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JEREMIE KUBICEK is co-founder of GiANT Worldwide and the GiANT
companies. He is a bestselling author of Making Your Leadership
Come Alive and speaker to organizations throughout the world on
transformational leadership, emotional intelligence, and personal
growth. He currently resides in Oklahoma City with his wife and three
STEVE COCKRAM is co-founder of GiANT Worldwide and a recognized
expert on personality development, applied leadership learning and
culture change with executive teams and organizations around the
world. Steve is a sought after speaker and teacher on apprenticeship,
personality development and team building. He resides in London
with his wife and three children.
Leadership Development
July 17, 2016
Who here knows how to drive a manual
transmission vehicle?
Please Close Your Eyes…
Have you ever
been told that you
are always on your
phone (and not
really listening)?
Are you so busy with outside
things in life that when you’re at
work, it’s hard to stay focused on
work, or vice versa?
Do you look at
everything you do
as a competition,
including ‘having to
be right’ in every
conversation with
loved ones?
Do you know
how to slow
down enough
to hear what
someone else
is saying?
Have you ever been at a loved ones activity or
event (such as a game) and were
caught up in something else
that you missed a big
Ie. Lead role in play, missed
goal, a big tackle
5 Gears will help you
• Learn how to be present in the lives of those you live with or lead
• Learn how to connect well by “shifting gears”
• Increase your influence as you become more self-aware
• Create a system for communication in your family
• Eliminate drama that comes from busy lives and self-absorption
• Experience peace because you are engaged, connected & present
Our goal is to help you fully experience the joys of living well!
The metaphor and concept is called the 5 Gears and is built on a manual stick-shift
5th Gear: Learn to Get 'In the Zone'.
Do you have trouble getting 'in the zone'? This is
where 5th gear can help. Time flies by, you get
things done, and progress is made.
4th Gear: Leading in a Task World
Most adults spend their day
multi-tasking with phone calls,
emails, chores and more. Learning
how to manage 4th gear correctly is
key for maximum productivity
3rd Gear: Why Being Social
Third Gear is all about being
social and building friendships. It
happens in coffee shops, at dinner
parties and other social gatherings,
and it's the secret ingredient in
business that many people overlook.
2nd Gear:
Connecting Deeply
How often do you have
deep, refreshing
conversations? Do you
really know how to be
present with others?
This is 2nd gear.
1st Gear: Learn How to
Most people struggle to truly
recharge. Learn how successful
people take time to rest and
recharge so they can give their
families, teams and friends their
Reverse: Learn How to
Most people struggle
with backing up and
apologizing. Reverse is all
about owning your
mistakes and moving
forward in a healthy way.
Are you Driving
Too Fast?
1.Running People Over
2.Social Miscues
Running People Over
exponentially grows with busy
lives, the consumption of
technology, the pressures of
work, and the desires and
expectations of raising healthy
families or having good
Social Miscues
“We can all have moments of disconnection when we are
in a different gear than the other person”
• Speaking at the Wrong Time
• Failure to Listen to those
speaking directly to us
• Ignoring the most obvious
Social Hints
• Constantly getting stuck in work
mode or kids stories
This social behavior creates disconnections, which lead to
the consequences of fighting & an overall lack of harmony
in both personal and professional relationships.
• Time
• Settings
• People
• Places
• Motive
It’s not just being there
Physically….but also a combo of:
• Emotions
• Physical Connection
• Spritual Awareness
• Mental Aptitude
Please Be Honest With Yourself…
1. How are your relationships with your family
• Are you connecting with them?
• Are you running over them?
• Are you disengaged entirely?
2. Do you add value to your friends’ lives, or if
we interviewed them would they tell us that you
are consumed with your
or do they simply put
up with you because
they are loyal?
3. Do you feel like you have
the capability to be present
with people or are you
consumed with social
media and other
The KEY is to know yourself, your
tendencies & your patterns, so that
you can lead yourself to act in a
manner worthy of your values and
meet the needs of those around
you for their benefit as well as
To lead yourself well and
to connect appropriately
in your relationships, your
day needs to begin in 1st
gear, after which you
shift up into other gears.
Most of us suffer from one or more of these
connectivity problems:
• You rarely understand which gear you are operating in
at any given moment
• You rarely know what gear the other people in your life
are operating in
• You rarely take the time to practice shifting and
operating in each gear
Each of the 5 Gears has a healthy & unhealthy
• I don’t understand how they misinterpreted my words. I told them I was...
• My wife should know this is a busy season. I have told her how important my work
is right now
• They don’t seem to get me. It is so frustrating.
• I work hard and play hard. I do put in the hours to be able to serve my family.
They understand that I have to work long hours to maintain that.
• I already know what you are going to say. I don’t need to be looking at you to hear
Healthy use of each gear leads to productivity in work, deeper relationships, and
effective personal recharge. Unhealhty use of the gears, will ultimately cause
disconnection in most areas of life-work, home, friendships, etc...
Please look at page 1
of your handout and
we’re going to spend
the next 10 minutes
being focused and
5th Gear- In the Zone
Have you truly been fully absorbed by and engaged in the task at hand
and nothing else? Or…does life look like this....
When a car reaches
overdrive the engine is
able to maintain a
speed at a lower engine
level, which allows for
better fuel mileage with
less wear and tear.
A healthy 5th gear makes it possible to cruise at a
sustained speed for a period of time.
• Our engine speed is actually lower, while our
sustained speed can be quite fast
• Less energy is needed to produce quality or
high speeds. Focus will lead to high levels of
• 5th gear can produce great results and high
speeds for a period of time (not meant to be in
this gear all day long, just like an engine)
What are some things in our life
that we should be in 5th gear when
“Millions of people
miss out on
opportunities every
day simply because
they are stuck in 5th
gear, or they were in
the wrong gear at the
wrong time.”
We must maintain a Healthy 5th Gear:
• Schedule 1st, 2nd, 3rd gear moments into our lives
• Let people know when you are going into 5th gear, and
put a time frame on it
• Teach them sign language so they can help you by
knowing when it is time to shift gears
• Think about what you want people in your life to say
about you and adjust your actions accordingly
• Schedule a vacation and shut off all electronics
• Use triggers & markers to help you shift to the
appriate gear and practice it daily
Plan your 5th gear for an
entire month and practice
entering in and shifting out
of it with diligence to see
how much work you can get
done as well as how well
you can shift out of the
4th Gear-Leading In A Task World
Do you normally check
your email when you
first wake up?
Using All Gears Makes 4th Gear More Productive
• You will finish project in 5th gear, which will make 4th feel more
• When you insert 3rd gear properly, you will become much more at ease
with people as you aren’t distracted by the cloud of tasks over your
• If you insert 1st gear you will have more energy and peace about you!
• When 2nd gear is used correctly, the pople most important will become
prioritized above the tasks, leading to healthy relationships!
Maintaining a Healthy 4th Gear
• Replace email in the am with something
• Discipline yourself by turning your phone off, or
leaving it behind!
• Teach your family the 5 gears so they can help
How do we get into Overdrive
& Balancing our 4th
Please Welcome Dawn Yoder!!!
11 minutes Please!!!
3rd Gear-Why Being Social Matters
3rd Gear is the space between task-
driven hyper-focused work and the
no-work, relational connection of
being with your family, spouse or
close friend. It is a mindset!
To socially connect with others,
learn to
Where is your Hometown?
What is something
unique about
where you live?
What do you love to do
outside of work?
Have you ever
struggled being in
social places with
a variety of
different people?
Have you found
yourself wanting to
talk about
ideas/work with
these folks… or
people, places &
“Our lack of being present is often about us tuning
others out because what they are saying isn’t
Respectful Curiosity + Confidence=
Increased Influence
You are at a more formal
social gathering with
colleagues and friends…
1. You sit at a table making casual conversation
2. You then begin small talk-weather, the Cubs game
3. This normally leads to you honing in on conversation with the few people
closest to you
4. You listen, chime in and add value, or listen and move onto the next
5. Over the course of an hour, you’ve learned a lot about people. Some you
like and want to learn more about, others, well, you don’t want to be
around them again!
6. At the end of the night, you revisit your time and decide you want to get to
know a few people better and set up a future time to hang out!
7. Your 3rd gear conversation led to possible 2nd gear connections with people
you want to get to know better or 4th gear opportunities if you met
someone that you could help or could help you in work!
We can’t allow our
insecurities to grab
ahold of us and
shrink back into a
comfortable place!
Stuck in 4th or 5th Gear?
• Learn to be “for” people!
• Develop discipline around being curious
with multiple people and show you are
• Don’t judge people before you truly meet
• Get off your phone-you don’t want to miss
out on a great opportunity!
What is keeping you from
working hard at going
deeper with people?
Choose 1 relationship in your life that
you want to deepen and create a plan
of actions to accomplish this!
2nd Gear- Connecting Deeply
The ability to shift into connect mode and become present with
someone in your life who brings you joy
• Work Colleagues
• Family
• Friends
The key is not having an agenda or pressure to be
What 2nd Gear Is NOT…
What Makes it so hard to get into
The speed of our society
and its social norms can
easily cause frustration
and disconnection with our
family and friends!
What 2nd Gear Looks Like..
We Must Practice & Learn
To Connect!!!
1. Take the time
2. Listen
3. Don’t force it
4. Give yourself away
5. Cut what binds
“Connecting is an art form and it
takes practice!”
Being Present in 2nd Gear Leads to:
1. Healthy relationships that bring peace to your
mind & heart
2. Growth between people
3. Better conversations & more inspiration
4. Likeability & trust
5. Reestablished priorities
6. Less drama & more security
7. Social awareness & emotional intelligence
Are you Present when we’re with
our children or family in the car?
After all….
If we aren’t being
present, aren’t we
actually wasting
their time?
The Real World….
“When we are in 2nd gear
correctly, it fuels your mind and
emotions. You work smarter &
produce more results when you
are at peace with those in your
Let’s Practice Connecting Deeply
1. Find somebody by you that you do not
2. Use the attached questions and connect for
the next 15 minutes, taking turns asking a
few of the attached questions.
3. Let’s get back to the group and share what
we learned!
1st Gear-Learning to Recharge
How well do you
Do you take the
time necessary to
fully recharge?
“When you are charged up and
rested well, then you have the
ability to impact those around you,
which will simultaneously impact
your influence.”
Introverts Recharge Internally, like a Battery Park
• Sleeping- Introverts usually need a bit more sleep than
• Reading- Like novels or biographies
• Exercise- Long runs or walks alone
• Devotions- Introverts are normally more disciplines with their
personal time
• Mediation- This normally becomes a place for peace
• Time to yourself to pursue individual hobbies, like art,
gardening, cooking, woodworking, and so on…
Extroverts Recharge Externally, like Solar Panels
• Time with a Mentor- We need to talk out loud to hear our ideas with someone
we trust
• Ideas- Ideas bring us to life!
• 2nd Gear Time- We get recharged with people, especially those they care for a
great deal
• Enlivened Experiences- A concert or movie can be recharging to an extrovert
• Sleep– Extroverts need sleep as well, usually less than introverts
• Speaking- Some extroverts thrive when they speak or share
• Reading- Books that bring inspiration and are highly applicable
• Exercise- Class-Type exercise with a group of people rather than the isolated
experience of running by themselves
Do you know how YOU need to
Like Thumbprints, we are all unique in our personality
hard wiring, and that means we all recharge
To know yourself, is to lead yourself!
The Goal-Working
from your Rest,
NOT resting from
your work!
Is this Resting?
When a cell phone loses all
power, it takes LONGER to
recharge…When we crash
hard, we have depleted our
resources and it takes
longer to rebound!
Proactive rest is the
What are some
ways that we
recharge in 1st
“Reordering your world to build in
time for rest will change the way
you live, as long as your recharge is
what you need, not what other
What if….We Built Rest into Our Schedules?
• Saturdays or Sundays are Rest Days
• One Day a Month is a focused Rest
• One Weekend Each Quarter for
Intentional Rest (some days overlap)
• Schedule Vacations (or weekend
trips) that are a mix of 1st, 2nd or 3rd
“Rest is when you enjoy people
around you without an agenda and
let both them and yourself just
Reverse? Reverse?
Reverse- Being Responsive in a Resistant World
To back up, pull back, or apologize-to be responsive
Resistant people hate to admit their
mistakes and will more easily pass
blame than admit fault.
Responsive people are self-aware and
have a consciousness that is not
steeped in victim mentality, but
rather in responsibility.
What Reverse Does to Influence
“Self-Preservation undermines our ability to
influence others-it is a natural tendency to
protect what we are afraid of losing.”
1.What are you trying to prove?
2.What are you trying to hide?
3.What are you afraid of losing?
All Self-Preservation is based on fear, which prevents us from being fully
present with others because we are consumed with ourselves and our
own insecurities.
What Fears Lead You to put up Walls of Self-
Preservation & not take Personal Responsibility?
• Fear of being left out
• Fear of not being valued
• Fear of being embarrassed
• Fear of losing respect
• Fear of losing control
• Fear of failing in front of others
• Fear of not being known
• Fear of your ideas being rejected
• Fear of being proved wrong
When your spouse
says something that is
hard to hear BUT
TRUE, take time to
pause, thank them,
and say “You are
right; I do that often.
Will you forgive me?”
When you are overly harsh with your
kids because you are busy and they
are loud, stop, gather them, and
apologize like this: “Kids, I am so
sorry for blowing up. Will you
forgive me? I have been stressed at
work and just need some calmness
Reverse Challenge:
Make a list of people in your life
and see if there is anything that
you need to do to restore the
relationship and be responsive.
From Here…We must practice!
When we are in the wrong gear at
the wrong time or the wrong
place, we create disconnections
with all those we are around at
the moment!
The Right Time-Connecting Time with Gears
6 A.M.- Wake Time- 1st Gear
7 A.M.- Drive Time- 1st or 4th Gear
8 A.M.- Work Time- 4th or 5th Gear
12:00- Lunchtime- 3rd or 1st Gear
1 P.M.- Work Time- 4th or 5th Gear
5 P.M.- Drive Time- 4th or 1st Gear
6 P.M.- Dinner Time- 2nd or 3rd Gear
8 P.M.- Social Time- 3rd or 2nd or 1st Gear
10 P.M.- Bedtime- 1st Gear
1. Let’s map our schedule.
2. Add your gears beside each time- are you
seeing any patterns preventing you from
connecting well? Are there places where
you are in the wrong gear at the wrong time
of day?
3. Adjust. Now list the actual changes that
should be made. If you wake up and go into
4th gear, cross it out and replace with 1st.
What is
your Gear
1. When you see your gear order, what do you think about it?
How does it make you feel?
2. What makes your top gear what it is?
3. Why is your last gear there? Why is that difficult to do well?
4. Make a list of 3 things you want to change as it relates to the
5. What gears do you gravitate toward when experiencing
6. Finally, WHO would you want to share this with? We
challenge you to teach the gears and share your gear order
with someone who is for you.
Your Personal Challenge…Please
Check Out the Final Page of your
Let’s Free ourselves and
create peace in our
relationships, leadership
and life!
We challenge you to send Your Leader
your personal Gear Order as of today,
and where you see yourself going by
January 1st!
LDP 1.4

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LDP 1.4

  • 1. JEREMIE KUBICEK is co-founder of GiANT Worldwide and the GiANT companies. He is a bestselling author of Making Your Leadership Come Alive and speaker to organizations throughout the world on transformational leadership, emotional intelligence, and personal growth. He currently resides in Oklahoma City with his wife and three children. STEVE COCKRAM is co-founder of GiANT Worldwide and a recognized expert on personality development, applied leadership learning and culture change with executive teams and organizations around the world. Steve is a sought after speaker and teacher on apprenticeship, personality development and team building. He resides in London with his wife and three children.
  • 3. Who here knows how to drive a manual transmission vehicle?
  • 5.
  • 6. Have you ever been told that you are always on your phone (and not really listening)?
  • 7. Are you so busy with outside things in life that when you’re at work, it’s hard to stay focused on work, or vice versa?
  • 8. Do you look at everything you do as a competition, including ‘having to be right’ in every conversation with loved ones?
  • 9. Do you know how to slow down enough to hear what someone else is saying?
  • 10. Have you ever been at a loved ones activity or event (such as a game) and were caught up in something else that you missed a big moment? Ie. Lead role in play, missed goal, a big tackle
  • 11. 5 Gears will help you • Learn how to be present in the lives of those you live with or lead • Learn how to connect well by “shifting gears” • Increase your influence as you become more self-aware • Create a system for communication in your family • Eliminate drama that comes from busy lives and self-absorption • Experience peace because you are engaged, connected & present Our goal is to help you fully experience the joys of living well! The metaphor and concept is called the 5 Gears and is built on a manual stick-shift transmission
  • 12.
  • 13. 5th Gear: Learn to Get 'In the Zone'. Do you have trouble getting 'in the zone'? This is where 5th gear can help. Time flies by, you get things done, and progress is made.
  • 14. 4th Gear: Leading in a Task World Most adults spend their day multi-tasking with phone calls, emails, chores and more. Learning how to manage 4th gear correctly is key for maximum productivity
  • 15. 3rd Gear: Why Being Social Matters Third Gear is all about being social and building friendships. It happens in coffee shops, at dinner parties and other social gatherings, and it's the secret ingredient in business that many people overlook.
  • 16. 2nd Gear: Connecting Deeply How often do you have deep, refreshing conversations? Do you really know how to be present with others? This is 2nd gear.
  • 17. 1st Gear: Learn How to Recharge Most people struggle to truly recharge. Learn how successful people take time to rest and recharge so they can give their families, teams and friends their best.
  • 18. Reverse: Learn How to Apologize Most people struggle with backing up and apologizing. Reverse is all about owning your mistakes and moving forward in a healthy way.
  • 19. Are you Driving Too Fast? 1.Running People Over 2.Social Miscues 3.Disconnections
  • 20. Running People Over “Miscommunication exponentially grows with busy lives, the consumption of technology, the pressures of work, and the desires and expectations of raising healthy families or having good friendships.”
  • 21. Social Miscues “We can all have moments of disconnection when we are in a different gear than the other person” • Speaking at the Wrong Time • Failure to Listen to those speaking directly to us • Ignoring the most obvious Social Hints • Constantly getting stuck in work mode or kids stories
  • 22. Disconnections This social behavior creates disconnections, which lead to the consequences of fighting & an overall lack of harmony in both personal and professional relationships. Connectivity • Time • Settings • People • Places • Motive It’s not just being there Physically….but also a combo of: • Emotions • Physical Connection • Spritual Awareness • Mental Aptitude
  • 23. Please Be Honest With Yourself… 1. How are your relationships with your family • Are you connecting with them? • Are you running over them? • Are you disengaged entirely?
  • 24. 2. Do you add value to your friends’ lives, or if we interviewed them would they tell us that you are consumed with your agenda/schedule or do they simply put up with you because they are loyal?
  • 25. 3. Do you feel like you have the capability to be present with people or are you consumed with social media and other distractions?
  • 26. The KEY is to know yourself, your tendencies & your patterns, so that you can lead yourself to act in a manner worthy of your values and meet the needs of those around you for their benefit as well as yours….
  • 27. To lead yourself well and to connect appropriately in your relationships, your day needs to begin in 1st gear, after which you shift up into other gears.
  • 28. Most of us suffer from one or more of these connectivity problems: • You rarely understand which gear you are operating in at any given moment • You rarely know what gear the other people in your life are operating in • You rarely take the time to practice shifting and operating in each gear
  • 29. Each of the 5 Gears has a healthy & unhealthy side… • I don’t understand how they misinterpreted my words. I told them I was... • My wife should know this is a busy season. I have told her how important my work is right now • They don’t seem to get me. It is so frustrating. • I work hard and play hard. I do put in the hours to be able to serve my family. They understand that I have to work long hours to maintain that. • I already know what you are going to say. I don’t need to be looking at you to hear you. Healthy use of each gear leads to productivity in work, deeper relationships, and effective personal recharge. Unhealhty use of the gears, will ultimately cause disconnection in most areas of life-work, home, friendships, etc...
  • 30. Please look at page 1 of your handout and we’re going to spend the next 10 minutes being focused and self-reflecting.
  • 31. 5th Gear- In the Zone Have you truly been fully absorbed by and engaged in the task at hand and nothing else? Or…does life look like this....
  • 32. When a car reaches overdrive the engine is able to maintain a speed at a lower engine level, which allows for better fuel mileage with less wear and tear.
  • 33. A healthy 5th gear makes it possible to cruise at a sustained speed for a period of time. • Our engine speed is actually lower, while our sustained speed can be quite fast • Less energy is needed to produce quality or high speeds. Focus will lead to high levels of productivity • 5th gear can produce great results and high speeds for a period of time (not meant to be in this gear all day long, just like an engine)
  • 34. What are some things in our life that we should be in 5th gear when doing?
  • 36.
  • 37. “Millions of people miss out on opportunities every day simply because they are stuck in 5th gear, or they were in the wrong gear at the wrong time.”
  • 38. We must maintain a Healthy 5th Gear: • Schedule 1st, 2nd, 3rd gear moments into our lives • Let people know when you are going into 5th gear, and put a time frame on it • Teach them sign language so they can help you by knowing when it is time to shift gears • Think about what you want people in your life to say about you and adjust your actions accordingly • Schedule a vacation and shut off all electronics • Use triggers & markers to help you shift to the appriate gear and practice it daily
  • 39. ACTION PLAN: Plan your 5th gear for an entire month and practice entering in and shifting out of it with diligence to see how much work you can get done as well as how well you can shift out of the gear!
  • 40. 4th Gear-Leading In A Task World
  • 41. Do you normally check your email when you first wake up?
  • 42.
  • 43.
  • 44.
  • 45. Using All Gears Makes 4th Gear More Productive • You will finish project in 5th gear, which will make 4th feel more productive! • When you insert 3rd gear properly, you will become much more at ease with people as you aren’t distracted by the cloud of tasks over your head! • If you insert 1st gear you will have more energy and peace about you! • When 2nd gear is used correctly, the pople most important will become prioritized above the tasks, leading to healthy relationships!
  • 46. Maintaining a Healthy 4th Gear • Replace email in the am with something inspirational • Discipline yourself by turning your phone off, or leaving it behind! • Teach your family the 5 gears so they can help you!
  • 47. How do we get into Overdrive & Balancing our 4th Gear…. Please Welcome Dawn Yoder!!!
  • 49. 3rd Gear-Why Being Social Matters
  • 50. 3rd Gear is the space between task- driven hyper-focused work and the no-work, relational connection of being with your family, spouse or close friend. It is a mindset!
  • 51. To socially connect with others, learn to
  • 52.
  • 53. Where is your Hometown? What is something unique about where you live? What do you love to do outside of work?
  • 54. Have you ever struggled being in social places with a variety of different people?
  • 55. Have you found yourself wanting to talk about ideas/work with these folks… or people, places & things?
  • 56. “Our lack of being present is often about us tuning others out because what they are saying isn’t interesting..”
  • 57. Respectful Curiosity + Confidence= Increased Influence You are at a more formal social gathering with colleagues and friends…
  • 58. 1. You sit at a table making casual conversation 2. You then begin small talk-weather, the Cubs game 3. This normally leads to you honing in on conversation with the few people closest to you 4. You listen, chime in and add value, or listen and move onto the next conversation. 5. Over the course of an hour, you’ve learned a lot about people. Some you like and want to learn more about, others, well, you don’t want to be around them again! 6. At the end of the night, you revisit your time and decide you want to get to know a few people better and set up a future time to hang out! 7. Your 3rd gear conversation led to possible 2nd gear connections with people you want to get to know better or 4th gear opportunities if you met someone that you could help or could help you in work!
  • 59. We can’t allow our insecurities to grab ahold of us and shrink back into a comfortable place!
  • 60. Stuck in 4th or 5th Gear? • Learn to be “for” people! • Develop discipline around being curious with multiple people and show you are interested! • Don’t judge people before you truly meet them! • Get off your phone-you don’t want to miss out on a great opportunity!
  • 61.
  • 62. What is keeping you from working hard at going deeper with people?
  • 63. Choose 1 relationship in your life that you want to deepen and create a plan of actions to accomplish this!
  • 64.
  • 65. 2nd Gear- Connecting Deeply The ability to shift into connect mode and become present with someone in your life who brings you joy • Work Colleagues • Family • Friends The key is not having an agenda or pressure to be productive!!!
  • 66. What 2nd Gear Is NOT…
  • 67. What Makes it so hard to get into The speed of our society and its social norms can easily cause frustration and disconnection with our family and friends!
  • 68. What 2nd Gear Looks Like..
  • 69. We Must Practice & Learn To Connect!!! 1. Take the time 2. Listen 3. Don’t force it 4. Give yourself away 5. Cut what binds “Connecting is an art form and it takes practice!”
  • 70. Being Present in 2nd Gear Leads to: 1. Healthy relationships that bring peace to your mind & heart 2. Growth between people 3. Better conversations & more inspiration 4. Likeability & trust 5. Reestablished priorities 6. Less drama & more security 7. Social awareness & emotional intelligence
  • 71. Are you Present when we’re with our children or family in the car?
  • 72. After all…. If we aren’t being present, aren’t we actually wasting their time?
  • 74. “When we are in 2nd gear correctly, it fuels your mind and emotions. You work smarter & produce more results when you are at peace with those in your life.”
  • 75. Let’s Practice Connecting Deeply 1. Find somebody by you that you do not know! 2. Use the attached questions and connect for the next 15 minutes, taking turns asking a few of the attached questions. 3. Let’s get back to the group and share what we learned!
  • 76. 1st Gear-Learning to Recharge How well do you rest? Do you take the time necessary to fully recharge?
  • 77.
  • 78. “When you are charged up and rested well, then you have the ability to impact those around you, which will simultaneously impact your influence.”
  • 79. Introverts Recharge Internally, like a Battery Park • Sleeping- Introverts usually need a bit more sleep than extroverts • Reading- Like novels or biographies • Exercise- Long runs or walks alone • Devotions- Introverts are normally more disciplines with their personal time • Mediation- This normally becomes a place for peace • Time to yourself to pursue individual hobbies, like art, gardening, cooking, woodworking, and so on…
  • 80. Extroverts Recharge Externally, like Solar Panels • Time with a Mentor- We need to talk out loud to hear our ideas with someone we trust • Ideas- Ideas bring us to life! • 2nd Gear Time- We get recharged with people, especially those they care for a great deal • Enlivened Experiences- A concert or movie can be recharging to an extrovert • Sleep– Extroverts need sleep as well, usually less than introverts • Speaking- Some extroverts thrive when they speak or share • Reading- Books that bring inspiration and are highly applicable • Exercise- Class-Type exercise with a group of people rather than the isolated experience of running by themselves
  • 81. Do you know how YOU need to Recharge? Like Thumbprints, we are all unique in our personality hard wiring, and that means we all recharge differently! To know yourself, is to lead yourself!
  • 82. The Goal-Working from your Rest, NOT resting from your work!
  • 83. Is this Resting? When a cell phone loses all power, it takes LONGER to recharge…When we crash hard, we have depleted our resources and it takes longer to rebound! Proactive rest is the answer!
  • 84. What are some ways that we recharge in 1st Gear?
  • 85. “Reordering your world to build in time for rest will change the way you live, as long as your recharge is what you need, not what other say.”
  • 86. What if….We Built Rest into Our Schedules? • Saturdays or Sundays are Rest Days • One Day a Month is a focused Rest Day • One Weekend Each Quarter for Intentional Rest (some days overlap) • Schedule Vacations (or weekend trips) that are a mix of 1st, 2nd or 3rd Gears!
  • 87. “Rest is when you enjoy people around you without an agenda and let both them and yourself just be!”
  • 89. Reverse- Being Responsive in a Resistant World To back up, pull back, or apologize-to be responsive Resistant people hate to admit their mistakes and will more easily pass blame than admit fault. Responsive people are self-aware and have a consciousness that is not steeped in victim mentality, but rather in responsibility.
  • 90. What Reverse Does to Influence VS.
  • 91. “Self-Preservation undermines our ability to influence others-it is a natural tendency to protect what we are afraid of losing.” 1.What are you trying to prove? 2.What are you trying to hide? 3.What are you afraid of losing? All Self-Preservation is based on fear, which prevents us from being fully present with others because we are consumed with ourselves and our own insecurities.
  • 92.
  • 93. What Fears Lead You to put up Walls of Self- Preservation & not take Personal Responsibility? • Fear of being left out • Fear of not being valued • Fear of being embarrassed • Fear of losing respect • Fear of losing control • Fear of failing in front of others • Fear of not being known • Fear of your ideas being rejected • Fear of being proved wrong
  • 94.
  • 95. When your spouse says something that is hard to hear BUT TRUE, take time to pause, thank them, and say “You are right; I do that often. Will you forgive me?”
  • 96. When you are overly harsh with your kids because you are busy and they are loud, stop, gather them, and apologize like this: “Kids, I am so sorry for blowing up. Will you forgive me? I have been stressed at work and just need some calmness tonight.”
  • 97. Reverse Challenge: Make a list of people in your life and see if there is anything that you need to do to restore the relationship and be responsive.
  • 98. From Here…We must practice!
  • 99. When we are in the wrong gear at the wrong time or the wrong place, we create disconnections with all those we are around at the moment!
  • 100. The Right Time-Connecting Time with Gears 6 A.M.- Wake Time- 1st Gear 7 A.M.- Drive Time- 1st or 4th Gear 8 A.M.- Work Time- 4th or 5th Gear 12:00- Lunchtime- 3rd or 1st Gear 1 P.M.- Work Time- 4th or 5th Gear 5 P.M.- Drive Time- 4th or 1st Gear 6 P.M.- Dinner Time- 2nd or 3rd Gear 8 P.M.- Social Time- 3rd or 2nd or 1st Gear 10 P.M.- Bedtime- 1st Gear 1. Let’s map our schedule. 2. Add your gears beside each time- are you seeing any patterns preventing you from connecting well? Are there places where you are in the wrong gear at the wrong time of day? 3. Adjust. Now list the actual changes that should be made. If you wake up and go into 4th gear, cross it out and replace with 1st.
  • 102. Questions: 1. When you see your gear order, what do you think about it? How does it make you feel? 2. What makes your top gear what it is? 3. Why is your last gear there? Why is that difficult to do well? 4. Make a list of 3 things you want to change as it relates to the gears. 5. What gears do you gravitate toward when experiencing stress? 6. Finally, WHO would you want to share this with? We challenge you to teach the gears and share your gear order with someone who is for you.
  • 103. Your Personal Challenge…Please Check Out the Final Page of your Handout! Let’s Free ourselves and create peace in our relationships, leadership and life!
  • 104. We challenge you to send Your Leader your personal Gear Order as of today, and where you see yourself going by January 1st!

Editor's Notes

  1. Page 170 of the book.
  2. 5 gears is for you to use in the radical transformation of your relationships, time and leadership. Each gear correlates to a corresponding behavior that people shift into at certain times and with certain people. The goal of the metaphor is to help you create a language with actual symbols that are used to change the way you live and lead.
  3. We don’t do this on purpose, we drive 50 in a 20-People tend to be consumed by schedules and agendas and often run right over those we care about the most. When someone feels the pressure of a deadline or fears the roar of a boss's voice, it is natural to shift focus to alleviating the immediate concern rather than focus on our long-term relationships. The urgent pressure trumps the important relationships most of the time, which tends to steal, kill, and destroy our presence to those we are closest to most of the time
  4. Social miscues happen everyday. The majority of people are not aware of their social awkwardness and give little time to thinking about what gear the other person is in while they are talking. We must be able to stop, analyze and change. When a person’s agenda is the driving force of their life, then they are going to run over people most of the time unless they learn to use their brakes and downshift!
  5. We oftentimes don’t realize the disconnect unless someone confronts us, which tends to bring up defensive pride. Humans crave connectivity. We must have it in order to thrive and exist. Connectivity is directly related to peace, productivity and personal happiness!
  6. We need others to hold up mirrors to show us what it is like to be on the other side of ourselves. The key is to know yourself so that you can lead yourself to act in a manner worthy of your values and to meet the needs of those around you for their benefit as well as yours.
  7. We want you to see the consequences of your actions when you are not present with those most important to you and the ramifications of not being aware of your social miscues and your disconnections and how that affects your work, friends and family! Only then will you get to a place where you can truly change!
  8. You can go from 1st gear to 5th but it isn’t recommended and the consequences can be damaging just like with your car.
  9. To somebody watching you operate in the 5th gear, you might appear to be in a trance, completely unaware of noises, voices, and the normal distractions that may cause others who are less focused to shift their attention.
  10. It takes discpilne to shut your door, turn off your email, and let people know you are going into 5th gear-overdrive! When you reach this geaer, your procutivity reaches the highest levels possible.
  11. Planning, setting goals for a new week/month, creative ad design, coaching convos with co-workers or private convos with family, singular task at home.
  12. Locking into 5th gear can produce good things with its hyper focus and productivity, and it can also create unhealthy habits and unknowing pain if not addressed. The secret to understanding 5th gear is learning how to shift up and down into the appropritae gear to maxmize your influence.
  13. 85% of our time is spent in 4th gear! We live in a task-driven world. From phone calls, to meetings, to checking email, more meetings, texting and social media.
  14. We have the MOST ENERGY when we wake up. It’s the most important time to set the pattern and mindset of the day…and...
  15. 4th gear is not a bad gear, in fact it’s great when it’s used well. Jumping DIRECTLY into 4th gear is like trying to pull out of your garage in your car and shifting from reverse directly to 4th-it’s virtually impossible!
  16. Do you like coffee shops? How about a great dinner with a group of friends? This is what 3rd Gear is all about-BEING SOCIAL! Lunch with colleagues, playing golf, weekend bbq, game night, birthday party after work
  17. This is where ‘the business really happens’-in the relationship. Shifting here is pretty easy-what are you interested in doing? What are your hobbies? Do you know anybody else interested in those things? We must learn to be CURIOUS about the person-Where is your hometown? What is something unique about where you live? What do you love to do outside of work?
  18. It’s important to get to know a variety of people in social places and to be able to connect with them by being CURIOUS about what they are interested in and what THEY like to do! Story of 4th of July and really getting to know some of the neighbors-found the one sales guy, David,loves craft beers! Brandi & Brad who are both in Pharma Sales, were high school sweethearts and they both own Hover Boards! Lynsey is the daughter of Ryan Sandberg and is obsessed with the Chicago Cubs!
  19. To socially connect with others is to learn to be present and to be CURIOUS about what they are interested in and what they like to do!
  20. People in larger cities tend to talk about and discuss ideas. People in smaller towns often talk about people, places or things. Me personally, I tend to thrive on atmospheres of people talking about big ideas, and I tend TO PUT UP with conversations about their grandkids, vacations or cars! This is why we can struggle entering into conversations with people who are consumed by their ides and not inerested in your family or job, or vice versa!
  21. We rarely tune out interesting conversation! We normally listen to things that are compelling! The key is being respectful even we we could care less and the contest is less than interesting! We should be entering every convo being PRESENT and listening to the small talk (weather, sports) and then IT WILL get into more substantial, relational gold!
  22. Why? It shows that you know how to converse with people and are HUMBLE enough to listen to others successes without feeling jealous! When our intent is pure, and we’re really trying to get to know somebody, this empowers the other person! This will encourage others and gain respect!
  23. Example of adam with new neighbors at the bicycle bar. One neighbor was constantly talking about himself, the money he spent on his home, the activites that him and his family do. the other person was more interested in learning about me, asking me questions about my job, my hobbies, my family, and by the end of the trip, Chad asked me to go out to dinner with him and his wife so he could show me around town as well as sitting down in the future to discuss advertising for his Veterinary Clinic!
  24. You will miss the opportunity to know others and be known! Also, if your “busyness” takes control, you will lose respect over time and gain a reputation of being unapproachable! Some of us may say-"I'm comfortable with my groups of people". You will lose influence and make it harder to connect with people-it's like you painted yourself in a corner
  25. 1. People can sense if you are for them, against them or for yourself! Engage with them and show them that you are interested in them to some level! 3. Give people the oppt. to surpirse you. They may blow you away with an idea or fact! Judging people before you meet is recipe for boredom and snobbery! 4. You don't want to miss out like the kiss cam incident earlier. Don't get into 4th or 5th gear by using your phone! Engage. Listen. Learn. Be Curious. Be Present.
  26. Engage. Listen. Learn! Be curious and Be Present. You will be glad you did and you will see the opportunities for deeper connections happen more readily.
  27. When was the last time you truly connected with someone in a meaningful way? How did that experience make you feel? When was the last time you went deep with someone and left the meeting recharged? Who here has a hard time shifting out of task mode or focus mode? How hard is it to put our phones down and be present with the people around you? Do you have rules with your family at home at dinner? Certain parts of the day are ‘no technology’ times?
  28. Family on electronics at dinner. emailing/Texting while at the park with your kids. Not paying attention to a person at a meeting. Being on the phone while at date night. Being on your phone when watching tv with the family Example of Hudson at night on my phone, me checking messages/emails, instead of just paying attention to him. Leaving phone at park. Leaving it in the car when I get home. I'm addicted to reading articles, checking emails, sending texts, etc! I dont' want him to grow up never thinking I"m Present!!!
  29. Tv, Cell phones, Apps, The news, any frivolus things that can take our attention away from family. We have to be AWARE of the problem in order to fix these bad habits!!! Should there be quiet time at dinner. Time scheduled with the family. Events without phones or computers. How can we change this?
  30. Spending time with a child Being with kids and playing games-no cell or tv Date night with a loved ones Spending time with an employee at their desk to just check in Making a fire and trading funny stories with family
  31. When you sense there is an opportunity to connect-go for it! Make time to connect When you listen, you give respect and gain perspective. Listening is the start to connecting well & being present. People know if you’re forcing something. You can’t fake connection-It’s a 2-way street! Inauthenticity leads to disconnection! Be you, be present and be patient! When you risk by going deep and giving yourself away to help the other person, you increase your chances to receive far more than you imagined. If you invest less, you'll get a lower ROI, more and higher ROI! Get ride of the habits that keep you from your key relationships! Move things to a different time of day!
  32. Are we catching up about what they learned, are we enjoying each other, or are you trying to catch up on social media, or reading a text messages at a RED LIGHT? Shut off the phones like the old Western Movies where you take the guns off at the saloon and put them in the middle of the table!!! Talking to Hudson each morning for 5-8 minutes while driving to Daycare, not checking my emails, leaving AM messages, or reading texts! BE PRESENT!
  33. If a person comes to you with the expectation to fully connect, you can downshift to 2nd gar, or let them know you are in 5th and need to schedule a time to allow you to downshift into the same gear at the same time! If you don’t share, but stay distracted you are wasting their time. IMAGINE: -No technology with your family for one hour -Your boss isn't checking every buzz on their phone during meeting -Locking eyes with someone and having deep convo that brings Life to both of you.
  34. Have you ever gotten back from a vacation and thought, “Now back to the real world”. What if that is the real world, and truthfully being in 2nd gear? The real world is taking time to connect and pass on what we have to others. Being present is the best real world and when it happens-you know its true. Now, we don’t suggest this happens all the time, but it has a place and it will help you fuel your mind! We can get caught up in 4/5 mode and forget to shift down!
  35. We live in a 4th gear culture, but we must also make time for connectivity and relationships! Connecting is an art and a science-practice it! When you begin to master 2nd gear, you will begin to experience a deeper level of respect and trust. I know when I slow down and enjoy my family, it acts as a release and method of relieving tension. When I don’t have this, things can FEEL more hectic at work!
  36. When we aren’t recharged, its almost impossible to be present with someone else, let alone add value to his or her life. People generally don’t know how to rest and recharge!
  37. It’s 3:00 in the afternoon-battery is on 20% and you have an important call. We know we can’t make our cell phones work when the batteries are dead! Why, then, do we think we can force ourselves to run well on empty
  38. This 1st gear is needed to start the day and end the day. When we drive a car, we start in 1st, not 4th. Imagine what happens if you shift directly to 4th from neutral-it will stall! Starting in 1st gear helps you get into the day in a way that will not wreck your own internal transmission!
  39. Our 1st gear provides greater clarity and focus that leads to better decision making and communication! When we shift up into working gears after rest, we are laser focused on what to do and not to do! You will be able to handle pressure and restore the internal rhythm that is necessary!
  40. When we get home from work, we sit down, eat, drink and watch tv and zone out. Is this rest? NO! A lot of us think that becaue this is what we know!
  41. Shifting blame and not being able to get a team to perform, vs. taking the accountability and saying “my bad”. Respect is Gained or lost directly by the way we apologize or not!
  42. Resistant people hate to admit their mistakes and will pass blame rather than admit fault. It is pride, which shows itself as insecuirty!
  43. Shifting blame and not being able to get a team to perform, vs. taking the accountability and saying “my bad”. Respect is Gained or lost directly by the way we apologize or not!
  44. Self preservation is a natural tendency to protect what we are afraid of losing, which can cause us to become irrational and overwork a situation or relationship to preserve what we have. Defensive walls of pride pop up, which keep others from seeing the good side of you!
  45. All of these fears do nothing but keep you from your best. They steal your influence, kill your confidence, and destroy your relationships as they create a wedge bw you and those you influence in your life!
  46. Because of our natural personaiities, we sometimes have a hard time saying this-slow down, put our car in reverse, and practice!
  47. Places and time are tied together. Breakfast restaurants aren’t open for dinner. Drive in moves built for nighttime. Places have a natural meaning for the type of connection around a specific time! What types of connection and which gears come to mind when you think of the following places? Starbucks? Office? Golf Course? Concert? Romantic dinner? Church? Park/Playground? Adam-Not waking up to phone. Walking dogs, showering, then picking up phone. Shutting off phone final 10 minutes from home. Still struggle with lunchtime and 5th gear doesnt happen frequently!
  48. Your gear order is strategically important to your life. You need to understand your tendencies of where you spend your time or what gears you tend to get STUCK in as well as those that are harder for you to experience. What gear are you in the most? Which gear is hardest for you to hit?
  49. When we work on our weakest gear, you improve your ability to influence others over time. Stress can cause people to shut down and go into 1st mode, work more and stay in 4th gear
  50. Please look at the last page of your handout!!