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Latches en Contentie

Het hoe en waarom van latches
          Rick van Ek (
Wie ben ik
●   Rick van Ek,

●   Werkt met Oracle producten sinds 1992
●   Zelfstandig sinds 1996, Van Ek IT Consultancy BV
        ●   Oracle database
        ●   Baan IV software
        ●   Web Logic (2012)
●   Getrouwd, twee pubers, meisje en jongen.
●   Definitie van een Latch.
●   Wat is een Latch?
●   Hoe ziet een Latch er uit?
●   Wanneer wordt deze gebruikt?
●   Eigenschappen van een Latch.
●   Welke informatie over een Latch?
●   Latch contention
●   Demo?
Definition of a latch by Oracle

Latches are simple, low-level serialization mechanisms that coordinate multiuser access to shared data structures,
objects, and files. Latches protect shared memory resources from corruption when accessed by multiple processes.
Specifically, latches protect data structures from the following situations:

Concurrent modification by multiple sessions

Being read by one session while being modified by another session

Deallocation (aging out) of memory while being accessed

Typically, a single latch protects multiple objects in the SGA. For example, background processes such as DBWn and
LGWR allocate memory from the shared pool to create data structures. To allocate this memory, these processes use a
shared pool latch that serializes access to prevent two processes from trying to inspect or modify the shared pool
simultaneously. After the memory is allocated, other processes may need to access shared pool areas such as the library
cache, which is required for parsing. In this case, processes latch only the library cache, not the entire shared pool.

Unlike enqueue latches such as row locks, latches do not permit sessions to queue. When a latch becomes available, the
first session to request the latch obtains exclusive access to it. Latch spinning occurs when a process repeatedly requests
a latch in a loop, whereas latch sleeping occurs when a process releases the CPU before renewing the latch request.

Typically, an Oracle process acquires a latch for an extremely short time while manipulating or looking at a data
structure. For example, while processing a salary update of a single employee, the database may obtain and release
thousands of latches. The implementation of latches is operating system-dependent, especially in respect to whether and
how long a process waits for a latch.

An increase in latching means a decrease in concurrency. For example, excessive hard parse operations create
contention for the library cache latch. The V$LATCH view contains detailed latch usage statistics for each latch,
including the number of times each latch was requested and waited for.
Wat is een Latch?
●   Latch is een locking mechanisme
●   Regelt toegang tot resources in de SGA, library
    cache en database buffers e.d.
●   Zorgt dat informatie consistent is voor shared
●   Is razend snel en heeft geen intelligentie, geen
    queuing. (nano seconden)
●   Een latch is ongeveer 100 tot 200 bytes groot.
●   Bij memory objects kan het gebeuren dat readers
    writers blocken en vice versa.
Hoe ziet een latch er uit?
Hoe ziet een latch er uit ?
Wanneer wordt deze gebruikt.
In principe wordt een latch altijd gebruikt als men
resources nodig heeft uit een de SGA. Er zijn dus veel
verschillende soorten latches (zie v$latch).

Twee phase actie bij lange operaties, dwz :
Get latch, pin buffer, unset latch, do changes, get
latch , unpin buffer, unset latch.
Eigenschappen van een Latch.
●   Latches worden gebruikt gedurende de periode dat
    een memory structure wordt ge-update.
●   Ze hebben een extreem korte levensduur. Order
    grote van nano seconden.
●   Ze zijn atomic, d.w.z. “test en set” of “compare and
    swap” CPU instructions.
●   Doordat het een single instruction operation is, zijn
    ze gegarandeerd voor het betreffende proces.
Eigenschappen van een Latch.
●   Een latch heeft geen initiele “sleep” maar blijft proberen de
    lock te krijgen “spinning” (paar duizend pogingen).
●   Na het spinnen krijgt deze een sleep time.(verschillend)
●   Een latch zit op dezelfde CPU, een context switch zou te
    lang duren.
●   Er is geen intelligent gedrag, daar is de tijd niet voor.
●   Er is geen queue, als een latch vrij komt dan is deze voor de
    eerste de beste(mob of waiters).
    Als de “holder” er niet meer is maar de latch wel wordt dit
    door PMON opgeschoond.
Eigenschappen van een Latch.
●   Een latch kent twee types “willing to wait” en
●   Type “immediate latch” wacht niet maar gaat op
    zoek naar vrije child latches.
●   Latches opereren op instance level. (RAC)
●   De implementatie van latches zorgt ervoor dat er
    geen deadlock kan ontstaan.
●   Twee smaken, exclusive en shared.
●   Een latch beslaat 32 of meer hash buckets.
Latch informatie.
●   V$LATCH shows aggregate latch statistics for both
    parent and child latches.
                         select   latch#
                         ,        level#
                         ,        name
                         ,        gets
                         ,        misses
                         ,        sleeps
                         ,        immediate_gets
                         ,        immediate_misses
                         ,        wait_time      -- "Wait microsec"
                         from v$latch ;
●   Information from X$KSLLTR
Latch informatie.
●   V$LATCH_PARENT shows aggregate latch
    statistics for parent latches
       ●   Information from X$KSLLTR_PARENT
●   V$LATCH_CHILDREN shows aggregate latch
    statistics for children latches
       ●   Information from X$KSLLTR_CHILDREN
Latch informatie.
●   V$LATCHHOLDER This view contains
    information about the current latch holders.
               –   PID NUMBER Identifier of the process holding
                    the latch
               –   SID NUMBER Identifier of the session that owns
                    the latch
               –   LADDR RAW(4 | 8) Latch address
               –   NAME VARCHAR2(64) Name of the latch being
               –   GETS NUMBER Number of times that the latch
                    was obtained in either wait mode or no-wait
        ●   Gebaseerd op X$KSUPRLAT
Latch informatie.
●   Wat houdt de latch vast? v.b. cache buffer chains
        ●   In v$latch_children vindt je addr
        ●   In x$bh vindt je hladdr, file# ,dbablck , state,
        ●   v$latch_children.addr = x$bh.hladdr

●   TCH = touch count ( updated elke 3 seconden)
Misleidende informatie.
●   Er is een valkuil, een latch leeft in een cyclus van
    nano seconden.
●   De informatie (TCH) in x$bh wordt ieder 3
    seconden ververst.
        ●   v.b. 1 maal elke 3 sec gedurende 24 uur
            TCB =28800 (86400/3 =28800)
        ●   tig-maal voor 2 sec elke 10 sec gedurende 24
              uur (tcb verhoogd met 1)
            TCB = 8640 (86400/10= 8640)
●   TCH counter wordt gebruikt voor de LRU process
Wat is contention?
●   Als een latch gezet wordt maar er is al een latch dan “spins”
    deze en probeert het weer.
●   Het maximale aantal keren van “spinning” is vast gelegd in
    _SPIN_COUNT (afhankelijk van CPU count)
●   Daarna wacht het voor enkele honderdste van seconden en
    probeert het weer.
●   Na ieder poging loopt de wacht tijd iets op.
●   CPU utilization loopt op gedurende dit proces.
●   “! latch contention is a Sympthom not a root cause”
Specifieke latch contention.
●   Redo copy/redo allocation latch
        ●   Verkeerd geconfigureerde redo logfiles/buffers.
●   Library Cache latch
        ●   Literals in plaats van binds
●   Cache Buffers Chains latch
        ●   Hot blocks.
●   Shared Pool latch.
        ●   Te grote large pool en/of geen (te kleine)
              reserved area.
Hoe identificeer je latch contention?
●   Ratio based indentificatie.
●   "willing-to-wait" Hit Ratio = (GETS-
●   "no wait" Hit Ratio = (IMMEDIATE_GETS-
●   Zie ook AWR/spotlight/lab128 etc.
Hoe identificeer je latch contention?
●   Wait Interface Based Techniques
       ●   Meet de impact van de latches op je overal
       ●   Kijk hoeveel tijd er gespendeerd word in het
             wachten op een latch.
               –   v$system_event
               –   v$sysstat
               –   v$latch
Wie houd deze latch?
●   Latch contention is een symptoom, dus;
●   Volg/begrijp het process
        ●   v$latchholder        => sid, pid
        ●   v$session            => sql_address
        ●   v$sqlarea            => sql_text
        ●   v$latch_children     => addr
        ●   X$BH                 => haddr

●   Gebruik tools:
        ●   detectie
                    –   AWR
                    –   Spotlight
                    –   lab128
        ●   onderzoek
                    –   Latchprof / latchprofx (session)
Latch onderzoek
●   Latchprof
       ●   Gebaseerd op v$ views
●   Latchprofx
       ●   Gebaseerd op x$ views
       ●   Meer details
       ●   Toegang tot x views nodig
       ●   Parameter: _ultrafast_latch_statistics
Latch onderzoek
●   Parameter 1 specifies which columns from V$LATCHHOLDER to report and
    group by. In the case below I just want to report latch holds by latch name (and not
    even break it down by SID for starters).
●   Parameter 2 specifies which SIDs to monitor. In the case below, I am interested in
    any SID which holds a latch (%).
●   Parameter 3 specifies which latches to monitor. This can be set either to latch name
    or latch address in memory. All latches (%).
●   Parameter 4 specifies how many times to sample V$LATCHHOLDER. The
    sampling speed depends on your server CPU/memory bus speed and the value of
    processes parameter. You should start from lower number like 1000 and adjust it so
    that LatchProf would complete its sampling in a couple of seconds, and that is
    usually enough for diagnosing ongoing latch contention problems. You shouldn't
    keep sampling for long periods since LatchProf runs constantly on the CPU.
Latch onderzoek
●   Name         - Latch name
●   Held          - During how many samples out of total samples (100000) the
    particular latch was held by somebody
●   Gets        - How many latch gets against that latch were detected during
    LatchProf sampling
●   Held %        - How much % of time was the latch held by somebody during the
    sampling. This is the main column you want to be looking at in order to see
    who/what holds the latch the most (the latchprof output is reverse-ordered by that
●   Held ms       - How many milliseconds in total was the latch held during the
●   Avg hold ms - Average latch hold time in milliseconds (normally latches are held
    from a few to few hundred microseconds)
●   Latch contention en CPU utilization gaan samen
●   Kan veroorzaakt worden door CPU starvation.
●   Latchholder is de weg naar de bron
●   Kan ook gebruikt worden om hot blocks te
●   Geeft impact van gebruik van literals.
●   Be-invloed scalability
●   Veel informatie maar erg verspreidt.
Mutex in het kort
●   Opvolger van de latch
●   Is nog kleiner en sneller
●   Nog minder informatie opgeslagen
●   Introductie in Oracle 10g
●   Iedere hash bucket eigen mutex
●   Beter schaalbaar
●   Metalink [ID 22908.1]
    Blogs :
●   Oaktablenetwork
●   Boeken :
        ●   Jonathan Lewis – Oracle core essential
        ●   Tom Kite – Expert Oracle database architecture
Latches en Contentie

Het hoe en waarom van latches
          Rick van Ek (
Wie ben ik
●   Rick van Ek,

●   Werkt met Oracle producten sinds 1992
●   Zelfstandig sinds 1996, Van Ek IT Consultancy BV
        ●   Oracle database
        ●   Baan IV software
        ●   Web Logic (2012)
●   Getrouwd, twee pubers, meisje en jongen.
●   Definitie van een Latch.
●   Wat is een Latch?
●   Hoe ziet een Latch er uit?
●   Wanneer wordt deze gebruikt?
●   Eigenschappen van een Latch.
●   Welke informatie over een Latch?
●   Latch contention
●   Demo?
Definition of a latch by Oracle

Latches are simple, low-level serialization mechanisms that coordinate multiuser access to shared data structures,
objects, and files. Latches protect shared memory resources from corruption when accessed by multiple processes.
Specifically, latches protect data structures from the following situations:

Concurrent modification by multiple sessions

Being read by one session while being modified by another session

Deallocation (aging out) of memory while being accessed

Typically, a single latch protects multiple objects in the SGA. For example, background processes such as DBWn and
LGWR allocate memory from the shared pool to create data structures. To allocate this memory, these processes use a
shared pool latch that serializes access to prevent two processes from trying to inspect or modify the shared pool
simultaneously. After the memory is allocated, other processes may need to access shared pool areas such as the library
cache, which is required for parsing. In this case, processes latch only the library cache, not the entire shared pool.

Unlike enqueue latches such as row locks, latches do not permit sessions to queue. When a latch becomes available, the
first session to request the latch obtains exclusive access to it. Latch spinning occurs when a process repeatedly requests
a latch in a loop, whereas latch sleeping occurs when a process releases the CPU before renewing the latch request.

Typically, an Oracle process acquires a latch for an extremely short time while manipulating or looking at a data
structure. For example, while processing a salary update of a single employee, the database may obtain and release
thousands of latches. The implementation of latches is operating system-dependent, especially in respect to whether and
how long a process waits for a latch.

An increase in latching means a decrease in concurrency. For example, excessive hard parse operations create
contention for the library cache latch. The V$LATCH view contains detailed latch usage statistics for each latch,
including the number of times each latch was requested and waited for.
Wat is een Latch?
      ●   Latch is een locking mechanisme
      ●   Regelt toegang tot resources in de SGA, library
          cache en database buffers e.d.
      ●   Zorgt dat informatie consistent is voor shared
      ●   Is razend snel en heeft geen intelligentie, geen
          queuing. (nano seconden)
      ●   Een latch is ongeveer 100 tot 200 bytes groot.
      ●   Bij memory objects kan het gebeuren dat readers
          writers blocken en vice versa.

Latches are simple, low-level serialization mechanisms that coordinate multiuser
   access to shared data structures, objects, and files. Latches protect shared
   memory resources from corruption when accessed by multiple processes.
   Specifically, latches protect data structures from the following situations:
Concurrent modification by multiple sessions
Being read by one session while being modified by another session
Deallocation (aging out) of memory while being accessed
Typically, a single latch protects multiple objects in the SGA. For example,
   background processes such as DBWn and LGWR allocate memory from the
   shared pool to create data structures. To allocate this memory, these processes
   use a shared pool latch that serializes access to prevent two processes from trying
   to inspect or modify the shared pool simultaneously. After the memory is allocated,
   other processes may need to access shared pool areas such as the library cache,
   which is required for parsing. In this case, processes latch only the library cache,
   not the entire shared pool.
Unlike enqueue latches such as row locks, latches do not permit sessions to queue.
   When a latch becomes available, the first session to request the latch obtains
   exclusive access to it. Latch spinning occurs when a process repeatedly requests
   a latch in a loop, whereas latch sleeping occurs when a process releases the CPU
   before renewing the latch request.
Typically, an Oracle process acquires a latch for an extremely short time while
   manipulating or looking at a data structure. For example, while processing a salary
   update of a single employee, the database may obtain and release thousands of
   latches. The implementation of latches is operating system-dependent, especially
   in respect to whether and how long a process waits for a latch.

An increase in latching means a decrease in concurrency. For example, excessive
   hard parse operations create contention for the library cache latch. The V$LATCH
   view contains detailed latch usage statistics for each latch, including the number of
   times each latch was requested and waited for.
Hoe ziet een latch er uit?

Memory build up:

               No addressing
               Fixed sizes
               Segmented Arrays          - dynamic allocation
                                         - hold address of next in list

               Memory location
               Hold address to interesting piece of memory

        - Linked lists
               List of acciated data
               Varying in shapes/size
               Frequently/heavily used
               Double linked lists      - forward address
                                       - backward address

        - Hash table
               Hashvalue (bucket)
               Different values hash to the same bucket
               Not a lot of items to same bucktet
               Hash algorithm spread data evenly
               Object always to same bucket
Hoe ziet een latch er uit ?
Wanneer wordt deze gebruikt.
         In principe wordt een latch altijd gebruikt als men
         resources nodig heeft uit een de SGA. Er zijn dus veel
         verschillende soorten latches (zie v$latch).

         Twee phase actie bij lange operaties, dwz :
         Get latch, pin buffer, unset latch, do changes, get
         latch , unpin buffer, unset latch.

Since “doing something” with the buffer content can take a relatively long time, Oracle
   often adopts a two-step strategy to latching so that it doesn’t have to hold a latch
   while working. There are some operations that can be completed while holding the
   latch, but Oracle often uses the following strategy:

1. Get the latch
2. Find and pin the buffer.

3. Drop the latch.
4. do something with the buffer content.
5. Get the latch.
6. Unpin the buffer.
7. Get the latch.
8. Drop the latch.

By Jonathan Lewis.
Eigenschappen van een Latch.
●   Latches worden gebruikt gedurende de periode dat
    een memory structure wordt ge-update.
●   Ze hebben een extreem korte levensduur. Order
    grote van nano seconden.
●   Ze zijn atomic, d.w.z. “test en set” of “compare and
    swap” CPU instructions.
●   Doordat het een single instruction operation is, zijn
    ze gegarandeerd voor het betreffende proces.
Eigenschappen van een Latch.
         ●   Een latch heeft geen initiele “sleep” maar blijft proberen de
             lock te krijgen “spinning” (paar duizend pogingen).
         ●   Na het spinnen krijgt deze een sleep time.(verschillend)
         ●   Een latch zit op dezelfde CPU, een context switch zou te
             lang duren.
         ●   Er is geen intelligent gedrag, daar is de tijd niet voor.
         ●   Er is geen queue, als een latch vrij komt dan is deze voor de
             eerste de beste(mob of waiters).
             Als de “holder” er niet meer is maar de latch wel wordt dit
             door PMON opgeschoond.

Geen intelligentie nodig voor multiple cpu omdat door het spinnen het process op
  dezelfde cpu blijft.

Sleep tussen spins is afhankelijk van het aantal CPU's
Eigenschappen van een Latch.
         ●   Een latch kent twee types “willing to wait” en
         ●   Type “immediate latch” wacht niet maar gaat op
             zoek naar vrije child latches.
         ●   Latches opereren op instance level. (RAC)
         ●   De implementatie van latches zorgt ervoor dat er
             geen deadlock kan ontstaan.
         ●   Twee smaken, exclusive en shared.
         ●   Een latch beslaat 32 of meer hash buckets.

Immediate gaat onmiddelijk zoeken naar een ander pad om lock alsnog te verkrijgen

Exclusive betekend ook exclusief, er kan maar een gebruiker/waiter zijn van de latch.
Latch informatie.
            ●   V$LATCH shows aggregate latch statistics for both
                parent and child latches.
                                                   select   latch#
                                                   ,        level#
                                                   ,        name
                                                   ,        gets
                                                   ,        misses
                                                   ,        sleeps
                                                   ,        immediate_gets
                                                   ,        immediate_misses
                                                   ,        wait_time      -- "Wait microsec"
                                                   from v$latch ;
            ●   Information from X$KSLLTR

Shows aggregate latch statistics for both parent and child latches, grouped by latch name. Individual
parent and child latch statistics are broken down in the views:
Key information in these views is:
             GETS - Number of successful willing-to-wait requests for a latch.
             MISSES - Number of times an initial willing-to-wait request was unsuccessful
             SLEEPS - Number of times a process waited for requested a latch after an initial wiling-to-wait
             IMMEDIATE_GETS - Number of successful immediate requests for each latch.
             IMMEDIATE_MISSES Number of unsuccessful immediate requests for each latch.
contains information about decoded latch names for the latches shown in V$LATCH
Oracle versions might differ in the latch# assigned to the existing latches.In order to obtain information
for the specific version query as follows:
clm aefra 4 edn LTHNM'
ounnm omta0haig'AC AE
slc ac# aefo $acnm;
eetlth,nm rmvlthae
contains information about the current latch holders.
(Metalink [ID 22908.1])
Latch informatie.
●   V$LATCH_PARENT shows aggregate latch
    statistics for parent latches
       ●   Information from X$KSLLTR_PARENT
●   V$LATCH_CHILDREN shows aggregate latch
    statistics for children latches
       ●   Information from X$KSLLTR_CHILDREN
Latch informatie.
●   V$LATCHHOLDER This view contains
    information about the current latch holders.
               –   PID NUMBER Identifier of the process holding
                    the latch
               –   SID NUMBER Identifier of the session that owns
                    the latch
               –   LADDR RAW(4 | 8) Latch address
               –   NAME VARCHAR2(64) Name of the latch being
               –   GETS NUMBER Number of times that the latch
                    was obtained in either wait mode or no-wait
        ●   Gebaseerd op X$KSUPRLAT
Latch informatie.
         ●   Wat houdt de latch vast? v.b. cache buffer chains
                 ●   In v$latch_children vindt je addr
                 ●   In x$bh vindt je hladdr, file# ,dbablck , state,
                 ●   v$latch_children.addr = x$bh.hladdr

         ●   TCH = touch count ( updated elke 3 seconden)

This latch has a memory address, identified by the ADDR column.

   v$latch_children c,
   v$latchname n
WHERE'cache buffers chains' and
   c.latch#=n.latch# and
   sleeps > 100
ORDER BY sleeps
Use the value in the ADDR column joined with the V$BH view to identify the blocks
  protected by this latch. For example, given the address
  (V$LATCH_CHILDREN.ADDR) of a heavily contended latch, this queries the file and
  block numbers:

SELECT file#, dbablk, class, state, TCH
 WHERE HLADDR='address of latch';
X$BH.TCH is a touch count for the buffer. A high value for X$BH.TCH indicates a hot
Misleidende informatie.
            ●   Er is een valkuil, een latch leeft in een cyclus van
                nano seconden.
            ●   De informatie (TCH) in x$bh wordt ieder 3
                seconden ververst.
                      ●   v.b. 1 maal elke 3 sec gedurende 24 uur
                          TCB =28800 (86400/3 =28800)
                      ●   tig-maal voor 2 sec elke 10 sec gedurende 24
                            uur (tcb verhoogd met 1)
                          TCB = 8640 (86400/10= 8640)
            ●   TCH counter wordt gebruikt voor de LRU process

But still, it would not be always reliable for another reason – touchcounts are incremented only after 3
    seconds have passed since last increment! This factor has been coded in to avoid situation such a short
    but crazy nested loop join hammering a single buffer hundreds of thousands of times in few seconds
    and then finishing. The buffer wouldn’t be hot anymore but the touchcount would be hundreds of
    thousands due a single SQL execution. So, unless 3 seconds (of SGA internal time) has passed since
    last TCH update, the touchcounts would not be increased during buffer access.
This time is controlled by SGA variable kcbatt_ by the way:
SQL> oradebug dumpvar sga kcbatt_
ub4 kcbatt_ [3C440F4, 3C440F8) = 00000003

This 3-second delay leaves us in the following situation, let say there are 2 blocks protected by a CBC child
One block has been accessed once every 3 seconds for 24 hours in a row. A block accessed once per 3
     seconds is definitely not a hot block, but its touchcount would be around 28800 (86400 seconds per 24
     hours / 3 = 28800).
And there is another block which is accessed crazily for 2 seconds in a row and this happens every 10
     seconds. 2 seconds of consecutive access would increase the touchcount by 1. If such access pattern
     has been going on every 10 seconds over last 24 hours, then the touch count for that buffer would be
     86400 / 10 = 8640.
In the first case we can have a very cold block with TCH = 28800 and in second case a very hot block with
     TCH = 8640 only and this can mislead DBAs to fixing the wrong problem.

(Tanel Poder)
Wat is contention?
             ●   Als een latch gezet wordt maar er is al een latch dan “spins”
                 deze en probeert het weer.
             ●   Het maximale aantal keren van “spinning” is vast gelegd in
                 _SPIN_COUNT (afhankelijk van CPU count)
             ●   Daarna wacht het voor enkele honderdste van seconden en
                 probeert het weer.
             ●   Na ieder poging loopt de wacht tijd iets op.
             ●   CPU utilization loopt op gedurende dit proces.
             ●   “! latch contention is a Sympthom not a root cause”

What causes latch contention?
If a required latch is busy, the process requesting it spins, tries again and if still unavailable, spins again.
loop is repeated up to a maximum number of times determined by the hidden initialization parameter
_SPIN_COUNT. The default value of the parameter is automatically adjusted when the machine's CPU
changes provided that the default was used. If the parameter was explicitly set then there is no change. It is
not usually recommended to change the default value for this parameter.
If after this entire loop, the latch is still not available, the process must yield the CPU and go to sleep. Initially
it sleeps for one centisecond. This time is doubled in every subsequent sleep. This causes a slowdown to
occur and results in additional CPU usage,until a latch is available. The CPU usage is a consequence of the
"spinning" of the process. "Spinning" means that the process continues to look for the availability of the latch
after certain intervals of time, during which it sleeps.
Specifieke latch contention.
          ●   Redo copy/redo allocation latch
                  ●   Verkeerd geconfigureerde redo logfiles/buffers.
          ●   Library Cache latch
                  ●   Literals in plaats van binds
          ●   Cache Buffers Chains latch
                  ●   Hot blocks.
          ●   Shared Pool latch.
                  ●   Te grote large pool en/of geen (te kleine)
                        reserved area.

The latches that most frequently affect performance are those protecting the buffer
cache, areas of the shared pool and the redo buffer.
• Library cache latches: These latches protect the library cache in which sharable
   SQL is stored. In a well defined application there should be little or no
  contention for these latches, but in an application that uses literals instead of
 bind variables (for instance “WHERE surname=’HARRISON’” rather that
      “WHERE surname=:surname”, library cache contention is common.
• Redo copy/redo allocation latches: These latches protect the redo log buffer,
   which buffers entries made to the redo log. Recent improvements
  (from Oracle 7.3 onwards) have reduced the frequency and severity of
 contention for these latches.
• Shared pool latches: These latches are held when allocations or de-allocations
   of memory occur in the shared pool. Prior to Oracle 8.1.7, the most common
  cause of shared pool latch contention was an overly large shared pool and/or
 failure to make use of the reserved area of the shared poolii.
• Cache buffers chain latches: These latches are held when sessions read or
   write to buffers in the buffer cache. In Oracle8i, there are typically a very large
  number of these latches each of which protects only a handful of blocks.
 Contention on these latches is typically caused by concurrent access to a very
“hot” block and the most common type of such a hot block is an index root or
   branch block (since any index based query must access the root block).
Hoe identificeer je latch contention?
   ●   Ratio based indentificatie.
   ●   "willing-to-wait" Hit Ratio = (GETS-
   ●   "no wait" Hit Ratio = (IMMEDIATE_GETS-
   ●   Zie ook AWR/spotlight/lab128 etc.

Select     name
,          gets, misses
,          {gets - misses)/gets ratio
From          v$latch
Where      gets>0;

select name
, immediate_gets
, immediate_misses
, (immediate_gets -
from v$latch
where immediate_gets > 0 ;
Hoe identificeer je latch contention?
           ●   Wait Interface Based Techniques
                     ●   Meet de impact van de latches op je overal
                     ●   Kijk hoeveel tijd er gespendeerd word in het
                           wachten op een latch.
                              –   v$system_event
                              –   v$sysstat
                              –   v$latch

A better approach to estimating the impact of latch contention is to consider the relative
amount of time being spent waiting for latches. The following query gives us some
indication of this:
SELECT                     event
,                          time_waited
,                          round(time_waited*100/ SUM (time_waited) OVER(),2) wait_pct
FROM         (SELECT event, time_waited
             FROM v$system_event
             WHERE event NOT IN ('Null event',
                                     'client message',
                                     'rdbms ipc reply',
                                     'smon timer',
                                     'rdbms ipc message',
                                     'PX Idle Wait',
                                     'PL/SQL lock timer',
                                     'file open',
                                     'pmon timer',
                                     'WMON goes to sleep',
                                     'virtual circuit status',
                                     'dispatcher timer',
                                     'SQL*Net message from client',
                                     'parallel query dequeue wait',
                                     'pipe get           )
             (SELECT NAME, VALUE
             FROM v$sysstat
             WHERE NAME LIKE 'CPU used when call started'))

select name, gets, sleeps,
sleeps*100/sum(sleeps) over() sleep_pct, sleeps*100/gets
from v$latch where gets>0
order by sleeps desc;
Wie houd deze latch?
          ●   Latch contention is een symptoom, dus;
          ●   Volg/begrijp het process
                  ●   v$latchholder        => sid, pid
                  ●   v$session            => sql_address
                  ●   v$sqlarea            => sql_text
                  ●   v$latch_children     => addr
                  ●   X$BH                 => haddr

          ●   Gebruik tools:
                  ●   detectie
                              –   AWR
                              –   Spotlight
                              –   lab128
                  ●   onderzoek
                              –   Latchprof / latchprofx (session)

Latch contention is niet altijd slecht. Het betekent gewoon dat men veel resources nodig
   heeft. Heeft wel invloed op de schaalbaarheid van een application.
Latch onderzoek
          ●   Latchprof
                  ●   Gebaseerd op v$ views
          ●   Latchprofx
                  ●   Gebaseerd op x$ views
                  ●   Meer details
                  ●   Toegang tot x views nodig
                  ●   Parameter: _ultrafast_latch_statistics

A brief comment about mutexes is necessary at this point because a mutex is very
   similar to a latch in the way it is implemented and used. Mutexes were introduced in
   the library cache processing in Oracle 10.2 as a step toward eliminating the use of
   pins (which I will discuss in conjunction with library cache locking toward the end of
   the following section). Essentially a mutex is a “private mini-latch” that is part of the
   library cache object. This means that instead of a small number of latches covering a
   large number of objects—with the associated risk of competition for latches—we now
   have individual mutexes for every single library cache hash bucket, and two mutexes
   (one to replace the KGL pin, the other related in some way to handling dependencies)
   on every parent and child cursor, which should improve the scalability of frequently
   executed statements. The downside to this change is that we have less information if
   problems arise. The support code for latching contains a lot of information about who,
   what, where, when, why, how often, and how much contention appeared. The code
   path for operating mutexes is shorter, and captures less of this information.
   Nevertheless, once you’ve seen how (and why) Oracle operates locking and pinning
   in the library cache, you will recognize the performance benefits of mutexes.

Read the full story : Oracle Core: Essential Internals for DBAs and Developers
         Jonathan Lewis.
Latch onderzoek
●   Parameter 1 specifies which columns from V$LATCHHOLDER to report and
    group by. In the case below I just want to report latch holds by latch name (and not
    even break it down by SID for starters).
●   Parameter 2 specifies which SIDs to monitor. In the case below, I am interested in
    any SID which holds a latch (%).
●   Parameter 3 specifies which latches to monitor. This can be set either to latch name
    or latch address in memory. All latches (%).
●   Parameter 4 specifies how many times to sample V$LATCHHOLDER. The
    sampling speed depends on your server CPU/memory bus speed and the value of
    processes parameter. You should start from lower number like 1000 and adjust it so
    that LatchProf would complete its sampling in a couple of seconds, and that is
    usually enough for diagnosing ongoing latch contention problems. You shouldn't
    keep sampling for long periods since LatchProf runs constantly on the CPU.
Latch onderzoek
●   Name         - Latch name
●   Held          - During how many samples out of total samples (100000) the
    particular latch was held by somebody
●   Gets        - How many latch gets against that latch were detected during
    LatchProf sampling
●   Held %        - How much % of time was the latch held by somebody during the
    sampling. This is the main column you want to be looking at in order to see
    who/what holds the latch the most (the latchprof output is reverse-ordered by that
●   Held ms       - How many milliseconds in total was the latch held during the
●   Avg hold ms - Average latch hold time in milliseconds (normally latches are held
    from a few to few hundred microseconds)
●   Latch contention en CPU utilization gaan samen
●   Kan veroorzaakt worden door CPU starvation.
●   Latchholder is de weg naar de bron
●   Kan ook gebruikt worden om hot blocks te
●   Geeft impact van gebruik van literals.
●   Be-invloed scalability
●   Veel informatie maar erg verspreidt.
Mutex in het kort
●   Opvolger van de latch
●   Is nog kleiner en sneller
●   Nog minder informatie opgeslagen
●   Introductie in Oracle 10g
●   Iedere hash bucket eigen mutex
●   Beter schaalbaar
●   Metalink [ID 22908.1]
    Blogs :
●   Oaktablenetwork
●   Boeken :
        ●   Jonathan Lewis – Oracle core essential
        ●   Tom Kite – Expert Oracle database architecture

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Latches v4

  • 1. Latches en Contentie Het hoe en waarom van latches Rick van Ek (
  • 2. Wie ben ik ● Rick van Ek, ● Werkt met Oracle producten sinds 1992 ● Zelfstandig sinds 1996, Van Ek IT Consultancy BV ● Oracle database ● Baan IV software ● Web Logic (2012) ● Getrouwd, twee pubers, meisje en jongen.
  • 3. Agenda ● Definitie van een Latch. ● Wat is een Latch? ● Hoe ziet een Latch er uit? ● Wanneer wordt deze gebruikt? ● Eigenschappen van een Latch. ● Welke informatie over een Latch? ● Latch contention ● Demo?
  • 4. Definition of a latch by Oracle Latches are simple, low-level serialization mechanisms that coordinate multiuser access to shared data structures, objects, and files. Latches protect shared memory resources from corruption when accessed by multiple processes. Specifically, latches protect data structures from the following situations: Concurrent modification by multiple sessions Being read by one session while being modified by another session Deallocation (aging out) of memory while being accessed Typically, a single latch protects multiple objects in the SGA. For example, background processes such as DBWn and LGWR allocate memory from the shared pool to create data structures. To allocate this memory, these processes use a shared pool latch that serializes access to prevent two processes from trying to inspect or modify the shared pool simultaneously. After the memory is allocated, other processes may need to access shared pool areas such as the library cache, which is required for parsing. In this case, processes latch only the library cache, not the entire shared pool. Unlike enqueue latches such as row locks, latches do not permit sessions to queue. When a latch becomes available, the first session to request the latch obtains exclusive access to it. Latch spinning occurs when a process repeatedly requests a latch in a loop, whereas latch sleeping occurs when a process releases the CPU before renewing the latch request. Typically, an Oracle process acquires a latch for an extremely short time while manipulating or looking at a data structure. For example, while processing a salary update of a single employee, the database may obtain and release thousands of latches. The implementation of latches is operating system-dependent, especially in respect to whether and how long a process waits for a latch. An increase in latching means a decrease in concurrency. For example, excessive hard parse operations create contention for the library cache latch. The V$LATCH view contains detailed latch usage statistics for each latch, including the number of times each latch was requested and waited for.
  • 5. Wat is een Latch? ● Latch is een locking mechanisme ● Regelt toegang tot resources in de SGA, library cache en database buffers e.d. ● Zorgt dat informatie consistent is voor shared objects. ● Is razend snel en heeft geen intelligentie, geen queuing. (nano seconden) ● Een latch is ongeveer 100 tot 200 bytes groot. ● Bij memory objects kan het gebeuren dat readers writers blocken en vice versa.
  • 6. Hoe ziet een latch er uit?
  • 7. Hoe ziet een latch er uit ?
  • 8. Wanneer wordt deze gebruikt. In principe wordt een latch altijd gebruikt als men resources nodig heeft uit een de SGA. Er zijn dus veel verschillende soorten latches (zie v$latch). Twee phase actie bij lange operaties, dwz : Get latch, pin buffer, unset latch, do changes, get latch , unpin buffer, unset latch.
  • 9. Eigenschappen van een Latch. ● Latches worden gebruikt gedurende de periode dat een memory structure wordt ge-update. ● Ze hebben een extreem korte levensduur. Order grote van nano seconden. ● Ze zijn atomic, d.w.z. “test en set” of “compare and swap” CPU instructions. ● Doordat het een single instruction operation is, zijn ze gegarandeerd voor het betreffende proces.
  • 10. Eigenschappen van een Latch. ● Een latch heeft geen initiele “sleep” maar blijft proberen de lock te krijgen “spinning” (paar duizend pogingen). ● Na het spinnen krijgt deze een sleep time.(verschillend) ● Een latch zit op dezelfde CPU, een context switch zou te lang duren. ● Er is geen intelligent gedrag, daar is de tijd niet voor. ● Er is geen queue, als een latch vrij komt dan is deze voor de eerste de beste(mob of waiters). ● Als de “holder” er niet meer is maar de latch wel wordt dit door PMON opgeschoond.
  • 11. Eigenschappen van een Latch. ● Een latch kent twee types “willing to wait” en “immediate” ● Type “immediate latch” wacht niet maar gaat op zoek naar vrije child latches. ● Latches opereren op instance level. (RAC) ● De implementatie van latches zorgt ervoor dat er geen deadlock kan ontstaan. ● Twee smaken, exclusive en shared. ● Een latch beslaat 32 of meer hash buckets.
  • 12. Latch informatie. ● V$LATCH shows aggregate latch statistics for both parent and child latches. select latch# , level# , name , gets , misses , sleeps , immediate_gets , immediate_misses , wait_time -- "Wait microsec" from v$latch ; ● Information from X$KSLLTR
  • 13. Latch informatie. ● V$LATCH_PARENT shows aggregate latch statistics for parent latches ● Information from X$KSLLTR_PARENT ● V$LATCH_CHILDREN shows aggregate latch statistics for children latches ● Information from X$KSLLTR_CHILDREN
  • 14. Latch informatie. ● V$LATCHHOLDER This view contains information about the current latch holders. – PID NUMBER Identifier of the process holding the latch – SID NUMBER Identifier of the session that owns the latch – LADDR RAW(4 | 8) Latch address – NAME VARCHAR2(64) Name of the latch being held – GETS NUMBER Number of times that the latch was obtained in either wait mode or no-wait mode ● Gebaseerd op X$KSUPRLAT
  • 15. Latch informatie. ● Wat houdt de latch vast? v.b. cache buffer chains ● In v$latch_children vindt je addr ● In x$bh vindt je hladdr, file# ,dbablck , state, TCH ● v$latch_children.addr = x$bh.hladdr ● TCH = touch count ( updated elke 3 seconden)
  • 16. Misleidende informatie. ● Er is een valkuil, een latch leeft in een cyclus van nano seconden. ● De informatie (TCH) in x$bh wordt ieder 3 seconden ververst. ● v.b. 1 maal elke 3 sec gedurende 24 uur TCB =28800 (86400/3 =28800) ● tig-maal voor 2 sec elke 10 sec gedurende 24 uur (tcb verhoogd met 1) TCB = 8640 (86400/10= 8640) ● TCH counter wordt gebruikt voor de LRU process
  • 17. Wat is contention? ● Als een latch gezet wordt maar er is al een latch dan “spins” deze en probeert het weer. ● Het maximale aantal keren van “spinning” is vast gelegd in _SPIN_COUNT (afhankelijk van CPU count) ● Daarna wacht het voor enkele honderdste van seconden en probeert het weer. ● Na ieder poging loopt de wacht tijd iets op. ● CPU utilization loopt op gedurende dit proces. ● “! latch contention is a Sympthom not a root cause”
  • 18. Specifieke latch contention. ● Redo copy/redo allocation latch ● Verkeerd geconfigureerde redo logfiles/buffers. ● Library Cache latch ● Literals in plaats van binds ● Cache Buffers Chains latch ● Hot blocks. ● Shared Pool latch. ● Te grote large pool en/of geen (te kleine) reserved area.
  • 19. Hoe identificeer je latch contention? ● Ratio based indentificatie. ● "willing-to-wait" Hit Ratio = (GETS- MISSES)/GETS ● "no wait" Hit Ratio = (IMMEDIATE_GETS- IMMEDIATE_MISSES)/IMMEDIATE_GETS ● Zie ook AWR/spotlight/lab128 etc.
  • 20. Hoe identificeer je latch contention? ● Wait Interface Based Techniques ● Meet de impact van de latches op je overal performance. ● Kijk hoeveel tijd er gespendeerd word in het wachten op een latch. – v$system_event – v$sysstat – v$latch
  • 21. Wie houd deze latch? ● Latch contention is een symptoom, dus; ● Volg/begrijp het process ● v$latchholder => sid, pid ● v$session => sql_address ● v$sqlarea => sql_text ● v$latch_children => addr ● X$BH => haddr ● Gebruik tools: ● detectie – AWR – Spotlight – lab128 ● onderzoek – Latchprof / latchprofx (session)
  • 22. Latch onderzoek ● Latchprof ● Gebaseerd op v$ views ● Latchprofx ● Gebaseerd op x$ views ● Meer details ● Toegang tot x views nodig ● Parameter: _ultrafast_latch_statistics
  • 23. Latch onderzoek ● Parameter 1 specifies which columns from V$LATCHHOLDER to report and group by. In the case below I just want to report latch holds by latch name (and not even break it down by SID for starters). ● Parameter 2 specifies which SIDs to monitor. In the case below, I am interested in any SID which holds a latch (%). ● Parameter 3 specifies which latches to monitor. This can be set either to latch name or latch address in memory. All latches (%). ● Parameter 4 specifies how many times to sample V$LATCHHOLDER. The sampling speed depends on your server CPU/memory bus speed and the value of processes parameter. You should start from lower number like 1000 and adjust it so that LatchProf would complete its sampling in a couple of seconds, and that is usually enough for diagnosing ongoing latch contention problems. You shouldn't keep sampling for long periods since LatchProf runs constantly on the CPU.
  • 24. Latch onderzoek ● Name - Latch name ● Held - During how many samples out of total samples (100000) the particular latch was held by somebody ● Gets - How many latch gets against that latch were detected during LatchProf sampling ● Held % - How much % of time was the latch held by somebody during the sampling. This is the main column you want to be looking at in order to see who/what holds the latch the most (the latchprof output is reverse-ordered by that column) ● Held ms - How many milliseconds in total was the latch held during the sampling ● Avg hold ms - Average latch hold time in milliseconds (normally latches are held from a few to few hundred microseconds)
  • 25. Conclusie ● Latch contention en CPU utilization gaan samen ● Kan veroorzaakt worden door CPU starvation. ● Latchholder is de weg naar de bron ● Kan ook gebruikt worden om hot blocks te detecteren. ● Geeft impact van gebruik van literals. ● Be-invloed scalability ● Veel informatie maar erg verspreidt.
  • 26. Demo?
  • 27. Mutex in het kort ● Opvolger van de latch ● Is nog kleiner en sneller ● Nog minder informatie opgeslagen ● Introductie in Oracle 10g ● Iedere hash bucket eigen mutex ● Beter schaalbaar
  • 28. Bronnen ● Metalink [ID 22908.1] ● Blogs : ● ● ● ● Oaktablenetwork ● ● Boeken : ● Jonathan Lewis – Oracle core essential internals ● Tom Kite – Expert Oracle database architecture
  • 29. Latches en Contentie Het hoe en waarom van latches Rick van Ek (
  • 30. Wie ben ik ● Rick van Ek, ● Werkt met Oracle producten sinds 1992 ● Zelfstandig sinds 1996, Van Ek IT Consultancy BV ● Oracle database ● Baan IV software ● Web Logic (2012) ● Getrouwd, twee pubers, meisje en jongen.
  • 31. Agenda ● Definitie van een Latch. ● Wat is een Latch? ● Hoe ziet een Latch er uit? ● Wanneer wordt deze gebruikt? ● Eigenschappen van een Latch. ● Welke informatie over een Latch? ● Latch contention ● Demo?
  • 32. Definition of a latch by Oracle Latches are simple, low-level serialization mechanisms that coordinate multiuser access to shared data structures, objects, and files. Latches protect shared memory resources from corruption when accessed by multiple processes. Specifically, latches protect data structures from the following situations: Concurrent modification by multiple sessions Being read by one session while being modified by another session Deallocation (aging out) of memory while being accessed Typically, a single latch protects multiple objects in the SGA. For example, background processes such as DBWn and LGWR allocate memory from the shared pool to create data structures. To allocate this memory, these processes use a shared pool latch that serializes access to prevent two processes from trying to inspect or modify the shared pool simultaneously. After the memory is allocated, other processes may need to access shared pool areas such as the library cache, which is required for parsing. In this case, processes latch only the library cache, not the entire shared pool. Unlike enqueue latches such as row locks, latches do not permit sessions to queue. When a latch becomes available, the first session to request the latch obtains exclusive access to it. Latch spinning occurs when a process repeatedly requests a latch in a loop, whereas latch sleeping occurs when a process releases the CPU before renewing the latch request. Typically, an Oracle process acquires a latch for an extremely short time while manipulating or looking at a data structure. For example, while processing a salary update of a single employee, the database may obtain and release thousands of latches. The implementation of latches is operating system-dependent, especially in respect to whether and how long a process waits for a latch. An increase in latching means a decrease in concurrency. For example, excessive hard parse operations create contention for the library cache latch. The V$LATCH view contains detailed latch usage statistics for each latch, including the number of times each latch was requested and waited for.
  • 33. Wat is een Latch? ● Latch is een locking mechanisme ● Regelt toegang tot resources in de SGA, library cache en database buffers e.d. ● Zorgt dat informatie consistent is voor shared objects. ● Is razend snel en heeft geen intelligentie, geen queuing. (nano seconden) ● Een latch is ongeveer 100 tot 200 bytes groot. ● Bij memory objects kan het gebeuren dat readers writers blocken en vice versa. Latches are simple, low-level serialization mechanisms that coordinate multiuser access to shared data structures, objects, and files. Latches protect shared memory resources from corruption when accessed by multiple processes. Specifically, latches protect data structures from the following situations: Concurrent modification by multiple sessions Being read by one session while being modified by another session Deallocation (aging out) of memory while being accessed Typically, a single latch protects multiple objects in the SGA. For example, background processes such as DBWn and LGWR allocate memory from the shared pool to create data structures. To allocate this memory, these processes use a shared pool latch that serializes access to prevent two processes from trying to inspect or modify the shared pool simultaneously. After the memory is allocated, other processes may need to access shared pool areas such as the library cache, which is required for parsing. In this case, processes latch only the library cache, not the entire shared pool. Unlike enqueue latches such as row locks, latches do not permit sessions to queue. When a latch becomes available, the first session to request the latch obtains exclusive access to it. Latch spinning occurs when a process repeatedly requests a latch in a loop, whereas latch sleeping occurs when a process releases the CPU before renewing the latch request. Typically, an Oracle process acquires a latch for an extremely short time while manipulating or looking at a data structure. For example, while processing a salary update of a single employee, the database may obtain and release thousands of latches. The implementation of latches is operating system-dependent, especially in respect to whether and how long a process waits for a latch. An increase in latching means a decrease in concurrency. For example, excessive hard parse operations create contention for the library cache latch. The V$LATCH view contains detailed latch usage statistics for each latch, including the number of times each latch was requested and waited for.
  • 34. Hoe ziet een latch er uit? Memory build up: -Arrays No addressing Fixed sizes Segmented Arrays - dynamic allocation - hold address of next in list -Pointers Memory location Hold address to interesting piece of memory - Linked lists List of acciated data Varying in shapes/size Frequently/heavily used Double linked lists - forward address - backward address - Hash table Hashvalue (bucket) Different values hash to the same bucket Not a lot of items to same bucktet Hash algorithm spread data evenly Object always to same bucket
  • 35. Hoe ziet een latch er uit ?
  • 36. Wanneer wordt deze gebruikt. In principe wordt een latch altijd gebruikt als men resources nodig heeft uit een de SGA. Er zijn dus veel verschillende soorten latches (zie v$latch). Twee phase actie bij lange operaties, dwz : Get latch, pin buffer, unset latch, do changes, get latch , unpin buffer, unset latch. Since “doing something” with the buffer content can take a relatively long time, Oracle often adopts a two-step strategy to latching so that it doesn’t have to hold a latch while working. There are some operations that can be completed while holding the latch, but Oracle often uses the following strategy: 1. Get the latch 2. Find and pin the buffer. 3. Drop the latch. 4. do something with the buffer content. 5. Get the latch. 6. Unpin the buffer. 7. Get the latch. 8. Drop the latch. By Jonathan Lewis.
  • 37. Eigenschappen van een Latch. ● Latches worden gebruikt gedurende de periode dat een memory structure wordt ge-update. ● Ze hebben een extreem korte levensduur. Order grote van nano seconden. ● Ze zijn atomic, d.w.z. “test en set” of “compare and swap” CPU instructions. ● Doordat het een single instruction operation is, zijn ze gegarandeerd voor het betreffende proces.
  • 38. Eigenschappen van een Latch. ● Een latch heeft geen initiele “sleep” maar blijft proberen de lock te krijgen “spinning” (paar duizend pogingen). ● Na het spinnen krijgt deze een sleep time.(verschillend) ● Een latch zit op dezelfde CPU, een context switch zou te lang duren. ● Er is geen intelligent gedrag, daar is de tijd niet voor. ● Er is geen queue, als een latch vrij komt dan is deze voor de eerste de beste(mob of waiters). ● Als de “holder” er niet meer is maar de latch wel wordt dit door PMON opgeschoond. Geen intelligentie nodig voor multiple cpu omdat door het spinnen het process op dezelfde cpu blijft. Sleep tussen spins is afhankelijk van het aantal CPU's
  • 39. Eigenschappen van een Latch. ● Een latch kent twee types “willing to wait” en “immediate” ● Type “immediate latch” wacht niet maar gaat op zoek naar vrije child latches. ● Latches opereren op instance level. (RAC) ● De implementatie van latches zorgt ervoor dat er geen deadlock kan ontstaan. ● Twee smaken, exclusive en shared. ● Een latch beslaat 32 of meer hash buckets. Immediate gaat onmiddelijk zoeken naar een ander pad om lock alsnog te verkrijgen Exclusive betekend ook exclusief, er kan maar een gebruiker/waiter zijn van de latch.
  • 40. Latch informatie. ● V$LATCH shows aggregate latch statistics for both parent and child latches. select latch# , level# , name , gets , misses , sleeps , immediate_gets , immediate_misses , wait_time -- "Wait microsec" from v$latch ; ● Information from X$KSLLTR V$LATCH Shows aggregate latch statistics for both parent and child latches, grouped by latch name. Individual parent and child latch statistics are broken down in the views: V$LATCH_PARENT V$LATCH_CHILDREN . Key information in these views is: GETS - Number of successful willing-to-wait requests for a latch. MISSES - Number of times an initial willing-to-wait request was unsuccessful SLEEPS - Number of times a process waited for requested a latch after an initial wiling-to-wait request. IMMEDIATE_GETS - Number of successful immediate requests for each latch. IMMEDIATE_MISSES Number of unsuccessful immediate requests for each latch. . V$LATCHNAME contains information about decoded latch names for the latches shown in V$LATCH . Oracle versions might differ in the latch# assigned to the existing latches.In order to obtain information for the specific version query as follows: clm aefra 4 edn LTHNM' ounnm omta0haig'AC AE slc ac# aefo $acnm; eetlth,nm rmvlthae . V$LATCHHOLDER contains information about the current latch holders. . (Metalink [ID 22908.1])
  • 41. Latch informatie. ● V$LATCH_PARENT shows aggregate latch statistics for parent latches ● Information from X$KSLLTR_PARENT ● V$LATCH_CHILDREN shows aggregate latch statistics for children latches ● Information from X$KSLLTR_CHILDREN
  • 42. Latch informatie. ● V$LATCHHOLDER This view contains information about the current latch holders. – PID NUMBER Identifier of the process holding the latch – SID NUMBER Identifier of the session that owns the latch – LADDR RAW(4 | 8) Latch address – NAME VARCHAR2(64) Name of the latch being held – GETS NUMBER Number of times that the latch was obtained in either wait mode or no-wait mode ● Gebaseerd op X$KSUPRLAT
  • 43. Latch informatie. ● Wat houdt de latch vast? v.b. cache buffer chains ● In v$latch_children vindt je addr ● In x$bh vindt je hladdr, file# ,dbablck , state, TCH ● v$latch_children.addr = x$bh.hladdr ● TCH = touch count ( updated elke 3 seconden) This latch has a memory address, identified by the ADDR column. SELECT addr, sleeps FROM v$latch_children c, v$latchname n WHERE'cache buffers chains' and c.latch#=n.latch# and sleeps > 100 ORDER BY sleeps / Use the value in the ADDR column joined with the V$BH view to identify the blocks protected by this latch. For example, given the address (V$LATCH_CHILDREN.ADDR) of a heavily contended latch, this queries the file and block numbers: SELECT file#, dbablk, class, state, TCH FROM X$BH WHERE HLADDR='address of latch'; X$BH.TCH is a touch count for the buffer. A high value for X$BH.TCH indicates a hot block.
  • 44. Misleidende informatie. ● Er is een valkuil, een latch leeft in een cyclus van nano seconden. ● De informatie (TCH) in x$bh wordt ieder 3 seconden ververst. ● v.b. 1 maal elke 3 sec gedurende 24 uur TCB =28800 (86400/3 =28800) ● tig-maal voor 2 sec elke 10 sec gedurende 24 uur (tcb verhoogd met 1) TCB = 8640 (86400/10= 8640) ● TCH counter wordt gebruikt voor de LRU process But still, it would not be always reliable for another reason – touchcounts are incremented only after 3 seconds have passed since last increment! This factor has been coded in to avoid situation such a short but crazy nested loop join hammering a single buffer hundreds of thousands of times in few seconds and then finishing. The buffer wouldn’t be hot anymore but the touchcount would be hundreds of thousands due a single SQL execution. So, unless 3 seconds (of SGA internal time) has passed since last TCH update, the touchcounts would not be increased during buffer access. This time is controlled by SGA variable kcbatt_ by the way: SQL> oradebug dumpvar sga kcbatt_ ub4 kcbatt_ [3C440F4, 3C440F8) = 00000003 This 3-second delay leaves us in the following situation, let say there are 2 blocks protected by a CBC child latch: One block has been accessed once every 3 seconds for 24 hours in a row. A block accessed once per 3 seconds is definitely not a hot block, but its touchcount would be around 28800 (86400 seconds per 24 hours / 3 = 28800). And there is another block which is accessed crazily for 2 seconds in a row and this happens every 10 seconds. 2 seconds of consecutive access would increase the touchcount by 1. If such access pattern has been going on every 10 seconds over last 24 hours, then the touch count for that buffer would be 86400 / 10 = 8640. In the first case we can have a very cold block with TCH = 28800 and in second case a very hot block with TCH = 8640 only and this can mislead DBAs to fixing the wrong problem. (Tanel Poder)
  • 45. Wat is contention? ● Als een latch gezet wordt maar er is al een latch dan “spins” deze en probeert het weer. ● Het maximale aantal keren van “spinning” is vast gelegd in _SPIN_COUNT (afhankelijk van CPU count) ● Daarna wacht het voor enkele honderdste van seconden en probeert het weer. ● Na ieder poging loopt de wacht tijd iets op. ● CPU utilization loopt op gedurende dit proces. ● “! latch contention is a Sympthom not a root cause” What causes latch contention? If a required latch is busy, the process requesting it spins, tries again and if still unavailable, spins again. The loop is repeated up to a maximum number of times determined by the hidden initialization parameter _SPIN_COUNT. The default value of the parameter is automatically adjusted when the machine's CPU count changes provided that the default was used. If the parameter was explicitly set then there is no change. It is not usually recommended to change the default value for this parameter. If after this entire loop, the latch is still not available, the process must yield the CPU and go to sleep. Initially it sleeps for one centisecond. This time is doubled in every subsequent sleep. This causes a slowdown to occur and results in additional CPU usage,until a latch is available. The CPU usage is a consequence of the "spinning" of the process. "Spinning" means that the process continues to look for the availability of the latch after certain intervals of time, during which it sleeps.
  • 46. Specifieke latch contention. ● Redo copy/redo allocation latch ● Verkeerd geconfigureerde redo logfiles/buffers. ● Library Cache latch ● Literals in plaats van binds ● Cache Buffers Chains latch ● Hot blocks. ● Shared Pool latch. ● Te grote large pool en/of geen (te kleine) reserved area. CAUSES OF CONTENTION FOR SPECIFIC LATCHES The latches that most frequently affect performance are those protecting the buffer cache, areas of the shared pool and the redo buffer. • Library cache latches: These latches protect the library cache in which sharable SQL is stored. In a well defined application there should be little or no contention for these latches, but in an application that uses literals instead of bind variables (for instance “WHERE surname=’HARRISON’” rather that “WHERE surname=:surname”, library cache contention is common. • Redo copy/redo allocation latches: These latches protect the redo log buffer, which buffers entries made to the redo log. Recent improvements (from Oracle 7.3 onwards) have reduced the frequency and severity of contention for these latches. • Shared pool latches: These latches are held when allocations or de-allocations of memory occur in the shared pool. Prior to Oracle 8.1.7, the most common cause of shared pool latch contention was an overly large shared pool and/or failure to make use of the reserved area of the shared poolii. • Cache buffers chain latches: These latches are held when sessions read or write to buffers in the buffer cache. In Oracle8i, there are typically a very large number of these latches each of which protects only a handful of blocks. Contention on these latches is typically caused by concurrent access to a very “hot” block and the most common type of such a hot block is an index root or branch block (since any index based query must access the root block).
  • 47. Hoe identificeer je latch contention? ● Ratio based indentificatie. ● "willing-to-wait" Hit Ratio = (GETS- MISSES)/GETS ● "no wait" Hit Ratio = (IMMEDIATE_GETS- IMMEDIATE_MISSES)/IMMEDIATE_GETS ● Zie ook AWR/spotlight/lab128 etc. Select name , gets, misses , {gets - misses)/gets ratio From v$latch Where gets>0; select name , immediate_gets , immediate_misses , (immediate_gets - immediate_misses)/immediate_gets ratio from v$latch where immediate_gets > 0 ;
  • 48. Hoe identificeer je latch contention? ● Wait Interface Based Techniques ● Meet de impact van de latches op je overal performance. ● Kijk hoeveel tijd er gespendeerd word in het wachten op een latch. – v$system_event – v$sysstat – v$latch A better approach to estimating the impact of latch contention is to consider the relative amount of time being spent waiting for latches. The following query gives us some indication of this: SELECT event , time_waited , round(time_waited*100/ SUM (time_waited) OVER(),2) wait_pct FROM (SELECT event, time_waited FROM v$system_event WHERE event NOT IN ('Null event', 'client message', 'rdbms ipc reply', 'smon timer', 'rdbms ipc message', 'PX Idle Wait', 'PL/SQL lock timer', 'file open', 'pmon timer', 'WMON goes to sleep', 'virtual circuit status', 'dispatcher timer', 'SQL*Net message from client', 'parallel query dequeue wait', 'pipe get ) UNION (SELECT NAME, VALUE FROM v$sysstat WHERE NAME LIKE 'CPU used when call started')) ORDER BY 2 DESC ; select name, gets, sleeps, sleeps*100/sum(sleeps) over() sleep_pct, sleeps*100/gets sleep_rate from v$latch where gets>0 order by sleeps desc;
  • 49. Wie houd deze latch? ● Latch contention is een symptoom, dus; ● Volg/begrijp het process ● v$latchholder => sid, pid ● v$session => sql_address ● v$sqlarea => sql_text ● v$latch_children => addr ● X$BH => haddr ● Gebruik tools: ● detectie – AWR – Spotlight – lab128 ● onderzoek – Latchprof / latchprofx (session) Latch contention is niet altijd slecht. Het betekent gewoon dat men veel resources nodig heeft. Heeft wel invloed op de schaalbaarheid van een application.
  • 50. Latch onderzoek ● Latchprof ● Gebaseerd op v$ views ● Latchprofx ● Gebaseerd op x$ views ● Meer details ● Toegang tot x views nodig ● Parameter: _ultrafast_latch_statistics MUTEXES, PART 1 A brief comment about mutexes is necessary at this point because a mutex is very similar to a latch in the way it is implemented and used. Mutexes were introduced in the library cache processing in Oracle 10.2 as a step toward eliminating the use of pins (which I will discuss in conjunction with library cache locking toward the end of the following section). Essentially a mutex is a “private mini-latch” that is part of the library cache object. This means that instead of a small number of latches covering a large number of objects—with the associated risk of competition for latches—we now have individual mutexes for every single library cache hash bucket, and two mutexes (one to replace the KGL pin, the other related in some way to handling dependencies) on every parent and child cursor, which should improve the scalability of frequently executed statements. The downside to this change is that we have less information if problems arise. The support code for latching contains a lot of information about who, what, where, when, why, how often, and how much contention appeared. The code path for operating mutexes is shorter, and captures less of this information. Nevertheless, once you’ve seen how (and why) Oracle operates locking and pinning in the library cache, you will recognize the performance benefits of mutexes. Read the full story : Oracle Core: Essential Internals for DBAs and Developers Jonathan Lewis.
  • 51. Latch onderzoek ● Parameter 1 specifies which columns from V$LATCHHOLDER to report and group by. In the case below I just want to report latch holds by latch name (and not even break it down by SID for starters). ● Parameter 2 specifies which SIDs to monitor. In the case below, I am interested in any SID which holds a latch (%). ● Parameter 3 specifies which latches to monitor. This can be set either to latch name or latch address in memory. All latches (%). ● Parameter 4 specifies how many times to sample V$LATCHHOLDER. The sampling speed depends on your server CPU/memory bus speed and the value of processes parameter. You should start from lower number like 1000 and adjust it so that LatchProf would complete its sampling in a couple of seconds, and that is usually enough for diagnosing ongoing latch contention problems. You shouldn't keep sampling for long periods since LatchProf runs constantly on the CPU.
  • 52. Latch onderzoek ● Name - Latch name ● Held - During how many samples out of total samples (100000) the particular latch was held by somebody ● Gets - How many latch gets against that latch were detected during LatchProf sampling ● Held % - How much % of time was the latch held by somebody during the sampling. This is the main column you want to be looking at in order to see who/what holds the latch the most (the latchprof output is reverse-ordered by that column) ● Held ms - How many milliseconds in total was the latch held during the sampling ● Avg hold ms - Average latch hold time in milliseconds (normally latches are held from a few to few hundred microseconds)
  • 53. Conclusie ● Latch contention en CPU utilization gaan samen ● Kan veroorzaakt worden door CPU starvation. ● Latchholder is de weg naar de bron ● Kan ook gebruikt worden om hot blocks te detecteren. ● Geeft impact van gebruik van literals. ● Be-invloed scalability ● Veel informatie maar erg verspreidt.
  • 54. Demo?
  • 55. Mutex in het kort ● Opvolger van de latch ● Is nog kleiner en sneller ● Nog minder informatie opgeslagen ● Introductie in Oracle 10g ● Iedere hash bucket eigen mutex ● Beter schaalbaar
  • 56. Bronnen ● Metalink [ID 22908.1] ● Blogs : ● ● ● ● Oaktablenetwork ● ● Boeken : ● Jonathan Lewis – Oracle core essential internals ● Tom Kite – Expert Oracle database architecture