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African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 8 (11), pp. 2397-2408, 3 June, 2009
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ISSN 1684–5315 © 2009 Academic Journals

Full Length Research Paper

  Sustainable development and bioeconomic prosperity
    in Africa: Bio-fuels and the South African gateway
                              Dorsamy (Gansen) Pillay1,2* and Edgar J. Da Silva3,
  Department of Biotechnology and Food Technology, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Durban University of Technology,
                                        P.O. Box 1334, Durban 4000, South Africa.
    Discipline of Microbiology, School of Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology, Faculty of Science and Agriculture,
                         University of KwaZulu-Natal, P. Bag X54001, Durban 4000, South Africa.
                        Former Director, Division of Life Sciences, UNESCO, Paris 75015, France.
                                                        Accepted 14 April, 2009

      African countries along with the co-founders of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD)
      must use biotechnology as a valuable tool for socio-economic and sustainable development. National,
      regional and international consultations and debates ensure timely attention of peer-reviewed
      guidelines concerning significant issues like bio-risks, bio-safety, and bio-security that impinge on
      daily human existence and welfare. High–cost fossil fuel prices and national security concerns have
      sparked interest in bio-fuels in continental Africa. In brief, Africa is taking the lead in creating its own
      biotechnology agenda and roadmap to socioeconomic and sustainable development. The emergence of
      “Rainbow Biotech” serves as a catalytic portal amongst others for collaborative effort and continental

      Key words: Bio-fuels, economic development, biotechnology, South Africa, Africa.


The Republic of South Africa (RSA) has drawn attention,               resources, minimize pollution of the environment, and im-
through its visionary and pioneering involvement in co-               prove the quality of human, animal and plant life. Ghana,
founding with Algeria, Egypt, Nigeria, and Senegal, a                 Kenya, Malawi, South Africa and Zimbabwe - sugar-
strategic New Partnership for Africa’s Development                    producing countries- are exploring the option of large-
(NEPAD). This partnership responds to a mandate of the                scale production of bio-ethanol (Table 1). The potential of
Organization of African Unity’s 37 Summit in Lusaka,                  Jatropha curcas, an alternative bio-fuel source, has
Zambia, July 2001 calling for a socio-economic sustain-               enthused bioeconomists and policy-decision-makers in
able pathway for the emergence of continental Africa into             Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ghana, Lesotho, Madagascar,
the mainstreams of regional cooperation and international             Malawi and South Africa.
governance concerning biotechnology [Box 1].                            Energy security is a crucial element in sustaining
  Several African countries are pursuing independent                  development and technological progress in Africa. The
biotechnological options to reduce their dependence on                purpose of this review, therefore, is to provide an over-
fossil fuel energy imports to conserve foreign-exchange               view of biofuel activities in Africa, the potential for
                                                                      economic development and the concerns with the use of
                                                                      certain food crops as feedstock for bio-ethanol production.

*Corresponding author. E-mail: Tel: 00 27
31 3732576.                                                           GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS (GMOS),
                                                                      GENETICALLY MODIFIED (GM) CROPS AND BIO-
 Dr. da Silva passed on after co-authoring this manuscript. This      FUELS
manuscript is dedicated to him for his iconic contributions in
biotechnology to developing countries.                                GMOs and GM crops unite and divide African decision
2398       Afr. J. Biotechnol.

             BOX 1 NEPAD


             -To eradicate poverty;

             -To place African countries, individually and collectively on the path of sustainable growth and


             -To halt the marginalization of Africa in the globalization process and to enhance Africa’s full

             and beneficial integration into the global economy; and

             -To accelerate the empowerment of women and children.


             -Good governance as the basic requirement for peace, security and sustainable political and

             socio-economic development;

             -African ownership and leadership with participation by all sectors of society;

             -Anchoring the development of Africa through its own resources and the resourcefulness of its


             -Partnership between and amongst all African people;

             -Acceleration of regional and continental integration;

             -Promotion of the competitiveness of the African continent and its countries;

             -Construction of a new international partnership that reflects the peer-equal relationship

             between Africa and the developed world; and

             -Ensurance that all partnerships with NEPAD are linked to the UN Millennium Development

             Goals and Targets.


makers and researchers in Africa. Whilst genetically             tiatives, have now adopted a regional five-year plan of
modified crops are commercially produced in South                action for increasing food production through biotechno-
Africa, an informal ban is in place in Zambia. Several           logy. Much has been written about the pros and cons of
West African countries, fiercely proud of their national ini-    the introduction of GMOs and GM crops into the African
Pillay and Da Silva     2399

                          Table 1. Bio-fuel production in Africa*.

                                             Bioethanol Production      Biodiesel Production (ML) and
                             Country          (ML) and Feedstock                  Feedstock
                           Kenya             3 ML; Sugarcane
                           Ghana             6 ML. Sugarcane
                           Malawi            6 ML; Sugarcane
                           South Africa      416 ML Sugarcane           B and B3 type; Jatropha species
                           Zimbabwe          6 ML; Sugarcane
                          *Extracted and adapted from Dufey (2006).

continent. Debate at times is fierce and divisive
notwithstanding that mother nature has influenced the                    Central hypothesis: The Jatropha System
transformation of then wild wheat into the biotech wheat                 creates a positive reciprocity between energy
of today since 10 000 BC. Nevertheless, issues such as                   production and environment/food production –
the longstanding ethical arguments of prioritizing “Food                 Henning (1996).
(Needs) over Fuel” in deference to current “Bio-fuel
(Needs) over Food” cannot be glossed over. One such in-                   Jatropha seeds contain about 35% of non-edible oil.
stance has been the use of sorghum normally used to                   Though it is widely used in traditional folk medicine in
produce beer the average human’s elixir of recreation be-             many parts of West Africa as a laxative by rural low-
ing channeled to produce a fossil-fuel substitute                     income communities, its use is discouraged and even
(Hazelhurst, 2007; Mayet, 2007).                                      considered as illegal. In Benin and Madagascar, oil from
                                                                      Jatropha has been used to manufacture medical soap.
                                                                      Savon de Marseille. Already, sub-Saharan Africa is
BIO-FUELS AND ENERGY SECURITY IN AFRICA                               considered as a major geo-source for bio-energy trade
                                                                      and regional development and production of bio-fuels
Energy security (bio or fossil origin) like food security in          (Johnson and Matsika, 2006). African expectations are
Africa is a crucial element in sustaining development and             that Africa will be the new Bio-fuel continent (Monkey,
technological progress in Africa (Leuenberger and                     2007).
Wohlgemuth, 2006). Some 39 least developed countries                      Aspects of development benefit from investment in the
[LDCs] in the African continent face the never-ending                 use of the Jatropha system. These are: [i] the use of re-
problems of energy and food insecurities. In one case the             newable energy, [ii] soil improvement and erosion control
bread-basket of southern Africa has been transformed                  [iii] promotion of women, and [iv] emergence of a sus-
into the bread bowl of the region. Traditional biomass                tainable way of life for village farmers through genera-tion
fuels available on an insecure and non-sustainable basis              of bio-economic resources coming from innovative rural
help meet the energy and food cooking requirements of                 bio-industries and markets. Moreover, farmers have pro-
virtually all African LDCs in Africa (Box 2).                         tected their gardens and food crops through the aesthetic
   Trees and crops are greening the Sahara (Polgreen,                 hedge-use of J. curcas as a natural ornamental living
2007). Farmers in the Koloma Baba village in the Tahoua               fence that protects the environment and domestic farm-
region of Niger use simple agricultural practices. Pits in            land property. Jatropha, described as the ‘Cinderella of
plots of land are filled with manure just prior to a rainfall.        the plant world’ by Palmer (2007) can be one of the solu-
The resulting slurry aids regeneration of soil fertility and          tions to problems of energy poverty in Africa. With
conversion of barren land into an area of dense                       increasing worldwide interest in this non-food human and
vegetation that with newly planted trees and crops that               animal crop, the possibilities are exciting. Jatropha oil
feed the economic, energy, and employment markets of                  can be used as a diesel substitute for rural electrification
the village. Amongst the new crop plantations, Jatropha               and transport. Its vigorous growth and root system
curcas, a Latin American plant, widespread throughout                 protects against soil erosion. Net carbon dioxide (CO2)
the arid and semiarid tropical regions of the world, fea-             emissions from the Jatropha cycle are zero. It can be the
tures prominently. A member of the Euphorbiaceae, this                flagship of socio-economic development in the LDCs of
ornamental plant naturalised in many tropical areas is a              Africa. The expanding spurt of activity (Tables 2 and 3)
drought resistant perennial living up to 50 years and                 in harnessing this green gold throughout Central and
growing on marginal soils. An inedible plant for humans               Southern Africa is transforming the continent’s “hard-
and animals, the plant has spread from Mozambique                     scrabbled ground” face into a fertile vegetation layer that
throughout the different regions of sub-Saharan Africa.               greens desert land in Niger (Polgreen, 2007). J. curcas,
2400      Afr. J. Biotechnol.

        Box 2.      Food Situation in African Regions

        A. Percentage of population undernourished in African regions

                        Region                                  Percentage undernourished
                                             1969-71          1979-81        1990-92              1996-98
        Sub-Saharan Africa                      34              37             35                    34

        Near East and North Africa              25               9              8                    10

        B: African countries obtaining 70% or more of the diet from cereals, roots and tubers (1996 –

        Central Africa                                  Eastern Africa

        Democratic Republic of Congo (75)                  Eritrea (78)

                                                           Ethiopia (79)

        West Africa                                        Southern Africa

        Benin (74)                                         Lesotho (80)

        Burkina Faso (75)                                  Madagascar (74)

        Ghana (75)                                         Malawi (74)

        Mali (73)                                          Namibia (79)

        Niger (74)                                         Zambia (79)

        Togo (77)

        Source: FAO corporate repository --- Assessment of The World Food Security Situation, 27 Session,

        Rome, 28 May - 1 June 2001:

drought-resistant and frost hardy thrives in Zambia and        pollution whilst offering impressive environment-friendly
Zimbabwe and is ideal for production of bio-diesel             qualities across the spectrum of domestic activities to
products.                                                      those ranging from the industrial sector. The benefits of
  Use of natural, renewable and biodegradable bio-diesel       investment in J. curcas are multiple. These range from
and bio-fuels reduce the risks of groundwater and soil         eradication of the poverty of job opportunities, the em-
Pillay and Da Silva    2401

Table 2. Bio-fuel activities in Africa*.

      Country                              Activity/goal                        Socio-economic benefits and
Angola                   Joint Brazilian (Petrobras) - Italian             institutes new source of
                         (Eni Spa) - Angola initiative                     income and job opportunities
                         tapping vast potential of biofuel                 for Angolan farmers and
                         production.                                       researchers via South-North-
                         3-partner cooperative benefits are:               South cooperation. Brazilian
                         reinforcement of South-South                      partner provides technical
                         shared technical knowledge;                       expertise; Italian partner
                         North-South teamwork ensuring                     provides financial resources
                         biofuel security via Euro-African-                for construction of biodiesel
                         South American partnership; and                   plant and Angolan partner
                         elimination of Angolan rural                      provides investment openings
                         poverty.                                          for biofuel production and
                         With Portugal a biodiesel plant near              export to financial partner.
                         Ambriz in the Bengo province                      Opening of new labor
                         using oil from the African oil palm               markets and rural industries.
                         is scheduled to start in 2008.
Burkina Faso             Burkina Faso, landlocked nation in West Africa    Development of exchange program to
                         enters partnership with Taiwan, China for the     train Burkinabese students in Taiwan
                         production of sweet sorghum based-ethanol.        to use sweet sorghum for ethanol
Cameroon                 Biodiesel production from palm oil                Development of oil palm
                         to develop a new biofuel                          plantations for generation of
                         foreign-exchange market.                          income and new labor markets.
Democratic               Biodiesel production from palm oil                Production of biodiesel from
Republic of              is envisaged through a Spanish                    palm oil in line with feasibility
Congo                    enterprise ‘Aurantia’ to build 4 oil              studies dealing with
                         palm mills.                                       logistics, labor opportunities,
                                                                           and environment- friendly
                                                                           infrastructural inputs.
Ethiopia                 Ethiopia-UK collaboration from 2005 results in    Reduction in rural poverty
                         the first operational Jatropha nursery.           through creation of
                                                                           employment opportunities.
Equatorial               Development of methanol plant on Bioko            Production at a gas-fired
Guinea                   island.                                           power station to supply high-
                                                                           grade electricity.
Ghana                    Oil palm production -                             Focus on development of
                         establishment of the Bio-fuel                     regulatory protocols for biofuel
                         Implementation Committee in 2005.                 production, use of biodiesel and
                                                                           bioalcohol as substitutes for
                                                                           fossil-fuel imports.
Kenya                    In 2006, half a million Jatropha                  Focus on halting the onset
                         seedlings planted in the Eastern,                 of desertification and aiding
                         Rift Valley and Nyanza Provinces.                 reforestation activities.
                         Fossil-fuel substitution in Kenya using biogas.   Development of capacity
                                                                           building in fuel substitution through a
                                                                           micro-financing approach in Kenyan
2402   Afr. J. Biotechnol.

       Table 2. Contd.

       Mali                  Mali-FolkCenter Fuels from                           Women produce locally
                             Agriculture in Communal                              biodiesel to run posho (corn
                             Technology (FACT Foundation) in                      meal) mills and produce soaps,
                             Eindhoven, Netherlands; and                          cosmetics and biofertilizers to
                             the Regional Economic                                strengthen rural bioeconomic
                             Commission for West Asia (ECOWAS).                   prosperity.
       Malawi                The Biodiesel Agricultural                           Benefits: savings in foreign
                             Association encourages farmers                       exchange expenses;
                             to strengthen the energy sector                      minimization of pollution of
                             through the planting of Jatropha                     the environment; and
                             curcas.                                              instituting employment and
                                                                                  income generation activities.
       Mozambique            Joint Mozambique- Norway                             Focus on production of
                             collaboration in 2006 on African                     bioethanol from sugarcane; of
                             Green Conference “Mozambique                         biodiesel from copra seed oil,
                             BioFuels” highlights Mozambique                      cotton seed oil, sunflower
                             strategic location as gateway to                     seed oil, and Jatropha curcas
                             the landlocked countries of                          to reduce foreign exchange
                             Malawi, Swaziland, Zimbabwe                          expenses; minimize pollution
                             and Zambia.                                          of the environment; and
                                                                                  expand labor and income
                                                                                  generation activities.
       Namibia               A Bio-Oil Energy committee                           Development of an
                             oversees plantation of about                         environmental-friendly
                              63,000 hectares of the Jatropha                     biofuel.
                             bush by 2013.
       Niger                 Reclamation of desert land through                   Simple innovative village
                             innovative agricultural practices.                   agricultural practices fuel
                                                                                  rural energy and feed markets.
       South Africa          Development of a Jatropha curcas                     Reduce dependence on high-
                             nursery to produce biodiesel in the                  cost fossil fuels in the
                             North West Province.                                 transportation sector.
                             On-stream production by Ethanol                      Use of algae as a feedstock
                             Africa of biofuel at South Africa’s                  for biofuels production.
                             first bioethanol plant in Bothaville                 State-of-the art and
                             in the Free State built by a German                  awareness conferences on the
                             enterprise.                                          beneficial uses of biofuels
                             Development of new technology to                     [http://www.africanbiofuels.
                             produce biodiesel.                         ].
                             Organization of “African Biofuels”                   Reduction in dependence
                             conferences aimed at helping the African             on fossil-fuels in the
                             continent on the merits and demerits of biofuel      transportation sector.
                             use as an alternative to reliance on fossil-fuel
                             Promotion of liquid biofuels in the City of Cape
                             Fiat will launch its Brazilian-built flex-fuel Uno
                             in South Africa in late 2007 which runs on
                             gasoline, ethanol or a combination of the two
                             fuels as displayed at the Durban Auto Show
                             [Automotive World - March 27, 2007].
Pillay and Da Silva    2403

Table 2. Contd.

Sudan             Jatropha -widely encountered in                  Mainly used as a medicinal
                  the Bahr El Gazal, Bahr El Jebel,                plant due to its molluscicidal
                  Kassala, Khartoum, and Kordofan States.          properties.
Tanzania          Transition to Jatropha biofuels is               Reduction of dependence on
                  in a nascent stage.                              fossil-fuel imports and
                                                                   developing ancillary rural industries.
Uganda            Jatropha grown in rural areas of                 Reinforces and improves
                  the Karamoja region is an                        women’s’ welfare and their
                  ideal bioresource for production of              participation in rural governance.
                  biodiesel ; Feasibility study shows              technical collaboration with
                  molasses are an uneconomical                      India and Mali is foreseen.
                  feedstock which is used to produce               Raw materials used for soap
                  local gin --Uganda Waragi.                       and lubricant manufacture
                  A flower farm in Mukono in                       offer new employment
                  Central Uganda has begun                         opportunities in financing
                  producing biodiesel using Jatropha               Mukono’s district markets.
                  curcas.                                          Facilitating access through
                  Provision of energy services in                  biofuel energy use derived
                  rural areas.                                     from Multi Functional Platforms (Doelle
                                                                   and DaSilva, 2007a).
Zambia            In the central province of Mkushi, Jatropha is   sustainable agriculture of Jatropha
                  planted to produce biodiesel. About 300,000      crops helps in poverty alleviation.
                  small-scale farmers of the National              Self- empowerment for farmers,
                  Association for Peasant and Small-Scale          provision of new employment
                  Farmers of Zambia are expected to grow           opportunities, and conservation of
                  some 150,000 hectares of Jatropha.               valuable foreign-exchange reserves.
                  Promotion of bio-energy use in Zambia and
                  establishment of a bio-oil processing plant in
                  Kabwe aids national economic progress.
                  Currently, a total of 400,000 Jatropha plants
                  are being grown by 5,000 farmers in the
                  Chibombo and Kapiri Mposhi districts.
Zimbabwe          Jatropha curcas (Mujirimono) is a                alternative to fossil-fuel used
                  cash crop for biodiesel production.              in the transportation sector.
                  A National Biodiesel Feedstock                   Improvement of Zimbabwe's
                  Production Programme focuses on                  energy security through annual
                  achieving self-sufficiency in                    contribution of 360 000 tons
                  use of biofuels through Jatropha                 of Jatropha curcas seeds for
                  curcas plantations.                              processing into 110 million
                  The National Oil Company of                      litres of biodiesel by 2010.
                  Zimbabwe (NOCZIM) is set to                      create national employment
                  grow 25,000 Jatropha plant                       opportunities for research,
                  seedlings to distribute to farmers               production, and processing of
                  for the 2006-2007 season.                        biodiesel.
                                           Regional initiatives
Common            Fourth COMESA Business Forum                     Reduction in the dependence
Market for        recommends investment in                         on fossil-fuels through use of
Eastern and       biofuels [ Final Communiqué,                     liquid biofuels in the
Southern          May 18 - 19, 2007; Document                      transportation sector.
Africa            CBF/IPPSD/1, May2007;
(COMESA)           Original English].
2404      Afr. J. Biotechnol.

   Table 2. Contd.

   Economic                     Focus on poverty reduction and the                     Focus on health, rural
   Community                    development of national and                            development, and small-scale
   of West African              regional economic infrastructure.                      enterprises that contribute to
   States (ECOWAS)                                                                     national and regional bioeconomic prosperity.
   Economic                     Focus on creation of an awareness                      Focus on rural development
   Community                    of the potential benefits of using                     and small-scale reduction in
   of Central                   clean and green biofuels.                              dependence on the use of
   African States (ECCAS)                                                              fossil-derived fuels.
   Desert                       A collaborative effort convened by International       An answer to eradication of the twin scourges
   Margins                      Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics     ---poverty and environmental degradation
   Programme                    (ICRISAT) that unites 9African countries with desert    reinforcement of rural energy, food and
                                margins that ring the heart of Africa: Botswana,       market enterprises in disadvantaged and
   (DMP)                        Burkina Faso, Kenya, Mali, Namibia, Niger,             poverty-prone non-urban and nomadic
                                Senegal, South Africa and Zimbabwe.                    communities.
   Southern                     Assessment of economic benefits accruing from          Feasibility study for the production and use of
   African                      production of biofuels in the SADC region –            biofuels – Straight or Recycled vegetable oils
   Development                  Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of the           [SVO or RVO] in the SADC region as an
                                Congo (since 8 September 1997), Lesotho,               answer to the
                                Madagascar (since 18 August 2005), Malawi,             reduction of dependence on
                                Mauritius (since 28 August 1995), Mozambique,          high-cost imported fossil fuels
                                Namibia (since 31 March 1990 ), Seychelles [joined     [
                                SADC on 8 September 1997 and left on 1 July            biiofuels_study_final_report
                                2004], Swaziland, South Africa
                                (since 30 August 1994), Tanzania,
                                Zambia and Zimbabwe.
                                                North-South and South-South Cooperation
   North-South                  Development of the biodiesel                       Development of small- and medium-scale
   Cooperation                  industry in Lesotho, Tanzania and                  industries; job opportunities; and acquisition of
                                Zambia.                                            financing through the
                                                                                   African Sustainable Fuels
                                                                                   Centre, Cape Town, RSA.
                                India helps West Africa develop                    provision of US $ 250 million from India to
                                biofuels.                                          boost biofuel production in 15 West African
                                Potato Value Chain Development                     Supported by Common Fund for
                                                                                   Commodities, the potato sector in West Africa
                                 in West Africa (Guinea-Senegal).                  is integrated into competitive markets.
                                Green OPEC member countries                        Creation of mechanisms to;
                                are: Bénin, Burkina Faso, the                      1) Share financial burdens of high oil prices in
                                Democratic Republic of the                         solidarity system that protects ongoing
                                Congo, Gambia; Ghana; Guinée;                      national projects aimed at
                                Guinea-Bissau;Madagascar;Mali;                     socio-poverty alleviation; and
                                Morocco;Niger;Sénégal; Sierra                      2) Institute financial governance of large-
                                Leone; Togo; Zambia.                               scale use of biofuels in continental
                                                                                   Africa that facilitates African
                                The island states - Mauritius,                     oil producing countries to
                                Madagascar and Reunion [French                     invest in biofuels in non-oil
                                territory] in the Indian Ocean                     producing African
                                team up in a collaborative effort                  countries.
                                wherein Mauritius, Malaysia and                    Reduction of crippling
                                China provide the required                         dependency on rising
                                savoir-faire and technical                         fossil-fuels oil costs that erode
                                expertise whilst Madagascar and                    the bioeconomic prosperity of
                                Réunion provide land for plantations.              These island states.
Pillay and Da Silva    2405

    Table 2. Contd.

                                                         Globalized Cooperation
    International                   Established after meetings in                   Promote use of sugarcane
    Sugarcane                       Mount Edgecombe, RSA (July                      biomass residual products for
    Biomass                         2006) and Alagoas, Brazil                       production of bioenergy and
    Utilization                     (November, 2006) under umbrella                 biofuels.
    Consortium                      of the International Society of
    (ISBUC)                         Sugarcane Technologists with
                                    representatives from institutions
                                    in 8 sugar-producing countries:
                                    Australia, Brazil, India,
                                    Mauritius, South Africa,
                                    Swaziland, Thailand, USA.
    Source: Compiled by E.J. da Silva.

           Table 3. Non-edible and edible oils possessing bio-diesel potential.

                             Type                      Oleaginous Plant Sources                        Remark
            Copaiba                                 An oleoresin tapped from the         Once known in Africa, now used
                                                    plant Copaifera.                     in Brazil as a source of biodiesel.
            Jatropha oil                            Jatropha curcas is the most          Considered for use in several
                                                    widely    used     species from      African countries as a biofuel.
                                                    amongst the over 80 species of
                                                    the Jatropha plant.
            Milk bush                               Synadenium granti from the           Under study in Brazil as a source
                                                    Family Euphorbiaceae – a             of biofuel.
                                                    poisonous plant widely found in
            Edible oils
            Cottonseed oil                          Gossypium herbaceum                  Major food oil used in food
            Palm oil                                Elaeis guineensis                    Tropical oil now tapped to make
            Olive oil                               Olea europaea                        Used in cooking, cosmetics,
            .                                                                            soaps, and as lighting fuel for
                                                                                         traditional oil lamps.

powerment of the feminine labour force in villages, to the               ting in the changing face of agriculture. With the advent of
generation of independent income resources that sustain                  nutraceuticals agriculture was the new health sector.
feminine human dignity and financial independence                        Today with increasing use of bio-refineries especially in
[United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) United                      the USA, the European Union and in the BICS [Brazil;
Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO),                     India, China and South Africa] group, agriculture is now
2001].                                                                   the new energy sector as well as the fulcrum of a
  Recent times are witness to fluctuating energy prices in               “nouvelle économie” (Le Monde, 2007).
upward spiraling costs. World-wide, climate change and
pollution of the aerial environment continues with dis-
astrous consequences coming from dependence on finite                    BIO-REFINERY CONCEPT
fossil-fuels. Mindful of the coming positive and negative
impacts of the era of “l’après pétrole” foreseen to begin                The bio-refinery concept involves the integration of
later in this century several countries are already invest-              bioconversion processes and equipment to produce bio-
2406       Afr. J. Biotechnol.

fuels and chemicals from biomass within a singular large-         est supplier of bio-diesel with Norwegian, Indian and
scale facility (Doelle and DaSilva, 2007b). A variety of          British companies moving quickly to secure massive
bio-industrial process tributaries yielding multiple bio-         tracts of land on the continent for Jatropha plantations.
based products and bio-fuels are the bases of the bio-
refinery thesis. The bio-refinery concept is similar to
current day petrorefineries that produce multiple fuels           CONCERNS: JATROPHA, BIO-FUELS
and products from petroleum oil. The bio-refinery con-
cept is of relevance to rural and village communities             Concerns have emerged on the use of Jatropha and corn
given that all waste is recycled. The cyclic nature of the        as sources to feed the bio-fuel industry. The northern
zero-emission biotechnology process ensures that all              hemisphere turns to corn for the production of bio-ethanol
components can provide the 6Fs- fertilizer, fiber, food,          whilst the southern hemisphere turns to the inedible
feed, fuel and filling materials needed for routine daily life.   Jatropha. The transformation of land that yields food
   Domestic security is guaranteed by reducing depen-             crops into acreage that yields fuel crops needs attention
dence on foreign oil. Bio-fuels from 'energy crops'               as the transportation sector gains in priority in relation to
including sugarcane, corn, soybeans, and oil palms aid in         bigger airports and highway construction. Jatropha – the
helping fight global warming. African countries contribute        agro-fuel plant for the non-industrialized nations grows on
less than 1% to global CO2 (Dufey, 2006). Bio-fuel                wasteland but needs time to be available continuously in
production will further help with fuel security and could be      critical mass. The rising costs of imports of fossil-fuels
exported to developed countries. Such visionary action            are impacting seriously on the national economies of es-
would result in valuable foreign-exchange earnings. The           pecially the developing world. In the developed world, the
global bio-fuels market offers important opportunities in         emphasis is on increasing use of clean and green bio-
bringing together the economic, environmental and social          fuels to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Southern Africa
agenda both in developing countries and globally (Dufey,          is expected to be the launching pad for new export
2006). International trade barriers, especially tariffs and       markets within the framework of bio-energy trade and re-
subsidies, need to be relaxed to enable the developing            gional development [(Economic Commission for Africa
world reap the benefits of the emerging bio-fuels trade.          (ECA), 2006; Johnson and Matsika, 2006).
Certification schemes need to be established for
accountability of the environmental and social conditions
in such countries. Poor working conditions associated             RAINBOW BIOTECH – A Portal for African Sustaina-
with the cultivation of some energy crops such as sugar-          ble Development and Bio-economic Prosperity
cane and palm oil and large-scale bio-fuel production
could result in serious environmental consequences                The southernmost country of Africa with veins of diamond
(Dufey, 2006).                                                    and arteries of gold is a land of bio- and unique cultural
   Cellulosic ethanol derived from virtually any plant            diversity in its fauna and flora (features characteristic of 4
matter including farm waste looks particularly promising.         other countries: Brazil, China, India and Indonesia), its
Cellulosic conversion technology could reduce the cost of         geography and topography, people, and political history.
producing ethanol by as much as 60 cents per gallon by            Amongst all the countries in continental Africa, the
2015 as forecast by the US Department of Energy. Green            Republic of South Africa (RSA) by virtue of its past and
groups see cellulosic ethanol as a carbon neutral energy          present shared history has been at the forefront in the
source to fight the build up of atmospheric carbon dioxide        promotion of biotechnology (Table 4) to achieve national
responsible for global warming. The more important need           goals [Department of Science and Technology (DST),
is to create an awareness of these parameters in the              2001, 2002). The skeins of academic commitment, res-
African communities and with policy-makers in order to            ponsibilities and accountability have strengthened the fa-
leapfrog the growing gap that anchors the existing divide         bric of RSA national development that enriches interna-
between the industrialized and the least developed                tional cooperation through for example, the IBSA [India,
nations in continental Africa.                                    Brazil and South Africa] initiative for international co-
   Rising oil prices and growing climate change concerns          operation [Research Information Systems (RIS), 2006).
are driving investment and innovation in the bio-fuels            The possibility of a novel bio-fuel industry is now be-
sector. Developed and developing countries increasingly           coming a reality [Department of Minerals and Energy
look towards renewable bio-energy to replace fossil fuels         (DME), Republic of South Africa (RSA), 2006).
(Table 2). Bio-fuels, when burned, have fewer emissions
than traditional hydrocarbon-based fuels. Furthermore,
bio-fuels, generally derived from plants, absorb carbon           CONCLUSIONS
from the atmosphere as they grow and offer the potential
to help mitigate climate change. According to Monkey              Poverty and its offspring – hunger – feed rebellions and
(2007), Africa could potentially become the world’s bigg-         revolutions that impact on the stability of national and
Pillay and Da Silva          2407

        Table 4. National Republic of South Africa (RSA) biotech excellence and contribution to emergence of a better Africa.

                  Activity                          Achievements                                     Remarks
         Biotechnology                 106 companies [inclusive of 47 core          Traditional brewing and food excluded;
         enterprises                   and      59      non-core    biotech         majority of core companies are in health
                                       companies/NGOs] are in Gauteng               (39%) and support services (13%) with
                                       (41%), the Western Cape (37%) and            near     even    representation in  the
                                       Kwazulu Natal (15%).                         environmental, food, plant, animal and
                                                                                    industrial sectors.

         Research Groups               679 research groups in SA with               Stakeholders in human health, plant, food
                                       breakdown     as:   1)Biotech 296            and beverage sectors were from the
                                       2)Potential Biotech  205 3)Biotech           Western Cape, Gauteng, Kwazulu Natal
                                       services 178                                 and the Free State.
         Biotech relevant projects     911 projects were in sectors of: human       Projects conducted primarily by Western
                                       heath, animal health, plant biotech, the     Cape, Gauteng, Kwazulu Natal and the
                                       food industry, the industrial, food and      Free State.
                                       environmental sectors.
         Human Resources               1 020 skilled persons involved with 950      Nearly all R&D         personnel     possess
                                       coming from academic sector.                 required training.
         Biotech Patents               200 biotech patents filed with the South     Deals with bio-intellectual property capital
                                       African Register of Copyright Designs        of RSA.
                                       and Patents.
         Support structures            Regional Innovation Centres (BRICS);
                                       National Bioinformatics Network, etc.
        [Source: http///è/37:3603699&.pdf].

international governance. Several of the least-developed                sustainable development. Biotechnology, an important
countries of sub-Saharan Africa have low-income earning                 tool for economic and sustainable development through
groups and are prone to fossil-fuel energy poverty and                  NEPAD envisages partnerships and participation of
food deficiency. These energy- and food-deficient nations               stakeholders for economic advancement at the village,
with just the bare biotechnological minimum in savoir-                  urban and national levels (Pillay and DaSilva, 2001). The
faire to feed themselves are perpetually vulnerable and                 emergence of “Rainbow Biotech” indisputably can serve
disadvantaged in the global arena of governance, em-                    as a catalytic portal amongst others for overall continental
ployment and trade. Poverty, an integral component of                   development (Louët, 2006; Pincock, 2006; RIS, 2006).
their national fabric, is the last socio-economic disease
that sows social unrest and erosion of human-power
resources in these countries. It devalues and endangers                 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the bio-safety and bio-security of biodiversity and the
legacy of the environment to be bequeathed to future                    The authors acknowledge Dr. C. Montague (LifeLab, Dur-
generations.                                                            ban) and Prof. B.A. Prior (University of Stellenbosch) for
   Lack of respect for gender equivalence, child labour                 their advice and comments in the pre-reviewing of this
exploitation, bonded labour slavery, discrimination and                 contribution.
racism in their varied nuances need to be eradicated. The
delivery instruments are political will, provision of educa-            REFERENCES
tion, and investment in low-cost high-quality multipurpose
biotechnologies such as the integrated biogas systems                   Department of Minerals and Energy (DME), RSA (2006). Draft biofuels
and the recycling of wastewaters. These simple to imple-                  industrial strategy of the Republic of South Africa, November, p.15.
                                                                        Department of Science and Technology (DST), RSA (2001). A national
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endeavour, enthusize the morale spirit and conserve                     Department of Science and Technology (DST), RSA (2002). South
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                                                                        Doelle HW, Da Silva EJ (2007a). Biorefineries - concept for
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ECA (2006). Sustainable energy: A framework for new and renewable         Pincock S (2006). The long journey home: Is African science long
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Sustainable Development and Bioeconomic Prosperity in Africa

  • 1. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 8 (11), pp. 2397-2408, 3 June, 2009 Available online at ISSN 1684–5315 © 2009 Academic Journals Full Length Research Paper Sustainable development and bioeconomic prosperity in Africa: Bio-fuels and the South African gateway Dorsamy (Gansen) Pillay1,2* and Edgar J. Da Silva3, 1 Department of Biotechnology and Food Technology, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Durban University of Technology, P.O. Box 1334, Durban 4000, South Africa. 2* Discipline of Microbiology, School of Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology, Faculty of Science and Agriculture, University of KwaZulu-Natal, P. Bag X54001, Durban 4000, South Africa. 3 Former Director, Division of Life Sciences, UNESCO, Paris 75015, France. Accepted 14 April, 2009 African countries along with the co-founders of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) must use biotechnology as a valuable tool for socio-economic and sustainable development. National, regional and international consultations and debates ensure timely attention of peer-reviewed guidelines concerning significant issues like bio-risks, bio-safety, and bio-security that impinge on daily human existence and welfare. High–cost fossil fuel prices and national security concerns have sparked interest in bio-fuels in continental Africa. In brief, Africa is taking the lead in creating its own biotechnology agenda and roadmap to socioeconomic and sustainable development. The emergence of “Rainbow Biotech” serves as a catalytic portal amongst others for collaborative effort and continental development. Key words: Bio-fuels, economic development, biotechnology, South Africa, Africa. INTRODUCTION The Republic of South Africa (RSA) has drawn attention, resources, minimize pollution of the environment, and im- through its visionary and pioneering involvement in co- prove the quality of human, animal and plant life. Ghana, founding with Algeria, Egypt, Nigeria, and Senegal, a Kenya, Malawi, South Africa and Zimbabwe - sugar- strategic New Partnership for Africa’s Development producing countries- are exploring the option of large- (NEPAD). This partnership responds to a mandate of the scale production of bio-ethanol (Table 1). The potential of th Organization of African Unity’s 37 Summit in Lusaka, Jatropha curcas, an alternative bio-fuel source, has Zambia, July 2001 calling for a socio-economic sustain- enthused bioeconomists and policy-decision-makers in able pathway for the emergence of continental Africa into Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ghana, Lesotho, Madagascar, the mainstreams of regional cooperation and international Malawi and South Africa. governance concerning biotechnology [Box 1]. Energy security is a crucial element in sustaining Several African countries are pursuing independent development and technological progress in Africa. The biotechnological options to reduce their dependence on purpose of this review, therefore, is to provide an over- fossil fuel energy imports to conserve foreign-exchange view of biofuel activities in Africa, the potential for economic development and the concerns with the use of certain food crops as feedstock for bio-ethanol production. *Corresponding author. E-mail: Tel: 00 27 31 3732576. GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS (GMOS), GENETICALLY MODIFIED (GM) CROPS AND BIO- Dr. da Silva passed on after co-authoring this manuscript. This FUELS manuscript is dedicated to him for his iconic contributions in biotechnology to developing countries. GMOs and GM crops unite and divide African decision
  • 2. 2398 Afr. J. Biotechnol. BOX 1 NEPAD PRIMARY OBJECTIVES -To eradicate poverty; -To place African countries, individually and collectively on the path of sustainable growth and development; -To halt the marginalization of Africa in the globalization process and to enhance Africa’s full and beneficial integration into the global economy; and -To accelerate the empowerment of women and children. THE PRINCIPLES OF NEPAD ACTION -Good governance as the basic requirement for peace, security and sustainable political and socio-economic development; -African ownership and leadership with participation by all sectors of society; -Anchoring the development of Africa through its own resources and the resourcefulness of its people; -Partnership between and amongst all African people; -Acceleration of regional and continental integration; -Promotion of the competitiveness of the African continent and its countries; -Construction of a new international partnership that reflects the peer-equal relationship between Africa and the developed world; and -Ensurance that all partnerships with NEPAD are linked to the UN Millennium Development Goals and Targets. Source: makers and researchers in Africa. Whilst genetically tiatives, have now adopted a regional five-year plan of modified crops are commercially produced in South action for increasing food production through biotechno- Africa, an informal ban is in place in Zambia. Several logy. Much has been written about the pros and cons of West African countries, fiercely proud of their national ini- the introduction of GMOs and GM crops into the African
  • 3. Pillay and Da Silva 2399 Table 1. Bio-fuel production in Africa*. Bioethanol Production Biodiesel Production (ML) and Country (ML) and Feedstock Feedstock Kenya 3 ML; Sugarcane Ghana 6 ML. Sugarcane Malawi 6 ML; Sugarcane South Africa 416 ML Sugarcane B and B3 type; Jatropha species Zimbabwe 6 ML; Sugarcane *Extracted and adapted from Dufey (2006). continent. Debate at times is fierce and divisive notwithstanding that mother nature has influenced the Central hypothesis: The Jatropha System transformation of then wild wheat into the biotech wheat creates a positive reciprocity between energy of today since 10 000 BC. Nevertheless, issues such as production and environment/food production – the longstanding ethical arguments of prioritizing “Food Henning (1996). (Needs) over Fuel” in deference to current “Bio-fuel (Needs) over Food” cannot be glossed over. One such in- Jatropha seeds contain about 35% of non-edible oil. stance has been the use of sorghum normally used to Though it is widely used in traditional folk medicine in produce beer the average human’s elixir of recreation be- many parts of West Africa as a laxative by rural low- ing channeled to produce a fossil-fuel substitute income communities, its use is discouraged and even (Hazelhurst, 2007; Mayet, 2007). considered as illegal. In Benin and Madagascar, oil from Jatropha has been used to manufacture medical soap. Savon de Marseille. Already, sub-Saharan Africa is BIO-FUELS AND ENERGY SECURITY IN AFRICA considered as a major geo-source for bio-energy trade and regional development and production of bio-fuels Energy security (bio or fossil origin) like food security in (Johnson and Matsika, 2006). African expectations are Africa is a crucial element in sustaining development and that Africa will be the new Bio-fuel continent (Monkey, technological progress in Africa (Leuenberger and 2007). Wohlgemuth, 2006). Some 39 least developed countries Aspects of development benefit from investment in the [LDCs] in the African continent face the never-ending use of the Jatropha system. These are: [i] the use of re- problems of energy and food insecurities. In one case the newable energy, [ii] soil improvement and erosion control bread-basket of southern Africa has been transformed [iii] promotion of women, and [iv] emergence of a sus- into the bread bowl of the region. Traditional biomass tainable way of life for village farmers through genera-tion fuels available on an insecure and non-sustainable basis of bio-economic resources coming from innovative rural help meet the energy and food cooking requirements of bio-industries and markets. Moreover, farmers have pro- virtually all African LDCs in Africa (Box 2). tected their gardens and food crops through the aesthetic Trees and crops are greening the Sahara (Polgreen, hedge-use of J. curcas as a natural ornamental living 2007). Farmers in the Koloma Baba village in the Tahoua fence that protects the environment and domestic farm- region of Niger use simple agricultural practices. Pits in land property. Jatropha, described as the ‘Cinderella of plots of land are filled with manure just prior to a rainfall. the plant world’ by Palmer (2007) can be one of the solu- The resulting slurry aids regeneration of soil fertility and tions to problems of energy poverty in Africa. With conversion of barren land into an area of dense increasing worldwide interest in this non-food human and vegetation that with newly planted trees and crops that animal crop, the possibilities are exciting. Jatropha oil feed the economic, energy, and employment markets of can be used as a diesel substitute for rural electrification the village. Amongst the new crop plantations, Jatropha and transport. Its vigorous growth and root system curcas, a Latin American plant, widespread throughout protects against soil erosion. Net carbon dioxide (CO2) the arid and semiarid tropical regions of the world, fea- emissions from the Jatropha cycle are zero. It can be the tures prominently. A member of the Euphorbiaceae, this flagship of socio-economic development in the LDCs of ornamental plant naturalised in many tropical areas is a Africa. The expanding spurt of activity (Tables 2 and 3) drought resistant perennial living up to 50 years and in harnessing this green gold throughout Central and growing on marginal soils. An inedible plant for humans Southern Africa is transforming the continent’s “hard- and animals, the plant has spread from Mozambique scrabbled ground” face into a fertile vegetation layer that throughout the different regions of sub-Saharan Africa. greens desert land in Niger (Polgreen, 2007). J. curcas,
  • 4. 2400 Afr. J. Biotechnol. Box 2. Food Situation in African Regions A. Percentage of population undernourished in African regions Region Percentage undernourished 1969-71 1979-81 1990-92 1996-98 Sub-Saharan Africa 34 37 35 34 Near East and North Africa 25 9 8 10 B: African countries obtaining 70% or more of the diet from cereals, roots and tubers (1996 – 1998) Central Africa Eastern Africa Democratic Republic of Congo (75) Eritrea (78) Ethiopia (79) West Africa Southern Africa Benin (74) Lesotho (80) Burkina Faso (75) Madagascar (74) Ghana (75) Malawi (74) Mali (73) Namibia (79) Niger (74) Zambia (79) Togo (77) th Source: FAO corporate repository --- Assessment of The World Food Security Situation, 27 Session, Rome, 28 May - 1 June 2001: drought-resistant and frost hardy thrives in Zambia and pollution whilst offering impressive environment-friendly Zimbabwe and is ideal for production of bio-diesel qualities across the spectrum of domestic activities to products. those ranging from the industrial sector. The benefits of Use of natural, renewable and biodegradable bio-diesel investment in J. curcas are multiple. These range from and bio-fuels reduce the risks of groundwater and soil eradication of the poverty of job opportunities, the em-
  • 5. Pillay and Da Silva 2401 Table 2. Bio-fuel activities in Africa*. Country Activity/goal Socio-economic benefits and opportunities Angola Joint Brazilian (Petrobras) - Italian institutes new source of (Eni Spa) - Angola initiative income and job opportunities tapping vast potential of biofuel for Angolan farmers and production. researchers via South-North- 3-partner cooperative benefits are: South cooperation. Brazilian reinforcement of South-South partner provides technical shared technical knowledge; expertise; Italian partner North-South teamwork ensuring provides financial resources biofuel security via Euro-African- for construction of biodiesel South American partnership; and plant and Angolan partner elimination of Angolan rural provides investment openings poverty. for biofuel production and With Portugal a biodiesel plant near export to financial partner. Ambriz in the Bengo province Opening of new labor using oil from the African oil palm markets and rural industries. is scheduled to start in 2008. Burkina Faso Burkina Faso, landlocked nation in West Africa Development of exchange program to enters partnership with Taiwan, China for the train Burkinabese students in Taiwan production of sweet sorghum based-ethanol. to use sweet sorghum for ethanol production. Cameroon Biodiesel production from palm oil Development of oil palm to develop a new biofuel plantations for generation of foreign-exchange market. income and new labor markets. Democratic Biodiesel production from palm oil Production of biodiesel from Republic of is envisaged through a Spanish palm oil in line with feasibility Congo enterprise ‘Aurantia’ to build 4 oil studies dealing with palm mills. logistics, labor opportunities, and environment- friendly infrastructural inputs. Ethiopia Ethiopia-UK collaboration from 2005 results in Reduction in rural poverty the first operational Jatropha nursery. through creation of employment opportunities. Equatorial Development of methanol plant on Bioko Production at a gas-fired Guinea island. power station to supply high- grade electricity. Ghana Oil palm production - Focus on development of establishment of the Bio-fuel regulatory protocols for biofuel Implementation Committee in 2005. production, use of biodiesel and bioalcohol as substitutes for fossil-fuel imports. Kenya In 2006, half a million Jatropha Focus on halting the onset seedlings planted in the Eastern, of desertification and aiding Rift Valley and Nyanza Provinces. reforestation activities. Fossil-fuel substitution in Kenya using biogas. Development of capacity building in fuel substitution through a micro-financing approach in Kenyan schools.
  • 6. 2402 Afr. J. Biotechnol. Table 2. Contd. Mali Mali-FolkCenter Fuels from Women produce locally Agriculture in Communal biodiesel to run posho (corn Technology (FACT Foundation) in meal) mills and produce soaps, Eindhoven, Netherlands; and cosmetics and biofertilizers to the Regional Economic strengthen rural bioeconomic Commission for West Asia (ECOWAS). prosperity. Malawi The Biodiesel Agricultural Benefits: savings in foreign Association encourages farmers exchange expenses; to strengthen the energy sector minimization of pollution of through the planting of Jatropha the environment; and curcas. instituting employment and income generation activities. Mozambique Joint Mozambique- Norway Focus on production of collaboration in 2006 on African bioethanol from sugarcane; of Green Conference “Mozambique biodiesel from copra seed oil, BioFuels” highlights Mozambique cotton seed oil, sunflower strategic location as gateway to seed oil, and Jatropha curcas the landlocked countries of to reduce foreign exchange Malawi, Swaziland, Zimbabwe expenses; minimize pollution and Zambia. of the environment; and expand labor and income generation activities. Namibia A Bio-Oil Energy committee Development of an oversees plantation of about environmental-friendly 63,000 hectares of the Jatropha biofuel. bush by 2013. Niger Reclamation of desert land through Simple innovative village innovative agricultural practices. agricultural practices fuel rural energy and feed markets. South Africa Development of a Jatropha curcas Reduce dependence on high- nursery to produce biodiesel in the cost fossil fuels in the North West Province. transportation sector. On-stream production by Ethanol Use of algae as a feedstock Africa of biofuel at South Africa’s for biofuels production. first bioethanol plant in Bothaville State-of-the art and in the Free State built by a German awareness conferences on the enterprise. beneficial uses of biofuels Development of new technology to [http://www.africanbiofuels. produce biodiesel.]. Organization of “African Biofuels” Reduction in dependence conferences aimed at helping the African on fossil-fuels in the continent on the merits and demerits of biofuel transportation sector. use as an alternative to reliance on fossil-fuel imports. Promotion of liquid biofuels in the City of Cape Town. Fiat will launch its Brazilian-built flex-fuel Uno in South Africa in late 2007 which runs on gasoline, ethanol or a combination of the two fuels as displayed at the Durban Auto Show [Automotive World - March 27, 2007].
  • 7. Pillay and Da Silva 2403 Table 2. Contd. Sudan Jatropha -widely encountered in Mainly used as a medicinal the Bahr El Gazal, Bahr El Jebel, plant due to its molluscicidal Kassala, Khartoum, and Kordofan States. properties. Tanzania Transition to Jatropha biofuels is Reduction of dependence on in a nascent stage. fossil-fuel imports and developing ancillary rural industries. Uganda Jatropha grown in rural areas of Reinforces and improves the Karamoja region is an women’s’ welfare and their ideal bioresource for production of participation in rural governance. biodiesel ; Feasibility study shows technical collaboration with molasses are an uneconomical India and Mali is foreseen. feedstock which is used to produce Raw materials used for soap local gin --Uganda Waragi. and lubricant manufacture A flower farm in Mukono in offer new employment Central Uganda has begun opportunities in financing producing biodiesel using Jatropha Mukono’s district markets. curcas. Facilitating access through Provision of energy services in biofuel energy use derived rural areas. from Multi Functional Platforms (Doelle and DaSilva, 2007a). Zambia In the central province of Mkushi, Jatropha is sustainable agriculture of Jatropha planted to produce biodiesel. About 300,000 crops helps in poverty alleviation. small-scale farmers of the National Self- empowerment for farmers, Association for Peasant and Small-Scale provision of new employment Farmers of Zambia are expected to grow opportunities, and conservation of some 150,000 hectares of Jatropha. valuable foreign-exchange reserves. Promotion of bio-energy use in Zambia and establishment of a bio-oil processing plant in Kabwe aids national economic progress. Currently, a total of 400,000 Jatropha plants are being grown by 5,000 farmers in the Chibombo and Kapiri Mposhi districts. Zimbabwe Jatropha curcas (Mujirimono) is a alternative to fossil-fuel used cash crop for biodiesel production. in the transportation sector. A National Biodiesel Feedstock Improvement of Zimbabwe's Production Programme focuses on energy security through annual achieving self-sufficiency in contribution of 360 000 tons use of biofuels through Jatropha of Jatropha curcas seeds for curcas plantations. processing into 110 million The National Oil Company of litres of biodiesel by 2010. Zimbabwe (NOCZIM) is set to create national employment grow 25,000 Jatropha plant opportunities for research, seedlings to distribute to farmers production, and processing of for the 2006-2007 season. biodiesel. Regional initiatives Common Fourth COMESA Business Forum Reduction in the dependence Market for recommends investment in on fossil-fuels through use of Eastern and biofuels [ Final Communiqué, liquid biofuels in the Southern May 18 - 19, 2007; Document transportation sector. Africa CBF/IPPSD/1, May2007; (COMESA) Original English].
  • 8. 2404 Afr. J. Biotechnol. Table 2. Contd. Economic Focus on poverty reduction and the Focus on health, rural Community development of national and development, and small-scale of West African regional economic infrastructure. enterprises that contribute to States (ECOWAS) national and regional bioeconomic prosperity. Economic Focus on creation of an awareness Focus on rural development Community of the potential benefits of using and small-scale reduction in of Central clean and green biofuels. dependence on the use of African States (ECCAS) fossil-derived fuels. Desert A collaborative effort convened by International An answer to eradication of the twin scourges Margins Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics ---poverty and environmental degradation Programme (ICRISAT) that unites 9African countries with desert reinforcement of rural energy, food and margins that ring the heart of Africa: Botswana, market enterprises in disadvantaged and (DMP) Burkina Faso, Kenya, Mali, Namibia, Niger, poverty-prone non-urban and nomadic Senegal, South Africa and Zimbabwe. communities. Southern Assessment of economic benefits accruing from Feasibility study for the production and use of African production of biofuels in the SADC region – biofuels – Straight or Recycled vegetable oils Development Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of the [SVO or RVO] in the SADC region as an Congo (since 8 September 1997), Lesotho, answer to the Community Madagascar (since 18 August 2005), Malawi, reduction of dependence on (SADC) Mauritius (since 28 August 1995), Mozambique, high-cost imported fossil fuels Namibia (since 31 March 1990 ), Seychelles [joined [ SADC on 8 September 1997 and left on 1 July biiofuels_study_final_report 2004], Swaziland, South Africa .pdf]. (since 30 August 1994), Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. North-South and South-South Cooperation North-South Development of the biodiesel Development of small- and medium-scale Cooperation industry in Lesotho, Tanzania and industries; job opportunities; and acquisition of Zambia. financing through the African Sustainable Fuels Centre, Cape Town, RSA. India helps West Africa develop provision of US $ 250 million from India to biofuels. boost biofuel production in 15 West African countries. Potato Value Chain Development Supported by Common Fund for Commodities, the potato sector in West Africa in West Africa (Guinea-Senegal). is integrated into competitive markets. Green OPEC member countries Creation of mechanisms to; are: Bénin, Burkina Faso, the 1) Share financial burdens of high oil prices in Democratic Republic of the solidarity system that protects ongoing Congo, Gambia; Ghana; Guinée; national projects aimed at Guinea-Bissau;Madagascar;Mali; socio-poverty alleviation; and Morocco;Niger;Sénégal; Sierra 2) Institute financial governance of large- Leone; Togo; Zambia. scale use of biofuels in continental Africa that facilitates African The island states - Mauritius, oil producing countries to Madagascar and Reunion [French invest in biofuels in non-oil territory] in the Indian Ocean producing African team up in a collaborative effort countries. wherein Mauritius, Malaysia and Reduction of crippling China provide the required dependency on rising savoir-faire and technical fossil-fuels oil costs that erode expertise whilst Madagascar and the bioeconomic prosperity of Réunion provide land for plantations. These island states.
  • 9. Pillay and Da Silva 2405 Table 2. Contd. Globalized Cooperation International Established after meetings in Promote use of sugarcane Sugarcane Mount Edgecombe, RSA (July biomass residual products for Biomass 2006) and Alagoas, Brazil production of bioenergy and Utilization (November, 2006) under umbrella biofuels. Consortium of the International Society of (ISBUC) Sugarcane Technologists with representatives from institutions in 8 sugar-producing countries: Australia, Brazil, India, Mauritius, South Africa, Swaziland, Thailand, USA. Source: Compiled by E.J. da Silva. Table 3. Non-edible and edible oils possessing bio-diesel potential. Type Oleaginous Plant Sources Remark Copaiba An oleoresin tapped from the Once known in Africa, now used plant Copaifera. in Brazil as a source of biodiesel. Jatropha oil Jatropha curcas is the most Considered for use in several widely used species from African countries as a biofuel. amongst the over 80 species of the Jatropha plant. Milk bush Synadenium granti from the Under study in Brazil as a source Family Euphorbiaceae – a of biofuel. poisonous plant widely found in Africa. Edible oils Cottonseed oil Gossypium herbaceum Major food oil used in food processing. Palm oil Elaeis guineensis Tropical oil now tapped to make biofuel. Olive oil Olea europaea Used in cooking, cosmetics, . soaps, and as lighting fuel for traditional oil lamps. powerment of the feminine labour force in villages, to the ting in the changing face of agriculture. With the advent of generation of independent income resources that sustain nutraceuticals agriculture was the new health sector. feminine human dignity and financial independence Today with increasing use of bio-refineries especially in [United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) United the USA, the European Union and in the BICS [Brazil; Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), India, China and South Africa] group, agriculture is now 2001]. the new energy sector as well as the fulcrum of a Recent times are witness to fluctuating energy prices in “nouvelle économie” (Le Monde, 2007). upward spiraling costs. World-wide, climate change and pollution of the aerial environment continues with dis- astrous consequences coming from dependence on finite BIO-REFINERY CONCEPT fossil-fuels. Mindful of the coming positive and negative impacts of the era of “l’après pétrole” foreseen to begin The bio-refinery concept involves the integration of later in this century several countries are already invest- bioconversion processes and equipment to produce bio-
  • 10. 2406 Afr. J. Biotechnol. fuels and chemicals from biomass within a singular large- est supplier of bio-diesel with Norwegian, Indian and scale facility (Doelle and DaSilva, 2007b). A variety of British companies moving quickly to secure massive bio-industrial process tributaries yielding multiple bio- tracts of land on the continent for Jatropha plantations. based products and bio-fuels are the bases of the bio- refinery thesis. The bio-refinery concept is similar to current day petrorefineries that produce multiple fuels CONCERNS: JATROPHA, BIO-FUELS and products from petroleum oil. The bio-refinery con- cept is of relevance to rural and village communities Concerns have emerged on the use of Jatropha and corn given that all waste is recycled. The cyclic nature of the as sources to feed the bio-fuel industry. The northern zero-emission biotechnology process ensures that all hemisphere turns to corn for the production of bio-ethanol components can provide the 6Fs- fertilizer, fiber, food, whilst the southern hemisphere turns to the inedible feed, fuel and filling materials needed for routine daily life. Jatropha. The transformation of land that yields food Domestic security is guaranteed by reducing depen- crops into acreage that yields fuel crops needs attention dence on foreign oil. Bio-fuels from 'energy crops' as the transportation sector gains in priority in relation to including sugarcane, corn, soybeans, and oil palms aid in bigger airports and highway construction. Jatropha – the helping fight global warming. African countries contribute agro-fuel plant for the non-industrialized nations grows on less than 1% to global CO2 (Dufey, 2006). Bio-fuel wasteland but needs time to be available continuously in production will further help with fuel security and could be critical mass. The rising costs of imports of fossil-fuels exported to developed countries. Such visionary action are impacting seriously on the national economies of es- would result in valuable foreign-exchange earnings. The pecially the developing world. In the developed world, the global bio-fuels market offers important opportunities in emphasis is on increasing use of clean and green bio- bringing together the economic, environmental and social fuels to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Southern Africa agenda both in developing countries and globally (Dufey, is expected to be the launching pad for new export 2006). International trade barriers, especially tariffs and markets within the framework of bio-energy trade and re- subsidies, need to be relaxed to enable the developing gional development [(Economic Commission for Africa world reap the benefits of the emerging bio-fuels trade. (ECA), 2006; Johnson and Matsika, 2006). Certification schemes need to be established for accountability of the environmental and social conditions in such countries. Poor working conditions associated RAINBOW BIOTECH – A Portal for African Sustaina- with the cultivation of some energy crops such as sugar- ble Development and Bio-economic Prosperity cane and palm oil and large-scale bio-fuel production could result in serious environmental consequences The southernmost country of Africa with veins of diamond (Dufey, 2006). and arteries of gold is a land of bio- and unique cultural Cellulosic ethanol derived from virtually any plant diversity in its fauna and flora (features characteristic of 4 matter including farm waste looks particularly promising. other countries: Brazil, China, India and Indonesia), its Cellulosic conversion technology could reduce the cost of geography and topography, people, and political history. producing ethanol by as much as 60 cents per gallon by Amongst all the countries in continental Africa, the 2015 as forecast by the US Department of Energy. Green Republic of South Africa (RSA) by virtue of its past and groups see cellulosic ethanol as a carbon neutral energy present shared history has been at the forefront in the source to fight the build up of atmospheric carbon dioxide promotion of biotechnology (Table 4) to achieve national responsible for global warming. The more important need goals [Department of Science and Technology (DST), is to create an awareness of these parameters in the 2001, 2002). The skeins of academic commitment, res- African communities and with policy-makers in order to ponsibilities and accountability have strengthened the fa- leapfrog the growing gap that anchors the existing divide bric of RSA national development that enriches interna- between the industrialized and the least developed tional cooperation through for example, the IBSA [India, nations in continental Africa. Brazil and South Africa] initiative for international co- Rising oil prices and growing climate change concerns operation [Research Information Systems (RIS), 2006). are driving investment and innovation in the bio-fuels The possibility of a novel bio-fuel industry is now be- sector. Developed and developing countries increasingly coming a reality [Department of Minerals and Energy look towards renewable bio-energy to replace fossil fuels (DME), Republic of South Africa (RSA), 2006). (Table 2). Bio-fuels, when burned, have fewer emissions than traditional hydrocarbon-based fuels. Furthermore, bio-fuels, generally derived from plants, absorb carbon CONCLUSIONS from the atmosphere as they grow and offer the potential to help mitigate climate change. According to Monkey Poverty and its offspring – hunger – feed rebellions and (2007), Africa could potentially become the world’s bigg- revolutions that impact on the stability of national and
  • 11. Pillay and Da Silva 2407 Table 4. National Republic of South Africa (RSA) biotech excellence and contribution to emergence of a better Africa. Activity Achievements Remarks Biotechnology 106 companies [inclusive of 47 core Traditional brewing and food excluded; enterprises and 59 non-core biotech majority of core companies are in health companies/NGOs] are in Gauteng (39%) and support services (13%) with (41%), the Western Cape (37%) and near even representation in the Kwazulu Natal (15%). environmental, food, plant, animal and industrial sectors. Research Groups 679 research groups in SA with Stakeholders in human health, plant, food breakdown as: 1)Biotech 296 and beverage sectors were from the 2)Potential Biotech 205 3)Biotech Western Cape, Gauteng, Kwazulu Natal services 178 and the Free State. Biotech relevant projects 911 projects were in sectors of: human Projects conducted primarily by Western heath, animal health, plant biotech, the Cape, Gauteng, Kwazulu Natal and the food industry, the industrial, food and Free State. environmental sectors. Human Resources 1 020 skilled persons involved with 950 Nearly all R&D personnel possess coming from academic sector. required training. Biotech Patents 200 biotech patents filed with the South Deals with bio-intellectual property capital African Register of Copyright Designs of RSA. and Patents. Support structures Regional Innovation Centres (BRICS); National Bioinformatics Network, etc. [Source: http///è/37:3603699&.pdf]. international governance. Several of the least-developed sustainable development. Biotechnology, an important countries of sub-Saharan Africa have low-income earning tool for economic and sustainable development through groups and are prone to fossil-fuel energy poverty and NEPAD envisages partnerships and participation of food deficiency. These energy- and food-deficient nations stakeholders for economic advancement at the village, with just the bare biotechnological minimum in savoir- urban and national levels (Pillay and DaSilva, 2001). The faire to feed themselves are perpetually vulnerable and emergence of “Rainbow Biotech” indisputably can serve disadvantaged in the global arena of governance, em- as a catalytic portal amongst others for overall continental ployment and trade. Poverty, an integral component of development (Louët, 2006; Pincock, 2006; RIS, 2006). their national fabric, is the last socio-economic disease that sows social unrest and erosion of human-power resources in these countries. It devalues and endangers ACKNOWLEDGMENTS the bio-safety and bio-security of biodiversity and the legacy of the environment to be bequeathed to future The authors acknowledge Dr. C. Montague (LifeLab, Dur- generations. ban) and Prof. B.A. Prior (University of Stellenbosch) for Lack of respect for gender equivalence, child labour their advice and comments in the pre-reviewing of this exploitation, bonded labour slavery, discrimination and contribution. racism in their varied nuances need to be eradicated. The delivery instruments are political will, provision of educa- REFERENCES tion, and investment in low-cost high-quality multipurpose biotechnologies such as the integrated biogas systems Department of Minerals and Energy (DME), RSA (2006). Draft biofuels and the recycling of wastewaters. These simple to imple- industrial strategy of the Republic of South Africa, November, p.15. Department of Science and Technology (DST), RSA (2001). A national ment small- or village-scale bioprocesses as proven in biotechnology strategy for South Africa, June, p. 82. Brazil, China and India uplift human dignity, empower [] endeavour, enthusize the morale spirit and conserve Department of Science and Technology (DST), RSA (2002). South values. The sense of accomplishment and satisfaction of Africa’s national research and development strategy, August, p. 82. Doelle HW, Da Silva EJ (2007a). Biorefineries - concept for time well-spent in acquiring food, feed, fibre and fertilizer sustainability and human development In: Biotechnology [Eds. Doelle for one’s family in an urban, rural or village settings HW, DaSilva EJ], in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) indicate that Africa is setting its own biotech agenda for developed under the auspices of the UNESCO, EOLSS Publishers,
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