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Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2
Presented by: David Alger
Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld
My Experience
Magento developer since early 2009
Magento 1 & 2 contributor
GitHub Community Moderator
Director of Technology at Classy Llama
@blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2
Platform Architecture
Some highlights
Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld
Technology Stack
PHP 5.6.x or 5.5.x*
PSR-0 through PSR-4
JQuery w/RequireJS
3PLs ZF1, ZF2 and Symfony
Apache 2.2, 2.4 / Nginx 1.8
MySQL 5.6
Composer meta-packages
*There are known issues with 5.5.10–5.5.16 and 5.6.0
Optional components:
• Varnish as a cache layer
• Redis for sessions or page caching
• Solr (search engine)
Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld
Backwards Compatibility
SemVer 2.0 policy for PHP code
Version numbers in MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format
• MAJOR indicates incompatible API changes
• MINOR where added functionality is backward-compatible
• PATCH for backward-compatible bug fixes
Guaranteed BC for code with @api annotations
@deprecated annotations with ~1yr later removal
Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld
Strongly Layered
Presentation layer to provide view components
Service layer defined interfaces for integrating with logic
Domain layer to provide core business logic and base functionality
Persistence layer using an active record pattern to store data
Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld
Magento Components
Modules support major functionality and behavior
Themes implement the interface users interact with
Language packs to support i18n
Vendor libraries such as ZF1, ZF1 & Symfony
Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld
Breaking it Down
• provides common libraries such as FS, Events, OM, etc
• core application behavior such as routing
• does not "know" about anything outside of itself
VendorLibrary similar to framework, don't re-invent
Modules,Themes & Language Packs
• areas you as a developer will be working with
• may fall into either of 2 categories: required or optional
@blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2
Digging In
Devil in the details
Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld
Dependency Injection
Implements the constructor injection pattern
Dependencies may be provided automatically
Some injected dependencies must be set in XML
This completely replaces the "Mage" god class in 1.x
Class dependencies can be replaced via module config
@blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2
Injecting an Interface
class Norf
protected $bar;
public function __construct(BarInterface $bar) {
$this->bar = $bar;
@blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2
Preferred Implementation
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="..." xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="...">
<preference for="BarInterface" type="Bar" />
@blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2
DI Proxies
<type name="FooBarModelBaz" shared="false">
<argument name="norf" xsi:type="object">FooBarModelNorf</argument>
@blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2
Plugins work using technique called interception
They are implemented in context of a module
You write your plugins; interceptor code is generated
Can wrap around, be called before/after class methods
@blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2
Declaring the Plugin
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="..." xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="...">
<type name="FooBarModelNorf">
<plugin name="Foo_Bar::Qux" type="FooBarPluginQux"/>
@blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2
Intercepting Before
class Qux
public function beforeSetBaz(Norf $subject, $baz)
// modify baz
return [$baz];
@blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2
Intercepting After
class Qux
public function afterGetBaz(Norf $subject, $result)
// modify result
return $result;
@blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2
Wrapping Around
class Qux
public function aroundBaztastic(Norf $subject, Closure $proceed)
// do something before
$result = $proceed();
if ($result) {
// do something really cool
return $result;
Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld
Where can you Plugin?
Anywhere except for…
• final methods / classes
• non-public methods
• class methods
• __construct
Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld
Code Generation
Auto-generates code to create non-existent classes
This is based on convention such as *Factory classes
You can still see and debug the code in var/generation
In development mode these are created in autoloader
Production mode expects pre-compilation via CLI tool
Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld
Factory Pattern
Single purpose objects used to create object instances
Isolate the object manager from business logic
Instead of injecting ObjectManager, use a *Factory
Uniform pattern interface since they are generated
@blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2
class BaseFactory
protected $objectManager;
public function __construct(ObjectManager $objectManager)
$this->objectManager = $objectManager;
public function create($sourceData = null)
return $this->objectManager->create('Base', ['sourceData' => $sourceData]);
@blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2
Using a Factory
class Norf
protected $barFactory;
public function __construct(BarFactory $barFactory) {
$this->barFactory = $barFactory;
/** returns Bar object instantiated by object manager */
public function createBar() {
return $this->barFactory->create();
Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld
Component Management
All components installed via composer
Register component so Magento knows it's there
Composer auto-loader used to load registration.php
Any app/code/*/*/registration.php loaded in bootstrap
@blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2
Component Registration
use MagentoFrameworkComponentComponentRegistrar;
ComponentRegistrar::register(ComponentRegistrar::MODULE, 'Foo_Bar', __DIR__);
@blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2
Autoload Configuration
"name": "foo/bar-component",
"autoload": {
"psr-4": { "FooBarComponent": "" },
"files": [ "registration.php" ]
@blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2
Component registration
for everything!
@blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2
Installing Magento 2
Starting your first project
Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld
Which install method?
Getting the source
• Complete tarball
• Composer meta-packages
• GitHub clone
App installation
• Command line `bin/magento` tool
• GUI wizard
Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld
Installing from GitHub
Used to contribute back to core via PRs
Sample data may still be installed, but messier
@blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2
Installing from GitHub
$ mkdir -p /server/sites/
$ cd /server/sites/
$ git clone /server/.shared/m2.repo ./ && git checkout 2.0.0
$ composer install --no-interaction --prefer-dist
$ mysql -e 'create database m2_dev'
$ bin/magento setup:install --base-url= --backend-frontname=backend 
--admin-user=admin --admin-firstname=Admin --admin-lastname=Admin --admin-password=A123456 
--db-host=dev-db --db-user=root --db-name=m2_dev
$ mkdir -p /server/sites/ && pushd /server/sites/
$ git clone -q /server/.shared/m2-data.repo ./ && git checkout 2.0.0 && popd
$ php -f /server/sites/ -- 
$ bin/magento setup:upgrade
$ bin/magento cache:flush
Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld
Installing via Composer
Use of meta-packages provide you more control
Clear separation between custom / vendor code
Sample data is a snap to install
Best method to use for site builds and other projects
@blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2
Installing via Composer
$ cd /sites
$ composer create-project --repository-url= 
magento/project-community-edition m2.demo
$ cd m2.demo
$ chmod +x bin/magento
$ bin/magento sampledata:deploy
$ composer update # this line here because bugs... fix on it's way
$ mysql -e 'create database m2_demo'
$ bin/magento setup:install --base-url=http://m2.demo --backend-frontname=backend 
--admin-user=admin --admin-firstname=Admin --admin-lastname=Admin --admin-password=A123456 
--db-host=dev-db --db-user=root --db-name=m2_demo
Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld
Installing for Shared Hosting
Tarballs for "easy" install method on shared hosting
Essentially same code produced via composer install
Can be readily used where CLI access is not to be had
After install can be maintained with composer
@blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2
GUI Wizard vs CLI Install
is your choice
@blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 236
@blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2
Makings of a Module
Starting with a skeleton
@blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2
Module Organization
@blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2
└── Skeleton
├── composer.json
├── etc
│   └── module.xml
└── registration.php
39 — initial commit
@blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2
use MagentoFrameworkComponentComponentRegistrar;
ComponentRegistrar::register(ComponentRegistrar::MODULE, 'Alger_Skeleton', __DIR__);
@blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi=""
<module name="Alger_Skeleton" setup_version="1.0.0" />
@blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2
"name": "alger/module-skeleton",
"type": "magento2-module",
"require": {
"magento/framework": "*"
"autoload": {
"files": [ "registration.php" ],
"psr-4": {
"AlgerSkeleton": ""
@blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2
Installing from GitHub
$ composer config repositories.alger/phpworld-talk2 
$ composer require alger/module-skeleton:dev-master
$ bin/magento setup:upgrade -q && bin/magento cache:flush -q
$ git clone 
$ bin/magento module:enable Alger_Skeleton
$ bin/magento setup:upgrade -q && bin/magento cache:flush -q
@blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2
Example Block
namespace AlgerSkeletonBlock;
use AlgerSkeletonHelperBar;
use MagentoFrameworkViewElementTemplate;
use MagentoFrameworkViewElementTemplateContext;
class Norf extends Template {
protected $bar;
public function __construct(Bar $bar, Context $context, array $data = []) {
$this->bar = $bar;
parent::__construct($context, $data);
public function getDrinksCallout() {
return 'Helper your self to an ' . implode(' or a ', $this->bar->getDrinks()) . '!';
@blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2
Using the Block
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<page xmlns:xsi="..." xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="...">
<referenceContainer name="">
<block class="AlgerSkeletonBlockNorf"
@blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2
Unit Testing
namespace AlgerSkeletonTestUnit;
use MagentoFrameworkTestFrameworkUnitHelperObjectManager;
class HelperTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
protected $object;
protected function setUp() {
$this->object = (new ObjectManager($this))->getObject('AlgerSkeletonHelperBar');
/** @dataProvider pourDrinkDataProvider */
public function testPourDrink($brew, $expectedResult) {
$this->assertSame($expectedResult, $this->object->pourDrink($brew));
public function pourDrinkDataProvider() {
return [['Sam', 'Adams'], ['Blue', 'Moon']];
@blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2
Running our Test
$ cd dev/tests/unit
$ phpunit ../../../app/code/Alger/Skeleton/
PHPUnit 4.8.5 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
Time: 235 ms, Memory: 15.00Mb
OK (2 tests, 2 assertions)
Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld
Our Result
@blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2
The CLI Tool
@blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2
Running from Anywhere
#!/usr/bin/env bash
while [[ "$dir" != "/" ]]; do
if [[ -x "$dir/bin/magento" ]]; then
"$dir/bin/magento" "$@"
exit $?
dir="$(dirname "$dir")"
>&2 echo "Error: Failed to locate bin/magento (you probably are not inside a magento site root)"
50 — /usr/local/bin/magento
Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld
Common Commands
bin/magento setup:install
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento module:enable
bin/magento module:disable
bin/magento cache:clean [type]
bin/magento cache:flush
bin/magento dev:urn-catalog:generate .idea/misc.xml
bin/magento admin:user:create
Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld
Var Directories
cached pages
cached objects
setup wizard artifacts
generated classes
compiled DI config
compiled view components
@blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2
If all else fails…
rm -rf var/{cache,page_cache,generation,di,view_preprocessed}/*
Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld
Keep in Touch!
Developer Hub
Community GitHub
Magento U
Vagrant Stack
Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 - php[world] 2015

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Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 - php[world] 2015

  • 1. Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 Presented by: David Alger
  • 2. Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld My Experience Magento developer since early 2009 Magento 1 & 2 contributor GitHub Community Moderator Director of Technology at Classy Llama 2
  • 3. @blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2 Platform Architecture Some highlights 3
  • 4. Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld Technology Stack PHP 5.6.x or 5.5.x* PSR-0 through PSR-4 HTML5 & CSS3 w/LESS JQuery w/RequireJS 3PLs ZF1, ZF2 and Symfony Apache 2.2, 2.4 / Nginx 1.8 MySQL 5.6 Composer meta-packages *There are known issues with 5.5.10–5.5.16 and 5.6.0 Optional components: • Varnish as a cache layer • Redis for sessions or page caching • Solr (search engine) 4
  • 5. Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld Backwards Compatibility SemVer 2.0 policy for PHP code Version numbers in MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format • MAJOR indicates incompatible API changes • MINOR where added functionality is backward-compatible • PATCH for backward-compatible bug fixes Guaranteed BC for code with @api annotations @deprecated annotations with ~1yr later removal 5
  • 6. Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld Strongly Layered Presentation layer to provide view components Service layer defined interfaces for integrating with logic Domain layer to provide core business logic and base functionality Persistence layer using an active record pattern to store data 6
  • 7. Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld Magento Components Modules support major functionality and behavior Themes implement the interface users interact with Language packs to support i18n Vendor libraries such as ZF1, ZF1 & Symfony 7
  • 8. Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld Breaking it Down MagentoFramework • provides common libraries such as FS, Events, OM, etc • core application behavior such as routing • does not "know" about anything outside of itself VendorLibrary similar to framework, don't re-invent Modules,Themes & Language Packs • areas you as a developer will be working with • may fall into either of 2 categories: required or optional 8
  • 9. @blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2 Digging In Devil in the details 9
  • 10. Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld Dependency Injection Implements the constructor injection pattern Dependencies may be provided automatically Some injected dependencies must be set in XML This completely replaces the "Mage" god class in 1.x Class dependencies can be replaced via module config 10
  • 11. @blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2 Injecting an Interface class Norf { protected $bar; public function __construct(BarInterface $bar) { $this->bar = $bar; parent::__construct(); } } 11
  • 12. @blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2 Preferred Implementation <?xml version="1.0"?> <config xmlns:xsi="..." xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="..."> <preference for="BarInterface" type="Bar" /> </config 12 etc/di.xml
  • 13. @blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2 DI Proxies <type name="FooBarModelBaz" shared="false"> <arguments> <argument name="norf" xsi:type="object">FooBarModelNorf</argument> </arguments> </type> 13
  • 14. @blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2 Plugins Plugins work using technique called interception They are implemented in context of a module You write your plugins; interceptor code is generated Can wrap around, be called before/after class methods 14
  • 15. @blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2 Declaring the Plugin <?xml version="1.0"?> <config xmlns:xsi="..." xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="..."> <type name="FooBarModelNorf"> <plugin name="Foo_Bar::Qux" type="FooBarPluginQux"/> </type> </config> 15 etc/di.xml
  • 16. @blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2 Intercepting Before class Qux { public function beforeSetBaz(Norf $subject, $baz) { // modify baz return [$baz]; } } 16 Plugin/Qux.php
  • 17. @blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2 Intercepting After class Qux { public function afterGetBaz(Norf $subject, $result) { // modify result return $result; } } 17 Plugin/Qux.php
  • 18. @blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2 Wrapping Around class Qux { public function aroundBaztastic(Norf $subject, Closure $proceed) { // do something before $result = $proceed(); if ($result) { // do something really cool } return $result; } } 18 Plugin/Qux.php
  • 19. Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld Where can you Plugin? Anywhere except for… • final methods / classes • non-public methods • class methods • __construct 19
  • 20. Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld Code Generation Auto-generates code to create non-existent classes This is based on convention such as *Factory classes You can still see and debug the code in var/generation In development mode these are created in autoloader Production mode expects pre-compilation via CLI tool 20
  • 21. Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld Factory Pattern Single purpose objects used to create object instances Isolate the object manager from business logic Instead of injecting ObjectManager, use a *Factory Uniform pattern interface since they are generated 21
  • 22. @blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2 BaseFactory class BaseFactory { protected $objectManager; public function __construct(ObjectManager $objectManager) { $this->objectManager = $objectManager; } public function create($sourceData = null) { return $this->objectManager->create('Base', ['sourceData' => $sourceData]); } } 22
  • 23. @blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2 Using a Factory class Norf { protected $barFactory; public function __construct(BarFactory $barFactory) { $this->barFactory = $barFactory; parent::__construct(); } /** returns Bar object instantiated by object manager */ public function createBar() { return $this->barFactory->create(); } } 23
  • 24. Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld Component Management All components installed via composer Register component so Magento knows it's there Composer auto-loader used to load registration.php Any app/code/*/*/registration.php loaded in bootstrap 24
  • 25. @blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2 Component Registration use MagentoFrameworkComponentComponentRegistrar; ComponentRegistrar::register(ComponentRegistrar::MODULE, 'Foo_Bar', __DIR__); 25 registration.php
  • 26. @blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2 Autoload Configuration { "name": "foo/bar-component", "autoload": { "psr-4": { "FooBarComponent": "" }, "files": [ "registration.php" ] } } 26 composer.json
  • 27. @blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2 Component registration for everything! 27
  • 28. @blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2 Installing Magento 2 Starting your first project 28
  • 29. Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld Which install method? Getting the source • Complete tarball • Composer meta-packages • GitHub clone App installation • Command line `bin/magento` tool • GUI wizard 29
  • 30. Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld Installing from GitHub Used to contribute back to core via PRs Sample data may still be installed, but messier 30
  • 31. @blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2 Installing from GitHub $ mkdir -p /server/sites/ $ cd /server/sites/ $ git clone /server/.shared/m2.repo ./ && git checkout 2.0.0 $ composer install --no-interaction --prefer-dist $ mysql -e 'create database m2_dev' $ bin/magento setup:install --base-url= --backend-frontname=backend --admin-user=admin --admin-firstname=Admin --admin-lastname=Admin --admin-password=A123456 --db-host=dev-db --db-user=root --db-name=m2_dev $ mkdir -p /server/sites/ && pushd /server/sites/ $ git clone -q /server/.shared/m2-data.repo ./ && git checkout 2.0.0 && popd $ php -f /server/sites/ -- --ce-source=/server/sites/ $ bin/magento setup:upgrade $ bin/magento cache:flush 31
  • 32. Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld Installing via Composer Use of meta-packages provide you more control Clear separation between custom / vendor code Sample data is a snap to install Best method to use for site builds and other projects 32
  • 33. @blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2 Installing via Composer $ cd /sites $ composer create-project --repository-url= magento/project-community-edition m2.demo $ cd m2.demo $ chmod +x bin/magento $ bin/magento sampledata:deploy $ composer update # this line here because bugs... fix on it's way $ mysql -e 'create database m2_demo' $ bin/magento setup:install --base-url=http://m2.demo --backend-frontname=backend --admin-user=admin --admin-firstname=Admin --admin-lastname=Admin --admin-password=A123456 --db-host=dev-db --db-user=root --db-name=m2_demo 33
  • 34. Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld Installing for Shared Hosting Tarballs for "easy" install method on shared hosting Essentially same code produced via composer install Can be readily used where CLI access is not to be had After install can be maintained with composer 34
  • 35. @blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2 GUI Wizard vs CLI Install is your choice 35
  • 36. @blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 236
  • 37. @blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2 Makings of a Module Starting with a skeleton 37
  • 38. @blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2 Module Organization 38
  • 39. @blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2 Skeleton app/code/Alger └── Skeleton ├── composer.json ├── etc │   └── module.xml └── registration.php 39 — initial commit
  • 40. @blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2 registration.php use MagentoFrameworkComponentComponentRegistrar; ComponentRegistrar::register(ComponentRegistrar::MODULE, 'Alger_Skeleton', __DIR__); 40
  • 41. @blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2 module.xml <?xml version="1.0"?> <config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:Module/etc/module.xsd"> <module name="Alger_Skeleton" setup_version="1.0.0" /> </config> 41
  • 42. @blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2 composer.json { "name": "alger/module-skeleton", "type": "magento2-module", "require": { "magento/framework": "*" }, "autoload": { "files": [ "registration.php" ], "psr-4": { "AlgerSkeleton": "" } } } 42
  • 43. @blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2 Installing from GitHub $ composer config repositories.alger/phpworld-talk2 vcs $ composer require alger/module-skeleton:dev-master $ bin/magento setup:upgrade -q && bin/magento cache:flush -q $ git clone app/code/Alger/Skeleton $ bin/magento module:enable Alger_Skeleton $ bin/magento setup:upgrade -q && bin/magento cache:flush -q 43 OR
  • 44. @blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2 Example Block namespace AlgerSkeletonBlock; use AlgerSkeletonHelperBar; use MagentoFrameworkViewElementTemplate; use MagentoFrameworkViewElementTemplateContext; class Norf extends Template { protected $bar; public function __construct(Bar $bar, Context $context, array $data = []) { $this->bar = $bar; parent::__construct($context, $data); } public function getDrinksCallout() { return 'Helper your self to an ' . implode(' or a ', $this->bar->getDrinks()) . '!'; } } 44 Block/Norf.php
  • 45. @blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2 Using the Block <?xml version="1.0"?> <page xmlns:xsi="..." xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="..."> <body> <referenceContainer name=""> <block class="AlgerSkeletonBlockNorf" template="Alger_Skeleton::banner.phtml"/> </referenceContainer> </body> </page> 45
  • 46. @blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2 Unit Testing namespace AlgerSkeletonTestUnit; use MagentoFrameworkTestFrameworkUnitHelperObjectManager; class HelperTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { protected $object; protected function setUp() { $this->object = (new ObjectManager($this))->getObject('AlgerSkeletonHelperBar'); } /** @dataProvider pourDrinkDataProvider */ public function testPourDrink($brew, $expectedResult) { $this->assertSame($expectedResult, $this->object->pourDrink($brew)); } public function pourDrinkDataProvider() { return [['Sam', 'Adams'], ['Blue', 'Moon']]; } } 46
  • 47. @blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2 Running our Test $ cd dev/tests/unit $ phpunit ../../../app/code/Alger/Skeleton/ PHPUnit 4.8.5 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. .. Time: 235 ms, Memory: 15.00Mb OK (2 tests, 2 assertions) 47
  • 48. Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld Our Result 48
  • 49. @blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2 The CLI Tool bin/magento 49
  • 50. @blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2 Running from Anywhere #!/usr/bin/env bash dir="$(pwd)" while [[ "$dir" != "/" ]]; do if [[ -x "$dir/bin/magento" ]]; then "$dir/bin/magento" "$@" exit $? fi dir="$(dirname "$dir")" done >&2 echo "Error: Failed to locate bin/magento (you probably are not inside a magento site root)" 50 — /usr/local/bin/magento
  • 51. Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld Common Commands bin/magento setup:install bin/magento setup:upgrade bin/magento module:enable bin/magento module:disable bin/magento cache:clean [type] bin/magento cache:flush bin/magento dev:urn-catalog:generate .idea/misc.xml bin/magento admin:user:create 51
  • 52. Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld Var Directories var/page_cache var/cache var/composer_home var/generation var/di var/view_preprocessed cached pages cached objects setup wizard artifacts generated classes compiled DI config compiled view components 52
  • 53. @blackbooker / #phpworldFundamentals of Extending Magento 2 If all else fails… rm -rf var/{cache,page_cache,generation,di,view_preprocessed}/* 53
  • 54. Fundamentals of Extending Magento 2 @blackbooker / #phpworld Keep in Touch! 54 @blackbooker Developer Hub Documentation Community GitHub Magento U Vagrant Stack