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© 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH
Leverage Graph Technologies
Discover hidden data insight!
© 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH
About CiDER
Revolutionizing EHS and
Sustainability management
CiDER is the only EHS and Sustainability tool on the market that not only
delivers Business Intelligence Reporting and Compliance capabilities but
also creates Actionable Insights for a Smarter Enterprise.
By exploiting the impact of CiDER, organisations are able to obtain critical
insight to base decisions on. CiDER is breaking new ground with its highly
intuitive, self- service platform, complete with elegant web services, data
visualisations and analytics tools.
© 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH
What is a Graph?
A graph is composed of two elements: a node and a relationship.
© 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH
What is a Graph?
A graph is composed of two elements: a node and a relationship.
Node = Vertex
Lets start with basic elements that make up a graph - First
of all we have what are called Nodes - A node is a data
point, any sort of data point, often it can also be plainly just
referred to as a “thing”. each node can represent an entity
(a person, place, thing, category or other piece of data)
Mathematical Terms
Relation = Edge
Nodes are connected by relationships - each relationship
represents how two nodes are associated - These
relationships can be as many as you like, they can be self
referential, relationship can loop back to a node, you can
operate a relationship in any direction, or either direction.
© 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH
Why Graph ?
► 2 x growth in Data Volume every
3 years
► Data Connections are
increasing as rapidly as data
► People, Process, Assets, Devices
are increasingly related
Business Processes
e.g., Risk management, Supply
chain, Payments
Connected Data, not just BIG Data
© 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH
Why Graph ?
Today, Enterprises don’t just need to manage large volumes of
data, but they need to generate insights from their existing data.
Over the years, traditional enterprise organisations have
collected a lot of data. This legacy data has the potential to
uncover insights and crucial trends, but they key to unlocking this
potential is to identify the relationships between data points.
Big Data has made large volumes of data available to
enterprises. It’s not the data volume or velocity that drives
sustainable success, but it’s the knowledge of the relationships in
your data. Understanding and modeling the complexities of
enterprise entities and their relationships to the data is the key.
The available data can be turned into a real power house by
accessing and revealing the relations within. Harnessing the
power of connected data (i.e. data relationships) is essential to
sustainable competitive advantage in todays ever-more-
connected, ever-more-competitive world.
Business Processes
e.g., Risk management, Supply
chain, Payments
© 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH
Why Graph ?
If you look at this model, you think its quite rich, its nice, I can
understand it, but its no big deal.. but of course that’s just the
way we are using it to model it, but consider that this little
pattern might be one among millions, possibly tens of
millions even hundreds of millions of such nodes. What graph
databases provide us with is the ability to process patterns in
millions of nodes connected with millions of relationships,
and that’s the objective of graph technology; to be able to
handle a very large number of nodes and relationships but
still maintain the simplicity that we see in the pattern.
Graphs provide the ability to add as many nodes as you like
and to add new types of relationships. That’s why we say that
it is suitable for an agile environment; with an evolving data
model, you can just add new concepts and new nodes
dynamically at any time, as the business grows and
requirements change.
Business Processes
e.g., Risk management, Supply
chain, Payments
© 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH
Social Networks - Graph
Use Case
‣ Discover unique
‣ Friend-of- friend
‣ Shortest Path
shortest path
© 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH
Social Networks - Graph
Use Case
One of the areas where Graph Databases have been most widely
used are Social networks (for example, LinkedIn)
• Discover new professional opportunities - Graphs help you understand how people are connected, even
when you don’t know their initial relationships by leveraging the possibility of identifying unknown
connections through visualisations.
• Humans are social creatures, so graph-powered recommendations within a social context are more
effective. Friend-of-friend recommendations help users connect and build networks faster and more
• Shortest Path - What is the shortest connection between me and someone else of significance to me —>
Who would be the closest to me to introduce me to someone else…. This capability for example can be
extrapolated to supply chains to figure out alternative supply channels.
This capability for example can be extrapolated to supply
chains to figure out alternative supply channels.
© 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH
Social Networks - Graph
Use Case
One thing you might notice
here is that the connections
are extremely rich and
meshed; in no way could you
describe this as a hierarchy,
or implement this as a
hierarchy. It is a very
complex and interlinked
© 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH
• Highly Complex Relations
• Cluster Analysis
• Hot Spots / Hubs
• Pattern Detection
Paradise Papers - Graph
Use Case
© 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH
ICIJ - International Consortium
of Investigative Journalists -
leaked documents about
offshore legal entities.
More than 13 million leaked documents,
emails and database records have been
analyzed using text analysis, full-text- and
faceted-search and most interestingly,
graph visualization and graph-based
Since the ICIJ announced their investigation,
we’ve seen many reports being published
covering activities of companies like Nike, Apple,
the Queen of England’s estate, and connections
of Russian investments to politicians and
companies like Facebook and Twitter.
Paradise Papers - Graph
Use Case
© 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH
Graph visualization is a powerful way to
explore the data. For example, identifying
highly connected clusters of nodes can be
done by visually examining the graph.
Cluster Analysis —> Clustering is a visualising aid, that allows one to cluster nodes
based on certain properties and these clustered groups then can lead to detection
of certain patterns. For example, from an EHS perspective, clustering the facilities
based on certain compliance rules, ongoing audits or types of incidences.
Paradise Papers - Graph
Use Case
© 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH
Lots of connections going to a single node could mean a lot of related data, establishing the
importance of the node.If this node in turn is connected to other important nodes (for
example in infrastructures networks, telecommunications networks, road networks), it could
point out the significance of the node, how critical that node could be, and what influence
that node would have on the business (for example suppliers that have a lot of connections
to one’s business)
With each node, we can store a lot of metadata, like location details, addresses etc. Using a
service such as Google’s geocoding API we can perform a lookup to turn these address
strings into latitude and longitude points.
Paradise Papers - Graph
Use Case
Another example of graph
visualisation to explore data is
Hotspots/risk analysis
© 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH
Once we have geocoded these addresses, we
can use geographic analysis to find more
insights into the data. One visualisation tool we
can use is a heatmap, where observations are
represented as colors.
All this is not even taking into account the Visual
Inspections algorithms that can be built on top
to generate even more insights automatically,
based on the entire graph network. (Google
PageRank). CiDER’s search will be based on
such pattern detection algorithms to bring
about more insights from your data.
Paradise Papers - Graph
Use Case
© 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH
✓ Real-Time Recommendations (Walmart)
✓ Order Tracking / Routing (FedEx)
✓ Fraud Detection (Generali, Credit Card Companies)
✓ Network Analysis (Google’s PageRank)
✓ Master Data Management (Pitney Bowes)
✓ Identity & Access Management
These are some of the other successful implementations
of graph technology by industry leaders:
Successful Graph
© 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH
In its drive to provide the best
customer web experience,
Walmart needed to optimise
online recommendations.
This new user experience
required data that connects
complex buyers and product
data to gain insights into
customer needs and
product trends.
Walmart’s team substituted a
complex batch process with a
graph database, the perfect tool
for real-time recommendations.
Successful Graph
By design graph databases can
quickly query customer’s past
purchases, as well as instantly
capture any new interests shown
by the customer’s current online
visit — essential for making real-
time recommendations)
© 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH
‣ Complex and
hierarchical data
‣ Dynamic Structures
✓360-degree insights
✓Flexibility & Scalability
Master Data Management
Visual management of organisational structure in CiDER -
Master Data Management in CiDER powered by Graph
© 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH
Master data, such as organizational
and supplier data, has deep hierarchies
with top-down, lateral and diagonal
connections. Even though we think of
them as hierarchies, most businesses
are actually networks. Once you have
the real-life complexity of multiple
entities, with multiple types of
relationships, the vision of a beautiful,
perfect hierarchy is destroyed. This
happens with organisational structures,
product “hierarchies”, locations,
documents etc.
As mentioned earlier, graphs are data
structures that describe both data and
their relationships. The most commonly
recognised forms of a graph are business
networks and hierarchies. Using a graph
database allows you to map your master
data in a much more real world way,
without the constraints of strict
hierarchical structures.
For example, think about mapping your
Business Units (or business structures)
and regional/geographical structures in
one hierarchical tree —> nearly
Now also consider mapping your supply
chain using hierarchical trees?
The highly dynamic nature of master data,
with the constant addition and re-
organization of entities, makes it harder to
design systems that accommodate both
current and future requirements. Most of the
current systems work with SQL or Relational
DBs, that require a strict schema which needs
to be defined ahead of time before
implementation and therefore becomes
harder to change, adapt to changing
business structures and adjust to new
Master Data Management
© 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH
With scalability built into the underlying
design (flexible schema) graph databases
(and therefore CiDER) allows master data to
grow as fast as the business does. You can
add new elements and new relations and
the schema evolves automatically over
time as you add more to the graph.
Think of changing
business structures, with
new acquisitions, mergers
or divestments.
The best data-driven business decisions aren’t
based on information silos, Instead you need
real-time master data information about data
relationships. Graph relationships easily connect
your siloed data between other systems such
as HR systems, ERP systems, BMS systems etc., to
provide a consistent vision of enterprise data.
Master Data Management
© 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH
✓Groups & Roles defines permissions
✓Users are managed in Groups
✓Access reduced down to content level
Identity & Access
Management in CiDER
© 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH
Identity and Access Management is about managing information about parties (e.g. administrators, business
units, end-users) and resources (e.g., files, shares, network devices, products, agreements), along with the rules
governing access to those resources.
Traditionally, identity and access management has been implemented either by using directory services or by
building a custom solution inside an application’s backend. Hierarchical directory structures, however, can’t cope
with the complex dependency structures found in multi-party distributed systems.
A graph database access control solution allows for both top-down and bottom-up management:
• Which resources – company structures, products, services, agreements and end users – can a particular
administrator manage? (Top-down)
• Given a particular resource, who can modify its access settings? (Bottom-up)
• Which resource can an end-user access?
Access control and authorization solutions powered by graph databases are particularly applicable in the areas
of content management, federated authorization services, social networking preferences and software as a
service (SaaS) offerings, where they realize minutes-to-milliseconds increases in performance over their relational
database predecessors.
Identity & Access
Management in CiDER
© 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH
NAEM 2016: Approaches to EHS&S Data Management
Decentralisation, within a central system
‣ Decentralised
‣ Diverse Operations
producing variety of
‣ Individual operations,
unique risks and
EHS&S - Graph Application
© 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH
structures may not
lend themselves to a
centralized reporting
Diverse operations
may produce a
variety of data
Internal culture may
value decentralized
decision making
Acquired businesses
may have their own
software tools to
manage their own set of
diverse requirements
EHS&S - Graph Application
© 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH
Gartner (
Why did it
What will
How can we
make it happen?
graph power
Capability Maturity Model
© 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH
Used for record keeping (created for the purpose of storing
data in structures), These structures impose certain boundaries
and constraints, where data has to be stored in certain fashion
which might not represent its natural way of occurring,
particularly with its connections and therefore makes it difficult
to be used for diagnosis.
Created for storing and relating data the way it
naturally occurs, therefore respresents the natural
state of data and its connections, which are important
to understand the “why”.
Capability Maturity Model
© 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH
Most systems today are focused on descriptive analytics; describing
what happened based on the data and information available. But in
order to find improvement and optimisation potential, as Gartner
describes it, we need to follow this path of analytics. From “what
happened” to “why it happened”, the graph technology can really
provide the push and empower systems to get there rather quickly
and easily, because it provides a natural (close to reality) way of
storing and understanding the data and relationships.
A lot of the analytics today still use tools like excel, which is still a good
tool for descriptive analytics, but it won’t help us climb through this
ladder of business analytics.
Sure, normal RDBMs can be used, for
example Oracle supports a lot of analytics,
but if your goal is to walk this path, graphs
will provide the push and the technology
support to empower these possibilities.
Capability Maturity Model
© 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH
CiDER will start implementing machine learning, based on
its graph implementation to learn pattern detections, trends
and make predictive analytics. Graphs will deliver the
learning patterns for implementing the machine learning.
Machine learning needs data patterns to learn from, for
example the detection patterns/queries of the graph that we
saw earlier is something we will use to feed the machine
learning with valid data, which in turn will train machine
learning to provide better suggestions.
We have picked the CiDER technologies with these
steps in mind. A lot of the existing systems were
developed with the need for reporting and
descriptive analysis, which is still very much the
necessity. But it does not bring that additional
value with all that data being available today. With
CiDER’s technology we want to turn this data into
insights thereby generating that additional value
for businesses.
Capability Maturity Model
© 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH
Thank you
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Leverage graph technologies to discover hidden insights in your EHS & Sustainability data

  • 1. © 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH Leverage Graph Technologies Discover hidden data insight!
  • 2. © 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH About CiDER Revolutionizing EHS and Sustainability management CiDER is the only EHS and Sustainability tool on the market that not only delivers Business Intelligence Reporting and Compliance capabilities but also creates Actionable Insights for a Smarter Enterprise. By exploiting the impact of CiDER, organisations are able to obtain critical insight to base decisions on. CiDER is breaking new ground with its highly intuitive, self- service platform, complete with elegant web services, data visualisations and analytics tools.
  • 3. © 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH What is a Graph? A graph is composed of two elements: a node and a relationship. Node Relation Node
  • 4. © 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH What is a Graph? A graph is composed of two elements: a node and a relationship. Node Relation Node Node = Vertex Lets start with basic elements that make up a graph - First of all we have what are called Nodes - A node is a data point, any sort of data point, often it can also be plainly just referred to as a “thing”. each node can represent an entity (a person, place, thing, category or other piece of data) Mathematical Terms Relation = Edge Nodes are connected by relationships - each relationship represents how two nodes are associated - These relationships can be as many as you like, they can be self referential, relationship can loop back to a node, you can operate a relationship in any direction, or either direction.
  • 5. © 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH Why Graph ? ► 2 x growth in Data Volume every 3 years ► Data Connections are increasing as rapidly as data volumes ► People, Process, Assets, Devices are increasingly related bought bought viewed bought returned Business Processes e.g., Risk management, Supply chain, Payments Connected Data, not just BIG Data
  • 6. © 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH Why Graph ? Today, Enterprises don’t just need to manage large volumes of data, but they need to generate insights from their existing data. Over the years, traditional enterprise organisations have collected a lot of data. This legacy data has the potential to uncover insights and crucial trends, but they key to unlocking this potential is to identify the relationships between data points. Big Data has made large volumes of data available to enterprises. It’s not the data volume or velocity that drives sustainable success, but it’s the knowledge of the relationships in your data. Understanding and modeling the complexities of enterprise entities and their relationships to the data is the key. The available data can be turned into a real power house by accessing and revealing the relations within. Harnessing the power of connected data (i.e. data relationships) is essential to sustainable competitive advantage in todays ever-more- connected, ever-more-competitive world. bought bought viewed bought returned Business Processes e.g., Risk management, Supply chain, Payments Source: competitive-advantage-white-paper/
  • 7. © 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH Why Graph ? If you look at this model, you think its quite rich, its nice, I can understand it, but its no big deal.. but of course that’s just the way we are using it to model it, but consider that this little pattern might be one among millions, possibly tens of millions even hundreds of millions of such nodes. What graph databases provide us with is the ability to process patterns in millions of nodes connected with millions of relationships, and that’s the objective of graph technology; to be able to handle a very large number of nodes and relationships but still maintain the simplicity that we see in the pattern. Graphs provide the ability to add as many nodes as you like and to add new types of relationships. That’s why we say that it is suitable for an agile environment; with an evolving data model, you can just add new concepts and new nodes dynamically at any time, as the business grows and requirements change. bought bought viewed bought returned Business Processes e.g., Risk management, Supply chain, Payments Source: based-search/?ref=solutions
  • 8. © 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH Social Networks - Graph Use Case ‣ Discover unique relationships ‣ Friend-of- friend Recommendations ‣ Shortest Path ME X Y CONNECTED_TO CONNECTED_TO V W Z CONNECTED_TO suggest CONNECTED_TO CONNECTED_TO CONNECTED_TO shortest path
  • 9. © 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH Social Networks - Graph Use Case One of the areas where Graph Databases have been most widely used are Social networks (for example, LinkedIn) • Discover new professional opportunities - Graphs help you understand how people are connected, even when you don’t know their initial relationships by leveraging the possibility of identifying unknown connections through visualisations. • Humans are social creatures, so graph-powered recommendations within a social context are more effective. Friend-of-friend recommendations help users connect and build networks faster and more organically. • Shortest Path - What is the shortest connection between me and someone else of significance to me —> Who would be the closest to me to introduce me to someone else…. This capability for example can be extrapolated to supply chains to figure out alternative supply channels. This capability for example can be extrapolated to supply chains to figure out alternative supply channels.
  • 10. © 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH Social Networks - Graph Use Case One thing you might notice here is that the connections are extremely rich and meshed; in no way could you describe this as a hierarchy, or implement this as a hierarchy. It is a very complex and interlinked network.
  • 11. © 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH • Highly Complex Relations • Cluster Analysis • Hot Spots / Hubs • Pattern Detection Paradise Papers - Graph Use Case
  • 12. © 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH ICIJ - International Consortium of Investigative Journalists - leaked documents about offshore legal entities. More than 13 million leaked documents, emails and database records have been analyzed using text analysis, full-text- and faceted-search and most interestingly, graph visualization and graph-based search. Since the ICIJ announced their investigation, we’ve seen many reports being published covering activities of companies like Nike, Apple, the Queen of England’s estate, and connections of Russian investments to politicians and companies like Facebook and Twitter. Paradise Papers - Graph Use Case Source: graph-analysis-paradise-papers/
  • 13. © 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH Graph visualization is a powerful way to explore the data. For example, identifying highly connected clusters of nodes can be done by visually examining the graph. Cluster Analysis —> Clustering is a visualising aid, that allows one to cluster nodes based on certain properties and these clustered groups then can lead to detection of certain patterns. For example, from an EHS perspective, clustering the facilities based on certain compliance rules, ongoing audits or types of incidences. Paradise Papers - Graph Use Case
  • 14. © 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH Lots of connections going to a single node could mean a lot of related data, establishing the importance of the node.If this node in turn is connected to other important nodes (for example in infrastructures networks, telecommunications networks, road networks), it could point out the significance of the node, how critical that node could be, and what influence that node would have on the business (for example suppliers that have a lot of connections to one’s business) With each node, we can store a lot of metadata, like location details, addresses etc. Using a service such as Google’s geocoding API we can perform a lookup to turn these address strings into latitude and longitude points. Paradise Papers - Graph Use Case Another example of graph visualisation to explore data is Hotspots/risk analysis
  • 15. © 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH Once we have geocoded these addresses, we can use geographic analysis to find more insights into the data. One visualisation tool we can use is a heatmap, where observations are represented as colors. All this is not even taking into account the Visual Inspections algorithms that can be built on top to generate even more insights automatically, based on the entire graph network. (Google PageRank). CiDER’s search will be based on such pattern detection algorithms to bring about more insights from your data. Paradise Papers - Graph Use Case
  • 16. © 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH ✓ Real-Time Recommendations (Walmart) ✓ Order Tracking / Routing (FedEx) ✓ Fraud Detection (Generali, Credit Card Companies) ✓ Network Analysis (Google’s PageRank) ✓ Master Data Management (Pitney Bowes) ✓ Identity & Access Management These are some of the other successful implementations of graph technology by industry leaders: Successful Graph Applications Source: use-cases-graph-databases-white-paper/
  • 17. © 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH In its drive to provide the best customer web experience, Walmart needed to optimise online recommendations. This new user experience required data that connects complex buyers and product data to gain insights into customer needs and product trends. Walmart’s team substituted a complex batch process with a graph database, the perfect tool for real-time recommendations. Successful Graph Applications By design graph databases can quickly query customer’s past purchases, as well as instantly capture any new interests shown by the customer’s current online visit — essential for making real- time recommendations)
  • 18. © 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH ≠ ‣ Complex and hierarchical data ‣ Dynamic Structures ✓360-degree insights ✓Flexibility & Scalability Master Data Management Visual management of organisational structure in CiDER - Master Data Management in CiDER powered by Graph Database
  • 19. © 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH Master data, such as organizational and supplier data, has deep hierarchies with top-down, lateral and diagonal connections. Even though we think of them as hierarchies, most businesses are actually networks. Once you have the real-life complexity of multiple entities, with multiple types of relationships, the vision of a beautiful, perfect hierarchy is destroyed. This happens with organisational structures, product “hierarchies”, locations, documents etc. As mentioned earlier, graphs are data structures that describe both data and their relationships. The most commonly recognised forms of a graph are business networks and hierarchies. Using a graph database allows you to map your master data in a much more real world way, without the constraints of strict hierarchical structures. For example, think about mapping your Business Units (or business structures) and regional/geographical structures in one hierarchical tree —> nearly impossible! Now also consider mapping your supply chain using hierarchical trees? The highly dynamic nature of master data, with the constant addition and re- organization of entities, makes it harder to design systems that accommodate both current and future requirements. Most of the current systems work with SQL or Relational DBs, that require a strict schema which needs to be defined ahead of time before implementation and therefore becomes harder to change, adapt to changing business structures and adjust to new requirements. Master Data Management Source: cases/master-data-management/
  • 20. © 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH With scalability built into the underlying design (flexible schema) graph databases (and therefore CiDER) allows master data to grow as fast as the business does. You can add new elements and new relations and the schema evolves automatically over time as you add more to the graph. Think of changing business structures, with new acquisitions, mergers or divestments. The best data-driven business decisions aren’t based on information silos, Instead you need real-time master data information about data relationships. Graph relationships easily connect your siloed data between other systems such as HR systems, ERP systems, BMS systems etc., to provide a consistent vision of enterprise data. Master Data Management
  • 21. © 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH ✓Groups & Roles defines permissions ✓Users are managed in Groups ✓Access reduced down to content level Identity & Access Management in CiDER
  • 22. © 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH Identity and Access Management is about managing information about parties (e.g. administrators, business units, end-users) and resources (e.g., files, shares, network devices, products, agreements), along with the rules governing access to those resources. Traditionally, identity and access management has been implemented either by using directory services or by building a custom solution inside an application’s backend. Hierarchical directory structures, however, can’t cope with the complex dependency structures found in multi-party distributed systems. A graph database access control solution allows for both top-down and bottom-up management: • Which resources – company structures, products, services, agreements and end users – can a particular administrator manage? (Top-down) • Given a particular resource, who can modify its access settings? (Bottom-up) • Which resource can an end-user access? Access control and authorization solutions powered by graph databases are particularly applicable in the areas of content management, federated authorization services, social networking preferences and software as a service (SaaS) offerings, where they realize minutes-to-milliseconds increases in performance over their relational database predecessors. Identity & Access Management in CiDER Source: cases-graph-databases-white-paper/
  • 23. © 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH NAEM 2016: Approaches to EHS&S Data Management Decentralisation, within a central system ‣ Decentralised Structures ‣ Diverse Operations producing variety of data ‣ Individual operations, unique risks and requirements EHS&S - Graph Application
  • 24. © 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH Decentralized structures may not lend themselves to a centralized reporting systems Diverse operations may produce a variety of data types Internal culture may value decentralized decision making Acquired businesses may have their own software tools to manage their own set of diverse requirements EHS&S - Graph Application
  • 25. © 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH Gartner ( Value Descriptive Analytics Diagnostic Analytics Predictive Analytics Prescriptive Analytics What happend? Why did it happen? What will happen? How can we make it happen? AI|ML utilize graph power Capability Maturity Model
  • 26. © 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH RDBMS/Excel Used for record keeping (created for the purpose of storing data in structures), These structures impose certain boundaries and constraints, where data has to be stored in certain fashion which might not represent its natural way of occurring, particularly with its connections and therefore makes it difficult to be used for diagnosis. Graphs Created for storing and relating data the way it naturally occurs, therefore respresents the natural state of data and its connections, which are important to understand the “why”. Capability Maturity Model
  • 27. © 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH Most systems today are focused on descriptive analytics; describing what happened based on the data and information available. But in order to find improvement and optimisation potential, as Gartner describes it, we need to follow this path of analytics. From “what happened” to “why it happened”, the graph technology can really provide the push and empower systems to get there rather quickly and easily, because it provides a natural (close to reality) way of storing and understanding the data and relationships. A lot of the analytics today still use tools like excel, which is still a good tool for descriptive analytics, but it won’t help us climb through this ladder of business analytics. Sure, normal RDBMs can be used, for example Oracle supports a lot of analytics, but if your goal is to walk this path, graphs will provide the push and the technology support to empower these possibilities. Capability Maturity Model
  • 28. © 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH CiDER will start implementing machine learning, based on its graph implementation to learn pattern detections, trends and make predictive analytics. Graphs will deliver the learning patterns for implementing the machine learning. Machine learning needs data patterns to learn from, for example the detection patterns/queries of the graph that we saw earlier is something we will use to feed the machine learning with valid data, which in turn will train machine learning to provide better suggestions. We have picked the CiDER technologies with these steps in mind. A lot of the existing systems were developed with the need for reporting and descriptive analysis, which is still very much the necessity. But it does not bring that additional value with all that data being available today. With CiDER’s technology we want to turn this data into insights thereby generating that additional value for businesses. Capability Maturity Model
  • 29. © 2018 iPoint BiS GmbH Thank you Request a demo to find out more! Request Demo