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Hey what’s shakin’? Welcome back to the Mariano legacy…where it’s retroville 24/7. Last time we were here, stalker
nanny Kendal somehow snuck into the house and taunted Spencer while wearing a bikini, Kimberly and Karen grew up
into pretty unique kids, Michael shows off his serious side with chess and stock markets, and Makoto gave Michael a
kitty named Ringo as a late birthday present. Michael grew up into a Pleasure loving teen with a shnoz, and Spencer
was surprised by his father when Makoto showed him the legacy wedding gazebo he built himself. As you can see, the
Mariano house has expanded quite a bit. Sorry if the house doesn’t look that great, I’m no good at building houses.
Now, on with the show!
“Man, I am sooo hungry….I wish I knew how to cook better.”
…..And the burnt muffin legacy continues…..
Spencer is such a science person, he’s trying to get it to rub off on his children.
“The school board and I decided to build a special planetarium for the students, and make it available even on
weekends. What do you guys think?”
Michael: *yawn* Umm…I mean, yea Dad that’s cool…Yea…
“Anyone else?”
“Daddy, I think that’s a swell idea. I would love to see the different planets and learn more about them. When will it be
in the school?”
“It won’t be until next year, but if you all think it’s a good idea, and the other students like it, I will personally try to get
it done sooner.”
Michael: *yawn*
After working for such a long time, Makoto finally retired. Actually, I forced him to retire since he never rolled the want.
He is getting on in years after all.
“My simoleons…..what am I going to do without money? Can I have my job back?”
No can do sorry. At least you get a pension.
“Oh that’s right! I am still in the money! Woohoo!”
Instead of dwelling on his retirement, he took a long dip in the pool. Too bad he has shorts instead of speedos. He may
look good in them. Maybe.
And here is Ringo going nuts. He just did this out of nowhere. Maybe he’s chasing flies? : /
Mikey got a job in architecture to keep himself busy. Here is his first day of work, and he is the first finger-gunner of the
legacy. Everyone else is shy and reserved. Pleasure surely does fit him.
“Grandpa! Guess what? I got an A plus!”
“Me too!” *runs the wrong way*
“Good job girls….uhm....Kim, where are you going?”
“I have no idea!”
He finally caught up with her and she did the A plus dance for awhile. How cute!
Ash usually comes after school with the twins, which is pretty cool.
“Grandpa, is it true that Uncle Spencer wanted a rat named Ben when he was a kid? Dad says he did and that he was a
“Your Uncle did want a rat when he was a kid, but he never got one. Your grandmother would have had a fit.”
“Can I have one for my birthday? I promise to take care of it.”
“Ask your Dad, Ash.”
“Awww maaan…”
“Oh my god I cant that this anymore! I need fun!!!”
Umm…there’s quite a bit to do…go find it.
“FUN!!!! I need it now!”
Upstairs, they gathered over a game of mahjong and conversation.
“Spencer, kids, I just want to let you know I am proud of all of you. I am sure you will all be successful in life. Son, do me
proud and take good care of the family when I am gone. I know you can do it.”
“Dad, you’re talking like the Grim is right behind you. You have plenty of years left.”
“Son, I don’t have much longer to live, but let’s not talk about that now. Let’s play.”
After the game, Makoto got up and measured the door.
“Hmm…this could fit a double door, I’m sure of it…… got kind of cold in here.”
Little did he know, Grim was right behind him.
“Now? But…but I thought I had more time….”
Ash: Whoa, nice coconuts…I mean, no grandpa! Don’t go! WAAAaAAAh!
“Well in that case I am coming with you. Ginger, I’m coming darling…”
Makoto faded into the unknown, leaving a mourning family behind.
Makoto Mariano…one of the best fathers in legacy history. Your humble beginnings as a bartender prepared you for
Hall of Fame greatness. You will be missed. *sniffle*
Makoto lived to be 78 years old, and is survived by his children Spencer, Orson, Betty, Judy, Gene, and Joanne, an
grandchildren Michael, Karen, Kimberly, Ash and Franklyn.
The death of Makoto hit Spencer very hard, as he realized he was now the head of the household. After getting it
together, he planned another late night funeral for his father.
Makoto was buried next to his beloved in the dead of night. *no pun intended*
Ginger: Makoto James! It’s about time! I have missed you so much.
Makoto: Sorry to keep you waiting babe. Remember, I was younger than you so I had more time.
Ginger: It’s ok, I got to show you something…
“Sorry about Grandpa Dad. He’s in a better place though.”
“Thanks Mikey. You are such a good son.”
“Your welcome…..hey Dad, can I have Grandpa’s car?”
After everyone left the room, Michael cried…loudly.
“Grandpa! WHY?!”
Even Ringo missed Makoto. They were best friends.
Mikey had a renewed interest in his younger sisters, so he started by reading Karen a story.
“….and the big bear said, someone have been sleeping in my cave! And the medium bear said, someone has been
sleeping in my cave too! And then the itty bitty bear said, someone have been sleeping in my cave, and there they are!”
“Did the big bear eat them?”
It was time to get going on those fifty dream dates, so Mikey called the matchmaker.
“Yea, so like, I want her to love pleasure and be full of fun!”
“Well, I am willing to help, but I need a donation…”
“Oh, of course. Here’s 5,000 simoleons.”
“Yo! Git ova here! Your date is ova here!”
I never knew the matchmaker could do this. I busted out laughing when she whistled at the date and waved lol.
“’re pretty…”
“Thanks. I’m Chloe.”
“Mikey. Nice to meetcha.”
“Same here. Wanna hang out?”
Three natural bolts. How cute.
Mikey decided to take Chloe to the local diner for a bite to eat in his new but not so new car. Spencer let him have
Makoto’s car, so now he drives everywhere with it, even to school. Notice Nanny Karen looking on.
“I hope you like this place. This is where my grandparent’s used to come to eat.”
“Oh, it’s fine. As long as they have ribs. I love ribs.”
“Yep, they sure do. Let’s go in.”
So they started out having a very nice date, with ribs of course….
….And ended with a nice smooch in the bathroom. How romantic Michael. Unfortunately it wasn’t a dream date. Oh
Awwww….Kimberly loves her grandpa’s side of the bed. She sleeps there almost every night.
“Congrats on being my best friend. You are now a part of an exclusive circle of coolness.”
“A what?”
“Never mind…just call it a circle.”
Here is Michael’s second date, Ratna. *what kind of name is that??*
They have three bolts too. She actually followed him home from school.
“You are sweeter than strawberry cheesecake. You know you want to go out with me, so let’s do it.”
“Ooooh….Michael of course! You are hot!”
Outside, Karen and Kimberly decided to have a jump rope contest.
“I bet I can jump faster than you Kim!”
“Nuh uh, I can go faster and longer than you.”
“We will see about that!”
Finally! After losing friends almost every single day, Spencer became double perma-plat and was promoted to
Education Minister. What does he want to do next?
“I want to become be at the top of the Entertainment career.”
No, let’s be happy with two lifetime wants fulfilled.
Karen decided to be a little artist. She woke up and immediately went to the easel.
“This will be called, green lady in pink. Yea, with kitties! And..and…trees!”
A total kodak moment. This is the first time Spencer ever tucked in his children. Awwwwww!!! Too bad Karen is sleeping
in her brother’s room.
Michael reached the top of his career too. Another scholarship in the bag FTW! Doesn’t it look like he wet his pants
though? I really don’t like those scrubs lol.
That evening, Ginger decided to finally come out and haunt for the first time in ages. She wasn’t happy that her
tombstone was moved outside. But, she was also spying on her grandkids. Kimberly is in show off mode, doing
cartwheels for anyone who will pay attention.
Oh my beautiful grandchildren! I wish I could have lived long enough to see them grow. The living room has changed
though, and my son is truly taking care of the family. Oh, how I miss everyone…..
The first one she decided to talk to was Michael.
Michael! Stop being a womanizer and do your homework! How do you ever expect to go to college with those grades?!
“Grandma! I am doing my homework….sometimes.”
I will be watching you……
Kimberly was totally clueless….thinking about gaming enthusiasm.
Allyn developed a bit of a green thumb, but unfortunately she was able to only garden at night due to her new job and
it’s odd hours. She’s starting with a crop of tomatoes.
“Mmmmm…meatloaf. I wish Mom made this for us when we were kids.” *sigh* “I miss my mom, I hope she is relaxing
on the other side.”
I miss you too Spencer. I can’t wait to talk to you. Heck, I wish I could have some of that meatloaf.
After dinner, they decided to dance to their favourite song.
“Allyn, I’m sorry I haven’t had a lot of time for you. But now that I am the Education Minister, I will have a lot more time
for you.”
“It’s ok, hun. I know you work hard.”
“Thanks….Oh, by the way, when I was making dinner, I could swear I heard a small wind in the kitchen and it got cold in
“Maybe the windows need replacing.”
They ended the night with some well deserved woohoo. They hadn’t done that since the twins were born…geez.
Michael decided to investigate the gold lamp that had been sitting in the front lawn since he was born.
“I hope there’s a genie in there. I need some mojo.”
“Umm…oh right. I need some mojo please…for the ladies. So they will want to go on great dates with me.”
“Yea. You know what that is right?”
“Yea that will work…as long as it helps me with getting dates!”
“No, thanks though!”
To test his desirability, he invited Chloe over.
“You want me don’t you?” *smooch*
“What was that babe?”
“I said you are gorgeous!”
“Ah good.” *smooches*
Chloe though Michael was so desirable they carried it into the house. Poor Spencer distracted himself with teaching
Kim how to paint.
“Ehem…yea…so make sure you hold the brush at an angle, that way you get the strokes just right.”
“I can hear you over there you know!”
During his date the phone rang. It was Ratna.
I missed you so much Mikey, would you like to go out? There’s a new horror flick out at the movies.
“uhm….*coughcough* I would, but I’m sick and all, Ma doesn’t want me to leave. Another time though ok?”
Awww…ok. See you later then.
“Ok, bye.”
That was a close call.
“Who was that?”
“Oh, uhm, one of my buddies down at the basketball court.”
Later, Michael tried to be friends with the greek house placeholder, Beverly.
“Yea so, you like shoes right? All chicks like shoes. It’s like, an instinct you guys are born with or something.”
“Dude, I need to go over there now ‘k? See ya.”
Looks like he’s going to have to work extra hard to get in the greek house.
Another AWWWWW! Moment. Looks like Ringo still misses his buddy.
Michael’s first meal for the family was sushi. Not bad…but Kimberly’s legacy muffin was a lot worse.
“Dude, why are you eating that? It’s burnt.”
“ ‘Cuz I don’t want to eat raw fishies. Brenda Jones at school said eating raw food will make you throw up.”
“No it wont. It’s perfectly safe.”
“That’s not what Brenda said.”
Bragging about his bonus. Again. For the zillionth time. *sigh*
“So, after I helped pass that education bill that is going to effect everyone is Simerica, I was given a huge bonus for my
participation. Isn’t that great?”
“Yes it sure is….Karen did you do your homework?”
“Yes mom.”
Ginger came to visit Karen the night before her birthday. How sweet.
Just look at her…soon she will be a young woman. My goodness where has the time gone? These kids are growing faster
than weeds.
Apparently Karen was woken up by Ginger. She saw this as an opportunity to talk to her.
Karen! I am your grandmother. I was gone before you were born. But I still love you very very much.
“Grandma! Wow, you’re a ghost! I love you too!” *tries not to pee her pants.
And just like that, Ginger disappeared.
The next night was Kimberly and Karen’s birthday. Allyn was beginning to feel her age.
“I can’t believe time went by so fast! Pretty soon, our kids will be in college. Oh, Spencer, where has the time gone?”
“Don’t know babe, but I still think you are young. Don’t worry about it.”
Kim made all sorts of noise as Karen thought about her wish.
“Hmm….I wish….to be able to always have fun!”
Ut oh….sounds like….
“I wish to be able to use my creative talents for the good of everyone!”
That seems like a good wish.
Karen grew up very pretty. Thank goodness she doesn’t have her brother’s nose.
Aspiration: Pleasure
LTW: Become Celebrity Chef
Turn ons/offs: Brown haired men that stink/Formal wear
9-9-10-0-7 *just like Michael*
And here is Kimberly. She looks a whole lot different now. This was the only hairstyle that I could find that fit her face.
But she’s still pretty.
Aspiration: Knowledge
LTW: Become a world class ballet dancer
Turn ons/offs: Stinky men that wear full face makeup/Athletic
Joanne came by to see her nieces grow up, but just had to talk about work.
“So, how’s the hotel job going? I heard you got fired from the lab.”
“Yes, I did, but being in hospitality is so much better for me anyways. I recently got promoted to assistant supervisor, so
we will see how it goes.”
“Cool! Make sure you save some discounts for me, ok?”
“Sure, no problem.”
Looks like Ginger’s dancing style rubbed off on her grandchildren. I hope she get’s better, because she will be laughed
out of town in college with those moves.
Karen got a job and reached the top of the career after two days. She’s so smart!
Then Michael decided to “celebrate” by stealing Spencer’s beer stash.
“Are you sure we won’t get caught, Mikey?”
“Yea positive. The folks are upstairs sleeping. Just don’t make a lot of noise.”
“Ok….*chugs* Man! Like, this stuff is nasty!”
“Don’t worry about the taste, it’s supposed to make you feel happy.”
Karen’s first drink didn’t treat her so well. She went up to the activity room and tried to give her sister a smooch.
“Come ‘ere youzzz…gimme kissies…”
“Ewww!! Karen that’s sick! Get away from me!”
“But..I thought we werez freins huh?”
“You have been drinking haven’t you? I’m going to tell dad! I can’t believe you would drink beer like this. Now you are
all drunk and crazy! What happened to you sis? I thought you were better than that!”
“Kim, you don’ know me like dat..i’m not drunk *hic* so shaddup. Imma go to bed…oh man I feel sick…I gotta throw up
The incident long forgotten, the twins tanned together outside next to the pool.
But unfortunately Kimberly got a bad sunburn.
“Goodness! This hurts! No one told me I could get burnt!”
Looks like although Karen for a good tan, Yoosung isnt really interested in what she was talking about.
Looks like they finally get a burglar. I guess he was smart to wait until the family actually had money before attempting
to rob them blind.
Fortunately, Michael was awake at the time so he rushed over to call the police.
“Hello? Police? Yea, man like this dude is here trying to steal our stuff. I need a cop out here right away!”
Umm, Michael, I don’t think your ear is that far up.
Oh no! he took Makoto’s car! How dare him!
Dorian ran the burglar into the house, then proceeded to open up a can of whoop-ass on him. Even Ringo showed up to
support the policeman.
Luckily, Dorian beat the tar out of the burglar. Even though the reward money wont buy back Makoto’s car, but it will
Allyn and Spencer slept through the entire ordeal. Lazy bums.
Just a random pic of a buff Spencer doing yardwork. Sexy huh? : P
Michael came back from school and mourned the lost of his car.
“Why meeeeee??? Stupid robber! If I find him I’m gonna kick his butt!”
Kim and Karen decided to start a girl band. They named it Platinum, kind like their hair. They are pretty good actually.
“Hey, you looking forward to getting scholarships and going to college? There’s going to be so much freedom there! And
ladies! Lots of ‘em.”
“Well, I am actually. I heard the greek house has a hot tub and a bong in it. I can’t wait to find out for myself.”
“Me either.”
“And besides, we get to go on all sorts of shopping sprees since mom and dad are totally loaded with money. I like that
idea the best.”
“Shopping…that’s all you ever think about.”
“Well that’s because shopping is awesome. You don’t dig shopping?”
“Not really.”
“I look gooood! Damn! How can they resist?”
Michael is so full of himself. Reminds me of Betty. He seriously checks himself out constantly.
Karen decided to get her flirting on with this boy that came with her from school.
“You know, you really do look cute with your sweater and cowboy boots. It’s…manly.”
“R…really? Wow, no one ever told me that before. Thanks!”
“No problem…cutie.”
Later, Michael was saying goodbye to Ratna.
“Do you really have to go to college?”
“Yes, babe. I got to. But don’t worry we can still be friends and stuff.”
“But I…I love….you…”
“Love me? Oh Ratna you’re so kind. But really, we can be friends, don’t worry. You can always come to college too, ya
“Have fun in college, Kim, but also study hard. Don’t slack off with your assignments, and make sure-”
“Dad, I will be fine. Promise. And I will call you as much as I can.”
“Ok sweetie. You should go to bed now. Your bus will be here very early in the morning.”
“Love you dad.”
“Love you too.”

This where I will leave it for now. The next update will be Generation 3 in college! How fun. *sigh* Sorry about the
delay, I had to upgrade my PC because the game was running uber slow. So now I have more RAM and can play again!
As usual, credit to the creators at MTS2, all about style, tsr, and all of the other cool sites I have forgotten.

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Chapter 3.3

  • 1. Hey what’s shakin’? Welcome back to the Mariano legacy…where it’s retroville 24/7. Last time we were here, stalker nanny Kendal somehow snuck into the house and taunted Spencer while wearing a bikini, Kimberly and Karen grew up into pretty unique kids, Michael shows off his serious side with chess and stock markets, and Makoto gave Michael a kitty named Ringo as a late birthday present. Michael grew up into a Pleasure loving teen with a shnoz, and Spencer was surprised by his father when Makoto showed him the legacy wedding gazebo he built himself. As you can see, the Mariano house has expanded quite a bit. Sorry if the house doesn’t look that great, I’m no good at building houses. Now, on with the show!
  • 2. “Man, I am sooo hungry….I wish I knew how to cook better.” …..And the burnt muffin legacy continues…..
  • 3. Spencer is such a science person, he’s trying to get it to rub off on his children. “The school board and I decided to build a special planetarium for the students, and make it available even on weekends. What do you guys think?” Michael: *yawn* Umm…I mean, yea Dad that’s cool…Yea… *silence* “Anyone else?”
  • 4. “Daddy, I think that’s a swell idea. I would love to see the different planets and learn more about them. When will it be in the school?” “It won’t be until next year, but if you all think it’s a good idea, and the other students like it, I will personally try to get it done sooner.” “Yaay!” Michael: *yawn*
  • 5. After working for such a long time, Makoto finally retired. Actually, I forced him to retire since he never rolled the want. He is getting on in years after all. “My simoleons…..what am I going to do without money? Can I have my job back?” No can do sorry. At least you get a pension. “Oh that’s right! I am still in the money! Woohoo!”
  • 6. Instead of dwelling on his retirement, he took a long dip in the pool. Too bad he has shorts instead of speedos. He may look good in them. Maybe.
  • 7. And here is Ringo going nuts. He just did this out of nowhere. Maybe he’s chasing flies? : /
  • 8. Mikey got a job in architecture to keep himself busy. Here is his first day of work, and he is the first finger-gunner of the legacy. Everyone else is shy and reserved. Pleasure surely does fit him.
  • 9. “Grandpa! Guess what? I got an A plus!” “Me too!” *runs the wrong way* “Good job girls….uhm....Kim, where are you going?” “I have no idea!”
  • 10. He finally caught up with her and she did the A plus dance for awhile. How cute!
  • 11. Ash usually comes after school with the twins, which is pretty cool. “Grandpa, is it true that Uncle Spencer wanted a rat named Ben when he was a kid? Dad says he did and that he was a wierdo.” “Your Uncle did want a rat when he was a kid, but he never got one. Your grandmother would have had a fit.” “Can I have one for my birthday? I promise to take care of it.” “Ask your Dad, Ash.” “Awww maaan…”
  • 12. “Oh my god I cant that this anymore! I need fun!!!” Umm…there’s quite a bit to do…go find it. “FUN!!!! I need it now!” *sigh*
  • 13. Upstairs, they gathered over a game of mahjong and conversation. “Spencer, kids, I just want to let you know I am proud of all of you. I am sure you will all be successful in life. Son, do me proud and take good care of the family when I am gone. I know you can do it.” “Dad, you’re talking like the Grim is right behind you. You have plenty of years left.” “Son, I don’t have much longer to live, but let’s not talk about that now. Let’s play.”
  • 14. After the game, Makoto got up and measured the door. “Hmm…this could fit a double door, I’m sure of it…… got kind of cold in here.” Little did he know, Grim was right behind him.
  • 16. I HAVE A BLOODY MARY WITH YOUR NAME ON IT. COME WITH ME AND THERE WILL BE A HUGE BAR WITH YOUR NAME ON IT. “Well in that case I am coming with you. Ginger, I’m coming darling…” Makoto faded into the unknown, leaving a mourning family behind.
  • 17. Makoto Mariano…one of the best fathers in legacy history. Your humble beginnings as a bartender prepared you for Hall of Fame greatness. You will be missed. *sniffle* Makoto lived to be 78 years old, and is survived by his children Spencer, Orson, Betty, Judy, Gene, and Joanne, an grandchildren Michael, Karen, Kimberly, Ash and Franklyn.
  • 18. The death of Makoto hit Spencer very hard, as he realized he was now the head of the household. After getting it together, he planned another late night funeral for his father.
  • 19. Makoto was buried next to his beloved in the dead of night. *no pun intended* Ginger: Makoto James! It’s about time! I have missed you so much. Makoto: Sorry to keep you waiting babe. Remember, I was younger than you so I had more time. Ginger: It’s ok, I got to show you something…
  • 20. “Sorry about Grandpa Dad. He’s in a better place though.” “Thanks Mikey. You are such a good son.” “Your welcome…..hey Dad, can I have Grandpa’s car?” “….”
  • 21. After everyone left the room, Michael cried…loudly. “Grandpa! WHY?!”
  • 22. Even Ringo missed Makoto. They were best friends.
  • 23. Mikey had a renewed interest in his younger sisters, so he started by reading Karen a story. “….and the big bear said, someone have been sleeping in my cave! And the medium bear said, someone has been sleeping in my cave too! And then the itty bitty bear said, someone have been sleeping in my cave, and there they are!” “Did the big bear eat them?” “Uhm…”
  • 24. It was time to get going on those fifty dream dates, so Mikey called the matchmaker. “Yea, so like, I want her to love pleasure and be full of fun!” “Well, I am willing to help, but I need a donation…” “Oh, of course. Here’s 5,000 simoleons.”
  • 25. “Yo! Git ova here! Your date is ova here!” I never knew the matchmaker could do this. I busted out laughing when she whistled at the date and waved lol.
  • 26. “’re pretty…” “Thanks. I’m Chloe.” “Mikey. Nice to meetcha.” “Same here. Wanna hang out?” “Sure!” Three natural bolts. How cute.
  • 27. Mikey decided to take Chloe to the local diner for a bite to eat in his new but not so new car. Spencer let him have Makoto’s car, so now he drives everywhere with it, even to school. Notice Nanny Karen looking on.
  • 28. “I hope you like this place. This is where my grandparent’s used to come to eat.” “Oh, it’s fine. As long as they have ribs. I love ribs.” “Yep, they sure do. Let’s go in.”
  • 29. So they started out having a very nice date, with ribs of course….
  • 30. ….And ended with a nice smooch in the bathroom. How romantic Michael. Unfortunately it wasn’t a dream date. Oh well.
  • 31. Awwww….Kimberly loves her grandpa’s side of the bed. She sleeps there almost every night.
  • 32. “Congrats on being my best friend. You are now a part of an exclusive circle of coolness.” “A what?” “Never mind…just call it a circle.” “Ok!”
  • 33. Here is Michael’s second date, Ratna. *what kind of name is that??* They have three bolts too. She actually followed him home from school. “You are sweeter than strawberry cheesecake. You know you want to go out with me, so let’s do it.” “Ooooh….Michael of course! You are hot!” Erm…ok…
  • 34. Outside, Karen and Kimberly decided to have a jump rope contest. “I bet I can jump faster than you Kim!” “Nuh uh, I can go faster and longer than you.” “We will see about that!”
  • 35. Finally! After losing friends almost every single day, Spencer became double perma-plat and was promoted to Education Minister. What does he want to do next? “I want to become be at the top of the Entertainment career.” No, let’s be happy with two lifetime wants fulfilled.
  • 36. Karen decided to be a little artist. She woke up and immediately went to the easel. “This will be called, green lady in pink. Yea, with kitties! And..and…trees!”
  • 37. A total kodak moment. This is the first time Spencer ever tucked in his children. Awwwwww!!! Too bad Karen is sleeping in her brother’s room.
  • 38. Michael reached the top of his career too. Another scholarship in the bag FTW! Doesn’t it look like he wet his pants though? I really don’t like those scrubs lol.
  • 39. That evening, Ginger decided to finally come out and haunt for the first time in ages. She wasn’t happy that her tombstone was moved outside. But, she was also spying on her grandkids. Kimberly is in show off mode, doing cartwheels for anyone who will pay attention.
  • 40. Oh my beautiful grandchildren! I wish I could have lived long enough to see them grow. The living room has changed though, and my son is truly taking care of the family. Oh, how I miss everyone…..
  • 41. The first one she decided to talk to was Michael. Michael! Stop being a womanizer and do your homework! How do you ever expect to go to college with those grades?! “Grandma! I am doing my homework….sometimes.” I will be watching you…… Kimberly was totally clueless….thinking about gaming enthusiasm.
  • 42. Allyn developed a bit of a green thumb, but unfortunately she was able to only garden at night due to her new job and it’s odd hours. She’s starting with a crop of tomatoes.
  • 43. “Mmmmm…meatloaf. I wish Mom made this for us when we were kids.” *sigh* “I miss my mom, I hope she is relaxing on the other side.” I miss you too Spencer. I can’t wait to talk to you. Heck, I wish I could have some of that meatloaf.
  • 44. After dinner, they decided to dance to their favourite song. “Allyn, I’m sorry I haven’t had a lot of time for you. But now that I am the Education Minister, I will have a lot more time for you.” “It’s ok, hun. I know you work hard.” “Thanks….Oh, by the way, when I was making dinner, I could swear I heard a small wind in the kitchen and it got cold in there.” “Maybe the windows need replacing.” “Maybe…”
  • 45. They ended the night with some well deserved woohoo. They hadn’t done that since the twins were born…geez.
  • 46. Michael decided to investigate the gold lamp that had been sitting in the front lawn since he was born. “I hope there’s a genie in there. I need some mojo.”
  • 47. I AM THE GENIE OF THE LAMP. SINCE YOU RELEASED ME, I WILL GRANT YOU THREE WISHES! “Umm…oh right. I need some mojo please…for the ladies. So they will want to go on great dates with me.” MO JO? “Yea. You know what that is right?”
  • 48. HOW ABOUT I JUST MAKE YOU BEAUTIFUL AND DESIRABLE? WILL THAT WORK? “Yea that will work…as long as it helps me with getting dates!” ALAKAZAAM ALAKOZOOM! YOU ARE NOW DESIREABLE. DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER WISHES? “No, thanks though!”
  • 49. To test his desirability, he invited Chloe over. “You want me don’t you?” *smooch* “mmmmppphhh!” “What was that babe?” “I said you are gorgeous!” “Ah good.” *smooches*
  • 50. Chloe though Michael was so desirable they carried it into the house. Poor Spencer distracted himself with teaching Kim how to paint. “Ehem…yea…so make sure you hold the brush at an angle, that way you get the strokes just right.” *smoochkissslobber* “I can hear you over there you know!”
  • 51. During his date the phone rang. It was Ratna. I missed you so much Mikey, would you like to go out? There’s a new horror flick out at the movies. “uhm….*coughcough* I would, but I’m sick and all, Ma doesn’t want me to leave. Another time though ok?” Awww…ok. See you later then. “Ok, bye.” That was a close call. “Who was that?” “Oh, uhm, one of my buddies down at the basketball court.”
  • 52. Later, Michael tried to be friends with the greek house placeholder, Beverly. “Yea so, you like shoes right? All chicks like shoes. It’s like, an instinct you guys are born with or something.” “Dude, I need to go over there now ‘k? See ya.” Looks like he’s going to have to work extra hard to get in the greek house.
  • 53. Another AWWWWW! Moment. Looks like Ringo still misses his buddy.
  • 54. Michael’s first meal for the family was sushi. Not bad…but Kimberly’s legacy muffin was a lot worse. “Dude, why are you eating that? It’s burnt.” “ ‘Cuz I don’t want to eat raw fishies. Brenda Jones at school said eating raw food will make you throw up.” “No it wont. It’s perfectly safe.” “That’s not what Brenda said.”
  • 55. Bragging about his bonus. Again. For the zillionth time. *sigh* “So, after I helped pass that education bill that is going to effect everyone is Simerica, I was given a huge bonus for my participation. Isn’t that great?” “Yes it sure is….Karen did you do your homework?” “Yes mom.” “Good.”
  • 56. Ginger came to visit Karen the night before her birthday. How sweet. Just look at her…soon she will be a young woman. My goodness where has the time gone? These kids are growing faster than weeds.
  • 57. Apparently Karen was woken up by Ginger. She saw this as an opportunity to talk to her. Karen! I am your grandmother. I was gone before you were born. But I still love you very very much. “Grandma! Wow, you’re a ghost! I love you too!” *tries not to pee her pants. And just like that, Ginger disappeared.
  • 58. The next night was Kimberly and Karen’s birthday. Allyn was beginning to feel her age. “I can’t believe time went by so fast! Pretty soon, our kids will be in college. Oh, Spencer, where has the time gone?” “Don’t know babe, but I still think you are young. Don’t worry about it.”
  • 59. Kim made all sorts of noise as Karen thought about her wish. “Hmm….I wish….to be able to always have fun!” Ut oh….sounds like….
  • 60. “I wish to be able to use my creative talents for the good of everyone!” That seems like a good wish.
  • 61. Karen grew up very pretty. Thank goodness she doesn’t have her brother’s nose. Stats: Aspiration: Pleasure LTW: Become Celebrity Chef Turn ons/offs: Brown haired men that stink/Formal wear 9-9-10-0-7 *just like Michael*
  • 62. And here is Kimberly. She looks a whole lot different now. This was the only hairstyle that I could find that fit her face. But she’s still pretty. Stats: Aspiration: Knowledge LTW: Become a world class ballet dancer Turn ons/offs: Stinky men that wear full face makeup/Athletic 10-0-10-3-6
  • 63. Joanne came by to see her nieces grow up, but just had to talk about work. “So, how’s the hotel job going? I heard you got fired from the lab.” “Yes, I did, but being in hospitality is so much better for me anyways. I recently got promoted to assistant supervisor, so we will see how it goes.” “Cool! Make sure you save some discounts for me, ok?” “Sure, no problem.”
  • 64. Looks like Ginger’s dancing style rubbed off on her grandchildren. I hope she get’s better, because she will be laughed out of town in college with those moves.
  • 65. Karen got a job and reached the top of the career after two days. She’s so smart!
  • 66. Then Michael decided to “celebrate” by stealing Spencer’s beer stash. “Are you sure we won’t get caught, Mikey?” “Yea positive. The folks are upstairs sleeping. Just don’t make a lot of noise.” “Ok….*chugs* Man! Like, this stuff is nasty!” “Don’t worry about the taste, it’s supposed to make you feel happy.”
  • 67. Karen’s first drink didn’t treat her so well. She went up to the activity room and tried to give her sister a smooch. “Come ‘ere youzzz…gimme kissies…” “Ewww!! Karen that’s sick! Get away from me!” “But..I thought we werez freins huh?”
  • 68. “You have been drinking haven’t you? I’m going to tell dad! I can’t believe you would drink beer like this. Now you are all drunk and crazy! What happened to you sis? I thought you were better than that!” “Kim, you don’ know me like dat..i’m not drunk *hic* so shaddup. Imma go to bed…oh man I feel sick…I gotta throw up *hic*”
  • 69. The incident long forgotten, the twins tanned together outside next to the pool.
  • 70. But unfortunately Kimberly got a bad sunburn. “Goodness! This hurts! No one told me I could get burnt!” Looks like although Karen for a good tan, Yoosung isnt really interested in what she was talking about.
  • 71. Looks like they finally get a burglar. I guess he was smart to wait until the family actually had money before attempting to rob them blind.
  • 72. Fortunately, Michael was awake at the time so he rushed over to call the police. “Hello? Police? Yea, man like this dude is here trying to steal our stuff. I need a cop out here right away!” Umm, Michael, I don’t think your ear is that far up.
  • 73. Oh no! he took Makoto’s car! How dare him!
  • 74. Dorian ran the burglar into the house, then proceeded to open up a can of whoop-ass on him. Even Ringo showed up to support the policeman.
  • 75. Luckily, Dorian beat the tar out of the burglar. Even though the reward money wont buy back Makoto’s car, but it will help.
  • 76. Allyn and Spencer slept through the entire ordeal. Lazy bums.
  • 77. Just a random pic of a buff Spencer doing yardwork. Sexy huh? : P
  • 78. Michael came back from school and mourned the lost of his car. “Why meeeeee??? Stupid robber! If I find him I’m gonna kick his butt!”
  • 79. Kim and Karen decided to start a girl band. They named it Platinum, kind like their hair. They are pretty good actually.
  • 80. “Hey, you looking forward to getting scholarships and going to college? There’s going to be so much freedom there! And ladies! Lots of ‘em.” “Well, I am actually. I heard the greek house has a hot tub and a bong in it. I can’t wait to find out for myself.” “Me either.”
  • 81. “And besides, we get to go on all sorts of shopping sprees since mom and dad are totally loaded with money. I like that idea the best.” “Shopping…that’s all you ever think about.” “Well that’s because shopping is awesome. You don’t dig shopping?” “Not really.”
  • 82. “I look gooood! Damn! How can they resist?” Michael is so full of himself. Reminds me of Betty. He seriously checks himself out constantly.
  • 83. Karen decided to get her flirting on with this boy that came with her from school. “You know, you really do look cute with your sweater and cowboy boots. It’s…manly.” “R…really? Wow, no one ever told me that before. Thanks!” “No problem…cutie.” *blushes*
  • 84. Later, Michael was saying goodbye to Ratna. “Do you really have to go to college?” “Yes, babe. I got to. But don’t worry we can still be friends and stuff.” “But I…I love….you…” “Love me? Oh Ratna you’re so kind. But really, we can be friends, don’t worry. You can always come to college too, ya know.” “Umm..ok….”
  • 85. “Have fun in college, Kim, but also study hard. Don’t slack off with your assignments, and make sure-” “Dad, I will be fine. Promise. And I will call you as much as I can.” “Ok sweetie. You should go to bed now. Your bus will be here very early in the morning.” “Love you dad.” “Love you too.” This where I will leave it for now. The next update will be Generation 3 in college! How fun. *sigh* Sorry about the delay, I had to upgrade my PC because the game was running uber slow. So now I have more RAM and can play again! As usual, credit to the creators at MTS2, all about style, tsr, and all of the other cool sites I have forgotten.