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Gimme all your stuff It’s Retroville! Full of the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s for your pleasure and entertainment!
Hello and welcome back to the Mariano Legacy. I do apologize about the first couple of chapters missing pictures. I think Photobucket ate them. Anyways, the last time we visited Ginger and her growing clan, her twin boys Orson and Spencer were born, and are now children. Ginger returned to work the next day, bringing back a promotion. Makoto was also full of win when he brought home a 20,000 simoleon bonus. They used the money to expand the house and add a garage, which you will see later.  Also, they have a stalker wolf and nanny in their midst, which could make things interesting. Now, lets take a peek inside, shall we?
“Hey mom, thanks for teaching me how to walk. Because of you, I can walk better than everyone else, even Orson.” “Umm, your welcome. I guess” *munchmunchmunch* “Oh by the way, I want to walk everywhere! Even to school. I would rather walk than be on the school bus with a creepy bus driver.” “How do you know the bus driver is creepy?” “I heard about it from dad.”
*Later that night* “Oooowww!!! Makotooooo! I think the baby is coming! “Oh crap, I’m up I’m up. Let me just make the bed first.” “ There’s no time for that you fool! I’m giving birth for pete’s sake!” “Just a scond…” “AAAHHHHHHHH!!!!”
Ginger gave birth to the first baby, but then felt the need to push and spin around again. Makoto would have done a face palm but his hands were full at the moment. “Oh dear, here we go again!” “Push Ginger, push! calm! Yes calm!” “Shut your face Makoto!”
Welcome to the world baby Gene. Gene was named after the famous actor Gene Kelly. *I am doing a stars from the silver screen theme for names this generation* He has Ginger’s hair and eyes and Makoto’s skin complexion.  Makoto fell in love with him instantly. “Hey there buddy, nice to meet you.” Gene looked at his father knowingly and smiled. I think he found his first friend.
Welcome to the world Betty. She was named after actress Betty Grable. She also have Ginger’s hair and eyes and Makoto’s skin complexion. I think they might grow up to be identical. Ginger doesn’t seem to enthusiastic.  “Of course I’m not. I just pushed out to big headed babies in five minutes. I’m not exactly feeling peachy you know.” “Even after giving birth to four kids you still got it baby.” *whistles* Ginger just smiled. She was still cranky.
“Powpow! I gotcha!” “No you don’t Spencer! I’m ducking! Ha haha!” Spencer brought home Jewel, Cyd Roseland’s daughter. They played like this until Cyd came and took her home. Aren’t they cute?
“Hey Orie, guess what? I’m going to get a rat THIS big for a pet. And I am going to name him Ben, just like in the movie.” “Yea, ok sure. Shush, I’m trying to watch Scooby Doo.” “But my rat story is much better man. I might get two rats so one of them can come over and sleep under your bed at night.” “Ssssh!” Orson is the more serious of the two, while Spencer is always talking about something unusual and messing around.
“Spencer, even if you could get two giant rats for a pet, I could get a giant robot-o-tron to come and eat them like sandwiches. And then I could watch Scooby Doo in peace.” “Fine. But I am still going to get a giant rat named Ben. Just wait and see. When Dad comes home I am sure he will say yes.” “Alright. Now can you shut up so I can watch the show?” Poor Spencer.
“…and then these bugs came and ate my lunch while I was talking to Johnny Benson at recess! I was soooo hungry after that!” “Maybe you should eat your lunch before you go play. Lunch costs money, you know.” “Okay Dad.” Silence. Then: “Dad? Can I have a giant rat named Ben like in the movie?” “Uhhhh….”
“..Now make sure you spell each word correctly. How do you spell soup?” “S-o-o-p?” “ son. It’s s-o-u-p. The U is just silent but don’t let it fool ya.” “Ahh ok I get it. Thanks dad.” “No problem kiddo.” Makoto rolled wants to teach both of his kids to study. I am surprised since he’s not a family sim.
“Hehehe…now I can dance if I want to!” *quietly shuffles* This pic really has no basis in the story, I just like how shy sims dance lol.
Ginger tried really hard for baby number five. I almost thought it wouldn’t happen. But then: “* Bluuerrrggh!* Oh frammit, I think that spaghetti was bad! *Bleeeechh* “Uh, mom I’m trying to brush my teeth here. Do you mind?” “Oh be quiet Orso-*Bleeruch*”
“You know, Mrs. Mariano, I haven’t had a kiss in ages. Not ever since Arthur passed on. I truly envy you having a husband. If only someone could love me too, even for a little while, I think I would die a happy woman.” “Kendal, I am sure there is someone out there for you. You just have to look in the right places.”
“Besides, if you put your hair down a little bit and slap on some lipstick, I am sure some nice handsome guy would want to kiss you.” “You know, you are right! Maybe I will do just that. A girl only lives once. Thanks for your advice.” “Oh anytime, Kendal. Now, about Gene’s diaper…”
Orson Mariano. Serious to the core. Even when he get’s an A+. “Ah, how refreshing to get an A+. Mom, Dad, I got an A+. Isn’t that swell?” Geez, cheer up a little kid.
Now Spencer, on the other hand, is all over the place. They are definitely like night and day. “Woohoo! Lookit that A+! *muah!* I am more awesomer than Batman!” He did a little dance, making the bus driver impatient.  “Move on kid before I come and eatcha.” “Yipes!”
Months passed, and soon it was time for Betty and Gene’s birthday. Makoto suggested they just have a small gathering instead of a party since they didn’t have enough money to entertain a lot of guests.  “Ok, Betty, blow the candles!” “Goo!” *drools* Spencer: I am so not eating that cake.
“Wheee!! I grew up! Now I can play with toiwets!” Umm..ok…. Betty is a cutie anyways..even if she thinks toilets are fun.
Gene was next. He seemed eager to join his sister in toddlerhood. “Let’s blow together buddy. One, two, three!” *blows* Gene: *drools* Spencer (in the background): I’m not eating that cake either!
“Oooh yummy! And I am not talking about the cake.” *heartfarts* Ginger not at your twins birthday! She definitely has no shame. “I sure don’t and I am proud of it.”
“Look at you buddy! All big and strong!” “I wanna see the world Daddy!” “You will, Gene, when you get older.” I think Gene and betty are identical, but I think they might be clones of their brothers. I hope not though.
I just think this is too cute. Orson always sneak into bed with his mother, instead of going into his own. I almost felt bad waking him up when Makoto wanted to go to sleep.
                                                              Pop number 2! This time a caught the dust! Sweet!
“So mom, I got myself a best friend yesterday. He said I was the coolest. You think I am cool too right, mom? “Orson, you are a great kid. Of course you are cool. Just don’t let stuff like that get to your head.” “Do you think I am cooler than Spencer?” “……” *sigh* I love all of you the same. And each of you are special in your own way. Just be happy with that hun.”
“Hey, do you think the baby will be cool like me too?” “Sure why not. Maybe you can teach him or her how to be cool.” “Great! Thanks mom! I will make sure the baby is cool, but not cooler than me.” Ginger: *groans*
Well, ok I forgot to pay the bills. So Mr. Repo came and took a couple of things. Luckily he didn’t take the TV or stereo.  Kendal: Gee, if the repo man is here, I wonder if they can pay me today?” Betty: Hewwostwanger, can you leave please?” Repo Man: Eehehe not until I grab this extemely cheap dish rack!
“I am going to be the first legacy kid in the this neighborhood that makes the perfect muffin on the first try. Ok, how do I do this?” *scratches head* “I think I put this in there and then…”
“Darn…and it looked like it was going to taste good too.” “Ha! You totally failed Orie. You are not cool at ALL!” “Shut up before I shock you.”
And this is how Spencer reacted when he tried to outdo Orson with the easy bake oven. “Darnit! This isn’t how it’s supposed to look!” Orson (in the background): *snicker snicker* how about a side order of in your face with that helping of fail? “Shut up man. Just shut up.”
Simultaneous skilling. How sweet. This is one of the rare moments that the twins are actually getting along without competing with each other. Kind of. Spencer and Orson: What are you guys looking at?
During the day when the twins are at school, and her husband is at work, Ginger concentrates on teaching Betty and Gene their skills. Thanks to the wonders of SmartMIilk, they learn pretty quickly. “Now, when I let go you come to me ok? “Okies.”
“Yes, that’s a good girl! You can walk now Betty. Good job!” Oh I think this outfit that I got is so cute! I wish I could remember who made it but I go on downloading sprees without thinking lol. So thank you whoever made this adorable outfit!
Meanwhile, Makoto arrived home with a great surprise: a promotion. Oh yes, he is full of win.  “Yes, I sure am.” Just like Spencer, he celebrates his success internally.
“Hey sweety, let me help you with this potty training.” he actually rolled the want to potty train Gene! Are you sure you’re a fortune sim, Makoto? “No! me don’t wanna potty!” Betty: Gene, don’t you wanna be big boy? “Nuh uh!” *sigh* It took two days to potty train Gene. I guess he hated it lol.
“Listen up. The first thing you do before a good jog is to stretch. That way, you won’t be bent out of shape later.” “But I hate running!” “Spencer, you will love it, trust me. It’s time you boys got in shape. You don’t want to be flabby teenagers, do you?”
Lol sorry but I love the look on her face.  “Oh, frammit, I can’t believe I wet myself!” This pregnancy is really taking a toll on her….maybe she will consider adopting number 6 (thanks Zippo!) *Zippo writes the Mission ISBI27 legacy on boolprop..check it out!*
Hey! Gimme back my invisible paper! I can’t remember which Maxis-playable’s child she is, but I guess was in the red and decided to steal the paper lol. Notice she’s in mid air.
“Hey everybody look! Am I good or am I good? Huh? Huh? I didn’t even burnt it this time! Go me!” Yes indeed. When she decided to make crepes for the family, I immediately bought a fire alarm in case she caught herself on fire.
“Oh great, my water broke! Makoto! The baby is coming!” “Another one? I mean..yes honey hold on, I just got to make the bed first.” “Forget the flipping bed, I am having your baby!” Ginger has become more and more cranky with each birth. She hoped this would be another set of twins so she could be done with it.
Orson and Spencer were gracious enough to wake up from their sleep to support the coming of their new sibling. (sorry about those pink jammies!) “Oh goodness! This is worse than science class!” *gains science enthusiasm* “No, this is just plain scary!”
After hours of pushing and grunting, a beautiful little girl was born.  “Hey there little one! So you are the one that was keeping mommy up all night! Oooh you are so cute!”
Meet Judy Mariano. She is a spitting image of her mom 100%. And….she was a single child! *gasp!* I was actually surprised because of the last couple of times she had twins. I was so hoping she would have then again, so I didn’t give her cheesecake *drat*. Anywho, Judy was named after the famous actress Judy Garland. I am sure I will buy her a blue and white gingham print dress when she gets older .
Orson: Woot! A baby sister! I am going to teach how to be cool like me when you get older.” Spencer: Man, you are not cool. I am going to teach her to be groovy like me and she will be way cooler than you!” “Will not!” “Will too!” Will not!”  Will-” Makoto: Be quiet! Geez!”
Ginger’s blind date from Chapter one decided to show up and mill around for awhile. The way he looked at Orson reminded me of the old pervy man on family guy, except he isn’t wearing a bathrobe. “Hey little boy, is your daddy home? Did he up and leave you all alone? Mmmmmmm…boys….” “Uh, Mister, I got to go inside now.” (runs really fast)
Makoto rushed and taught Gene how to walk, and he learned in time too….because…. --->
Gene and Betty’s birthday was here! There was time for cake so they just sparkled their way to child hood. Yay! I’m glad Gene looks a little different from his brothers. I was getting a little worried.  “Sweet! I got hands! Now I can give noogies!” Not quite old enough for that, Gene.
And here is sweet Betty. She grew up reserved and quietly.  “I just don’t want all the attention. It’s better that way.” A very mature young lady, she is.  Well this is the end of the chapter for now. Stay tuned for the next chapter coming up soon! There will be teens and craziness going on in the 70’s inspired household, and maybe a surprise….. Thanks to all of the cool creators at MTS2, All About Style and TSR for all of this cool retro stuff.

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It's Retroville: The Mariano legacy Chapter 2.2

  • 1. Gimme all your stuff It’s Retroville! Full of the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s for your pleasure and entertainment!
  • 2. Hello and welcome back to the Mariano Legacy. I do apologize about the first couple of chapters missing pictures. I think Photobucket ate them. Anyways, the last time we visited Ginger and her growing clan, her twin boys Orson and Spencer were born, and are now children. Ginger returned to work the next day, bringing back a promotion. Makoto was also full of win when he brought home a 20,000 simoleon bonus. They used the money to expand the house and add a garage, which you will see later. Also, they have a stalker wolf and nanny in their midst, which could make things interesting. Now, lets take a peek inside, shall we?
  • 3. “Hey mom, thanks for teaching me how to walk. Because of you, I can walk better than everyone else, even Orson.” “Umm, your welcome. I guess” *munchmunchmunch* “Oh by the way, I want to walk everywhere! Even to school. I would rather walk than be on the school bus with a creepy bus driver.” “How do you know the bus driver is creepy?” “I heard about it from dad.”
  • 4. *Later that night* “Oooowww!!! Makotooooo! I think the baby is coming! “Oh crap, I’m up I’m up. Let me just make the bed first.” “ There’s no time for that you fool! I’m giving birth for pete’s sake!” “Just a scond…” “AAAHHHHHHHH!!!!”
  • 5. Ginger gave birth to the first baby, but then felt the need to push and spin around again. Makoto would have done a face palm but his hands were full at the moment. “Oh dear, here we go again!” “Push Ginger, push! calm! Yes calm!” “Shut your face Makoto!”
  • 6. Welcome to the world baby Gene. Gene was named after the famous actor Gene Kelly. *I am doing a stars from the silver screen theme for names this generation* He has Ginger’s hair and eyes and Makoto’s skin complexion. Makoto fell in love with him instantly. “Hey there buddy, nice to meet you.” Gene looked at his father knowingly and smiled. I think he found his first friend.
  • 7. Welcome to the world Betty. She was named after actress Betty Grable. She also have Ginger’s hair and eyes and Makoto’s skin complexion. I think they might grow up to be identical. Ginger doesn’t seem to enthusiastic. “Of course I’m not. I just pushed out to big headed babies in five minutes. I’m not exactly feeling peachy you know.” “Even after giving birth to four kids you still got it baby.” *whistles* Ginger just smiled. She was still cranky.
  • 8. “Powpow! I gotcha!” “No you don’t Spencer! I’m ducking! Ha haha!” Spencer brought home Jewel, Cyd Roseland’s daughter. They played like this until Cyd came and took her home. Aren’t they cute?
  • 9. “Hey Orie, guess what? I’m going to get a rat THIS big for a pet. And I am going to name him Ben, just like in the movie.” “Yea, ok sure. Shush, I’m trying to watch Scooby Doo.” “But my rat story is much better man. I might get two rats so one of them can come over and sleep under your bed at night.” “Ssssh!” Orson is the more serious of the two, while Spencer is always talking about something unusual and messing around.
  • 10. “Spencer, even if you could get two giant rats for a pet, I could get a giant robot-o-tron to come and eat them like sandwiches. And then I could watch Scooby Doo in peace.” “Fine. But I am still going to get a giant rat named Ben. Just wait and see. When Dad comes home I am sure he will say yes.” “Alright. Now can you shut up so I can watch the show?” Poor Spencer.
  • 11. “…and then these bugs came and ate my lunch while I was talking to Johnny Benson at recess! I was soooo hungry after that!” “Maybe you should eat your lunch before you go play. Lunch costs money, you know.” “Okay Dad.” Silence. Then: “Dad? Can I have a giant rat named Ben like in the movie?” “Uhhhh….”
  • 12. “..Now make sure you spell each word correctly. How do you spell soup?” “S-o-o-p?” “ son. It’s s-o-u-p. The U is just silent but don’t let it fool ya.” “Ahh ok I get it. Thanks dad.” “No problem kiddo.” Makoto rolled wants to teach both of his kids to study. I am surprised since he’s not a family sim.
  • 13. “Hehehe…now I can dance if I want to!” *quietly shuffles* This pic really has no basis in the story, I just like how shy sims dance lol.
  • 14. Ginger tried really hard for baby number five. I almost thought it wouldn’t happen. But then: “* Bluuerrrggh!* Oh frammit, I think that spaghetti was bad! *Bleeeechh* “Uh, mom I’m trying to brush my teeth here. Do you mind?” “Oh be quiet Orso-*Bleeruch*”
  • 15. *Boing!*
  • 16. “You know, Mrs. Mariano, I haven’t had a kiss in ages. Not ever since Arthur passed on. I truly envy you having a husband. If only someone could love me too, even for a little while, I think I would die a happy woman.” “Kendal, I am sure there is someone out there for you. You just have to look in the right places.”
  • 17. “Besides, if you put your hair down a little bit and slap on some lipstick, I am sure some nice handsome guy would want to kiss you.” “You know, you are right! Maybe I will do just that. A girl only lives once. Thanks for your advice.” “Oh anytime, Kendal. Now, about Gene’s diaper…”
  • 18. Orson Mariano. Serious to the core. Even when he get’s an A+. “Ah, how refreshing to get an A+. Mom, Dad, I got an A+. Isn’t that swell?” Geez, cheer up a little kid.
  • 19. Now Spencer, on the other hand, is all over the place. They are definitely like night and day. “Woohoo! Lookit that A+! *muah!* I am more awesomer than Batman!” He did a little dance, making the bus driver impatient. “Move on kid before I come and eatcha.” “Yipes!”
  • 20. Months passed, and soon it was time for Betty and Gene’s birthday. Makoto suggested they just have a small gathering instead of a party since they didn’t have enough money to entertain a lot of guests. “Ok, Betty, blow the candles!” “Goo!” *drools* Spencer: I am so not eating that cake.
  • 21. “Wheee!! I grew up! Now I can play with toiwets!” Umm..ok…. Betty is a cutie anyways..even if she thinks toilets are fun.
  • 22. Gene was next. He seemed eager to join his sister in toddlerhood. “Let’s blow together buddy. One, two, three!” *blows* Gene: *drools* Spencer (in the background): I’m not eating that cake either!
  • 23. “Oooh yummy! And I am not talking about the cake.” *heartfarts* Ginger not at your twins birthday! She definitely has no shame. “I sure don’t and I am proud of it.”
  • 24. “Look at you buddy! All big and strong!” “I wanna see the world Daddy!” “You will, Gene, when you get older.” I think Gene and betty are identical, but I think they might be clones of their brothers. I hope not though.
  • 25. I just think this is too cute. Orson always sneak into bed with his mother, instead of going into his own. I almost felt bad waking him up when Makoto wanted to go to sleep.
  • 26. Pop number 2! This time a caught the dust! Sweet!
  • 27. “So mom, I got myself a best friend yesterday. He said I was the coolest. You think I am cool too right, mom? “Orson, you are a great kid. Of course you are cool. Just don’t let stuff like that get to your head.” “Do you think I am cooler than Spencer?” “……” *sigh* I love all of you the same. And each of you are special in your own way. Just be happy with that hun.”
  • 28. “Hey, do you think the baby will be cool like me too?” “Sure why not. Maybe you can teach him or her how to be cool.” “Great! Thanks mom! I will make sure the baby is cool, but not cooler than me.” Ginger: *groans*
  • 29. Well, ok I forgot to pay the bills. So Mr. Repo came and took a couple of things. Luckily he didn’t take the TV or stereo. Kendal: Gee, if the repo man is here, I wonder if they can pay me today?” Betty: Hewwostwanger, can you leave please?” Repo Man: Eehehe not until I grab this extemely cheap dish rack!
  • 30. “I am going to be the first legacy kid in the this neighborhood that makes the perfect muffin on the first try. Ok, how do I do this?” *scratches head* “I think I put this in there and then…”
  • 31. “Darn…and it looked like it was going to taste good too.” “Ha! You totally failed Orie. You are not cool at ALL!” “Shut up before I shock you.”
  • 32. And this is how Spencer reacted when he tried to outdo Orson with the easy bake oven. “Darnit! This isn’t how it’s supposed to look!” Orson (in the background): *snicker snicker* how about a side order of in your face with that helping of fail? “Shut up man. Just shut up.”
  • 33. Simultaneous skilling. How sweet. This is one of the rare moments that the twins are actually getting along without competing with each other. Kind of. Spencer and Orson: What are you guys looking at?
  • 34. During the day when the twins are at school, and her husband is at work, Ginger concentrates on teaching Betty and Gene their skills. Thanks to the wonders of SmartMIilk, they learn pretty quickly. “Now, when I let go you come to me ok? “Okies.”
  • 35. “Yes, that’s a good girl! You can walk now Betty. Good job!” Oh I think this outfit that I got is so cute! I wish I could remember who made it but I go on downloading sprees without thinking lol. So thank you whoever made this adorable outfit!
  • 36. Meanwhile, Makoto arrived home with a great surprise: a promotion. Oh yes, he is full of win. “Yes, I sure am.” Just like Spencer, he celebrates his success internally.
  • 37. “Hey sweety, let me help you with this potty training.” he actually rolled the want to potty train Gene! Are you sure you’re a fortune sim, Makoto? “No! me don’t wanna potty!” Betty: Gene, don’t you wanna be big boy? “Nuh uh!” *sigh* It took two days to potty train Gene. I guess he hated it lol.
  • 38. “Listen up. The first thing you do before a good jog is to stretch. That way, you won’t be bent out of shape later.” “But I hate running!” “Spencer, you will love it, trust me. It’s time you boys got in shape. You don’t want to be flabby teenagers, do you?”
  • 39. Lol sorry but I love the look on her face. “Oh, frammit, I can’t believe I wet myself!” This pregnancy is really taking a toll on her….maybe she will consider adopting number 6 (thanks Zippo!) *Zippo writes the Mission ISBI27 legacy on boolprop..check it out!*
  • 40. Hey! Gimme back my invisible paper! I can’t remember which Maxis-playable’s child she is, but I guess was in the red and decided to steal the paper lol. Notice she’s in mid air.
  • 41. “Hey everybody look! Am I good or am I good? Huh? Huh? I didn’t even burnt it this time! Go me!” Yes indeed. When she decided to make crepes for the family, I immediately bought a fire alarm in case she caught herself on fire.
  • 42. “Oh great, my water broke! Makoto! The baby is coming!” “Another one? I mean..yes honey hold on, I just got to make the bed first.” “Forget the flipping bed, I am having your baby!” Ginger has become more and more cranky with each birth. She hoped this would be another set of twins so she could be done with it.
  • 43. Orson and Spencer were gracious enough to wake up from their sleep to support the coming of their new sibling. (sorry about those pink jammies!) “Oh goodness! This is worse than science class!” *gains science enthusiasm* “No, this is just plain scary!”
  • 44. After hours of pushing and grunting, a beautiful little girl was born. “Hey there little one! So you are the one that was keeping mommy up all night! Oooh you are so cute!”
  • 45. Meet Judy Mariano. She is a spitting image of her mom 100%. And….she was a single child! *gasp!* I was actually surprised because of the last couple of times she had twins. I was so hoping she would have then again, so I didn’t give her cheesecake *drat*. Anywho, Judy was named after the famous actress Judy Garland. I am sure I will buy her a blue and white gingham print dress when she gets older .
  • 46. Orson: Woot! A baby sister! I am going to teach how to be cool like me when you get older.” Spencer: Man, you are not cool. I am going to teach her to be groovy like me and she will be way cooler than you!” “Will not!” “Will too!” Will not!” Will-” Makoto: Be quiet! Geez!”
  • 47. Ginger’s blind date from Chapter one decided to show up and mill around for awhile. The way he looked at Orson reminded me of the old pervy man on family guy, except he isn’t wearing a bathrobe. “Hey little boy, is your daddy home? Did he up and leave you all alone? Mmmmmmm…boys….” “Uh, Mister, I got to go inside now.” (runs really fast)
  • 48. Makoto rushed and taught Gene how to walk, and he learned in time too….because…. --->
  • 49. Gene and Betty’s birthday was here! There was time for cake so they just sparkled their way to child hood. Yay! I’m glad Gene looks a little different from his brothers. I was getting a little worried. “Sweet! I got hands! Now I can give noogies!” Not quite old enough for that, Gene.
  • 50. And here is sweet Betty. She grew up reserved and quietly. “I just don’t want all the attention. It’s better that way.” A very mature young lady, she is. Well this is the end of the chapter for now. Stay tuned for the next chapter coming up soon! There will be teens and craziness going on in the 70’s inspired household, and maybe a surprise….. Thanks to all of the cool creators at MTS2, All About Style and TSR for all of this cool retro stuff.