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Major Assignment

                     Which social
                   networking site is
                    more efficient,
                      twitter or

                      Mehreen Raja
For my Major assignment I decided to do my conclusion on a Microsoft power
point. My major assignment question is based on social networking sites.
This presentation will include:
•   what is social network services?
•   Social media
•   How is social media used?
•   What social media we use?
•   What is Facebook?
•   What is Twitter?
•   Differences between Twitter and Facebook
•   Facts about Facebook
•   Facts about Twitter
•   Popular Culture
•   Questionnaire Results
•   The future of social networking
•   Conclusion
What is social network service?
Social network services are online social networks for societies of people
who share interests and activities, or who may be interested in discovering
the interests and activities of others, and which requires the use of a
particular medium or piece of software.

Social network services are primarily web based and offer various ways for
users to interact
Social networking tools for interaction include:
• Chat rooms
• Messaging
• Email
• Video
• Voice chat
• File sharing
• Blogging
• Discussion groups
Social Media
• Media for social interactions using web-based technologies
• “A group of Internet-based applications that build on the
  ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and
  that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated
                                       Kaplan and Haenlein, 2010
How is social media used?

 1.   Participation
 2.   Openness
 3.   Conversation
 4.   Community
 5.   Connectedness
Social media is best understood as a group of new kinds of online media, which share most or all of the
following characteristics:
Social media encourages contributions and feedback from everyone who is interested. It blurs the line
between media and audience.
Most social media services are open to feedback and participation. They encourage voting, comments and
the sharing of information. There are rarely any barriers to accessing and making use of content –
password-protected content is frowned on.
Where as traditional media is about “broadcast” (content transmitted or distributed to an audience) social
media is better seen as a two-way conversation.
Social media allows communities to form quickly and communicate effectively. Communities share
common interests, such as a love of photography, a political issue or a favourite TV show.
Most kinds of social media thrive on their connectedness, making use of links to other sites, resources and

                                                                                                            Mayfield,A (2010)
Few above characteristics relate to Facebook and Twitter, for e.g. Openness, community and connectedness.
What social media do we use?
•   Blogger
•   Facebook
•   Twitter
•   Wikipedia
•   YouTube
Which social
networking site is more
  efficient, twitter or
•   Social networking site
•   Launched in February 2004
•   More than 500 million active users in July 2010
•   Created by Mark Zuckerberg with Eduardo Saverin, Dustin
    Moskovitz and Chris Hughes
•   Tweets:
•   Text-based posts of up to 140 characters on profile page
•   Following/followers:
•   Following = you subscribe to other authors tweets
•   Followers = people who have subscribed to your tweets
Differences between Facebook and twitter
               Differences                                       Similarities
                                                                 • 1. Poke = Nudge
Facebook                                                         • 2. Post Pictures = TwitPic and it tweets with
                                                                   a url to your picture
                                                                 • 3. Videos = Tweet tinyurls, made easy by
               •    Facebook status updates seem to be
                                                                   many twitter clients like Twitterific
                    most effective at around noon.
                                                                 • 4. Share Links = Tweet tinyrls
               •    On Facebook you interact with your           • 5. Tag pictures = @name callout a person to
                    family and real life friends.                  tag
               •    Facebook on the other hand appears to        • 6. Comments = Reply to tweets
                    move a lot slower                            • 7. See a shared link and share the link = RT
                                                                   (stronger endorsement by the user)
                                                                 • 8.Add link to feeds = Star favourite, you can
                                                                   also get back to your favourite tweets later.
Twitter        •     A tweet only last a short period of time    • 9. Message = DM
                     (constantly updating) than a Facebook       • 10. Private profiles = Closed updates
                     update                                        approved by user
               •     A recent study by @DanZarrella found        • 11.Notification and feeds = Tweets
                     that best times to tweet during the day     • 12. Status updates = Tweets, in twitter apps
                     are around 5 p.m. On                          like Twitterific you can add your location to
               •   On Twitter you talk to online friends           your tweets or pictures too.
                   interested in similar things.                 • 13. Facebook Apps – keep content fresh on
                                                                   Facebook with fun tools = Twitter Apps is
               •   Twitter obviously comes out as the far
                                                                   evolving with array of tools to offer new
                   faster medium to transport messages
                                                                   ease of use for twitter
               •   Twitter does not offer photo hosting or       • 14. RSS feed of feeds = RSS feed of specific
                   albums; instead, the user uploads media         user (more granular control, also keeps the
                   on a third-party website such as TwitPic or     focus on the individual)
                   even Facebook and link to it in an update     • 15.Threaded comments = Comments not
                                                                   threaded, but there's a twitter app that
                                                                   offers that to people who want to track
                                                                   tweets as conversations
Interesting facts about Facebook
The world is obsessed with Facebook;
• As of 2011, there are 500,000,000 active Facebook users. ( that’s 1 in
  every 13 people on earth.
• 48% of 18 to 34 year olds check Facebook right when they wake up
• 57% of people talk more online than they do in real life.
• 750 million photos were uploaded to Facebook over new years
20 Minutes On Facebook:

LINKS SHARED                            REQUESTS
  1,000,000           TAGGED            ACCEPTED
                      1,323,000                               MESSAGES
                                                                SENT                       WALL
                                                                  2,716,000                POSTS

                                   STATUS                                              1,587,000
                                  1,851,000        PHOTOS
          1,484,000                               UPLOADED                COMMENTS
Facts about Twitter
• There are more than 106 million accounts on twitter.
• The number of twitter users increases by 300,000 every day.
• Twitter gets more than 3 billion requests each day, generated by
  over 180 million unique visitors
Twitter Pros
•   Easy to navigate and update, link to and promote anything
•    Reach far beyond your inner circle of friends
•    One feed pools all users; anyone can follow anyone else unless blocked
•    Pure communication tool, rapid responsiveness
•    You don’t have to be logged in to get updates; you can just use an RSS
•    Very interactive, extensible messaging platform with open APIs
•    Many other applications being developed (Twitterific, Summize, Twhirl,
•    Potential SMS text messaging revenue from wireless networks (although
    Twitter states they are not currently getting any cut)
•    Potential future advertising and/or enterprise subscription-based revenue
•    With its “thin” overhead, Twitter is probably more scalable than
    Facebook, giving it a cost advantage
Twitter Cons
• Limited functionality; find people, send brief messages, direct
• Limited to 140 characters per update
• Not all people find it immediately useful
• Over-emphasis on follower counts
• Easily abused for spam and increasing the noise level
• Relatively smaller installed user base
• As yet no readily apparent monetization strategy
Faceb0ok Pros
• Application mash up; find people, make connections, email, instant
  messaging, image/video sharing, etc.
• Most people can quickly understand the value of connecting with
  friends, family and established contacts; some people report they
  use Facebook instead of email and IM
• More emphasis on deep connections with others vs. who has the
  most connections
• “True Friends” feature increases your transparency to selected
  connections; almost like having private and public profiles
• Huge, rapidly growing installed user base
• Inherit stickiness, third party applications, “gift giving” and
  personal data collection make Facebook a powerful advertising
Facebook Cons
• More difficult to navigate and update
• Requires investment of time to realize sustained benefit
• Opt in model requires a user to allow others to connect
• Less immediate responses; unless you stay logged on continually
• Overhead of mashup and “thick” applications could limit
  scalability, bloat cost structure
Popular culture
To define popular culture is to say that popular culture is simply culture that
is widely favoured or well-liked by many people.”
(Storey. J, 2009)
Facebook has grown into Popular Culture because Facebook is really
popular social network site which a lot people enjoy using that site to
communicate with others.
Questionnaire Results
I use Twitter A LOT more often than
Facebook and I enjoy it a lot more, too. I
                                                 Do you use both Twitter and Facebook? Or just one or the
have 2 FB accounts - one is personal and
the other is professional. The personal                                other? Why?
one is a bit boring to me, just silly little
updates and silliness that doesn’t                                        Yes, but both for different reasons. I use
entertain me all that much. My                  yeah as I like to use     Facebook to interact with my friends and for
professional one is even more                   different social          procrastination when I have an essay I should
unfulfilling to me but I keep it up             Medias and not just       be doing. Twitter, on the other hand, also has
because I’m supposed to.                                                  a handful of my friends, but I tweet mainly
                                                                          about my writing. Using hash tags makes it a
                                                                          lot easier to get your name out there and you
Facebook more than Twitter.                I just use Facebook and
                                                                          find that agents/publishers/other writers will
Facebook is more engaging than             the reason for that is
                                                                          start following you if you use it frequently
Twitter I personally think.                because Facebook was
                                                                          enough. I follow quite a few agents and
Facebook appeals to me more as             more the hype at that
                                                                          publishers, all of whom post useful tips about
the layout is much more than text.         time and I don’t see a         submissions, etc. I think if I were to add an
Used twitter once or twice found           reason for having two
                                                                          agent on Facebook, they might consider me a
it boring and simple but then again        accounts to social
haven’t used it allot.                     networks.

                      I use both, twitter for                                       I don’t have Twitter as I don’t see
I only use            work and Facebook for         I don’t have Twitter as I      the appeal of it and it looks really
Facebook                                                                           boring. I just Facebook a lot
                      social activities.           don’t see the appeal of it
                                                   and it looks really boring.     because it’s social and keeps you in
                                                   I just Facebook a lot           touch with people
Just Facebook because twitter looks kind
of boring and there’s no need for 2                because it’s social and
separate social networks. They both do             keeps you in touch with           I only use Facebook… As I don’t
the same thing but one has direct contact          people                           feel the need to be on 2 Social
with celebrities.                                                                   Networking Sites
Facebook Vs. Twitter

 I got the results by asking people a simple question about Facebook and
 Twitter. The question was “Which social networking site is better Facebook
 or twitter” And I recorded that information as a tally chart and then I
 decided to create a line graph to present the results.
The future of social networking
In the end, both Twitter and Facebook are simply communication
tools; both will continue to develop and transform as users find new
ways to extract value and either network may or may become a long
term winner in the rapidly evolving social networking space.
Eventually, the fact remains to be seen whether either application
has a profitable, scalable and maintainable business model or
whether the exit strategy is simply to be developed.
I personally think Facebook appeals to people looking to reconnect with old friends and
family members or find new friends online; the mash up of features like email, instant
messaging, image and video sharing, etc. feels familiar, while Twitter is a bit harder to get
your arms around at first. But most people can rapidly understand how to use Facebook to
connect to friends and family, using it to share thoughts, images, etc. Like MySpace but more
geared to adults than teens, Facebook is a social networking Entry; indicating you not to leave
but rather to stick around and communicate within the network. Twitter on the other hand,
encourages you grab ideals in byte-size large piece and use your updates as jumping off
points to other places or just let others know what you’re up to at any given moment.
Questionnaire results, firstly I was not really pleased with the results as not much people
response back to my questionnaire but people who got back to me from them I got positive
answer towards Facebook compared to twitter. A lot people who I have asked said “ they find
Facebook better compared to twitter as it is easy to use ” or “ my real friends are not on
twitter so I don’t see the point having Twitter”. I also did a tally chart, where I asked people
who have twitter and Facebook, “which social network site they think is better to use”. Even
there I got people liking Facebook more then twitter, maybe because twitter is new and is a
bit hard to use at first.
Overall with the research and questionnaire results I have found out that Facebook is more
efficient social networking site.

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Major Assignment

  • 1. Major Assignment Which social networking site is more efficient, twitter or Facebook? Mehreen Raja p0931054x
  • 2. Introduction For my Major assignment I decided to do my conclusion on a Microsoft power point. My major assignment question is based on social networking sites. This presentation will include: • what is social network services? • Social media • How is social media used? • What social media we use? • What is Facebook? • What is Twitter? • Differences between Twitter and Facebook • Facts about Facebook • Facts about Twitter • Popular Culture • Questionnaire Results • The future of social networking • Conclusion
  • 3. What is social network service? Social network services are online social networks for societies of people who share interests and activities, or who may be interested in discovering the interests and activities of others, and which requires the use of a particular medium or piece of software. Social network services are primarily web based and offer various ways for users to interact Social networking tools for interaction include: • Chat rooms • Messaging • Email • Video • Voice chat • File sharing • Blogging • Discussion groups
  • 4. Social Media • Media for social interactions using web-based technologies • “A group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content.” Kaplan and Haenlein, 2010
  • 5. How is social media used? 1. Participation 2. Openness 3. Conversation 4. Community 5. Connectedness
  • 6. Social media is best understood as a group of new kinds of online media, which share most or all of the following characteristics: Participation Social media encourages contributions and feedback from everyone who is interested. It blurs the line between media and audience. Openness Most social media services are open to feedback and participation. They encourage voting, comments and the sharing of information. There are rarely any barriers to accessing and making use of content – password-protected content is frowned on. Conversation Where as traditional media is about “broadcast” (content transmitted or distributed to an audience) social media is better seen as a two-way conversation. Community Social media allows communities to form quickly and communicate effectively. Communities share common interests, such as a love of photography, a political issue or a favourite TV show. Connectedness Most kinds of social media thrive on their connectedness, making use of links to other sites, resources and people. Mayfield,A (2010) Few above characteristics relate to Facebook and Twitter, for e.g. Openness, community and connectedness.
  • 7. What social media do we use? • Blogger • Facebook • Twitter • Wikipedia • YouTube
  • 8. Which social networking site is more efficient, twitter or Facebook?
  • 9. Facebook • Social networking site • Launched in February 2004 • More than 500 million active users in July 2010 • Created by Mark Zuckerberg with Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes
  • 10. Twitter • Tweets: • Text-based posts of up to 140 characters on profile page • Following/followers: • Following = you subscribe to other authors tweets • Followers = people who have subscribed to your tweets
  • 11. Differences between Facebook and twitter Differences Similarities • 1. Poke = Nudge Facebook • 2. Post Pictures = TwitPic and it tweets with a url to your picture • 3. Videos = Tweet tinyurls, made easy by • Facebook status updates seem to be many twitter clients like Twitterific most effective at around noon. • 4. Share Links = Tweet tinyrls • On Facebook you interact with your • 5. Tag pictures = @name callout a person to family and real life friends. tag • Facebook on the other hand appears to • 6. Comments = Reply to tweets move a lot slower • 7. See a shared link and share the link = RT (stronger endorsement by the user) • 8.Add link to feeds = Star favourite, you can also get back to your favourite tweets later. Twitter • A tweet only last a short period of time • 9. Message = DM (constantly updating) than a Facebook • 10. Private profiles = Closed updates update approved by user • A recent study by @DanZarrella found • 11.Notification and feeds = Tweets that best times to tweet during the day • 12. Status updates = Tweets, in twitter apps are around 5 p.m. On like Twitterific you can add your location to • On Twitter you talk to online friends your tweets or pictures too. interested in similar things. • 13. Facebook Apps – keep content fresh on Facebook with fun tools = Twitter Apps is • Twitter obviously comes out as the far evolving with array of tools to offer new faster medium to transport messages ease of use for twitter • Twitter does not offer photo hosting or • 14. RSS feed of feeds = RSS feed of specific albums; instead, the user uploads media user (more granular control, also keeps the on a third-party website such as TwitPic or focus on the individual) even Facebook and link to it in an update • 15.Threaded comments = Comments not threaded, but there's a twitter app that offers that to people who want to track tweets as conversations
  • 12. Interesting facts about Facebook The world is obsessed with Facebook; • As of 2011, there are 500,000,000 active Facebook users. ( that’s 1 in every 13 people on earth. • 48% of 18 to 34 year olds check Facebook right when they wake up • 57% of people talk more online than they do in real life. • 750 million photos were uploaded to Facebook over new years weekend.
  • 13. 20 Minutes On Facebook: FRIEND LINKS SHARED REQUESTS 1,000,000 TAGGED ACCEPTED PHOTOS 1,972,000 1,323,000 MESSAGES SENT WALL 2,716,000 POSTS STATUS 1,587,000 UPDATES EVENT INVITES 1,851,000 PHOTOS 1,484,000 UPLOADED COMMENTS MADE 2,716,000 10,208,000
  • 14. Facts about Twitter • There are more than 106 million accounts on twitter. • The number of twitter users increases by 300,000 every day. • Twitter gets more than 3 billion requests each day, generated by over 180 million unique visitors
  • 15. Twitter Pros • Easy to navigate and update, link to and promote anything • Reach far beyond your inner circle of friends • One feed pools all users; anyone can follow anyone else unless blocked • Pure communication tool, rapid responsiveness • You don’t have to be logged in to get updates; you can just use an RSS reader • Very interactive, extensible messaging platform with open APIs • Many other applications being developed (Twitterific, Summize, Twhirl, etc.) • Potential SMS text messaging revenue from wireless networks (although Twitter states they are not currently getting any cut) • Potential future advertising and/or enterprise subscription-based revenue streams • With its “thin” overhead, Twitter is probably more scalable than Facebook, giving it a cost advantage
  • 16. Twitter Cons • Limited functionality; find people, send brief messages, direct replies • Limited to 140 characters per update • Not all people find it immediately useful • Over-emphasis on follower counts • Easily abused for spam and increasing the noise level • Relatively smaller installed user base • As yet no readily apparent monetization strategy
  • 17. Faceb0ok Pros • Application mash up; find people, make connections, email, instant messaging, image/video sharing, etc. • Most people can quickly understand the value of connecting with friends, family and established contacts; some people report they use Facebook instead of email and IM • More emphasis on deep connections with others vs. who has the most connections • “True Friends” feature increases your transparency to selected connections; almost like having private and public profiles • Huge, rapidly growing installed user base • Inherit stickiness, third party applications, “gift giving” and personal data collection make Facebook a powerful advertising platform
  • 18. Facebook Cons • More difficult to navigate and update • Requires investment of time to realize sustained benefit • Opt in model requires a user to allow others to connect • Less immediate responses; unless you stay logged on continually • Overhead of mashup and “thick” applications could limit scalability, bloat cost structure
  • 19. Popular culture To define popular culture is to say that popular culture is simply culture that is widely favoured or well-liked by many people.” (Storey. J, 2009) Facebook has grown into Popular Culture because Facebook is really popular social network site which a lot people enjoy using that site to communicate with others.
  • 21. I use Twitter A LOT more often than Facebook and I enjoy it a lot more, too. I Do you use both Twitter and Facebook? Or just one or the have 2 FB accounts - one is personal and the other is professional. The personal other? Why? one is a bit boring to me, just silly little updates and silliness that doesn’t Yes, but both for different reasons. I use entertain me all that much. My yeah as I like to use Facebook to interact with my friends and for professional one is even more different social procrastination when I have an essay I should unfulfilling to me but I keep it up Medias and not just be doing. Twitter, on the other hand, also has one because I’m supposed to. a handful of my friends, but I tweet mainly about my writing. Using hash tags makes it a lot easier to get your name out there and you Facebook more than Twitter. I just use Facebook and find that agents/publishers/other writers will Facebook is more engaging than the reason for that is start following you if you use it frequently Twitter I personally think. because Facebook was enough. I follow quite a few agents and Facebook appeals to me more as more the hype at that publishers, all of whom post useful tips about the layout is much more than text. time and I don’t see a submissions, etc. I think if I were to add an Used twitter once or twice found reason for having two agent on Facebook, they might consider me a it boring and simple but then again accounts to social stalker haven’t used it allot. networks. I use both, twitter for I don’t have Twitter as I don’t see I only use work and Facebook for I don’t have Twitter as I the appeal of it and it looks really Facebook boring. I just Facebook a lot social activities. don’t see the appeal of it and it looks really boring. because it’s social and keeps you in I just Facebook a lot touch with people Just Facebook because twitter looks kind of boring and there’s no need for 2 because it’s social and separate social networks. They both do keeps you in touch with I only use Facebook… As I don’t the same thing but one has direct contact people feel the need to be on 2 Social with celebrities. Networking Sites
  • 22. Facebook Vs. Twitter I got the results by asking people a simple question about Facebook and Twitter. The question was “Which social networking site is better Facebook or twitter” And I recorded that information as a tally chart and then I decided to create a line graph to present the results.
  • 23. The future of social networking In the end, both Twitter and Facebook are simply communication tools; both will continue to develop and transform as users find new ways to extract value and either network may or may become a long term winner in the rapidly evolving social networking space. Eventually, the fact remains to be seen whether either application has a profitable, scalable and maintainable business model or whether the exit strategy is simply to be developed.
  • 24. Conclusion I personally think Facebook appeals to people looking to reconnect with old friends and family members or find new friends online; the mash up of features like email, instant messaging, image and video sharing, etc. feels familiar, while Twitter is a bit harder to get your arms around at first. But most people can rapidly understand how to use Facebook to connect to friends and family, using it to share thoughts, images, etc. Like MySpace but more geared to adults than teens, Facebook is a social networking Entry; indicating you not to leave but rather to stick around and communicate within the network. Twitter on the other hand, encourages you grab ideals in byte-size large piece and use your updates as jumping off points to other places or just let others know what you’re up to at any given moment. Questionnaire results, firstly I was not really pleased with the results as not much people response back to my questionnaire but people who got back to me from them I got positive answer towards Facebook compared to twitter. A lot people who I have asked said “ they find Facebook better compared to twitter as it is easy to use ” or “ my real friends are not on twitter so I don’t see the point having Twitter”. I also did a tally chart, where I asked people who have twitter and Facebook, “which social network site they think is better to use”. Even there I got people liking Facebook more then twitter, maybe because twitter is new and is a bit hard to use at first. Overall with the research and questionnaire results I have found out that Facebook is more efficient social networking site.