. It's funny, I wouldn't really say
Arthur and Meadow look all that much like Adrian and Nicole.
Bonnie is dating Thomas here. Their chemistry isn't perfect, as Thomas is a pleasure sim,
but they seem to get along well, and I somehow like him. I guess he's going to college this
Not everyone in the Thayer household is a family sim, though. This is Bill, if you remember
him. Or "the other Bill" as I tend to call him, as his half-alien cousin was there first. Bill
aspires romance, which is a bit funny, as Barry, the child of two romance sims, aspires
family. And yes, Arthur and Meadow, Bill's parents, are both family. Maybe the two cousins
were swapped at birth or something?
And this is my darling Bailey, Arthur's abduction spawn. He decided to pursue knowledge.
And he likes to dance, but does that, as most other things, quietly and without a fuss.
Arthur finally made it to Captain Hero and permanent platinum. Welcome home, Arthur. How
are we feeling today?

"Very platinum, thanks for asking!"

No prob. Hey, Kendra. Good to see you. But wait, you aren't Captain Hero yet, are you?

"Well, not as such. One of our Captain Heroes caught the flu, so she asked me to cover for
her for the day. Well, I couldn't refuse that, could I? With the suit and everything."

Oh, okay.

Now Arthur wants to have a golden anniversary, which I adore, because it matches
Meadow's lifetime want. Unfortunately, I've heard that they can't fulfill it in the same party.
It's a pity, but oh well, that just means we'll throw two parties I guess.
This is just to show how the Thayer household dinner table often looks. Actually, often it's
much more crowded, but I don't have good pictures of the crowd. It's not unusual at all to
have three or four guests over constantly, as these guys keep on bringing buddies home
from work and school, much more than any of my other sims. Don't know why, but I'm not
complaining – they're fun to play.
Back in the main legacy household, it seems that smustling is up. It's a good way to up fun
after school, and it works towards the dancing scholarship.

And well, you get hilarious faces, too, which is a bonus.
Wakey wakey Adrian. Finish that sandwich and you can go to bed, okay?

"Well the sandwich is soft, too."

Yeah, but you don't want the flies that show up by morning, do you?

"Not particularly."

Thought so.
"Woot! Go Daddy go! Eat grilled cheese!"

As in "woo, we're halfway there"?

"I dunno, is he?"

Well, I don't know either. Might be wishful thinking. Love that song, though.
"Err... Creator?"

Yes, Nicole?

"I'm not sure sleeping on the sandwich is good for my son."

Nah, the sandwich is soft. Ask Adrian.

"I'll pass, thanks."

What, are you having a lovers' quarrel or what?

"No, nothing like that. It's just that in this household one gets to hear enough about grilled
cheese without asking."
"In fact, George, I think there should be a college scholarship for making the perfect grilled
cheese and..."

I guess I can see what Nicole meant.
So, sneaking out again, Beth? Are you done with skilling today?

"Yep. I need fun and an aspiration boost. Can't use the cap otherwise."

Alright then. Who are you going with?

Umm... Yeah. About that. I know that you two are close nowadays, but...

"Can't talk now, she's waiting for me!"

Sigh. They don't listen to me, do they?
So, this is your way of gaining fun, then, Bill.

"Yep! I'm bored of skilling, and it's day so I can't sneak out with my buddies. But bathtub
pirating is cool."
No, Lucy no! That sandwich was still perfectly edible!

"But someone has eaten over half of it – surely no one wants to eat the remains of someone
else's sandwich?"

In case you've been wondering why Nicole hasn't been in the spotlight very much this
chapter, well, when at home and not needed helping Adrian with the sandwiches, she's
mostly been painting. She has the constant wants to paint masterpieces and write great
novels, so that's something she likes to do apparently. So it's a win win: she gets aspiration
points for it, and I have her out of the way and doing something at least semi-useful while I
need to micromanage Adrian with the sandwiches.

And no, you haven't done micromanaging before you've tried to stuff 150 sandwiches down
someone's throat in less than two weeks.

... no, I don't really know how long the eating is taking Adrian. My sims are elixir addicts, so
it's hard to tell if you don't write numbers down, which I don't. But all the same, I'm pushing
Adrian quite hard at the moment. I want him to reach permaplat before elderhood.
And yet another scholarship down. At this rate, I should have chances to earn points for the
scholarships this generation. Well, the half a point per kid anyway. Possibly not Beth, who is
a bit behind as she slacked more in early teenage.
One beautiful day in the park.

"... and I thought I would never get the chance to grow up and do all the fun stuff playables
get to do, you know? But yeah, then I got adopted and, well, here I am! Enjoying life just like
any playable."

"That truly is amazing, Marsha. I have a hard time imagining it – I was born playable you
know. But as a townie you were immortal, and now you will eventually grow old and die.
Doesn't that bother you?"

"Not one bit! You see, I think of it this way: what's the fun in being immortal, if you aren't
going to live?"

"Yeah, I guess I can see the point."
"I'm looking forward to going to college, but I still want to make the most of the time I have
before that. Creator is promising me fun times in college, if I work hard for my scholarships
now", said Beth later the same evening, while she and Marsha were still in the park, just
hanging out and talking. She was quiet for a while and then suddenly sat up and asked:
"You're going to college, too, aren't you Marsha? You can't miss all the fun!"

Marsha shrugged. "I suppose so. My adoption Dad always tells me how important education
is, so I guess he'll be all for it. And well, I'd certainly like to."

"Cool!" said Beth with a content grin on her face. "You wanna come live with us there? I
mean, certainly you'll be going to Sim State?"

"That'd be so cool, Beth!"

"So it's a deal", Beth replied, content. "It's getting kinda late. I should be going home soon.
How about I come over to your place next time, for a change?"
"Err..." said Marsha, "I don't know if that's a good idea, Beth."

"Oh, why not?"

"Well, you see, my Dad has this kind of odd working schedule... So he often needs to sleep
during the day... He doesn't like to be disturbed when he's trying to sleep. And I suppose
that as he is in the Criminal Career, he must have some stuff in the house that he doesn't
want others to see. Not that I wouldn't trust you, Beth, but..." Marsha ended in an awkward

"It's okay, I understand. You'll just have to introduce me to your Dad later, when he has a
better working schedule. And besides, that won't be a problem once we hit college!"
A short while later, it was time for the girls to say goodbye and head for home.

"It was cool to hang out with you again, Marsha."

"You too", replied Marsha with a smile, "And thanks so much for inviting me to live with you
in college. I bet it's going to be so much fun!"

"It will. Alright, I'll be going home now. We'll keep in touch, and I'll call you when I know
when exactly I'll head for college. I think it won't be long. I have to settle it with my parents,
but I think I'm starting to be ready."

"Okay, that's great. I feel ready too."

"Cool. Well, Bye then, Marsha."

"Bye, Beth."
Back at home, Marsha took the matter of college up with Salahuddin.

"... and my friend Beth asked me to live with her and her two brothers in college! Isn't that so
exciting, mr. Chamcha?"

"But absolutely, dear Marsha! I am very happy to hear you are pursuing higher education. I
was, in fact, slightly worried that as a popularity sim you might not be interested in such
matters. And if you have someone to share an apartment with, that is very nice as well. Beth
did you say her name was?"

"Yes, sir."

"And if I have understood correctly, she is the daughter of this Adrian, also a friend of

"Yes, mr. Chamcha. The whole family is so awesome! They have three kids, Beth is the
oldest and..."
"So, when do you estimate you would leave, Marsha dear?"

"I think pretty soon, maybe a couple of days. Beth said she has to settle it with her parents,
but she's almost ready to go. And well, I'm almost ready myself."

"Very well. It will certainly be quieter here without you, but I am glad to see you growing up
and starting your own life. But I believe that if you are planning to leave so soon, you had
better start packing!"

"Alright, mr. Chamcha. I guess I'll do that now."
"So, boys", said Nicole not long after Beth and Marsha had agreed     "You're welcome. Now, so no one will think we treat you unequally,
to live together in college, "Me and your father had a chat. We       I will yet say that Beth wasn't interested in having a business when
know you three will be going to college soon. As you both want to     I asked her. So, whenever she might need my magic phonebook, I
succeed in business, we agreed that it would be good to get           will help her there. And if she wants something else later on, we
started on such demanding wants early on."                            can help her financially, too."

Bill and Baudolino nodded, waiting for what was coming.               "Okay, cool."

"The family is quite wealthy, so me and your father decided that
we could afford to help you to get started. So, we will buy both of
you a business before you go to college, so you don't have to
worry about the scholarship money running out. I'll help each of
you with the real estate matters yet today."

The boys smiled from ear to ear. "Thanks, Mom."
And not long after that, both boys topped their teen careers, whatever they might have
been, and thus completed their scholarships. All the three kids earned all basic skill
scholarships, the grades scholarship and the dancing scholarship. In addition, the boys
topped their careers and earned the pool scholarship. Unfortunately Beth ran out of time for
the last two. Anyway, that means that I score a half a point for both the boys' efforts, so one
in total. I said they were fast skillers!

So, anyway boys, now you are done. Start getting ready for college!
"Alright then, I talked to Beth on the phone. I'll be leaving for college tomorrow morning,
possibly before you get up. So bye then, guys, it's been nice living with you!"

"You too, Marsha, you too. Take care and remember to call us every now and then."

"I will, Aadam!"

"Remember to study, too", said Joy with a mischievous grin.

"I will", Marsha replied laughing.

"Yes, do stay in touch. We would all like to hear from you often", said Salahuddin.

"I will, mr. Chamcha. Alright then, now I guess I'd better head to bed so I can get up early
enough. Good night, everyone!"

"Good night, Marsha."
Marsha headed for bed, and Salahuddin said he had work to do, and went off. Aadam and
Joy were left alone in the living room. Both had a worried expression on their face.

"Did I hear wrong", started Joy finally, "or did she mention a friend named Beth?"

"Yeah, I was going to ask you the same thing."

"You have a half niece called that, don't you?"

"Yes, Adrian's daughter is called Beth."

"That's what I feared. Listen, I don't like to say this but..."

Aadam nodded. "I know what you mean. I get the feeling that my father might have
something to do with this."

"Exactly I have a bad feeling about this."
Early the next morning, in the Bookacy residence.

"Hi, Marsha! I hope I didn't wake you up. So, I'm all packed and said goodbye to my parents
and all, so I'm about to leave. You know the address of the dorm, right? Alright, so I hope
you are ready for some college fun!"
"Oh, Beth, I'm sooo ready you can't imagine! So, I'll see you in Sim State!"

And this, dear readers, is where I have to leave you this time. I hope you have enjoyed your
doze of Legacy madness this time. Please join us for some college fun and more plottiness
next time in The Bookacy Family Alphabet Adventures. Until then, happy simming to all!

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The Bookacy Family Alphabet Adventures, ch. 33katrisims
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The Bookacy Family Alphabet Adventures, ch. 32The Bookacy Family Alphabet Adventures, ch. 32
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The Bookacy Family Alphabet Adventures, ch. 26The Bookacy Family Alphabet Adventures, ch. 26
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The Bookacy Family Alphabet Adventures, ch. 22katrisims
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The Bookacy Family Alphabet Adventures, ch. 15

  • 1.
  • 2. Dear reader, welcome to the Bookacy Family Alphabet "Oh hi honey. I didn't hear you two come in", said Joy without Adventures, chapter 15! turning, "How did those affairs go?" When we last left off, some unfortunate events had just taken "Yeah... About that. I'd kind of need to tell you something." place. Salahuddin had kidnapped Adson's girlfriend, Rebecca, to demand his beloved Author in return. Unfortunately, things went "Okay, honey. Wait a minute, I'll just finish this omelet so Marsha wrong, and Rebecca died in her kidnapper's hands. Salahuddin will have something to eat when she wakes up. You know kids, and his son, Aadam, escaped with their lives. Salahuddin returned they're always hungry." to his drawing board, but Aadam was increasingly worried and unhappy. The next morning, Aadam found Joy in the kitchen. "Umm... Honey? I'd need to talk to you." With difficulty, Aadam had reached a decision. He wanted Joy's advice on all these difficult matters. He couldn't handle them by himself.
  • 3. Joy finished the omelet and put it to one side, to wait for Marsha, Joy had been listening intently, a worried expression on her face. who was, by the sound of it, taking a shower. She had had a hunch that not everything was right, but she hadn't expected anything this bad. "Alright, honey", she said, "I'm listening." "Oh honey, I just had a feeling that not everything was quite right Aadam took a deep breath, and before he knew it, he was here, and turns out I was right." explaining all of it. How his father had fallen for his mother, how their love had been doomed to failure from the start, and how his father was unable to give up. He told how left out and lonely he'd felt during his teen years, without ever knowing why, and how happy he'd been to finally meet his real father. How he had gotten involved all this, and eventually, how it had come to last night's terrible conclusion. "... and then he told me to escape, and I knew I would have to. Rebecca was dead, and it was my fault as much as his."
  • 4. "I'm sorry to say this", Joy went on, relieved to finally share her thoughts with Aadam, "but I've had the feeling that not everything is quite right with your father for a while now." Aadam stayed quiet. It hurt him to hear this, but he couldn't deny the truth in her words. "It's difficult to say how I've come to see it. But it's the little things. For example, how he doesn't really seem to appreciate me all that much. He is always so very polite and seemingly friendly. But before I know it, I am again tending the garden for him, cleaning the house for him, or baby sitting a kid that isn't mine. Mind you, Marsha is an adorable child. But still. I have the feeling that I'm some kind of a live-in-maid for him." And then, he's all secretive about this business that is supposedly about his job. How much should he need to hide from me? I am in Crime too, so if it wasn't about something I wouldn't approve of, why wouldn't he use me as an ally? And then I realized that he wasn't telling you either."
  • 5. So while I've been busy scrubbing the counters, I've also had time to think. Think about what you've ever told me about your father and your family. And I realized that it wasn't all that much." Aadam sighed. "I guess I didn't know all that much myself." Joy nodded. "Probably. And I got worried. It all didn't make sense to me. There was something wrong, but I didn't know what. Well, I suppose now I know." Aadam stayed quiet, just nodded. Joy hesitated. "I don't know what to tell you. I can see that you are in deep trouble, wanted by the police and abandoned by the family. But I am afraid I have to tell you that your father isn't who you thought he was, and in fact, he is a dangerous man."
  • 6. Aadam swallowed hard. "I am starting to fear that myself", he said quietly. "But what can I do?" Joy shook her head. "That is something I can't tell you. You have to decide for yourself." "This is so horrible. Poor Rebecca, we've been friends for so long, and now... I still can't believe it", said Aadam in a shaky voice. "But he is still my father, you know? I could run from him, but I couldn't escape the fact that he is my father." "I know. Come here. No matter how alone you may feel right now, I'm still here for you. And we'll figure something out", said Joy, pulling Aadam into her arms.
  • 7. Meanwhile in the Bookacy family, life went on. The family was still sorrowful over the latest happenings, but there was nothing they could really do. The police had been looking for the escapees from the moment Arthur and Kendra had reported the incident at work, but with no results. The two men seemed to have gone missing from all Alphabetia. But today is a special day, a day worth cake.
  • 8. Namely, the double birthday of the two boys of generation B!
  • 9. While the family watches, the boys twirl. Goodbye, childhood...
  • 11. So, here they go. This is Baudolino, the secondborn of Adrian and Nicole. Baudolino rolls fortune for his aspiration, and his lifetime want is to own five top ranked businesses. Just like his mama.
  • 12. And this is Bill, Adrian's alien son. Bill rolls popularity, the same as Beth did. And his lifetime want is... You guessed it, to have 5 top ranked businesses. Now I have three of you under the same roof, what on earth am I going to do? Well, at least this is bad news for Nicole - I've already given her two lifetime wants, so it's highly unlikely I'll give her the businesses, especially now that these young fellows want the same. Quite surprisingly by the way, both grew up into clothes I can live with. Actually, that's what the firstborn, Beth, did as well.
  • 13. But I do want rid of the default hair. "Mom? Are you sure about this? You've never given anyone a makeover, after all." "Of course I am, Bill honey! Your Mom is great at everything she tries!"
  • 14. "See? It isn't even that difficult!"
  • 15. Umm, Nicole? This, err... well, it wasn't exactly what I had in mind. "Err... Yeah. Don't worry, we'll fix that."
  • 16. Now that's better! "Cool, Mom! I like it!"
  • 17. "Your turn, Baudolino. What would you like?" "Well, as long as you don't make it like Bill looked a while ago..."
  • 18. "Cool, Mom! On the first try!"
  • 19. "... and then if y is the number of grilled cheese sandwiches you've eaten, then by solving x you will know your amount of happiness!" So this is what Adrian is up to. Stuffing sandwiches in his face. But those calculations can't be his originally - am I guessing right if I say he's been reading your calculation's, Nicole? "Yes, Creator, we've been planning the security system, and he must have taken that from there and used it on sandwiches. How many does he have left? He is driving me to drink, you know."
  • 20. Speaking of the security system, in the light of the recent unfortunate events, the grown-ups of the family had decided to hurry their plans and put them into action as soon as possible. They started one beautiful morning from the front yard. "Nicole, are you sure all the calculations are correct?" "Positive, Count Curtis. I've checked and re-checked them a dozen or more times. Now is time to put the plan into action to protect this family." "Excellent. Let's get to work, then. Adrian, I'm going to need your help. Nicole, if you'd read the instructions for us from the drawings, that would be nice."
  • 21. So they set to work. The men started building a strong fence around the house to keep unwanted visitors outside. Not only was it strong, but it was also heavily protected with the newest electronic sensors and devices.
  • 22. Nicole read the drawings for Adrian and Count Curtis, and when she wasn't needed for that, she did some outside decorating by planting flowers and shrubs.
  • 23. With hard work, the defenses rose surprisingly quickly. The three stood at the gate, admiring the results of their work. "... and the alarm system is integrated to our burglary alarm system, so that if anyone without a personal code attempts to enter, we will know immediately. Guests can only enter with one of the residents of the house", Nicole explained, going through the details once more. "And if someone attempts to go over the fence, with or without wings, we'll also get an alarm?" Adrian asked. "Definitely, that has been taken into account", Count Curtis confirmed.
  • 24. And so the Bookacy family home got well protected, and got some outside decorations as well as a garage for a possible second car. I still like the house, even though it's slightly big.
  • 25. Soon after this, young Baudolino asked his parents if it would be okay if he invited over the local private school headmaster. Especially Nicole was happy to hear his son was so ambitious and wanted to pursue the best education available. So Baudolino happily invited the headmaster.
  • 26. "Hello, mr. Ryan. I'm glad you could make it." "But of course, son! I would never pass the chance to meet potential new talents for my school!" "And a free meal?" "Well, that too."
  • 27. "Sir, would you maybe like a tour of our house? I could show you if you want." "That would be absolutely splendid, son! I hear this is a Legacy family – I suppose there are lots of expensive items I can cheer at?" "Of course, sir." Baudolino, keep an eye on the headmaster, will you? That grin looks like he is going to put some of that expensive stuff into his inventory when you aren't watching or something.
  • 28. "Umm... Yeah, this is the living room, sir." "Hooray! Plenty of expensive objects!" "Err... Yeah."
  • 29. "That's my Grandfather over there, banging on the piano. He does that a lot. Says he suddenly got the urge to maximize creativity. And that's my sister, always on the phone. She wants to be buddies with everyone." "I'm sorry, son, what did you say? I was distracted by your expensive sofa."
  • 30. "And this is our room, I mean the kids'. Not much in here, really, just beds and..." "But expensive beds, son, excellent!"
  • 31. "Oh, don't mind us, gramps. I'm just showing mr. Ryan the house a bit. Oh, and you maximized creativity now? Congrats!" "Thanks, Baudolino dear. Hmm... let's see. Yes, I think I want to play some chess."
  • 32. "This is my brother Bill, mr. Ryan. He's also applying for your school, sir." "Very nice to meet you, son. Now, tell me, do you like expensive items?"
  • 33. "It is so nice to have you over mr. Ryan. My son Baudolino is so eager to get to study in your school." "It's my pleasure, mrs. Bookacy. Your son seems such a fine young man, and we've had a wonderful conversation about expensive items."
  • 34. "Speaking of those, I think I heard a mechanical man move around somewhere in the house. I am very interested in those. Is it true that you have such a rare and expensive possession, mrs. Bookacy?"
  • 35. "Oh, you mean George? Yes, he's been our simnoid for a while now. My father-in-law here, Count Curtis, built him." "Yes, as a matter of fact I did. He has the personality of my deceased wife, and we are all very fond of George." "That is very interesting, mr. Bookacy. It would be very interesting to see it... I mean, him." "Sure. George is always around. I think I can hear him jumping on the coach. Maybe you'll run into him after dinner."
  • 36. The rest of the dinner went by with Baudolino describing his career ambitions. "I don't know yet which career path to take, but I'm sure to have a job in addition to the businesses. And of course I want to top it as well."
  • 37. After dinner, it was George who got congratulated by BJ Ryan, if in perhaps a little peculiar way: "It is certain these kids will make a great addition to our school. And I'm glad to accept someone from a family with such a fine, expensive mechanical man!" With that, Beth, Baudolino and Bill were in private school.
  • 38. And now that that's done, you get to do what my teens get to do: hit the books! "But we want parties! And new buddies!" Later. For now, your aspiration levels are just fine. Besides, you three are currently the fastest skilling teens I've ever seen in my game, it's as if you had the smart milk effect on or something. So we're taking advantage of it, whatever it is. "But..." Shush. More skilling now means more money and more time to have fun in college! "And more parties and new buddies?" Yes. And if you're really good, maybe best buddies too. "Yay!"
  • 39. Later that evening: "Adrian, I hope you don't mind... I just somehow felt so alone, the other bedroom felt cold and unfriendly." "*Yawn* Sure, no problem. Nicole will be badge building late anyway. You miss Mom?" "I do." "Okay. Me too. Hope you can get some sleep. G'night." "Good night, son."
  • 40. "Mr. Chamcha?" "Yes, Marsha?" "Would it be okay if I called a friend of mine now? I've done all of my homework already." "You have? And have you helped Joy to clean the kitchen?" "I have, mr. Chamcha."
  • 41. "Very well then. I suppose you are re-rolling the general want to chat again?" "Yes, mr. Chamcha." "I see. What is the name of this friend, Marsha?" "His name is Adrian, mr. Chamcha. We've been friends since he was my age, and now he is all grown up and has a family of his own. Our friendship has been fading a bit lately, and I wouldn't want to lose him as a friend." "I see. Adrian, did you say? What is Adrian's last name, may I ask?"
  • 42. "Adrian Bookacy, mr. Chamcha." "Adrian Bookacy... Hmm... Yes, I do believe my contacts have told me about him... He seems to be a suitable companion... Yes, Marsha, you may call this friend. Friends are, after all, important, too. Just remember the rules." "Don't tell anyone where I live and with whom. And if I need to refer to you or Aadam, I will explain you are my adoption Dad and brother." "Exactly, Marsha, very good. Now, I believe the phone is free right now. Enjoy your chat. Remember that bedtime is at ten." "Yes, mr. Chamcha, sir! Thank you, mr. Chamcha!"
  • 43. Back with the Bookacies, it's time to work on Nicole's business a bit. I've gotten her a makeover chair there, so she can simultaneously work on the makeover badges.
  • 44. Many townies already have a cool new look.
  • 45. Others... not so cool. We immediately fix them, though. One, to give Nicole the practice she needs, and two, to prevent the business from losing too many stars. Luckily Nicole has been reasonably good at this from the start. I don't think she's ever needed more than two tries per customer.
  • 46. I also realized that I hadn't given Aurora an adult makeover yet. High time to do so! "Are you sure about this, Creator? I hear the results can be funny if the stylist is not so experienced..." Don't fret Aurora, Nicole has plenty of experience by now, don't you, Nicole? "Yes, Creator, errm... Plenty."
  • 47. Look, Aurora. Not too shabby, eh? "Wow, cool! Thanks Nicole!" And on the first try!
  • 48. Oh, and thanks, Aurora. We have a bronze badge, now! "No problem! I think I'll send Andrew here as well." In unison with Nicole: please do!
  • 49. Speaking of Aurora, she made it to perma-platness shortly after this by becoming Professional Party Guest. Andrew still has some work to do, as he wants to become Criminal Mastermind.
  • 50. Back at home, it's dinner time. "Don't worry about that, Arthur. I know the police are doing their best. I wouldn't expect a man like Salahuddin to be found easily", "So there are no news about Salahuddin or Aadam?" asked Count Curtis replied with a sad tone in his voice, "I would have Adrian. wanted to see things sorted out with Aadam, but it seems he is too deep in his father's plottings and too scared to show his face." "No, unfortunately not. We have been looking for them with all men the chef has been able to take off from other cases, but it Adrian and Arthur both nodded in silence. Beth, even though seems as if they had vanished in thin air." silent, had listened intently. Now that the kids were teenagers, they were considered old enough to know, for safety reasons. Arthur took a bite of his sandwich and went on: "I'm sorry, Dad. I know how much you would want to see Salahuddin caught and Aadam back with us. But the tracks are cold, and getting colder all the time."
  • 51. After dinner Count Curtis went to Adrian. "Son, about the situation with Aadam still. I know I've said this before, but I want to say it again. I saw Aadam that night, and I know how sorry he was. The boy is not evil, just lost and confused. If he ever shows up, asking for forgiveness.. I ask you, all of you, to forgive him. For me, and your mother." "You know we will, Dad. We are all very angry with him for what he caused our brother to suffer, and forgiving will not be easy. I cannot speak for the others, especially not Adson, but personally, if Aadam ever shows up and asks for my forgiveness, I'll do my best to give him that."
  • 52. "Thank you, Adrian, that's all I'm asking for. Then there was one other thing I needed to say to you." Count Curtis drew breath and went on in a calm manner. "Adrian, I trust you as the heir, to love your family and take care of them the best you can. And when the time comes, you need to pass on all the information that the next generation will need to stay safe. I have full confidence in you and Nicole with that." Adrian didn't know what to say, so he remained silent. "And I want you to know, that I love you, Adrian. You and all your siblings. Tell them that for me." "We know", said Adrian quietly, slightly confused. "I know you do, but I needed to say that."
  • 53. "I love you too, Dad", Adrian said. Count Curtis just nodded and smiled. Then, as if something was happening, something that he had been expecting, he remained silently where he was, as if waiting. "Dad?"
  • 54. And then, it was suddenly not just Count Curtis that could feel the chill.
  • 55. Alright then, Curty. I guess this is it. I hate to see you go, but I guess you have to. Have fun with Author on that eternal Dream Date. Oh, and say hi from me. "I will."
  • 56. "Dad!" wailed Adrian. The death of his father had not been fully unexpected, but that didn't make it hurt any less.
  • 57. "Count Curtis Bookacy, it is your time."
  • 58. "You know, that is a shame. I would have wanted to see my family reunited once more. There are so many unfinished things in this family right now... I suppose you can't wait?"
  • 59. "No, son, unfortunately I cannot. But I'll try to make it up to you as well as I can. First of all, there is a free drink involved. And well, as I told your wife, there are bubble blowers and bowling alleys too. By the way, she asked me to tell you to hurry up." "Really? How is Author?" "She is fine, just expecting you to show up any moment."
  • 60. "Wow, that does sound like a good deal. But will you manage here?" We will, Curty hon. You can take the deal. Even though I am sobbing together with the family right now, we'll manage, I promise. Go. "If you say so, Creator. One, question, though, mr. Reaper: are there chess boards?" "I am sure that can be arranged."
  • 61. "In that case, it's settled. Lead the way!"
  • 62. "Very well, son. Grab your suitcase and let's go."
  • 63. Hush, guys. I know. I'm sad too. Count Curtis was one of my all time favorite sims. Shh, poor things... But hey, what's that over there?
  • 64. No, Arthur, don't! Get up, now! You can take it! Dammit! Who the idiot invited the family sim over the day his father would die? ... oh, it must have been me. My bad.
  • 65. "*Hiccup* My grandfather's dead and now my uncle's gone mad, hasn't he? *sniff*" Don't worry, he'll be back on his feet in no time, won't you, Arthur?
  • 66. Hmm... Doesn't look like it. Please, Arthur, try to collect yourself, okay? There is a point penalty for aspiration failures, you know. Curses.
  • 67. Oh, but wait. The penalty... it's for Sim Shrink visits. I mean, can you see a Sim Shrink?
  • 68. ... Didn't think so. Thus, I can't see a point penalty either. Nyah nyah! "Thanks, mr. Shrink, for not showing up. Creator there says that is cheering her up quite a bit right now."
  • 69. This honestly had me almost burst into tears. Even in death, that is so Curty.
  • 70. Again, a cool breeze swept through the room where Count Curtis had just left forever, and me and his oldest son had a common experience of seeing him one last time. Well, goodbye then, buddy. You were so much fun to play. Now go to your wife. Love you, Curty.
  • 71. Rest in peace, Count Curtis Bookacy. You were a great Grand Vampire and spouse to the foundress. Not to mention father and grandfather. Achieved permanent platinum aspiration by becoming Mayor of Alphabetia. Died at the age of 84, just as your wife, Author. You will be missed, and certainly not least by me.
  • 72. Despite all, life goes on. To get my sims' minds off sad things, we head for our businesses, and both are doing good. In the bakery, River starts earning some badges. Unfortunately, this was before both of the stoves caught fire, River walked in the kitchen while I was desperately trying to put the fires out, panicked, fired himself and started docking us stars. So there will be some repairing to do next time. And I don't have any pictures of the incident, as with two stoves on fire and way too many sims in the room with them photography wasn't the first thing on my mind.
  • 73. Nicole's, on the other hand, is doing quite well. It's caught up with the bakery by now, and gaining stars way faster. I guess not having stoves there to catch fire is a benefit. And no making and restocking of items either, yay.
  • 74. Well, not everything always goes according to plan, and the makeover badges are painfully slow to gain...
  • 75. ... but with practice, we eventually make the customers happy. And it does seem that Aurora sent her fiance over. So thanks for that!
  • 76. Slightly later, back at home. "Actually, you know what? It's been a while since I've seen you, so why don't you come over for dinner tonight? It would be nice to "Hello, Adrian Bookacy speaking." see you, and well, I know my kids are a little older than you, but I think you could still have a good time together." ... ... "Oh hi Marsha, good to hear from you." "So, in about a half an hour? Meet me behind our fence and I'll get ... us through our security without causing an alarm." "No, not at all. I was just watching TV with my kids before fixing grilled cheese for dinner." ...
  • 77. "Umm... Hi", said Adrian to the teenage girl standing by the gate, "Have you seen a little girl in a yellow t-shirt and jeans? She's a friend of mine and was supposed to meet me here by the gate."
  • 78. The girl looked anticipatingly at Adrian for a while. Then she answered, a wide smile on her face: "But Adrian, it's me, Marsha! You really didn't recognize me, did you?" Adrian just stared at her. Then, slowly, he returned the smile. "Marsha! You're all grown up! How's that possible? I thought that townies cannot age." "Well, technically, I'm not all grown up, just a teenager", Marsha replied, grinning, "and it seems I got lucky. I was destined to be a little girl forever, but then I got adopted to a playable family, and that totally changed my life. Or rather, gave me one." "But that's wonderful, Marsha! I'm so happy for you. Now let's not stand outside, but rather talk about this over a plateful of delicious grilled cheese sandwiches."
  • 79. They turned and started walking towards the gate while still talking about the many wonders of grilled cheese, when Marsha suddenly stopped and pulled Adrian for a hug. "I'm so happy to have a friend like you, Adrian. Ever since I was the little girl who'd never grow up, you've been so kind and caring. Thanks for having me." "Hey, no problem Marsha. Even for a grilled cheese sim, buddies are good to have. Now let's go inside so you can meet my kids. I've got three teenagers now, so you three should come along swimmingly."
  • 80. "So, kids, this is Marsha, my friend ever since I was a little kid. She's gotten lucky and been adopted, so now she's been able to grow up. Marsha, these are my kids: Bill, Beth and Baudolino." "Hi, guys. I always love to meet someone new!" "Hi Marsha." "Hey Marsha, nice to meet you too." "Hi, good to meet you."
  • 81. Adrian went to fix a dinner of grilled cheese sandwiches, and after hanging out with the girls a while, Baudolino and Bill went to get ready for dinner. Beth, instead, stayed in the living room to keep company for their guest. The two girls hit it right off, they found out that they came along marvelously.
  • 82. After dinner, Beth and Marsha went upstairs to play some pool and tell jokes. "Wow, Beth, you're so funny! And so much fun to be with!" said Marsha, still trying to catch her breath and wiping her eye corners. "Yeah, you too", replied Beth, grinning widely, "Wanna hang out tomorrow after school?" "That'd be so cool!" "Alright then, it's a deal. Here's my cell number, you can also call me to chat if you like." "Great, I love to chat." "Me too." "Okay, I'll call tomorrow when I've done my homework. I'm sure I'll be allowed to see you if I just take care of school."
  • 83. So, life goes on as normal. Well, I've come across a certain, not so pleasant finding about the wonderful grilled cheese. You see, I had been wondering about Adrian. He's been cramming grilled cheese down his gullet ever since halfway through college, and I had been wondering when he would hit his lifetime want. I'd waited and waited, but nothing. I had noticed that every now and then he'd gain a memory "ate grilled cheese". He had about twenty or thirty of them, so I was estimating that they probably appear every five or so sandwiches. I was content, as at that rate, I'd be well on my way. Until I found out. The memory is gained by finishing the sandwich. I just happened to see Adrian finish a sandwich and saw he had gained the memory. So I realized two things. First, I had been having Adrian eat and eat and eat grilled cheese – by starting the sandwiches That qualifies for the want you know. Second, the memory appears for every sandwich eaten, and Adrian had about thirty of them.
  • 84. So, *sigh*, eat up, Adrian! From now on, I don't care about your fitness or your job or anything. You'll be using your days off and sitting in the kitchen eating sandwiches with George. You can take turns making the plateful, and then George can start the sandwiches and leave you the very last bites so you can finish them and gain the memories. Okay? "Okay, C! Don't worry, I'll work hard so we can achieve the want." "That does sound like a clever plan, miss Creator. I only regret that I cannot jump on the coach now." Thanks, George. And sorry about that, but I'll promise to get you some coach jumping and bubble blowing later.
  • 85. Marsha was a frequent guest in the Bookacy house. Beth was the "I think I want to be Captain Hero. I want to do my part of keeping closest with her. Alphabetia a safe place to live." "So what do you want to do when you grow up?" "Hey you know what? I've got an uncle who's a cop, he wants to be a Captain Hero too. I could introduce you some time, so maybe "I want to be Mayor like my grandpa. He was the coolest grandpa he could give you some tips on what skills to focus on or so." ever. Grand Vampire." "That sounds so cool, Beth!" "Wow, that sounds neat. Having a grandfather and all." "It is. Or was, I guess." "Oh, he's dead? I'm so sorry to hear that." "Thanks. Yeah, he died a while ago. We all miss him." Beth was silent for a short while. "But what about you, what do you wanna do when you grow up, Marsha?"
  • 86. The boys aren't as close with Marsha, maybe it's all that girl business. Or maybe because I'm making them skill so much. Beth does skill too, of course. All three of them are like seriously the biggest skilling monsters I've ever seen in my game, it's as if they had the smart milk effect on them or something. But I thought that only happens to children. Whatever it is, I'm so taking advantage of it.
  • 87. Again, here's proof that I'm not cruel, though. The kids do get some sneaking out fun when they need aspiration boosts. Well, to be honest, mainly Beth and Bill do, because Baudolino mostly wants to gain scholarships and stuff anyway.
  • 88. Please, George, be careful with the sandwich! I don't think Adrian will want to eat that if you drop it on the floor. "No worries, miss Creator. Look, mr. Bookacy makes them extra cheesy!"
  • 89. "Hello, young mister and miss. May I tempt you with a freshly made grilled cheese sandwich?" "Cassidy, I think I need more juice." "Me too."
  • 90. Hang in there, Bill! Just a couple of more bites and you can go to bed. I'll stuff the rest of the sandwich into your dad's inventory for him. "Wah. I think I got some cheese in my nose."
  • 91. "Hi, bro. How's your skilling going?" "Still fast. And you?" "Same here. Actually, I wouldn't even really need logic anymore, I've got the scholarship already. I'm just avoiding Dad and his cheese." "Oh. Well, you're welcome to join me of course. Not that I have too many points to go myself."
  • 92. So, it seems you aren't avoiding the cheese yet, Baudolino? "Well, I figured that it's not that long until we go to college anyway." So you decided to endure. And got hungry? "Well that too." What about you Bill, what are you doing? "I'm smustle cheering my brother on with his sandwich. Go Baudolino!"
  • 93. "How many more, miss Creator?" Two words for you George: too many.
  • 94. But let us visit someone else for a change. Adson and Barry have "Yeah, I guess so", said Adson with a faint smile. "I don't think it been staying with Abraham, Kendra and Bianca since Rebecca would be good for Barry to just be with me right now." died. With the combined funds of two households, they've added a second floor to better accommodate the guests. "No. And it wouldn't be good for you either. Really. Do stay as long as you like." "So, do you like it?" asked Kendra while entering the newly built second master bedroom. "It's very nice", replied Adson, "I think I'll be as happy here as I could possibly be anywhere now." He paused for a while and went on: "Thanks for having us." "No problem, really. Me and Abraham are just happy to have you here, and it's good for Bianca to have company of her own age. And that way we have three adults to take care of two kids, it feels rather luxurious."
  • 95. And well, Kendra was right. It was Adson who was having the hardest time, and to whom it would have been most harmful to live on his own. All of the family did do their best to cheer him up, but it was his niece Bianca who managed the best. No matter how sad Adson felt, the little girl could always bring a smile on his face.
  • 96. Abraham, on the other hand, reacted the way a true knowledge When Adson still didn't say anything, Abraham went on. sim would: he saw a problem in his brother's situation and did his best to find a solution. Adson was grateful for his support, but "I mean, maybe you could look for the Paranormal job in the didn't really believe in any solutions – Rebecca was dead, so what paper. Didn't you say you lost the Slacker one anyway?" more could be done? "Yeah, bad chance card. I guess I've been distracted lately... Well, "Adson, things are going nicely. I got another promotion, and the I guess trying to get a new job wouldn't hurt", Adson said and Mad Scientists are starting to trust me more. They're still not telling shrugged. me everything, and I doubt they will until I'm one myself." Adson didn't know what to say, so he just nodded. "But what they do tell me, is I'm going to need help. They hint that someone with skills in the paranormal area would be of help when I... Well, whatever it is I need to do."
  • 97. Barry, Adson and Rebecca's son, had become a young man. He still missed his mother, but as he had been only a little kid when it all had happened, he didn't remember too much of it. He was focused on keeping company for his dad as long as he could before college, and spending time with his other relatives, especially his little cousin Bianca.
  • 98. Barry is also a frequent guest in the Thayer household. He is good friends with his other cousin, Bonnie. She has been a great comfort in his sorrow, and the two understand each other well. Maybe in part because both are family sims.
  • 99. Speaking of Bonnie, she did turn quite a gorgeous young lady. As I said earlier, she and Beth look very much alike. In fact, they could almost be twins. It's funny, I wouldn't really say Arthur and Meadow look all that much like Adrian and Nicole.
  • 100. Bonnie is dating Thomas here. Their chemistry isn't perfect, as Thomas is a pleasure sim, but they seem to get along well, and I somehow like him. I guess he's going to college this generation.
  • 101. Not everyone in the Thayer household is a family sim, though. This is Bill, if you remember him. Or "the other Bill" as I tend to call him, as his half-alien cousin was there first. Bill aspires romance, which is a bit funny, as Barry, the child of two romance sims, aspires family. And yes, Arthur and Meadow, Bill's parents, are both family. Maybe the two cousins were swapped at birth or something?
  • 102. And this is my darling Bailey, Arthur's abduction spawn. He decided to pursue knowledge. And he likes to dance, but does that, as most other things, quietly and without a fuss.
  • 103. Arthur finally made it to Captain Hero and permanent platinum. Welcome home, Arthur. How are we feeling today? "Very platinum, thanks for asking!" No prob. Hey, Kendra. Good to see you. But wait, you aren't Captain Hero yet, are you? "Well, not as such. One of our Captain Heroes caught the flu, so she asked me to cover for her for the day. Well, I couldn't refuse that, could I? With the suit and everything." Oh, okay. Now Arthur wants to have a golden anniversary, which I adore, because it matches Meadow's lifetime want. Unfortunately, I've heard that they can't fulfill it in the same party. It's a pity, but oh well, that just means we'll throw two parties I guess.
  • 104. This is just to show how the Thayer household dinner table often looks. Actually, often it's much more crowded, but I don't have good pictures of the crowd. It's not unusual at all to have three or four guests over constantly, as these guys keep on bringing buddies home from work and school, much more than any of my other sims. Don't know why, but I'm not complaining – they're fun to play.
  • 105. Back in the main legacy household, it seems that smustling is up. It's a good way to up fun after school, and it works towards the dancing scholarship. And well, you get hilarious faces, too, which is a bonus.
  • 106. Wakey wakey Adrian. Finish that sandwich and you can go to bed, okay? "Well the sandwich is soft, too." Yeah, but you don't want the flies that show up by morning, do you? "Not particularly." Thought so.
  • 107. "Woot! Go Daddy go! Eat grilled cheese!" As in "woo, we're halfway there"? "I dunno, is he?" Well, I don't know either. Might be wishful thinking. Love that song, though.
  • 108. "Err... Creator?" Yes, Nicole? "I'm not sure sleeping on the sandwich is good for my son." Nah, the sandwich is soft. Ask Adrian. "I'll pass, thanks." What, are you having a lovers' quarrel or what? "No, nothing like that. It's just that in this household one gets to hear enough about grilled cheese without asking."
  • 109. "In fact, George, I think there should be a college scholarship for making the perfect grilled cheese and..." I guess I can see what Nicole meant.
  • 110. So, sneaking out again, Beth? Are you done with skilling today? "Yep. I need fun and an aspiration boost. Can't use the cap otherwise." Alright then. Who are you going with?
  • 111. "Marsha." Umm... Yeah. About that. I know that you two are close nowadays, but... "Can't talk now, she's waiting for me!" Sigh. They don't listen to me, do they?
  • 112. So, this is your way of gaining fun, then, Bill. "Yep! I'm bored of skilling, and it's day so I can't sneak out with my buddies. But bathtub pirating is cool."
  • 113. No, Lucy no! That sandwich was still perfectly edible! "But someone has eaten over half of it – surely no one wants to eat the remains of someone else's sandwich?" *sigh*
  • 114. In case you've been wondering why Nicole hasn't been in the spotlight very much this chapter, well, when at home and not needed helping Adrian with the sandwiches, she's mostly been painting. She has the constant wants to paint masterpieces and write great novels, so that's something she likes to do apparently. So it's a win win: she gets aspiration points for it, and I have her out of the way and doing something at least semi-useful while I need to micromanage Adrian with the sandwiches. And no, you haven't done micromanaging before you've tried to stuff 150 sandwiches down someone's throat in less than two weeks. ... no, I don't really know how long the eating is taking Adrian. My sims are elixir addicts, so it's hard to tell if you don't write numbers down, which I don't. But all the same, I'm pushing Adrian quite hard at the moment. I want him to reach permaplat before elderhood.
  • 115. And yet another scholarship down. At this rate, I should have chances to earn points for the scholarships this generation. Well, the half a point per kid anyway. Possibly not Beth, who is a bit behind as she slacked more in early teenage.
  • 116. One beautiful day in the park. "... and I thought I would never get the chance to grow up and do all the fun stuff playables get to do, you know? But yeah, then I got adopted and, well, here I am! Enjoying life just like any playable." "That truly is amazing, Marsha. I have a hard time imagining it – I was born playable you know. But as a townie you were immortal, and now you will eventually grow old and die. Doesn't that bother you?" "Not one bit! You see, I think of it this way: what's the fun in being immortal, if you aren't going to live?" "Yeah, I guess I can see the point."
  • 117. "I'm looking forward to going to college, but I still want to make the most of the time I have before that. Creator is promising me fun times in college, if I work hard for my scholarships now", said Beth later the same evening, while she and Marsha were still in the park, just hanging out and talking. She was quiet for a while and then suddenly sat up and asked: "You're going to college, too, aren't you Marsha? You can't miss all the fun!" Marsha shrugged. "I suppose so. My adoption Dad always tells me how important education is, so I guess he'll be all for it. And well, I'd certainly like to." "Cool!" said Beth with a content grin on her face. "You wanna come live with us there? I mean, certainly you'll be going to Sim State?" "That'd be so cool, Beth!" "So it's a deal", Beth replied, content. "It's getting kinda late. I should be going home soon. How about I come over to your place next time, for a change?"
  • 118. "Err..." said Marsha, "I don't know if that's a good idea, Beth." "Oh, why not?" "Well, you see, my Dad has this kind of odd working schedule... So he often needs to sleep during the day... He doesn't like to be disturbed when he's trying to sleep. And I suppose that as he is in the Criminal Career, he must have some stuff in the house that he doesn't want others to see. Not that I wouldn't trust you, Beth, but..." Marsha ended in an awkward tone. "It's okay, I understand. You'll just have to introduce me to your Dad later, when he has a better working schedule. And besides, that won't be a problem once we hit college!"
  • 119. A short while later, it was time for the girls to say goodbye and head for home. "It was cool to hang out with you again, Marsha." "You too", replied Marsha with a smile, "And thanks so much for inviting me to live with you in college. I bet it's going to be so much fun!" "It will. Alright, I'll be going home now. We'll keep in touch, and I'll call you when I know when exactly I'll head for college. I think it won't be long. I have to settle it with my parents, but I think I'm starting to be ready." "Okay, that's great. I feel ready too." "Cool. Well, Bye then, Marsha." "Bye, Beth."
  • 120. Back at home, Marsha took the matter of college up with Salahuddin. "... and my friend Beth asked me to live with her and her two brothers in college! Isn't that so exciting, mr. Chamcha?" "But absolutely, dear Marsha! I am very happy to hear you are pursuing higher education. I was, in fact, slightly worried that as a popularity sim you might not be interested in such matters. And if you have someone to share an apartment with, that is very nice as well. Beth did you say her name was?" "Yes, sir." "And if I have understood correctly, she is the daughter of this Adrian, also a friend of yours?" "Yes, mr. Chamcha. The whole family is so awesome! They have three kids, Beth is the oldest and..."
  • 121. "So, when do you estimate you would leave, Marsha dear?" "I think pretty soon, maybe a couple of days. Beth said she has to settle it with her parents, but she's almost ready to go. And well, I'm almost ready myself." "Very well. It will certainly be quieter here without you, but I am glad to see you growing up and starting your own life. But I believe that if you are planning to leave so soon, you had better start packing!" "Alright, mr. Chamcha. I guess I'll do that now."
  • 122. "So, boys", said Nicole not long after Beth and Marsha had agreed "You're welcome. Now, so no one will think we treat you unequally, to live together in college, "Me and your father had a chat. We I will yet say that Beth wasn't interested in having a business when know you three will be going to college soon. As you both want to I asked her. So, whenever she might need my magic phonebook, I succeed in business, we agreed that it would be good to get will help her there. And if she wants something else later on, we started on such demanding wants early on." can help her financially, too." Bill and Baudolino nodded, waiting for what was coming. "Okay, cool." "The family is quite wealthy, so me and your father decided that we could afford to help you to get started. So, we will buy both of you a business before you go to college, so you don't have to worry about the scholarship money running out. I'll help each of you with the real estate matters yet today." The boys smiled from ear to ear. "Thanks, Mom."
  • 123. And not long after that, both boys topped their teen careers, whatever they might have been, and thus completed their scholarships. All the three kids earned all basic skill scholarships, the grades scholarship and the dancing scholarship. In addition, the boys topped their careers and earned the pool scholarship. Unfortunately Beth ran out of time for the last two. Anyway, that means that I score a half a point for both the boys' efforts, so one in total. I said they were fast skillers! So, anyway boys, now you are done. Start getting ready for college!
  • 124. "Alright then, I talked to Beth on the phone. I'll be leaving for college tomorrow morning, possibly before you get up. So bye then, guys, it's been nice living with you!" "You too, Marsha, you too. Take care and remember to call us every now and then." "I will, Aadam!" "Remember to study, too", said Joy with a mischievous grin. "I will", Marsha replied laughing. "Yes, do stay in touch. We would all like to hear from you often", said Salahuddin. "I will, mr. Chamcha. Alright then, now I guess I'd better head to bed so I can get up early enough. Good night, everyone!" "Good night, Marsha."
  • 125. Marsha headed for bed, and Salahuddin said he had work to do, and went off. Aadam and Joy were left alone in the living room. Both had a worried expression on their face. "Did I hear wrong", started Joy finally, "or did she mention a friend named Beth?" "Yeah, I was going to ask you the same thing." "You have a half niece called that, don't you?" "Yes, Adrian's daughter is called Beth." "That's what I feared. Listen, I don't like to say this but..." Aadam nodded. "I know what you mean. I get the feeling that my father might have something to do with this." "Exactly I have a bad feeling about this."
  • 126. Early the next morning, in the Bookacy residence. "Hi, Marsha! I hope I didn't wake you up. So, I'm all packed and said goodbye to my parents and all, so I'm about to leave. You know the address of the dorm, right? Alright, so I hope you are ready for some college fun!"
  • 127. "Oh, Beth, I'm sooo ready you can't imagine! So, I'll see you in Sim State!" And this, dear readers, is where I have to leave you this time. I hope you have enjoyed your doze of Legacy madness this time. Please join us for some college fun and more plottiness next time in The Bookacy Family Alphabet Adventures. Until then, happy simming to all!