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Diajukan untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah AE3140
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David Carlos X P 13618012
Frentsen Limor 13618040
Filbert Anderson 13618046
Vincent Jethro 13618059
Asif Dityo S 13618060
Puji dan syukur penulis haturkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, karena berkat-Nya, penulis
dapat menyelesaikan laporan tugas besar yang berjudul Analisis Regulasi Pembuatan Part
pada Pesawat Terbang: Liferaft ini. Laporan ini dibuat guna memenuhi salah satu tugas mata
kuliah, yaitu AE3140: Sertifikasi Kelaikudaraan semester genap tahun ajaran 2013/2014.
Selain itu, adapun tujuan dari penulisan laporan ini adalah untuk mempelajari proses
sertifikasi part-part pada pesawat dan pertimbangannya dalam proses manufaktur.
Ucapan terima kasih tak lupa pula kami sampaikan kepada Bapak Dr.Ir. Rais Zain M.Sc.
selaku dosen pembimbing dan pengampu mata kuliah ini atas jasa beliau dalam membantu
kami pada pembuatan laporan ini, memandu pekerjaan kami, serta mendidik dan memberikan
kami ilmu pengetahuan.
Tim Penulis menyadari bahwa laporan ini masih jauh dari sempurna dan masih ada ruang
yang sangat luas untuk perbaikan dan peningkatan, terutama karena banyaknya ilmu tentang
liferaft yang belum dijelajahi oleh Tim Penulis dan juga dikarenakan oleh kekurangan
pengalaman Tim Penulis yang mengakibatkan kesulitan dalam mencari dokumen yang
diperlukan dan kredibel. Oleh karena itu, semua kritik dan saran yang bersifat membangun
akan sangat membantu Tim Penulis untuk mengembangkan tulisan ini ataupun dalam
kegiatan penulisan lainnya di masa depan.
Akhir kata, Tim Penulis berharap, semoga laporan ini dapat bermanfaat bagi siapapun yang
membacanya. Tim Penulis juga mengharapkan adanya peningkatan dalam topik yang dibahas
dan tulisan ini dapat dijadikan referensi yang dapat membantu mahasiswa yang akan
mengambil mata kuliah ini nantinya.
Bandung, Desember 2020
Tim Penulis
Prakata ..........................................................................................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,............................ ii
BAB I PENDAHULUAN ........................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Latar belakang .................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Rumusan Masalah .............................................................................................................. 1
1.3. Maksud & Tujuan .............................................................................................................. 1
1.4. Metode dan Teknik Pengumpulan Data ............................................................................ 2
1.5. Sistematika Penulisan ........................................................................................................ 2
BAB II DESKRIPSI PART ...................................................................................................... 3
2.1. Definisi .............................................................................................................................. 3
2.2. Komponen Liferaft ............................................................................................................ 4
2.3. Liferaft Maintenance.......................................................................................................... 5
2.4. Liferaft Requirement.......................................................................................................... 5
2.5. Produsen Liferaft................................................................................................................ 5
BAB III REGULASI KELAIKUDARAAN....... ................................................................... 10
3.1. Standar Kelaikudaraan .................................................................................................... 10
3.2. Contoh Service Bulletin (SB) dan Airworthiness Directives (AD) ................................ 29
BAB IV PROSEDUR PENGUJIAN ...................................................................................... 30
4.1. Material Test .................................................................................................................... 30
4.2. Liferaft Test ..................................................................................................................... 39
BAB V KESIMPULAN ......................................................................................................... 41
Daftar Pustaka ........................................................................................................................ 42
1.1 Latar Belakang
Pesawat terbang merupakan suatu mode transportasi yang bisa dibilang memiliki tingkat
keamanan yang paling tinggi bila dibandingkan dengan mode-mode transportasi lainnya. Akan
tetapi, segala hal tidak luput dari kegagalan yang akan mengakibatkan kecelakaan. Walaupun
kemungkinan terjadinya kecelakaan itu sangat kecil kemungkinannya, tetapi kemungkinan itu
tidak nol. Oleh karena itu, prosedur dan alat-alat untuk mengantisipasi kejadian tersebut masih
harus diperhatikan. Alat-alat tersebut yang digunakan dalam kejadian darurat dikategorikan
sebagai sistem aircraft emergency yang salah satunya merupakan liferaft yang tergabung dalam
sistem evacuation slide.
Liferaft merupakan salah satu alat yang dibutuhkan penyintas kecelakaan pada saat kondisi
darurat di laut perairan sehingga juga harus memenuhi standar minimum yang ditentukan oleh
aturan aturan yang terkait sehingga dapat digunakan dengan baik disaat pesawat mengalami
kecelakaan dan membutuhkan liferaft. Standar yang mengatur tentang liferaft antara lain adalah
TSO-C70 yang mengacu kepada bagaimana sebuah perusahaan dapat memproduksi liferaft yang
1.2 Tujuan Penulisan
Tujuan dari penulisan laporan ini adalah untuk mempelajari TSO-C70 lebih dalam yang terkait
dengan proses sertifikasi liferaft seperti :
 Mengetahui regulasi apa saja dalam TSO-C70 tentang sertifikasi produk liferaft.
 Mengetahui produsen dalam negri maupun luar negri yang memproduksi liferaft.
 Mengkaji apa saja yang dibutuhkan dalam mempersiapkan industri manufaktur liferaf
1.3 Rumusan Masalah
 Penjelasan produk yang akan dibuat
 Contoh Airworthiness Directives (AD)
 Sertifikasi yang akan diaplikasikan pada produk
 Merencanakan proses pengujian dan sertifikasi
 Merencanakan kemungkinan tempat pengujian untuk melakukan sertifikasi
1.4 Metode dan Teknik Pengumpulan Data
Metode yang digunakan untuk menyusun laporan ini adalah:
1. Studi Pustaka
Data yang digunakan pada laporan ini didapat melalui studi pustaka yang didapat referensinya
dari internet tentang, deskripsi liferaft, regulasi yang mengatur liferaft, spesifikasi liferaft, dan
juga proses sertifikasi pada perusahaan yang memproduksi liferaft tersebut.
2. Diskusi Kelompok
Dari literatur-literatur yang ada dan sumber daya yang terbatas, kami melakukan diskusi untuk
mengetahui hal hal yang relevan untuk digunakan dalam laporan ini
1.5 Sistematika Penulisan
Laporan ini dibuat dengan sistematika penulisan sebagai berikut ini:
Bab I Pendahuluan
Bab II Deskripsi part yang dibuat
Bab III Airworthiness pada liferaft dan langkah - langkah sertifikasi liferaft
Bab IV Prosedur Pengujia
Bab V Kesimpulan dan Saran
2.1. Definisi
Liferaft adalah salah satu alat keselamatan yang sangat penting pada aircraft yang sedang
berlayar, terlebih pada kapal yang memuat penumpang. Liferaft adalah sebutan untuk perahu
karet dengan tenda pelindung dan dilengkapi obat-obatan, perbekalan makanan dan minuman
untuk keadaan darurat. Bahkan Liferaft dilengkapi beberapa benda untuk memberi tanda signal,
dan alat-alat keselamatan lainnya. Liferaft dan semua perlengkapannya itu biasanya dirancang
agar pemakainya dapat bertahan hidup selama satu minggu sebelum regu penolong datang.
liferaft pada aircraft memiliki 2 type berdasarkan peraturan dari FAA TSO-C70a yaitu tipe 1
yang digunakan untuk pesawat udara jenis manapun dan type 2 untuk jenis aircraft non-
Kegunaan umum dari liferaft adalah sebagai alat yang membantu penumpang saat terjadi
pendaratan darurat ataupun lainnya di laut. Dengan adanya liferaft, penumpang dapat
mengapung dan mempertahankan suhu tubuh sehingga dapat survive dengan waktu yang lebih
lama. Kebanyakan liferaft juga dilengkapi dengan makanan dan minuman yang dapat
dikonsumsi yang akan memperbesar peluang penumpang untuk dapat diselamatkan.
2.2. Komponen Liferaft
Liferaft memiliki komponen komponen general sebagai berikut:
1. Tent
2. Pump system
3. Lampu
4. Arch tubes
5. Tangga
6. Ruang buoy
7. Ballast compartment
Liferaft juga memiliki komponen tambahan yang penting yaitu :
1. Rescue quoits dengan panjang tali minimal 30 m
2. Pisau non-fold dengan buoy, jika liferaft menampung >13 orang harus ada 2
3. 1 bailer untuk <12 orang, lebih dari 12 perlu 2 bailer
4. 2 spons
5. 2 buoy paddles
6. 3 pembuka kaleng
7. 2 anchors
8. 1 gunting
9. 1 first aid kit (waterproof)
10. 1 peluit
11. 1 waterproof torch
12. 1 heliograph (cermin signal)
13. 1 radar reflector
14. 1 life-saving signals card
15. 1 fishing tackle
16. Food ration (>10000kj/ orang)
17. 1.5 liter air / orang
18. Cangkir antikorosi
19. Antiseasickness medicine
20. Buku survival
21. Buku immediate action
22. 6 hand flare
23. 4 rocket parachute flare
24. 2 buoyant smoke signals
2.3. Liferaft Maintenance
Liferaft perlu diservis setidaknya dengan interval setiap tahunnya ( dapat diperpanjang sampai
dengan 17 bulan). Maintenance dari liferaft juga hanya bisa dilakukan oleh fasilitas dan individu
individu professional.
2.4. Liferaft Requirements
1. Harus bisa mengapung >30 hari dengan cuaca apapun di laut.
2. Harus bisa menahan gaya akibat loncatan penumpang dari ketinggian tertentu
3. Bisa ditarik dengan kecepatan 3 knot (5.5 km/h) dengan beban dan 1 anchor turun.
4. Memprovide insulasi dan proteksi
5. Memiliki udara yang cukup didalamnya saat kapasitas maksimum dan ditutup.
6. Memilki 1 viewing port
7. Dapat menampung air hujan
8. Memiliki ruang yang cukup sebagaimana kapasitas penumpangnya
9. Min 6 penumpang
10. Max berat kontainer dan komponennya <185 kg
11. Lampu lampu penunjang survivalibility
12. dll
2.5 Produsen Liferaft
Pada umumnya produksi lift raft berada pada negara asing. Produsen liferaft aircraft yang telah
memiliki sertifikasi untuk produksi liferaft sebagai contoh adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Survival
Survival Products, Inc., didirikan pada tahun 1970, adalah perusahaan yang memiliki personel
yang memiliki pengalaman bertahun-tahun dalam penerbangan swasta / komersial / militer dan
laut dalam melayani, merekayasa, dan membuat peralatan darurat untuk bertahan hidup termasuk
rangkaian lengkap rakit pelampung, rompi, slide, dll.
Sertifikasi dan produk liferaft yang dimiliki:
RAF 1206-( ) TSO-C70A
RAF 1104-( ) TSO-C70A
RAF 1108-( ) TSO-C70A
RAF 1212-( ) TSO-C70A

2. Air Cruisers Company, LLC
Air Cruisers Company, LLC, menjalankan bisnis sebagai Zodiac Aero Evacuation Systems yang
memproduksi dan memasok produk keselamatan tiup penerbangan. Perusahaan menawarkan
sistem evakuasi, rakit dan rompi pelampung, dan pelampung helikopter serta menyediakan rakit
penyelamat penerbangan komersial, militer, perusahaan, dan umum. Sistem Evakuasi Zodiac
Aero melayani industri penerbangan internasional.
Sertifikasi dan produk liferaft yang dimiliki:
P/N 70712-101
12 person liferaft
P/N 70712-( ) TSO-C70B
P/N 64913-( )
13 Person liferaft
3. Autoflug GMBH
Autoflug adalah perusahaan yang menyediakan produk dan layanan untuk pesawat terbang.
Pesawat ini menawarkan solusi kabin yang fleksibel, kursi pengaman tekstil, peralatan pelindung
untuk personel terbang dan pasukan darat, sistem parasut, sensor bahan bakar, unit evaluasi dan
tampilan, sistem tangki tambahan untuk helikopter, dan banyak lagi.
Sertifikasi dan produk liferaft yang dimiliki:
Liferaft Petrel TSO-C70A
Petrel - LA TSO-C70A
Series - L TSO-C70A
4. Switlik Parachute Company, Inc.
Switlik Parachute Company, Inc. merupakan perusahaan berbasis di Amerika yang memproduksi
produk keselamatan dan kelangsungan hidup tiup yang dijahit dan disegel dengan panas untuk
penerbangan, kelautan, dan pasar militer / pemerintah.
Sertifikasi dan produk liferaft yang dimiliki:
Liferaft, Model CPR TSO-C70A
Liferaft, Model OPR TSO-C70A
Calon produsen liferaft dalam negeri:
CV. Cipta Karya Samudera
CV. Cipta Karya Samudera memiliki home base di semarang dan melayani jasa inspeksi serta
service untuk liferaft dan alat-alat keselamatan lainnya. CV. CIPTA KARYA SAMUDERA (CKS)
dipelopori dalam usaha inspection, maintenance, repair, and konstruksi liferaft di Indonesia dan telah
mendapat kuasa dari beberapa produsen lifeboat dan dengan teknisi yang terlatih dan bersertifikat, CKS
memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan inspeksi tahunan, pemeriksaan dan uji tahunan, perombakan, dan
konstruksi lifeboat
Perbandingan perusahaan dalam negeri dan luar negeri:
CV. CIPTA KARYA SAMUDERA (CKS) dipilih menjadi kandidat untuk perusahaan produksi
liferaft karena memiliki potensi untuk memperoleh sertifikasi. PDP telah secara utama telah
melayani jasa maintenance dan perbaikan untuk liferaft dan life boat, CKS juga dapat
membangun lifeboat. CKS namun pada saat ini baru bergerak pada bidang maritim namun
memiliki potensi untuk memproduksi liferaft untuk penerbangan dan hanya tinggal
menyesuaikan produk mereka dengan standar standar yang telah diatur dalam proses sertifikasi
liferaft untuk pesawat terba
3.1. Standar Kelaikudaraan
3.1.1 CASR 21
21.301 Applicability
This subpart prescribes procedural requirements for the approval of certain materials, parts,
processes, and appliances.
21.303 Replacement and Modification Parts
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, no person may produce a modification or
replacement part for sale for installation on a type certificated product unless it is produced
pursuant to a Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA) issued under this subpart.
(b) This section does not apply to the following:
(1) Parts produced under a type or production certificate.
(2) Parts produced by an owner or operator for maintaining or altering his own product.
(3) Parts produced under an TSO.
(4) Standard parts (such as bolts and nuts) conforming to approved specifications.
(c) An application for a Parts Manufacturer Approval is made to the DGCA and must include the
(1) The identity of the product on which the part is to be installed.
(2) The name and address of the manufacturing facilities at which these parts are to be
(3) The design of the part, which consists of
(i) Drawings and specifications necessary to show the configuration of the part; and (ii)
Information on dimensions, materials, and processes necessary to define the structural strength of
the part.
(4) Test reports and computations necessary to show that the design of the part meets the
airworthiness requirements of this Decree applicable to the product on which the part is to be
installed, unless the applicant shows that the design of the part is identical to the design of a part
that is covered under a type certificate. If the design of the part was obtained by a licensing
agreement, evidence of that agreement must be furnished.
(d) An applicant is entitled to a Parts Manufacturer Approval for a replacement or modification
part if
(1) The DGCA finds, upon examination of the design and after completing all tests and
inspections, that the design meets the airworthiness requirements of this Decree applicable to the
product on which the part is to be installed; and 6
(2) He submits a statement certifying that he has established the fabrication inspection system
required by paragraph(h) of this section.
(e) Each applicant for a Parts Manufacturer Approval must allow the DGCA to make any
inspection or test necessary to determine compliance with the applicable Regulations. However,
unless otherwise authorized by the DGCA
(1) No part may be presented to the DGCA for an inspection or test unless compliance with
paragraphs (f)(2) through(4) of this section has been shown for that part; and
(2) No change may be made to a part between the time that compliance with paragraphs(f)(2)
through(4) of this section is shown for that part and the time that the part is presented to the
DGCA for the inspection or test. (f) Each applicant for a Parts Manufacturer Approval must
make all inspections and tests necessary to determine
(1) Compliance with the applicable airworthiness requirements;
(2) That materials conform to the specifications in the design;
(3) That the part conforms to the drawings in the design; and
(4) That the fabrication processes, construction, and assembly conform to those specified in the
(g) The DGCA does not issue a Parts Manufacturer Approval if the manufacturing facilities for
the part are located outside of the Republic of Indonesia, unless the DGCA finds that the location
of the manufacturing facilities places no burden on the DGCA in administering applicable
airworthiness requirements.
(h) Each holder of a Parts Manufacturer Approval shall establish and maintain a fabrication
inspection system that ensures that each completed part conforms to its design data and is safe
for installation on applicable type certificated products. The system shall include the following:
(1) Incoming materials used in the finished part must be as specified in the design data.
(2) Incoming materials must be properly identified if their physical and chemical properties
cannot otherwise be readily and accurately determined.
(3) Materials subject to damage and deterioration must be suitably stored and adequately
(4) Processes affecting the quality and safety of the finished product must be accomplished in
accordance with acceptable specifications.
(5) Parts in process must be inspected for conformity with the design data at points in production
where accurate determination can be made. Statistical quality control procedures may be
employed where it is shown that a satisfactory level of quality will be maintained for the
particular part involved.
(6) Current design drawings must be readily available to manufacturing and inspection personnel,
and used when necessary.
(7) Major changes to the basic design must be adequately controlled and approved before being
incorporated in the finished part.
(8) Rejected materials and components must be segregated and identified in such a manner as to
preclude their use in the finished part.
(9) Inspection records must be maintained, identified with the completed part, where practicable,
and retained in the manufacturer's file for a period of at least 10 years after the part has been
(i) (j) (k) A Parts Manufacturer Approval issued under this section is not transferable and is
effective until surrendered or withdrawn or otherwise terminated by the DGCA. The holder of a
Parts Manufacturer Approval shall notify the DGCA in writing within 10 days from the date the
manufacturing facility at which the parts are manufactured is relocated or expanded to include
additional facilities at other locations. Each holder of a Parts Manufacturer Approval shall
determine 7 that each completed part conforms to the design data and is safe for installation on
type certificated products.
21.305 Approval of Materials, Parts, Processes, and Appliances Whenever a material, part,
process, or appliance is required to be approved under this Decree, it may be approved - (a)
Under a Parts Manufacturer Approval issued under Sec. 21.303; (b) Under Technical Standard
Order issued by the DGCA. (c) In conjunction with type certification procedures for a product;
or (d) In any other manner approved by the DGCA.
3.1.2 14 CFR § 91.509 - Survival equipment for overwater operations.
§ 91.509 Survival equipment for overwater operations.
(a) No person may take off an airplane for a flight over water more than 50 nautical miles from
the nearest shore unless that airplane is equipped with a life preserver or an approved flotation
means for each occupant of the airplane.
(b) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, no person may take off an airplane for
flight over water more than 30 minutes flying time or 100 nautical miles from the nearest shore,
whichever is less, unless it has on board the following survival equipment:
(1) A life preserver, equipped with an approved survivor locator light, for each occupant of the
(2) Enough life rafts (each equipped with an approved survival locator light) of a rated
capacity and buoyancy to accommodate the occupants of the airplane.
(3) At least one pyrotechnic signaling device for each life raft.
(4) One self-buoyant, water-resistant, portable emergency radio signaling device that is
capable of transmission on the appropriate emergency frequency or frequencies and not
dependent upon the airplane power supply.
(5) A lifeline stored in accordance with § 25.1411(g) of this chapter.
(c) A fractional ownership program manager under subpart K of this part may apply for a
deviation from paragraphs (b)(2) through (5) of this section for a particular over water operation
or the Administrator may amend the management specifications to require the carriage of all or
any specific items of the equipment listed in paragraphs (b)(2) through (5) of this section.
(d) The required life rafts, life preservers, and signaling devices must be installed in
conspicuously marked locations and easily accessible in the event of a ditching without
appreciable time for preparatory procedures.
(e) A survival kit, appropriately equipped for the route to be flown, must be attached to each
required life raft.
(f) As used in this section, the term shore means that area of the land adjacent to the water that is
above the highwater mark and excludes land areas that are intermittently under water.
3.1.3 Civil Aviation Order (CAO) 20.11 part 5.2
5.2 Life rafts
5.2.1 An aircraft that is flown over water at a distance from land greater than the permitted
distance must carry, as part of its emergency and lifesaving equipment, sufficient life rafts to
provide a place in a life raft for each person on board the aircraft. For the purposes of paragraph 5.2.1, the permitted distance is:
(a) in the case of an aircraft that has:
(i) 4 engines; or
(ii) 3 turbine engines; or
(iii) 2 turbine engines and complies with section 20.7.1B;
a distance equal to 120 minutes at normal cruising speed, or 400 miles, whichever is the
less; or
(b) in any other case — a distance equal to 30 minutes at normal cruising speed, or 100 miles,
whichever is the less.
5.2.2 Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph 5.2.1, CASA may require the carriage of
life rafts on such other overwater flights as CASA considers necessary.
5.2.3 life rafts carried in accordance with paragraph 5.2.1 shall be in addition to life jackets
carried in accordance with paragraphs 5.1.1 and 5.1.2.
5.2.4 life rafts carried in accordance with this section shall be stowed so as to be readily
accessible in the event of a ditching without appreciable time for preparatory procedures. When
life rafts are stowed in compartments or containers, such compartments or containers shall be
appropriately and conspicuously marked. Where life raft stow ages have to be installed in aircraft
to meet the requirements of this section, such stow ages shall comply with the requirements of
Part 101 appropriate to the certification of the aircraft concerned.
5.2.5 life rafts shall comply with the standards specified in section 103.15.
FAR 29.1415
Sec. 29.1415 — Ditching equipment.
(a) Emergency flotation and signaling equipment required by any operating rule of this chapter
must meet the requirements of this section.
(b) Each life raft and each life preserver must be approved. In addition—
(1) Provide not less than two rafts, of an approximately equal rated capacity and buoyancy to
accommodate the occupants of the rotorcraft; and
(2) Each raft must have a trailing line, and must have a static line designed to hold the raft near
the rotorcraft but to release it if the rotorcraft becomes totally submerged.
(c) Approved survival equipment must be attached to each life raft.
(d) There must be an approved survival type emergency locator transmitter for use in one life raft.
3.1.4 Technical Standard order C-70 b
1. PURPOSE. This technical standard order (TSO) is for manufacturers applying for a TSO
authorization (TSOA) or letter of design approval (LODA). In it, we the Federal Aviation
Administration, (FAA) tell you what minimum performance standards (MPS) your life raft must
first meet for approval and identification with the applicable TSO marking.
2. APPLICABILITY. This TSO affects new applications submitted after its effective date.
a. TSO-C70a will also remain effective until March 30, 2016; after this date we will no
longer accept applications for TSO-C70a.
b. life rafts approved under a previous TSO authorization may still be manufactured under
the provisions of its original approval.
3. REQUIREMENTS. New models of life rafts identified and manufactured on or after the
effective date of this TSO must meet the requirements in SAE International Aerospace Standard
(AS) AS1356, life rafts, dated July 2012, as modified by Appendix 1 of this TSO.
a. Functionality. This TSO’s standards apply to equipment intended to function as life
b. Failure Condition Classifications. There is no standard minimum failure condition
classification for this TSO.
c. Functional Qualification. Demonstrate the required performance under the test
conditions in AS1356, life rafts, dated July 2012, as modified by Appendix 1 of this TSO.
d. Environmental Qualification. Demonstrate the required performance under the test
conditions specified in AS1356, life rafts, dated July 2012, as modified by Appendix 1 of this
e. Deviations. We have provisions for using alternate or equivalent means of compliance to
the criteria in the MPS of this TSO. If you invoke these provisions, you must show that your
equipment maintains an equivalent level of safety to the TSO. Apply for a deviation under the
provision of 14 CFR § 21.618.
a. Mark at least one major component permanently and legibly with all the information in 14
CFR § 45.15(b) in addition to any marking required in SAE AS1356 subsection 7.9. The
marking must include the serial number.
b. Also, mark the following permanently and legibly, with at least the manufacturer’s name,
subassembly part number, and the TSO number:
(1) Each component that is easily removable (without hand tools); and,
(2) Each subassembly of the article that you determined may be interchangeable.
2. APPLICATION DATA REQUIREMENTS. You must give the FAA aircraft
certification office (ACO) manager responsible for your facility a statement of conformance, as
specified in 14 CFR § 21.603(a)(1) and one copy each of the following technical data to support
your design and production approval. LODA applicants must submit the same data (excluding
paragraph 5.e) through their civil aviation authority.
a. A Manual(s)containing the following:
(1) Operating instructions and equipment limitations sufficient to describe the
equipment’s operational capability.
(2) Describe in detail any deviations.
(3) Installation procedures and limitations sufficient to ensure that the life raft, when
installed according to the installation or operational procedures, still meets this TSO’s
requirements. Limitations must identify any unique aspects of the installation. The
limitations must include a note with the following statement:
“This article meets the minimum performance and quality control standards required by
a technical standard order (TSO). Installation of this article requires separate approval.”
(4) Schematic drawings, wiring diagrams, and any other documentation necessary for
installation of the life raft.
(5) List of replaceable components, by part number, that makes up the life raft. Include
vendor part number cross-references, when applicable.
b. Instructions covering periodic maintenance, calibration, and repair for the life raft’s
continued compliance with the TSO. Include recommended inspection intervals and service life,
as appropriate. If appropriate, differentiate the required inspection intervals and service life if
affected by storage and operating conditions (i.e., temperature, humidity, etc.)
c. Nameplate drawing with the information required by paragraph 4 of this TSO.
d. Identify functionality or performance contained in the article not evaluated under paragraph
3 of this TSO (non-TSO functions). Non-TSO functions are accepted in parallel with the TSO
authorization. For those non-TSO functions to be accepted, you must declare these functions and
include the following information with your TSO application:
(1) Description of the non-TSO function(s), such as performance specifications, hardware,
and environmental qualification levels. Include a statement confirming that the non- TSO
function(s) don’t interfere with the article’s compliance with the requirements of
paragraph 3.
(2) Installation procedures and limitations sufficient to ensure that the non-TSO
function(s) meets the declared functions and performance specification(s) described in
paragraph 5.d.(1).
(3) Instructions for continued performance applicable to the non-TSO function(s)
described in paragraph 5.d.(1).
(4) Interface requirements and applicable installation test procedures to ensure
compliance with the performance data defined in paragraph 5.d.(1).
(5) Test plans, analysis and results, as appropriate, to verify that performance of the
hosting TSO article is not affected by the non-TSO function(s).
(6) Test plans, analysis and results, as appropriate, to verify the function and
performance of the non-TSO function(s) as described in paragraph 5.d.(1).
e. The quality system description required by 14 CFR § 21.607, including functional test
specifications. The quality system should ensure that you will detect any change to the approved
design that could adversely affect compliance with the TSO MPS, and reject the article
accordingly. (Not required for LODA applicants.)
f. Material and process specifications list.
g. List of all drawings and processes (including revision level) that define the article’s design.
h. Manufacturer’s TSO qualification report showing results of testing accomplished according to
paragraph 3.c of this TSO.
i. A compliance matrix identifying all of the requirements in this TSO and identification of the
technical data on file at the manufacturer which substantiates compliance with each TSO
Life raft
3. MANUFACTURER DATA REQUIREMENTS. Besides the data given directly to the
responsible ACO, have the following technical data available for review by the responsible
a. Functional qualification specifications for qualifying each production article to ensure
compliance with this TSO.
b. Equipment calibration procedures.
c. Schematic drawings.
d. Wiring diagrams.
e. Material and process specifications.
f. The results of the environmental qualification tests conducted according to paragraph 3.d of
this TSO.
g. If the article contains non-TSO function(s), you must also make available items 6.a through
6.f as they pertain to the non-TSO function(s).
a. If furnishing one or more articles manufactured under this TSO to one entity (such as an
operator or repair station), provide one copy or on-line access to the data in paragraphs 5.a and
5.b of this TSO. Add any other data needed for the proper installation, certification, use, or for
continued compliance with the TSO, of the life raft.
b. If the article contains declared non-TSO function(s), include one copy of the data in
paragraphs 5.d.(1) through 5.d.(4).
{List the title, organization name and address for getting all referenced documents.}
a. Order SAE documents from SAE International, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA
15096-0001. Telephone (724) 776-4970, fax (724) 776-0790. You can also order copies online
b. Order copies of 14 CFR parts 21 and 45 from the Superintendent of Documents, Government
Printing Office, P.O. Box 979050, St. Louis, MO 63197. Telephone (202) 512-1800, fax (202)
512-2250. You can also order copies online at Select “Access,” then
“Online Bookstore.” Select “Aviation,” then “Code of Federal Regulations.”
c. You can find a current list of technical standard orders and advisory circulars on the FAA
Internet website Regulatory and Guidance Library at You will also find the
TSO Index of Articles at the same site.
Susan J. M. Cabler
Assistant Manager, Design, Manufacturing, &
Airworthiness Division
Aircraft Certification Service
Appendix 1
The following Appendix modifies the text in SAE International’s Aerospace Standard (AS)
1356, liferafts, dated July 2012. Compliance to the modified text is mandatory in order to
comply with the requirements of this TSO.
Do the following:
Section 1 Disregard
Section 2
Apply all subsections unless disregarded or modified below:
Page 4, Replace subsection
2.1, with the following text:
2.1 Applicable Documents
The following publications form a part of this document to the extent specified
herein. The applicable issue of cited publications shall be the issue in effect on
the date of the publication of this document, unless otherwise specified. In the
event of conflict between the text of this document and references cited herein,
the text of this document takes precedence. Nothing in this document, however,
supersedes applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has
been obtained.
Page 7, Subsection 2.2 Disregard
Pages 9 and 10, subsection 2.3, apply as written, except replace the definition
of the following terms with the following text:
APPROVED: The status of equipment that meets FAA standards
NOMINAL OPERATING PRESSURE: The median of the Normal Conditions
Pressure Range.
attained during all types of inflations conducted at Normal Temperature
READILY ACCESSIBLE: Capable of being quickly obtained for
operation without requiring removal of obstacles.
Page 10, Section 2.3, add the following definition:
PRIMARY BOUYANCY CHAMBER: Any buoyancy chamber which
independently provides sufficient buoyancy (at Minimum Operating Pressure)
to achieve the minimum required freeboard around the entire periphery of the
liferaft with the liferaft loaded at both rated and overload capacity. A
minimum of two primary buoyancy chambers are required.
Page 11, subsection 2.4, replace the definition of “SHOULD” with the
following text:
SHOULD: Indicates a criterion for which an alternative, including non-
compliance, may be applied if an equivalent level of safety is documented,
justified, and approved by the cognizant FAA Aircraft Certification Office
(ACO) manager. Approval must be requested at least 30 days in advance of
submitting the TSO application. Additional substantiation may be required by
the ACO manager.
Section 3 Apply all subsections unless disregarded or modified below: Page
12, replace subsection 3.1.3(a.) with the following text:
Page 15, replace subsection with the following text: Extended Marine Exposure
The life raft shall be demonstrated by test and/or analysis based on
test to meet the pressure retention requirements of 5.2.1 and the
canopy protection of and 6.5.7 after exposure of the fully-
inflated life raft to a saltwater marine environment for at least 15
days. Installed/attached features such as the overpressure protection
mechanism (e.g., pressure relief valve), manual inflation means,
boarding means, sea anchor, and lifeline attachments shall retain
their full functionality.
Page 15, replace section 3.2.5 with the following text:
3.2.5 Flammability
The life raft assembly shall be constructed of material meeting the
requirements of 14 CFR 25, Appendix F, Part I, Amendment 111.
Survival kit contents need not meet this requirement provided that
they are fully enclosed within a container that passes the 12 s
vertical burn test in Appendix F. A listing of all the survival kit
equipment that does not meet the requirements of 14 CFR 25,
Appendix F, Part I, Amendment 111 must be documented in the
manual required by paragraph 5.a of this TSO.
Page 15, replace subsection 3.4.1 with the following text:
3.4.1 Color
The color of the primary exterior surfaces, buoyancy tubes, canopy,
floor, and water retention features (ballast), shall be International
Orange/Yellow or an equivalent, approved high-visibility color.
Equivalent colors must be approved by the cognizant FAA Aircraft
Certification Office (ACO) manager. Approval must be requested at
least 30 days in advance of submitting the TSO application.
Additional substantiation may be required by the ACO manager.
Section 4 Apply all subsections unless disregarded or
modified below: Page 18, Add the following
note to section 4.3.2 and 4.3.3
Note: The deflation of each of the primary buoyancy chambers must
evaluated with the remaining primary buoyancy chamber(s) inflated
to minimum
operating pressure. Secondary compartments and inflatable
floor, if present, are not considered “buoyancy chambers” and
therefore must also be deflated.
Section 5 Apply all subsections unless disregarded or modified below: Page
18, Add the following note after subsection 5.1.4:
Note: This standard was developed for mechanically activated
liferaft inflation systems. Electric, electro/mechanical, or software
based actuation systems are not adequately addressed by this
Page 20, replace subsection 5.5.6 with the following text:
5.5.6 The inflation system for Type I life rafts shall be shown
to function reliably with one primary buoyancy tube open to the
atmosphere. There should be independent inflation equipment for
each primary buoyancy tube. A single inflation system for all
buoyancy tubes may be used if data are provided that fully
substantiate the reliability of the single inflation system, and is
approved by the cognizant FAA Aircraft Certification Office (ACO)
manager. Approval must be requested at least 30 days in advance
of submitting the TSO application. Additional substantiation may be
required by the ACO manager.
Section 6 Apply all subsections unless disregarded or modified below: Page
22, replace subsection with the following text: The use of stabilization means other than specified in
must be approved by the cognizant FAA Aircraft Certification
Office (ACO) manager. The manufacturer shall provide data and
analysis that substantiate an equivalent level of stability. Approval
must be requested at least 30 days prior to the conduct of tests
required in subsection Additional substantiation may be
required by the ACO manager.
Page 25, replace subsection 6.5.7 with the following text:
6.5.7 Primary canopy fabric(s) shall be waterproof and
provide Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF) of 30 or greater, as
determined using AATCC Test Method 183 - 2000, or equivalent.
Equivalent methods must be approved by the cognizant FAA
Aircraft Certification Office (ACO) manager. Approval must be
requested at least 30 days in advance of submitting the TSO
application. Additional substantiation may be required by the ACO
Section 7 Apply all subsections unless disregarded or modified below: Page
26, replace subsection 7.6 with the following text:
The text, OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS, shall be marked,
adjacent to the inflation instructions, in letters 2 in (5.1 cm) tall,
followed by these 3 instructions, or their equivalent, rendered in
letters at least 0.5 in (12.7 mm) tall:
Comprehensibility of any variation(s) to these instructions shall be
demonstrated in accordance with 2.3: Comprehensible.
liferafts stowed remotely and deployed automatically from the
remote location are not eligible for approval under this TSO.
Page 26, replace subsection 7.7 with the following text:
7.7 Identification in Stowage
The text, liferaft, shall be marked in block letters at least 2 in (5.1
cm) tall, and FOR EMERGENCY USE ONLY shall be marked in
block letters at least 1 in (2.54 cm) tall, on all surfaces of the
liferaft assemblies intended to be stored in a dedicated
compartment or location may be marked only on the surfaces that
will be visible when accessed if the installation instructions and
limitations provided with the liferaft provide that level of detail.
Section 8 Apply all subsections unless disregarded or
modified below: Page 30, Replace subsection
8.8.4 with the following text:
8.8.4 Lithium-containing batteries used in
any emergency device shall meet
the requirements in TSO-C142a or equivalent. Equivalent methods
must be approved by the cognizant FAA Aircraft Certification
Office (ACO) manager. Approval must be requested at least 30 days
in advance of submitting the TSO application. Additional
substantiation may be required by the ACO manager.
Note: A TSO approval does not include installation approval in
an aircraft. However, special conditions may be required to gain
installation approval if the design includes non-rechargeable (i.e.
primary) lithium batteries.
Section 9 Apply all subsections unless disregarded or modified below:
Page 31, Replace the first sentence in subsection 9.3 with the
following text:
9.3 Content
Survival Information should be prioritized and shall contain
the following, at a minimum:
Section 10 Disregard
TSO yang menjadi acuan untuk proses sertifikasi dari liferaft adalah TSO-C70b tentang liferaft.
TSO tersebut membahas tentang persyaratan-persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi sesuai dengan
yang tertera pada regulasi.
Persyaratan-persyaratan tersebut adalah:
 Fungsi dari liferaft adalah sebagai alat penyokong kehidupan di saat keadaan emergency
di atas air.
 Untuk kondisi standar minimum kegagalan tidak ada pada TSO ini
 Persyaratan fungsional diatur dari demonstrasi performa liferaft dibawah kondisi AS1356
tentang liferaft
 Persyaratan lingkungan diatur dari demonstrasi performa di bawah persyaratan kondisi
AS1356 tentang liferaft
 Ada compliance lain yang bisa digunakan selain yang tertera pada TSO ini seandainya
dibutuhkan yaitu dengan di bawah ketentuan dari 14 CFR § 21.618. Namun produsen
juga harus memastikan bahwa peralatan yang dibuat tetap mempertahankan level of
safety yang sama.
3.2. Contoh Service Bulletin dan Airworthiness Directives
Service Bulletin
Airworthiness Directives
Berdasarkan TSO C70b, produk liferaft diperlukan untuk memenuhi standar dengan pengujian
pengujian berikut :
4.1. Material test
1.1 Accelerated Age
Tes accelerated age dapat dilakukan dengan Method 5850 Oven Method. Tes ini
dilakukan untuk menentukan ketahanan dari material saat terekspos panas.
Intinya prosedur pengujian dilakukan dengan step berikut :
1. Spesimen diharuskan dimasukkan dalam oven selama 48 jam dengan suhu 100 - 105
derajat celcius unless stated otherwise.
2. Spesimen dimasukkan dalam oven dengan keadaan vertikal, tanpa menyentuh spesimen
atau part oven. Setelah itu, akan didinginkan dan conditioned dengan standar atmosfir
selama 16 - 96 jam.
3. Dibutuhkan besar strength dari spesimen. Dapat dilakukan tes Method 5100. Setelah itu
dilakukan perbandingan antara spesimen aged dan tidak.
2. Tensile strength (grab test)
Tensile strength dari liferaft harus lebih besar dari angka berikut :
Untuk fabrics:
Untuk Canopy :
Intinya, Prosedur method 5100 adalah sbb:
1. Dilakukan preparasi spesimen. Seperti, dilakukan pengukuran dimensi spesimen
sebagaimana yang telah ditentukan.
2. Tes harus dilakukan dalam kondisi standar atmospheric, unless stated otherwise.
3. Dilakukan persiapan. Seperti gage length harus 3 inci, tester di set di titik 0 , memastikan
recordingnya dapat merecord dengan benar, Pulling speed harus 12 (4% error ditolerir)
inci, tiap penahan harus lurus satu sama lain, dll.
4. Menempatkan spesimen pada penahan sesuai dengan metode yang telah ditentukan.
5. Jika ada kesalahan seperti slip, kerusakan yang tidak total, rupture dengan pattern yang
abstrak, dilakukan kembali pengujian sampai didapat rata rata hasil eksperimen
3. Tear strength (Method 5136(4))
Dikarenakan tidak dapat ditemukannya Method 5136 (4) maka disini diambil dari ASTM
D4533-4 yang juga membahas tentang trapezoid test.
Tear strength dari komponen liferaft harus lebih besar dari nilai berikut :
Untuk fabrics:
Untuk Canopy:
Prosedur nya adalah sebagai berikut :
1. Dilakukan dalam standart atmosfir
2. Dilakukan pembasahan spesimen (maksimal 2 menit setelah pembasahan) dahulu
sebelum dilakukan tes.
3. Set clamp dengan jarak 25 mm, set load dengan range sebesar 15%-85% full scale load.
Set mesin dengan kecepatan 300mm/min.
4. Secure spesimen di mesin
Clamp harus in-line dengan garis 25 mm.
5. Mulai tes. Record tearing force yang dihasilkan.
4. Tear strength (Tongue test)
Tes ini digunakan untuk mengukur tearing strength dari fabrics dengan tongue procedure
(single rip). Tes ini mengukur peak force, tearing force, dan tearing strength.
Prosedur kerja :
1. Potong 2 sample dengan ukuran 3x8 inci
2. Buat potongan 3 inci
3. Apparatus preparation
1. Set jarak antar clamp 3 inci
2. Select full force range antara 10% - 90 % full scale force.
3. Test speed :2inci/min dan mensecure spesimen di clamp jaw dengan posisi yang telah
4. Test masing masing spesimen lengthwise dan cross wise
4.2. Liferaft Test
1. Pressure retention
Saat kondisi statis, saat dalam posisi inflated, pressure di dalam liferaft harus sebesar
jangkauan minimum operating pressure ,dan pressure tersebut tidak boleh turun selama
24 jam .
2. Overpressure test
Liferaft harus dapat menahan pressure sebesar 1.5 dari maksimum operating pressure
selama 5 menit tanpa failure. Sedikitnya 1 spesimen dari inflatable devicce harus dapat
menahan pressure sebesar 2x maksimum operating pressure tanpa failure
3. Functional Test
Setiap model dari liferaft yang akan diproduksi harus mampu melewati beberapa tes
berikut ini:
a. Water Test
Dalam kondisi kolam ataupun air yang terkontrol, liferaft harus dapat
mendemonstrasikan daya apung yang baik
b. Sea Trial
liferaft harus mampu untuk bekerja dengan baik pada perairan laut terbuka dengan
kecepatan angin 17-27 knot dan gelombang air sebesar 6-10 kaki.
c. liferaft drop test
liferaft harus bisa dijatuhkan dari ketinggian 5 kaki ke permukaan keras dan tetap dalam
kondisi inflated dan tetap memenuhi ketentuan pressure retention.
d. Portability Test
Jika liferaft akan dikerahkan secara manual, harus dipastikan bahwa bisa dipindahkan
dari tempat penyimpanan dan dilakukan oleh hanya 1-2 orang saja
e. Carrying Case
Harus bisa didemonstrasikan bahwa tas pengangkut liferaft dapat dibuka tutup setidaknya
10 kali dan tidak menimbulkan delay dalam penggunaanya.
f. Gas Cylinder Release
Mendemonstrasikan bahwa penarikan ripcord gridnya dari sisi manapun dapat
mengaktifkan pelepasan gas utamanya.
4. Temperature exposure and inflation.
Manufakturer harus menentukan minimum temperature untuk liferaft agar tetap rounded out
(masih memiliki bentuk dan dimensi sesuai dengan design), sehingga liferaft dapat dipakai
dalam waktu 1 menit setelah inflation.
5.1 Dari pengamatan regulasi yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa:
 Liferaft adalah sebuah alat yang digunakan sebagai penyelamat untuk penumpang
pesawat yang dalam keadaan darurat di perairan.
 Dokumen sertifikasi yang relevan digunakan untuk liferaft adalah TSO-C70b, 14 CFR §
91.509 - Survival equipment for overwater operations, dan Civil Aviation Order (CAO)
20.11 part 5.2 tentang liferaft.
 Produsen liferaft masih didominasi luar negeri seperti
 Produsen dalam negeri yang sudah dapat memproduksi liferaft adalah CV. Cipta Karya

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Major Assignment AE3140 - Analisis Regulasi Pembuatan Part pada Pesawat Terbang: Life Raft

  • 1. i MAJOR ASSIGNMENT AE 3140 ANALISIS REGULASI PEMBUATAN PART PADA PESAWAT TERBANG: LIFERAFT Diajukan untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah AE3140 Disusun oleh: David Carlos X P 13618012 Frentsen Limor 13618040 Filbert Anderson 13618046 Vincent Jethro 13618059 Asif Dityo S 13618060 PROGRAM STUDI TEKNIK DIRGANTARA FAKULTAS TEKNIK MESIN DAN DIRGANTARA INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI BANDUNG 2020
  • 2. ii PRAKATA Puji dan syukur penulis haturkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, karena berkat-Nya, penulis dapat menyelesaikan laporan tugas besar yang berjudul Analisis Regulasi Pembuatan Part pada Pesawat Terbang: Liferaft ini. Laporan ini dibuat guna memenuhi salah satu tugas mata kuliah, yaitu AE3140: Sertifikasi Kelaikudaraan semester genap tahun ajaran 2013/2014. Selain itu, adapun tujuan dari penulisan laporan ini adalah untuk mempelajari proses sertifikasi part-part pada pesawat dan pertimbangannya dalam proses manufaktur. Ucapan terima kasih tak lupa pula kami sampaikan kepada Bapak Dr.Ir. Rais Zain M.Sc. selaku dosen pembimbing dan pengampu mata kuliah ini atas jasa beliau dalam membantu kami pada pembuatan laporan ini, memandu pekerjaan kami, serta mendidik dan memberikan kami ilmu pengetahuan. Tim Penulis menyadari bahwa laporan ini masih jauh dari sempurna dan masih ada ruang yang sangat luas untuk perbaikan dan peningkatan, terutama karena banyaknya ilmu tentang liferaft yang belum dijelajahi oleh Tim Penulis dan juga dikarenakan oleh kekurangan pengalaman Tim Penulis yang mengakibatkan kesulitan dalam mencari dokumen yang diperlukan dan kredibel. Oleh karena itu, semua kritik dan saran yang bersifat membangun akan sangat membantu Tim Penulis untuk mengembangkan tulisan ini ataupun dalam kegiatan penulisan lainnya di masa depan. Akhir kata, Tim Penulis berharap, semoga laporan ini dapat bermanfaat bagi siapapun yang membacanya. Tim Penulis juga mengharapkan adanya peningkatan dalam topik yang dibahas dan tulisan ini dapat dijadikan referensi yang dapat membantu mahasiswa yang akan mengambil mata kuliah ini nantinya. Bandung, Desember 2020 Tim Penulis
  • 3. iii DAFTAR ISI Prakata ..........................................................................................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,............................ ii BAB I PENDAHULUAN ........................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Latar belakang .................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Rumusan Masalah .............................................................................................................. 1 1.3. Maksud & Tujuan .............................................................................................................. 1 1.4. Metode dan Teknik Pengumpulan Data ............................................................................ 2 1.5. Sistematika Penulisan ........................................................................................................ 2 BAB II DESKRIPSI PART ...................................................................................................... 3 2.1. Definisi .............................................................................................................................. 3 2.2. Komponen Liferaft ............................................................................................................ 4 2.3. Liferaft Maintenance.......................................................................................................... 5 2.4. Liferaft Requirement.......................................................................................................... 5 2.5. Produsen Liferaft................................................................................................................ 5 BAB III REGULASI KELAIKUDARAAN....... ................................................................... 10 3.1. Standar Kelaikudaraan .................................................................................................... 10 3.2. Contoh Service Bulletin (SB) dan Airworthiness Directives (AD) ................................ 29 BAB IV PROSEDUR PENGUJIAN ...................................................................................... 30 4.1. Material Test .................................................................................................................... 30 4.2. Liferaft Test ..................................................................................................................... 39 BAB V KESIMPULAN ......................................................................................................... 41 Daftar Pustaka ........................................................................................................................ 42
  • 4. 1 BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1 Latar Belakang Pesawat terbang merupakan suatu mode transportasi yang bisa dibilang memiliki tingkat keamanan yang paling tinggi bila dibandingkan dengan mode-mode transportasi lainnya. Akan tetapi, segala hal tidak luput dari kegagalan yang akan mengakibatkan kecelakaan. Walaupun kemungkinan terjadinya kecelakaan itu sangat kecil kemungkinannya, tetapi kemungkinan itu tidak nol. Oleh karena itu, prosedur dan alat-alat untuk mengantisipasi kejadian tersebut masih harus diperhatikan. Alat-alat tersebut yang digunakan dalam kejadian darurat dikategorikan sebagai sistem aircraft emergency yang salah satunya merupakan liferaft yang tergabung dalam sistem evacuation slide. Liferaft merupakan salah satu alat yang dibutuhkan penyintas kecelakaan pada saat kondisi darurat di laut perairan sehingga juga harus memenuhi standar minimum yang ditentukan oleh aturan aturan yang terkait sehingga dapat digunakan dengan baik disaat pesawat mengalami kecelakaan dan membutuhkan liferaft. Standar yang mengatur tentang liferaft antara lain adalah TSO-C70 yang mengacu kepada bagaimana sebuah perusahaan dapat memproduksi liferaft yang tersertifikasi. 1.2 Tujuan Penulisan Tujuan dari penulisan laporan ini adalah untuk mempelajari TSO-C70 lebih dalam yang terkait dengan proses sertifikasi liferaft seperti :  Mengetahui regulasi apa saja dalam TSO-C70 tentang sertifikasi produk liferaft.  Mengetahui produsen dalam negri maupun luar negri yang memproduksi liferaft.  Mengkaji apa saja yang dibutuhkan dalam mempersiapkan industri manufaktur liferaf tersebut.
  • 5. 2 1.3 Rumusan Masalah  Penjelasan produk yang akan dibuat  Contoh Airworthiness Directives (AD)  Sertifikasi yang akan diaplikasikan pada produk  Merencanakan proses pengujian dan sertifikasi  Merencanakan kemungkinan tempat pengujian untuk melakukan sertifikasi 1.4 Metode dan Teknik Pengumpulan Data Metode yang digunakan untuk menyusun laporan ini adalah: 1. Studi Pustaka Data yang digunakan pada laporan ini didapat melalui studi pustaka yang didapat referensinya dari internet tentang, deskripsi liferaft, regulasi yang mengatur liferaft, spesifikasi liferaft, dan juga proses sertifikasi pada perusahaan yang memproduksi liferaft tersebut. 2. Diskusi Kelompok Dari literatur-literatur yang ada dan sumber daya yang terbatas, kami melakukan diskusi untuk mengetahui hal hal yang relevan untuk digunakan dalam laporan ini 1.5 Sistematika Penulisan Laporan ini dibuat dengan sistematika penulisan sebagai berikut ini: Bab I Pendahuluan Bab II Deskripsi part yang dibuat Bab III Airworthiness pada liferaft dan langkah - langkah sertifikasi liferaft Bab IV Prosedur Pengujia Bab V Kesimpulan dan Saran
  • 6. 3 BAB II DESKRIPSI PART 2.1. Definisi Liferaft adalah salah satu alat keselamatan yang sangat penting pada aircraft yang sedang berlayar, terlebih pada kapal yang memuat penumpang. Liferaft adalah sebutan untuk perahu karet dengan tenda pelindung dan dilengkapi obat-obatan, perbekalan makanan dan minuman untuk keadaan darurat. Bahkan Liferaft dilengkapi beberapa benda untuk memberi tanda signal, dan alat-alat keselamatan lainnya. Liferaft dan semua perlengkapannya itu biasanya dirancang agar pemakainya dapat bertahan hidup selama satu minggu sebelum regu penolong datang. liferaft pada aircraft memiliki 2 type berdasarkan peraturan dari FAA TSO-C70a yaitu tipe 1 yang digunakan untuk pesawat udara jenis manapun dan type 2 untuk jenis aircraft non- tranportasi. Kegunaan umum dari liferaft adalah sebagai alat yang membantu penumpang saat terjadi pendaratan darurat ataupun lainnya di laut. Dengan adanya liferaft, penumpang dapat mengapung dan mempertahankan suhu tubuh sehingga dapat survive dengan waktu yang lebih lama. Kebanyakan liferaft juga dilengkapi dengan makanan dan minuman yang dapat dikonsumsi yang akan memperbesar peluang penumpang untuk dapat diselamatkan.
  • 7. 4 2.2. Komponen Liferaft Liferaft memiliki komponen komponen general sebagai berikut: 1. Tent 2. Pump system 3. Lampu 4. Arch tubes 5. Tangga 6. Ruang buoy 7. Ballast compartment Liferaft juga memiliki komponen tambahan yang penting yaitu : 1. Rescue quoits dengan panjang tali minimal 30 m 2. Pisau non-fold dengan buoy, jika liferaft menampung >13 orang harus ada 2 3. 1 bailer untuk <12 orang, lebih dari 12 perlu 2 bailer 4. 2 spons 5. 2 buoy paddles 6. 3 pembuka kaleng 7. 2 anchors 8. 1 gunting 9. 1 first aid kit (waterproof) 10. 1 peluit 11. 1 waterproof torch 12. 1 heliograph (cermin signal) 13. 1 radar reflector 14. 1 life-saving signals card 15. 1 fishing tackle 16. Food ration (>10000kj/ orang) 17. 1.5 liter air / orang 18. Cangkir antikorosi 19. Antiseasickness medicine
  • 8. 5 20. Buku survival 21. Buku immediate action 22. 6 hand flare 23. 4 rocket parachute flare 24. 2 buoyant smoke signals 2.3. Liferaft Maintenance Liferaft perlu diservis setidaknya dengan interval setiap tahunnya ( dapat diperpanjang sampai dengan 17 bulan). Maintenance dari liferaft juga hanya bisa dilakukan oleh fasilitas dan individu individu professional. 2.4. Liferaft Requirements 1. Harus bisa mengapung >30 hari dengan cuaca apapun di laut. 2. Harus bisa menahan gaya akibat loncatan penumpang dari ketinggian tertentu 3. Bisa ditarik dengan kecepatan 3 knot (5.5 km/h) dengan beban dan 1 anchor turun. 4. Memprovide insulasi dan proteksi 5. Memiliki udara yang cukup didalamnya saat kapasitas maksimum dan ditutup. 6. Memilki 1 viewing port 7. Dapat menampung air hujan 8. Memiliki ruang yang cukup sebagaimana kapasitas penumpangnya 9. Min 6 penumpang 10. Max berat kontainer dan komponennya <185 kg 11. Lampu lampu penunjang survivalibility 12. dll 2.5 Produsen Liferaft Pada umumnya produksi lift raft berada pada negara asing. Produsen liferaft aircraft yang telah memiliki sertifikasi untuk produksi liferaft sebagai contoh adalah sebagai berikut:
  • 9. 6 1. Survival Survival Products, Inc., didirikan pada tahun 1970, adalah perusahaan yang memiliki personel yang memiliki pengalaman bertahun-tahun dalam penerbangan swasta / komersial / militer dan laut dalam melayani, merekayasa, dan membuat peralatan darurat untuk bertahan hidup termasuk rangkaian lengkap rakit pelampung, rompi, slide, dll. Sertifikasi dan produk liferaft yang dimiliki: PRODUK SERTIFIKASI RAF 1206-( ) TSO-C70A RAF 1104-( ) TSO-C70A RAF 1108-( ) TSO-C70A RAF 1212-( ) TSO-C70A 2. Air Cruisers Company, LLC Profile:
  • 10. 7 Air Cruisers Company, LLC, menjalankan bisnis sebagai Zodiac Aero Evacuation Systems yang memproduksi dan memasok produk keselamatan tiup penerbangan. Perusahaan menawarkan sistem evakuasi, rakit dan rompi pelampung, dan pelampung helikopter serta menyediakan rakit penyelamat penerbangan komersial, militer, perusahaan, dan umum. Sistem Evakuasi Zodiac Aero melayani industri penerbangan internasional. Sertifikasi dan produk liferaft yang dimiliki: PRODUK SERTIFIKASI P/N 70712-101 12 person liferaft TSO-C70B P/N 70712-( ) TSO-C70B P/N 64913-( ) 13 Person liferaft TSO-C70A 3. Autoflug GMBH Autoflug adalah perusahaan yang menyediakan produk dan layanan untuk pesawat terbang. Pesawat ini menawarkan solusi kabin yang fleksibel, kursi pengaman tekstil, peralatan pelindung untuk personel terbang dan pasukan darat, sistem parasut, sensor bahan bakar, unit evaluasi dan tampilan, sistem tangki tambahan untuk helikopter, dan banyak lagi. Sertifikasi dan produk liferaft yang dimiliki:
  • 11. 8 PRODUK SERTIFIKASI Liferaft Petrel TSO-C70A Petrel - LA TSO-C70A Series - L TSO-C70A 4. Switlik Parachute Company, Inc. Switlik Parachute Company, Inc. merupakan perusahaan berbasis di Amerika yang memproduksi produk keselamatan dan kelangsungan hidup tiup yang dijahit dan disegel dengan panas untuk penerbangan, kelautan, dan pasar militer / pemerintah. Sertifikasi dan produk liferaft yang dimiliki: PRODUK SERTIFIKASI Liferaft, Model CPR TSO-C70A Liferaft, Model OPR TSO-C70A
  • 12. 9 Calon produsen liferaft dalam negeri: CV. Cipta Karya Samudera CV. Cipta Karya Samudera memiliki home base di semarang dan melayani jasa inspeksi serta service untuk liferaft dan alat-alat keselamatan lainnya. CV. CIPTA KARYA SAMUDERA (CKS) dipelopori dalam usaha inspection, maintenance, repair, and konstruksi liferaft di Indonesia dan telah mendapat kuasa dari beberapa produsen lifeboat dan dengan teknisi yang terlatih dan bersertifikat, CKS memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan inspeksi tahunan, pemeriksaan dan uji tahunan, perombakan, dan konstruksi lifeboat Perbandingan perusahaan dalam negeri dan luar negeri: CV. CIPTA KARYA SAMUDERA (CKS) dipilih menjadi kandidat untuk perusahaan produksi liferaft karena memiliki potensi untuk memperoleh sertifikasi. PDP telah secara utama telah melayani jasa maintenance dan perbaikan untuk liferaft dan life boat, CKS juga dapat membangun lifeboat. CKS namun pada saat ini baru bergerak pada bidang maritim namun memiliki potensi untuk memproduksi liferaft untuk penerbangan dan hanya tinggal menyesuaikan produk mereka dengan standar standar yang telah diatur dalam proses sertifikasi liferaft untuk pesawat terba
  • 13. 10 BAB III REGULASI KELAIKUDARAAN 3.1. Standar Kelaikudaraan 3.1.1 CASR 21 SUBPART K - APPROVAL OF MATERIALS, PARTS, PROCESSES, AND APPLIANCES 21.301 Applicability This subpart prescribes procedural requirements for the approval of certain materials, parts, processes, and appliances. 21.303 Replacement and Modification Parts (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, no person may produce a modification or replacement part for sale for installation on a type certificated product unless it is produced pursuant to a Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA) issued under this subpart. (b) This section does not apply to the following: (1) Parts produced under a type or production certificate. (2) Parts produced by an owner or operator for maintaining or altering his own product. (3) Parts produced under an TSO. (4) Standard parts (such as bolts and nuts) conforming to approved specifications. (c) An application for a Parts Manufacturer Approval is made to the DGCA and must include the following: (1) The identity of the product on which the part is to be installed. (2) The name and address of the manufacturing facilities at which these parts are to be manufactured. (3) The design of the part, which consists of -
  • 14. 11 (i) Drawings and specifications necessary to show the configuration of the part; and (ii) Information on dimensions, materials, and processes necessary to define the structural strength of the part. (4) Test reports and computations necessary to show that the design of the part meets the airworthiness requirements of this Decree applicable to the product on which the part is to be installed, unless the applicant shows that the design of the part is identical to the design of a part that is covered under a type certificate. If the design of the part was obtained by a licensing agreement, evidence of that agreement must be furnished. (d) An applicant is entitled to a Parts Manufacturer Approval for a replacement or modification part if - (1) The DGCA finds, upon examination of the design and after completing all tests and inspections, that the design meets the airworthiness requirements of this Decree applicable to the product on which the part is to be installed; and 6 (2) He submits a statement certifying that he has established the fabrication inspection system required by paragraph(h) of this section. (e) Each applicant for a Parts Manufacturer Approval must allow the DGCA to make any inspection or test necessary to determine compliance with the applicable Regulations. However, unless otherwise authorized by the DGCA - (1) No part may be presented to the DGCA for an inspection or test unless compliance with paragraphs (f)(2) through(4) of this section has been shown for that part; and (2) No change may be made to a part between the time that compliance with paragraphs(f)(2) through(4) of this section is shown for that part and the time that the part is presented to the DGCA for the inspection or test. (f) Each applicant for a Parts Manufacturer Approval must make all inspections and tests necessary to determine - (1) Compliance with the applicable airworthiness requirements; (2) That materials conform to the specifications in the design; (3) That the part conforms to the drawings in the design; and
  • 15. 12 (4) That the fabrication processes, construction, and assembly conform to those specified in the design. (g) The DGCA does not issue a Parts Manufacturer Approval if the manufacturing facilities for the part are located outside of the Republic of Indonesia, unless the DGCA finds that the location of the manufacturing facilities places no burden on the DGCA in administering applicable airworthiness requirements. (h) Each holder of a Parts Manufacturer Approval shall establish and maintain a fabrication inspection system that ensures that each completed part conforms to its design data and is safe for installation on applicable type certificated products. The system shall include the following: (1) Incoming materials used in the finished part must be as specified in the design data. (2) Incoming materials must be properly identified if their physical and chemical properties cannot otherwise be readily and accurately determined. (3) Materials subject to damage and deterioration must be suitably stored and adequately protected. (4) Processes affecting the quality and safety of the finished product must be accomplished in accordance with acceptable specifications. (5) Parts in process must be inspected for conformity with the design data at points in production where accurate determination can be made. Statistical quality control procedures may be employed where it is shown that a satisfactory level of quality will be maintained for the particular part involved. (6) Current design drawings must be readily available to manufacturing and inspection personnel, and used when necessary. (7) Major changes to the basic design must be adequately controlled and approved before being incorporated in the finished part. (8) Rejected materials and components must be segregated and identified in such a manner as to preclude their use in the finished part. (9) Inspection records must be maintained, identified with the completed part, where practicable, and retained in the manufacturer's file for a period of at least 10 years after the part has been completed.
  • 16. 13 (i) (j) (k) A Parts Manufacturer Approval issued under this section is not transferable and is effective until surrendered or withdrawn or otherwise terminated by the DGCA. The holder of a Parts Manufacturer Approval shall notify the DGCA in writing within 10 days from the date the manufacturing facility at which the parts are manufactured is relocated or expanded to include additional facilities at other locations. Each holder of a Parts Manufacturer Approval shall determine 7 that each completed part conforms to the design data and is safe for installation on type certificated products. 21.305 Approval of Materials, Parts, Processes, and Appliances Whenever a material, part, process, or appliance is required to be approved under this Decree, it may be approved - (a) Under a Parts Manufacturer Approval issued under Sec. 21.303; (b) Under Technical Standard Order issued by the DGCA. (c) In conjunction with type certification procedures for a product; or (d) In any other manner approved by the DGCA. 3.1.2 14 CFR § 91.509 - Survival equipment for overwater operations. § 91.509 Survival equipment for overwater operations. (a) No person may take off an airplane for a flight over water more than 50 nautical miles from the nearest shore unless that airplane is equipped with a life preserver or an approved flotation means for each occupant of the airplane. (b) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, no person may take off an airplane for flight over water more than 30 minutes flying time or 100 nautical miles from the nearest shore, whichever is less, unless it has on board the following survival equipment: (1) A life preserver, equipped with an approved survivor locator light, for each occupant of the airplane. (2) Enough life rafts (each equipped with an approved survival locator light) of a rated capacity and buoyancy to accommodate the occupants of the airplane. (3) At least one pyrotechnic signaling device for each life raft. (4) One self-buoyant, water-resistant, portable emergency radio signaling device that is capable of transmission on the appropriate emergency frequency or frequencies and not dependent upon the airplane power supply. (5) A lifeline stored in accordance with § 25.1411(g) of this chapter.
  • 17. 14 (c) A fractional ownership program manager under subpart K of this part may apply for a deviation from paragraphs (b)(2) through (5) of this section for a particular over water operation or the Administrator may amend the management specifications to require the carriage of all or any specific items of the equipment listed in paragraphs (b)(2) through (5) of this section. (d) The required life rafts, life preservers, and signaling devices must be installed in conspicuously marked locations and easily accessible in the event of a ditching without appreciable time for preparatory procedures. (e) A survival kit, appropriately equipped for the route to be flown, must be attached to each required life raft. (f) As used in this section, the term shore means that area of the land adjacent to the water that is above the highwater mark and excludes land areas that are intermittently under water. 3.1.3 Civil Aviation Order (CAO) 20.11 part 5.2 5.2 Life rafts 5.2.1 An aircraft that is flown over water at a distance from land greater than the permitted distance must carry, as part of its emergency and lifesaving equipment, sufficient life rafts to provide a place in a life raft for each person on board the aircraft. For the purposes of paragraph 5.2.1, the permitted distance is: (a) in the case of an aircraft that has: (i) 4 engines; or (ii) 3 turbine engines; or (iii) 2 turbine engines and complies with section 20.7.1B; a distance equal to 120 minutes at normal cruising speed, or 400 miles, whichever is the less; or (b) in any other case — a distance equal to 30 minutes at normal cruising speed, or 100 miles, whichever is the less. 5.2.2 Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph 5.2.1, CASA may require the carriage of life rafts on such other overwater flights as CASA considers necessary. 5.2.3 life rafts carried in accordance with paragraph 5.2.1 shall be in addition to life jackets carried in accordance with paragraphs 5.1.1 and 5.1.2.
  • 18. 15 5.2.4 life rafts carried in accordance with this section shall be stowed so as to be readily accessible in the event of a ditching without appreciable time for preparatory procedures. When life rafts are stowed in compartments or containers, such compartments or containers shall be appropriately and conspicuously marked. Where life raft stow ages have to be installed in aircraft to meet the requirements of this section, such stow ages shall comply with the requirements of Part 101 appropriate to the certification of the aircraft concerned. 5.2.5 life rafts shall comply with the standards specified in section 103.15. FAR 29.1415 Sec. 29.1415 — Ditching equipment. (a) Emergency flotation and signaling equipment required by any operating rule of this chapter must meet the requirements of this section. (b) Each life raft and each life preserver must be approved. In addition— (1) Provide not less than two rafts, of an approximately equal rated capacity and buoyancy to accommodate the occupants of the rotorcraft; and (2) Each raft must have a trailing line, and must have a static line designed to hold the raft near the rotorcraft but to release it if the rotorcraft becomes totally submerged. (c) Approved survival equipment must be attached to each life raft. (d) There must be an approved survival type emergency locator transmitter for use in one life raft. 3.1.4 Technical Standard order C-70 b
  • 19. 16 1. PURPOSE. This technical standard order (TSO) is for manufacturers applying for a TSO authorization (TSOA) or letter of design approval (LODA). In it, we the Federal Aviation Administration, (FAA) tell you what minimum performance standards (MPS) your life raft must first meet for approval and identification with the applicable TSO marking. 2. APPLICABILITY. This TSO affects new applications submitted after its effective date. a. TSO-C70a will also remain effective until March 30, 2016; after this date we will no longer accept applications for TSO-C70a. b. life rafts approved under a previous TSO authorization may still be manufactured under the provisions of its original approval. 3. REQUIREMENTS. New models of life rafts identified and manufactured on or after the effective date of this TSO must meet the requirements in SAE International Aerospace Standard (AS) AS1356, life rafts, dated July 2012, as modified by Appendix 1 of this TSO. a. Functionality. This TSO’s standards apply to equipment intended to function as life rafts. b. Failure Condition Classifications. There is no standard minimum failure condition classification for this TSO. c. Functional Qualification. Demonstrate the required performance under the test conditions in AS1356, life rafts, dated July 2012, as modified by Appendix 1 of this TSO. d. Environmental Qualification. Demonstrate the required performance under the test conditions specified in AS1356, life rafts, dated July 2012, as modified by Appendix 1 of this TSO. e. Deviations. We have provisions for using alternate or equivalent means of compliance to the criteria in the MPS of this TSO. If you invoke these provisions, you must show that your equipment maintains an equivalent level of safety to the TSO. Apply for a deviation under the provision of 14 CFR § 21.618. 1. MARKING. a. Mark at least one major component permanently and legibly with all the information in 14 CFR § 45.15(b) in addition to any marking required in SAE AS1356 subsection 7.9. The marking must include the serial number.
  • 20. 17 b. Also, mark the following permanently and legibly, with at least the manufacturer’s name, subassembly part number, and the TSO number: (1) Each component that is easily removable (without hand tools); and, (2) Each subassembly of the article that you determined may be interchangeable. 2. APPLICATION DATA REQUIREMENTS. You must give the FAA aircraft certification office (ACO) manager responsible for your facility a statement of conformance, as specified in 14 CFR § 21.603(a)(1) and one copy each of the following technical data to support your design and production approval. LODA applicants must submit the same data (excluding paragraph 5.e) through their civil aviation authority. a. A Manual(s)containing the following: (1) Operating instructions and equipment limitations sufficient to describe the equipment’s operational capability. (2) Describe in detail any deviations. (3) Installation procedures and limitations sufficient to ensure that the life raft, when installed according to the installation or operational procedures, still meets this TSO’s requirements. Limitations must identify any unique aspects of the installation. The limitations must include a note with the following statement: “This article meets the minimum performance and quality control standards required by a technical standard order (TSO). Installation of this article requires separate approval.” (4) Schematic drawings, wiring diagrams, and any other documentation necessary for installation of the life raft. (5) List of replaceable components, by part number, that makes up the life raft. Include vendor part number cross-references, when applicable. b. Instructions covering periodic maintenance, calibration, and repair for the life raft’s continued compliance with the TSO. Include recommended inspection intervals and service life, as appropriate. If appropriate, differentiate the required inspection intervals and service life if affected by storage and operating conditions (i.e., temperature, humidity, etc.) c. Nameplate drawing with the information required by paragraph 4 of this TSO.
  • 21. 18 d. Identify functionality or performance contained in the article not evaluated under paragraph 3 of this TSO (non-TSO functions). Non-TSO functions are accepted in parallel with the TSO authorization. For those non-TSO functions to be accepted, you must declare these functions and include the following information with your TSO application: (1) Description of the non-TSO function(s), such as performance specifications, hardware, and environmental qualification levels. Include a statement confirming that the non- TSO function(s) don’t interfere with the article’s compliance with the requirements of paragraph 3. (2) Installation procedures and limitations sufficient to ensure that the non-TSO function(s) meets the declared functions and performance specification(s) described in paragraph 5.d.(1). (3) Instructions for continued performance applicable to the non-TSO function(s) described in paragraph 5.d.(1). (4) Interface requirements and applicable installation test procedures to ensure compliance with the performance data defined in paragraph 5.d.(1). (5) Test plans, analysis and results, as appropriate, to verify that performance of the hosting TSO article is not affected by the non-TSO function(s). (6) Test plans, analysis and results, as appropriate, to verify the function and performance of the non-TSO function(s) as described in paragraph 5.d.(1). e. The quality system description required by 14 CFR § 21.607, including functional test specifications. The quality system should ensure that you will detect any change to the approved design that could adversely affect compliance with the TSO MPS, and reject the article accordingly. (Not required for LODA applicants.) f. Material and process specifications list. g. List of all drawings and processes (including revision level) that define the article’s design. h. Manufacturer’s TSO qualification report showing results of testing accomplished according to paragraph 3.c of this TSO.
  • 22. 19 i. A compliance matrix identifying all of the requirements in this TSO and identification of the technical data on file at the manufacturer which substantiates compliance with each TSO requirement. Life raft 3. MANUFACTURER DATA REQUIREMENTS. Besides the data given directly to the responsible ACO, have the following technical data available for review by the responsible ACO: a. Functional qualification specifications for qualifying each production article to ensure compliance with this TSO. b. Equipment calibration procedures. c. Schematic drawings. d. Wiring diagrams. e. Material and process specifications. f. The results of the environmental qualification tests conducted according to paragraph 3.d of this TSO. g. If the article contains non-TSO function(s), you must also make available items 6.a through 6.f as they pertain to the non-TSO function(s). 4. FURNISHED DATA REQUIREMENTS. a. If furnishing one or more articles manufactured under this TSO to one entity (such as an operator or repair station), provide one copy or on-line access to the data in paragraphs 5.a and 5.b of this TSO. Add any other data needed for the proper installation, certification, use, or for continued compliance with the TSO, of the life raft. b. If the article contains declared non-TSO function(s), include one copy of the data in paragraphs 5.d.(1) through 5.d.(4). 5. HOW TO GET REFERENCED DOCUMENTS. {List the title, organization name and address for getting all referenced documents.}
  • 23. 20 a. Order SAE documents from SAE International, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001. Telephone (724) 776-4970, fax (724) 776-0790. You can also order copies online at b. Order copies of 14 CFR parts 21 and 45 from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, P.O. Box 979050, St. Louis, MO 63197. Telephone (202) 512-1800, fax (202) 512-2250. You can also order copies online at Select “Access,” then “Online Bookstore.” Select “Aviation,” then “Code of Federal Regulations.” c. You can find a current list of technical standard orders and advisory circulars on the FAA Internet website Regulatory and Guidance Library at You will also find the TSO Index of Articles at the same site. Susan J. M. Cabler Assistant Manager, Design, Manufacturing, & Airworthiness Division Aircraft Certification Service Appendix 1 The following Appendix modifies the text in SAE International’s Aerospace Standard (AS) 1356, liferafts, dated July 2012. Compliance to the modified text is mandatory in order to comply with the requirements of this TSO. When Reading AS1356… Do the following: Section 1 Disregard
  • 24. 21 Section 2 Apply all subsections unless disregarded or modified below: Page 4, Replace subsection 2.1, with the following text: 2.1 Applicable Documents The following publications form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. The applicable issue of cited publications shall be the issue in effect on the date of the publication of this document, unless otherwise specified. In the event of conflict between the text of this document and references cited herein, the text of this document takes precedence. Nothing in this document, however, supersedes applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained. Page 7, Subsection 2.2 Disregard Pages 9 and 10, subsection 2.3, apply as written, except replace the definition of the following terms with the following text: APPROVED: The status of equipment that meets FAA standards NOMINAL OPERATING PRESSURE: The median of the Normal Conditions Pressure Range. NORMAL CONDITIONS PRESSURE RANGE: The range of pressures attained during all types of inflations conducted at Normal Temperature Conditions. READILY ACCESSIBLE: Capable of being quickly obtained for operation without requiring removal of obstacles. Page 10, Section 2.3, add the following definition: PRIMARY BOUYANCY CHAMBER: Any buoyancy chamber which independently provides sufficient buoyancy (at Minimum Operating Pressure)
  • 25. 22 to achieve the minimum required freeboard around the entire periphery of the liferaft with the liferaft loaded at both rated and overload capacity. A minimum of two primary buoyancy chambers are required. Page 11, subsection 2.4, replace the definition of “SHOULD” with the following text: SHOULD: Indicates a criterion for which an alternative, including non- compliance, may be applied if an equivalent level of safety is documented, justified, and approved by the cognizant FAA Aircraft Certification Office (ACO) manager. Approval must be requested at least 30 days in advance of submitting the TSO application. Additional substantiation may be required by the ACO manager.
  • 26. 23 Section 3 Apply all subsections unless disregarded or modified below: Page 12, replace subsection 3.1.3(a.) with the following text: Type I Marking: INTENDED FOR USE IN OPERATIONS REQUIRING A LIFE RAFT Type II Marking: NOT INTENDED FOR USE FOR EXTENDED OVER-WATER OPERATIONS NOR IN TRANSPORT CATEGORY AIRCRAFT. Page 15, replace subsection with the following text: Extended Marine Exposure The life raft shall be demonstrated by test and/or analysis based on test to meet the pressure retention requirements of 5.2.1 and the canopy protection of and 6.5.7 after exposure of the fully- inflated life raft to a saltwater marine environment for at least 15 days. Installed/attached features such as the overpressure protection mechanism (e.g., pressure relief valve), manual inflation means, boarding means, sea anchor, and lifeline attachments shall retain their full functionality. Page 15, replace section 3.2.5 with the following text: 3.2.5 Flammability The life raft assembly shall be constructed of material meeting the requirements of 14 CFR 25, Appendix F, Part I, Amendment 111. Survival kit contents need not meet this requirement provided that they are fully enclosed within a container that passes the 12 s vertical burn test in Appendix F. A listing of all the survival kit equipment that does not meet the requirements of 14 CFR 25, Appendix F, Part I, Amendment 111 must be documented in the manual required by paragraph 5.a of this TSO.
  • 27. 24 Page 15, replace subsection 3.4.1 with the following text: 3.4.1 Color The color of the primary exterior surfaces, buoyancy tubes, canopy, floor, and water retention features (ballast), shall be International Orange/Yellow or an equivalent, approved high-visibility color. Equivalent colors must be approved by the cognizant FAA Aircraft Certification Office (ACO) manager. Approval must be requested at least 30 days in advance of submitting the TSO application. Additional substantiation may be required by the ACO manager. Section 4 Apply all subsections unless disregarded or modified below: Page 18, Add the following note to section 4.3.2 and 4.3.3 Note: The deflation of each of the primary buoyancy chambers must be evaluated with the remaining primary buoyancy chamber(s) inflated to minimum operating pressure. Secondary compartments and inflatable floor, if present, are not considered “buoyancy chambers” and therefore must also be deflated.
  • 28. 25 Section 5 Apply all subsections unless disregarded or modified below: Page 18, Add the following note after subsection 5.1.4: Note: This standard was developed for mechanically activated liferaft inflation systems. Electric, electro/mechanical, or software based actuation systems are not adequately addressed by this standard. Page 20, replace subsection 5.5.6 with the following text: 5.5.6 The inflation system for Type I life rafts shall be shown to function reliably with one primary buoyancy tube open to the atmosphere. There should be independent inflation equipment for each primary buoyancy tube. A single inflation system for all buoyancy tubes may be used if data are provided that fully substantiate the reliability of the single inflation system, and is approved by the cognizant FAA Aircraft Certification Office (ACO) manager. Approval must be requested at least 30 days in advance of submitting the TSO application. Additional substantiation may be required by the ACO manager. Section 6 Apply all subsections unless disregarded or modified below: Page 22, replace subsection with the following text: The use of stabilization means other than specified in must be approved by the cognizant FAA Aircraft Certification Office (ACO) manager. The manufacturer shall provide data and analysis that substantiate an equivalent level of stability. Approval must be requested at least 30 days prior to the conduct of tests required in subsection Additional substantiation may be required by the ACO manager.
  • 29. 26 Page 25, replace subsection 6.5.7 with the following text: 6.5.7 Primary canopy fabric(s) shall be waterproof and provide Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF) of 30 or greater, as determined using AATCC Test Method 183 - 2000, or equivalent. Equivalent methods must be approved by the cognizant FAA Aircraft Certification Office (ACO) manager. Approval must be requested at least 30 days in advance of submitting the TSO application. Additional substantiation may be required by the ACO manager.
  • 30. 27 Section 7 Apply all subsections unless disregarded or modified below: Page 26, replace subsection 7.6 with the following text: The text, OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS, shall be marked, adjacent to the inflation instructions, in letters 2 in (5.1 cm) tall, followed by these 3 instructions, or their equivalent, rendered in letters at least 0.5 in (12.7 mm) tall: a. ATTACH TO AIRCRAFT b. THROW/PUSH AWAY FROM AIRCRAFT c. PULL UNTIL INFLATION OCCURS Comprehensibility of any variation(s) to these instructions shall be demonstrated in accordance with 2.3: Comprehensible. liferafts stowed remotely and deployed automatically from the remote location are not eligible for approval under this TSO. Page 26, replace subsection 7.7 with the following text: 7.7 Identification in Stowage The text, liferaft, shall be marked in block letters at least 2 in (5.1 cm) tall, and FOR EMERGENCY USE ONLY shall be marked in block letters at least 1 in (2.54 cm) tall, on all surfaces of the Container/Valise. liferaft assemblies intended to be stored in a dedicated compartment or location may be marked only on the surfaces that will be visible when accessed if the installation instructions and limitations provided with the liferaft provide that level of detail.
  • 31. 28 Section 8 Apply all subsections unless disregarded or modified below: Page 30, Replace subsection 8.8.4 with the following text: 8.8.4 Lithium-containing batteries used in any emergency device shall meet the requirements in TSO-C142a or equivalent. Equivalent methods must be approved by the cognizant FAA Aircraft Certification Office (ACO) manager. Approval must be requested at least 30 days in advance of submitting the TSO application. Additional substantiation may be required by the ACO manager. Note: A TSO approval does not include installation approval in an aircraft. However, special conditions may be required to gain installation approval if the design includes non-rechargeable (i.e. primary) lithium batteries. Section 9 Apply all subsections unless disregarded or modified below: Page 31, Replace the first sentence in subsection 9.3 with the following text: 9.3 Content Survival Information should be prioritized and shall contain the following, at a minimum: Section 10 Disregard APPENDIX A No Changes APPENDIX B No Changes
  • 32. 29 TSO yang menjadi acuan untuk proses sertifikasi dari liferaft adalah TSO-C70b tentang liferaft. TSO tersebut membahas tentang persyaratan-persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi sesuai dengan yang tertera pada regulasi. Persyaratan-persyaratan tersebut adalah:  Fungsi dari liferaft adalah sebagai alat penyokong kehidupan di saat keadaan emergency di atas air.  Untuk kondisi standar minimum kegagalan tidak ada pada TSO ini  Persyaratan fungsional diatur dari demonstrasi performa liferaft dibawah kondisi AS1356 tentang liferaft  Persyaratan lingkungan diatur dari demonstrasi performa di bawah persyaratan kondisi AS1356 tentang liferaft  Ada compliance lain yang bisa digunakan selain yang tertera pada TSO ini seandainya dibutuhkan yaitu dengan di bawah ketentuan dari 14 CFR § 21.618. Namun produsen juga harus memastikan bahwa peralatan yang dibuat tetap mempertahankan level of safety yang sama. 3.2. Contoh Service Bulletin dan Airworthiness Directives Service Bulletin
  • 34. 31 BAB IV PROSEDUR PENGUJIAN Berdasarkan TSO C70b, produk liferaft diperlukan untuk memenuhi standar dengan pengujian pengujian berikut : 4.1. Material test 1.1 Accelerated Age Tes accelerated age dapat dilakukan dengan Method 5850 Oven Method. Tes ini dilakukan untuk menentukan ketahanan dari material saat terekspos panas.
  • 35. 32 Intinya prosedur pengujian dilakukan dengan step berikut :
  • 36. 33 1. Spesimen diharuskan dimasukkan dalam oven selama 48 jam dengan suhu 100 - 105 derajat celcius unless stated otherwise. 2. Spesimen dimasukkan dalam oven dengan keadaan vertikal, tanpa menyentuh spesimen atau part oven. Setelah itu, akan didinginkan dan conditioned dengan standar atmosfir selama 16 - 96 jam. 3. Dibutuhkan besar strength dari spesimen. Dapat dilakukan tes Method 5100. Setelah itu dilakukan perbandingan antara spesimen aged dan tidak. 2. Tensile strength (grab test) Tensile strength dari liferaft harus lebih besar dari angka berikut : Untuk fabrics: Untuk Canopy :
  • 37. 34
  • 38. 35
  • 39. 36
  • 40. 37 Intinya, Prosedur method 5100 adalah sbb: 1. Dilakukan preparasi spesimen. Seperti, dilakukan pengukuran dimensi spesimen sebagaimana yang telah ditentukan. 2. Tes harus dilakukan dalam kondisi standar atmospheric, unless stated otherwise. 3. Dilakukan persiapan. Seperti gage length harus 3 inci, tester di set di titik 0 , memastikan recordingnya dapat merecord dengan benar, Pulling speed harus 12 (4% error ditolerir) inci, tiap penahan harus lurus satu sama lain, dll. 4. Menempatkan spesimen pada penahan sesuai dengan metode yang telah ditentukan.
  • 41. 38 5. Jika ada kesalahan seperti slip, kerusakan yang tidak total, rupture dengan pattern yang abstrak, dilakukan kembali pengujian sampai didapat rata rata hasil eksperimen 3. Tear strength (Method 5136(4)) Dikarenakan tidak dapat ditemukannya Method 5136 (4) maka disini diambil dari ASTM D4533-4 yang juga membahas tentang trapezoid test. ( Tear strength dari komponen liferaft harus lebih besar dari nilai berikut : Untuk fabrics: Untuk Canopy: Prosedur nya adalah sebagai berikut : 1. Dilakukan dalam standart atmosfir 2. Dilakukan pembasahan spesimen (maksimal 2 menit setelah pembasahan) dahulu sebelum dilakukan tes. 3. Set clamp dengan jarak 25 mm, set load dengan range sebesar 15%-85% full scale load. Set mesin dengan kecepatan 300mm/min. 4. Secure spesimen di mesin
  • 42. 39 Clamp harus in-line dengan garis 25 mm. 5. Mulai tes. Record tearing force yang dihasilkan. 4. Tear strength (Tongue test) Tes ini digunakan untuk mengukur tearing strength dari fabrics dengan tongue procedure (single rip). Tes ini mengukur peak force, tearing force, dan tearing strength. ( Prosedur kerja : 1. Potong 2 sample dengan ukuran 3x8 inci 2. Buat potongan 3 inci 3. Apparatus preparation 1. Set jarak antar clamp 3 inci
  • 43. 40 2. Select full force range antara 10% - 90 % full scale force. 3. Test speed :2inci/min dan mensecure spesimen di clamp jaw dengan posisi yang telah ditentukan. 4. Test masing masing spesimen lengthwise dan cross wise 4.2. Liferaft Test 1. Pressure retention Saat kondisi statis, saat dalam posisi inflated, pressure di dalam liferaft harus sebesar jangkauan minimum operating pressure ,dan pressure tersebut tidak boleh turun selama 24 jam . 2. Overpressure test Liferaft harus dapat menahan pressure sebesar 1.5 dari maksimum operating pressure selama 5 menit tanpa failure. Sedikitnya 1 spesimen dari inflatable devicce harus dapat menahan pressure sebesar 2x maksimum operating pressure tanpa failure 3. Functional Test Setiap model dari liferaft yang akan diproduksi harus mampu melewati beberapa tes berikut ini: a. Water Test Dalam kondisi kolam ataupun air yang terkontrol, liferaft harus dapat mendemonstrasikan daya apung yang baik b. Sea Trial liferaft harus mampu untuk bekerja dengan baik pada perairan laut terbuka dengan kecepatan angin 17-27 knot dan gelombang air sebesar 6-10 kaki. c. liferaft drop test liferaft harus bisa dijatuhkan dari ketinggian 5 kaki ke permukaan keras dan tetap dalam kondisi inflated dan tetap memenuhi ketentuan pressure retention. d. Portability Test Jika liferaft akan dikerahkan secara manual, harus dipastikan bahwa bisa dipindahkan dari tempat penyimpanan dan dilakukan oleh hanya 1-2 orang saja e. Carrying Case
  • 44. 41 Harus bisa didemonstrasikan bahwa tas pengangkut liferaft dapat dibuka tutup setidaknya 10 kali dan tidak menimbulkan delay dalam penggunaanya. f. Gas Cylinder Release Mendemonstrasikan bahwa penarikan ripcord gridnya dari sisi manapun dapat mengaktifkan pelepasan gas utamanya. 4. Temperature exposure and inflation. Manufakturer harus menentukan minimum temperature untuk liferaft agar tetap rounded out (masih memiliki bentuk dan dimensi sesuai dengan design), sehingga liferaft dapat dipakai dalam waktu 1 menit setelah inflation. BAB V KESIMPULAN 5.1 Dari pengamatan regulasi yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa:  Liferaft adalah sebuah alat yang digunakan sebagai penyelamat untuk penumpang pesawat yang dalam keadaan darurat di perairan.  Dokumen sertifikasi yang relevan digunakan untuk liferaft adalah TSO-C70b, 14 CFR § 91.509 - Survival equipment for overwater operations, dan Civil Aviation Order (CAO) 20.11 part 5.2 tentang liferaft.  Produsen liferaft masih didominasi luar negeri seperti  Produsen dalam negeri yang sudah dapat memproduksi liferaft adalah CV. Cipta Karya Samudera.