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1. Catalog Description
This 9 week course is based on best practice designed to help teachers to create a cogent program
that integrates a variety of technological resources. Participants will learn how to use technology
to promote the development of concepts, to build knowledge and skills, to engage learners in
critical thinking and to foster collaboration. Students will learn a variety of Web 2.0 tools that
will be used to research and influence a unit of curriculum. The tools will be utilized within the
unit and help with the assessment of the unit.
2. Catalog Overview
Students will walk through a sequential process of learning how to learn and teach with
technology that will expand upon their own personal learning strategies, their use of technology
within their classroom, and how technology can improve education as a whole. The course will
be broken into five phases. Phase one is archiving, sharing, and organization. Students will
learn how to save, share, and organize information on the web for professional and class use.
Phase two is Media Literacy or how to find new media resources to incorporate in class. Phase
three is Information Literacy including advance research and evaluation techniques. Phase four
is reflection and collaboration in the digital age using blogs, wikis, multimedia podcasts, and
screencasts (Read/Write Web). Phase five is participation for learning. Students will learn about
the value of building a personal learning network using social media networks like Ning,
Facebook, and Twitter. Upon completion of this course, students will have built a foundation of
learning that will provide them with a new context with which to utilize technology in the
learning process. The final product of the learning experience will be a technology infused unit
of curriculum that incorporates the use of a variety of technology tools including: tagging,
Delicious, Diigo, Creative Commons copyright, RSS readers, custom search engines, website
evaluation resources, advance search, blogs, wikis, podcasts, video sites, screencasts, multimedia
presentation tools, and social networks.
3. Student Learning Objectives:
As a result of this course, participants will be able to:
• Select appropriate uses of technology in the classroom.
• Identify a gap between student performance and NETS; then create a unit of study to
address that gap.
• Use the latest technology tools to present material, create activities and assess student
• Create and implement learning activities that enhance the identified NETS for students.
• Enhance current teaching practices via the NETS for teachers.
1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
4. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility
5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership
Course Number:
Course Title:
Building a Technology Tool Belt
Maximizing the potential of technology in the classroom
9 Week Course 3 Semester Hours Graduate Credit
Christopher Polizzi
4. Teaching Method/Class Format
The majority of class time will be working with technology in a hands-on lab setting. Some
direct instruction will be followed immediately by application of the new skill. Instruction will
be differentiated as needed, to meet the needs of the group. Small flexible groups will be created
as needed to explore the emerging technologies and learning processes.
Class meetings will involve a combination of presentation, discussion, hands-on laboratory, and
personal reflection. In addition, students are encouraged to participate in class discussion. Each
student will have access to a computer connected to the Internet as well as an opportunity to use
various other pieces of multimedia technology including an LCD projector connected to a
5. Provided Texts and Required Readings
The Horizon Report (2010). Emerging technologies likely to have considerable impact on
teaching, learning, and creative expression within higher education. Retrieved April 21,
2010 from
ISTE. (2008). National Educational Technology Standards. Retrieved February 9, 2010 from
US Department of Education National Educational Technology Plan. American Education:
Learning Powered by Technology. Retrieved April 21, 2010 from
Hogan, K. (Ed.). (2010). Tech and Learning Magazine (Several current articles)
Bushweller, K. (Ed.). (2010) Digital Directions. Education Week, (Several current articles)
Other Suggested Texts:
Brooks-Young, S. (2007). Digital-Age Literacy for Teachers Applying Technology Standards to
Everyday Practice. Washington D.C.: Intl Society for Technology in.
Brooks-Young, Susan. Making Technology Standards Work for You: a Guide to the NETS-A for
School Administrators with Self-assessment Activities. Eugene, Or.: International Society
for Technology in Education, 2009. Print.
Coyle, D. (2009). The Talent Code: Greatness Isn't Born. It's Grown. Here's How. New York,
NY: Bantam Dell.
November, A. (2009). Web Literacy for Educators. Thousand Oaks, California: Corwin Press.
Richardson, W. (2009). Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms.
Thousand Oaks, California: Corwin Press.
Tapscott, D. (2009). Grown up digital how the net generation is changing your world. New
York: McGraw-Hill.
Warlick, D. (2004). Redifing Literacy for the 21st
Century. New York: Linworth Publishing.
6. Units of Work
Phase 1: Foundational work on the overall scope and sequence of the course. Implementation
of the foundational skill of Archiving as phase one. The invention of the web has created a new
Dewey Decimal System. This first phase will go over how to archive, share, and organize the
abundance of information on the web to find current and relevant information for personal
development and classroom use. The web organization “tagging” will be discussed as well as
tools to perform this organization.
Week One
1. Introduction to the course.
2. Set up a website to create a technology integrated curriculum unit.
3. Presentation on the impact of Archiving and what that means for online learning today.
4. Take control of the abundance of information online.
5. Signup, overview, and implementation of
6. Assignment #1 Overview - Archiving tool and participation in classroom unit archive.
Week Two
7. Signup, overview, and implementation of
8. Demonstration of the capabilities of
9. Assessment of Assignment #1 - Archiving tool and participation in classroom unit
10. Introduction into Media Literacy, phase.
11. Assignment #2 – Set up a collaborative wiki classroom assignment using (10 Points).
NETS Standards Addressed:
1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
2. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
3. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership
Phase 2: Implementation of Media Literacy, phase two while emphasizing the overlap with
Archiving or phase one. Media Literacy is the ability to find accurate, relevant, current,
informative resources from old and new media to foster learning on a topic. Examples of new
media are websites, blogs, podcasts, social networks, and video sites. New media resources will
be organized using an RSS feed online “reader”.
Week Three
1. Sharing and follow-up from phase one.
2. Presentation on the overlap and conjunction of Archiving and Media Literacy.
3. Assignment #3 - Development of online RSS feed “reader”; feed will contain unit
information/research for students.
4. Installation, signup, and implementation of Google Reader.
5. Compare Google Reader with or
Week Four
6. Sharing of Archiving techniques in conjunction with Media Literacy.
7. Demonstration of the power of video and podcasts in the learning process.
8. Practice collecting, sharing, and utilizing online video and podcasts.
9. Assessment of Assignment #3 - Informal demonstration of their online “reading tool of
choice” - Development of Online “Reader”.
10. Assignment #4 – Persuasive Blog Post (10 Points)
NETS Standards Addressed:
1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
2. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
3. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership
Phase 3: Implementation of the Research phase three or Information Literacy portion of the
course. Information Literacy includes advance web search techniques and website evaluation.
Research has taken on a completely new meaning because of phase one, Archiving, and phase
two, Media Literacy. Students will learn how to set up Custom Search Engines for their
classrooms and search more effectively with advance techniques. Can “new media” resources
like blogs and podcasts serve as a research source? How does Wikipedia and copyright fall into
the research process?
Week Five
1. Sharing and follow-up from the Media Literacy phase.
2. Presentation on Wikipedia and Creative Commons Copyright.
3. Find Creative Commons materials for classroom use.
4. Presentations on the Google Empire and taking advantage of all they have to offer for
Week Six
5. Demonstration of moderate and advanced research techniques within Google.
6. Practice research techniques while utilizing Archiving and Media Literacy skills.
7. Introduction of final assessment.
8. Demonstration of Voicethread – Voicethread Assignment #5 (10 Points).
NETS Standards Addressed:
1. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
2. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility
3. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership
Phase 4: Phase four is Reflection and Collaboration the Digital Age. This phase is focused on
evaluating the learning process and choosing the best path moving forward. The foundational
skills provided in the first three phases are essential to establishing quality reflections. How can
a teacher grow and classroom learning flourish using blogs, wikis, screencasts, and multimedia
reflection tools. What implications does the Read/Write Web have on the classroom?
Week Seven
1. Sharing and follow-up from the core foundational skills of Archiving, Media Literacy,
and Information Literacy and Search in Research.
2. Demonstration of,,, and a
few other possibilities. Review of as a collaboration, planning,
reflection, learning, assessment tool.
3. Installation, signup, and implementation of student’s chosen tool;,,,, and others.
4. Development of reflection tool of choice.
5. Assign Part 1 of Assignment #7 Blog Reflection.
Week Eight
6. Demonstration of Screencasts and other Multimedia Reflection Tools.
7. Students create a Multimedia/Screencast Reflection “How To” – Assignment #6 –
Demonstration of a Multimedia Reflection.
8. Signup and introduction to
9. Signup and introduction to
10. Student work time and group tuning on Final Presentations.
11. Assign Part 2 of Assignment #7 Blog Reflection.
NETS Standards Addressed:
1. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
2. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
3. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility
4. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership
Phase 5: The final phase is Participation and building a Personal/Professional Learning
Network. This phase is critical for expanding upon one’s understanding of technology’s creative
possibilities within education. Those that have a foundation in the core skills should be more
effective participants within the online learning community. Can social networks keep teachers
up to date consistently receiving professional development?
Week Nine
1. Sharing and follow-up of the Reflection phase.
2. Presentation on Personal Learning Networks.
3. Practice utilizing, or as a learning and teaching tool.
4. Assess Participation in online, class group discussions, and social networking component
for Assignment #8 and #9. How can social networks create a better teacher? Why is it
important for students to learn about social networks?
5. Students will present their final curriculum unit presentation.
NETS Standards Addressed:
1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning
7. Class Assignments
1. Creation of archiving tool and participation in group archive. (10 Points)
2. Group written collaborative essay. (10 Points)
3. Development of online “reader”. (10 Points)
4. Persuasive blog post. (10 Points)
5. Voicethread (10 Points)
6. Demonstration of a multimedia reflection tool. (5 Points)
7. Blog reflection. (10 Points)
8. Participation in social networking component. (10 Points)
9. Participation in online and class group discussions. (10 Points)
10. Creation and final presentation of a technology influenced curriculum unit. (15 Points)
8. Evaluation and Grading Procedures
Grade Points
A 92 - 100
B 83 – 91
C 74 - 82
F 73 points
and below
Assignment Directions and Rubrics:
Assignment #1 - Creation of Archiving Tool (10 Points)
(10 % of Overall Grade)
1. Each student will create a Delicious and Diigo account per directions supplied by the
2. Find sites that are of interest to your personal learning or for classroom use. As you
find sites of interest, use the list of features and collaborative techniques for Delicious
and Diigo that were supplied by the instructor.
3. Be prepared to demonstrate the list of features and collaborative tasks.
Criteria 4 2 0
Signup Student successfully
signed up for the tool
Student was unsuccessful in
signing up for the tool.
of Features
advanced techniques
of the assigned tool.
demonstrated basic
techniques of the
assigned tool.
Student cannot demonstrate even
basic use of the assigned tool.
demonstrated basic
Student did not demonstrate basic
collaboration techniques.
Assignment #2 - Set up a collaborative wiki classroom assignment using
(10 Points)
(10% of Overall Grade)
1. Each student will set up a wiki for their classroom. After assigning usernames and
passwords for students assign an assignment where work is posted on the class wiki.
2. The wiki assignment should be collaborative in nature and utilize features of wikispaces..
Criteria 4 3 2 0
Set up of wiki A wikispace wiki is
set up and utilized
with a classroom of
students. All
students have
usernames and
passwords. The wiki
is customized to
serve the class.
A class wiki is set up
and most students
are assigned
passwords and
usernames. The wiki
is customized a little
to fit the teacher’s
A class wiki is set up
but most students are
not given usernames
and passwords. The
class wiki theme is
generic and not
formatted for the
A class is wiki is not
set up.
Student work
in wiki
Students are engage
and participate in the
wiki assignment.
The assignment is
collaborative and
makes use of wiki
Students participate
in wiki assignment.
The assignment
fosters some
Most students do not
participate in the
wiki. The wiki
assignment is not
collaborative. The
assignment is not
improved with the
use of a wiki.
A wiki assignment is
not created.
Assignment #3 – Development of Online Reader (10 Points)
(10% of Overall Grade)
1. Each student will sign up for a Google Reader and account after
the demonstration of both of these tools.
2. The students will all subscribe to the provided list of educational blogs/podcasts/videos.
3. Students will proceed through the provided checklist of techniques for using these
4. Be prepared to demonstrate the list of features, and sites found for their students’ curriculum
Criteria 4 3 2 0
Student successfully
signed up for the tool
Student was
unsuccessful in
signing up for the
of Features
advanced techniques
of the assigned tool.
demonstrated basic
techniques of the
assigned tool.
Student has an
account but did not
meet the minimum
requirements of
using the tool.
Student cannot
demonstrate even
basic use of the
assigned tool.
Websites for
Students find and
subscribe through a
reader to websites,
videos, and podcasts
pertaining to their
curriculum unit.
Students find and
subscribe to
websites, podcasts,
or videos but not all
Students find and
subscribe to some
websites, podcasts,
or videos pertaining
to their unit of
Student do not
subscribe to any
podcasts, websites,
or videos.
Assignment #4 – Persuasive Essay Blog Post (10 Points)
(10% of Overall Grade)
1. Each student will write an extensive persuasive blog post with the purpose of explaining
the importance of the Media Literacy and the use of sites like Wikipedia and blogs.
2. The students should include examples of these resources that can benefit their personal
learning and classrooms as well.
3. Finally, students need to clearly explain how media literacy and archiving overlap.
Criteria 4 3 2 0
of Concepts
The essay
demonstrates a
sound understanding
of media literacy and
how these skills
might be utilized in
the learning process
for themselves and
or their students in
their classrooms.
The essay
demonstrates a
sound understanding
of media literacy.
The essay
demonstrates a
sound understanding
of a single media
The student did not
demonstrate an
understanding of any
of the forms of
media shared in
Examples of
different forms of
media are provided
that represents areas
of learning within
their personal
learning or their
Examples were not
Evidence of
understanding of the
overlapping of the
archiving phase and
media literacy phase
was provided.
There is no evidence
provided of
understanding the
overlapping of the
archiving phase with
the media literacy
The essay has less
than 2 grammar or
spelling errors.
There are more than
2 spelling and or
grammar errors.
Assignment #5 –Voicethread (10 Points)
(10% of Overall Grade)
1. Each student will create a Voicethread to use with their unit in the classroom.
2. Students will leave at least 1 comment on 3 or more slides of the Voicethread.
Criteria 4 2 0
Evidence of
using the
Technology N/A
Student successfully
creates a
Voicethread for their
classroom reflecting
on their unit of
The teacher was
unsuccessful in their
attempt to create a
Quantity of
Most students
actively participate
in the Voicethread
Some students
actively participate
in the Voicethread
No students actively
participate in the
Quality of the
The majority of the
student’s comments
contributed to the
overall discussion by
sparking more
interest, questioning,
and thought.
The majority of the
comments left
contributed to
creating a positive
atmosphere of the
online activity. The
comments could
have been more
engaging to push the
discussion further.
Comments provided
made a minimal
impact on the overall
discussion of the
Assignment #6 – Demonstration of a Multimedia/Screencast Reflection Tool (5 Points)
(5% of Overall Grade)
1. Each student will create a short multimedia reflection using one tool from a list
provided by the instructor.
2. The reflection tool will be used to reflect on the learning process.
3. The student should address why they chose the tool that they did for this reflection
and whether or not this was an effective tool to use. Would they use this tool in the
future and is this a tool that can be used within their classrooms in some fashion?
Criteria 3 2 0
Quality of
Ideas and
The student’s
demonstration adds
to the overall
understanding of
their classes
understanding of a
topic in the
curriculum unit. The
quality of the
reflection was very
clear and easily
The student’s
demonstration adds
to the overall
understanding of
their classes
understanding of a
topic in the
curriculum unit.
The student’s
demonstration did
not add to the overall
understanding of
their classes
understanding of a
topic in the
curriculum unit.
Choice of
Tool and
The tool chosen
reflects the purpose
of the demonstration.
The student was able
to complete a multi-
media reflection.
The tool chosen was
confusing and or a
demonstration was
not created.
Assignment #7 – Blog Reflection (10 Points)
(10% of Overall Grade)
1. Each student will create a blog from a list of provided resources from the instructor or
they will use their existing blog.
2. The students are to write a blog entry that reflects on the learning in class.
3. The reflection needs to address the overlapping nature of Archiving, Media Literacy, and
Information Literacy.
4. Examples need to be provided from their own learning through the course while also
addressing ways to further their personal learning moving forward or aspects of this
knowledge that can improve their classrooms.
Criteria 3 2 0
Quality of
Ideas and
The blog entry contains
substantial information for the
reader. The entry addresses an
overall reflection. The blog
entry also clearly addresses the
overlapping nature of the core
skills Archiving, Media
Literacy, and Information
The blog entry
information for the
reader. The blog
entry focuses on a
singular idea.
The blog entry does not
reflect original ideas.
The blog entry went beyond the
basic understanding of blogs by
talking in depth about the
difference in blogging vs.
traditional writing. Extensive
examples were provided that
include teacher, classroom and
company blogs. Example uses
of these resources within their
personal learning and or how
this will impact their
classrooms was also included.
examples were
provided that
include teacher,
classroom and
company blogs.
Examples were not
Evidence of
understanding why
the Reflection
phase is valuable.
There is no evidence
provided understanding
why the Reflection phase
is valuable.
The blog entry has
no spelling or
grammar errors.
There is a spelling or
grammar error.
Assignment #8 – Social Networking (10 Points)
(10% of Overall Grade)
1. Each student will create a account and join the short list of NINGS provided
by the instructor.
2. Each student will create a or account.
3. A blog entry should focus on positive and negative aspects of social networking within
the context of a personal / professional learning network. How can social networks help
teachers? Why should students learn about social networks?
4. Examples of what the students have learned about social / professional networks and
information learned from within these tools should be included within the blog entry.
5. Finally, students should make an argument for or against having teachers learn about
social / professional learning networks.
Criteria 3 2 0
Quality of
Ideas and
The blog entry contains
substantial information
for the reader. The entry
addresses an overall
understanding about the
positive and negative
aspects of social
networking in the
learning process and
within the context of a
personal / professional
learning network.
The blog entry contains
substantial information
for the reader. The entry
addresses the positive
and negative aspects of
social networking.
The blog entry has a
narrow focus on social
networking that does not
provide for expanding
upon the basics of social
Examples of the different
forms of media are
provided that represents
areas of learning within
their personal learning or
their classroom
A single example was
provided on how the
student can enhance their
personal learning or their
students in their
Examples were not
Evidence of
understanding of why the
Reflection phase is
important in the learning
There is no evidence
provided of the
understanding why the
Reflection phase is
important in the learning
The blog entry has no
spelling or grammar
There is a spelling or
grammar error.
Assignment #9 - Participation in Online and Class Group Discussions. (5 Points)
(10% of Overall Grade)
1. Participation will be assessed through the course of the class.
2. The student will submit links to at least 5 examples of their participation within their
new social / professional learning network via an online form provided by the
Criteria Scoring
Class Work Awarded by teacher.
(5 points maximum)
Sharing Student identifies 5 online participation experiences to share out as examples of their
overall online work. (2 Points)
Quality of the
The student’s work added to the
discussion while encouraging further
reflection by other’s in the community.
(1 Point for each Example Provided)
One point will be awarded for each
example that contributes positively to
the community, advances the discussion
further, and adds follow up questions for
the community to address.
(3 Points Total)
The student added to the discussions but the
discussion was
not pushed further. (0 Points)
Assignment #10 – Final Presentation of Technology Influenced Curriculum Unit
(15 Points) (15% of Overall Grade)
1. Each student will create a final presentation of a curriculum unit posted on a website.
2. The curriculum unit must be influenced by the technology tools learned, utilize the
technology tools learned and be assessed with the technology tools learned.
3. The presentation will demonstrate an understanding of the tools introduced in class and
an understanding of the NETS Standards.
4. Students asked to identify how each of the phases overlap and are used in their unit.
5. Provide examples for all of the different phases for your personal learning and for ways
in which this might impact your classrooms.
6. Presentation units will be presented and posted online.
7. Students must offer a reflection of what was learned when the curriculum unit was
integrated into their classroom.
Criteria 3 2 1 0
Knowledge The final assignment reflects an
excellent understanding of
Archiving, Media and Information
Literacy and how each of the areas
overlaps and fits within the context
of lifelong learning and curriculum
The final assignment
reflects an excellent
understanding of
Archiving, Media and
Information Literacy.
The final
assignment reflects
understanding of
some Archiving,
Media and
The final assignment
does not reflect an
understanding of
Archiving, Media and
Information Literacy.
Examples Many examples were provided on
all phases and provide evidence of
learning for him or herself or how
they perceive future learning within
the context of their classrooms.
Many examples were
provided on all
Examples were
provided on some
aspect of the
Examples were not
Visual(s) / Student used visuals to reinforce
screen text and presentation.
Visuals related to text
and presentation.
occasionally used
visuals that rarely
support text and
Student used no visuals.
Organization Student presents information in
logical, interesting sequence that the
audience can follow.
Student presents
information in logical
sequence that the
audience can follow.
Audience has
difficulty following
because student
jumps around.
Audience cannot
understand presentation
because there is no
sequence of information.
Conventions Presentation has no misspellings or
grammatical errors.
Presentation has no
more than two
misspellings and/or
grammatical errors.
Presentation had
three misspellings
and/or grammatical
Student's presentation
had four or more spelling
errors and/or
grammatical errors.
9. Bibliography
Brooks-Young, S. (2007). Digital-Age Literacy for Teachers Applying Technology Standards to
Everyday Practice. Washington D.C.: Intl Society for Technology in.
Coyle, D. (2009). The Talent Code: Greatness Isn't Born. It's Grown. Here's How. New York,
NY: Bantam Dell.
The Horizon Report (2010). Emerging technologies likely to have considerable impact on
teaching, learning, and creative expression within higher education. Retrieved April 21,
2010 from
US Department of Education National Educational Technology Plan. American Education:
Learning Powered by Technology. Retrieved April 21, 2010 from
ISTE. (2008). National Educational Technology Standards. Retrieved February 9, 2010 from
Solomon, G., & Schrum, L. (2007). Web 2.0 New Tools, New Schools. Washington D.C.: Intl
Society for Technology in.
Tapscott, D. (2009). Grown up digital how the net generation is changing your world. New
York: McGraw-Hill.
Transforming classroom practice professional development strategies in educational technology.
(2008). Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in Education.
Williamson, J. (2009). ISTE's technology facilitation and leadership standards what every K-12
technologist should know and be able to do. Eugene, Or: International Society for
Technology in Education.
10. Attendance Policy
Attendance at all sessions is required. Missing any part of the class could result in not receiving
credit. Make-up and acceptance of late work will be solely at the discretion of the instructor
and/or Intermediate Delivery System consultant.
11. Academic Honesty and Integrity Statement
Students are expected to maintain academic honesty and integrity as students of ____ by doing
their own work to the best of their ability. Academic dishonesty (cheating, fabrication,
plagiarism, etc.) will result in the student’s receiving a zero for that test, assignment, or paper.
12. Final Examination Policy
There is no final examination; students’ reflective writing, final presentation, will be the
culminating activities for credit.

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Learning and teaching with tech 9 week syllabus

  • 1. 1. Catalog Description This 9 week course is based on best practice designed to help teachers to create a cogent program that integrates a variety of technological resources. Participants will learn how to use technology to promote the development of concepts, to build knowledge and skills, to engage learners in critical thinking and to foster collaboration. Students will learn a variety of Web 2.0 tools that will be used to research and influence a unit of curriculum. The tools will be utilized within the unit and help with the assessment of the unit. 2. Catalog Overview Students will walk through a sequential process of learning how to learn and teach with technology that will expand upon their own personal learning strategies, their use of technology within their classroom, and how technology can improve education as a whole. The course will be broken into five phases. Phase one is archiving, sharing, and organization. Students will learn how to save, share, and organize information on the web for professional and class use. Phase two is Media Literacy or how to find new media resources to incorporate in class. Phase three is Information Literacy including advance research and evaluation techniques. Phase four is reflection and collaboration in the digital age using blogs, wikis, multimedia podcasts, and screencasts (Read/Write Web). Phase five is participation for learning. Students will learn about the value of building a personal learning network using social media networks like Ning, Facebook, and Twitter. Upon completion of this course, students will have built a foundation of learning that will provide them with a new context with which to utilize technology in the learning process. The final product of the learning experience will be a technology infused unit of curriculum that incorporates the use of a variety of technology tools including: tagging, Delicious, Diigo, Creative Commons copyright, RSS readers, custom search engines, website evaluation resources, advance search, blogs, wikis, podcasts, video sites, screencasts, multimedia presentation tools, and social networks. 3. Student Learning Objectives: As a result of this course, participants will be able to: • Select appropriate uses of technology in the classroom. • Identify a gap between student performance and NETS; then create a unit of study to address that gap. • Use the latest technology tools to present material, create activities and assess student achievement. • Create and implement learning activities that enhance the identified NETS for students. • Enhance current teaching practices via the NETS for teachers. 1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity 2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments 3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning 4. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility 5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership 1 Course Number: Course Title: Building a Technology Tool Belt Maximizing the potential of technology in the classroom 9 Week Course 3 Semester Hours Graduate Credit Christopher Polizzi
  • 2. 4. Teaching Method/Class Format The majority of class time will be working with technology in a hands-on lab setting. Some direct instruction will be followed immediately by application of the new skill. Instruction will be differentiated as needed, to meet the needs of the group. Small flexible groups will be created as needed to explore the emerging technologies and learning processes. Class meetings will involve a combination of presentation, discussion, hands-on laboratory, and personal reflection. In addition, students are encouraged to participate in class discussion. Each student will have access to a computer connected to the Internet as well as an opportunity to use various other pieces of multimedia technology including an LCD projector connected to a computer. 5. Provided Texts and Required Readings The Horizon Report (2010). Emerging technologies likely to have considerable impact on teaching, learning, and creative expression within higher education. Retrieved April 21, 2010 from ISTE. (2008). National Educational Technology Standards. Retrieved February 9, 2010 from US Department of Education National Educational Technology Plan. American Education: Learning Powered by Technology. Retrieved April 21, 2010 from Hogan, K. (Ed.). (2010). Tech and Learning Magazine (Several current articles) Bushweller, K. (Ed.). (2010) Digital Directions. Education Week, (Several current articles) Other Suggested Texts: Brooks-Young, S. (2007). Digital-Age Literacy for Teachers Applying Technology Standards to Everyday Practice. Washington D.C.: Intl Society for Technology in. Brooks-Young, Susan. Making Technology Standards Work for You: a Guide to the NETS-A for School Administrators with Self-assessment Activities. Eugene, Or.: International Society for Technology in Education, 2009. Print. Coyle, D. (2009). The Talent Code: Greatness Isn't Born. It's Grown. Here's How. New York, NY: Bantam Dell. November, A. (2009). Web Literacy for Educators. Thousand Oaks, California: Corwin Press. Richardson, W. (2009). Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms. Thousand Oaks, California: Corwin Press. Tapscott, D. (2009). Grown up digital how the net generation is changing your world. New York: McGraw-Hill. Warlick, D. (2004). Redifing Literacy for the 21st Century. New York: Linworth Publishing. 2
  • 3. 6. Units of Work Phase 1: Foundational work on the overall scope and sequence of the course. Implementation of the foundational skill of Archiving as phase one. The invention of the web has created a new Dewey Decimal System. This first phase will go over how to archive, share, and organize the abundance of information on the web to find current and relevant information for personal development and classroom use. The web organization “tagging” will be discussed as well as tools to perform this organization. Activities: Week One 1. Introduction to the course. 2. Set up a website to create a technology integrated curriculum unit. 3. Presentation on the impact of Archiving and what that means for online learning today. 4. Take control of the abundance of information online. 5. Signup, overview, and implementation of 6. Assignment #1 Overview - Archiving tool and participation in classroom unit archive. Week Two 7. Signup, overview, and implementation of 8. Demonstration of the capabilities of 9. Assessment of Assignment #1 - Archiving tool and participation in classroom unit archive. 10. Introduction into Media Literacy, phase. 11. Assignment #2 – Set up a collaborative wiki classroom assignment using (10 Points). NETS Standards Addressed: 1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity 2. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning 3. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership Phase 2: Implementation of Media Literacy, phase two while emphasizing the overlap with Archiving or phase one. Media Literacy is the ability to find accurate, relevant, current, informative resources from old and new media to foster learning on a topic. Examples of new media are websites, blogs, podcasts, social networks, and video sites. New media resources will be organized using an RSS feed online “reader”. 3
  • 4. Activities: Week Three 1. Sharing and follow-up from phase one. 2. Presentation on the overlap and conjunction of Archiving and Media Literacy. 3. Assignment #3 - Development of online RSS feed “reader”; feed will contain unit information/research for students. 4. Installation, signup, and implementation of Google Reader. 5. Compare Google Reader with or Week Four 6. Sharing of Archiving techniques in conjunction with Media Literacy. 7. Demonstration of the power of video and podcasts in the learning process. 8. Practice collecting, sharing, and utilizing online video and podcasts. 9. Assessment of Assignment #3 - Informal demonstration of their online “reading tool of choice” - Development of Online “Reader”. 10. Assignment #4 – Persuasive Blog Post (10 Points) NETS Standards Addressed: 1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity 2. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning 3. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership Phase 3: Implementation of the Research phase three or Information Literacy portion of the course. Information Literacy includes advance web search techniques and website evaluation. Research has taken on a completely new meaning because of phase one, Archiving, and phase two, Media Literacy. Students will learn how to set up Custom Search Engines for their classrooms and search more effectively with advance techniques. Can “new media” resources like blogs and podcasts serve as a research source? How does Wikipedia and copyright fall into the research process? Activities: Week Five 1. Sharing and follow-up from the Media Literacy phase. 2. Presentation on Wikipedia and Creative Commons Copyright. 3. Find Creative Commons materials for classroom use. 4. Presentations on the Google Empire and taking advantage of all they have to offer for educators. 4
  • 5. Week Six 5. Demonstration of moderate and advanced research techniques within Google. 6. Practice research techniques while utilizing Archiving and Media Literacy skills. 7. Introduction of final assessment. 8. Demonstration of Voicethread – Voicethread Assignment #5 (10 Points). NETS Standards Addressed: 1. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning 2. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility 3. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership Phase 4: Phase four is Reflection and Collaboration the Digital Age. This phase is focused on evaluating the learning process and choosing the best path moving forward. The foundational skills provided in the first three phases are essential to establishing quality reflections. How can a teacher grow and classroom learning flourish using blogs, wikis, screencasts, and multimedia reflection tools. What implications does the Read/Write Web have on the classroom? Activities: Week Seven 1. Sharing and follow-up from the core foundational skills of Archiving, Media Literacy, and Information Literacy and Search in Research. 2. Demonstration of,,, and a few other possibilities. Review of as a collaboration, planning, reflection, learning, assessment tool. 3. Installation, signup, and implementation of student’s chosen tool;,,,, and others. 4. Development of reflection tool of choice. 5. Assign Part 1 of Assignment #7 Blog Reflection. 5
  • 6. Week Eight 6. Demonstration of Screencasts and other Multimedia Reflection Tools. 7. Students create a Multimedia/Screencast Reflection “How To” – Assignment #6 – Demonstration of a Multimedia Reflection. 8. Signup and introduction to 9. Signup and introduction to 10. Student work time and group tuning on Final Presentations. 11. Assign Part 2 of Assignment #7 Blog Reflection. NETS Standards Addressed: 1. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments 2. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning 3. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility 4. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership Phase 5: The final phase is Participation and building a Personal/Professional Learning Network. This phase is critical for expanding upon one’s understanding of technology’s creative possibilities within education. Those that have a foundation in the core skills should be more effective participants within the online learning community. Can social networks keep teachers up to date consistently receiving professional development? Activities: Week Nine 1. Sharing and follow-up of the Reflection phase. 2. Presentation on Personal Learning Networks. 3. Practice utilizing, or as a learning and teaching tool. 4. Assess Participation in online, class group discussions, and social networking component for Assignment #8 and #9. How can social networks create a better teacher? Why is it important for students to learn about social networks? 5. Students will present their final curriculum unit presentation. NETS Standards Addressed: 1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity 2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments 3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning 6
  • 7. 7. Class Assignments 1. Creation of archiving tool and participation in group archive. (10 Points) 2. Group written collaborative essay. (10 Points) 3. Development of online “reader”. (10 Points) 4. Persuasive blog post. (10 Points) 5. Voicethread (10 Points) 6. Demonstration of a multimedia reflection tool. (5 Points) 7. Blog reflection. (10 Points) 8. Participation in social networking component. (10 Points) 9. Participation in online and class group discussions. (10 Points) 10. Creation and final presentation of a technology influenced curriculum unit. (15 Points) 8. Evaluation and Grading Procedures Grade Points A 92 - 100 B 83 – 91 C 74 - 82 F 73 points and below 7
  • 8. Assignment Directions and Rubrics: Assignment #1 - Creation of Archiving Tool (10 Points) (10 % of Overall Grade) Directions: 1. Each student will create a Delicious and Diigo account per directions supplied by the instructor. 2. Find sites that are of interest to your personal learning or for classroom use. As you find sites of interest, use the list of features and collaborative techniques for Delicious and Diigo that were supplied by the instructor. 3. Be prepared to demonstrate the list of features and collaborative tasks. Criteria 4 2 0 Signup Student successfully signed up for the tool Student was unsuccessful in signing up for the tool. Demonstration of Features Student demonstrated advanced techniques of the assigned tool. Student demonstrated basic techniques of the assigned tool. Student cannot demonstrate even basic use of the assigned tool. Demonstration of Collaboration Student demonstrated advanced collaboration techniques. Student demonstrated basic collaboration techniques. Student did not demonstrate basic collaboration techniques. 8
  • 9. Assignment #2 - Set up a collaborative wiki classroom assignment using (10 Points) (10% of Overall Grade) Directions: 1. Each student will set up a wiki for their classroom. After assigning usernames and passwords for students assign an assignment where work is posted on the class wiki. 2. The wiki assignment should be collaborative in nature and utilize features of wikispaces.. 9 Criteria 4 3 2 0 Set up of wiki A wikispace wiki is set up and utilized with a classroom of students. All students have usernames and passwords. The wiki is customized to serve the class. A class wiki is set up and most students are assigned passwords and usernames. The wiki is customized a little to fit the teacher’s class. A class wiki is set up but most students are not given usernames and passwords. The class wiki theme is generic and not formatted for the class. A class is wiki is not set up. Student work in wiki Students are engage and participate in the wiki assignment. The assignment is collaborative and makes use of wiki features. Students participate in wiki assignment. The assignment fosters some collaboration. Most students do not participate in the wiki. The wiki assignment is not collaborative. The assignment is not improved with the use of a wiki. A wiki assignment is not created.
  • 10. Assignment #3 – Development of Online Reader (10 Points) (10% of Overall Grade) Directions: 1. Each student will sign up for a Google Reader and account after the demonstration of both of these tools. 2. The students will all subscribe to the provided list of educational blogs/podcasts/videos. 3. Students will proceed through the provided checklist of techniques for using these applications. 4. Be prepared to demonstrate the list of features, and sites found for their students’ curriculum unit. 10 Criteria 4 3 2 0 Signup N/A N/A Student successfully signed up for the tool Student was unsuccessful in signing up for the tool. Demonstration of Features Student demonstrated advanced techniques of the assigned tool. Student demonstrated basic techniques of the assigned tool. Student has an account but did not meet the minimum requirements of using the tool. Student cannot demonstrate even basic use of the assigned tool. Websites for curriculum unit. Students find and subscribe through a reader to websites, videos, and podcasts pertaining to their curriculum unit. Students find and subscribe to websites, podcasts, or videos but not all three.. Students find and subscribe to some websites, podcasts, or videos pertaining to their unit of curriculum. Student do not subscribe to any podcasts, websites, or videos.
  • 11. Assignment #4 – Persuasive Essay Blog Post (10 Points) (10% of Overall Grade) Directions: 1. Each student will write an extensive persuasive blog post with the purpose of explaining the importance of the Media Literacy and the use of sites like Wikipedia and blogs. 2. The students should include examples of these resources that can benefit their personal learning and classrooms as well. 3. Finally, students need to clearly explain how media literacy and archiving overlap. 11 Criteria 4 3 2 0 Comparison of Concepts The essay demonstrates a sound understanding of media literacy and how these skills might be utilized in the learning process for themselves and or their students in their classrooms. The essay demonstrates a sound understanding of media literacy. The essay demonstrates a sound understanding of a single media literacy. The student did not demonstrate an understanding of any of the forms of media shared in class. Examples Provided N/A N/A Examples of different forms of media are provided that represents areas of learning within their personal learning or their classroom instruction. Examples were not provided. Knowledge Check N/A N/A Evidence of understanding of the overlapping of the archiving phase and media literacy phase was provided. There is no evidence provided of understanding the overlapping of the archiving phase with the media literacy phase. Conventions N/A N/A The essay has less than 2 grammar or spelling errors. There are more than 2 spelling and or grammar errors.
  • 12. Assignment #5 –Voicethread (10 Points) (10% of Overall Grade) Directions: 1. Each student will create a Voicethread to use with their unit in the classroom. 2. Students will leave at least 1 comment on 3 or more slides of the Voicethread. Criteria 4 2 0 Evidence of Successfully using the Technology N/A Student successfully creates a Voicethread for their classroom reflecting on their unit of study. The teacher was unsuccessful in their attempt to create a Voicethread presentation. Quantity of Comments Provided Most students actively participate in the Voicethread assignment. Some students actively participate in the Voicethread assignment. No students actively participate in the Voicethread assignment. Quality of the Comments Provided The majority of the student’s comments contributed to the overall discussion by sparking more interest, questioning, and thought. The majority of the comments left contributed to creating a positive atmosphere of the online activity. The comments could have been more engaging to push the discussion further. Comments provided made a minimal impact on the overall discussion of the class. 12
  • 13. Assignment #6 – Demonstration of a Multimedia/Screencast Reflection Tool (5 Points) (5% of Overall Grade) Directions: 1. Each student will create a short multimedia reflection using one tool from a list provided by the instructor. 2. The reflection tool will be used to reflect on the learning process. 3. The student should address why they chose the tool that they did for this reflection and whether or not this was an effective tool to use. Would they use this tool in the future and is this a tool that can be used within their classrooms in some fashion? Criteria 3 2 0 Quality of Ideas and Content The student’s demonstration adds to the overall understanding of their classes understanding of a topic in the curriculum unit. The quality of the reflection was very clear and easily understood. The student’s demonstration adds to the overall understanding of their classes understanding of a topic in the curriculum unit. The student’s demonstration did not add to the overall understanding of their classes understanding of a topic in the curriculum unit. Choice of Tool and Execution The tool chosen reflects the purpose of the demonstration. The student was able to complete a multi- media reflection. The tool chosen was confusing and or a demonstration was not created. 13
  • 14. Assignment #7 – Blog Reflection (10 Points) (10% of Overall Grade) Directions: 1. Each student will create a blog from a list of provided resources from the instructor or they will use their existing blog. 2. The students are to write a blog entry that reflects on the learning in class. 3. The reflection needs to address the overlapping nature of Archiving, Media Literacy, and Information Literacy. 4. Examples need to be provided from their own learning through the course while also addressing ways to further their personal learning moving forward or aspects of this knowledge that can improve their classrooms. Criteria 3 2 0 Quality of Ideas and Content The blog entry contains substantial information for the reader. The entry addresses an overall reflection. The blog entry also clearly addresses the overlapping nature of the core skills Archiving, Media Literacy, and Information Literacy. The blog entry contains substantial information for the reader. The blog entry focuses on a singular idea. The blog entry does not reflect original ideas. Examples Provided The blog entry went beyond the basic understanding of blogs by talking in depth about the difference in blogging vs. traditional writing. Extensive examples were provided that include teacher, classroom and company blogs. Example uses of these resources within their personal learning and or how this will impact their classrooms was also included. Extensive examples were provided that include teacher, classroom and company blogs. Examples were not provided. Knowledge Check N/A Evidence of understanding why the Reflection phase is valuable. There is no evidence provided understanding why the Reflection phase is valuable. Conventions N/A The blog entry has no spelling or grammar errors. There is a spelling or grammar error. 14
  • 15. Assignment #8 – Social Networking (10 Points) (10% of Overall Grade) Directions: 1. Each student will create a account and join the short list of NINGS provided by the instructor. 2. Each student will create a or account. 3. A blog entry should focus on positive and negative aspects of social networking within the context of a personal / professional learning network. How can social networks help teachers? Why should students learn about social networks? 4. Examples of what the students have learned about social / professional networks and information learned from within these tools should be included within the blog entry. 5. Finally, students should make an argument for or against having teachers learn about social / professional learning networks. Criteria 3 2 0 Quality of Ideas and Content The blog entry contains substantial information for the reader. The entry addresses an overall understanding about the positive and negative aspects of social networking in the learning process and within the context of a personal / professional learning network. The blog entry contains substantial information for the reader. The entry addresses the positive and negative aspects of social networking. The blog entry has a narrow focus on social networking that does not provide for expanding upon the basics of social networking. Examples Provided Examples of the different forms of media are provided that represents areas of learning within their personal learning or their classroom instruction. A single example was provided on how the student can enhance their personal learning or their students in their classrooms. Examples were not provided. Knowledge Check N/A Evidence of understanding of why the Reflection phase is important in the learning process. There is no evidence provided of the understanding why the Reflection phase is important in the learning process. Conventions N/A The blog entry has no spelling or grammar errors. There is a spelling or grammar error. 15
  • 16. Assignment #9 - Participation in Online and Class Group Discussions. (5 Points) (10% of Overall Grade) Directions: 1. Participation will be assessed through the course of the class. 2. The student will submit links to at least 5 examples of their participation within their new social / professional learning network via an online form provided by the instructor. 16 Criteria Scoring Class Work Awarded by teacher. (5 points maximum) Sharing Student identifies 5 online participation experiences to share out as examples of their overall online work. (2 Points) Quality of the Participation The student’s work added to the discussion while encouraging further reflection by other’s in the community. (1 Point for each Example Provided) One point will be awarded for each example that contributes positively to the community, advances the discussion further, and adds follow up questions for the community to address. (3 Points Total) The student added to the discussions but the discussion was not pushed further. (0 Points)
  • 17. Assignment #10 – Final Presentation of Technology Influenced Curriculum Unit (15 Points) (15% of Overall Grade) Directions: 1. Each student will create a final presentation of a curriculum unit posted on a website. 2. The curriculum unit must be influenced by the technology tools learned, utilize the technology tools learned and be assessed with the technology tools learned. 3. The presentation will demonstrate an understanding of the tools introduced in class and an understanding of the NETS Standards. 4. Students asked to identify how each of the phases overlap and are used in their unit. 5. Provide examples for all of the different phases for your personal learning and for ways in which this might impact your classrooms. 6. Presentation units will be presented and posted online. 7. Students must offer a reflection of what was learned when the curriculum unit was integrated into their classroom. Criteria 3 2 1 0 Knowledge The final assignment reflects an excellent understanding of Archiving, Media and Information Literacy and how each of the areas overlaps and fits within the context of lifelong learning and curriculum creation. The final assignment reflects an excellent understanding of Archiving, Media and Information Literacy. The final assignment reflects basic understanding of some Archiving, Media and Information Literacy. The final assignment does not reflect an understanding of Archiving, Media and Information Literacy. Examples Many examples were provided on all phases and provide evidence of learning for him or herself or how they perceive future learning within the context of their classrooms. Many examples were provided on all phases. Examples were provided on some aspect of the phases. Examples were not included. Visual(s) / Student used visuals to reinforce screen text and presentation. Visuals related to text and presentation. Student occasionally used visuals that rarely support text and presentation. Student used no visuals. Organization Student presents information in logical, interesting sequence that the audience can follow. Student presents information in logical sequence that the audience can follow. Audience has difficulty following presentation because student jumps around. Audience cannot understand presentation because there is no sequence of information. Conventions Presentation has no misspellings or grammatical errors. Presentation has no more than two misspellings and/or grammatical errors. Presentation had three misspellings and/or grammatical errors. Student's presentation had four or more spelling errors and/or grammatical errors. 17
  • 18. 9. Bibliography Brooks-Young, S. (2007). Digital-Age Literacy for Teachers Applying Technology Standards to Everyday Practice. Washington D.C.: Intl Society for Technology in. Coyle, D. (2009). The Talent Code: Greatness Isn't Born. It's Grown. Here's How. New York, NY: Bantam Dell. The Horizon Report (2010). Emerging technologies likely to have considerable impact on teaching, learning, and creative expression within higher education. Retrieved April 21, 2010 from US Department of Education National Educational Technology Plan. American Education: Learning Powered by Technology. Retrieved April 21, 2010 from ISTE. (2008). National Educational Technology Standards. Retrieved February 9, 2010 from Solomon, G., & Schrum, L. (2007). Web 2.0 New Tools, New Schools. Washington D.C.: Intl Society for Technology in. Tapscott, D. (2009). Grown up digital how the net generation is changing your world. New York: McGraw-Hill. Transforming classroom practice professional development strategies in educational technology. (2008). Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in Education. Williamson, J. (2009). ISTE's technology facilitation and leadership standards what every K-12 technologist should know and be able to do. Eugene, Or: International Society for Technology in Education. 18
  • 19. 10. Attendance Policy Attendance at all sessions is required. Missing any part of the class could result in not receiving credit. Make-up and acceptance of late work will be solely at the discretion of the instructor and/or Intermediate Delivery System consultant. 11. Academic Honesty and Integrity Statement Students are expected to maintain academic honesty and integrity as students of ____ by doing their own work to the best of their ability. Academic dishonesty (cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, etc.) will result in the student’s receiving a zero for that test, assignment, or paper. 12. Final Examination Policy There is no final examination; students’ reflective writing, final presentation, will be the culminating activities for credit. 19