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Life at the BoP

                                                                                 Source: Tinga-tinga paintings in a
                                                                                  curio shop in the Mwenge district
                                                                            (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania), Wikimedia
                                                                                   Commons, by Moongateclimber
Understanding user lives and needs in Tanzania,
India and Senegal among smallholder farmers,
women entrepreneurs, and youth

Conducted for Movirtu by TNS
Sponsored by: Grassroots Business Fund, Frog Design and TLcom Capital LLP
Introduction to the findings
User-centred design is critically important for programmes with a commercial
and a social orientation, such as Movirtu’s mobile identity services targeted at the
base of the pyramid users in Africa and South Asia.

We believe the needs, wants, and challenges of users should be at the heart
of what Movirtu develops. We need to optimise our products around how users
can, want, or need to use that technology, rather than forcing users to change
behaviour to accommodate products.

In technology in general, and mobile communications in particular, statistics
abound. We have a wealth of quantitative and macro insight (eg percentage

                                                                                                                                                                                              Source: Movirtu Limited
penetration of phones or smartphones, use of agricultural information services
among farmers, economic impact on GDP of mobile services). Rather than create
more numbers, we use them along with a series of expert interviews to formulate
hypotheses and validate our findings.

                                                                                                                   500 million +

          Social media

          Facebook                                                                                                 mobile phone subscribers
          You Tube                                                                                                 246 million in 2008
          Orkut In                                                                                                 INCREASE OF OVER 100%

                                                                                                                               110 million +
                                                                                                                               Internet users in 2010
                                                                                                                               4.5 million in 2000
                                            1,200m 1,200m
                                                                   15,000m                                                     INCREASE OF OVER 2357.3%

Source:              Source:
Their lives in their words
There is little publicly available documentation of conversations with people
living on $1-2/day about their lives, needs and aspirations. We need their input
if we are to continue to design mobile services that meet their needs and
deliver impact.

With our strategic research partners TNS, we listened in detail to nearly a

                                                                                                                                    Source: Jonathan Kalan for Movirtu Limited
hundred end users in three countries during the course of this work. We selected
‘leading edge’ users: those likely to be engaged with and influential in technology.
We spoke with women entrepreneurs, smallholder farmers, and youth.

We are sharing a few high level insights in this brief overview, but there is much
more available that we would be happy to share.

We are making this research available for the good of all who work to the benefit
of the base of the pyramid around the world.

% of living at the
Base of the Pyramid
(1-2$ per day)
per country                          Tanzania                                                 email:
                                                                                       to share your thoughts, ask us questions,
                                                                                                         or request further info.
                                                   Source: World Bank data

                                                                                                     We welcome your interest.

   63%               75%              89%
Country overview                                                                                                                                             Source: Unicef
Source: Ray Witlin, World Bank

                                                                                                                                                                              Source: CPAR
                                                                                                  Source: by ifc_skn

Senegal                                                                                                                                     % of people

                                 % of income                                                                                                involved
                                 Spent on food
                                                                                                                                            in smallholder
                                    by farmers
                                                                      % of farmers

                                                                      earning under
                                                                      Rs 5000/acre
                                 source:            ($108)
                                                                      growing wheat

                                                             source:,                                   source:
Womens’ prime motivation                                                                                                                                                                                   Source: Unicef

is a better life for their children:
funding education is key
Across our markets, parents invest in education in order for their children to earn
a better income, have a better life, and support their families.


                                                                                                                        World Bank Ed STATS
% of university
aged population
at university
                                                                                                                                                                                    Jonathan Kalan for Movirtu Limited

                                                                                                                Source: UK BIS


                     4.9%                        13.2%                              1.2%                  40%

Average income per                                                                                              Source: World Bank EdStats 2007; World Bank
year in each country                                                                                                    Data 2010; The Report: Senegal 2008
cost of 1 year
at private
                                                      India                   Tanzania
                                                                                                                                                               “children fromanow onwards…
                                                                                                                                                                 I want to set foundation for

                                                                                                                                                               it means I do business and save
                                                                                                                                                                     some money for them to
                                                                                                                                                                     continue well in school



                                                                                                                                                                    Siwatu, Woman Entrepreneurs Group, Tanzania
Farming is seen as low status and
risky: few farmers want their children
to carry on farming in the future

“ Our dreams are over:
My brother’s dream was
successful and he was able
to admit his daughter in
medical college
Gnunasekar, Farmer group, India

“   Farmer is seen as nothing
Anet, Farmer Group, Tanzania

“ Life is a lot ofencounter

                                          Source: Jonathan Kalan for Movirtu Limited
As farmers we
problems in weather
conditions, climatic
changes, and pests
attacking has increased
Allen, Farmer Group Tanzania
Religion is the bedrock of life,
guiding many decisions and
providing support in groups,
particularly for women.
% of religion by country

 Senegal                         India


                                                                                                                                                                                                   Source: Dakar, BBC
                                                                                                                     Source: Wikipedia

                               Tamil Nadu


                                                                                                                                           “ Religion runs marked by prayers of
                                                                                                                                                 daily life,
                                                                                                                                                             like a thread through

                                                                                                                                         gratitude in times of plenty and prayers
                                                                                                                                                of supplication in times of need.
“  Each morning
I pray to God for                                                                                      “
                                                                                              I belong to a
                                                                                          choir group and                                        Religion confers identity on the
success in the work                                                                      an Arabic reading
I do at the salon
Racky Youth, Group Senegal
                                        ”                                                 group (Maulid)
                                                                                         Richard, Youth Group, Tanzania
                                                                                                                                                       individual and the group
                                                                                                                                                              Source: “The story of Africa”, BBC
Life has become much more
expensive as a consumer.
The biggest squeeze is

                                                                                                                                                                                     Source: Jonathan Kalan for Movirtu Limited
at the Base of the Pyramid.
Peter Smerdon,          “The people
                                        hit hardest b
Africa spokesman       this combina                    y
                                       tion of facto
for the UN’s World     are those livin                rs
                                       g on the razor’
Food Programme        edge of pover                    s
                                      ty. There is n
(WFP), told           one single co                  ot
                                     untry in Afr
The Times:           not negati                    ica
                                    vely affecte
                     Indeed, most                   d.

                                                                                                                                                Jonathan Kalan for Movirtu Limited
                                     countries in th
                     world are aff                   e

      World Commodity
                                                                                used to be less
      Price Index food & oil.                                                   expensive, but
                                                                                  now rice, oil,
                                       Source: IMF, World Economic Outlook

                                                                             everything is very
                                                                              Daba, Woman farmer, Senegal

                                                                                                            “ We were buying sandals
                                                                                                            for 700 TZS ($0.4) but now
                                                                             “ Minimum wage
                                                                                rules mean we
                                                                                                                 it costs 1500 TZS ($1).

                                                                             cannot hire help  
                                                                                         Farmer, Tanzania
                                                                                                             Everything has gone up
                                                                                                                   Woman Entrepreneur Group, India
Youth are fascinated by technology.
They influence and educate adults.

India Internet use                                      Tanzania % of farmers
                                                        who use the internet

  6%           6%          7%

                                                                                                                                                  Source: Jonathan Kalan for Movirtu Limited
 11%          11%          8%                                                 Yes
              14%         13%
 15%                            Youth usage
                                is the majority                         No
                                and growing                             98%
              30%               fastest
                                    School going kids
                                                               Source: Bill & Melinda
                                    Young men                          Gates Foundation
                          30%       Working women
 21%          27%
                                    College going students

                                    Older men
 14%          12%         14%
                                    Non working women

2007         2008        2009
                                                                                                  “ I feel thedevelopment,withthey
                                                                                                               children go

                                                  “the Internet. My ten
Source: I-Cube, Internet &
        Mobile Association                          Kids do everything
        of India (IAMAI) and
                                                on                                            can come up. We are very backward.
                                                   year old child goes to                       Let our kids understand and come
                                                    cybercafés. I haven’t
                                                learned much because I
                                                                                                 forward and we will welcome it
                                                   don’t know about it
                                                             Astou, Women Group, Senegal
                                                                                          ”                    Mahalakshmi, Women Group , India
Opportunity to build trust in
mobiles through mass media

Trusted information sources for farmers in Tanzania:

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Source: Jonathan Kalan for Movirtu Limited
                                                                                                      Source: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation




                                                                                 SMS Alerts

                                                                                                                                                         % of farmers

                                                                                                                                                         who have ever
                                                                                                                                                         used mobiles for
        % users who

        listen to radio
                                                                    “Where I am there’s no
                                                                                                                                                                                    “ We can
        on a mobile

                                                                    electricity or water, but
                                                                            there’s a radio
                                                                                                                                                         13%                      understand
                                                                                                                                                                              world matters

                                                                               Daba, Woman Group, Senegal 
                                                                                                                                                  Source: CABI India
                                                                                                                                                                                 from TV
   Source: TNS Mobile Life
                                                                                                                                                                            Geeta, Woman Group, India 
Our research has a number of implications for organisations who seek to serve the
needs of the world’s rural poor.

Existing surveys assume respondents welcome material gain today, and ask
users if they want home improvements or extra income, to which they reply yes.
When you ask people their point of view, they say their most powerful motivation is

                                                                                                                                                                        Source: Jonathan Kalan
their childrens’ future, which can be improved through education. This insight can
be used as a core positioning for services designed to drive changes in behaviour.
Rural children need better support through secondary school, where there is
a large gap between rural and urban attendance. Mobile applications can play
a cost effective and scalable role in addressing the gap.

Hope is invested in the next generation because today’s rural farmers, even
the most productive, feel farming is low status, high risk, and has no future.
                                                                                          help for adults, who allow youth to show them how devices work and
This insight has some sobering consequences for the future payback of current farm
                                                                                          encourage them to use mobile themselves. Using youth to encourage
productivity interventions. Who will take over the farming when the productive
                                                                                          the adoption of technology within families and communities may
plots have been sold off to pay for kids’ schools, and when the next generation turn
                                                                                          be a productive strategy for services which rely on using mobile data
up their noses-literally and figuratively-at farming? Restoring some of the rightful
                                                                                          for the first time.
dignity of farmers can come through innovative and low-cost interventions such as
mobile weather and market price information combined with insurance, by scaling           Radio in Tanzania and Senegal and television in India, as trusted and
and combining the current work of development innovators.                                 widely available media, offer many opportunities beyond advertising
                                                                                          to highlight the value of mobile and technology services to the BoP.
The BoP’s spending power has been under significant pressure since 2008. All
                                                                                          The high penetration of radio listening on the mobile among the BoP
inputs and basics are much more expensive, though farmers enjoy none of the
                                                                                          offers ways of reaching users through a more trusted and familiar
benefit in the retail price hike of their produce. This insight challenges the notion
                                                                                          form than SMS messaging. Combining entertainment and pedagogy
of affordability in mobile. Penetration growth of mobile among this group was
                                                                                          creates ‘pull’ to services through characters and stories. The historically
meant to grow with the availability of ‘affordable’ handsets at $15 each. The BoP
                                                                                          validated model deserves to be brought into the digital age.
simply have less and less in their pockets, and the situation looks likely to continue.
Planning the adoption of mobile services must work within the purchasing constraints      These are initial findings for public dissemination but we
of this group: shared usage as well as cost effective mobile identity services.           welcome you to add to them. Visit our Movirtu Facebook
                                                                                          page, send us a tweet to @movirtu to comment, or email us
Technology adoption in these markets, as in many, rests in the hands of youth.
                                                                                          directly to ask for more at
Despite being the least likely to own devices, they have avid curiosity and
engagement, and learn how services work quickly. Their aptitude is of great
•	 Thanks to our expert interviewers, who gave generously of their time,
   resources, and pointers to existing work

•	 Sharbendu Banerjee, CABI

•	 Niti Bhan, Sematech

                                                                                                                                                     Source: Johnathan Kalan for Movirtu Limited
•	 Jenny Everett, Program Manager, ANDE

•	 Robert Fabricant, Michael Cetaruk and the team at Frog Design

•	 Corina Gardner, Fiona Smith and Trina DasGupta, GSMA

•	 Amanda Gardiner and Christine Ribeiro, UNDP

•	 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (for critical farmer segmentation)

•	 Tamara Giltsoff, founding partner, abundancy partners and TED fellow

•	 Stephen Haggard, consultant media and technology
                                                                           Thanks for the expertise from our strategic research partners at TNS
•	 Nick Heller, Karina Pryzemski and team at Google EMEA                   in Nairobi, Mumbai, London and on the ground in Dar es Salaam,
                                                                           Chennai, and Dakar.
•	 Jonathan Kalan, The BOP Project
                                                                           Thanks to our investors TLcom Capital LLP, Gray Ghost™ DOEN Social
•	 Kabir Kumar and Xavier Faz and the team at CGAP                         Ventures Coöperatief, U.A. and Grassroots Business Fund.

•	 Ted London and Heather Esper, William Davidson Institute                Most especially thank you to our hundred respondents in
                                                                           Tanzania, India and Senegal, who shared their lives with us
•	 Alan Quayle, journalist and analyst                                     and gave up their time so that we could understand their
                                                                           world better from the inside.
•	 Harold Rosen and team at Grassroots Business Fund
                                                                           Movirtu is the leading pioneer of Mobile Identity Management (MIM)
•	 Joanne Sawicki, CEO Ceres Communications
                                                                           solutions for wireless telecommunication service providers. Movirtu has
•	 Vineeta Shetty and Kojo Boakye, CTO                                     redefined the mobile landscape by using cloud infrastructure to tie a
                                                                           mobile identity to a user rather than a device.

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Life at the BoP

  • 1. Life at the BoP Source: Tinga-tinga paintings in a curio shop in the Mwenge district (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania), Wikimedia Commons, by Moongateclimber Understanding user lives and needs in Tanzania, India and Senegal among smallholder farmers, women entrepreneurs, and youth Conducted for Movirtu by TNS Sponsored by: Grassroots Business Fund, Frog Design and TLcom Capital LLP
  • 2. Introduction to the findings User-centred design is critically important for programmes with a commercial and a social orientation, such as Movirtu’s mobile identity services targeted at the base of the pyramid users in Africa and South Asia. We believe the needs, wants, and challenges of users should be at the heart of what Movirtu develops. We need to optimise our products around how users can, want, or need to use that technology, rather than forcing users to change behaviour to accommodate products. In technology in general, and mobile communications in particular, statistics abound. We have a wealth of quantitative and macro insight (eg percentage Source: Movirtu Limited penetration of phones or smartphones, use of agricultural information services among farmers, economic impact on GDP of mobile services). Rather than create more numbers, we use them along with a series of expert interviews to formulate hypotheses and validate our findings. 500 million + Africa Social media India Facebook mobile phone subscribers You Tube 246 million in 2008 Orkut In INCREASE OF OVER 100% Blogspot 170m 110 million + Internet users in 2010 4.5 million in 2000 1,200m 1,200m 15,000m INCREASE OF OVER 2357.3% Source: Source: breakdown-of-the-african
  • 3. Their lives in their words There is little publicly available documentation of conversations with people living on $1-2/day about their lives, needs and aspirations. We need their input if we are to continue to design mobile services that meet their needs and deliver impact. With our strategic research partners TNS, we listened in detail to nearly a Source: Jonathan Kalan for Movirtu Limited hundred end users in three countries during the course of this work. We selected ‘leading edge’ users: those likely to be engaged with and influential in technology. We spoke with women entrepreneurs, smallholder farmers, and youth. We are sharing a few high level insights in this brief overview, but there is much more available that we would be happy to share. We are making this research available for the good of all who work to the benefit of the base of the pyramid around the world. % of living at the Base of the Pyramid (1-2$ per day) per country Tanzania email: India Senegal to share your thoughts, ask us questions, or request further info. Source: World Bank data We welcome your interest. 63% 75% 89%
  • 4. Country overview Source: Unicef Source: Ray Witlin, World Bank Source: CPAR Source: by ifc_skn Senegal % of people Tanzania % of income involved Spent on food in smallholder by farmers % of farmers India farming 70% 80% earning under Rs 5000/acre source: ($108) growing wheat 80% source:, source:
  • 5. Womens’ prime motivation Source: Unicef is a better life for their children: funding education is key Across our markets, parents invest in education in order for their children to earn a better income, have a better life, and support their families. UK World Bank Ed STATS % of university aged population at university Jonathan Kalan for Movirtu Limited Source: UK BIS India Senegal Tanzania 4.9% 13.2% 1.2% 40% Average income per Source: World Bank EdStats 2007; World Bank year in each country Data 2010; The Report: Senegal 2008 vs cost of 1 year at private university Senegal India Tanzania “children fromanow onwards… my I want to set foundation for it means I do business and save some money for them to continue well in school ” GNI: $630 UNI: $2100 GNI: $1340 UNI: $1487 GNI: $530 UNI: $1500 Siwatu, Woman Entrepreneurs Group, Tanzania
  • 6. Farming is seen as low status and risky: few farmers want their children to carry on farming in the future “ Our dreams are over: My brother’s dream was successful and he was able to admit his daughter in medical college ” Gnunasekar, Farmer group, India “ Farmer is seen as nothing Anet, Farmer Group, Tanzania ” “ Life is a lot ofencounter challenges. Source: Jonathan Kalan for Movirtu Limited As farmers we problems in weather conditions, climatic changes, and pests attacking has increased Allen, Farmer Group Tanzania ”
  • 7. Religion is the bedrock of life, guiding many decisions and providing support in groups, particularly for women. % of religion by country Senegal India Tanzania Source: Dakar, BBC Source: Wikipedia Islam: 90% Other: 10% Tamil Nadu Hindu: 88% Other 12% Christian: 45% Islam: 40% Other: 15% “ Religion runs marked by prayers of daily life, like a thread through gratitude in times of plenty and prayers of supplication in times of need. “ Each morning I pray to God for “ I belong to a choir group and Religion confers identity on the success in the work an Arabic reading I do at the salon Racky Youth, Group Senegal ” group (Maulid) ” Richard, Youth Group, Tanzania individual and the group ” Source: “The story of Africa”, BBC
  • 8. Life has become much more expensive as a consumer. The biggest squeeze is Source: Jonathan Kalan for Movirtu Limited at the Base of the Pyramid. Peter Smerdon, “The people hit hardest b Africa spokesman this combina y tion of facto for the UN’s World are those livin rs g on the razor’ Food Programme edge of pover s ty. There is n (WFP), told one single co ot untry in Afr The Times: not negati ica vely affecte Indeed, most d. Jonathan Kalan for Movirtu Limited countries in th world are aff e ected.” World Commodity “ Foodstuffs used to be less Price Index food & oil. expensive, but now rice, oil, Source: IMF, World Economic Outlook everything is very expensive ” Daba, Woman farmer, Senegal “ We were buying sandals for 700 TZS ($0.4) but now “ Minimum wage rules mean we it costs 1500 TZS ($1). ” cannot hire help   Farmer, Tanzania Everything has gone up ” Woman Entrepreneur Group, India
  • 9. Youth are fascinated by technology. They influence and educate adults. India Internet use Tanzania % of farmers who use the internet 6% 6% 7% Source: Jonathan Kalan for Movirtu Limited 11% 11% 8% Yes 2% 14% 13% 15% Youth usage is the majority No and growing 98% 28% 30% fastest 33% School going kids Source: Bill & Melinda Young men Gates Foundation 30% Working women 21% 27% College going students Older men 14% 12% 14% Non working women 2007 2008 2009 “ I feel thedevelopment,withthey technology children go so the “the Internet. My ten Source: I-Cube, Internet & Mobile Association Kids do everything of India (IAMAI) and IMRB on can come up. We are very backward. year old child goes to Let our kids understand and come cybercafés. I haven’t learned much because I forward and we will welcome it ” don’t know about it Astou, Women Group, Senegal ” Mahalakshmi, Women Group , India
  • 10. Opportunity to build trust in mobiles through mass media Trusted information sources for farmers in Tanzania: Source: Jonathan Kalan for Movirtu Limited Source: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Radio 73% Neighbour 58% Local Leaders 62% Newspapers 15% TV 10% Mobile SMS Alerts 10% % of farmers India who have ever used mobiles for agricultural % users who BoP information listen to radio “Where I am there’s no “ We can on a mobile 45% electricity or water, but there’s a radio ” 13% understand world matters ” Daba, Woman Group, Senegal  Source: CABI India from TV Source: TNS Mobile Life Geeta, Woman Group, India 
  • 11. Implications Our research has a number of implications for organisations who seek to serve the needs of the world’s rural poor. Existing surveys assume respondents welcome material gain today, and ask users if they want home improvements or extra income, to which they reply yes. When you ask people their point of view, they say their most powerful motivation is Source: Jonathan Kalan their childrens’ future, which can be improved through education. This insight can be used as a core positioning for services designed to drive changes in behaviour. Rural children need better support through secondary school, where there is a large gap between rural and urban attendance. Mobile applications can play a cost effective and scalable role in addressing the gap. Hope is invested in the next generation because today’s rural farmers, even the most productive, feel farming is low status, high risk, and has no future. help for adults, who allow youth to show them how devices work and This insight has some sobering consequences for the future payback of current farm encourage them to use mobile themselves. Using youth to encourage productivity interventions. Who will take over the farming when the productive the adoption of technology within families and communities may plots have been sold off to pay for kids’ schools, and when the next generation turn be a productive strategy for services which rely on using mobile data up their noses-literally and figuratively-at farming? Restoring some of the rightful for the first time. dignity of farmers can come through innovative and low-cost interventions such as mobile weather and market price information combined with insurance, by scaling Radio in Tanzania and Senegal and television in India, as trusted and and combining the current work of development innovators. widely available media, offer many opportunities beyond advertising to highlight the value of mobile and technology services to the BoP. The BoP’s spending power has been under significant pressure since 2008. All The high penetration of radio listening on the mobile among the BoP inputs and basics are much more expensive, though farmers enjoy none of the offers ways of reaching users through a more trusted and familiar benefit in the retail price hike of their produce. This insight challenges the notion form than SMS messaging. Combining entertainment and pedagogy of affordability in mobile. Penetration growth of mobile among this group was creates ‘pull’ to services through characters and stories. The historically meant to grow with the availability of ‘affordable’ handsets at $15 each. The BoP validated model deserves to be brought into the digital age. simply have less and less in their pockets, and the situation looks likely to continue. Planning the adoption of mobile services must work within the purchasing constraints These are initial findings for public dissemination but we of this group: shared usage as well as cost effective mobile identity services. welcome you to add to them. Visit our Movirtu Facebook page, send us a tweet to @movirtu to comment, or email us Technology adoption in these markets, as in many, rests in the hands of youth. directly to ask for more at Despite being the least likely to own devices, they have avid curiosity and engagement, and learn how services work quickly. Their aptitude is of great
  • 12. Acknowledgements • Thanks to our expert interviewers, who gave generously of their time, resources, and pointers to existing work • Sharbendu Banerjee, CABI • Niti Bhan, Sematech Source: Johnathan Kalan for Movirtu Limited • Jenny Everett, Program Manager, ANDE • Robert Fabricant, Michael Cetaruk and the team at Frog Design • Corina Gardner, Fiona Smith and Trina DasGupta, GSMA • Amanda Gardiner and Christine Ribeiro, UNDP • Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (for critical farmer segmentation) • Tamara Giltsoff, founding partner, abundancy partners and TED fellow • Stephen Haggard, consultant media and technology Thanks for the expertise from our strategic research partners at TNS • Nick Heller, Karina Pryzemski and team at Google EMEA in Nairobi, Mumbai, London and on the ground in Dar es Salaam, Chennai, and Dakar. • Jonathan Kalan, The BOP Project Thanks to our investors TLcom Capital LLP, Gray Ghost™ DOEN Social • Kabir Kumar and Xavier Faz and the team at CGAP Ventures Coöperatief, U.A. and Grassroots Business Fund. • Ted London and Heather Esper, William Davidson Institute Most especially thank you to our hundred respondents in Tanzania, India and Senegal, who shared their lives with us • Alan Quayle, journalist and analyst and gave up their time so that we could understand their world better from the inside. • Harold Rosen and team at Grassroots Business Fund Movirtu is the leading pioneer of Mobile Identity Management (MIM) • Joanne Sawicki, CEO Ceres Communications solutions for wireless telecommunication service providers. Movirtu has • Vineeta Shetty and Kojo Boakye, CTO redefined the mobile landscape by using cloud infrastructure to tie a mobile identity to a user rather than a device.