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Lower Abdominal Pain Guide 
Lower abdominal pain is oftentimes termed as
abdominal cramps in fact it is often from the digestive
elements of the human body. There are several reasons
for this pain and also the distinct section of the body in
pain works well for determining them. There are
numerous tests which might be conducted to ascertain
the different reasons behind this pain and a number of
the major causes are discussed below.
What is Lower Abdominal Pain? 
Lower abdominal pain is reports of pain that is located on the lower part of the
abdominal area. The abdomen is divided in to four sections; think of diving the entire
abdominal region into 4 namely the upper and the lower right abdomen and the
upper and lower left abdomen. Hence, pain experienced on the lower abdomen
would be more accurately described (in terms of location) as pelvic pain.
Pain may be characterized as acute pain or chronic pain and may be further
described as stabbing, piercing, numbing or even shooting pain. If you are suffering
from lower abdominal pain, it is important to learn about the many causes of this
type of pain to get the most accurate treatment. It is estimated that almost all people
will suffer from lower abdominal pain at some point of their lives and accurate
diagnosis is needed to determine the cause of this type of pain. Here are common
causes of lower abdominal pain:
The appendix is a pouch that projects from the right side of your colon; it has no
purpose however it can cause severe problems. It may infect, become filled with pus
and become very painful. The pain is located on the lower right abdomen but may
radiate to the other parts of the abdomen as well. The pain may be tolerable but may
increase in just several hours. Only surgical removal of the appendix will treat the
Inflammation of the bladder
Inflammation of the bladder is usually due to a bacterial infection. The infection
causes severe lower abdominal pain and may last until the infection has subsided.
Bladder infections need to be treated immediately to prevent the spread to the
Obstruction of the intestines
Food and liquids may obstruct a portion of the intestines keeping food, liquids and
gas from exiting the colon. This blockage leads to infection and inflammation and
the only way to get rid of the blockage is surgery. Certain conditions may also cause
blockage like hernias and intestinal tumors; these cause severe pain, discomfort and
other gastrointestinal symptoms.
Endometriosis is a disorder in women in which the inner lining of the uterus or the
endometrium grows outside the organ; this condition may also involve the ovaries
and the tissues of the pelvis. The endometrium still function normally and thus
thickens and sheds monthly however the tissues cannot exit the body and thus leads
to irritation of the walls of the pelvis leading to pain especially during the woman’s
monthly period.
Ovulation pains
Normal periods of ovulation could also cause slight pain and could either be on the
right or the left side of the lower abdomen signalling which ovary has released the
egg. Pain is manageable and often does not need treatment.
Problems with Ectopic pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy, bleeding and other problems with pregnancy can lead to lower
abdominal pain in women. Any pains or bleeding during pregnancy and after
delivery should be consulted right away to your doctor.
Lower Abdominal Pain in Men 
Factors lower pain inside the Lower Abdomen that face men 
Kidney Stones: Irregular and huge kidney stones may cause bleeding, kidney
infections or block the urine drainage thereby causing stasis. Thus, the presence of
these stones can often men feel acute pain from the lower abdomen. Besides
vomiting and nausea, the presence of kidney stones can make men feel the urge to
urinate more frequently and in addition experience a burning sensation during
Irritable Bowel syndrome: Men experiencing irritable bowel syndrome often
experience pain in the reduced abdomen along with alternating diarrhea and
constipation. The reality that irritable bowel can be a chronic condition taking
medical help and eating a suitable diet can help ease the signs of this syndrome.
Appendicitis: The fact that appendicitis can tend to inflame and accumulate pus,
men being affected by this problem often experience pain around their belly button
which later migrates on the lower abdomen. In fact, when the appendicitis becomes
worse and isn't removed, men will find it challenging to walk, cough or move
comfortably. Thus, consulting your medical professional immediately is strongly
suggested if you happen to be experiencing these symptoms.
Bladder Infections: Men that suffer from bladder infections are highly in a chance
of struggling with pain within their lower abdomen. The simple fact that
transmissions are usually accompanied with painful urination and fever, treating
these with antibiotics is imperative prior to the infection gets worse and affects your
Semi Vesiculitis: The pain in lower abdomen in men can be caused on account of
inflammation on the reproductive organs. Semi Vesiculitis is a such condition that is
due to an inflamed prostrate or by prostatitis.
Abdominal Muscle Spasm : The abdominal muscle spasm is basically the
contraction of the muscle around the stomach which is happening involuntarily and
in powerful way. When the spasm happens, the muscle will be tender and stiff,
especially if you are applying a certain pressure on the abdominal area.
Symptoms of Lower Abdominal pain of males 
If your pain in the lower abdomen gone through by men is severe, it is almost
always linked to these following symptoms.
- If a man is suffering from high fever, it suggests inflammation.
- Inability of a man to pass stool or keep food down for a lot of days.
- If he or she is vomiting or possibly experiencing unusual or painful urination.
- If your abdomen strong is tender to the touch.
- This within the lower abdomen will not heal even with several days.
Treating Lower Abdomen Pain that face men 
One of the most common methods of treating pain within the lower abdominal pain
is by taking pain medications. However, taking pain medications with meals is highly
far better to prevent these medications because any type of unpleasant
gastrointestinal unwanted side effects.
Home Cures for Relieving Pain From Lower Abdomen 
- Locating a warm compress like heat pad or warm water bottle around the area
affected to get a short while can help ease pain from the lower abdomen into a
- The simple fact ginger helps provide instant reduced lower abdominal pain,
combine one teaspoon of fresh lemon juice with equal quantity of grated ginger and
have a combination after your family meal.
- Drinking hot water also helps to ease pain on both the left and right side of the
- Soak in a tub of hot water for around 10- a quarter-hour. This will aid relax the
muscles, thereby helping reduce abdominal pain.
- Mixing fresh juice with water is a great natural solution for reducing lower
abdominal pain.
- In case you one particular men who suffer from abdomen pain as a result of gas,
our recommendation is that avoid eating fried foodstuffs, citrus fruits or are drinking
alcoholic beverages or carbonated beverages.
- Spend time at the fringe of the bed or on the chair and position a pillow in your lap.
Now, hug the pillow as you bend your body at the front. This may reduce pain and
ease ab muscles to some large degree.
The above mentioned listed therapies are just a few of the most practical and
effective remedies that will help heal lower abdominal pain in males. However, if
these remedies don't give any relief seeking immediate medical assistance as soon as
possible can significantly help in assisting you get the most suitable treatment
required for stopping painful lower abdomen successfully.
Lower Abdominal Pain in Women 
Abdominal pains happen to anyone and while most of us ignore this symptom, acute
abdominal pain in women should never be overlooked. Acute lower abdominal pain
in women may be a sign of something more severe so take time to get to know your
symptoms and find out how to deal with this type of pain:
For non­pregnant women 
1. As soon as you feel pain over your lower abdominal region, take note of its
intensity, its severity and if the pain may be reduced by positioning or by walking. It
will also be better if you would also note when it happened and remember any
activity you did or anything you ate to develop such symptom.
2. Note all other symptoms aside from your abdominal pain. Lower abdominal pain
in women may also be accompanied by headaches and fullness of the breasts when
her period is due (as a part of her monthly cycle). Other symptoms may be radiating
pain on other areas of the abdomen and at the back especially in bladder infections
and kidney infections, fever, weakness and be mindful of your urine. Persistent lower
abdominal pain in women accompanied by blood in the urine may be signs of kidney
stones in the bladder.
3. Take a pain reliever if pain persists; over-the-counter medications for pain will do
but be careful of side effects. Some medications for pain may have gastrointestinal
side effects so take these with water.
4. If pain persists, consult your doctor immediately. For pain that is accompanied by
other symptoms go to your nearest emergency clinic or call for help immediately.
5. For bleeding and pain, as you wait for help, lie down and raise your feet using
pillows to be placed on the bottom of your legs. This will help control bleeding as
you wait for help.
For pregnant women: 
Take note of the pain and the intensity, frequency and other symptoms that you
have. Check for vaginal bleeding, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or blood in urine.
Do not take any pain medications or other herbal remedies. These may not be good
for pregnant women. Stick to placing warm compress on the area or a warm electric
Call for help immediately or have a friend or family member rush you to a hospital
immediately. If you will wait for help or an ambulance to pick you up, lie down with
your legs up using pillows under your legs. Be sure to monitor your pains and to
check for bleeding time and again.
Keep warm and do not move or lift anything. You may also lie down on your right
side to help improve the circulation of blood to your baby.
Remember: pregnant or non-pregnant women should never overlook abdominal pain
and any symptoms which accompany pain. Chronic pain on the other hand needs
expert help too and must be consulted especially for chronic and recurring lower
abdominal pain in women.
Left Lower Abdominal Pain 
There are significant organs and tissues that are found on the lower left abdominal
area which can cause lower left abdominal pain. This type of pain may be due to the
inflammation or irritation of any of these organs and pain could be acute to chronic
or may be mild to severe. Organs and tissues that are located in this area are the
sigmoid colon, a part of the large bowel called the descending colon, a part of the
urinary bladder, the lower end of the left kidney, the left ovary in women, large
blood vessels, muscles and skin that covers the abdominal wall.
Here are the most popular causes of lower left abdominal pain: 
Obstruction in the bowels
Foods, liquids or tumors may cause blockage of the colon specifically on the left side
of the colon. Pain is due to the inflammation of the walls of the colon as food, liquids
and gas accumulate on the other side. Aside from cramping pain there is also
abdominal distension, nausea and vomiting. Due to the obstruction, there will be no
passage of gas and feces and this may lead to severe complications and infections.
Rupture of aneurysms
The largest blood vessel passes through the abdominal cavity and this carries
oxygenated blood from the heart to the lower part of the body. Aneurysms found in
the aorta usually develop without any symptoms and rupture causing severe pain on
the left lower part of the abdomen which may also radiate to the central part of the
abdominal area. A person who suffers from this condition may suddenly collapse;
lose consciousness as his blood pressure drops. Immediate medical attention is
Chronic constipation
Constipation may be due to so many factors and when it becomes chronic and
involves the left part of the colon there will be dull lower left abdominal pain. There
will also be other symptoms like a feeling of being bloated, a distended abdomen and
in chronic conditions, weight loss is also possible.
Ectopic pregnancy
Pregnancy that develops outside the uterus is called ectopic. During the initial stages
of pregnancy there are hardly any unusual symptoms except for the usual symptoms
of pregnancy like dizziness, headaches and cravings. As the ectopic pregnancy
develops there is lower left abdominal pain if the fetus develops on the left tube or
the outer left part of the uterus and there may also be massive bleeding and blood
loss as the fetus ruptures tissues and major blood vessels leading to the uterus. Any
signs of bleeding and pain during pregnancy should be consulted to your doctor
A hernia is the abnormal movement of the part of the bowel through an abnormal
opening in the wall of the abdomen. As the colon moves to a different area inside the
abdominal wall, this causes irritation and pain and if the hernia happens in the lower
left side of the abdomen then there will surely be left lower abdominal pain.
Lower Abdominal Pain and Peeing A Lot
Usually known as abs pain, the lower abdominal pain and peeing a lot is mainly
associated with the various digestive parts of the human body. Even though there
can be numerous causes, the diverse areas of pain offers numerous clues on the
likely causes of the abdominal pain.
Right Lower Abdominal Pain 
Although all parts of the body are significant for the general welfare of the body,
however the right side of the abdomen is particularly important because it contains
a number of vital organs. These include the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, right kidney,
right adrenal gland, appendix, abdominal muscles and skin on the right side of the
body. In women, besides all this, right ovary and right fallopian tubes are also
present. Any problem that occurs in any of these organs can lead to right lower
abdominal pain. There may be some other reasons behind right lower abdominal
pain. The most likely are disorders in the lower right lung, bowel cancer and spread
of tumors elsewhere in the body.
List possible causes of right lower abdominal pain
Reason 1: If the pain starts either in the upper abdomen or around the navel, and
radiates more to the right lower abdomen, then the most likely cause is appendicitis.
It is the inflammation of the appendix, usually caused by a bacterial infection.
Cause 2: hard deposits of phosphates and urates in the kidneys are called kidney
stones. Cause acute pain. Therefore, the presence of kidney stones in the right
kidney is another major cause of lower right lower abdominal pain. There can be a
number of other accompanying symptoms. These are vomiting, nausea and bleeding
in the genitals.
Cause 3: If sore throat or cold is followed by the right lower abdominal pain, then in
most cases, mesenteric lymphadenopathy diagnosed the cause. The pain is similar to
appendicitis. However, differs from appendicitis since no observed loss of appetite.
Cause 4: In women of childbearing age, if pain right side lower abdomen
accompanied by vaginal bleeding, pain in the shoulder tips, dizziness and weakness,
ectopic pregnancy can be one of the most common causes. It occurs when the
zygote implants outside the uterus, in any other parts of the body, such as one of the
fallopian tubes. It results in miscarriage within 8-12 days.
Cause 5: Gallstones are another common cause of right lower abdominal pain.
Sometimes, you get caught or in the gallbladder or draining channels. It may be
accompanied with vomiting and dizziness. Generally, the pain on the right side of the
abdomen, radiating to other parts of the body such as the back, neck and right arm.
Cause 6: One of the most common causes of stomach pain on the right side is the
hernia. Is the bulge or protrusion of a structure or muscle? If it occurs in any of the
organs present in the right side of the abdomen, causing pain, ranging from mild to
severe. The other noticeable symptoms may be vomiting, abdominal distension
complete or partial bowel obstruction.
Cause 7: Another major cause of right abdominal pain is cholecystitis. Commonly
found to occur in older people, with more than 40 years of age. Cholecystitis is
inflammation of the gallbladder. Is one of the complications associated with
gallstones? Patients with severe pain may need to undergo surgery to complete
Cause 8: A rare cause of right lower abdominal pain is bowel cancer. He diagnosed
the cause in those patients who have been suffering from chronic abdominal pain,
change in bowel habits, loss of appetite, weight remarkable. A good tip would be that
you should immediately consult a psychologist if you have any of these symptoms.
This is only a part of our content, please visit us at
which there is a lot of information.
Witoon Aranyanarth

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Lower abdominal pain

  • 1. Lower Abdominal Pain Guide  Lower abdominal pain is oftentimes termed as abdominal cramps in fact it is often from the digestive elements of the human body. There are several reasons for this pain and also the distinct section of the body in pain works well for determining them. There are numerous tests which might be conducted to ascertain the different reasons behind this pain and a number of the major causes are discussed below. By
  • 2. What is Lower Abdominal Pain?  Lower abdominal pain is reports of pain that is located on the lower part of the abdominal area. The abdomen is divided in to four sections; think of diving the entire abdominal region into 4 namely the upper and the lower right abdomen and the upper and lower left abdomen. Hence, pain experienced on the lower abdomen would be more accurately described (in terms of location) as pelvic pain. Pain may be characterized as acute pain or chronic pain and may be further described as stabbing, piercing, numbing or even shooting pain. If you are suffering from lower abdominal pain, it is important to learn about the many causes of this type of pain to get the most accurate treatment. It is estimated that almost all people will suffer from lower abdominal pain at some point of their lives and accurate diagnosis is needed to determine the cause of this type of pain. Here are common causes of lower abdominal pain: Appendicitis The appendix is a pouch that projects from the right side of your colon; it has no purpose however it can cause severe problems. It may infect, become filled with pus and become very painful. The pain is located on the lower right abdomen but may radiate to the other parts of the abdomen as well. The pain may be tolerable but may increase in just several hours. Only surgical removal of the appendix will treat the pain. Inflammation of the bladder Inflammation of the bladder is usually due to a bacterial infection. The infection causes severe lower abdominal pain and may last until the infection has subsided. Bladder infections need to be treated immediately to prevent the spread to the kidneys.
  • 3. Obstruction of the intestines Food and liquids may obstruct a portion of the intestines keeping food, liquids and gas from exiting the colon. This blockage leads to infection and inflammation and the only way to get rid of the blockage is surgery. Certain conditions may also cause blockage like hernias and intestinal tumors; these cause severe pain, discomfort and other gastrointestinal symptoms. Endometriosis Endometriosis is a disorder in women in which the inner lining of the uterus or the endometrium grows outside the organ; this condition may also involve the ovaries and the tissues of the pelvis. The endometrium still function normally and thus thickens and sheds monthly however the tissues cannot exit the body and thus leads to irritation of the walls of the pelvis leading to pain especially during the woman’s monthly period. Ovulation pains Normal periods of ovulation could also cause slight pain and could either be on the right or the left side of the lower abdomen signalling which ovary has released the egg. Pain is manageable and often does not need treatment. Problems with Ectopic pregnancy Ectopic pregnancy, bleeding and other problems with pregnancy can lead to lower abdominal pain in women. Any pains or bleeding during pregnancy and after delivery should be consulted right away to your doctor.
  • 4. Lower Abdominal Pain in Men  Factors lower pain inside the Lower Abdomen that face men    Kidney Stones: Irregular and huge kidney stones may cause bleeding, kidney infections or block the urine drainage thereby causing stasis. Thus, the presence of these stones can often men feel acute pain from the lower abdomen. Besides vomiting and nausea, the presence of kidney stones can make men feel the urge to urinate more frequently and in addition experience a burning sensation during urination. Irritable Bowel syndrome: Men experiencing irritable bowel syndrome often experience pain in the reduced abdomen along with alternating diarrhea and constipation. The reality that irritable bowel can be a chronic condition taking medical help and eating a suitable diet can help ease the signs of this syndrome. Appendicitis: The fact that appendicitis can tend to inflame and accumulate pus, men being affected by this problem often experience pain around their belly button which later migrates on the lower abdomen. In fact, when the appendicitis becomes worse and isn't removed, men will find it challenging to walk, cough or move comfortably. Thus, consulting your medical professional immediately is strongly suggested if you happen to be experiencing these symptoms.
  • 5. Bladder Infections: Men that suffer from bladder infections are highly in a chance of struggling with pain within their lower abdomen. The simple fact that transmissions are usually accompanied with painful urination and fever, treating these with antibiotics is imperative prior to the infection gets worse and affects your kidneys. Semi Vesiculitis: The pain in lower abdomen in men can be caused on account of inflammation on the reproductive organs. Semi Vesiculitis is a such condition that is due to an inflamed prostrate or by prostatitis. Abdominal Muscle Spasm : The abdominal muscle spasm is basically the contraction of the muscle around the stomach which is happening involuntarily and in powerful way. When the spasm happens, the muscle will be tender and stiff, especially if you are applying a certain pressure on the abdominal area. Symptoms of Lower Abdominal pain of males  If your pain in the lower abdomen gone through by men is severe, it is almost always linked to these following symptoms. - If a man is suffering from high fever, it suggests inflammation. - Inability of a man to pass stool or keep food down for a lot of days. - If he or she is vomiting or possibly experiencing unusual or painful urination. - If your abdomen strong is tender to the touch. - This within the lower abdomen will not heal even with several days.
  • 6. Treating Lower Abdomen Pain that face men  One of the most common methods of treating pain within the lower abdominal pain is by taking pain medications. However, taking pain medications with meals is highly far better to prevent these medications because any type of unpleasant gastrointestinal unwanted side effects. Home Cures for Relieving Pain From Lower Abdomen  - Locating a warm compress like heat pad or warm water bottle around the area affected to get a short while can help ease pain from the lower abdomen into a degree. - The simple fact ginger helps provide instant reduced lower abdominal pain, combine one teaspoon of fresh lemon juice with equal quantity of grated ginger and have a combination after your family meal. - Drinking hot water also helps to ease pain on both the left and right side of the abdomen. - Soak in a tub of hot water for around 10- a quarter-hour. This will aid relax the muscles, thereby helping reduce abdominal pain. - Mixing fresh juice with water is a great natural solution for reducing lower abdominal pain. - In case you one particular men who suffer from abdomen pain as a result of gas, our recommendation is that avoid eating fried foodstuffs, citrus fruits or are drinking alcoholic beverages or carbonated beverages. - Spend time at the fringe of the bed or on the chair and position a pillow in your lap. Now, hug the pillow as you bend your body at the front. This may reduce pain and ease ab muscles to some large degree.
  • 7. The above mentioned listed therapies are just a few of the most practical and effective remedies that will help heal lower abdominal pain in males. However, if these remedies don't give any relief seeking immediate medical assistance as soon as possible can significantly help in assisting you get the most suitable treatment required for stopping painful lower abdomen successfully.
  • 8. Lower Abdominal Pain in Women  Abdominal pains happen to anyone and while most of us ignore this symptom, acute abdominal pain in women should never be overlooked. Acute lower abdominal pain in women may be a sign of something more severe so take time to get to know your symptoms and find out how to deal with this type of pain: For non­pregnant women  1. As soon as you feel pain over your lower abdominal region, take note of its intensity, its severity and if the pain may be reduced by positioning or by walking. It will also be better if you would also note when it happened and remember any activity you did or anything you ate to develop such symptom. 2. Note all other symptoms aside from your abdominal pain. Lower abdominal pain in women may also be accompanied by headaches and fullness of the breasts when her period is due (as a part of her monthly cycle). Other symptoms may be radiating pain on other areas of the abdomen and at the back especially in bladder infections and kidney infections, fever, weakness and be mindful of your urine. Persistent lower abdominal pain in women accompanied by blood in the urine may be signs of kidney stones in the bladder.
  • 9. 3. Take a pain reliever if pain persists; over-the-counter medications for pain will do but be careful of side effects. Some medications for pain may have gastrointestinal side effects so take these with water. 4. If pain persists, consult your doctor immediately. For pain that is accompanied by other symptoms go to your nearest emergency clinic or call for help immediately. 5. For bleeding and pain, as you wait for help, lie down and raise your feet using pillows to be placed on the bottom of your legs. This will help control bleeding as you wait for help. For pregnant women:  Take note of the pain and the intensity, frequency and other symptoms that you have. Check for vaginal bleeding, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or blood in urine. Do not take any pain medications or other herbal remedies. These may not be good for pregnant women. Stick to placing warm compress on the area or a warm electric blanket. Call for help immediately or have a friend or family member rush you to a hospital immediately. If you will wait for help or an ambulance to pick you up, lie down with your legs up using pillows under your legs. Be sure to monitor your pains and to check for bleeding time and again. Keep warm and do not move or lift anything. You may also lie down on your right side to help improve the circulation of blood to your baby. Remember: pregnant or non-pregnant women should never overlook abdominal pain and any symptoms which accompany pain. Chronic pain on the other hand needs expert help too and must be consulted especially for chronic and recurring lower abdominal pain in women.
  • 10. Left Lower Abdominal Pain  There are significant organs and tissues that are found on the lower left abdominal area which can cause lower left abdominal pain. This type of pain may be due to the inflammation or irritation of any of these organs and pain could be acute to chronic or may be mild to severe. Organs and tissues that are located in this area are the sigmoid colon, a part of the large bowel called the descending colon, a part of the urinary bladder, the lower end of the left kidney, the left ovary in women, large blood vessels, muscles and skin that covers the abdominal wall. Here are the most popular causes of lower left abdominal pain:  Obstruction in the bowels Foods, liquids or tumors may cause blockage of the colon specifically on the left side of the colon. Pain is due to the inflammation of the walls of the colon as food, liquids and gas accumulate on the other side. Aside from cramping pain there is also abdominal distension, nausea and vomiting. Due to the obstruction, there will be no passage of gas and feces and this may lead to severe complications and infections. Rupture of aneurysms The largest blood vessel passes through the abdominal cavity and this carries oxygenated blood from the heart to the lower part of the body. Aneurysms found in the aorta usually develop without any symptoms and rupture causing severe pain on the left lower part of the abdomen which may also radiate to the central part of the abdominal area. A person who suffers from this condition may suddenly collapse; lose consciousness as his blood pressure drops. Immediate medical attention is needed.
  • 11. Chronic constipation Constipation may be due to so many factors and when it becomes chronic and involves the left part of the colon there will be dull lower left abdominal pain. There will also be other symptoms like a feeling of being bloated, a distended abdomen and in chronic conditions, weight loss is also possible. Ectopic pregnancy Pregnancy that develops outside the uterus is called ectopic. During the initial stages of pregnancy there are hardly any unusual symptoms except for the usual symptoms of pregnancy like dizziness, headaches and cravings. As the ectopic pregnancy develops there is lower left abdominal pain if the fetus develops on the left tube or the outer left part of the uterus and there may also be massive bleeding and blood loss as the fetus ruptures tissues and major blood vessels leading to the uterus. Any signs of bleeding and pain during pregnancy should be consulted to your doctor immediately. Hernia A hernia is the abnormal movement of the part of the bowel through an abnormal opening in the wall of the abdomen. As the colon moves to a different area inside the abdominal wall, this causes irritation and pain and if the hernia happens in the lower left side of the abdomen then there will surely be left lower abdominal pain. Lower Abdominal Pain and Peeing A Lot Usually known as abs pain, the lower abdominal pain and peeing a lot is mainly associated with the various digestive parts of the human body. Even though there can be numerous causes, the diverse areas of pain offers numerous clues on the likely causes of the abdominal pain.
  • 12. Right Lower Abdominal Pain  Although all parts of the body are significant for the general welfare of the body, however the right side of the abdomen is particularly important because it contains a number of vital organs. These include the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, right kidney, right adrenal gland, appendix, abdominal muscles and skin on the right side of the body. In women, besides all this, right ovary and right fallopian tubes are also present. Any problem that occurs in any of these organs can lead to right lower abdominal pain. There may be some other reasons behind right lower abdominal pain. The most likely are disorders in the lower right lung, bowel cancer and spread of tumors elsewhere in the body. List possible causes of right lower abdominal pain Reason 1: If the pain starts either in the upper abdomen or around the navel, and radiates more to the right lower abdomen, then the most likely cause is appendicitis. It is the inflammation of the appendix, usually caused by a bacterial infection. Cause 2: hard deposits of phosphates and urates in the kidneys are called kidney stones. Cause acute pain. Therefore, the presence of kidney stones in the right kidney is another major cause of lower right lower abdominal pain. There can be a number of other accompanying symptoms. These are vomiting, nausea and bleeding in the genitals. Cause 3: If sore throat or cold is followed by the right lower abdominal pain, then in most cases, mesenteric lymphadenopathy diagnosed the cause. The pain is similar to appendicitis. However, differs from appendicitis since no observed loss of appetite. Cause 4: In women of childbearing age, if pain right side lower abdomen accompanied by vaginal bleeding, pain in the shoulder tips, dizziness and weakness, ectopic pregnancy can be one of the most common causes. It occurs when the zygote implants outside the uterus, in any other parts of the body, such as one of the fallopian tubes. It results in miscarriage within 8-12 days.
  • 13. Cause 5: Gallstones are another common cause of right lower abdominal pain. Sometimes, you get caught or in the gallbladder or draining channels. It may be accompanied with vomiting and dizziness. Generally, the pain on the right side of the abdomen, radiating to other parts of the body such as the back, neck and right arm. Cause 6: One of the most common causes of stomach pain on the right side is the hernia. Is the bulge or protrusion of a structure or muscle? If it occurs in any of the organs present in the right side of the abdomen, causing pain, ranging from mild to severe. The other noticeable symptoms may be vomiting, abdominal distension complete or partial bowel obstruction. Cause 7: Another major cause of right abdominal pain is cholecystitis. Commonly found to occur in older people, with more than 40 years of age. Cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder. Is one of the complications associated with gallstones? Patients with severe pain may need to undergo surgery to complete treatment. Cause 8: A rare cause of right lower abdominal pain is bowel cancer. He diagnosed the cause in those patients who have been suffering from chronic abdominal pain, change in bowel habits, loss of appetite, weight remarkable. A good tip would be that you should immediately consult a psychologist if you have any of these symptoms. This is only a part of our content, please visit us at which there is a lot of information. Thank Witoon Aranyanarth