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Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in
Unit 14:
Planning and Pitching a Print based Media
P2 Evidence
Name: Rhia De Carlo
Candidate Number: 2040
Center Name: St. Andrew’s Catholic School
Center Number: 64135
Set Brief - Print
Project/Brief –
Music Magazine & Promotion
Idea Generation
Hand Drawn drafts – front cover
Drafts –
Masthead Font styles
My chosen font style for the masthead of my magazine is from and is called C.A.
Garrutas, I chose this font as it is similar to Mojo magazines font with a bit more grunge which I
think best shows my magazine as I feel that MM magazine is slightly more grungy than MM
1st Mood Board
2nd Mood Board
Draft Article - Double page spread
Interview – Siouxsie's e Sioux
Having just released the new box set of Banshees B-Sides, Downside Up, we managed to catch with their legendary
front woman after her ‘Siouxsie’s Dream Show’ performance at London’s Royal Festival Hall in October.
[b]MM: Let’s begin by talking about what happened that night at the Royal Festival Hall? what made You stormed off
and called the venue organizers “silly fuckers”?[/b]
SIOUXSIE: well, basically before we had agreed to do the shows at the Royal Festival Hall, I said the only thing I want
and I don’t care about champagne backstage or anything else, the one thing I needed to specify is that I cannot have
any Arctic drafts on stage. When I sing I open up and if I get Arctic drafts it kills my performance. And on stage that’s
what was happening, despite them being told what I wanted.
[b]And you walked off?[/b]
And described the Royal Festival Hall as “a dump”. Haha!
[b]Budgie couldn’t have jumped over his drum kit fast enough when he ran after you. Did you two argue backstage?[/b]
Oh no, he stuck by me all along. He was rooting for me. He said he was glad I did that he went 'I'm freezing my fucking
balls off as well”.
b]It was a very punk rock situation.[/b]
It was, although they created it that way not me. What they should have done from the start was block off that draft.
This wouldn’t have happened if that had done that one simple thing.
[b]there is a big punk retrospective exhibition on in London right now. Does it bother you that the nostalgia industry
has now grown around punk?[/b]
[It seem s to happen every year "It's 25 years!” “It’s 26 years!” In my opinion people keep going back to
Punk because it’s something that can’t be repeated. They want to make the next big thing that’s going to
shake everything up but it’s too self-conscious. People don’t understand that when punk started it was
innocent and not a phenomenon and that’s where everyone goes wrong. You can’t consciously create
something important, it’s a combination of chemistry, conditions, the environment, everything and it’s
not something you can orchestrate. It’s a freak of nature and I love stuff like that.
[MM]You were definitely the centre of attention at the London punk scene. Are you still in touch with
any of the others from that original crowd?
Yeah, I’ve seen Steve Jones .He actually said, he wished those early Pistols shows before they blew up
when the media was being filmed. He’s right, because not many people had seen the early shows and
they’re what turned everyone who saw them around, not when the spotlight from Bill Grundy and all
that happened. To see people actually trying to stay as far away from the front of the stage as possible.
They were incredible.
Graphic Layout - Front Cover
For the front cover I will be featuring the
majority of the same conventions in every
Conventions such as the masthead,
strapline will be on every magazine.
Although the barcode, date, issue number
and price will always be featured on the
front cover it may be placed differently on
different issues.
The biggest changes to each issue will be to
the main image, and there may not always
be a puff promotion and free CD, and if
there is it may not always be in the same
The graphic layout used for my magazine was inspired by mojo magazine. However, the
graphic layout for Mojo magazine can vary I particularly liked the layout of this issue.
Graphic Layout – double page spread
My double page spread will change throughout every issue, the only conventions that will be staying
the same are the magazine logo and page number.
Photography Inspiration
When planning for the images
for my magazine I was looking
at an artist called Siouxsie Sioux
from a rock band called Siouxsie
and the Banshees.
I wanted to use a female model
as I was aiming to show in my
magazine that women can be
rockers too and not just men.
And therefore my rock
magazine was going to be
targeted at both men and
when I was looking at photo’s of Siouxsie I realised that one of my friends actually had similar features
to her such as the ‘big’ short hair, and a similar style therefore asked her to model for my photo’s. in the
images I had done the models makeup using dark eye shadows and a darker eyebrow pencil to enhance
her features. In the picture she was wearing mainly black. When taking these photos I was aiming to
create a serious looking character to look almost intimidating like Siouxsie does in the photograph on
the left.
Photography plan
Prop list/Equipment
When getting the first issue up and running I didn’t need many props for the photographs. The makeup used was my
own and all the clothing and accessories belonged to the model.
I didn’t need to pay for a location as the photo’s were taken in the models home however, the camera and camera
accessories used did have a big effect on the cost.
Rather than purchasing the camera separately, I found a
bundle which meant that I could buy the camera and all the
accessories with it which was a much better deal that buying
everything individually. I purchased this bundle from SLRHut
consumer electronics store for £400.
This included:
Fujifilm FinePix S1 16 MP Digital Camera with 3.0Inch LCD
xD Memory Card Reader
Digital Camera Slave Flash HDFX
Lens Pen Cleaning System HDFX
Memory Card Wallet HDFX
6 ft Standard HDMI Cable HDFX
Microfiber Cleaning Cloth hdfx
Full Size Tripod
Deluxe Carrying Case
I didn’t need permission to use this camera as I had bought it
Week beginning: 8th of June
8th June
A publication date
is chosen, so that
we can then set
out a budget for
how much we will
have to spend on
the magazine.
9th June
Once the budget is
set we are then
able to look at the
content and
features of the
10th June
Once the content is
decided the
journalists can then
arrange interviews
which will later be
included in the
11th June
The interviews take
place while the
editors continue to
work on the
content for the
12th June
continue with the
Saturday Sunday
15th June
The writers then
begin to write the
articles and then
journalists begin
to write up the
16th June
The writers and
journalists continue
to write up the
interviews and
17th June
The photoshoots
take place.
18th June
The editors begin
working on the
design for the
19th June
Once the layout of
the magazine has
been decided the
content such as
the interviews and
articles can then
be added.
22nd June
The finishing
touches to the
magazine will be
23rd June
Once the finishing
touches have been
added the
magazine is ready
to be proof read.
24th June
After being proof
read the magazine
is ready to be sent
off for publishing.
25th June
The magazine is
taken for printing.
26th June
Finally the
magazine gets
distributed to
stores to be sold.
27th June
Release date
Production Plan
Other pre production material
Personnel needed
Computer X 10
Printer X 5
Camera X 10
Tripod X 10
Resources needed
Adobe Photoshop X 10 for 2 months
Desks X 10
Office chairs X 10
Printer ink X5
Property office space for 2 months
Tea X 5
decaf tea X 3
Coffee x5
Decaf Coffee X 3
Bottled Water X 20
Location Recce
The Photo’s for my magazine were taken
between 4 and 5 in January, the reason I
chose to take the photo’s between 4 and 5
was because that was when it started to
get dark and I wanted the photo to look like
the model was in a dark room however it
wasn’t so dark that it disrupted the quality
of the photo.
It was important for me to take the
photo’s at a certain time because of
the lighting, as I didn’t want to spend
money on special lighting I had to
make sure that the natural lighting
was efficient enough for my
photographs .
Picture Needed/Required
Shot Type
The shot type for the my picture needed to
be a close up as I was recreating the photo
of souxsie soux and that was the shot type
used for that photograph.
There were no props used for this
photo other than the clothing and
accessories she was wearing.
The model was wearing black clothing
and gothic accessories such as a
choker to fit the punk rock theme.
The reason I chose this particular
person over everyone else was
because she had similar features to
Siouxsie who’s photo was being used
as inspiration for my magazine such as
her short “puffy” hair. And dark
features such as her eyebrows.
Permission Needed
Contact needed to be made
Evidence of this?
The only permission I needed was the
permission of the model to take
photographs of her and to take the
photographs at her house. The reason I
took the photo’s at her house was because
all clothing and equipment needed was
there and the location wouldn’t matter as
the background was being cropped out.
I contacted the model over the phone
to find out when she would be
available to take the photo’s and if we
would be able to take the photos in
her house and arranged a time and
date to take the photographs.
Potential Hazards/Risks
Location specific
As we were at the models house there
were not hazards or risks to taking the
photos other than the change of lighting.
However should we have been taking the
photos in a public place there could have
been disruptions from the public and we
may have needed permission to be there.
Hazards at the work place
How to control risks at the workplace
Work related stress
stress can be a problem in the office, you should include it in your risk assessment and take action to tackle it.
Some ways of preventing and dealing with stress in the workplace are to firstly Measure the current situation (using
surveys and/or other techniques), Work in partnership with employees and their representatives to make practical
improvements, Agree and share an action plan with employees and their representatives, Regularly review the
situation to ensure it continues to improve to make sure everyone is ok, HSE has also developed the Management
Standards for dealing with work-related stress. They are supported by tools designed to identify and tackle stressors,
e.g. the things that cause stress at work.
The Management Standards provide a step-by-step process for tackling stress. They have been designed to be useful
to all organisations, whatever the size or type.
• The Standards identify six factors that cause stress at work, help you think about whether they are present in
your business, give you ideas on how to control them and produce an action plan. The six factors are:
• Demands – including issues such as workload, work patterns and the work environment
• Control – how much say the person has in the way they do their work
• Support – including the encouragement, sponsorship and resources provided by the organisation, line
management and colleagues
• Relationships – including promoting positive working to avoid conflict and dealing with unacceptable behaviour
• Role – whether people understand their role within the organisation and whether the organisation ensures that
they do not have conflicting roles
• Change – how organisational change (large or small) is managed and communicated
Shift Work and Fatigue
Irregular hours of work and work patterns that include night and early morning shifts can lead to disruption of the
internal body clock, sleeping difficulties and fatigue.
If workers are fatigued, they will be less alert, their reaction time will be slower, they will find it harder to
concentrate and they may make poor decisions. This can lead to accidents and injuries.
How to deal with the situation?
If you operate a shift work system or your employees are required to work irregular hours, you should assess any
risks that arise from their working pattern and take action to tackle any problems you identify.
• Factors to consider during risk assessment are:
• the workload
• the work activity
• shift timing and duration
• direction of shift rotation. It is better for the shifts to run in a 'forward rotation', ie morning/afternoon/night
• the number and length of breaks within a shift
• rest periods between shifts
Legal and Ethical
Impact and Effect of the product on the audience
The genre of my magazine is classic rock which stereotypes classic rock artists as people who
enjoy drugs, sex and of course rock. They are portrayed as quite scruffy people.
My magazine may influence its audience to act in the same way as these artists as they are fans
of this type of music they may idolise these artists and see there behaviour as “cool” and then
might want to live the same lifestyle which may encourage them to do drugs etc.
Representation – Stereotypes
The typical classic rock stereotypes shown in my magazine are long haired, white and associated
with drugs, sex and alcohol.
For my magazine I have used “the rolling stones” to show the stereotype of classic rock.
Mick Jagger for example, the lead singer of “the rolling stones” claims that “you start playing
rock n’ roll so you can have sex and do drugs, but you end up doing drugs so you can play rock n’
roll and have sex.”
This stereotype may have a bad impact on the sale of my magazine as people may be afraid of
them reading a magazine with that stereotype to possibly stereotype them also.
Another reason why this issue may effect the sale of my magazine is because these artists
publically associating themselves with sex, drugs, and alcohol gives off a bad image, which may
put fans and readers off.
The behaviour of these artists could influence individuals badly as people may see them
as icons and try and copy their behaviour. These artists seem to have a ‘couldn’t care
less’ attitude as some have done drugs on stage or even just before they are about to
go on stage, some have even appeared on stage drunk.
Some individuals may get the impression that what these artists are doing is cool and
decide to copy them which could have serious consequences.
There are artists however who have worked really hard to get where they wanted to be,
which can act as inspiration to younger musicians and inspire them to strive to be the
best they can and to work hard for what they want to achieve.
Racism and Sexism can also become a problem when it comes to rock as many artists
use both racist and sexist lyrics in there songs.
The rolling stones have many songs in which they are being sexist towards women,
‘Brown Sugar’ for example is one of there many sexist songs and also racist.
The lyrics of the song objectify that young black women are one of the most sexist
statements in rock history.
With lyrics such as "Brown sugar/ How come you taste
so good?/just like a black girl should “it’s hardly
sending a good message to fans, and also making out
to individuals that this sort of language and behaviour
towards women of any race is acceptable.
Legal Issues
There are many legal constraints the company need to abide and take into account when publishing a magazine.
This is especially important in magazines based around people and gossip.
This is because a person or group of people can easily be represented the wrong way and there are rules and
legal constraints as to what can be published and what cant out of what the editors write.
There is a company called ‘press complaints commission’ which is where the decide what can and what can’t be
published as well as the Advertisement standards agency. Both companies are based in the UK and are
regulating bodies for publishing and advertising.
The Advertisement standards agency play a less significant role in comparison to the Press complaints
commission, however they still have the same impact during the publishing of a magazine.
The Advertisement standards agency is self explanatory as they are in control of what can and what cant be
advertised. They control marketing campaigns and deal with any complaints there may be. If someone complains
about a particular advertisement in Mojo magazine then they would have to complain and raise the issue with
the ASA.
Another important regulating body used to be the press complaints commission. This regulating body monitors
what the magazine companies actually publish in there magazine and as they play such a big role they can decide
what can be published and what cant be . In order for them to do this they must set up an editors code, this code
must abided by all magazine editors, The codes regulations are that the articles must be accurate and have good
quality images and information. Also they must be able to reply to inaccuracy’s when needed. Most importantly
they must Peoples life privacy and home life must all be kept private. Just like the ASA, when a complaint occurs
with those issues mentioned then peoples complaints must got to the PCC. This organisation has now been
replaced with IPSO who carry out a similar role.
Making a complaint
The IPSO holds the highest standards of
journalism, they maintain this by
monitoring and maintaining the
standards set out in the Editors’ Code of
practice, providing support and redress
for those wishing to complain about
certain breaches of the code.
The IPSO are committed to working with
the newspaper and magazine industry.
They help maintain and enhance the
freedom and authority of the press
through effective and independent
IPSO is continuing to build the new
standards-raising functions which allow
them to implement the full system of
independent regulation of which the
magazine and newspaper industry has
agreed to establish and support.
Pre production Material
When looking at the guidelines from unit 14 I have followed the mood board, photography plan and hand drawn
drafts however my hand drawn drafts for the front cover and double page spread did change from my initial idea in
I used my proposals as I guide to what I was including in the magazine.. Title, props etc.
The reason for my changes were due to the fact that I began to create them in Photoshop and wasn’t pleased with
how they were turning out so started again from scratch with a new idea however still stuck with the rock genre.
Test Photography
Here are the photos used for my front cover and double page spread before any
manipulation or editing.
The test photography is one of the early stages in creating your magazine. You need to
take a variety of photographs and see which ones work best.
Its good to test different locations to see what lightly works best etc. before taking my
photographs I did a lot of research into rock artists so that I could knew how to make
my model look and what kind of location and lighting I would need.
Photo before manipulation
or editing (front cover)
Photo before manipulation
or editing (Double page spread)
Operating Desk top publishing tools
Step-by-step front cover
Firstly I set the black canvas to A4 which was the size I
wanted my magazine to be, using ruler lines to ensure that
everything was correctly placed, and in proportion.
(Ctrl + R ) to add in the ruler lines, Once everything is to
scale or you simply wish to remove the ruler lines click (Ctrl
+ H ).
I then made the background colour white as there were
already a lot of dark features in the photograph itself.
Before adding the masthead and other conventions I
imported the photo and erased everything around the
model herself using the select tool & eraser tool.
To smooth out the edges I used the airbrush tool.
I then began to add the other conventions such as the
barcode, dates, price etc.
For my barcode I found the barcode I wanted, and
saved it. In Photoshop I then selected ‘file’ + ‘Place’ to
place the image on the page and then dragged it to the
preferred location.
I then used the ‘T’ tool to type the issue date, number
and price of the magazine above the barcode.
I also imported an image to represent a CD Cover, again
using ‘file’ ‘place’.
Finally for the Puff Promotion I used the shape tool and
experimented with different effects on the sidebar,
finishing off with text ‘Free CD’.
Operating Desk top publishing tools step-by-
step Double Page Spread
For the double page spread you will be repeating the same processes, only you
will be doing it over a double page spread.
Step-by-step front cover – Step 1
The first step when creating the Front cover was to analyse what is typically found on
the front cover of a typical music magazine, of which I chose ‘Mojo’.
We needed to understand what needed to be included on the front cover on a front
cover of a magazine and appropriate placing for certain elements, and the appropriate
sizing etc.
Secondly we had to sketch a plan of what the front cover was going to look like, from
looking at other magazines. I did two different sketches, so that I could have a variety of
ideas to choose from.
Step-by-step front cover – Step 2
After the sketches,
we then began to
create our front
covers in
Photoshop. We
referred to our
chosen magazine for
inspiration and used
our sketches to
decide where
everything should
Step-by-step front cover – Step 3
Before the front cover could be
classed as finished we had to get
feedback on anything that needed
improving, then begin to make
changes from there.
Once we had received that feedback
we could begin to make
improvements on our magazine front
covers, until they were at the right
Step-by-step front
cover – steps 4 & 5
Step-by-step Double page spread
The first step when creating
the Double page spread was
to analyse what is typically
found on the double page
spread of a typical music
magazine, of which I chose
We needed to understand
what needed to be included
on a double page spread of
a magazine and appropriate
placing for certain elements,
and the appropriate sizing
We then had to follow the
same steps we used for the
front cover.
Post-Production skills –- what
software was used?
For creating my
magazine I used
Photoshop, the reason
for why I have chosen
to use Photoshop
when creating my
magazine is because
helps me to create a
professional looking
magazine with the help
of the tools available
such as the airbrush
tool and advanced hair
Post-Production skills
WHAT tools/features were used in the
production of EACH Page? WHY? WHERE
exactly? WHAT value has it added to the
overall quality of the page(s)?
I mostly used the same tools for both the front
cover and double page spread, some of these tools
were the shape tool, text, tool, advanced hair
selection, airbrushing tool, softening tool,
Safe working practices
When using Photoshop I had to ensure that I did not over edit my photos as they had to be realistic and still look like the
person I photographed.
When using tools such as the airbrush tool I had to make sure I didn’t over do it as the model still needed to look
natural and not over edited.
When erasing parts of the photograph I had to make sure that I did not erase important features from the face, such as
eyes, eyebrows, lips, nose for example.
eyedropper tool -The eyedropper tool is ideal for quickly picking up with a colour you were using earlier. No more
remembering RGB values or recording palettes, just click on the colour you're looking for. There are definite
limitations with this method if used incorrectly though, as discussed further down.
Pen tool - The pen tool allows you to wrap text around objects neatly rather than just having the text in a square box
it wraps around any shape.
Grouping/Linking/Naming layers- You can link two or more layers or groups. Unlike multiple layers selected at the
same time, linked layers retain their relationship until you unlink them. You can move or apply transformations to
linked layers.
• Select the layers or groups in the Layers panel.
• Click the link icon at the bottom of the Layers panel.
• To unlink layers do one of the following:
• Select a linked layer, and click the link icon.
• To temporarily disable the linked layer, Shift-click the Link icon for the linked layer. A red X appears. Shift-click the
link icon to enable the link again.
• Select the linked layers and click the Link icon. To select all linked layers, select one of the layers and then choose
Layer > Select Linked Layers.
Watermarking images to protect the IP of the magazine
Using the copyright symbol found under Photoshop’s shapes, you can create a very simple watermark which will allow
you to protect the entire image and in this case the IP of the magazine. This symbol can be replaced with any other
shape you choose to use for your magazine.
After opening up your image, you must create a new layer.
Next, using the Shapes tool, you need to select Custom Shapes.
Select the copyright sign, and draw the shape on your image, and determine the size and colour. With this symbol you
can place it over the entire picture without detracting too much from the image itself.
When using a symbol as a watermark, the additional Blending Options can help get your image to that professional
standard. With the copyright symbol, select Soft Light from the drop down menu, and make sure that Bevel and Emboss
is checked.
The colours I chose to use in my
magazine were red, black, white,
blue and grey. These colours are
the same colours shown in my
mood boards and the same
colours I have shown throughout
the pre-production.
The website is used to get all the fonts used in my
magazine was called
I had been informed of this website in class and thought
I would try it out and found it very useful when finding
interesting fonts for my magazine.
A font I downloaded from this website was called
Garrutas. C.A which was used for my masthead.
Changes – WHAT changes did you make to
your production work?
Initially I was going to base my magazine around the rolling stones however when
beginning the photography plan I realized that I didn’t have any suitable models for the
for the magazine. After doing some research into rock artists I found a classic rock artist
(siouxsie sioux) from a band called Siouxsie and the Banshees and noticed that she had
a similar appearance to one of my friends so I decided to base my magazine on her
instead which worked a lot better compared to my initial idea.
Also as I was initially using a Mojo magazine rolling stones issue for the inspiration of
my magazine I had based the color scheme around the colors in there logo ( black, red,
gold, white…) due to the change of artist for my magazine I thought best to change the
color scheme to suit the artist on my front cover and therefor ended up using blue, red,
yellow, white, grey… colors normally associated with Siouxsie and the Banshees.
Anchorage text: ‘the
music magazine’
This suggests that it is a
music magazine
Promotion: A free CD
increases the potential
purchase by the costumer of
the magazine, as they will
be gaining a free CD.
Someone trying to move
into a higher social class
would be interested in the
promotion of a ‘free CD’.
Headline: Bold to the
middle left of the picture,
rather than the usual
position at the bottom of
the page.
• Genre – Rock music
suited to the younger
• First issue – June 2015
• Frequency – monthly
Picture: Coloured yet dark
image, which allows the
brightly coloured
advertisements to stand out.
The model is used to show
that this particular issue is
based on her and her band.
Which indicates that this
magazine is targeted at there
fans and the age group of the
artist on the front cover.
Story Separators: lack of
any visible story breakers,
although the headlines are
placed in a position to
show that they are
separate stories.
Double Page Spread (DPS) and Annotated Codes & Conventions
Font & Style:
simple yet
colour scheme
of white and
grey tones.
The use of a
Makes the text
and image stand
Stand first is the
most important as
it is often used to
grab the audiences
attention. Some of
the wording is in
bold to highlight
who the
journalists are
giving them
recognition for
there work.
Format: The article is mainly informal so that the personality
of the journalist shines through to the reader feels directly
spoken to.
Pull out comment: This is lifted from the article to give
readers a teaser of what they are about to read.Page number and logo: The use
of the logo in the corner of the
page shows the magazine’s
ownership of the page.
Feedback – Witness
Checklist – unit
Additional information
Feedback – Mr Crafts

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  • 1. OCR – Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media Unit 14: Planning and Pitching a Print based Media Product P2 Evidence Name: Rhia De Carlo Candidate Number: 2040 Center Name: St. Andrew’s Catholic School Center Number: 64135 Set Brief - Print Project/Brief – Music Magazine & Promotion Idea Generation
  • 2.
  • 3. Hand Drawn drafts – front cover
  • 5. Masthead Font styles My chosen font style for the masthead of my magazine is from and is called C.A. Garrutas, I chose this font as it is similar to Mojo magazines font with a bit more grunge which I think best shows my magazine as I feel that MM magazine is slightly more grungy than MM magazine.
  • 8. Draft Article - Double page spread Interview – Siouxsie's e Sioux Having just released the new box set of Banshees B-Sides, Downside Up, we managed to catch with their legendary front woman after her ‘Siouxsie’s Dream Show’ performance at London’s Royal Festival Hall in October. [b]MM: Let’s begin by talking about what happened that night at the Royal Festival Hall? what made You stormed off and called the venue organizers “silly fuckers”?[/b] SIOUXSIE: well, basically before we had agreed to do the shows at the Royal Festival Hall, I said the only thing I want and I don’t care about champagne backstage or anything else, the one thing I needed to specify is that I cannot have any Arctic drafts on stage. When I sing I open up and if I get Arctic drafts it kills my performance. And on stage that’s what was happening, despite them being told what I wanted. [b]And you walked off?[/b] And described the Royal Festival Hall as “a dump”. Haha! [b]Budgie couldn’t have jumped over his drum kit fast enough when he ran after you. Did you two argue backstage?[/b] Oh no, he stuck by me all along. He was rooting for me. He said he was glad I did that he went 'I'm freezing my fucking balls off as well”. b]It was a very punk rock situation.[/b] It was, although they created it that way not me. What they should have done from the start was block off that draft. This wouldn’t have happened if that had done that one simple thing. [b]there is a big punk retrospective exhibition on in London right now. Does it bother you that the nostalgia industry has now grown around punk?[/b]
  • 9. [It seem s to happen every year "It's 25 years!” “It’s 26 years!” In my opinion people keep going back to Punk because it’s something that can’t be repeated. They want to make the next big thing that’s going to shake everything up but it’s too self-conscious. People don’t understand that when punk started it was innocent and not a phenomenon and that’s where everyone goes wrong. You can’t consciously create something important, it’s a combination of chemistry, conditions, the environment, everything and it’s not something you can orchestrate. It’s a freak of nature and I love stuff like that. [MM]You were definitely the centre of attention at the London punk scene. Are you still in touch with any of the others from that original crowd? Yeah, I’ve seen Steve Jones .He actually said, he wished those early Pistols shows before they blew up when the media was being filmed. He’s right, because not many people had seen the early shows and they’re what turned everyone who saw them around, not when the spotlight from Bill Grundy and all that happened. To see people actually trying to stay as far away from the front of the stage as possible. They were incredible.
  • 10. Graphic Layout - Front Cover For the front cover I will be featuring the majority of the same conventions in every issue. Conventions such as the masthead, strapline will be on every magazine. Although the barcode, date, issue number and price will always be featured on the front cover it may be placed differently on different issues. The biggest changes to each issue will be to the main image, and there may not always be a puff promotion and free CD, and if there is it may not always be in the same place.
  • 11. The graphic layout used for my magazine was inspired by mojo magazine. However, the graphic layout for Mojo magazine can vary I particularly liked the layout of this issue.
  • 12. Graphic Layout – double page spread My double page spread will change throughout every issue, the only conventions that will be staying the same are the magazine logo and page number.
  • 13. Photography Inspiration When planning for the images for my magazine I was looking at an artist called Siouxsie Sioux from a rock band called Siouxsie and the Banshees. I wanted to use a female model as I was aiming to show in my magazine that women can be rockers too and not just men. And therefore my rock magazine was going to be targeted at both men and women. LeadsingerSiouxsieSiouxfromtheBand SiouxsieandtheBanshees Femalemodelchosenformymagazine when I was looking at photo’s of Siouxsie I realised that one of my friends actually had similar features to her such as the ‘big’ short hair, and a similar style therefore asked her to model for my photo’s. in the images I had done the models makeup using dark eye shadows and a darker eyebrow pencil to enhance her features. In the picture she was wearing mainly black. When taking these photos I was aiming to create a serious looking character to look almost intimidating like Siouxsie does in the photograph on the left.
  • 15. Prop list/Equipment When getting the first issue up and running I didn’t need many props for the photographs. The makeup used was my own and all the clothing and accessories belonged to the model. I didn’t need to pay for a location as the photo’s were taken in the models home however, the camera and camera accessories used did have a big effect on the cost. Rather than purchasing the camera separately, I found a bundle which meant that I could buy the camera and all the accessories with it which was a much better deal that buying everything individually. I purchased this bundle from SLRHut consumer electronics store for £400. This included: Fujifilm FinePix S1 16 MP Digital Camera with 3.0Inch LCD (Black) HDFX 32 GB SDHC SD Card xD Memory Card Reader Digital Camera Slave Flash HDFX Lens Pen Cleaning System HDFX Memory Card Wallet HDFX 6 ft Standard HDMI Cable HDFX Microfiber Cleaning Cloth hdfx Full Size Tripod Deluxe Carrying Case I didn’t need permission to use this camera as I had bought it myself. d6uJktgG&pcrid=40141338716&gclid=CJ67sZXvosYCFQ QXwwodlT4AEQ
  • 16. Week beginning: 8th of June Monday 8th June A publication date is chosen, so that we can then set out a budget for how much we will have to spend on the magazine. Tuesday 9th June Once the budget is set we are then able to look at the content and features of the magazine. Wednesday 10th June Once the content is decided the journalists can then arrange interviews which will later be included in the magazine. Thursday 11th June The interviews take place while the editors continue to work on the content for the magazine. Friday 12th June Journalists continue with the interviews. Saturday Sunday Monday 15th June The writers then begin to write the articles and then journalists begin to write up the interviews. Tuesday 16th June The writers and journalists continue to write up the interviews and articles. Wednesday 17th June The photoshoots take place. Thursday 18th June The editors begin working on the design for the magazine. Friday 19th June Once the layout of the magazine has been decided the content such as the interviews and articles can then be added. Monday 22nd June The finishing touches to the magazine will be added. Tuesday 23rd June Once the finishing touches have been added the magazine is ready to be proof read. Wednesday 24th June After being proof read the magazine is ready to be sent off for publishing. Thursday 25th June The magazine is taken for printing. Friday 26th June Finally the magazine gets distributed to stores to be sold. Saturday 27th June Release date Production Plan
  • 17. Other pre production material Personnel needed
  • 18. Computer X 10 Printer X 5 Camera X 10 Tripod X 10 Resources needed
  • 19. Adobe Photoshop X 10 for 2 months Desks X 10 Office chairs X 10 Printer ink X5
  • 20. Pens Property office space for 2 months Tea X 5 decaf tea X 3 Coffee x5
  • 21. Decaf Coffee X 3 Bottled Water X 20
  • 22.
  • 23. Location Recce Location Time Date Why? The Photo’s for my magazine were taken between 4 and 5 in January, the reason I chose to take the photo’s between 4 and 5 was because that was when it started to get dark and I wanted the photo to look like the model was in a dark room however it wasn’t so dark that it disrupted the quality of the photo. It was important for me to take the photo’s at a certain time because of the lighting, as I didn’t want to spend money on special lighting I had to make sure that the natural lighting was efficient enough for my photographs . Picture Needed/Required Shot Type Props/Equipment Lighting Costume Person/People Why? The shot type for the my picture needed to be a close up as I was recreating the photo of souxsie soux and that was the shot type used for that photograph. There were no props used for this photo other than the clothing and accessories she was wearing. The model was wearing black clothing and gothic accessories such as a choker to fit the punk rock theme. The reason I chose this particular person over everyone else was because she had similar features to Siouxsie who’s photo was being used as inspiration for my magazine such as her short “puffy” hair. And dark features such as her eyebrows. Permission Needed Contact needed to be made Evidence of this? The only permission I needed was the permission of the model to take photographs of her and to take the photographs at her house. The reason I took the photo’s at her house was because all clothing and equipment needed was there and the location wouldn’t matter as the background was being cropped out. I contacted the model over the phone to find out when she would be available to take the photo’s and if we would be able to take the photos in her house and arranged a time and date to take the photographs. Potential Hazards/Risks Location specific Why? As we were at the models house there were not hazards or risks to taking the photos other than the change of lighting. However should we have been taking the photos in a public place there could have been disruptions from the public and we may have needed permission to be there.
  • 24. Hazards at the work place How to control risks at the workplace Work related stress stress can be a problem in the office, you should include it in your risk assessment and take action to tackle it. Some ways of preventing and dealing with stress in the workplace are to firstly Measure the current situation (using surveys and/or other techniques), Work in partnership with employees and their representatives to make practical improvements, Agree and share an action plan with employees and their representatives, Regularly review the situation to ensure it continues to improve to make sure everyone is ok, HSE has also developed the Management Standards for dealing with work-related stress. They are supported by tools designed to identify and tackle stressors, e.g. the things that cause stress at work. The Management Standards provide a step-by-step process for tackling stress. They have been designed to be useful to all organisations, whatever the size or type. • The Standards identify six factors that cause stress at work, help you think about whether they are present in your business, give you ideas on how to control them and produce an action plan. The six factors are: • Demands – including issues such as workload, work patterns and the work environment • Control – how much say the person has in the way they do their work • Support – including the encouragement, sponsorship and resources provided by the organisation, line management and colleagues • Relationships – including promoting positive working to avoid conflict and dealing with unacceptable behaviour • Role – whether people understand their role within the organisation and whether the organisation ensures that they do not have conflicting roles • Change – how organisational change (large or small) is managed and communicated
  • 25. Shift Work and Fatigue Irregular hours of work and work patterns that include night and early morning shifts can lead to disruption of the internal body clock, sleeping difficulties and fatigue. If workers are fatigued, they will be less alert, their reaction time will be slower, they will find it harder to concentrate and they may make poor decisions. This can lead to accidents and injuries. How to deal with the situation? If you operate a shift work system or your employees are required to work irregular hours, you should assess any risks that arise from their working pattern and take action to tackle any problems you identify. • Factors to consider during risk assessment are: • the workload • the work activity • shift timing and duration • direction of shift rotation. It is better for the shifts to run in a 'forward rotation', ie morning/afternoon/night • the number and length of breaks within a shift • rest periods between shifts
  • 26. Legal and Ethical Impact and Effect of the product on the audience The genre of my magazine is classic rock which stereotypes classic rock artists as people who enjoy drugs, sex and of course rock. They are portrayed as quite scruffy people. My magazine may influence its audience to act in the same way as these artists as they are fans of this type of music they may idolise these artists and see there behaviour as “cool” and then might want to live the same lifestyle which may encourage them to do drugs etc. Representation – Stereotypes The typical classic rock stereotypes shown in my magazine are long haired, white and associated with drugs, sex and alcohol. For my magazine I have used “the rolling stones” to show the stereotype of classic rock. Mick Jagger for example, the lead singer of “the rolling stones” claims that “you start playing rock n’ roll so you can have sex and do drugs, but you end up doing drugs so you can play rock n’ roll and have sex.” This stereotype may have a bad impact on the sale of my magazine as people may be afraid of them reading a magazine with that stereotype to possibly stereotype them also. Another reason why this issue may effect the sale of my magazine is because these artists publically associating themselves with sex, drugs, and alcohol gives off a bad image, which may put fans and readers off.
  • 27. The behaviour of these artists could influence individuals badly as people may see them as icons and try and copy their behaviour. These artists seem to have a ‘couldn’t care less’ attitude as some have done drugs on stage or even just before they are about to go on stage, some have even appeared on stage drunk. Some individuals may get the impression that what these artists are doing is cool and decide to copy them which could have serious consequences. There are artists however who have worked really hard to get where they wanted to be, which can act as inspiration to younger musicians and inspire them to strive to be the best they can and to work hard for what they want to achieve. Racism and Sexism can also become a problem when it comes to rock as many artists use both racist and sexist lyrics in there songs. The rolling stones have many songs in which they are being sexist towards women, ‘Brown Sugar’ for example is one of there many sexist songs and also racist. The lyrics of the song objectify that young black women are one of the most sexist statements in rock history. With lyrics such as "Brown sugar/ How come you taste so good?/just like a black girl should “it’s hardly sending a good message to fans, and also making out to individuals that this sort of language and behaviour towards women of any race is acceptable.
  • 28. Legal Issues There are many legal constraints the company need to abide and take into account when publishing a magazine. This is especially important in magazines based around people and gossip. This is because a person or group of people can easily be represented the wrong way and there are rules and legal constraints as to what can be published and what cant out of what the editors write. There is a company called ‘press complaints commission’ which is where the decide what can and what can’t be published as well as the Advertisement standards agency. Both companies are based in the UK and are regulating bodies for publishing and advertising. The Advertisement standards agency play a less significant role in comparison to the Press complaints commission, however they still have the same impact during the publishing of a magazine. The Advertisement standards agency is self explanatory as they are in control of what can and what cant be advertised. They control marketing campaigns and deal with any complaints there may be. If someone complains about a particular advertisement in Mojo magazine then they would have to complain and raise the issue with the ASA. Another important regulating body used to be the press complaints commission. This regulating body monitors what the magazine companies actually publish in there magazine and as they play such a big role they can decide what can be published and what cant be . In order for them to do this they must set up an editors code, this code must abided by all magazine editors, The codes regulations are that the articles must be accurate and have good quality images and information. Also they must be able to reply to inaccuracy’s when needed. Most importantly they must Peoples life privacy and home life must all be kept private. Just like the ASA, when a complaint occurs with those issues mentioned then peoples complaints must got to the PCC. This organisation has now been replaced with IPSO who carry out a similar role.
  • 29. IPSO Making a complaint The IPSO holds the highest standards of journalism, they maintain this by monitoring and maintaining the standards set out in the Editors’ Code of practice, providing support and redress for those wishing to complain about certain breaches of the code. The IPSO are committed to working with the newspaper and magazine industry. They help maintain and enhance the freedom and authority of the press through effective and independent regulation. IPSO is continuing to build the new standards-raising functions which allow them to implement the full system of independent regulation of which the magazine and newspaper industry has agreed to establish and support.
  • 30.
  • 31. Pre production Material When looking at the guidelines from unit 14 I have followed the mood board, photography plan and hand drawn drafts however my hand drawn drafts for the front cover and double page spread did change from my initial idea in LO1. I used my proposals as I guide to what I was including in the magazine.. Title, props etc. The reason for my changes were due to the fact that I began to create them in Photoshop and wasn’t pleased with how they were turning out so started again from scratch with a new idea however still stuck with the rock genre.
  • 32. Test Photography Here are the photos used for my front cover and double page spread before any manipulation or editing. The test photography is one of the early stages in creating your magazine. You need to take a variety of photographs and see which ones work best. Its good to test different locations to see what lightly works best etc. before taking my photographs I did a lot of research into rock artists so that I could knew how to make my model look and what kind of location and lighting I would need. Photo before manipulation or editing (front cover) Photo before manipulation or editing (Double page spread)
  • 33. Operating Desk top publishing tools Step-by-step front cover Firstly I set the black canvas to A4 which was the size I wanted my magazine to be, using ruler lines to ensure that everything was correctly placed, and in proportion. (Ctrl + R ) to add in the ruler lines, Once everything is to scale or you simply wish to remove the ruler lines click (Ctrl + H ). I then made the background colour white as there were already a lot of dark features in the photograph itself. Before adding the masthead and other conventions I imported the photo and erased everything around the model herself using the select tool & eraser tool. To smooth out the edges I used the airbrush tool. I then began to add the other conventions such as the barcode, dates, price etc.
  • 34. For my barcode I found the barcode I wanted, and saved it. In Photoshop I then selected ‘file’ + ‘Place’ to place the image on the page and then dragged it to the preferred location. I then used the ‘T’ tool to type the issue date, number and price of the magazine above the barcode. I also imported an image to represent a CD Cover, again using ‘file’ ‘place’. Finally for the Puff Promotion I used the shape tool and experimented with different effects on the sidebar, finishing off with text ‘Free CD’.
  • 35. Operating Desk top publishing tools step-by- step Double Page Spread For the double page spread you will be repeating the same processes, only you will be doing it over a double page spread.
  • 36. Step-by-step front cover – Step 1 The first step when creating the Front cover was to analyse what is typically found on the front cover of a typical music magazine, of which I chose ‘Mojo’. We needed to understand what needed to be included on the front cover on a front cover of a magazine and appropriate placing for certain elements, and the appropriate sizing etc.
  • 37. Secondly we had to sketch a plan of what the front cover was going to look like, from looking at other magazines. I did two different sketches, so that I could have a variety of ideas to choose from. Step-by-step front cover – Step 2
  • 38. After the sketches, we then began to create our front covers in Photoshop. We referred to our chosen magazine for inspiration and used our sketches to decide where everything should go. Step-by-step front cover – Step 3
  • 39. Before the front cover could be classed as finished we had to get feedback on anything that needed improving, then begin to make changes from there. Once we had received that feedback we could begin to make improvements on our magazine front covers, until they were at the right standard. 4 5 Step-by-step front cover – steps 4 & 5
  • 40. Step-by-step Double page spread The first step when creating the Double page spread was to analyse what is typically found on the double page spread of a typical music magazine, of which I chose ‘Mojo’. We needed to understand what needed to be included on a double page spread of a magazine and appropriate placing for certain elements, and the appropriate sizing etc. We then had to follow the same steps we used for the front cover.
  • 41.
  • 42. Post-Production skills –- what software was used? For creating my magazine I used Photoshop, the reason for why I have chosen to use Photoshop when creating my magazine is because helps me to create a professional looking magazine with the help of the tools available such as the airbrush tool and advanced hair selection.
  • 43. Post-Production skills WHAT tools/features were used in the production of EACH Page? WHY? WHERE exactly? WHAT value has it added to the overall quality of the page(s)? I mostly used the same tools for both the front cover and double page spread, some of these tools were the shape tool, text, tool, advanced hair selection, airbrushing tool, softening tool,
  • 44. Safe working practices When using Photoshop I had to ensure that I did not over edit my photos as they had to be realistic and still look like the person I photographed. When using tools such as the airbrush tool I had to make sure I didn’t over do it as the model still needed to look natural and not over edited. When erasing parts of the photograph I had to make sure that I did not erase important features from the face, such as eyes, eyebrows, lips, nose for example. eyedropper tool -The eyedropper tool is ideal for quickly picking up with a colour you were using earlier. No more remembering RGB values or recording palettes, just click on the colour you're looking for. There are definite limitations with this method if used incorrectly though, as discussed further down. Pen tool - The pen tool allows you to wrap text around objects neatly rather than just having the text in a square box it wraps around any shape. Grouping/Linking/Naming layers- You can link two or more layers or groups. Unlike multiple layers selected at the same time, linked layers retain their relationship until you unlink them. You can move or apply transformations to linked layers. • Select the layers or groups in the Layers panel. • Click the link icon at the bottom of the Layers panel. • To unlink layers do one of the following: • Select a linked layer, and click the link icon. • To temporarily disable the linked layer, Shift-click the Link icon for the linked layer. A red X appears. Shift-click the link icon to enable the link again. • Select the linked layers and click the Link icon. To select all linked layers, select one of the layers and then choose Layer > Select Linked Layers.
  • 45. Watermarking images to protect the IP of the magazine Using the copyright symbol found under Photoshop’s shapes, you can create a very simple watermark which will allow you to protect the entire image and in this case the IP of the magazine. This symbol can be replaced with any other shape you choose to use for your magazine. After opening up your image, you must create a new layer. Next, using the Shapes tool, you need to select Custom Shapes. Select the copyright sign, and draw the shape on your image, and determine the size and colour. With this symbol you can place it over the entire picture without detracting too much from the image itself. When using a symbol as a watermark, the additional Blending Options can help get your image to that professional standard. With the copyright symbol, select Soft Light from the drop down menu, and make sure that Bevel and Emboss is checked.
  • 46. Colour The colours I chose to use in my magazine were red, black, white, blue and grey. These colours are the same colours shown in my mood boards and the same colours I have shown throughout the pre-production.
  • 47. Font(s) The website is used to get all the fonts used in my magazine was called I had been informed of this website in class and thought I would try it out and found it very useful when finding interesting fonts for my magazine. A font I downloaded from this website was called Garrutas. C.A which was used for my masthead.
  • 48. Changes – WHAT changes did you make to your production work? Initially I was going to base my magazine around the rolling stones however when beginning the photography plan I realized that I didn’t have any suitable models for the for the magazine. After doing some research into rock artists I found a classic rock artist (siouxsie sioux) from a band called Siouxsie and the Banshees and noticed that she had a similar appearance to one of my friends so I decided to base my magazine on her instead which worked a lot better compared to my initial idea. Also as I was initially using a Mojo magazine rolling stones issue for the inspiration of my magazine I had based the color scheme around the colors in there logo ( black, red, gold, white…) due to the change of artist for my magazine I thought best to change the color scheme to suit the artist on my front cover and therefor ended up using blue, red, yellow, white, grey… colors normally associated with Siouxsie and the Banshees.
  • 49. Anchorage text: ‘the music magazine’ This suggests that it is a music magazine Promotion: A free CD increases the potential purchase by the costumer of the magazine, as they will be gaining a free CD. Someone trying to move into a higher social class would be interested in the promotion of a ‘free CD’. Headline: Bold to the middle left of the picture, rather than the usual position at the bottom of the page. • Genre – Rock music suited to the younger generation • First issue – June 2015 • Frequency – monthly issues Picture: Coloured yet dark image, which allows the brightly coloured advertisements to stand out. The model is used to show that this particular issue is based on her and her band. Which indicates that this magazine is targeted at there fans and the age group of the artist on the front cover. Story Separators: lack of any visible story breakers, although the headlines are placed in a position to show that they are separate stories.
  • 50. Double Page Spread (DPS) and Annotated Codes & Conventions Font & Style: simple yet consistent colour scheme of white and grey tones. The use of a white background Makes the text and image stand out. Stand first is the most important as it is often used to grab the audiences attention. Some of the wording is in bold to highlight who the journalists are giving them recognition for there work. Format: The article is mainly informal so that the personality of the journalist shines through to the reader feels directly spoken to. Pull out comment: This is lifted from the article to give readers a teaser of what they are about to read.Page number and logo: The use of the logo in the corner of the page shows the magazine’s ownership of the page.
  • 54. Feedback – Mr Crafts