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Rooftop Greenhouse and Bio-Diesel: Final Report
                         Gateway Team

               Albert Jimenez (Primary Facilitator)
                         Wayne Chuang
                           Jaimie Lee
                          Shreya Kedia
                          Edward Choi

                 Community Partner & Client

        Eleanor Roosevelt Intermediate School (I.S. 143)
         Gioya Fennelly (Environmental Studies Teacher)
                   Ronnie Pappas (Principal)
                Luis Malave (Assistant Principal)

                       Alexander Haubold

                Submission Date: April 30, 2007
Table of Contents

Executive Summary…………………………………………………………………………Page 2

Background Research…………………………………………………………………….Pages 3-4

Formal Problem Statement……………………………………………………………….Pages 4-5

Design Specifications…………………………………………………………………….Pages 5-6

Final Designs……………………………………………………………………………Pages 6-13
       Roof……………………...……………………………………………………….Pages 6-7
       Bio-diesel Processing Plant…………………………………………………...….Pages 7-8
       Greenhouse……………………………………………………………………….Pages 8-9
       Electrical System…………………………………………………………………….Page 9
       Plumbing System…………………………………………..………………………Page 10
       Heating System……………………...….……………………………………..Pages 10-11
       Evolution of our design………………………………………………………..Pages 11-12

Alternative Solutions………………………………………...……….………………..Pages 12-13

Transition Plans and User Documentation……………………………...............……..Pages 13-15

Appendix……………………………………………………………………..………..Pages 16-40
      Gantt Chart…………………………………………...............…………………….Page 16
      Product Design Specifications………………………………………………...Pages 17-21
      Budget Estimates…………………………………………………………………...Page 22
      List of Resources………………………………………………………………Pages 22-26
      Additional Items…………………………………………………….…………Pages 26-40
              Design Renders.…………………………………………….................Pages 26-32
              Equipment Specifications…………………………………….………..Pages 33-36
              E-mail Exchanges between Albert Jimenez and Anthony Taylor …….Pages 37-40

Our client, an environmental studies teacher at IS 143, has worked with Gateway teams since last
semester. Her primary focus in all of the individual projects has been on supporting the students’
learning in the sciences. She especially hopes to show students the importance of the clean use of
energy. Our project builds upon this idea and also requires a greenhouse to be heated by a
renewable source of energy. This alternative energy source must be easy to obtain, non polluting
and cheap. The client has especially emphasized the importance of an inexpensive heating
alternative. The school already spends much of its financial resources on heating oil. In addition
our research as shown that the price of oil has risen since the turn of the century, and will
probably continue rising for years to come. Due to this fact, it is imperative that the greenhouse
be heated in a different way. At the same time, the use of an alternate form of energy will serve
as an example to the students as they produce the energy and manage the greenhouse.
After much research and suggestions by professionals, our team has decided that bio-diesel, as a
form of energy, is the best alternative. The reactants used to produce bio-diesel energy can be
easily obtained. The main reactant, vegetable oil, can be freely obtained from local restaurants.
Our client has spoken to these restaurants and obtaining a sufficient amount of vegetable oil is
not a problem. However, making and transforming the bio-diesel into heat presents the main
challenge. At the same time, the design must allow for students to interact with the equipment
and learn about the processes and benefits of renewable energy.
To accomplish this task, we have designed two main structures on the roof; the first one is the
actual greenhouse and the second is a bio-diesel process plant for the production of bio-diesel
and heating equipment. However, many constraints are presented through such a design;
protrusions on the roof limit the size of the structures while safety requirements add to the
complexity and cost of the design. Since students will be working on the roof, much precaution
must be taken for their safety and the possibility of fire must be taken very seriously. The client’s
budget also adds to the limitations as the school’s financial resources limit the size and quality of
the structures.
With these considerations in mind, we have developed a design that allows for the heating the
greenhouse, presents students with many didactic activities and fits the various constraints. The
greenhouse will not be 30’ by 60’ ft as the client originally hoped for, but instead will be reduced
to 20’ by 50’ to allow it to both fit on the roof and minimize the amount of heat required to keep
it warm. The greenhouse will be directly connected to the bio-diesel process area and will be
clearly visible from the process area. The bio-diesel plant will be much smaller than the actual
greenhouse in order to reduce the high cost of building a concrete structure on a roof. The plant
will contain the several materials necessary for the production of bio-diesel. The heating
equipment will also be inside the bio-diesel plant to prevent any possible byproducts that may
damage the plants. Heat will be routed from a boiler to hot water heaters in the process area and

Such a design covers the basic requirements of the client; the greenhouse will be adequately
heated by renewable inexpensive energy, the students will learn much and everything fits the
constraints. Other alternative solutions for heating the greenhouse have also been considered.
Solar power as an additional form of energy should especially be considered if the budget allows.


Background Research

Various discussions throughout the term with our client, IS 146, have clearly conveyed their
need to somehow power a greenhouse that is to be built on the roof of the school structure. Many
options were considered from methane to regular residential heating oil; none proved to be as
feasible as the bio-diesel. In order to methodically select the best energy source for the
greenhouse, each options were scrutinized in four aspects—safety, effect on the environment,
cost-effectiveness and education.

Since this structure is to be developed on a public school building, safety of the students was
deemed the most important. Unfortunately, many options were ruled out due to its volatility or
need for technicians to maintain. For instance, to ensure the safety of the students when
electricity and natural gas is used, technicians specializing in dealing with the energies are
needed. Moreover, flashpoints—the lowest temperature at which the combustible material may
ignite—was examined to determine the extent of the safety each material can provide. Although
methanol and propane are reasonable choices, their flashpoints are higher than that of bio-diesel.
Methanol and Propane are regulated to have the flashpoints at 10 and 12 Celsius respectively. In
contrast, the government (ASTM) limits bio-diesel’s point to have minimum of 130 Celsius.
Thus, the chemical and physical make-up of the bio-diesel fuels proves to be the most viable to a
school environment.

Along with the safe use of the bio-diesel, it comes with many other positive attributes that make
it the best option for this project. Located in a densely populated area, the school needs to ensure
that the environment is not polluted to heat the greenhouse. Accordingly, the production of bio-
diesel leaves nothing but glycerin, a co-product. Also, the necessary input for this production is
used oils.
Moreover, unlike the rest of the sources, bio-diesel allows for many chemical experiments and
lab opportunities that can assist the students’ education. Labs, such as titration, can be set up so
that the students are involved to maintain the greenhouse and learn the value of the environment
along the way.

Lastly, the cost–effectiveness of the project is essential. Because the funding for this project is to
be provided by private donors and the government, the finances involved in the construction of
the processor and the greenhouse were explored thoroughly. The following graph shows the
trends for the price changes of the second best alternative source, heating oil, for the last ten
years. First, as both the red and blue lines indicate, the prices have steadily been increasing for
the past decade. Overall, the prices have more than doubled and especially with the unexpected
and spontaneous hikes in prices the school may have hard time running the greenhouse on
heating oil. To reveal the more unfortunate aspect, the degree 2 best fit line shows that the prices
continue to rise at an unprecedented rate, reaching $3 per gallon by 2008. Another interesting
aspect of the graph shows that the prices in New York City, especially on Manhattan, are about
20 cents above the national average price-line. With the limited funding, the school will
eventually reach a point when it will no longer be able to run the greenhouse with the expensive

heating oil. On the other hand, bio-diesel costs essentially nothing since wastes are collected to
produce it.

Therefore, although the construction fee of the bio-diesel plant may seem expensive at this point,
in the long run, this is a cost-effective and safe investment that induces a learning environment
on the roof of IS 146.

                      Heating Oil and Bio-diesel Prices Comparison Chart


   G   200
   n   150
   s                                                         NYC
   r   100                                                   US National
                                                             Expected Prices
                                                             Bio-diesel in NYC

         1998        2000       2002        2004        2006         2008        2010
                              Years(Data gathered every March)

Formal Problem Statement

How do we effectively and efficiently transfer heat from a bio-diesel plant to a rooftop
greenhouse? The question is deceivingly simple, and it remains the focus of our project. This
problem, though, branches off in a series of different directions. In the process of answering our
overall question, we are faced with various obstacles in diverse subgroups including technical,
financial, and safety and regulation challenges.

Upon visiting the school, we experienced the rooftop atmosphere and environment firsthand. The
temperature of the rooftop is especially susceptible to weather fluctuations. During the winter,
the greenhouse must withstand all precipitation, wind, and near-freezing conditions. Flooding
during rainy season is a concern. Major flooding can cause mold to grow, especially in the
heated moist environment of the greenhouse. Excess drainage could also weaken the roof
structure or compromise the greenhouse structure. During the summer, the greenhouse must
withstand intense heat and humidity. Thus, the bio-diesel plant must be able to maintain ideal

greenhouse conditions in extreme weather conditions. Our client specified that she would like the
greenhouse to be about sixty by thirty feet. Vent obstructions are apparent on the rooftop and are
visually distracting and aesthetically unappealing. They also seem to eject heat or air, so we must
take this into consideration when deciding where to place the greenhouse and its heat source on
the roof. Weight can also become a problem, as the roof can only support so much, though it is
doubtful that weight should pose a large difficulty. We must meet the structural and conditional
requirements set by our client and apparent in our own observations and research.

The school has a limited amount of funds, and this proves to be a major hurdle. The maximum
amount that our client can currently raise is $50,000, but some of our research has indicated that
this is very limited due to high construction costs.

One of the main purposes of the greenhouse is to provide an educational setting for students. Our
design must ensure that the bio-diesel room provides an adequate setting for quantitative testing.
The design must also accommodate the students: the greenhouse must be a suitable and safe
working environment for children. The chemicals that the supervisors will handle can be
corrosive and dangerous in a setting that is supposed to be suitable for children. We must
accommodate the practical functions and processes of the bio-diesel plant while avoiding safety

When designing the bio-diesel-fueled rooftop greenhouse, we must take technical, financial, and
safety and regulation stipulations into account. If we manage to meet all of these provisions, we
will essentially complete the goal of our project. It is, however, important not to forget the main
focus of our involvement with the rooftop greenhouse. Though the specifics of the problem may
make it seem convoluted or undefined, the purpose of our project is to functionally and
practically heat the rooftop greenhouse via a bio-diesel plant.

Design Specifications

The heating requirement, as specified by our client, is that bio-diesel should be used to heat the
greenhouse, since this also lowers the cost of heating. To accomplish this, we are using a
Beckett-style burner with standard hot water unit heaters. The energy created from burning the
fuel will be used to heat the water, which will then be transferred to a hot water unit heater,
which will physically heat the greenhouse. This will supply enough heat to keep the greenhouse
at a constant temperature. In addition, it is cheaper than installing a modified burner that would
use glycerin to generate heat. Damage to the environment is minimized, as we are using bio-
diesel to provide heat to the structures, and insulation to prevent loss of heat into the

Safety is also a main concern for our client, as students will be working in the greenhouse and
processing plant. Therefore, dangerous chemicals used in the production of the bio-diesel can be
stored in a cabinet, which can be locked to prevent student access. In addition, exhaust gases
from the burning of the bio-diesel will be vented out to prevent a build-up. The boiler in the
processing area is set up in a small extension away from the main area of the plant, as a safety
measure for the students.

Because our client expects the number of students that will be in the greenhouse or processing
plant to be around 10 to 15, we have designed the two areas to accommodate that number. The
greenhouse will be 20 feet by 50 feet, with a maximum height of 15 feet, spacious enough to
allow more than 15 people easily. The processing area will be 332 sq. ft, which is enough to
house both the processor and the boiler, and still large enough to let an instructor lead a lesson
for a group of about 5 students. In addition, the separation of the processing area and the
greenhouse is a precaution, to prevent accidents from affecting both areas.

The greenhouse will be a stable structure, as dunnage will help stabilize the structure. Since the
greenhouse is expected to last at least a decade, it must be able to withstand weather conditions
and deterioration of materials.

Our client will be able to control everything manually, and therefore can start and stop the
processing plant at any time. Therefore, during the summer, when the school is on break, the
process plant can be shut down. In addition, the students and instructors are watering the plants
in the greenhouse, and will help maintain the plants. In the case that there is no bio-diesel
available, our client can use conventional fuel to heat the greenhouse.

Final Designs

The Roof

The roof will hold all of the structures and equipment necessary for the production of bio-diesel
and heating the greenhouse. More specifically, one area of the three roof parts will be used to
house the structures. Groups of students will come on certain days of the week to work on the
greenhouse and bio-diesel process plant. Through the roof entrance, the students will be carrying
all the necessary components of the process onto the roof. For instance, they will come with used
vegetable oil from local restaurants to transform it into bio-diesel and they will transport the co-
product glycerin from the process plant back out as well. The equipment used during production
will run as much as possible from energy stored in a battery connected to solar panels on the roof
of the process plant. The produced bio-diesel will then be mixed with conventional heating oil, if
necessary, and used by a boiler. The co-product, glycerin, can then be composted, turned into
soap, or used in other projects. From the entrance, a straight path will lead the students directly to
the entrance for the bio-diesel process area. This path is short for the convenience of the students
and instructors. Also since the same students will be working on the processing area and the
greenhouse, the two structures will be attached. Moreover, the processing area and the
greenhouse share a wall so that the instructor can oversee students working in both sections with
a quick glance. The greenhouse also has two doors on both ends for quick exits in case of an
emergency. This set-up maximizes the use of the areas on the roof that is confined by the
frequent protrusions.

The Bio-diesel Processing Plant

The bio-diesel processing plant will house the boiler, the processor, and a blackboard for the
instructor to teach lessons. One side of the structure shares a wall with the greenhouse, and
allows students to see into the greenhouse when the instructor is teaching. The entirety of the
bio-diesel plant is made out of corrugated metal, with the inside walls painted to create a more
comfortable learning setting. A floor cabinet is placed in the room to store dangerous chemicals
used change vegetable oil into bio-diesel. This cabinet will have a lock on it to prevent students
from accessing it. Large barrels stored in this area are used to contain the vegetable oil, bio-
diesel and conventional oil. The electricity generated from solar panel installed on the roof will
be stored in the battery. This electricity can be used to heat the fuel before it is processed. A
table is set in the middle of the room so that the instructor will have a surface to titrate and test
the vegetable oil. A sink is available nearby to wash hands in case of a spill and to water the
plants. The boiler is set up in an extension of the room, away from the main area of the
processing plant. A water pipe system is installed to transport the heat into the greenhouse.

The Greenhouse

The greenhouse will be connected to the process plant and located on the prime rooftop location
for maximum sunlight. If necessary, its weight and structure will be supported and stabilized by
roof dunnage, connecting the greenhouse to the school’s framework. The rooftop obstructions
will not be a problem since they do not eject any substance of concern or hindrance, and the
greenhouse will be a reasonable distance from the protrusions. It will have one heater that is
connected to the boiler in the bio-diesel plant. The greenhouse will take advantage of the
school’s drainage: water from the greenhouse will drain into the school’s overall drainage
system. Motorized shutters and horizontal air-flow fans will help maintain the temperature inside
the structure during warm weather. A minimally reflective floor will absorb heat to sustain an
ideal environment for the plants. Refer to the appendix for a model with specific dimensions and

The Electrical System

Lighting, boiler function, oil heating, and bio-diesel processor performance are all contingent on
available electricity. The rooftop already has available outlets and power connections to the
school’s main electrical system, but our design also allows for use of solar energy if the budget
allows. Solar panels would first absorb energy from the sun. Then, the energy would be
transferred to a charge controller, where it would then be stored in a battery. For any appliance to
utilize the stored energy, the energy would go through a power inverter and then directly to the

Plumbing System

A plumbing system will be necessary to supply water to the sink in the processing plant and
provide water for the water heating system. Water evaporation from the system, albeit small,
will eventually dry out the system, possibly overheating the boiler. Water is also necessary to
clean the bio-diesel fuel and to water the plants. The plumbing system can be constructed by
extending the school’s main water supply. Because the pipes can be constructed to lead directly
from the water supply through the roof into the processing room, heavy insulation is not
necessary to prevent water from freezing during wintertime.

Heating System

The heating system consists of a large Beckett-style boiler, which typically runs on 80%
conventional oil and 20% bio-diesel. A modified Beckett-style boiler, however, can run on bio-
diesel alone, but can still use oil if bio-diesel is not obtainable. This versatility will allow the
boiler to heat the greenhouse even when vegetable oil is not available. The boiler has the
capacity to provide up to 300,000 BTU. It has a pressure release valve, in case there is an
unexpected failure or case of pressure buildup. A common round duct through an outside wall
that runs near the burner will provide the combustion gases necessary for burning the fuel. This
will be insulated to prevent condensation during cold weather. The boiler’s exhaust gases, which
consist of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and in cases of conventional oil, sulfur dioxide, will
be vented into the outside air. The water heated from the energy generated from burning fuel
runs in a closed loop, to hot water heater units in the process area and the greenhouse. The hot

water heater units will release the heat from the water pipes into the respective rooms. The
cooler water will then run back to the boiler to pick up more heat.

Evolution of our design

Initially, we planned to design a 30’ x 60’ greenhouse. Upon visiting the school, we discovered
noticeable rooftop protrusions. After taking various measurements, we modified the size of the
greenhouse to 20’ x 50’ in order to avoid the obstructions. Also, the original greenhouse shape
was a domed-shaped. However, this arrangement does not effectively utilize space or conserve
heat. While discussing our plans with an architect, he informed us that a foundation would not be
necessary since the structure could most likely be supported by the roof.

Our early design specified a brick processing plant. After our conversation with an architect, we
were advised to use corrugated metal instead. Corrugated metal is cheaper, lighter, and gives us
more freedom in terms of the shape of our structure. Consequently, our overall structure will be
lighter and cheaper than originally planned. Also, the processing plant will not be strictly square
as initially proposed but will be more complex as allowed by the new material. The bio-diesel
processor itself will have a feature that washes the bio-diesel; it is a simple process that uses
water to mist wash the bio-diesel. This attribute is inherent in the processor which was not
considered in the preliminary design and idea.

Anthony Taylor, the owner of a heating company, proved to be a valuable resource. Our team
and Mr. Taylor exchanged e-mails, our main concern being the heating of the greenhouse. Mr.
Taylor diagrammed the heating process and routing. He also specified which heater is most
compatible with our purpose and design. Thus, we will be using a Beckett-style boiler which is
capable of running on mixtures of bio-diesel conventional heating oil.

Alternative Solutions

After reviewing the work of the last team that worked with our client last semester, we have
taken into consideration many alternate solutions. The last team’s solution to the school’s rooftop
project was to implement a greenhouse heated by compost and a classroom on the roof. Due to
the high cost and the realization that compost heating is not efficient, the client modified her
solution to the rooftop project. Her solution requires that our team design a blueprint for both
implementing a roof greenhouse and heating it through renewable energy such as bio-diesel and
solar power. Considering her solution, we have confirmed the feasibility of using bio-diesel for
heat. We have even learned that the glycerin co-product, produced during reaction, can also be
used in productive ways. However, the use of solar power has been considered as only feasiable
if the budget allows. If solar panels are to be used, they will be used for the energy required to
make the bio-diesel. Although we currently trust the feasibility and benefits of our solution we
have also considered many alternate solutions to different aspects of the project. Their
descriptions are listed below:

Heating through a Compost Plant
As stated above, a compost plant used to be the main source of energy for heating the
greenhouse. After the last team’s presentations, the client decided that such a plant would not be
very beneficial to the school. Our research confirms her claim. Compost is very difficult to create
and would not be such an interesting project for middle school students. In addition the heat
produced is not enough to keep the greenhouse warm during winter; the greenhouse would
require the reliance on the conventional method of heating through expensive oil, which goes
against the idea of the project. Because of its contradictions to the project, the solution of using a
compost plant is no longer being considered.

Heating through Solar Power
The idea of solar power use in this project initially seems great; no work is required to create
energy and the energy is unlimited. However, our research reveals the high cost of solar panels.
Also, the solar panels will not add as much to the students experience as the production of bio-
diesel. If the budget allows, the solar energy will be used not for heating but for the uses of bio-
diesel production and lighting. And so, we consider the solution of using solar power not very
essential in the heating of the greenhouse but nonetheless a great use of energy and a good
opportunity for the students’ learning.

Use of Glycerin Byproduct
The byproduct glycerin to our surprise actually presents many benefits to the project. Instead of
posing an impurity problem, glycerin can be used in two ways: part of it can be used in an
enjoyable project to make soap and part of it can be used to further heat the greenhouse. Both
present benefits to the project as it adds another level of learning to the student’s experience. At

this point, the use of glycerin for soap will definitely be part of the project. Research has also
shown that the glycerin can used on furnaces for more heat. However, the equipment greatly
adds to the expenses while the energy content is relatively nominal.

Wind Power
This renewable source of energy was briefly suggested by the client. However, it was quickly
deemed unfeasible; more costs and maintenance is required to implement wind power into the
project. Like solar power, the students won’t be able to interact with it and so it adds very little to
the learning experience. Such a solution might be practical in the future. But at this early point,
such power is very little relative to bio-diesel and adds unnecessary complications.

Dealing with Roof’s Protrusions
The protrusions on the roof were a great limitation to the last team. Rather than assume that they
can be removed, we understand that they are essential to the school’s building and that many
solutions to their limitation must be considered. We have decided that the most logical solution is
to build the structure around it. However, throughout the project we have considered other ways
to avoid these obstacles. One solution was building part of the structures on the protrusions. In
order to prevent the heat and gases coming from the protrusions from causing harm we have
come up with the “chimney” solution. This possible solution requires that a material be
constructed around the protrusions to allow the heat or gases to escape upwards. While the idea
seemed eccentric, it allowed us to understand that the original goals must be modified to make
the design as practical as possible.

Transition Plans and User Documentation

Prior Work and Possible Continuation

Two other teams have worked on our projects with our client in the Fall of 2006. One team
designed a lab classroom, which has influenced how our team envisioned the final designs for
our project. That team had worked with our client’s school, I.S. 143, to create a classroom that
can accommodate thirty students and house lab equipment and chemicals. Our team extracted
the main ideas from that project and remodeled it into our bio-fuel process area, which, when
built, will allow twenty students to enter and participate in the creation of bio-diesel from
vegetable oil. It will also allow chemicals such as caustic soda to be stored in the cabinets within
the process area.

The second team worked to create a rooftop greenhouse and classroom. This project was related
much more closely to problem statement, as it is essentially the same project with different
solutions. We utilized some of the designs of their greenhouse as a vision for our own design,
but made significant changes to fit the new design constraints, which involved a budget and a
new fuel dependency. While the last team used compost to provide heat, we were instructed to
create a greenhouse heated by bio-diesel, thus entailing the need for a process area for the fuel.

Over the course of this semester, we have set up the greenhouse and process area with relation to
the roof, and constructed a heating system that will carry the energy from burning bio-diesel into
the greenhouse to maintain the temperature necessary. We have also installed vents in the top of

the greenhouse in case of overheating. Future work on this project would involve configuration
of the utilities for the greenhouse and process area, such as electrical wires and water pipes.
Since solar panels can be installed on top of the process area, the electricity generated can be
used to heat the oil before it is converted to bio-diesel. Water must be piped up through the main
supply of the school’s water system, and the drains must be connected to the school’s drains.
There are already drains on the roof, however, and the water can simply be drained from the
greenhouse through that system.

Additional work can also be done on the optimization of the heating system. Our team has
already created a design to route heat into the greenhouse. However, it may not be the most
effective way, and future teams can improve upon the design to allow the minimal heat loss to
the environment.

Our design is made up of components that are already produced and have patents on them. Our
own creations are the building design for the process area and the arrangements of the
components, and the routing of heat. Therefore, patents are unwarranted in our situation, since
we did not invent any new products.

Documentation Instructing the Use and Maintenance of Solution

The PVC used as panes for the greenhouse is low maintenance, and only needs to be replaced
every five to eight years.

Because the floor of the greenhouse will be gravel, water can seep through the gravel to the
drains already installed on the roof. This will prevent the water from collecting and producing
health problems.

Maintenance of Bio-diesel Plant

The produced bio-diesel must be water-washed every time it is used, to prevent the boiler from
becoming clogged up.

Process Area
Keep lab station clean, and keep all chemicals locked in the cabinet to prevent student accidents.

Growing Plants
Plants should be kept in pots with holes to prevent water collection and flooding of the plants. In
addition, yellow sticky cards should be placed to monitor the insects that inevitably will enter the
greenhouse and prevent them from spreading throughout the greenhouse.

Documentation for Duplicating and Improving Team Solution

Refer to Appendix A.1 to see our team’s Gantt Chart to see how our team progressed in the
creation of our design. This will give an idea of how long it took for us to accomplish each task,
and allow future teams to get a feel of the time it takes for each step.

Refer to Pages 5-12 for a better understanding of how our team reached our final design, and
possible ideas for improvement.

For the research on costs and materials, please refer to Appendix A.3 for information on the
items used in our designs.

Refer to our models in Appendix A.5 for a clear representation of our design.

Future teams should also refer to Appendix A.4 to further their research process.

Refer to Appendix A.6 for more in-depth descriptions and other important information regarding
our design and possible additional improvements that can be made.

Refer to our website for complete details of the project,
sources, and documents.


A1. Gantt Chart

A2. Product Design Specifications

In-Use Purposes, Market and Economics

   •   Product Title
       Rooftop Bio-Diesel/ Greenhouse Project

   •   Purpose
          1. To use the bio-diesel to heat the greenhouse in a cost-efficient way.
          2. This system of using bio-diesel to heat the greenhouse will serve as a demonstrative way
             of teaching certain highly motivated students horticulture as well as the science involved
             in the process. Thus the students would learn science and help the community as well.

   •   Predictable unintended uses the product may be put to
          1. Producing the bio-diesel would serve as a method of recycling the used cooking oil from
              local restaurants. Thus this production setup would also serve as an oil recycling plant
              and cut down on waste.
          2. The by-product of the bio-diesel plant, glycerin, may be used to produce soap.
          3. The excess bio-diesel would be sold to the local gas station in the Bronx that sells bio-
              (Uses 2 and 3 are long-term goals)

   •   Special Features of the Product
          1. The greenhouse using the bio-diesel as a fuel to heat it will be a great place for the
               students to learn science and horticulture simultaneously.
          2. While serving the purpose of teaching the students, it will also make them more active in
               recycling oil and hence helping the community and protecting the environment.

   •   Intended Market
           1. Selected highly motivated students interested in learning about this process.
           2. Soap producing companies that will buy the glycerin and/or the soap marketing
              companies that will sell the soap produced from the glycerin (in the long run).
           3. The local gas stations for the excess bio-diesel produced (in the long run).

   •   Need for Product
          1. To motivate students in the mathematics and sciences.
          2. Have an environmentally friendly project to help the school as well as the community.

   •   Economics
          1. The cost must be as low as possible.
          2. The school can raise a maximum of $50,000.

Functional Requirements

   •   Physical Requirements
          1. The weight of the greenhouse along with the bio-diesel plant would depend on the size of
              the greenhouse – 20 × 50 ft.
          2. The height is 10 ft on the sides and maximum of 15 ft at the ridge.
          3. The dimensions of the process area will be 21.6’ x 18’.

4. In order to maximize the space efficiency, the greenhouse will most probably be shaped
                in the form of a rectangle with a dome-shaped top.
             5. A whiteboard/ projector for teaching the students could be included in the bio-diesel plant
                section to increase convenience in teaching.

   •   Forces Involved
          1. All forces are in equilibrium weight of the greenhouse and its normal force.

   •   Flow of Energy
          1. The bio-diesel plant is to generate the energy needed to heat the greenhouse.
          2. When needed depending on the season, the energy will be transferred to the greenhouse
              to heat it and maintain a comfortable temperature for plant-growth.

   •   Backup and Control
          1. There must be an alternate source of heating the greenhouse in case of an emergency or
             unexpected failure.
          2. The bio-diesel plant must have a control switch in order to turn it off during the summer.

   •   Service Environment
       Must be resistant to the following:
          1. Weather changes such as high velocity winds, rain, sleet, snow, dirt, dust, high and low
          2. Insect and bird damage.

   •   Life Cycle Issues
       As it is not feasible to replace the greenhouse and bio-diesel plant very often, it must be very well
       planned and must be long-lasting. The following factors must be considered:
           1. The greenhouse should not fail for at least a decade or two.
           2. The main inputs for the greenhouse would not be a problem as it is the local waste from
           3. It should be easy to maintain and repair.

   •   Human Factors and Ergonomics
         1. Aesthetics – the bio-diesel plant should not tarnish the beauty of the rooftop greenhouse.
         2. Ergonomics and main machine interface will be incorporated in the design.
         3. The students must be trained to deal with the chemicals and operate the bio-diesel plant.
         4. The students must be supervised.


   •   Materials
       - Plastic PVC for the greenhouse panes
           1. It is cheap
           2. Its lightweight
           3. Minimal care and maintenance is required
       - Metal Structure for the greenhouse
       - Concrete for the section with the bio-diesel plant as it is stronger and more resistant to weather
       damage than wood.

   •   Working Fluid Section

1. There will be measuring cylinders and funnels for adding the liquid raw material to the
              2. The waste oil and the chemicals will be stored safely in a classroom.


   •      A conventional oil heater modified to use only the bio-fuel produced to generate the heat.
   •      The by-products, glycerin, as specified previously, will be used for making soap.
   •      Since the raw material used is waste cooking oil from local restaurants, the material used is
          relatively reliable.
   •      The raw material, waste oil, will be carried up to the rooftop by hand.
   •      In order to water the plants, there will be a water system on the rooftop.

Corporate Constraints

              1. An arrangement must be made and a contract signed for the school to use the waste
                 cooking oil from local restaurants.
              2. The contracts must be written up and signed and all related legal procedures must be
                 completed when selling the by-products and the excess fuel for profit.
              3. The above two requirements must be dealt with in an extremely professional manner.
              4. The entire setup should be economic as the school can only raise a limited amount of

Social, Political, and Legal Requirements

   •      Safety
              1. The setup must be safe for the students to operate the plant.
              2. All the safety standards must be met – limit to the people capacity, the safety standards
                 for the fuel and the heating method and the materials used.
              3. The possibility of fire must be taken into consideration and hence a fire extinguisher
                 should be installed along with a first aid kit.
              4. Fences will be made higher to increase the roof safety.

   •      Patents and Legal Formalities
             1. All of the necessary legal formalities must be completed in order for the by-product and
                 the bio-diesel to be sold.
             2. All the codes and standards must be met during the construction and setup of the
                 greenhouse and bio-diesel plant.
             3. The necessary licenses for the project must be obtained in order to run the bio-diesel
                 plant and sell the by-product, glycerin, and the excess fuel.
             4. The students’ parents must sign waivers and this would also ensure that they are aware of
                 the project and the website.


   •      Regulations
             1. The safety regulations, fire codes must be met.

•   Reliability
               2. In order to make the system reliable there must be a backup heating system to take over
                   the bio-diesel plant in times of emergencies and failures.
               3. It should be reliable and safe so that the children are not harmed in any way while using
                   the equipment.


       •   By April 10th 2007, the In-Depth Project Design including cost analysis for the greenhouse
           (already started) the final revisions to the design and the 3D model will be completed.
       •   By April 30th 2007, the design for the greenhouse with the bio-diesel plant heating system will be
           finalized and presented.

                                Customer / Engineering Requirements Map

Customer             Engineering Requirements                Justification
1,5                  Use a standard Beckett-style burner    The burner would take in the bio-diesel mix as
                     with standard hot water unit heaters.  the fuel and boil the water in the pipes which
                     On typical day the energy needed is:   would heat the greenhouse and the plant
                     120,000 BTU/hr – greenhouse            section. This would be cheaper than installing
                     40,000 BTU/hr – process area           a modified burner which would also use
                                                            glycerin as a fuel.
2                    The exhaust gases must be vented       Students will be maintaining the greenhouse
                     outdoors and the chemicals must be     and learning about the process and this ensures
                     stored with utmost caution and care    their safety and that of all others who visit the
                     and safety regulations must be met     greenhouse
3, 5                 The greenhouse section will be 20 ft This would provide sufficient space for
                     × 50 ft                                students to work in the greenhouse and gain a
                                                            practical learning experience. Also if this is the
                                                            planned size as opposed to the previous 30 ft ×
                                                            60 ft, we save on the cost of construction and
4, 2                 The process area will be 16.83 ft ×    We need a separate process area in order to
                     18 ft. The section of the process      keep the bio-diesel processor away from the
                     area for the boiler will be an         actual greenhouse. The actual boiler is in a
                     additional 6 × 4.83 ft making one of corner by itself in order to ensure the safety of
                     the 16.83 ft long edges 21.6 ft.       the students present in the process room. This
                                                            would be large enough to have the cabinet
                                                            storing the chemicals and the blackboard as
                                                            well and hence increase convenience in
                                                            teaching the students the chemical processes
                                                            and details of the greenhouse.
6, 2                 Dunnage will be used in order to       The greenhouse will be expected to last long
                     ensure the stability of the greenhouse (at least a decade) and be a safe place for
                     structure.                             student to learn about the plants and bio-diesel
7                    There will be insulated hot water      This method of using insulated hot water pipes
                     pipes running through process area     minimizes loss of heat during the transfer. The
                     to the greenhouse. These will be       hot water heater will maintain the temperature

connected to hot water heaters.        at a constant 80 degrees, which in turn will
                                                         keep the greenhouse in a comfortable setting.
8, 7              Bio-diesel will be used to heat the    Bio-diesel is a clean burning fuel, releasing
                  greenhouse. Insulated pipes will       more environmentally friendly gases, as
                  minimize the heat loss during the      opposed to regular fuels. While burning of
                  transport of heat.                     regular fuels can release nitrogen dioxide and
                                                         sulfur dioxide, which damage the environment
                                                         greatly, producing effects such as acid rain, the
                                                         burning of bio-diesel only produces water
                                                         vapor and carbon dioxide. Using insulated
                                                         pipes will allow the system to be more
                                                         efficient, thus reducing heat loss to the
9                 The bio-diesel plant and greenhouse Because there is no school during the summer
                  will be manually controlled, and       months, the instructor will be able to shut
                  refueling of the plant will be done by down the greenhouse by removing all the
                  the instructor and students.           plants and stop refueling the plant.
10                Conventional oil will be used to heat Because vegetable oil and bio-diesel may not
                  the greenhouse.                        always be available, the bio-diesel plant will be
                                                         able to accommodate the usage of conventional
                                                         fuel to produce heat.
11                The greenhouse and bio-diesel plant Both structures will not violate any regulations
                  will be built to meet all government   or patents, as this would hinder the
                  regulations.                           construction of the project. Everything built
                                                         will be within the regulations stated by the city
                                                         and the state.
12                Students and instructors will water    Because the plants are only in the greenhouse
                  the plants regularly, as part of the   during the school year, students and instructors
                  science curriculum, which involves     will be able to care for the plants on a weekday
                  learning about the greenhouse plants. basis.

1. The bio-diesel produced should be used to heat the greenhouse.
2. Safety of the students must be considered.
3. The greenhouse is to cater to about 10-15 selected students at a time.
4. The process area should be large enough to comfortably produce the heat, store chemicals and
   house the blackboard to facilitate an easy and systematic teaching process.
5. The cost should be as low as possible.
6. Greenhouse should be stable.
7. The heat from the bio-diesel processor should be used to heat the process area as well as the
8. It should damage the environment as little as possible.
9. The system of heating should be seasonal i.e. our client should be able to use the heating
   system only when required.
10. The design should include a back-up heating system.
11. It should be in compliance with all of the city, state and other legal regulations.
12. Arrangements should be made in order to water the plants regularly.

A3. Budget Estimates

A4. List of Resources

A. S. Ramadhas, S. Jayaraj and C. Muraleedharan. “Use of vegetable oils as I.C. engine fuels.”
       Renewable Energy Volume 29, Issue 5, April 2004, Pages 727-742.

Azman, Andrew, and Christina Savage. "Fried Fuels." Colorado Engineer Magazine Spring

Bennett Park. New York City Department of Parks & Recreation. Sep 09, 1998

Bio-diesel. 2007. National Bio-diesel Board. 1 Mar. 2007

Bio-dieselConsultancy. Bio-dieselConsultancy. February 19, 2007

Bio-diesel Costs Reduced $0.40 per Gallon by Glycol Production. The Energy Blog. August 26,
       2005 <>.

Bio-diesel Glycerol Uses. UK FuelTech. 28 Aug. 2006. 15 Mar. 2007

Bio-diesel price update. December 3rd, 2006

Bio-diesel. Union of Concerned Scientists. September 28, 2005

Cascade Bio-Diesel. Cascade Bio-Diesel. 2006

C.D. Rakopoulos, K.A. Antonopoulos, D.C. Rakopoulos, D.T. Hountalas and E.G. Giakoumis.
      “Comparative performance and emissions study of a direct injection Diesel engine using
      blends of Diesel fuel with vegetable oils or bio-diesels of various origin.” Energy
      Conversion and Management Volume 47, Issues 18-19, November 2006, Pages 3272-

Charkes, Juli S. "Bio-diesel Fuel Raises Hopes of Greening Cars." New York Times 18 Feb.

Chiaramonti, David, Oasmaa, Anja, Solantausta, Yrjo. “Renewable & Sustainable Energy
      Reviews.” Academic Search Premier Aug 2007, Vol. 11 Issue 6, p1056-1086, 31p.

Climate Change-Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Carbon Dioxide. 19 Oct. 2006. U.S. Environmental
       Protection Agency. 13 Mar. 2007

Collins, Glenn. "A 21st-Century Greenhouse Joins a Domed Bronx Classic.(Metropolitan
       Desk)(A Marriage of Old and New, With Flowers)." The New York Times (Sept 24, 2004
       pB1 col 05 (34 col): B1. New York Times and New York Post (2000-present). Thomson
       Gale. New York Public Library. 12 Feb. 2007.

"Commercial Greenhouses and Supplies From IGC's GreenhouseMEGAstore."
     GreenhouseMEGAstore. 2005. IGC. 14 Apr. 2007

"Corrugated Metal Roofing & Siding Material." Mechanical Metals, Inc. Mechanical Metals,
       Inc. 22 Apr. 2007 <>.

CU Biodiese. Leftwise. 2004

Dillon-Ermers, Nell. Northern Manhattan, 200th – 220th Sts.

Donovan, Paul, and William Tis. United States. Patent and Trademark Office. Synthetic Fuel
      Production Method. 5 May 2003. 8 Feb. 2007. <

Estill, Lyle and Burton, Rachel. “OUR PLACE IN THE BIO-DIESEL WASTE STREAM.”
         BioCycle; Dec2005, Vol. 46 Issue 12, p28-31, 4p.

FreedomFuelAmerica. Cascade Bio-diesel. 2006

"Heating Solutions for Bio-diesel Production Facilities." AG Solutions LLC. AG Solutions LLC.
       11 Apr. 2007 <>.

Hofman, Vern. Bio-diesel Fuel. February 2003

Home Heating Oil. Bio-diesel. 17 Mar. 2007. National Bio-diesel Board. 17 Mar. 2007

How to Make Compost, a Composting Guide. Compost Guide. 7 Feb. 2006. 13 Mar. 2007

I.S. 143 Forums. 2007

JHS 143 Eleanor Roosevelt. NYC Dept. of Ed. 2007.

Kidd, J. S., and Renee A. Kidd. "'Clean Energy'." Air Pollution, Science and Society. New York:
       Facts On File, Inc., 2005. Facts On File, Inc. Science Online.

Kleinschmit, Jim. Biofueling Rural Development: Refueling the Case for
       Linking Biofuel Production to Rural Revitalization. Carsey Institute. Policy
       Brief No. 5, Winter 2007.

"Low Flash Point Chemicals." Physical & Theoretical Chemistry Lab Safety. 16 Dec. 2003. 1
      Apr. 2007 <>.

Material Safety Data Sheet. 2007

"Monthly Average Home Heating Oil Prices." New York State Energy Research and
      Development Authority. 2004. New York State Energy Research and Development
      Authority. 10 Mar. 2007 <>.

New York Schools-NY elementary, middle and high school information. Great Schools

"Pacific Bio-diesel Glossary." Pacific Bio-diesel. 2006. Pacific Bio-diesel, Inc. 25 Apr. 2007

"POLYCARBONATE (Makrolon®, Lexan®, Zelux®)." San Diego Plastics, Inc. San Diego
     Plastics, Inc. 25 Apr. 2007 <>.

Products-Bio-diesel. Distribution Drive. 23 Jan. 2005. 18 Mar. 2007

Radich, Anthony. Bio-diesel Performance, Costs, and Use. June 08, 2004.

Relocation, Renovation, and Redesign of Kellogg House. Williams College. 2007

Thomas, Justin. "Using Bio-diesel to Heat Your Home." Treehugger. 17 Mar. 2007. 17 Mar.
     2007 <>.

Trucks. Making Bio-diesel. Spike TV, 2005

United States. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. Department of Energy. Bio-diesel:
       Handling and Use Guidelines. 2004. 16 Feb. 2007

United States. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. Department of Energy. Fuel
       Exclusitivity Contract Regulation and Alternative Fuel Tax Exemption. 16 Feb. 2007

United States. Transportation and Air Quality. Environmental Protection Agency. Alternative
       Fuels: Bio-diesel. Oct. 2006. 16 Feb. 2007

U.S. Heating Oil, Diesel Fuel, And Distillate. Wed Sep 06 2006 11:05:01 GMT-0400 (Eastern
       Daylight Time). U.S. Government. 7 March. 2007

"U.S. No. 2 Heating Oil Residential Price (Cents Per Gallon Excluding Taxes)." Energy
       Information Administration. 14 Mar. 2007. U.S. Energy Information Administration. 29
       Mar. 2007 <>.

Why Bio-diesel?. 2007

A5. Additional Items

A5.a Design Renders

                 Rooftop with greenhouse, bio-diesel plant, and roof entrance

Rooftop entrance

Greenhouse interior (1)

Greenhouse interior (2)

Top view of greenhouse, and the greenhouse’s vents

Rooftop obstructions and intersection of greenhouse and bio-diesel plant

                    Solar panels on bio-diesel roof

Titration table with chemical drums, bio-diesel plant interior

            Fire extinguisher in bio-diesel plant

Storage cabinet in bio-diesel plant

Rooftop obstructions and greenhouse

Rooftop obstruction, roof entrance, and side of greenhouse

A5.b Equipment Specifications

A5.c E-mail Exchanges between Albert Jimenez and Anthony Taylor

Mr. Taylor’s Initial Feedback (with original illustration):

Why heat only with Beckett-style burner and not use a machine for heating glycerin:

Our burners do perform well when using glycerin, as long as our recommendations are
followed. The reason that I steered our common teacher friend towards a standard oil burner is
the fact that her bio-diesel system will not produce enough glycerin to justify buying one of our
systems that can burn the glycerin.

Please be careful about what you read about bio-diesel production and production
systems. There is a lot of bad information floating around the internet. Production of high
quality bio-diesel is pure chemistry. Let me know of any other questions.

Albert’s Questions:

The Boiler System
1. Does a conventional boiler system using a Beckett-style burner
require any modification to run bio-diesel?
2. Can it run on a mixture of conventional oil and bio-diesel?
3. Can glycerin be used as fuel?
4. What is the average cost of such a system with the pipes and

5. How to use the boiler, is a match necessary, does it use
6. What type of gas is emitted with the heat?
a. If much water vapor is emitted, is condensation into water on the
top of the greenhouse possible/a problem?

7. Does it require an external pump to distribute heat?
8. Must it operate at a specific range of temperature?

9. Does it require drainage?
10. How is water transferred into the boiler?
11. How is temperature maintained?

12. What is the most convenient location to place the boiler?
13. Is it safe for it to be near children in the bio-diesel process
a. If placed in the process area will ventilation be required apart
from the flues?
b. If placed in the process area will heat surrounding the boiler be
significant enough for part of the heating of the process area?
14. What are the products produced by using oil/bio-diesel?
15. How should the bio-diesel be tested/cleaned to ensure that the
boiler runs properly?

16. Water needed per unit of heat.
17. How to estimate how much heat is needed to for a greenhouse
(considering heat trapped as a result of sunlight, heat produced by
boiler, heat dissipated by walls)
18. From my understanding bio-diesel has a energy content of 120,000
btus per gallon, how efficient is the boiler in converting this
energy into heat?
19. Can you estimate how much bio-diesel is needed to heat a
greenhouse (about 25' x 50') on an average cold day (about 0
degrees Celsius)

His Response:

My suggestion about using a standard Beckett-style burner was based upon the direction that I
thought that the project was intended. I thought that the proposed plan was to produce bio-diesel
which would then be used as the fuel for the greenhouse part of the project. That is the reason
that I recommended using a boiler with a standard Becket burner. I had suggested that the boiler
could be fueled with standard #2 fuel for the production of the first batch of bio-diesel, then
switched over to bio-diesel the following day. The heat from the boiler would provide the
heating source for the bio-diesel process and heating for that section and the heating for
greenhouse section.

Now, let's see what I can do about assisting you with some answers.

1. No. The burner itself needs to have a biofuel compatible pump. The two most common

manufacturers of those pumps both make a biofuel pump. The oil pressure off of the pump
needs to be increased from the standard 90 psi up to about 120 psi, the nozzle used allows for a
wider fuel dispersion angle, and the combustion air damper is opened a bit more.
2. A blend is usually used, which would then not require a change other than the pump. The
blend is usually 80% dino fuel/20% biofuel or up to 50% dino/50% bio. However, some
homebrewers do use straight bio-diesel.
3. We are at the forefront with testing and application of glycerin as a fuel. We have several bio-
diesel producers using part of their glycerin as their process heating fuel. We have greenhouse
operations using the glycerin as their heating fuel. I will be in Bethlehem, CT sometime next
month at an AG field day, held at a bio-diesel producer's sight, demonstrating glycerin as a
greenhouse fuel. However, you cannot use a standard Becket-style burner for this process.
4. The cost is dependent upon the capacity of the system. A typical 300,000 BTU input oil-fired
boiler would likely cost about $3500 - $3800. The hydronic accessories (expansion tank,
auto air vent, etc.) would run less than $200. The piping depends upon the distance that is
would be run, and whatever the cost is for the installation of it. For the actual space heating I
would recommend standard hot water unit heaters, which would be around $600 each for your
5. All modern power burners, as Beckett's are, do use electricity. One the size that we are talking
about would use 120 volt at less than 8 amps. You would have circulating pumps for the unit
heaters, and the blowers on the heaters. None would use any more than the boiler.
6. The boiler exhaust gases must be vented to the outdoor air. The exhaust gases depend upon
the fuel (#2 fuel oil or bio-diesel). But you would have varying levels of CO2, CO, SO2 (none
with bio-diesel), NoX and such.
6a. Since the exhaust gases are vented outdoors, there would not be a condensation issue from
the gases.
7. As described above, yes you would require the use of pumps.
8. Any boiler system is more efficient if allowed to operate at temperatures above 160F or
so. There are simple ways to "temper" the heated water for various applications if necessary.
9. The boiler itself does not require drainage. It would however have pressure relief valve that
would activate to relieve excessive pressure inside the boiler in case of a failure of some
type. Your question seems to be connected to the use of "condensing-type" boiler
systems. Those systems do require the use of a condensation drain, and the condensation is
rather acidic. I do not know of any oil-fired condensing boiler system that will operate with bio-
diesel as the fuel.
10. The boiler operates in a "closed loop" - which means that the water is simply circulated
continuously. A closed loop system does require the use of a water supply be connected to the
boiler for filling and displacing air that will seep into the piping system. This process is on every
closed loop hydronic heating or cooling system anywhere.
11. The boiler usually has an independent temperature controller. Any other processes (unit
heaters, etc.) would have their thermostats also.
12. Ideally the boiler is installed in a permanent, or somewhat permanent, structure. I have seen
them in greenhouses though. Because of the pumps, you can probably install the boiler away
from your actual points of use, just like most other buildings do.
13. As long as precautions are taken to keep people away from the boiler exhaust vent stack, and
all piping is insulated, you should be okay. Just use good safety practices to prevent accidental,
or intentional, exposure to hot surfaces.

13a. Any appliance that produces combustion does require a means to have access to combustion
air. Often that can be a simple piece of common round duct through an outside wall ran to near
the burner, insulated of course to prevent condensation during cold weather.
13b. The boiler itself will produce some heat that will be radiated towards colder surfaces. Heat
goes to cold. If the boiler is in a greenhouse structure it likely will not provide adequate heat for
the process area.
14. I am not sure of what you mean by "products produced" - I need a little help on that one.
15. There are simple testing kits that are sold on the internet that you can get your hands on. Go
to and you can get some information there. I will tell you that some
of the information on there is not reliable, but you can pick up some info about testing. Most
bio-diesel producers do actually use water spraying through a stream of their bio-diesel to
remove impurities. They then use a desiccant bead filter to remove any remaining water. Some
are using absorbent beads of different types instead of water washing, but it really increases the
16. The water needed is based upon the water content in the boiler, heaters, and piping. In the
system the size that we are talking about you would likely have no more than 50 gallons total.
17. The greenhouse calculation for heat load is to take your desired inside temperature and
subtract the average lowest outdoor temperature to come with a maximum temperature
differential, then multiply that by 150%. Multiply that by the square footage of the
building. That gives you the BTU load requirement. For example if you want 60F inside, and
the average coldest outside is 0F, then the maximum differential is 60F. Multiply that by 150%,
which gives you 90 - that is the BTU's needed per square foot. If the building is 1200 square feet
then multiply 90 times 1200 to get 108,000 BTU's (60F - 0F = 60F x 150% = 90 BTU's x 1200
ft2 = 108,000 BTU's). Those are "delivered" BTU's, not the BTU input of the boiler. I strongly
recommend having some extra capacity given your location on top of a building.
18. Typical boilers will have efficiencies of anywhere from 82% up to about 88% - given the
design and construction.
19. I think that you can use the calculation above the answer this question. The burner will have
rating that is based upon its oil consumption per hour of run time. Take the BTU's introduced as
the fuel and you should get fairly close. That 120,000 number is close enough for what you are


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Rooftop Greenhouse and Bio-Diesel

  • 1. Rooftop Greenhouse and Bio-Diesel: Final Report Gateway Team Albert Jimenez (Primary Facilitator) Wayne Chuang Jaimie Lee Shreya Kedia Edward Choi Community Partner & Client Eleanor Roosevelt Intermediate School (I.S. 143) Gioya Fennelly (Environmental Studies Teacher) Ronnie Pappas (Principal) Luis Malave (Assistant Principal) Advisor Alexander Haubold Submission Date: April 30, 2007
  • 2. Table of Contents Executive Summary…………………………………………………………………………Page 2 Background Research…………………………………………………………………….Pages 3-4 Formal Problem Statement……………………………………………………………….Pages 4-5 Design Specifications…………………………………………………………………….Pages 5-6 Final Designs……………………………………………………………………………Pages 6-13 Roof……………………...……………………………………………………….Pages 6-7 Bio-diesel Processing Plant…………………………………………………...….Pages 7-8 Greenhouse……………………………………………………………………….Pages 8-9 Electrical System…………………………………………………………………….Page 9 Plumbing System…………………………………………..………………………Page 10 Heating System……………………...….……………………………………..Pages 10-11 Evolution of our design………………………………………………………..Pages 11-12 Alternative Solutions………………………………………...……….………………..Pages 12-13 Transition Plans and User Documentation……………………………...............……..Pages 13-15 Appendix……………………………………………………………………..………..Pages 16-40 Gantt Chart…………………………………………...............…………………….Page 16 Product Design Specifications………………………………………………...Pages 17-21 Budget Estimates…………………………………………………………………...Page 22 List of Resources………………………………………………………………Pages 22-26 Additional Items…………………………………………………….…………Pages 26-40 Design Renders.…………………………………………….................Pages 26-32 Equipment Specifications…………………………………….………..Pages 33-36 E-mail Exchanges between Albert Jimenez and Anthony Taylor …….Pages 37-40 1
  • 3. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Our client, an environmental studies teacher at IS 143, has worked with Gateway teams since last semester. Her primary focus in all of the individual projects has been on supporting the students’ learning in the sciences. She especially hopes to show students the importance of the clean use of energy. Our project builds upon this idea and also requires a greenhouse to be heated by a renewable source of energy. This alternative energy source must be easy to obtain, non polluting and cheap. The client has especially emphasized the importance of an inexpensive heating alternative. The school already spends much of its financial resources on heating oil. In addition our research as shown that the price of oil has risen since the turn of the century, and will probably continue rising for years to come. Due to this fact, it is imperative that the greenhouse be heated in a different way. At the same time, the use of an alternate form of energy will serve as an example to the students as they produce the energy and manage the greenhouse. After much research and suggestions by professionals, our team has decided that bio-diesel, as a form of energy, is the best alternative. The reactants used to produce bio-diesel energy can be easily obtained. The main reactant, vegetable oil, can be freely obtained from local restaurants. Our client has spoken to these restaurants and obtaining a sufficient amount of vegetable oil is not a problem. However, making and transforming the bio-diesel into heat presents the main challenge. At the same time, the design must allow for students to interact with the equipment and learn about the processes and benefits of renewable energy. To accomplish this task, we have designed two main structures on the roof; the first one is the actual greenhouse and the second is a bio-diesel process plant for the production of bio-diesel and heating equipment. However, many constraints are presented through such a design; protrusions on the roof limit the size of the structures while safety requirements add to the complexity and cost of the design. Since students will be working on the roof, much precaution must be taken for their safety and the possibility of fire must be taken very seriously. The client’s budget also adds to the limitations as the school’s financial resources limit the size and quality of the structures. With these considerations in mind, we have developed a design that allows for the heating the greenhouse, presents students with many didactic activities and fits the various constraints. The greenhouse will not be 30’ by 60’ ft as the client originally hoped for, but instead will be reduced to 20’ by 50’ to allow it to both fit on the roof and minimize the amount of heat required to keep it warm. The greenhouse will be directly connected to the bio-diesel process area and will be clearly visible from the process area. The bio-diesel plant will be much smaller than the actual greenhouse in order to reduce the high cost of building a concrete structure on a roof. The plant will contain the several materials necessary for the production of bio-diesel. The heating equipment will also be inside the bio-diesel plant to prevent any possible byproducts that may damage the plants. Heat will be routed from a boiler to hot water heaters in the process area and greenhouse. Such a design covers the basic requirements of the client; the greenhouse will be adequately heated by renewable inexpensive energy, the students will learn much and everything fits the constraints. Other alternative solutions for heating the greenhouse have also been considered. Solar power as an additional form of energy should especially be considered if the budget allows. 2
  • 4. REPORT NARRATIVE Background Research Various discussions throughout the term with our client, IS 146, have clearly conveyed their need to somehow power a greenhouse that is to be built on the roof of the school structure. Many options were considered from methane to regular residential heating oil; none proved to be as feasible as the bio-diesel. In order to methodically select the best energy source for the greenhouse, each options were scrutinized in four aspects—safety, effect on the environment, cost-effectiveness and education. Since this structure is to be developed on a public school building, safety of the students was deemed the most important. Unfortunately, many options were ruled out due to its volatility or need for technicians to maintain. For instance, to ensure the safety of the students when electricity and natural gas is used, technicians specializing in dealing with the energies are needed. Moreover, flashpoints—the lowest temperature at which the combustible material may ignite—was examined to determine the extent of the safety each material can provide. Although methanol and propane are reasonable choices, their flashpoints are higher than that of bio-diesel. Methanol and Propane are regulated to have the flashpoints at 10 and 12 Celsius respectively. In contrast, the government (ASTM) limits bio-diesel’s point to have minimum of 130 Celsius. Thus, the chemical and physical make-up of the bio-diesel fuels proves to be the most viable to a school environment. Along with the safe use of the bio-diesel, it comes with many other positive attributes that make it the best option for this project. Located in a densely populated area, the school needs to ensure that the environment is not polluted to heat the greenhouse. Accordingly, the production of bio- diesel leaves nothing but glycerin, a co-product. Also, the necessary input for this production is used oils. Moreover, unlike the rest of the sources, bio-diesel allows for many chemical experiments and lab opportunities that can assist the students’ education. Labs, such as titration, can be set up so that the students are involved to maintain the greenhouse and learn the value of the environment along the way. Lastly, the cost–effectiveness of the project is essential. Because the funding for this project is to be provided by private donors and the government, the finances involved in the construction of the processor and the greenhouse were explored thoroughly. The following graph shows the trends for the price changes of the second best alternative source, heating oil, for the last ten years. First, as both the red and blue lines indicate, the prices have steadily been increasing for the past decade. Overall, the prices have more than doubled and especially with the unexpected and spontaneous hikes in prices the school may have hard time running the greenhouse on heating oil. To reveal the more unfortunate aspect, the degree 2 best fit line shows that the prices continue to rise at an unprecedented rate, reaching $3 per gallon by 2008. Another interesting aspect of the graph shows that the prices in New York City, especially on Manhattan, are about 20 cents above the national average price-line. With the limited funding, the school will eventually reach a point when it will no longer be able to run the greenhouse with the expensive 3
  • 5. heating oil. On the other hand, bio-diesel costs essentially nothing since wastes are collected to produce it. Therefore, although the construction fee of the bio-diesel plant may seem expensive at this point, in the long run, this is a cost-effective and safe investment that induces a learning environment on the roof of IS 146. Heating Oil and Bio-diesel Prices Comparison Chart 350 300 250 ) n o l l a G 200 r e p s t n 150 e C ( s NYC e c i r 100 US National P Expected Prices Bio-diesel in NYC 50 0 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 Years(Data gathered every March) Formal Problem Statement How do we effectively and efficiently transfer heat from a bio-diesel plant to a rooftop greenhouse? The question is deceivingly simple, and it remains the focus of our project. This problem, though, branches off in a series of different directions. In the process of answering our overall question, we are faced with various obstacles in diverse subgroups including technical, financial, and safety and regulation challenges. Upon visiting the school, we experienced the rooftop atmosphere and environment firsthand. The temperature of the rooftop is especially susceptible to weather fluctuations. During the winter, the greenhouse must withstand all precipitation, wind, and near-freezing conditions. Flooding during rainy season is a concern. Major flooding can cause mold to grow, especially in the heated moist environment of the greenhouse. Excess drainage could also weaken the roof structure or compromise the greenhouse structure. During the summer, the greenhouse must withstand intense heat and humidity. Thus, the bio-diesel plant must be able to maintain ideal 4
  • 6. greenhouse conditions in extreme weather conditions. Our client specified that she would like the greenhouse to be about sixty by thirty feet. Vent obstructions are apparent on the rooftop and are visually distracting and aesthetically unappealing. They also seem to eject heat or air, so we must take this into consideration when deciding where to place the greenhouse and its heat source on the roof. Weight can also become a problem, as the roof can only support so much, though it is doubtful that weight should pose a large difficulty. We must meet the structural and conditional requirements set by our client and apparent in our own observations and research. The school has a limited amount of funds, and this proves to be a major hurdle. The maximum amount that our client can currently raise is $50,000, but some of our research has indicated that this is very limited due to high construction costs. One of the main purposes of the greenhouse is to provide an educational setting for students. Our design must ensure that the bio-diesel room provides an adequate setting for quantitative testing. The design must also accommodate the students: the greenhouse must be a suitable and safe working environment for children. The chemicals that the supervisors will handle can be corrosive and dangerous in a setting that is supposed to be suitable for children. We must accommodate the practical functions and processes of the bio-diesel plant while avoiding safety hazards. When designing the bio-diesel-fueled rooftop greenhouse, we must take technical, financial, and safety and regulation stipulations into account. If we manage to meet all of these provisions, we will essentially complete the goal of our project. It is, however, important not to forget the main focus of our involvement with the rooftop greenhouse. Though the specifics of the problem may make it seem convoluted or undefined, the purpose of our project is to functionally and practically heat the rooftop greenhouse via a bio-diesel plant. Design Specifications The heating requirement, as specified by our client, is that bio-diesel should be used to heat the greenhouse, since this also lowers the cost of heating. To accomplish this, we are using a Beckett-style burner with standard hot water unit heaters. The energy created from burning the fuel will be used to heat the water, which will then be transferred to a hot water unit heater, which will physically heat the greenhouse. This will supply enough heat to keep the greenhouse at a constant temperature. In addition, it is cheaper than installing a modified burner that would use glycerin to generate heat. Damage to the environment is minimized, as we are using bio- diesel to provide heat to the structures, and insulation to prevent loss of heat into the environment. Safety is also a main concern for our client, as students will be working in the greenhouse and processing plant. Therefore, dangerous chemicals used in the production of the bio-diesel can be stored in a cabinet, which can be locked to prevent student access. In addition, exhaust gases from the burning of the bio-diesel will be vented out to prevent a build-up. The boiler in the processing area is set up in a small extension away from the main area of the plant, as a safety measure for the students. 5
  • 7. Because our client expects the number of students that will be in the greenhouse or processing plant to be around 10 to 15, we have designed the two areas to accommodate that number. The greenhouse will be 20 feet by 50 feet, with a maximum height of 15 feet, spacious enough to allow more than 15 people easily. The processing area will be 332 sq. ft, which is enough to house both the processor and the boiler, and still large enough to let an instructor lead a lesson for a group of about 5 students. In addition, the separation of the processing area and the greenhouse is a precaution, to prevent accidents from affecting both areas. The greenhouse will be a stable structure, as dunnage will help stabilize the structure. Since the greenhouse is expected to last at least a decade, it must be able to withstand weather conditions and deterioration of materials. Our client will be able to control everything manually, and therefore can start and stop the processing plant at any time. Therefore, during the summer, when the school is on break, the process plant can be shut down. In addition, the students and instructors are watering the plants in the greenhouse, and will help maintain the plants. In the case that there is no bio-diesel available, our client can use conventional fuel to heat the greenhouse. Final Designs The Roof The roof will hold all of the structures and equipment necessary for the production of bio-diesel and heating the greenhouse. More specifically, one area of the three roof parts will be used to house the structures. Groups of students will come on certain days of the week to work on the greenhouse and bio-diesel process plant. Through the roof entrance, the students will be carrying all the necessary components of the process onto the roof. For instance, they will come with used vegetable oil from local restaurants to transform it into bio-diesel and they will transport the co- product glycerin from the process plant back out as well. The equipment used during production will run as much as possible from energy stored in a battery connected to solar panels on the roof of the process plant. The produced bio-diesel will then be mixed with conventional heating oil, if necessary, and used by a boiler. The co-product, glycerin, can then be composted, turned into soap, or used in other projects. From the entrance, a straight path will lead the students directly to the entrance for the bio-diesel process area. This path is short for the convenience of the students and instructors. Also since the same students will be working on the processing area and the greenhouse, the two structures will be attached. Moreover, the processing area and the greenhouse share a wall so that the instructor can oversee students working in both sections with a quick glance. The greenhouse also has two doors on both ends for quick exits in case of an emergency. This set-up maximizes the use of the areas on the roof that is confined by the frequent protrusions. 6
  • 8. The Bio-diesel Processing Plant The bio-diesel processing plant will house the boiler, the processor, and a blackboard for the instructor to teach lessons. One side of the structure shares a wall with the greenhouse, and allows students to see into the greenhouse when the instructor is teaching. The entirety of the bio-diesel plant is made out of corrugated metal, with the inside walls painted to create a more comfortable learning setting. A floor cabinet is placed in the room to store dangerous chemicals used change vegetable oil into bio-diesel. This cabinet will have a lock on it to prevent students from accessing it. Large barrels stored in this area are used to contain the vegetable oil, bio- diesel and conventional oil. The electricity generated from solar panel installed on the roof will be stored in the battery. This electricity can be used to heat the fuel before it is processed. A table is set in the middle of the room so that the instructor will have a surface to titrate and test the vegetable oil. A sink is available nearby to wash hands in case of a spill and to water the plants. The boiler is set up in an extension of the room, away from the main area of the processing plant. A water pipe system is installed to transport the heat into the greenhouse. 7
  • 9. The Greenhouse The greenhouse will be connected to the process plant and located on the prime rooftop location for maximum sunlight. If necessary, its weight and structure will be supported and stabilized by roof dunnage, connecting the greenhouse to the school’s framework. The rooftop obstructions will not be a problem since they do not eject any substance of concern or hindrance, and the greenhouse will be a reasonable distance from the protrusions. It will have one heater that is connected to the boiler in the bio-diesel plant. The greenhouse will take advantage of the school’s drainage: water from the greenhouse will drain into the school’s overall drainage system. Motorized shutters and horizontal air-flow fans will help maintain the temperature inside the structure during warm weather. A minimally reflective floor will absorb heat to sustain an ideal environment for the plants. Refer to the appendix for a model with specific dimensions and properties. 8
  • 10. The Electrical System Lighting, boiler function, oil heating, and bio-diesel processor performance are all contingent on available electricity. The rooftop already has available outlets and power connections to the school’s main electrical system, but our design also allows for use of solar energy if the budget allows. Solar panels would first absorb energy from the sun. Then, the energy would be transferred to a charge controller, where it would then be stored in a battery. For any appliance to utilize the stored energy, the energy would go through a power inverter and then directly to the appliance. 9
  • 11. Plumbing System A plumbing system will be necessary to supply water to the sink in the processing plant and provide water for the water heating system. Water evaporation from the system, albeit small, will eventually dry out the system, possibly overheating the boiler. Water is also necessary to clean the bio-diesel fuel and to water the plants. The plumbing system can be constructed by extending the school’s main water supply. Because the pipes can be constructed to lead directly from the water supply through the roof into the processing room, heavy insulation is not necessary to prevent water from freezing during wintertime. Heating System The heating system consists of a large Beckett-style boiler, which typically runs on 80% conventional oil and 20% bio-diesel. A modified Beckett-style boiler, however, can run on bio- diesel alone, but can still use oil if bio-diesel is not obtainable. This versatility will allow the boiler to heat the greenhouse even when vegetable oil is not available. The boiler has the capacity to provide up to 300,000 BTU. It has a pressure release valve, in case there is an unexpected failure or case of pressure buildup. A common round duct through an outside wall that runs near the burner will provide the combustion gases necessary for burning the fuel. This will be insulated to prevent condensation during cold weather. The boiler’s exhaust gases, which consist of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and in cases of conventional oil, sulfur dioxide, will be vented into the outside air. The water heated from the energy generated from burning fuel runs in a closed loop, to hot water heater units in the process area and the greenhouse. The hot 10
  • 12. water heater units will release the heat from the water pipes into the respective rooms. The cooler water will then run back to the boiler to pick up more heat. Evolution of our design Initially, we planned to design a 30’ x 60’ greenhouse. Upon visiting the school, we discovered noticeable rooftop protrusions. After taking various measurements, we modified the size of the greenhouse to 20’ x 50’ in order to avoid the obstructions. Also, the original greenhouse shape was a domed-shaped. However, this arrangement does not effectively utilize space or conserve heat. While discussing our plans with an architect, he informed us that a foundation would not be necessary since the structure could most likely be supported by the roof. Our early design specified a brick processing plant. After our conversation with an architect, we were advised to use corrugated metal instead. Corrugated metal is cheaper, lighter, and gives us more freedom in terms of the shape of our structure. Consequently, our overall structure will be lighter and cheaper than originally planned. Also, the processing plant will not be strictly square as initially proposed but will be more complex as allowed by the new material. The bio-diesel processor itself will have a feature that washes the bio-diesel; it is a simple process that uses water to mist wash the bio-diesel. This attribute is inherent in the processor which was not considered in the preliminary design and idea. 11
  • 13. Anthony Taylor, the owner of a heating company, proved to be a valuable resource. Our team and Mr. Taylor exchanged e-mails, our main concern being the heating of the greenhouse. Mr. Taylor diagrammed the heating process and routing. He also specified which heater is most compatible with our purpose and design. Thus, we will be using a Beckett-style boiler which is capable of running on mixtures of bio-diesel conventional heating oil. Alternative Solutions After reviewing the work of the last team that worked with our client last semester, we have taken into consideration many alternate solutions. The last team’s solution to the school’s rooftop project was to implement a greenhouse heated by compost and a classroom on the roof. Due to the high cost and the realization that compost heating is not efficient, the client modified her solution to the rooftop project. Her solution requires that our team design a blueprint for both implementing a roof greenhouse and heating it through renewable energy such as bio-diesel and solar power. Considering her solution, we have confirmed the feasibility of using bio-diesel for heat. We have even learned that the glycerin co-product, produced during reaction, can also be used in productive ways. However, the use of solar power has been considered as only feasiable if the budget allows. If solar panels are to be used, they will be used for the energy required to make the bio-diesel. Although we currently trust the feasibility and benefits of our solution we have also considered many alternate solutions to different aspects of the project. Their descriptions are listed below: Heating through a Compost Plant As stated above, a compost plant used to be the main source of energy for heating the greenhouse. After the last team’s presentations, the client decided that such a plant would not be very beneficial to the school. Our research confirms her claim. Compost is very difficult to create and would not be such an interesting project for middle school students. In addition the heat produced is not enough to keep the greenhouse warm during winter; the greenhouse would require the reliance on the conventional method of heating through expensive oil, which goes against the idea of the project. Because of its contradictions to the project, the solution of using a compost plant is no longer being considered. Heating through Solar Power The idea of solar power use in this project initially seems great; no work is required to create energy and the energy is unlimited. However, our research reveals the high cost of solar panels. Also, the solar panels will not add as much to the students experience as the production of bio- diesel. If the budget allows, the solar energy will be used not for heating but for the uses of bio- diesel production and lighting. And so, we consider the solution of using solar power not very essential in the heating of the greenhouse but nonetheless a great use of energy and a good opportunity for the students’ learning. Use of Glycerin Byproduct The byproduct glycerin to our surprise actually presents many benefits to the project. Instead of posing an impurity problem, glycerin can be used in two ways: part of it can be used in an enjoyable project to make soap and part of it can be used to further heat the greenhouse. Both present benefits to the project as it adds another level of learning to the student’s experience. At 12
  • 14. this point, the use of glycerin for soap will definitely be part of the project. Research has also shown that the glycerin can used on furnaces for more heat. However, the equipment greatly adds to the expenses while the energy content is relatively nominal. Wind Power This renewable source of energy was briefly suggested by the client. However, it was quickly deemed unfeasible; more costs and maintenance is required to implement wind power into the project. Like solar power, the students won’t be able to interact with it and so it adds very little to the learning experience. Such a solution might be practical in the future. But at this early point, such power is very little relative to bio-diesel and adds unnecessary complications. Dealing with Roof’s Protrusions The protrusions on the roof were a great limitation to the last team. Rather than assume that they can be removed, we understand that they are essential to the school’s building and that many solutions to their limitation must be considered. We have decided that the most logical solution is to build the structure around it. However, throughout the project we have considered other ways to avoid these obstacles. One solution was building part of the structures on the protrusions. In order to prevent the heat and gases coming from the protrusions from causing harm we have come up with the “chimney” solution. This possible solution requires that a material be constructed around the protrusions to allow the heat or gases to escape upwards. While the idea seemed eccentric, it allowed us to understand that the original goals must be modified to make the design as practical as possible. Transition Plans and User Documentation Prior Work and Possible Continuation Two other teams have worked on our projects with our client in the Fall of 2006. One team designed a lab classroom, which has influenced how our team envisioned the final designs for our project. That team had worked with our client’s school, I.S. 143, to create a classroom that can accommodate thirty students and house lab equipment and chemicals. Our team extracted the main ideas from that project and remodeled it into our bio-fuel process area, which, when built, will allow twenty students to enter and participate in the creation of bio-diesel from vegetable oil. It will also allow chemicals such as caustic soda to be stored in the cabinets within the process area. The second team worked to create a rooftop greenhouse and classroom. This project was related much more closely to problem statement, as it is essentially the same project with different solutions. We utilized some of the designs of their greenhouse as a vision for our own design, but made significant changes to fit the new design constraints, which involved a budget and a new fuel dependency. While the last team used compost to provide heat, we were instructed to create a greenhouse heated by bio-diesel, thus entailing the need for a process area for the fuel. Over the course of this semester, we have set up the greenhouse and process area with relation to the roof, and constructed a heating system that will carry the energy from burning bio-diesel into the greenhouse to maintain the temperature necessary. We have also installed vents in the top of 13
  • 15. the greenhouse in case of overheating. Future work on this project would involve configuration of the utilities for the greenhouse and process area, such as electrical wires and water pipes. Since solar panels can be installed on top of the process area, the electricity generated can be used to heat the oil before it is converted to bio-diesel. Water must be piped up through the main supply of the school’s water system, and the drains must be connected to the school’s drains. There are already drains on the roof, however, and the water can simply be drained from the greenhouse through that system. Additional work can also be done on the optimization of the heating system. Our team has already created a design to route heat into the greenhouse. However, it may not be the most effective way, and future teams can improve upon the design to allow the minimal heat loss to the environment. Our design is made up of components that are already produced and have patents on them. Our own creations are the building design for the process area and the arrangements of the components, and the routing of heat. Therefore, patents are unwarranted in our situation, since we did not invent any new products. Documentation Instructing the Use and Maintenance of Solution Greenhouse The PVC used as panes for the greenhouse is low maintenance, and only needs to be replaced every five to eight years. Drainage Because the floor of the greenhouse will be gravel, water can seep through the gravel to the drains already installed on the roof. This will prevent the water from collecting and producing health problems. Maintenance of Bio-diesel Plant Bio-Diesel The produced bio-diesel must be water-washed every time it is used, to prevent the boiler from becoming clogged up. Process Area Keep lab station clean, and keep all chemicals locked in the cabinet to prevent student accidents. Growing Plants Plants should be kept in pots with holes to prevent water collection and flooding of the plants. In addition, yellow sticky cards should be placed to monitor the insects that inevitably will enter the greenhouse and prevent them from spreading throughout the greenhouse. Documentation for Duplicating and Improving Team Solution 14
  • 16. Refer to Appendix A.1 to see our team’s Gantt Chart to see how our team progressed in the creation of our design. This will give an idea of how long it took for us to accomplish each task, and allow future teams to get a feel of the time it takes for each step. Refer to Pages 5-12 for a better understanding of how our team reached our final design, and possible ideas for improvement. For the research on costs and materials, please refer to Appendix A.3 for information on the items used in our designs. Refer to our models in Appendix A.5 for a clear representation of our design. Future teams should also refer to Appendix A.4 to further their research process. Refer to Appendix A.6 for more in-depth descriptions and other important information regarding our design and possible additional improvements that can be made. Refer to our website for complete details of the project, sources, and documents. 15
  • 18. A2. Product Design Specifications In-Use Purposes, Market and Economics • Product Title Rooftop Bio-Diesel/ Greenhouse Project • Purpose 1. To use the bio-diesel to heat the greenhouse in a cost-efficient way. 2. This system of using bio-diesel to heat the greenhouse will serve as a demonstrative way of teaching certain highly motivated students horticulture as well as the science involved in the process. Thus the students would learn science and help the community as well. • Predictable unintended uses the product may be put to 1. Producing the bio-diesel would serve as a method of recycling the used cooking oil from local restaurants. Thus this production setup would also serve as an oil recycling plant and cut down on waste. 2. The by-product of the bio-diesel plant, glycerin, may be used to produce soap. 3. The excess bio-diesel would be sold to the local gas station in the Bronx that sells bio- diesel. (Uses 2 and 3 are long-term goals) • Special Features of the Product 1. The greenhouse using the bio-diesel as a fuel to heat it will be a great place for the students to learn science and horticulture simultaneously. 2. While serving the purpose of teaching the students, it will also make them more active in recycling oil and hence helping the community and protecting the environment. • Intended Market 1. Selected highly motivated students interested in learning about this process. 2. Soap producing companies that will buy the glycerin and/or the soap marketing companies that will sell the soap produced from the glycerin (in the long run). 3. The local gas stations for the excess bio-diesel produced (in the long run). • Need for Product 1. To motivate students in the mathematics and sciences. 2. Have an environmentally friendly project to help the school as well as the community. • Economics 1. The cost must be as low as possible. 2. The school can raise a maximum of $50,000. Functional Requirements • Physical Requirements 1. The weight of the greenhouse along with the bio-diesel plant would depend on the size of the greenhouse – 20 × 50 ft. 2. The height is 10 ft on the sides and maximum of 15 ft at the ridge. 3. The dimensions of the process area will be 21.6’ x 18’. 17
  • 19. 4. In order to maximize the space efficiency, the greenhouse will most probably be shaped in the form of a rectangle with a dome-shaped top. 5. A whiteboard/ projector for teaching the students could be included in the bio-diesel plant section to increase convenience in teaching. • Forces Involved 1. All forces are in equilibrium weight of the greenhouse and its normal force. • Flow of Energy 1. The bio-diesel plant is to generate the energy needed to heat the greenhouse. 2. When needed depending on the season, the energy will be transferred to the greenhouse to heat it and maintain a comfortable temperature for plant-growth. • Backup and Control 1. There must be an alternate source of heating the greenhouse in case of an emergency or unexpected failure. 2. The bio-diesel plant must have a control switch in order to turn it off during the summer. • Service Environment Must be resistant to the following: 1. Weather changes such as high velocity winds, rain, sleet, snow, dirt, dust, high and low temperatures. 2. Insect and bird damage. • Life Cycle Issues As it is not feasible to replace the greenhouse and bio-diesel plant very often, it must be very well planned and must be long-lasting. The following factors must be considered: 1. The greenhouse should not fail for at least a decade or two. 2. The main inputs for the greenhouse would not be a problem as it is the local waste from restaurants. 3. It should be easy to maintain and repair. • Human Factors and Ergonomics 1. Aesthetics – the bio-diesel plant should not tarnish the beauty of the rooftop greenhouse. 2. Ergonomics and main machine interface will be incorporated in the design. 3. The students must be trained to deal with the chemicals and operate the bio-diesel plant. 4. The students must be supervised. Ecological • Materials - Plastic PVC for the greenhouse panes 1. It is cheap 2. Its lightweight 3. Minimal care and maintenance is required - Metal Structure for the greenhouse - Concrete for the section with the bio-diesel plant as it is stronger and more resistant to weather damage than wood. • Working Fluid Section 18
  • 20. 1. There will be measuring cylinders and funnels for adding the liquid raw material to the plant. 2. The waste oil and the chemicals will be stored safely in a classroom. Manufacturing • A conventional oil heater modified to use only the bio-fuel produced to generate the heat. • The by-products, glycerin, as specified previously, will be used for making soap. • Since the raw material used is waste cooking oil from local restaurants, the material used is relatively reliable. • The raw material, waste oil, will be carried up to the rooftop by hand. • In order to water the plants, there will be a water system on the rooftop. Corporate Constraints 1. An arrangement must be made and a contract signed for the school to use the waste cooking oil from local restaurants. 2. The contracts must be written up and signed and all related legal procedures must be completed when selling the by-products and the excess fuel for profit. 3. The above two requirements must be dealt with in an extremely professional manner. 4. The entire setup should be economic as the school can only raise a limited amount of funds. Social, Political, and Legal Requirements • Safety 1. The setup must be safe for the students to operate the plant. 2. All the safety standards must be met – limit to the people capacity, the safety standards for the fuel and the heating method and the materials used. 3. The possibility of fire must be taken into consideration and hence a fire extinguisher should be installed along with a first aid kit. 4. Fences will be made higher to increase the roof safety. • Patents and Legal Formalities 1. All of the necessary legal formalities must be completed in order for the by-product and the bio-diesel to be sold. 2. All the codes and standards must be met during the construction and setup of the greenhouse and bio-diesel plant. 3. The necessary licenses for the project must be obtained in order to run the bio-diesel plant and sell the by-product, glycerin, and the excess fuel. 4. The students’ parents must sign waivers and this would also ensure that they are aware of the project and the website. Quality • Regulations 1. The safety regulations, fire codes must be met. 19
  • 21. Reliability 2. In order to make the system reliable there must be a backup heating system to take over the bio-diesel plant in times of emergencies and failures. 3. It should be reliable and safe so that the children are not harmed in any way while using the equipment. Timing • By April 10th 2007, the In-Depth Project Design including cost analysis for the greenhouse (already started) the final revisions to the design and the 3D model will be completed. • By April 30th 2007, the design for the greenhouse with the bio-diesel plant heating system will be finalized and presented. Customer / Engineering Requirements Map Customer Engineering Requirements Justification Requirements 1,5 Use a standard Beckett-style burner The burner would take in the bio-diesel mix as with standard hot water unit heaters. the fuel and boil the water in the pipes which On typical day the energy needed is: would heat the greenhouse and the plant 120,000 BTU/hr – greenhouse section. This would be cheaper than installing 40,000 BTU/hr – process area a modified burner which would also use glycerin as a fuel. 2 The exhaust gases must be vented Students will be maintaining the greenhouse outdoors and the chemicals must be and learning about the process and this ensures stored with utmost caution and care their safety and that of all others who visit the and safety regulations must be met greenhouse 3, 5 The greenhouse section will be 20 ft This would provide sufficient space for × 50 ft students to work in the greenhouse and gain a practical learning experience. Also if this is the planned size as opposed to the previous 30 ft × 60 ft, we save on the cost of construction and maintenance. 4, 2 The process area will be 16.83 ft × We need a separate process area in order to 18 ft. The section of the process keep the bio-diesel processor away from the area for the boiler will be an actual greenhouse. The actual boiler is in a additional 6 × 4.83 ft making one of corner by itself in order to ensure the safety of the 16.83 ft long edges 21.6 ft. the students present in the process room. This would be large enough to have the cabinet storing the chemicals and the blackboard as well and hence increase convenience in teaching the students the chemical processes and details of the greenhouse. 6, 2 Dunnage will be used in order to The greenhouse will be expected to last long ensure the stability of the greenhouse (at least a decade) and be a safe place for structure. student to learn about the plants and bio-diesel production. 7 There will be insulated hot water This method of using insulated hot water pipes pipes running through process area minimizes loss of heat during the transfer. The to the greenhouse. These will be hot water heater will maintain the temperature 20
  • 22. connected to hot water heaters. at a constant 80 degrees, which in turn will keep the greenhouse in a comfortable setting. 8, 7 Bio-diesel will be used to heat the Bio-diesel is a clean burning fuel, releasing greenhouse. Insulated pipes will more environmentally friendly gases, as minimize the heat loss during the opposed to regular fuels. While burning of transport of heat. regular fuels can release nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide, which damage the environment greatly, producing effects such as acid rain, the burning of bio-diesel only produces water vapor and carbon dioxide. Using insulated pipes will allow the system to be more efficient, thus reducing heat loss to the environment. 9 The bio-diesel plant and greenhouse Because there is no school during the summer will be manually controlled, and months, the instructor will be able to shut refueling of the plant will be done by down the greenhouse by removing all the the instructor and students. plants and stop refueling the plant. 10 Conventional oil will be used to heat Because vegetable oil and bio-diesel may not the greenhouse. always be available, the bio-diesel plant will be able to accommodate the usage of conventional fuel to produce heat. 11 The greenhouse and bio-diesel plant Both structures will not violate any regulations will be built to meet all government or patents, as this would hinder the regulations. construction of the project. Everything built will be within the regulations stated by the city and the state. 12 Students and instructors will water Because the plants are only in the greenhouse the plants regularly, as part of the during the school year, students and instructors science curriculum, which involves will be able to care for the plants on a weekday learning about the greenhouse plants. basis. 1. The bio-diesel produced should be used to heat the greenhouse. 2. Safety of the students must be considered. 3. The greenhouse is to cater to about 10-15 selected students at a time. 4. The process area should be large enough to comfortably produce the heat, store chemicals and house the blackboard to facilitate an easy and systematic teaching process. 5. The cost should be as low as possible. 6. Greenhouse should be stable. 7. The heat from the bio-diesel processor should be used to heat the process area as well as the greenhouse. 8. It should damage the environment as little as possible. 9. The system of heating should be seasonal i.e. our client should be able to use the heating system only when required. 10. The design should include a back-up heating system. 11. It should be in compliance with all of the city, state and other legal regulations. 12. Arrangements should be made in order to water the plants regularly. A3. Budget Estimates 21
  • 23. A4. List of Resources A. S. Ramadhas, S. Jayaraj and C. Muraleedharan. “Use of vegetable oils as I.C. engine fuels.” Renewable Energy Volume 29, Issue 5, April 2004, Pages 727-742. Azman, Andrew, and Christina Savage. "Fried Fuels." Colorado Engineer Magazine Spring 2003. Bennett Park. New York City Department of Parks & Recreation. Sep 09, 1998 < Bio-diesel. 2007. National Bio-diesel Board. 1 Mar. 2007 <>. 22
  • 24. Bio-dieselConsultancy. Bio-dieselConsultancy. February 19, 2007 <>. Bio-diesel Costs Reduced $0.40 per Gallon by Glycol Production. The Energy Blog. August 26, 2005 <>. Bio-diesel Glycerol Uses. UK FuelTech. 28 Aug. 2006. 15 Mar. 2007 <>. Bio-diesel price update. December 3rd, 2006 <>. Bio-diesel. Union of Concerned Scientists. September 28, 2005 <>. Cascade Bio-Diesel. Cascade Bio-Diesel. 2006 <>. C.D. Rakopoulos, K.A. Antonopoulos, D.C. Rakopoulos, D.T. Hountalas and E.G. Giakoumis. “Comparative performance and emissions study of a direct injection Diesel engine using blends of Diesel fuel with vegetable oils or bio-diesels of various origin.” Energy Conversion and Management Volume 47, Issues 18-19, November 2006, Pages 3272- 3287. Charkes, Juli S. "Bio-diesel Fuel Raises Hopes of Greening Cars." New York Times 18 Feb. 2007. Chiaramonti, David, Oasmaa, Anja, Solantausta, Yrjo. “Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews.” Academic Search Premier Aug 2007, Vol. 11 Issue 6, p1056-1086, 31p. Climate Change-Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Carbon Dioxide. 19 Oct. 2006. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 13 Mar. 2007 <>. Collins, Glenn. "A 21st-Century Greenhouse Joins a Domed Bronx Classic.(Metropolitan Desk)(A Marriage of Old and New, With Flowers)." The New York Times (Sept 24, 2004 pB1 col 05 (34 col): B1. New York Times and New York Post (2000-present). Thomson Gale. New York Public Library. 12 Feb. 2007. "Commercial Greenhouses and Supplies From IGC's GreenhouseMEGAstore." GreenhouseMEGAstore. 2005. IGC. 14 Apr. 2007 < 5osCFSgRGgod6RJ2Vg>. "Corrugated Metal Roofing & Siding Material." Mechanical Metals, Inc. Mechanical Metals, Inc. 22 Apr. 2007 <>. 23
  • 25. CU Biodiese. Leftwise. 2004 <>. Dillon-Ermers, Nell. Northern Manhattan, 200th – 220th Sts. <> Donovan, Paul, and William Tis. United States. Patent and Trademark Office. Synthetic Fuel Production Method. 5 May 2003. 8 Feb. 2007. < Parser?Sect1=PTO2&Sect2=HITOFF&p=1& ml&r=16&f=G&l=50&co1=AND&d=PTXT&s1=fuel&s2=%22vegetable+oil%22&OS= fuel+AND+%22vegetable+oil%22&RS=fuel+AND+%22vegetable+oil%22>. Estill, Lyle and Burton, Rachel. “OUR PLACE IN THE BIO-DIESEL WASTE STREAM.” BioCycle; Dec2005, Vol. 46 Issue 12, p28-31, 4p. FreedomFuelAmerica. Cascade Bio-diesel. 2006 <>. "Heating Solutions for Bio-diesel Production Facilities." AG Solutions LLC. AG Solutions LLC. 11 Apr. 2007 <>. Hofman, Vern. Bio-diesel Fuel. February 2003 <>. Home Heating Oil. Bio-diesel. 17 Mar. 2007. National Bio-diesel Board. 17 Mar. 2007 <>. How to Make Compost, a Composting Guide. Compost Guide. 7 Feb. 2006. 13 Mar. 2007 <>. I.S. 143 Forums. 2007 <> JHS 143 Eleanor Roosevelt. NYC Dept. of Ed. 2007. <> Kidd, J. S., and Renee A. Kidd. "'Clean Energy'." Air Pollution, Science and Society. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2005. Facts On File, Inc. Science Online. Kleinschmit, Jim. Biofueling Rural Development: Refueling the Case for Linking Biofuel Production to Rural Revitalization. Carsey Institute. Policy Brief No. 5, Winter 2007. "Low Flash Point Chemicals." Physical & Theoretical Chemistry Lab Safety. 16 Dec. 2003. 1 Apr. 2007 <>. 24
  • 26. Material Safety Data Sheet. 2007 <>. "Monthly Average Home Heating Oil Prices." New York State Energy Research and Development Authority. 2004. New York State Energy Research and Development Authority. 10 Mar. 2007 <>. New York Schools-NY elementary, middle and high school information. Great Schools 2007.<>. "Pacific Bio-diesel Glossary." Pacific Bio-diesel. 2006. Pacific Bio-diesel, Inc. 25 Apr. 2007 <>. "POLYCARBONATE (Makrolon®, Lexan®, Zelux®)." San Diego Plastics, Inc. San Diego Plastics, Inc. 25 Apr. 2007 <>. Products-Bio-diesel. Distribution Drive. 23 Jan. 2005. 18 Mar. 2007 <>. Radich, Anthony. Bio-diesel Performance, Costs, and Use. June 08, 2004. <> Relocation, Renovation, and Redesign of Kellogg House. Williams College. 2007 <> Thomas, Justin. "Using Bio-diesel to Heat Your Home." Treehugger. 17 Mar. 2007. 17 Mar. 2007 <>. Trucks. Making Bio-diesel. Spike TV, 2005 <>. United States. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. Department of Energy. Bio-diesel: Handling and Use Guidelines. 2004. 16 Feb. 2007 <>. United States. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. Department of Energy. Fuel Exclusitivity Contract Regulation and Alternative Fuel Tax Exemption. 16 Feb. 2007 <>. United States. Transportation and Air Quality. Environmental Protection Agency. Alternative Fuels: Bio-diesel. Oct. 2006. 16 Feb. 2007 <>. 25
  • 27. U.S. Heating Oil, Diesel Fuel, And Distillate. Wed Sep 06 2006 11:05:01 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time). U.S. Government. 7 March. 2007 <>. "U.S. No. 2 Heating Oil Residential Price (Cents Per Gallon Excluding Taxes)." Energy Information Administration. 14 Mar. 2007. U.S. Energy Information Administration. 29 Mar. 2007 <>. Why Bio-diesel?. 2007 <>. A5. Additional Items A5.a Design Renders Rooftop with greenhouse, bio-diesel plant, and roof entrance 26
  • 29. Greenhouse interior (2) Top view of greenhouse, and the greenhouse’s vents 28
  • 30. Rooftop obstructions and intersection of greenhouse and bio-diesel plant Solar panels on bio-diesel roof 29
  • 31. Titration table with chemical drums, bio-diesel plant interior Fire extinguisher in bio-diesel plant 30
  • 32. Storage cabinet in bio-diesel plant Rooftop obstructions and greenhouse 31
  • 33. Rooftop obstruction, roof entrance, and side of greenhouse 32
  • 35. 34
  • 36. 35
  • 37. 36
  • 38. A5.c E-mail Exchanges between Albert Jimenez and Anthony Taylor Mr. Taylor’s Initial Feedback (with original illustration): Why heat only with Beckett-style burner and not use a machine for heating glycerin: Our burners do perform well when using glycerin, as long as our recommendations are followed. The reason that I steered our common teacher friend towards a standard oil burner is the fact that her bio-diesel system will not produce enough glycerin to justify buying one of our systems that can burn the glycerin. Please be careful about what you read about bio-diesel production and production systems. There is a lot of bad information floating around the internet. Production of high quality bio-diesel is pure chemistry. Let me know of any other questions. Albert’s Questions: The Boiler System 1. Does a conventional boiler system using a Beckett-style burner require any modification to run bio-diesel? 2. Can it run on a mixture of conventional oil and bio-diesel? 3. Can glycerin be used as fuel? 4. What is the average cost of such a system with the pipes and parts? Operation 5. How to use the boiler, is a match necessary, does it use electricity? 6. What type of gas is emitted with the heat? a. If much water vapor is emitted, is condensation into water on the top of the greenhouse possible/a problem? 37
  • 39. 7. Does it require an external pump to distribute heat? 8. Must it operate at a specific range of temperature? Maintenance 9. Does it require drainage? 10. How is water transferred into the boiler? 11. How is temperature maintained? Safety 12. What is the most convenient location to place the boiler? 13. Is it safe for it to be near children in the bio-diesel process area? a. If placed in the process area will ventilation be required apart from the flues? b. If placed in the process area will heat surrounding the boiler be significant enough for part of the heating of the process area? 14. What are the products produced by using oil/bio-diesel? 15. How should the bio-diesel be tested/cleaned to ensure that the boiler runs properly? Technical 16. Water needed per unit of heat. 17. How to estimate how much heat is needed to for a greenhouse (considering heat trapped as a result of sunlight, heat produced by boiler, heat dissipated by walls) 18. From my understanding bio-diesel has a energy content of 120,000 btus per gallon, how efficient is the boiler in converting this energy into heat? 19. Can you estimate how much bio-diesel is needed to heat a greenhouse (about 25' x 50') on an average cold day (about 0 degrees Celsius) His Response: My suggestion about using a standard Beckett-style burner was based upon the direction that I thought that the project was intended. I thought that the proposed plan was to produce bio-diesel which would then be used as the fuel for the greenhouse part of the project. That is the reason that I recommended using a boiler with a standard Becket burner. I had suggested that the boiler could be fueled with standard #2 fuel for the production of the first batch of bio-diesel, then switched over to bio-diesel the following day. The heat from the boiler would provide the heating source for the bio-diesel process and heating for that section and the heating for greenhouse section. Now, let's see what I can do about assisting you with some answers. 1. No. The burner itself needs to have a biofuel compatible pump. The two most common 38
  • 40. manufacturers of those pumps both make a biofuel pump. The oil pressure off of the pump needs to be increased from the standard 90 psi up to about 120 psi, the nozzle used allows for a wider fuel dispersion angle, and the combustion air damper is opened a bit more. 2. A blend is usually used, which would then not require a change other than the pump. The blend is usually 80% dino fuel/20% biofuel or up to 50% dino/50% bio. However, some homebrewers do use straight bio-diesel. 3. We are at the forefront with testing and application of glycerin as a fuel. We have several bio- diesel producers using part of their glycerin as their process heating fuel. We have greenhouse operations using the glycerin as their heating fuel. I will be in Bethlehem, CT sometime next month at an AG field day, held at a bio-diesel producer's sight, demonstrating glycerin as a greenhouse fuel. However, you cannot use a standard Becket-style burner for this process. 4. The cost is dependent upon the capacity of the system. A typical 300,000 BTU input oil-fired boiler would likely cost about $3500 - $3800. The hydronic accessories (expansion tank, auto air vent, etc.) would run less than $200. The piping depends upon the distance that is would be run, and whatever the cost is for the installation of it. For the actual space heating I would recommend standard hot water unit heaters, which would be around $600 each for your application. 5. All modern power burners, as Beckett's are, do use electricity. One the size that we are talking about would use 120 volt at less than 8 amps. You would have circulating pumps for the unit heaters, and the blowers on the heaters. None would use any more than the boiler. 6. The boiler exhaust gases must be vented to the outdoor air. The exhaust gases depend upon the fuel (#2 fuel oil or bio-diesel). But you would have varying levels of CO2, CO, SO2 (none with bio-diesel), NoX and such. 6a. Since the exhaust gases are vented outdoors, there would not be a condensation issue from the gases. 7. As described above, yes you would require the use of pumps. 8. Any boiler system is more efficient if allowed to operate at temperatures above 160F or so. There are simple ways to "temper" the heated water for various applications if necessary. 9. The boiler itself does not require drainage. It would however have pressure relief valve that would activate to relieve excessive pressure inside the boiler in case of a failure of some type. Your question seems to be connected to the use of "condensing-type" boiler systems. Those systems do require the use of a condensation drain, and the condensation is rather acidic. I do not know of any oil-fired condensing boiler system that will operate with bio- diesel as the fuel. 10. The boiler operates in a "closed loop" - which means that the water is simply circulated continuously. A closed loop system does require the use of a water supply be connected to the boiler for filling and displacing air that will seep into the piping system. This process is on every closed loop hydronic heating or cooling system anywhere. 11. The boiler usually has an independent temperature controller. Any other processes (unit heaters, etc.) would have their thermostats also. 12. Ideally the boiler is installed in a permanent, or somewhat permanent, structure. I have seen them in greenhouses though. Because of the pumps, you can probably install the boiler away from your actual points of use, just like most other buildings do. 13. As long as precautions are taken to keep people away from the boiler exhaust vent stack, and all piping is insulated, you should be okay. Just use good safety practices to prevent accidental, or intentional, exposure to hot surfaces. 39
  • 41. 13a. Any appliance that produces combustion does require a means to have access to combustion air. Often that can be a simple piece of common round duct through an outside wall ran to near the burner, insulated of course to prevent condensation during cold weather. 13b. The boiler itself will produce some heat that will be radiated towards colder surfaces. Heat goes to cold. If the boiler is in a greenhouse structure it likely will not provide adequate heat for the process area. 14. I am not sure of what you mean by "products produced" - I need a little help on that one. 15. There are simple testing kits that are sold on the internet that you can get your hands on. Go to and you can get some information there. I will tell you that some of the information on there is not reliable, but you can pick up some info about testing. Most bio-diesel producers do actually use water spraying through a stream of their bio-diesel to remove impurities. They then use a desiccant bead filter to remove any remaining water. Some are using absorbent beads of different types instead of water washing, but it really increases the cost. 16. The water needed is based upon the water content in the boiler, heaters, and piping. In the system the size that we are talking about you would likely have no more than 50 gallons total. 17. The greenhouse calculation for heat load is to take your desired inside temperature and subtract the average lowest outdoor temperature to come with a maximum temperature differential, then multiply that by 150%. Multiply that by the square footage of the building. That gives you the BTU load requirement. For example if you want 60F inside, and the average coldest outside is 0F, then the maximum differential is 60F. Multiply that by 150%, which gives you 90 - that is the BTU's needed per square foot. If the building is 1200 square feet then multiply 90 times 1200 to get 108,000 BTU's (60F - 0F = 60F x 150% = 90 BTU's x 1200 ft2 = 108,000 BTU's). Those are "delivered" BTU's, not the BTU input of the boiler. I strongly recommend having some extra capacity given your location on top of a building. 18. Typical boilers will have efficiencies of anywhere from 82% up to about 88% - given the design and construction. 19. I think that you can use the calculation above the answer this question. The burner will have rating that is based upon its oil consumption per hour of run time. Take the BTU's introduced as the fuel and you should get fairly close. That 120,000 number is close enough for what you are doing. 40