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          FIRST PERIOD
         FEB – AGO 2010



Compiled by Cristina Muñoz
                                          Lengua Adicional al Español IV


(present progressive, simple present, past progressive, simple past,
present perfect, future with “be going to” and “will”).

                        FIRST PERIOD


1.1  Tag Questions
(simple present, present progressive, simple past, past progressive,
future “will and going to”, present perfect).


2.1 Passive voice (simple present/present progressive/simple past/
past progressive)
2.2 Used to
2.2.1 Still
2.2.2 Anymore


Exam                 40%
Students Manual      20%
Class work           20%

Expositions          20%
                                            Lengua Adicional al Español IV

                        SECOND PERIOD


3.1 Reported Speech (say)
3.2 Reported Speech (tell)
3.3 Reported Speech (ask)


4.1 Infinitives and gerunds
4.2 Second Conditional:
If + simple past / modal + verb in simple form (+, -, ?)


Exam              40%
Students Manual   20%
Class work        20%
Expositions       20%

Lengua Adicional al Español IV


Irregular verbs chart.……………………………………………………………………………4, 5

Regular verbs chart……………………………………………………………………………………6

Review of tenses……………………………………………………………………………… 7, 8, 9

Tag questions…………………………………………………………………………………10, 11, 12

Passive voice in simple present………………………………………………………13, 14

Passive voice in present progressive……………………………………………………15

Passive voice in simple past………………………………………………………………16, 17

Passive voice in past progressive…………………………………………………………18

Used to…………………………………………………………………………………………………20, 21

Still & Anymore………………………..………………………………………………………………22

Reported Speech (say)…………………………………………………………………….24, 25

Reported Speech (ask)……………………………………………………………………………26

Reported Speech (tell)……………………………………………………………………………27

Review of reported speech (say/ask/tell)............................................28

Infinitives and gerunds……………………………………………………………………

Second Conditional……………………………………………………………………………30, 31

                                              Lengua Adicional al Español IV

                        IRREGULAR VERBS

VERBS        VERBS “ING”                                 PARTICIPLE
ar, er, ir   ando, iendo                                 ado, ido, to, so,

             am, is, are (present)   did                 have/has
             was, were (past)
To come      Coming                  Came                Come
To do        Doing                   Did                 Done
To buy       Buying                  Bought              Bought
To catch     Catching                Caught              Caught
To drink     Drinking                Drank               Drunk
To drive     Driving                 Drove               Driven
To eat       Eating                  Ate                 Eaten
To feel      Feeling                 Felt                Felt
To find      Finding                 Found               Found
To give      Giving                  Gave                Given
To have      Having                  Had                 Had
To know      Knowing                 Knew                Known
To pay       Paying                  Paid                Paid
To read      Reading                 Read                Read
To ride      Riding                  Rode                Ridden
To run       Running                 Ran                 Run
To write     Writing                 Wrote               Written
To say       Saying                  Said                Said
To see       Seeing                  Saw                 Seen
To sell      Selling                 Sold                Sold
To send      Sending                 Sent                Sent
To sit       Sitting                 Sat                 Sat
To sing      Singing                 Sang                Sung
To sleep     Sleeping                Slept               Slept

To speak     Speaking                Spoke                Spoken
To swim      Swimming                Swam                 Swum
To take      Taking                  Took                 Taken
To tell      Telling                 Told                 Told
To think     thinking                Thought              Thought
                                               Lengua Adicional al Español IV

                        IRREGULAR VERBS

VERBS        VERBS “ING”                                  PARTICIPLE
ar, er, ir   ando, iendo                                  ado, ido, to, so,

             am, is, are (present)   did                  have/has
             was, were (past)
To win       Winning                 Won                  Won
To wake up   Waking up               Woke up              Woke up
To wear      Wearing                 Wore                 Worn
To stand     Standing                Stood                Stood
To hit       Hitting                 Hit                  Hit
To cut       Cutting                 Cut                  Cut

Lengua Adicional al Español IV

                           REGULAR VERBS

VERBS          VERBS “ING”                            PARTICIPLE
ar, er, ir     ando, iendo                            ado, ido, to, so,

               am, is, are         did                have/has
               was, were (past)
To fix         Fixing              fixed              fixed
To like        -----------------   Liked              Liked
To listen to   Listening to        Listened to        Listened to
To pull        Pulling             Pulled             Pulled
To call        Calling             Called             Called
To study       Studying            Studied            Studied
To complain    Complaining         Complained         Complained
To deliver     Delivering          Delivered          Delivered
To vote        Voting              Voted              Voted
To translate   Translating         Translated         Translated
To answer      Answering           Answered           Answered
To correct     Correcting          Corrected          Corrected
To enjoy       Enjoying            Enjoyed            Enjoyed
To mix         Mixing              Mixed              Mixed
To dance       Dancing             Danced             Danced
To watch       Watching            Watched            Watched
To wash        Washing             Washed             Washed
To push        Pushing             Pushed             Pushed
To play        Playing             Played             Played
To clean       Cleaning            Cleaned            Cleaned
To walk        Walking             Walked             Walked

To look              Looking           Looked              Looked
To work              working           Worked              Worked

                                                Lengua Adicional al Español IV

                          TAG QUESTIONS
TAG QUESTIONS or ATTACHED QUESTIONS are those that we use after
a sentence, to confirm or verify some information that we know. We use tag
questions at the end of statements to ask for confirmation. They mean
something like: "Am I right?" or "Do you agree?"

For example:
Simple Present:          You climb a mountain, don’t you?
                         She climbs a mountain, doesn’t she?

Present Progressive:     You are climbing a mountain, aren’t you?
                         She is climbing a mountain, isn’t she?

Simple Past:                   You climbed a mountain, didn’t you?
                         She climbed a mountain, didn’t she?

Past Progressive:        You were climbing a mountain, weren’t you?
                         She was climbing a mountain, wasn’t she?

Future “going to”:       You are going to climb a mountain, aren’t you?
                         She is going to climb a mountain, isn’t she?

Future “will”:           You will climb a mountain, won’t you?
                         She will climb a mountain, won’t she?

Present Perfect:         You have climbed a mountain, haven’t you?
                         She has climbed a mountain, hasn’t she?

When using tag questions, watch for 4 points:
•   What tense is the verb?
   •   What kind of verb is it? (to be/other verbs)
   •   Is the sentence affirmative or negative?
   •   Does the pronoun need to be changed?
                                            Lengua Adicional al Español IV

                            TAQ QUESTIONS

1. Choose the correct Question tag:
a) She's definitely not coming,
b) It will hurt,
c) It happened yesterday,
d) It drives you mad,
e) They're selling their house,

2. Select the correct Question tag:
a)She is collecting stickers,
b) We often watch TV in the afternoon,
c) You have cleaned your bike,
d) John and Max like Math,
e) Peter played handball yesterday,
f) They are going home from school,
g) Mary did her homework last Monday,
h) He bought a new car,
i) Kevin will come tonight,
j) I'm clever,

3. Complete the sentences with the Question tag:
a) You are John,
b) He recognize me right away,
c) Cars pollute the environment,
d) He is going to tell her,
e) Carol can study French,
f) Mr. McGuineess is from Ireland,
g) The car is in the garage,
h) She went to the library yesterday,

a) Mr. Pritchard has been to Scotland recently,
b) The trip is very expensive,
d) Hugh had a red car,
e) The Mount Rushmore National Memorial Park is in keystone,
f) The rock was a sacred Indian site once,
g) It has been a national memorial since 1925m
                                                Lengua Adicional al Español IV

                            TAQ QUESTIONS

4. Now choose the correct option to make a question tag

a) Murat gets up late,
b) Let's have a drink,
c) Your car is not cheap,
d) Lisa has lost her ID,

e) You couldn't help me,
f) We are friends,
g) You weren't at the party last night,
h) There is a museum in this city,

i) You have never been to Peking,
j) You must give up smoking,
k) I didn't do anything wrong,
l) No one can help you,
n) They helped us a lot,

o) Don't do it,
p) Get out of my sight,
q) Dave is your cousin,
h) The monument doesn’t show the bust of President Clinton,
i) George Washington was the first President of the United States,

Lengua Adicional al Español IV


Lengua Adicional al Español IV

A. Choose the correct tag questions to finish the sentence.

1. Teresa has been an accountant for many years, _____________?
a) aren´t she?    b) doesn´t she? c) hasn´t she?      d) haven´t she?

2. Aurora dances salsa every day, ________________?

a) wont´she?       b) don´t she?      c) doesn´t she?    d) aren´t she?

3. Peirre and Giovanni were living in Greece, _____________?
a) isn´t he?       b) wasn´t he?        c) weren’t he?  d) aren´t he?

4. Kate and Kim have traveled around the world, __________________?
a) haven´t they? b) hasn´t they?     c) doesn´t they? d) aren´t they?

5. Jackie and Alicia cooked spaghetti last Friday night, _______?
a) won´t they?      b) didn´t they?   c) did´t she?       d) won´t she?

6. Mario was reading a novel last night, ___________?
a) isn´t she?     b) wasn´t she?       c) wasn´t he?  d) isn´t he?

7. Pablo will win the next competition, ________________________?
a) won´t I?          b) will I?         c) won´t he?  d) won´t he?

8. You and I are busy right now, _________?
a) aren´t I?       b) aren´t we?     c) aren´t they?           d) aren´t you?

9. It is windy today, __________________?
a) isn´t I?         b) are it?     c) is it?                   d) aren´t it?

10. My cousins are doing exercise, _____?
a) aren´t they?    b) isn’t he?      c) aren´t you?            d)aren´t we?

                                                 Lengua Adicional al Español IV

B. Complete the following sentences.

1. He is David Beckman, _____________________?
2. They will win the competition, ______________ ?
3. She plays tennis, ________________________?
4. She was dancing rap, _____________________?

5. We passed the exam, _____________________?
6. They are going to play chess, _______________?

C. Underline the verb or the auxiliary. Then write the correct
tag questions.

1. Sheila flew to Mexico, _____________________?

2. He is kind of old, _____________________?

3. The bus stops at this corner, _____________________?

4. She goes shopping every day, _____________________?

5. George has eaten a lot of tacos, _____________________?

6. Sue worked yesterday, _____________________?

7. Johnny is a good student, _____________________?

8. You always buy nice clothes, _____________________?

9. Lucas will speak English well, _____________________?

10. My friends have done the homework, _____________________?

11. The students study very hard, _____________________?

12. They are American,_____________________?

                                             Lengua Adicional al Español IV

D. Read the dialogue between Carla and Liz and complete the

                   YOU KNOW THAT, DON`T YOU?

Carla:      I know everything there is to know about VIN diesel.
Liz:        Oh yeah-you’re his biggest fan, ________________?
Carla:      true, but I’m sure you like him too. You saw “The Pacifier”,
Liz:        No, I didn’t, but he’s o.k. He is kind of old,
Carla:      He was born in 1967. You know about his childhood,
Liz:        No…
Carla:      He never knew his biological father. That’s
hard,____________?              He lived with his mother an astrologer, and
his adoptive father in          a poor section of New York City. He didn’t do
well in school, but             He’s made a life for himself,
Liz:         Yes, Carla. You’ve fallen in love with Vin,
Carla:      that’s true, but you can understand why, can’t you? Just look at
            that wonderful man.

                                                Lengua Adicional al Español IV

* When the first sentence is negative, the tag questions use an
affirmative auxiliary.
For example:
Simple Present:             You don’t play soccer, do you?
                            She doesn’t speak English, does she?

Present Progressive:         You aren’t playing soccer, are you?
                             She isn’t playing soccer, is she?

Simple Past:                       You didn’t play soccer, did you?
                             She didn’t play soccer, did she?

Past Progressive:            You weren’t playing soccer, were you?
                             She wasn’t playing soccer, was she?

Future “going to”:           You’re not going to play soccer, are you?
                             She’s not going to play soccer, is she?

Future “will”:               You won’t play soccer, will you?
                             She won’t play soccer, will she?

Present Perfect:             You haven’t played soccer, have you?
                             She hasn’t played soccer, has she?

A. Add the correct tag question to the following sentences.

1. She doesn’t speak English well, _________________?
2. He didn’t go to Hawaii, _______________________?
3. They haven’t visited in New York, __________________?
4. We won’t win the contest, ____________________?
5. She wasn’t doing her homework, ________________?
6. She’s not going to wash the dishes, _________________?
7. They don’t like to study Math, _____________________?
8. He won’t be here at 4pm, _________________________?
9. He’s not going to the party tonight, __________________?
10. Tina didn’t go to school yesterday, __________________?
                                              Lengua Adicional al Español IV


* We form the Passive voice of Present and past tense sentences with
the appropriate form of TO BE and the past participle of the main verb.

           ACTIVE                             PASSIVE
Simple present:
     Mary writes a letter.           A letter is written by Mary.

Present Progressive:
     Mary is writing a letter.       A letter is being written by Mary.

Simple Past:
     Mary wrote a letter.            A letter was written by Mary.

Past progressive:
      Mary was writing a letter. A letter was being written by

In Passive voice, the subject is not the person who does the action. The
subject is the object of the action.
Active                   Lorena sings a romantic song.

Passive           A romantic song is sung by Lorena.

A. Complete the chart.
          Tense        Subject        Verb                      Object
Simple       Active    The boy        plays                     baseball
Present      Passive
Present      Active    John           is buying                 watermelon
Progressive Passive
Simple       Active    Emiliano       painted                   a house
Past         Passive
Past         Active    Victor         was driving               a new car
Progressive Passive

                                                  Lengua Adicional al Español IV


B. Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.
1. He opens the door

2. We set the table

3. She pays a lot of money.

4. I draw a picture.

5. They wear blue shoes.

C. Change the verb in parentheses to past participle. Then
rewrite them using the passive voice.

1. They (built) a house.              ____________________

2. Our uncle (takes care of) Susan.   ____________________

3. She (speaks) two languages.        ____________________

4. My mother (sends) me to the butcher. ____________________

5. The policemen (help) the children. ____________________

                                        Lengua Adicional al Español IV
D. Rewrite the sentences using Passive voice.

1. The doctors cure sick people.

2. The secretary types many letters.

3. Students study different subjects.

4. An architect designs buildings

5. A bus driver drives a bus.

E. Change from active to passive.

1. My sister washes the dishes every day.

2. My best friend jumps high walls

3. My brother flies different kinds of airplanes.

4. My son watches cartoons all the time.

5. My brother rides wild horses.

                                       Lengua Adicional al Español IV

F. Write passive sentences in Simple Present.

1. The documents / print
2. The window / open
3. The shoes / buy
4. The car / wash
5. The litter / throw away
6. The letter / send
7. The book / read / not
8. The songs / sing / not
9. The food / eat / not
10. The shop / close / not

G. Complete the sentences (active or passive voice). Use simple present.

1. He (sell) ______________________________________________ cars.
2. The blue car (sell) __________________________________________.
3. In summer, more ice-cream (eat) ____________________ than in winter.
4. She (call) _________________________ her grandparents every Friday.
5. The letters (type) __________________________________________.
6. He (take) _______________________________ his medicine every day.
7. Jane (take/not) __________________________ to school by her father.
8. We (go) _____________________________________ to school by bus.
9. She (work/not) ____________________________________ for a bank.
10. Milk (keep) ________________________________ in the refrigerator.

Lengua Adicional al Español IV


* We form the Passive voice of Present Progressive tense sentences with
the appropriate form of TO BE, BEING and the PAST PARTICIPLE of
the main verb.
ACTIVE                      Lucy is helping John

PASSIVE                      John is being helped by Lucy.

A. Complete the chart.

          Tense       Subject          Verb                        Object
Present      Active   The boys         are playing                 basketball
Progressive Passive
Present      Active   Jim              is eating                   tacos
Progressive Passive
Present      Active   Elsa             is painting                 a house
Progressive Passive
Present      Active   Luz & Paul       are washing                 cars
Progressive Passive

B. Change the following sentences using passive voice.

1. The teacher is preparing the final exam.

2. My friends are watching a good movie.

3. The secretary is answering the phone.

4. The construction workers are building that skyscraper.

Lengua Adicional al Español IV

5. The messengers are delivering a lot of boxes.
6. The Government is fixing the Streets.
7. Peter is decorating a new house.
8. Peter is preparing lunch.
9. Charley is biting his new pencil.
10. Paty is listening to a romantic song.
11. Nacho is eating a lot of hamburgers.

C. Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.
1. Sheila is drinking a cup of tea
2. My father is washing the car
3. Farmer Joe is milking the cows
4. She is taking a picture of him
5. I am writing a poem
6. We are not playing soccer
7. She is preparing the party.
8. They are talking about the meeting.
9. She is watering the flowers.
10. He is not wearing a tie.

Lengua Adicional al Español IV


* We form the Passive voice of Simple Past tense sentences with the
appropriate form of TO BE, and the PAST PARTICIPLE of the main
ACTIVE                Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.

PASSIVE                The telephone was invented by Graham Bell.

A. Complete the chart.

          Tense       Subject      Verb                    Object
Present      Active   The boys     played                  basketball
Progressive Passive
Present      Active   Jim          ate                     10 tacos
Progressive Passive
Present      Active   Elsa         painted                 a house
Progressive Passive
Present      Active   Luz & Paul   washed                  a car
Progressive Passive

B. Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.

1. Julia rescued three cats.
2. The students handed in the reports.
3. Maria crashed the blue car.
4. Alex learned the poem.
5. A robber broke the window of the shop.


                                       Lengua Adicional al Español IV

C. Change the following sentences from active to passive.

1. Julian pushed the big box.

2. Lucas and Peter composed a romantic song.

3. Kelly carried a heavy bag pack.

4. Mario and Maria climbed Mountain Everest.

5. My cousin stole two cell phones.

6. Fire destroyed that house.

7. The audience enjoyed the concert.

8. Paul delivered that pizza.

9. The police captured the thief.

10. The little boy ate the cake.

11. Lorenzo sent a love letter to Lillian.

Lengua Adicional al Español IV

D. Complete the following sentences using the verbs in
parenthesis in past participle and adapt them as necessary
using the passive voice.

1. Dogs and cats _____ ____________ thousands of years ago.       (cultivate)
2. Tula _____ ____________into Mexico by Hernan Cortes.          (introduce)

3. Mexico _____ ____________ by the Toltecas.                         (build)

4. Mexico _____ ____________ by the British.                       (conquer)

5. The Insurgentes theater _____ ____________ by Diego Rivera. (exhibit)

E. Complete the following sentences using a name from Box I
and a verb form box 2. Adapt the verbs as necessary.

1. The telephone _____ ____________ by __________.

2. “Yesterday” and “Imagine” _____ ____________ by __________.

3. America _____ ____________ by Christopher Columbus.

4. The electric bulb and the phonograph ________ ________________ by

5. Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck _____ ____________ by __________.

6. The Mona Lisa _____ ____________ by __________.

7. Paper _____ ____________ by __________.

Lengua Adicional al Español IV


* We form the Passive voice of Past Progressive tense sentences with
the appropriate form of TO BE, BEING and the PAST PARTICIPLE of
the main verb.
ACTIVE                      Lucy was helping John

PASSIVE                        John was being helped by Lucy.

A. Complete the chart.

          Tense       Subejct        Verb                      Object
Present      Active   My friends     were cleaning             the school
Progressive Passive
Present      Active   Jacobo         was doing                 exercises
Progressive Passive
Present      Active   Paul           was building              a house
Progressive Passive
Present      Active   Luz & Paul     were fixing               a car
Progressive Passive

B. Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.

1. They were eating dinner.
2. I was repairing their bikes.
3. She was watching a horror film.
4. He was playing the guitar.
5. We were talking about Francis.


                                        Lengua Adicional al Español IV

C. Change the following sentences using passive voice.

1. Lola was cleaning the garden.

2. Becky was buying watermelons.

3. My mother was explaining the lesson.

4. Two horses were pulling the farmer’s wagon.

5. My mother was sweeping the floor.

6. Tom was opening the door.

7. My students were studying passive voice.

8. Jennifer was returning two books.

9. Translators were translating the speech.

10. Steve was riding a beautiful horse.

11. Lorena was sewing a button.

Lengua Adicional al Español IV

                     REVIEW OF PASSIVE VOICE
     Simple Present/Present Progressive/Simple Past/Past Progressive

A. Change the active to passive if it is possible. Some verbs
cannot be changed.

1. The police captured a thief.

2. North Americans play baseball.

3. Jackie scored a perfect goal.

4. We are sending two faxes.

5. My dog died.

6. Tommy broke the cup.

7. Julia is watering the plants.

8. A strange thing happened yesterday.

9. It rained hard yesterday.

10. That man sells tacos.


                                    Lengua Adicional al Español IV

11. The assistant manager interviewed me.

12. The glass fell to the floor.

13. They were organizing a big parade.

14. Mr. Jones created that problem.

15. Mr. Smith teaches history.


Lengua Adicional al Español IV

                                USED TO

* We use “USED TO” to express habitual activities in the past.

Affirmative                 &      +     used to        +     verb in simple
Negative              &     + didn’t use to      +      verb in simple form
Interrogative         Did   + & + use to         +       verb in simple form?

Examples:       I used to play with Barbies.
                I didn’t use to go to disco bars.
                Did you use to go to the movies?

A. Complete the chart.

AFFIRMATIVE            NEGATIVE                      INTERROGATIVE
                       Ed didn’t use to watch

Did Lily use to jump rope?
Lola used to sing
                         They didn’t use to fish
                                                   Did you use to draw?
We used to play soccer

B. Write about the things you used to do when you were in

1. When I was in kindergarten, I used to ___________________________.
2. When I was in kindergarten, I didn’t use to _______________________.

C. In the following situations, write two habitual activities.

1. When you were a baby, _______________________________________.
2. When you didn’t study English, _________________________________.
3. When you were a child,_______________________________________.
                                               Lengua Adicional al Español IV

D. Now write some memories of you past using USED TO DO
and DIDN’T USE TO DO. Use the heading below.

Family life:






Free time:

                                                Lengua Adicional al Español IV

                           STILL / AYMORE

* We use STILL to talk about an activity that you continue doing in the

When I was in High School, I used to go to discos with my friends, and now,
I still go to discos with my friends.

* We use ANYMORE as the opposite of still, to talk about an activity that is
discontinued in the present.

I used to smoke ten years ago, but now, I don’t smoke anymore.

A. Complete the sentences using used to, still or anymore.

1. Mary ____________________________ study Italian, but now, she
studies English. She doesn’t study Italian _______________________.

2. When Peter was working in the post office, he _____________________
use the computer occasionally, but he didn’t use it all the time.

3. When I was younger, I _____________________ get nervous in front of
people. Now it’s different because I don’t get nervous _________________.

4. John _____________ play sports in the morning and study in the evenings
when he was a teenager. Now he ____________________ plays sports in the
mornings but he can’t study in the evening ____________________.

                                              Lengua Adicional al Español IV

B. Answer the following questions.

1. What did you use to do as a child that you still do in the present?

2. What didn’t you use to do last years that you do this year?

3. What did you use to eat that you don’t eat anymore?

4. What song did you use to sing that you still sing?

5. What movie did you use to watch that you don’



               VOLLEYBALL ANYMORE.


         FEB – AGO 2010
                                            Lengua Adicional al Español IV

                   REPORTED SPEECH (SAY)
You use Reported Speech to report something that a person said. Here
are the verbs changes.
Simple Present:
Lucia: I work               Reporter: She said that she worked

Present Progressive:

Lucia: I am working         Reporter: She said that she was working

Future “will”:
Lucia: I will work          Reporter: She said that she would work

Future “be going to”
Lucia: I am going to work         Reporter: She said that she was going
to work

A. Change to reported speech. (present progressive)

1. Angie: I’m selling the car.
2. Anie: I’m doing my homework
3. Memo: I’m painting my bike
4. Pepe: I’m watching TV

B. Change to reported speech. (Simple present)
1. Lucas: I always drink coffee
2. Mary: I love chocolate
3. Pily: I have to do my laundry
4.Jenny: I study every day

                                             Lengua Adicional al Español IV

C. Change to reported speech. (future “will”)
1. Mario: I will eat steak for dinner.
2. Elena: I will buy a new car.
3. Carlo: I’ll send you all the papers
4. Luis: I will teach you how to play.

D. Change to reported speech. (future “going to”)
1. Lino: I’m going to go to Long Island
2. Jack: I’m going to meet a girl
3. Kelly: I’m going to prepare Lasagna
4. Sue: I’m going to write a love poem

E. Change the sentences.
1. He: she is very fashion
2. She: I am going to buy a house
3. They: He is practicing
4. He: Brad Pitt is the sexiest man in Hollywood
5. She: I will learn how to cook
6. They: We are dancing rap
7. He: She speaks two languages
8. She: Maria is living in CSL.
                                           Lengua Adicional al Español IV

                   REPORTED SPEECH (ASK)

Present Progressive:
Lucia: Am I working?       Reporter: She asked me if she was working

Simple Present:
Lucia: Do I work?            Reporter: She asked me if she worked

Future “will”:
Lucia: Will you work?        Reporter: She asked me if she would work

Future “be going to”
Lucia: Am I going to work?   Reporter: She asked me if she was going
                                       to work

A. Change from active to passive.
1. Mr. Smith: Are you a student?
2. Ms. Washington: What is your name?
3. Kevin: What are you doing now?
4. David: Do you need a pen?

B. Change to reported speech.

1. Kurt: Are you hungry?
2. Ralph: What do you do every day?
3. Chad: Do you have a car?
4. Sophia: What are you talking about?

                                              Lengua Adicional al Español IV

                    REPORTED SPEECH (TELL)
                 You can also report orders or commands.

Lucia: clean the kitchen     Reporter: She told me to clean the kitchen

Peter: do your homework           Reporter: he told me to do my

Fabi: don’t eat in class    Reporter: she told me not to eat in class
Ivan: don’t drink alcohol   Reporter: he told me not to drink alcohol

A. Change from active to passive.

1. Teacher: “Stand up, please, Maurice”
2. Mr. Brown: “Don’t speak now, Melissa”
3. Kevin: show me your ticket
4. Bobby: open the book

B. Change to reported speech.

1. Rob: answer the questions
2. Laura: go to school, now
3. Kathy: do your job
4.Steve: pick me up at 7 o’clock

                                             Lengua Adicional al Español IV


A. Change the following sentences.
1. He: “I will be here at noon:”
2. She: “The train will probably arrive on time”
3. They: Are you Russian?
4. He: don’t call me
5. He: pay attention in class
6. She: I want a sandwich
7. He: I’m going to move to Ohio.
8. They: Do you play tennis?
9. He: don’t smoke
10. She: I will come to the meeting.
11. She: Do you have a car?
12. He: Are you watching the news?
13. He: eat all the vegetables
14. They: I am washing the dishes
15. They: Please sit down for a few minutes.
16. She: don’t copy
                                             Lengua Adicional al Español IV

                  PROJECT / REPORTED SPEECH

Take your video camera and get ready for your next issue.

In trios you will create 8 conversations where you ask and answer, and
that information will be reported.
You have to include all forms; say, tell, and ask in all tenses; simple
present, present progressive, future “will” and “going to”. Try to be
creative, and don’t forget to speak clearly.
Your work must be turned in, in a CD.

                                                                    Finish the
           Are you                    Yes, I am                     report as
           going to the               going to the                  soon as
           meeting?                   meeting.                      possible

                                               I                        Don’t argue
                                               have                     in the

   STEVE           AMANDA             ROBERT            KELLY        JASON

                             REPORTE SPEECH

Steve asked Amanda if she was going to the meeting.
Amanda said that she was going to the meeting.
Robert said that he had to go.
Kelly told Robert to finish the report as soon as possible.
Jason told Robert and Kelly not to argue in the office.
                                               Lengua Adicional al Español IV

                   INFINITIVES & GERUNDS

Here is a brief review of the differences between gerunds
 and infinitives.
    Gerunds are formed with walking, talking, thinking,
    ING:                        listening
    Infinitives are formed with to walk, to talk, to think, to
    TO:                         listen

 Gerunds and infinitives can do several jobs:
    Both gerunds and infinitives can be the subject of a
             Writing in English is difficult.
            To write in English is difficult.

    Both gerunds and infinitives can be the object of a
                I like writing in English.
               I like to write in English.
    Only gerunds can be the object of a preposition::
        We are talking about writing in English.

                                       Lengua Adicional al Español IV

                INFINITIVES & GERUNDS

 It is often difficult to know when to use a gerund and when to
 use an infinitive. These guidelines may help you:

Gerunds are often used when actions are real, concrete or
                      I stopped smoking.
       (The smoking was real and happened until I
     Infinitives are often used when actions are unreal,
     abstract, or future::
                     I stopped to smoke.
    (I was doing something else, and I stopped; the
            smoking had not happened yet.)

                                                Lengua Adicional al Español IV

                             Gerunds and Infinitives

Verbs Followed by an Infinitive
She agreed to speak before the game.

agree                   consent           have              offer             shoot
aim                     continue          hesitate          ought             start
appear                  dare              hope              plan              stop
arrange                 decide            hurry             prefer            strive
ask                     deserve           intend            prepare           swear
attempt                 detest            leap              proceed           threaten
be able                 dislike           leave             promise           try
beg                     expect            like              propose           use
begin                   fail              long              refuse            wait
care                    forget            love              remember          want
choose                  get               mean              say               wish
condescend              happen            neglect

Verbs Followed by an Object and an Infinitive
Everyone expected her to win.

advise               choose                 have              love             remind
allow                command                hire              motivate         require
ask                  dare                   instruct          order            send
beg                  direct                 invite            pay              teach
bring                encourage              lead              permit           tell
build                expect                 leave             persuade         urge
buy                  forbid                 let               prepare          want
challenge            force                  like              promise          warn

Note: Some of these verbs are included in the list above
and may be used without an object.

                                                           Lengua Adicional al Español IV

                              Gerunds and Infinitives

Verbs Followed by a Gerund
They enjoyed working on the boat.

admit            delay           finish           permit          resist
advise           deny            forbid           postpone        resume
appreciate       detest          get through      practice        risk
avoid            dislike         have             quit            spend (time)
can't help       enjoy           imagine          recall          suggest
complete         escape          mind             report          tolerate
consider         excuse          miss             resent          waste (time)

Verbs Followed by a Preposition and a Gerund
We concentrated on doing well.

admit to                   depend on              plan on
approve of                 disapprove of          prevent (someone) from
argue about                discourage from        refrain from
believe in                 dream about            succeed in
care about                 feel like              talk about
complain about             forget about           think about
concentrate on             insist on              worry about
confess to                 object to

                                                  Lengua Adicional al Español IV

                            Gerunds and Infinitives

A. Complete the following paragraph.

                 Yuri was in his first year at university, studying History.
                 He was rather a lazy student, and he tended to avoid (work)
                 ________________whenever he could. In the middle of the
                 semester, his history professor gave out an assignment, due in
two weeks. Yuri intended (do) ____________ the assignment, but he
postponed (write) _________________it for a week. The following week, he
forgot (do) __________________ it. The night before the assignment was
due, he suddenly remembered it, and rushed to the library. He tried (read)
_______________as much as possible on the topic, but there wasn't enough
time. Yuri considered (ask) _________ for more time to do his paper, but the
History professor was known to be very tough on students, so finally he
decided (cheat) ___________________ and copy his paper from somewhere
else. He found an old article on the same topic, and quickly typed it out. The
next day, he submitted the paper.
The following week, he was alarmed (see) ________________________ the
professor approaching him, looking angry.
"Is this your own work, or did you copy it?" asked the professor. Yuri denied
(copy) ________________ the paper.
"If you expect me (believe) ________________________ that, you must be
very stupid," said the professor. "Every word is taken from an article I wrote
myself five years ago. Did you really think I would forget (write)
________________ it?"

                                                 Lengua Adicional al Español IV

                     Using Gerunds and Infinitives




put off

                                              Lengua Adicional al Español IV

                  INFINITIVES & GERUNDS

We use the Gerund or the Infinitive after the following verbs:

                 He began talking.
                 He began to talk.
                 They continue smoking.
                 They continue to smoke.

Do you hate working on Saturdays?
                  Do you hate to work on Saturdays?
                  I like swimming.
                  I like to swim.
                  She loves painting.
                  She loves to paint.
                  Pat prefers walking home.
                  Pat prefers to walk home.
                  They start singing.
                  They start to sing.

A.Put in the verbs in brackets in the gerund or the to infinitive
Example:       They go on ___________ (read) the book.
               They go on reading the book.

1. I can’t imagine Peter __________ (go) by bike.
2. He agreed __________ (buy) a vew car.
3. The question is easy __________ (answer).
4. The man asked me how ________ (get) to the airport.
5. I look forward to ____________ (see) you at the weekend.
6) Are you thinking of __________ (visit) London?
7. We decided _____________ (run) through the forest.
8. The teacher expected Sarah __________ (study) hard.
9. She doesn’t mind __________ (work) the night shift.
10. I learned ____________ (ride) the bike at the age of 5.

                                              Lengua Adicional al Español IV

                    Using Gerunds and Infinitives

B. Create sentences with the information given.

1. Yoko / want / go / abroad
2. Her mother / suggest / go / to Canada

3. She / decide / visit / BC
4. She / consider / study / in Vancouver
5. However, she / hate / live / in big cities
6. Finally, she / choose / go / to Victoria

Create a poster. Write as many activities
as you can using gerunds and infinitives.

I enjoy cooking

Cycling is good for your health.

                                                Lengua Adicional al Español IV

                    SECOND CONDITIONAL
  If + & + verb in past, & + would/could/should + verb in simple form

* A conditional sentence has two parts. One is dependent and begins with If,
and the other is the principal one or the consequence of the first part.
     If you study, you will pass your exam. (first conditional)
*In a Present Unreal Conditional (second conditional), you express a situation
that is contrary to the reality.
If I had time, I would take some vacations.       (The reality is: I don’t have
If I were you, I could give her a chance. (The reality is: I am not you).

A. Supply the form of the verb in parentheses to make present
unreal conditions.
1. (speak)     If I knew her well, I _____________________ to her.
2. (make)      If he attended class regularly, he _______________ progress.
3. (take)      If we had the Money, we _____________ trip to South America.
4. (feel)      If he went to bed late, he ______________________ so tired.
5. (have)      If he drove more carefully, he ______________ less accidents.
6. (respect)   If he paid all the Money he borrowed, people _______________
               him more.
7. (read)      If I knew English better, I ________________________ some
               English novels.
8. (get)       If he prepared his homework every night, he _______________
               better grades.
9. (pass)      If you studied more, you _____________________ your exams.
10. (buy)      If I had Money, I ______________________ the tickets.
11. (have)     If I __________________ an automobile, I would take a trip to
12. (work)     If she _________________ harder, she would probably get a
               better salary.
13. (know)     If I ______________________ how to drive, I would buy a car.
14. (know)     If I _____________________ more grammar, I would make
               less mistakes.
15. (leave)    If we ____________________ right away, we could be there in
               an hour.

                                                 Lengua Adicional al Español IV

B. Complete each of the following conditional sentences in your
own words.

1. I don’t have a car, but if
2. I am not in Florida, but if I
3. I don’t like to swim, but if I
4. I don’t have enough money to buy a new car, but if I
5. I can’t type very well, but if I
6. I can’t speak English perfectly, but if I
7. I don’t know how to play the piano, but if I
8. He doesn’t have much free time, but if he
9. He never does his homework, but if he
10. I am not a millionaire, but if I
11. Today isn’t a holiday, but If it

C. Complete the sentences.
1. She would buy a house,
2. They would go to Europe,
3. I would pass my exam,
4. He would win the competition,
5. We would have a graduation party,
                                    Lengua Adicional al Español IV

C. In your own words, WHAT WOULD YOU DO or WHAT

1. If you never prepared your homework?

2. If you came late to class every day?

3. If you found a large sum of money in the street?

4. If you lost your purse or wallet?

5. If you were impolite to the teacher?

6. If you failed all your exams?

7. If you knew English perfectly?

8. If you were ten years younger than you are?

9. If you were Nicole Kidman?

10. If you had a lot of free time?

11. If you were Tom Cruise?

                                        Lengua Adicional al Español IV

D. Create an unreal conditional from the situations given. Use
would, could or should.

1. I’m not a child.

2. I’m not the President.
3. I don’t have a headache.
4. My city doesn’t have places for fun.

        IF I WERE THIN,




) I can't imagine Peter going by bike.
2) He agreed to buy a new car.
3) The question is easy to answer.
4) The man asked me how to get to the airport.
5) I look forward to seeing you at the weekend.
6) Are you thinking of visiting London?
7) We decided to run through the forest.
8) The teacher expected Sarah to study hard.
9) She doesn't mind working the night shift.
10) I learned to ride the bike at the age of 5.

Appendix 1: Adverbials of Time and Place

Direct speech

Indirect speech


then/ at that time/


yesterday/ that day/ on
Tuesday etc.


the day before/ the
previous day/ on Monday


the next day/ the
following day/ on
Wednesday etc.

this week

last week/ that week

last year

the year before/ the
previous year/ the
preceding year/in 1990

next month                55
He asked her if she was bored.
       She wondered if he would propose.

     He asked her when she wanted to leave.
      She wondered where they would go.


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Manual lae iv feb ago 2009

  • 1. LENGUA ADICIONAL AL ESPAÑOL IV FORTH SEMESTER FIRST PERIOD FEB – AGO 2010 NAME __________________________________ _ GROUP __________________________________ _ 1
  • 2. Compiled by Cristina Muñoz Lengua Adicional al Español IV PROGRAM SEMANA DIAGNOSTICA REVIEW OF TENSES (present progressive, simple present, past progressive, simple past, present perfect, future with “be going to” and “will”). FIRST PERIOD UNIT 1: 1.1 Tag Questions (simple present, present progressive, simple past, past progressive, future “will and going to”, present perfect). UNIT 2: 2.1 Passive voice (simple present/present progressive/simple past/ past progressive) 2.2 Used to 2.2.1 Still 2.2.2 Anymore Evaluation Exam 40% Students Manual 20% Class work 20% 2
  • 3. Expositions 20% ____________ 100% Lengua Adicional al Español IV SECOND PERIOD UNIT III: 3.1 Reported Speech (say) 3.2 Reported Speech (tell) 3.3 Reported Speech (ask) UNIT IV: 4.1 Infinitives and gerunds 4.2 Second Conditional: If + simple past / modal + verb in simple form (+, -, ?) EVALUATION Exam 40% Students Manual 20% Class work 20% Expositions 20% ____________ 100% 3
  • 4. Lengua Adicional al Español IV CONTENT Irregular verbs chart.……………………………………………………………………………4, 5 Regular verbs chart……………………………………………………………………………………6 Review of tenses……………………………………………………………………………… 7, 8, 9 Tag questions…………………………………………………………………………………10, 11, 12 Passive voice in simple present………………………………………………………13, 14 Passive voice in present progressive……………………………………………………15 Passive voice in simple past………………………………………………………………16, 17 Passive voice in past progressive…………………………………………………………18 Used to…………………………………………………………………………………………………20, 21 Still & Anymore………………………..………………………………………………………………22 Reported Speech (say)…………………………………………………………………….24, 25 Reported Speech (ask)……………………………………………………………………………26 Reported Speech (tell)……………………………………………………………………………27 Review of reported speech (say/ask/tell)............................................28 4
  • 5. Infinitives and gerunds…………………………………………………………………… Second Conditional……………………………………………………………………………30, 31 Lengua Adicional al Español IV IRREGULAR VERBS INFINITIVE GERUNDS VERBS IN PAST VERBS IN PAST VERBS VERBS “ING” PARTICIPLE ar, er, ir ando, iendo ado, ido, to, so, am, is, are (present) did have/has was, were (past) To come Coming Came Come To do Doing Did Done To buy Buying Bought Bought To catch Catching Caught Caught To drink Drinking Drank Drunk To drive Driving Drove Driven To eat Eating Ate Eaten To feel Feeling Felt Felt To find Finding Found Found To give Giving Gave Given To have Having Had Had To know Knowing Knew Known To pay Paying Paid Paid To read Reading Read Read To ride Riding Rode Ridden To run Running Ran Run To write Writing Wrote Written To say Saying Said Said To see Seeing Saw Seen To sell Selling Sold Sold To send Sending Sent Sent To sit Sitting Sat Sat To sing Singing Sang Sung To sleep Sleeping Slept Slept 5
  • 6. To speak Speaking Spoke Spoken To swim Swimming Swam Swum To take Taking Took Taken To tell Telling Told Told To think thinking Thought Thought Lengua Adicional al Español IV IRREGULAR VERBS INFINITIVE GERUNDS VERBS IN PAST VERBS IN PAST VERBS VERBS “ING” PARTICIPLE ar, er, ir ando, iendo ado, ido, to, so, am, is, are (present) did have/has was, were (past) To win Winning Won Won To wake up Waking up Woke up Woke up To wear Wearing Wore Worn To stand Standing Stood Stood To hit Hitting Hit Hit To cut Cutting Cut Cut 6
  • 7. Lengua Adicional al Español IV REGULAR VERBS INFINITIVE GERUNDS VERBS IN PAST VERBS IN PAST VERBS VERBS “ING” PARTICIPLE ar, er, ir ando, iendo ado, ido, to, so, am, is, are did have/has (present) was, were (past) To fix Fixing fixed fixed To like ----------------- Liked Liked To listen to Listening to Listened to Listened to To pull Pulling Pulled Pulled To call Calling Called Called To study Studying Studied Studied To complain Complaining Complained Complained To deliver Delivering Delivered Delivered To vote Voting Voted Voted To translate Translating Translated Translated To answer Answering Answered Answered To correct Correcting Corrected Corrected To enjoy Enjoying Enjoyed Enjoyed To mix Mixing Mixed Mixed To dance Dancing Danced Danced To watch Watching Watched Watched To wash Washing Washed Washed To push Pushing Pushed Pushed To play Playing Played Played To clean Cleaning Cleaned Cleaned To walk Walking Walked Walked 7
  • 8. To look Looking Looked Looked To work working Worked Worked Lengua Adicional al Español IV TAG QUESTIONS TAG QUESTIONS or ATTACHED QUESTIONS are those that we use after a sentence, to confirm or verify some information that we know. We use tag questions at the end of statements to ask for confirmation. They mean something like: "Am I right?" or "Do you agree?" For example: Simple Present: You climb a mountain, don’t you? She climbs a mountain, doesn’t she? Present Progressive: You are climbing a mountain, aren’t you? She is climbing a mountain, isn’t she? Simple Past: You climbed a mountain, didn’t you? She climbed a mountain, didn’t she? Past Progressive: You were climbing a mountain, weren’t you? She was climbing a mountain, wasn’t she? Future “going to”: You are going to climb a mountain, aren’t you? She is going to climb a mountain, isn’t she? Future “will”: You will climb a mountain, won’t you? She will climb a mountain, won’t she? Present Perfect: You have climbed a mountain, haven’t you? She has climbed a mountain, hasn’t she? When using tag questions, watch for 4 points: 8
  • 9. What tense is the verb? • What kind of verb is it? (to be/other verbs) • Is the sentence affirmative or negative? • Does the pronoun need to be changed? Lengua Adicional al Español IV TAQ QUESTIONS 1. Choose the correct Question tag: a) She's definitely not coming, b) It will hurt, c) It happened yesterday, d) It drives you mad, e) They're selling their house, 2. Select the correct Question tag: a)She is collecting stickers, b) We often watch TV in the afternoon, c) You have cleaned your bike, d) John and Max like Math, e) Peter played handball yesterday, f) They are going home from school, g) Mary did her homework last Monday, h) He bought a new car, i) Kevin will come tonight, j) I'm clever, 3. Complete the sentences with the Question tag: a) You are John, b) He recognize me right away, c) Cars pollute the environment, d) He is going to tell her, e) Carol can study French, f) Mr. McGuineess is from Ireland, g) The car is in the garage, h) She went to the library yesterday, 9
  • 10. a) Mr. Pritchard has been to Scotland recently, b) The trip is very expensive, d) Hugh had a red car, e) The Mount Rushmore National Memorial Park is in keystone, f) The rock was a sacred Indian site once, g) It has been a national memorial since 1925m Lengua Adicional al Español IV TAQ QUESTIONS 4. Now choose the correct option to make a question tag a) Murat gets up late, b) Let's have a drink, c) Your car is not cheap, d) Lisa has lost her ID, e) You couldn't help me, f) We are friends, g) You weren't at the party last night, h) There is a museum in this city, i) You have never been to Peking, j) You must give up smoking, k) I didn't do anything wrong, l) No one can help you, n) They helped us a lot, o) Don't do it, p) Get out of my sight, q) Dave is your cousin, h) The monument doesn’t show the bust of President Clinton, i) George Washington was the first President of the United States, 10
  • 12. Lengua Adicional al Español IV A. Choose the correct tag questions to finish the sentence. 1. Teresa has been an accountant for many years, _____________? a) aren´t she? b) doesn´t she? c) hasn´t she? d) haven´t she? 2. Aurora dances salsa every day, ________________? 12
  • 13. a) wont´she? b) don´t she? c) doesn´t she? d) aren´t she? 3. Peirre and Giovanni were living in Greece, _____________? a) isn´t he? b) wasn´t he? c) weren’t he? d) aren´t he? 4. Kate and Kim have traveled around the world, __________________? a) haven´t they? b) hasn´t they? c) doesn´t they? d) aren´t they? 5. Jackie and Alicia cooked spaghetti last Friday night, _______? a) won´t they? b) didn´t they? c) did´t she? d) won´t she? 6. Mario was reading a novel last night, ___________? a) isn´t she? b) wasn´t she? c) wasn´t he? d) isn´t he? 7. Pablo will win the next competition, ________________________? a) won´t I? b) will I? c) won´t he? d) won´t he? 8. You and I are busy right now, _________? a) aren´t I? b) aren´t we? c) aren´t they? d) aren´t you? 9. It is windy today, __________________? a) isn´t I? b) are it? c) is it? d) aren´t it? 10. My cousins are doing exercise, _____? a) aren´t they? b) isn’t he? c) aren´t you? d)aren´t we? Lengua Adicional al Español IV B. Complete the following sentences. 1. He is David Beckman, _____________________? 2. They will win the competition, ______________ ? 3. She plays tennis, ________________________? 4. She was dancing rap, _____________________? 13
  • 14. 5. We passed the exam, _____________________? 6. They are going to play chess, _______________? C. Underline the verb or the auxiliary. Then write the correct tag questions. 1. Sheila flew to Mexico, _____________________? 2. He is kind of old, _____________________? 3. The bus stops at this corner, _____________________? 4. She goes shopping every day, _____________________? 5. George has eaten a lot of tacos, _____________________? 6. Sue worked yesterday, _____________________? 7. Johnny is a good student, _____________________? 8. You always buy nice clothes, _____________________? 9. Lucas will speak English well, _____________________? 10. My friends have done the homework, _____________________? 11. The students study very hard, _____________________? 12. They are American,_____________________? Lengua Adicional al Español IV D. Read the dialogue between Carla and Liz and complete the sentences. YOU KNOW THAT, DON`T YOU? 14
  • 15. Carla: I know everything there is to know about VIN diesel. Liz: Oh yeah-you’re his biggest fan, ________________? Carla: true, but I’m sure you like him too. You saw “The Pacifier”, _______________? Liz: No, I didn’t, but he’s o.k. He is kind of old, though,___________? Carla: He was born in 1967. You know about his childhood, __________? Liz: No… Carla: He never knew his biological father. That’s hard,____________? He lived with his mother an astrologer, and his adoptive father in a poor section of New York City. He didn’t do well in school, but He’s made a life for himself, _____________________? Liz: Yes, Carla. You’ve fallen in love with Vin, _________________? Carla: that’s true, but you can understand why, can’t you? Just look at that wonderful man. Lengua Adicional al Español IV 15
  • 16. * When the first sentence is negative, the tag questions use an affirmative auxiliary. For example: Simple Present: You don’t play soccer, do you? She doesn’t speak English, does she? Present Progressive: You aren’t playing soccer, are you? She isn’t playing soccer, is she? Simple Past: You didn’t play soccer, did you? She didn’t play soccer, did she? Past Progressive: You weren’t playing soccer, were you? She wasn’t playing soccer, was she? Future “going to”: You’re not going to play soccer, are you? She’s not going to play soccer, is she? Future “will”: You won’t play soccer, will you? She won’t play soccer, will she? Present Perfect: You haven’t played soccer, have you? She hasn’t played soccer, has she? A. Add the correct tag question to the following sentences. 1. She doesn’t speak English well, _________________? 2. He didn’t go to Hawaii, _______________________? 3. They haven’t visited in New York, __________________? 4. We won’t win the contest, ____________________? 5. She wasn’t doing her homework, ________________? 6. She’s not going to wash the dishes, _________________? 7. They don’t like to study Math, _____________________? 8. He won’t be here at 4pm, _________________________? 9. He’s not going to the party tonight, __________________? 10. Tina didn’t go to school yesterday, __________________? Lengua Adicional al Español IV 16
  • 17. PASSIVE VOICE * We form the Passive voice of Present and past tense sentences with the appropriate form of TO BE and the past participle of the main verb. ACTIVE PASSIVE Simple present: Mary writes a letter. A letter is written by Mary. Present Progressive: Mary is writing a letter. A letter is being written by Mary. Simple Past: Mary wrote a letter. A letter was written by Mary. Past progressive: Mary was writing a letter. A letter was being written by Mary. In Passive voice, the subject is not the person who does the action. The subject is the object of the action. Active Lorena sings a romantic song. Passive A romantic song is sung by Lorena. A. Complete the chart. Tense Subject Verb Object Simple Active The boy plays baseball Present Passive Present Active John is buying watermelon Progressive Passive Simple Active Emiliano painted a house Past Passive Past Active Victor was driving a new car Progressive Passive Lengua Adicional al Español IV 17
  • 18. PASSIVE VOICE IN SIMPLE PRESENT B. Rewrite the sentences in passive voice. 1. He opens the door __________________________________________________________ 2. We set the table __________________________________________________________ 3. She pays a lot of money. __________________________________________________________ 4. I draw a picture. __________________________________________________________ 5. They wear blue shoes. __________________________________________________________ C. Change the verb in parentheses to past participle. Then rewrite them using the passive voice. 1. They (built) a house. ____________________ __________________________________________________________ 2. Our uncle (takes care of) Susan. ____________________ __________________________________________________________ 3. She (speaks) two languages. ____________________ __________________________________________________________ 4. My mother (sends) me to the butcher. ____________________ __________________________________________________________ 5. The policemen (help) the children. ____________________ __________________________________________________________ Lengua Adicional al Español IV 18
  • 19. D. Rewrite the sentences using Passive voice. 1. The doctors cure sick people. __________________________________________________________ 2. The secretary types many letters. __________________________________________________________ 3. Students study different subjects. __________________________________________________________ 4. An architect designs buildings __________________________________________________________ 5. A bus driver drives a bus. __________________________________________________________ E. Change from active to passive. 1. My sister washes the dishes every day. __________________________________________________________ 2. My best friend jumps high walls __________________________________________________________ 3. My brother flies different kinds of airplanes. __________________________________________________________ 4. My son watches cartoons all the time. __________________________________________________________ 5. My brother rides wild horses. __________________________________________________________ Lengua Adicional al Español IV 19
  • 20. F. Write passive sentences in Simple Present. 1. The documents / print __________________________________________________________ 2. The window / open __________________________________________________________ 3. The shoes / buy __________________________________________________________ 4. The car / wash __________________________________________________________ 5. The litter / throw away __________________________________________________________ 6. The letter / send __________________________________________________________ 7. The book / read / not __________________________________________________________ 8. The songs / sing / not __________________________________________________________ 9. The food / eat / not __________________________________________________________ 10. The shop / close / not __________________________________________________________ G. Complete the sentences (active or passive voice). Use simple present. 1. He (sell) ______________________________________________ cars. 2. The blue car (sell) __________________________________________. 3. In summer, more ice-cream (eat) ____________________ than in winter. 4. She (call) _________________________ her grandparents every Friday. 5. The letters (type) __________________________________________. 6. He (take) _______________________________ his medicine every day. 7. Jane (take/not) __________________________ to school by her father. 8. We (go) _____________________________________ to school by bus. 9. She (work/not) ____________________________________ for a bank. 10. Milk (keep) ________________________________ in the refrigerator. 20
  • 21. Lengua Adicional al Español IV PASSIVE VOICE IN PRESENT PROGRESSIVE * We form the Passive voice of Present Progressive tense sentences with the appropriate form of TO BE, BEING and the PAST PARTICIPLE of the main verb. Example: ACTIVE Lucy is helping John PASSIVE John is being helped by Lucy. A. Complete the chart. Tense Subject Verb Object Present Active The boys are playing basketball Progressive Passive Present Active Jim is eating tacos Progressive Passive Present Active Elsa is painting a house Progressive Passive Present Active Luz & Paul are washing cars Progressive Passive B. Change the following sentences using passive voice. 1. The teacher is preparing the final exam. __________________________________________________________ 2. My friends are watching a good movie. __________________________________________________________ 3. The secretary is answering the phone. __________________________________________________________ 4. The construction workers are building that skyscraper. __________________________________________________________ 21
  • 22. Lengua Adicional al Español IV 5. The messengers are delivering a lot of boxes. __________________________________________________________ 6. The Government is fixing the Streets. __________________________________________________________ 7. Peter is decorating a new house. __________________________________________________________ 8. Peter is preparing lunch. __________________________________________________________ 9. Charley is biting his new pencil. __________________________________________________________ 10. Paty is listening to a romantic song. __________________________________________________________ 11. Nacho is eating a lot of hamburgers. __________________________________________________________ C. Rewrite the sentences in passive voice. 1. Sheila is drinking a cup of tea __________________________________________________________ 2. My father is washing the car __________________________________________________________ 3. Farmer Joe is milking the cows __________________________________________________________ 4. She is taking a picture of him __________________________________________________________ 5. I am writing a poem __________________________________________________________ 6. We are not playing soccer __________________________________________________________ 7. She is preparing the party. __________________________________________________________ 8. They are talking about the meeting. __________________________________________________________ 9. She is watering the flowers. __________________________________________________________ 10. He is not wearing a tie. __________________________________________________________ 22
  • 23. Lengua Adicional al Español IV PASSIVE VOICE IN SIMPLE PAST * We form the Passive voice of Simple Past tense sentences with the appropriate form of TO BE, and the PAST PARTICIPLE of the main verb. Example: ACTIVE Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. PASSIVE The telephone was invented by Graham Bell. A. Complete the chart. Tense Subject Verb Object Present Active The boys played basketball Progressive Passive Present Active Jim ate 10 tacos Progressive Passive Present Active Elsa painted a house Progressive Passive Present Active Luz & Paul washed a car Progressive Passive B. Rewrite the sentences in passive voice. 1. Julia rescued three cats. __________________________________________________________ 2. The students handed in the reports. __________________________________________________________ 3. Maria crashed the blue car. __________________________________________________________ 4. Alex learned the poem. __________________________________________________________ 5. A robber broke the window of the shop. 23
  • 24. __________________________________________________________ Lengua Adicional al Español IV C. Change the following sentences from active to passive. 1. Julian pushed the big box. __________________________________________________________ 2. Lucas and Peter composed a romantic song. __________________________________________________________ 3. Kelly carried a heavy bag pack. __________________________________________________________ 4. Mario and Maria climbed Mountain Everest. __________________________________________________________ 5. My cousin stole two cell phones. __________________________________________________________ 6. Fire destroyed that house. __________________________________________________________ 7. The audience enjoyed the concert. __________________________________________________________ 8. Paul delivered that pizza. __________________________________________________________ 9. The police captured the thief. __________________________________________________________ 10. The little boy ate the cake. __________________________________________________________ 11. Lorenzo sent a love letter to Lillian. __________________________________________________________ 24
  • 25. Lengua Adicional al Español IV D. Complete the following sentences using the verbs in parenthesis in past participle and adapt them as necessary using the passive voice. 1. Dogs and cats _____ ____________ thousands of years ago. (cultivate) exist 2. Tula _____ ____________into Mexico by Hernan Cortes. (introduce) 3. Mexico _____ ____________ by the Toltecas. (build) 4. Mexico _____ ____________ by the British. (conquer) 5. The Insurgentes theater _____ ____________ by Diego Rivera. (exhibit) E. Complete the following sentences using a name from Box I and a verb form box 2. Adapt the verbs as necessary. 1. The telephone _____ ____________ by __________. 2. “Yesterday” and “Imagine” _____ ____________ by __________. 3. America _____ ____________ by Christopher Columbus. 4. The electric bulb and the phonograph ________ ________________ by __________. 5. Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck _____ ____________ by __________. 6. The Mona Lisa _____ ____________ by __________. 7. Paper _____ ____________ by __________. 25
  • 26. Lengua Adicional al Español IV PASSIVE VOICE IN PAST PROGRESSIVE * We form the Passive voice of Past Progressive tense sentences with the appropriate form of TO BE, BEING and the PAST PARTICIPLE of the main verb. Example: ACTIVE Lucy was helping John PASSIVE John was being helped by Lucy. A. Complete the chart. Tense Subejct Verb Object Present Active My friends were cleaning the school Progressive Passive Present Active Jacobo was doing exercises Progressive Passive Present Active Paul was building a house Progressive Passive Present Active Luz & Paul were fixing a car Progressive Passive B. Rewrite the sentences in passive voice. 1. They were eating dinner. __________________________________________________________ 2. I was repairing their bikes. __________________________________________________________ 3. She was watching a horror film. __________________________________________________________ 4. He was playing the guitar. __________________________________________________________ 5. We were talking about Francis. 26
  • 27. __________________________________________________________ Lengua Adicional al Español IV C. Change the following sentences using passive voice. 1. Lola was cleaning the garden. __________________________________________________________ 2. Becky was buying watermelons. __________________________________________________________ 3. My mother was explaining the lesson. __________________________________________________________ 4. Two horses were pulling the farmer’s wagon. __________________________________________________________ 5. My mother was sweeping the floor. __________________________________________________________ 6. Tom was opening the door. __________________________________________________________ 7. My students were studying passive voice. __________________________________________________________ 8. Jennifer was returning two books. __________________________________________________________ 9. Translators were translating the speech. __________________________________________________________ 10. Steve was riding a beautiful horse. __________________________________________________________ 11. Lorena was sewing a button. __________________________________________________________ 27
  • 28. Lengua Adicional al Español IV REVIEW OF PASSIVE VOICE Simple Present/Present Progressive/Simple Past/Past Progressive A. Change the active to passive if it is possible. Some verbs cannot be changed. 1. The police captured a thief. __________________________________________________________ 2. North Americans play baseball. __________________________________________________________ 3. Jackie scored a perfect goal. __________________________________________________________ 4. We are sending two faxes. __________________________________________________________ 5. My dog died. __________________________________________________________ 6. Tommy broke the cup. __________________________________________________________ 7. Julia is watering the plants. __________________________________________________________ 8. A strange thing happened yesterday. __________________________________________________________ 9. It rained hard yesterday. __________________________________________________________ 10. That man sells tacos. 28
  • 29. __________________________________________________________ Lengua Adicional al Español IV 11. The assistant manager interviewed me. __________________________________________________________ 12. The glass fell to the floor. __________________________________________________________ 13. They were organizing a big parade. __________________________________________________________ 14. Mr. Jones created that problem. __________________________________________________________ 15. Mr. Smith teaches history. __________________________________________________________ EXPOSITION: TEAM OF 4: CREATE A COLLAGE USING PASSIVE (ALL TENSES). INCLUDE PICTURES, IMAGES, ETC. EXAMPLE: 29
  • 30. Lengua Adicional al Español IV USED TO * We use “USED TO” to express habitual activities in the past. Affirmative & + used to + verb in simple form Negative & + didn’t use to + verb in simple form Interrogative Did + & + use to + verb in simple form? Examples: I used to play with Barbies. I didn’t use to go to disco bars. Did you use to go to the movies? A. Complete the chart. AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE INTERROGATIVE Ed didn’t use to watch Barney 30
  • 31. Did Lily use to jump rope? Lola used to sing They didn’t use to fish Did you use to draw? We used to play soccer B. Write about the things you used to do when you were in Kindergarten. 1. When I was in kindergarten, I used to ___________________________. 2. When I was in kindergarten, I didn’t use to _______________________. C. In the following situations, write two habitual activities. 1. When you were a baby, _______________________________________. 2. When you didn’t study English, _________________________________. 3. When you were a child,_______________________________________. Lengua Adicional al Español IV D. Now write some memories of you past using USED TO DO and DIDN’T USE TO DO. Use the heading below. Family life: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ School: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Holidays: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Clothes: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 31
  • 32. Appearance: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Friends: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Free time: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Lengua Adicional al Español IV STILL / AYMORE * We use STILL to talk about an activity that you continue doing in the present. Example: When I was in High School, I used to go to discos with my friends, and now, I still go to discos with my friends. * We use ANYMORE as the opposite of still, to talk about an activity that is discontinued in the present. Example: I used to smoke ten years ago, but now, I don’t smoke anymore. A. Complete the sentences using used to, still or anymore. 1. Mary ____________________________ study Italian, but now, she studies English. She doesn’t study Italian _______________________. 32
  • 33. 2. When Peter was working in the post office, he _____________________ use the computer occasionally, but he didn’t use it all the time. 3. When I was younger, I _____________________ get nervous in front of people. Now it’s different because I don’t get nervous _________________. 4. John _____________ play sports in the morning and study in the evenings when he was a teenager. Now he ____________________ plays sports in the mornings but he can’t study in the evening ____________________. Lengua Adicional al Español IV B. Answer the following questions. 1. What did you use to do as a child that you still do in the present? __________________________________________________________ 2. What didn’t you use to do last years that you do this year? __________________________________________________________ 3. What did you use to eat that you don’t eat anymore? __________________________________________________________ 4. What song did you use to sing that you still sing? __________________________________________________________ 5. What movie did you use to watch that you don’ __________________________________________________________ EXPOSITION: TEAM OF 4: 33
  • 35. FORTH SEMESTER SECOND PERIOD FEB – AGO 2010 Lengua Adicional al Español IV REPORTED SPEECH (SAY) You use Reported Speech to report something that a person said. Here are the verbs changes. Simple Present: Lucia: I work Reporter: She said that she worked Present Progressive: 35
  • 36. Lucia: I am working Reporter: She said that she was working Future “will”: Lucia: I will work Reporter: She said that she would work Future “be going to” Lucia: I am going to work Reporter: She said that she was going to work A. Change to reported speech. (present progressive) 1. Angie: I’m selling the car. __________________________________________________________ 2. Anie: I’m doing my homework __________________________________________________________ 3. Memo: I’m painting my bike __________________________________________________________ 4. Pepe: I’m watching TV __________________________________________________________ B. Change to reported speech. (Simple present) 1. Lucas: I always drink coffee __________________________________________________________ 2. Mary: I love chocolate __________________________________________________________ 3. Pily: I have to do my laundry __________________________________________________________ 4.Jenny: I study every day Lengua Adicional al Español IV C. Change to reported speech. (future “will”) 1. Mario: I will eat steak for dinner. __________________________________________________________ 2. Elena: I will buy a new car. __________________________________________________________ 3. Carlo: I’ll send you all the papers 36
  • 37. __________________________________________________________ 4. Luis: I will teach you how to play. __________________________________________________________ D. Change to reported speech. (future “going to”) 1. Lino: I’m going to go to Long Island __________________________________________________________ 2. Jack: I’m going to meet a girl __________________________________________________________ 3. Kelly: I’m going to prepare Lasagna __________________________________________________________ 4. Sue: I’m going to write a love poem __________________________________________________________ E. Change the sentences. 1. He: she is very fashion __________________________________________________________ 2. She: I am going to buy a house __________________________________________________________ 3. They: He is practicing __________________________________________________________ 4. He: Brad Pitt is the sexiest man in Hollywood __________________________________________________________ 5. She: I will learn how to cook __________________________________________________________ 6. They: We are dancing rap __________________________________________________________ 7. He: She speaks two languages __________________________________________________________ 8. She: Maria is living in CSL. Lengua Adicional al Español IV REPORTED SPEECH (ASK) Present Progressive: Lucia: Am I working? Reporter: She asked me if she was working Simple Present: 37
  • 38. Lucia: Do I work? Reporter: She asked me if she worked Future “will”: Lucia: Will you work? Reporter: She asked me if she would work Future “be going to” Lucia: Am I going to work? Reporter: She asked me if she was going to work A. Change from active to passive. 1. Mr. Smith: Are you a student? __________________________________________________________ 2. Ms. Washington: What is your name? __________________________________________________________ 3. Kevin: What are you doing now? __________________________________________________________ 4. David: Do you need a pen? __________________________________________________________ B. Change to reported speech. 1. Kurt: Are you hungry? __________________________________________________________ 2. Ralph: What do you do every day? __________________________________________________________ 3. Chad: Do you have a car? __________________________________________________________ 4. Sophia: What are you talking about? Lengua Adicional al Español IV REPORTED SPEECH (TELL) You can also report orders or commands. Lucia: clean the kitchen Reporter: She told me to clean the kitchen 38
  • 39. Peter: do your homework Reporter: he told me to do my homework Fabi: don’t eat in class Reporter: she told me not to eat in class Ivan: don’t drink alcohol Reporter: he told me not to drink alcohol A. Change from active to passive. 1. Teacher: “Stand up, please, Maurice” __________________________________________________________ 2. Mr. Brown: “Don’t speak now, Melissa” __________________________________________________________ 3. Kevin: show me your ticket __________________________________________________________ 4. Bobby: open the book __________________________________________________________ B. Change to reported speech. 1. Rob: answer the questions __________________________________________________________ 2. Laura: go to school, now __________________________________________________________ 3. Kathy: do your job __________________________________________________________ 4.Steve: pick me up at 7 o’clock Lengua Adicional al Español IV REVIEW OF REPORTED SPEECH (SAY/TELL/ASK) 39
  • 40. A. Change the following sentences. 1. He: “I will be here at noon:” __________________________________________________________ 2. She: “The train will probably arrive on time” __________________________________________________________ 3. They: Are you Russian? __________________________________________________________ 4. He: don’t call me __________________________________________________________ 5. He: pay attention in class __________________________________________________________ 6. She: I want a sandwich __________________________________________________________ 7. He: I’m going to move to Ohio. __________________________________________________________ 8. They: Do you play tennis? __________________________________________________________ 9. He: don’t smoke __________________________________________________________ 10. She: I will come to the meeting. __________________________________________________________ 11. She: Do you have a car? __________________________________________________________ 12. He: Are you watching the news? __________________________________________________________ 13. He: eat all the vegetables __________________________________________________________ 14. They: I am washing the dishes __________________________________________________________ 15. They: Please sit down for a few minutes. __________________________________________________________ 16. She: don’t copy __________________________________________________________ Lengua Adicional al Español IV PROJECT / REPORTED SPEECH Take your video camera and get ready for your next issue. 40
  • 41. In trios you will create 8 conversations where you ask and answer, and that information will be reported. You have to include all forms; say, tell, and ask in all tenses; simple present, present progressive, future “will” and “going to”. Try to be creative, and don’t forget to speak clearly. Your work must be turned in, in a CD. Finish the Are you Yes, I am report as going to the going to the soon as meeting? meeting. possible Kelly, I Don’t argue have in the STEVE AMANDA ROBERT KELLY JASON REPORTE SPEECH Steve asked Amanda if she was going to the meeting. Amanda said that she was going to the meeting. Robert said that he had to go. Kelly told Robert to finish the report as soon as possible. Jason told Robert and Kelly not to argue in the office. Lengua Adicional al Español IV INFINITIVES & GERUNDS 41
  • 42. Here is a brief review of the differences between gerunds and infinitives. Gerunds are formed with walking, talking, thinking, ING: listening Infinitives are formed with to walk, to talk, to think, to TO: listen Gerunds and infinitives can do several jobs: Both gerunds and infinitives can be the subject of a sentence:: Writing in English is difficult. To write in English is difficult. Both gerunds and infinitives can be the object of a verb: I like writing in English. I like to write in English. But... Only gerunds can be the object of a preposition:: We are talking about writing in English. Lengua Adicional al Español IV INFINITIVES & GERUNDS It is often difficult to know when to use a gerund and when to use an infinitive. These guidelines may help you: 42
  • 43. Gerunds are often used when actions are real, concrete or completed:: I stopped smoking. (The smoking was real and happened until I stopped.) Infinitives are often used when actions are unreal, abstract, or future:: I stopped to smoke. (I was doing something else, and I stopped; the smoking had not happened yet.) Lengua Adicional al Español IV Gerunds and Infinitives Verbs Followed by an Infinitive She agreed to speak before the game. 43
  • 44. agree consent have offer shoot aim continue hesitate ought start appear dare hope plan stop arrange decide hurry prefer strive ask deserve intend prepare swear attempt detest leap proceed threaten be able dislike leave promise try beg expect like propose use begin fail long refuse wait care forget love remember want choose get mean say wish condescend happen neglect Verbs Followed by an Object and an Infinitive Everyone expected her to win. advise choose have love remind allow command hire motivate require ask dare instruct order send beg direct invite pay teach bring encourage lead permit tell build expect leave persuade urge buy forbid let prepare want challenge force like promise warn Note: Some of these verbs are included in the list above and may be used without an object. Lengua Adicional al Español IV Gerunds and Infinitives Verbs Followed by a Gerund They enjoyed working on the boat. 44
  • 45. admit delay finish permit resist advise deny forbid postpone resume appreciate detest get through practice risk avoid dislike have quit spend (time) can't help enjoy imagine recall suggest complete escape mind report tolerate consider excuse miss resent waste (time) Verbs Followed by a Preposition and a Gerund We concentrated on doing well. admit to depend on plan on approve of disapprove of prevent (someone) from argue about discourage from refrain from believe in dream about succeed in care about feel like talk about complain about forget about think about concentrate on insist on worry about confess to object to Lengua Adicional al Español IV Gerunds and Infinitives A. Complete the following paragraph. Yuri was in his first year at university, studying History. He was rather a lazy student, and he tended to avoid (work) ________________whenever he could. In the middle of the semester, his history professor gave out an assignment, due in 45
  • 46. two weeks. Yuri intended (do) ____________ the assignment, but he postponed (write) _________________it for a week. The following week, he forgot (do) __________________ it. The night before the assignment was due, he suddenly remembered it, and rushed to the library. He tried (read) _______________as much as possible on the topic, but there wasn't enough time. Yuri considered (ask) _________ for more time to do his paper, but the History professor was known to be very tough on students, so finally he decided (cheat) ___________________ and copy his paper from somewhere else. He found an old article on the same topic, and quickly typed it out. The next day, he submitted the paper. The following week, he was alarmed (see) ________________________ the professor approaching him, looking angry. "Is this your own work, or did you copy it?" asked the professor. Yuri denied (copy) ________________ the paper. "If you expect me (believe) ________________________ that, you must be very stupid," said the professor. "Every word is taken from an article I wrote myself five years ago. Did you really think I would forget (write) ________________ it?" Lengua Adicional al Español IV Using Gerunds and Infinitives VERB GERUND INFINITVE BOTH VERB GERUND INFINITVE BOTH want need begin enjoy finish 46
  • 47. hope start expect quit VERB GERUND INFINITVE BOTH VERB GERUND INFINITVE BOTH plan continue intend mind mean like decide promise offer VERB GERUND INFINITVE BOTH VERB GERUND INFINITVE BOTH agree put off refuse Love Seem Keep Appear Hate Consider Lengua Adicional al Español IV INFINITIVES & GERUNDS We use the Gerund or the Infinitive after the following verbs: He began talking. begin He began to talk. They continue smoking. continue They continue to smoke. 47
  • 48. Do you hate working on Saturdays? hate Do you hate to work on Saturdays? I like swimming. like I like to swim. She loves painting. love She loves to paint. Pat prefers walking home. prefer Pat prefers to walk home. They start singing. start They start to sing. A.Put in the verbs in brackets in the gerund or the to infinitive Example: They go on ___________ (read) the book. They go on reading the book. 1. I can’t imagine Peter __________ (go) by bike. 2. He agreed __________ (buy) a vew car. 3. The question is easy __________ (answer). 4. The man asked me how ________ (get) to the airport. 5. I look forward to ____________ (see) you at the weekend. 6) Are you thinking of __________ (visit) London? 7. We decided _____________ (run) through the forest. 8. The teacher expected Sarah __________ (study) hard. 9. She doesn’t mind __________ (work) the night shift. 10. I learned ____________ (ride) the bike at the age of 5. Lengua Adicional al Español IV Using Gerunds and Infinitives B. Create sentences with the information given. 1. Yoko / want / go / abroad __________________________________________________________ 2. Her mother / suggest / go / to Canada __________________________________________________________ 48
  • 49. 3. She / decide / visit / BC __________________________________________________________ 4. She / consider / study / in Vancouver __________________________________________________________ 5. However, she / hate / live / in big cities __________________________________________________________ 6. Finally, she / choose / go / to Victoria __________________________________________________________ EXPOSITION TEAM OF 4: Create a poster. Write as many activities as you can using gerunds and infinitives. Examples: I enjoy cooking Cycling is good for your health. Lengua Adicional al Español IV SECOND CONDITIONAL If + & + verb in past, & + would/could/should + verb in simple form * A conditional sentence has two parts. One is dependent and begins with If, and the other is the principal one or the consequence of the first part. If you study, you will pass your exam. (first conditional) 49
  • 50. *In a Present Unreal Conditional (second conditional), you express a situation that is contrary to the reality. If I had time, I would take some vacations. (The reality is: I don’t have time) If I were you, I could give her a chance. (The reality is: I am not you). A. Supply the form of the verb in parentheses to make present unreal conditions. 1. (speak) If I knew her well, I _____________________ to her. 2. (make) If he attended class regularly, he _______________ progress. 3. (take) If we had the Money, we _____________ trip to South America. 4. (feel) If he went to bed late, he ______________________ so tired. 5. (have) If he drove more carefully, he ______________ less accidents. 6. (respect) If he paid all the Money he borrowed, people _______________ him more. 7. (read) If I knew English better, I ________________________ some English novels. 8. (get) If he prepared his homework every night, he _______________ better grades. 9. (pass) If you studied more, you _____________________ your exams. 10. (buy) If I had Money, I ______________________ the tickets. 11. (have) If I __________________ an automobile, I would take a trip to California 12. (work) If she _________________ harder, she would probably get a better salary. 13. (know) If I ______________________ how to drive, I would buy a car. 14. (know) If I _____________________ more grammar, I would make less mistakes. 15. (leave) If we ____________________ right away, we could be there in an hour. Lengua Adicional al Español IV B. Complete each of the following conditional sentences in your own words. 1. I don’t have a car, but if __________________________________________________________ 50
  • 51. 2. I am not in Florida, but if I __________________________________________________________ 3. I don’t like to swim, but if I __________________________________________________________ 4. I don’t have enough money to buy a new car, but if I __________________________________________________________ 5. I can’t type very well, but if I __________________________________________________________ 6. I can’t speak English perfectly, but if I __________________________________________________________ 7. I don’t know how to play the piano, but if I __________________________________________________________ 8. He doesn’t have much free time, but if he __________________________________________________________ 9. He never does his homework, but if he __________________________________________________________ 10. I am not a millionaire, but if I __________________________________________________________ 11. Today isn’t a holiday, but If it __________________________________________________________ C. Complete the sentences. 1. She would buy a house, __________________________________________________________ 2. They would go to Europe, __________________________________________________________ 3. I would pass my exam, __________________________________________________________ 4. He would win the competition, __________________________________________________________ 5. We would have a graduation party, Lengua Adicional al Español IV C. In your own words, WHAT WOULD YOU DO or WHAT WOULD HAPPEN… 1. If you never prepared your homework? __________________________________________________________ 51
  • 52. 2. If you came late to class every day? __________________________________________________________ 3. If you found a large sum of money in the street? __________________________________________________________ 4. If you lost your purse or wallet? __________________________________________________________ 5. If you were impolite to the teacher? __________________________________________________________ 6. If you failed all your exams? __________________________________________________________ 7. If you knew English perfectly? __________________________________________________________ 8. If you were ten years younger than you are? __________________________________________________________ 9. If you were Nicole Kidman? __________________________________________________________ 10. If you had a lot of free time? __________________________________________________________ 11. If you were Tom Cruise? __________________________________________________________ Lengua Adicional al Español IV D. Create an unreal conditional from the situations given. Use would, could or should. 1. I’m not a child. __________________________________________________________ 52
  • 53. 2. I’m not the President. __________________________________________________________ 3. I don’t have a headache. __________________________________________________________ 4. My city doesn’t have places for fun. __________________________________________________________ EXPOSITION TEAM OF 4: CREATE A POSTER WHERE YOU CREATE SIX DIFERENT SITUATIONS WERE YOU CAN APPLY SECOND CONDITIONAL. EXAMPLE: IF I WERE THIN, I WOULD BUY A LOT OF CLOTHES I WOULD GO TO THE BEACH I WOULD BE HAPPIER 1 RESPUESTAS INFINITIVES AND GERUNDS 53
  • 54. A. ) I can't imagine Peter going by bike. 2) He agreed to buy a new car. 3) The question is easy to answer. 4) The man asked me how to get to the airport. 5) I look forward to seeing you at the weekend. 6) Are you thinking of visiting London? 7) We decided to run through the forest. 8) The teacher expected Sarah to study hard. 9) She doesn't mind working the night shift. 10) I learned to ride the bike at the age of 5. Appendix 1: Adverbials of Time and Place 54
  • 55. Direct speech Indirect speech now then/ at that time/ immediately today yesterday/ that day/ on Tuesday etc. yesterday the day before/ the previous day/ on Monday etc. tomorrow the next day/ the following day/ on Wednesday etc. this week last week/ that week last year the year before/ the previous year/ the preceding year/in 1990 etc. next month 55
  • 56. 56
  • 57. He asked her if she was bored. She wondered if he would propose. He asked her when she wanted to leave. She wondered where they would go. 57
  • 58. 58
  • 59. 59
  • 60. 60