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Getting the most out of
    Sebastian Zarnekow - Sven Efftinge
Construction of Data Objects
Construction of Data Objects
   Dependency Injection
Construction of Data Objects
   Dependency Injection
      Fluent Interfaces
Construction of Data Objects
   Dependency Injection
      Fluent Interfaces
   Polymorphic Dispatch
Construction of Data Objects
   Dependency Injection
      Fluent Interfaces
   Polymorphic Dispatch
   Annotation-based APIs
Java is getting old
Java is Ceremonial
Java is Ceremonial

public String greeting(final String name) {
  return "Hello "+name+"!";
Java is Ceremonial
Public visibility should be default

public String greeting(final String name) {
  return "Hello "+name+"!";
Java is Ceremonial

public String greeting(final String name) {
  return "Hello "+name+"!";
Java is Ceremonial
Local variables and arguments should
          be nal by default

 public String greeting(final String name) {
   return "Hello "+name+"!";
Java is Ceremonial

public String greeting(final String name) {
  return "Hello "+name+"!";
Java is Ceremonial
  Return type can be inferred

public String greeting(final String name) {
  return "Hello "+name+"!";
Java is Ceremonial

public String greeting(final String name) {
  return "Hello "+name+"!";
Java is Ceremonial

public String greeting(final String name) :
  return "Hello "+name+"!";
Java is Ceremonial

public String greeting(final String name) {
  return "Hello "+name+"!";

greeting(String name) :
  "Hello "+name+"!";
Java’s Syntax is Inflexible
Java’s Syntax is Inflexible
All inx operators work for built-in types only.
Java’s Syntax is Inflexible
All inx operators work for built-in types only.

                2 / 4 * 13;
Java’s Syntax is Inflexible
All inx operators work for built-in types only.

                2 / 4 * 13;

      new BigDecimal(2)
        .divide(new BigDecimal(4))
        .multiply(new BigDecimal(13));
Java lacks Closures
Java lacks Closures
    Working with collections in Java (i.e. without closures):
	   public List<String> fourLetterWords(List<String> words) {
	   	 List<String> fourLetterWords = Lists.newArrayList();
	   	 for (String string : words) {
	   	 	 if (string.length()==4)
	   	 return fourLetterWords;
Java lacks Closures
  Working with collections in Java (i.e. with closures):

	 public List<String> fourLetterWords(List<String> words) {
...but Java is also great!
...but Java is also great!
•Lots of developers
...but Java is also great!
•Lots of developers
•JVM is a great platform
...but Java is also great!
•Lots of developers
•JVM is a great platform
•Big open-source community
...but Java is also great!
•Lots of developers
•JVM is a great platform
•Big open-source community
•Leading edge tooling
 (Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA)
What can we do about the
  “not-so-nice things”
        in Java?
Object Instantiation
Object Categories
Object Categories
•   Short Living, Data Objects
Object Categories
•   Short Living, Data Objects
    •   Collections (ArrayList, HashSet, Iterator)
Object Categories
•   Short Living, Data Objects
    •   Collections (ArrayList, HashSet, Iterator)
    •   Immutable Objects (BigInteger, String)
Object Categories
•   Short Living, Data Objects
    •   Collections (ArrayList, HashSet, Iterator)
    •   Immutable Objects (BigInteger, String)
    •   Others (LayoutManager, Runnables)
Object Categories
•   Short Living, Data Objects
    •   Collections (ArrayList, HashSet, Iterator)
    •   Immutable Objects (BigInteger, String)
    •   Others (LayoutManager, Runnables)
•   Components
Object Categories
•   Short Living, Data Objects
    •   Collections (ArrayList, HashSet, Iterator)
    •   Immutable Objects (BigInteger, String)
    •   Others (LayoutManager, Runnables)
•   Components
    •   Singletons (ConnectionPool, Scheduler, ...)
Object Categories
•   Short Living, Data Objects
    •   Collections (ArrayList, HashSet, Iterator)
    •   Immutable Objects (BigInteger, String)
    •   Others (LayoutManager, Runnables)
•   Components
    •   Singletons (ConnectionPool, Scheduler, ...)
    •   Services (URLValidator, BillingService, ...)
Construction of
Data Objects
Construction of
    Data Objects

•   Convenience
Construction of
    Data Objects

•   Convenience
•   Readability
Construction of
    Data Objects

•   Convenience
•   Readability

Map<String,Foo> foos = new HashMap<String, Foo>();
Use Type Inference
Map<String,Foo> foos = new HashMap<String, Foo>();
Use Type Inference
Map<String,Foo> foos = new HashMap<String, Foo>();

Map<String,Foo> foos = Maps.newHashMap();
Use Type Inference
Map<String,Foo> foos = new HashMap<String, Foo>();

Map<String,Foo> foos = Maps.newHashMap();

public static <K, V> HashMap<K, V> newHashMap() {
  return new HashMap<K, V>();
Use Static Imports
Map<String,Foo> foos = Maps.newHashMap();
Use Static Imports
Map<String,Foo> foos = Maps.newHashMap();

Map<String,Foo> foos = newHashMap();
Use Static Imports
Map<String,Foo> foos = Maps.newHashMap();

import static*;
Map<String,Foo> foos = newHashMap();
Use Var Args
List<String> names = newArrayList();
Use Var Args
List<String> names = newArrayList();

List<String> names = newArrayList("Foo","Bar","Baz");
Use Var Args
List<String> names = newArrayList();

List<String> names = newArrayList("Foo","Bar","Baz");

public static <E> ArrayList<E> newArrayList(E... elements) {
Component Instantiation
 - Classical Approach -
Constructor Invocation
Constructor Invocation
 public class TwitterClient {
   void send(String message) {
     if (message.length() > 140) {
       Shortener shortener = new TinyUrlShortener();
       message = shortener.shorten(message);
     if (message.length() <= 140) {
       Tweeter tweeter = new SmsTweeter();
Constructor Invocation

   Shortener shortener = new TinyUrlShortener();

   Tweeter tweeter = new SmsTweeter();
Constructor Invocation

• Strong Dependencies
• Not Testable
       Shortener shortener = new TinyUrlShortener();
       Tweeter tweeter = new SmsTweeter();
Component Instantiation
- Dependency Injection -
Constructor Parameters
Constructor Parameters
public class TwitterClient {
  private Shortener shortener; private Tweeter tweeter;
  public TwitterClient(Shortener shortener, Tweeter tweeter) {
    this.shortener = shortener;
    this.tweeter = tweeter;
  void send(String message) {
    if (message.length() > 140) {
      message = shortener.shorten(message);
    if (message.length() <= 140) {
Constructor Parameters

// Initialize the component graph
Shortener shortener = new TinyUrlShortener();
Tweeter tweeter = new SmsTweeter();
TwitterClient client = new TwitterClient(shortener, tweeter);
// Do Something meaningful
client.send(“Hello World”);
Constructor Parameters
           ... Have Advantages
Constructor Parameters
                     ... Have Advantages

• Components Depend on Interfaces
Constructor Parameters
                     ... Have Advantages

• Components Depend on Interfaces
• Testable Code
Constructor Parameters
                       ... Have Advantages

• Components Depend on Interfaces
• Testable Code
• Dependencies are No Longer Burried in the
  Core of Your Application
Constructor Parameters
 ... Leave the Burden to the Client
Constructor Parameters
       ... Leave the Burden to the Client

HttpConnection http = new HttpConnection(“..”);
Constructor Parameters
       ... Leave the Burden to the Client

HttpConnection http = new HttpConnection(“..”);
SoapConnection soap = new SoapConnection(http);
Constructor Parameters
       ... Leave the Burden to the Client

HttpConnection http = new HttpConnection(“..”);
SoapConnection soap = new SoapConnection(http);
Shortener shortener = new TinyUrlShortener(soap);
Constructor Parameters
       ... Leave the Burden to the Client

HttpConnection http = new   HttpConnection(“..”);
SoapConnection soap = new   SoapConnection(http);
Shortener shortener = new   TinyUrlShortener(soap);
AndroidSmsSender sender =   new AndroidSmsSender();
Constructor Parameters
       ... Leave the Burden to the Client

HttpConnection http = new HttpConnection(“..”);
SoapConnection soap = new SoapConnection(http);
Shortener shortener = new TinyUrlShortener(soap);
AndroidSmsSender sender = new AndroidSmsSender();
Tweeter tweeter = new SmsTweeter(sender);
Constructor Parameters
       ... Leave the Burden to the Client

HttpConnection http = new HttpConnection(“..”);
SoapConnection soap = new SoapConnection(http);
Shortener shortener = new TinyUrlShortener(soap);
AndroidSmsSender sender = new AndroidSmsSender();
Tweeter tweeter = new SmsTweeter(sender);
TwitterClient client = new TwitterClient(shortener, tweeter);
Constructor Parameters
       ... Leave the Burden to the Client

HttpConnection http = new HttpConnection(“..”);
SoapConnection soap = new SoapConnection(http);
Shortener shortener = new TinyUrlShortener(soap);
AndroidSmsSender sender = new AndroidSmsSender();
Tweeter tweeter = new SmsTweeter(sender);
TwitterClient client = new TwitterClient(shortener, tweeter);
client.send(“Hello World”);
Constructor Parameters
                                             ... Revisited
public class TwitterClient {
  private Shortener shortener; private Tweeter tweeter;

    public TwitterClient(Shortener shortener, Tweeter tweeter) {
      this.shortener = shortener;
      this.tweeter = tweeter;
    void send(String message) {
Constructor Parameters
                                             ... Revisited
public class TwitterClient {
  private Shortener shortener; private Tweeter tweeter;
    public TwitterClient(Shortener shortener, Tweeter tweeter) {
      this.shortener = shortener;
      this.tweeter = tweeter;
    void send(String message) {
Constructor Parameters
                                           ... Revisited

// Initialize the component graph
Injector i = Guice.createInjector(new TweetModule());
// Obtain main component
TwitterClient client = i.getInstance(TwitterClient.class);
// Do something meaningful
client.send(“Hello Guice!”);
Remember This?
Encapsulated Dependencies

class TweetModule extends AbstractModule {
  protected void configure() {
Modern API
Modern API

        Easy To Use
Modern API

        Easy To Use
Modern API

         Easy To Use
        Hard To Misuse
Modern API

         Easy To Use
        Hard To Misuse
        Easy To Read !
Half-caf venti
non-fat Latte to go.
Half-caf venti
non-fat Latte to go.
Fluent Interfaces

Half-caf venti
non-fat Latte to go.
Fluent Interfaces

CoffeeOrder order = new Latte();
Coffee coffee = order.prepare(true);
Fluent Interfaces

Coffee coffee = new Latte()
Fluent Interfaces

Chained Method-
Calls That Read Like
Natural Language
Fluent Interfaces

Chained Method-
Calls That Read Like
Natural Language
Fluent Interfaces

StringBuilder builder = ..;
return builder
  .append(“The result is “)
Fluent Interfaces
How To:
Fluent Interfaces
 How To:

1. Methods Modify Internal State and
Fluent Interfaces
 How To:

1. Methods Modify Internal State and
2. Return self or new Object
Fluent Interfaces
 How To:

1. Methods Modify Internal State and
2. Return self or new Object
3. Until Result is Returned
Fluent Interfaces
Examples: Guice Binder API

Fluent Interfaces
    Examples: EasyMock

LinkedList mocked = mock(LinkedList.class);
Fluent Interfaces
      Examples: Google Guava MapMaker

ConcurrentMap<Key, Value> map = new MapMaker()
       .expiration(30, MINUTES)
           new Function<Key, Value>() {
             public Value apply(Key key) {
               return createExpensiveValue(key);
Fluent Interfaces
      Examples: Google Guava MapMaker
                With Closures
ConcurrentMap<Key, Value> map = new MapMaker()
       .expiration(30, MINUTES)
Visitor Pattern (GoF)

 ... separating an algorithm
from an object structure it
        operates on...
Polymorphic Dispatching
Polymorphic Dispatching

 Visitor visitor = new ExternalVisitor();
Polymorphic Dispatching

 class ExternalVisitor {
   String visit(Object o) {
     if (o instanceof Bus) {
     } else if (o instanceof Car) {
     } else if (o instanceof Engine) {
     } else ..
Polymorphic Dispatching

Dispatcher dispatcher = new Dispatcher(this, “doVisit”);
String visit(Object o) {
  return dispatcher.dispatch(o);

String   doVisit(Bus b) {return “Bus: ” + print(b.getParts());}
String   doVisit(Car c) {return “Car: ” + print(c.getParts());}
String   doVisit(Engine e) { ... }
String   doVisit(Collection<?> parts) { ... }
Polymorphic Dispatching

•   Non Invasive External Visitor
Polymorphic Dispatching

•   Non Invasive External Visitor
•   Handle Arbitrary Object Graphs
Polymorphic Dispatching

•   Non Invasive External Visitor
•   Handle Arbitrary Object Graphs
•   Eliminate if-instanceof-else Cascades
Polymorphic Dispatching

•   Non Invasive External Visitor
•   Handle Arbitrary Object Graphs
•   Eliminate if-instanceof-else Cascades
•   Dispatch According to Runtime Type of Arguments
    (Like switch-Statement on Types)
Annotation-based APIs
Annotation-based APIs
addAction(new AbstractAction(“Exit”) {
      putValue(MNEMONIC_KEY, “E”);
      putValue(SHORT_DESCRIPTION, “Exit App”);
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
Annotation-based APIs

@Action(“Exit”, mnemonic=”E”, desc=”Exit App”)
public void exit(ActionEvent e) {
Annotation-based APIs
 Examples: Property Change Events

public void invalidateLayout(PropertyChangeEvent e) {
@PropertyChangeListener({“value”, “selectedItem”})
public void revalidate(PropertyChangeEvent e) {
Annotation-based APIs
 Examples: Validation

@Validate(OnSave, nullIsOk=true, property=”EMail”)
ValidationResult matchesPattern(String s) {
  if (!s.matches(PATTERN)) {
    return ValidationResult.createError(..);
  return OK;
Annotation-based APIs

    •   More Concise Code
Annotation-based APIs

    •   More Concise Code
    •   Avoid Anonymous Classes
Annotation-based APIs

    •   More Concise Code
    •   Avoid Anonymous Classes
    •   Easier to Understand
Annotation-based APIs

    •   More Concise Code
    •   Avoid Anonymous Classes
    •   Easier to Understand
    •   Less Code to Maintain
Annotation-based APIs

    •   More Concise Code
    •   Avoid Anonymous Classes
    •   Easier to Understand
    •   Less Code to Maintain
    •   Method can be overwritten
        (Extensibility, Testability)
Construction of Data Objects
Construction of Data Objects
   Dependency Injection
Construction of Data Objects
   Dependency Injection
      Fluent Interfaces
Construction of Data Objects
   Dependency Injection
      Fluent Interfaces
   Polymorphic Dispatch
Construction of Data Objects
   Dependency Injection
      Fluent Interfaces
   Polymorphic Dispatch
   Annotation-based APIs
The Good News?

• One Day Java May Have
The Good News?

• One Day Java May Have
 • Closures (Java 8 - JSR 335)
The Good News?

• One Day Java May Have
 • Closures (Java 8 - JSR 335)
 • Improved Type Inference (Java 7 - JSR 334)
The Good News?

• One Day Java May Have
 • Closures (Java 8 - JSR 335)
 • Improved Type Inference (Java 7 - JSR 334)
 • ...
The Good News?

• One Day Java May Have
 • Closures (Java 8 - JSR 335)
 • Improved Type Inference (Java 7 - JSR 334)
 • ...
• Due 2011 & 2012

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Sven Efftinge
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Sven Efftinge
Functional programming with Xtend
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Sven Efftinge
Codegeneration With Xtend
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Gwt and Xtend
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Gwt and Xtend
Sven Efftinge
Xtend @ EclipseCon 2012
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Sven Efftinge
Eclipse Xtend
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Eclipse Xtend
Sven Efftinge
This Is Not Your Father's Java
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Dependency Injection for Eclipse developers
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Sven Efftinge
Xtext Eclipse Con
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Sven Efftinge
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Sven Efftinge
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Bessere Softwareentwicklung (Itemis Wintercon)
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