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Learning Module title:
Promoting ICT with migrants in the ICT centre
Position within the curriculum:
Stage 2 (consolidation) / Category 2
(Methodological skills in working with groups of
Entrance Profile of students:
Minimum 6 months experience in a
job/volunteer engagement with
migrants/refugees and/or
Minimum 6 months experience as e-
facilitator for social inclusion
Basic knowledge of ICT centres
Basic knowledge of immigration-
related main issues
ICT standard skills (office,
Basic team-working skills
Basic target-oriented/intercultural
communication skills
Capability to plan activities for
vulnerable groups
Output Profile of students:
e-facilitator for migrants social
Basic knowledge of the international
and national migratory history and
present context
Knowledge of the potential role of an
ICT center in promoting migrants'
integration and intercultural dialogue
Ability to analyze the available
sources of information on migration-
related topics
Ability to perform e-facilitation tasks
with an intercultural approach
Ability to facilitate migrants access to
Critical use of the available sources of
information on migration-related
Design, realization and promotion of
ICT activities addressed to migrants
Teaching how to use ICT tools for
Basic knowledge on conflict
management in intercultural contexts
Basic knowledge of immigration laws
and administrative procedures,
integration processes and available
Intermediate knowledge of migrant
women integration processes:
difficulties, needs and opportunities
services through ICT
Ability to integrate a gender-
mainstreaming approach in
performing e-facilitation tasks
immigration-related administrative
procedures and e-services
Title of the
Duration Learning
(What is taught)
Pedagogies and
Educational Methods
Techniques, Instruments
and Materials
Learning Unit
Actors (Who)
1 week
1 hour of
- To familiarize with
the learning
- To familiarize with
the platform and
its functions;
- To understand the
overall objectives,
- use of the
- how to complete
student personal
- management of
interactive tools;
We offer to the student the
opportunity to access to the
platform a few days before
the starting of the module, in
order to provide him/her
relevant information about
the functioning of the
platform and the structure of
the module. The Introduction
Methodologic readings:
- Goals of the module
Target of the module
- Module structure and
Students and
No evaluation is
The Introduction
Unit is a start-up
unit aimed at
facilitating the
learning process
that starts with
contents and
methodology of the
- To understand
tutor's role;
- To understand the
evaluation system
and criteria.
- relational skills for
the communication
with students and
Unit is a start-up unit aimed
at facilitating the learning
process that starts with Unit
The only mandatory tasks of
the Introduction Unit are:
Introduce oneself in the
“Introduction Forum”;
Complete ones personal
profile; Consult the Bulletin
Board and the Introduction
forum to read the messages
from the tutor/other
Tutor's role: the tutor is
present in the platform and
has to introduce him/herself
in the Introduction forum and
to post a Welcome message
in the Bulletin Board.
Nonetheless, it is suggested to
avoid direct interactions with
the students in order to
encourage their spontaneous
participation (see also the
Evaluation column).
Tutorship of the Module
Overview of the learning
contents readings:
- Module plan
- Contents of the module
Technical readings
- Platform users' guide
- Detailed instructions on
how to complete the profile
- Forums
- Personal and technical
- Bulletin board and news
- Presentation forum
Unit 1.
It is also an
instrument to
verify students'
motivation in
order to prevent
selected students
that don't access
the platform
during the
Introduction week
are substituted
with enrolled
students in the
waiting list.
Unit 1:
1 week
5 hours of
- To provide a
framework on
migration and to
introduce the
national situation
- To evaluate the
reliability of
sources of
information and
analyse data and to
use of e-tools to
build a set of
reliable sources of
- To develop a
critical thinking,
“real/actual” facts
- History of
typologies, trends,
policies and
- National
migratory history
and context,
similarities and
differences with
the international
- Analysis of the
arguments most
commonly used “in
favor” and
- Presentation of
the most common
stereotypes and
prejudices on
This Unit is built on a three
levels methodological
1.Theoretical/Didactic: it
provides neutral context-
based information
2.Interpretational: it provides
oriented positions on the
phenomenon and elements to
deconstruct them
3.Critical: it stimulates
personal interpretation and
Reading: Il fenomeno delle
migrazioni internazionali
(The international
migrations phenomenon)
Reading: L'immigrazione in
Italia (Immigration in Italy)
Video: Immigrazione in
Italia: è una risorsa o una
minaccia (Immigration in
Italy: is it a added value or a
Reading: Mandiamoli a
casa, i luoghi comuni (Send
them back home, the
Reading: I media e la guerra
alle migrazioni (Media and
war on migrations)
Video: Tutorial Delicious
Optional Reading:
Manifesto del FSMM (Final
declaration of the WSFM)
Optional Video: La puntata
“Migranti” del programma
“Presa Diretta” (the episode
Students and
Task 1: Costruire
un network con
Delicious (Building
a network though
Delicious): group
work aimed at
bulding a data
base of reliable
sources of
information and
useful links.
Task 2:
L'immigrazione nei
(Immigration in
the media):
individual work
asking to explain
how the mediatic
perception of
affects the daily
work in the ICT
Forum: Le notizie
più attuali (The
most recent
news): Select and
share the most
- Concrete
elements, data,
facts to invalidate
each of these
stereotypes and
“Migrants” of the TV show
“Presa Diretta”)
recent news on
Self Evaluation
Questionnaire Unit
Unit 2:
Let's meet!
1 week
5 hours of
- To develop
targeted promotion
strategies for the
ICT center
- To refine the role
of the e-facilitator
for social inclusion
in an intercultural
context/with an
- To promote an
exchange among
students on conflict
- Examples and
ideas of customized
social and cultural
- Techniques for
promotion and
advertising of the
ICT centre's
- Guidelines on how
to act as e-
facilitator with
migrant users
- Techniques for
management in
Unit 2 contents are closely
linked to everyday work in
intercultural ICT centre.
The pedagogical approach is
practical-theoretical and
aimed at encouraging the
exchange of good practices
and the collaborative
For each theme (promotion
strategies, role of the e-
facilitator, conflict
management) the unit
provides an introductory
reading presenting the main
concepts and concrete
examples, followed by a task
and/or forum to apply
knowledge/skills acquired.
Reading: Elementi di
marketing interculturale
(Basic notions of
intercultural marketing)
Reading: Il cinema, un
linguaggio multiculturale
(Cinema, a multicultural
Video: Intervista a Dagmawi
Yimer (An interview to
Dagmawi Yimer)
Reading: I facilitatori, un
supporto all'inclusione
digitale (The facilitators, a
support to e-Inclusion)
Reading: da “Gestione dei
conflitti e mediazione
interculturale” – Conflitti e
interculturale (Parte III): La
gestione dei conflitti in
chiave interculturale e La
Students and
Mandatory tasks
Task 1:
Promuovere il
centro TIC (To
promote the ICT
Centre): individual
work aimed at
elaborating a
targeted strategy
to promote the
center among
Forum: Risoluzione
dei conflitti
sharing and
exchange of good
interculturale attraverso il
cinema (from “Conflict
Management and
Intercultural mediation” -
Conflict and intercultural
communication (Part III):
Conflict management with
an intercutural view and
communication through
Optional Reading:
L'educazione interculturale
verso l'educazione
transculturale (The
intercultural education
towards transcultural
Optional Reading: La
musica: uno strumento per
approcciare le nuove
tecnologie da una
prospettiva interculturale
(Music: an instrument to
Self Evaluation
Questionnaire Unit
Optional Task:
Creare de editare
video (To create
and edit videos):
individual work
aimed at creating a
video and
uploading it on the
module's youtube
Optional Task:
Podcast: uno
strumento di
(Podcast: a
learning tool):
Realise an activity
with at leat 1 out
of 4 podcast
presented in the
optional reading
approach ICT in an
intercultural perspective)
Optional Reading: Radio
2.0, audio e podcast (Radio
2.0, audio and podcast)
Optional Video:
Introduzione ad Audacity
(Introduction to Audacity)
Unit 3
Identify and
through ICT
1 week
5 hours of
- To identify
integration needs
- To elaborate
viable responses to
these needs within
the ICT center
- To use ICT to
simplify the e-
facilitator task of
migrants access to
- Schematic process
on how to plan and
design the ICT
centre activities on
the bases of users'
- List of the most
common migrants'
integration needs,
related to
procedures and
access to services
- List of e-sources
e information
First of all, the unit provides a
logical scheme presenting the
process of designing targeted
activities starting from users'
After that, the overall
pedagogic approach is based
on the idea that delicate
issues as the immigration
administrative procedures
and the access to services
imply the direct involvement
of the final user.
Therefore, the unit aims at
giving to e-facilitators:
• a general overview of
the immigration
Reading: Identificare
bisogni e difficoltà e
modalità con cui il centro
TIC può contribuire a
(Identify needs and
difficulties and how the ICT
centre may meet/solve
Reading: Il computer
facilita il lavoro su cartaceo:
1. I bisogni più comuni degli
utenti migranti; 2.
Procedure amministrative
che il centro TIC può
accompagnare; 3.
Strumenti TIC e fonti di
informazione online (How
PC may help paper-based
Students and
Mandatory tasks
Task 1:
Opportunità del
territorio (Local
opportunities): on
the bases of the
analysis of
migrants' needs,
compile a list of
the existing
opportunities and
services to be used
both by e-
facilitators and by
migrant users
Task 2: La
- Concrete
examples of ICT
tools to be used by
the e-facilitator/the
migrant user
legislation and
procedures + sources
of information
• suggestions on how
to systematize these
information through
• instruments to make
migrant final users
aware and
autonomous in the
use of ICT tools
activities: 1. Migrant users
most common needs; 2.
Administrative procedures
that may be addressed in
the ICT centres; 3. ICT tools
and e-sources of
URL: Il blog del circolo Arci
Thomas Sankara: esempio
di come spiegare le
modalità di consultazione
del portale immigrazione
del Ministero dell'Interno
attraverso screenshots (The
blog of the Arci club
Thomas Sankara: example
of explaination of the
procedure to consult the
immigration portal of the
Ministry of Interiors
through screenshots)
Video: L'iniziativa di Africa
Insieme: Intervista ad un
operatore di Africa Insieme
relativa a un incontro di
formazione volto ad
insegnare a lavoratori
migranti e datori di lavoro
come accedere alla
tecnologia nella
vita quotidiana
(Technology in
daily life): on the
bases of 2
concrete situation,
design of an
activity where ICT
learning helps to
solve an everyday
Forum: Identificare
bisogni e difficoltà
(Identify needs
and difficulties):
Sharing of
knowledge and
practices on
migrant users'
specific needs and
activities to meet
Self Evaluation
Questionnaire Unit
procedura on-line del
decreto flussi (The initiative
by Africa Insieme: interview
to an operator of Africa
Insieme relating about a
training initiative aimed at
teaching to migrant
workers and employers
how to access the online
regularization procedure)
Optional task:
Attività per
apprendere le
lingue (Activities to
learn languages):
Design of a
concrete activity
to learn Italian
using ICT and list
of e-sources to be
added to the
Delicious used in
Unit 1
Optional Forum:
Kit di strumenti
per la ricerca di
lavoro (Kit of tools
for job seeking):
learning exercise
aimed at realizing
a kit of useful
instruments to
facilitate migrants'
job seeking in the
ICT centre
Unit 4
, gender
and ICT
1 week
5 hours of
- To integrate a
gender perspective
in the context of
ICT intercultural
- To become aware
of the non-
neutrality of ICT in
a gender
- To explore the
links between
migrant women
employability and
ICT skills
- Overview of the
history of women
rights in the public
and international
debate on human
- Analysis of the so-
trend of
migration with a
focus on the
national situation
- The condition of
migrant women:
the concepts of
“double exclusion”
and “double
- Diachronic
overview of main
schools of thought
on women and
- Results of a cross-
Unit 4 is based on the idea
that a gender approach is
crucial in designing and
realizing any social and
cultural activity.
Therefore, it provides a
consistent historical
framework aimed at orienting
and supporting e-facilitators
in integrating a gender-
mainstreaming approach in
their daily activities with
migrant users.
For this reason, the Unit
doesn't include any
content/task related to
specific activities addressed to
migrant women. Otherwise,
the Unit intends to promote a
spontaneous debate among
the students on how to
integrate the acquired
knowledge in their everyday
Reading: I diritti delle
donne sono diritti umani
(Women rights are human
Reading: Donne migranti
(Migrant women)
Reading: Genere e TIC
(Gender and ICT)
Reading: Donne migranti,
TIC e occupabilità (Migrant
women, ICT and
Students and
Forum: Prospettiva
di genere (Gender
exchange of ideas
on gender,
immigration and
Self Evaluation
Questionnaire Unit
country research
on: 1. ICT skills and
integration of
migrant women; 2.
The role played by
ICT trainings in the
acquisition of other
socio-cultural key
skills; 3. The role
played by third-
organizations in the
life of migrant
Closing Unit 10 days
5 hours of
- To assess
- To apply in a
critical and
transversal way
acquired during the
whole learning
- To evaluate the
- Final exam
- Feedback Forum
- Evaluation
The final exam consists in a
learning exercise allowing the
assessment of students'
capability to use skills and
competences acquired in each
learning unit in an integrated
and transversal way.
It is aimed at evaluating work
related skills (more than
theoretical knowledge).
Final Exam: Imagine to
design "the ideal job
guidance program"
addressed to migrant
women and provide its
"business plan". In
particular, answer to the
following points: a. context
analysis; b. target
description and target's
expected needs; c. general
and specific objectives; d.
activities to develop; e.
Students and
The final exam
counts for 50% of
the final note. This
50% has to be
attributed on the
bases of the
following criteria:
coherence with
the learning inputs
(15 points),
valorization of ICT
adequateness of
the learning
module according
to students
The exercise has to be
realized in groups of 5.
The students themselves have
to select their "final exam
mates" during the 4 weeks of
training (to foster interchange
during the training and allow
the constitution of groups of
people sharing the same
After the deadline each group
has to present its product to
the virtual class and the tutor
in the framework of a face to
face session and/or online
interactive session.
Moreover, students will be
proposed to answer a
evaluation questionnaire on
the module and to participate
in a feedback forum.
methodologies and tools to
use; f. equipment/human
Feedback Forum: Students
are invited to share their
final impressions on the
module and say good-bye
to other students and to
the tutor.
Evaluation Questionnaire:
Students are asked to fill in
a semi-structured
questionnaire evaluating
the following dimensions of
the received training:
learning outcomes; role and
career development;
overall satisfaction with the
ols (15 points),
innovativeness and
creativity (10
points), quality of
the presentation
(10 points).
The remaining 50%
is attributed on
the basis of
during the training
(tasks submission
and forum

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M5 Promoting ICT with migrants in the ICT centre

  • 1. Learning Module title: Promoting ICT with migrants in the ICT centre Position within the curriculum: Stage 2 (consolidation) / Category 2 (Methodological skills in working with groups of participants) Entrance Profile of students: Minimum 6 months experience in a job/volunteer engagement with migrants/refugees and/or Minimum 6 months experience as e- facilitator for social inclusion Knowledge: Basic knowledge of ICT centres environment Basic knowledge of immigration- related main issues Skills: ICT standard skills (office, multimedia) Basic team-working skills Competences: Basic target-oriented/intercultural communication skills Capability to plan activities for vulnerable groups Output Profile of students: e-facilitator for migrants social inclusion Knowledge: Basic knowledge of the international and national migratory history and present context Knowledge of the potential role of an ICT center in promoting migrants' integration and intercultural dialogue Skills: Ability to analyze the available sources of information on migration- related topics Ability to perform e-facilitation tasks with an intercultural approach Ability to facilitate migrants access to Competences: Critical use of the available sources of information on migration-related topics Design, realization and promotion of ICT activities addressed to migrants Teaching how to use ICT tools for
  • 2. Basic knowledge on conflict management in intercultural contexts Basic knowledge of immigration laws and administrative procedures, integration processes and available services Intermediate knowledge of migrant women integration processes: difficulties, needs and opportunities services through ICT Ability to integrate a gender- mainstreaming approach in performing e-facilitation tasks immigration-related administrative procedures and e-services Title of the Learning Units Duration Learning aims/outcome Learning Contents (What is taught) Pedagogies and Educational Methods (How) Techniques, Instruments and Materials Learning Unit Actors (Who) Evaluation Introduction Unit 1 week available 1 hour of mandatory minimum dedication - To familiarize with the learning environment: - To familiarize with the platform and its functions; - To understand the overall objectives, - use of the platform - how to complete student personal profile; - management of interactive tools; We offer to the student the opportunity to access to the platform a few days before the starting of the module, in order to provide him/her relevant information about the functioning of the platform and the structure of the module. The Introduction READINGS: Methodologic readings: - Goals of the module Target of the module - Module structure and methodology Students and tutors No evaluation is foreseen. The Introduction Unit is a start-up unit aimed at facilitating the learning process that starts with
  • 3. contents and methodology of the module; - To understand tutor's role; - To understand the evaluation system and criteria. - relational skills for the communication with students and tutor. Unit is a start-up unit aimed at facilitating the learning process that starts with Unit 1. The only mandatory tasks of the Introduction Unit are: Introduce oneself in the “Introduction Forum”; Complete ones personal profile; Consult the Bulletin Board and the Introduction forum to read the messages from the tutor/other students. Tutor's role: the tutor is present in the platform and has to introduce him/herself in the Introduction forum and to post a Welcome message in the Bulletin Board. Nonetheless, it is suggested to avoid direct interactions with the students in order to encourage their spontaneous participation (see also the Evaluation column). Tutorship of the Module Overview of the learning contents readings: - Module plan - Contents of the module Technical readings - Platform users' guide - Detailed instructions on how to complete the profile - Forums - Personal and technical requirements COMMUNICATION AND INTERACTIVE TOOLS: - Bulletin board and news - Presentation forum Unit 1. It is also an instrument to verify students' motivation in order to prevent drop-outs. Therefore, selected students that don't access the platform during the Introduction week are substituted with enrolled students in the waiting list.
  • 4. Unit 1: Migration: getting oriented and developing critical thinking 1 week available 5 hours of mandatory minimum commitme nt - To provide a reference framework on international migration and to introduce the national situation - To evaluate the reliability of sources of information and analyse data and to use of e-tools to build a set of reliable sources of information - To develop a critical thinking, distinguishing “real/actual” facts from “mediatic/political” ones - History of migratory phenomena, typologies, trends, policies and problems. - National migratory history and context, highlighting similarities and differences with the international one - Analysis of the arguments most commonly used “in favor” and “against” immigration - Presentation of the most common stereotypes and prejudices on immigration/migra nts This Unit is built on a three levels methodological approach: 1.Theoretical/Didactic: it provides neutral context- based information 2.Interpretational: it provides oriented positions on the phenomenon and elements to deconstruct them 3.Critical: it stimulates personal interpretation and elaboration Reading: Il fenomeno delle migrazioni internazionali (The international migrations phenomenon) Reading: L'immigrazione in Italia (Immigration in Italy) Video: Immigrazione in Italia: è una risorsa o una minaccia (Immigration in Italy: is it a added value or a threat?) Reading: Mandiamoli a casa, i luoghi comuni (Send them back home, the prejudices) Reading: I media e la guerra alle migrazioni (Media and war on migrations) Video: Tutorial Delicious ------------ Optional Reading: Manifesto del FSMM (Final declaration of the WSFM) Optional Video: La puntata “Migranti” del programma “Presa Diretta” (the episode Students and tutors Task 1: Costruire un network con Delicious (Building a network though Delicious): group work aimed at bulding a data base of reliable sources of information and useful links. Task 2: L'immigrazione nei media (Immigration in the media): individual work asking to explain how the mediatic perception of immigration affects the daily work in the ICT center. Forum: Le notizie più attuali (The most recent news): Select and share the most
  • 5. - Concrete elements, data, facts to invalidate each of these stereotypes and prejudices “Migrants” of the TV show “Presa Diretta”) recent news on immigration Self Evaluation Questionnaire Unit 1 Unit 2: Let's meet! 1 week available 5 hours of mandatory minimum commitme nt - To develop targeted promotion strategies for the ICT center - To refine the role of the e-facilitator for social inclusion in an intercultural context/with an intercultural approach - To promote an exchange among students on conflict management strategies - Examples and ideas of customized social and cultural activities - Techniques for promotion and advertising of the ICT centre's activities - Guidelines on how to act as e- facilitator with migrant users - Techniques for conflict management in intercultural context Unit 2 contents are closely linked to everyday work in intercultural ICT centre. The pedagogical approach is practical-theoretical and aimed at encouraging the exchange of good practices and the collaborative learning. For each theme (promotion strategies, role of the e- facilitator, conflict management) the unit provides an introductory reading presenting the main concepts and concrete examples, followed by a task and/or forum to apply knowledge/skills acquired. Reading: Elementi di marketing interculturale (Basic notions of intercultural marketing) Reading: Il cinema, un linguaggio multiculturale (Cinema, a multicultural language) Video: Intervista a Dagmawi Yimer (An interview to Dagmawi Yimer) Reading: I facilitatori, un supporto all'inclusione digitale (The facilitators, a support to e-Inclusion) Reading: da “Gestione dei conflitti e mediazione interculturale” – Conflitti e comunicazione interculturale (Parte III): La gestione dei conflitti in chiave interculturale e La Students and tutors Mandatory tasks Task 1: Promuovere il centro TIC (To promote the ICT Centre): individual work aimed at elaborating a targeted strategy to promote the center among migrants Forum: Risoluzione dei conflitti (Conflict management): sharing and exchange of good practices
  • 6. comunicazione interculturale attraverso il cinema (from “Conflict Management and Intercultural mediation” - Conflict and intercultural communication (Part III): Conflict management with an intercutural view and Intercultural communication through cinema. ------------ Optional Reading: L'educazione interculturale verso l'educazione transculturale (The intercultural education towards transcultural education) Optional Reading: La musica: uno strumento per approcciare le nuove tecnologie da una prospettiva interculturale (Music: an instrument to Self Evaluation Questionnaire Unit 2 ------------ Optional Task: Creare de editare video (To create and edit videos): individual work aimed at creating a video and uploading it on the module's youtube channel Optional Task: Podcast: uno strumento di apprendimento (Podcast: a learning tool): Realise an activity with at leat 1 out of 4 podcast software presented in the optional reading
  • 7. approach ICT in an intercultural perspective) Optional Reading: Radio 2.0, audio e podcast (Radio 2.0, audio and podcast) Optional Video: Introduzione ad Audacity (Introduction to Audacity) Unit 3 Identify and meet migrants' specific needs through ICT 1 week available 5 hours of mandatory minimum commitme nt - To identify migrants' integration needs - To elaborate viable responses to these needs within the ICT center - To use ICT to simplify the e- facilitator task of supporting migrants access to services - Schematic process on how to plan and design the ICT centre activities on the bases of users' needs - List of the most common migrants' integration needs, related to administrative procedures and access to services - List of e-sources of legal/administrativ e information First of all, the unit provides a logical scheme presenting the process of designing targeted activities starting from users' needs. After that, the overall pedagogic approach is based on the idea that delicate issues as the immigration administrative procedures and the access to services imply the direct involvement of the final user. Therefore, the unit aims at giving to e-facilitators: • a general overview of the immigration Reading: Identificare bisogni e difficoltà e modalità con cui il centro TIC può contribuire a soddisfarli/risolverli (Identify needs and difficulties and how the ICT centre may meet/solve them) Reading: Il computer facilita il lavoro su cartaceo: 1. I bisogni più comuni degli utenti migranti; 2. Procedure amministrative che il centro TIC può accompagnare; 3. Strumenti TIC e fonti di informazione online (How PC may help paper-based Students and tutors Mandatory tasks Task 1: Opportunità del territorio (Local existing opportunities): on the bases of the analysis of migrants' needs, compile a list of the existing opportunities and services to be used both by e- facilitators and by migrant users themselves Task 2: La
  • 8. - Concrete examples of ICT tools to be used by the e-facilitator/the migrant user legislation and administrative procedures + sources of information • suggestions on how to systematize these information through ICT • instruments to make migrant final users aware and autonomous in the use of ICT tools activities: 1. Migrant users most common needs; 2. Administrative procedures that may be addressed in the ICT centres; 3. ICT tools and e-sources of information) URL: Il blog del circolo Arci Thomas Sankara: esempio di come spiegare le modalità di consultazione del portale immigrazione del Ministero dell'Interno attraverso screenshots (The blog of the Arci club Thomas Sankara: example of explaination of the procedure to consult the immigration portal of the Ministry of Interiors through screenshots) Video: L'iniziativa di Africa Insieme: Intervista ad un operatore di Africa Insieme relativa a un incontro di formazione volto ad insegnare a lavoratori migranti e datori di lavoro come accedere alla tecnologia nella vita quotidiana (Technology in daily life): on the bases of 2 concrete situation, design of an activity where ICT learning helps to solve an everyday problem Forum: Identificare bisogni e difficoltà (Identify needs and difficulties): Sharing of knowledge and practices on migrant users' specific needs and activities to meet them Self Evaluation Questionnaire Unit 3 _______
  • 9. procedura on-line del decreto flussi (The initiative by Africa Insieme: interview to an operator of Africa Insieme relating about a training initiative aimed at teaching to migrant workers and employers how to access the online regularization procedure) Optional task: Attività per apprendere le lingue (Activities to learn languages): Design of a concrete activity to learn Italian using ICT and list of e-sources to be added to the Delicious used in Unit 1 Optional Forum: Kit di strumenti per la ricerca di lavoro (Kit of tools for job seeking): Collaborative learning exercise aimed at realizing a kit of useful instruments to facilitate migrants' job seeking in the ICT centre
  • 10. Unit 4 Immigration , gender and ICT 1 week available 5 hours of mandatory minimum commitme nt - To integrate a gender perspective in the context of ICT intercultural centres - To become aware of the non- neutrality of ICT in a gender perspective - To explore the links between migrant women employability and ICT skills - Overview of the history of women rights in the public and international debate on human rights - Analysis of the so- called “feminilization” trend of international migration with a focus on the national situation - The condition of migrant women: the concepts of “double exclusion” and “double exploitation” - Diachronic overview of main schools of thought on women and technology - Results of a cross- Unit 4 is based on the idea that a gender approach is crucial in designing and realizing any social and cultural activity. Therefore, it provides a consistent historical framework aimed at orienting and supporting e-facilitators in integrating a gender- mainstreaming approach in their daily activities with migrant users. For this reason, the Unit doesn't include any content/task related to specific activities addressed to migrant women. Otherwise, the Unit intends to promote a spontaneous debate among the students on how to integrate the acquired knowledge in their everyday practice. Reading: I diritti delle donne sono diritti umani (Women rights are human rights) Reading: Donne migranti (Migrant women) Reading: Genere e TIC (Gender and ICT) Reading: Donne migranti, TIC e occupabilità (Migrant women, ICT and employability) Students and tutors Forum: Prospettiva di genere (Gender perspective): exchange of ideas on gender, immigration and ICT Self Evaluation Questionnaire Unit 4
  • 11. country research on: 1. ICT skills and socio-economic integration of migrant women; 2. The role played by ICT trainings in the acquisition of other socio-cultural key skills; 3. The role played by third- sector organizations in the life of migrant women Closing Unit 10 days available 5 hours of mandatory minimum commitme nt - To assess knowledge/skills acquired - To apply in a critical and transversal way knowledge/skills acquired during the whole learning path - To evaluate the - Final exam - Feedback Forum - Evaluation Questionnaire The final exam consists in a collaborative/cooperative learning exercise allowing the assessment of students' capability to use skills and competences acquired in each learning unit in an integrated and transversal way. It is aimed at evaluating work related skills (more than theoretical knowledge). Final Exam: Imagine to design "the ideal job guidance program" addressed to migrant women and provide its "business plan". In particular, answer to the following points: a. context analysis; b. target description and target's expected needs; c. general and specific objectives; d. activities to develop; e. Students and tutors The final exam counts for 50% of the final note. This 50% has to be attributed on the bases of the following criteria: coherence with the learning inputs (15 points), valorization of ICT based methodologies/to
  • 12. adequateness of the learning module according to students The exercise has to be realized in groups of 5. The students themselves have to select their "final exam mates" during the 4 weeks of training (to foster interchange during the training and allow the constitution of groups of people sharing the same interests/ideas/projects/work contexts). After the deadline each group has to present its product to the virtual class and the tutor in the framework of a face to face session and/or online interactive session. Moreover, students will be proposed to answer a evaluation questionnaire on the module and to participate in a feedback forum. methodologies and tools to use; f. equipment/human resources/budget Feedback Forum: Students are invited to share their final impressions on the module and say good-bye to other students and to the tutor. Evaluation Questionnaire: Students are asked to fill in a semi-structured questionnaire evaluating the following dimensions of the received training: learning outcomes; role and career development; overall satisfaction with the module. ols (15 points), innovativeness and creativity (10 points), quality of the presentation (10 points). The remaining 50% is attributed on the basis of participation during the training (tasks submission and forum interventions).