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                             Sergey Lukjanov, 2012
Thursday, February 16, 12
         •Statically typed
         •General purpose
         •Programming language
         •Docs available today
         •Open source from Feb 14

Thursday, February 16, 12
         •Design goals
         •Feature overview
         •Basic syntax
         •Classes, types, inheritance
         •High-order functions
         •Pattern matching
         •Class objects
Thursday, February 16, 12

Thursday, February 16, 12
         •IDEA codebase ≥ 200MB Java-code, ≥ 50k classes

Thursday, February 16, 12
         •IDEA codebase ≥ 200MB Java-code, ≥ 50k classes
         •Java libraries and community

Thursday, February 16, 12
         •IDEA codebase ≥ 200MB Java-code, ≥ 50k classes
         •Java libraries and community
         •There are many languages, why not try?

Thursday, February 16, 12

Thursday, February 16, 12
         •Full Java interoperability

Thursday, February 16, 12
         •Full Java interoperability
         •Compiles as fast as Java

Thursday, February 16, 12
         •Full Java interoperability
         •Compiles as fast as Java
         •Safer than Java

Thursday, February 16, 12
         •Full Java interoperability
         •Compiles as fast as Java
         •Safer than Java
         •More concise than Java

Thursday, February 16, 12
         •Full Java interoperability
         •Compiles as fast as Java
         •Safer than Java
         •More concise than Java
         •Way simpler than Scala

Thursday, February 16, 12
         •Static null-safety guarantees
         •First-class delegation
         •Properties (instead of fields)
         •Reified generics
         •Declaration-site variance & “Type projections”
         •High-order functions (“closures”)
         •Extension properties and functions
         •Inline-functions (zero-overhead closures)
Thursday, February 16, 12
         •Modules and build infrastructure
         •Pattern matching
         •Range expressions
         •String templates
         •Operator overloading
         •Full-featured IDE by JetBrains
         •Java to Kotlin converting
Thursday, February 16, 12

Thursday, February 16, 12
         fun main(args : Array<String>) : Unit {
             println("Hello, World!");

         fun println(any : Any?) /* : Unit */ {

Thursday, February 16, 12
         fun main(args : Array<String>) {
             var names = ""; // names : String

                    for(idx in args.indices) {
                        names += args[idx]
                        if(idx + 1 < args.size) {
                            names += ", "

                    println("Hello, $names!") // Groovy-style templates

         val Array<*>.indices : Iterable<Int>
                         get() = IntRange(0, size - 1)

Thursday, February 16, 12
         fun main(args : Array<String>) {
             var names = StringBuilder(); // names : StringBuilder

                    for(idx in args.indices) {
                        names += args[idx]
                        if(idx + 1 < args.size) {
                            names += ", "

                    println("Hello, $names!") // Groovy-style templates

         fun StringBuilder.plusAssign(any : Any?) {

Thursday, February 16, 12
         fun main(args : Array<String>) {
             println("Hello, ${args.join(", ")}!")

Thursday, February 16, 12
         fun main(args : Array<String>) {
             println("Hello, ${args.join(", ")}!")

         fun <T> Iterable<T>.join(separator : String) : String {
             val names = StringBuilder()
             forit (this) {
                 names +=
                 if (it.hasNext)
                     names += separator

                    return names.toString() ?: ""

         fun <T> forit(col : Iterable<T>, f : (Iterator<T>) -> Unit) {
             val it = col.iterator()
             while (it.hasNext)
Thursday, February 16, 12
         fun parseInt(str : String) : Int? {
             try {
                 return Integer.parseInt(str)
             } catch (e : NumberFormatException) {
                 return null

Thursday, February 16, 12
         fun parseInt(str : String) : Int? {
             try {
                 return Integer.parseInt(str)
             } catch (e : NumberFormatException) {
                 return null

         fun main(args : Array<String>) {
             val x = parseInt("1027")
             val y = parseInt("Hello, World!") // y == null
             println(x?.times(2)) // can’t write x * 2
             println(x?.times(y)) // times argument can't be nullable
             println(x?.times(y.sure())) // throws NPE if y == null
             if (x != null) {
                 println(x * 2)

Thursday, February 16, 12
         fun String?.isNullOrEmpty() : Boolean {
             return this == null || this.trim().length == 0

Thursday, February 16, 12
         fun String?.isNullOrEmpty() : Boolean {
             return this == null || this.trim().length == 0

         fun main(args : Array<String>) {
             println("Hello".isNullOrEmpty())     //   false
             println(" World ".isNullOrEmpty())   //   false
             println("    ".isNullOrEmpty())      //   true
             println(null.isNullOrEmpty())        //   true

Thursday, February 16, 12
         fun foo(obj : Any?) {
             if (obj is String) {

Thursday, February 16, 12
         fun foo(obj : Any?) {
             val x : Any? = when (obj) {
                 is String -> obj.get(0)           // autocast to String
                 is Int -> obj + 1                 // autocast to Int
                 !is Boolean -> null
                 else -> "unknown"

                    val i : Int = when (obj) {
                        is String -> if(obj.startsWith("a")) 1 else 0
                        is Int -> obj
                        else -> -1

Thursday, February 16, 12
                             Class types               List<Foo>

                            Nullable types               Foo?

                            Function types          (Int) -> String

                             Tuple types              (Int, Int)

                              Self types                 This

Thursday, February 16, 12
                                     Special types

                             Top                      Any?

                            Bottom                   Nothing

              No meaningful return value              Unit

Thursday, February 16, 12

          Int?                String?      ...        Any

                            Nothing?                  Int   Unit


             Complete lattice
Thursday, February 16, 12
                   Kotlin  GEN     Java   LOAD     Kotlin
                    Any          Object           Any?
                   Unit           void            Unit
                    Int            int             Int
                   Int?          Integer          Int?
                  String         String          String?
                Array<Foo>        Foo[]       Array<Foo?>?
                Array<Int>        int[]        Array<Int>?
                List<Int>     List<Integer> List<Int?>?
                 Nothing             -               -
                    Foo            Foo            Foo?
Thursday, February 16, 12
                   Kotlin  GEN     Java   LOAD     Kotlin
                    Any          Object           Any?
                   Unit           void            Unit
                    Int            int             Int
                   Int?          Integer          Int?
                  String         String          String?
                Array<Foo>        Foo[]       Array<Foo?>?
                Array<Int>        int[]        Array<Int>?
                List<Int>     List<Integer> List<Int?>?
                 Nothing             -               -
                    Foo            Foo            Foo?
Thursday, February 16, 12
                   Kotlin  GEN     Java   LOAD     Kotlin
                    Any          Object           Any?
                   Unit           void            Unit
                    Int            int             Int
                   Int?          Integer          Int?
                  String         String          String?
                Array<Foo>        Foo[]       Array<Foo?>?
                Array<Int>        int[]        Array<Int>?
                List<Int>     List<Integer> List<Int?>?
                 Nothing             -               -
                    Foo            Foo            Foo?
Thursday, February 16, 12
                   Kotlin  GEN     Java   LOAD     Kotlin
                    Any          Object           Any?
                   Unit           void            Unit
                    Int            int             Int
                   Int?          Integer          Int?
                  String         String          String?
                Array<Foo>        Foo[]       Array<Foo?>?
                Array<Int>        int[]        Array<Int>?
                List<Int>     List<Integer> List<Int?>?
                 Nothing             -               -
                    Foo            Foo            Foo?
Thursday, February 16, 12
                   Kotlin  GEN     Java   LOAD     Kotlin
                    Any          Object           Any?
                   Unit           void            Unit
                    Int            int             Int
                   Int?          Integer          Int?
                  String         String          String?
                Array<Foo>        Foo[]       Array<Foo?>?
                Array<Int>        int[]        Array<Int>?
                List<Int>     List<Integer> List<Int?>?
                 Nothing             -               -
                    Foo            Foo            Foo?
Thursday, February 16, 12
                   Kotlin  GEN     Java   LOAD     Kotlin
                    Any          Object           Any?
                   Unit           void            Unit
                    Int            int             Int
                   Int?          Integer          Int?
                  String         String          String?
                Array<Foo>        Foo[]       Array<Foo?>?
                Array<Int>        int[]        Array<Int>?
                List<Int>     List<Integer> List<Int?>?
                 Nothing             -               -
                    Foo            Foo            Foo?
Thursday, February 16, 12
                   Kotlin  GEN     Java   LOAD     Kotlin
                    Any          Object           Any?
                   Unit           void            Unit
                    Int            int             Int
                   Int?          Integer          Int?
                  String         String          String?
                Array<Foo>        Foo[]       Array<Foo?>?
                Array<Int>        int[]        Array<Int>?
                List<Int>     List<Integer> List<Int?>?
                 Nothing             -               -
                    Foo            Foo            Foo?
Thursday, February 16, 12
                   Kotlin  GEN     Java   LOAD     Kotlin
                    Any          Object           Any?
                   Unit           void            Unit
                    Int            int             Int
                   Int?          Integer          Int?
                  String         String          String?
                Array<Foo>        Foo[]       Array<Foo?>?
                Array<Int>        int[]        Array<Int>?
                List<Int>     List<Integer> List<Int?>?
                 Nothing             -               -
                    Foo            Foo            Foo?
Thursday, February 16, 12
                   Kotlin  GEN     Java   LOAD     Kotlin
                    Any          Object           Any?
                   Unit           void            Unit
                    Int            int             Int
                   Int?          Integer          Int?
                  String         String          String?
                Array<Foo>        Foo[]       Array<Foo?>?
                Array<Int>        int[]        Array<Int>?
                List<Int>     List<Integer> List<Int?>?
                 Nothing             -               -
                    Foo            Foo            Foo?
Thursday, February 16, 12
                   Kotlin  GEN     Java   LOAD     Kotlin
                    Any          Object           Any?
                   Unit           void            Unit
                    Int            int             Int
                   Int?          Integer          Int?
                  String         String          String?
                Array<Foo>        Foo[]       Array<Foo?>?
                Array<Int>        int[]        Array<Int>?
                List<Int>     List<Integer> List<Int?>?
                 Nothing             -               -
                    Foo            Foo            Foo?
Thursday, February 16, 12
                   Kotlin  GEN     Java   LOAD     Kotlin
                    Any          Object           Any?
                   Unit           void            Unit
                    Int            int             Int
                   Int?          Integer          Int?
                  String         String          String?
                Array<Foo>        Foo[]       Array<Foo?>?
                Array<Int>        int[]        Array<Int>?
                List<Int>     List<Integer> List<Int?>?
                 Nothing             -               -
                    Foo            Foo            Foo?
Thursday, February 16, 12
         open class Parent(p : Bar) {
             open fun foo() {

                    fun bar() {

         class Child(p : Bar) : Parent(p) {
             override fun foo() {

         •Any is the default supertype
         •Constructors must initialize supertypes
         •Final by default, explicit override annotations
Thursday, February 16, 12
         trait T1 : Class1, OtherTrait {
             // no state

         class Foo(p : Bar) : Class1(p), T1, T2 {
             // ...

         class Decorator(p : T2) : Class2(), T2 by p {
             // ...

Thursday, February 16, 12
         trait A {
             fun foo() : Int = 1 // open by default

         open class B() {
             open fun foo() : Int = 2 // not open by default

         class C() : B(), A {
             override fun foo() = super<A>.foo() // returns 1

Thursday, February 16, 12
         fun foo(arg : String) : Boolean // function

         (p : Int) -> Int // function type
         (Int) -> Int // function type

         (a : Int) -> a + 1 // function literal

         (b) : Int -> b * 2 // function literal

         c -> c.times(2) // function literal

Thursday, February 16, 12
         fun <T> filter( c : Iterable<T>, f: (T)->Boolean):Iterable<T>

         filter(list, { s -> s.length < 3 })

Thursday, February 16, 12
         fun <T> filter( c : Iterable<T>, f: (T)->Boolean):Iterable<T>

         filter(list, { s -> s.length < 3 })

         filter(list) { s -> s.length < 3 }

Thursday, February 16, 12
         fun <T> filter( c : Iterable<T>, f: (T)->Boolean):Iterable<T>

         filter(list, { s -> s.length < 3 })

         filter(list) { s -> s.length < 3 }
         // if only one arg:

Thursday, February 16, 12
         fun <T> filter( c : Iterable<T>, f: (T)->Boolean):Iterable<T>

         filter(list, { s -> s.length < 3 })

         filter(list) { s -> s.length < 3 }
         // if only one arg:
         filter(list) { it.length < 3 }

Thursday, February 16, 12
         fun reachable(from : Vertex, to : Vertex) : Boolean {
             val visited = HashSet<Vertex>()

                    fun dfs(current : Vertex) {
                        // here we return from the outer function:
                        if (current == to) return@reachable true

                            // And here - from local function:
                            if (!visited.add(current)) return

                            for (v in current.neighbors)

                    return false // if dfs() did not return true already

Thursday, February 16, 12
         // regular call:

         // infix call:
         a contains "123"

Thursday, February 16, 12
         // regular call:

         // infix call:
         a contains "123"

         // “LINQ”
             .filter { it hasPrivilege WRITE }
             .map { it -> it.fullName }
             .orderBy { it.lastName }

Thursday, February 16, 12
         try {
             // do something
         } finally {

Thursday, February 16, 12
         myLock.lock()         lock(myLock) {
         try {                     // do something
             // do something   }
         } finally {

Thursday, February 16, 12
         myLock.lock()                     lock(myLock) {
         try {                                 // do something
             // do something               }
         } finally {

                      inline fun <T> lock(l : Lock, body : () -> T) : T {
                          try {
                              return body()
                          } finally {

Thursday, February 16, 12
         class List<T> {
             fun add(t : T)
             fun get(idx : Int) : T

         val intList = List<Int>()
         // We should not be able to do it:
         val anyList : List<Any> = intList
         anyList.add("1") // Cause of the problem
         val i : Int = intList.get(0) // !!!

Thursday, February 16, 12
         class List<T> {              val intList = List<Int>()
             fun add(t : T)           val anyList : List<Any> = intList
             fun get(idx : Int) : T

Thursday, February 16, 12
         class List<T> {              val intList = List<Int>()
             fun add(t : T)           val anyList : List<Any> = intList
             fun get(idx : Int) : T

         class Producer<out T> {      val intProd = Producer<Int>()
             fun get() : T            val anyProd : Producer<Any> = intProd

Thursday, February 16, 12
         class List<T> {              val intList = List<Int>()
             fun add(t : T)           val anyList : List<Any> = intList
             fun get(idx : Int) : T

         class Producer<out T> {      val intProd = Producer<Int>()
             fun get() : T            val anyProd : Producer<Any> = intProd

         class Consumer<in T> {       val anyCons = Consumer<Any>()
             fun add(t : T)           val intCons : Consumer<Int> = anyCons

Thursday, February 16, 12
         val intList = List<Int>()
         val anyListOut : List<out Any> = intList
         anyListOut.add("1") // Not available
         val i : Int = intList.get(0) // No problem

         val anyList = List<Any>()
         val intListIn : List<in Int> = anyList
         val obj = intListIn.get(0) // : Any?

Thursday, February 16, 12
         // Type information is retained in runtime
         foo is List<T>

Thursday, February 16, 12
         // Type information is retained in runtime
         foo is List<T>

         // Java types is still erased...
         foo is java.util.List<*>

Thursday, February 16, 12
         class Tuple2<out T1, out T2>(
           val _1 : T1,
           val _2 : T2

         val pair : #(Int, String) = #(1, "")
         // same as 'Tuple2<Int, String>(1, "")'

         when (x) {
           is #(null, *) => throw NullPointerException()
           is #(val a, val b) => print(a, b)

         print("left = ${pair._1}, right = ${pair._2}")

         val point : #(x : Int, y : Int) // labeled tuple
         print("x = ${point.x}, y = ${point.y}")
         val point : #(x : Int, y : Int) = #(y = 10, x = 5)

Thursday, February 16, 12
         when (a) {
             is Tree#(*, null) -> print("no right child")
             is Tree#(val l is Tree, val r is Tree) -> print("$l and $r")
             is Tree -> print("just a tree")
             is #(*, val b in 1..100) -> print(b)
             else -> print("unknown")

Thursday, February 16, 12
         when (a) {
             is Tree#(*, null) -> print("no right child")
             is Tree#(val l is Tree, val r is Tree) -> print("$l and $r")
             is Tree -> print("just a tree")
             is #(*, val b in 1..100) -> print(b)
             else -> print("unknown")

         class Tree(val left : Tree?, val right : Tree?)

Thursday, February 16, 12
         when (a) {
             is Tree#(*, null) -> print("no right child")
             is Tree#(val l is Tree, val r is Tree) -> print("$l and $r")
             is Tree -> print("just a tree")
             is #(*, val b in 1..100) -> print(b)
             else -> print("unknown")

         class Tree(val left : Tree?, val right : Tree?)

         decomposer fun Any?.Tree() : #(Tree?, Tree?)? {
             return if (this is Tree) #(this.left, this.right) else null

Thursday, February 16, 12
         when (d) {
             is mmddyy#(02, 16, val a) -> print("Feb 16th of $a"))

         class Date(val timestamp : Long) {
           fun mmddyy() : #(Int, Int, Int)? = #(month, day, year)

         fun Date.mmddyy() : #(Int, Int, Int)? = #(month, day, year)

Thursday, February 16, 12
         class Example() {
             class object {
                 fun create() = Example()

         val e = Example.create()

Thursday, February 16, 12
         trait Factory<T> {
             fun create() : T

         class Example2() {
             class object : Factory<Example2> {
                 override fun create() = Example2()

         val factory : Factory<Example2> = Example2
         val e2 : Example2 = factory.create()

Thursday, February 16, 12

Thursday, February 16, 12
         This presentation based on slides and speeches of
         Andrey Breslav, author of Kotlin language.

Thursday, February 16, 12

                             Sergey Lukjanov, 2012
Thursday, February 16, 12

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Kotlin techtalk

  • 1. THE KOTLIN PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE Sergey Lukjanov, 2012 1 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 2. WHAT IS KOTLIN? •JVM-targeted •Statically typed •Object-oriented •General purpose •Programming language •Docs available today •Open source from Feb 14 2 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 3. OUTLINE •Motivation •Design goals •Feature overview •Basic syntax •Classes, types, inheritance •High-order functions •Generics •Tuples •Pattern matching •Class objects 3 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 4. MOTIVATION 4 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 5. MOTIVATION •IDEA codebase ≥ 200MB Java-code, ≥ 50k classes 4 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 6. MOTIVATION •IDEA codebase ≥ 200MB Java-code, ≥ 50k classes •Java libraries and community 4 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 7. MOTIVATION •IDEA codebase ≥ 200MB Java-code, ≥ 50k classes •Java libraries and community •There are many languages, why not try? 4 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 8. DESIGN GOALS 5 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 9. DESIGN GOALS •Full Java interoperability 5 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 10. DESIGN GOALS •Full Java interoperability •Compiles as fast as Java 5 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 11. DESIGN GOALS •Full Java interoperability •Compiles as fast as Java •Safer than Java 5 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 12. DESIGN GOALS •Full Java interoperability •Compiles as fast as Java •Safer than Java •More concise than Java 5 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 13. DESIGN GOALS •Full Java interoperability •Compiles as fast as Java •Safer than Java •More concise than Java •Way simpler than Scala 5 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 14. FEATURE OVERVIEW 1/2 •Static null-safety guarantees •Traits •First-class delegation •Properties (instead of fields) •Reified generics •Declaration-site variance & “Type projections” •High-order functions (“closures”) •Extension properties and functions •Inline-functions (zero-overhead closures) 6 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 15. FEATURE OVERVIEW 2/2 •Tuples •Modules and build infrastructure •Pattern matching •Range expressions •String templates •Singletons •Operator overloading •Full-featured IDE by JetBrains •Java to Kotlin converting 7 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 16. CODE EXAMPLES 8 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 17. HELLO, WORLD! fun main(args : Array<String>) : Unit { println("Hello, World!"); } fun println(any : Any?) /* : Unit */ { System.out?.println(any); } 9 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 18. HELLO, <NAMES>! fun main(args : Array<String>) { var names = ""; // names : String for(idx in args.indices) { names += args[idx] if(idx + 1 < args.size) { names += ", " } } println("Hello, $names!") // Groovy-style templates } val Array<*>.indices : Iterable<Int> get() = IntRange(0, size - 1) 10 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 19. HELLO, <NAMES>! (FASTER) fun main(args : Array<String>) { var names = StringBuilder(); // names : StringBuilder for(idx in args.indices) { names += args[idx] if(idx + 1 < args.size) { names += ", " } } println("Hello, $names!") // Groovy-style templates } fun StringBuilder.plusAssign(any : Any?) { this.append(any) } 11 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 20. HELLO, <NAMES>! (REALISTIC) fun main(args : Array<String>) { println("Hello, ${args.join(", ")}!") } 12 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 21. HELLO, <NAMES>! (REALISTIC) fun main(args : Array<String>) { println("Hello, ${args.join(", ")}!") } fun <T> Iterable<T>.join(separator : String) : String { val names = StringBuilder() forit (this) { names += if (it.hasNext) names += separator } return names.toString() ?: "" } fun <T> forit(col : Iterable<T>, f : (Iterator<T>) -> Unit) { val it = col.iterator() while (it.hasNext) f(it) } 12 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 22. NULL-SAFETY 1/2 fun parseInt(str : String) : Int? { try { return Integer.parseInt(str) } catch (e : NumberFormatException) { return null } } 13 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 23. NULL-SAFETY 1/2 fun parseInt(str : String) : Int? { try { return Integer.parseInt(str) } catch (e : NumberFormatException) { return null } } fun main(args : Array<String>) { val x = parseInt("1027") val y = parseInt("Hello, World!") // y == null println(x?.times(2)) // can’t write x * 2 println(x?.times(y)) // times argument can't be nullable println(x?.times(y.sure())) // throws NPE if y == null if (x != null) { println(x * 2) } } 13 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 24. NULL-SAFETY 2/2 fun String?.isNullOrEmpty() : Boolean { return this == null || this.trim().length == 0 } 14 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 25. NULL-SAFETY 2/2 fun String?.isNullOrEmpty() : Boolean { return this == null || this.trim().length == 0 } fun main(args : Array<String>) { println("Hello".isNullOrEmpty()) // false println(" World ".isNullOrEmpty()) // false println(" ".isNullOrEmpty()) // true println(null.isNullOrEmpty()) // true } 14 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 26. AUTOMATIC CASTS fun foo(obj : Any?) { if (obj is String) { println(obj.get(0)); } } 15 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 27. WHEN STATEMENT fun foo(obj : Any?) { val x : Any? = when (obj) { is String -> obj.get(0) // autocast to String is Int -> obj + 1 // autocast to Int !is Boolean -> null else -> "unknown" } val i : Int = when (obj) { is String -> if(obj.startsWith("a")) 1 else 0 is Int -> obj else -> -1 } } 16 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 28. TYPES 1/2 Syntax Class types List<Foo> Nullable types Foo? Function types (Int) -> String Tuple types (Int, Int) Self types This 17 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 29. TYPES 2/2 Special types Top Any? Bottom Nothing No meaningful return value Unit 18 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 30. TYPES HIERARCHY Any? Int? String? ... Any Nothing? Int Unit Nothing Complete lattice 19 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 31. MAPPING TO JAVA TYPES Kotlin GEN Java LOAD Kotlin Any Object Any? Unit void Unit Int int Int Int? Integer Int? String String String? Array<Foo> Foo[] Array<Foo?>? Array<Int> int[] Array<Int>? List<Int> List<Integer> List<Int?>? Nothing - - Foo Foo Foo? 20 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 32. MAPPING TO JAVA TYPES Kotlin GEN Java LOAD Kotlin Any Object Any? Unit void Unit Int int Int Int? Integer Int? String String String? Array<Foo> Foo[] Array<Foo?>? Array<Int> int[] Array<Int>? List<Int> List<Integer> List<Int?>? Nothing - - Foo Foo Foo? 20 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 33. MAPPING TO JAVA TYPES Kotlin GEN Java LOAD Kotlin Any Object Any? Unit void Unit Int int Int Int? Integer Int? String String String? Array<Foo> Foo[] Array<Foo?>? Array<Int> int[] Array<Int>? List<Int> List<Integer> List<Int?>? Nothing - - Foo Foo Foo? 20 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 34. MAPPING TO JAVA TYPES Kotlin GEN Java LOAD Kotlin Any Object Any? Unit void Unit Int int Int Int? Integer Int? String String String? Array<Foo> Foo[] Array<Foo?>? Array<Int> int[] Array<Int>? List<Int> List<Integer> List<Int?>? Nothing - - Foo Foo Foo? 20 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 35. MAPPING TO JAVA TYPES Kotlin GEN Java LOAD Kotlin Any Object Any? Unit void Unit Int int Int Int? Integer Int? String String String? Array<Foo> Foo[] Array<Foo?>? Array<Int> int[] Array<Int>? List<Int> List<Integer> List<Int?>? Nothing - - Foo Foo Foo? 20 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 36. MAPPING TO JAVA TYPES Kotlin GEN Java LOAD Kotlin Any Object Any? Unit void Unit Int int Int Int? Integer Int? String String String? Array<Foo> Foo[] Array<Foo?>? Array<Int> int[] Array<Int>? List<Int> List<Integer> List<Int?>? Nothing - - Foo Foo Foo? 20 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 37. MAPPING TO JAVA TYPES Kotlin GEN Java LOAD Kotlin Any Object Any? Unit void Unit Int int Int Int? Integer Int? String String String? Array<Foo> Foo[] Array<Foo?>? Array<Int> int[] Array<Int>? List<Int> List<Integer> List<Int?>? Nothing - - Foo Foo Foo? 20 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 38. MAPPING TO JAVA TYPES Kotlin GEN Java LOAD Kotlin Any Object Any? Unit void Unit Int int Int Int? Integer Int? String String String? Array<Foo> Foo[] Array<Foo?>? Array<Int> int[] Array<Int>? List<Int> List<Integer> List<Int?>? Nothing - - Foo Foo Foo? 20 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 39. MAPPING TO JAVA TYPES Kotlin GEN Java LOAD Kotlin Any Object Any? Unit void Unit Int int Int Int? Integer Int? String String String? Array<Foo> Foo[] Array<Foo?>? Array<Int> int[] Array<Int>? List<Int> List<Integer> List<Int?>? Nothing - - Foo Foo Foo? 20 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 40. MAPPING TO JAVA TYPES Kotlin GEN Java LOAD Kotlin Any Object Any? Unit void Unit Int int Int Int? Integer Int? String String String? Array<Foo> Foo[] Array<Foo?>? Array<Int> int[] Array<Int>? List<Int> List<Integer> List<Int?>? Nothing - - Foo Foo Foo? 20 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 41. MAPPING TO JAVA TYPES Kotlin GEN Java LOAD Kotlin Any Object Any? Unit void Unit Int int Int Int? Integer Int? String String String? Array<Foo> Foo[] Array<Foo?>? Array<Int> int[] Array<Int>? List<Int> List<Integer> List<Int?>? Nothing - - Foo Foo Foo? 20 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 42. CLASSES open class Parent(p : Bar) { open fun foo() { } fun bar() { } } class Child(p : Bar) : Parent(p) { override fun foo() { } } •Any is the default supertype •Constructors must initialize supertypes •Final by default, explicit override annotations 21 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 43. TRAITS trait T1 : Class1, OtherTrait { // no state } class Foo(p : Bar) : Class1(p), T1, T2 { // ... } class Decorator(p : T2) : Class2(), T2 by p { // ... } 22 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 44. DISAMBIGUATION trait A { fun foo() : Int = 1 // open by default } open class B() { open fun foo() : Int = 2 // not open by default } class C() : B(), A { override fun foo() = super<A>.foo() // returns 1 } 23 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 45. FIRST-CLASS FUNCTIONS fun foo(arg : String) : Boolean // function (p : Int) -> Int // function type (Int) -> Int // function type (a : Int) -> a + 1 // function literal (b) : Int -> b * 2 // function literal c -> c.times(2) // function literal 24 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 46. HIGH-ORDER FUNS fun <T> filter( c : Iterable<T>, f: (T)->Boolean):Iterable<T> filter(list, { s -> s.length < 3 }) 25 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 47. HIGH-ORDER FUNS fun <T> filter( c : Iterable<T>, f: (T)->Boolean):Iterable<T> filter(list, { s -> s.length < 3 }) filter(list) { s -> s.length < 3 } 25 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 48. HIGH-ORDER FUNS fun <T> filter( c : Iterable<T>, f: (T)->Boolean):Iterable<T> filter(list, { s -> s.length < 3 }) filter(list) { s -> s.length < 3 } // if only one arg: 25 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 49. HIGH-ORDER FUNS fun <T> filter( c : Iterable<T>, f: (T)->Boolean):Iterable<T> filter(list, { s -> s.length < 3 }) filter(list) { s -> s.length < 3 } // if only one arg: filter(list) { it.length < 3 } 25 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 50. LOCAL FUNCTIONS fun reachable(from : Vertex, to : Vertex) : Boolean { val visited = HashSet<Vertex>() fun dfs(current : Vertex) { // here we return from the outer function: if (current == to) return@reachable true // And here - from local function: if (!visited.add(current)) return for (v in current.neighbors) dfs(v) } dfs(from) return false // if dfs() did not return true already } 26 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 51. INFIX FUNCTION CALLS // regular call: a.contains("123") // infix call: a contains "123" 27 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 52. INFIX FUNCTION CALLS // regular call: a.contains("123") // infix call: a contains "123" // “LINQ” users .filter { it hasPrivilege WRITE } .map { it -> it.fullName } .orderBy { it.lastName } 27 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 53. LOCK EXAMPLE myLock.lock() try { // do something } finally { myLock.unlock() } 28 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 54. LOCK EXAMPLE myLock.lock() lock(myLock) { try { // do something // do something } } finally { myLock.unlock() } 28 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 55. LOCK EXAMPLE myLock.lock() lock(myLock) { try { // do something // do something } } finally { myLock.unlock() } inline fun <T> lock(l : Lock, body : () -> T) : T { l.lock() try { return body() } finally { l.unlock() } } 28 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 56. GENERICS: INVARIANCE class List<T> { fun add(t : T) fun get(idx : Int) : T } val intList = List<Int>() // We should not be able to do it: val anyList : List<Any> = intList anyList.add("1") // Cause of the problem val i : Int = intList.get(0) // !!! 29 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 57. DECLARATION-SITE VARIANCE class List<T> { val intList = List<Int>() fun add(t : T) val anyList : List<Any> = intList fun get(idx : Int) : T } 30 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 58. DECLARATION-SITE VARIANCE class List<T> { val intList = List<Int>() fun add(t : T) val anyList : List<Any> = intList fun get(idx : Int) : T } class Producer<out T> { val intProd = Producer<Int>() fun get() : T val anyProd : Producer<Any> = intProd } 30 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 59. DECLARATION-SITE VARIANCE class List<T> { val intList = List<Int>() fun add(t : T) val anyList : List<Any> = intList fun get(idx : Int) : T } class Producer<out T> { val intProd = Producer<Int>() fun get() : T val anyProd : Producer<Any> = intProd } class Consumer<in T> { val anyCons = Consumer<Any>() fun add(t : T) val intCons : Consumer<Int> = anyCons } 30 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 60. USE-SITE VARIANCE val intList = List<Int>() val anyListOut : List<out Any> = intList anyListOut.add("1") // Not available val i : Int = intList.get(0) // No problem val anyList = List<Any>() val intListIn : List<in Int> = anyList intListIn.add(123) val obj = intListIn.get(0) // : Any? 31 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 61. REIFIED GENERICS // Type information is retained in runtime foo is List<T> Array<T>(10) T.create() T.javaClass 32 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 62. REIFIED GENERICS // Type information is retained in runtime foo is List<T> Array<T>(10) T.create() T.javaClass // Java types is still erased... foo is java.util.List<*> 32 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 63. TUPLES class Tuple2<out T1, out T2>( val _1 : T1, val _2 : T2 ) val pair : #(Int, String) = #(1, "") // same as 'Tuple2<Int, String>(1, "")' when (x) { is #(null, *) => throw NullPointerException() is #(val a, val b) => print(a, b) } print("left = ${pair._1}, right = ${pair._2}") val point : #(x : Int, y : Int) // labeled tuple print("x = ${point.x}, y = ${point.y}") val point : #(x : Int, y : Int) = #(y = 10, x = 5) 33 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 64. PATTERN MATCHING 1/2 when (a) { is Tree#(*, null) -> print("no right child") is Tree#(val l is Tree, val r is Tree) -> print("$l and $r") is Tree -> print("just a tree") is #(*, val b in 1..100) -> print(b) else -> print("unknown") } 34 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 65. PATTERN MATCHING 1/2 when (a) { is Tree#(*, null) -> print("no right child") is Tree#(val l is Tree, val r is Tree) -> print("$l and $r") is Tree -> print("just a tree") is #(*, val b in 1..100) -> print(b) else -> print("unknown") } class Tree(val left : Tree?, val right : Tree?) 34 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 66. PATTERN MATCHING 1/2 when (a) { is Tree#(*, null) -> print("no right child") is Tree#(val l is Tree, val r is Tree) -> print("$l and $r") is Tree -> print("just a tree") is #(*, val b in 1..100) -> print(b) else -> print("unknown") } class Tree(val left : Tree?, val right : Tree?) decomposer fun Any?.Tree() : #(Tree?, Tree?)? { return if (this is Tree) #(this.left, this.right) else null } 34 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 67. PATTERN MATCHING 2/2 when (d) { is mmddyy#(02, 16, val a) -> print("Feb 16th of $a")) } class Date(val timestamp : Long) { fun mmddyy() : #(Int, Int, Int)? = #(month, day, year) } fun Date.mmddyy() : #(Int, Int, Int)? = #(month, day, year) 35 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 68. CLASS OBJECTS 1/2 class Example() { class object { fun create() = Example() } } val e = Example.create() 36 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 69. CLASS OBJECTS 2/2 trait Factory<T> { fun create() : T } class Example2() { class object : Factory<Example2> { override fun create() = Example2() } } val factory : Factory<Example2> = Example2 val e2 : Example2 = factory.create() 37 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 70. RESOURCES Documentation: Blog: 38 Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 71. THANKS This presentation based on slides and speeches of Andrey Breslav, author of Kotlin language. X Thursday, February 16, 12
  • 72. Q&A Sergey Lukjanov, 2012 39 Thursday, February 16, 12