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Hilton-Baird’s Late Payment Survey
January 2013

“THE PROBLEM of late payment remains a thorn in        “In addition, we delve deeper into the worst
the sides of British businesses, tying up valuable     offenders, and look at how much support the
cash and restricting their ability to kick start a     business minister has in his proposals to name
recovery.                                              and shame late payers.

“As its profile continues to rise, business minister   “Once again the research has produced some
Michael Fallon has threatened to name and shame        interesting results for us to share, so thank you to
members of the FTSE 350 who refuse to sign up to       all those who participated in the survey. Your
the Prompt Payment Code and pledge their               input is greatly appreciated.”
support to paying on time.
                                                                                        Alex Hilton-Baird
“The news arena is littered with regular reports                                       Managing Director
that some of the country’s largest businesses are                         Hilton-Baird Collection Services
instead extending their credit terms, and
imposing them on their smaller suppliers. More
often than not, this is leaving them with little
choice but to grit their teeth and accept them as
they continue to struggle to secure new orders.

“In this context, our annual Late Payment Survey
provides an opportunity to uncover the biggest
impacts of late payment on businesses of all sizes.
The research also looks at how the problem is
developing over time, and what businesses are
doing to manage this.
Background to research

HILTON-BAIRD Collection Services’ research was
undertaken among 317 businesses across a range
of sectors, regions and sizes in order to provide a
representative sample of the UK’s SMEs.

Conducted in January 2013, this latest study
represents our third wave of research:

- Wave 1: July 2011
- Wave 2: January 2012
- Wave 3: January 2013

The results demonstrate how late payment
continues to impact the performance of SMEs in
the current climate and the steps businesses are
taking to safeguard their cash flows from its
Key findings

BRITISH businesses reported a four day increase in    and pay HM Revenue & Customs later (18%) as a
the time it took their customers to pay invoices      direct consequence.
during the 12 months to January 2013. On
average, customers paid 21 days beyond agreed         The most common excuse given by customers for
credit terms, up from 17 days beyond agreed           late payment was that they were waiting for
terms in 2011.                                        payment from their own customers, as reported
                                                      by 30%, followed by 23% saying waiting for
As a result, 38% now classify more than 10% of        payment authorisation was most prevalent and
their debtor book as more than 90 days old, which     11% arguing that their terms take precedent.
led to 63% having to write off more than 1% of
their turnover as bad debt during the past 12         Respondents used an extensive range of credit
months.                                               management strategies to protect themselves
                                                      against late payment. The suspension of work and
There was widespread support for business             services (54%) and customer credit facilities (45%),
minister Michael Fallon’s proposals to name and       and the use of new customer credit checks (48%)
shame late payers, with 69% backing him and only      and the Small Claims Court/CCJs (31%) all
16% against the notion.                               increased on an annual basis, while 14% outsource
                                                      all or part of their credit control function.
Privately owned/limited companies continue to
take the longest to pay their invoices, as reported   Of those that do, the facilitation of the collection
by 44% of respondents.                                of aged and overdue debts (60%) was
                                                      overwhelmingly     the    primary      benefit    of
As you would expect, the biggest impact of late       outsourcing.
payment was that 73% had to spend more time
chasing late payers. But there were encouraging
falls in the proportion of businesses having to pay
suppliers later (48%), increase borrowing (29%)
Delay in payment

The delay in payment beyond agreed credit terms reached a two-year high in 2013 as businesses reduced
their average credit terms and customers took longer to pay their invoices in full.

   Delay in payment                                                                                        Payment gap (days)

                                                                                                           Payment (days)
      80                  22.16                                                      20.68
                                                           16.92 *
                                                                                                           Credit terms (days)

                          51.77                                                      51.16

                                                           32.49                     31.73



                          2011                             2012                      2013

 Base (Credit terms): 1,002 (all answering question 1)
 Base (Payment): 846 (all answering question 2)
 Base (Payment gap): 817 (all answering questions 1 & 2)             * Significantly different from the total score at 1% significance
Delay in payment by turnover

Businesses with a turnover of between £1m and £3m are suffering the longest delay in payment of 23
days. However the largest firms, those with a turnover in excess of £3m, are experiencing the shortest

   Delay in payment                                                                                           Payment gap (days)

                                                                         23.17                                Payment (days)
      80           20.68                20.24                18.24                              16.14         Credit terms (days)

      60                                                     53.86       53.90
                   51.16                                                                        49.24
      50                                45.85
                                                             41.17 *
      40                                                                                        33.65
                   31.73                                                 30.61
      30                                25.86



                   Total           Under £500k             £500k-£1m   £1m-£3m               Over £3m

 Base (Credit terms): 319 (all answering question 1)
 Base (Payment): 265 (all answering question 2)
 Base (Payment gap): 249 (all answering questions 1 & 2)                * Significantly different from the total score at 1% significance
Delay in payment by sector

Businesses in the engineering and maintenance sector are suffering the longest payment delays of almost
26 days. Manufacturing firms benefit from the shortest payment delay, which still stands at a sizeable 19
days beyond agreed terms.

   Delay in payment                                                                                    Payment gap (days)

                                                              25.67                                    Payment (days)
      80           20.68                22.21                                                19.88
                                                                                                       Credit terms (days)
      60                                55.11                                  56.68
                   51.16                                                                     50.71

      40                                                                       37.54
                   31.73                33.05                                                31.18



                   Total           Construction            Engineering &   Manufacturing   Wholesale
 Base (Credit terms): 319 (all answering question 1)
 Base (Payment): 265 (all answering question 2)
 Base (Payment gap): 249 (all answering questions 1 & 2)
Delay in payment by region

Businesses based in London are experiencing the longest payment delays of almost 26 days beyond
agreed terms. Firms in the south of England are being paid the soonest, at just over 45 days, and benefit
from the shortest payment delay as a result.

   Delay in payment                                                                   Payment gap (days)

                                        25.74                                         Payment (days)
      80           20.68                                              21.07
                                                            18.39             16.58   Credit terms (days)

      60                                54.78
                   51.16                                              52.04
      50                                                    45.47             45.36

                   31.73                                              31.87
                                        29.58               28.08             28.74



                   Total               London              Midlands   North   South

 Base (Credit terms): 319 (all answering question 1)
 Base (Payment): 265 (all answering question 2)
 Base (Payment gap): 249 (all answering questions 1 & 2)
Impact on the business

There was a significant annual fall in the proportion having to pay HM Revenue & Customs later as a
consequence of late payment. There was also a significant rise in the proportion able to report that late
payment had no effect on their business in the last 12 months.

                                                                     2011          2012          2013
  Biggest impact of late payment on the business (%)                 (246)         (110)         (244)

  Spend more time chasing invoices                                     84            76            73

  Pay your suppliers later                                             63            59            48

  Increase borrowing (including credit cards)                          39            38            29

  Pay HM Revenue & Customs later                                       34            36           18*

  Employ more credit control staff                                     6              6             8

  Turn away new business                                           * 11              12             7

  Make redundancies                                                     -             -             6

  Employ an external provider of credit control services               7              8             5

  Reduce staff working hours / shifts                                   -             -             5

  No effect on the business                                            4              5           16*

  Our customers always pay on time                                      -             -             2

 Base: 600 (all)                                            * Significantly different from the total score at 1% significance
Age of debtor book

Almost two in five businesses classify over 10% of their debtor book as more than 90 days old, up from
32% just 12 months ago. Less than 20% classify none of their debtor book as more than 90 days old.

   Percentage of debtor book over 90 days old (%)                                              None


             2011 (368)       15              42                   23              18    1     Over 20%

                                                                                               Don't know

             2012 (179)        19                   47                   19         13   2

             2013 (240)        19                  43                   22          16    0

                          0    10   20   30        40    50   60   70         80   90    100

 Base: 787 (all)
Uncollectable turnover

Only 34% didn’t write off any of their turnover as uncollectable in the past 12 months. Exactly half wrote
off between 1% and 5%, with 5% writing off more than 10% as uncollectable.

   Proportion of turnover written off as uncollectable in last 12 months (%)






  10                                    8

                                                      2             2                           3
               None      1-5%         6-10%        11-15%        16-20%        Over 20%    Don't know

 Base: 238 (all)
Worst offenders

Privately owned / limited companies continue to take the longest to pay their invoices, and got worse at
doing so over the past 12 months. Corporates / listed companies improved their payment performance
during the same period, according to respondents.

   Types of customers which take the longest to pay invoices (%)                                                                  2011

           43             44

                               23    23
                                             19                                         *
                                                  13   14   13
                                                                             9                             8
  10                                                               7                        7     7               6
                                                                        5           5                 4               5
                                                                                                                           2      1
         Privately owned /     Corporates /       Sole traders /   Government / Individual private    Professional        Other
                Limited             Listed        Partnerships     State owned          clients           firms
             companies         companies

 Base: 770 (all)
Most common excuses

Waiting for payment from customers remains the most common reason for late payment, while there were
increases in the proportion being told that their customers’ terms take precedent and that their
customers are waiting for payment authorisation.

                                                                    2011          2012          2013
  Single most common reason for late payment (%)                    (360)         (173)         (229)

  Waiting for payment from their own customers                        33            34            30

  Waiting for payment authorisation                                  29*            20            23

  Their terms take precedent                                          2*            10            11

  Can’t afford to pay                                                 7            13*            7

  Copy invoice required                                               11             8            6

  Forgot to pay                                                   * 4                2            6

  Sales didn’t notify accounts department of the invoice              3              2            4

  Cheque in the post                                                  2              3            3

  Invoice disputed                                                    4              4            2

  Other                                                               3              2            6

  Our customers always pay on time                                    1              2            2

 Base: 762 (all)                                           * Significantly different from the total score at 1% significance
Naming and shaming

More than two-thirds of respondents believe that late payers should be named and shamed by the
Government. Only 16% didn’t think they should be, with 15% undecided on the matter.

   Proportion that think late payers should be named and shamed (%)

       20                                        16                       15

                     Yes                         No                   Don't know

 Base: 229 (all)
Credit circles

Only 11% of businesses benefit from and share important credit information with other businesses
through a credit circle.

   Proportion that belong to a credit circle (%)

       10                                                                   7

                       Yes                         No                  Don't know

 Base: 229 (all)
Credit management strategies
                                                           2011    2012    2013
 Key credit management strategies currently employed (%)   (341)   (163)   (221)

 Constant reminding (phone / email)                          3*     69      68
 Suspending work / services                                  1*     47      54
 New customer credit checks                                 50      47      48
 Writing to debtors, including solicitor involvement         1*     45      47
 Suspending customer credit facilities                      53      39      45
 Small Claims Court / County Court Judgments                41*     29      31
 Visiting debtors in person                                 32      26      30
 Regular existing customer credit checks                    30      30      29
 Interest on late payment / Fixed late payment charges      27      21      25
 Written credit policy                                      23      21      16
 Factoring                                                 * 13     10      16
 Inclusion of debt collection costs in T&Cs                  -      -       15
 Early settlement discounts                                  -      -       11
 Credit protection insurance                                 6      15      9
 Goods repossession                                         10      7       8
 Inclusion of Personal Guarantees in T&Cs                    -      -       5
 Outsourcing                                                 0*     5       4

Base: 725 (all)
Credit control function

There has been no annual change in the proportion of businesses conducting their credit control function
internally. There has also been a significant annual decrease in the proportion of businesses outsourcing
their entire credit control function.

   Over the last 12 months, credit control has been carried out... (%)               Internally


                                                                                     Both internally and externally

             2011 (358)                        82                                1       16

             2012 (173)                         86                                       5*    9

             2013 (227)                         86                                   1        13

                          0   10   20   30    40     50    60       70        80         90        100

 Base: 758 (all)                                            * Significantly different from the total score at 1% significance
Outsourcing benefits

The majority of respondents view the primary benefit of outsourcing all or part of their credit control
function to be that it facilitates the collection of aged or overdue debt. Only one in four outsource this
function due to its benefits of reducing Days Sales Outstanding.

   Benefits of outsourcing the business’s credit control function (%)                                                           2011
   70                                                                                                                           2012
                                    60                                                                                          2013
   60          54                                                                                                   *

                                                 29                   30                     29      30                 29
   30                                                                                 27
                                                                                                            24                 25


            Facilitate collection of              Reduce in-house                    Separate collections   Reduce Days Sales
            aged or overdue debt                      overheads                from sales in customers'          Outstanding

 Base: 100 (all answering ‘Externally’ or ‘Both internally and externally’ to Q11)
Future credit management strategies
                                                                  2011          2012          2013
 Credit management strategies to be considered (%)                (333)         (162)         (221)

 Interest on late payment / Fixed late payment charges              33            25            27
 Suspending customer credit facilities                              15            16            19
 Small Claims Court / County Court Judgments                        14            17            17
 Writing to debtors, including solicitor involvement                0*            13            17
 Inclusion of debt collection costs in T&Cs                          -             -            16
 Suspending work / services                                         1*            12            14
 Regular existing customer credit checks                            14             9            14
 New customer credit checks                                         8              9            14
 Written credit policy                                              10             7            14
 Early settlement discounts                                          -             -            13
 Visiting debtors in person                                     * 15              15            11
 Constant reminding (phone / email)                                 1*            10            10
 Credit protection insurance                                        7              7            8
 Inclusion of Personal Guarantees in T&Cs                            -             -            8
 Goods repossession                                                 8              5            6
 Outsourcing                                                        0            10*            4
 Factoring                                                          4             9*            3

Base: 716 (all)                                          * Significantly different from the total score at 1% significance
Late payment interest

Almost two-thirds of businesses who don’t currently use or consider using late payment interest as a
credit management strategy choose not to because they believe their customers would simply ignore it.
Over half are also concerned about the risk of losing customers.

   Reasons for not charging interest on late payments (%)






   10                                                                      7
                                                                                                      3            2
           Customers would             Potential risk of          Effort and time          Don't understand    Don't know
                 ignore it            losing customers          required to update           how to apply it

 Base: 104 (all not currently using or considering using interest on late payments in the next 12 months )
About Hilton-Baird

AS part of the Hilton-Baird Group, Hilton-Baird       Memberships and affiliations to the Credit
Collection Services is the UK’s leading commercial    Services Association and R3 (the Association of
debt collection agency that serves the UK’s banks,    Business Recovery Professionals) ensures that we
independent lenders and SME and corporate             maintain the highest standards throughout the
markets.                                              collections process and endeavour to provide a
                                                      friendly and enterprising service at all times.
Established in 2001, we pride ourselves on
providing    an   efficient,     professional   and   To find out more about Hilton-Baird Collection
trustworthy resource that is ultimately successful.   Services, visit

Our services to the SME and corporate                 Alternatively, please call 02380 707392 or email
marketplace range from one-off debt recovery to to speak to our
ongoing credit control support that’s tailored to     team today.
each businesses’ individual requirements, working
closely with both clients and their customers in
order to bring the right conclusion to often
difficult circumstances.

With an experienced, highly skilled and
multilingual team, we can assist with our clients’
debt collection requirements no matter which
country their debtors lie, working round the clock
to ensure we can best surpass all expectations in
all of our debt recovery activity.
Contact details

 Hilton-Baird Collection Services
 Ashwood House
 Ashwood Gardens
 SO16 7LF

 +44 (0)2380 707392
 +44 (0)2380 707393
 © 2013 Hilton-Baird Collection Services Limited

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Hilton-Baird Collection Services' Late Payment Survey January 2013 report

  • 1. Hilton-Baird’s Late Payment Survey January 2013
  • 2. Introduction “THE PROBLEM of late payment remains a thorn in “In addition, we delve deeper into the worst the sides of British businesses, tying up valuable offenders, and look at how much support the cash and restricting their ability to kick start a business minister has in his proposals to name recovery. and shame late payers. “As its profile continues to rise, business minister “Once again the research has produced some Michael Fallon has threatened to name and shame interesting results for us to share, so thank you to members of the FTSE 350 who refuse to sign up to all those who participated in the survey. Your the Prompt Payment Code and pledge their input is greatly appreciated.” support to paying on time. Alex Hilton-Baird “The news arena is littered with regular reports Managing Director that some of the country’s largest businesses are Hilton-Baird Collection Services instead extending their credit terms, and imposing them on their smaller suppliers. More often than not, this is leaving them with little choice but to grit their teeth and accept them as they continue to struggle to secure new orders. “In this context, our annual Late Payment Survey provides an opportunity to uncover the biggest impacts of late payment on businesses of all sizes. The research also looks at how the problem is developing over time, and what businesses are doing to manage this.
  • 3. Background to research HILTON-BAIRD Collection Services’ research was undertaken among 317 businesses across a range of sectors, regions and sizes in order to provide a representative sample of the UK’s SMEs. Conducted in January 2013, this latest study represents our third wave of research: - Wave 1: July 2011 - Wave 2: January 2012 - Wave 3: January 2013 The results demonstrate how late payment continues to impact the performance of SMEs in the current climate and the steps businesses are taking to safeguard their cash flows from its effects.
  • 4. Key findings BRITISH businesses reported a four day increase in and pay HM Revenue & Customs later (18%) as a the time it took their customers to pay invoices direct consequence. during the 12 months to January 2013. On average, customers paid 21 days beyond agreed The most common excuse given by customers for credit terms, up from 17 days beyond agreed late payment was that they were waiting for terms in 2011. payment from their own customers, as reported by 30%, followed by 23% saying waiting for As a result, 38% now classify more than 10% of payment authorisation was most prevalent and their debtor book as more than 90 days old, which 11% arguing that their terms take precedent. led to 63% having to write off more than 1% of their turnover as bad debt during the past 12 Respondents used an extensive range of credit months. management strategies to protect themselves against late payment. The suspension of work and There was widespread support for business services (54%) and customer credit facilities (45%), minister Michael Fallon’s proposals to name and and the use of new customer credit checks (48%) shame late payers, with 69% backing him and only and the Small Claims Court/CCJs (31%) all 16% against the notion. increased on an annual basis, while 14% outsource all or part of their credit control function. Privately owned/limited companies continue to take the longest to pay their invoices, as reported Of those that do, the facilitation of the collection by 44% of respondents. of aged and overdue debts (60%) was overwhelmingly the primary benefit of As you would expect, the biggest impact of late outsourcing. payment was that 73% had to spend more time chasing late payers. But there were encouraging falls in the proportion of businesses having to pay suppliers later (48%), increase borrowing (29%)
  • 5. Delay in payment The delay in payment beyond agreed credit terms reached a two-year high in 2013 as businesses reduced their average credit terms and customers took longer to pay their invoices in full. Delay in payment Payment gap (days) Payment (days) 80 22.16 20.68 16.92 * Credit terms (days) 70 60 51.77 51.16 49.41 50 40 32.49 31.73 29.58 30 20 10 0 2011 2012 2013 Base (Credit terms): 1,002 (all answering question 1) Base (Payment): 846 (all answering question 2) Base (Payment gap): 817 (all answering questions 1 & 2) * Significantly different from the total score at 1% significance
  • 6. Delay in payment by turnover Businesses with a turnover of between £1m and £3m are suffering the longest delay in payment of 23 days. However the largest firms, those with a turnover in excess of £3m, are experiencing the shortest delay. Delay in payment Payment gap (days) 23.17 Payment (days) 80 20.68 20.24 18.24 16.14 Credit terms (days) 70 60 53.86 53.90 51.16 49.24 50 45.85 41.17 * 40 33.65 31.73 30.61 30 25.86 20 10 0 Total Under £500k £500k-£1m £1m-£3m Over £3m Base (Credit terms): 319 (all answering question 1) Base (Payment): 265 (all answering question 2) Base (Payment gap): 249 (all answering questions 1 & 2) * Significantly different from the total score at 1% significance
  • 7. Delay in payment by sector Businesses in the engineering and maintenance sector are suffering the longest payment delays of almost 26 days. Manufacturing firms benefit from the shortest payment delay, which still stands at a sizeable 19 days beyond agreed terms. Delay in payment Payment gap (days) 25.67 Payment (days) 80 20.68 22.21 19.88 19.28 Credit terms (days) 70 59.10 60 55.11 56.68 51.16 50.71 50 40 37.54 35.27 31.73 33.05 31.18 30 20 10 0 Total Construction Engineering & Manufacturing Wholesale Maintenance Base (Credit terms): 319 (all answering question 1) Base (Payment): 265 (all answering question 2) Base (Payment gap): 249 (all answering questions 1 & 2)
  • 8. Delay in payment by region Businesses based in London are experiencing the longest payment delays of almost 26 days beyond agreed terms. Firms in the south of England are being paid the soonest, at just over 45 days, and benefit from the shortest payment delay as a result. Delay in payment Payment gap (days) 25.74 Payment (days) 80 20.68 21.07 18.39 16.58 Credit terms (days) 70 60 54.78 51.16 52.04 50 45.47 45.36 40 31.73 31.87 29.58 28.08 28.74 30 20 10 0 Total London Midlands North South Base (Credit terms): 319 (all answering question 1) Base (Payment): 265 (all answering question 2) Base (Payment gap): 249 (all answering questions 1 & 2)
  • 9. Impact on the business There was a significant annual fall in the proportion having to pay HM Revenue & Customs later as a consequence of late payment. There was also a significant rise in the proportion able to report that late payment had no effect on their business in the last 12 months. 2011 2012 2013 Biggest impact of late payment on the business (%) (246) (110) (244) Difference Spend more time chasing invoices 84 76 73 Pay your suppliers later 63 59 48 Increase borrowing (including credit cards) 39 38 29 Pay HM Revenue & Customs later 34 36 18* Employ more credit control staff 6 6 8 Turn away new business * 11 12 7 Make redundancies - - 6 Employ an external provider of credit control services 7 8 5 Reduce staff working hours / shifts - - 5 No effect on the business 4 5 16* Our customers always pay on time - - 2 Base: 600 (all) * Significantly different from the total score at 1% significance
  • 10. Age of debtor book Almost two in five businesses classify over 10% of their debtor book as more than 90 days old, up from 32% just 12 months ago. Less than 20% classify none of their debtor book as more than 90 days old. Percentage of debtor book over 90 days old (%) None 1-10% 11-20% 2011 (368) 15 42 23 18 1 Over 20% Don't know 2012 (179) 19 47 19 13 2 2013 (240) 19 43 22 16 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Base: 787 (all)
  • 11. Uncollectable turnover Only 34% didn’t write off any of their turnover as uncollectable in the past 12 months. Exactly half wrote off between 1% and 5%, with 5% writing off more than 10% as uncollectable. Proportion of turnover written off as uncollectable in last 12 months (%) 60 50 50 40 34 30 20 10 8 2 2 3 1 0 None 1-5% 6-10% 11-15% 16-20% Over 20% Don't know Base: 238 (all)
  • 12. Worst offenders Privately owned / limited companies continue to take the longest to pay their invoices, and got worse at doing so over the past 12 months. Corporates / listed companies improved their payment performance during the same period, according to respondents. Types of customers which take the longest to pay invoices (%) 2011 2012 60 2013 50 43 44 41 40 30 23 23 19 * 20 13 14 13 9 8 10 7 7 7 6 5 5 4 5 2 1 0 Privately owned / Corporates / Sole traders / Government / Individual private Professional Other Limited Listed Partnerships State owned clients firms companies companies Base: 770 (all)
  • 13. Most common excuses Waiting for payment from customers remains the most common reason for late payment, while there were increases in the proportion being told that their customers’ terms take precedent and that their customers are waiting for payment authorisation. 2011 2012 2013 Single most common reason for late payment (%) (360) (173) (229) Difference Waiting for payment from their own customers 33 34 30 Waiting for payment authorisation 29* 20 23 Their terms take precedent 2* 10 11 Can’t afford to pay 7 13* 7 Copy invoice required 11 8 6 Forgot to pay * 4 2 6 Sales didn’t notify accounts department of the invoice 3 2 4 Cheque in the post 2 3 3 Invoice disputed 4 4 2 Other 3 2 6 Our customers always pay on time 1 2 2 Base: 762 (all) * Significantly different from the total score at 1% significance
  • 14. Naming and shaming More than two-thirds of respondents believe that late payers should be named and shamed by the Government. Only 16% didn’t think they should be, with 15% undecided on the matter. Proportion that think late payers should be named and shamed (%) 100 90 80 69 70 60 50 40 30 20 16 15 10 0 Yes No Don't know Base: 229 (all)
  • 15. Credit circles Only 11% of businesses benefit from and share important credit information with other businesses through a credit circle. Proportion that belong to a credit circle (%) 100 90 82 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 11 10 7 0 Yes No Don't know Base: 229 (all)
  • 16. Credit management strategies 2011 2012 2013 Key credit management strategies currently employed (%) (341) (163) (221) Difference Constant reminding (phone / email) 3* 69 68 Suspending work / services 1* 47 54 New customer credit checks 50 47 48 Writing to debtors, including solicitor involvement 1* 45 47 Suspending customer credit facilities 53 39 45 Small Claims Court / County Court Judgments 41* 29 31 Visiting debtors in person 32 26 30 Regular existing customer credit checks 30 30 29 Interest on late payment / Fixed late payment charges 27 21 25 Written credit policy 23 21 16 Factoring * 13 10 16 Inclusion of debt collection costs in T&Cs - - 15 Early settlement discounts - - 11 Credit protection insurance 6 15 9 Goods repossession 10 7 8 Inclusion of Personal Guarantees in T&Cs - - 5 Outsourcing 0* 5 4 Base: 725 (all)
  • 17. Credit control function There has been no annual change in the proportion of businesses conducting their credit control function internally. There has also been a significant annual decrease in the proportion of businesses outsourcing their entire credit control function. Over the last 12 months, credit control has been carried out... (%) Internally Externally Both internally and externally 2011 (358) 82 1 16 2012 (173) 86 5* 9 2013 (227) 86 1 13 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Base: 758 (all) * Significantly different from the total score at 1% significance
  • 18. Outsourcing benefits The majority of respondents view the primary benefit of outsourcing all or part of their credit control function to be that it facilitates the collection of aged or overdue debt. Only one in four outsource this function due to its benefits of reducing Days Sales Outstanding. Benefits of outsourcing the business’s credit control function (%) 2011 * 70 2012 60 2013 60 54 * 50 43 38 40 29 30 29 30 29 30 27 24 25 * 20 10 0 Facilitate collection of Reduce in-house Separate collections Reduce Days Sales aged or overdue debt overheads from sales in customers' Outstanding eyes Base: 100 (all answering ‘Externally’ or ‘Both internally and externally’ to Q11)
  • 19. Future credit management strategies 2011 2012 2013 Credit management strategies to be considered (%) (333) (162) (221) Difference Interest on late payment / Fixed late payment charges 33 25 27 Suspending customer credit facilities 15 16 19 Small Claims Court / County Court Judgments 14 17 17 Writing to debtors, including solicitor involvement 0* 13 17 Inclusion of debt collection costs in T&Cs - - 16 Suspending work / services 1* 12 14 Regular existing customer credit checks 14 9 14 New customer credit checks 8 9 14 Written credit policy 10 7 14 Early settlement discounts - - 13 Visiting debtors in person * 15 15 11 Constant reminding (phone / email) 1* 10 10 Credit protection insurance 7 7 8 Inclusion of Personal Guarantees in T&Cs - - 8 Goods repossession 8 5 6 Outsourcing 0 10* 4 Factoring 4 9* 3 Base: 716 (all) * Significantly different from the total score at 1% significance
  • 20. Late payment interest Almost two-thirds of businesses who don’t currently use or consider using late payment interest as a credit management strategy choose not to because they believe their customers would simply ignore it. Over half are also concerned about the risk of losing customers. Reasons for not charging interest on late payments (%) 80 70 63 60 51 50 40 30 20 10 7 3 2 0 Customers would Potential risk of Effort and time Don't understand Don't know ignore it losing customers required to update how to apply it T&Cs Base: 104 (all not currently using or considering using interest on late payments in the next 12 months )
  • 21. About Hilton-Baird AS part of the Hilton-Baird Group, Hilton-Baird Memberships and affiliations to the Credit Collection Services is the UK’s leading commercial Services Association and R3 (the Association of debt collection agency that serves the UK’s banks, Business Recovery Professionals) ensures that we independent lenders and SME and corporate maintain the highest standards throughout the markets. collections process and endeavour to provide a friendly and enterprising service at all times. Established in 2001, we pride ourselves on providing an efficient, professional and To find out more about Hilton-Baird Collection trustworthy resource that is ultimately successful. Services, visit Our services to the SME and corporate Alternatively, please call 02380 707392 or email marketplace range from one-off debt recovery to to speak to our ongoing credit control support that’s tailored to team today. each businesses’ individual requirements, working closely with both clients and their customers in order to bring the right conclusion to often difficult circumstances. With an experienced, highly skilled and multilingual team, we can assist with our clients’ debt collection requirements no matter which country their debtors lie, working round the clock to ensure we can best surpass all expectations in all of our debt recovery activity.
  • 22. Contact details Hilton-Baird Collection Services Ashwood House Ashwood Gardens Southampton SO16 7LF +44 (0)2380 707392 +44 (0)2380 707393 © 2013 Hilton-Baird Collection Services Limited