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Prepared by Julian Chow Jian Sheng
2 Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient
To the Singapore Leadership Team at Text100:
Our office is in the midst of a pretty huge change at the moment, as we transition our work from providing
typical PR services – media relations, analyst relations – to a full suite of integrated communications work,
covering website building and maintenance, content development, paid media services, social media
management, and more besides. We are at a point in the change where sufficient people have upskilled in
these areas to allow us to take on a substantial amount of work. Indeed, it would not be remiss for me to say
that we can probably form an “integrated communications division”.
What we lack, from my observation, is that we’re still stuck in the old mindset and processes of doing things.
Project planning and execution is still very “waterfall” in nature, a relic from the days of PR old. Based on the
work that’s been done over the past year, this does not allow our digital teams to function effectively,
because the nature of the work is non-linear, unlike how a PR team would typically expect to work. Changes
/ iterations happen, and our processes need to be adaptable and flexible to allow for such change.
Here’s what I’m proposing.
Julian Chow
Digital Consultant
Text100 Singapore
.01 | Situation overview
.02 | Agile: A methodology used in software
development and why it’s relevant
.03 | What Agile tools are relevant to us?
.04 | A one month experiment with Kanban
.05 | Results / Outcomes
.06 | Reflections
.07 | Bibiliography
Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient
Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient
Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient4
People &
Process Structure
Budgeting &
Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient6
People and Skills
• Progressing well;
hiring new people
with the right
• Starting to diffuse
through the
• Winning right type
of clients allows
people to develop
skills (learning by
• However,
bottlenecks when
people with
skillsets are out
• Lots of time
wasted due to
inefficiencies on
either agency-side
or client-side
• Process of working
between the client
and backend
teams can be
• Higher volume of
ongoing work
means that team
members need to
learn how to
• Having T-shaped
people allows
teams to function
rather fluidly and
help people cover
for each other
once they are out
• Project managers
are learning how
to deal with
colleagues that
have different
specializations and
to be able to
communicate in
their language
• Scope creep can
be an issue with
some clients due
to us not properly
defining scope of
• We need a better
understanding of
work processes
• Tighter scope
management also
• Process is now
iterative, not
linear, when it
comes to digital –
that’s the biggest
mindset change
which needs to
take place: Stop
thinking there’s a
finished product,
instead, there’s
ongoing iteration
Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient7
control over
work scope
Hire more
Starting here creates a virtuous cycle
that allows Text100 to keep increasing
Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient
An approach based on a set of principles, whose goal is to render the
process of project management simpler, more flexible and iterative in
order to achieve better performance (cost, time and quality), with less
management effort and higher levels of innovation and added value or the
Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient9
From The Agile Manifesto (, Beck et al., 2001):
• Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
• Working software over comprehensive documentation (or creating MVPs vs finished products)
• Customer collaboration over contract negotiation.
• Responding to change over following a plan
As you can see, these principles can easily be taken out of a software development scenario and implemented into
a marketing communications project as the situations are pretty much the same: We are working with clients in a
dynamic, ever-changing environment that causes shifting requirements.
Main differences between traditional (what we’re using!) and Agile methodology (Dybå and
Dingsøyr, 2008)
Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient10
Traditional Methodology Agile Metholodology
Mindset Systems are fully specifiable,
predictable, and are built through
meticulous and extensive planning
High-quality adaptive outputs are
developed by small teams using the
principles of continuous design
improvement and testing based on
rapid feedback and change
Planning Done once, meticulously, upfront Planning cycle is iterative, done
Scope of Work Fixed upfront Flexible; changes with requirements
Testing Late-stage testing when near-final Continuous improvement
Client Management Client kept in the dark, only sees
Transparent; Client involved in entire
process and takes more responsibility
Unfortunately, evidence continues to accumulate suggesting that using traditional, rigid processes in a
dynamic environment can result in significant downstream pathologies, including excessive rework, lack of
flexibility, customer dissatisfaction, and the potential for a project to be fully developed, only to discover that
technological advances have eclipsed the need for it. (Collyer et al., 2010)
• Highsmith, 2004 and Chin, 2004 argue that Agile practices, techniques, and tools can be
adapted to other types of products and project environments, whose characteristics resemble
software projects that are innovative and have a dynamic development environment
experiencing constant change.
• Work by Conforto et. al, 2014, and Serrador & Pinto, 2015, has concluded (though not
definitively) that Agile project management is applicable under certain conditions in non-
software development circles
• The success of Agile depends on the following:
• Enabling factors from within the organization
• Moderating factors which may temper the success of Agile
Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient11
Factors Applies to
Enablers (Conforto et. al, 2014)
Multidisciplinary project teams; members with multivariate skillsets Yes
Project oriented teams Yes
Dedication of resources to single projects No
Customer/stakeholder involvement in the project planning Partially
Supplier and partner involvement across all project phases No
Co-located teams Partially
“Pizza” team size Yes
Project managers with more than 5 years experience in iterative No
Project team members’ experience of at least 2 – 3 years Yes
Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient12
Thoughts: We have quite a fair balance of having and not having enabling factors. Some of the main points to
address if we implement Agile would be reducing the number of accounts allocated to each consultant, allowing
them to focus more, and training up project managers in Agile. Getting vendors / suppliers more involved in the
project phases is another thing to look into
Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient13
(Serrador & Pinto, 2015)
(, 2015)
Can we?
• We have some key enablers in place – such as multidisciplinary people who are accustomed to working in project
environments, co-located teams (for the most part) and small working teams
• While we lack experience in Agile, training and coaching options are available. One of the bigger things to fix
(which is possible through revamping the capacity plan to match skillsets) is to reduce the spread of individuals
across accounts
• Our “dare to do” mentality is aligned with Agile values so from a cultural perspective, Text100 looks to be a good
Should we?
• We work in a dynamic, changing environment with ever-changing client needs. Briefs, especially digital briefs, as
we very well know, change along the way. Agile helps us better manage this nature of working
• We currently adopting the “waterfall” format for project management, and this causes inflexibility when it comes
to adapting briefs once they change, which also lowers client satisfaction. Speccing a fixed number of outputs for
each brief helps us defend against scope creep but doesn’t help with client outcomes
Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient14
Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient
Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient16
Scrum and Kanban are process tools which help teams work more effectively by, to a certain
extent, telling them what to do. Note that Scrum and Kanban are not perfect. They aim, by
providing certain constraints & guidelines, to create a certain way of working in Agile
Scrum Kanban
Works with timeboxed iterations (defined as Sprints) Can be event or task-driven instead of timeboxed
Cannot add items to ongoing iteration Can add new items whenever capacity is
Requires roleplay (Scrum master, developmer, product
Doesn’t prescribe any roles
A Scrum board is reset between each sprint A Kanban board is continuous
Tasks need to be broken down so they can be
completed within 1 sprint
No particular item size is prescribed
Cross-functional teams are necessary Cross-functional teams optional
(Kniberg and Skarin, 2010)
• Scrum excels at projects requiring
deep collaboration and innovation
such as website development or
marketing campaigns
• Scrum works best with small cross-
functional teams (7+/-2)
• Scrum is great for providing shared
goals and work context
• Scrum encourages generalists
Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient17
• Kanban can handle a lot of
• Kanban supports specialized roles
with divergent skill sets
• Kanban excels at repeatable work
such as a content production hub,
or a website maintenance project
• Kanban works fine for groups larger
than 7+/-2 since communication
and planning overhead is lower
(Sahota, 2010)
Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient18
(Sahota, 2010)
• The vertical axis
environments with
a strong focus from
those with many
interrupts and divergent
• The horizontal axis
indicates the spectrum
from defined,
repeatable work
to exploratory and
innovative work
Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient
• OMRON is a multidisciplinary client account consisting of web maintenance, content
production, social media copy production, visual asset production and paid media advertising
as the types of jobs in the scope of work
• We have been having a tough time managing the OMRON account using a traditional waterfall
project management method, reason being:
o New jobs (mainly website changes) happen on a daily basis that they disrupt existing workflow
o Each team member’s work depends on the outcomes of someone else, so better visibility is needed into
the status of other jobs. We didn’t have a visual way of representing this work
o Unable to prioritize jobs because individual team members don’t recognize right away the dependencies
between their work and that of others
• Hence, the account team tried out Kanban over the previous one-month period to ascertain if
this would help us better manage the work that’s coming in, and make the team more
Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient20
•Create a visual model (Kanban Board) to observe work travelling through the system
•Making work visible allows for identification of blockers, bottlenecks
•and queuesVisualize Work
•Complete unfinished work in order to reduce wait times for other tasks to begin
•Avoid problems caused by task switching, ensuring team stays focused
Limit Work in Progress
•Improve the speed at which work flows through the system
•Remove bottlenecks (client-side or agency-side)
•Analyse workflow to anticipate future problems caused by new jobs
Ensure Steady Flow of
•Measure and improve on team effectiveness by looking at the time it takes for work
to travel through the systemIteration and
Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient21
(Kanban Roadmap, n.d.)
Guiding Principles
• Break work down into as many phases
as possible
• List tasks down in as minuscule portions
as possible
• Colour code tickets for priority (NOT
• Ensure ownership of tickets
• Limit work-in-progress, making sure
things get done first before starting new
things, to ensure bottlenecks aren’t
Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient22
Guiding Principles
• We enforce daily stand-up meetings at
the start of each day
• Each team member needs to update
verbally as well as on the board the list
of things he/she is working on for today
• Project manager to remind on items
that have been left in the “Doing”
column for too long
• Everyone agrees on the work that is to
be done by the team, as a collective,
before we break off to complete tasks
• Keep meetings to 10 mins and below
Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient23
Guiding Principles
• Ask ourselves three questions:
• What did we do well
• What could we have done better
• What didn’t work
Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient24
What Worked What Didn’t Work What Could Have been Better
• High-priority and dependency
tasks are completed first, which
allows the team to move faster
• Everyone in the team gets a
better big picture view
• Enforcing time to regroup and
discuss allows us to plan ahead
• Discipline: Some small tasks
which are completed during the
day aren’t listed
• We didn’t reflect upcoming tasks
until we thought of them
• Track time to complete tasks in
order to weed out
• Involve client in the process as
he controls the approvals
• Instil personal responsibility in
the team to be present for all
Kanban meetings and not push
it out due to work
• Reduced load on project manager on chasing for deadlines as everyone knows what they’re
supposed to do and by when
• Prioritizing bottleneck tasks first (such as content development) which allow other tasks to
move forward faster, thus increasing overall team efficiency
• Understanding priorities allows team members to move work around or put them on hold,
thus increasing mindshare, and enabling higher-quality work
Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient25
Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient26
Insert timestamps into
tickets so we can grasp
how long they have
been in the system
Project manager must
run the stand-ups and
ensure that individual
follow-ups are
Identify possible
bottlenecks during
standups for tasks with
Break the “Doing”
column into more
granular steps?
Bring the client into the
Estimate time to
complete work on
Kanban has definitely been a better
approach to managing interdependent
workflows within a team as compared to
waterfall. I particularly love how it’s less
rigid than Scrum and has customizability to
be used in our own way
One area in which
Kanban may be
weak is that it’s so
focused on doing,
we forget to stop,
step back and think
Being able to
prioritize, due to
visualization of
work, has helped
the team be more
Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient27
One of the
questions I have is:
Is there a limit to
the efficiency
gains? This needs to
be further explored
Discipline and
rigour is key for
Kanban to work –
this has to be
enforced through a
dedicated individual
For more complex
build-type work, we
might need a
combination of
Scrum and Kanban
– this needs to be
explored further
I would like to
attempt to quantify
efficiency gains in
terms of hours in
order to see how far
we are progressing
with Kanban
• Great way for digital teams to work more effectively
• Need to find a way to quantify efficiency gains
• If we think this is successful, we also need to test the model on PR teams and see how we can
adapt it
Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient28
CONCLUSION / SUMMARY, (2001). Manifesto for Agile Software Development. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 1 Feb. 2016].
Chin, G. (2004). Agile project management. New York: AMACOM.
Collyer, S., Warren, C., Hemsley, B. and Stevens, C. (2010). Aim, fire, aim-Project planning styles in dynamic environments. Proj
Mgmt Jrnl, 41(4), pp.108-121.
Conforto, E., Salum, F., Amaral, D., da Silva, S. and de Almeida, L. (2014). Can Agile Project Management Be Adopted by Industries
Other than Software Development?. Proj Mgmt Jrnl, 45(3), pp.21-34.
Dybå, T. and Dingsøyr, T. (2008). Empirical studies of agile software development: A systematic review. Information and Software
Technology, 50(9-10), pp.833-859.
Highsmith, J. (2004). Agile project management. Boston: Addison-Wesley.
Kanban Roadmap. (n.d.). 1st ed. [ebook] Leankit. Available at: [Accessed 31 Jan. 2016].
Kniberg, H. and Skarin, M. (2010). Kanban and Scrum. [S.l.]: C4Media, Inc.
Sahota, M. (2010). Scrum or Kanban?. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 8 Feb. 2016]., (2015). Why Agile projects fail - VersionOne surveys Agile development for 2015. [online]
Available at:
2015/3/Why-Agile-projects-fail [Accessed 8 Feb. 2016].
Serrador, P. and Pinto, J. (2015). Does Agile work? — A quantitative analysis of agile project success. International Journal of
Project Management, 33(5), pp.1040-1051.
Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient29

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Making Digital Teams more Efficient

  • 1. MAKING DIGITAL TEAMS MORE EFFICIENT Prepared by Julian Chow Jian Sheng
  • 2. OVERVIEW 2 Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient To the Singapore Leadership Team at Text100: Our office is in the midst of a pretty huge change at the moment, as we transition our work from providing typical PR services – media relations, analyst relations – to a full suite of integrated communications work, covering website building and maintenance, content development, paid media services, social media management, and more besides. We are at a point in the change where sufficient people have upskilled in these areas to allow us to take on a substantial amount of work. Indeed, it would not be remiss for me to say that we can probably form an “integrated communications division”. What we lack, from my observation, is that we’re still stuck in the old mindset and processes of doing things. Project planning and execution is still very “waterfall” in nature, a relic from the days of PR old. Based on the work that’s been done over the past year, this does not allow our digital teams to function effectively, because the nature of the work is non-linear, unlike how a PR team would typically expect to work. Changes / iterations happen, and our processes need to be adaptable and flexible to allow for such change. Here’s what I’m proposing. Julian Chow Digital Consultant Text100 Singapore
  • 3. CONTENTS 3 .01 | Situation overview .02 | Agile: A methodology used in software development and why it’s relevant .03 | What Agile tools are relevant to us? .04 | A one month experiment with Kanban .05 | Results / Outcomes .06 | Reflections .07 | Bibiliography Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient
  • 4. 4 .01 | SITUATION OVERVIEW Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient
  • 5. Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient4 WHAT DO WE NEED TO FULFILL OUR VISION? TO BECOME A FULL SERVICE MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS AGENCY People & Skillsets Process Structure Budgeting & Profitability Mindsets
  • 6. Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient6 MY PERSPECTIVE ON SUCCESS FACTORS People and Skills • Progressing well; hiring new people with the right skills • Starting to diffuse knowledge through the organization • Winning right type of clients allows people to develop skills (learning by doing) • However, bottlenecks when people with highly-specialized skillsets are out Process • Lots of time wasted due to inefficiencies on either agency-side or client-side • Process of working between the client and backend teams can be improved • Higher volume of ongoing work means that team members need to learn how to prioritize Structure • Having T-shaped people allows teams to function rather fluidly and help people cover for each other once they are out • Project managers are learning how to deal with colleagues that have different specializations and to be able to communicate in their language Profitability • Scope creep can be an issue with some clients due to us not properly defining scope of work • We need a better understanding of work processes • Tighter scope management also required Mindsets • Process is now iterative, not linear, when it comes to digital – that’s the biggest mindset change which needs to take place: Stop thinking there’s a finished product, instead, there’s ongoing iteration
  • 7. Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient7 THE CHALLENGE I WILL FOCUS ON SOLVING Make Teams more efficient Improve control over work scope Greater Profitability Hire more specialists Remove personnel bottlenecks Starting here creates a virtuous cycle that allows Text100 to keep increasing efficiency
  • 8. 8 .02 | AGILE METHODOLOGY FOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient
  • 9. An approach based on a set of principles, whose goal is to render the process of project management simpler, more flexible and iterative in order to achieve better performance (cost, time and quality), with less management effort and higher levels of innovation and added value or the customer Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient9 WHAT IS AGILE? From The Agile Manifesto (, Beck et al., 2001): • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools • Working software over comprehensive documentation (or creating MVPs vs finished products) • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation. • Responding to change over following a plan As you can see, these principles can easily be taken out of a software development scenario and implemented into a marketing communications project as the situations are pretty much the same: We are working with clients in a dynamic, ever-changing environment that causes shifting requirements.
  • 10. Main differences between traditional (what we’re using!) and Agile methodology (Dybå and Dingsøyr, 2008) Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient10 AGILE COMPARED TO TRADITIONAL PROJECT MANAGEMENT METHODS Traditional Methodology Agile Metholodology Mindset Systems are fully specifiable, predictable, and are built through meticulous and extensive planning High-quality adaptive outputs are developed by small teams using the principles of continuous design improvement and testing based on rapid feedback and change Planning Done once, meticulously, upfront Planning cycle is iterative, done repeatedly Scope of Work Fixed upfront Flexible; changes with requirements Testing Late-stage testing when near-final Continuous improvement Client Management Client kept in the dark, only sees outputs Transparent; Client involved in entire process and takes more responsibility Unfortunately, evidence continues to accumulate suggesting that using traditional, rigid processes in a dynamic environment can result in significant downstream pathologies, including excessive rework, lack of flexibility, customer dissatisfaction, and the potential for a project to be fully developed, only to discover that technological advances have eclipsed the need for it. (Collyer et al., 2010)
  • 11. • Highsmith, 2004 and Chin, 2004 argue that Agile practices, techniques, and tools can be adapted to other types of products and project environments, whose characteristics resemble software projects that are innovative and have a dynamic development environment experiencing constant change. • Work by Conforto et. al, 2014, and Serrador & Pinto, 2015, has concluded (though not definitively) that Agile project management is applicable under certain conditions in non- software development circles • The success of Agile depends on the following: • Enabling factors from within the organization • Moderating factors which may temper the success of Agile Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient11 DOES AGILE WORK OUTSIDE OF SOFTWARE CIRCLES?
  • 12. Factors Applies to Text100? Enablers (Conforto et. al, 2014) Multidisciplinary project teams; members with multivariate skillsets Yes Project oriented teams Yes Dedication of resources to single projects No Customer/stakeholder involvement in the project planning Partially Supplier and partner involvement across all project phases No Co-located teams Partially “Pizza” team size Yes Project managers with more than 5 years experience in iterative No Project team members’ experience of at least 2 – 3 years Yes Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient12 ENABLERS FOR AGILE Thoughts: We have quite a fair balance of having and not having enabling factors. Some of the main points to address if we implement Agile would be reducing the number of accounts allocated to each consultant, allowing them to focus more, and training up project managers in Agile. Getting vendors / suppliers more involved in the project phases is another thing to look into
  • 13. Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient13 MODERATING FACTORS (Serrador & Pinto, 2015) (, 2015)
  • 14. Can we? • We have some key enablers in place – such as multidisciplinary people who are accustomed to working in project environments, co-located teams (for the most part) and small working teams • While we lack experience in Agile, training and coaching options are available. One of the bigger things to fix (which is possible through revamping the capacity plan to match skillsets) is to reduce the spread of individuals across accounts • Our “dare to do” mentality is aligned with Agile values so from a cultural perspective, Text100 looks to be a good fit Should we? • We work in a dynamic, changing environment with ever-changing client needs. Briefs, especially digital briefs, as we very well know, change along the way. Agile helps us better manage this nature of working • We currently adopting the “waterfall” format for project management, and this causes inflexibility when it comes to adapting briefs once they change, which also lowers client satisfaction. Speccing a fixed number of outputs for each brief helps us defend against scope creep but doesn’t help with client outcomes Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient14 IN CONCLUSION: CAN / SHOULD AGILE BE APPLIED IN TEXT100? I BELIEVE THE ANSWER IS, YES, ON BOTH FRONTS. WE HAVE THE CAPABILITY TO IMPLEMENT, ARE ABLE TO OVERCOME BARRIERS, AND CAN IMMEDIATELY BENEFIT IF IT IS DONE SUCCESSFULLY
  • 15. 15 .03 | THE AGILE TOOLKIT Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient
  • 16. Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient16 AGILE PROCESS TOOLS – SCRUM AND KANBAN Scrum and Kanban are process tools which help teams work more effectively by, to a certain extent, telling them what to do. Note that Scrum and Kanban are not perfect. They aim, by providing certain constraints & guidelines, to create a certain way of working in Agile Scrum Kanban Works with timeboxed iterations (defined as Sprints) Can be event or task-driven instead of timeboxed Cannot add items to ongoing iteration Can add new items whenever capacity is available Requires roleplay (Scrum master, developmer, product owner) Doesn’t prescribe any roles A Scrum board is reset between each sprint A Kanban board is continuous Tasks need to be broken down so they can be completed within 1 sprint No particular item size is prescribed Cross-functional teams are necessary Cross-functional teams optional (Kniberg and Skarin, 2010)
  • 17. USING SCRUM AND KANBAN EFFECTIVELY Scrum • Scrum excels at projects requiring deep collaboration and innovation such as website development or marketing campaigns • Scrum works best with small cross- functional teams (7+/-2) • Scrum is great for providing shared goals and work context • Scrum encourages generalists Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient17 Kanban • Kanban can handle a lot of interrupts • Kanban supports specialized roles with divergent skill sets • Kanban excels at repeatable work such as a content production hub, or a website maintenance project • Kanban works fine for groups larger than 7+/-2 since communication and planning overhead is lower (Sahota, 2010)
  • 18. A VISUAL MODEL FOR THINKING ABOUT SCRUM AND KANBAN Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient18 (Sahota, 2010) • The vertical axis differentiates environments with a strong focus from those with many interrupts and divergent needs • The horizontal axis indicates the spectrum from defined, repeatable work to exploratory and innovative work
  • 19. 19 .04 | KANBAN EXPERIMENT Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient
  • 20. Context • OMRON is a multidisciplinary client account consisting of web maintenance, content production, social media copy production, visual asset production and paid media advertising as the types of jobs in the scope of work • We have been having a tough time managing the OMRON account using a traditional waterfall project management method, reason being: o New jobs (mainly website changes) happen on a daily basis that they disrupt existing workflow o Each team member’s work depends on the outcomes of someone else, so better visibility is needed into the status of other jobs. We didn’t have a visual way of representing this work o Unable to prioritize jobs because individual team members don’t recognize right away the dependencies between their work and that of others • Hence, the account team tried out Kanban over the previous one-month period to ascertain if this would help us better manage the work that’s coming in, and make the team more effective Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient20 PUTTING AGILE INTO PRACTICE
  • 21. •Create a visual model (Kanban Board) to observe work travelling through the system •Making work visible allows for identification of blockers, bottlenecks •and queuesVisualize Work •Complete unfinished work in order to reduce wait times for other tasks to begin •Avoid problems caused by task switching, ensuring team stays focused Limit Work in Progress •Improve the speed at which work flows through the system •Remove bottlenecks (client-side or agency-side) •Analyse workflow to anticipate future problems caused by new jobs Ensure Steady Flow of Work •Measure and improve on team effectiveness by looking at the time it takes for work to travel through the systemIteration and Improvement Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient21 PRINCIPLES OF KANBAN (Kanban Roadmap, n.d.)
  • 22. BUILDING OUR KANBAN BOARD Guiding Principles • Break work down into as many phases as possible • List tasks down in as minuscule portions as possible • Colour code tickets for priority (NOT URGENCY) • Ensure ownership of tickets • Limit work-in-progress, making sure things get done first before starting new things, to ensure bottlenecks aren’t created Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient22
  • 23. DAILY STAND-UP MEETINGS Guiding Principles • We enforce daily stand-up meetings at the start of each day • Each team member needs to update verbally as well as on the board the list of things he/she is working on for today • Project manager to remind on items that have been left in the “Doing” column for too long • Everyone agrees on the work that is to be done by the team, as a collective, before we break off to complete tasks • Keep meetings to 10 mins and below Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient23
  • 24. FORTNIGHTLY REFLECTIONS Guiding Principles • Ask ourselves three questions: • What did we do well • What could we have done better • What didn’t work Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient24 What Worked What Didn’t Work What Could Have been Better • High-priority and dependency tasks are completed first, which allows the team to move faster • Everyone in the team gets a better big picture view • Enforcing time to regroup and discuss allows us to plan ahead • Discipline: Some small tasks which are completed during the day aren’t listed • We didn’t reflect upcoming tasks until we thought of them • Track time to complete tasks in order to weed out inefficiencies • Involve client in the process as he controls the approvals • Instil personal responsibility in the team to be present for all Kanban meetings and not push it out due to work
  • 25. • Reduced load on project manager on chasing for deadlines as everyone knows what they’re supposed to do and by when • Prioritizing bottleneck tasks first (such as content development) which allow other tasks to move forward faster, thus increasing overall team efficiency • Understanding priorities allows team members to move work around or put them on hold, thus increasing mindshare, and enabling higher-quality work Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient25 RESULTS SO FAR
  • 26. NEXT STEPS: IMPROVING THE PROCESS Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient26 Insert timestamps into tickets so we can grasp how long they have been in the system Project manager must run the stand-ups and ensure that individual follow-ups are completed Identify possible bottlenecks during standups for tasks with dependencies Break the “Doing” column into more granular steps? Bring the client into the process Estimate time to complete work on ticket
  • 27. REFLECTIONS ON THE EFFECTIVENESS OF KANBAN / AGILE Kanban has definitely been a better approach to managing interdependent workflows within a team as compared to waterfall. I particularly love how it’s less rigid than Scrum and has customizability to be used in our own way One area in which Kanban may be weak is that it’s so focused on doing, we forget to stop, step back and think Being able to prioritize, due to visualization of work, has helped the team be more efficient Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient27 One of the questions I have is: Is there a limit to the efficiency gains? This needs to be further explored Discipline and rigour is key for Kanban to work – this has to be enforced through a dedicated individual For more complex build-type work, we might need a combination of Scrum and Kanban – this needs to be explored further I would like to attempt to quantify efficiency gains in terms of hours in order to see how far we are progressing with Kanban
  • 28. • Great way for digital teams to work more effectively • Need to find a way to quantify efficiency gains • If we think this is successful, we also need to test the model on PR teams and see how we can adapt it Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient28 CONCLUSION / SUMMARY
  • 29., (2001). Manifesto for Agile Software Development. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Feb. 2016]. Chin, G. (2004). Agile project management. New York: AMACOM. Collyer, S., Warren, C., Hemsley, B. and Stevens, C. (2010). Aim, fire, aim-Project planning styles in dynamic environments. Proj Mgmt Jrnl, 41(4), pp.108-121. Conforto, E., Salum, F., Amaral, D., da Silva, S. and de Almeida, L. (2014). Can Agile Project Management Be Adopted by Industries Other than Software Development?. Proj Mgmt Jrnl, 45(3), pp.21-34. Dybå, T. and Dingsøyr, T. (2008). Empirical studies of agile software development: A systematic review. Information and Software Technology, 50(9-10), pp.833-859. Highsmith, J. (2004). Agile project management. Boston: Addison-Wesley. Kanban Roadmap. (n.d.). 1st ed. [ebook] Leankit. Available at: [Accessed 31 Jan. 2016]. Kniberg, H. and Skarin, M. (2010). Kanban and Scrum. [S.l.]: C4Media, Inc. Sahota, M. (2010). Scrum or Kanban?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Feb. 2016]., (2015). Why Agile projects fail - VersionOne surveys Agile development for 2015. [online] Available at: 2015/3/Why-Agile-projects-fail [Accessed 8 Feb. 2016]. Serrador, P. and Pinto, J. (2015). Does Agile work? — A quantitative analysis of agile project success. International Journal of Project Management, 33(5), pp.1040-1051. Julian Chow | Making Digital Teams more Efficient29 REFERENCES