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Konzo Disease Summary
This current news article talks about how poverty is one of the main reasons for a mysterious
disease that citizens from Africa have been reporting for nearly a century. This disease called
"Konzo" causes permanent paralysis on whoever consumes a crop named cassava. Hans Rosling, an
epidemiologist and pop–star statistician, who died of pancreatic cancer earlier this month was the
first person who found the cause Konzo disease back in 1990. However, he also argues that a
secondary reason for this disease is the lifestyle and social class of many members from
communities around Africa.
According to Amy Maxmen, the editor of this article, the cassava crop is harmless cooked correctly.
This crop must go through a process of preparation and conservation
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Santa Dish
The dish Prawns(shrimp) in Cassava sauce(Bobó de camarão) is made with ingredients that includes
shrimps, cassava (similar to yucca), and tomato sauce. The first step is marinating shrimps in lime
juice, salt, and pepper. Then the shells and heads of the shrimps are boiled and simmered in water,
which will be use it later to make the tomato sauce. The cassava is then peeled and boiled with an
onion and bay leaves. After the cassava has cooked, the ropey fibers are removed. Then the cassava
has to be mashed while adding coconut milk until soft. Next, the shrimps are briefly fried. Chopped
tomato, tomato puree, the onion that was previously boiled, and the prawn stock are simmered in a
pan to make a tomato sauce. The mashed cassava and coriander(cilantro) are mixed together with
the tomato sauce in the pan. This delicious and rich in flavor dish is then topped with the fried
shrimp and served with steamed rice on the side. This recipe has such unique and flavorful
characteristics. Although I thought the consistency of the sauce would be thinner, the texture came
out to be a little thicker and softer than expected. It had very appealing colors, including the orange
form the tomato sauce and the green from the cilantro. I really enjoyed every aspect of this dish. The
combination of flavors from the shrimps, cassava, and coconut ... Show more content on ...
I could say this because Puerto Rico, too, has a combination of three different races, including native
boriquen Indians from the island, Spanish, and Africans. We also share staple foods, such as rice,
beans and seafood. Meal patterns are the same too, including three different meal courses and
sometimes a midafternoon. The only difference is that our biggest meal of the day is dinner, and
lunch is usually the lighter meal. I found it interesting that besides the Dominican Republic and
Cuba, Brazil shares so many food habits and characteristics with my
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Overview Of Dietary Practices And Food Frequencies On The...
1.1. Introduction
Since the beginning of the eighteenth century, the nutrition transition that accompanied economic
development has caused large shifts in food consumption patterns in Europe and the United States
(Fogel et al., 2002). When economic development occurs in developing countries as well, as is the
case in China today (IMF, 2010), nutritional changes put additional pressure on limited natural
resources. This study was carried out to describe the dietary practices, food frequencies and the rate
of deforestation in the center and south regions of Cameroon. Food items form the basis of food
consumption patterns, defined as the consumption of specific food items and their combination in
dishes and meals. These patterns show large temporal and spatial differences, mainly caused by the
availability of commodities, cultural aspects and economic factors (Whitney et al,. 1999). The
repeated arrangements of consumption, characterized by types and quantities of food items and their
combination in dishes and meals, are termed food consumption practices (Gerbens et al, 2002).
Food frequencies is defined as the frequency (in terms of days of consumption over a reference
period) that a specific food item or food group is eaten at the household level (WFP, 2007). Factors
such as preferences, habits, availability, tradition, culture and income influence these patterns (Van
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African Culture Research Paper
Africa, home of the Nile River and the largest mammal (the African elephant), is the second largest
and second most populated continent in the world, contributing to about 16% of the world's total
population. Africa houses over 3,000 ethnic groups (tribes), with over 1,000 languages spoken daily.
The main languages are French, Portuguese, Swahili, and Arabic. Africa is broken up into four
different types when discussing food cultures. These are South Africa, Central Africa, Eastern
Africa, and Western Africa.
African tribes, Europe, and Asia help to influence South Africa's food habits. The largest tribe is the
Bantu Speakers, which are hunter–gathers, and they grow grains and vegetables, as well as raising
livestock, such as cattle, sheep, ... Show more content on ...
Roasting is typically done over an open fire. Fish, meat, potatoes, roots, cassava, and plantains are
usually roasted. Boiling is cooking with water in a large wire pot, with metal utensils. Vegetables,
grains, beans, potatoes, and fufu. To steam food, Africans wrap meats, vegetables, fish, and
plantains in banana leaves and steamed over a pot of boiling water. Steaming is usually the
healthiest form of cooking because it does a better job at preserving nutrient values in food. And
lastly, frying which is just cooking with olive oil. The kitchen, where most of the food is cooked, is
either outside or in another building separate from the from the living
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Taking a Look at Cassava
Cassava (Manihot esculenta) is a tuberous root crop that serves as a source of carbohydrate for more
than 800 million people worldwide and its cultivation is estimated to cover more than 18.9 million
hectors (FAO, 2011). It is a vital source of food and income to resource poor farmers (especially
women) in the tropics and staple food crop for nearly 200 million people in the sub–Saharan Africa
(Liu et al., 2011; Nyaboga et al., 2013). In Tanzania, cassava ranks only second to maize and third to
rice, with its calories contribution per day being 15 % (FAO 2009).
Cassava production in Africa is constrained with various pests and viral diseases especially cassava
brown streak and cassava mosaic diseases. Research efforts to genetically improve resistance against
viral diseases, drought, postharvest deterioration and nutrients fortification of this crop are underway
(Zang et al., 2005; Vanderschuren et al., 2009; Nyaboga et al., 2013). All these efforts are through
genetic transformation method which relies on the ability of cassava to regenerate from somatic
embryos to full plant. Due to heterozygozity nature of cassava, it is difficult to use its zygotic
embryos as starting materials for genetic transformation protocols (Raemakers et al., 1997; Sarria et
al., 2000; Taylor et al., 2001; Siritunga and Sayre 2003). Instead, organised structures from somatic
embryo cotyledons and friable embryogenic calli (FECs) have been developed (Schöpke et al.,
1996; Taylor et al., 2004). FECs
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Biocentric Ethics Analysis Sci/362
Biocentric Ethics Analysis
SCI/362 – Environmental Issues and Ethics
January 27, 2014
Howard Schmidt, M.S., M.B.A.
Biocentric Ethics Analysis
Inherent and intrinsic value both refer to the value that is within the item or organism, it has value in
and of itself; the value within the item or organism is "independent of the interests, needs, or uses of
anyone else" (DesJardins, 2013, p. 113). Inherent value refers to the value that is found or
recognized within the item or organism; whether spiritual, moral, aesthetic, symbolic, or it is of
cultural importance. An organism or an item that has inherent or intrinsic value offers something of
value other than as an instrument; for example, relationships with friends and ... Show more content
on ...
215). The positive aspects of GMOs is that it allows plants to be grown in environments that may
not normally allow for the plant to grow. Food is less expensive as farming of the crop is easier; this
beneficial on both a local and global scale. Furthermore, GMOs have been developed to add greater
nutrition to the organism. The downside or concerns about GMOs is that there have been no studies
that have tracked the long–term effects that GMOs may have on human consumption. Researchers
concerns include health risks such as; antibiotic resistance, exposure to allergens, reproductive
disorders, endocrine disruption, and accelerated aging. The FDS does not view or treat GMOs any
differently than traditionally grown crops; companies that use GMOs may choose to voluntarily go
there a safety consultation without any additional testing required (Kantor, 2013).
The scientists behind GMOs believe that it is important to provide "food security". Food security is
about having sufficient physical, social, and economic access to safe, nutritious, and culturally
acceptable food at the household level, without having to resort to emergency supplies" (Witcombe
and Sanchez, 2004, p. 300). In countries such parts of Eastern and Central Africa the African
cassava mosaic virus is transmitted by the whiteflies that feed on the
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Root Vegetables Essay
12 Super Healthy Root Vegetables which You Should Implement in Your Daily Diet ASAP
We all know that we should eat our veggies and how important they are for are well–being, but most
of us we just find decent reasons to ditch vegetables. However, vegetables shouldn't be eaten just as
a complement to our hamburger or as a side dish. In fact, vegetables are ought to make a huge
difference, if incorporated in our daily diets. So, the next time you're too lazy to make yourself a
salad or you simply choose to have your meal without these precious treasures, think twice.
Root vegetables in particular, are notoriously famous for containing a great amount of valuable
nutrients, each as important as any other nutrient. From vitamins A and C, containing a great
amounts of minerals such as magnesium and potassium, and all the way to containing dietary fiber.
All of these nutrients are known to fight diabetes, obesity, arthritis, heart disease and even fight
cancer. Root vegetables are gluten–free, and powerful sources of antioxidants and complex
carbohydrates. Plus, if you have weight problems, then root vegetables are just right for you,
because not only are they low in calories, but they also boost your digestive system. ... Show more
content on ...
Sweet Potatoes
–There is a reason why this list starts with sweet potatoes. They are delicious, tasty and super rich in
powerful nutrients. For starters, they contain a great amount of vitamin A, probably being the
vegetables which are most loaded with this vitamin. Then, they are also a great source of vitamin B5
and C as well as potassium. Sweet potatoes are known to be extremely beneficial in stabilizing your
blood sugar and boosting your digestive system, due to the presence of fiber and slow–absorbing
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When We Were So Hungry That We Stole People's Food While...
Main Idea: People did whatever it took to survive.
1. "That night we were so hungry that we stole people's food while they slept." This example of
economics because even though they had money when they went back to Mattru Jong, the people
wasn't selling anymore because they had to survive also. In order for them to survive they had to
steal the people food.
2. "We loaded the supplies in plastic bags and six of us went to the nearest market, where we sold
them to a vendor." This is an example of economics because they had to survive by selling their
school supplies in order to get money and buy things with their money. Also they wanted to go to
Freetown and without money they couldn't. It relate to the main idea because they sole their school
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"We slept in abandoned villages, where we lay on the bare ground and hoped that the following day
we could be able to find something other than raw cassava to eat." This is an example of economics
because the six of them had no where else to go so they had to sleep in abandoned village in order to
avoid rebels and they had to eat raw cassava because that was the only thing they could find to eat.
They took a very big chance because eating raw cassava is very poisonous and they digestive system
will convert it to cyanide poison and can easily die.
7. "He would lend it to the boy for a few hours in exchange for toothpaste, soap, lunch, and so on."
This is an example of economics because he uses his jersey in order to get food and supplies others
things boys had that he didn't. He made a profit off his jersey and made a living. He did whatever it
took in order for him to have more of the things he didn't have.
8. "They were benefiting form people who were running form their lives." This is an example of
economics because the rebels use the people who are trying to be free and took the money that they
have in order for them to buy food, drugs, or ammunition. The people who were running away did
whatever it took to be free from the rebels and the war. They gave they last to the rebels in order to
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Essay about The Culture of African Cuisine
The forest not only hides man's enemies but it's full of man's medicine, healing power and food.
~African Proverb.
Africa is a continent that is rich and diverse in terms of culture and traditions. The continent is also
considered to be the agricultural hub in the world. Due to this, most of African culture is ultimately
intertwined with the foodstuffs that the land has to offer. In general, most of the inhabitants of Africa
live within the rural areas and rely on subsistent farming to meet their day to day food needs. Fast
food restaurants and supermarkets where processed and packaged food is sold are usually frowned
upon and considered a waste of money and resources (AIG, 2011).
African foods are ... Show more content on ...
Beans, cassava, groundnuts, maize, tomatoes and sweet potatoes thus were introduced to Africa as a
direct cause of the European exploring of the American continent. Asian seasonings like pepper,
cinnamon, clove, curry and nutmeg were introduced as well. More often than not, the ingredients
used to prepare an African dish are fresh, very cheap and easily used to make a quick meal.
Common vegetables include kale, spinach, cabbage, tomatoes, beans, potatoes, avocados and other
leafy greens, while beef and goat meat are the common meats served in an African meal. Fish,
chicken, and mutton are also available but are more expensive (AIG, 2011). Meat is often used
merely as one of a number of flavorings, rather than as a main ingredient in cooking. Tropical fruits
such as mangoes, oranges, pineapples, bananas, papaws, and pears are cheap, plentiful and popular
among the people of Africa, because they are not available all year round and are dictated by
seasons. Other ingredients used in typical dishes include rice, corn meal or maize, wheat and millet
Yams, plantains, green bananas and cassava are the essential staples in Africa. These vegetables are
grown and used all over the continent, either on their own or combined with others. Cassava is an
important source of dietary carbohydrates in the tropical and subtropical areas of the world, with its
roots providing food for over 500 million
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Stable Phenotypic Traits
Stable Phenotypic traits For fruitful purpose , the phenotypic traits caused by RNA silencing must be
stably transmitted from one generation to next. Earlier work on suppressing flower colour
biosynthesis by antisense or sense transgenes was not always uniform which raised uncertainty
about the relevancy of the technology (Tanaka and Mason, 2003). Afterward, the phenotypic results
from IR proved more efficacious and stable than induced by antisense or sense (Nakamura et al.,
2006). The use of IR, which avoid the step of dsRNA synthesis by the RDR, become visible to result
in silencing that is not only more competent but also more stable. Prolonged heritage studies of
RNA silencing in different commercial programs are underway. In our lab, the phenotypes of
analogous single–copy transgenic corn lines produced by the RNA silencing of endogenous
LKR/SDH or zein genes (Huang et al., 2006b; Houmard et al., 2007) have been stably retained for
more than seven traits. Transgenic soybean lines with their FAD2–1 minify by an IR transgene (S.
Ivashuta et al. Manuscript in preparation) are now germinating in their tenth field–grown generation.
Possibly, the best example of RNA silencing stability is the rice mutant, LGC–1, (Kusaba et al.,
2003). Feasible/potential benefit of RNA silencing for plant biotechnology Despite the fact most
biotech plants currently grown commercially were cultivated by the expression of transgenes,
different employing RNA silencing have been recognized by
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Arrowroot Vs Corn Starch
Arrowroot is made a from a tuber that was first used by the Caribbean Arawak people. It is an
effective thickener as well as a useful alternative to wheat flour in biscuits, cakes and various baked
goods. Cornstarch is made from the corn kernel's endosperm and was originally considered inedible
but later became popular as a culinary thickener. How do these two starches compare to each other?
What are their benefits and drawbacks? Below, we compare cornstarch and arrowroot. How do
arrowroot and corn starch differ?
If you were to go on appearance alone, these two thickeners would be identical as they both start out
as fine–textured white powders. This is one of those cases where appearances can be deceiving.
While arrowroot and corn starch are both effective thickeners, ... Show more content on ...
It is best to use it at the very end of cooking time to limit its exposure to heat since it will thicken
quickly with no need for boiling. It should also not be used in dairy liquids as it can give them a
slimy texture. In comparison, corn starch can be cooked at high temperatures for long periods.
Longer cooking is recommended since it can give foods a chalky texture when under–cooked. Corn
starch can also be used with dairy products; however, it cannot be used with acids as it will lose its
ability to thicken. It is also suggested that you do not freeze dishes that include cornstarch as an
ingredient. Soups, sauces and gravies thickened with corn starch can turn spongy when frozen and
thawed. If your recipe calls for corn starch can you use arrowroot? Can you use corn starch in place
of arrowroot?
Arrowroot can be used in place of corn starch as long as it is added at the very end of cooking and as
long as the dish does not include dairy. It is actually a recommended substitute in cases where the
dish is highly acidic. If a dish is going to be frozen, use arrowroot to thicken it instead of corn starch
as it retains its
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Agricultural Officer ( Plant Production And Protection ),...
To: Agricultural Officer (Plant Production and Protection), Regional office of Africa, FAO
From: Sharmin Sampat, Policy Officer (Food Security and Nutrition, FIRST Programme), FAO
Executive Summary:
Global food demand is expected to grow by 110 per cent over the next 30 to 35 years as a
consequence of increased urbanization and the predicted rise in global population from 7.3 billion
today to 9.7 billion by 20501. Overlying this scenario are changes in the global climate that will
affect crop productivity. Cassava is the second most important source of calories after maize in some
African countries, like Angola and Mozambique, but for the rural poor, it represents a much larger
proportion of daily calories and provides an important source of proteins, vitamins and
micronutrients1. The vision for cassava is that cassava will spur rural industrial development and
raise incomes for producers, processors and traders and contribute to the food security status of its
producing and consuming households6.
The strategy applied can consist of identifying, in a systematic manner, the opportunities and
constraints of cassava at each stage of the commodity development cycle. The opportunities to
increase efficiency of cassava crop mainly relies on the modification of the structure and
architecture, and improving the genetic yield of the crop6.
Cassava provides the livelihood of up to 500 million farmers and countless processors and traders
around the world. It is the
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Is Ghana Adopt A Similar Strategy?
It is a well known fact that there cannot be a particular solution which could fix overnight the
problems of many developing economies, however owing to its nature and holistic characteristic; a
development oriented poverty alleviation is the much needed solution to see Ghana actually leap out
of her economic woes.
The example of Dingxi's anti poverty drive readily comes to mind and this paper highly
recommends that Ghana should adopt a similar strategy designed along her unique characteristics.
The next part of the chapter, discusses the experiences of Gansu Province / Dingxi as far as creating
the right atmosphere for poverty alleviation is concerned and lessons in it for Ghana.
Gansu is located in the north–western part of China. It lies between the Tibetan and Huangtu
plateaus and borders Mongolia, Inner Mongolia, and Ningxia to its north, Xinjiang and Qinghai to
the west, Sichuan to the south and Shaanxi to the East. The yellow river passes through the southern
part of the province.
Gansu, an ethnic diverse province is made up of a population of 26.0334 million people, and has
about 54 different nationalities dwelling in the area (Gansu China 2004) Gansu covers an area of
425,800 km2 (164,400 sq m) and has Lanzhou as its capital (Gansu Provincial People 's
Government 2015).
The province is rich in the cultivation of a variety of agricultural products and herbal medicines, for
which reason it has
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Gmos Good For You And Me
GMOs Good For You and Me
Currently over 7 billion people inhabit the earth, current estimates are that the world's population
could be as high as 10 billion by 2050. (Cleland, 553) In order to maintain a sufficient healthy food
supply for a population of that size, the farming industry must continue to rely on scientific
discoveries to raise crop output levels and raise nutritional values of that production. Beyond the
discoveries that have already been made in the genetic altering of food supplies through mixed
breeding of similar species. The next plateau will be the reliance on genetically modified organisms
(GMOs) to provide required crop supplies. Therefore, genetic modification of the world's food
supply is a sustainable effort to allow the human race to continue to support the ever–growing world
population. Genetic modification of organisms is something the human race has been doing for
thousands of years, starting with the first domestication of animals around 10,000 years ago. (Root,
2) Many of these genetic alterations were at a basic level, an example of this being the cross
breeding of dogs to achieve desirable traits. Additionally, importation of new plants or animals into
areas they didn't historically come form, forced adaptations from these organism to survive. More
recently, scientists have begun to understand genetic engineering at the DNA level, and expand its
use into the altering of plants genetic code. (Goldbas) Scientists are now gaining insight into
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Chalk Made Out from Seashells
Chapter I
Nowadays, people are getting to use to collect seashells for fun and for past time. They made
decorations, even accessories for a doll out of it and most people collect seashells. Here in the
Philippines, people made seashells for decorations and accessories. They made seashells into
accessories for them to sell it. But don't you know that aside from those things seashells can also be
made into a much useful things. In addition, seashells are also used in making jewelry. These shells
are made into smooth perfect spheres which, by themselves, could be mistaken to pearls. We are
aware that the education is the most powerful key to succeed. And to support this, we need some
facilities and materials for us to make it ... Show more content on ...
The shells are the part of the body of a marine animal, in most cases the exoskeleton. The word shell
is often used to refer only to the shells of marine mollusk, mollusk shells but it can also be used to
mean the shells of a wide variety of marine animals from different phyla. The composition of
seashells have three distinct substances involved: the outer layer of the horny substance conchiolin,
the intermediate layer of calcite, and the smooth inner layer composed mainly of calcium calbornate.
The blood of a mollusk is rich in a liquid form of calcium. A soft outer organ called the mantle
concentrates the calcium in areas where it can separate out from the blood, forming calcium
carbonate crystals. The mantle deposits sheets of the crystal in varying thickness. The individual
crystals in each layer vary in shape and orientation. Most of the seashells are commonly found in
beach drift, natural detritus that is deposited along strandlines on the beaches by the waves and the
tides. Shells are very often washed up onto a beach empty and clean it's because the animal has
already died and the soft parts having rotted away or having eaten by either predators or scavengers.
Empty seashells are often found by beachcombers and collecting these shells is a harmless hobby or
study. The majority of seashells which are offered for sales commercially have been collected alive
and then
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The Current Water Usage Of The Refugee Settlement Essay
The Zambian Refugee Settlement in Mayukwayukwa, which established by the United Nations in
1966, currently has no system for harvesting rain water or for storing water in bulk. Zambia has a
monsoonal climate thus it receives all of its rain water in one small section of the year and is dry and
arid for the rest. This review will focus specifically on the water usage of the refugee settlement.
This area of research will prove to be invaluable for the specifications of the water harvesting and
bulk storage system as it will be the basis for which the required volumes of water are calculated.
The development of the Mayukwayukwa settlement will be stunted if they do not have access to
sufficient amounts of water for the refugees who live there or for the crops and animals. The
objectives of this paper are to assess the current water usage of the Mayukwayukwa Refugee
Settlement and to predict what the minimum volume is that will meet their basic requirements. The
questions that I intend to answer are: – What is the current water usage of the refugee settlement in
Mayukwayukwa? – What is the minimum volume that will meet the basic requirements of the
people in the refugee settlement? An accurate data set of water usage of the Refugee Settlement in
Mayukwayukwa is impossible to find as there have been no previous attempts to measure it for any
reason. The total water usage of the Mayukwayukwa Refugee Settlement is 64,240,000 Litres/Year.
This total can be
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Geography The Caribbean was a name given to this region...
Geography The Caribbean was a name given to this region after becoming popular following World
War II, being previously referred to as the Indies because Columbus thought he finally reached
South Asia and the East Indies (Caribbean). This area "includes more than 7,000 islands; of those,
13 are independent island countries and some are dependencies or overseas territories of other
nations. In addition, that large number includes islets (very small rocky islands); cay's (small, low
islands composed largely of coral or sand) and a few inhabited reefs" (Caribbean). The Caribbean
includes the Greater and Lesser Antilles, the Caribbean Sea and all of the islands located to the to
the north of South America, east of Central America and Mexico, ... Show more content on ...
The Christian faith became more wide spread into the Caribbean from the slaves bringing their own
practices and beliefs after being traded into the varying Caribbean regions. The end of slavery gave
the region encouragement and help in allowing other religions and practices to be brought into the
expansion of the islands. Majority of the Spanish and French immigrants believe in Roman Catholic
and in Trinidad and Tobago about one–quarter of the island is of the Hindu faith. Rastafarian is a
belief that is a form of Christianity that believes in the bible, but has distinct Caribbean attributes to
the religion and practices. The creole faith was brought to the island also by the slaves that were
traded during the slave trade. Creole has two different religions in its own being Vodou or Voodoo
created by the French–speaking natives of Haiti, and Santeria created by Spanish–speaking natives
in Cuba.
Indegious Ingredients Historically, the number one delicacy in the Caribbean was conch which was
stewed or barbequed. People of the islands technique to cook food was often on the "barbacoa"
which were grills made of moist green branches (Orr, p. xiii). Catching fish was done often because
of the location of the island and the abundance of water living creatures including reef fish, tuna,
swordfish, mahi–mahi, crab, and lobster. For a meat source hutia, a small rat–like creature that is
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Eat Vs Gmo
Geaquandria Malone English 1101 Professor Hilger 1 December 2015 To Eat Or Not To Eat Today's
scientific innovative advances are changing the world we live in. We are always looking for new
ways to improve our living. One of the biggest ways we alter living is by watching what we put in
our mouth. What we eat is very important to our health and well–being. most look to eat organically
looking for some type of health benefits. But with the growing use of GMO foods or genetically
modified foods, just might be another solution. "GMOs are organisms whose genetic make–up have
been changed by mutating, inserting, or deleting genes by using engineering techniques or
biotechnology" (Goldbas, 20). Genetically modifications are a big part of the ... Show more content
on ...
Television, of course, is a huge advertiser. We witness lots of food commercials that claim to have so
many of these desperately needed vitamins.GM foods are what these commercials are really
advertising. Consumers are bound to have a laundry list of questions two being: Do these foods
really exist? Do they really help? There were foods genetically modified in Africa to contain
beneficial mineral, vitamins, and proteins."The proposed altered cassava plant is an illustration. The
cassava is a starchy root eaten by people in tropical Africa. Approximately 40% of the food calories
in this land come from cassavas. GM cassavas boast increased minerals, vitamin A, and protein
content. The nutrient dense food can help prevent childhood blindness, iron deficiency anemia, and
infections due to damaged immune system"( qtd. in Goldbas, 21). This illustration answers the
consumers' questions in entirety. It shows how a popular, common, native plant was genetically
modified to bring about nutritional value to the people who is fond and familiar with it. This being
one of the pros of GMO foods.This also proving that aconsumer's favorite fruit or vegetable, one
with very few nutritional benefits, can be genetically arranged to give the consumers the vitamins
and nutrients that they long for. Agricultural biotechnology can have positive effects on human
health by decreasing
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The Importance Of Contextual Understanding For Engineering...
Understanding the context in which an engineering project will take place is vitally important to the
decisions that you make when designing this project. Many people believe that if a project will work
in one country then it will also work in another country. This is not the case. There are many
differences in countries that can cause a project to succeed in one country but fail in another. An
example of this would be a project that requires lots of water may succeed in Australia but in a
landlocked country like Zambia would most likely fail as they don 't have enough water. Lots of
research must be completed to make sure an engineering project will succeed in another country.
Factors such as geography, culture, economy, ect. should all influence what your design is in that
location. If you don 't fully understand the place you are designing a project for the project has a
very high chance of failure as not all impacts are the same from country to country and there is
bound to be a problem that occurs if proper research isn 't undertaken.
Contextual Understanding
We have been tasked by Engineers Without Borders (EWB) and The United Nations High
Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) to tackle the waste problem in one of Zambia 's refugee
camps, Mayukwayukwa. The refugees in Zambia do not have any form of waste management which
can cause great environmental problems (Baillie &
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Natural Dyes from Plants in Producing Colored Paste
Natural Dyes from Plants in Producing Colored Paste
Paste is a type of glue made from starch or dextrin, a starch product. This investigatory project
shows that we can produce our own colored paste without spending much time and money and by
performing simple steps. That's why this Science Investigatory Project can help students save their
money instead of spending it in buying expensive and commercialized colored glue. In addition, this
colored paste can be an additional source of income. It's not just affordable; it's also safe and non–
toxic because the ingredients used are starch, water, natural dyes from plants and alum. Alum is used
as preservative to prolong the shelf–life of the paste. Natural dyes from plants like ... Show more
content on ...
2. This is produced only to have instant colored paste.
Review of Related Literature:
Starch may be further processed into such products as dextrin.
Starch glue is the general name for adhesives made from wheat starch, potato starch, or cassava
starch modified with acids, alkalies, or oxidizing agents, it has poor resistance to moisture.
Commercial is obtained from the starch of tapioca, maize and sweet potatoes.
The halogen elements (fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine) also serve as oxidizing
agents. When chloride combines with sodium chloride or common salt, the sodium atoms give up
electron to the chloride atoms.
A salt is derived from an acid when one or more hydrogen atoms of the acid are replaced by one or
more metal ions positively charged radicals.
Alkalies are usually salts or hydroxide of sodium potassium, lithium or ammonia.
The seeds of the Annatto tree are used locally for coloring food. The coloring matter of the fruit,
Annatto, is employed commercially for coloring butter and in the preparation of various polishers
for russet leather.
The rhizomes of turmeric, or dilau, are commonly sold in Manila markets, and are used as
condiments as an ingredients of curry powder, and for coloring food and other materials.
Turmeric is one of the best–known material dyes. Being used for dyeing silk, wool and cotton.
Alumina is used to make abrasive and high–temperature
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Third World Countries
Genetically modified organisms have been a highly debated issue not only in the United States but
in third world countries. There are arguments stating that with the help of genetically modified
organisms world hunger may be conquered; likewise, there are strong arguments refusing the use of
genetically modified foods in developing countries, since GMOs only help feed the already overfed
rich. Using genetically modified technology to improve crops in the developing world, is not a
solution when trying to end world hunger.
Many argue that developing genetically modified crops in third world countries would be a positive
impact not only economically, but environmentally. "Biotechnology is one of the tomorrow's tools in
our hands today. ... Show more content on ...
(Estrella– Herrera, Luis R.)
Although, it may seem biased, in a quote stated by Amory and Hunter Lovins they mention that "
Genetically engineered crops were created not because they're productive, but because they're
patentable. Their economic value is oriented not toward helping subsistence farmers to feed
themselves, but toward the already overfed rich." In a study conducted by Nigel Taylor, cassava
crops in developing countries have continuously been attacked by whiteflies. Cassava crops serve as
vectors against diseases such as Mosaic and Brown Streak. (Jenkins, 179–180) These insects have
been kept away by spraying plants with pesticides, which is dangerous for farmers and consumers,
mentions Mckay Jenkins author of "Food Fight".
Escalante 3
According to John Robbins, "When researchers compared the performance of Monsanto's transgenic
soybeans (World's number one Genetically engineered crop) with those of conventional varieties
grown under the same conditions, they found a 10 percent yield reduction for the genetically
engineered soybeans".
Finding a common ground suitable for both sides was challenging but necessary; one idea is
planting our own food. The Natural Society Newsletter mentions that utilizing perennial vegetables
and incorporating permaculture, along with planting wild growth may possibly save those in need.
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A Maize Civilization : A Corn Civilization
A maize civilization Until the 19th century, the culinary tradition of the Brazilian Southeast was
mostly influenced by the Portuguese cuisine and the food habits of the various Brazilian indigenous
peoples and of the numerous African nations that were forcibly brought here by the slavery. After
the arrive, in large numbers, of immigrants of many nationalities – such as Japanese, Lebanese,
Italians, Spaniards and Germans there is a sudden and considerable increase in Brazilian
gastronomic heterogeneity, especially in the city of São Paulo, at a reduced period of time. This
modernization process, induced by the populational and geographical growth of the city of São
Paulo, led to persecuting of some food habits, such as the commercialization of food in the streets
and even to the traditional menu of this type of commerce, which was heavily based on the corn,
called 'iguarias do bugre'[i]. This cuisine was strongly influenced by the indigenous culinary culture,
offering delicacies such as içás (a type of ant that would be fried and eaten with farofa, that is the
cassava flour or the corn flour boiled or roasted), roasted pinhão (the seed of the Pinheiro–
brasileiro), corn cakes, cuscuz (a type of couscous) and others.[ii] Studying the São Paulo society of
the Colonial period, Sérgio Buarque de Holanda devoted a chapter, 'Civilização do Milho', to the
role of the corn at the Brazilian food culture during this period; and another chapter to the 'iguarias
de bugre', ie the use
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Feminist Literary Analysis in Chinu Acebe's Thing Falls Apart
For several decades, females have been victims of sexism, violence and prejudice. Many cultures
nationwide still display discrimination against women, especially in the Middle East and African
culture. One book in particular Things Fall Apart, by Achebe portrays Igbo Society and examines
masculinity from an African perspective. Throughout the novel, women were voiceless and
struggled against injustice; which is set in the era of the first wave feminism. As most are aware, this
period of history highlights the inequalities between females and males. A topic that has been
analyzed by Chinu Acebe, Levine Nett, J.Case Tompkins, and other feminist theorists. Thus, this
paper argues that feminist literary theory is a useful tool to analyze ... Show more content on ...
Domination and authority over women are reflected by the male characters in Things Fall Apart,
specially the protagonist Okonkwo, as he oppresses his wives and overly abuse his power as the
male dominator. At the beginning of the novel Okonkwo displayed, this trait as the monarch of the
household "He ruled his household with a heavy hand. His wives, especially the youngest, lived in
perpetual fear of his fiery temper, and so did his little children" (Acebe, 10). In the Igbo community
men were the domineering sex and ruled over their families especially their wives. They treated
their wives with disrespect and continuously let women live in fear. As stated above, males being
more powerful than women limit woman capabilities and let them fear their husband. Throughout
the book the author gives a clear idea that within the Igbo culture they live in a patriarchy society
and as proven above the males continuously withhold this dominate role in their household.
Secondly, it is important to understand from a feminist point of view that the process of gender
division is not equally distributed within male and female. Division of Labour is unjust among
women and male, men holds the higher title such as the most work that women can do as equally as
them. Feminist believed and predicted that division of labour kept women out of labour market
altogether and assign jobs that they thought women can handle. Women roles
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Water Usage Of The Refugee Settlement Essay
Intro The Zambian Refugee Settlement in Mayukwayukwa, which established by the United Nations
in 1966, currently has no system for harvesting rain water or for storing water in bulk. Zambia has a
monsoonal climate thus it receives all of its rain water in one small section of the year and is dry and
arid for the rest. This review will focus specifically on the water usage of the refugee settlement.
This area of research will prove to be invaluable for the specifications of the water harvesting and
bulk storage system as it will be the basis for which the required volumes of water are calculated.
The development of the Mayukwayukwa settlement will be stunted if they do not have access to
sufficient amounts of water for the refugees who live there or for the crops and animals. The
objectives of this paper are to assess the current water usage of the Mayukwayukwa Refugee
Settlement and to predict what the minimum volume is that will meet their basic requirements. The
questions that I intend to answer are: – What is the current water usage of the refugee settlement in
Mayukwayukwa? – What is the minimum volume that will meet the basic requirements of the
people in the refugee settlement? An accurate data set of water usage of the Refugee Settlement in
Mayukwayukwa is impossible to find as there have been no previous attempts to measure it for any
reason. The total water usage of the Mayukwayukwa Refugee Settlement is 64,240,000 Litres/Year.
This total can be
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Summary Of Program Four: Creators Of The Future
The video "Program Four: Creators of the Future" talks about microbes in general; especially how
some of them are resistant to antibiotics in various circumstances. Microbes are all around the
world, even inside us. Many microbes are beneficial to humans but some of them are not. They are
mostly associated with illness and because of that, in 1928 Alexander Fleming invented penicillin,
which is an antibiotic produced by mold. Penicillin was the first microbial product to kill human
diseases. Some microbes are resistant to all antibiotics and cannot be treated. When penicillin
functions correctly, it kills the bacteria by destroying their cell walls. Microbes reproduce by
replicating themselves in two; when a mutation in the replication occurs, what happens is that the
microbe with the mutation is going to be resistant to all antibiotics known for the moment. Nothing
will stop microbes from mutating; ... Show more content on ...
The idea was to collect the soil from a park in Vancouver, collect the microbes found in it and
removed their DNA. The extracted DNA was introduced into microbes that they could grow in the
lab to see the reaction of the organism. The DNA samples were grown in culture and were put in
colonies. They noticed that the antibiotic was killing the harmful bacteria. Scientists also collected
soil samples in the radioactive environment of Chernobyl, in which the bacteria contained will be
cultured and cultivated in test tubes. They did the same process and realized that the chemicals they
leave behind in their nutrient solutions will be screened for new antibiotics. The second part of the
video focuses mainly in how microbes can improve the quality of life on Earth. Everything began
when a plant biologist from Africa realized that a virus is affecting Cassava's plant in Africa. Viruses
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Case Study Of Onions
Allium Ascalonicum Linn. (Liliaceae)
1. Introduction
1.1 Onions
Onions are from the specie Allium of the family Alliaceae is the most historic cultivar of vegetables
that have been famous for their use in ornamentals, spices, vegetables and medications. An estimate
of about 700 different types of species are currently present and grown throughout the world and are
admired for their flavor, easy growth and extended shelf life. It is important to note that all the
species are close in bio–chemical, phytochemical contents whereas the form and taste differs. The
organoleptic properties are due to the rich content of sulfur compounds that other than organoleptic
properties contribute to anti–oxidant and anti–microbial activity. [1]
The two main categories of the underground bulb are:
Green Onion also called as Scallions
Dry Onion that are the mature adaptation of Green Onions.
The onions evolves in various colors, shape and flavors. However, when processed such as boiled
they change into translucent. Being seasonal, the onion are further classified as:
Spring/Summer Onions:
Having high water content they have thin and light colored skin thus have low shelf–life and are
delicate. The flavor ranges from sweet to mild and are extensively used in Salads, Sandwiches etc.
Fall/Winter Onions
These having lower ... Show more content on ...
This is because the bad handling results into the potential bulb decay, germination and hence
declined retail prices. The most appropriate manner to handle the increased growth of shallot is that
the shallot powder must be manufactured which is widely used as raw material in various industries
as Snack production, Seasoning for cooking and finally medications. Drying can be held of the
shallots by using Oven Dryers by the addition of Sodium Meta–bisulphite as an anti–browning
agents. However their use is limited due to increasing allergenic reactions.
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GMO Argument Essay
GMO crops have been a controversial topic for many years, whether if they are morally right or if
they are dangerous for consumption. Although GMO's are typically frowned upon in developed
countries, they have potentially life saving capabilities and should be used in underdeveloped or
developing locations throughout the world, like Africa, to support their growing economies and
populations. To start, a genetically modified organism (GMO) or crop, is an organism that has had
its genetic makeup or material altered through means of genetic engineering. There are many
differentiating opinions of GMOs and if they should be utilized or not. Recent attempts to label
GMO products have shown "congress is making a half–hearted effort to preclude a proliferation of
ill–informed and costly state labeling laws that would benefit the organic food industry by ignoring
sound science and instilling ... Show more content on ...
Their environmental impacts have been shown repeatedly to be less damaging to the environment,
and a boon to global biodiversity" (Mckinney). One example of something similar to GMO
technology in the past would have to be the green revolution. The green revolution occurred in the
1940's and began when food was not able to keep up with the population growth of countries. One
example in Mexico during this time talks about how one man, Norman Borlaug, developed new
techniques for growing and developing crops (Genetically). Yes it is true that he didn't genetically
engineer the plants then, but he did selectively crossbreed and harvest specific plants with specific
DNA in order to achieve more drought resistant, and pest resistant crops (Genetically). Although the
green revolution didn't utilize GMO technology they still pioneered a new era of crop growth and
development. The same thing can be said for the biological engineers of today, and how they are
striving to make crops better for everything and everyone by engineering them to be more resistant
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Gmo Satire
He talks about people spending billions of money on "fraud" products. Yet people don't care unless
theres proof . People are concerned that GMOs are unhealthy. Scientific studies to date have
uncovered no adverse health effects due to eating GMOs . people fear that they are substantial
enough that new foods are being tested for their safety. Not seeing what these efforts, there is
tremendous continuing suspicion of the health effects of GMOs. Specter mentions that using these
techniques we are actually able to make our foods a lot healthier. He says, "we can put something
like vitamin A into rice, and that stuff can help millions of people, millions of people, prolong their
lives."One of the crops grown extensively in very poor areas of Africa
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Essay on West African Culture
Brief History From the 1500s to the 1700s, African blacks, mainly from the area of West Africa
(today's Senegal, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Gambia, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Dahomey, Togo,
Nigeria, Cameroon, and Gabon) were shipped as slaves to North America, Brazil, and the West
Indies. For them, local and tribal differences, and even varying cultural backgrounds, soon melded
into one common concern for the suffering they all endured. Music, songs, and dances as well as
remembered traditional food, helped not only to uplift them but also quite unintentionally added
immeasurably to the culture around them. In the approximately 300 years that blacks have made
their homes in North America, the West Indies, and Brazil, their highly honed art ... Show more
content on ...
"Soul food" incorporates an economical and satisfying cuisine based on cereals, vegetables (greens
and yams), pork and pork offal as well as chicken. Meals and Customs The majority of rural
Africans customarily eat one main meal a day and this is usually the evening meal. Upon arising,
coffee, tea or milk or curds may form a small light meal while some people may be content to nibble
on seeds. Throughout the day snacks of fruits, seeds, or nuts may be accompanied with beverages.
In some areas a midday meal of fufu/ugali and relishes may be traditionally larger than the evening
meal, which in this case would then be a cereal dish alone of gruel or fufu. Infants are usually
breast–fed on demand up to the age of two. Attempts to introduce bottle feedings have often met
with sad results: sterilization of bottles and formula were poorly understood, formulas were diluted
to last longer, and with the abandonment of breast–feeding, intercourse was resumed earlier than
usual with a resultant increase in children who could be ill afforded. Bota is a thin gruel for babies,
fed by pouring into the mother's hand and gently easing into the infant's mouth. Some foods and
medicinal herbs if deemed necessary are pre–chewed by the mother then given to the infant. Very
young children are taught early that meat is a delicacy,
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Cassava as an Ideal Bioplastic
Cassava starch as an effective component for Ideal Biodegradable Plastics
A Science Investigatory Project presented to
Philippine Women's College of Davao
In partial fulfillment
Of the requirements in Science and Technology IV (PHYSICS)
Mr. Kenny Lloyd L. Angon
Physics Teacher
Gabriel Arañas
Danielle Andrea M. Ibaos
Jascha Bridget Lim
John Vergel Mori
Grade 10 – Probity
March 2013
Before I acknowledge the people who supported this Science Investigatory Project, I dedicate this
project for the people who believe on the quote which is "Less is more". I shall formally dictate all
the people who supported this Science Investigatory Project, first and foremost, God who have
given us the time ... Show more content on ...
They consume growing amounts of energy and other natural resources, degrading the environment
in numerous ways. In addition to using up fossil fuels and other resources, plastic products create
litter, hurt marine life, and threaten the basis of life on earth. There is over 45 million tons of plastics
per year and nearly every piece of plastic ever made still exists today because of its long–life
properties. Biodegradable plastics could be an effective solution to all of these problems.
Biodegradable plastics are a much better choice than non–biodegradable plastics because they are
friendlier to the earth and the environment. Biodegradable plastics break down faster, can be
recycled easier and are non–toxic. With these characteristics of biodegradable plastics, we could
help save lives and the environment as well and reduce the threat plastics give to marine life. Plastic,
the wonder material that we use for everything, is perhaps the most harmful of this trash because it
does not readily break down in nature but if it is biodegradable, these plastics break down faster so
they have a much shorter effect on the earth, and they will degrade completely. Normal plastics are
manufactured using oil, and this process is very harmful to the environment by polluting the air and
environment, but this is not the case with green biodegradable plastics. Using biodegradable plastics
will minimize the effects that these products
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P1 / Hc Pro Of The Potyvirus Targets
P1/HC–Pro of the Potyvirus targets RISC assembly (Brigneti et al., 1998; Anandalakshmi et al.,
1998 ; Kasschau et al., 2003), 2b of Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) binds to dsRNA and interferes
with spread of silencing signal (Brigneti et al.,1998 ; Qi et al., 2004), p19 of tombusviruses binds to
siRNAs (Voinnet et al., 1999; Silhavy et al., 2002 ; Qi et al., 2004), p38 encoded by the Turnip
crinkle virus binds AGO1 and inhibits the activity of DCL–4 (Thomas et al., 2003; Azevedo et al.,
2010), P25 of Potato Virus X interferes with the spread of silencing signal (Voinnet et al., 2000),
P23, S, γb, P15, P0, P1, P30, P69, NS and coat protein of closterovirus (Reed et al., 2003 ; Lu et al.,
2004), comovirus (Liu et al., 2004), hordeivirus ... Show more content on ...
Contrary to RNA viruses that can be controlled only by PTGS, geminiviruses may be manipulated
by both PTGS and TGS. TGS is introduced when siRNAs corresponding to the promoter regions are
produced that direct methylation of the promoter followed by inhibition of transcription (Mette et
al., 2000). In a transient assay, TGS was reported to be effective against the begomovirus Mungbean
yellow mosaic virus (Pooggin et al., 2003).
Viral invasiveness is reported to be promoted by the ability of C1 to suppress PTGS (Cui et al.,
2005). It has been shown that C4 gene of Cotton leaf curl Multan virus and βC1gene of Cotton leaf
curl Multan betasatellite bind short RNAs, with a preference for the double stranded and single
stranded forms, respectively, suggesting that these suppressors sequester siRNAs and prevent their
incorporation into the RNA–induced silencing complex (RISC) involved in sequence specific
mRNA degradation (Hammond et al., 2000).
V2, a unique protein of monopartite begomoviruses has been shown to suppress PTGS in transient
assays (Zrachya et al., 2007). It was demonstrated that ability of V2 to interact with SISG3, the
tomato homologue of Arabidopsis SGS3 leads to suppression of PTGS (Glick et al., 2008).
Furthermore, it was shown that the Rep proteins encoded by two alphasatellites, Gossypium
darwinii symptomless alphasatellite and Gossypium mustelinium symptomless alphasatellite possess
suppressor activity (Nawaz–ul–Rehman et
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The Democratic Republic Of Congo
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is still recovering from years of political upheaval and
conflict and disruption. The war that lasted from 1996–2003 has meant that 6.4 million people are
suffering from acute food insecurity which is an increase from July 2012 when 5.4 million were in
danger, ¼ children are malnourished and 70% of the population lacks access to adequate food (IPC,
2012). In 2009 the Global Hunger Index was the lowest in the world at just 39.1% and in 2002 a
survey showed that 73% of people in the DRC were experiencing food insecurity (Tollens, 2003). A
study by the GFSI (Global Food Security Index) proved that developing countries were more likely
to experience food insecurity than developed countries ... Show more content on ...
Using this definition, food security relies on four factors to function: availability, accessibility,
utilisation and stability.
The availability of food is based on the amount and quality of the food produced. The DRC
agricultural industry supports ⅔ of the population, and is split into two sectors: subsistence and
commercial. Four million families rely on subsistence farming to produce manioc, corn and tubers.
What's left of commercial farmers, concentrate on producing the export orientated food, but the
DRC does not have much of a commercial sector because of the war, which has deteriorated the
infrastructure of the market.
Crop Tonnes (t) Crop Tonnes (t)
Manioc 14,950,000 Sweet potatoes 224,500
Sugarcane 1,787,000 Bananas 313,000
Corn 1,155,000 Yams 84,000
Peanuts 364,000 Pineapple 193,000
Agricultural productivity is low because of the lack of harvesting techniques, financial support from
the government, and because the mining industry has drawn investments away from the agricultural
industry. The current level of production provides enough protein for each person in the DRC to
have 39.5 g per day (the average intake for men is 56 g and for women is 46 g) (D'Haese, 2013).
The main agricultural production areas are in the south east plateaus in the province of Katanga,
which farms maize and cassava, but other agricultural areas are Haut Zaire, Equateur,
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What Were The Impact Of The Columbian Exchange
Impact of the Columbian Exchange
The flow from east to west Disease
The biggest impact of the Columbian Exchange after the introduction of new diseases into the North
and South America. When the first Native Americans arrived across the Bering land bridge (North–
South America) between 20,000 and 12,000 years ago, they brought few diseases along with them.
Soon after 1492, some of the disease were introduced including smallpox, measles, mumps,
whooping cough, influenza, chicken pox, and typhus to the Americas. Adults and children were
affected by wave after wave of epidemic, in the larger centres of highland Mexico and Peru, many
millions of people died. The Native American population died out completely, between 1492 and
1650, but 90 percent of the native Americans had died due to various diseases.
This loss is considered among the largest disasters in human history. By killing the Americas of
much of the human population, the Columbian Exchange disturbed the region's ecological and
economic balance. The decline in population by Columbian Exchange directly caused a major
labour shortage throughout the America, which also increased the demand of African slavery on a
big scale in the America. From 1650 the slave trade had brought new diseases in America ... Show
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Recently zebra mussels from Black Sea, stowed away in ballast water ships, invaded North
American waters, they blocked the water lines of factories, nuclear power plants in the regions of
Great Lakes. Just after the arrival of Christopher Columbus's ships in America in 15th century
resulted in worldwide exchange of disease, crops and animals in the 20th century practice of ships
using water as ballast helped to unite the formerly diverse world's harbours. Similarly, air transport
allows the spread of insects and diseases that would not easily survive
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The Influences of Asia, Africa and the Americas Toward...
Human World Views
The Influences of Asia, Africa and the Americas toward Contemporary Society
September 13, 2015
The progression of morality as it relates to the influence of family, religion and society varies
between Asia, Africa, and the Americas. Our contemporary society has been influenced
tremendously in many different areas by these different societies.
Social order in Asia was established by Hammurabi's Code of Laws. Hammurabi himself was an
Amorite king of Babylon, he set these laws to place order in Babylon. Hammurabi's lex talionus
explains that the punishment of a crime should be equal to what crime has been done, these laws are
described as "an eye for an eye" and "a tooth for a tooth" (Levack, B., Muir, E., & ... Show
more content on ...
Similarities between ancient Egypt and now is that the subject of divorce is a private matter, unless
one of the two wants to publicize it. As for the America's in their advanced agriculture system led to
modern society's agriculture as well. This system was put to use by Ancient Peru after hunters were
in search to consume foods other than meats. Ancient Peru created the spread of corn, cassava, and
potatoes (Adas, 1992), this resulted in the growth population in the Americas, because people who
only had access to cassava were able to eat this new thing called corn. This sense of spreading food
is similar to how we can get Florida oranges, and Georgia peaches to Delaware, by trade. Lastly,
Contemporary society and the Americas both served as a melting pot for existing civilizations.
People of many descents migrated to the Americas in search of something new, and today people
from other countries migrate to the many states of America to start a new life with new
opportunities. Once all the newcomers came and got settled in the Americas, a defined culture had
set in as well, which was different from the rest. Today you still hear people refer to our "American
culture" across many different areas of life. In comparison to all of the societies mentioned above,
each one has contributed to modern American culture in the subjects of literature and art. Egyptians
were the first to develop an alphabet through their
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Ancient Ghana Research Paper
Joseph Purvis
Mr Herb
How To Eat In Ancient Ghana How to eat in ancient Ghana. The Ancient Ghana civilization lasted
from about 300–1200 A.D.. The Ancient country lies in Western Africa where the modern countries
of Mali, Mauritania, and Senegal are today (Kingdom of Ghana). The people of Ghana ate what they
could provide by farming. They farmed crops such as corn and rice. The Niger river ,which cut
across ancient Ghana, flooded like the Nile during the rainy season bringing water and nutrients to
their fields (Social Aspects of Ancient Ghana) . They raised animals such as Goats, chickens, and
sheep to eat. The people mostly ate several different types of soup with fufu, plantain, bread, rice,
and potatoes. The soups were nut based with different meats such as fish, mutton, goat, or chicken
added (Ancient Ghana Environment). Fufu is the african equivalent to mashed potatoes. It normally
accompanies soup or a meat with gravy. Fufu is rolled up into balls then a indenture is made. It is
then used to scoop up soup or gravy. In Central Africa Fufu is made out of cassava tubers (Fufu).
Cassava tubers are starchy roots from the spurge family (Euphorbiaceae) of plants (Cassava
Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits). In West Africa ,where Ghana was located, Fufu was made out
of yams. Yams are tubers root vegetables native to Africa ... Show more content on
Like bananas they belong to the Musaceae family. It is bigger than a banana and the shell is harder.
Like bananas plantains come in green, yellow, and black. Unlike bananas black plantains are not
rotten they are perfectly ok to eat. The different colors taste different and are used to cook different
meals. Green plantains are starchy and just a little sweet, and are cooked in stews or made into
chips. Yellow plantains are sweeter than green ones and less starchy. Black plantains are sweet but
not as sweet as a banana you bake them and eat them for dessert ("Paleo Foods:
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Mkt 500- a Business Mkt Plan
A Business Marketing Plan: Hunger Solution & Training Company
John Garven
Strayer University, Lower Bucks County
Dr. Tony Muscia
I n s t r u c t o r
MKT 500– Marketing Management
September 6, 2012
Introduction This paper contains a marketing plan of a small production company that is earmarked
to be established in Gardnerville, the suburb of Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa, my country of
origin. The business which is to be named "Hunger Solution & Training Company" derived its
name from the decade–long civil war that existed in Liberia that resulted into most of the citizens
and other nationals of this country being internally displaced. These people which comprise of men,
women, children, and other nationals, ... Show more content on ...
The Company will ensure that its product and training are essential to the needs of the Liberian
consuming public as well as their manpower development. You will also read about the Company's
advertising strategy and how this approach will bring into line the Company's marketing goals. It
will be determined how effectively the advertising will be measured and how the different
promotional strategies relevant to the Company advertising will be utilized. Further discussion will
establish the best marketing research approach used to measure customer satisfaction with the
Company's product (cassava powder) and training service initiated to train farmer in implementing
large–scale farming. It will be explained how gaps in customer expectations and experiences will be
addressed by the marketing wing of the Company, using the high knowledge and proficiency of
experienced and well–schooled people in marketing management.
Type of Product and its Primary Characteristics
This marketing plan will also engulf vision of the company, its mission statement, product and
services, and underlying factor of the business. The plans will also contain a vivid description of the
company in terms of its business product as well as SWOT analysis to demonstrate its strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. A market target segmentation of customers, strategic
mission, and its foreign expansion
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European and South Eastern Exports
Given the problems of traditional export markets, Vietnam's rice exports in October 2013 fell 15.2%
in volume and 17.9% in value (respectively one million tons and 562 million). The traditional
market of Vietnam's rice is Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia also plummeted due to highly
competitive market from India, Thailand, Pakistan,... Meanwhile, China importation had
strengthened Vietnam's rice exports in the last two years, from nearly 310 thousand tons in 2011 to
2.08 million tons in 2012 and as of May 10, 2013 reached 1.93 million tons.
At the same time, exports of Vietnam's coffee in the past 10 months is 1.09 million tons, also fell
sharply by 24.6% in volume and 24.5% in value (354 thousand tons and 754 million respectively).
These items showed the steepest decline in the agricultural commodities' export, though the price
level remained stable in 2012. The biggest importer of Vietnam's coffee in the past 10 months was
still the EU, with 459 thousand tons, down 11.6% compared to the same period in 2012 and
accounted for 42.2% of Vietnam's coffee exports. Rubber goods worth is reduced $344 million, the
highest after coffee and rice; and commodity prices fell the most (16.9%) in agricultural products
compared to the same period last year. As of October 2013 rubber exports amounted to 835
thousand tons Vietnam, rose slightly by 2.4% but prices fell sharply to a value of $1.96 billion,
down 14.9%. China remains the main partner of the rubber import of Vietnam in the past
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History Of Igbo
Many sites quoted "Igbo foods are easy and simple to make, " here is a list of all known foods eaten
by the people of Igbo and of the ingredients used in making them. You will learn so much about all
the special Igbo recipes, and of course a detailed guide on making them. One of the two main soups
that Nigerian tribes love is Fufu and Oha soup, main ingredients: made with the leaves of a tree
called oha leaves. Oha soup is often prepared with cocoa–yam, egusi or ofor/achi as the thickener.
Igbo has many popular desserts but two of the favorites is African salad and nkwobi, nkwobi
ingredients: initially it was made with just bush meat which is edible wild animals, the likes of
squirrel, grass cutter, rabbit and even antelopes could be used to
... Get more on ...
The Impact Of Technological And Commercial Effects On...
The nations of the world are endowed with different and unique resources and nations differ in their
preferences, capacity for growth and development, scale of production and technology. This creates
the basis for (international) trade which enables exchange and consumption of goods and services
which they cannot produce, thereby enjoying variety of goods and services to improve the standard
of living of their people. Some of the positive effects International trade (IT) have on economic
growth (EG) were pointed out by Smith (1776) and this idea triumphed until World War II. The
relationship between IT and EG is a vastly argued topic. However, the simple proposition is that it is
better to have some trade than no trade. The emergence of WTO, trade liberalization among
countries and tariff cuts will not only liberalise world economies but may also accelerate output
growth. In this term paper, I would carefully, but briefly define IT and EG, stating some theories and
other related evidence with the aim of analysing the influence of technological and commercial
effects from IT on EG.
International trade simply refers to the exchange of goods, services and capital across international
boundaries or boarders, which involves goods being sold into a country (imports) and goods being
sold out of a country (exports). A country may import good A that it cannot produce and export
another good B it may have to another
... Get more on ...

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Konzo Disease Summary

  • 1. Konzo Disease Summary This current news article talks about how poverty is one of the main reasons for a mysterious disease that citizens from Africa have been reporting for nearly a century. This disease called "Konzo" causes permanent paralysis on whoever consumes a crop named cassava. Hans Rosling, an epidemiologist and pop–star statistician, who died of pancreatic cancer earlier this month was the first person who found the cause Konzo disease back in 1990. However, he also argues that a secondary reason for this disease is the lifestyle and social class of many members from communities around Africa. According to Amy Maxmen, the editor of this article, the cassava crop is harmless cooked correctly. This crop must go through a process of preparation and conservation ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. Santa Dish The dish Prawns(shrimp) in Cassava sauce(Bobó de camarão) is made with ingredients that includes shrimps, cassava (similar to yucca), and tomato sauce. The first step is marinating shrimps in lime juice, salt, and pepper. Then the shells and heads of the shrimps are boiled and simmered in water, which will be use it later to make the tomato sauce. The cassava is then peeled and boiled with an onion and bay leaves. After the cassava has cooked, the ropey fibers are removed. Then the cassava has to be mashed while adding coconut milk until soft. Next, the shrimps are briefly fried. Chopped tomato, tomato puree, the onion that was previously boiled, and the prawn stock are simmered in a pan to make a tomato sauce. The mashed cassava and coriander(cilantro) are mixed together with the tomato sauce in the pan. This delicious and rich in flavor dish is then topped with the fried shrimp and served with steamed rice on the side. This recipe has such unique and flavorful characteristics. Although I thought the consistency of the sauce would be thinner, the texture came out to be a little thicker and softer than expected. It had very appealing colors, including the orange form the tomato sauce and the green from the cilantro. I really enjoyed every aspect of this dish. The combination of flavors from the shrimps, cassava, and coconut ... Show more content on ... I could say this because Puerto Rico, too, has a combination of three different races, including native boriquen Indians from the island, Spanish, and Africans. We also share staple foods, such as rice, beans and seafood. Meal patterns are the same too, including three different meal courses and sometimes a midafternoon. The only difference is that our biggest meal of the day is dinner, and lunch is usually the lighter meal. I found it interesting that besides the Dominican Republic and Cuba, Brazil shares so many food habits and characteristics with my ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Overview Of Dietary Practices And Food Frequencies On The... OVERVIEW OF DIETARY PRACTICES AND FOOD FREQUENCIES IN THE CENTER AND SOUTH REGIONS 1.1. Introduction Since the beginning of the eighteenth century, the nutrition transition that accompanied economic development has caused large shifts in food consumption patterns in Europe and the United States (Fogel et al., 2002). When economic development occurs in developing countries as well, as is the case in China today (IMF, 2010), nutritional changes put additional pressure on limited natural resources. This study was carried out to describe the dietary practices, food frequencies and the rate of deforestation in the center and south regions of Cameroon. Food items form the basis of food consumption patterns, defined as the consumption of specific food items and their combination in dishes and meals. These patterns show large temporal and spatial differences, mainly caused by the availability of commodities, cultural aspects and economic factors (Whitney et al,. 1999). The repeated arrangements of consumption, characterized by types and quantities of food items and their combination in dishes and meals, are termed food consumption practices (Gerbens et al, 2002). Food frequencies is defined as the frequency (in terms of days of consumption over a reference period) that a specific food item or food group is eaten at the household level (WFP, 2007). Factors such as preferences, habits, availability, tradition, culture and income influence these patterns (Van der ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. African Culture Research Paper Africa, home of the Nile River and the largest mammal (the African elephant), is the second largest and second most populated continent in the world, contributing to about 16% of the world's total population. Africa houses over 3,000 ethnic groups (tribes), with over 1,000 languages spoken daily. The main languages are French, Portuguese, Swahili, and Arabic. Africa is broken up into four different types when discussing food cultures. These are South Africa, Central Africa, Eastern Africa, and Western Africa. African tribes, Europe, and Asia help to influence South Africa's food habits. The largest tribe is the Bantu Speakers, which are hunter–gathers, and they grow grains and vegetables, as well as raising livestock, such as cattle, sheep, ... Show more content on ... Roasting is typically done over an open fire. Fish, meat, potatoes, roots, cassava, and plantains are usually roasted. Boiling is cooking with water in a large wire pot, with metal utensils. Vegetables, grains, beans, potatoes, and fufu. To steam food, Africans wrap meats, vegetables, fish, and plantains in banana leaves and steamed over a pot of boiling water. Steaming is usually the healthiest form of cooking because it does a better job at preserving nutrient values in food. And lastly, frying which is just cooking with olive oil. The kitchen, where most of the food is cooked, is either outside or in another building separate from the from the living ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Taking a Look at Cassava Cassava (Manihot esculenta) is a tuberous root crop that serves as a source of carbohydrate for more than 800 million people worldwide and its cultivation is estimated to cover more than 18.9 million hectors (FAO, 2011). It is a vital source of food and income to resource poor farmers (especially women) in the tropics and staple food crop for nearly 200 million people in the sub–Saharan Africa (Liu et al., 2011; Nyaboga et al., 2013). In Tanzania, cassava ranks only second to maize and third to rice, with its calories contribution per day being 15 % (FAO 2009). Cassava production in Africa is constrained with various pests and viral diseases especially cassava brown streak and cassava mosaic diseases. Research efforts to genetically improve resistance against viral diseases, drought, postharvest deterioration and nutrients fortification of this crop are underway (Zang et al., 2005; Vanderschuren et al., 2009; Nyaboga et al., 2013). All these efforts are through genetic transformation method which relies on the ability of cassava to regenerate from somatic embryos to full plant. Due to heterozygozity nature of cassava, it is difficult to use its zygotic embryos as starting materials for genetic transformation protocols (Raemakers et al., 1997; Sarria et al., 2000; Taylor et al., 2001; Siritunga and Sayre 2003). Instead, organised structures from somatic embryo cotyledons and friable embryogenic calli (FECs) have been developed (Schöpke et al., 1996; Taylor et al., 2004). FECs ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. Biocentric Ethics Analysis Sci/362 Biocentric Ethics Analysis SCI/362 – Environmental Issues and Ethics January 27, 2014 Howard Schmidt, M.S., M.B.A. Biocentric Ethics Analysis Inherent and intrinsic value both refer to the value that is within the item or organism, it has value in and of itself; the value within the item or organism is "independent of the interests, needs, or uses of anyone else" (DesJardins, 2013, p. 113). Inherent value refers to the value that is found or recognized within the item or organism; whether spiritual, moral, aesthetic, symbolic, or it is of cultural importance. An organism or an item that has inherent or intrinsic value offers something of value other than as an instrument; for example, relationships with friends and ... Show more content on ... 215). The positive aspects of GMOs is that it allows plants to be grown in environments that may not normally allow for the plant to grow. Food is less expensive as farming of the crop is easier; this beneficial on both a local and global scale. Furthermore, GMOs have been developed to add greater nutrition to the organism. The downside or concerns about GMOs is that there have been no studies that have tracked the long–term effects that GMOs may have on human consumption. Researchers concerns include health risks such as; antibiotic resistance, exposure to allergens, reproductive disorders, endocrine disruption, and accelerated aging. The FDS does not view or treat GMOs any differently than traditionally grown crops; companies that use GMOs may choose to voluntarily go there a safety consultation without any additional testing required (Kantor, 2013). The scientists behind GMOs believe that it is important to provide "food security". Food security is about having sufficient physical, social, and economic access to safe, nutritious, and culturally acceptable food at the household level, without having to resort to emergency supplies" (Witcombe and Sanchez, 2004, p. 300). In countries such parts of Eastern and Central Africa the African cassava mosaic virus is transmitted by the whiteflies that feed on the ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Root Vegetables Essay 12 Super Healthy Root Vegetables which You Should Implement in Your Daily Diet ASAP We all know that we should eat our veggies and how important they are for are well–being, but most of us we just find decent reasons to ditch vegetables. However, vegetables shouldn't be eaten just as a complement to our hamburger or as a side dish. In fact, vegetables are ought to make a huge difference, if incorporated in our daily diets. So, the next time you're too lazy to make yourself a salad or you simply choose to have your meal without these precious treasures, think twice. Root vegetables in particular, are notoriously famous for containing a great amount of valuable nutrients, each as important as any other nutrient. From vitamins A and C, containing a great amounts of minerals such as magnesium and potassium, and all the way to containing dietary fiber. All of these nutrients are known to fight diabetes, obesity, arthritis, heart disease and even fight cancer. Root vegetables are gluten–free, and powerful sources of antioxidants and complex carbohydrates. Plus, if you have weight problems, then root vegetables are just right for you, because not only are they low in calories, but they also boost your digestive system. ... Show more content on ... Sweet Potatoes –There is a reason why this list starts with sweet potatoes. They are delicious, tasty and super rich in powerful nutrients. For starters, they contain a great amount of vitamin A, probably being the vegetables which are most loaded with this vitamin. Then, they are also a great source of vitamin B5 and C as well as potassium. Sweet potatoes are known to be extremely beneficial in stabilizing your blood sugar and boosting your digestive system, due to the presence of fiber and slow–absorbing starch. 2. ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. When We Were So Hungry That We Stole People's Food While... Main Idea: People did whatever it took to survive. 1. "That night we were so hungry that we stole people's food while they slept." This example of economics because even though they had money when they went back to Mattru Jong, the people wasn't selling anymore because they had to survive also. In order for them to survive they had to steal the people food. 2. "We loaded the supplies in plastic bags and six of us went to the nearest market, where we sold them to a vendor." This is an example of economics because they had to survive by selling their school supplies in order to get money and buy things with their money. Also they wanted to go to Freetown and without money they couldn't. It relate to the main idea because they sole their school ... Show more content on ... "We slept in abandoned villages, where we lay on the bare ground and hoped that the following day we could be able to find something other than raw cassava to eat." This is an example of economics because the six of them had no where else to go so they had to sleep in abandoned village in order to avoid rebels and they had to eat raw cassava because that was the only thing they could find to eat. They took a very big chance because eating raw cassava is very poisonous and they digestive system will convert it to cyanide poison and can easily die. 7. "He would lend it to the boy for a few hours in exchange for toothpaste, soap, lunch, and so on." This is an example of economics because he uses his jersey in order to get food and supplies others things boys had that he didn't. He made a profit off his jersey and made a living. He did whatever it took in order for him to have more of the things he didn't have. 8. "They were benefiting form people who were running form their lives." This is an example of economics because the rebels use the people who are trying to be free and took the money that they have in order for them to buy food, drugs, or ammunition. The people who were running away did whatever it took to be free from the rebels and the war. They gave they last to the rebels in order to have ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Essay about The Culture of African Cuisine The forest not only hides man's enemies but it's full of man's medicine, healing power and food. ~African Proverb. Africa is a continent that is rich and diverse in terms of culture and traditions. The continent is also considered to be the agricultural hub in the world. Due to this, most of African culture is ultimately intertwined with the foodstuffs that the land has to offer. In general, most of the inhabitants of Africa live within the rural areas and rely on subsistent farming to meet their day to day food needs. Fast food restaurants and supermarkets where processed and packaged food is sold are usually frowned upon and considered a waste of money and resources (AIG, 2011). CHARACTERISTICS OF AFRICAN FOOD African foods are ... Show more content on ... Beans, cassava, groundnuts, maize, tomatoes and sweet potatoes thus were introduced to Africa as a direct cause of the European exploring of the American continent. Asian seasonings like pepper, cinnamon, clove, curry and nutmeg were introduced as well. More often than not, the ingredients used to prepare an African dish are fresh, very cheap and easily used to make a quick meal. Common vegetables include kale, spinach, cabbage, tomatoes, beans, potatoes, avocados and other leafy greens, while beef and goat meat are the common meats served in an African meal. Fish, chicken, and mutton are also available but are more expensive (AIG, 2011). Meat is often used merely as one of a number of flavorings, rather than as a main ingredient in cooking. Tropical fruits such as mangoes, oranges, pineapples, bananas, papaws, and pears are cheap, plentiful and popular among the people of Africa, because they are not available all year round and are dictated by seasons. Other ingredients used in typical dishes include rice, corn meal or maize, wheat and millet flour. Yams, plantains, green bananas and cassava are the essential staples in Africa. These vegetables are grown and used all over the continent, either on their own or combined with others. Cassava is an important source of dietary carbohydrates in the tropical and subtropical areas of the world, with its roots providing food for over 500 million ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Stable Phenotypic Traits Stable Phenotypic traits For fruitful purpose , the phenotypic traits caused by RNA silencing must be stably transmitted from one generation to next. Earlier work on suppressing flower colour biosynthesis by antisense or sense transgenes was not always uniform which raised uncertainty about the relevancy of the technology (Tanaka and Mason, 2003). Afterward, the phenotypic results from IR proved more efficacious and stable than induced by antisense or sense (Nakamura et al., 2006). The use of IR, which avoid the step of dsRNA synthesis by the RDR, become visible to result in silencing that is not only more competent but also more stable. Prolonged heritage studies of RNA silencing in different commercial programs are underway. In our lab, the phenotypes of analogous single–copy transgenic corn lines produced by the RNA silencing of endogenous LKR/SDH or zein genes (Huang et al., 2006b; Houmard et al., 2007) have been stably retained for more than seven traits. Transgenic soybean lines with their FAD2–1 minify by an IR transgene (S. Ivashuta et al. Manuscript in preparation) are now germinating in their tenth field–grown generation. Possibly, the best example of RNA silencing stability is the rice mutant, LGC–1, (Kusaba et al., 2003). Feasible/potential benefit of RNA silencing for plant biotechnology Despite the fact most biotech plants currently grown commercially were cultivated by the expression of transgenes, different employing RNA silencing have been recognized by ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Arrowroot Vs Corn Starch Arrowroot is made a from a tuber that was first used by the Caribbean Arawak people. It is an effective thickener as well as a useful alternative to wheat flour in biscuits, cakes and various baked goods. Cornstarch is made from the corn kernel's endosperm and was originally considered inedible but later became popular as a culinary thickener. How do these two starches compare to each other? What are their benefits and drawbacks? Below, we compare cornstarch and arrowroot. How do arrowroot and corn starch differ? If you were to go on appearance alone, these two thickeners would be identical as they both start out as fine–textured white powders. This is one of those cases where appearances can be deceiving. While arrowroot and corn starch are both effective thickeners, ... Show more content on ... It is best to use it at the very end of cooking time to limit its exposure to heat since it will thicken quickly with no need for boiling. It should also not be used in dairy liquids as it can give them a slimy texture. In comparison, corn starch can be cooked at high temperatures for long periods. Longer cooking is recommended since it can give foods a chalky texture when under–cooked. Corn starch can also be used with dairy products; however, it cannot be used with acids as it will lose its ability to thicken. It is also suggested that you do not freeze dishes that include cornstarch as an ingredient. Soups, sauces and gravies thickened with corn starch can turn spongy when frozen and thawed. If your recipe calls for corn starch can you use arrowroot? Can you use corn starch in place of arrowroot? Arrowroot can be used in place of corn starch as long as it is added at the very end of cooking and as long as the dish does not include dairy. It is actually a recommended substitute in cases where the dish is highly acidic. If a dish is going to be frozen, use arrowroot to thicken it instead of corn starch as it retains its ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Agricultural Officer ( Plant Production And Protection ),... To: Agricultural Officer (Plant Production and Protection), Regional office of Africa, FAO From: Sharmin Sampat, Policy Officer (Food Security and Nutrition, FIRST Programme), FAO Executive Summary: Global food demand is expected to grow by 110 per cent over the next 30 to 35 years as a consequence of increased urbanization and the predicted rise in global population from 7.3 billion today to 9.7 billion by 20501. Overlying this scenario are changes in the global climate that will affect crop productivity. Cassava is the second most important source of calories after maize in some African countries, like Angola and Mozambique, but for the rural poor, it represents a much larger proportion of daily calories and provides an important source of proteins, vitamins and micronutrients1. The vision for cassava is that cassava will spur rural industrial development and raise incomes for producers, processors and traders and contribute to the food security status of its producing and consuming households6. The strategy applied can consist of identifying, in a systematic manner, the opportunities and constraints of cassava at each stage of the commodity development cycle. The opportunities to increase efficiency of cassava crop mainly relies on the modification of the structure and architecture, and improving the genetic yield of the crop6. Introduction: Cassava provides the livelihood of up to 500 million farmers and countless processors and traders around the world. It is the ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Is Ghana Adopt A Similar Strategy? It is a well known fact that there cannot be a particular solution which could fix overnight the problems of many developing economies, however owing to its nature and holistic characteristic; a development oriented poverty alleviation is the much needed solution to see Ghana actually leap out of her economic woes. The example of Dingxi's anti poverty drive readily comes to mind and this paper highly recommends that Ghana should adopt a similar strategy designed along her unique characteristics. The next part of the chapter, discusses the experiences of Gansu Province / Dingxi as far as creating the right atmosphere for poverty alleviation is concerned and lessons in it for Ghana. 5.1 PROFILE OF GANSU/ANDING DISTRICT DINGXI CITY. 5.1.1 GANSU PROVINCE Gansu is located in the north–western part of China. It lies between the Tibetan and Huangtu plateaus and borders Mongolia, Inner Mongolia, and Ningxia to its north, Xinjiang and Qinghai to the west, Sichuan to the south and Shaanxi to the East. The yellow river passes through the southern part of the province. Gansu, an ethnic diverse province is made up of a population of 26.0334 million people, and has about 54 different nationalities dwelling in the area (Gansu China 2004) Gansu covers an area of 425,800 km2 (164,400 sq m) and has Lanzhou as its capital (Gansu Provincial People 's Government 2015). The province is rich in the cultivation of a variety of agricultural products and herbal medicines, for which reason it has ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Gmos Good For You And Me GMOs Good For You and Me Currently over 7 billion people inhabit the earth, current estimates are that the world's population could be as high as 10 billion by 2050. (Cleland, 553) In order to maintain a sufficient healthy food supply for a population of that size, the farming industry must continue to rely on scientific discoveries to raise crop output levels and raise nutritional values of that production. Beyond the discoveries that have already been made in the genetic altering of food supplies through mixed breeding of similar species. The next plateau will be the reliance on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to provide required crop supplies. Therefore, genetic modification of the world's food supply is a sustainable effort to allow the human race to continue to support the ever–growing world population. Genetic modification of organisms is something the human race has been doing for thousands of years, starting with the first domestication of animals around 10,000 years ago. (Root, 2) Many of these genetic alterations were at a basic level, an example of this being the cross breeding of dogs to achieve desirable traits. Additionally, importation of new plants or animals into areas they didn't historically come form, forced adaptations from these organism to survive. More recently, scientists have begun to understand genetic engineering at the DNA level, and expand its use into the altering of plants genetic code. (Goldbas) Scientists are now gaining insight into ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Chalk Made Out from Seashells Chapter I INTRODUCTION Nowadays, people are getting to use to collect seashells for fun and for past time. They made decorations, even accessories for a doll out of it and most people collect seashells. Here in the Philippines, people made seashells for decorations and accessories. They made seashells into accessories for them to sell it. But don't you know that aside from those things seashells can also be made into a much useful things. In addition, seashells are also used in making jewelry. These shells are made into smooth perfect spheres which, by themselves, could be mistaken to pearls. We are aware that the education is the most powerful key to succeed. And to support this, we need some facilities and materials for us to make it ... Show more content on ... The shells are the part of the body of a marine animal, in most cases the exoskeleton. The word shell is often used to refer only to the shells of marine mollusk, mollusk shells but it can also be used to mean the shells of a wide variety of marine animals from different phyla. The composition of seashells have three distinct substances involved: the outer layer of the horny substance conchiolin, the intermediate layer of calcite, and the smooth inner layer composed mainly of calcium calbornate. The blood of a mollusk is rich in a liquid form of calcium. A soft outer organ called the mantle concentrates the calcium in areas where it can separate out from the blood, forming calcium carbonate crystals. The mantle deposits sheets of the crystal in varying thickness. The individual crystals in each layer vary in shape and orientation. Most of the seashells are commonly found in beach drift, natural detritus that is deposited along strandlines on the beaches by the waves and the tides. Shells are very often washed up onto a beach empty and clean it's because the animal has already died and the soft parts having rotted away or having eaten by either predators or scavengers. Empty seashells are often found by beachcombers and collecting these shells is a harmless hobby or study. The majority of seashells which are offered for sales commercially have been collected alive and then ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. The Current Water Usage Of The Refugee Settlement Essay The Zambian Refugee Settlement in Mayukwayukwa, which established by the United Nations in 1966, currently has no system for harvesting rain water or for storing water in bulk. Zambia has a monsoonal climate thus it receives all of its rain water in one small section of the year and is dry and arid for the rest. This review will focus specifically on the water usage of the refugee settlement. This area of research will prove to be invaluable for the specifications of the water harvesting and bulk storage system as it will be the basis for which the required volumes of water are calculated. The development of the Mayukwayukwa settlement will be stunted if they do not have access to sufficient amounts of water for the refugees who live there or for the crops and animals. The objectives of this paper are to assess the current water usage of the Mayukwayukwa Refugee Settlement and to predict what the minimum volume is that will meet their basic requirements. The questions that I intend to answer are: – What is the current water usage of the refugee settlement in Mayukwayukwa? – What is the minimum volume that will meet the basic requirements of the people in the refugee settlement? An accurate data set of water usage of the Refugee Settlement in Mayukwayukwa is impossible to find as there have been no previous attempts to measure it for any reason. The total water usage of the Mayukwayukwa Refugee Settlement is 64,240,000 Litres/Year. This total can be ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Geography The Caribbean was a name given to this region... Geography The Caribbean was a name given to this region after becoming popular following World War II, being previously referred to as the Indies because Columbus thought he finally reached South Asia and the East Indies (Caribbean). This area "includes more than 7,000 islands; of those, 13 are independent island countries and some are dependencies or overseas territories of other nations. In addition, that large number includes islets (very small rocky islands); cay's (small, low islands composed largely of coral or sand) and a few inhabited reefs" (Caribbean). The Caribbean includes the Greater and Lesser Antilles, the Caribbean Sea and all of the islands located to the to the north of South America, east of Central America and Mexico, ... Show more content on ... The Christian faith became more wide spread into the Caribbean from the slaves bringing their own practices and beliefs after being traded into the varying Caribbean regions. The end of slavery gave the region encouragement and help in allowing other religions and practices to be brought into the expansion of the islands. Majority of the Spanish and French immigrants believe in Roman Catholic and in Trinidad and Tobago about one–quarter of the island is of the Hindu faith. Rastafarian is a belief that is a form of Christianity that believes in the bible, but has distinct Caribbean attributes to the religion and practices. The creole faith was brought to the island also by the slaves that were traded during the slave trade. Creole has two different religions in its own being Vodou or Voodoo created by the French–speaking natives of Haiti, and Santeria created by Spanish–speaking natives in Cuba. Indegious Ingredients Historically, the number one delicacy in the Caribbean was conch which was stewed or barbequed. People of the islands technique to cook food was often on the "barbacoa" which were grills made of moist green branches (Orr, p. xiii). Catching fish was done often because of the location of the island and the abundance of water living creatures including reef fish, tuna, swordfish, mahi–mahi, crab, and lobster. For a meat source hutia, a small rat–like creature that is now ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Eat Vs Gmo Geaquandria Malone English 1101 Professor Hilger 1 December 2015 To Eat Or Not To Eat Today's scientific innovative advances are changing the world we live in. We are always looking for new ways to improve our living. One of the biggest ways we alter living is by watching what we put in our mouth. What we eat is very important to our health and well–being. most look to eat organically looking for some type of health benefits. But with the growing use of GMO foods or genetically modified foods, just might be another solution. "GMOs are organisms whose genetic make–up have been changed by mutating, inserting, or deleting genes by using engineering techniques or biotechnology" (Goldbas, 20). Genetically modifications are a big part of the ... Show more content on ... Television, of course, is a huge advertiser. We witness lots of food commercials that claim to have so many of these desperately needed vitamins.GM foods are what these commercials are really advertising. Consumers are bound to have a laundry list of questions two being: Do these foods really exist? Do they really help? There were foods genetically modified in Africa to contain beneficial mineral, vitamins, and proteins."The proposed altered cassava plant is an illustration. The cassava is a starchy root eaten by people in tropical Africa. Approximately 40% of the food calories in this land come from cassavas. GM cassavas boast increased minerals, vitamin A, and protein content. The nutrient dense food can help prevent childhood blindness, iron deficiency anemia, and infections due to damaged immune system"( qtd. in Goldbas, 21). This illustration answers the consumers' questions in entirety. It shows how a popular, common, native plant was genetically modified to bring about nutritional value to the people who is fond and familiar with it. This being one of the pros of GMO foods.This also proving that aconsumer's favorite fruit or vegetable, one with very few nutritional benefits, can be genetically arranged to give the consumers the vitamins and nutrients that they long for. Agricultural biotechnology can have positive effects on human health by decreasing ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. The Importance Of Contextual Understanding For Engineering... THE IMPORTANCE OF CONTEXTUAL UNDERSTANDING FOR ENGINEERING PRACTICE. A CASE STUDY FROM ZAMBIA Introduction Understanding the context in which an engineering project will take place is vitally important to the decisions that you make when designing this project. Many people believe that if a project will work in one country then it will also work in another country. This is not the case. There are many differences in countries that can cause a project to succeed in one country but fail in another. An example of this would be a project that requires lots of water may succeed in Australia but in a landlocked country like Zambia would most likely fail as they don 't have enough water. Lots of research must be completed to make sure an engineering project will succeed in another country. Factors such as geography, culture, economy, ect. should all influence what your design is in that location. If you don 't fully understand the place you are designing a project for the project has a very high chance of failure as not all impacts are the same from country to country and there is bound to be a problem that occurs if proper research isn 't undertaken. Contextual Understanding We have been tasked by Engineers Without Borders (EWB) and The United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) to tackle the waste problem in one of Zambia 's refugee camps, Mayukwayukwa. The refugees in Zambia do not have any form of waste management which can cause great environmental problems (Baillie & ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Natural Dyes from Plants in Producing Colored Paste Natural Dyes from Plants in Producing Colored Paste Abstract: Paste is a type of glue made from starch or dextrin, a starch product. This investigatory project shows that we can produce our own colored paste without spending much time and money and by performing simple steps. That's why this Science Investigatory Project can help students save their money instead of spending it in buying expensive and commercialized colored glue. In addition, this colored paste can be an additional source of income. It's not just affordable; it's also safe and non– toxic because the ingredients used are starch, water, natural dyes from plants and alum. Alum is used as preservative to prolong the shelf–life of the paste. Natural dyes from plants like ... Show more content on ... 2. This is produced only to have instant colored paste. Review of Related Literature: Starch may be further processed into such products as dextrin. Starch glue is the general name for adhesives made from wheat starch, potato starch, or cassava starch modified with acids, alkalies, or oxidizing agents, it has poor resistance to moisture. Commercial is obtained from the starch of tapioca, maize and sweet potatoes. The halogen elements (fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine) also serve as oxidizing agents. When chloride combines with sodium chloride or common salt, the sodium atoms give up electron to the chloride atoms. A salt is derived from an acid when one or more hydrogen atoms of the acid are replaced by one or more metal ions positively charged radicals. Alkalies are usually salts or hydroxide of sodium potassium, lithium or ammonia. The seeds of the Annatto tree are used locally for coloring food. The coloring matter of the fruit, Annatto, is employed commercially for coloring butter and in the preparation of various polishers for russet leather.
  • 40. The rhizomes of turmeric, or dilau, are commonly sold in Manila markets, and are used as condiments as an ingredients of curry powder, and for coloring food and other materials. Turmeric is one of the best–known material dyes. Being used for dyeing silk, wool and cotton. Alumina is used to make abrasive and high–temperature ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Third World Countries Genetically modified organisms have been a highly debated issue not only in the United States but in third world countries. There are arguments stating that with the help of genetically modified organisms world hunger may be conquered; likewise, there are strong arguments refusing the use of genetically modified foods in developing countries, since GMOs only help feed the already overfed rich. Using genetically modified technology to improve crops in the developing world, is not a solution when trying to end world hunger. Many argue that developing genetically modified crops in third world countries would be a positive impact not only economically, but environmentally. "Biotechnology is one of the tomorrow's tools in our hands today. ... Show more content on ... (Estrella– Herrera, Luis R.) Although, it may seem biased, in a quote stated by Amory and Hunter Lovins they mention that " Genetically engineered crops were created not because they're productive, but because they're patentable. Their economic value is oriented not toward helping subsistence farmers to feed themselves, but toward the already overfed rich." In a study conducted by Nigel Taylor, cassava crops in developing countries have continuously been attacked by whiteflies. Cassava crops serve as vectors against diseases such as Mosaic and Brown Streak. (Jenkins, 179–180) These insects have been kept away by spraying plants with pesticides, which is dangerous for farmers and consumers, mentions Mckay Jenkins author of "Food Fight". Escalante 3 According to John Robbins, "When researchers compared the performance of Monsanto's transgenic soybeans (World's number one Genetically engineered crop) with those of conventional varieties grown under the same conditions, they found a 10 percent yield reduction for the genetically engineered soybeans". Finding a common ground suitable for both sides was challenging but necessary; one idea is planting our own food. The Natural Society Newsletter mentions that utilizing perennial vegetables and incorporating permaculture, along with planting wild growth may possibly save those in need. ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. A Maize Civilization : A Corn Civilization A maize civilization Until the 19th century, the culinary tradition of the Brazilian Southeast was mostly influenced by the Portuguese cuisine and the food habits of the various Brazilian indigenous peoples and of the numerous African nations that were forcibly brought here by the slavery. After the arrive, in large numbers, of immigrants of many nationalities – such as Japanese, Lebanese, Italians, Spaniards and Germans there is a sudden and considerable increase in Brazilian gastronomic heterogeneity, especially in the city of São Paulo, at a reduced period of time. This modernization process, induced by the populational and geographical growth of the city of São Paulo, led to persecuting of some food habits, such as the commercialization of food in the streets and even to the traditional menu of this type of commerce, which was heavily based on the corn, called 'iguarias do bugre'[i]. This cuisine was strongly influenced by the indigenous culinary culture, offering delicacies such as içás (a type of ant that would be fried and eaten with farofa, that is the cassava flour or the corn flour boiled or roasted), roasted pinhão (the seed of the Pinheiro– brasileiro), corn cakes, cuscuz (a type of couscous) and others.[ii] Studying the São Paulo society of the Colonial period, Sérgio Buarque de Holanda devoted a chapter, 'Civilização do Milho', to the role of the corn at the Brazilian food culture during this period; and another chapter to the 'iguarias de bugre', ie the use ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Feminist Literary Analysis in Chinu Acebe's Thing Falls Apart For several decades, females have been victims of sexism, violence and prejudice. Many cultures nationwide still display discrimination against women, especially in the Middle East and African culture. One book in particular Things Fall Apart, by Achebe portrays Igbo Society and examines masculinity from an African perspective. Throughout the novel, women were voiceless and struggled against injustice; which is set in the era of the first wave feminism. As most are aware, this period of history highlights the inequalities between females and males. A topic that has been analyzed by Chinu Acebe, Levine Nett, J.Case Tompkins, and other feminist theorists. Thus, this paper argues that feminist literary theory is a useful tool to analyze ... Show more content on ... Domination and authority over women are reflected by the male characters in Things Fall Apart, specially the protagonist Okonkwo, as he oppresses his wives and overly abuse his power as the male dominator. At the beginning of the novel Okonkwo displayed, this trait as the monarch of the household "He ruled his household with a heavy hand. His wives, especially the youngest, lived in perpetual fear of his fiery temper, and so did his little children" (Acebe, 10). In the Igbo community men were the domineering sex and ruled over their families especially their wives. They treated their wives with disrespect and continuously let women live in fear. As stated above, males being more powerful than women limit woman capabilities and let them fear their husband. Throughout the book the author gives a clear idea that within the Igbo culture they live in a patriarchy society and as proven above the males continuously withhold this dominate role in their household. Secondly, it is important to understand from a feminist point of view that the process of gender division is not equally distributed within male and female. Division of Labour is unjust among women and male, men holds the higher title such as the most work that women can do as equally as them. Feminist believed and predicted that division of labour kept women out of labour market altogether and assign jobs that they thought women can handle. Women roles ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Water Usage Of The Refugee Settlement Essay Intro The Zambian Refugee Settlement in Mayukwayukwa, which established by the United Nations in 1966, currently has no system for harvesting rain water or for storing water in bulk. Zambia has a monsoonal climate thus it receives all of its rain water in one small section of the year and is dry and arid for the rest. This review will focus specifically on the water usage of the refugee settlement. This area of research will prove to be invaluable for the specifications of the water harvesting and bulk storage system as it will be the basis for which the required volumes of water are calculated. The development of the Mayukwayukwa settlement will be stunted if they do not have access to sufficient amounts of water for the refugees who live there or for the crops and animals. The objectives of this paper are to assess the current water usage of the Mayukwayukwa Refugee Settlement and to predict what the minimum volume is that will meet their basic requirements. The questions that I intend to answer are: – What is the current water usage of the refugee settlement in Mayukwayukwa? – What is the minimum volume that will meet the basic requirements of the people in the refugee settlement? An accurate data set of water usage of the Refugee Settlement in Mayukwayukwa is impossible to find as there have been no previous attempts to measure it for any reason. The total water usage of the Mayukwayukwa Refugee Settlement is 64,240,000 Litres/Year. This total can be ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Summary Of Program Four: Creators Of The Future The video "Program Four: Creators of the Future" talks about microbes in general; especially how some of them are resistant to antibiotics in various circumstances. Microbes are all around the world, even inside us. Many microbes are beneficial to humans but some of them are not. They are mostly associated with illness and because of that, in 1928 Alexander Fleming invented penicillin, which is an antibiotic produced by mold. Penicillin was the first microbial product to kill human diseases. Some microbes are resistant to all antibiotics and cannot be treated. When penicillin functions correctly, it kills the bacteria by destroying their cell walls. Microbes reproduce by replicating themselves in two; when a mutation in the replication occurs, what happens is that the microbe with the mutation is going to be resistant to all antibiotics known for the moment. Nothing will stop microbes from mutating; ... Show more content on ... The idea was to collect the soil from a park in Vancouver, collect the microbes found in it and removed their DNA. The extracted DNA was introduced into microbes that they could grow in the lab to see the reaction of the organism. The DNA samples were grown in culture and were put in colonies. They noticed that the antibiotic was killing the harmful bacteria. Scientists also collected soil samples in the radioactive environment of Chernobyl, in which the bacteria contained will be cultured and cultivated in test tubes. They did the same process and realized that the chemicals they leave behind in their nutrient solutions will be screened for new antibiotics. The second part of the video focuses mainly in how microbes can improve the quality of life on Earth. Everything began when a plant biologist from Africa realized that a virus is affecting Cassava's plant in Africa. Viruses ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Case Study Of Onions Allium Ascalonicum Linn. (Liliaceae) 1. Introduction 1.1 Onions Onions are from the specie Allium of the family Alliaceae is the most historic cultivar of vegetables that have been famous for their use in ornamentals, spices, vegetables and medications. An estimate of about 700 different types of species are currently present and grown throughout the world and are admired for their flavor, easy growth and extended shelf life. It is important to note that all the species are close in bio–chemical, phytochemical contents whereas the form and taste differs. The organoleptic properties are due to the rich content of sulfur compounds that other than organoleptic properties contribute to anti–oxidant and anti–microbial activity. [1] The two main categories of the underground bulb are: Green Onion also called as Scallions Dry Onion that are the mature adaptation of Green Onions. The onions evolves in various colors, shape and flavors. However, when processed such as boiled they change into translucent. Being seasonal, the onion are further classified as: Spring/Summer Onions: Having high water content they have thin and light colored skin thus have low shelf–life and are delicate. The flavor ranges from sweet to mild and are extensively used in Salads, Sandwiches etc. Fall/Winter Onions These having lower ... Show more content on ... This is because the bad handling results into the potential bulb decay, germination and hence declined retail prices. The most appropriate manner to handle the increased growth of shallot is that the shallot powder must be manufactured which is widely used as raw material in various industries as Snack production, Seasoning for cooking and finally medications. Drying can be held of the shallots by using Oven Dryers by the addition of Sodium Meta–bisulphite as an anti–browning agents. However their use is limited due to increasing allergenic reactions. ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. GMO Argument Essay GMO crops have been a controversial topic for many years, whether if they are morally right or if they are dangerous for consumption. Although GMO's are typically frowned upon in developed countries, they have potentially life saving capabilities and should be used in underdeveloped or developing locations throughout the world, like Africa, to support their growing economies and populations. To start, a genetically modified organism (GMO) or crop, is an organism that has had its genetic makeup or material altered through means of genetic engineering. There are many differentiating opinions of GMOs and if they should be utilized or not. Recent attempts to label GMO products have shown "congress is making a half–hearted effort to preclude a proliferation of ill–informed and costly state labeling laws that would benefit the organic food industry by ignoring sound science and instilling ... Show more content on ... Their environmental impacts have been shown repeatedly to be less damaging to the environment, and a boon to global biodiversity" (Mckinney). One example of something similar to GMO technology in the past would have to be the green revolution. The green revolution occurred in the 1940's and began when food was not able to keep up with the population growth of countries. One example in Mexico during this time talks about how one man, Norman Borlaug, developed new techniques for growing and developing crops (Genetically). Yes it is true that he didn't genetically engineer the plants then, but he did selectively crossbreed and harvest specific plants with specific DNA in order to achieve more drought resistant, and pest resistant crops (Genetically). Although the green revolution didn't utilize GMO technology they still pioneered a new era of crop growth and development. The same thing can be said for the biological engineers of today, and how they are striving to make crops better for everything and everyone by engineering them to be more resistant and ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Gmo Satire He talks about people spending billions of money on "fraud" products. Yet people don't care unless theres proof . People are concerned that GMOs are unhealthy. Scientific studies to date have uncovered no adverse health effects due to eating GMOs . people fear that they are substantial enough that new foods are being tested for their safety. Not seeing what these efforts, there is tremendous continuing suspicion of the health effects of GMOs. Specter mentions that using these techniques we are actually able to make our foods a lot healthier. He says, "we can put something like vitamin A into rice, and that stuff can help millions of people, millions of people, prolong their lives."One of the crops grown extensively in very poor areas of Africa ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Essay on West African Culture Brief History From the 1500s to the 1700s, African blacks, mainly from the area of West Africa (today's Senegal, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Gambia, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Dahomey, Togo, Nigeria, Cameroon, and Gabon) were shipped as slaves to North America, Brazil, and the West Indies. For them, local and tribal differences, and even varying cultural backgrounds, soon melded into one common concern for the suffering they all endured. Music, songs, and dances as well as remembered traditional food, helped not only to uplift them but also quite unintentionally added immeasurably to the culture around them. In the approximately 300 years that blacks have made their homes in North America, the West Indies, and Brazil, their highly honed art ... Show more content on ... "Soul food" incorporates an economical and satisfying cuisine based on cereals, vegetables (greens and yams), pork and pork offal as well as chicken. Meals and Customs The majority of rural Africans customarily eat one main meal a day and this is usually the evening meal. Upon arising, coffee, tea or milk or curds may form a small light meal while some people may be content to nibble on seeds. Throughout the day snacks of fruits, seeds, or nuts may be accompanied with beverages. In some areas a midday meal of fufu/ugali and relishes may be traditionally larger than the evening meal, which in this case would then be a cereal dish alone of gruel or fufu. Infants are usually breast–fed on demand up to the age of two. Attempts to introduce bottle feedings have often met with sad results: sterilization of bottles and formula were poorly understood, formulas were diluted to last longer, and with the abandonment of breast–feeding, intercourse was resumed earlier than usual with a resultant increase in children who could be ill afforded. Bota is a thin gruel for babies, fed by pouring into the mother's hand and gently easing into the infant's mouth. Some foods and medicinal herbs if deemed necessary are pre–chewed by the mother then given to the infant. Very young children are taught early that meat is a delicacy, ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Cassava as an Ideal Bioplastic Cassava starch as an effective component for Ideal Biodegradable Plastics A Science Investigatory Project presented to Philippine Women's College of Davao In partial fulfillment Of the requirements in Science and Technology IV (PHYSICS) To Mr. Kenny Lloyd L. Angon Physics Teacher By Gabriel Arañas Danielle Andrea M. Ibaos Jascha Bridget Lim John Vergel Mori Grade 10 – Probity March 2013 Acknowledgement Before I acknowledge the people who supported this Science Investigatory Project, I dedicate this project for the people who believe on the quote which is "Less is more". I shall formally dictate all the people who supported this Science Investigatory Project, first and foremost, God who have given us the time ... Show more content on ... They consume growing amounts of energy and other natural resources, degrading the environment in numerous ways. In addition to using up fossil fuels and other resources, plastic products create litter, hurt marine life, and threaten the basis of life on earth. There is over 45 million tons of plastics per year and nearly every piece of plastic ever made still exists today because of its long–life properties. Biodegradable plastics could be an effective solution to all of these problems. Biodegradable plastics are a much better choice than non–biodegradable plastics because they are friendlier to the earth and the environment. Biodegradable plastics break down faster, can be recycled easier and are non–toxic. With these characteristics of biodegradable plastics, we could help save lives and the environment as well and reduce the threat plastics give to marine life. Plastic,
  • 61. the wonder material that we use for everything, is perhaps the most harmful of this trash because it does not readily break down in nature but if it is biodegradable, these plastics break down faster so they have a much shorter effect on the earth, and they will degrade completely. Normal plastics are manufactured using oil, and this process is very harmful to the environment by polluting the air and environment, but this is not the case with green biodegradable plastics. Using biodegradable plastics will minimize the effects that these products ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. P1 / Hc Pro Of The Potyvirus Targets P1/HC–Pro of the Potyvirus targets RISC assembly (Brigneti et al., 1998; Anandalakshmi et al., 1998 ; Kasschau et al., 2003), 2b of Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) binds to dsRNA and interferes with spread of silencing signal (Brigneti et al.,1998 ; Qi et al., 2004), p19 of tombusviruses binds to siRNAs (Voinnet et al., 1999; Silhavy et al., 2002 ; Qi et al., 2004), p38 encoded by the Turnip crinkle virus binds AGO1 and inhibits the activity of DCL–4 (Thomas et al., 2003; Azevedo et al., 2010), P25 of Potato Virus X interferes with the spread of silencing signal (Voinnet et al., 2000), P23, S, γb, P15, P0, P1, P30, P69, NS and coat protein of closterovirus (Reed et al., 2003 ; Lu et al., 2004), comovirus (Liu et al., 2004), hordeivirus ... Show more content on ... Contrary to RNA viruses that can be controlled only by PTGS, geminiviruses may be manipulated by both PTGS and TGS. TGS is introduced when siRNAs corresponding to the promoter regions are produced that direct methylation of the promoter followed by inhibition of transcription (Mette et al., 2000). In a transient assay, TGS was reported to be effective against the begomovirus Mungbean yellow mosaic virus (Pooggin et al., 2003). Viral invasiveness is reported to be promoted by the ability of C1 to suppress PTGS (Cui et al., 2005). It has been shown that C4 gene of Cotton leaf curl Multan virus and βC1gene of Cotton leaf curl Multan betasatellite bind short RNAs, with a preference for the double stranded and single stranded forms, respectively, suggesting that these suppressors sequester siRNAs and prevent their incorporation into the RNA–induced silencing complex (RISC) involved in sequence specific mRNA degradation (Hammond et al., 2000). V2, a unique protein of monopartite begomoviruses has been shown to suppress PTGS in transient assays (Zrachya et al., 2007). It was demonstrated that ability of V2 to interact with SISG3, the tomato homologue of Arabidopsis SGS3 leads to suppression of PTGS (Glick et al., 2008). Furthermore, it was shown that the Rep proteins encoded by two alphasatellites, Gossypium darwinii symptomless alphasatellite and Gossypium mustelinium symptomless alphasatellite possess suppressor activity (Nawaz–ul–Rehman et ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. The Democratic Republic Of Congo Introduction The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is still recovering from years of political upheaval and conflict and disruption. The war that lasted from 1996–2003 has meant that 6.4 million people are suffering from acute food insecurity which is an increase from July 2012 when 5.4 million were in danger, ¼ children are malnourished and 70% of the population lacks access to adequate food (IPC, 2012). In 2009 the Global Hunger Index was the lowest in the world at just 39.1% and in 2002 a survey showed that 73% of people in the DRC were experiencing food insecurity (Tollens, 2003). A study by the GFSI (Global Food Security Index) proved that developing countries were more likely to experience food insecurity than developed countries ... Show more content on ... Using this definition, food security relies on four factors to function: availability, accessibility, utilisation and stability. Availability The availability of food is based on the amount and quality of the food produced. The DRC agricultural industry supports ⅔ of the population, and is split into two sectors: subsistence and commercial. Four million families rely on subsistence farming to produce manioc, corn and tubers. What's left of commercial farmers, concentrate on producing the export orientated food, but the DRC does not have much of a commercial sector because of the war, which has deteriorated the infrastructure of the market. SUBSITENCE FARMING COMMERCIAL FARMING Crop Tonnes (t) Crop Tonnes (t) Manioc 14,950,000 Sweet potatoes 224,500 Sugarcane 1,787,000 Bananas 313,000 Corn 1,155,000 Yams 84,000 Peanuts 364,000 Pineapple 193,000 Rice 315,000 Agricultural productivity is low because of the lack of harvesting techniques, financial support from the government, and because the mining industry has drawn investments away from the agricultural industry. The current level of production provides enough protein for each person in the DRC to have 39.5 g per day (the average intake for men is 56 g and for women is 46 g) (D'Haese, 2013). The main agricultural production areas are in the south east plateaus in the province of Katanga, which farms maize and cassava, but other agricultural areas are Haut Zaire, Equateur,
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  • 68. What Were The Impact Of The Columbian Exchange Impact of the Columbian Exchange The flow from east to west Disease The biggest impact of the Columbian Exchange after the introduction of new diseases into the North and South America. When the first Native Americans arrived across the Bering land bridge (North– South America) between 20,000 and 12,000 years ago, they brought few diseases along with them. Soon after 1492, some of the disease were introduced including smallpox, measles, mumps, whooping cough, influenza, chicken pox, and typhus to the Americas. Adults and children were affected by wave after wave of epidemic, in the larger centres of highland Mexico and Peru, many millions of people died. The Native American population died out completely, between 1492 and 1650, but 90 percent of the native Americans had died due to various diseases. This loss is considered among the largest disasters in human history. By killing the Americas of much of the human population, the Columbian Exchange disturbed the region's ecological and economic balance. The decline in population by Columbian Exchange directly caused a major labour shortage throughout the America, which also increased the demand of African slavery on a big scale in the America. From 1650 the slave trade had brought new diseases in America ... Show more content on ... Recently zebra mussels from Black Sea, stowed away in ballast water ships, invaded North American waters, they blocked the water lines of factories, nuclear power plants in the regions of Great Lakes. Just after the arrival of Christopher Columbus's ships in America in 15th century resulted in worldwide exchange of disease, crops and animals in the 20th century practice of ships using water as ballast helped to unite the formerly diverse world's harbours. Similarly, air transport allows the spread of insects and diseases that would not easily survive ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. The Influences of Asia, Africa and the Americas Toward... Human World Views The Influences of Asia, Africa and the Americas toward Contemporary Society September 13, 2015 The progression of morality as it relates to the influence of family, religion and society varies between Asia, Africa, and the Americas. Our contemporary society has been influenced tremendously in many different areas by these different societies. Social order in Asia was established by Hammurabi's Code of Laws. Hammurabi himself was an Amorite king of Babylon, he set these laws to place order in Babylon. Hammurabi's lex talionus explains that the punishment of a crime should be equal to what crime has been done, these laws are described as "an eye for an eye" and "a tooth for a tooth" (Levack, B., Muir, E., & ... Show more content on ... Similarities between ancient Egypt and now is that the subject of divorce is a private matter, unless one of the two wants to publicize it. As for the America's in their advanced agriculture system led to modern society's agriculture as well. This system was put to use by Ancient Peru after hunters were in search to consume foods other than meats. Ancient Peru created the spread of corn, cassava, and potatoes (Adas, 1992), this resulted in the growth population in the Americas, because people who only had access to cassava were able to eat this new thing called corn. This sense of spreading food is similar to how we can get Florida oranges, and Georgia peaches to Delaware, by trade. Lastly, Contemporary society and the Americas both served as a melting pot for existing civilizations. People of many descents migrated to the Americas in search of something new, and today people from other countries migrate to the many states of America to start a new life with new opportunities. Once all the newcomers came and got settled in the Americas, a defined culture had set in as well, which was different from the rest. Today you still hear people refer to our "American culture" across many different areas of life. In comparison to all of the societies mentioned above, each one has contributed to modern American culture in the subjects of literature and art. Egyptians were the first to develop an alphabet through their ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Ancient Ghana Research Paper Joseph Purvis Mr Herb P5/HL(9) 01/10/2017 How To Eat In Ancient Ghana How to eat in ancient Ghana. The Ancient Ghana civilization lasted from about 300–1200 A.D.. The Ancient country lies in Western Africa where the modern countries of Mali, Mauritania, and Senegal are today (Kingdom of Ghana). The people of Ghana ate what they could provide by farming. They farmed crops such as corn and rice. The Niger river ,which cut across ancient Ghana, flooded like the Nile during the rainy season bringing water and nutrients to their fields (Social Aspects of Ancient Ghana) . They raised animals such as Goats, chickens, and sheep to eat. The people mostly ate several different types of soup with fufu, plantain, bread, rice, and potatoes. The soups were nut based with different meats such as fish, mutton, goat, or chicken added (Ancient Ghana Environment). Fufu is the african equivalent to mashed potatoes. It normally accompanies soup or a meat with gravy. Fufu is rolled up into balls then a indenture is made. It is then used to scoop up soup or gravy. In Central Africa Fufu is made out of cassava tubers (Fufu). Cassava tubers are starchy roots from the spurge family (Euphorbiaceae) of plants (Cassava Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits). In West Africa ,where Ghana was located, Fufu was made out of yams. Yams are tubers root vegetables native to Africa ... Show more content on ... Like bananas they belong to the Musaceae family. It is bigger than a banana and the shell is harder. Like bananas plantains come in green, yellow, and black. Unlike bananas black plantains are not rotten they are perfectly ok to eat. The different colors taste different and are used to cook different meals. Green plantains are starchy and just a little sweet, and are cooked in stews or made into chips. Yellow plantains are sweeter than green ones and less starchy. Black plantains are sweet but not as sweet as a banana you bake them and eat them for dessert ("Paleo Foods: ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Mkt 500- a Business Mkt Plan A Business Marketing Plan: Hunger Solution & Training Company John Garven Strayer University, Lower Bucks County Dr. Tony Muscia I n s t r u c t o r MKT 500– Marketing Management September 6, 2012 Introduction This paper contains a marketing plan of a small production company that is earmarked to be established in Gardnerville, the suburb of Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa, my country of origin. The business which is to be named "Hunger Solution & Training Company" derived its name from the decade–long civil war that existed in Liberia that resulted into most of the citizens and other nationals of this country being internally displaced. These people which comprise of men, women, children, and other nationals, ... Show more content on ... The Company will ensure that its product and training are essential to the needs of the Liberian consuming public as well as their manpower development. You will also read about the Company's advertising strategy and how this approach will bring into line the Company's marketing goals. It will be determined how effectively the advertising will be measured and how the different promotional strategies relevant to the Company advertising will be utilized. Further discussion will establish the best marketing research approach used to measure customer satisfaction with the Company's product (cassava powder) and training service initiated to train farmer in implementing large–scale farming. It will be explained how gaps in customer expectations and experiences will be addressed by the marketing wing of the Company, using the high knowledge and proficiency of experienced and well–schooled people in marketing management. Type of Product and its Primary Characteristics This marketing plan will also engulf vision of the company, its mission statement, product and services, and underlying factor of the business. The plans will also contain a vivid description of the company in terms of its business product as well as SWOT analysis to demonstrate its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. A market target segmentation of customers, strategic mission, and its foreign expansion ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. European and South Eastern Exports Given the problems of traditional export markets, Vietnam's rice exports in October 2013 fell 15.2% in volume and 17.9% in value (respectively one million tons and 562 million). The traditional market of Vietnam's rice is Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia also plummeted due to highly competitive market from India, Thailand, Pakistan,... Meanwhile, China importation had strengthened Vietnam's rice exports in the last two years, from nearly 310 thousand tons in 2011 to 2.08 million tons in 2012 and as of May 10, 2013 reached 1.93 million tons. At the same time, exports of Vietnam's coffee in the past 10 months is 1.09 million tons, also fell sharply by 24.6% in volume and 24.5% in value (354 thousand tons and 754 million respectively). These items showed the steepest decline in the agricultural commodities' export, though the price level remained stable in 2012. The biggest importer of Vietnam's coffee in the past 10 months was still the EU, with 459 thousand tons, down 11.6% compared to the same period in 2012 and accounted for 42.2% of Vietnam's coffee exports. Rubber goods worth is reduced $344 million, the highest after coffee and rice; and commodity prices fell the most (16.9%) in agricultural products compared to the same period last year. As of October 2013 rubber exports amounted to 835 thousand tons Vietnam, rose slightly by 2.4% but prices fell sharply to a value of $1.96 billion, down 14.9%. China remains the main partner of the rubber import of Vietnam in the past ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. History Of Igbo Many sites quoted "Igbo foods are easy and simple to make, " here is a list of all known foods eaten by the people of Igbo and of the ingredients used in making them. You will learn so much about all the special Igbo recipes, and of course a detailed guide on making them. One of the two main soups that Nigerian tribes love is Fufu and Oha soup, main ingredients: made with the leaves of a tree called oha leaves. Oha soup is often prepared with cocoa–yam, egusi or ofor/achi as the thickener. Igbo has many popular desserts but two of the favorites is African salad and nkwobi, nkwobi ingredients: initially it was made with just bush meat which is edible wild animals, the likes of squirrel, grass cutter, rabbit and even antelopes could be used to ... Get more on ...
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  • 80. The Impact Of Technological And Commercial Effects On... 1) INTRODUCTION The nations of the world are endowed with different and unique resources and nations differ in their preferences, capacity for growth and development, scale of production and technology. This creates the basis for (international) trade which enables exchange and consumption of goods and services which they cannot produce, thereby enjoying variety of goods and services to improve the standard of living of their people. Some of the positive effects International trade (IT) have on economic growth (EG) were pointed out by Smith (1776) and this idea triumphed until World War II. The relationship between IT and EG is a vastly argued topic. However, the simple proposition is that it is better to have some trade than no trade. The emergence of WTO, trade liberalization among countries and tariff cuts will not only liberalise world economies but may also accelerate output growth. In this term paper, I would carefully, but briefly define IT and EG, stating some theories and other related evidence with the aim of analysing the influence of technological and commercial effects from IT on EG. 2) DEFINING INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND ECONOMIC GROWTH International trade simply refers to the exchange of goods, services and capital across international boundaries or boarders, which involves goods being sold into a country (imports) and goods being sold out of a country (exports). A country may import good A that it cannot produce and export another good B it may have to another ... Get more on ...