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Magento 2
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My Experience
PHP Developer Since 1999
Founded Creatuity in 2008
Focused on the Magento platform
Magento 2 contributor
early adopter of both Magento 1
and Magento 2
Frequent Magento presenter
Led the Creatuity team in building
3 Magento 2 extensions (more on
the way!)
Already migrating a few
merchants from Magento 1 to
Magento 2
Wrote Writing the book on
Magento 2
Not a Magento employee, but
working closely with the
development, documentation &
product teams on Magento 2
Photo courtesy of @YoavKutner
Magento 1 development began in
2007 by Varien, a PHP development
A look at the state of the art when Magento 1 was built
PHP & Ecommerce in 2007
osCommerce is state of the art
Cloud-based / SaaS ecommerce doesn’t exist yet
PHP 5.2 is cutting-edge
Composer doesn’t exist - PHP has no dependency management
There’s this new thing called ZF, otherwise it’s Cake or Symfony
Testing? You might find a few people using PHPUnit
The Painful World of osCommerce
PHP & Ecommerce in 2007
Want to add an attribute? Modify your database schema on live.
Looking at add new features? Modify core PHP files.
Want to upgrade your store? Good luck!
Magento 1 was built to resolve the
pain points of osCommerce.
Designed to be more flexible and to
provide standardized ways to
customize the platform.
By 2010, Magento had been
downloaded 1.5 million times.
Attracted by Magento’s free, open-
source approach, hundreds of
thousands of sites were launched
using Magento 1
There’s just one problem…
Ecommerce development is hard.
Lightly documented ecommerce
development is even harder.
Varien, now known as Magento Inc,
is acquired by eBay in 2011.
Work begins on Magento 2 almost
Now the most widely-used
eCommerce platform, powering over
250,000 sites, expectations are high
for the Magento 2 team.
Fewer than 30 commits are made to
Magento 2 in 2012.
Internal priorities continue to shift,
and finally at the end of 2014,
Magento 2 development is made
public on Github.
Magento commits to a release
schedule for Magento 2, and
announces the acceptance of pull
#ZendCon launches with
significant documentation of
Magento 2.
Developer Beta is released in
December 2014; Merchant Beta in
July 2015
Production-ready release scheduled
for Q4 2015
Timely Twitter Question! #ZendCon
Magento 2 team has committed to
quarterly releases. I’m targeting the
Q1 2016 release for more cautious
Timely Twitter Answer about Q1 Release #ZendCon
A quick note for any Magento 1
developers in the audience…
#ZendCon #ZendCon
…for PHP developers new to
PHP developers are learning
Magento 2 faster than many
Magento 1 developers.
Approach Magento 2 with a desire
to learn and understand the
underlying patterns.
Don’t approach Magento 2 with the
thought “how do I make my
Magento 1 code work here”
With that mind, let’s dive into
Magento 2…
#ZendCon #ZendCon
composer create-project magento/product-community-edition --stability="beta"
<installation directory name>
Each Magento 2 module is a
separate Composer package
PSR-0 thru PSR-4
Testing built in from the start.
phpunit, selenium, JMeter, Jasmine
Preprocessor, JQuery, RequireJS
Components from Zend
Framework 1, Zend Framework 2,
Technical Architecture
Presentation Layer, Service Layer,
Domain Layer, Persistence Layer
#ZendCon #ZendCon
Presentation Layer - views,
literally and figuratively
Service Layer - an intermediary
between the presentation and
model layers
Service layer provides a stable,
backwards-compatible interface
and forms the foundation for
dependency injection.
Domain layer - business logic,
including models. Contains the
implementation of service
Persistence Layer - resource
models that perform CRUD
operations on database tables.
Some models use a single table,
others continue to use the
Entity-Attribute-Value design
pattern used in Magento 1.
Design Patterns
Loose Coupling
Dependency Injection
Service Contracts
Semantic Versioning
Start your Magento 2 journey
learning the basics of these
design patterns
Sorry - no cool photo here, because I don’t like needles…
DI is exactly what it sounds like -
injecting dependencies into the
objects that need them.
DI is designed to reduce
dependencies and promote loose
DI makes unit testing much easier
Magento 2 uses the Constructor
Injection pattern of DI
DI in Magento 2 is handled via XML
#ZendCon #ZendCon
<config xmlns:xsi=“[…]” xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=“[…]”>

<virtualType name="MagentoSamplePaymentProviderBlockFormPayinstore"
type="MagentoPaymentBlockForm" shared="false">

<argument name="data" xsi:type="array">

<item name="template" xsi:type=“string">




Plugin system based on the
interceptor pattern
Calls to almost any module can
be intercepted and altered
Vast improvement over the
rewrite pattern in Magento 1 - no
more rewrite conflicts
#ZendCon #ZendCon

<type name="{ObservedType}">

<plugin name="{pluginName}" type="{PluginClassName}" sortOrder="1" disabled="false"/>


Sort order defines order if
multiple plugins intercept the
same item
Possible to intercept before,
after and around a function
#ZendCon #ZendCon
‘Before’ Interceptor
class Plugin


public function beforeSetName(MagentoCatalogModelProduct $subject, $name)


return array('(' . $name . ')');


} #ZendCon
‘After’ Interceptor
class Plugin


public function afterGetName(MagentoCatalogModelProduct $subject, $result)


return '|' . $result . '|';


} #ZendCon
‘Around’ Interceptor
class Plugin


public function aroundSave(MagentoCatalogModelProduct $subject, Closure $proceed)



$returnValue = $proceed();

if ($returnValue) {



return $returnValue;


Credit to Allan MacGregor for the Soylent Green joke.
Set of interfaces to define the public
API of a module
This API is the interface provided to
other modules to access its
Designed to hide business logic
behind a stable interface
Service contracts + semantic
versioning = minor releases will not
break existing code
@deprecated = will be removed
with the next major version release
#ZendCon #ZendCon

namespace MagentoCustomerApi;


* Customer CRUD interface.


interface CustomerRepositoryInterface



* Create customer.


* @api

* @param MagentoCustomerApiDataCustomerInterface $customer

* @param string $passwordHash

* @return MagentoCustomerApiDataCustomerInterface

* @throws MagentoFrameworkExceptionInputException If bad input is provided

* @throws MagentoFrameworkExceptionStateInputMismatchException If the provided email is already used

* @throws MagentoFrameworkExceptionLocalizedException


public function save(MagentoCustomerApiDataCustomerInterface $customer, $passwordHash = null); #ZendCon

* Retrieve customer.


* @api

* @param string $email

* @param int|null $websiteId

* @return MagentoCustomerApiDataCustomerInterface

* @throws MagentoFrameworkExceptionNoSuchEntityException If customer with the specified email does not exist.

* @throws MagentoFrameworkExceptionLocalizedException


public function get($email, $websiteId = null);


* Retrieve customer.


* @api

* @param int $customerId

* @return MagentoCustomerApiDataCustomerInterface

* @throws MagentoFrameworkExceptionNoSuchEntityException If customer with the specified ID does not exist.

* @throws MagentoFrameworkExceptionLocalizedException


public function getById($customerId);
Service Contracts include Data
Interfaces and Service Interfaces
Data Interfaces return information
about data entities
Service Interfaces handle business
Three types of service interfaces in
Magento 2 (so far)
Repository Interfaces provide access
to persistent data entities
AddressRepositoryInterface, etc.
Repository interfaces contain the
CRUD operations
Management interfaces contain
management functions not related
to repositories
Validators, createAccount,
changePassword, etc
Metadata interfaces provide meta
information - primarily about
custom attributes
Most service contracts are in the Api
folder - but not all. There are SPIs
annotated with @Api but in the
Model folder, not Api
Check out the Magento 2 sample
extensions - 12 official samples,
including 1 theme
Create your basic module file
#ZendCon #ZendCon
Test/Unit/<tests go here> #ZendCon
"name": "joshuaswarren/sample-module-minimal",
"description": "A minimal sample Magento 2 module",
"type": "magento2-module",
"version": "1.0.0",
"license": [
"require": {
"php": "~5.5.0|~5.6.0",
"magento/magento-composer-installer": "*"
"extra": {
"map": [
} #ZendCon
<module name=“Joshuaswarren_SampleMinimal" setup_version="2.0.0">
</config> #ZendCon
NEW! Registration.php
As of last week, Magento 2
modules need a registration.php
file - this allows modules to live
in vendor directory #ZendCon
NEW! Registration.php
Thanks to Mage2.Pro for this reusable snippet
Optional config files in etc:
acl.xml defines new items for
Magento’s ACL system
Config.xml adds new
configuration options
Webapi.xml defines items to
expose via the REST or SOAP APIs
Optional subdirectories in etc:
Items in the main etc directory
apply globally to your extension
Items in the 4 subdirectories apply
only to that area - i.e., adminhtml
only applies to the Magento
Optional subdirectories:
Optional subdirectories:
API contains any new service
contracts your extension adds
Plugin contains any interceptors
your extension defines
UI is for Magento 2’s new Magento
UI library
I18n contains internationalization
files - CSV files defining the
translations for your strings
If your extension doesn’t need
one of these items, just omit that
Sample: custom shipping method
to allow for in-store pickup from
several locations
#ZendCon #ZendCon
namespace MagentoSampleShippingProviderBlockSystemConfigFormField;

use MagentoConfigBlockSystemConfigFormFieldFieldArrayAbstractFieldArray;


* Backend system config array field renderer


class Locations extends AbstractFieldArray



* Initialise columns for 'Store Locations'


* @return void


protected function _construct()



['label' => __('Title'), 'class' => 'validate-no-empty validate-alphanum-with-spaces']);


['label' => __('Street Address'), 'class' => 'validate-no-empty validate-alphanum-with-spaces']);


['label' => __('Phone Number'), 'class' => 'validate-no-empty validate-no-empty validate-phoneStrict']);


['label' => __('Message'), 'class' => 'validate-no-empty']);

$this->_addAfter = false;



} #ZendCon
Model/Type/Plugin/Onepage.php [1/2]
namespace MagentoSampleShippingProviderModelTypePlugin;

use MagentoCheckoutModelTypeOnepage as CheckoutOnePage;

use MagentoSampleShippingProviderModelCarrier;


* Change Shipping Address to selected Store location address


class Onepage



* @var Carrier


private $carrier;


* @param Carrier $carrier


public function __construct(Carrier $carrier)


$this->carrier = $carrier;

} #ZendCon
Model/Type/Plugin/Onepage.php [2/2]

* Replace shipping address with pickup location address

* @param CheckoutOnePage $subject

* @param array $result

* @return $this


public function afterSaveShippingMethod(CheckoutOnePage $subject, array $result)


if ($result) {

return $result;


$quote = $subject->getQuote();

$shippingAddress = $quote->getShippingAddress();

$shippingMethod = $shippingAddress->getShippingMethod();


* In-Store pickup selected

* Update Shipping Address


if (strpos($shippingMethod, $this->carrier->getCarrierCode()) !== false) {

$locationAddress = $this->carrier->getLocationInfo($shippingMethod);








return $result;


} #ZendCon
namespace MagentoSampleShippingProviderModel;

use PsrLogLoggerInterface;

use MagentoFrameworkAppConfigScopeConfigInterface;

use MagentoStoreModelScopeInterface;

use MagentoShippingModelCarrierAbstractCarrier;

use MagentoShippingModelCarrierCarrierInterface;

use MagentoShippingModelConfig;

use MagentoShippingModelRateResultFactory;

use MagentoQuoteModelQuoteAddressRateResultMethodFactory;

use MagentoQuoteModelQuoteAddressRateResultErrorFactory;


* In-Store Pickup shipping model


class Carrier extends AbstractCarrier implements CarrierInterface



* @var string


protected $_code = 'storepickup';


* @var bool


protected $_isFixed = true;
… see
model/carrier.php contains all of
the functions a shipping carrier
must have in Magento 2
#ZendCon #ZendCon

<section id="carriers">

<group id="storepickup" translate="label" type="text" sortOrder="10" showInDefault="1" showInWebsite="1" showInStore="1">

<label>In-Store Pickup</label>

<field id="active" translate="label" type="select" sortOrder="1" showInDefault="1" showInWebsite="1" showInStore="1">




<![CDATA[<strong style="color:red">Warning</strong>: Shipping Origin should be configured to use this method.]]>



<field id="title" translate="label" type="text" sortOrder="2" showInDefault="1" showInWebsite="1" showInStore="1">



[…] #ZendCon
<config xmlns:xsi=“[…]” xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=“[…]”>

<type name="MagentoSampleShippingProviderModelTypePluginOnepage"/>

<type name="MagentoCheckoutModelTypeOnepage">

<plugin name="change_shipping_address" type="MagentoSampleShippingProviderModelTypePluginOnepage"/>


</config> #ZendCon
<config xmlns:xsi=“[…]” xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=“[…]”>

<module name="Magento_SampleShippingProvider" setup_version="2.0.0">


</config> #ZendCon
"name": "magento/sample-module-shipping-provider",
"description": "Demonstrate Shipping Provider",
"type": "magento2-module",
"version": "1.0.0",
"license": [
"require": {
"php": "~5.5.0|~5.6.0",
"magento/magento-composer-installer": "*",
"magento/framework": "~0.74",
"magento/module-store": "~0.74",
"magento/module-shipping": "~0.74",
"magento/module-quote": "~0.74",
"magento/module-checkout": "~0.74"
"extra": {
"map": [
We now have a complete,
functioning in-store-pickup
shipping extension for Magento 2
Take a look at the Test/Unit
directory on Github for tests for
this extension
Magento 2 unit testing includes
mocking, fixtures, etc. -
everything you need for TDD
Dev Docs includes a great ‘How
Do I’ on the Magento Testing
Framework and testing in
Magento 2
Don’t end up like this guy -> - ‘How Do I?’
Dev Docs
Team of hard-working technical writers (not developers)
Writing documentation for a system that has yet to be used ‘in
the wild’
Very eager for feedback and input - they don’t know what
documentation you need
Very open to pull requests of documentation or just open an
issue on Github with feedback + requests #ZendCon
Magento U Courses
Fundamentals of Magento 2 Development
Front-end Course
Upcoming events:
php[world] - November 2015
Magento Imagine - April 2016
As a freelancer…
Learning Magento 2
Set aside time in your week to learn the design patterns Magento 2 uses
Work through the sample code the Magento 2 team has provided
Begin experimenting with developing with Magento 2
Do not try to learn ‘on the job’ - be careful accepting M2 work before you’re ready
As an in-house developer for a merchant…
Learning Magento 2
Determine when your business is likely to migrate to Magento 2
First 2-4 weeks of your Magento 2 migration schedule should be learning Magento 2
Learn the patterns before you start!
As an agency or industry partner…
Learning Magento 2
Create a tiger team of developers focused on Magento 2
Allow those developers time in the day to learn Magento 2
Those developers should implement your first Magento 2 projects
That team then helps the rest of your team through the learning curve
When do I need to be Magento 2 ready?
Learning Magento 2
Magento 2 will be released late enough in the year that most
merchants won’t begin using it immediately.
Merchants will also wait until their mission-critical extensions are
available on Magento 2.
Start learning it now - but don’t panic!
Programming With Magento 2 coming to &
Keep in
@JoshuaSWarren #ZendCon

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