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Laudato Si in the Boardroom
Deepening the Conversation with Experience-based Workshops
for Impact, Transformation & Progressive Actions
Pilot & Demonstrator
Version [2, draft for agreement]
Date [October 2017]
Location Washington DC, USA, Oslo, Norway & The Hague, the Netherlands
Author [PC, AK]
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October 2017, The Hague, Netherlands
FAN & EFOW to set-up and demonstrate “Laudato Si in the Boardroom”.
Dear Impact Investor
Dear Philantropy Investor,
Based on your sympathetic and visionary organisation– please find our grant/ donation
request/proposal to you- from our working practices.
We are most happy to confirm that we believe that with our grant request and our proposal- your
organisation ambitions, goals and objectives will see itself serviced - and further developed- from the
plan we bring you in contact with.
In the following brief – we will explain.
We are both fully aligned in vision, principles, code of ethics, objectives and sense of urgency - and in
our understanding that we need our systems and organization (leadership) to change (including our
institutionalized and leadership ways of working) - if we like to have enhance our chance and maintain
a world we want to live in.
We are very confident that by granting finance to our proposal and team - , and collaborating together
in good spirits, and in full force, that with this proposal- we can truly expect to see a win with some
meaningful impact and with perhaps an example for others to follow ,
Let’s go and do some small miracles, and let’s realize the results-driven actions and relevant
transformational impacts, making the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Laudato Si
within reach,
Adriaan Kamp- Founder EFOW
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1. Pope Francis speaks with ISS Astronauts on Life’s Bigger Questions
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Our Organisations:-
Franciscan Action Network
Our Mission Statement:
Inspired by the Gospel of Jesus, and the example of Saints Francis and Clare, the Franciscan Action Network
(FAN) is a collective Franciscan voice seeking to transform (United States) public policy and (business
leadership) related to peace making, care for creation, poverty, and human rights.
We are a grassroots organization amplifying the justice efforts of Franciscans and Franciscan-hearted people
around the country. Join our growing movement that endures from St. Francis of Assisi and his call for
compassion for the poor and for creation over 800 years ago.
Our Vision Statement:
The Franciscan Action Network sees the interconnectedness of all creation and the common
origin of humanity as rooted in God’s loving design for the earth and all
people. Recognizing this fundamental goodness of God through the act of creation,
FAN counters the social sinfulness that persistently compromises God’s hopes, through
a clarion call to conversion. It is through continual conversion that the cry of the earth
and the cry of the poor can be heard in their authenticity and understood in a way that
leads us to re-discover our original goodness, both personally and collectively. Through
this process of continual conversion we discover ourselves as co-creators, with God and
others, thereby realizing a world where people and plant cherish a common inherent
dignity, encourage social goodness, and live in just prosperity
History and Creation of FAN:
The original idea for the Franciscan Action Network (FAN) came as a result of a challenge by Franciscans
International (FI) and the representatives of each of the six different branches of the Franciscan family. Located
in Rome, this entity is referred to as the “Roman 6.” FI and the Roman 6 saw that a great deal of the work they
did at the UN and in Rome was affected by what happened in the United States. They called for all of the
different branches of the Franciscan families to come together and present a unified Franciscan voice in
Washington DC. One of the early leaders was Sister Margaret Mary Kimmins, an Allegany Franciscan sister,
Margaret Mary had served on the board of Franciscans International and she also worked as director of faith
outreach at Bread for the World. She had a unique perspective on the connection between what happens in
Washington and what happens at the UN. Margaret Mary along with Russ Testa, who was the JPIC director for
the Holy Name Province of the OFM, Brother Tino Arias, OFM Capuchin from the Province of St. Mary’s, and
Tom Bello the National Minister of the Secular Franciscans formed a steering committee.
In the fall of 2007, there was a gathering in Baltimore of approximately 150 Franciscans from across the country
representing all the different branches of the Franciscan Family, including leaders from all three orders as well as
leaders from the Episcopal Franciscans and the Ecumenical Franciscans. As a result of this retreat, there emerged
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the goal for a new collective identity, one that would be responsive to today’s social crises. At this gathering the
Franciscan Action Network (FAN) was created. Built to “faithfully represent our steering committee, our
Franciscan institutional members and our many new individual members—both religious and secular—in one
way: the propagation of a restorative course of action for our culture through intelligent advocacy. This civic
action we call advocacy is rooted in the spiritual strength of an eight hundred year old faith tradition that
obligates us.” The years 2008-2009 were primarily used to organize FAN. An advisory/action committee was
created with representatives from all branches of the Franciscan family and all geographic regions. Bylaws and
Articles of incorporation were written, a board of directors was established and FAN received its 501 (C) (3)
status. Russ served as intern director until a permanent director could be hired. Father Larry Janezic was hired in
2009. In 2010, Patrick Carolan came on board as the executive director and still holds that position. Margaret
Mary served as the first president of the board until 2013 when she stepped down and was replaced by fellow
Allegany Franciscan Sister Margaret Magee.
Since the early days, FAN has grown into a well-established organization in Washington, DC. Recognized as a
lead organization on several issues, FAN has expanded our staff to include directors of advocacy and campaigns
as well as retaining an office manager and communications coordinator. Membership has expanded to 50
member institutions. With their support, along with various grants and other outside funding, we continue to
build our advocacy efforts within our core issues as established at our founding. By partnering with other
organizations, we have become a dependable Franciscan voice for justice both in D.C. and beyond.
Energy For One World (
Energy For One World (EFOW) is a boutique consulting firm focused on organizing the delivery of
Sustainable Energy Architectures and UN Sustainable Developments into Sustainable Societies. Our
hybrid organization is focused on creating and developing outreach programs, consultancy and
hands-on programs in, for and between markets and organisations.
With a network of high-level professional relationships crossing the Globe, and with deep expertise
in both the Energy Sector and the UN SDG’s - from Academia, Business and Government – the EFOW
practice is uniquely positioned “to open some new doors”, to create “some new bridges of actions
and understanding”, to build “cross- border, cross-sector collaborations and impact” and to help to
foster “the tone of voice and the leadership values” that are relevant for the changes we may need,
or seek.
Since our inception in 2012, we've consistently build and produced new creative forms and formats
for Executive Leadership Education, Outreach and Transformative Programs that genuinely are
steered to nudge our mainstream corporate and government administrations towards the better
goals we seek.
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We propose to set-up, develop and organize – so-called- “Laudato Si in the
Boardroom” trial version outreach programs from The Franciscan Order/
International Franciscan Action Network, and in partnership with EFOW,- and in order
to deepen the conversation1 in relevant and large corporate business communities in
the East and in the West, in the North and in the South on: 1) Peace& Security, 2)
UN SDG’s and 3) Paris Climate Change Agreement.
The organisational structure of this partnering initiative will be “from scratch”1 – and
will be new, lean, and pure and simple:
Focussing on the delivery of the outreach programs that inspires Corporate
Leadership to step-up and better integrate the UN SDGs into their mainstream
business functions
The initial organisation will be based on the Encyclical of Pope Francis, and will steer
towards modern and transformative leadership insights, best (corporate) practices
and will seek “a new sociocracy” between the established corporates and the
incumbent Laudato Si organisation.2
The opportunity we have is to blend, inspire and create with “Laudato Si in the
“a new flame and infusion” of “inspired leadership” into the Corporate Business
“an intervention formula that may be able to build some new working bridges, cross
borders, cross silo’s, cross institutes and cross some competing working or country
interests “
“and may provide the additional impact- for the attainment and the delivery of the UN
The case for action, is self-evident.
1 Deepen the experience
2 - and further in collaboration with local/regional governments, administration/corporate/civic society
and academic communities.
3 In the East, and in the West, in the North and in the South
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A Case for Action (2017)
Without too many words: We may be in some urgent need to reform and re-group
Let’s admit- and based on the latest insights and news on the development with the
Paris Climate Change Agreements and the UN SDGs – we are not on track, nor on
Just to share you- some most recent quality news- and that will tell (part of) the story
and may raise your eyebrows:
3. Climate Change Dashboard- Schroder Investment Management
4. Glaring Gap between Business Intentions and Actions on UN SDGs
5. Our present Energy Architecture developments are not so electrifying..
6. Global Poverty (1)
7. Global Poverty (2)
8. Local Poverty (example only)
9. Growth without Industrialisation?
10.Earth’s Sixth mass (animal) extinction event under way, scientists warn
11.Pollution linked to One in Six Death
12.Jeffrey Sachs on the Global Development
13.Global Risks are on the Rise- McKinsey CEO Survey
14.The Global Leadership Vacuum
15. New Era of XiJinPing Thought begins
16.Statements by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson
17.Xi Jinping's ‘New Era’ China a new era for the world?4
18.Pope Francis speaks with ISS Astronauts on Life’s Bigger Questions
44 It’s clear that in the present time of “Geo-Politics of Emotions” various worldviews are competing for
their position. The question today is: How can we ensure that Humanity is and will be served – by
these rivalries and strive? And how can we protect the individual human being, it’s dignity and religious
freedom (of belief) and our relationships in and between ourselves, and with nature.
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We may be in need of better "set" of “leadership eyes” , “real actions” and
transformations” and a better "tone of voice"- in and between ourselves
On the ways we apply and implement the UN SDGs and Paris Climate Change
agreement at home and how we deal with these in our trade relations- and the ways
our businesses and finance communities export, and market “stuff from home".
We may be to better review and steer the performances in the various industry
sectors- nationally, regionally and globally- think here again the key Energy, Industrial
and Finance Sectors,
And we may be invited to better unlock, scale and organize Transformative
Leadership that can become independent business leadership and facilitators - in
and between institutionalized organizations (corporates and
administrations), sectors, countries and on the whole.
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Description of our Proposal
Background into our Proposal
The Catholic Tradition teaches us that our environment, God’s Creation, is sacred
and endangered and must be protected and sustained for present and future
generations. The best available science confirms that we currently in an ecological
crisis, and as Christians, it is our responsibility to act on the issues of climate change
and environmental degradation, and to provide a voice for the victims of
environmental destruction, injustice and pollution.
The call to protect our natural world is particularly relevant to the Catholic Community
in 2016, as Pope Francis calls “every living person on the planet” to enter into a new
dialogue on ecology. His Holiness said in a Homily during Mass in February 2015, “A
Christian who does not protect Creation, who does not let it grow, is a Christian who
does not care about the work of God, that work that was born from the love of God
for us”.
These concepts transcend the Catholic and the Christian traditions, speaking to all of
humanity and giving a deeper moral and ethical imperative to protect our
environment and transition ourselves as individuals and corporations towards an
ecological conversion – to develop an integral ecology.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies only go so far in transforming a
company towards being truly environmentally responsible in the world. Many see
CSR as a useful tool for being responsible, while others see it as a cynical Public
Relations attempt for companies to appear better in the public eye.
The B Corporation movement goes some way beyond CSR, towards addressing
some of these concerns with an explicit declaration that a business would benefit all
stakeholders, not just shareholders by becoming sustainable. However, it lacks a
larger moral, ethical and spiritual framing and context.
The Global Catholic Climate Movement and its member organisations have a unique
opportunity at this critical point in history to enter into dialogue with corporations,
ideally at the boardroom level, as interest in Pope Francis’ message grows across
our human society. This opportunity has the potential to be part of a tipping point in
corporate culture towards a deeper societal ecological conversion.
There will be a variety of corporations that will be interested in the message of the
encyclical for a variety of reasons. These reasons will range from a true desire to
understand what is being said and wishing to respond to it in a meaningful way to
cynical attempts to learn more about the message so that it can be either countered
or exploited for the corporations’ own profit.
There will be many interpretations of the encyclical and Laudato Si’ in the Boardroom
is a project that provides the opportunity to develop and maintain an authentic
consistent message.
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Developing a tailored approach for each boardroom conversation is essential to
enable the motivation of board members to be heard and responded too… the main
vehicle for change is dialogue and every opportunity to communicate with boardroom
members is part of the process and is encouraged.
In its simplest form Laudato Si’ in the Boardroom will be a dialogue, a process guided
workshop including input from the encyclical in a way that corporates can
understand. It should be tailored to the corporation’s purpose and ultimately start
them on a journey of ecological conversion at a personal and organizational level.
We will build upon the experiences obtained through the successful Laudato Si’
formation programs
The goal for Laudato Si in the Boardroom is to start to create the conditions in which
corporations and individuals in the corporations undergo an planetary, ecological and
human consciousness conversion that embeds the principles in Laudato Si’ in every
organisation.- deepening the conversations, deepening the experiences.
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Our first Stepping Stone(s)5
We propose to set-up and demonstrate the seed of a Laudato Si in the Boardroom
in/with the relevant (global compact) business community, government, civic society
and academics of the US/Nordics/NW Europe- markets
The initial function of the Laudato Si in the Boardroom will be modest- and only a
stepping stone. :
Consider the following:
The Laudato Si in the Boardroom3 is to provide the facility, faculty and more sacred
environment for the decision makers, executives and professionals - in industry,
(society and governments), and who are shaping the UN Sustainable
Development Agenda or who are to determine our socio-economic and
business architecture for today and tomorrow.
Laudato Si in the Boardroom- A Program for (Business) Leadership Transformation
We have the unique opportunity to create and grow a safe haven6 for international
business, (government, science and civic leaders) to discuss, receive inspiration and
co-create in a more sacred and safe programs- the pathways into vibrant sustainable
societies and businesses.
To better integrate the UN Sustainable Development Goals in Mainstream
Businesses (and national Governance)
With this act to establish and found an independent and neutral facility and faculty
with our founding partners, we trust that we can support and bring important and
essential new value and values to the table7
The Laudato Si in the Boardroom programs and organization could ideally be
positioned to work and function between and with the WBCSD, Global Compact, UN
SDSN and relevant UN agencies.
The Laudato Si in the Boardroom provides the relevant, natural, safe and secure
environment to the executive professionals and decision makers.
”Laudato Si in the Boardroom”
– Realizing Sustainable Societies-here and there, now and tomorrow & the better
way of doing trade and business- .
5 Examples of early pilots and demonstrators ran by EFOW, FAN and Assisi- are in attachment
6 E.g. in Assisi. Or – just like Pope Francis dialogue with the ISS Astronauts
7 Based on Pope Francis Encyclical, the Roman Catholic Tradition - Christian Values, Franciscan
Order, spirit of Assisi
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The Laudato Si in the Boardroom will be a meeting place on invitation only, safe
and secure, and where leaders in government and the business community can
come together for sharing, learning, discovery and active realizations.
The goal of the Laudato Si in the Boardroom is to raise individual awareness and
perspectives on the (global change challenge/ sustainable development change)
challenges and opportunities ahead, to find the essences for navigation and to make
room for the new- balancing short and longer term society and societal needs with
nature (sustainability) and economy.
The role of the Laudato Si in the Boardroom is to create the conditions for
inspiration and rapid learning, and to allow the leaders to step-up, and to grow in their
resolve, identity and leadership position in the (international) industry.
The Laudato Si in the Boardroom will be a place for positive and inspirational
leadership, where public, private, investment and research worlds can meet.
Vision and Mission of “the Laudato Si in the Boardroom”
Thanks to the inspiration and guidance of Pope Francis in his encyclical Laudato Si!-
we have now the unique opportunity to create, nurture and grow a neutral and
 multi-national
 multi-party
Organization “for and by” businesses which can serve and aid the
international business sector to serve and build truly vibrant sustainable societies -
better integrating the UN Sustainable Development goals– globally.
The program can, may and will:
 Raise government and business capabilities and capacities for
building sustainable development economies and business architectures of
the 21st century: supporting the rise and development of global vibrant
sustainable societies.
 Aid Officials and Executives a new balancing act- and to raise a shared
vision, awareness and stewardship over the new needs and possibilities
in business and society.
 Assist in the creation, evaluation, oversight or mediation of multi-lateral (UN
SDG/trade) working programs- crossing borders, crossing sectors, and
crossing working interests.
 Produce and assist in the creation of new “forms and formats” benefitting the
global governance, business community and our civic societies.
With this act to establish and found an independent Laudato Si in the Boardroom
(program and organisation) with our founding partners, we trust that we can bring
important and essential new value and values to the table.
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The simple truth is:
What if we bring some of “the best and brightest” together on:
 Global/Regional/National Change- Cultural, Religious and National (Economic)
 UN Sustainable Development, Energy Architecture and Paris Climate Change
 Conscious Leadership (Laudato Si/ Franciscan Order/ Franciscan Action
 Organizational Leadership for and over Change : Transition and Innovation
What would or could happen? Could we create the forms and formats which can
rapidly generate ‘new coalitions of the willing’ – who could amplify meaningful
projects and scale our national and individual efforts?
The Laudato Si in the Boardroom (Program and Organisation) is to serve our
physical presence and event location for the leadership (development) platform and
movement4 - we also propose hold and are going to serve. - in years 2018-2019 and
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Now- in some very simple terms- I could summarize "the Edges and Frontiers"
of initial attention, - on:
1. The Global context and Change Challenge we see ourselves in: Pope Francis
Encyclical Laudato Si: the 24 planetary boundaries, the UN SDGs, - and the new
bridges and ways for transformation and change – for bringing Peace, deep respect
and care for Human dignity and our harmony with Nature- ) we are invited to see or
realize :
 Changing our countries.
 Changing our trading relations,
 Changing the sector.
 Changing our corporations and institutions.
 Changing the way we lead.
2. Our intense energy economies - and the way we direct and power our economies
and growth. The way we learn and instill consuming habits. To raise our level of
awareness and leadership capabilities for energy-economy transitions and
3. To better look, care and learn from the bottom of the pyramid: (how we treat) the
poor and deprived, as well as the (healthy or unhealthier behaviors), the middle-class
and at the Top of our Societies, our Elite, and our boardroom or Societal governance.
(ref. Edelman Group Global Trust Barometer 2017)
4. Better Learning to Manage the Mix of our Worldviews : our Ideal and Aspirational
Lifestyles: What is our aspirational Lifestyle. What worldviews do we carry- between
Cosmo and Eco, between Urban and Rural ? How can we make better space and
opportunity in our (global/ national) governance models to allow for local
(culture/dreams) to foster? What is the ideal edge and mix between Local- Global,
Central- De-central,. The Quest here is: how can be multiply 100,000 times what is
today of beauty? And how can we dampen 100,000 times what is today broken and
in pain?
5. How can we maintain or bring back "Heart and Soul" in our institutionalized
organizations on “their performance drive” and with their rapid evolving technologies8.
How do we maintain humanity and human touch in our lifestyles and works?
5. And finally- but not unimportantly: how can we nurture and grow the opportunity
space to ourselves and in our Leadership to allow us on the continued journey of the
more peaceful transformations and inspirations from within- and between ourselves:
peace, human dignity and harmony with nature?
Building the Laudato Si in the Boardroom would provide and bring
“all of the above” “Home”.
8 Including e.g. AI, Robotics, etc.
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Early Organisation
(Early) Team
Patrick Carolan – Executive Director (International) Franciscan Action Network
Adriaan Kamp – Founder, EFOW
Father Michael- Lansky, Franciscan Oder, Peace and Social Justice- Washington DC
(formerly UN representative of the Franciscan Order)
Janine Walsh- FAN, Business Development
EdieAnn Feigles- EFOW (USA) , Business development
Extended Team Members
Hans vd Loo – Chairman STEM, ex-Shell, etc.
Jules Koster- Business Development Director, de Baak
Robin Waaler- Chairman, Norway
Patrick Paul Walsh- UN SDSN Director of Education Etc.
+++++ Patrick to add
Working with partnership and collaborations is crucial to creating the process when
transitioning to the sustainable road forward in thought and practice. We connect
our network of professionals and organizations which can provide knowledge,
methodologies, reporting, consulting, business models, services, sharing best
practices, coaching and inspiration.
This helps create and support building the roadmap towards sustainability.
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Senior Advisors
The team has developed and continues to develop relationships with key and senior
heads in UN, Country, Business and Sustainable Development community and
Academia. Our plan is to invite these more senior members9 to join our senior
advisory and steering board once the early organisation is established and more
9 E.g. The Elders and retired Executives
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Scope 1- Key Milestones and Objectives
Milestones and Objectives
We see the following time-line, organisation and working collaboration:
1. Agreement
a. Laudato Si (seed) working program and plan agreed.
b. First seed payment received (donation/ grant) – 100 k USD
c. Early and extended team members agreed and committed
2. First Stage10 (90 days) – Framing the Pilot- January - March 2018
a. Review Brief, and collection of relevant input documentation (external/internal) – and
for the working group and the process to proceed. Organizing the team.
b. Workshop Opportunity Framing (Road-mapping) a selection of possible concrete and
specific demonstrators/pilots)- including but not limited to:
 Identification of Strategic Values11 and Early Wins, Red-lines, Deal-breakers and
into the Formation Process.
 Defining the early outreach objectives and programs
 Identification of a long-list/short-list of possible and relevant demonstrators/ pilots-
and pertaining to the relevant strategic objectives and selection criteria12.
 First round of internal/external interviews- testing our approach, early insights and
working proposals
c. Preparation into next stage
3. Pilot demonstration Stage: Into Formation (of demonstrator/pilot): start March 2018
a. Into Formation: preparation and organisation (invitation) of first pilots and
b. Delivering the Pilots/ demonstrators
c. Evaluation & Review
d. Preparation and Framing of Step-Up plan and Next round of Organisational
11 Including strategic partnerships
12 Typically- the Energy, Oil & Gas, Chemical, Industry, Finance sector
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We seek and would welcome an initial donation (grant) of some 100,000 USD+.
This will allow us to- a first year operation, and will allow us to:
- Organize the team
- Frame and define the first pilot workshops
- Deliver 2 to 3 pilot demonstrators- on locations.
Following our successful delivery of this first seed, we will seek to step-up and grow
this initiative into a sustained program and organisation.
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Argumentation demonstrating how the model meets the delivery
Criteria Value Observations
1. Core Values  Laudato Si in the Boardroom matches with UN SDGs and Global
Peace, Prosperity and Harmony between People and with
2. Capacity of impact and transformation  Dedicated and inspired outreach programs (“Laudato Si in the
Boardroom”) attended by selected leadership from Business,
Science, Government and Civic community (round-tables).
- for leadership transformation & decision making
3. Effectiveness  New “Laudato Si in the Boardroom” pilot organization(s) allows
to start from fresh, set-up and learn from best practices in
leadership transformation, industry (round-tables, decision
review boards, business and political agenda, delivery platforms)
and government on delivery and decision making effectiveness.
Based on interventions and selective outreach: guided by the
spirit of Assisi and our insights- and seeking impact with our
times and efforts.
4. Financing  Great organizational form to allow for public-private
partnerships – in the finance of projects and programs. The
Laudato Si in the Boardroom is not only to discuss or deliberate
on global/ regional business practices or issues- but may also
become instrumental in the conceptualization and realization
and delivery of (NEW) UN SDG (societal) impact programs.
5. Trust & Insight  Strenghtened by the words of Pope Francis and his Encyclical-
we build a first demonstrator of what we believe may be a solid
organizational road ahead.: Building and connecting
transnational, cross-border, regional bridges (between business,
science , civic society and policy makers) of program delivery and
new decision making.
6. Flexibility  The beauty of the “Laudato Si in the Boardroom” concepts is to
start from scratch, and to allow us to attune to the direct needs
in the markets: realizing UNSDGs/ Paris Climate Change
Agreement – on location, in the trade relations, and across the
various institutionalized silo’s that may be.
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7. Protect against the abuse of Power  You can’t run, if you do not know how to walk. With the help of
Best Practices from the Franciscan Order and Executive
leadership development centers- we will inspire this new
organizational center with its situational setting, credit and
credibility on its neutrality, independence, organizational
effectiveness, efficiency, can-do and tone of voice.
Our task is to develop the organization, faculty and leadership
delivery programs that are truly “in the spirit of Pope Francis
Encyclical”. By making use of Servant Leadership values- and a
smart fellow-ship program for political and business leadership –
with further making use of an Oversight commission from the
Elders and the Church- we can build a Laudato Si in the
Boardroom as no other.
8. Accountability  As we learn to progress and develop programs within Laudato Si
in the Boardroom – new mandates and accountabilities for its
organization will naturally develop.’-and other regions will see
inspiration and may follow-suit.
9. Regions  The proposed format is essentially and directly directed towards
a regional evolved delivery apparatus.
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5See in text
1. (Scope 2) Outreach on Energy Architecture & UN SDG’s
(Master classes, workshops, events)
Some typical EFOW Reference and Input Material
1. Presentation in Executive Energy Class
2. Presentation on Laudato Si/ UNSDG’s
3. Working Papers at UN SDSN/ Columbia University
4. Learning Platform (under development)
5. EFOW Energy Tour with ONGC - India
6. EFOW Turkey Master Class with Shell
7. EDI/Nyenrode New Energies curriculum
8. Typical EFOW Proposal- Master Class Energy Architecture & UN SDG’s
We kindly invite you to briefly study referenced example materials, - to familiarize yourself with some
of the possibilities -“width, extent and the depth” in this scope proposal:
In some very simple terms:
We fully underwrite the smart possibilities and informality that (independent) “safe, secure and a little
more sacred” master classes, (open conversations, classrooms, experience based workshops, events)
– in and between business leadership and trans-national trading parties.- can bring.
These better form of “(experience based) classes” can become a true source of potential and initiate
“a fresh new breath” – in and between the new or incumbent parties and partners- across and
cultures, and can be instrumental in helping to foster some new grounds, some new trust, inspiration
and imagination, some new readiness, and positive willingness for decision making for good
business to proceed.: especially “on the edge and bridge”- between Energy Architecture
development & UN SDGs.- between Country, Business and UN.
Between the East and the West, the North and the South.
Not naïve, neither idealistic- but rather real.
We believe that our combination and program orientation- with FAN and EFOW practice13 is and can
be uniquely positioned “to open some new doors”, to create “some new forms and formats on
outreach”14, to build “cross- border, cross-sector collaborations and impact” and to help to foster “the
tone of voice and the leadership values” that are relevant for the changes and opportunities we may
need, or seek
As such- we can demonstrate our abilities and “ice-break, organize and rain-make”- for better
business to proceed.
Since our inception in 2012, we've consistently build and produced new creative forms and formats
for Executive Leadership Education, Outreach and Leadership Transformative Programs that
genuinely are inspirational and nudge (foreign and) mainstream corporate and government
13 Independent and neutral in Name. In focus and expertise within the practice: Energy Architecture &
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administrations towards the better collaborative ways, projects and goals - you may also aspire to
We feel confident, that together with you, we can co-create outreach workshops, events, or learning
platforms – and with a different tone of voice- across countries and business communities- and that
will immediately benefit the business and project opportunity scope and attract and inspire.
As such- we are very much excited to work with you- and see this this to be.
A simple “stepping stone” would be to test this in your company (workshop, master class) , and/or to
test deliver a pragmatic seed or pilot at (different) events or on locations.
25 | P a g e
3. The “Spirit of Assisi” in Business and
Government Leadership (4-day program)
“Spirit of Assisi”
1. Peace and All Good
2. Unity in Diversity
3. Listening, dialogue, meditation and understanding: building common ground
Early Pilot versions were held in Denmark (2016): Presentation on Laudato Si/ UNSDG’s
Reference also: Tales of Conversion
A typical example of a 4-day leadership transformation program – for our business and
government leadership - on location.
Day 1
Introduction into Saint Francis and Saint Clare: Historic time and placement, life
and learnings, mission and its relevance and meanings for today
Laudato Si, UN Sustainable development goals, and the relevance of a modern St
Francis today
Visit to city and holy shrines: St. Francis Home, San Damian cross/St Chiara and
St Francis’ Tomb
Day 2
Walk in Nature (Subasio) to Eremo delle Carceri, Park and in Nature
Picnic in Nature
Prayer, meditation and contemplation:
- Self
- Other
- Organization
- Wiider world / World View
Evening Dinner and Music (Singing), Movie Documentary and Conversation
26 | P a g e
Day 3 Morning prayer, meditation, or contemplative walk
Recap of Day 1 and 2/ Expectations Day 3.
Theory-U and the Power of Silence
Business & Spirituality - the Bridge between Conscious and Servant Leadership
and Today: Dialogue and Workshop
The State of our World Today: Today’s Facts, Trends, Stories and Future
Laudato Si and our call to raise our level of stewardship over a more integral
human, economy and ecological development
Strategies and action plans:
- Self
- Other
- Organisaiton
- Wider World
Evening Program: dinner and music
Workshop Strategy, Scenario’s & Opportunity Framing - including Group Exercise
Day 4
Morning Morning prayer, meditation, or contemplative walk
Recap of Day 3/ Expectations Day 4.
Individual Quest in Town with Cue Cards- deep queries of personal and business
organisation nature - based on Laudato Si and course material
Afternoon Dialogue and conversation: A Friar’s tale and journey of conversion: Closer to God
and a conversion in Life: A spiritual leadership perspective.
Connecting the dots: Personal and Group Work Plans
The Leadership Challenge
- Leadership & Sustainable Development: integral human, economy and ecology
- Leadership Of Change
- - Building the Co-alitions of the Willing
- 21st century Leadership: servant, conscious and situational.
Group Exercises and Discussion, Departure
27 | P a g e
Recommended Background Information – into our practice
Some sample documents from
Energy For One World
2. Energy For One Work ( Book)
3. Tales of Conversion (Book)
4. Outreach and Executive Learning-
5. Presentation at UN SDSN -Trinity College(/Columbia University)- on Global Change, Energy,
UN SDGs and our Leadership
6. Presentation to Executive Energy Leaders – by Energy For One World (power slides only)
7. Laudato Si in the Boardroom
8. Learning Platform – Example
9. Webcast presentation on the Year 2015-2016 Agenda
10. The Global Change Challenge
11. Energy Architecture, Integral Ecology, Society, Economy and our Transition Management
12. Walking on the Path of Sustainable Development
13. Leadership, Leadership of Change
14. Articles shared at Global Conferences on UN SDSN:
15. Energy & Sustainable Development- The Realization of a new global compact on Energy
Architecture Development
16. New Roles and Responsibilities for Business in the UN Sustainable Development Goals
17. Performance Platform – India (Typical)
18. Bridges to Sustainability- Program
19. Mexico Energy Reform
20. Weekly Insights
21. EFOW Media Centre
28 | P a g e
Video Presentations, Websites, Reports
and Websites
2. The Age of Sustainable Development
3. The Great Acceleration– video
4. The Great Acceleration– website and scientific articles
5. The Sustainable Development Goals– official website, knowledge platform
6. The Sustainable Development Goals– powerslides
7. Pope Francis Encyclical- Laudato Si!- Care for Creation and our Common Home
8. Davos WEF 2017: An Insight. An Idea –with Cardinal Pietro Parolin
9. Davos WEF2017: The Crisis of the Middle-Class
10. Better Business- Better World
29 | P a g e
1 But in consultation with the relevant corporate and government organization leadership – and advise
and experience from the present incumbents, Elders, senior advisors- including but not limited to
cross-cultural and cross- generational learning
22 Think Asean, China’s Belt and Road, America First, EU, OECD, Africa Union, Mercusor, Island
States, South-South, etc.
4 Reference 2

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Laudato Si in the Boardroom

  • 1. 1 | P a g e Laudato Si in the Boardroom Deepening the Conversation with Experience-based Workshops for Impact, Transformation & Progressive Actions Pilot & Demonstrator Version [2, draft for agreement] Date [October 2017] Location Washington DC, USA, Oslo, Norway & The Hague, the Netherlands Author [PC, AK]
  • 2. 2 | P a g e 26th October 2017, The Hague, Netherlands FAN & EFOW to set-up and demonstrate “Laudato Si in the Boardroom”. Dear Impact Investor Dear Philantropy Investor, Based on your sympathetic and visionary organisation– please find our grant/ donation request/proposal to you- from our working practices. We are most happy to confirm that we believe that with our grant request and our proposal- your organisation ambitions, goals and objectives will see itself serviced - and further developed- from the plan we bring you in contact with. In the following brief – we will explain. We are both fully aligned in vision, principles, code of ethics, objectives and sense of urgency - and in our understanding that we need our systems and organization (leadership) to change (including our institutionalized and leadership ways of working) - if we like to have enhance our chance and maintain a world we want to live in. We are very confident that by granting finance to our proposal and team - , and collaborating together in good spirits, and in full force, that with this proposal- we can truly expect to see a win with some meaningful impact and with perhaps an example for others to follow , Let’s go and do some small miracles, and let’s realize the results-driven actions and relevant transformational impacts, making the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Laudato Si within reach, Adriaan Kamp- Founder EFOW
  • 3. 3 | P a g e 1. Pope Francis speaks with ISS Astronauts on Life’s Bigger Questions
  • 4. 4 | P a g e Our Organisations:- Franciscan Action Network Our Mission Statement: Inspired by the Gospel of Jesus, and the example of Saints Francis and Clare, the Franciscan Action Network (FAN) is a collective Franciscan voice seeking to transform (United States) public policy and (business leadership) related to peace making, care for creation, poverty, and human rights. We are a grassroots organization amplifying the justice efforts of Franciscans and Franciscan-hearted people around the country. Join our growing movement that endures from St. Francis of Assisi and his call for compassion for the poor and for creation over 800 years ago. Our Vision Statement: The Franciscan Action Network sees the interconnectedness of all creation and the common origin of humanity as rooted in God’s loving design for the earth and all people. Recognizing this fundamental goodness of God through the act of creation, FAN counters the social sinfulness that persistently compromises God’s hopes, through a clarion call to conversion. It is through continual conversion that the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor can be heard in their authenticity and understood in a way that leads us to re-discover our original goodness, both personally and collectively. Through this process of continual conversion we discover ourselves as co-creators, with God and others, thereby realizing a world where people and plant cherish a common inherent dignity, encourage social goodness, and live in just prosperity History and Creation of FAN: The original idea for the Franciscan Action Network (FAN) came as a result of a challenge by Franciscans International (FI) and the representatives of each of the six different branches of the Franciscan family. Located in Rome, this entity is referred to as the “Roman 6.” FI and the Roman 6 saw that a great deal of the work they did at the UN and in Rome was affected by what happened in the United States. They called for all of the different branches of the Franciscan families to come together and present a unified Franciscan voice in Washington DC. One of the early leaders was Sister Margaret Mary Kimmins, an Allegany Franciscan sister, Margaret Mary had served on the board of Franciscans International and she also worked as director of faith outreach at Bread for the World. She had a unique perspective on the connection between what happens in Washington and what happens at the UN. Margaret Mary along with Russ Testa, who was the JPIC director for the Holy Name Province of the OFM, Brother Tino Arias, OFM Capuchin from the Province of St. Mary’s, and Tom Bello the National Minister of the Secular Franciscans formed a steering committee. In the fall of 2007, there was a gathering in Baltimore of approximately 150 Franciscans from across the country representing all the different branches of the Franciscan Family, including leaders from all three orders as well as leaders from the Episcopal Franciscans and the Ecumenical Franciscans. As a result of this retreat, there emerged
  • 5. 5 | P a g e the goal for a new collective identity, one that would be responsive to today’s social crises. At this gathering the Franciscan Action Network (FAN) was created. Built to “faithfully represent our steering committee, our Franciscan institutional members and our many new individual members—both religious and secular—in one way: the propagation of a restorative course of action for our culture through intelligent advocacy. This civic action we call advocacy is rooted in the spiritual strength of an eight hundred year old faith tradition that obligates us.” The years 2008-2009 were primarily used to organize FAN. An advisory/action committee was created with representatives from all branches of the Franciscan family and all geographic regions. Bylaws and Articles of incorporation were written, a board of directors was established and FAN received its 501 (C) (3) status. Russ served as intern director until a permanent director could be hired. Father Larry Janezic was hired in 2009. In 2010, Patrick Carolan came on board as the executive director and still holds that position. Margaret Mary served as the first president of the board until 2013 when she stepped down and was replaced by fellow Allegany Franciscan Sister Margaret Magee. Since the early days, FAN has grown into a well-established organization in Washington, DC. Recognized as a lead organization on several issues, FAN has expanded our staff to include directors of advocacy and campaigns as well as retaining an office manager and communications coordinator. Membership has expanded to 50 member institutions. With their support, along with various grants and other outside funding, we continue to build our advocacy efforts within our core issues as established at our founding. By partnering with other organizations, we have become a dependable Franciscan voice for justice both in D.C. and beyond. . Energy For One World ( Energy For One World (EFOW) is a boutique consulting firm focused on organizing the delivery of Sustainable Energy Architectures and UN Sustainable Developments into Sustainable Societies. Our hybrid organization is focused on creating and developing outreach programs, consultancy and hands-on programs in, for and between markets and organisations. With a network of high-level professional relationships crossing the Globe, and with deep expertise in both the Energy Sector and the UN SDG’s - from Academia, Business and Government – the EFOW practice is uniquely positioned “to open some new doors”, to create “some new bridges of actions and understanding”, to build “cross- border, cross-sector collaborations and impact” and to help to foster “the tone of voice and the leadership values” that are relevant for the changes we may need, or seek. Since our inception in 2012, we've consistently build and produced new creative forms and formats for Executive Leadership Education, Outreach and Transformative Programs that genuinely are steered to nudge our mainstream corporate and government administrations towards the better goals we seek.
  • 6. 6 | P a g e Abstract We propose to set-up, develop and organize – so-called- “Laudato Si in the Boardroom” trial version outreach programs from The Franciscan Order/ International Franciscan Action Network, and in partnership with EFOW,- and in order to deepen the conversation1 in relevant and large corporate business communities in the East and in the West, in the North and in the South on: 1) Peace& Security, 2) UN SDG’s and 3) Paris Climate Change Agreement. The organisational structure of this partnering initiative will be “from scratch”1 – and will be new, lean, and pure and simple: Focussing on the delivery of the outreach programs that inspires Corporate Leadership to step-up and better integrate the UN SDGs into their mainstream business functions The initial organisation will be based on the Encyclical of Pope Francis, and will steer towards modern and transformative leadership insights, best (corporate) practices and will seek “a new sociocracy” between the established corporates and the incumbent Laudato Si organisation.2 The opportunity we have is to blend, inspire and create with “Laudato Si in the Boardroom” “a new flame and infusion” of “inspired leadership” into the Corporate Business Community3” “an intervention formula that may be able to build some new working bridges, cross borders, cross silo’s, cross institutes and cross some competing working or country interests “ “and may provide the additional impact- for the attainment and the delivery of the UN SDGs.2” The case for action, is self-evident. 1 Deepen the experience 2 - and further in collaboration with local/regional governments, administration/corporate/civic society and academic communities. 3 In the East, and in the West, in the North and in the South
  • 7. 7 | P a g e A Case for Action (2017) Without too many words: We may be in some urgent need to reform and re-group ourselves. Let’s admit- and based on the latest insights and news on the development with the Paris Climate Change Agreements and the UN SDGs – we are not on track, nor on schedule, Just to share you- some most recent quality news- and that will tell (part of) the story and may raise your eyebrows: 2. WAKE UP - THIS IS (Y)OUR ONLY HOME ! 3. Climate Change Dashboard- Schroder Investment Management 4. Glaring Gap between Business Intentions and Actions on UN SDGs 5. Our present Energy Architecture developments are not so electrifying.. 6. Global Poverty (1) 7. Global Poverty (2) 8. Local Poverty (example only) 9. Growth without Industrialisation? 10.Earth’s Sixth mass (animal) extinction event under way, scientists warn 11.Pollution linked to One in Six Death 12.Jeffrey Sachs on the Global Development 13.Global Risks are on the Rise- McKinsey CEO Survey 14.The Global Leadership Vacuum 15. New Era of XiJinPing Thought begins 16.Statements by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson 17.Xi Jinping's ‘New Era’ China a new era for the world?4 18.Pope Francis speaks with ISS Astronauts on Life’s Bigger Questions 44 It’s clear that in the present time of “Geo-Politics of Emotions” various worldviews are competing for their position. The question today is: How can we ensure that Humanity is and will be served – by these rivalries and strive? And how can we protect the individual human being, it’s dignity and religious freedom (of belief) and our relationships in and between ourselves, and with nature.
  • 8. 8 | P a g e We may be in need of better "set" of “leadership eyes” , “real actions” and transformations” and a better "tone of voice"- in and between ourselves On the ways we apply and implement the UN SDGs and Paris Climate Change agreement at home and how we deal with these in our trade relations- and the ways our businesses and finance communities export, and market “stuff from home". We may be to better review and steer the performances in the various industry sectors- nationally, regionally and globally- think here again the key Energy, Industrial and Finance Sectors, And we may be invited to better unlock, scale and organize Transformative Leadership that can become independent business leadership and facilitators - in and between institutionalized organizations (corporates and administrations), sectors, countries and on the whole.
  • 9. 9 | P a g e Description of our Proposal Background into our Proposal The Catholic Tradition teaches us that our environment, God’s Creation, is sacred and endangered and must be protected and sustained for present and future generations. The best available science confirms that we currently in an ecological crisis, and as Christians, it is our responsibility to act on the issues of climate change and environmental degradation, and to provide a voice for the victims of environmental destruction, injustice and pollution. The call to protect our natural world is particularly relevant to the Catholic Community in 2016, as Pope Francis calls “every living person on the planet” to enter into a new dialogue on ecology. His Holiness said in a Homily during Mass in February 2015, “A Christian who does not protect Creation, who does not let it grow, is a Christian who does not care about the work of God, that work that was born from the love of God for us”. These concepts transcend the Catholic and the Christian traditions, speaking to all of humanity and giving a deeper moral and ethical imperative to protect our environment and transition ourselves as individuals and corporations towards an ecological conversion – to develop an integral ecology. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies only go so far in transforming a company towards being truly environmentally responsible in the world. Many see CSR as a useful tool for being responsible, while others see it as a cynical Public Relations attempt for companies to appear better in the public eye. The B Corporation movement goes some way beyond CSR, towards addressing some of these concerns with an explicit declaration that a business would benefit all stakeholders, not just shareholders by becoming sustainable. However, it lacks a larger moral, ethical and spiritual framing and context. The Global Catholic Climate Movement and its member organisations have a unique opportunity at this critical point in history to enter into dialogue with corporations, ideally at the boardroom level, as interest in Pope Francis’ message grows across our human society. This opportunity has the potential to be part of a tipping point in corporate culture towards a deeper societal ecological conversion. There will be a variety of corporations that will be interested in the message of the encyclical for a variety of reasons. These reasons will range from a true desire to understand what is being said and wishing to respond to it in a meaningful way to cynical attempts to learn more about the message so that it can be either countered or exploited for the corporations’ own profit. There will be many interpretations of the encyclical and Laudato Si’ in the Boardroom is a project that provides the opportunity to develop and maintain an authentic consistent message.
  • 10. 10 | P a g e Developing a tailored approach for each boardroom conversation is essential to enable the motivation of board members to be heard and responded too… the main vehicle for change is dialogue and every opportunity to communicate with boardroom members is part of the process and is encouraged. In its simplest form Laudato Si’ in the Boardroom will be a dialogue, a process guided workshop including input from the encyclical in a way that corporates can understand. It should be tailored to the corporation’s purpose and ultimately start them on a journey of ecological conversion at a personal and organizational level. We will build upon the experiences obtained through the successful Laudato Si’ formation programs The goal for Laudato Si in the Boardroom is to start to create the conditions in which corporations and individuals in the corporations undergo an planetary, ecological and human consciousness conversion that embeds the principles in Laudato Si’ in every organisation.- deepening the conversations, deepening the experiences.
  • 11. 11 | P a g e Our first Stepping Stone(s)5 We propose to set-up and demonstrate the seed of a Laudato Si in the Boardroom in/with the relevant (global compact) business community, government, civic society and academics of the US/Nordics/NW Europe- markets The initial function of the Laudato Si in the Boardroom will be modest- and only a stepping stone. : Consider the following: The Laudato Si in the Boardroom3 is to provide the facility, faculty and more sacred environment for the decision makers, executives and professionals - in industry, (society and governments), and who are shaping the UN Sustainable Development Agenda or who are to determine our socio-economic and business architecture for today and tomorrow. Laudato Si in the Boardroom- A Program for (Business) Leadership Transformation We have the unique opportunity to create and grow a safe haven6 for international business, (government, science and civic leaders) to discuss, receive inspiration and co-create in a more sacred and safe programs- the pathways into vibrant sustainable societies and businesses. To better integrate the UN Sustainable Development Goals in Mainstream Businesses (and national Governance) With this act to establish and found an independent and neutral facility and faculty with our founding partners, we trust that we can support and bring important and essential new value and values to the table7 The Laudato Si in the Boardroom programs and organization could ideally be positioned to work and function between and with the WBCSD, Global Compact, UN SDSN and relevant UN agencies. The Laudato Si in the Boardroom provides the relevant, natural, safe and secure environment to the executive professionals and decision makers. ”Laudato Si in the Boardroom” – Realizing Sustainable Societies-here and there, now and tomorrow & the better way of doing trade and business- . 5 Examples of early pilots and demonstrators ran by EFOW, FAN and Assisi- are in attachment 6 E.g. in Assisi. Or – just like Pope Francis dialogue with the ISS Astronauts 7 Based on Pope Francis Encyclical, the Roman Catholic Tradition - Christian Values, Franciscan Order, spirit of Assisi
  • 12. 12 | P a g e The Laudato Si in the Boardroom will be a meeting place on invitation only, safe and secure, and where leaders in government and the business community can come together for sharing, learning, discovery and active realizations. The goal of the Laudato Si in the Boardroom is to raise individual awareness and perspectives on the (global change challenge/ sustainable development change) challenges and opportunities ahead, to find the essences for navigation and to make room for the new- balancing short and longer term society and societal needs with nature (sustainability) and economy. The role of the Laudato Si in the Boardroom is to create the conditions for inspiration and rapid learning, and to allow the leaders to step-up, and to grow in their resolve, identity and leadership position in the (international) industry. The Laudato Si in the Boardroom will be a place for positive and inspirational leadership, where public, private, investment and research worlds can meet. Vision and Mission of “the Laudato Si in the Boardroom” Thanks to the inspiration and guidance of Pope Francis in his encyclical Laudato Si!- we have now the unique opportunity to create, nurture and grow a neutral and independent  multi-national  multi-party Organization “for and by” businesses which can serve and aid the international business sector to serve and build truly vibrant sustainable societies - better integrating the UN Sustainable Development goals– globally. The program can, may and will:  Raise government and business capabilities and capacities for building sustainable development economies and business architectures of the 21st century: supporting the rise and development of global vibrant sustainable societies.  Aid Officials and Executives a new balancing act- and to raise a shared vision, awareness and stewardship over the new needs and possibilities in business and society.  Assist in the creation, evaluation, oversight or mediation of multi-lateral (UN SDG/trade) working programs- crossing borders, crossing sectors, and crossing working interests.  Produce and assist in the creation of new “forms and formats” benefitting the global governance, business community and our civic societies. With this act to establish and found an independent Laudato Si in the Boardroom (program and organisation) with our founding partners, we trust that we can bring important and essential new value and values to the table.
  • 13. 13 | P a g e The simple truth is: What if we bring some of “the best and brightest” together on:  Global/Regional/National Change- Cultural, Religious and National (Economic) Worldviews  UN Sustainable Development, Energy Architecture and Paris Climate Change  Conscious Leadership (Laudato Si/ Franciscan Order/ Franciscan Action Network)  Organizational Leadership for and over Change : Transition and Innovation Management What would or could happen? Could we create the forms and formats which can rapidly generate ‘new coalitions of the willing’ – who could amplify meaningful projects and scale our national and individual efforts? The Laudato Si in the Boardroom (Program and Organisation) is to serve our physical presence and event location for the leadership (development) platform and movement4 - we also propose hold and are going to serve. - in years 2018-2019 and beyond.
  • 14. 14 | P a g e
  • 15. 15 | P a g e Now- in some very simple terms- I could summarize "the Edges and Frontiers" of initial attention, - on: 1. The Global context and Change Challenge we see ourselves in: Pope Francis Encyclical Laudato Si: the 24 planetary boundaries, the UN SDGs, - and the new bridges and ways for transformation and change – for bringing Peace, deep respect and care for Human dignity and our harmony with Nature- ) we are invited to see or realize :  Changing our countries.  Changing our trading relations,  Changing the sector.  Changing our corporations and institutions.  Changing the way we lead. 2. Our intense energy economies - and the way we direct and power our economies and growth. The way we learn and instill consuming habits. To raise our level of awareness and leadership capabilities for energy-economy transitions and transformations. 3. To better look, care and learn from the bottom of the pyramid: (how we treat) the poor and deprived, as well as the (healthy or unhealthier behaviors), the middle-class and at the Top of our Societies, our Elite, and our boardroom or Societal governance. (ref. Edelman Group Global Trust Barometer 2017) 4. Better Learning to Manage the Mix of our Worldviews : our Ideal and Aspirational Lifestyles: What is our aspirational Lifestyle. What worldviews do we carry- between Cosmo and Eco, between Urban and Rural ? How can we make better space and opportunity in our (global/ national) governance models to allow for local (culture/dreams) to foster? What is the ideal edge and mix between Local- Global, Central- De-central,. The Quest here is: how can be multiply 100,000 times what is today of beauty? And how can we dampen 100,000 times what is today broken and in pain? 5. How can we maintain or bring back "Heart and Soul" in our institutionalized organizations on “their performance drive” and with their rapid evolving technologies8. How do we maintain humanity and human touch in our lifestyles and works? 5. And finally- but not unimportantly: how can we nurture and grow the opportunity space to ourselves and in our Leadership to allow us on the continued journey of the more peaceful transformations and inspirations from within- and between ourselves: peace, human dignity and harmony with nature? Building the Laudato Si in the Boardroom would provide and bring “all of the above” “Home”. 8 Including e.g. AI, Robotics, etc.
  • 16. 16 | P a g e Early Organisation (Early) Team Patrick Carolan – Executive Director (International) Franciscan Action Network Adriaan Kamp – Founder, EFOW Father Michael- Lansky, Franciscan Oder, Peace and Social Justice- Washington DC (formerly UN representative of the Franciscan Order) Janine Walsh- FAN, Business Development EdieAnn Feigles- EFOW (USA) , Business development Extended Team Members Hans vd Loo – Chairman STEM, ex-Shell, etc. Jules Koster- Business Development Director, de Baak Robin Waaler- Chairman, Norway Patrick Paul Walsh- UN SDSN Director of Education Etc. +++++ Patrick to add Partnerships Working with partnership and collaborations is crucial to creating the process when transitioning to the sustainable road forward in thought and practice. We connect our network of professionals and organizations which can provide knowledge, methodologies, reporting, consulting, business models, services, sharing best practices, coaching and inspiration. This helps create and support building the roadmap towards sustainability.
  • 17. 17 | P a g e Senior Advisors The team has developed and continues to develop relationships with key and senior heads in UN, Country, Business and Sustainable Development community and Academia. Our plan is to invite these more senior members9 to join our senior advisory and steering board once the early organisation is established and more proven 9 E.g. The Elders and retired Executives
  • 18. 18 | P a g e Milestones, Scope 1- Key Milestones and Objectives Milestones and Objectives We see the following time-line, organisation and working collaboration: 1. Agreement a. Laudato Si (seed) working program and plan agreed. b. First seed payment received (donation/ grant) – 100 k USD c. Early and extended team members agreed and committed 2. First Stage10 (90 days) – Framing the Pilot- January - March 2018 a. Review Brief, and collection of relevant input documentation (external/internal) – and for the working group and the process to proceed. Organizing the team. b. Workshop Opportunity Framing (Road-mapping) a selection of possible concrete and specific demonstrators/pilots)- including but not limited to:  Identification of Strategic Values11 and Early Wins, Red-lines, Deal-breakers and into the Formation Process.  Defining the early outreach objectives and programs  Identification of a long-list/short-list of possible and relevant demonstrators/ pilots- and pertaining to the relevant strategic objectives and selection criteria12.  First round of internal/external interviews- testing our approach, early insights and working proposals c. Preparation into next stage 3. Pilot demonstration Stage: Into Formation (of demonstrator/pilot): start March 2018 a. Into Formation: preparation and organisation (invitation) of first pilots and demonstrators b. Delivering the Pilots/ demonstrators c. Evaluation & Review d. Preparation and Framing of Step-Up plan and Next round of Organisational development 10. 11 Including strategic partnerships 12 Typically- the Energy, Oil & Gas, Chemical, Industry, Finance sector
  • 19. 19 | P a g e
  • 20. 20 | P a g e Budget We seek and would welcome an initial donation (grant) of some 100,000 USD+. This will allow us to- a first year operation, and will allow us to: - Organize the team - Frame and define the first pilot workshops - Deliver 2 to 3 pilot demonstrators- on locations. Following our successful delivery of this first seed, we will seek to step-up and grow this initiative into a sustained program and organisation.
  • 21. 21 | P a g e Argumentation demonstrating how the model meets the delivery criteria Criteria Value Observations 1. Core Values  Laudato Si in the Boardroom matches with UN SDGs and Global Needs: Peace, Prosperity and Harmony between People and with Nature 2. Capacity of impact and transformation  Dedicated and inspired outreach programs (“Laudato Si in the Boardroom”) attended by selected leadership from Business, Science, Government and Civic community (round-tables). - for leadership transformation & decision making 3. Effectiveness  New “Laudato Si in the Boardroom” pilot organization(s) allows to start from fresh, set-up and learn from best practices in leadership transformation, industry (round-tables, decision review boards, business and political agenda, delivery platforms) and government on delivery and decision making effectiveness. Based on interventions and selective outreach: guided by the spirit of Assisi and our insights- and seeking impact with our times and efforts. 4. Financing  Great organizational form to allow for public-private partnerships – in the finance of projects and programs. The Laudato Si in the Boardroom is not only to discuss or deliberate on global/ regional business practices or issues- but may also become instrumental in the conceptualization and realization and delivery of (NEW) UN SDG (societal) impact programs. 5. Trust & Insight  Strenghtened by the words of Pope Francis and his Encyclical- we build a first demonstrator of what we believe may be a solid organizational road ahead.: Building and connecting transnational, cross-border, regional bridges (between business, science , civic society and policy makers) of program delivery and new decision making. 6. Flexibility  The beauty of the “Laudato Si in the Boardroom” concepts is to start from scratch, and to allow us to attune to the direct needs in the markets: realizing UNSDGs/ Paris Climate Change Agreement – on location, in the trade relations, and across the various institutionalized silo’s that may be.
  • 22. 22 | P a g e 7. Protect against the abuse of Power  You can’t run, if you do not know how to walk. With the help of Best Practices from the Franciscan Order and Executive leadership development centers- we will inspire this new organizational center with its situational setting, credit and credibility on its neutrality, independence, organizational effectiveness, efficiency, can-do and tone of voice. Our task is to develop the organization, faculty and leadership delivery programs that are truly “in the spirit of Pope Francis Encyclical”. By making use of Servant Leadership values- and a smart fellow-ship program for political and business leadership – with further making use of an Oversight commission from the Elders and the Church- we can build a Laudato Si in the Boardroom as no other. 8. Accountability  As we learn to progress and develop programs within Laudato Si in the Boardroom – new mandates and accountabilities for its organization will naturally develop.’-and other regions will see inspiration and may follow-suit. 9. Regions  The proposed format is essentially and directly directed towards a regional evolved delivery apparatus.
  • 23. 23 | P a g e References 5See in text 1. (Scope 2) Outreach on Energy Architecture & UN SDG’s (Master classes, workshops, events) Some typical EFOW Reference and Input Material 1. Presentation in Executive Energy Class 2. Presentation on Laudato Si/ UNSDG’s 3. Working Papers at UN SDSN/ Columbia University 4. Learning Platform (under development) 5. EFOW Energy Tour with ONGC - India 6. EFOW Turkey Master Class with Shell 7. EDI/Nyenrode New Energies curriculum 8. Typical EFOW Proposal- Master Class Energy Architecture & UN SDG’s We kindly invite you to briefly study referenced example materials, - to familiarize yourself with some of the possibilities -“width, extent and the depth” in this scope proposal: In some very simple terms: We fully underwrite the smart possibilities and informality that (independent) “safe, secure and a little more sacred” master classes, (open conversations, classrooms, experience based workshops, events) – in and between business leadership and trans-national trading parties.- can bring. These better form of “(experience based) classes” can become a true source of potential and initiate “a fresh new breath” – in and between the new or incumbent parties and partners- across and cultures, and can be instrumental in helping to foster some new grounds, some new trust, inspiration and imagination, some new readiness, and positive willingness for decision making for good business to proceed.: especially “on the edge and bridge”- between Energy Architecture development & UN SDGs.- between Country, Business and UN. Between the East and the West, the North and the South. Not naïve, neither idealistic- but rather real. We believe that our combination and program orientation- with FAN and EFOW practice13 is and can be uniquely positioned “to open some new doors”, to create “some new forms and formats on outreach”14, to build “cross- border, cross-sector collaborations and impact” and to help to foster “the tone of voice and the leadership values” that are relevant for the changes and opportunities we may need, or seek As such- we can demonstrate our abilities and “ice-break, organize and rain-make”- for better business to proceed. Since our inception in 2012, we've consistently build and produced new creative forms and formats for Executive Leadership Education, Outreach and Leadership Transformative Programs that genuinely are inspirational and nudge (foreign and) mainstream corporate and government 13 Independent and neutral in Name. In focus and expertise within the practice: Energy Architecture & UN SDGs 14
  • 24. 24 | P a g e administrations towards the better collaborative ways, projects and goals - you may also aspire to seek. We feel confident, that together with you, we can co-create outreach workshops, events, or learning platforms – and with a different tone of voice- across countries and business communities- and that will immediately benefit the business and project opportunity scope and attract and inspire. As such- we are very much excited to work with you- and see this this to be. A simple “stepping stone” would be to test this in your company (workshop, master class) , and/or to test deliver a pragmatic seed or pilot at (different) events or on locations.
  • 25. 25 | P a g e 3. The “Spirit of Assisi” in Business and Government Leadership (4-day program) “Spirit of Assisi” 1. Peace and All Good 2. Unity in Diversity 3. Listening, dialogue, meditation and understanding: building common ground Early Pilot versions were held in Denmark (2016): Presentation on Laudato Si/ UNSDG’s Reference also: Tales of Conversion A typical example of a 4-day leadership transformation program – for our business and government leadership - on location. Day 1 Welcome Introduction into Saint Francis and Saint Clare: Historic time and placement, life and learnings, mission and its relevance and meanings for today Laudato Si, UN Sustainable development goals, and the relevance of a modern St Francis today Visit to city and holy shrines: St. Francis Home, San Damian cross/St Chiara and St Francis’ Tomb Day 2 Walk in Nature (Subasio) to Eremo delle Carceri, Park and in Nature Picnic in Nature Prayer, meditation and contemplation: - Self - Other - Organization - Wiider world / World View Evening Dinner and Music (Singing), Movie Documentary and Conversation
  • 26. 26 | P a g e Day 3 Morning prayer, meditation, or contemplative walk Recap of Day 1 and 2/ Expectations Day 3. Theory-U and the Power of Silence Business & Spirituality - the Bridge between Conscious and Servant Leadership and Today: Dialogue and Workshop Afternoon: The State of our World Today: Today’s Facts, Trends, Stories and Future Scenarios Laudato Si and our call to raise our level of stewardship over a more integral human, economy and ecological development Strategies and action plans: - Self - Other - Organisaiton - Wider World Evening Program: dinner and music (Optional) Workshop Strategy, Scenario’s & Opportunity Framing - including Group Exercise Day 4 Morning Morning prayer, meditation, or contemplative walk Recap of Day 3/ Expectations Day 4. Individual Quest in Town with Cue Cards- deep queries of personal and business organisation nature - based on Laudato Si and course material Afternoon Afternoon Dialogue and conversation: A Friar’s tale and journey of conversion: Closer to God and a conversion in Life: A spiritual leadership perspective. Connecting the dots: Personal and Group Work Plans The Leadership Challenge - Leadership & Sustainable Development: integral human, economy and ecology leadership - Leadership Of Change - - Building the Co-alitions of the Willing - 21st century Leadership: servant, conscious and situational. Group Exercises and Discussion, Departure
  • 27. 27 | P a g e Recommended Background Information – into our practice Some sample documents from Energy For One World 1. 2. Energy For One Work ( Book) 3. Tales of Conversion (Book) 4. Outreach and Executive Learning- 5. Presentation at UN SDSN -Trinity College(/Columbia University)- on Global Change, Energy, UN SDGs and our Leadership 6. Presentation to Executive Energy Leaders – by Energy For One World (power slides only) 7. Laudato Si in the Boardroom 8. Learning Platform – Example 9. Webcast presentation on the Year 2015-2016 Agenda 10. The Global Change Challenge 11. Energy Architecture, Integral Ecology, Society, Economy and our Transition Management 12. Walking on the Path of Sustainable Development 13. Leadership, Leadership of Change 14. Articles shared at Global Conferences on UN SDSN: 15. Energy & Sustainable Development- The Realization of a new global compact on Energy Architecture Development 16. New Roles and Responsibilities for Business in the UN Sustainable Development Goals 17. Performance Platform – India (Typical) 18. Bridges to Sustainability- Program 19. Mexico Energy Reform 20. Weekly Insights 21. EFOW Media Centre
  • 28. 28 | P a g e Video Presentations, Websites, Reports and Websites 1. 2. The Age of Sustainable Development 3. The Great Acceleration– video 4. The Great Acceleration– website and scientific articles 5. The Sustainable Development Goals– official website, knowledge platform 6. The Sustainable Development Goals– powerslides 7. Pope Francis Encyclical- Laudato Si!- Care for Creation and our Common Home 8. Davos WEF 2017: An Insight. An Idea –with Cardinal Pietro Parolin 9. Davos WEF2017: The Crisis of the Middle-Class 10. Better Business- Better World
  • 29. 29 | P a g e 1 But in consultation with the relevant corporate and government organization leadership – and advise and experience from the present incumbents, Elders, senior advisors- including but not limited to cross-cultural and cross- generational learning 22 Think Asean, China’s Belt and Road, America First, EU, OECD, Africa Union, Mercusor, Island States, South-South, etc. 3 4 Reference 2 5