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UW Professional certificate in Data Science 
Homesite Quote Conversion competition from Kaggle 
Marciano Moreno & Javier Velázquez­Muriel 
1. Introduction 
The website hosts competitions where the participants are asked to apply machine                         
learning algorithms and techniques to solve real world problems. As part of this project we are                               
participating in the "Homesite Quote Conversion" competition and we will work with the                         
Homesite dataset. Homesite chose to publish this challenge in Kaggle because they currently                         
do not have a dynamic conversion rate model which would allow them to be more confident that                                 
quoted prices will lead to purchases. 
The ​Homesite dataset represents the activity of a large number of customers who are interested                             
in buying policies from the insurance company Homesite. It contains anonymized information                       
about the coverage, sales, personal, property, and geographic features that the company is                         
using to try to predict if a customer will purchase home insurance from them. The participants in                                 
the Kaggle competition are asked to create a model that will predict such outcome.  
This project is organized as follows: The Data exploration section describes the approaches that                           
we followed to explore and clean the data; the Data preparation section contains the selection of                               
features and dimensionality reduction that we used to create the input features for the                           
algorithms; in the Modeling section we describe our approach for selection, training, and                         
refinement of the models. We conclude with some discussions and our Kaggle results. 
2. Data exploration 
The training dataset contains 260,753 observations, with 297 features each. It has a target                           
column named QuoteConversion_Flag with two possible classes: 0 and 1. The challenge asks                         
to predict the probability of customer conversion expressed as decimal. The test set contains                           
173,837 data points. The features are organized by different types: 
● Fields​: No clear definition given the anonymized dataset. Probably general terms. 
● Coverage​ fields: Fields related to the insurance coverage.  
● Sales​ fields: Most probably, internal fields used by the company about their sales. 
● Personal​ fields. Fields about the customer. 
● Property​ fields. Fields about the property. 
● Geographic​ fields. Geographic fields about the customer and property. 
Unfortunately, there is no description of the features beyond that, so any field knowledge is not                               
Our initial data exploration consisted on visualizing the univariate distributions for each of the                           
numeric features in the training dataset. For each of the features we created the histogram,                             
density plot, the cumulative density function, and the QQNorm plot for testing of normality (Fig.                             
Figure 1. ​Initial exploratory visualizations for the feature CoverageField1A. We created a similar plot for each feature. 
After noticing certain similarity patterns occurring in the distributions of many of the features, we                             
decided to analyze in further depth those features. We employed a number of heuristics for                             
such task: unique value summarization, high data concentration (low standard deviation), and                       
unique sequential values. Our analysis identified that many of the "suspicious" features had                         
integer values ranging from ­1 to 25. Although is difficult to tell for sure, we inferred that most                                   
probably those features were in fact of categorical nature. Based on this criterion, it turned out                               
that most of the fields should be treated as categorical (Supplementary section S.2).   
3. Data preparation and feature selection 
3.1 Data preparation 
When we compared the values for the categorical features in the train dataset with their values                               
in the test set we discovered that some features did not have the same values among these                                 
datasets. In particular, the test dataset contained levels not found in the train dataset. Although                             
it is true that a model built with features whose values are not found in the train set will likely                                       
exhibit degraded performance, the extent of the problem was fairly minor, with at most 2 missing                               
values per feature. We therefore kept the problematic features and solved the issue by                           
enforcing R to consider the new levels. We discarded PropertyField6 and GeographicField10A                       
because they only contained one value, and PersonalField84 and PropertyField29 because                     
more than 70% of the values were missing. We converted dates to 3 numeric variables (Day,                               
Month, Year). After data exploration and preparation, we were left with 245 categorical features                           
and 50 numeric ones.  
3.2 Feature selection 
We approached the problem of feature selection using two different techniques: Dimensionality                       
reduction and feature prioritization. For dimensionality reduction we considered a number of                       
algorithms: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA), and                   
Factor Analysis for Mixed Data (FAMD). All these algorithms have as purpose to reduce the                             
dimension of the feature space by combining the original features to create new features. The                             
newly created features are ranked by the amount of the variance present in the original features                               
that they are able to explain. We employed the versions of the algorithms from the R package                                 
FactoMineR [1]. For categorical feature prioritization we used the ChiSquareSelector filtering                     
algorithm from the R package FSelector [2]. In the case of categorical feature prioritization, the                             
dimensionality of the dataset does not change by the application of the method, rather it                             
empowers the analyst to determine which features to integrate or discard from the model. 
For dimensionality reduction we first applied FactorMineR PCA on all the 260,073 observations                         
and 292 features (we excluded date/time related features). Only the 50 numeric features are                           
employed by the algorithm, with categorical features employed only aiding in the interpretation                         
of the results. The PCA decomposition produced 50 eigenvectors and and 50 eigenvalues. The                           
first eigenvalue (dimension 1) explained 16.85% of the variance and the second one 13.55%                           
(Fig. 2). The first 30 PCA dimensions explained 99% of the variance. 
Figure 2​. ​Left: ​Factor map of the PCA decomposition of the 50 numeric features. All categorical features as                                   
supplementary variables. ​Right: ​PCA Individual Factor Map (all observations, categorial features as supplementary                         
Next we applied FactoMineR’s MCA method, suitable for categorical features. Treating all                       
observations at once was not possible with our computers, so we proceed by repeating the                             
application of MCA 10 times, each applied on a random 10% of the observations. The results                               
(eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the decomposition) were stable and similar in all cases.                         
Unfortunately, the performance was poor: Each of the first few eigenvalues only explained ~1%                           
of the variance. We thus discarded the use of MCA. Lastly, we applied FAMD. This method                               
seemed adequate to our case, as the algorithm can treat numeric and categorical features at                             
the same time. A test run with 50,000 observations showed that FAMD had the same poor                               
performance as MCA, so we didn't pursue further its use. 
For categorical value prioritization we applied the ChiSquareSelector filtering algorithm. The                     
algorithm performs a ᵭ​2​
­test for each of the categorical features against the target feature. The                             
features are sorted by their importance, allowing to readily identify the features that have more                             
predictive value. We arbitrarily set a cutoff for the number of variables to use at 145 because at                                   
that point the value of the importance was already ⅛ of the importance of the most predictive                                 
In conclusion: after the dimensionality reduction and feature selection we were left with 10                           
continuous variables obtained after PCA dimensionality reduction and the first 145 most                       
predictive categorical values for the first iteration of the modeling and evaluation cycle. 
4. Modeling 
4.1 Analytic problem to be solved and methodology 
The Homesite Quote Conversion challenge is a supervised learning probabilistic classification                     
task. The participants are asked to create a model which determines the probability that a                             
customer will purchase the Homesite insurance policy for each of the observations in the test                             
dataset. We therefore applied the standard procedure for supervised learning. First, we                       
randomly splitted our initial dataset of 260,073 observations into three separate datasets:                       
training (156,468 observations, ~60% of the initial dataset), testing (52,397 observations, ~20%)                       
and cross­validation (51,208 observations, ~20%). The intended use for each of the datasets                         
was as follows:  
● The training dataset was used to train a specific instance of a family of algorithms. 
● The test dataset was used to diagnose the behavior of each of the algorithms and                             
optimize its hyperparameters. 
● The cross­validation dataset was used to evaluate the performance of the models                       
created after training and hyperparameter optimization. 
We chose to try three algorithms: logistic regression (LR) with lasso/ridge regularization, support                         
vector machines (SVM), and gradient boosted trees (GBT) for the following reasons: 
● logistic regression is a well known algorithm that assumes linear relationships and it is a                             
simple try­first model that can work well if the data have linear structure. We used the R                                 
package glmnet [3]. 
● SVM is considered one of the best off­the­shelf machine learning algorithms and a                         
candidate for good performance. We used the R package e1071 [4]. 
● GBT has built a reputation of being a state­of­the­art, powerful algorithm and has been                           
used to win several Kaggle competitions.  We used the R package xgboost [5]. 
For each of the algorithms we proceeded by building learning curves to evaluate run­time and                             
classification performance, together with diagnosing bias/variance issues. We optimized the                   
hyperparameters of the best algorithms using the R package caret [6] and standard functions                           
provided by the e1071 SVM package. 
4.2 Learning curves 
We built the learning curves for all algorithms by training the model with an increasing fraction of                                 
observations from the training dataset and evaluating the performance on the test dataset using                           
the F­measure defined as follows: 
F = 2Precision+Recall
Precision ∙ Recall   
For logistic regression the learning curves (Fig. 3) for both 20 and 40 features showed rather                               
poor performance for the classifier, with values F ≈ 0.64 for the training set and F ≈ 0.63 for the                                       
test set after using 15% of the observations. Such poor performance that does not change by                               
increasing the number of training examples was indicative of high­bias. The performance of the                           
classifier did not improve after using 60 features (Fig. 4), further confirming the presence of                             
high­bias, either due to non­informative features or LR not performing well. We thus decided to                             
stop adding features and discard LR algorithm due the increasing running times and the lack of                               
learning improvement.  
Figure 3. Learning curves for the logistic regression (LR) algorithm from glmnet. y­axis: F­measure for the                               
performance of the classifier. ​Upper left: Curves created with the first 20 predictive features (10 PCA features, 10                                   
most informative categorical features) and up to 50% of the training dataset. ​Upper right​: Curves created with the                                   
first 40 features (10 PCA, 30 most informative categorical). ​Lower left: Curves created with the first 60 features (10                                     
PCA, 50 most informative categorical) and up to 15% of the observations in the training dataset. 
The learning curves for GBT (Fig. 4) using 20, 40, and 60 features and default parameters                               
showed the same high­bias regime observed for LR: Similar values of F for the train and test                                 
sets that do not improve by adding new observations. For GBT though we managed to run the                                 
algorithm employing all variables and 100% of the training examples. Now the learning curves                           
(Fig.4, lower right) showed improved values of the F­measure and also a trend of F increasing                               
for the test set as the number of training examples increased. An indication that GBT was                               
generalizing well. 
Figure 4. Learning curves for the Gradient Boosted Trees (GBT) algorithm from xgboost.. y­axis: F­measure for the                                 
performance of the classifier. ​Upper left: Curves created with the first 20 predictive features (10 PCA features, 10                                   
most informative categorical features) and up to 50% of the training dataset. ​Upper right​: Learning curves created                                 
with the first 40 features (10 PCA, 30 most informative categorical) up to 50% of the training dataset. ​Lower left:                                       
Curves created with the first 60 features (10 PCA, 50 most informative categorical) and up to 100% of the training                                       
dataset. ​Lower right: ​Curves created with all the 175 selected features up to 100% of the training dataset. 
We also built learning curves for a SVM model4 of C­classification type with radial kernel (Fig.                               
5). Here we measured performance with the accuracy measure from the e1071 R package                           
(defined as the percentage of data points in the main diagonal of the confusion matrix. The                               
learning curves for SVM showed again a high­bias regime: For 20 features, the maximum                           
diagonal was ~0.865 at 15% of the training points and did not exhibit improvement with more                               
training samples. Adding more features did not help. Especially relevant were the curves for 50                             
features (Fig. 5, lower right), as they show the characteristic shape of the high bias regime                               
previously observed for LR (Fig. 3, lower left) and GBT (Fig 4, lower left).  
Figure 5. Learning curves for the Support Vector Machine (SVM). Diagonal as the performance of the classifier with                                   
up to 30% of the training dataset for all cases. ​Upper lef​t: Curves created with the first 20 predictive features (10                                         
PCA and 10 categorical). ​Upper right​: Learning curves created with the first 30 predictive features (10 PCA, 20                                   
categorical). ​Lower left​: Learning curves created with the first 40 predictive feature (10 PCA and 30 categorical).                                 
Lower right​: Learning curves created with the first 50 predictive features (10 PCA and 40 categorical). 
We diagnosed the source of bias by plotting bias/variance curves, which depict the variation in a                               
performance measure as new features are added to the models, for both SVM and GBT (Fig.                               
6). The curves for SVM (Fig. 6, left) are the result of evaluating multiple models (represented in                                 
the horizontal axis), each with an increasing quantity of factors. The SVM models with the lower                               
number of factors showed a low variance regime, while the SVM models with the higher number                               
of factors showed high variance regime: that training and test sets started to diverge for more                               
than 20 features and the difference kept increasing. This was not apparent in the initial plots of                                 
accuracy because the range of features was smaller than the one used in the Bias/Variance                             
plots. On the other hand, GBT kept improving performance with added features with no                           
indication of entering into a high variance regime (Fig. 6, right). 
Figure 6. ​Left: ​Bias/Variance curve for SVM trained with ~10% of the training samples and up to 80 the features. The                                         
performance measure is the error rate, defined as (FP+FN)/(TP+TN+FP+FN). ​Right: Bias/Variance curve for GBT                           
trained with ~50% of the training samples and up to all of the original features.  
4.3 Model hyperparameters optimization 
The learning and bias/variance curves for GBT indicated that the combination of the selected                           
features and the GBT algorithm could work well for our case. We therefore proceeded to find                               
the best possible GBT model by optimizing its hyperparameters:  
● max_depth​: The maximum depth of the trees to built during the learning stages. High                           
values with result in overfitting. 
● nrounds​: The number of passes over the data that GBT will do. The more the passes,                               
the better the fit between between predictions and ground truth for the training dataset.                           
Higher values will result in overfitting. 
● eta​: A "shrinkage" step size varying from 0 to 1 used to control boosting. After each                               
boosting step, eta is used to shrink the weights of new features to make the boosting                               
process more/less conservative. Higher values will not shrink, enhancing the boosting                     
step but possible overfitting. 
We ran the optimization using the R package caret [6]. The optimization involved 5­fold cross                             
validation employing the entire training dataset (Fig. 7, left). The test set had similar results                             
(Fig.7, right).   
Figure 7. ​Left: Value of the area under the ROC curve (AUC) as a function of the GBT model parameters. The best                                           
model corresponds to max_depth=5, nrounds=100 and eta=0.3, with AUC=0.961. ​Right​: ROC curve of the                           
predictions for the test set (the test set was not used during the optimization). AUC=0.959. 
We optimized the SVM results in stages, using the tune() method from e1071. The first result                               
had optimal parameters C = 1 and gamma = 0.00729. Upon review of the results, a second                                 
SVM optimization was performed using our initial Homesite dataset (10 PCA features, 145                         
categorical features) and 4% of the training samples. The search grid for the optimization of the                               
hyperparameters was gamma = c(0.000003, 0.00003, 0.0003, 0.0003979308, 0.003, 0.03), and                     
a cost = c(0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000). We obtained the optimal model for cost = 10 and gamma =                                       
0003979 (Fig. 8), with values for the performance metrics F­Measure = 0.666 and accuracy =                             
Figure 8.​ ROC curve for the optimal SVM model (cost = 10, gamma = 0.0003979). The best model had AUC=0.75. 
4.4 Model refinement and Kaggle submissions 
We created our models based on the approach described in sections 4.1­4.3. Once that we                             
considered a model final, we created predictions for the blind test dataset provided by Kaggle                             
and submitted them for rating. We repeated this procedure of model creation, hyperparameter                         
optimization, and submission to Kaggle multiple times (Table 1). 
Table 1. ​History of Kaggle submissions  
Date  AUC  Position  Algor.  Parameters  Features  Notes 
2015­12­02  0.95566  485/611  GBT  max_depth=5,nround
s=30, eta=0.3 
PCA, Chi­Squared   
2015­12­03  0.96238  415/635  GBT  max_depth=5,nround
s=100, eta=0.3 
30 PCA features, all 
2015­12­04  0.96339  401/643  GBT  max_depth=5, 
norunds=500, eta=0.3 
30 PCA features, all 
2015­12­07  0.37341  N/A  SVM  cost  = 100, gamma = 
20 PCA features, all 
We approached this project with the intention of following a rational approach to all the parts of                                 
building a good model rather than concentrating on trying a large number of algorithms. We                             
employed a large percentage of the time analyzing the features and making sure that we had                               
correctly identified their type. We also explored in great detail the process of feature selection                             
and dimensionality reduction. Ours efforts during modeling seeked to find how the selected                         
algorithms were learning and also diagnose the sources of bias or variance. In the case of the                                 
SVM we learned it has a strong dependence to parameter configuration, in addition to having                             
particular requirements for metadata [7] (using binarized features, instead of categoricals). 
Based on this approach we submitted multiple results to Kaggle for GBT and SVM. Our top                               
performance was a very good value of the area under the ROC curve = 0.96339, but not                                 
enough to make it to the top of the leaderboard! As of today the model in the first place has an                                         
AUC = 0.96990. We plan to continue working on this challenge on an ongoing basis and will                                 
address these points accordingly. 
Marciano 1) created the exploratory univariate numerical and the distributions plots, 2) applied                         
PCA, MCA and FAMD for dimensionality reduction, and 3) trained and tuned the SVM models. 
Javier 1) analyzed in detail the features to discover which ones should be categorical, 2)                             
cleaned and prepared the data, 3) applied the ChiSquaredSelector algorithm for categorical                       
variables prioritization, and 4) trained the LR and GBT models.  
Our code is available on github: 
1. FactorMineR:  ​ 
2. FSelector: ​https://cran.r­ 
3. glmnet: ​https://cran.r­ 
4. e1071: ​https://cran.r­ 
5. xgboost: ​https://cran.r­ 
6. caret: ​https://cran.r­ 
7. A practical guide to support vector classification:  
Supplementary Material 
S.1 Feature treatment 
For completeness, we describe below the treatment that we used for each of the features: 
● We treated the features Field6, Field7, and Field12 as categorical, and the rest of them                             
as numeric. 
Coverage fields: 
● Coverage Fields 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B, 8, 9, 11A, and 11B                                     
were treated as categorical features, and the rest as numeric. 
Sales fields: 
● SalesFields 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , and 9 were treated as categorical features,                                           
and the rest as numeric. 
Personal fields: 
● PersonalFields 1, 2, 4A, 4B, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10A, 10B, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,                                         
22, 28, 29, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 48, 53, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65,                                             
68, 71, 72, 73, 78, and 83 were treated as categorical features, and the rest as numeric. 
Property fields 
● Property Fields 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11A, 11B, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16A, 16B,                                         
17, 18, 19, 20, 21A, 21B, 22, 23, 24A, 24B, 26A, 26B, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36,                                         
37, 38, 39A, and 39B were treated as categorical features, and the rest as numeric. 
Geographic fields: 
● Geographic Fields 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B, 7A, 7B, 8A, 8B, 9A,                                     
9B, 10B, 11A, 11B, 12A, 12B, 13A, 13B, 14A, 14B, 15A, 15B, 16A, 16B, 17A, 17B, 18B,                                 
19A, 19B, 20A, 20B, 21A, 21B, 22A, 22B, 23A, 23B, 24A, 24B, 25A, 25B, 26A, 26B,                               
27A, 27B, 28A, 28B, 29A, 29B, 30A, 30B, 31A, 32A, 32B, 33A, 33B, 34A, 34B, 35A,                               
35B, 36A, 36B, 37A, 37B, 38A, 38B, 39A, 39B, 40A, 40B, 41A, 41B, 42A, 42B, 43A,                               
43B, 44A, 44B, 45A, 45B, 46A, 46B, 47A, 47B, 48A, 48B, 49A, 49B, 50A, 50B, 51A,                               
51B, 52A, 52B, 53A, 53B, 54A, 54B, 55A, 55B, 56A, 56B, 57A, 57B, 58A, 58B, 59A,                               
59B, 60A, 60B, 61A, 61B, 62A, 62B, 63, 64 were treated as categorical features, and the                               
rest as numeric. 

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  • 1. UW Professional certificate in Data Science  Homesite Quote Conversion competition from Kaggle  Marciano Moreno & Javier Velázquez­Muriel  1. Introduction    The website hosts competitions where the participants are asked to apply machine                          learning algorithms and techniques to solve real world problems. As part of this project we are                                participating in the "Homesite Quote Conversion" competition and we will work with the                          Homesite dataset. Homesite chose to publish this challenge in Kaggle because they currently                          do not have a dynamic conversion rate model which would allow them to be more confident that                                  quoted prices will lead to purchases.    The ​Homesite dataset represents the activity of a large number of customers who are interested                              in buying policies from the insurance company Homesite. It contains anonymized information                        about the coverage, sales, personal, property, and geographic features that the company is                          using to try to predict if a customer will purchase home insurance from them. The participants in                                  the Kaggle competition are asked to create a model that will predict such outcome.     This project is organized as follows: The Data exploration section describes the approaches that                            we followed to explore and clean the data; the Data preparation section contains the selection of                                features and dimensionality reduction that we used to create the input features for the                            algorithms; in the Modeling section we describe our approach for selection, training, and                          refinement of the models. We conclude with some discussions and our Kaggle results.    2. Data exploration    The training dataset contains 260,753 observations, with 297 features each. It has a target                            column named QuoteConversion_Flag with two possible classes: 0 and 1. The challenge asks                          to predict the probability of customer conversion expressed as decimal. The test set contains                            173,837 data points. The features are organized by different types:  ● Fields​: No clear definition given the anonymized dataset. Probably general terms.  ● Coverage​ fields: Fields related to the insurance coverage.   ● Sales​ fields: Most probably, internal fields used by the company about their sales.  ● Personal​ fields. Fields about the customer.  ● Property​ fields. Fields about the property.  ● Geographic​ fields. Geographic fields about the customer and property.     
  • 2. Unfortunately, there is no description of the features beyond that, so any field knowledge is not                                possible.    Our initial data exploration consisted on visualizing the univariate distributions for each of the                            numeric features in the training dataset. For each of the features we created the histogram,                              density plot, the cumulative density function, and the QQNorm plot for testing of normality (Fig.                              1).       Figure 1. ​Initial exploratory visualizations for the feature CoverageField1A. We created a similar plot for each feature.      After noticing certain similarity patterns occurring in the distributions of many of the features, we                              decided to analyze in further depth those features. We employed a number of heuristics for                              such task: unique value summarization, high data concentration (low standard deviation), and                        unique sequential values. Our analysis identified that many of the "suspicious" features had                          integer values ranging from ­1 to 25. Although is difficult to tell for sure, we inferred that most                                    probably those features were in fact of categorical nature. Based on this criterion, it turned out                                that most of the fields should be treated as categorical (Supplementary section S.2).   
  • 3.     3. Data preparation and feature selection    3.1 Data preparation    When we compared the values for the categorical features in the train dataset with their values                                in the test set we discovered that some features did not have the same values among these                                  datasets. In particular, the test dataset contained levels not found in the train dataset. Although                              it is true that a model built with features whose values are not found in the train set will likely                                        exhibit degraded performance, the extent of the problem was fairly minor, with at most 2 missing                                values per feature. We therefore kept the problematic features and solved the issue by                            enforcing R to consider the new levels. We discarded PropertyField6 and GeographicField10A                        because they only contained one value, and PersonalField84 and PropertyField29 because                      more than 70% of the values were missing. We converted dates to 3 numeric variables (Day,                                Month, Year). After data exploration and preparation, we were left with 245 categorical features                            and 50 numeric ones.         3.2 Feature selection    We approached the problem of feature selection using two different techniques: Dimensionality                        reduction and feature prioritization. For dimensionality reduction we considered a number of                        algorithms: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA), and                    Factor Analysis for Mixed Data (FAMD). All these algorithms have as purpose to reduce the                              dimension of the feature space by combining the original features to create new features. The                              newly created features are ranked by the amount of the variance present in the original features                                that they are able to explain. We employed the versions of the algorithms from the R package                                  FactoMineR [1]. For categorical feature prioritization we used the ChiSquareSelector filtering                      algorithm from the R package FSelector [2]. In the case of categorical feature prioritization, the                              dimensionality of the dataset does not change by the application of the method, rather it                              empowers the analyst to determine which features to integrate or discard from the model.    For dimensionality reduction we first applied FactorMineR PCA on all the 260,073 observations                          and 292 features (we excluded date/time related features). Only the 50 numeric features are                            employed by the algorithm, with categorical features employed only aiding in the interpretation                          of the results. The PCA decomposition produced 50 eigenvectors and and 50 eigenvalues. The                            first eigenvalue (dimension 1) explained 16.85% of the variance and the second one 13.55%                            (Fig. 2). The first 30 PCA dimensions explained 99% of the variance.   
  • 4.       Figure 2​. ​Left: ​Factor map of the PCA decomposition of the 50 numeric features. All categorical features as                                    supplementary variables. ​Right: ​PCA Individual Factor Map (all observations, categorial features as supplementary                          variables).      Next we applied FactoMineR’s MCA method, suitable for categorical features. Treating all                        observations at once was not possible with our computers, so we proceed by repeating the                              application of MCA 10 times, each applied on a random 10% of the observations. The results                                (eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the decomposition) were stable and similar in all cases.                          Unfortunately, the performance was poor: Each of the first few eigenvalues only explained ~1%                            of the variance. We thus discarded the use of MCA. Lastly, we applied FAMD. This method                                seemed adequate to our case, as the algorithm can treat numeric and categorical features at                              the same time. A test run with 50,000 observations showed that FAMD had the same poor                                performance as MCA, so we didn't pursue further its use.    For categorical value prioritization we applied the ChiSquareSelector filtering algorithm. The                      algorithm performs a ᵭ​2​ ­test for each of the categorical features against the target feature. The                              features are sorted by their importance, allowing to readily identify the features that have more                              predictive value. We arbitrarily set a cutoff for the number of variables to use at 145 because at                                    that point the value of the importance was already ⅛ of the importance of the most predictive                                  feature. 
  • 5. In conclusion: after the dimensionality reduction and feature selection we were left with 10                            continuous variables obtained after PCA dimensionality reduction and the first 145 most                        predictive categorical values for the first iteration of the modeling and evaluation cycle.    4. Modeling    4.1 Analytic problem to be solved and methodology    The Homesite Quote Conversion challenge is a supervised learning probabilistic classification                      task. The participants are asked to create a model which determines the probability that a                              customer will purchase the Homesite insurance policy for each of the observations in the test                              dataset. We therefore applied the standard procedure for supervised learning. First, we                        randomly splitted our initial dataset of 260,073 observations into three separate datasets:                        training (156,468 observations, ~60% of the initial dataset), testing (52,397 observations, ~20%)                        and cross­validation (51,208 observations, ~20%). The intended use for each of the datasets                          was as follows:   ● The training dataset was used to train a specific instance of a family of algorithms.  ● The test dataset was used to diagnose the behavior of each of the algorithms and                              optimize its hyperparameters.  ● The cross­validation dataset was used to evaluate the performance of the models                        created after training and hyperparameter optimization.    We chose to try three algorithms: logistic regression (LR) with lasso/ridge regularization, support                          vector machines (SVM), and gradient boosted trees (GBT) for the following reasons:  ● logistic regression is a well known algorithm that assumes linear relationships and it is a                              simple try­first model that can work well if the data have linear structure. We used the R                                  package glmnet [3].  ● SVM is considered one of the best off­the­shelf machine learning algorithms and a                          candidate for good performance. We used the R package e1071 [4].  ● GBT has built a reputation of being a state­of­the­art, powerful algorithm and has been                            used to win several Kaggle competitions.  We used the R package xgboost [5].    For each of the algorithms we proceeded by building learning curves to evaluate run­time and                              classification performance, together with diagnosing bias/variance issues. We optimized the                    hyperparameters of the best algorithms using the R package caret [6] and standard functions                            provided by the e1071 SVM package.      4.2 Learning curves   
  • 6. We built the learning curves for all algorithms by training the model with an increasing fraction of                                  observations from the training dataset and evaluating the performance on the test dataset using                            the F­measure defined as follows:  F = 2Precision+Recall Precision ∙ Recall      For logistic regression the learning curves (Fig. 3) for both 20 and 40 features showed rather                                poor performance for the classifier, with values F ≈ 0.64 for the training set and F ≈ 0.63 for the                                        test set after using 15% of the observations. Such poor performance that does not change by                                increasing the number of training examples was indicative of high­bias. The performance of the                            classifier did not improve after using 60 features (Fig. 4), further confirming the presence of                              high­bias, either due to non­informative features or LR not performing well. We thus decided to                              stop adding features and discard LR algorithm due the increasing running times and the lack of                                learning improvement.            
  • 7. Figure 3. Learning curves for the logistic regression (LR) algorithm from glmnet. y­axis: F­measure for the                                performance of the classifier. ​Upper left: Curves created with the first 20 predictive features (10 PCA features, 10                                    most informative categorical features) and up to 50% of the training dataset. ​Upper right​: Curves created with the                                    first 40 features (10 PCA, 30 most informative categorical). ​Lower left: Curves created with the first 60 features (10                                      PCA, 50 most informative categorical) and up to 15% of the observations in the training dataset.      The learning curves for GBT (Fig. 4) using 20, 40, and 60 features and default parameters                                showed the same high­bias regime observed for LR: Similar values of F for the train and test                                  sets that do not improve by adding new observations. For GBT though we managed to run the                                  algorithm employing all variables and 100% of the training examples. Now the learning curves                            (Fig.4, lower right) showed improved values of the F­measure and also a trend of F increasing                                for the test set as the number of training examples increased. An indication that GBT was                                generalizing well.              Figure 4. Learning curves for the Gradient Boosted Trees (GBT) algorithm from xgboost.. y­axis: F­measure for the                                  performance of the classifier. ​Upper left: Curves created with the first 20 predictive features (10 PCA features, 10                                    most informative categorical features) and up to 50% of the training dataset. ​Upper right​: Learning curves created                                  with the first 40 features (10 PCA, 30 most informative categorical) up to 50% of the training dataset. ​Lower left:                                       
  • 8. Curves created with the first 60 features (10 PCA, 50 most informative categorical) and up to 100% of the training                                        dataset. ​Lower right: ​Curves created with all the 175 selected features up to 100% of the training dataset.    We also built learning curves for a SVM model4 of C­classification type with radial kernel (Fig.                                5). Here we measured performance with the accuracy measure from the e1071 R package                            (defined as the percentage of data points in the main diagonal of the confusion matrix. The                                learning curves for SVM showed again a high­bias regime: For 20 features, the maximum                            diagonal was ~0.865 at 15% of the training points and did not exhibit improvement with more                                training samples. Adding more features did not help. Especially relevant were the curves for 50                              features (Fig. 5, lower right), as they show the characteristic shape of the high bias regime                                previously observed for LR (Fig. 3, lower left) and GBT (Fig 4, lower left).                
  • 9.   Figure 5. Learning curves for the Support Vector Machine (SVM). Diagonal as the performance of the classifier with                                    up to 30% of the training dataset for all cases. ​Upper lef​t: Curves created with the first 20 predictive features (10                                          PCA and 10 categorical). ​Upper right​: Learning curves created with the first 30 predictive features (10 PCA, 20                                    categorical). ​Lower left​: Learning curves created with the first 40 predictive feature (10 PCA and 30 categorical).                                  Lower right​: Learning curves created with the first 50 predictive features (10 PCA and 40 categorical).      We diagnosed the source of bias by plotting bias/variance curves, which depict the variation in a                                performance measure as new features are added to the models, for both SVM and GBT (Fig.                                6). The curves for SVM (Fig. 6, left) are the result of evaluating multiple models (represented in                                  the horizontal axis), each with an increasing quantity of factors. The SVM models with the lower                                number of factors showed a low variance regime, while the SVM models with the higher number                                of factors showed high variance regime: that training and test sets started to diverge for more                                than 20 features and the difference kept increasing. This was not apparent in the initial plots of                                  accuracy because the range of features was smaller than the one used in the Bias/Variance                              plots. On the other hand, GBT kept improving performance with added features with no                            indication of entering into a high variance regime (Fig. 6, right).     Figure 6. ​Left: ​Bias/Variance curve for SVM trained with ~10% of the training samples and up to 80 the features. The                                          performance measure is the error rate, defined as (FP+FN)/(TP+TN+FP+FN). ​Right: Bias/Variance curve for GBT                            trained with ~50% of the training samples and up to all of the original features.         4.3 Model hyperparameters optimization 
  • 10.   The learning and bias/variance curves for GBT indicated that the combination of the selected                            features and the GBT algorithm could work well for our case. We therefore proceeded to find                                the best possible GBT model by optimizing its hyperparameters:   ● max_depth​: The maximum depth of the trees to built during the learning stages. High                            values with result in overfitting.  ● nrounds​: The number of passes over the data that GBT will do. The more the passes,                                the better the fit between between predictions and ground truth for the training dataset.                            Higher values will result in overfitting.  ● eta​: A "shrinkage" step size varying from 0 to 1 used to control boosting. After each                                boosting step, eta is used to shrink the weights of new features to make the boosting                                process more/less conservative. Higher values will not shrink, enhancing the boosting                      step but possible overfitting.    We ran the optimization using the R package caret [6]. The optimization involved 5­fold cross                              validation employing the entire training dataset (Fig. 7, left). The test set had similar results                              (Fig.7, right).    Figure 7. ​Left: Value of the area under the ROC curve (AUC) as a function of the GBT model parameters. The best                                            model corresponds to max_depth=5, nrounds=100 and eta=0.3, with AUC=0.961. ​Right​: ROC curve of the                            predictions for the test set (the test set was not used during the optimization). AUC=0.959.      We optimized the SVM results in stages, using the tune() method from e1071. The first result                                had optimal parameters C = 1 and gamma = 0.00729. Upon review of the results, a second                                  SVM optimization was performed using our initial Homesite dataset (10 PCA features, 145                          categorical features) and 4% of the training samples. The search grid for the optimization of the                                hyperparameters was gamma = c(0.000003, 0.00003, 0.0003, 0.0003979308, 0.003, 0.03), and                      a cost = c(0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000). We obtained the optimal model for cost = 10 and gamma =                                       
  • 11. 0003979 (Fig. 8), with values for the performance metrics F­Measure = 0.666 and accuracy =                              0.94.     Figure 8.​ ROC curve for the optimal SVM model (cost = 10, gamma = 0.0003979). The best model had AUC=0.75.      4.4 Model refinement and Kaggle submissions    We created our models based on the approach described in sections 4.1­4.3. Once that we                              considered a model final, we created predictions for the blind test dataset provided by Kaggle                              and submitted them for rating. We repeated this procedure of model creation, hyperparameter                          optimization, and submission to Kaggle multiple times (Table 1).      Table 1. ​History of Kaggle submissions   Date  AUC  Position  Algor.  Parameters  Features  Notes  2015­12­02  0.95566  485/611  GBT  max_depth=5,nround s=30, eta=0.3  PCA, Chi­Squared    2015­12­03  0.96238  415/635  GBT  max_depth=5,nround s=100, eta=0.3  30 PCA features, all  categorical      2015­12­04  0.96339  401/643  GBT  max_depth=5,  norunds=500, eta=0.3  30 PCA features, all  categorical    2015­12­07  0.37341  N/A  SVM  cost  = 100, gamma =  0.03  20 PCA features, all  categorical       
  • 12. Discussion  We approached this project with the intention of following a rational approach to all the parts of                                  building a good model rather than concentrating on trying a large number of algorithms. We                              employed a large percentage of the time analyzing the features and making sure that we had                                correctly identified their type. We also explored in great detail the process of feature selection                              and dimensionality reduction. Ours efforts during modeling seeked to find how the selected                          algorithms were learning and also diagnose the sources of bias or variance. In the case of the                                  SVM we learned it has a strong dependence to parameter configuration, in addition to having                              particular requirements for metadata [7] (using binarized features, instead of categoricals).  Based on this approach we submitted multiple results to Kaggle for GBT and SVM. Our top                                performance was a very good value of the area under the ROC curve = 0.96339, but not                                  enough to make it to the top of the leaderboard! As of today the model in the first place has an                                          AUC = 0.96990. We plan to continue working on this challenge on an ongoing basis and will                                  address these points accordingly.    Contributions    Marciano 1) created the exploratory univariate numerical and the distributions plots, 2) applied                          PCA, MCA and FAMD for dimensionality reduction, and 3) trained and tuned the SVM models.    Javier 1) analyzed in detail the features to discover which ones should be categorical, 2)                              cleaned and prepared the data, 3) applied the ChiSquaredSelector algorithm for categorical                        variables prioritization, and 4) trained the LR and GBT models.     Code    Our code is available on github:    References    1. FactorMineR:  ​ 
  • 13. 2. FSelector: ​https://cran.r­  3. glmnet: ​https://cran.r­  4. e1071: ​https://cran.r­  5. xgboost: ​https://cran.r­  6. caret: ​https://cran.r­  7. A practical guide to support vector classification:     Supplementary Material      S.1 Feature treatment    For completeness, we describe below the treatment that we used for each of the features:    Fields:  ● We treated the features Field6, Field7, and Field12 as categorical, and the rest of them                              as numeric.    Coverage fields:    ● Coverage Fields 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B, 8, 9, 11A, and 11B                                      were treated as categorical features, and the rest as numeric.      Sales fields:  ● SalesFields 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , and 9 were treated as categorical features,                                            and the rest as numeric.      Personal fields:  ● PersonalFields 1, 2, 4A, 4B, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10A, 10B, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,                                          22, 28, 29, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 48, 53, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65,                                              68, 71, 72, 73, 78, and 83 were treated as categorical features, and the rest as numeric.      Property fields    ● Property Fields 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11A, 11B, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16A, 16B,                                          17, 18, 19, 20, 21A, 21B, 22, 23, 24A, 24B, 26A, 26B, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36,                                          37, 38, 39A, and 39B were treated as categorical features, and the rest as numeric. 
  • 14.   Geographic fields:    ● Geographic Fields 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B, 6A, 6B, 7A, 7B, 8A, 8B, 9A,                                      9B, 10B, 11A, 11B, 12A, 12B, 13A, 13B, 14A, 14B, 15A, 15B, 16A, 16B, 17A, 17B, 18B,                                  19A, 19B, 20A, 20B, 21A, 21B, 22A, 22B, 23A, 23B, 24A, 24B, 25A, 25B, 26A, 26B,                                27A, 27B, 28A, 28B, 29A, 29B, 30A, 30B, 31A, 32A, 32B, 33A, 33B, 34A, 34B, 35A,                                35B, 36A, 36B, 37A, 37B, 38A, 38B, 39A, 39B, 40A, 40B, 41A, 41B, 42A, 42B, 43A,                                43B, 44A, 44B, 45A, 45B, 46A, 46B, 47A, 47B, 48A, 48B, 49A, 49B, 50A, 50B, 51A,                                51B, 52A, 52B, 53A, 53B, 54A, 54B, 55A, 55B, 56A, 56B, 57A, 57B, 58A, 58B, 59A,                                59B, 60A, 60B, 61A, 61B, 62A, 62B, 63, 64 were treated as categorical features, and the                                rest as numeric.