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Genetics, Species & Ecosystem Diversity
Presented BY:
Ecosystem Diversity
Importance of Biodiversity
Threats to Biodiversity
Conservation of Biodiversity
Biodiversity in India
Questions and Answers
“Biodiversity is the variation among
living organisms from different sources
including terrestrial, marine and desert
ecosystems, and the ecological complexes
of which they are a part.”
• Biodiversity is the range of variation found in plant and animal kingdom, including all microscopic
• Biodiversity found on Earth today consists of many millions of distinct biological species, the
product of four billion years of evolution.
• Biodiversity shows the richness of different species
• Biodiversity includes the various ecosystems in which different species live
• Biodiversity also includes and explains the variation in their genetic makeup
• Biodiversity also includes the complex assemblages of species and their communities
Genetic Diversity:
- Diversity in species due to variations in genetic makeup
• Species Diversity:
- Species variation is the basic unit of standard measurement
of biodiversity
• Ecosystem/Ecological Diversity:
- includes all the different habitats, biological communities and
ecological processes, as well as variation within individual
Different genes and combinations
of genes within population.
Allows population of species to
adopt to environmental changes.
It is the variety present at the level
of the genes.
Genetic diversity is the total number
of genetic characteristics in the genetic
makeup of a species, it ranges widely
from the number of species to differences
within species and can be attributed to
the span of survival for a species. It is
distinguished from genetic variability
which describes the tendency of genetic
characteristics to vary.
Genetic diversityserves as a way for populations to
adapt to changing environments. With more
variation, it is more likely that some
individuals in a population will possess
variations of ALLELES that are suited for the
environment. Those individuals are more
likely to survive to produce offspring bearing
that allele. The population will continue for
more generations because of the success of
these individuals.
The academic field of population
genetics includes several
hypotheses and theories
regarding genetic diversity.
The neutral theory of
evolution proposes that diversity
is the result of the accumulation
of neutral
substitutions. Diversifying
selection is the hypothesis that
two subpopulations of a species
live in different environments
that select for different alleles at
a particular locus.
How is Genetic
Mutations are alterations that occur in an individual's DNA.
Mutations can occur when errors are created while cells are
copying DNA, similar to when a word is copied and the
spelling is incorrect
The genetic diversity of a species is made up of these
mutations. More and more errors are made throughout several
generations, which increases the number of mutations.
However, occasionally these mutations might result in
changes that are advantageous for a species.
As a result of genetic
diversity, the sensitive
kinds perish while the
ones that can adapt to
changes thrive, which
guarantees that a
species will continue to
exist in some form.
Genetic diversity results in a
person's ability to adapt to
stress, illnesses, and
unfavorable environmental
situations as well as varied
physical characteristics.
Natural environmental changes
or those brought on by human
activity trigger the survival of
the fittest and natural selection.
Cross-breeding various
genetic variants can result in
new plant varieties that have
desirable features like greater
stress tolerance and disease
Genetic diversity guarantees
that a species will continue to
exist in some form.
Wild creatures now have less habitat and resources due to the growing human
population and increased exploitation of natural resources.
Numerous communities of wild animals and plants have shrunk or become more
secluded throughout time.
Numerous species have also experienced regional extinctions. Genetic diversity
has decreased globally as a result of this.
According to scientists, the genetic diversity of animals may have decreased
globally during the Industrial Revolution by as much as 6%. Because of this, many
species have a harder time adapting to new problems like pollution, climate
change, and emerging diseases.
More species may become unhealthy and require conservation measures if too
much genetic diversity is lost.
In order for the post-2020 global biodiversity framework to be
established at the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP 15) in October
2021, Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) are
creating goals, targets, and indicators for genetic diversity.
The Sustainable Development Goals and the International Treaty on
Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture are two other
international agreements that address genetic diversity.
The preservation of biological knowledge for the future is made
possible by gene banks that save millions of seeds from throughout
the world, botanical gardens that display stunning plant collections,
and pastoralists who preserve old cattle breeds.
Species Diversity
“Species diversity is defined as the number
of different species present in an ecosystem
and relative abundance of each of those
In nature, species do not interbreed because
they differ genetically from one another.
, closely related species share a lot of
their inherited traits.
For example, 98.4%of the genes in humans and
chimps are similar. It is the proportion of a species'
total population to all the species' combined total
number of organisms in a given biome.
"One" denotes the presence of just one species,
while "zero" would indicate infinite diversity.
herearetwoconstituents of
species diversity:
Species richness: Number of different species present in an ecosystem. Tropical
areas have greater species richness as the environment is conducive for a large
number of species
Species evenness:Relative abundance of individuals of each of those species. If
the number of individuals within a species is fairly constant across communities,
it is said to have a high evenness and if the number of individuals varies from
species to species, it is said to have low evenness. High evenness leads to greater
specific diversity
• Generally, greater the species richness greater is the
species diversity.
• Alpha diversity refers to the average species diversity
within a particular area, habitat, community or
• It is measured by counting the number of taxa (distinct
groups of animals) within the ecosystem.
• Beta diversity is species diversity between ecosystems
refers to the ratio between alpha diversity and regional
diversity or comparison of taxa that are unique to each
of the ecosystem.
• Gamma diversity is the overall diversity for different
ecosystems within a region or total diversity over a large
area or region.
Importance of Species Diversity
Ina healthy ecosystem, diverse and balanced number of species exist
to maintain the balance of an ecosystem. Inan ecosystem, all the
species depend on each other directly or indirectly. So to make a more
efficient, productive and sustainable ecosystem, it is important to
maintain high species diversity.
More diverse ecosystem tend to be more productive. E.g. the
ecosystem with a great variety of producer species will produce large
biomass to support a greater variety of consumer species
Greater species richness and productivity makes an ecosystem more
sustainable and stable
In Species-rich communities, each species can use a different portion of
resources available as per their requirement. E.g. plants with smaller roots can
absorb water and minerals from shallow soil and plants with deeper roots can
tap deeper soil
Healthy biodiversity has innumerable benefits like nutrients storage and
recycling, soil formation and protection from erosion, absorption of harmful
gases, climate stability
Humans get lots of product from nature like fruits, cereals, meat, wood, fibre,
raisin, dyes, medicine, antibiotics, etc.
Amazon forest is estimated to produce 20 percent of total oxygen in the earth’s
atmosphere through photosynthesis
Extinction is the global loss of a species. Five mass extinctions have occurred in
geological history, and extinction rates were particular high during these events.
Earth is currently experiencing a sixth mass extinction, which is driven by human
Habitat Loss:
Habitat loss includes habitat destruction, altering the physical environment such
that a species can no longer live there, and habitat fragmentation, which involves
dividing a habitat into discontinuous patches.
Pollution is the release of harmful chemicals or other materials into the
environment. Some types of air pollution results in acid deposition and climate
change. Nutrient pollution of water bodies due to fertilizer overuse results in
Measuresof BiodiversityLoss:
A common means of assessing biodiversity loss involves classifying species based
on extinction risk. The Red List includes nine such categories.
The species at greatest risk of extinction are called critically endangered, followed
by endangered, vulnerable, and near threatened species.
Each species has an important role to play in an ecosystem. It is important to conserve diversity because
once extinct, we can not get it back. There are many ways to conserve biodiversity:
Biodiversity rich regions are protected as biosphere reserves, national parks and sanctuaries i.e. called
in-situ conservation. Protecting Sunderbans for many endangered species like the royal Bengal tiger,
olive ridley sea turtles, mangrove species etc.
Biodiversity hotspots have been identified, which have high species richness. Total of 34 hotspots are
identified globally e.g. Western ghats and Sri Lanka, Indo-Burma and Himalaya are rich biodiversity
regions of our country
Conservation of Species
India has a tradition of protecting nature. In many cultures, trees and
wildlife are given full protection e.g. sacred groves
Ex-situ conversation, where threatened and endangered species are
identified, taken out and given full protection and kept in special
reserves like botanical gardens, wildlife safari, etc.
Gametes of threatened species are preserved by cryopreservation
Seeds of commercially important plants are kept in the seed bank
1.An Ecosystem consists of organisms from different species
Living together in a region and their connections through
the flow of energy, nutrients and matter.
2.Ecosystem Diversity is the intricate network of different
species present in different local ecosystems and the
dynamic interplay between them.
3.Plants use energy from sun and nutrients from
surrounding to grow. Herbivorous animals eath these
plants and grow, carnivorous animals eat other animals
and grow. When these animals die, the fungi and
microbes decompose them and return the nutrients back
to the environment.
4.Thus every such environment is unique, with unique sets
of animals, plants nutrients, and sun or other weather and
climatic conditions.
5.A same ecosystem goes through different phases, cycles
during the year when the weather and climatic cycle
changes play important role in maintaining the state of an
ecosystem for a definite period of time which seasonal.
Ecosystem Diversity
• Macro Ecosystems – Examples of ecosystems rich in
diversity –
• Deserts
Hot and Dry Deserts (Sahara Desert)
Semi-Arid Deserts
Coastal Deserts (Gulf regions)
Cold Deserts (Polar regions)
• Forests
Tropical Forests (between Tropics of Cancer and a capricon
Evergreen Rainforest
Tropical Moist Forest
Tropical Dry Forest
Mangroves (Coastal Tropical Forests)
Temperate Forests (usually at mid latitudes)
Deciduous Forests (loose their leaves during cold winter)
Coniferous Forests (Conical shaped trees)
Boreal Forests
• Large Marine Ecosystems
• Open Marine Ecosystem (Open Seas near surfaces a
few metres depth)
• Deep Sea Marine Ecosystem (upto 1000 meters of
• Coral Reef Marine Ecosystem
• Saltwater Wetland Marine Ecosystem (migratory
birds, grass, swamp places)
• Estuary Marine Ecosystem (where river meets the
• Sandy Beach Ecosystem
• Kelp Forest Marine Ecosystem (cooler waters)
• Polar Marine Ecosystem
• Rocky Marine Ecosystem (rock shores, rock cliffs,
boulders , tide pools)
Ecosystem diversity is important for maintaining the
balance of an ecosystem. Different ecosystems have
different roles and functions, and a diverse range of
ecosystems helps to ensure that an ecosystem can
survive and thrive.
Ecosystem diversity is also important for providing us
with a variety of resources, such as food, medicine,
and shelter. A diverse range of ecosystems means that
we have a greater variety of resources to choose from.
Ecological Role of Biodiversity
Economical Role of Biodiversity
Scientific Role of Biodiversity
Ethical Importance
Each species of biodiversity has an important role in the ecosystem, in addition to
maintaining the ecological balance in the surrounding area.
They have a significant impact on the creation and breakdown of organic wastes,
the removal of atmospheric gases, and the control of water and nutrients across
the ecosystem. With greater species diversity, the environment is more stable.
They produce and decompose organic matter as well as capture and store
energy. The ecosystem provides services that humans cannot live without.
A diverse ecosystem is more productive and more resilient to environmental
Ecological Role Of Biodiversity
Biodiversity is a resource reservoir for the production of food, cosmetics, and
In addition to serving as a source of energy, biodiversity plays a significant role in
providing the raw materials for industrial goods like paper, rubber, wax, oils,
lubricants, fragrances, and dyes.
Crops, livestock, fishery, and forests are all excellent food sources.
For medicinal purposes, wild plants such as Cinchona and Foxglove plant are used.
Plant species provide wood, fibres, perfumes, lubricants, rubber, resins, poison, and
Tourism is generated by national parks and sanctuaries.
Since ancient times, several plant species have been valued for their therapeutic
More than 70% of anti-cancer medications, it has been said, come from plants found
in tropical rainforests.
Economical Role of biodiversity
Scientific Role of Biodiversity
Biodiversity has scientific relevance because it enables scientists to undertake
experiments and studies on the DNA of plants and animals in order to generate new
crops and therapies.
Additionally, it permits scientists to deduce facts regarding the evolution of certain
species of life. Humans expand their knowledge through scientific research on a
variety of animals and plants.
Every species has the right to exist
Humans should not be responsible for their voluntary
Biodiversity protects various cultures and spiritual
Ethical Importance
"The Evil Quartet" is a term used to describe the four main reasons for diversity loss.
Habitat Loss and Fragmentation: Habitat loss and fragmentation are key
contributors to the loss of species diversity and the extinction of plants and
These factors include pollution, urbanization, and a variety of other human
For instance, the Amazon rainforest (the planet's lungs), which is home to
millions of species, is being cut down and removed for a variety of reasons.
Tropical rainforest, which once spanned 14% of the landmass, now only makes
up about 6% of it.
Overexploitation: Excessive use of natural resources causes many species to
go extinct.
For instance, the passenger pigeon, Steller's sea cow, and several
marine fish are overfished.
Alien Species Invasions: Some alien species that are purposely or
accidentally introduced can become invasive and wipe out native
For instance, the extinction of cichlid fish in Lake Victoria because the Nile
perch was introduced
The indigenous catfish in rivers are in danger due to the illegal introduction
of African catfish.
Co-extinctions: Co-extinctions occur when two species that are related to
one another go extinct at the same time. For instance, a parasite may become
extinct along with its host fish.a
When one species goes extinct, it also causes the extinction of other
species, just like a plant-pollinator.
Conservation of
conservation is the
protection and
management of
biodiversity to obtain
resources for
Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity involves the
breeding and maintenance of endangered species
in artificial ecosystems such as zoos, nurseries,
botanical gardens, gene banks, etc. There is less
competition for food, water and space among the
Ex-situ conservation has the following
1.The animals are provided with a longer time
and breeding activity.
2.The species bred in captivity can be
reintroduced in the wild.
3.Genetic techniques can be used for the
preservation of endangered species.
In-situ conservation of biodiversity is the
conservation of species within their natural habitat. In
this method, the natural ecosystem is maintained and
The in-situ conservation has several advantages.
Following are the important advantages of in-situ
1.It is a cost-effective and convenient method of
conserving biodiversity.
2.A large number of living organisms can be
conserved simultaneously.
3.Since the organisms are in a natural ecosystem,
they can evolve better and can easily adjust to
different environmental conditions.
Certain protected areas where in-situ conservation
takes place include national parks, wildlife sanctuaries
and biosphere reserves.
All the varieties of food, timber plants, livestock, microbes and
agricultural animals should be conserved.
All the economically important organisms should be identified and
Unique ecosystems should be preserved first.
The resources should be utilized efficiently.
Poaching and hunting of wild animals should be prevented.
The reserves and protected areas should be developed carefully.
The levels of pollutants should be reduced in the environment.
Deforestation should be strictly prohibited.
Environmental laws should be followed strictly.
The useful and endangered species of plants and animals should be
conserved in their nature as well as artificial habitats.
Public awareness should be created regarding biodiversity
conservation and its importance.
Small steps towards Biodiversity Conservation
Biodiversity in India
India is one of the most diverse nations
in the world. It ranks ninth in terms of
plant species richness. Two of the
world’s 25 biodiversity hotspots are
found in India. It is the origin of
important crop species such as pigeon
pea, eggplant, cucumber, cotton and
sesame. India is also a centre of various
domesticated species such as millets,
cereals, legumes, vegetables, medicinal
and aromatic crops, etc.
area covered by
forests and trees.
Arid and semi-arid
Cold arid zone located in
the Trans-Himalayan
As we have seen, biodiversity identifies the richness of every type of life
on our planet and its reference unit is constituted by the species, that is, a
set of organisms capable of exchanging genetic material. Species live in
relationship with each other and in constant balance to ensure optimal
living conditions on Earth. It represents a fragile balance that is
increasingly threatened by the presence and invasion of human activities.
With this presentation of ours ,We hope that the topic ,"Levels Of
Biodiversity-Genetics, Species & Ecosystem Diversity" has been
understood properly .
1.What are the 2 types of species diversity?
2. What is Biodiversity
a) It is environmental science
c) It is varieties of life on earth
b) It is subject in biology
d) is distinction in biology subject
3. Biodiversity helps to maintain the food chain
4. Q-5. ___________biodiversity related to habitat in an
a) Genetic b) Ecosystem
c) Species d) All of above
1. Species richness AND Species evenness
2. c) It is varieties of life on earth
3. a)TRUE
4. b) Ecosystem

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LEVELS OF BIO-DIVERSITY 52,53,54 final (1).pptx

  • 1. LEVELS OF BIO-DIVERSITY Genetics, Species & Ecosystem Diversity Presented BY: ADITYA CHIDRAWAR (10852) MANSI WADKAR(10853) HITESH(10854)
  • 2. CONTENT I ntroduction Genetics Species Ecosystem Diversity Importance of Biodiversity Threats to Biodiversity Conservation of Biodiversity Biodiversity in India Questions and Answers Conclusion
  • 3. “Biodiversity is the variation among living organisms from different sources including terrestrial, marine and desert ecosystems, and the ecological complexes of which they are a part.” Introduction
  • 5. WHAT IS BIO-DIVERSITY ? • Biodiversity is the range of variation found in plant and animal kingdom, including all microscopic world • Biodiversity found on Earth today consists of many millions of distinct biological species, the product of four billion years of evolution. • Biodiversity shows the richness of different species • Biodiversity includes the various ecosystems in which different species live • Biodiversity also includes and explains the variation in their genetic makeup • Biodiversity also includes the complex assemblages of species and their communities
  • 6. Genetic Diversity: - Diversity in species due to variations in genetic makeup • Species Diversity: - Species variation is the basic unit of standard measurement of biodiversity • Ecosystem/Ecological Diversity: - includes all the different habitats, biological communities and ecological processes, as well as variation within individual ecosystems. LEVELS OF BIO- DIVERSITY
  • 7.
  • 8. GENETIC DIVERSITY Different genes and combinations of genes within population. Allows population of species to adopt to environmental changes. It is the variety present at the level of the genes.
  • 9. Genetic diversity is the total number of genetic characteristics in the genetic makeup of a species, it ranges widely from the number of species to differences within species and can be attributed to the span of survival for a species. It is distinguished from genetic variability which describes the tendency of genetic characteristics to vary.
  • 10. Genetic diversityserves as a way for populations to adapt to changing environments. With more variation, it is more likely that some individuals in a population will possess variations of ALLELES that are suited for the environment. Those individuals are more likely to survive to produce offspring bearing that allele. The population will continue for more generations because of the success of these individuals.
  • 11. The academic field of population genetics includes several hypotheses and theories regarding genetic diversity. The neutral theory of evolution proposes that diversity is the result of the accumulation of neutral substitutions. Diversifying selection is the hypothesis that two subpopulations of a species live in different environments that select for different alleles at a particular locus.
  • 12. How is Genetic Diversity Created? Mutations are alterations that occur in an individual's DNA. 02. Mutations can occur when errors are created while cells are copying DNA, similar to when a word is copied and the spelling is incorrect 03. The genetic diversity of a species is made up of these mutations. More and more errors are made throughout several generations, which increases the number of mutations. 04. However, occasionally these mutations might result in changes that are advantageous for a species. 01.
  • 13. IMPORTaNCE OF GENETIC DIvERSITY As a result of genetic diversity, the sensitive kinds perish while the ones that can adapt to changes thrive, which guarantees that a species will continue to exist in some form. Genetic diversity results in a person's ability to adapt to stress, illnesses, and unfavorable environmental situations as well as varied physical characteristics. Natural environmental changes or those brought on by human activity trigger the survival of the fittest and natural selection. Cross-breeding various genetic variants can result in new plant varieties that have desirable features like greater stress tolerance and disease resistance. Genetic diversity guarantees that a species will continue to exist in some form.
  • 14. Wild creatures now have less habitat and resources due to the growing human population and increased exploitation of natural resources. Numerous communities of wild animals and plants have shrunk or become more secluded throughout time. Numerous species have also experienced regional extinctions. Genetic diversity has decreased globally as a result of this. According to scientists, the genetic diversity of animals may have decreased globally during the Industrial Revolution by as much as 6%. Because of this, many species have a harder time adapting to new problems like pollution, climate change, and emerging diseases. More species may become unhealthy and require conservation measures if too much genetic diversity is lost. THREATs TOGENETICDIVERsITY
  • 15. GLOBaL INITIaTIvES CONCERNING GENETIC DIvERSITY In order for the post-2020 global biodiversity framework to be established at the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP 15) in October 2021, Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) are creating goals, targets, and indicators for genetic diversity. The Sustainable Development Goals and the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture are two other international agreements that address genetic diversity. The preservation of biological knowledge for the future is made possible by gene banks that save millions of seeds from throughout the world, botanical gardens that display stunning plant collections, and pastoralists who preserve old cattle breeds.
  • 16.
  • 18. Species Diversity “Species diversity is defined as the number of different species present in an ecosystem and relative abundance of each of those species.” In nature, species do not interbreed because they differ genetically from one another. However , closely related species share a lot of their inherited traits.
  • 19. For example, 98.4%of the genes in humans and chimps are similar. It is the proportion of a species' total population to all the species' combined total number of organisms in a given biome. "One" denotes the presence of just one species, while "zero" would indicate infinite diversity.
  • 20. T herearetwoconstituents of species diversity: Species richness: Number of different species present in an ecosystem. Tropical areas have greater species richness as the environment is conducive for a large number of species Species evenness:Relative abundance of individuals of each of those species. If the number of individuals within a species is fairly constant across communities, it is said to have a high evenness and if the number of individuals varies from species to species, it is said to have low evenness. High evenness leads to greater specific diversity
  • 21. • Generally, greater the species richness greater is the species diversity. • Alpha diversity refers to the average species diversity within a particular area, habitat, community or ecosystem. • It is measured by counting the number of taxa (distinct groups of animals) within the ecosystem. • Beta diversity is species diversity between ecosystems refers to the ratio between alpha diversity and regional diversity or comparison of taxa that are unique to each of the ecosystem. • Gamma diversity is the overall diversity for different ecosystems within a region or total diversity over a large area or region. 21
  • 22. Importance of Species Diversity Ina healthy ecosystem, diverse and balanced number of species exist to maintain the balance of an ecosystem. Inan ecosystem, all the species depend on each other directly or indirectly. So to make a more efficient, productive and sustainable ecosystem, it is important to maintain high species diversity. More diverse ecosystem tend to be more productive. E.g. the ecosystem with a great variety of producer species will produce large biomass to support a greater variety of consumer species Greater species richness and productivity makes an ecosystem more sustainable and stable
  • 23. In Species-rich communities, each species can use a different portion of resources available as per their requirement. E.g. plants with smaller roots can absorb water and minerals from shallow soil and plants with deeper roots can tap deeper soil Healthy biodiversity has innumerable benefits like nutrients storage and recycling, soil formation and protection from erosion, absorption of harmful gases, climate stability Humans get lots of product from nature like fruits, cereals, meat, wood, fibre, raisin, dyes, medicine, antibiotics, etc. Amazon forest is estimated to produce 20 percent of total oxygen in the earth’s atmosphere through photosynthesis
  • 24. Extinction: Extinction is the global loss of a species. Five mass extinctions have occurred in geological history, and extinction rates were particular high during these events. Earth is currently experiencing a sixth mass extinction, which is driven by human activities. Habitat Loss: Habitat loss includes habitat destruction, altering the physical environment such that a species can no longer live there, and habitat fragmentation, which involves dividing a habitat into discontinuous patches. T H REAT ST O SPECIES DIVERSITY
  • 25. Pollution: Pollution is the release of harmful chemicals or other materials into the environment. Some types of air pollution results in acid deposition and climate change. Nutrient pollution of water bodies due to fertilizer overuse results in eutrophication. Measuresof BiodiversityLoss: A common means of assessing biodiversity loss involves classifying species based on extinction risk. The Red List includes nine such categories. The species at greatest risk of extinction are called critically endangered, followed by endangered, vulnerable, and near threatened species.
  • 26. Each species has an important role to play in an ecosystem. It is important to conserve diversity because once extinct, we can not get it back. There are many ways to conserve biodiversity: Biodiversity rich regions are protected as biosphere reserves, national parks and sanctuaries i.e. called in-situ conservation. Protecting Sunderbans for many endangered species like the royal Bengal tiger, olive ridley sea turtles, mangrove species etc. Biodiversity hotspots have been identified, which have high species richness. Total of 34 hotspots are identified globally e.g. Western ghats and Sri Lanka, Indo-Burma and Himalaya are rich biodiversity regions of our country Conservation of Species Diversity
  • 27. India has a tradition of protecting nature. In many cultures, trees and wildlife are given full protection e.g. sacred groves Ex-situ conversation, where threatened and endangered species are identified, taken out and given full protection and kept in special reserves like botanical gardens, wildlife safari, etc. Gametes of threatened species are preserved by cryopreservation techniques Seeds of commercially important plants are kept in the seed bank
  • 28.
  • 29. 1.An Ecosystem consists of organisms from different species Living together in a region and their connections through the flow of energy, nutrients and matter. 2.Ecosystem Diversity is the intricate network of different species present in different local ecosystems and the dynamic interplay between them. 3.Plants use energy from sun and nutrients from surrounding to grow. Herbivorous animals eath these plants and grow, carnivorous animals eat other animals and grow. When these animals die, the fungi and microbes decompose them and return the nutrients back to the environment. 4.Thus every such environment is unique, with unique sets of animals, plants nutrients, and sun or other weather and climatic conditions. 5.A same ecosystem goes through different phases, cycles during the year when the weather and climatic cycle changes play important role in maintaining the state of an ecosystem for a definite period of time which seasonal. Ecosystem Diversity
  • 31. ECOSYSTEMS MACRO • Macro Ecosystems – Examples of ecosystems rich in diversity – • Deserts Hot and Dry Deserts (Sahara Desert) Semi-Arid Deserts Coastal Deserts (Gulf regions) Cold Deserts (Polar regions) • Forests Tropical Forests (between Tropics of Cancer and a capricon Evergreen Rainforest Tropical Moist Forest Tropical Dry Forest Mangroves (Coastal Tropical Forests) Temperate Forests (usually at mid latitudes) Deciduous Forests (loose their leaves during cold winter) Coniferous Forests (Conical shaped trees) Boreal Forests
  • 32. ECOSYSTEMS • Large Marine Ecosystems • Open Marine Ecosystem (Open Seas near surfaces a few metres depth) • Deep Sea Marine Ecosystem (upto 1000 meters of depth) • Coral Reef Marine Ecosystem • Saltwater Wetland Marine Ecosystem (migratory birds, grass, swamp places) • Estuary Marine Ecosystem (where river meets the sea) • Sandy Beach Ecosystem • Kelp Forest Marine Ecosystem (cooler waters) • Polar Marine Ecosystem • Rocky Marine Ecosystem (rock shores, rock cliffs, boulders , tide pools) MACRO
  • 33. IMPORTANCE OF ECOSYSTEM DIVERSITY Ecosystem diversity is important for maintaining the balance of an ecosystem. Different ecosystems have different roles and functions, and a diverse range of ecosystems helps to ensure that an ecosystem can survive and thrive. Ecosystem diversity is also important for providing us with a variety of resources, such as food, medicine, and shelter. A diverse range of ecosystems means that we have a greater variety of resources to choose from.
  • 34.
  • 35. Importance of Biodiversit y Ecological Role of Biodiversity Economical Role of Biodiversity Scientific Role of Biodiversity Ethical Importance 1. 2. 3. 4.
  • 36. Each species of biodiversity has an important role in the ecosystem, in addition to maintaining the ecological balance in the surrounding area. They have a significant impact on the creation and breakdown of organic wastes, the removal of atmospheric gases, and the control of water and nutrients across the ecosystem. With greater species diversity, the environment is more stable. They produce and decompose organic matter as well as capture and store energy. The ecosystem provides services that humans cannot live without. A diverse ecosystem is more productive and more resilient to environmental stress. Ecological Role Of Biodiversity
  • 37. Biodiversity is a resource reservoir for the production of food, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. In addition to serving as a source of energy, biodiversity plays a significant role in providing the raw materials for industrial goods like paper, rubber, wax, oils, lubricants, fragrances, and dyes. Crops, livestock, fishery, and forests are all excellent food sources. For medicinal purposes, wild plants such as Cinchona and Foxglove plant are used. Plant species provide wood, fibres, perfumes, lubricants, rubber, resins, poison, and cork. Tourism is generated by national parks and sanctuaries. Since ancient times, several plant species have been valued for their therapeutic properties. More than 70% of anti-cancer medications, it has been said, come from plants found in tropical rainforests. Economical Role of biodiversity
  • 38. Scientific Role of Biodiversity Biodiversity has scientific relevance because it enables scientists to undertake experiments and studies on the DNA of plants and animals in order to generate new crops and therapies. Additionally, it permits scientists to deduce facts regarding the evolution of certain species of life. Humans expand their knowledge through scientific research on a variety of animals and plants.
  • 39. Every species has the right to exist Humans should not be responsible for their voluntary extinction. Biodiversity protects various cultures and spiritual heritage. Ethical Importance
  • 40. "The Evil Quartet" is a term used to describe the four main reasons for diversity loss. Threats to Biodiversity Habitat Loss and Fragmentation: Habitat loss and fragmentation are key contributors to the loss of species diversity and the extinction of plants and animals. These factors include pollution, urbanization, and a variety of other human activities. For instance, the Amazon rainforest (the planet's lungs), which is home to millions of species, is being cut down and removed for a variety of reasons. Tropical rainforest, which once spanned 14% of the landmass, now only makes up about 6% of it. Overexploitation: Excessive use of natural resources causes many species to go extinct. For instance, the passenger pigeon, Steller's sea cow, and several marine fish are overfished.
  • 41. Alien Species Invasions: Some alien species that are purposely or accidentally introduced can become invasive and wipe out native species. For instance, the extinction of cichlid fish in Lake Victoria because the Nile perch was introduced The indigenous catfish in rivers are in danger due to the illegal introduction of African catfish. Co-extinctions: Co-extinctions occur when two species that are related to one another go extinct at the same time. For instance, a parasite may become extinct along with its host fish.a When one species goes extinct, it also causes the extinction of other species, just like a plant-pollinator.
  • 42. Conservation of Biodiversity Biodiversity conservation is the protection and management of biodiversity to obtain resources for sustainable development.
  • 43. IN-SITU EX-SITU Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity involves the breeding and maintenance of endangered species in artificial ecosystems such as zoos, nurseries, botanical gardens, gene banks, etc. There is less competition for food, water and space among the organisms. Ex-situ conservation has the following advantages: 1.The animals are provided with a longer time and breeding activity. 2.The species bred in captivity can be reintroduced in the wild. 3.Genetic techniques can be used for the preservation of endangered species. In-situ conservation of biodiversity is the conservation of species within their natural habitat. In this method, the natural ecosystem is maintained and protected. The in-situ conservation has several advantages. Following are the important advantages of in-situ conservation: 1.It is a cost-effective and convenient method of conserving biodiversity. 2.A large number of living organisms can be conserved simultaneously. 3.Since the organisms are in a natural ecosystem, they can evolve better and can easily adjust to different environmental conditions. Certain protected areas where in-situ conservation takes place include national parks, wildlife sanctuaries and biosphere reserves.
  • 44. All the varieties of food, timber plants, livestock, microbes and agricultural animals should be conserved. All the economically important organisms should be identified and conserved. Unique ecosystems should be preserved first. The resources should be utilized efficiently. Poaching and hunting of wild animals should be prevented. The reserves and protected areas should be developed carefully. The levels of pollutants should be reduced in the environment. Deforestation should be strictly prohibited. Environmental laws should be followed strictly. The useful and endangered species of plants and animals should be conserved in their nature as well as artificial habitats. Public awareness should be created regarding biodiversity conservation and its importance. Small steps towards Biodiversity Conservation
  • 45. 24.46% Biodiversity in India India is one of the most diverse nations in the world. It ranks ninth in terms of plant species richness. Two of the world’s 25 biodiversity hotspots are found in India. It is the origin of important crop species such as pigeon pea, eggplant, cucumber, cotton and sesame. India is also a centre of various domesticated species such as millets, cereals, legumes, vegetables, medicinal and aromatic crops, etc. Geographical area covered by forests and trees. 38.8% Arid and semi-arid regions 5.62% Cold arid zone located in the Trans-Himalayan region
  • 46. As we have seen, biodiversity identifies the richness of every type of life on our planet and its reference unit is constituted by the species, that is, a set of organisms capable of exchanging genetic material. Species live in relationship with each other and in constant balance to ensure optimal living conditions on Earth. It represents a fragile balance that is increasingly threatened by the presence and invasion of human activities. With this presentation of ours ,We hope that the topic ,"Levels Of Biodiversity-Genetics, Species & Ecosystem Diversity" has been understood properly . CONCLUSION
  • 47. 1.What are the 2 types of species diversity? 2. What is Biodiversity a) It is environmental science c) It is varieties of life on earth b) It is subject in biology d) is distinction in biology subject QUESTIOns
  • 48. 3. Biodiversity helps to maintain the food chain A)TRUE B)FALSE 4. Q-5. ___________biodiversity related to habitat in an area? a) Genetic b) Ecosystem c) Species d) All of above QUESTIOns
  • 49. ANSWERS 1. Species richness AND Species evenness 2. c) It is varieties of life on earth 3. a)TRUE 4. b) Ecosystem