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Lydia Rama
Candidate Number: 5978
1) In what ways does your media
product use, develop or challenge
forms and conventions of real media
The Magazine Cover
The main and the ancillary products both produced for
‘Manor Drive’ denote features of ‘repetition’ as well as
difference (Steve Neale) from the Soap Opera genre in
order to attract the target audience
My magazine ‘TV TOWN’
My print media product is an example of ‘repetition’ (Steve
Neale) for example my masthead is similar to other
mastheads on existing print media publications such as
‘What’s On TV’ which was my magazine of inspiration.
During the planning and research stages I analysed other
print media publications such as ‘What’s On TV’ as I liked
the layout of the magazine. An example of repetition that I
produced was the verbal masthead ‘TV TOWN’ as I used a
similar colour scheme and font style to ‘What’s On TV this
is because the use of bright colour’s and big font style
really made ‘What’s On TV’ stand out compared to the
other existing print media products so therefore I wanted
to create a new magazine that would be able to compete
and succeed with the existing publications.
When creating my cover lines I was heavily influenced by ‘other texts’ (Barthes -
1975) when I created my magazine such as ‘What’s On TV’ as I liked the storylines
used for the cover lines as they seemed dramatic as well as the images as they
stereotypically looked like images from Soap Operas. I wanted to create similar cover
lines as 55.56% of people said that the cover stories stand out to them the most
when they were viewing a Soap Opera magazine so therefore I wanted to create
similar storylines to ‘What’s On TV’ so that my magazine would meet the needs of
my target audience. For example I created cover lines with themes of murder,
revenge and pregnancy which were influenced by ‘What’s On TV’.
The use of non-verbal codes such as the main image on my magazine
front cover which is a mid shot of Connie (the main character) in
‘Manor Drive’ draws the audience’s attention to ‘Manor Drive’ as the
image takes up the majority of the front cover to stand out to the
other Soap Operas to help promote the brand new show.
I chose a mid shot for my front cover because I wanted the target
audience to be able to see what Connie is wearing which is a black
puffy body warmer with a long sleeved black top. Her facial
expression and body language (mise-en-scene) is blank with
connotations of mystery and the un-known so therefore the target
audience do not no what she is thinking or feeling. The black puffy
jacket (mise-en-scene) connotes that Connie is a rough character and
stereotypes her as a ‘chav’. I wanted Connie to wear all black on the
‘TV TOWN’ front cover as I wanted the audience to see her as a dark
character. I also wanted to create negative connotations behind
Connie’s character by her choice of clothing such as fear which
connotes that people will be fearful of her character as well
connotations of death which could imply that she is planning on
killing someone as her revenge and also mystery which links back to
her body language as I did not want to give too much away to the
The verbal code of main headline ‘Connie’s Revenge’ denotes that
Connie is going to get revenge. The connotations suggest that
someone has done something bad to her so therefore she is going to
get her revenge on them. This is a similar convention used on existing
Soap Opera magazines such as ‘Whats on TV’ with ‘Wedding shock!’
which connotes that secrets will be revealed during a wedding that
will shock everyone.
I have used the BBC three logo on my main headline to help promote the show as well as
promote the channel that ‘Manor Drive’ will be shown on. The ‘Manor Drive’ logo is also
present on the front cover to help promote the new soap opera. The differences between my
magazine and other Soap Opera magazines are that I have social media logos such as Twitter
and Facebook. This is because I wanted to reach out to a wider target market, as well as
promote ‘Manor Drive’ online by allowing my target audience to write their own opinions about
the show on the page as well as share the page so that more people would like and follow the
pages. Another ‘difference’ (Steve Neale) between my magazine and other existing Soap Opera
magazines is that I have created a logo to create a brand identity and placed it in the bar code. I
created this as it is a new Soap Opera magazine so therefore it was important for me to create a
brand identity so that I could establish my brand so people would be able to notice ‘TV TOWN’
by the logo. I used red and white colours as they are the same as the masthead and therefore
symbolise the magazines passion for Soap.
The Trailer
The main task, which was the trailer for ‘Manor Drive’, was set in a pub setting, which is a typical
Soap opera setting. The setting for the flashback shot was set by an empty path near the side of
the road.
Connie is the main protagonist within the ‘Manor Drive’ trailer. The costume we decided for her
to wear was a black puffy jacket with gold rings and big gold earrings and Ugg boots. We wanted
Connie to wear these items as part of her costume because we wanted them to ‘signify’ (De
Saussure) that she a “common” character. We wanted her to stereotypically look like a chav to
connote that she is an aggressive character. Connie is also coming back for revenge so therefore
her clothing could suggest that she has been living rough whilst she has been away. The other
characters (the group of friends) were dressed in smart casual clothing such as jeans and t-shirts
as the setting was in pub so therefore we wanted them to look like realistic teenagers in a pub.
The props we used within our trailer were non-verbal codes that were very similar to what the
characters wear in other Soap Opera trailers such as EastEnders and Hollyoaks
The pub setting of the Queen Vic influenced our decision of the non-verbal pub setting for
our trailer (‘’Television producers set out to exploit genre conventions’’ - Nicholas
Abercrombie (1995). We ‘exploited’ this convention by choosing it as our main setting
within our trailer as a pub is the main setting as it is a typical social environment in which
members of a community go to. The setting also established the main characters within our
trailer. The exploitation of the pub setting made our trailer look more realistic and
professional like the Eastenders pub setting . The pub setting is also a typical soap opera
setting so therefore it was important for us to exploit this setting within our trailer.
Our trailer is about someone coming back for revenge, which could have many, different
storylines behind it such as murder, crossed wires, family or friendship drama.
The Hollyoaks ‘black wedding’ trailer influenced my choice to ‘repeat’ (Steve Neale) the verbal
codes within the ‘Manor Drive’ trailer as I wanted them to reveal the meaning of the actions
within the trailer to the audience so that they could have an idea of what the ‘Manor Drive’
narrative would be about. For example in the Hollyoaks trailer the non-diegetic verbal code of
the song lyrics ‘it’s a nice day for a white wedding’ were very ironic as everyone was dressed in
black instead of white so the connotations behind these lyrics implied to me that the wedding
would turn out to be the opposite of a nice day. This Implies to the audience that the wedding
is going to be a disaster and that dark secrets are going to be revealed as the mise-en-scene of
dark clothing worn by the guest and both the bride and groom suggest that one of them has
done something dark and is trying to hide it however their secret will be reveled during their
wedding. The non-diegetic verbal lyrics within ‘Manor Drive’ ‘wreaking havoc and yes I will get
my …revenge’ reveal Connie’s motive for returning.
The lyrics ‘signify’ (Ferdinand de Saussure) that Connie is coming back to cause trouble and
gives the audience a clue that she wants to get revenge on the group of teenagers who are
playing spin the bottle inside the pub. The point of view shot from the protagonist shows her
looking directly at all of the teenagers whilst there is a non-diegetic song lyric ‘revenge’
connotes that the group of teenagers have done something bad to her as they are shocked to
see her returning so therefore she wants to cause chaos by doing something bad to them as
revenge for what they did to her.
Lastly my group and myself challenged conventions by filming a flashback at the end of our
trailer as other Soap Trailers we analysed did not have any flashbacks. We made this our
unique selling point as we wanted to reveal Connie’s motive for having revenge of the
teenagers it shows that they tried to murder her however it does not show if they all murdered
her or just one of them which makes her return more dramatic as they audience will be
suspicious of who she is going to get here revenge on first.
The Poster
When planning my poster I was un-able to find a Soap Opera poster that had similar themes to
‘Manor Drive’, however I decided to look at the Hollyoaks fire poster as it had many codes and
conventions as well as meanings behind it which helped give the audience clues (Roland
Barthes) about who would be affected by the fire. For example all of the characters on the
Hollyoaks poster have been edited to look like they are flames which connotes that they are all
going to be caught in the fire. For my poster I wanted each of the main characters to hold up
mug shots as criminals are made to this so therefore it instantly ‘signifies’ to the audience that
they have committed and illegal crime and are going to be punished for it. The bloody font style
writing on the mug shots connote that they have violently hurt or killed someone as it is a sign
of murder. The colour red also signifies danger and murder and suggests that they are all in
danger because they have committed a crime. The mid-shot of the main antagonist is faded and
placed behind the other characters to show that they are oblivious to her return. It creates a
possible ‘disequilibrium’ (Todorov), as the characters will be shocked by her return as the blood
on her attack connotes that they have violently attacked her.
The verbal code across the mug shots ‘WE ARE NOT GUILTY’ implies that the teenagers are
hiding something. It suggests to the audience that they have a dark secret between them that
will possibly be revealed in ‘Manor Drive’. The word ‘WE’ emphasises that they are all equally
guilty as well as connotes that they were all part of the crime that has been committed.
I replicated the point of call information on my poster which was similar
to the Hollyoaks poster. For example I put the channel and the time on
my poster like the Hollyoaks poster however I challenged these
conventions by adding the Facebook and Twitter logo with
@manordrive. I did this as it allowed me to reach out to a younger
audience who would be able to interact with the new soap by following
the Twitter page. This use of synergy and convergence allows the
younger audience to Tweet ‘Manor Drive’ which would help promote it
as the audiences followers will be able to see their tweets so therefore it
would help me attract a bigger audience.
I also replicated the inclusion of a tagline from the Hollyoaks poster which was
‘The week that will change Hollyoaks forever”. This connotes to the audience
that a big dramatic event is going to happen next week, which could cause
some of the characters lives to be in danger. I wanted to create a strong
meaning within my tagline, which would reveal more about the ‘Manor Drive’
to the audience. The tagline that I created for my poster was ‘Let the
vengeance begin’ this signifies to the audience that their will be themes of
danger, revenge and possibly violence as the word vengeance connotes that
someone is going to come back and get their revenge on other characters and
connotes that the main antagonist has feelings of anger and hatred towards
the other characters. Its also similar to the Hollyoak’s tagline as it connotes
that there will be dramatic events happening in ‘Manor Drive’.
2) How effective is the combination
of your main product and ancillary
The combination of the main and ancillary texts within the production of ‘Manor Drive’ on
reflection has proved to be very successful. For example both the main and ancillary texts
are examples of synergy as the social media logos are clearly presented on both my
magazine front cover and poster. The themes and issues within ‘Manor Drive’ are repeated
and represented across all of the products. These themes and issues are revenge,
friendship, and betrayal. The main characters in our ‘Manor Drive’ were teenagers and I
felt that this helped get the attention of our target audience which is people aged from 16
upwards however our main target audience is teenagers and young adults.
I used synergy across both my ancillary texts and my main task trailer, as I wanted to target
a much wider audience. This also allowed me to promote ‘Manor Drive’ across different
media platforms.
For example I wanted to target people from the age of 16 upwards who most likely use
Facebook and Twitter. I used the Twitter and Facebook social media logos across all of my
production work to help promote ‘Manor Drive’. The Facebook and Twitter logos allows my
target audience to like and follow the pages on social media so that they can then keep up
to date with the latest news and updates about the show. It also gives them the power to
share and express their own views and opinions on the show, which would allow me to see
how they feel about the show. If the audience doesn’t like the show I would be able to
make improvements and produce a show that meets their wants and needs by looking at
their comments and if they liked the show I would keep producing similar narratives which
they enjoy watching.
I also included the ‘@manourdrive’ Twitter page on my poster as well as in my trailer, as I
wanted to make it easier for my audience to follow and tweet the page.
The combination of the main and ancillary texts is effective due to the
continuous repetition of black of the main antagonists clothing (mise-en-scene). This is
because I wanted to create a strong dominant female (Rebecca Feasey) across all of my
products, as I wanted the audience to see that Connie has the power to get revenge on the
other characters. The colour black also signifies that she is a possible villain. The lyrics within
the trailer are the same as the main headline on ‘TV TOWN’ “revenge” which denotes that
Connie is that character is the soap who is going to get revenge and therefore connoting that
she is the villain. The combination of this is reflective of the themes and issues within ‘Manor
Drive’ such as revenge and vengeance.
The combination of the main and ancillary texts is effective due to the
repetition of the time which `Manor Drive’ will be showing as well as the days so that
the target audience will know when to watch it. I also made sure that I used the BBC Three logo
across all of my ancillary products to help promote the channel that the Soap Opera is going to
be shown on so that the target audience would remember what channel it on.
3) What have you learnt from
your audience feedback?
To complete my audience feedback I decided to create an
account on a website called Survey Monkey. This website
allowed me to create an online survey which could be
emailed to email my audience so that they could fill it out
quicker and in their spare time. Survey monkey also
allowed me to analyze my results once everyone had
filled out my survey which allowed me to clearly see what
my audience thought of my 3 media products.
I asked my audience questions which related to all of my
media products so that I could get their views on my
I asked people this question
as I wanted to know what
codes and conventions
attracted them to the print
media publication ‘TV
TOWN’. This is because I
wanted to see what codes
and conventions worked well
on my print media product as
well as see how effective
they were on my audience.
62.50% of my audience said
that the main image stands
out the most on the front
cover. This connotes that the
audience are attracted to my
magazine by the main image.
This shows that my main
image is successful in
standing out and promoting
‘Manor Drive’.
I asked this question as I wanted to see what ideas people had about ‘Manor Drive’ as well as to
see what they thought it would be about from the promotion on ‘TV TOWN’. I also wanted to
see if people would be able to link the main headline to the themes and ideas that are
portrayed in the ‘Manor Drive’ trailer such as betrayal and revenge.
As a producer for the print media
Product ‘TV TOWN’ I intended to
provide the audience with a ‘dominant
reading’ (Hall-1973) of the text
through the use of verbal codes such
as the main headline ‘Connie's Revenge’ as my intentions were to help
the audience see that the connotations behind the main headline suggest that Connie will be
getting revenge on someone because they have hurt her so therefore she is going to get them
back by possibly hurting them. From my responses
I can see that I was very successful with my main headline which achieved its objectives to give
the audience clues
about ‘Manor Drive’ for example some of the comments I received from my audience feedback
were “I think that someone might have hurt Connie and she wants to get her revenge on
theme as pay back so she might be planning on doing something bad”, “I think its about
Connie going to get here revenge on the 4 people that hurt her. And her going to make them
go through the same thing she did”, “someone taking Revenge for something that happened
to them”. From my audience feedback I can see that the audience have ideas about what to
expect from “Manor Drive” due to the connotations behind the main headline so therefore the
audience are able to anticipate what will happen when they watch “Manor Drive”
I asked this question as I wanted to see if people felt that the
lyrics suited the ‘Manor Drive’ trailer as well as suited the
themes within the trailer.
From my audience feedback I was able to see that 100% of
people who completed my survey agreed with the lyrics
within the “Manor Drive” trailer I also asked them to explain
there answer so I could see how they feel about the lyrics
within the trailer. For example here are some of my
responses “Yes cause it's about Connie comes back to get
revenge whilst everyone thought she was dead”, “Yes
because the trailer shows the journey to revealing herself
to this group of people who seem shocked on her arrival
suggesting she's back for revenge and her intimidating
posture suggest revenge therefore the song suits
particularly well with the trailer”, “Yes, great lyrics, the
music suits the trailer very well, very dramatic, like it a lot”.
From my responses I was able to see that the audience
thought the lyrics fitted the themes within the trailer
especially the main theme of revenge as they revealed to
the audience that Connie is coming back from somewhere to
get revenge on the group of friends so therefore this creates
suspense as the audience will want to know what happens
to them as the dramatic lyrics connote that she has come
back to cause trouble for the group of teenagers .
I created two ancillary products a magazine front cover and a poster to help promote the new
Soap Opera ‘Manor Drive’. I asked this question as I wanted to see which one was more
effective in promoting the new Soap Opera.
From my audience feedback I can see that my trailer was a very effective marketing strategy as
the promotion of the trailer was effective in persuading my audience to watch the brand new
Soap Opera “Manor Drive” due to the build up and suspense throughout the trailer which then
reveals that the main antagonist was murdered by a group of friends.
This connotes that the audience are ‘explorers’(Malsow) as the audience want to watch “Manor
Drive” as the trailer has captured their attention so therefore they are interested to see what
the show is about as they want to see what themes and issues are involved in “Manor Drive”
As ‘Manor Drive’ is a brand new Soap Opera I wanted to see what people thought of my poster
as well as see what the audiences thoughts were on the tagline of my poster. I received a mix
response from my audience feedback however the main themes that my audience associated
my poster headline with were ‘Revenge’ as 87.50% of my audience chose this answer and
‘Betrayal’ as 50% of my audience chose this answer. This connotes that my audience think that
the first episode of ‘Manor Drive’ will focus on themes involving revenge and betrayal which
suggests that they think a character has betrayed someone therefore leading to revenge. This
also shows that’s my poster was very effective in revealing the issues in ‘Manor Drive’ as it is
about a group of friends murdering one of their friends however the friend is shown to still be
alive and returning to get revenge on them.
I asked this question as I wanted to see if my audience thought that my setting was realistic as
well as similar to settings in other existing Soap Operas.
A pub setting is a typical Soap Opera setting so therefore
It was essential that we repeated this setting within ‘manor Drive’ as it is expected from the
Soap Opera genre.
myself and my group visited a range of different pub locations as we wanted it to look realistic
to existing Soap opera settings. 100% of my audience thought that the pub
setting In ‘manor Drive’ is similar to other Soap Opera settings so therefore or chosen location
was successful in looking realistic.
As part of my planning and research I analysed two trailers. The Eastenders who killed Archie
Mitchell trailer and the Hollyoaks black wedding. I took ideas and themes from both these
trailers when contributing ideas for my group trailer so therefore I wanted to see if people
thought ‘Manor Drive’ was similar to either of these soaps.
From my audience feedback I can see that I was successful in analysising both ‘Hollyoaks and
‘Eastenders’ which influenced some of my ideas for “Manor Drive” such as having a group of
young teenagers which are seen in both Eastenders and Hollyoaks as well as the pub setting
which was in the who killed Archie Mitchell trailer. The audience feedback shows that 50% of my
audience thought that “Manor Drive” looked similar to ‘Eastenders’ and 37.50% thought it was
similar to ‘Hollyoaks’. For that reason I was successful In repeating ideas from both of these Soap
Operas as my audience thought ‘Manor Drive’ was similar to them.
I asked my audience this question as my poster was the print media product which I created to
give the audience more clues to what to expect from ‘Manor Drive’ so therefore I wanted to see
if my poster was successful.
My intentions behind my poster were to give the audience “clues that signify meanings to the
audience” through the verbal and non verbal codes on my poster. For example I chose to use a
bloody styles font in red to signify to the audience that there could possibly be a murder in
‘Manor Drive’ which is a themes at is typically shown in Soap Opera genres. My audience
feedback I received shows that my intentions were very effective for example “I think that the
font style really stands out as it is bright red and looks like dripping blood which indicates that
there will be a murder”, “let the “vengeance” begin it would catch your eye because of the font
style of the writing same with the 4 people at the front holding sign’s saying “we are not
guilty” with the same style just like blood which you could probably tell it would about revenge
and murder”. From my audience feedback I can see that my intentions were successful as my
audience were able to see that the bloody style font in red signifies that there might be a murder
I asked this question as I wanted to see if my print media product “TV TOWN” would
successfully compete against other existing Soap Opera magazines.
From my audience feedback 87.50% which is 7 out of 8 people who thought that my print
media publication ‘TV TOWN’ looked realistic
To other Soap Opera magazines such as ‘What's on TV’ which was my magazine of inspiration.
So therefore this means that I was successful in creating a brand new Soap Opera magazine
which would be able to compete with other successful print media magazines.
I asked this question as I wanted to see if my choice of colours were successful with revealing
more about “Manor Drive” as well as see if the audience could see any clues about what was
going to happen in “Manor Drive” through the use of the colour’s red and black.
From my audience feedback I can see that the use of the colour’s red and black used within my
“Manor Drive” poster reflect the themes and issues within the brand new Soap Opera. For
example “black: What is hidden, the fact that everyone thought that Connie was dead but in
reality she was not red: blood/death/betrayal”, “I think that the colour black signifies
darkness and the colour red signifies blood, murder and danger”, “the red is for blood and
murder and the black is hate and revenge”. From the responses shown I can see that my poster
was very successful in revealing the deeper themes and issues that will be explored within
“Manor Drive” so therefore the audience will have an idea of what to expect from the new Soap
Opera as well be excited to see if there is a murder or if a character will be in danger.
4) How did you use media
technologies in the construction and
research, planning and evaluation
For our main task we filmed a trailer for ‘Manor Drive’ , which we then edited using Adobe
Premiere Pro CS6 software which was very useful and effective when we were editing our trailer
as it allowed us to use short cuts to help us edit our trailer quicker.
When editing the trailer we used the colour correction tool this is because we wanted to adjust
the brightness because when filming some of the shots we noticed that some of them were very
bright so therefore we darkened them to reflect the dark themes and issues within our trailer .
We also used the colour correction tool to create continuity so that it would look more
professional. We also used the fade to black effect at the begging of our trailer to create a
dramatic effect as it started so that it could create suspense for the target audience as our trailer
has dark themes and issues within it. We used the three different cameras on the day of filming
our trailer: the cannon DSLR and Sony DSLR however our main camera was the Sony Pro HVR-Z1
Digital Camcorder, which allowed us to capture good quality shots, and was very effective in
capturing the foot shots at the beginning of our trailer. The camera was very big compared to
the other cameras that we used so therefore we mainly used it for the tracking shots and the
foot shots. We used the cannon DSLR camera when filming the bottle shot as it was a smaller
camera so therefore we were able to place it on the table and spin it to get the point of view
shot from the bottle. We imported the non-diegetic ‘Revenge’ soundtrack to our trailer to fit in
with our edited clips we chose to import the beginning of the soundtrack as the lyrics fitted
really well with our trailer’s theme. The music fitted well with the clips and matched the actions
in each of the clips. We also imported diegetic sounds create a realistic trailer for example we
added in a sound when the car door slams shut. At the end of the trailer we have a voiceover
which we found hard to do as we had to think of our own tagline which was ‘what goes around
comes around’ as well as make sure we had all of the correct information about our new Soap
Opera. We firstly created a voiceover script and then recorded it before we imported it into our
The technology I used when creating my ancillary products was Adobe Photoshop CS4.
I used it to edit all of my images that I had taken as well as the text around my images.
My magazine main image was initially taken against a white background however this
did not match with the colour scheme of my magazine so therefore I used the ‘magic
wand tool’ to select the image that I wanted and then used the rubber and the pen to
soften the edges around my image before placing it on the magazine front cover. I used
the same tools for my poster images however I had to change the colour saturation for
my images as some of them were either to light or to dark so I had to brighten and
darken them to get the effect that I wanted on my poster. I decreased the saturation
on the main antagonist on my poster to create faded affect.
The ruler tool was very helpful when creating both my magazine and my poster, as I
was able to place my text in the correct places, which left a very professional finish to
both of my ancillary products. I was unable to find a font style of Photoshop CS4 that
matched the style of my poster so therefore I went of and downloaded a
blood style font to go with the theme of my poster. I then installed it into Photoshop
CS4 so that I could use it on my poster.
I applied the stroke affect around the images on my magazine front cover, which I ‘repeated’
(Steve Neale) from other Soap Opera magazines such as ‘What’s on TV’ as I wanted to make
them stand out as well as look similar to the images on other Soap Opera magazine.
For my main task trailer I researched and analysed Soap Opera trailers so that I could
see what types and codes and conventions that were used within them and the
meanings behind them.
The first trailer I analysed was the Eastenders Christmas trailer which was a who
killed Archie Mitchell trailer which heavily influenced my decision to create a murder
and revenge themed trailer with my group. I analysed both the verbal and non-
verbal codes within the trailer. For example I analysed the non-verbal close up
camera shots used to show who each of the suspects are in the trailer. From
analysing these shots I was able to see that they were used to reveal all of the
characters anger and hatred towards the character Archie that showed the audience
that they all have a motive to kill him. This helped me contribute shot type ideas
with my group, as I was able to contribute the idea of having close up shots within
our trailer to reveal the group of friend’s characters and emotions towards the main
antagonists return.
I also created an online survey on ‘Survey Monkey’ to get some audience feedback
on both ancillary products and main task trailer, as I wanted to see what the
audience liked and disliked about them. The feedback I received from my audience
research was very positive which means that I succeeding in creating a professional
look on all of my pre and post production work.
During the planning stages my group and myself worked together to decide on what storyline
our main task trailer should be about.
Before deciding on what type of soap opera trailer to create me and my group completed a
mind map together so that we could all listen to each other ideas before we made a decision.
We used a wide range of technologies as part of our planning and research which were the
textual analysis, locations, pictures, shot list, the script, letters to the record label and council
and the storyboard. I used Microsoft Word for the letters to the council and the record label as
it allowed us to create a sophisticated layout that looked neat and professional. Microsoft word
was also a faster way of writing the letter compare to writing by hand as it also allowed us to
send the letters quicker and receive a quicker response as we sent them via email. Excel was
used to create the shotlist as it allowed us to create rows and columns for all of the shot types
so that we could get a clear view of when the shots were going to take place on the day.
The technologies that I used to complete my planning and research were Powerpoint, Excel and
Microsoft word. Microsoft word was also used for the locations as it allowed us to upload
pictures on to a blank document and create neat text boxes underneath to describe what would
happen within each scene that was part of the location. Lastly we used Microsoft office to
complete our script for our trailer, which allowed us to plan what was going to happen in each
scene from which characters would be in the scene to what diegetic and non-diegetic sounds
would be playing. Powerpoint was used to create the storyboard it allowed us to create
columns and rows as part of our layout so that we could upload all of the shot types that we
planned to be in our trailer as well as allowed us to plan them in the order they would be shot.
We also write in the actions and camera shots and types next to each picture so that we could
plan what each of the characters would be doing in each scene. This played a big part in our
planning and research stage as we used it as our plan for the filming day. I also used Powerpoint
to complete my textual analyse as it allowed me to analyse two different soap operas so that I
could understand what codes and conventions were used in them and why they were used. This
helped me with my production work as it helped me understand what codes and conventions I
need to include in my production work to make it look realistic.
During my evaluation stage I used slideshare to upload my evaluation as
I created it on Powerpoint. I used Powerpoint to evaluate my work as it
allowed me to take screen grabs of the bar charts on survey monkey so
that I could neatly present my audience feedback results and analyse
them. I uploaded my work on to slideshare and then embedded the link
on to my blog page.

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  • 2. 1) In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
  • 4. The main and the ancillary products both produced for ‘Manor Drive’ denote features of ‘repetition’ as well as difference (Steve Neale) from the Soap Opera genre in order to attract the target audience My magazine ‘TV TOWN’ My print media product is an example of ‘repetition’ (Steve Neale) for example my masthead is similar to other mastheads on existing print media publications such as ‘What’s On TV’ which was my magazine of inspiration. During the planning and research stages I analysed other print media publications such as ‘What’s On TV’ as I liked the layout of the magazine. An example of repetition that I produced was the verbal masthead ‘TV TOWN’ as I used a similar colour scheme and font style to ‘What’s On TV this is because the use of bright colour’s and big font style really made ‘What’s On TV’ stand out compared to the other existing print media products so therefore I wanted to create a new magazine that would be able to compete and succeed with the existing publications.
  • 5. When creating my cover lines I was heavily influenced by ‘other texts’ (Barthes - 1975) when I created my magazine such as ‘What’s On TV’ as I liked the storylines used for the cover lines as they seemed dramatic as well as the images as they stereotypically looked like images from Soap Operas. I wanted to create similar cover lines as 55.56% of people said that the cover stories stand out to them the most when they were viewing a Soap Opera magazine so therefore I wanted to create similar storylines to ‘What’s On TV’ so that my magazine would meet the needs of my target audience. For example I created cover lines with themes of murder, revenge and pregnancy which were influenced by ‘What’s On TV’.
  • 6. The use of non-verbal codes such as the main image on my magazine front cover which is a mid shot of Connie (the main character) in ‘Manor Drive’ draws the audience’s attention to ‘Manor Drive’ as the image takes up the majority of the front cover to stand out to the other Soap Operas to help promote the brand new show. I chose a mid shot for my front cover because I wanted the target audience to be able to see what Connie is wearing which is a black puffy body warmer with a long sleeved black top. Her facial expression and body language (mise-en-scene) is blank with connotations of mystery and the un-known so therefore the target audience do not no what she is thinking or feeling. The black puffy jacket (mise-en-scene) connotes that Connie is a rough character and stereotypes her as a ‘chav’. I wanted Connie to wear all black on the ‘TV TOWN’ front cover as I wanted the audience to see her as a dark character. I also wanted to create negative connotations behind Connie’s character by her choice of clothing such as fear which connotes that people will be fearful of her character as well connotations of death which could imply that she is planning on killing someone as her revenge and also mystery which links back to her body language as I did not want to give too much away to the audience.
  • 7. The verbal code of main headline ‘Connie’s Revenge’ denotes that Connie is going to get revenge. The connotations suggest that someone has done something bad to her so therefore she is going to get her revenge on them. This is a similar convention used on existing Soap Opera magazines such as ‘Whats on TV’ with ‘Wedding shock!’ which connotes that secrets will be revealed during a wedding that will shock everyone.
  • 8. I have used the BBC three logo on my main headline to help promote the show as well as promote the channel that ‘Manor Drive’ will be shown on. The ‘Manor Drive’ logo is also present on the front cover to help promote the new soap opera. The differences between my magazine and other Soap Opera magazines are that I have social media logos such as Twitter and Facebook. This is because I wanted to reach out to a wider target market, as well as promote ‘Manor Drive’ online by allowing my target audience to write their own opinions about the show on the page as well as share the page so that more people would like and follow the pages. Another ‘difference’ (Steve Neale) between my magazine and other existing Soap Opera magazines is that I have created a logo to create a brand identity and placed it in the bar code. I created this as it is a new Soap Opera magazine so therefore it was important for me to create a brand identity so that I could establish my brand so people would be able to notice ‘TV TOWN’ by the logo. I used red and white colours as they are the same as the masthead and therefore symbolise the magazines passion for Soap.
  • 10. The main task, which was the trailer for ‘Manor Drive’, was set in a pub setting, which is a typical Soap opera setting. The setting for the flashback shot was set by an empty path near the side of the road. Connie is the main protagonist within the ‘Manor Drive’ trailer. The costume we decided for her to wear was a black puffy jacket with gold rings and big gold earrings and Ugg boots. We wanted Connie to wear these items as part of her costume because we wanted them to ‘signify’ (De Saussure) that she a “common” character. We wanted her to stereotypically look like a chav to connote that she is an aggressive character. Connie is also coming back for revenge so therefore her clothing could suggest that she has been living rough whilst she has been away. The other characters (the group of friends) were dressed in smart casual clothing such as jeans and t-shirts as the setting was in pub so therefore we wanted them to look like realistic teenagers in a pub. The props we used within our trailer were non-verbal codes that were very similar to what the characters wear in other Soap Opera trailers such as EastEnders and Hollyoaks
  • 11. The pub setting of the Queen Vic influenced our decision of the non-verbal pub setting for our trailer (‘’Television producers set out to exploit genre conventions’’ - Nicholas Abercrombie (1995). We ‘exploited’ this convention by choosing it as our main setting within our trailer as a pub is the main setting as it is a typical social environment in which members of a community go to. The setting also established the main characters within our trailer. The exploitation of the pub setting made our trailer look more realistic and professional like the Eastenders pub setting . The pub setting is also a typical soap opera setting so therefore it was important for us to exploit this setting within our trailer.
  • 12. Our trailer is about someone coming back for revenge, which could have many, different storylines behind it such as murder, crossed wires, family or friendship drama. The Hollyoaks ‘black wedding’ trailer influenced my choice to ‘repeat’ (Steve Neale) the verbal codes within the ‘Manor Drive’ trailer as I wanted them to reveal the meaning of the actions within the trailer to the audience so that they could have an idea of what the ‘Manor Drive’ narrative would be about. For example in the Hollyoaks trailer the non-diegetic verbal code of the song lyrics ‘it’s a nice day for a white wedding’ were very ironic as everyone was dressed in black instead of white so the connotations behind these lyrics implied to me that the wedding would turn out to be the opposite of a nice day. This Implies to the audience that the wedding is going to be a disaster and that dark secrets are going to be revealed as the mise-en-scene of dark clothing worn by the guest and both the bride and groom suggest that one of them has done something dark and is trying to hide it however their secret will be reveled during their wedding. The non-diegetic verbal lyrics within ‘Manor Drive’ ‘wreaking havoc and yes I will get my …revenge’ reveal Connie’s motive for returning. The lyrics ‘signify’ (Ferdinand de Saussure) that Connie is coming back to cause trouble and gives the audience a clue that she wants to get revenge on the group of teenagers who are playing spin the bottle inside the pub. The point of view shot from the protagonist shows her looking directly at all of the teenagers whilst there is a non-diegetic song lyric ‘revenge’ connotes that the group of teenagers have done something bad to her as they are shocked to see her returning so therefore she wants to cause chaos by doing something bad to them as revenge for what they did to her.
  • 13. Lastly my group and myself challenged conventions by filming a flashback at the end of our trailer as other Soap Trailers we analysed did not have any flashbacks. We made this our unique selling point as we wanted to reveal Connie’s motive for having revenge of the teenagers it shows that they tried to murder her however it does not show if they all murdered her or just one of them which makes her return more dramatic as they audience will be suspicious of who she is going to get here revenge on first.
  • 15. When planning my poster I was un-able to find a Soap Opera poster that had similar themes to ‘Manor Drive’, however I decided to look at the Hollyoaks fire poster as it had many codes and conventions as well as meanings behind it which helped give the audience clues (Roland Barthes) about who would be affected by the fire. For example all of the characters on the Hollyoaks poster have been edited to look like they are flames which connotes that they are all going to be caught in the fire. For my poster I wanted each of the main characters to hold up mug shots as criminals are made to this so therefore it instantly ‘signifies’ to the audience that they have committed and illegal crime and are going to be punished for it. The bloody font style writing on the mug shots connote that they have violently hurt or killed someone as it is a sign of murder. The colour red also signifies danger and murder and suggests that they are all in danger because they have committed a crime. The mid-shot of the main antagonist is faded and placed behind the other characters to show that they are oblivious to her return. It creates a possible ‘disequilibrium’ (Todorov), as the characters will be shocked by her return as the blood on her attack connotes that they have violently attacked her. The verbal code across the mug shots ‘WE ARE NOT GUILTY’ implies that the teenagers are hiding something. It suggests to the audience that they have a dark secret between them that will possibly be revealed in ‘Manor Drive’. The word ‘WE’ emphasises that they are all equally guilty as well as connotes that they were all part of the crime that has been committed.
  • 16. I replicated the point of call information on my poster which was similar to the Hollyoaks poster. For example I put the channel and the time on my poster like the Hollyoaks poster however I challenged these conventions by adding the Facebook and Twitter logo with @manordrive. I did this as it allowed me to reach out to a younger audience who would be able to interact with the new soap by following the Twitter page. This use of synergy and convergence allows the younger audience to Tweet ‘Manor Drive’ which would help promote it as the audiences followers will be able to see their tweets so therefore it would help me attract a bigger audience.
  • 17. I also replicated the inclusion of a tagline from the Hollyoaks poster which was ‘The week that will change Hollyoaks forever”. This connotes to the audience that a big dramatic event is going to happen next week, which could cause some of the characters lives to be in danger. I wanted to create a strong meaning within my tagline, which would reveal more about the ‘Manor Drive’ to the audience. The tagline that I created for my poster was ‘Let the vengeance begin’ this signifies to the audience that their will be themes of danger, revenge and possibly violence as the word vengeance connotes that someone is going to come back and get their revenge on other characters and connotes that the main antagonist has feelings of anger and hatred towards the other characters. Its also similar to the Hollyoak’s tagline as it connotes that there will be dramatic events happening in ‘Manor Drive’.
  • 18. 2) How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
  • 19. The combination of the main and ancillary texts within the production of ‘Manor Drive’ on reflection has proved to be very successful. For example both the main and ancillary texts are examples of synergy as the social media logos are clearly presented on both my magazine front cover and poster. The themes and issues within ‘Manor Drive’ are repeated and represented across all of the products. These themes and issues are revenge, friendship, and betrayal. The main characters in our ‘Manor Drive’ were teenagers and I felt that this helped get the attention of our target audience which is people aged from 16 upwards however our main target audience is teenagers and young adults. I used synergy across both my ancillary texts and my main task trailer, as I wanted to target a much wider audience. This also allowed me to promote ‘Manor Drive’ across different media platforms. For example I wanted to target people from the age of 16 upwards who most likely use Facebook and Twitter. I used the Twitter and Facebook social media logos across all of my production work to help promote ‘Manor Drive’. The Facebook and Twitter logos allows my target audience to like and follow the pages on social media so that they can then keep up to date with the latest news and updates about the show. It also gives them the power to share and express their own views and opinions on the show, which would allow me to see how they feel about the show. If the audience doesn’t like the show I would be able to make improvements and produce a show that meets their wants and needs by looking at their comments and if they liked the show I would keep producing similar narratives which they enjoy watching. I also included the ‘@manourdrive’ Twitter page on my poster as well as in my trailer, as I wanted to make it easier for my audience to follow and tweet the page.
  • 20.
  • 21. The combination of the main and ancillary texts is effective due to the continuous repetition of black of the main antagonists clothing (mise-en-scene). This is because I wanted to create a strong dominant female (Rebecca Feasey) across all of my products, as I wanted the audience to see that Connie has the power to get revenge on the other characters. The colour black also signifies that she is a possible villain. The lyrics within the trailer are the same as the main headline on ‘TV TOWN’ “revenge” which denotes that Connie is that character is the soap who is going to get revenge and therefore connoting that she is the villain. The combination of this is reflective of the themes and issues within ‘Manor Drive’ such as revenge and vengeance.
  • 22. The combination of the main and ancillary texts is effective due to the repetition of the time which `Manor Drive’ will be showing as well as the days so that the target audience will know when to watch it. I also made sure that I used the BBC Three logo across all of my ancillary products to help promote the channel that the Soap Opera is going to be shown on so that the target audience would remember what channel it on.
  • 23. 3) What have you learnt from your audience feedback?
  • 24. To complete my audience feedback I decided to create an account on a website called Survey Monkey. This website allowed me to create an online survey which could be emailed to email my audience so that they could fill it out quicker and in their spare time. Survey monkey also allowed me to analyze my results once everyone had filled out my survey which allowed me to clearly see what my audience thought of my 3 media products. I asked my audience questions which related to all of my media products so that I could get their views on my products.
  • 25. I asked people this question as I wanted to know what codes and conventions attracted them to the print media publication ‘TV TOWN’. This is because I wanted to see what codes and conventions worked well on my print media product as well as see how effective they were on my audience. 62.50% of my audience said that the main image stands out the most on the front cover. This connotes that the audience are attracted to my magazine by the main image. This shows that my main image is successful in standing out and promoting ‘Manor Drive’.
  • 26. I asked this question as I wanted to see what ideas people had about ‘Manor Drive’ as well as to see what they thought it would be about from the promotion on ‘TV TOWN’. I also wanted to see if people would be able to link the main headline to the themes and ideas that are portrayed in the ‘Manor Drive’ trailer such as betrayal and revenge. As a producer for the print media Product ‘TV TOWN’ I intended to provide the audience with a ‘dominant reading’ (Hall-1973) of the text through the use of verbal codes such as the main headline ‘Connie's Revenge’ as my intentions were to help the audience see that the connotations behind the main headline suggest that Connie will be getting revenge on someone because they have hurt her so therefore she is going to get them back by possibly hurting them. From my responses I can see that I was very successful with my main headline which achieved its objectives to give the audience clues about ‘Manor Drive’ for example some of the comments I received from my audience feedback were “I think that someone might have hurt Connie and she wants to get her revenge on theme as pay back so she might be planning on doing something bad”, “I think its about Connie going to get here revenge on the 4 people that hurt her. And her going to make them go through the same thing she did”, “someone taking Revenge for something that happened to them”. From my audience feedback I can see that the audience have ideas about what to expect from “Manor Drive” due to the connotations behind the main headline so therefore the audience are able to anticipate what will happen when they watch “Manor Drive”
  • 27. I asked this question as I wanted to see if people felt that the lyrics suited the ‘Manor Drive’ trailer as well as suited the themes within the trailer. From my audience feedback I was able to see that 100% of people who completed my survey agreed with the lyrics within the “Manor Drive” trailer I also asked them to explain there answer so I could see how they feel about the lyrics within the trailer. For example here are some of my responses “Yes cause it's about Connie comes back to get revenge whilst everyone thought she was dead”, “Yes because the trailer shows the journey to revealing herself to this group of people who seem shocked on her arrival suggesting she's back for revenge and her intimidating posture suggest revenge therefore the song suits particularly well with the trailer”, “Yes, great lyrics, the music suits the trailer very well, very dramatic, like it a lot”. From my responses I was able to see that the audience thought the lyrics fitted the themes within the trailer especially the main theme of revenge as they revealed to the audience that Connie is coming back from somewhere to get revenge on the group of friends so therefore this creates suspense as the audience will want to know what happens to them as the dramatic lyrics connote that she has come back to cause trouble for the group of teenagers .
  • 28. I created two ancillary products a magazine front cover and a poster to help promote the new Soap Opera ‘Manor Drive’. I asked this question as I wanted to see which one was more effective in promoting the new Soap Opera. From my audience feedback I can see that my trailer was a very effective marketing strategy as the promotion of the trailer was effective in persuading my audience to watch the brand new Soap Opera “Manor Drive” due to the build up and suspense throughout the trailer which then reveals that the main antagonist was murdered by a group of friends. This connotes that the audience are ‘explorers’(Malsow) as the audience want to watch “Manor Drive” as the trailer has captured their attention so therefore they are interested to see what the show is about as they want to see what themes and issues are involved in “Manor Drive”
  • 29. As ‘Manor Drive’ is a brand new Soap Opera I wanted to see what people thought of my poster as well as see what the audiences thoughts were on the tagline of my poster. I received a mix response from my audience feedback however the main themes that my audience associated my poster headline with were ‘Revenge’ as 87.50% of my audience chose this answer and ‘Betrayal’ as 50% of my audience chose this answer. This connotes that my audience think that the first episode of ‘Manor Drive’ will focus on themes involving revenge and betrayal which suggests that they think a character has betrayed someone therefore leading to revenge. This also shows that’s my poster was very effective in revealing the issues in ‘Manor Drive’ as it is about a group of friends murdering one of their friends however the friend is shown to still be alive and returning to get revenge on them.
  • 30. I asked this question as I wanted to see if my audience thought that my setting was realistic as well as similar to settings in other existing Soap Operas. A pub setting is a typical Soap Opera setting so therefore It was essential that we repeated this setting within ‘manor Drive’ as it is expected from the Soap Opera genre. myself and my group visited a range of different pub locations as we wanted it to look realistic to existing Soap opera settings. 100% of my audience thought that the pub setting In ‘manor Drive’ is similar to other Soap Opera settings so therefore or chosen location was successful in looking realistic.
  • 31. As part of my planning and research I analysed two trailers. The Eastenders who killed Archie Mitchell trailer and the Hollyoaks black wedding. I took ideas and themes from both these trailers when contributing ideas for my group trailer so therefore I wanted to see if people thought ‘Manor Drive’ was similar to either of these soaps. From my audience feedback I can see that I was successful in analysising both ‘Hollyoaks and ‘Eastenders’ which influenced some of my ideas for “Manor Drive” such as having a group of young teenagers which are seen in both Eastenders and Hollyoaks as well as the pub setting which was in the who killed Archie Mitchell trailer. The audience feedback shows that 50% of my audience thought that “Manor Drive” looked similar to ‘Eastenders’ and 37.50% thought it was similar to ‘Hollyoaks’. For that reason I was successful In repeating ideas from both of these Soap Operas as my audience thought ‘Manor Drive’ was similar to them.
  • 32. I asked my audience this question as my poster was the print media product which I created to give the audience more clues to what to expect from ‘Manor Drive’ so therefore I wanted to see if my poster was successful. My intentions behind my poster were to give the audience “clues that signify meanings to the audience” through the verbal and non verbal codes on my poster. For example I chose to use a bloody styles font in red to signify to the audience that there could possibly be a murder in ‘Manor Drive’ which is a themes at is typically shown in Soap Opera genres. My audience feedback I received shows that my intentions were very effective for example “I think that the font style really stands out as it is bright red and looks like dripping blood which indicates that there will be a murder”, “let the “vengeance” begin it would catch your eye because of the font style of the writing same with the 4 people at the front holding sign’s saying “we are not guilty” with the same style just like blood which you could probably tell it would about revenge and murder”. From my audience feedback I can see that my intentions were successful as my audience were able to see that the bloody style font in red signifies that there might be a murder
  • 33. I asked this question as I wanted to see if my print media product “TV TOWN” would successfully compete against other existing Soap Opera magazines. From my audience feedback 87.50% which is 7 out of 8 people who thought that my print media publication ‘TV TOWN’ looked realistic To other Soap Opera magazines such as ‘What's on TV’ which was my magazine of inspiration. So therefore this means that I was successful in creating a brand new Soap Opera magazine which would be able to compete with other successful print media magazines.
  • 34. I asked this question as I wanted to see if my choice of colours were successful with revealing more about “Manor Drive” as well as see if the audience could see any clues about what was going to happen in “Manor Drive” through the use of the colour’s red and black. From my audience feedback I can see that the use of the colour’s red and black used within my “Manor Drive” poster reflect the themes and issues within the brand new Soap Opera. For example “black: What is hidden, the fact that everyone thought that Connie was dead but in reality she was not red: blood/death/betrayal”, “I think that the colour black signifies darkness and the colour red signifies blood, murder and danger”, “the red is for blood and murder and the black is hate and revenge”. From the responses shown I can see that my poster was very successful in revealing the deeper themes and issues that will be explored within “Manor Drive” so therefore the audience will have an idea of what to expect from the new Soap Opera as well be excited to see if there is a murder or if a character will be in danger.
  • 35. 4) How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
  • 37. For our main task we filmed a trailer for ‘Manor Drive’ , which we then edited using Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 software which was very useful and effective when we were editing our trailer as it allowed us to use short cuts to help us edit our trailer quicker. When editing the trailer we used the colour correction tool this is because we wanted to adjust the brightness because when filming some of the shots we noticed that some of them were very bright so therefore we darkened them to reflect the dark themes and issues within our trailer . We also used the colour correction tool to create continuity so that it would look more professional. We also used the fade to black effect at the begging of our trailer to create a dramatic effect as it started so that it could create suspense for the target audience as our trailer has dark themes and issues within it. We used the three different cameras on the day of filming our trailer: the cannon DSLR and Sony DSLR however our main camera was the Sony Pro HVR-Z1 Digital Camcorder, which allowed us to capture good quality shots, and was very effective in capturing the foot shots at the beginning of our trailer. The camera was very big compared to the other cameras that we used so therefore we mainly used it for the tracking shots and the foot shots. We used the cannon DSLR camera when filming the bottle shot as it was a smaller camera so therefore we were able to place it on the table and spin it to get the point of view shot from the bottle. We imported the non-diegetic ‘Revenge’ soundtrack to our trailer to fit in with our edited clips we chose to import the beginning of the soundtrack as the lyrics fitted really well with our trailer’s theme. The music fitted well with the clips and matched the actions in each of the clips. We also imported diegetic sounds create a realistic trailer for example we added in a sound when the car door slams shut. At the end of the trailer we have a voiceover which we found hard to do as we had to think of our own tagline which was ‘what goes around comes around’ as well as make sure we had all of the correct information about our new Soap Opera. We firstly created a voiceover script and then recorded it before we imported it into our trailer.
  • 38. The technology I used when creating my ancillary products was Adobe Photoshop CS4. I used it to edit all of my images that I had taken as well as the text around my images. My magazine main image was initially taken against a white background however this did not match with the colour scheme of my magazine so therefore I used the ‘magic wand tool’ to select the image that I wanted and then used the rubber and the pen to soften the edges around my image before placing it on the magazine front cover. I used the same tools for my poster images however I had to change the colour saturation for my images as some of them were either to light or to dark so I had to brighten and darken them to get the effect that I wanted on my poster. I decreased the saturation on the main antagonist on my poster to create faded affect. The ruler tool was very helpful when creating both my magazine and my poster, as I was able to place my text in the correct places, which left a very professional finish to both of my ancillary products. I was unable to find a font style of Photoshop CS4 that matched the style of my poster so therefore I went of and downloaded a blood style font to go with the theme of my poster. I then installed it into Photoshop CS4 so that I could use it on my poster.
  • 39. I applied the stroke affect around the images on my magazine front cover, which I ‘repeated’ (Steve Neale) from other Soap Opera magazines such as ‘What’s on TV’ as I wanted to make them stand out as well as look similar to the images on other Soap Opera magazine.
  • 41. For my main task trailer I researched and analysed Soap Opera trailers so that I could see what types and codes and conventions that were used within them and the meanings behind them. The first trailer I analysed was the Eastenders Christmas trailer which was a who killed Archie Mitchell trailer which heavily influenced my decision to create a murder and revenge themed trailer with my group. I analysed both the verbal and non- verbal codes within the trailer. For example I analysed the non-verbal close up camera shots used to show who each of the suspects are in the trailer. From analysing these shots I was able to see that they were used to reveal all of the characters anger and hatred towards the character Archie that showed the audience that they all have a motive to kill him. This helped me contribute shot type ideas with my group, as I was able to contribute the idea of having close up shots within our trailer to reveal the group of friend’s characters and emotions towards the main antagonists return. I also created an online survey on ‘Survey Monkey’ to get some audience feedback on both ancillary products and main task trailer, as I wanted to see what the audience liked and disliked about them. The feedback I received from my audience research was very positive which means that I succeeding in creating a professional look on all of my pre and post production work.
  • 43. During the planning stages my group and myself worked together to decide on what storyline our main task trailer should be about. Before deciding on what type of soap opera trailer to create me and my group completed a mind map together so that we could all listen to each other ideas before we made a decision.
  • 44. We used a wide range of technologies as part of our planning and research which were the textual analysis, locations, pictures, shot list, the script, letters to the record label and council and the storyboard. I used Microsoft Word for the letters to the council and the record label as it allowed us to create a sophisticated layout that looked neat and professional. Microsoft word was also a faster way of writing the letter compare to writing by hand as it also allowed us to send the letters quicker and receive a quicker response as we sent them via email. Excel was used to create the shotlist as it allowed us to create rows and columns for all of the shot types so that we could get a clear view of when the shots were going to take place on the day. The technologies that I used to complete my planning and research were Powerpoint, Excel and Microsoft word. Microsoft word was also used for the locations as it allowed us to upload pictures on to a blank document and create neat text boxes underneath to describe what would happen within each scene that was part of the location. Lastly we used Microsoft office to complete our script for our trailer, which allowed us to plan what was going to happen in each scene from which characters would be in the scene to what diegetic and non-diegetic sounds would be playing. Powerpoint was used to create the storyboard it allowed us to create columns and rows as part of our layout so that we could upload all of the shot types that we planned to be in our trailer as well as allowed us to plan them in the order they would be shot. We also write in the actions and camera shots and types next to each picture so that we could plan what each of the characters would be doing in each scene. This played a big part in our planning and research stage as we used it as our plan for the filming day. I also used Powerpoint to complete my textual analyse as it allowed me to analyse two different soap operas so that I could understand what codes and conventions were used in them and why they were used. This helped me with my production work as it helped me understand what codes and conventions I need to include in my production work to make it look realistic.
  • 46. During my evaluation stage I used slideshare to upload my evaluation as I created it on Powerpoint. I used Powerpoint to evaluate my work as it allowed me to take screen grabs of the bar charts on survey monkey so that I could neatly present my audience feedback results and analyse them. I uploaded my work on to slideshare and then embedded the link on to my blog page.