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                                                                                          BIOBLITZ EducaTOr’s rEsOurcE

© 2009 National Geographic Society; Educators may reproduce for students.
Mapping Information > 2

     In the wild, organisms depend on their habitat
     to provide food, water, shelter, and other
     requirements for survival. Scientists studying
     wildlife use geographic data to record the
     location of critical resources, search for species,
     record places species are found, and analyze
     correlations to identify underlying patterns.
     Information about where species live, and
     their habitat use, is critical to preserving and
     protecting Earth’s biodiversity.

        KEy QuEsTIOns:
         › What is a map?

         › What elements make it useful?

         › How are maps used in wildlife research?

         › How do you make a map?

           WhaT’s                       InsIdE
             Guided Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
             Supplemental Media . . . . . . . . . . 4                                                                                         © 2009 National Geographic Society; Educators may reproduce for students.

             Lab Activity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
             Student Worksheets . . . . . . . . . . 7            Dr. Lisa Dabek, a National Geographic grantee, is tracking Matschie’s
                                                                 tree kangaroos in Papua New Guinea. Maps such as this one, showing
             Outline for Guided Discussion . . 9                 home range areas, are helping protect the habitat of this endangered

bioblitz > mapping information                                                                    
Guided discussion/PowerPoint > 3

     Guided discussion/PowerPoint
                                                                 Instructional strategy:
         Introduce a definition of a map, then                   Large-group Instruction; Multimedia Instruction;
                                                     30-45 min
         consider some examples. Next, review
         common map elements and learn about
                                                                 • Go to to download
         biologists who use mapping as part of                     Mapping Information in PowerPoint format.
         their research. Conclude with a review                  • See Outline for Guided Discussion, p. 9, for a
                                                                   preview of slides and teaching notes. Use this
         of the steps students can take to make
                                                                   as a reference during the Guided Discussion.
         their own maps.
                                                                 • Incorporate video segments on wildlife
                                                                   research into the discussion. See
                                                                   Supplemental Media, p. 4, for details.

                                                                                                                                 © 2009 National Geographic Society; Educators may reproduce for students.

                Turn to p. 9 for complete outline.

bioblitz > mapping information                                                       
supplemental Media > 4

     supplemental Media: Wild chronicles
     Available online at
     Video segments from National Geographic’s Wild Chronicles are
     an engaging way to show students pioneering wildlife research
     from around the planet. Segments can be viewed as an
     independent activity or incorporated into the Guided Discussion.

     › cheetahs are Back in Town                                                       › Where do Whale sharks Go?
       Researchers at South Africa’s Mountain Zebra                                      Whale sharks, among the
       National Park are using GPS collars to monitor                                    largest creatures on the
       Batman and Robin, a pair of cheetahs that                                         planet, are often spotted at
       have been enlisted to help restore the natural                                    Ningaloo Reef in Western
       predator-prey balance. Time: 4:36                                                 Australia. National Geographic Emerging
                                                                                         Explorer Brad Norman is analyzing imagery and
     › Into the Trees with Kangas                                                        GPS data to learn where whale sharks go once
       Radio collars are helping National Geographic                                     they leave the safety of the reef. Time: 6:31
       grantee Dr. Lisa Dabek and team track the
       elusive Matschie’s tree kangaroo. These obser-
       vations offer new insights into tree kangaroo
       location, range and habitat use—and may help
                                                                                           • What question
       save this endangered species. Time: 5:48                                                             or issue is the re
     › Whale Tracking
                                                                                          • What challenges
       Researchers are tagging humpback whales to                                                                      does the research
                                                                                                                                er face?
       gain a clearer picture of their underwater habits
                                                                                          • What tools are
                                                                                                           researchers usin
       and foraging strategies. The data collected is                                                                       g to gather
                                                                                            geospatial data?
       used to redirect water traffic and implement
       safer fishing practices to keep these whales out                                  • What impact m
                                                                                                                  ight the research
       of harms’ way. Time: 4:30

                                                             contributors/consultants                             design
     The resource was produced by National Geographic
     Education Programs. © 2009 National Geographic          Appalachian Highlands Science Learning Center,       Project Design Company: Dan Banks, Art Director,
     Society. All Rights Reserved. Educators may             GSMNP—Susan Sachs; Census of Marine Life—            Kerri Sarembock, Designer                             © 2009 National Geographic Society; Educators may reproduce for students.
     reproduce for students.                                 Darlene Trew Crist; Discover Life in America—
                                                                                                                  Image credits
                                                             Todd P. Witcher; Duke University Marine Lab—
                                                                                                                  p.2, Russel A. Mittermeier, photo; Gabriel Porolak,
     content development                                     Ari Friedlander, Caroline Good; Duke University
                                                                                                                  map; p. 4, Brad Norman; p.5, Mason Weinrich/
     NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC EDUCATION PROGRAMS                  Nicholas School of the Environment—Ben
                                                                                                                  Whale Center of New England, photo; Colin Ware/
                                                             Donnelly, Ei Fujicka, Dr. Patrick Halpin; ECOCEAN—
     Kim Hulse, Director, Geography Education
                                                                                                                  University of New Hampshire, animation still; p. 7
                                                             Dr. Brad Norman; Indiana Dunes Environmental
     Amy Grossman, Manager, Educational Media                                                                     © Brian J. Skerry/National Geographic Images
                                                             Learning Center—Brian Forist; Indiana Dunes
     Leslie Ann Pierce, Ed.D.,                               National Lakeshore—Kimberly Swift; Michigan
     Science Education Consultant                            State University, Department of Entomology—
     Andy Conlin, Kristin Dell, Ivey Wohlfeld, Researchers   David Cappaert; Snow Leopard Trust—Dr. Tom
                                                             McCarthy, Jennifer Snell Rullman; Woodland Park
     Chelsea Zillmer, Copyeditor
                                                             Zoo/Tree Kangaroo Conservation Program—Dr.
                                                             Lisa Dabek, Gabriel Porolak, Susan O’Neil

bioblitz > mapping information                                                                                              
Lab activity > 5

     Lab activity: north atlantic right Whales—
     conflict and conservation
                                                 Instructional strategy:                      • “Whale Tracking” from Wild
                                                                                                Chronicles, available at
                                                 Small-group or Large-group Instruction
                 20-30 min
               20 min activity
                                                                                                video (see Supplemental Media, p. 4)
                   20 min
                                                                                              • Copies of data and map worksheets,
                                                 • “Right Whales—On the Brink, On
                                                                                                p. 7-8, one set per student or
                                                   the Rebound,” available at National
                                                   Geographic Magazine Online, ngm.
                                                                                              • Rulers; colored pens, pencils,
                                                                                                or markers
     1. Introduce key issues. Have students read the National
        Geographic article and/or watch the Wild Chronicles
        video segment (see Materials, above) to become familiar
        with critical issues facing whales today. While the
        article focuses on right whales and the video focuses
        on humpback whales, either resource is relevant to
        the activity as there are many common issues.

     2. reflect and discuss. Ask students to reflect on what
        they learned. Answers will vary, depending on the
        resource. Possible discussion prompts:

        What are some threats facing whales today?
        Threats include ship strikes, entanglement in fishing
        lines, chemical and noise pollution.

        What are scientists and volunteers doing to help
        conserve and protect right whales? A range of high- and
        low-tech efforts includes photography, geo-tagging, DNA
        analysis, land and air surveillance, acoustic buoys, and an
        Early Warning System to alert ship captains.

     3. distribute worksheets, review activity. Explain that
        students will be mapping data collected by right whale
        researchers and analyzing the results. Familiarize
        students with the data and base map, introducing                                                                                         © 2009 National Geographic Society; Educators may reproduce for students.
        components such as:

        North Atlantic Right Whale Adult and Calf Deaths—this
        data set indicates the location of adult and calf deaths
                                                                      A researcher positions a DTAG (Digital Acoustic Recording Tag) on a
        reported in this area between 2004-2007.
                                                                      humpback whale to record sounds and measure underwater behaviors
                                                                      and movements (top). A computer animation based on data recorded by
        Right Whale Auto-Detection Buoys—this data set indicates      the tag reveals patterns never before seen or analyzed (bottom).
        the location of acoustic buoys used to detect the
        presence and location of whales. A relay system alerts
        ship captains to slow down or divert in order to avoid
        a ship strike.
                                                     continued >

bioblitz > mapping information                                                                       
Lab activity > 6

                                                                        3. One way to reduce ship strikes and whale deaths
        Shipping Lanes, Major Ports, Right Whale Seasonal
        Management Area—Shipping lanes to and from major                is to relocate shipping lanes that are used for
        ports help regulate ship traffic within a seasonal              transportation, fishing, and the import and export of
        management area.                                                commercial goods. What factors or impacts would need
                                                                        to be considered as part of such a proposal? Factors to
        Grid System—a coordinate system that uses latitude
                                                                        consider might include economic impacts such as higher
        and longitude measurements to locate points on
                                                                        transportation or energy costs; transportation delays;
        the Earth’s surface. In the data sets, latitude and
                                                                        environmental impacts if other ports would need to be
        longitude are indicated in decimal degrees. On the
                                                                        expanded or if new ports are needed.
        map, each hash mark equals one-tenth of a degree.
                                                                      5. Wrap-up. Ask students to think about research they
     4. complete activity, share, and discuss. Give students
                                                                        would conduct to help save right whales. Explain
        time to complete the activity. Then, ask students to
                                                                        that scientific data has helped lead to shipping lane
        share their maps and discuss the questions on the data
                                                                        changes, reduced ship speed requirements, and
        worksheet (included below):
                                                                        modifications to fixed fishing gear.
        1. A calving ground is an area where whales give birth
                                                                         AdditionAl Res
        and care for their young. Based on the ratio of adult
        to calf mortalities, could there be a calving ground in
                                                                                                 right Whale research
        this area? The ratio of calf to adult deaths is two to one,
                                                                         new England aquarium                            cts/
        indicating a concentration of calves in this area.
        2. Look at the location of these factors: (a) Right
        Whale Auto-Detection Buoys; (b) shipping lanes; and
                                                                                                   Protected resources:
                                                                         nOaa Fisheries Office of
        (c) right whale adult and calf deaths. Where would you
                                                                         north atlantic right Wh
        place more buoys to prevent whale deaths and why?
        Additional buoys could be placed near active shipping
        ports such as Fernandina Beach and Brunswick.
                                                                                                    Protected resources:
                                                                          nOaa Fisheries Office of
      answer Key                                                          ship strike reduction
                                                                                                   ale consortiu
                                                                           north atlantic right Wh
                                                                           right Whale Listening ne

                                                                                                                                                 © 2009 National Geographic Society; Educators may reproduce for students.

                                                                         l Adult Death
                                                                         s Calf Death
                                                                         H Buoy

                                                                         This activity was developed in collaboration with Christopher
                                                                         Tremblay, Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology Bioacoustics Research
                                                                         Program; and Jennifer Cutraro, Amy Knowlton, and Kerry Lagueux,
                                                                         New England Aquarium Departments of Research and Education.
                                                                         Cartography: Kerry Laguex.

bioblitz > mapping information                                                                       
data Worksheet

     north atlantic right Whales—conflict and conservation
     North Atlantic right whales are on the edge of
     extinction and scientists believe research can help
     save this species. They are collecting geographic
     data to identify ways to reduce ship strikes, the
     leading cause of injury and death to right whales.
     What can be learned when this data is mapped?

     sTEP 1.
      Map Information. Experts have recorded the location
      of calf deaths, adult deaths, and buoys near the
      coast of Florida and Georgia. Use the latitude and
      longitude points in each chart (right) to map these
      locations. Map all the points on the same map. Before
      you make your map, think about the following:
       • Will you use symbols or color to represent different
         data sets? What symbols? What colors?                      © Brian J. Sk
                                                                                             l Geographic
       • Most maps include elements such as date, orientation,
         scale, title, author, source, and legend. Look to see       A North Atlantic right whale and calf. Researchers estimate
                                                                     there are only 300-400 right whales alive today.
         if these are included and add them, if missing.

                                                                     right Whale deaths near Florida, 2004-2007
     sTEP 2.
     Interpreting Information. After you have mapped the                           Calves                                     Adults
     data, analyze your map to answer these questions.
                                                                         Latitude           Longitude                 Latitude       Longitude
     1. A calving ground is an area where whales give birth
                                                                          30.6˚ N               81.5˚ W               30.9˚ N          81.1 W
        and care for their young. Based on the ratio of adult to
                                                                          30.3˚ N               81.1˚ W               31.0˚ N         81.1˚ W
        calf mortalities, could there be a calving ground in this
                                                                          30.4˚ N               81.4˚ W
        area? Form a hypothesis based on patterns you see.
                                                                          30.3˚ N               81.4˚ W
     2. Look at the location of these factors: (a) Right Whale
        Auto-Detection Buoys; (b) shipping lanes; and (c) right
        whale adult and calf deaths. Where would you place
                                                                                                                                                         © 2009 National Geographic Society; Educators may reproduce for students.

                                                                     right Whale auto-detection Buoys
        more buoys to prevent whale deaths and why?

     3. One way to reduce ship strikes and whale deaths
        is to relocate shipping lanes that are used for
                                                                         Latitude           Longitude                Sources—Whale Death Data: Amy
        transportation, fishing, and the import and export of                                                        Knowlton, New England Aquarium;
                                                                          30.4˚ N               81.2˚ W
        commercial goods. What factors or impacts would                                                              Buoy Locations: Christopher
                                                                                                                     Tremblay, Cornell Bioacoustics
        need to be considered as part of such a proposal?                 30.3˚ N               81.3˚ W              Research Program

bioblitz > mapping information                                                                               
Map Worksheet

     Title                                           author

                                                                             /             /
     source                                          Today’s date

                                                                                                                      © 2009 National Geographic Society; Educators may reproduce for students.


                        Major Ports

                        Shipping Lanes


bioblitz > mapping information                                            
Outline for Guided discussion > 9

                                         Go to to download
     Outline for Guided discussion       Mapping Information, in PowerPoint format.
       Slide #                   Slide                                Notes

                                            Start Presentation.


                                            Have students identify the resources they use at school, such
                                            as food, water, books, computers, lockers, classrooms, and
                                            washrooms-- and where they are located. Use a whiteboard
                                            to sketch a map.
                                            If you have time, use a different color marker to map re-
                                            sources utilized by teachers.


                                                                                                                     © 2009 National Geographic Society; Educators may reproduce for students.


bioblitz > mapping information                                           
Outline for Guided discussion > 10

     Outline for Guided discussion
       Slide #                   Slide                             Notes


                                         Ask students to consider the question for each image and
                                         explain why they think each image is a map or not. Though
                                         these images depict areas of vastly varying sizes, all are
                                         graphic and all represent an area, physical or conceptual.

                                         For more information about elephant seal research,
                                         see “Shore Leave,” in National Geographic (November
                                         2008)), available online at http://ngm.nationalgeographic.

                                         Ask one or more students to come up to the map and identify
                                         elements that make a map useful such as the names of
                                         landmasses or bodies of water.                                          © 2009 National Geographic Society; Educators may reproduce for students.

          8                              Other elements on this map include a title; the author/
                                         source; latitude and longitude; place names; physical geog-
                                         raphy (land cover).

bioblitz > mapping information                                       
Outline for Guided discussion > 11

     Outline for Guided discussion
       Slide #                   Slide                              Notes

                                         Date= When the map was made
                                         Orientation= Direction (north arrow)
                                         Scale= Map distance
                                         Title= What, where, and when
          9                              Author/Source = who made the map
                                         Legend = what the symbols mean

                                         Ask students to identify different elements (see below). Note
                                         some while maps include all elements, others do not. Maps
                                         missing key elements are still useful, but people using these
                                         maps should be aware of what is or is not included. Ele-
         10                              ments: Date= When the map was made; Orientation= Direc-
                                         tion (north arrow); Scale= Map distance; Title= What, where,
                                         and when; Author/Source = Who made the map; Legend =
                                         What the symbols mean.

                                         Several research projects are profiled in this next section.
                                         For each project there is an introductory slide and then a
                                         slide with a map.


                                                                                                                   © 2009 National Geographic Society; Educators may reproduce for students.


bioblitz > mapping information                                         
Outline for Guided discussion > 12

     Outline for Guided discussion
      Slide #                    Slide                             Notes

                                         For more information, see The Snow Leopard Trust,


                                         The red dots mark the path of a satellite-tracked snow leop-
                                         ard. This research indicates that the range of snow leopards
                                         is two to four times greater than previously estimated.

         14                              For more information see “Out of the Shadows,” in National
                                         Geographic (June 2008) or visit the Snow Leopard Trust,

                                         Whale sharks can grow up to 40 feet, apprximately the length
                                         of a bus. Norman’s team identifies individual whale sharks
                                         using a computer program developed by NASA to help iden-
                                         tify star patterns.

                                         Option: Watch “Where Do Whale Sharks Go?”. See Mapping
         16                              Information Educator’s Resource, p. 4 or go to nationalgeo-
                                                                            © 2009 National Geographic Society; Educators may reproduce for students.

                                         For more information about this research visit Ecocean,

bioblitz > mapping information                                       
Outline for Guided discussion > 13

     Outline for Guided discussion
       Slide #                   Slide                             Notes

                                         To study the insect’s biology, scientists look beneath the bark
                                         of infested ash trees to study the borer galleries that block
                                         nutrient movement and kill trees.



                                         Option: Watch “Into the Trees with Kangas.” See Mapping
                                         Information Educator’s Resource, p. 4 or go to nationalgeo-

         19                              For more information about this research visit the Tree
                                         Kangaroo Conservation Project,

                                         This map shows shows how much space each female tree
                                         kangaroo uses in the cloud forest research area, and how
                                         little or how much these animals overlap. This research is               © 2009 National Geographic Society; Educators may reproduce for students.
                                         increasing scientific knowledge of tree kangaroo biology and
         20                              ecology and helps manage a new conservation area in Papua
                                         New Guinea.

bioblitz > mapping information                                        
Outline for Guided discussion > 14

     Outline for Guided discussion
       Slide #                   Slide                            Notes



                                         Review with students, citing examples from the presentation
                                         and discussion, if helpful.


                                         Brainstorm resources such as the library and Internet.

                                                                                                                 © 2009 National Geographic Society; Educators may reproduce for students.


bioblitz > mapping information                                       
Outline for Guided discussion > 15

     Outline for Guided discussion
       Slide #                   Slide         Notes




                                                                                         © 2009 National Geographic Society; Educators may reproduce for students.


bioblitz > mapping information               

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Mapping Information Educator\'s Resource

  • 1. Mapping Information BIOBLITZ EducaTOr’s rEsOurcE © 2009 National Geographic Society; Educators may reproduce for students.
  • 2. Mapping Information > 2 Introduction In the wild, organisms depend on their habitat to provide food, water, shelter, and other requirements for survival. Scientists studying wildlife use geographic data to record the location of critical resources, search for species, record places species are found, and analyze correlations to identify underlying patterns. Information about where species live, and their habitat use, is critical to preserving and protecting Earth’s biodiversity. KEy QuEsTIOns: › What is a map? › What elements make it useful? › How are maps used in wildlife research? › How do you make a map? WhaT’s InsIdE Guided Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Supplemental Media . . . . . . . . . . 4 © 2009 National Geographic Society; Educators may reproduce for students. Lab Activity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Student Worksheets . . . . . . . . . . 7 Dr. Lisa Dabek, a National Geographic grantee, is tracking Matschie’s tree kangaroos in Papua New Guinea. Maps such as this one, showing Outline for Guided Discussion . . 9 home range areas, are helping protect the habitat of this endangered species. bioblitz > mapping information
  • 3. Guided discussion/PowerPoint > 3 Guided discussion/PowerPoint Instructional strategy: Introduce a definition of a map, then Large-group Instruction; Multimedia Instruction; Discussions 30-45 min consider some examples. Next, review Materials/Preparation: common map elements and learn about • Go to to download biologists who use mapping as part of Mapping Information in PowerPoint format. their research. Conclude with a review • See Outline for Guided Discussion, p. 9, for a preview of slides and teaching notes. Use this of the steps students can take to make as a reference during the Guided Discussion. their own maps. Optional: • Incorporate video segments on wildlife research into the discussion. See Supplemental Media, p. 4, for details. © 2009 National Geographic Society; Educators may reproduce for students. Turn to p. 9 for complete outline. bioblitz > mapping information
  • 4. supplemental Media > 4 supplemental Media: Wild chronicles Available online at Video segments from National Geographic’s Wild Chronicles are an engaging way to show students pioneering wildlife research from around the planet. Segments can be viewed as an independent activity or incorporated into the Guided Discussion. › cheetahs are Back in Town › Where do Whale sharks Go? Researchers at South Africa’s Mountain Zebra Whale sharks, among the National Park are using GPS collars to monitor largest creatures on the Batman and Robin, a pair of cheetahs that planet, are often spotted at have been enlisted to help restore the natural Ningaloo Reef in Western predator-prey balance. Time: 4:36 Australia. National Geographic Emerging Explorer Brad Norman is analyzing imagery and › Into the Trees with Kangas GPS data to learn where whale sharks go once Radio collars are helping National Geographic they leave the safety of the reef. Time: 6:31 grantee Dr. Lisa Dabek and team track the elusive Matschie’s tree kangaroo. These obser- dIscussIOn vations offer new insights into tree kangaroo location, range and habitat use—and may help • What question save this endangered species. Time: 5:48 or issue is the re searcher investigating? › Whale Tracking • What challenges Researchers are tagging humpback whales to does the research er face? gain a clearer picture of their underwater habits • What tools are researchers usin and foraging strategies. The data collected is g to gather geospatial data? used to redirect water traffic and implement safer fishing practices to keep these whales out • What impact m ight the research have? of harms’ way. Time: 4:30 credits contributors/consultants design The resource was produced by National Geographic Education Programs. © 2009 National Geographic Appalachian Highlands Science Learning Center, Project Design Company: Dan Banks, Art Director, Society. All Rights Reserved. Educators may GSMNP—Susan Sachs; Census of Marine Life— Kerri Sarembock, Designer © 2009 National Geographic Society; Educators may reproduce for students. reproduce for students. Darlene Trew Crist; Discover Life in America— Image credits Todd P. Witcher; Duke University Marine Lab— p.2, Russel A. Mittermeier, photo; Gabriel Porolak, content development Ari Friedlander, Caroline Good; Duke University map; p. 4, Brad Norman; p.5, Mason Weinrich/ NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC EDUCATION PROGRAMS Nicholas School of the Environment—Ben Whale Center of New England, photo; Colin Ware/ Donnelly, Ei Fujicka, Dr. Patrick Halpin; ECOCEAN— Kim Hulse, Director, Geography Education University of New Hampshire, animation still; p. 7 Dr. Brad Norman; Indiana Dunes Environmental Amy Grossman, Manager, Educational Media © Brian J. Skerry/National Geographic Images Learning Center—Brian Forist; Indiana Dunes Leslie Ann Pierce, Ed.D., National Lakeshore—Kimberly Swift; Michigan Science Education Consultant State University, Department of Entomology— Andy Conlin, Kristin Dell, Ivey Wohlfeld, Researchers David Cappaert; Snow Leopard Trust—Dr. Tom McCarthy, Jennifer Snell Rullman; Woodland Park Chelsea Zillmer, Copyeditor Zoo/Tree Kangaroo Conservation Program—Dr. Lisa Dabek, Gabriel Porolak, Susan O’Neil bioblitz > mapping information
  • 5. Lab activity > 5 Lab activity: north atlantic right Whales— conflict and conservation Instructional strategy: • “Whale Tracking” from Wild Chronicles, available at Small-group or Large-group Instruction 20-30 min introduction 20 min activity video (see Supplemental Media, p. 4) Materials/Preparation: 20 min discussion • Copies of data and map worksheets, • “Right Whales—On the Brink, On p. 7-8, one set per student or the Rebound,” available at National workgroup Geographic Magazine Online, ngm. • Rulers; colored pens, pencils, or markers right-whales/Chadwick-test dIrEcTIOns 1. Introduce key issues. Have students read the National Geographic article and/or watch the Wild Chronicles video segment (see Materials, above) to become familiar with critical issues facing whales today. While the article focuses on right whales and the video focuses on humpback whales, either resource is relevant to the activity as there are many common issues. 2. reflect and discuss. Ask students to reflect on what they learned. Answers will vary, depending on the resource. Possible discussion prompts: What are some threats facing whales today? Threats include ship strikes, entanglement in fishing lines, chemical and noise pollution. What are scientists and volunteers doing to help conserve and protect right whales? A range of high- and low-tech efforts includes photography, geo-tagging, DNA analysis, land and air surveillance, acoustic buoys, and an Early Warning System to alert ship captains. 3. distribute worksheets, review activity. Explain that students will be mapping data collected by right whale researchers and analyzing the results. Familiarize students with the data and base map, introducing © 2009 National Geographic Society; Educators may reproduce for students. components such as: North Atlantic Right Whale Adult and Calf Deaths—this data set indicates the location of adult and calf deaths A researcher positions a DTAG (Digital Acoustic Recording Tag) on a reported in this area between 2004-2007. humpback whale to record sounds and measure underwater behaviors and movements (top). A computer animation based on data recorded by Right Whale Auto-Detection Buoys—this data set indicates the tag reveals patterns never before seen or analyzed (bottom). the location of acoustic buoys used to detect the presence and location of whales. A relay system alerts ship captains to slow down or divert in order to avoid a ship strike. continued > bioblitz > mapping information
  • 6. Lab activity > 6 3. One way to reduce ship strikes and whale deaths Shipping Lanes, Major Ports, Right Whale Seasonal Management Area—Shipping lanes to and from major is to relocate shipping lanes that are used for ports help regulate ship traffic within a seasonal transportation, fishing, and the import and export of management area. commercial goods. What factors or impacts would need to be considered as part of such a proposal? Factors to Grid System—a coordinate system that uses latitude consider might include economic impacts such as higher and longitude measurements to locate points on transportation or energy costs; transportation delays; the Earth’s surface. In the data sets, latitude and environmental impacts if other ports would need to be longitude are indicated in decimal degrees. On the expanded or if new ports are needed. map, each hash mark equals one-tenth of a degree. 5. Wrap-up. Ask students to think about research they 4. complete activity, share, and discuss. Give students would conduct to help save right whales. Explain time to complete the activity. Then, ask students to that scientific data has helped lead to shipping lane share their maps and discuss the questions on the data changes, reduced ship speed requirements, and worksheet (included below): modifications to fixed fishing gear. 1. A calving ground is an area where whales give birth ouRces AdditionAl Res and care for their young. Based on the ratio of adult to calf mortalities, could there be a calving ground in right Whale research this area? The ratio of calf to adult deaths is two to one, new England aquarium cts/ ion_and_research/proje indicating a concentration of calves in this area. earch/ abitats/right_whale_res endangered_species_h 2. Look at the location of these factors: (a) Right ex.php right_whale_projects/ind Whale Auto-Detection Buoys; (b) shipping lanes; and Protected resources: nOaa Fisheries Office of (c) right whale adult and calf deaths. Where would you ales north atlantic right Wh place more buoys to prevent whale deaths and why? ans/ pecies/mammals/cetace Additional buoys could be placed near active shipping htm rightwhale_northatlantic. ports such as Fernandina Beach and Brunswick. Protected resources: nOaa Fisheries Office of answer Key ship strike reduction trike m ale consortiu north atlantic right Wh twork right Whale Listening ne www.listenforwhal Whalenet /Welcome.html © 2009 National Geographic Society; Educators may reproduce for students. l Adult Death s Calf Death H Buoy This activity was developed in collaboration with Christopher Tremblay, Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology Bioacoustics Research Program; and Jennifer Cutraro, Amy Knowlton, and Kerry Lagueux, New England Aquarium Departments of Research and Education. Cartography: Kerry Laguex. bioblitz > mapping information
  • 7. data Worksheet north atlantic right Whales—conflict and conservation North Atlantic right whales are on the edge of extinction and scientists believe research can help save this species. They are collecting geographic data to identify ways to reduce ship strikes, the leading cause of injury and death to right whales. What can be learned when this data is mapped? dIrEcTIOns sTEP 1. Map Information. Experts have recorded the location of calf deaths, adult deaths, and buoys near the coast of Florida and Georgia. Use the latitude and longitude points in each chart (right) to map these locations. Map all the points on the same map. Before you make your map, think about the following: • Will you use symbols or color to represent different data sets? What symbols? What colors? © Brian J. Sk erry/Nationa l Geographic Images • Most maps include elements such as date, orientation, scale, title, author, source, and legend. Look to see A North Atlantic right whale and calf. Researchers estimate there are only 300-400 right whales alive today. if these are included and add them, if missing. right Whale deaths near Florida, 2004-2007 sTEP 2. Interpreting Information. After you have mapped the Calves Adults data, analyze your map to answer these questions. Latitude Longitude Latitude Longitude 1. A calving ground is an area where whales give birth 30.6˚ N 81.5˚ W 30.9˚ N 81.1 W and care for their young. Based on the ratio of adult to 30.3˚ N 81.1˚ W 31.0˚ N 81.1˚ W calf mortalities, could there be a calving ground in this 30.4˚ N 81.4˚ W area? Form a hypothesis based on patterns you see. 30.3˚ N 81.4˚ W 2. Look at the location of these factors: (a) Right Whale Auto-Detection Buoys; (b) shipping lanes; and (c) right whale adult and calf deaths. Where would you place © 2009 National Geographic Society; Educators may reproduce for students. right Whale auto-detection Buoys more buoys to prevent whale deaths and why? Buoys 3. One way to reduce ship strikes and whale deaths is to relocate shipping lanes that are used for Latitude Longitude Sources—Whale Death Data: Amy transportation, fishing, and the import and export of Knowlton, New England Aquarium; 30.4˚ N 81.2˚ W commercial goods. What factors or impacts would Buoy Locations: Christopher Tremblay, Cornell Bioacoustics need to be considered as part of such a proposal? 30.3˚ N 81.3˚ W Research Program bioblitz > mapping information
  • 8. Map Worksheet Title author / / source Today’s date © 2009 National Geographic Society; Educators may reproduce for students. LEGEnd __________________________ Major Ports __________________________ Shipping Lanes __________________________ bioblitz > mapping information
  • 9. Outline for Guided discussion > 9 Go to to download Outline for Guided discussion Mapping Information, in PowerPoint format. Slide # Slide Notes Start Presentation. 1 Have students identify the resources they use at school, such as food, water, books, computers, lockers, classrooms, and washrooms-- and where they are located. Use a whiteboard to sketch a map. 2 If you have time, use a different color marker to map re- sources utilized by teachers. 3 © 2009 National Geographic Society; Educators may reproduce for students. 4 bioblitz > mapping information
  • 10. Outline for Guided discussion > 10 Outline for Guided discussion Slide # Slide Notes 5 Ask students to consider the question for each image and explain why they think each image is a map or not. Though these images depict areas of vastly varying sizes, all are graphic and all represent an area, physical or conceptual. 6 For more information about elephant seal research, see “Shore Leave,” in National Geographic (November 2008)), available online at http://ngm.nationalgeographic. com/2008/11/elephant-seals/casey-text 7 Ask one or more students to come up to the map and identify elements that make a map useful such as the names of landmasses or bodies of water. © 2009 National Geographic Society; Educators may reproduce for students. 8 Other elements on this map include a title; the author/ source; latitude and longitude; place names; physical geog- raphy (land cover). bioblitz > mapping information
  • 11. Outline for Guided discussion > 11 Outline for Guided discussion Slide # Slide Notes Date= When the map was made Orientation= Direction (north arrow) Scale= Map distance Title= What, where, and when 9 Author/Source = who made the map Legend = what the symbols mean Ask students to identify different elements (see below). Note some while maps include all elements, others do not. Maps missing key elements are still useful, but people using these maps should be aware of what is or is not included. Ele- 10 ments: Date= When the map was made; Orientation= Direc- tion (north arrow); Scale= Map distance; Title= What, where, and when; Author/Source = Who made the map; Legend = What the symbols mean. Several research projects are profiled in this next section. For each project there is an introductory slide and then a slide with a map. 11 © 2009 National Geographic Society; Educators may reproduce for students. 12 bioblitz > mapping information
  • 12. Outline for Guided discussion > 12 Outline for Guided discussion Slide # Slide Notes For more information, see The Snow Leopard Trust, 13 The red dots mark the path of a satellite-tracked snow leop- ard. This research indicates that the range of snow leopards is two to four times greater than previously estimated. 14 For more information see “Out of the Shadows,” in National Geographic (June 2008) or visit the Snow Leopard Trust, www. Whale sharks can grow up to 40 feet, apprximately the length of a bus. Norman’s team identifies individual whale sharks using a computer program developed by NASA to help iden- tify star patterns. 15 Option: Watch “Where Do Whale Sharks Go?”. See Mapping 16 Information Educator’s Resource, p. 4 or go to nationalgeo- © 2009 National Geographic Society; Educators may reproduce for students. For more information about this research visit Ecocean, bioblitz > mapping information
  • 13. Outline for Guided discussion > 13 Outline for Guided discussion Slide # Slide Notes To study the insect’s biology, scientists look beneath the bark of infested ash trees to study the borer galleries that block nutrient movement and kill trees. 17 18 Option: Watch “Into the Trees with Kangas.” See Mapping Information Educator’s Resource, p. 4 or go to nationalgeo- 19 For more information about this research visit the Tree Kangaroo Conservation Project, treeroo.html This map shows shows how much space each female tree kangaroo uses in the cloud forest research area, and how little or how much these animals overlap. This research is © 2009 National Geographic Society; Educators may reproduce for students. increasing scientific knowledge of tree kangaroo biology and 20 ecology and helps manage a new conservation area in Papua New Guinea. bioblitz > mapping information
  • 14. Outline for Guided discussion > 14 Outline for Guided discussion Slide # Slide Notes 21 22 Review with students, citing examples from the presentation and discussion, if helpful. 23 Brainstorm resources such as the library and Internet. © 2009 National Geographic Society; Educators may reproduce for students. 24 bioblitz > mapping information
  • 15. Outline for Guided discussion > 15 Outline for Guided discussion Slide # Slide Notes 25 26 27 © 2009 National Geographic Society; Educators may reproduce for students. 28 bioblitz > mapping information