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Times have been tough for
brick-and-mortar (BAM) retail locations
over the last few decades.
First, increased numbers of big-box
superstores with wider selections and
lower prices drove consumers away from
the traditional mom-and-pop shops.
Then came the rise of e-commerce,
which enabled consumers to find and pay
for the merchandise they needed easily and
securely from their homes.
High unemployment rates, increased
prices for goods and services, and often
steep discounts for buying online have
all resulted in a significant decrease in
consumer foot traffic to BAM locations,
and in turn, lower revenues. Here in the
U.S., Home Depot saw a 1.9 percent
decrease in in-store customers this
year, while Lowes, its main competitor,
saw a 3.4 percent decrease in
customers going to stores that have
been open more than 13 months. And
even though the consumers who are
shopping at BAM stores are spending
more than usual, the lack of volume is
having a significant impact on retailers’
bottom lines.1
Many big-box retailers are looking
to traditional solutions to this issue,
such as reducing overhead costs by
decreasing the amount of space their
stores occupy and focusing their efforts
on building online sales. However,
exploring new social media marketing
strategies may actually be the key to
increasing foot traffic to their BAM
locations. Widespread consumer
adoption of social media networks
and location-based services (LBS) like
Foursquare, Facebook Places, Gowalla,
and Loopt create a completely new
avenue through which retailers can
interact with their target customers
and give them shopping incentives that
go beyond simple discounts and sales.
The number of BAM businesses and
industries that are tapping into this
goldmine of consumer engagement
potential are growing every day. Many
location-based service applications
were originally designed to give
consumers a fun way to stay in touch
with friends and colleagues while on
the go. They have quickly evolved into
marketing tools that enable businesses
to grow their reach among consumer
audiences in specific geographic
locations and create value-based
interaction with customers in ways
unique to social media.
Though retail giants like Wal-Mart, Home Depot and Best Buy tried to stay competitive by
adding shopping functionality for consumers to their Web sites, this strategy has not been
enough in these tough economic times.
Location-based service
campaigns enable BAM
brands to directly engage
consumers within location-
specific areas, encourage
patronage and increase
positive brand perception
and recognition like never
A free web-based account that’s
connected to the phone app tracks
a user’s participation and turns day-
to-day activities into a game. Users
are rewarded with points and badges
for check-ins, provided with reviews/
comments from other consumers
about the places they are checking
in, information about the location and
what’s nearby, and recommendations
for additional activities. Interactions
with location-based services can
also be shared with a user’s social
networks, such as Facebook and
Twitter, enabling them to easily
communicate about where they are and
what they’re doing with others.
Consumer adoption of location-
based service applications is growing
exponentially year over year.
Research firm SNL Kagan estimated
that the number of U.S. consumers
registered with some kind of location-
based service social networking
application jumped from 12.3 million in
2009 to 33.2 million in 2010.2
Though current concerns about
privacy issues involving smartphones
and location tracking systems/
services embedded within their
software have been a subject of public
debate, explanations by smartphone
Consumers who subscribe to one or more location-based services use an app on their
mobile phone to “check-in” at locations around the globe.
manufacturers about the use of such
technologies by government mandate
since 2000 and assurances that such
information will be better encrypted in
the future are not expected to hinder
growth in this sector. This, plus equally
exponential increases in numbers of
smartphone users per year, greater
value/usability offered by emerging
location-based services applications,
and more accessible pricing for mobile
data plans all indicate that consumer
adoption of location-based services
applications will continue to surge.3
This convergence of communication
and expected growth opens the door
to limitless possibilities for marketing
and direct-to-consumer engagement
between brands and their target
consumer, especially brands that
rely on BAM locations as a core part
of their business model. A targeted
location-based services strategy to
connect the Borders bookstore brand
to consumers in the immediate area
surrounding each of its BAM locations,
and creating an opportunity to amplify
those connections through users’
social networks, may well have been
just what the company needed to boost
traffic to its stores.
Take, for example, Samsung Mobile’s*
“Explore with Nexus S 4G” campaign,
a mobile treasure hunt that was
held in Kansas City, Mo. on June
4, 2011, and executed by Samsung
Mobile’s ad agency, One Agency.
For this program, Samsung Mobile
partnered with SCVNGR, a location-
based service that takes the check-in
a step further by offering challenges
that consumers can perform at their
destination in exchange for points
used toward earning rewards (a free
item, a percentage off of a check, etc.).
The SCVNGR revenue model is based
around brands creating “challenges”
for consumers to be completed at
geographic settings in order to make
advertising experiential.4
In the case
of Samsung Mobile, teams of two
used Nexus S 4G phones (provided
by Samsung Mobile) to check in
through SCVNGR and find out where
to complete challenges throughout
downtown Kansas City. By doing this,
they racked up points, competed to
win prizes – including a grand prize of
$20,000 cash – and got to try out all of
the premium features that the Nexus S
4G offers.5
This program not only used location-
based service technology to place
Samsung Mobile products into the hands
of target consumers, it also offered the
media a huge opportunity to cover the
event and jump-started word-of-mouth
discussion around the Nexus S 4G brand
that was amplified through SCVNGR’s
social networking applications.
In addition to rewarding behaviors
favorable to supporting business,
location-based services provide brands
another medium through which to
communicate relevant content to
target audiences.
* MWW Group client
More and more brands are using location-based services apps to motivate consumers to
visit BAM locations, check-in, and earn incentives – essentially digitizing the loyalty card
and expanding the reach of word-of-mouth promotion.
Because consumers turn to
location-based services for tips and
recommendations about what to do,
eat, try, explore, ask, watch out for, etc.,
brands can own the conversation in
this space and become a valued source
for trusted information.
For example, if you check in through
Gowalla at a restaurant, Zagat might
offer recommendations for wines
or dishes to try, tips for where to go
for a nightcap, what other sources
of entertainment are in the area, or
other information that is meaningful to
consumers. It’s this type of engagement
that Loopt co-founder and CEO Sam
Altman says is part of Loopt’s business
strategy moving forward: “Local mobile
search is often less about discovering
a new place or location to visit and
instead is more about “what you do
when you get there.”6
The key to successful social media marketing is providing meaningful content to
consumers so that they build affinity for your brand and find value in interacting with it.
Even brands that don’t necessarily
offer BAM locations for consumers
to purchase their products can use
location-based services applications
in their marketing strategy. During
the 2011 South by Southwest (SXSW)
interactive film and music festival in
Austin, TX, Nikon* used a location-
based service strategy to create an
opportunity to make itself relevant to
audiences important to its
business growth.
Nikon’s PR and Social Media agency
partners developed a virtual treasure
hunt featuring actor and Nikon
spokesman Ashton Kutcher, as an
integral part of its overall strategy
at the event. “The Chase” placed
consumers in Austin in direct contact
with Kutcher, who provided visual and
text clues as to his location through
connected Twitter, Foursquare,
Facebook, and Vimeo channels.
Based on the clues, participants had to
figure out where he was, go there, and
check in for a chance to win various
prizes, including free cameras and
passes to an exclusive Nikon/Vimeo
party. Kutcher and a team of Nikon
product experts were on the branded
Nikon Bus Experience at the final
location. Participants there were able
to meet Kutcher, explore the latest
Nikon products, and get tips from
the pros.
Social media engagement with festival
participants and those who were not
in attendance was tremendous. The
activation generated more than 77
million Facebook and 58 million
Twitter impressions.
These types of strategies open up
opportunities for forging new business
partnerships and instituting more
tangible reward programs in industries
in which these types of strategies could
not be implemented through traditional
means. Additionally, the digital nature
of location-based services applications
allow for more accurate measures of
program effectiveness and new ways
to gauge consumer engagement.
Most location-based services offer
some kind of analytics program that
enable brands to track the interactions
consumers are having with their
location-based services campaigns,
how often, when, where, and even what
is being said.
* MWW Group client
Location-based service-focused
engagement should be a part of just
about any social media marketing
strategy. But before you move
ahead with designing a program
for your brand, make sure that this
type of medium is relevant to the
audiences you’re trying to reach. Are
they smartphone users? Are they
technology savvy? Are they familiar
with or interested in location-based
services applications? Have they
adopted location-based services? If so,
what do they use?
Another consideration is the type of
content that your brand can provide.
According to JiWire’s Mobile Audience
Insights Report, Q4 2010, the top
four types of information on-the-go
consumers are interested in receiving
through an location-based services
are store locations, points of interest,
checking in, and sales/promotions/
Does offering this type of
content make sense for your business?
Are there alternative ways of engaging
your audiences using this medium.
Once you decide that integrating
location-based services strategies in to
your existing social media marketing
plan is right for your brand, get creative
in developing approaches to generating
meaningful and consistent interactions
with your audiences. Start simple,
closely monitor and evaluate the
engagement that results, and build from
there. Some simple suggestions include:
JiWire’s Mobile Audience Insights Report, Q4 2010
This is an easy and often cost-
effective strategy for BAM brands.
Most location-based services provide
applications for creating badges
and instructions for placing content
on a location’s site, while there are
specialized firms that can design
customized mobile loyalty cards that
fit your brand’s needs. Rewarding
behavior that drives your business –
such as extra perks for frequent visits
to a location – is the key to success
with this strategy.
Provide timely and accurate
information that will help consumers
decide what to do once they get to
their location. Look for opportunities to
leave tips and comments at established
locations that provide value to the
consumer and build an affinity with
your brand. At SXSW, Nikon provided
photography tips for many popular
tourist locations in Austin. When a
consumer checked in, he or she was
able to access tips were designed to
offer practical advice that an amateur
photographer could use on-the-spot.
If you don’t have a BAM location, see
if there are any other brands that you
could partner with for an incentive
program. This can result in increased
sales, affinity, and engagement for both
of your businesses.
If used strategically, yes. They are
powerful tools for helping to balance
the revenue scales in favor of retailers.
And given that location-based services
technology is only just emerging as a
consumer tool, continuing innovation
and development make the possibilities
for commercial adaptation limitless. On
July 12, 2011, Foursquare announced
distribution partnerships with daily deal
providers LivingSocial, Gilt City, zozi,
BuyWithMe and AT&T, helping all of the
players to work together.8
also recently announced a national
deal with American Express to offer
discounts to cardholders when they
check in on their cell phone at certain
shops or restaurants, helping to make
location-based services even more
We fully expect to see dramatic changes
in how location-based services are used
by both consumers and businesses in
the coming years.
For example, manual check-ins will
become a thing of the past since the
process serves as an interruption
to daily life. The next generation of
location-based services technology
will likely offer consumers the option
to automate their check-ins (with
their permission, of course) based
on their location and preferences.
Soon, smartphones may also be able
to generate alerts about deals and
specials in an area without the user
having to check-in at all. The GPS would
automatically trigger the alert.
In addition, location-based services will
most likely completely replace customer
loyalty cards. We may also see greater
integration with credit cards via services
such as Square, which enables you to
swipe credit cards and process payments
right through your iPhone, iPad, or Android
system. That swipe of your credit card could
serve as your check-in at that location
should such a partnership take shape.
Location-based service interaction may
become increasingly important to the
smaller BAM business as the possibilities
for real-time interaction become more
tangible. Say you use a location-based
service to check-in at a local bistro you
eat at regularly, the owner or manager
could receive notification that a frequent
customer has arrived. This opens up
opportunities for direct interaction, such
as a tableside visit from the chef or a
complimentary glass of wine.
The possibilities for increasing
customer service are endless.
Consumer adoption of location-
based services will also rise as more
relevant applications are integrated
into the devices that people rely upon
daily. Apple’s announcement of the
free “Reminders” native app for iOS
5, which spans the iPhone, iPad, and
iPod touch, has already started to
change the game. What is essentially
a simple to-do list/calendar type of
application provides consumers with
added functionality by delivering pre-
programed reminders to users when
they reach a certain location. For
example, if you know you always forget
to pick up batteries at the grocery
store, you can program a reminder that
you need batteries into your iPhone
that will pop up whenever you get to
the store.
All in all, the future for location-based
services and the BAM business is
very bright and will likely become
increasingly useful and valuable for
consumers in all categories of industry.
Could location-based services aid BAM business in a time where e-commerce and an
ailing economy have taken the reigns?
1.	 “Walmart, Big-Box Retailers Struggle To Get Shoppers Into Stores As Sales Drop,” The Huffington Post
2. 	“33.2 Million Location Based Services Users?,” Mobile Marketing and Technology
3. 	“Location-Based Services Poised for Rapid Growth - Part 1,” Chain Link Research
4. 	 How SCVNGR And Founder Seth Priebatsch Hope To Win The Location Game,” FastCompany, June 13, 2011
5. 	“Samsung Mobile and SCVNGR hosting city wide mobile treasure hunt,” AndroidCentral
6.	 “Loopt Adds Fresh Twist on QA to Improve Local Reviews,” Blue Cake Interactive Media Consulting
7. 	 Insights, JiWire’s Mobile Audience Insights Report, Q4 2010
8.	 Expanding the foursquare Specials platform to more partners
9.	 A Start-Up Matures, Working With AmEx
Molly Mulloy
Executive Vice President, General Manager, San Francisco
415.464.6423 |
304 Park Avenue South, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10010

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Could LBS Bring Traditional Retailers Back to Life

  • 2. © MWW GROUP, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 2 COULD LBS BRING TRADITIONAL RETAILERS BACK TO LIFE? Times have been tough for brick-and-mortar (BAM) retail locations over the last few decades. First, increased numbers of big-box superstores with wider selections and lower prices drove consumers away from the traditional mom-and-pop shops. Then came the rise of e-commerce, which enabled consumers to find and pay for the merchandise they needed easily and securely from their homes.
  • 3. © MWW GROUP, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 3 COULD LBS BRING TRADITIONAL RETAILERS BACK TO LIFE? High unemployment rates, increased prices for goods and services, and often steep discounts for buying online have all resulted in a significant decrease in consumer foot traffic to BAM locations, and in turn, lower revenues. Here in the U.S., Home Depot saw a 1.9 percent decrease in in-store customers this year, while Lowes, its main competitor, saw a 3.4 percent decrease in customers going to stores that have been open more than 13 months. And even though the consumers who are shopping at BAM stores are spending more than usual, the lack of volume is having a significant impact on retailers’ bottom lines.1 Many big-box retailers are looking to traditional solutions to this issue, such as reducing overhead costs by decreasing the amount of space their stores occupy and focusing their efforts on building online sales. However, exploring new social media marketing strategies may actually be the key to increasing foot traffic to their BAM locations. Widespread consumer adoption of social media networks and location-based services (LBS) like Foursquare, Facebook Places, Gowalla, and Loopt create a completely new avenue through which retailers can interact with their target customers and give them shopping incentives that go beyond simple discounts and sales. The number of BAM businesses and industries that are tapping into this goldmine of consumer engagement potential are growing every day. Many location-based service applications were originally designed to give consumers a fun way to stay in touch with friends and colleagues while on the go. They have quickly evolved into marketing tools that enable businesses to grow their reach among consumer audiences in specific geographic locations and create value-based interaction with customers in ways unique to social media. Though retail giants like Wal-Mart, Home Depot and Best Buy tried to stay competitive by adding shopping functionality for consumers to their Web sites, this strategy has not been enough in these tough economic times. Location-based service campaigns enable BAM brands to directly engage consumers within location- specific areas, encourage patronage and increase positive brand perception and recognition like never before.
  • 4. © MWW GROUP, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 4 COULD LBS BRING TRADITIONAL RETAILERS BACK TO LIFE? HOWLOCATIONBASEDSERVICESWORK A free web-based account that’s connected to the phone app tracks a user’s participation and turns day- to-day activities into a game. Users are rewarded with points and badges for check-ins, provided with reviews/ comments from other consumers about the places they are checking in, information about the location and what’s nearby, and recommendations for additional activities. Interactions with location-based services can also be shared with a user’s social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, enabling them to easily communicate about where they are and what they’re doing with others. Consumer adoption of location- based service applications is growing exponentially year over year. Research firm SNL Kagan estimated that the number of U.S. consumers registered with some kind of location- based service social networking application jumped from 12.3 million in 2009 to 33.2 million in 2010.2 Though current concerns about privacy issues involving smartphones and location tracking systems/ services embedded within their software have been a subject of public debate, explanations by smartphone Consumers who subscribe to one or more location-based services use an app on their mobile phone to “check-in” at locations around the globe. manufacturers about the use of such technologies by government mandate since 2000 and assurances that such information will be better encrypted in the future are not expected to hinder growth in this sector. This, plus equally exponential increases in numbers of smartphone users per year, greater value/usability offered by emerging location-based services applications, and more accessible pricing for mobile data plans all indicate that consumer adoption of location-based services applications will continue to surge.3 This convergence of communication and expected growth opens the door to limitless possibilities for marketing and direct-to-consumer engagement between brands and their target consumer, especially brands that rely on BAM locations as a core part of their business model. A targeted location-based services strategy to connect the Borders bookstore brand to consumers in the immediate area surrounding each of its BAM locations, and creating an opportunity to amplify those connections through users’ social networks, may well have been just what the company needed to boost traffic to its stores.
  • 5. © MWW GROUP, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 5 COULD LBS BRING TRADITIONAL RETAILERS BACK TO LIFE? Take, for example, Samsung Mobile’s* “Explore with Nexus S 4G” campaign, a mobile treasure hunt that was held in Kansas City, Mo. on June 4, 2011, and executed by Samsung Mobile’s ad agency, One Agency. For this program, Samsung Mobile partnered with SCVNGR, a location- based service that takes the check-in a step further by offering challenges that consumers can perform at their destination in exchange for points used toward earning rewards (a free item, a percentage off of a check, etc.). The SCVNGR revenue model is based around brands creating “challenges” for consumers to be completed at geographic settings in order to make advertising experiential.4 In the case of Samsung Mobile, teams of two used Nexus S 4G phones (provided by Samsung Mobile) to check in through SCVNGR and find out where to complete challenges throughout downtown Kansas City. By doing this, they racked up points, competed to win prizes – including a grand prize of $20,000 cash – and got to try out all of the premium features that the Nexus S 4G offers.5 This program not only used location- based service technology to place Samsung Mobile products into the hands of target consumers, it also offered the media a huge opportunity to cover the event and jump-started word-of-mouth discussion around the Nexus S 4G brand that was amplified through SCVNGR’s social networking applications. In addition to rewarding behaviors favorable to supporting business, location-based services provide brands another medium through which to communicate relevant content to target audiences. * MWW Group client OPPORTUNITIESTOENGAGE More and more brands are using location-based services apps to motivate consumers to visit BAM locations, check-in, and earn incentives – essentially digitizing the loyalty card and expanding the reach of word-of-mouth promotion.
  • 6. © MWW GROUP, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 6 COULD LBS BRING TRADITIONAL RETAILERS BACK TO LIFE? OPPORTUNITIESTOENGAGE Because consumers turn to location-based services for tips and recommendations about what to do, eat, try, explore, ask, watch out for, etc., brands can own the conversation in this space and become a valued source for trusted information. For example, if you check in through Gowalla at a restaurant, Zagat might offer recommendations for wines or dishes to try, tips for where to go for a nightcap, what other sources of entertainment are in the area, or other information that is meaningful to consumers. It’s this type of engagement that Loopt co-founder and CEO Sam Altman says is part of Loopt’s business strategy moving forward: “Local mobile search is often less about discovering a new place or location to visit and instead is more about “what you do when you get there.”6 The key to successful social media marketing is providing meaningful content to consumers so that they build affinity for your brand and find value in interacting with it.
  • 7. © MWW GROUP, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 7 COULD LBS BRING TRADITIONAL RETAILERS BACK TO LIFE? Even brands that don’t necessarily offer BAM locations for consumers to purchase their products can use location-based services applications in their marketing strategy. During the 2011 South by Southwest (SXSW) interactive film and music festival in Austin, TX, Nikon* used a location- based service strategy to create an opportunity to make itself relevant to audiences important to its business growth. Nikon’s PR and Social Media agency partners developed a virtual treasure hunt featuring actor and Nikon spokesman Ashton Kutcher, as an integral part of its overall strategy at the event. “The Chase” placed consumers in Austin in direct contact with Kutcher, who provided visual and text clues as to his location through connected Twitter, Foursquare, Facebook, and Vimeo channels. Based on the clues, participants had to figure out where he was, go there, and check in for a chance to win various prizes, including free cameras and passes to an exclusive Nikon/Vimeo party. Kutcher and a team of Nikon product experts were on the branded Nikon Bus Experience at the final location. Participants there were able to meet Kutcher, explore the latest Nikon products, and get tips from the pros. Social media engagement with festival participants and those who were not in attendance was tremendous. The activation generated more than 77 million Facebook and 58 million Twitter impressions. These types of strategies open up opportunities for forging new business partnerships and instituting more tangible reward programs in industries in which these types of strategies could not be implemented through traditional means. Additionally, the digital nature of location-based services applications allow for more accurate measures of program effectiveness and new ways to gauge consumer engagement. Most location-based services offer some kind of analytics program that enable brands to track the interactions consumers are having with their location-based services campaigns, how often, when, where, and even what is being said. BEYONDBAM * MWW Group client
  • 8. © MWW GROUP, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 8 COULD LBS BRING TRADITIONAL RETAILERS BACK TO LIFE? Location-based service-focused engagement should be a part of just about any social media marketing strategy. But before you move ahead with designing a program for your brand, make sure that this type of medium is relevant to the audiences you’re trying to reach. Are they smartphone users? Are they technology savvy? Are they familiar with or interested in location-based services applications? Have they adopted location-based services? If so, what do they use? Another consideration is the type of content that your brand can provide. According to JiWire’s Mobile Audience Insights Report, Q4 2010, the top four types of information on-the-go consumers are interested in receiving through an location-based services are store locations, points of interest, checking in, and sales/promotions/ coupons.7 Does offering this type of content make sense for your business? Are there alternative ways of engaging your audiences using this medium. Once you decide that integrating location-based services strategies in to your existing social media marketing plan is right for your brand, get creative in developing approaches to generating meaningful and consistent interactions with your audiences. Start simple, closely monitor and evaluate the engagement that results, and build from there. Some simple suggestions include: THE TOP FOUR TYPES OF INFORMATION ON-THE-GO CONSUMERS ARE INTERESTED IN RECEIVING THROUGH A LOCATION-BASED SERVICES: RECOMMENDATIONS STORE LOCATIONS 42% CHECKING IN 27% POINT OF INTEREST 42% SALES/PROMOTIONS/COUPONS 26% JiWire’s Mobile Audience Insights Report, Q4 2010
  • 9. © MWW GROUP, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 9 COULD LBS BRING TRADITIONAL RETAILERS BACK TO LIFE? DESIGNING INCENTIVE PROGRAMS THAT WILL ENCOURAGE TRAFFIC TO BAM LOCATIONS: This is an easy and often cost- effective strategy for BAM brands. Most location-based services provide applications for creating badges and instructions for placing content on a location’s site, while there are specialized firms that can design customized mobile loyalty cards that fit your brand’s needs. Rewarding behavior that drives your business – such as extra perks for frequent visits to a location – is the key to success with this strategy. BECOME THE VOICE OF A COMMUNITY OR AREA: Provide timely and accurate information that will help consumers decide what to do once they get to their location. Look for opportunities to leave tips and comments at established locations that provide value to the consumer and build an affinity with your brand. At SXSW, Nikon provided photography tips for many popular tourist locations in Austin. When a consumer checked in, he or she was able to access tips were designed to offer practical advice that an amateur photographer could use on-the-spot. EXPLORE PARTNERSHIP POTENTIAL: If you don’t have a BAM location, see if there are any other brands that you could partner with for an incentive program. This can result in increased sales, affinity, and engagement for both of your businesses. RECOMMENDATIONS
  • 10. © MWW GROUP, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 10 COULD LBS BRING TRADITIONAL RETAILERS BACK TO LIFE? If used strategically, yes. They are powerful tools for helping to balance the revenue scales in favor of retailers. And given that location-based services technology is only just emerging as a consumer tool, continuing innovation and development make the possibilities for commercial adaptation limitless. On July 12, 2011, Foursquare announced distribution partnerships with daily deal providers LivingSocial, Gilt City, zozi, BuyWithMe and AT&T, helping all of the players to work together.8 Foursquare also recently announced a national deal with American Express to offer discounts to cardholders when they check in on their cell phone at certain shops or restaurants, helping to make location-based services even more mainstream.9 We fully expect to see dramatic changes in how location-based services are used by both consumers and businesses in the coming years. For example, manual check-ins will become a thing of the past since the process serves as an interruption to daily life. The next generation of location-based services technology will likely offer consumers the option to automate their check-ins (with their permission, of course) based on their location and preferences. Soon, smartphones may also be able to generate alerts about deals and specials in an area without the user having to check-in at all. The GPS would automatically trigger the alert. In addition, location-based services will most likely completely replace customer loyalty cards. We may also see greater integration with credit cards via services such as Square, which enables you to swipe credit cards and process payments right through your iPhone, iPad, or Android system. That swipe of your credit card could serve as your check-in at that location should such a partnership take shape. Location-based service interaction may become increasingly important to the smaller BAM business as the possibilities for real-time interaction become more tangible. Say you use a location-based service to check-in at a local bistro you eat at regularly, the owner or manager could receive notification that a frequent customer has arrived. This opens up opportunities for direct interaction, such as a tableside visit from the chef or a complimentary glass of wine. The possibilities for increasing customer service are endless. Consumer adoption of location- based services will also rise as more relevant applications are integrated into the devices that people rely upon daily. Apple’s announcement of the free “Reminders” native app for iOS 5, which spans the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch, has already started to change the game. What is essentially a simple to-do list/calendar type of application provides consumers with added functionality by delivering pre- programed reminders to users when they reach a certain location. For example, if you know you always forget to pick up batteries at the grocery store, you can program a reminder that you need batteries into your iPhone that will pop up whenever you get to the store. All in all, the future for location-based services and the BAM business is very bright and will likely become increasingly useful and valuable for consumers in all categories of industry. FINALTHOUGHTS Could location-based services aid BAM business in a time where e-commerce and an ailing economy have taken the reigns?
  • 11. © MWW GROUP, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11 COULD LBS BRING TRADITIONAL RETAILERS BACK TO LIFE? SOURCES 1. “Walmart, Big-Box Retailers Struggle To Get Shoppers Into Stores As Sales Drop,” The Huffington Post 2. “33.2 Million Location Based Services Users?,” Mobile Marketing and Technology 3. “Location-Based Services Poised for Rapid Growth - Part 1,” Chain Link Research 4. How SCVNGR And Founder Seth Priebatsch Hope To Win The Location Game,” FastCompany, June 13, 2011 5. “Samsung Mobile and SCVNGR hosting city wide mobile treasure hunt,” AndroidCentral 6. “Loopt Adds Fresh Twist on QA to Improve Local Reviews,” Blue Cake Interactive Media Consulting 7. Insights, JiWire’s Mobile Audience Insights Report, Q4 2010 8. Expanding the foursquare Specials platform to more partners 9. A Start-Up Matures, Working With AmEx
  • 12. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: Molly Mulloy Executive Vice President, General Manager, San Francisco 415.464.6423 | MWW 304 Park Avenue South, 8th Floor New York, NY 10010 MWW.COM EAST RUTHERFORD / CHICAGO / DALLAS / LONDON / LOS ANGELES / NEW YORK / SAN FRANCISCO / TRENTON / WASHINGTON D.C.