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                            *ALL I COULD FIT IN 90 MINUTES PRESENTATION,

                                    IN FACT THERE IS MUCH MORE TO SCALA…

Yardena Meymann
January 10, 2012

1   of 99   Created on 10/01/2012
– Background
– Scala basics
– OOP in Scala
– FP in Scala
– Concurrency
– Tools
– Resources

2   of 99   Created on 10/01/2012
                                                            it is tastier when you
             Scala                                 Java
                                                            mix them!

                                      Groovy      Java
Scala Compiler
                                      Compiler   Compiler

     Bytecode                         Bytecode   Bytecode
                                                                        Java Virtual Machine

 3   of 99    Created on 10/01/2012
– Object oriented and functional
– Statically typed - advanced type system
– Compiled to JVM bytecode
     but also to CLR, and to JavaScript (in progress);
     works with Dalvik

– High performance
– Very good interoperability with Java
– Support for modularity and extensibility
     DSL friendly

4   of 99   Created on 10/01/2012

                                                                      Java 7
                                                       2009            2011

                                              €2.3 million
                                                 2011             2011

                                                     2.7 2008     2.8 2010

                                               2.3 2007         2.9 2011

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                                    “If I were to pick a
                                    language to use
                                    today other than
                                    Java, it would be

                                              James Gosling

6   of 99   Created on 10/01/2012
– IDE:
     •   built-in REPL, Scala IDE (based on Eclipse), IntelliJ and NetBeans plug-ins, ENSIME


– Tools
     •   integration modules for almost every popular Java framework

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Let’s see some code now…

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package com.hp.scala
object HelloScala {
    def main(args: Array[String]) {
                println(“Hello Scala”)
package com.hp.scala;
public class object HelloScala {
    public static void def main(String[] args: Array[String]) {
                 System.out.println(“Hello Scala”);
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object HelloScala {
    def main(args: Array[String]) {
                val msg = “Hello Scala”

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object HelloScala {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
        val msg = “Hello Scala”

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object HelloScala {
    def main(args: Array[String]) {
                val msg = “Hello Scala”
                msg = “Goodbye Java”

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object HelloScala {
    def main(args: Array[String]) {
                var msg = “Hello Scala”
                msg = “Goodbye Java”

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object HelloScala {
    def main(args: Array[String]) {
    def hello(who: String): String = {
                return “Hello ” + who

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object HelloScala {
    def main(args: Array[String]) {
    def hello(who: String): String = {
                   “Hello ” + who

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object HelloScala {
    def main(args: Array[String]) {
    def hello(who: String) = {
                   “Hello ” + who

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object HelloScala {
    def main(args: Array[String]) {
    def hello(who: String) = “Hello ” + who

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object HelloScala {
    def main(args: Array[String]) {
                //args(0) is a shortcut for args.apply(0)
    def hello(who: String) = “Hello ” + who

25 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012
object HelloScala {
    def main(args: Array[String]) {
                if (!args.isEmpty) println(hello(args(0))
    def hello(who: String) = “Hello ” + who
//isEmpty() method has no arguments, and therefore can be
   invoked without the ()

26 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012
object HelloScala {
    def main(args: Array[String]) {
            if (args.isEmpty) “Anonymous” else args(0)))
    def hello(who: String) = “Hello ” + who

27 of 99    Created on 10/01/2012
object HelloScala {
    def main(args: Array[String]) { …
    val hello = (who: String) => “Hello “ + who
    // equivalent to
    //val hello = new Function1[String, String] {
    // def apply(who: String): String = “Hello “ + who

28 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012
object HelloScala {
    def main(args: Array[String]) {
           args.foreach(arg => println(hello(arg)))
    def hello…
//example of anonymous function object

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def hello(who: String) = “Hello ”.+(who)
                                   //same as “Hello ” + who

//NOTE that this is an example, not a recommended coding style:
def main(args: Array[String]) {
    Console println hello (if (args isEmpty) “Anonymous” else args apply 0)

30 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012
– Matching on values (Java’s switch)
    val times =                    1
    times match                    {
      case 1 =>                    "one"
      case 2 =>                    "two"
      case _ =>                    "some other number"
– No fall-through!
– Matching with guards
    n match              {
       case              it if 0 until 5 contains it => "less than five"
       case              it if 5 until 10 contains it => "less than ten"
       case              _ => "a lot“

31 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012
– Throwing an exception looks the same as in Java
– You catch exceptions using the syntax:

– NOTE: All exceptions in Scala are runtime

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    • Arrays             are mutable
–List(3.14, 2.72, 1.62)
    • Lists         are by default immutable, singly-linked
    • Nil    is an empty list
–Map: val romanNumeral =
                  Map(1 ->"I", 2 -> "II", 3 -> "III", 4 -> "IV", 5 -> "V“ )
      // x -> y creates a tuple (x,y)

33 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012

–What if key is not in the Map?
–Map.get returns an Option:
    • Some(value),                 value can be retrieved with get
    • or   None
–getOrElse method allows to specify default:
    • treasureMap.getOrElse(1,                 “Oops”)
    • treasureMap.getOrElse(4,                 “Oops”)
–Safe alternative to null-checks

34 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012

   – foreach(E=>Unit),             – exists(E=>Boolean),
   – filter(E=>Boolean),           – remove(E=>Boolean),
   – map(E=>X),                    – reverse,
   – reduceLeft((E,E)=>E),         – sort((E,E)=>Boolean),
   – take(Int),                    – head,
   – drop(Int),                    – tail,
   – indexOf(E),                   – … more later

35 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012
– A Range can be created: „a‟ to „z‟ or 1 until 10
– Scala compiler made an implicit conversion of Int to
    • To   check if conversion is available: implicitly[Int => RichInt]
                (in REPL first import scala.runtime._)
    • Alternatively:               scalac –Xprint:typer

– Another Example:
    • reg-exp
    • "()?(d+)(.d*)?".r

36 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012
(1 to 10) filter ((i: Int) => i%2 == 0) mkString “,”

                                    or equivalent shorter version:
… filter (i => i%2 == 0)

                                   or yet shorter using placeholder:
… filter (_ %2 == 0)

(1 to 10).reduceLeft((acc: Int, i: Int) => acc + i)

                                    or equivalent shorter version:
… reduceLeft((acc, i) => acc + i)

                              or yet shorter using placeholders:
… reduceLeft(_ + _)

37 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012
–So far, function literals have referred only to
 passed parameters
    (x: Int) => x > 0
–You can, however, refer to variables defined
    (x: Int) => x + more // how much more?
–more is a free variable, because the function
 literal does not itself give a meaning to it.
–x variable, by contrast, is a bound variable.

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The function value (the object) that’s created at
runtime from addMore function literal is called a
           The name arises from the act of “closing” the function literal by
           “capturing” the bindings of its free variables

39 of 99    Created on 10/01/2012
def tryWithLogging (s: => Unit) {
     try {
     } catch {
           case ex: Exception => ex.printStackTrace()
val file = new File(“test.txt”)
tryWithLogging {
     val writer = new PrintWriter(file)
     writer.println(“this is a test”)
If you’re passing exactly one argument to a method, you can use curly
   braces instead of parentheses to surround it.

40 of 99       Created on 10/01/2012
object HelloScala {
    def main(args: Array[String]) {
           for (arg ← args) println(hello(arg)))
    def hello…

41 of 99     Created on 10/01/2012
–map alternative – yield:
    def scalaFiles =
       for {
           file  (new".")).listFiles
           if file.getName.endsWith(".scala")
       } yield file

    • When     the for expression completes, the result will include
       all of the yielded values contained in a single collection.
    • The   type of the resulting collection is based on the kind of
       collections processed in the iteration clauses.

42 of 99    Created on 10/01/2012
                                   – Nothing is the subtype of all other types.
                                     • It has no instances.
                                     • It is used primarily for defining other types in a
                                       type-safe way, such as the
                                       special List subtype Nil.

                                   – Null has one instance, null,
                                     corresponding to the runtime’s concept
                                     of null.
                                   – FunctionN[-T1, -T2, …, -TN, +R] a
                                     function that takes N arguments
                                   – Product - arity and getting nth item in a
                                     “cartesian product”.
                                     •   Subtraits are defined for Product,
                                         called ProductN, for dimension N from 1 through

                                   – TupleN case classes for arity N = 1
                                     through 22.
                                     •   Tuples support the literal syntax (x1, x2, …, xN)

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OOP in Scala

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–Like in Java classes are defined with class and
 instances created with new
–Declaring properties is much simpler
                                     Java                         Scala

           public class Person {                    class Person (var name: String)
               private String name = null;
                 public Person(String name) {
            = name;
                 }                                  …
               public String getName() {            person = new Person(“Martin”)
                    return name;                    println(
               public void setName(String name) {
           = name;

45 of 99     Created on 10/01/2012
scala> class Lang {
           |        val name: String = “Scala"
           |        def add(m: Int, n: Int): Int = m + n
           | }
defined class Lang

scala> val lang = new Lang
lang: Lang = Lang@e74a51

scala> lang.add(1, 2)
res1: Int = 3

res2: String = “Scala"

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class ArrayElement(conts: Array[String]) extends Element {
           def contents: Array[String] = conts
class LineElement(s: String) extends ArrayElement(Array(s)) {
           override def width = s.length
           override def height = 1

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– Scala is more object-oriented than Java is that classes in Scala
  cannot have static members. Instead, Scala has singleton
– A singleton object definition looks like a class definition, except
  instead of the keyword class you use the keyword object.
– When a singleton object shares the same name with a class, it
  is called that class’s companion object.
           object Rational {

– A singleton object that does not share the same name with a
  companion class is called a standalone object.

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– Companion objects are excellent fit for implementing
  Factory design patterns
– Naming the method apply allows invocation like Array(“a”,
  “b”, “c”) instead of Array.apply(“a”, “b”, “c”)

50 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012
– From Josh Bloch’s “Effective Java” 2nd ed.:
    public class NutritionFacts {
      private final int servingSize; //   (mL)            required
      private final int servings;    //   (per container) required
      private final int calories;    //                   optional
      private final int fat;         //   (g)             optional
      private final int sodium;      //   (mg)            optional
      private final int carbohydrate;//   (g)             optional
    … }

– In Scala:
    class NutritionFacts(servingSize, servings, calories = 0, fat =
     0, sodium = 0, carbohydrate = 0)
    Creating an instance:
    new NutritionFacts(servings = 3, servingSize = 200, fat = 1)

51 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012
case class Point(x: Double, y: Double)
abstract class Shape() { def draw(): Unit }
case class Circle(center: Point, radius: Double) extends Shape() {
      def draw() { … }
case class Rectangle(x: Point, height: Double, width: Double) extends Shape() {
       def draw() { … }
case class Triangle(point1: Point, point2: Point, point3: Point) extends Shape() {
       def draw() { … }

– Using the case modifier makes the Scala compiler
  add some syntactic conveniences to your class

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– Compiler automatically creates factory method:
    val c = Circle(Point(2.0,1.0),3.0) instead of
    val c = new Circle(new Point(2.0,1.0),3.0)
– All constructor arguments automatically become immutable fields
– Compiler automatically implements equals, hashCode, and toString
  methods to the class, using the fields specified as constructor
    case classes are always compared structurally
– Compiler adds a copy method for making modified copies
    The method works by using named and default parameters. You specify the
    changes you’d like to make by using named parameters. For any parameter
    you don’t specify, the value from the old object is used.
           val r = Rectangle(Point(1.0,2.0), 3.0, 4.0)

– We can pattern match on case classes…
53 of 99      Created on 10/01/2012
def matchOn(shape: Shape) = shape match {
     case Circle(center, radius) =>
    println("Circle: center = "+center+", radius = "+radius)
     case Rectangle(x, h, w) =>
    println("Rectangle: lower-left = "+x+", height = "+h+", width = "+w)
     case Triangle(p1, p2, p3) =>
    println("Triangle: point1 = "+p1+", point2 = "+p2+", point3 = "+p3)
     case _ => println("Unknown shape!"+shape)
val shapesList = List(
       Circle(Point(0.0, 0.0), 1.0), Circle(Point(5.0, 2.0), 3.0),
       Rectangle(Point(0.0, 0.0), 2, 5), Rectangle(Point(-2.0, -1.0), 4, 3),
       Triangle(Point(0.0, 0.0), Point(1.0, 0.0), Point(0.0, 1.0))
shapesList.foreach { shape => matchOn(shape) }

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– A trait definition looks just like a class definition except that it uses the
  keyword trait
    trait Philosophical {
       def philosophize() { println("I consume memory, therefore I am!") }

– Once a trait is defined, it can be mixed in to a class using either the
  extends or with keywords
    class Frog extends Philosophical { … }

– Traits facilitate multiple inheritance: a class can mix in any number of
  traits. “He who defs last defs best”.
    class Animal { … }
    trait HasLegs { val legsNumber : Int }
    class Frog extends Animal with Philosophical with HasLegs {
      override val legsNumber = 4
      override def philosophize() { println(“It ain't easy being green”) }

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– Traits can be also mixed in when creating individual
    val frog                         = new Animal with Philosophical

– You can do anything in a trait definition that you can do in
  a class definition, with only two exceptions:
    • traitcannot have any “class” parameters, i.e., parameters passed to
       the primary constructor of a class
           trait NoPoint(x: Int, y: Int) // Does not compile
    • in classes, super calls are statically bound, in traits, they are
       dynamically bound (enables stackable modifications pattern)

– Trait, like any class can have a companion object
    • selfless            trait – trait Util { … }; object Util extends Util

57 of 99     Created on 10/01/2012
class Trade(refNo: String, account: String, instrument: String,
                  quantity: Int, unitPrice: Int) {
  // principal value of the trade
  def principal = quantity * unitPrice
trait Tax {
  def calculateTax
trait Commission {
  def calculateCommission
val trade = new Trade(..) with Tax with Commission {
  // implementations
  def calculateTax = principal * 0.2
  def calculateCommission = principal * 0.15

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– Sometimes you want to constrain what the trait can be
  mixed in with, for example:
    // abstractions Tax and Commission should be constrained to be used
     with the Trade abstraction only
    trait Tax { self: Trade =>
      def calculateTax = principal*0.2 //refers to principal of trade
    trait Commission { self: Trade =>
      def calculateCommission = principal*0.15   //refers to principal of trade

– When you say B extends A, then B is an A, while here you
  define the relationship of B requires an A

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– The pattern based on Scala traits was first introduced by Martin Odersky’s
  paper “Scalable Component Abstractions”
– The pattern also uses nested classes: Scala, like Java, supports nesting of
  classes in one another
– Demo

60 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012
@NamedQuery{val name = "findAllBook", val query = "SELECT b FROM Book b"}
class Book extends Id with Description {
  @Column{val nullable = false}
  @BeanProperty var title: String
  @BeanProperty var price: Float
  @BeanProperty var isbn: String
  @BeanProperty var nbOfPage: Int
  @BeanProperty var illustrations: Boolean
trait Id {
  @GeneratedValue{val strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY}
  @BeanProperty var id: Long
trait Description {
  @Column{val length = 2000}
  @BeanProperty var description: String

61 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012
– You can place code into named packages in Scala:
    • Either place the contents of an entire file into a package by putting a package
       clause at the top of the file (like in Java)

    • Or  follow a package clause by a section in curly braces that contains the
       definitions that go into the package (like C# namespaces).

– Objects are a useful tool for organizing static functions.

62 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012
– Scala version 2.8 introduces a new scoping construct
  called package objects
    • they  are used to define types, variables, and methods that are visible
       at the level of the corresponding package
    • they        can contain aliases to classes and objects
    • they provide a clear separation between the abstractions exposed by
       a package and the implementations that should be hidden inside it

           package object scala {
              type Iterable[+A] = scala.collection.Iterable[A]
              val Iterable = scala.collection.Iterable

63 of 99     Created on 10/01/2012
– Use import in REPL and anywhere in your .scala file
    • Single   file: import package.Class
    • All files: import package._
    • Multiple files: import package.{A,B,C}
    • Renaming: import package.{A=>B}
    • Import all except: import package.{A=>_, _}

– Example:
    import java.sql.{Date=>SDate,_}
– Imports are relative, but you can use _root_. … to import a FQN
– Import also works with Objects
– You can limit the scope of any declaration, including import, with
  locally { … }

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Unleash the power of

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– In mathematics, functions have no side effects
    • No   matter how much work sin(x) does, all the results are returned
       and assigned to y. No global state of any kind is modified internally by
       sin(x). Hence, we say that such a function is free of side-
       effects or pure.

– This obliviousness to the surrounding context is known
  as referential transparency.
    • You  can call such a function anywhere and be confident that it will
       always behave the same way. If no global state is modified,
       concurrent invocation of the function is straightforward and reliable.

66 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012
– In functional programming variables are immutable.
    • In the expression y = sin(x), once you pick x, then y is fixed
    • Functional programming languages prevent you from assigning a new value
      to a variable that already has a value.
    • Besides concurrency, immutability has other benefits…

– “Functional manifesto”
    • valover var
    • Composition over inheritance
    • Immutable collections
    • Recursion over imperative iteration
    • Pattern matching over encapsulation

67 of 99    Created on 10/01/2012
– If you prefix a val definition with a lazy modifier, the initializing
  expression on the right-hand side will only be evaluated the first
  time the val is used.

– unlike def, lazy val is never evaluated more than once.
    • after the first evaluation of a lazy val the result of the evaluation is stored,
       to be reused when the same val is used subsequently.

68 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012
–Typically, parameters to functions are by-
 value parameters – the value of the parameter is
 determined before it is passed to the function
–Sometimes we don’t want a parameter evaluated
 until it’s accessed within our function
–A by-name parameter is specified by omitting the
 parentheses that normally accompany a function
    def myCall (parameter: => ReturnType)

69 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012
– When logging, we create messages by concatenating Strings, even if we
  don't use these messages in the end because the logging level is not
– To fix the problem, we often insert manual checks in client code whether
  the logging level is enabled, e.g. by calling
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug(…)
– SLF4S, Scala logging library, uses by-name parameters
       def debug(msg: => String) {
         require(msg != null, "msg must not be null!")
         if (slf4jLogger.isDebugEnabled) slf4jLogger debug msg
– SLF4S also provides Logging trait that can be mixed in into any class
       class MyClazz extends SomeClazz with Logging
       logger debug "SLF4S just rocks!"

70 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012
– Currying – a way to write functions with multiple
  parameter lists.
    • For  instance def f(x: Int)(y: Int) is a curried function with two
      parameter lists.
    • A curried function is applied by passing several arguments lists, as in:
– Examples:
    def plainOldSum(x: Int, y: Int) = x + y
           plainOldSum(1, 2)
    def curriedSum(x: Int)(y: Int) = x + y
    val onePlus: (Int) => Int = curriedSum(1)_
    onePlus(2) //3

71 of 99     Created on 10/01/2012
– foldLeft/Right
– withResource (the loan pattern)
    def using[R <: Closeable] (resource: R)(block: R => Unit) {
      try {
      } finally {
        if (resource != null) resource.close()
    • Usage         Example:
       using(new BufferedReader(new FileReader("file"))) { r =>
         … r.readLine …

72 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012
– A partially applied function is an expression in which you
  don’t supply all of the arguments needed by the function.
  Instead, you supply some, or none, of the needed
    scala> def sum(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int) = a + b + c
    sum: (a: Int,b: Int,c: Int)Int
    scala> val a = sum _
    a: (Int, Int, Int) => Int = <function3>
    a(1, 2, 3) //6
    supplying some arguments: val b = sum(1, _: Int, 3)
    b: (Int) => Int = <function1>
    scala> b(2) //6

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Introducing Actors

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Moor’s Law
    • “The  number of
       transistors on a chip will
       double approximately
       every 18 months”
                       Gordon E. Moore, 1965

Free Lunch
           Free and regular performance gains, even without releasing new
           versions or doing anything special

75 of 99     Created on 10/01/2012
– Hardware crossed a boundary in the early 2000s:
    • chips got big enough, cycle speed got fast enough
    • a signal can no longer reach the whole chip in a clock cycle
    • problems with heat dissipation

– Processor manufacturers have turned towards multi-core
  processors Capable of doing multiple calculations in
    • CPU  speeds are likely to stay relatively flat in the near future
    • The speedup of a program using multiple processors in parallel
      computing is limited by the sequential fraction of the program.

76 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012
–Shared mutable state is problematic
–We need locking mechanism
–Thread concurrently executes code sections
    • Contains                       resources that must be shared
    • Synchronized                       in order to guarantee
           −Correct ordering
           −Data consistency

77 of 99     Created on 10/01/2012

–Hard to program correctly
    • Race  conditions
    • Also hard to test and debug

–Synchronizing too much
    • Deadlocks
    • Makes                   your program serial

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–Message Passing Concurrency (Actors)
–Software Transactional Memory
–Dataflow Concurrency

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–Message-passing instead of shared state
    • CarlHewitt (early 70s)
    • Gul Agha (80s)

–Popularized by Erlang implementation
    • A pure functional, dynamically typed language invented in
       1986 at Ericsson
–Actors are related to original OO ideas
    • Actors encapsulate state and behavior (like objects)
    • Actors are logically active (unlike most objects)

80 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012
– No shared state between actors
– Asynchronous message-passing
– Mailbox to buffer incoming
– React to received messages by
  executing a behavior function
    • can only change the state of the actor itself
    • can send messages to other actors

– Actors never share state and thus
  never need to compete for locks for
  access to shared data
81 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012
– Akka is the platform for next generation event-driven, scalable, and
  fault-tolerant architectures on the JVM
– Written in Scala, can be used with Scala or Java
– Each actor instance runs in only one thread at a time, so no
  synchronization is required for actor state.
– Akka dispatcher schedules actors on threads – or even on multiple
  machines – as needed. Can have millions of actors, an actor does not
  “use up” a thread.

82 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012
case object Tick
class Counter extends Actor {
      private var counter = 0
      def receive = {
           case Tick =>
              counter += 1
val counter = actorOf[Counter]

83 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012
–Fire and forget
  counter ! Tick

–Uses Future under the hood (with time-out)
  val result = (actor !! Message).as[String]

–Returns the Future directly
  val future = actor !!! Message
  val result = future.get
  Futures.awaitOne(List(fut1, fut2, ...))
  Futures.awaitAll(List(fut1, fut2, ...))

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class SomeActor extends Actor {
      def receive = {
           case User(name) =>
              // use reply
              self.reply(“Hi ” + name)
store away the sender to use later or somewhere else
... = self.sender

85 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012
– Immutable messages : case classes, tuples, lists
– Dispatchers
– Let it fail – Supervisor Hierarchies
    •   One for One
    •   All for One
    •   Supervise the supervisor

– Remote actors
– Transactors: STM using Actors

86 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012

Build, testing, etc.

87 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012
– Build your projects using Scala
– Create an sbt shell script: java -Xmx512M -jar sbt-launch.jar "$@“
– Launch it: sbt
– Interactive mode: e.g. compile
– Make an action run when a source file changes prefixing the action with ~.
– project/build/SbtDemoProject.scala
  import sbt._
  class SbtDemoProject(info: ProjectInfo) extends DefaultProject(info) {
      val specs = "org.scala-tools.testing" % "specs_2.8.0" % "1.6.5" % "test"
      lazy val hi = task { println("Hello World"); None }
      override def compileOptions = super.compileOptions ++ Seq(Unchecked)
– In sbt console: reload                                        <artifactId>specs_2.8.0</artifactId>
– In sbt console: hi                                           </dependency>

88 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012
– Both Scala and Java friendly
– Stateless
    •   Play is “share-nothing” so no need for communication between nodes
    •   State can be kept in your SQL or NoSQL store, in memcached, or browser cookies

– Emphasis on rapid development and good defaults, rather than
  absolute flexibility
    •   No compile and restart; server compiles and recompiles on the fly, so just edit, reload,
        edit, reload. Compilation and other errors appear right in the browser.

– Try out the Java or Scala tutorials on the Play website

play new helloworld --with scala
play run

89 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012
–To test in Scala you can use Java tools:
    • JUnit
    • TestNG

–Or frameworks built especially for Scala:
    • ScalaTest
    • Specs
    • ScalaCheck

90 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012

91 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012
– If you wish to use ScalaTest’s assertion syntax in your JUnit 3 test, however, you
  can instead subclass JUnit3Suite

– ScalaTest also has a JUnitWrapperSuite, which enables you to run existing JUnit
  tests written in Java with ScalaTest’s runner.

92 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012

93 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012
– In a FlatSpec, you write tests as specifier clauses.
    •   You start by writing a name for the subject under test as a string,
    •   then should (or must or can),
    •   then a string that specifies a bit of behavior required of the subject,
    •   then in.
    •   In the curly braces following in, you write code that tests the specified behavior.
    •   In subsequent clauses you can write it to refer to the most recently given subject.

– When a FlatSpec is executed, it will run each specifier clause as a ScalaTest
    •   FlatSpec (and ScalaTest’s other specification traits) generate output that reads more like a
        specification when run.

94 of 99    Created on 10/01/2012
– specs is another open source testing framework inspired
  by Ruby’s RSpec

95 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012
– ScalaCheck enables you to specify properties that the code under test
  must obey.
– For each property, ScalaCheck will generate test data and run tests
  that check whether the property holds.

96 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012

Read more about Scala

97 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012
– Scala School
– Programming In Scala
– Programming Scala
– Scala Style Guide
– StackOverflow

98 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012
                              If you are interested in programming languages,

99 of 99   Created on 10/01/2012

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All about scala

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  • 2. NAVIGATION – Background – Scala basics – OOP in Scala – FP in Scala – Concurrency – Tools – Resources 2 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 3. IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE JAVA it is tastier when you Scala Java Groovy mix them! Groovy Java Scala Compiler Compiler Compiler Bytecode Bytecode Bytecode Java Virtual Machine 3 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 4. WHAT IS SCALA – Object oriented and functional – Statically typed - advanced type system – Compiled to JVM bytecode but also to CLR, and to JavaScript (in progress); works with Dalvik – High performance – Very good interoperability with Java – Support for modularity and extensibility DSL friendly 4 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 5. JAVA AND SCALA TIMELINE lawsuit 2001 Java 7 (Dolphin) 2009 2011 €2.3 million 2011 2011 2.7 2008 2.8 2010 2.3 2007 2.9 2011 5 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 6. THEN AND NOW “If I were to pick a language to use today other than Java, it would be Scala” James Gosling 6 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 7. TOOLS – IDE: • built-in REPL, Scala IDE (based on Eclipse), IntelliJ and NetBeans plug-ins, ENSIME scala> – Tools • • integration modules for almost every popular Java framework 7 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 8. OPEN SOURCE 8 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 9. INDUSTRY 9 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 10. BOOKS 10 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 11. JOBS 11 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 12. TYPESAFE 12 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 13. HELLO SCALA! Let’s see some code now… 13 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 14. HELLO SCALA 14 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 15. SCALA REPL 15 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 16. HELLO SCALA package com.hp.scala object HelloScala { def main(args: Array[String]) { println(“Hello Scala”) } } package com.hp.scala; public class object HelloScala { public static void def main(String[] args: Array[String]) { System.out.println(“Hello Scala”); } } 16 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
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  • 18. HELLO SCALA – TYPE INFERENCE object HelloScala { def main(args: Array[String]) { val msg = “Hello Scala” println(msg) } } 18 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
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  • 20. VAL VS. VAR object HelloScala { def main(args: Array[String]) { var msg = “Hello Scala” println(msg) msg = “Goodbye Java” println(msg) } } 20 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 21. METHODS (VERBOSE) object HelloScala { def main(args: Array[String]) { println(hello(“Scala”)) } def hello(who: String): String = { return “Hello ” + who } } 21 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 22. METHODS (SHORTER) object HelloScala { def main(args: Array[String]) { println(hello(“Scala”)) } def hello(who: String): String = { “Hello ” + who } } 22 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 23. METHODS (SHORTER YET) object HelloScala { def main(args: Array[String]) { println(hello(“Scala”)) } def hello(who: String) = { “Hello ” + who } } 23 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 24. METHODS (SHORT) object HelloScala { def main(args: Array[String]) { println(hello(“Scala”)) } def hello(who: String) = “Hello ” + who } 24 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 25. ARRAY ACCESS object HelloScala { def main(args: Array[String]) { println(hello(args(0)) //args(0) is a shortcut for args.apply(0) } def hello(who: String) = “Hello ” + who } 25 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 26. CONDITION object HelloScala { def main(args: Array[String]) { if (!args.isEmpty) println(hello(args(0)) } def hello(who: String) = “Hello ” + who } //isEmpty() method has no arguments, and therefore can be invoked without the () 26 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 27. IF EXPRESSION, NOT STATEMENT object HelloScala { def main(args: Array[String]) { println(hello( if (args.isEmpty) “Anonymous” else args(0))) } def hello(who: String) = “Hello ” + who } 27 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 28. FUNCTION OBJECT object HelloScala { def main(args: Array[String]) { … } val hello = (who: String) => “Hello “ + who // equivalent to //val hello = new Function1[String, String] { // def apply(who: String): String = “Hello “ + who //} } 28 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 29. FOREACH object HelloScala { def main(args: Array[String]) { args.foreach(arg => println(hello(arg))) } def hello… } //example of anonymous function object 29 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 30. OPERATORS, INFIX SYNTAX def hello(who: String) = “Hello ”.+(who) //same as “Hello ” + who //NOTE that this is an example, not a recommended coding style: def main(args: Array[String]) { Console println hello (if (args isEmpty) “Anonymous” else args apply 0) } 30 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 31. MATCH EXPRESSIONS – Matching on values (Java’s switch) val times = 1 times match { case 1 => "one" case 2 => "two" case _ => "some other number" } – No fall-through! – Matching with guards n match { case it if 0 until 5 contains it => "less than five" case it if 5 until 10 contains it => "less than ten" case _ => "a lot“ } 31 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 32. EXCEPTIONS – Throwing an exception looks the same as in Java – You catch exceptions using the syntax: – NOTE: All exceptions in Scala are runtime 32 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 33. CREATING A SEQUENCE –Array(1,2,3) • Arrays are mutable –List(3.14, 2.72, 1.62) • Lists are by default immutable, singly-linked • Nil is an empty list –Map: val romanNumeral = Map(1 ->"I", 2 -> "II", 3 -> "III", 4 -> "IV", 5 -> "V“ ) // x -> y creates a tuple (x,y) 33 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 34. MAP VALUES – ANOTHER OPTION –What if key is not in the Map? –Map.get returns an Option: • Some(value), value can be retrieved with get • or None –getOrElse method allows to specify default: • treasureMap.getOrElse(1, “Oops”) • treasureMap.getOrElse(4, “Oops”) –Safe alternative to null-checks 34 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012 Scala
  • 35. OPERATING WITH A SEQUENCE – foreach(E=>Unit), – exists(E=>Boolean), – filter(E=>Boolean), – remove(E=>Boolean), – map(E=>X), – reverse, – reduceLeft((E,E)=>E), – sort((E,E)=>Boolean), – take(Int), – head, – drop(Int), – tail, – indexOf(E), – … more later 35 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 36. RICH WRAPPERS – A Range can be created: „a‟ to „z‟ or 1 until 10 – Scala compiler made an implicit conversion of Int to scala.runtime.RichInt • To check if conversion is available: implicitly[Int => RichInt] (in REPL first import scala.runtime._) • Alternatively: scalac –Xprint:typer – Another Example: • reg-exp • "()?(d+)(.d*)?".r 36 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 37. PLACEHOLDER (1 to 10) filter ((i: Int) => i%2 == 0) mkString “,” or equivalent shorter version: … filter (i => i%2 == 0) or yet shorter using placeholder: … filter (_ %2 == 0) (1 to 10).reduceLeft((acc: Int, i: Int) => acc + i) or equivalent shorter version: … reduceLeft((acc, i) => acc + i) or yet shorter using placeholders: … reduceLeft(_ + _) 37 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 38. CLOSURES –So far, function literals have referred only to passed parameters (x: Int) => x > 0 –You can, however, refer to variables defined elsewhere (x: Int) => x + more // how much more? –more is a free variable, because the function literal does not itself give a meaning to it. –x variable, by contrast, is a bound variable. 38 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 39. CLOSURES The function value (the object) that’s created at runtime from addMore function literal is called a closure. The name arises from the act of “closing” the function literal by “capturing” the bindings of its free variables 39 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 40. EXAMPLE def tryWithLogging (s: => Unit) { try { s } catch { case ex: Exception => ex.printStackTrace() } } val file = new File(“test.txt”) tryWithLogging { val writer = new PrintWriter(file) writer.println(“this is a test”) } If you’re passing exactly one argument to a method, you can use curly braces instead of parentheses to surround it. 40 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 41. HELLO SCALA – FOR COMPREHENSION object HelloScala { def main(args: Array[String]) { for (arg ← args) println(hello(arg))) } def hello… } 41 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 42. MORE ON FOR EXPRESSION –map alternative – yield: def scalaFiles = for { file  (new".")).listFiles if file.getName.endsWith(".scala") } yield file • When the for expression completes, the result will include all of the yielded values contained in a single collection. • The type of the resulting collection is based on the kind of collections processed in the iteration clauses. 42 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 43. SCALA HIERARCHY – Nothing is the subtype of all other types. • It has no instances. • It is used primarily for defining other types in a type-safe way, such as the special List subtype Nil. – Null has one instance, null, corresponding to the runtime’s concept of null. – FunctionN[-T1, -T2, …, -TN, +R] a function that takes N arguments – Product - arity and getting nth item in a “cartesian product”. • Subtraits are defined for Product, called ProductN, for dimension N from 1 through 22. – TupleN case classes for arity N = 1 through 22. • Tuples support the literal syntax (x1, x2, …, xN) 43 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 44. CLASSES OOP in Scala 44 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 45. SIMPLE CLASS –Like in Java classes are defined with class and instances created with new –Declaring properties is much simpler Java Scala public class Person { class Person (var name: String) private String name = null; public Person(String name) { = name; } … public String getName() { person = new Person(“Martin”) return name; println( } public void setName(String name) { = name; } } 45 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 46. SIMPLE CLASS scala> class Lang { | val name: String = “Scala" | def add(m: Int, n: Int): Int = m + n | } defined class Lang scala> val lang = new Lang lang: Lang = Lang@e74a51 scala> lang.add(1, 2) res1: Int = 3 scala> res2: String = “Scala" 46 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 47. CLASS SYNTAX 47 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 48. EXTENDING CLASSES class ArrayElement(conts: Array[String]) extends Element { def contents: Array[String] = conts } class LineElement(s: String) extends ArrayElement(Array(s)) { override def width = s.length override def height = 1 } 48 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 49. SINGLETON & COMPANION OBJECTS – Scala is more object-oriented than Java is that classes in Scala cannot have static members. Instead, Scala has singleton objects. – A singleton object definition looks like a class definition, except instead of the keyword class you use the keyword object. – When a singleton object shares the same name with a class, it is called that class’s companion object. object Rational { … } – A singleton object that does not share the same name with a companion class is called a standalone object. 49 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 50. COMPANION OBJECT AS A FACTORY – Companion objects are excellent fit for implementing Factory design patterns – Naming the method apply allows invocation like Array(“a”, “b”, “c”) instead of Array.apply(“a”, “b”, “c”) 50 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 51. BUILDER PATTERN IN SCALA – From Josh Bloch’s “Effective Java” 2nd ed.: public class NutritionFacts { private final int servingSize; // (mL) required private final int servings; // (per container) required private final int calories; // optional private final int fat; // (g) optional private final int sodium; // (mg) optional private final int carbohydrate;// (g) optional … } – In Scala: class NutritionFacts(servingSize, servings, calories = 0, fat = 0, sodium = 0, carbohydrate = 0) Creating an instance: new NutritionFacts(servings = 3, servingSize = 200, fat = 1) 51 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 52. CASE CLASSES – VALUE OBJECTS case class Point(x: Double, y: Double) abstract class Shape() { def draw(): Unit } case class Circle(center: Point, radius: Double) extends Shape() { def draw() { … } } case class Rectangle(x: Point, height: Double, width: Double) extends Shape() { def draw() { … } } case class Triangle(point1: Point, point2: Point, point3: Point) extends Shape() { def draw() { … } } – Using the case modifier makes the Scala compiler add some syntactic conveniences to your class •… 52 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 53. CASE CLASS MAGIC – Compiler automatically creates factory method: val c = Circle(Point(2.0,1.0),3.0) instead of val c = new Circle(new Point(2.0,1.0),3.0) – All constructor arguments automatically become immutable fields – Compiler automatically implements equals, hashCode, and toString methods to the class, using the fields specified as constructor arguments case classes are always compared structurally – Compiler adds a copy method for making modified copies The method works by using named and default parameters. You specify the changes you’d like to make by using named parameters. For any parameter you don’t specify, the value from the old object is used. val r = Rectangle(Point(1.0,2.0), 3.0, 4.0) r.copy(height=5.0) – We can pattern match on case classes… 53 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 54. CASE CLASSES – PATTERN MATCHING def matchOn(shape: Shape) = shape match { case Circle(center, radius) => println("Circle: center = "+center+", radius = "+radius) case Rectangle(x, h, w) => println("Rectangle: lower-left = "+x+", height = "+h+", width = "+w) case Triangle(p1, p2, p3) => println("Triangle: point1 = "+p1+", point2 = "+p2+", point3 = "+p3) case _ => println("Unknown shape!"+shape) } val shapesList = List( Circle(Point(0.0, 0.0), 1.0), Circle(Point(5.0, 2.0), 3.0), Rectangle(Point(0.0, 0.0), 2, 5), Rectangle(Point(-2.0, -1.0), 4, 3), Triangle(Point(0.0, 0.0), Point(1.0, 0.0), Point(0.0, 1.0)) ) shapesList.foreach { shape => matchOn(shape) } 54 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 55. MIXIN COMPOSITION WITH TRAITS 55 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 56. TRAITS – A trait definition looks just like a class definition except that it uses the keyword trait trait Philosophical { def philosophize() { println("I consume memory, therefore I am!") } } – Once a trait is defined, it can be mixed in to a class using either the extends or with keywords class Frog extends Philosophical { … } – Traits facilitate multiple inheritance: a class can mix in any number of traits. “He who defs last defs best”. class Animal { … } trait HasLegs { val legsNumber : Int } class Frog extends Animal with Philosophical with HasLegs { override val legsNumber = 4 override def philosophize() { println(“It ain't easy being green”) } } 56 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 57. THE TRAITS OF TRAITS – Traits can be also mixed in when creating individual objects: val frog = new Animal with Philosophical – You can do anything in a trait definition that you can do in a class definition, with only two exceptions: • traitcannot have any “class” parameters, i.e., parameters passed to the primary constructor of a class trait NoPoint(x: Int, y: Int) // Does not compile • in classes, super calls are statically bound, in traits, they are dynamically bound (enables stackable modifications pattern) – Trait, like any class can have a companion object • selfless trait – trait Util { … }; object Util extends Util 57 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 58. TRAITS – A PRACTICAL EXAMPLE class Trade(refNo: String, account: String, instrument: String, quantity: Int, unitPrice: Int) { // principal value of the trade def principal = quantity * unitPrice } trait Tax { def calculateTax } trait Commission { def calculateCommission } val trade = new Trade(..) with Tax with Commission { // implementations def calculateTax = principal * 0.2 def calculateCommission = principal * 0.15 } 58 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 59. TRAITS – REQUIRE (SELF TYPE) – Sometimes you want to constrain what the trait can be mixed in with, for example: // abstractions Tax and Commission should be constrained to be used with the Trade abstraction only trait Tax { self: Trade => def calculateTax = principal*0.2 //refers to principal of trade } trait Commission { self: Trade => def calculateCommission = principal*0.15 //refers to principal of trade } – When you say B extends A, then B is an A, while here you define the relationship of B requires an A 59 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 60. TRAITS – DI WITH THE CAKE PATTERN – The pattern based on Scala traits was first introduced by Martin Odersky’s paper “Scalable Component Abstractions” – The pattern also uses nested classes: Scala, like Java, supports nesting of classes in one another – Demo 60 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 61. ANNOTATIONS – JPA EXAMPLE @Entity @NamedQuery{val name = "findAllBook", val query = "SELECT b FROM Book b"} class Book extends Id with Description { @Column{val nullable = false} @BeanProperty var title: String @BeanProperty var price: Float @BeanProperty var isbn: String @BeanProperty var nbOfPage: Int @BeanProperty var illustrations: Boolean } trait Id { @javax.persistence.Id @GeneratedValue{val strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY} @BeanProperty var id: Long } trait Description { @Column{val length = 2000} @BeanProperty var description: String } 61 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 62. PACKAGES – You can place code into named packages in Scala: • Either place the contents of an entire file into a package by putting a package clause at the top of the file (like in Java) • Or follow a package clause by a section in curly braces that contains the definitions that go into the package (like C# namespaces). – Objects are a useful tool for organizing static functions. 62 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 63. PACKAGE OBJECTS – Scala version 2.8 introduces a new scoping construct called package objects • they are used to define types, variables, and methods that are visible at the level of the corresponding package • they can contain aliases to classes and objects • they provide a clear separation between the abstractions exposed by a package and the implementations that should be hidden inside it package object scala { type Iterable[+A] = scala.collection.Iterable[A] val Iterable = scala.collection.Iterable … } 63 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 64. IMPORT – Use import in REPL and anywhere in your .scala file • Single file: import package.Class • All files: import package._ • Multiple files: import package.{A,B,C} • Renaming: import package.{A=>B} • Import all except: import package.{A=>_, _} – Example: import java.sql.{Date=>SDate,_} – Imports are relative, but you can use _root_. … to import a FQN – Import also works with Objects – You can limit the scope of any declaration, including import, with locally { … } 64 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 65. FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING BASICS Unleash the power of Lambda 65 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 66. OVERVIEW – In mathematics, functions have no side effects • No matter how much work sin(x) does, all the results are returned and assigned to y. No global state of any kind is modified internally by sin(x). Hence, we say that such a function is free of side- effects or pure. – This obliviousness to the surrounding context is known as referential transparency. • You can call such a function anywhere and be confident that it will always behave the same way. If no global state is modified, concurrent invocation of the function is straightforward and reliable. 66 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 67. OVERVIEW – In functional programming variables are immutable. • In the expression y = sin(x), once you pick x, then y is fixed • Functional programming languages prevent you from assigning a new value to a variable that already has a value. • Besides concurrency, immutability has other benefits… – “Functional manifesto” • valover var • Composition over inheritance • Immutable collections • Recursion over imperative iteration • Pattern matching over encapsulation •… 67 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 68. LAZY VAL – If you prefix a val definition with a lazy modifier, the initializing expression on the right-hand side will only be evaluated the first time the val is used. – unlike def, lazy val is never evaluated more than once. • after the first evaluation of a lazy val the result of the evaluation is stored, to be reused when the same val is used subsequently. 68 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 69. CALL BY NAME PARAMETERS –Typically, parameters to functions are by- value parameters – the value of the parameter is determined before it is passed to the function –Sometimes we don’t want a parameter evaluated until it’s accessed within our function –A by-name parameter is specified by omitting the parentheses that normally accompany a function parameter def myCall (parameter: => ReturnType) 69 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 70. CALL BY NAME PARAMETERS USE- CASE – When logging, we create messages by concatenating Strings, even if we don't use these messages in the end because the logging level is not enabled. – To fix the problem, we often insert manual checks in client code whether the logging level is enabled, e.g. by calling if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug(…) – SLF4S, Scala logging library, uses by-name parameters def debug(msg: => String) { require(msg != null, "msg must not be null!") if (slf4jLogger.isDebugEnabled) slf4jLogger debug msg } – SLF4S also provides Logging trait that can be mixed in into any class class MyClazz extends SomeClazz with Logging ... logger debug "SLF4S just rocks!" ... 70 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 71. CURRYING – Currying – a way to write functions with multiple parameter lists. • For instance def f(x: Int)(y: Int) is a curried function with two parameter lists. • A curried function is applied by passing several arguments lists, as in: f(3)(4). – Examples: def plainOldSum(x: Int, y: Int) = x + y plainOldSum(1, 2) def curriedSum(x: Int)(y: Int) = x + y curriedSum(1)(2) val onePlus: (Int) => Int = curriedSum(1)_ onePlus(2) //3 71 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 72. CURRYING EXAMPLE – foldLeft/Right – withResource (the loan pattern) def using[R <: Closeable] (resource: R)(block: R => Unit) { try { block(resource) } finally { if (resource != null) resource.close() } } • Usage Example: using(new BufferedReader(new FileReader("file"))) { r => … r.readLine … } 72 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 73. PARTIALLY-APPLIED FUNCTIONS – A partially applied function is an expression in which you don’t supply all of the arguments needed by the function. Instead, you supply some, or none, of the needed arguments. scala> def sum(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int) = a + b + c sum: (a: Int,b: Int,c: Int)Int scala> val a = sum _ a: (Int, Int, Int) => Int = <function3> a(1, 2, 3) //6 supplying some arguments: val b = sum(1, _: Int, 3) b: (Int) => Int = <function1> scala> b(2) //6 73 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 74. CONCURRENCY IN SCALA Introducing Actors 74 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 75. MOTIVATION Moor’s Law • “The number of transistors on a chip will double approximately every 18 months” Gordon E. Moore, 1965 Free Lunch Free and regular performance gains, even without releasing new versions or doing anything special 75 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 76. FREE LUNCH IS OVER – Hardware crossed a boundary in the early 2000s: • chips got big enough, cycle speed got fast enough • a signal can no longer reach the whole chip in a clock cycle • problems with heat dissipation – Processor manufacturers have turned towards multi-core processors Capable of doing multiple calculations in parallel • CPU speeds are likely to stay relatively flat in the near future • The speedup of a program using multiple processors in parallel computing is limited by the sequential fraction of the program. 76 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 77. SHARED STATE CONCURRENCY –Shared mutable state is problematic –We need locking mechanism –Thread concurrently executes code sections • Contains resources that must be shared • Synchronized in order to guarantee −Correct ordering −Visibility −Data consistency 77 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 78. PROBLEMS WITH LOCKING –Hard to program correctly • Race conditions • Also hard to test and debug –Synchronizing too much • Deadlocks • Makes your program serial 78 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 79. ALTERNATIVES –Message Passing Concurrency (Actors) –Software Transactional Memory –Dataflow Concurrency 79 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 80. ACTORS –Message-passing instead of shared state –Originated: • CarlHewitt (early 70s) • Gul Agha (80s) –Popularized by Erlang implementation • A pure functional, dynamically typed language invented in 1986 at Ericsson –Actors are related to original OO ideas • Actors encapsulate state and behavior (like objects) • Actors are logically active (unlike most objects) 80 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 81. ACTORS – No shared state between actors – Asynchronous message-passing – Mailbox to buffer incoming messages – React to received messages by executing a behavior function • can only change the state of the actor itself • can send messages to other actors – Actors never share state and thus never need to compete for locks for access to shared data 81 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 82. AKKA – Akka is the platform for next generation event-driven, scalable, and fault-tolerant architectures on the JVM – Written in Scala, can be used with Scala or Java – Each actor instance runs in only one thread at a time, so no synchronization is required for actor state. – Akka dispatcher schedules actors on threads – or even on multiple machines – as needed. Can have millions of actors, an actor does not “use up” a thread. 82 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 83. SIMPLE AKKA ACTOR case object Tick class Counter extends Actor { private var counter = 0 def receive = { case Tick => counter += 1 println(counter) } } val counter = actorOf[Counter] counter.start 83 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 84. SEND –Fire and forget counter ! Tick –Uses Future under the hood (with time-out) val result = (actor !! Message).as[String] –Returns the Future directly val future = actor !!! Message future.await val result = future.get ... Futures.awaitOne(List(fut1, fut2, ...)) Futures.awaitAll(List(fut1, fut2, ...)) 84 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 85. REPLY class SomeActor extends Actor { def receive = { case User(name) => // use reply self.reply(“Hi ” + name) } } store away the sender to use later or somewhere else ... = self.sender 85 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 86. SCALA AND AKKA – Immutable messages : case classes, tuples, lists – Dispatchers – Let it fail – Supervisor Hierarchies • One for One • All for One • Supervise the supervisor – Remote actors – Transactors: STM using Actors 86 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 87. TOOLS Build, testing, etc. 87 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 88. SBT – SIMPLE BUILD TOOL – Build your projects using Scala – Create an sbt shell script: java -Xmx512M -jar sbt-launch.jar "$@“ – Launch it: sbt – Interactive mode: e.g. compile – Make an action run when a source file changes prefixing the action with ~. – project/build/SbtDemoProject.scala import sbt._ class SbtDemoProject(info: ProjectInfo) extends DefaultProject(info) { val specs = "org.scala-tools.testing" % "specs_2.8.0" % "1.6.5" % "test" lazy val hi = task { println("Hello World"); None } override def compileOptions = super.compileOptions ++ Seq(Unchecked) } <dependency> <groupId>org.scala-tools.testing</groupId> – In sbt console: reload <artifactId>specs_2.8.0</artifactId> <version>1.6.5</version> <scope>test</scope> – In sbt console: hi </dependency> 88 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 89. PLAY! FRAMEWORK – Both Scala and Java friendly – Stateless • Play is “share-nothing” so no need for communication between nodes • State can be kept in your SQL or NoSQL store, in memcached, or browser cookies – Emphasis on rapid development and good defaults, rather than absolute flexibility • No compile and restart; server compiles and recompiles on the fly, so just edit, reload, edit, reload. Compilation and other errors appear right in the browser. – Try out the Java or Scala tutorials on the Play website play new helloworld --with scala play run 89 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 90. UNIT TESTING –To test in Scala you can use Java tools: • JUnit • TestNG –Or frameworks built especially for Scala: • ScalaTest • Specs • ScalaCheck 90 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012 Scala
  • 91. UNIT TESTING 91 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 92. UNIT TESTING – SCALATEST + JUNIT – If you wish to use ScalaTest’s assertion syntax in your JUnit 3 test, however, you can instead subclass JUnit3Suite – ScalaTest also has a JUnitWrapperSuite, which enables you to run existing JUnit tests written in Java with ScalaTest’s runner. 92 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 93. TEST AS SPECIFICATION 93 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 94. TEST AS SPECIFICATION – In a FlatSpec, you write tests as specifier clauses. • You start by writing a name for the subject under test as a string, • then should (or must or can), • then a string that specifies a bit of behavior required of the subject, • then in. • In the curly braces following in, you write code that tests the specified behavior. • In subsequent clauses you can write it to refer to the most recently given subject. – When a FlatSpec is executed, it will run each specifier clause as a ScalaTest test. • FlatSpec (and ScalaTest’s other specification traits) generate output that reads more like a specification when run. 94 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012 Scala
  • 95. TEST AS SPECIFICATION - SPECS – specs is another open source testing framework inspired by Ruby’s RSpec 95 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 96. PROPERTY-BASED TESTING – ScalaCheck enables you to specify properties that the code under test must obey. – For each property, ScalaCheck will generate test data and run tests that check whether the property holds. 96 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 97. RESOURCES Read more about Scala 97 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 98. MORE ON SCALA – – – Scala School – Programming In Scala – Programming Scala – Scala Style Guide – StackOverflow 98 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012
  • 99. THANK YOU If you are interested in programming languages, join 99 of 99 Created on 10/01/2012

Editor's Notes

  1. The major deviation from Java concerns the syntax for type annotations—it’s“variable: Type” instead of “Type variable” in Java. Scala’s postfix type syntax resemblesPascal, Modula-2, or Eiffel. The main reason for this deviation has to do with typeinference, which often lets you omit the type of a variable or the return type of a method.Using the “variable: Type” syntax this is easy—just leave out the colon and the type. Butin C-style “Type variable” syntax you cannot simply leave off the type—there would be nomarker to start the definition anymore. You’d need some alternative keyword to be a placeholderfor a missing type (C# 3.0, which does some type inference, uses var for this purpose).Such an alternative keyword feels more ad-hoc and less regular than Scala’s approach.
  2. That plus sign between the strings? It’s a method. First, Scala allows non-alphanumeric method names. You can call methods +, -, $, or whatever you desire. Second, this expression is identical to 1 .+(2). (We put a space after the 1 because 1. would be interpreted as aDouble.) When a method takes one argument, Scala lets you drop both the period and the parentheses, so the method invocation looks like an operator invocation. This is called “infix” notation, where the operator is between the instance and the argument. We’ll find out more about this shortly.To facilitate a variety of readable programming styles, Scala is flexible about the use of parentheses in methods. If a method takes no parameters, you can define it without parentheses. Callers must invoke the method without parentheses. If you add empty parentheses, then callers may optionally add parentheses. For example, the size method for List has no parentheses, so you write List(1, 2, 3).size. If you try List(1, 2, 3).size(), you’ll get an error. However, the length method for String does have parentheses in its definition, so both&quot;hello&quot;.length() and &quot;hello&quot;.length will compile.The convention in the Scala community is to omit parentheses when calling a method that has no side-effects. So, asking for the size of a sequence is fine without parentheses, but defining a method that transforms the elements in the sequence should be written with parentheses.It’s also possible to omit the dot (period) when calling a parameterless method or one that takes only one argument 
  3. Because map takes one argument, a function, we can use the “placeholder” indicator _ instead of a named parameter. That is, the _ acts like an anonymous variable, to which each string will be assigned before toUpperCase is called. Note that the String type is inferred for us, too. As we will see, Scala uses _ as a “wild card” in several contexts.