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Activity of work Windasari 
A. Background 
We certainly know that promiscuity it is a form of deviant behavior, 
which is "free" in question is past the eastern limits of the existing norms. 
Promiscuity is a problem we often hear both within as well as from the mass 
media. Teens at the age of 12-15 years is an emotionally unstable individual 
prone restraint is not controlled by the right. Family problems, 
disappointment, lack of knowledge, and the solicitation of friends who hang 
freely make the less potential for Indonesia's young generation in the 
nation's progress. 
Promiscuity (free sex) have an impact on adolescent mentality and 
health. Impact promiscuity (sex-free) in the adolescent mentality is, free sex 
can undermine morale and morality, why is that, because of the prominence 
of animal behavior in someone spreading nature of selfishness and 
indifference properties indefinitely. In addition to affecting the mentality, 
promiscuity (free sex) have an impact on the health of the youth. Not long 
ago there was news about the desire of a group of people that legalized 
abortion, on the pretext of upholding human rights. This occurs because 
each year an increase in cases of abortion in Indonesia is increasing, as 
evidenced by reports in the mass media or TV shows there is definitely 
revealed any cases of abortion. If this happens sec-legalized in Western 
countries would undermine religious order, the culture and customs of the 
nation. Means it has lost moral values and norms that have long been 
ingrained in society. 
Activity of work Dedi 
B. Definition of Free Sex 
Sex means sex, that is a trait or traits that distinguish males and females. 
Sexual meaning that has nothing to do with sex or arising from sex, sexual 
harassment, which refers to the sex of the sexual dilecehkan. PerIlaku is 
anyorm of behavior that appears to be related to the urge to have sex sexual. 
Relations meaning sexual intercourse as a form of encouragement 
distribution activities sexual above. 
Free sex is sexual relations outside the bonds of marriage, either 
consensual or free prostitusi. Seks in the world is not only done by the youth 
who have been married even too often do with people who are not spouses. 
Usually done by the to variations of sex or sexual sensations to overcome 
Free sex is not very feasible given the huge risks. In adolescents 
typically will experience a pregnancy outside of marriage that led to the 
abortion. Remember that abortion is dangerous and risky infertility and even 
death. In addition, of course, the sex offender is very vulnerable to 
contracting the HIV virus that causes AIDS, or other sexually transmitted 
In people who have been married, sex is done because they probably 
just having fun. Usually they are having an affair premises other than the 
official partner, even some married couples who are looking for a third 
person as a variation of their sex. There is also an exchange of partners. All 
the above behavior can be categorized free sex is very risky and the 
perpetrators are infected with HIV. 
Sexual orientation is the sex in which a person is sexually attracted. 
In extreme sexual orientation categorized into two: heterosexual (person 
who is sexually attracted to the opposite sex) and homosexual (a person who 
is sexually attracted to another person of the same sex). Between the two 
poles of sexual orientation, there is still sexual behaviors are difficult to be 
included in a particular category as a lot of diversity in it. 
Sexually and seskual activity in the same gender. Men are attracted 
to men called "gay"., While the women are interested in women's so-called 
The occurrence of homosexuality is still debated. Some say that this 
happens at birth (influenced by genes) and some are saying obtained from 
environmental influences. Homosexuals are said to be normal if acceptable 
in a particular culture and is said to be normal if it is not accepted in other 
cultures, but the attitude we should still respect people regardless of their 
sexual orientation. 
Activity of work Cecep 
C. According Opinion 
1. According Sarwono (2003) states, that sex is any behavior that is 
driven by sexual desire either the opposite sex or the same sex, ranging 
from behavior that does like touching, kissing (kissing) kissing yet to 
attach the genitals which is usually done by holding the breast or 
through oral sex but not intercourse genitals (sex Understanding necking 
2. Kartono (1977) is a behavior driven by sexual desire, which is the need 
to be more free when compared to the traditional regulatory system, and 
contrary to the prevailing norms in the system community. 
3. According Desmita (2005) notion of free sex is a way of expressing and 
releasing all the sexual drive that comes from maturity of sexual organs, 
such as intimate dating, making out, to have sexual contact, but the 
behavior is not assessed in accordance with the norms for adolescents 
have not had the experience of sexual. 
4. According Nevid et al (1995) revealed that premarital sexual behavior is 
sexual intercourse between men and women despite the absence of a 
bond for no physical attraction. Maslow (in Hall & Lindzey, 1993) that 
there needs to be fulfilled human beings, one of which is the 
physiological needs include basic human needs to survive, the need for 
this instinctive nature will usually difficult to control or being held by an 
individual, especially a boost sex. 
Activity of work Dani 
A. Why of Free Sex 
1. Negative Effects of Mass Media 
Mass media such as television, movies, newspapers, magazines and 
so recently more and more put up and showing pictures adegen Nudity 
and sex as well as a glamorous life far from the values. This is 
reinforced with the development of internet technologies that cut across 
national boundaries and the time allowed to access the things that can 
increase sexual appetite. Information about sex is wrong also disturb the 
atmosphere. As a result, teens tend to want to try and eventually fall to 
the sex bebs (free sex). 
2. Weak Faith 
Almost all, if not to say all, free sex, know the burden of sin that 
they receive. But somehow, for them it was 'neglected in favor' and the 
desire to make as a leader. It shows the lack of a sense of their faith. 
1) The absence of sex education that is correct, accurate and based on 
religious values. 
2) Weak supervision of parents. 
3) One in choosing friends. 
Activity of work Yuyum & Windasari 
B. Impact Hazards And Free Sex 
The impact of free sex (free sex), especially in adolescents can be 
divided into 
1. Physical Hazards 
Physical hazards that may occur is a venereal disease (Sexual 
Transmitted Diseases / STD) and HIV / AIDS and the dangers of early 
pregnancy that is not desired. STDs are diseases that can be transmitted 
from one person to another through sexual contact. A person at high risk 
for STDs when having sexual intercourse with multiple partners through 
vaginal, oral and anal sex. If not treated properly, the disease can have 
serious consequences for reproductive health, such as infertility, 
blindness in newborns and even death. Sex disease that can happen is 
gonorrhea (gonorrhoe), syphilis (syphilis), genital herpes, 
lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV), candidiasis, trichomonas vaginalis, 
genital warts and so on. Because of the shape and position of the male 
genitalia is outside the body, the symptoms of PMS is more easily 
recognized, seen and felt. 
Signs of STDs in men include: 
 Blisters or ulcers on the penis / genitals, 
 Wound does not hurt; hard and red on the genitals, 
 The presence of warts or grow meat like a chicken's comb, 
 Tevere pain during urination, 
 Gonorrhea or foul-smelling blood, 
 Severe itching round genitals, 
 Heat swelling and pain in the groin which then turned into ulcers. 
In the majority of asymptomatic women so often do not realize. If 
there are symptoms, usually in the form of, among others: 
 Pain or pain during urination or sexual intercourse, 
 Pain in the lower abdomen, 
 Expenses of the vagina / genitals, 
 Whitish milky white, clotted and accompanied by itching and 
redness of the genitals or the surrounding areas, 
 Whitish frothy, greenish, foul-smelling, and itchy, 
 Arise bloodstained after sexual intercourse, 
 Rash contains fluid, 
 Blisters or ulcers on the genitals. 
Keep in mind that STDs can be prevented simply by selecting the 
pair that looks clean appearance, wash genitals after sexual intercourse, 
drinking herbs, take antibiotics before and after sex. 
AIDS stands for aquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome. This 
disease is a collection of symptoms due to decreased immune system. 
The cause is a virus. HIV itself is an acronym for Human 
Immunodeficiency Virus. AIDS is a disease that one mode of 
transmission is through sexual intercourse. In addition, HIV can be 
transmitted through the use of used needles and HIV-infected people, 
receive HIV infected blood transfusion or from pregnant women 
infected with HIV to their infants dikandungannya. In Indonesia, the 
spread of HIV / AIDS through sexual intercourse most unsafe and 
needles (for drug addicts). 
After infection with HIV virus, initially did not show specific 
symptoms. Just a few weeks after the infected person often suffer from 
everyday ailments such as the flu or diarrhea. In the period 3-4 years 
later the patient does not exhibit typical symptoms or referred to as a 
period without symptoms, at the moment people feel healthy and look 
healthy from the outside as well. Afterward, year 5 or 6 starts recurrent 
diarrhea, sudden weight loss, frequent canker sores in the mouth, and 
swelling in the lymph nodes and in the end could happen in various 
infectious diseases, cancer and even death. To detect the presence of 
antibodies to the HIV virus, which indicates the presence of the HIV 
virus in the body, blood tests by means of Elisa 2 times. Then if the 
results are positive, further testing by means of Western blot or Immuno 
Readiness of a woman to conceive and give birth or have a child is 
determined by the readiness of the three cases, the physical readiness, 
readiness mental / emotional / psychological and social readiness / 
economy. In general, a woman said to be physically ready when it has 
completed its body growth (when the body stops growing), which is 
about the age of 20 years. So the age of 20 years can be used as 
guidelines for physical readiness. Pregnancy at a very early age and 
would lead to undesirable risks of pregnancy and childbirth as well as 
risks to the fetus as: 
 Narrow pelvis, 
 Weak uterine contractions, 
 Irregularities in blood pressure that can affect pregnancy and 
 Convulsions that can lead to death, 
 Teenage mothers or do not want and do not feel ready to get 
pregnant so she could not take care of her pregnancy well, 
 Impaired growth of organs in the fetus, 
 Disability, 
 Difficult to expect a sense of genuine affection and strong women 
who did not want the pregnancy baby dilahirkanya later. So the 
future of the child may be neglected, 
 Terminating the pregnancy or often referred to abortion. In Indonesia 
abortion categorized as illegal or unlawful. Because abortion is 
illegal it is often carried out in secret and unsafe. Unsafe abortion 
contributes to maternal morbidity and mortality. Abortion is very 
dangerous to the health and safety of women, especially if carried 
out carelessly by those who are not trained. Continuous bleeding and 
infection that occurs after the act of abortion is a major cause of 
death of women who have abortions. In addition, abortion also 
affects the psychological condition. Feelings of sadness at the loss of 
a baby, the inner burden due to feelings of guilt and remorse that can 
lead to depression. 
2. Dangers of behavioral and psychiatric. 
Free sex will cause disorder in the form of sexual desire to have 
sex. The patient always occupy his time with a variety of sexual fantasies, 
jima, kiss, hug, hug, and shadows shape of a woman's body inside and out. 
The patient be lazy, trouble concentrating, memory loss, blank, blank, body 
so thin and psychologically unstable. Their minds that sex is just sex and 
lust and desire for sex. As a result, when it is not got a friend for free sex, he 
would go to the brothels (prostitution) and becomes a rapist. More ironic if 
he did not find an adult as a victim, he did not hesitate to rape children under 
the age of even the elderly grandmother. 
3. Social danger 
Free sex will also cause would cause a person is no longer thought 
to form a family, have children, let alone bear the responsibility. They just 
want to live on top of the apparent freedom. Worse yet a woman doing free 
sex will eventually fall into the valley of prostitution and prostitution. 
Children who are already born as a result of free sex (adultery) is not getting 
the love of his father and his mother’s softness caresses. He will not get 
enough attention and education. Once he knew that he was born as a result 
of adultery, then it will become rigid mental and marginalized in social 
interaction and, in fact rarely he will be involved in the crime problem. 
What is even more ironic is often the father of the child born as a result of 
free sex no longer clear who the father is. 
Free sex would also lead to a messy and the breaking of the rope 
silaturrahmi family and kinship. Parents usually will not care anymore to 
children who have lost much of this, otherwise a teenager who felt ignored 
again by his parents to be more daring, defiant and disobedient longer in the 
elderly. He would also have a confrontation with other relatives. This in turn 
can lead to frustration and disappointment and resentment was sequel to a 
family member. 
4. Economy Danger 
Free sex offender will weaken the economy because of the 
declining productivity of the offender as a result of physical and mental 
decline, scattering the treasure to satisfy his free sex. Besides sipelaku will 
also seek the treasure and money by any means including on the road as 
unclean and vile corruption, cheating, gambling, alcohol and drug business 
and so forth. 
Activity of work Reygitha 
C. Prevention of Occurrence Sex Free 
To avoid free sex is necessary to control and control of NAFSA lust. 
Several attempts to do is. 
1. Fill free time with useful things 
A young man when he is alone at a time when an empty time, 
would come to her delusion, promptings and passions that led to sin 
also sexual fantasies. A young man must know how he spends his 
time and fill the empty time. There are so many things that can be 
done by a teenager to fill the empty time, can the sports, recreation, 
berfaidah reading books, making crafts, attend lectures, following 
race and other useful activities. 
2. Choosing a Good Friend 
A reality and experience proves that when a teen friends with 
a good friend and he will be affected on them to do good. 
3. Steer and avoid bad media 
The mass media is one of the factors that "come" is 
responsible for the proliferation of free sex. Many events news on 
television and in newspapers and magazines that lustful sex, sexy 
pictures, ads that smelled of "pornography" that contributed to the 
morale of the youth and stimulate teens to have sex freely. For that 
teens need to sort through the news you want to read and television 
shows to be watched. 
4. Fast 
5. Using medical methods 
To control the sexual appetite can be pursued medical 
methods as follows: 
 Often a cold shower in the summer, 
 exercising and physical training, 
 Steer clear of foods that contain pepper and spices because they 
have stimulating properties, 
 Do not consume too much nerve stimulator his best beverages 
like coffee, 
Activity of work Dedi 
A. Picture 
1. Handrails 
2. Kiss kiss on the cheek and the extent of the forehead 
3. The lip kiss (kiss francs) 
4. Hug 
5. Petting (dare undress top) 
6. Fingering goto-sensitive part (dare openly) 
7. Having sex 
Activity of work Indra 
A. Conclusion 
The conclusion of this paper is that the morality of teenagers have now been 
destroyed and many ula cause. And what if such things continue to happen in 
the free sex among teenagers then it could lead to the destruction of the pasa 
front and ideals of the State. With that let the teens to avoid promiscuity from 
B. Suggestion 
1. The government should provide counseling and guidance to the youth to not 
choose the wrong association. 
2. Giving tah impacts ranging from small free sex. 
3. The parents should give love needed by the child. 
4. To teach moral education from an early age. 
5. Be positive and choose your friends well. 
 According my argument ”Cecep Kodar H.” notion of free sex is a 
way of expressing and releasing all the sexual drive that comes from 
maturity of sexual organs, such as intimate dating, making out, to 
have sexual contact, but the behavior is not assessed in accordance 
with the norms for adolescents have not had the experience of 
 According my argument “Dedi Setiadi” Free sex is a behavior 
driven by sexual desire shown in the form of behavior is not 
 According my argument “Yuyum Sumiati” Free sex is a risky 
behavior that is a result of accumulative and a combination of factors 
that are able to bypass these norms we learn from childhood and we 
believe it is a free sex prohibited. 
 According my argument “Indra M. Rifa’I” Free sex is any behavior 
that is driven by sexual desire to the opposite sex or same-sex 
marriages performed outside the relationship. 
 According my argument “Windasari” Free sex is not commendable 
behavior that violates value-nilaispiritual all religions teach the 
values and norms in the mix and of course all religions do not agree 
with casual sex. Free sex does not share their values apply. 
 According my argument “Dani Wahyudi” Free sex is the 
connections made by the couple to satisfy the sexual desires because 
of the influence of western culture. 
 According my argument “Reygitha I. Kusumah” Free sex is a 
means to obtain satisfaction of the perpetrators through relationships 
outside of marriage. 
 According my argument “Ana Miptahudin” Free sex is defined as 
sexual intercourse without legitimate ties to the perpetrators that 
caused multiple partners. 

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Makalah seks bebas

  • 1. BAB I Activity of work Windasari A. Background We certainly know that promiscuity it is a form of deviant behavior, which is "free" in question is past the eastern limits of the existing norms. Promiscuity is a problem we often hear both within as well as from the mass media. Teens at the age of 12-15 years is an emotionally unstable individual prone restraint is not controlled by the right. Family problems, disappointment, lack of knowledge, and the solicitation of friends who hang freely make the less potential for Indonesia's young generation in the nation's progress. Promiscuity (free sex) have an impact on adolescent mentality and health. Impact promiscuity (sex-free) in the adolescent mentality is, free sex can undermine morale and morality, why is that, because of the prominence of animal behavior in someone spreading nature of selfishness and indifference properties indefinitely. In addition to affecting the mentality, promiscuity (free sex) have an impact on the health of the youth. Not long ago there was news about the desire of a group of people that legalized abortion, on the pretext of upholding human rights. This occurs because each year an increase in cases of abortion in Indonesia is increasing, as evidenced by reports in the mass media or TV shows there is definitely revealed any cases of abortion. If this happens sec-legalized in Western countries would undermine religious order, the culture and customs of the nation. Means it has lost moral values and norms that have long been ingrained in society. Activity of work Dedi B. Definition of Free Sex Sex means sex, that is a trait or traits that distinguish males and females. Sexual meaning that has nothing to do with sex or arising from sex, sexual harassment, which refers to the sex of the sexual dilecehkan. PerIlaku is STOP FREE SEX Page 1
  • 2. anyorm of behavior that appears to be related to the urge to have sex sexual. Relations meaning sexual intercourse as a form of encouragement distribution activities sexual above. Free sex is sexual relations outside the bonds of marriage, either consensual or free prostitusi. Seks in the world is not only done by the youth who have been married even too often do with people who are not spouses. Usually done by the to variations of sex or sexual sensations to overcome boredom. Free sex is not very feasible given the huge risks. In adolescents typically will experience a pregnancy outside of marriage that led to the abortion. Remember that abortion is dangerous and risky infertility and even death. In addition, of course, the sex offender is very vulnerable to contracting the HIV virus that causes AIDS, or other sexually transmitted diseases. In people who have been married, sex is done because they probably just having fun. Usually they are having an affair premises other than the official partner, even some married couples who are looking for a third person as a variation of their sex. There is also an exchange of partners. All the above behavior can be categorized free sex is very risky and the perpetrators are infected with HIV. Sexual orientation is the sex in which a person is sexually attracted. In extreme sexual orientation categorized into two: heterosexual (person who is sexually attracted to the opposite sex) and homosexual (a person who is sexually attracted to another person of the same sex). Between the two poles of sexual orientation, there is still sexual behaviors are difficult to be included in a particular category as a lot of diversity in it. Sexually and seskual activity in the same gender. Men are attracted to men called "gay"., While the women are interested in women's so-called "lesbian". STOP FREE SEX Page 2
  • 3. The occurrence of homosexuality is still debated. Some say that this happens at birth (influenced by genes) and some are saying obtained from environmental influences. Homosexuals are said to be normal if acceptable in a particular culture and is said to be normal if it is not accepted in other cultures, but the attitude we should still respect people regardless of their sexual orientation. Activity of work Cecep C. According Opinion 1. According Sarwono (2003) states, that sex is any behavior that is driven by sexual desire either the opposite sex or the same sex, ranging from behavior that does like touching, kissing (kissing) kissing yet to attach the genitals which is usually done by holding the breast or through oral sex but not intercourse genitals (sex Understanding necking according 2. Kartono (1977) is a behavior driven by sexual desire, which is the need to be more free when compared to the traditional regulatory system, and contrary to the prevailing norms in the system community. 3. According Desmita (2005) notion of free sex is a way of expressing and releasing all the sexual drive that comes from maturity of sexual organs, such as intimate dating, making out, to have sexual contact, but the behavior is not assessed in accordance with the norms for adolescents have not had the experience of sexual. 4. According Nevid et al (1995) revealed that premarital sexual behavior is sexual intercourse between men and women despite the absence of a bond for no physical attraction. Maslow (in Hall & Lindzey, 1993) that there needs to be fulfilled human beings, one of which is the physiological needs include basic human needs to survive, the need for this instinctive nature will usually difficult to control or being held by an individual, especially a boost sex. STOP FREE SEX Page 3
  • 4. BAB II Activity of work Dani A. Why of Free Sex 1. Negative Effects of Mass Media Mass media such as television, movies, newspapers, magazines and so recently more and more put up and showing pictures adegen Nudity and sex as well as a glamorous life far from the values. This is reinforced with the development of internet technologies that cut across national boundaries and the time allowed to access the things that can increase sexual appetite. Information about sex is wrong also disturb the atmosphere. As a result, teens tend to want to try and eventually fall to the sex bebs (free sex). 2. Weak Faith Almost all, if not to say all, free sex, know the burden of sin that they receive. But somehow, for them it was 'neglected in favor' and the desire to make as a leader. It shows the lack of a sense of their faith. 1) The absence of sex education that is correct, accurate and based on religious values. 2) Weak supervision of parents. 3) One in choosing friends. Activity of work Yuyum & Windasari B. Impact Hazards And Free Sex The impact of free sex (free sex), especially in adolescents can be divided into 1. Physical Hazards Physical hazards that may occur is a venereal disease (Sexual Transmitted Diseases / STD) and HIV / AIDS and the dangers of early pregnancy that is not desired. STDs are diseases that can be transmitted from one person to another through sexual contact. A person at high risk STOP FREE SEX Page 4
  • 5. for STDs when having sexual intercourse with multiple partners through vaginal, oral and anal sex. If not treated properly, the disease can have serious consequences for reproductive health, such as infertility, blindness in newborns and even death. Sex disease that can happen is gonorrhea (gonorrhoe), syphilis (syphilis), genital herpes, lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV), candidiasis, trichomonas vaginalis, genital warts and so on. Because of the shape and position of the male genitalia is outside the body, the symptoms of PMS is more easily recognized, seen and felt. Signs of STDs in men include:  Blisters or ulcers on the penis / genitals,  Wound does not hurt; hard and red on the genitals,  The presence of warts or grow meat like a chicken's comb,  Tevere pain during urination,  Gonorrhea or foul-smelling blood,  Severe itching round genitals,  Heat swelling and pain in the groin which then turned into ulcers. In the majority of asymptomatic women so often do not realize. If there are symptoms, usually in the form of, among others:  Pain or pain during urination or sexual intercourse,  Pain in the lower abdomen,  Expenses of the vagina / genitals,  Whitish milky white, clotted and accompanied by itching and redness of the genitals or the surrounding areas,  Whitish frothy, greenish, foul-smelling, and itchy,  Arise bloodstained after sexual intercourse,  Rash contains fluid,  Blisters or ulcers on the genitals. STOP FREE SEX Page 5
  • 6. Keep in mind that STDs can be prevented simply by selecting the pair that looks clean appearance, wash genitals after sexual intercourse, drinking herbs, take antibiotics before and after sex. AIDS stands for aquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome. This disease is a collection of symptoms due to decreased immune system. The cause is a virus. HIV itself is an acronym for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. AIDS is a disease that one mode of transmission is through sexual intercourse. In addition, HIV can be transmitted through the use of used needles and HIV-infected people, receive HIV infected blood transfusion or from pregnant women infected with HIV to their infants dikandungannya. In Indonesia, the spread of HIV / AIDS through sexual intercourse most unsafe and needles (for drug addicts). After infection with HIV virus, initially did not show specific symptoms. Just a few weeks after the infected person often suffer from everyday ailments such as the flu or diarrhea. In the period 3-4 years later the patient does not exhibit typical symptoms or referred to as a period without symptoms, at the moment people feel healthy and look healthy from the outside as well. Afterward, year 5 or 6 starts recurrent diarrhea, sudden weight loss, frequent canker sores in the mouth, and swelling in the lymph nodes and in the end could happen in various infectious diseases, cancer and even death. To detect the presence of antibodies to the HIV virus, which indicates the presence of the HIV virus in the body, blood tests by means of Elisa 2 times. Then if the results are positive, further testing by means of Western blot or Immuno fluoresensi. Readiness of a woman to conceive and give birth or have a child is determined by the readiness of the three cases, the physical readiness, readiness mental / emotional / psychological and social readiness / economy. In general, a woman said to be physically ready when it has completed its body growth (when the body stops growing), which is about the age of 20 years. So the age of 20 years can be used as STOP FREE SEX Page 6
  • 7. guidelines for physical readiness. Pregnancy at a very early age and would lead to undesirable risks of pregnancy and childbirth as well as risks to the fetus as:  Narrow pelvis,  Weak uterine contractions,  Irregularities in blood pressure that can affect pregnancy and poisoning,  Convulsions that can lead to death,  Teenage mothers or do not want and do not feel ready to get pregnant so she could not take care of her pregnancy well,  Impaired growth of organs in the fetus,  Disability,  Difficult to expect a sense of genuine affection and strong women who did not want the pregnancy baby dilahirkanya later. So the future of the child may be neglected,  Terminating the pregnancy or often referred to abortion. In Indonesia abortion categorized as illegal or unlawful. Because abortion is illegal it is often carried out in secret and unsafe. Unsafe abortion contributes to maternal morbidity and mortality. Abortion is very dangerous to the health and safety of women, especially if carried out carelessly by those who are not trained. Continuous bleeding and infection that occurs after the act of abortion is a major cause of death of women who have abortions. In addition, abortion also affects the psychological condition. Feelings of sadness at the loss of a baby, the inner burden due to feelings of guilt and remorse that can lead to depression. 2. Dangers of behavioral and psychiatric. Free sex will cause disorder in the form of sexual desire to have sex. The patient always occupy his time with a variety of sexual fantasies, jima, kiss, hug, hug, and shadows shape of a woman's body inside and out. The patient be lazy, trouble concentrating, memory loss, blank, blank, body STOP FREE SEX Page 7
  • 8. so thin and psychologically unstable. Their minds that sex is just sex and lust and desire for sex. As a result, when it is not got a friend for free sex, he would go to the brothels (prostitution) and becomes a rapist. More ironic if he did not find an adult as a victim, he did not hesitate to rape children under the age of even the elderly grandmother. 3. Social danger Free sex will also cause would cause a person is no longer thought to form a family, have children, let alone bear the responsibility. They just want to live on top of the apparent freedom. Worse yet a woman doing free sex will eventually fall into the valley of prostitution and prostitution. Children who are already born as a result of free sex (adultery) is not getting the love of his father and his mother’s softness caresses. He will not get enough attention and education. Once he knew that he was born as a result of adultery, then it will become rigid mental and marginalized in social interaction and, in fact rarely he will be involved in the crime problem. What is even more ironic is often the father of the child born as a result of free sex no longer clear who the father is. Free sex would also lead to a messy and the breaking of the rope silaturrahmi family and kinship. Parents usually will not care anymore to children who have lost much of this, otherwise a teenager who felt ignored again by his parents to be more daring, defiant and disobedient longer in the elderly. He would also have a confrontation with other relatives. This in turn can lead to frustration and disappointment and resentment was sequel to a family member. 4. Economy Danger Free sex offender will weaken the economy because of the declining productivity of the offender as a result of physical and mental decline, scattering the treasure to satisfy his free sex. Besides sipelaku will also seek the treasure and money by any means including on the road as unclean and vile corruption, cheating, gambling, alcohol and drug business and so forth. STOP FREE SEX Page 8
  • 9. Activity of work Reygitha C. Prevention of Occurrence Sex Free To avoid free sex is necessary to control and control of NAFSA lust. Several attempts to do is. 1. Fill free time with useful things A young man when he is alone at a time when an empty time, would come to her delusion, promptings and passions that led to sin also sexual fantasies. A young man must know how he spends his time and fill the empty time. There are so many things that can be done by a teenager to fill the empty time, can the sports, recreation, berfaidah reading books, making crafts, attend lectures, following race and other useful activities. 2. Choosing a Good Friend A reality and experience proves that when a teen friends with a good friend and he will be affected on them to do good. 3. Steer and avoid bad media The mass media is one of the factors that "come" is responsible for the proliferation of free sex. Many events news on television and in newspapers and magazines that lustful sex, sexy pictures, ads that smelled of "pornography" that contributed to the morale of the youth and stimulate teens to have sex freely. For that teens need to sort through the news you want to read and television shows to be watched. 4. Fast 5. Using medical methods To control the sexual appetite can be pursued medical methods as follows:  Often a cold shower in the summer,  exercising and physical training,  Steer clear of foods that contain pepper and spices because they have stimulating properties,  Do not consume too much nerve stimulator his best beverages like coffee, STOP FREE SEX Page 9
  • 10. BAB III EXPLANATION Activity of work Dedi A. Picture 1. Handrails 2. Kiss kiss on the cheek and the extent of the forehead 3. The lip kiss (kiss francs) STOP FREE SEX Page 10
  • 11. 4. Hug 5. Petting (dare undress top) STOP FREE SEX Page 11
  • 12. 6. Fingering goto-sensitive part (dare openly) 7. Having sex STOP FREE SEX Page 12
  • 13. BAB IV CLOSING Activity of work Indra A. Conclusion The conclusion of this paper is that the morality of teenagers have now been destroyed and many ula cause. And what if such things continue to happen in the free sex among teenagers then it could lead to the destruction of the pasa front and ideals of the State. With that let the teens to avoid promiscuity from ourselves. B. Suggestion 1. The government should provide counseling and guidance to the youth to not choose the wrong association. 2. Giving tah impacts ranging from small free sex. 3. The parents should give love needed by the child. 4. To teach moral education from an early age. 5. Be positive and choose your friends well. STOP FREE SEX Page 13
  • 14. BAB V OUR ARGUMENT  According my argument ”Cecep Kodar H.” notion of free sex is a way of expressing and releasing all the sexual drive that comes from maturity of sexual organs, such as intimate dating, making out, to have sexual contact, but the behavior is not assessed in accordance with the norms for adolescents have not had the experience of sexual.  According my argument “Dedi Setiadi” Free sex is a behavior driven by sexual desire shown in the form of behavior is not commendable.  According my argument “Yuyum Sumiati” Free sex is a risky behavior that is a result of accumulative and a combination of factors that are able to bypass these norms we learn from childhood and we believe it is a free sex prohibited.  According my argument “Indra M. Rifa’I” Free sex is any behavior that is driven by sexual desire to the opposite sex or same-sex marriages performed outside the relationship.  According my argument “Windasari” Free sex is not commendable behavior that violates value-nilaispiritual all religions teach the values and norms in the mix and of course all religions do not agree with casual sex. Free sex does not share their values apply.  According my argument “Dani Wahyudi” Free sex is the connections made by the couple to satisfy the sexual desires because of the influence of western culture.  According my argument “Reygitha I. Kusumah” Free sex is a means to obtain satisfaction of the perpetrators through relationships outside of marriage.  According my argument “Ana Miptahudin” Free sex is defined as sexual intercourse without legitimate ties to the perpetrators that caused multiple partners. STOP FREE SEX Page 14