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  Hunts Point, South Bronx


              TEAM MATES:

            MAGGIE DE LA VEGA


              DENNIS CHAN

               DILEK KATGI


               NIDA TARIQ


            RANDA MUNAYYER


              ERIN WEBER


TRAINING METHOD...............................................................................................................................7-13
TRAINING CERTIFICATION OPTIONS.............................................................................................12-15
FINANCIAL ESTIMATES...........................................................................................................................16-17
RESOURCE OVERVIEW............................................................................................................................18-23
IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS ...............................................................................................................24-25
GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES.................................................................................................................26-39


    Problem Statement
    Currently, the community of Hunts Point is an underserved, overstressed urban
    location. Specifically, the women of the community are frequently “overlooked and
    overburdened,” yet have the potential to serve a critical role in creating positive
    change in the community.

    Create a platform to deploy training and knowledge to women of the Hunts Point

    The Hunts Point Kitchen Incubator is a social enterprise that engages the women
    of the Hunts Point in training and certification programs related to professional and
    nutritional wellbeing.

    To empower women in the Hunts Point community by training them in essential
    business skills related to operating a health-conscious, food venture.

    Elevating communities by enabling wellbeing.

    •	   To provide an example of positive change within the Hunts Point community
    •	   To increase the professional skill set of Hunts Point community members (women)
         to support their likelihood of employment and overall professional development
    •	   To raise community awareness of the value and
         methods of nutrition and healthy eating
    •	   (Long term) To produce an added-value food offering for distribution/sale.

    Metrics of Success
    Trainee feedback, measured by:
    •	   Post-course evaluation forms
    •	   Graduation rate from program
    •	   Rate of graduate job placement
Overall awareness of program,           Metrics will leverage benchmarks       who are routinely overlooked
measured by:                            as demonstrated by other similar       and overburdened, yet serve an
•	   Traffic to website (unique         community programs.                    important and critical role in the
     users, page views, time spent)                                            larger fabric of society, we will
•	   # of downloaded materials          The BLK ProjeK Mission                 strengthen overall mental and
     from the website                   The BLK ProjeK seeks to address        public health, and elevate the
                                        food justice, public & mental          collective self esteem of the larger
Overall “buzz” factor,                  health issues as they specifically     communities they live in.
measured by:                            relate to underserved women of
•	   Awards/Recognition                 color through culturally relevant
•	   Local Press                        education, beautification of
                                        public spaces, urban gardening
Community engagement,
                                        and community programming. By
measured by:
                                        creating easily accessible resources
•	   # of attendees at training
                                        and enriching the lives of women
•	   # of attendees at general events


    Targeted Audience                            •	   Each trainee will be versed in the
    •	   Women residing at local shelters             various aspects of the kitchen
    •	   Permanent Residents of                  •	   Work efficiently with supervisors to
         the neighborhood                             receive, inventory, store and distribute
    •	   Unemployed Women                             supplies delivered to the kitchen site
    •	   Teen Mothers                            •	   Have a grasp on basic computer skills
                                                 •	   Understand basic business skills
    For those who are:                                such as budgeting, revenue, costs
    •	   Seeking certification of their               assessment, vendor relationships,
         culinary skills acquired informally          distribution methods, marketing etc.
    •	   Upgrading skill sets                    •	   Receive a New York State accepted
    •	   Seeking training opportunities               Food Handlers Certificate
         in the local area
                                                 Food Handlers Course
    Methodology                                  Many states require Food Handler
    The training program will consist of         certification for each food service
    farming, nutrition, cooking, business        worker. Other states recommend food
    and computer lessons taught within an        handler training. In either case, it is
    eight-week curriculum. The method            critical that food handlers understand
    of teaching will be “hands on” and           the vital safety concepts for proper food
    appropriate to the current competencies      handling and preparation.
    of each training group.
                                                 I. Training Outline:
    Targeted Achievements of the Training        Urban Gardening and Farming

    Model:                                       Urban agriculture is increasingly

    Upon completion of the Cooking/              recognized for its potential contribution

    Food Processing/Preserving course,           to urban poverty alleviation, urban

    participants will be able to:                food security, productive reuse of

    •	   Utilize safe food handling procedures   urban wastes, urban greening, local

    •	   Understand the process of food          economic development, and community

         preparation and distribution            development. As part of the course,

    •	   Comprehend the requirements             trainees will partake in an apprenticeship

         of a suitable food preparation          at the Blk ProjeK. This hands-on organic

         facility and supplies                   food gardening course will include:


a. Site planning/design/soil preparation                         are healthy and beneficial to the local community and
b. Choice of seeds-plants/starting seeds                         environment. To develop these skills trainees will be
c. Companion-succession planting/harvesting/composting           taught the composition of foods and be introduced
d. Organic gardening techniques/natural pest control/bugs        to the foods the body needs to remain healthy.
e. Container gardening                                      e. Selecting Menus – In this part of the course trainees
f. Water-wise gardening                                          will apply what they have learned from core cooking
g. The significance of birds, insects and                        methods and designing diets to devise menus.
   other animals in the garden
                                                            III. Food Safety
II. Food and Nutrition                                      a. Food Defense and Hazard Analysis
Creating and Maintaining Personal Health and Vitality       b. Purchase and Delivery of Food
a. Eating for Health and Vitality – Digestive               c. Food Storage and Supplies
   Health & Making Educated Food Choices,                   d. Determining Critical Control Points and Critical Limits
   Allergies, Intolerances and Sensitivities                e. Temperature Control
b. The Principle Nutrients and their Food Sources –         f.   Final Cooking Temperature
   The Composition of Foods, Vitamins and Minerals          g. Calibrating a Food Thermometer
c. The Use of Supplements - Principles and Guidance         h. Cooling Hot Foods
d. Designing Diets – Trainees will be taught basic          i.   Cooling Soft/Thick Foods
   nutrition in order to allow them to design diets that    j.   Cooling Liquid Foods


    k. Freezing
    l.   Preparing, Serving and Displaying Foods
    m. Personnel Behaviors and Hygiene when handling food
    n. Selection, Monitoring, and Maintenance of Facilities and Equipment
    o. Corrective Actions and Verification

    IV. Kitchen Management
    a. Food Handling Procedures - Food that is mishandled can cause food
         related illness. To combat this occurrence in these classes trainees will
         be taught how to properly handle food. The classes will look into (i)
         making sure the location meets the needs of the food being prepared; (ii)
         how to store food correctly; and (iii) how to transport food safely.
    b. Food Safety and Sanitation – Food may also cause food-borne illness, if
         proper safety and sanitation processes are not followed. Hence to ensure
         the safety of the food being prepared, employees will be taught the
         proper way to prepare them. The course will enforce such themes as: (i)
         disinfecting surfaces; (ii) washing hands and wearing gloves; (iii) removing
         pests; (iii) washing dishes; (iv) preventing poisoning; and (v) preventing fire
         or burns: (vi) common food allergies; (v) types of hazards in Foods etc.
    c. Date Marking and Labeling
    d. Kitchen Procedures (Opening/Closing/Cleaning) – To satisfy all needs of
         the kitchen, employees will be taught how to safely open the kitchen in the
         morning and how to close the kitchen at night, ensuring that the facilities
         have been properly sanitized before business begins the following day.
    e. Inventory Management – Trainees will learn how to keep track of
         inventory and place orders for supplies that are nearing expiration or have
         run out. Trainees will be introduced to computer software that allows
         the process to be tracked digitally, streamlining the procedures.
    f. Management Responsibilities –Employee and Management’s
         Role in Helping Prevent Food borne Illnesses. Trainees will
         also participate in a rotating leadership schedule.

    V. Food Processing and Preservation
    a. Culinary Fundamentals – In order to give employees a solid basis on which to


   build their kitchen skills, culinary       technology to assist you              self-empowerment classes, allowing
   fundamentals will teach employees:         in other coursework                   the employees to reach their inner
   (i) the correct way to hold a knife     d. Using the Internet for                potential.
   and proper cooking techniques;             communications, research              It will also develop:
   and (ii) various cooking                   and entertainment                     a. Creative thinking, problem
   methods which are relevant for          e. Traditional and nontraditional             solving and decision making
   certain recipes and foods..                ways to find and share information    b. Leadership, delegating,
b. Cooking and Preserving- Trainees        f. Creating, editing and sharing              appraising, motivating
   will prepare a chosen value-               pictures and video                    c. Negotiation and Development
   added food item from start to           g. Creating online and paper                  of networking with
   finish in actual kitchen facilities.       publications and graphics                  partners and colleagues
                                              using computers                       d. Communication and
VI. Computer Basics                        h. Ethical and responsible use                Presentation skills
This course introduces beginners to           of computer technology                e. Job Hunting and Interview training
hardware terminology and software                                                   f. Resume Writing
basics. Basic use of the Windows           VII.Basic Business Skills
Operating System is covered.               a. Basic Business Management Skills      Training course breakdown
Beginning word processing skills are          – To ensure success, trainees         (40 hours/ week):
taught, so that trainees learn to open,       will be taught basic business         •	   Urban Farming and
create, name, save and close files. File      management skills, which will              Gardening (1 week)
and folder concepts are introduced.           include: (i) basic budgeting, (ii)    •	   Food and nutrition (1 week)
An overview of the Internet and               management, (iii) motivation,         •	   Food Safety (1 week)
e-mail is presented as well. In-class         (iv) process management, and (v)      •	   Kitchen Management (1 week)
activities reinforce learning in a way        human resource management.            •	   Food Processing and
that is fun and productive.                b. Skills of determining price point          Preservation (1 week)
a. Individual help will be                    relative to costs, basic budgeting,   •	   Computer Skills (1 week)
   provided. Apple Macintosh and              basic understanding of revenue        •	   Basic Business Skills (1 week)
   Windows personal computers                 vs. costs, vendor relationships,      •	   Self-Empowerment (1 week)
   and operating systems                      distribution skills, etc.
b. Microsoft Word, Excel
   and PowerPoint as tools                 VIII. Self-Empowerment
   for writing, analyzing and              To meet the needs of the employees
   presenting information                  who will be staffing the kitchen, the
c. Practical use of information            training course will include basic


     Assessment will be based on attendance and participation.
     NYC Food Safety Handlers Certificate

                     Week 1                                                 Week 2
           Urban Farming and Gardening                                 Food and Nutrition

     	   Mon Orientation                                 	     Mon
          •	   Choice of seeds-plants/starting seeds           •	   Eating for Health and Vitality
          •	   Organic gardening techniques               	     Tue
                                                               •	   The Principle Nutrients
                                                                    and their Food Sources
          •	   Farming (Practical)
     	   Wed                                             	     Wed
          •	   Farming (Practical)                             •	   The Use of Supplements
     	   Thurs                                           	     Thurs
          •	   Farming (Practical)                             •	   Designing Diets
     	   Fri                                             	     Fri
          •	   Farming (Practical)                             •	   Selecting Menus

                                              Week 3
                                            Food Safety
     	   Mon                                          	   Thurs
          •	   Food Defense and Hazard Analysis             •	   Select, Monitor, and Maintain
     	   Tue                                                    Facilities and Equipment
          •	   Determining Critical Control                 •	   Corrective Actions and Verification
               Points and Critical Limits              	   Fri
          •	   Temperature Control                          •	   Purchase and Receive Food
     	   Wed                                               •	   Store Food and Supplies
          •	   Preparing, Serving and
               Displaying Foods
          •	   Personnel Behaviors and
               Hygiene when handling food


                      Week 4                                        Week 5
           Food Handling Exam and Kitchen              Food Processing and Preservation
              Management (in Kitchen)                            (in Kitchen)

	   Mon                                         	   Mon
     •	   Food Handling Procedures                    •	   Culinary Fundamentals
     •	   Food Safety and Sanitation                  •	   Prepare Ingredients (Practical)

	   Tue                                         	   Tue
     •	   Date Marking and Labeling                   •	   Dice Ingredients (Practical)
     •	   Kitchen Procedures (Opening/Closing)   	   Wed
                                                      •	   Clean Jars (Practical)
     •	   Inventory Management
                                                      •	   Cook and Jar (Practical)
     •	   Management Responsibilities
                                                      •	   Checking (Practical)
     •	   Revision, Q and A
     •	   Mock test and Evaluation

     •	   Food Safety Certification Exam/Test

     to Come
                                                                                  TRAINING METHOD

                                                        Week 6
                                                     Computer Skills

                	   Mon                                      	   Thurs
                     •	   Introduction to Computers                •	   Microsoft PowerPoint and
                     •	   Personal Responsibility                       Learning the Toolbars
                          and Appropriate Use                      •	   Presentation Basics
                     •	   Overview and Definitions                 •	   Presentation Design
                          in Applications                          •	   Print Media Creation
                     •	   Operating Systems                        •	   Quiz Assessment
                          (Windows and Macintosh)
                     •	   Personal Responsibility,
                                                                   •	   Browser Basics
                          Passwords and Privacy
                                                                   •	   Email Basics and Etiquette
                                                                   •	   Email Attachments
                     •	   Microsoft Word
                                                                   •	   Locating Information:
                     •	   Toolbars and General Hot Keys
                                                                        Search Engines
                     •	   Entering and Manipulating
                                                                   •	   Locating Information:
                          Text in a Word Document
                                                                        Search Strings
                     •	   Word Saving Options
                                                                   •	   Selecting Appropriate
                     •	   Quiz Assessment
                                                                        Research Tools
                	   Wed                                           •	   Quiz Assessment
                     •	   Microsoft Excel and
                          Basic Navigation
                     •	   Entering Information
                          in a Spreadsheet
                     •	   Lists in Excel
                     •	   Formulas and Functions in Excel
                     •	   Quiz Assessment


                                       Week 7                                                        Week 8
                                 Basic Business Skills                                         Self-Empowerment
	   Mon                                    	   Thurs                             	   Mon
     •	   Introduction to Business               •	   Marketing Processes and           •	   Creative thinking, problem
     •	   Financial Management                        Consumer Behavior                      solving and decision making
     •	   Accounting, Cash Flow                  •	   Pricing, Distributing, and        •	   Teambuilding and Leadership
          and Budgeting                               Promoting Products                •	   Negotiation and Networking
                                                 •	   Information Technology
	   Tue                                                                           	   Tue
                                                      for Business
     •	   Business Law                                                                  •	   Time Management
     •	   Licenses, Permits                 	   Fri                                    •	   Communication skills
          and Insurance                          •	   Organizational Behavior           •	   Presentation Skills
     •	   Business Ethics and                    •	   Management, Production       	   Wed
          Social Responsibly                          and Customer satisfaction         •	   Interview Preparation
	   Wed                                         •	   Human Resources                   •	   Behavioral Interviews
     •	   Entrepreneurship,                           Optimization                      •	   Mock Interviews
          New Ventures, and                      •	   Employee Behavior            	   Thurs
          Business Ownership                          and Motivation                    •	   Job Hunting
     •	   The Business Plan                      •	   Workplace knowledge,              •	   Evaluating a Job Offer
                                                      Etiquette and Skills
                                                                                        •	   Prepare Personal Resume
                                                                                        •	   -Course Evaluation


     Food Handler Certification
     The National Registry’s Certified Food Safety Professional examination has been
     developed following the strictest test development procedures. The Certified Food
     Safety Manager examination is accredited by the American National Standards
     Institute using standards set by the Conference for Food Protection.
     National Registry’s exam is accepted in all states and jurisdictions that recognize
     those standards. That accreditation is assurance of quality in the development and
     maintenance of the exams. The exams must be taken at a computer test center or
     administered by an NRFSP administrator.
     Many states require Food Handler certification for each food service worker. Other
     states recommend food handler training. In either case, it is critical that food handlers
     understand the vital safety concepts for proper food handling and preparation.

     Food Handler Training Learning
     Objectives:                                   •	   Hand washing
     •	   Employee and Management’s Role in        •	   Cooking Requirements
          Helping Prevent Food borne Illness            for Specific Foods
     •	   What Makes People Sick From Food         •	   Cooking Temperature
     •	   Food Temperatures                        •	   Food Thermometers
     •	   Safe Storage Practices                   •	   Cooling Foods
     •	   Cleaning the Workplace                   •	   Date Marking
     •	   Utensils, Surfaces and Equipment         •	   Employee Illness

     The goal of this course is to provide a basic understanding of food safety. This will
     assist managers, responsible for ensuring preparation and serving of food safely.
     A food handler card and/or certificate confirm that a person has met the learning
     objectives of the course.

     Classes are given primarily in English and Spanish. However, you may check the Exam
     Schedule for a list of other language classes available. Examinations are in several

     Prerequisite Experience - None required
     Certification Examination - Consists of 20 multiple-choice questions. Minimum of 15


correctly answered questions are required to pass. The              limit. Monitoring may require materials
test can be taken through affiliate web based sites for             or devices to measure or otherwise
as little as $10.                                                   evaluate the process at CCPs.
See                             5.   Establish a corrective action if monitoring
                                                                    determines a CCP is not within the established
Certification Valid for: Five years                                 limits. Corrective actions are essential in order
                                                                    to ensure no public health hazard occurs.
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)             6.   Establish effective recordkeeping
HACCP is used in the food industry to identify                      procedures documenting whether the
potential food safety hazards, so that actions referred             HACCP system is working properly.
to as Critical Control Points (CCPs) can be taken to           7.   Establish procedures for verifying whether the
reduce or ultimately eliminate the risk of the hazards.             HACCP system is working properly. These
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the                      procedures may include reviewing the HACCP
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)                      plan, CCP records, as well as critical limits.
maintain that the mandatory HACCP programs for
juice and meat are an effective approach to food safety.    To obtain a HACCP Certification
                                                            Interested individuals are required to enroll with
How Does HACCP Work in Food Production?                     such organizations as the Online Institute of America
There are seven principles form the foundation of the       (‘OIA’), which offers an online course in the HACCP
HACCP system, developed by the National Advisory            standards for the price of $55. Once enrolled in the
Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods.            OIA, students are taught the importance and use
These include:                                              of all 7 principles, in order to make students safer,
   1.   Conduct a hazard analysis to identify               more effective food service employees. In order to be
        potential hazards that could occur                  awarded the certificate, students must complete the
        in the food production process.                     course and pass the final exam with a passing grade of
   2.   Identify the critical control points (CCPs).        70% or higher. Upon completion students are certified
        CCPs are points in the process where                in HACCP principles, which is valid for a period of two
        potential hazards may occur and can                 years from the date of completion.
        be prevented and/or controlled.
   3.   Establish critical limits for preventive measures
        associated with each CCP. Critical limits are
        criterion that must be met for each CCP.
   4.   Establish CCP monitoring requirements
        to ensure each CCP stays within its

     The launch of the kitchen incubator will require the investment of capitol to cover
     a variety of costs associated with launching and maintaining the training program.
     Foreseen expenses are listed in the chart below based on three categories:
       1. Start-up	costs
       2. Annual	costs
       3. Recurring	Training	program	costs
     There are various costs associated with different levels of bootstrapping versus
     collection of external funding. The estimates and suggestions below tend to be on
     the conservative side, with the assumption that partnerships will be optimized and
     expenses minimized during the initial phase of implementation. Please note that
     estimates do not include the financing of the for-profit sales model.

Opportunities for Financing                               *It is important to note that The BlkProjek will likely
We foresee various opportunities to attract financing     need to secure a general liability policy and a NYC food
and minimize costs for the incubator through strategic    handler’s license before attempting to reserve a kitchen
partnerships. Partnerships that could facilitate a        facility for the training program.
decrease in facility expenses (such as kitchen space, a
computer lab and classrooms) include:
•	   Restaurants
•	   Churches
•	   Community Colleges
•	   -State Training facilities
•	   Local Libraries

Possible revenue generating steams include:
•	   Grants
•	   Such as: Fiskars Project Orange Thumb Grant
•	   Donations
•	   Online
•	   On BlkProjek website
•	   On
•	   Sale of goods
•	   Cookbook
•	   Jared, value-added foods (details
     presented in a later section)
•	   Merchandise like aprons and t-shirts
•	   HRA subsidy through training program participation

Incorporation Resources
When the Kitchen Incubator is ready to begin retailing
items, a for profit company will need to be established
with the state.
Articles of Organization, Certificate of Publication,
Reservation of Name forms and filings:


     Recruitment - Employees:
     I.	 Human Resources Administration (HRA) –
     Department of Social Services: 877-472-8411
        a. Family Independence Administration (FIA) coordinates HRA/
            DSS’s Job Center Operations and the Food Stamp Program
        b. Bronx Job Centers
           1. Concourse – 1375 Jerome Ave – 718-590-7443
           2. Rider – 305 Rider Ave – 718-742-3704
           3. Crotona – 1910 Monterey Ave – 718-901-0201
           4. Melrose – 260 East 161st St – 718-664-2143
           5. Fordham – 2551 Bainbridge Ave – 718-220-6622
        c. Business services for employers
           1. Economic incentives, subsidies and tax credits
           2. Business Link – 212-643-2881
             a. fast, free and efficient way for employers to reach job seekers
             b. financial incentives for employers who use Business Link
             c. targets qualified candidates to meet employer specifications
             d. dedicated account manager works with business to create a
                 posting and supply pre-screened candidates in seven days or less
           3. Requirements for application include: Tax ID#, I9 forms,
             business history or proof of viable entity
     II.	 South Bronx Overall Economic Development Corp (SoBRO)
             a. Job Placement: “We build solid relationships with a large number
                 of Bronx employers through our business assistance programs, as
                 well as through our career fairs and community events. Employers
                 approach us confident that we can consistently connect them with
                 trained and qualified employees who are actively seeking work.”
             b. 555 Bergen Ave, Bronx, NY. 10455 (p) 718-292-3113
     III.	Seedco Wage Subsidy Program
             a. Michelle Bhattachary: 915 Broadway, 17th Fl., New York, NY
                 10010Tel: 212 473-0255,
             b. “The Seedco Green Jobs Wage Subsidy program is funded
                 through President Obama’s stimulus program and is operated
                 in coordination with the New York City Department of Human


            Resources. The program covers 100% of an eligible new hire’s wages, up to $14 per hour,
            for a period of 3 to 6 months. The program supports the growth of businesses in the
            emerging green sector while also incentivizing these businesses to fill entry level positions
            with appropriately matched public assistance recipients. Many public assistance recipients
            have skills and experience yet may need additional on-the-job support and training when
            starting out in the emerging green sector. Wage subsidies allow businesses to provide this
            training and support by subsidizing 100% of the wages for the first few months on the job.”
        c. “To qualify for wage subsidies a job seeker must be a current public assistance recipient. All
            of our job seekers have completed job readiness training programs and many have completed
            specialized programs in such areas as building maintenance, weatherization, customer service,
            and food service to name a few. Because public assistance recipients have a wide range of
            skills and educational backgrounds, they will be pre-screened to meet the requirements set by
            the employer before they are referred for an interview. Our job seekers will have access to
            work support professionals if assistance during the first months of employment is needed.”

Recruitment – Trainees:
I. Human Resources Administration (HRA) – Department of Social Services: 877-472-8411
        a. Work Experience Program (WEP)
           1. Designed to provide a simulated work experience to individuals receiving
             cash assistance; employees assigned to work for his/her cash assistance
             and food stamp benefits at private not-for-profit agencies
        b. b. TEAM TAG
           1. Training Approval Group (TAG): evaluates a participant’s request to participate in a stand-
             alone training or educational program in lieu of his/her full engagement requirements
           2. Training Evaluation and Monitoring (TEAM): responsible for research and development
             of all education and vocational training programs for the cash assistance population
        c. Begin Employment Gain Independence Now (BEGIN)
           1. A collaborative effort between HRA and education and training providers offers
             a coordinated program of employment preparation efforts of cash assistance
             recipients making the transition to employment. BEGIN programs include:
             a. Work Study, Language Work Study, Internship, Vocational Work Study, Employment Plus
           2. BEGIN Vocational Work Study: VoWS is an integrated program in which participants learn a
             specific, marketable skill in a classroom setting two days and work site three days per week.
             VoWS participants are currently training in the personal care and food service fields.


     II. South Bronx Job Corps center
        a. Job Corps is a free education and training program that
           helps young people learn a career, earn a high school
           diploma or GED, and find and keep a good job.
        b. In addition to academic training, South Bronx Job Corp provides
           career technical training in several vocational trades
                   1. Accounting, Certified Nursing Assistant, Clinical Medical
                     Assistant, Computer Service Technician, Culinary Arts,
                     Facilities Maintenance, Office Administration, Pharmacy
                     Technician, Security and Protective Services.
                   2. Work is unpaid, and students receive a basic living allowance
        c. Business and Community Liaison: Ms. Margaret
           Van Glahn,
                   1. Business contact:
                   2. South Bronx Job Corps Center: 1771 Andrews
                     Avenue, Bronx, NY. 10453 – (p) 718-731-7700
     III. Grass Roots Outreach
        a. Promotion at Community Farm, Churches, Day Care Centers, Block Parties

     Recruitment - Teachers:
     I. Current Instructors at the Food Protection Course with the NYC Department
       of Health
        a. Health Academy at the East Harlem Multi Service Center, 413 E.
            120th St, 2nd FL, New York, NY. 10035 – (p) 917-492-6990
        b. Scripps Networks: includes Food Network, HGTV, DIY,
            Cooking Channel, Travel Channel, and GAC.
            i.    Employees of Scripps Networks are encouraged to be active in industry
                  associations and the company backs their involvement with solid financial
            ii.   Food Network: 75 Ninth Ave, New York, NY. 10001, (p) 212-398-8836
            iii. Food Network’s Official Partner is Share our Strength, the leading national
                  organization dedicated to ending childhood hunger.
        c. Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York (NOFA-NY)


        ii.   Site for posting teaching employment opportunities
    d. The Institute of Culinary Education:
        i.    “As a leading culinary education institution, we try to do our share with fundraising, scholarships and
              the support of non-profits in a range of spheres related or close to ICE®’s mission”
              1. Spheres includes: ongoing support to education, hunger relief-at home and abroad, helping the
                  NYC Community, Disaster response, and support of culinary and foodservice trade groups.
              2. Additionally, ICE® contributes gift certificates and classes to dozens of charities throughout the
                  year, including March of Dimes, Common Cause, Slow Food USA, National Multiple Sclerosis
                  Society, God’s Love We Deliver, Central Park Conservancy and numerous schools and hospitals.
    e. South Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation  Bronx Resource Initiative (BRI)
        i.    “The BRI’s mission is to expand community-based organizations’ capacity to support merchants
              through the provision of technical assistance. BRI develops fiscal, material and intellectual capital by
              strengthening an agency’s infrastructure, enhancing its ability to provide quality services and market
              itself. BRI seeks to enhance non-profit groups and start-ups whose focus is business attraction, expan-
              sion and/or area marketing.”
        ii.   Career Development
        iii. “We tailor our employment services to meet the needs of businesses and high-growth sectors by
              monitoring trends in economic development and working with employers to fulfill their staffing re-

I. Nos Quedamos
    a. Community development corporation comprised of residents, homeowners, and business
        owners from the South Bronx who are committed to promoting, supporting and advancing
        ideas of healthy and sustainable growth, both for local communities and the larger society
    c. La Casa de Felicidad – Meeting Rooms, Community Space, Technology Ready, (no kitchens)
II. Mercy Center: 377 East 145th St, Bronx, NY. 718-993-2789
    a. Community centre for women and their families – offers programs and
        services that empower women to reach their full potential
    c. Meeting rooms, Computer labs, Kitchen Space


     III. Women’s Housing and Economic Development Corporation (WHEDCo)
        a. Urban Horizon’s Kitchen – Food Business
            Incubator, 50 East 168th St. Bronx, NY.
        b. State-of-the-art 4,000 sqft commercial kitchen available per diem
            or monthly basis. Fees are competitive for longer term rentals
        c. Tom Guiltinan: 718-839-1130,
     IV. NYCEDC East Harlem Kitchen Incubator
        a. 08/2009 city announced investment in 4,000 sqft commercial kitchen
            to be located at La Marquetta in East Harlem, providing shared
            workspace for start-up and expanding local food businesses
            i.    Underneath MTA Metro North rail line on Park Ave from East 111th St. to
                  East 119th.
            ii.   Initiative Contacts: City Council Speaker Christine C. Quinn, Council
                  Member Melissa Mark-Viverito, New York City Economic Development
                  Corporation (NYCEDC) President Seth W. Pinsky and Amy Scherber of
                  Amy’s Bread
     V. Artisan Baking Center Kitchen Innovations Incubator (ABC-KI)
        a. A 5000 sq ft kitchen divided into 4 separate work areas with many pieces
            of specialty baking equipment. The kitchen is open 24/7. There is a pool of
            workers, all graduates from the Culinary Arts and Pastry Arts job training
            programs run by the facility, available for hire by the tenants of ABC-KI.
        b. Consortium For Worker Education
                      Mi Kitchen es su Kitchen
                      36-46 37th Street
                      Long Island City NY 11101-1606
                      212 452 1866

     Partnership Opportunities:
     I.	 South Bronx Food Co-op – is a shopping alternative to the profit-oriented
        commercial food markets found in the Bronx. Founded and operated by
        committed residents, the SBxFC is dedicated to making a difference in the


    community by working together to provide healthy            practices.
    and affordable food to all who want it                     a.
II.	 The Point Community Development Corporation            VIII.	Bronx River alliance – mission to protect, improve

    – non profit 501 (c)(3) dedicated to youth                  and restore the Bronx River corridor so that it can

    development and the cultural and economic                   be a healthy ecological, recreational, educational

    revitalization of the Hunts Point Section of the            and economic resource for the communities

    South Bronx.                                                through which the river flows.

    a.                             IX.	 Green Worker Cooperatives – South Bronx-based

III.	 Hunts point alliance for Children – builds                organization dedicated to incubating worker-owned

    collaborative relationships that sustain and nurture        and environmentally friendly cooperatives in the

    neighbourhood families and children                         South Bronx. ReBuilders Source

    a.                     a. http://greenworker. coop/website_j/index.

IV.	 Hunts Point Economic Development Corp                         php?option=com_frontpageItemid=1
                                                            X.	 Hunts Point High School for Sustainable
    – strives to improve the business and resident              Community Initiatives
    environment of Hunts Point by providing programs
    and services to assist businesses and local residents
V.	 Youth Ministries for Peach and Justice –
    purpose is to transform both the people and the
    physical infrastructure of blighted South Bronx
    neighbourhoods and change the systems that
    negatively impact them.
VI.	 Hunts Points Market – meat market and
    distribution hub
VII.	 Urban Health Plan – mission is to continuously
    improve the health status of underserved
    communities by providing affordable,
    comprehensive, and high quality primary and
    specialty medical care and by assuring the
    performance and advancement of innovative best




     Requirements and Guidelines

     Commercial Food Processing, Jarring and Distribution
     Food processing is defined as the processing of foods in any manner, such as by
     manufacturing, canning, preserving, freezing, drying, dehydrating, juicing, pickling, bak-
     ing, brining, bottling, packing, repacking, pressing, waxing, heating or cooking. Almost
     all processing of foods requires prior notification to the regulatory agency. Because
     of the many rules for processing and preparing food for sale, the “Real Food” Kitchen
     needs to be aware of all below rules and requirements.

     I.   Food Processing Facility
          a. Food must be produced, processed, and held in a manner that prevents
             spoilage and contamination to keep it wholesome. In addition, the food
             must be handled and prepared in healthy and sanitary conditions. For
             these reasons, sale of Salsa by “Real Food” Kitchen on a commercial basis
             needs to meet commercial grade kitchen standards and pass a health
             department inspection ( The following steps need to be
             completed prior to setting up the food processing facility for production.
             i.    D-U-N-S ® Number (DB): Aside from obtaining a New York State busi-
                   ness Tax ID for the “Real Food” Kitchen, an application for an assigned
                   unique nine-digit sequence number identifying your physical business loca-
                   tion is required to be submitted. DB Number keeps track of over 100
                   million businesses worldwide, enhances the credibility of the company in
                   the marketplace and enables customers, suppliers and lenders to learn
                   about the company. Note that it is FREE for all businesses required to
                   register with the US Federal government for contracts or grants. (Small
                   Business, 2009). To get more information call DB’s customer service at
                   (866) 415-0043 or go to the following link:
             ii.   Commercial Kitchen License: Food processing establishments that
                   conduct any type of food preparation and/or other ready to eat exposed
                   foods packaging activities need commercial kitchen licensing. This license
                   assures that foods processed in the State of New York, are pure and
                   wholesome and that commercial kitchens conform to proper operating


            and sanitary standards. The fee for each location, expiring every two years, is $400. To apply online,
            please go to: or inquire by mail/phone:
                        NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets
                        Division of Food Safety and Inspection
                        10B Airline Drive
                        Albany, NY 12235
                        Phone: (518) 457-1215
   b. FDA Registration: The food regulatory agency of the United States Department of Health and Human
       Services requires all food establishments that manufacture, process, pack, or hold food for human or
       animal consumption, to register the facility with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Whether
       or not food from the facility enters interstate commerce. (FDA, 2009) To register online go to: http://
       Or get more information by mail/phone:
                        Food and Drug Administration
                        10903 New Hampshire Ave
                        Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002
                        Phone: (800) 216-7331

II. Food Regulations
   a. Beyond the requirement to prepare the food in a licensed kitchen, there are food preparation, testing
       and labeling laws. To be compliant with these rules  guidelines, the following information needs to be
       obtained and implemented into the food production process. In addition, the “Real Food” Kitchen needs
       to have UPC codes, nutritional content information, list of ingredients, and location of the manufacturer.
      i.    The model FDA Food Code Book: This is a reference document that provides a scientifically sound
            technical and legal basis for operating in the retail and food service industry. It is a key component of
            the President’s overall public-health-focused food safety framework for maintaining a safe food supply.
            The cost of the book is $69. To order the book by phone, call (800) 553-6847 or visit the website at:
      ii.   Food Labeling: To find out requirements for food labeling and nutrition go to link: http://www.fda.
            default.htm and download the following guideline documents:
             1. A Food Labeling guide (
               htm) GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/GuidanceDocuments/


                  2. Nutritional Labeling Manual
            iii. PH testing: “Real Food” Kitchen will need to develop an “Original” recipe
                 and then test by food laboratory for appropriate pH levels and nutritional
                 content to create a safe product. The Cornell Cooperative Extension
                 can actually help get products tested, packaged and ready for sale. For an
                 office in your county, visit their website address: http://www.cce.cornell.
            iv. Universal Product Code (UPC): In addition to above label guidelines,
                 “Real Food” Kitchen is required to obtain a Universal Product Code
                 (UPC). To apply for a UPC, contact the Uniform Code Council, Inc. by
                 mail or phone at:
                             7887 Washington Village Drive, Suite 300
                             Dayton, Ohio 45459
                             (937) 435-3870
            v.   Or visit their website at for detailed information on
                 the application process.

     III. 5 Day Production/Distribution Model- At last, the “Real Food” Kitchen can
        proceed with the setup of production and distribution model. The next section
        provides step-by-step instructions on how to prepare and cook Salsa yielding 72
        half pints in a period of 5 days utilizing 12 women.
       *Note: Example Recipe from


    Materials Needed for Jarring Per Cycle
•    72 Ball® 8oz. Regular Mouth Jars with Lids
•    Canning Jar Lifter
•    Canning Jar Wrench
•    Kitchen Tongs
•    Canning Lid Lifter
•    Canning Lid Rack/Sterilizer
•    All American Pressure Canner 41.5 Qt.
•    Sauce Pans
•    Containers for Storage
•    Labels per Jar
•    large, deep saucepot with a lid
•    Common kitchen utensils, such as a wooden
     spoon, ladle, funnel, knifes, cutting board



Day 1 Prepare Ingredients
Step 1 Wash Produce Tomatoes, Red Bell Pepper, Green Bell Pepper  Cilantro
Step 2 Prepare Tomatoes:Peel tomatoes by placing them in boiling water for approximately 1 minute or until
skins loosen. Plunge in cold water, then peel skins and discard.
Step 3 Prepare Onions: Remove onion skins and discard.
Step 4 Prepare Peppers: Trim peppers stems.
Step 5 Prepare for Storage : Place all ingredients in separate airtight containers and refrigerate.

Tip: Wrap Cilantro in damp paper towel after cleaning to help life span.
Tip: Prepare tomatoes in batches of 12 to prevent over cooking.

Day 2 Dice Ingredients
Step 1 Dice VegetablesDice: (one at a time) tomatoes, peppers, and onions into approximately ¼ inch cubes.
Step 2 Prepare for Storage: Place all ingredients in separate airtight containers and refrigerate.

Day 3 Clean Jars
Step 1 Unpack Jars: Unpack 72 jars and separate all parts of the jar.
Step 2 Prepare Jars: Wash jars, lids and bands in hot, soapy water. Rinse well. Dry
Step 3 Store CLEAN Jars: Place Jars in a clean dry area to store for jarring

Day 4 Cook and Jar (Full Day in the Kitchen)
Step1 Prepare Garlic and Cilantro: Break down garlic shell and mince.
Trim Cilantro stems, roll into bundle and mince.

Step 2 Heat Jars: Heat jars and lids in hot water, not boiling, until ready for use. Fill a large saucepan or stockpot
half-way with water. Place jars in water (filling jars with water from the saucepan will prevent flotation). Bring
to a simmer over medium heat. Keep jars hot until ready for use. Place lids in a small saucepan. Cover lids with
water and bring to a simmer over medium heat. Keep lids hot until ready to use. Do not boil lids. Keeping jars
hot prevents them from breaking when hot food is added. To prevent seal failure, do not boil lids. Leave bands at
room temperature for easy handling.


     Step 3 Cook: Ingredients Mix onions, peppers and tomatoes in a saucepan and bring
     to a simmer. After coming to a simmer, add chopped cilantro, salt and lemon juice.
     Simmer an additional 10 minutes.

     Step 4 Prepare Canner:
     PREPARE boiling water canner by filling
     half-full with water and keep water at a
     simmer while covered with lid until jars are
     filled and placed in canner. Be sure your
     rackin resting on the rim of the canner.

     Step 5 Fill Jars: REMOVE hot jar from hot water, using a Jar Lifter, emptying water
     inside jar. Fill jar one at a time with prepared food using a Jar Funnel leaving ½ inch

                       Step 6 Remove Air Bubbles: Remove trapped air
                       and ensure proper headspace during processing.
                       Repeat around jar 2 to 3 times.

     Step 7 Clean and Place Lid: Clean rim and threads of jar
     using a clean, damp cloth to remove any food residue.
     Remove lid from hot water using a Magnetic Lid Lifter.
     Center hot lid on jar allowing sealing compound to come
     in contact with the jar rim. Apply band and adjust until fit
     is fingertip tight.


Step 8 Place FIlled Jars in Canner:
Place filled jars in canner until full. (in one layer) Lower rack with jars into water.
Make sure water covers jars by 1 to 2 inches. PLACE lid on canner. Bring water to
a full rolling boil. Begin 15 minuteprocessing time.

Step 9 Complete Processing: When processing time is complete, turn off the heat and remove the canner lid. Allow
jars to stand in canner for 5 minutes to get acclimated to the outside temperature.

Step 10 Remove from Canner: Remove jars from canner and set upright on a towel to prevent jar breakage that can
occur from temperature differences. Leave jars undisturbed for 12 to 24 hours. Bands should not be retightened as this
may interfere with the sealing process.

                           Day 5 Checking
                           Step 1 CHECK lids for seals. Lids should not flex up and down when center is pressed. Re-
                           move bands. Try to lift lids off with your fingertips. If the lid cannot be lifted it has preserved
                           correctly and can be stored for distribution.
Caution: Product is not safe if jar deforms.

* Resources Guide from:

Local Distribution:
     Product: Value-Added food- Starting with Salsa
     Distribution: Farmer’s Stand (at church or garden)/ Home Delivery
     Customers: Local community members



     Value-Added Food Sales to Mass Market
     Growth Plan
     Product: Jarred food, Sauces, Soups, Baby food, Jelly, Pickles
     Customers: Boutique food retailers, Restaurants, Ecommerce sales



     Potential Customers:
     Local Casual Restaurants:              Westerly Health Foods
     Brickyard Bistro                       913 8th Avenue New York, NY 10019
     16 Division Street                     (212) 586-5262 westerlynaturalmarket.
     New Rochelle, NY                       com
     Phone: 914-481-5365
     Website:       Westside Market NYC
                                            2840 Broadway NY, NY 10025 (212)
     Mamosa Lounge                          222-3367
     1237 Castle Hill Avenue Bronx, NY
     10462                                  Ecommerce Sales
     Phone: 718-414-6213                    Fresh Direct
     Jackson Hole 6935                      Phone 1-212-796-8002
     Astoria Blvd East
     Elmhurst, NY 11370                     Local Harvest, Inc.
     Phone: 718-204-7070          
     Fax: 718-728-0811                      Phone: 831/515-5602
     Website: www.jacksonholeburgers

     Local Boutique food retailers
     Good  Natural 2173
     White Plains Road Bronx, NY 10462-
     (718) 931-4335


Aprons, t-shirts, bags, etc.

Designed by Pratt DM 2010

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Kitchen Incubator

  • 1. De sig ne d by Pr att DM 20 10 Hunts Point, South Bronx
  • 3. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................................5 PROBLEM STATEMENT & OPPORTUNITY MISSIONS/VISION/GOALS SUCCESS METRICS TRAINING METHOD...............................................................................................................................7-13 TARGET AUDIENCE TRAINING OUTLINE CURRICULUM TRAINING CERTIFICATION OPTIONS.............................................................................................12-15 FOOD HANDLER CERTIFICATION HACCP FINANCIAL ESTIMATES...........................................................................................................................16-17 EXPENSES OPPORTUNITIES FOR FINANCING RESOURCE OVERVIEW............................................................................................................................18-23 RECRUITMENT FACILITIES PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS ...............................................................................................................24-25 GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES.................................................................................................................26-39 COMMERCIAL FOOD PROCESSING, JARRING, & DISTRIBUTION RECIPE & PREPARATION SCHEDULE DISTRIBUTION CUSTOMERS 3
  • 4. INTRODUCTION Problem Statement Currently, the community of Hunts Point is an underserved, overstressed urban location. Specifically, the women of the community are frequently “overlooked and overburdened,” yet have the potential to serve a critical role in creating positive change in the community. Opportunity Create a platform to deploy training and knowledge to women of the Hunts Point community. Solution The Hunts Point Kitchen Incubator is a social enterprise that engages the women of the Hunts Point in training and certification programs related to professional and nutritional wellbeing. Mission To empower women in the Hunts Point community by training them in essential business skills related to operating a health-conscious, food venture. Vision Elevating communities by enabling wellbeing. Objectives • To provide an example of positive change within the Hunts Point community • To increase the professional skill set of Hunts Point community members (women) to support their likelihood of employment and overall professional development • To raise community awareness of the value and methods of nutrition and healthy eating • (Long term) To produce an added-value food offering for distribution/sale. Metrics of Success Trainee feedback, measured by: • Post-course evaluation forms • Graduation rate from program • Rate of graduate job placement 4
  • 5. INTRODUCTION Overall awareness of program, Metrics will leverage benchmarks who are routinely overlooked measured by: as demonstrated by other similar and overburdened, yet serve an • Traffic to website (unique community programs. important and critical role in the users, page views, time spent) larger fabric of society, we will • # of downloaded materials The BLK ProjeK Mission strengthen overall mental and from the website The BLK ProjeK seeks to address public health, and elevate the food justice, public & mental collective self esteem of the larger Overall “buzz” factor, health issues as they specifically communities they live in. measured by: relate to underserved women of • Awards/Recognition color through culturally relevant • Local Press education, beautification of public spaces, urban gardening Community engagement, and community programming. By measured by: creating easily accessible resources • # of attendees at training and enriching the lives of women • # of attendees at general events 5
  • 6. TRAINING METHOD Targeted Audience • Each trainee will be versed in the • Women residing at local shelters various aspects of the kitchen • Permanent Residents of • Work efficiently with supervisors to the neighborhood receive, inventory, store and distribute • Unemployed Women supplies delivered to the kitchen site • Teen Mothers • Have a grasp on basic computer skills • Understand basic business skills For those who are: such as budgeting, revenue, costs • Seeking certification of their assessment, vendor relationships, culinary skills acquired informally distribution methods, marketing etc. • Upgrading skill sets • Receive a New York State accepted • Seeking training opportunities Food Handlers Certificate in the local area Food Handlers Course Methodology Many states require Food Handler The training program will consist of certification for each food service farming, nutrition, cooking, business worker. Other states recommend food and computer lessons taught within an handler training. In either case, it is eight-week curriculum. The method critical that food handlers understand of teaching will be “hands on” and the vital safety concepts for proper food appropriate to the current competencies handling and preparation. of each training group. I. Training Outline: Targeted Achievements of the Training Urban Gardening and Farming Model: Urban agriculture is increasingly Upon completion of the Cooking/ recognized for its potential contribution Food Processing/Preserving course, to urban poverty alleviation, urban participants will be able to: food security, productive reuse of • Utilize safe food handling procedures urban wastes, urban greening, local • Understand the process of food economic development, and community preparation and distribution development. As part of the course, • Comprehend the requirements trainees will partake in an apprenticeship of a suitable food preparation at the Blk ProjeK. This hands-on organic facility and supplies food gardening course will include: 6
  • 7. TRAINING METHOD a. Site planning/design/soil preparation are healthy and beneficial to the local community and b. Choice of seeds-plants/starting seeds environment. To develop these skills trainees will be c. Companion-succession planting/harvesting/composting taught the composition of foods and be introduced d. Organic gardening techniques/natural pest control/bugs to the foods the body needs to remain healthy. e. Container gardening e. Selecting Menus – In this part of the course trainees f. Water-wise gardening will apply what they have learned from core cooking g. The significance of birds, insects and methods and designing diets to devise menus. other animals in the garden III. Food Safety II. Food and Nutrition a. Food Defense and Hazard Analysis Creating and Maintaining Personal Health and Vitality b. Purchase and Delivery of Food a. Eating for Health and Vitality – Digestive c. Food Storage and Supplies Health & Making Educated Food Choices, d. Determining Critical Control Points and Critical Limits Allergies, Intolerances and Sensitivities e. Temperature Control b. The Principle Nutrients and their Food Sources – f. Final Cooking Temperature The Composition of Foods, Vitamins and Minerals g. Calibrating a Food Thermometer c. The Use of Supplements - Principles and Guidance h. Cooling Hot Foods d. Designing Diets – Trainees will be taught basic i. Cooling Soft/Thick Foods nutrition in order to allow them to design diets that j. Cooling Liquid Foods 7
  • 8. TRAINING METHOD k. Freezing l. Preparing, Serving and Displaying Foods m. Personnel Behaviors and Hygiene when handling food n. Selection, Monitoring, and Maintenance of Facilities and Equipment o. Corrective Actions and Verification IV. Kitchen Management a. Food Handling Procedures - Food that is mishandled can cause food related illness. To combat this occurrence in these classes trainees will be taught how to properly handle food. The classes will look into (i) making sure the location meets the needs of the food being prepared; (ii) how to store food correctly; and (iii) how to transport food safely. b. Food Safety and Sanitation – Food may also cause food-borne illness, if proper safety and sanitation processes are not followed. Hence to ensure the safety of the food being prepared, employees will be taught the proper way to prepare them. The course will enforce such themes as: (i) disinfecting surfaces; (ii) washing hands and wearing gloves; (iii) removing pests; (iii) washing dishes; (iv) preventing poisoning; and (v) preventing fire or burns: (vi) common food allergies; (v) types of hazards in Foods etc. c. Date Marking and Labeling d. Kitchen Procedures (Opening/Closing/Cleaning) – To satisfy all needs of the kitchen, employees will be taught how to safely open the kitchen in the morning and how to close the kitchen at night, ensuring that the facilities have been properly sanitized before business begins the following day. e. Inventory Management – Trainees will learn how to keep track of inventory and place orders for supplies that are nearing expiration or have run out. Trainees will be introduced to computer software that allows the process to be tracked digitally, streamlining the procedures. f. Management Responsibilities –Employee and Management’s Role in Helping Prevent Food borne Illnesses. Trainees will also participate in a rotating leadership schedule. V. Food Processing and Preservation a. Culinary Fundamentals – In order to give employees a solid basis on which to 8
  • 9. TRAINING METHOD build their kitchen skills, culinary technology to assist you self-empowerment classes, allowing fundamentals will teach employees: in other coursework the employees to reach their inner (i) the correct way to hold a knife d. Using the Internet for potential. and proper cooking techniques; communications, research It will also develop: and (ii) various cooking and entertainment a. Creative thinking, problem methods which are relevant for e. Traditional and nontraditional solving and decision making certain recipes and foods.. ways to find and share information b. Leadership, delegating, b. Cooking and Preserving- Trainees f. Creating, editing and sharing appraising, motivating will prepare a chosen value- pictures and video c. Negotiation and Development added food item from start to g. Creating online and paper of networking with finish in actual kitchen facilities. publications and graphics partners and colleagues using computers d. Communication and VI. Computer Basics h. Ethical and responsible use Presentation skills This course introduces beginners to of computer technology e. Job Hunting and Interview training hardware terminology and software f. Resume Writing basics. Basic use of the Windows VII.Basic Business Skills Operating System is covered. a. Basic Business Management Skills Training course breakdown Beginning word processing skills are – To ensure success, trainees (40 hours/ week): taught, so that trainees learn to open, will be taught basic business • Urban Farming and create, name, save and close files. File management skills, which will Gardening (1 week) and folder concepts are introduced. include: (i) basic budgeting, (ii) • Food and nutrition (1 week) An overview of the Internet and management, (iii) motivation, • Food Safety (1 week) e-mail is presented as well. In-class (iv) process management, and (v) • Kitchen Management (1 week) activities reinforce learning in a way human resource management. • Food Processing and that is fun and productive. b. Skills of determining price point Preservation (1 week) a. Individual help will be relative to costs, basic budgeting, • Computer Skills (1 week) provided. Apple Macintosh and basic understanding of revenue • Basic Business Skills (1 week) Windows personal computers vs. costs, vendor relationships, • Self-Empowerment (1 week) and operating systems distribution skills, etc. b. Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint as tools VIII. Self-Empowerment for writing, analyzing and To meet the needs of the employees presenting information who will be staffing the kitchen, the c. Practical use of information training course will include basic 9
  • 10. TRAINING METHOD Curriculum Assessment Assessment will be based on attendance and participation. Certification NYC Food Safety Handlers Certificate Week 1 Week 2 Urban Farming and Gardening Food and Nutrition Mon Orientation Mon • Choice of seeds-plants/starting seeds • Eating for Health and Vitality • Organic gardening techniques Tue • The Principle Nutrients Tue and their Food Sources • Farming (Practical) Wed Wed • Farming (Practical) • The Use of Supplements Thurs Thurs • Farming (Practical) • Designing Diets Fri Fri • Farming (Practical) • Selecting Menus Week 3 Food Safety Mon Thurs • Food Defense and Hazard Analysis • Select, Monitor, and Maintain Tue Facilities and Equipment • Determining Critical Control • Corrective Actions and Verification Points and Critical Limits Fri • Temperature Control • Purchase and Receive Food Wed • Store Food and Supplies • Preparing, Serving and Displaying Foods • Personnel Behaviors and Hygiene when handling food 10
  • 11. TRAINING METHOD Week 4 Week 5 Food Handling Exam and Kitchen Food Processing and Preservation Management (in Kitchen) (in Kitchen) Mon Mon • Food Handling Procedures • Culinary Fundamentals • Food Safety and Sanitation • Prepare Ingredients (Practical) Tue Tue • Date Marking and Labeling • Dice Ingredients (Practical) • Kitchen Procedures (Opening/Closing) Wed • Clean Jars (Practical) Wed Thurs • Inventory Management • Cook and Jar (Practical) • Management Responsibilities Fri Thurs • Checking (Practical) • Revision, Q and A • Mock test and Evaluation Fri • Food Safety Certification Exam/Test 11
  • 12. Headline to Come TRAINING METHOD Week 6 Computer Skills Mon Thurs • Introduction to Computers • Microsoft PowerPoint and • Personal Responsibility Learning the Toolbars and Appropriate Use • Presentation Basics • Overview and Definitions • Presentation Design in Applications • Print Media Creation • Operating Systems • Quiz Assessment (Windows and Macintosh) Fri • Personal Responsibility, • Browser Basics Passwords and Privacy • Email Basics and Etiquette Tue • Email Attachments • Microsoft Word • Locating Information: • Toolbars and General Hot Keys Search Engines • Entering and Manipulating • Locating Information: Text in a Word Document Search Strings • Word Saving Options • Selecting Appropriate • Quiz Assessment Research Tools Wed • Quiz Assessment • Microsoft Excel and Basic Navigation • Entering Information in a Spreadsheet • Lists in Excel • Formulas and Functions in Excel • Quiz Assessment 12
  • 13. TRAINING METHOD Week 7 Week 8 Basic Business Skills Self-Empowerment Mon Thurs Mon • Introduction to Business • Marketing Processes and • Creative thinking, problem • Financial Management Consumer Behavior solving and decision making • Accounting, Cash Flow • Pricing, Distributing, and • Teambuilding and Leadership and Budgeting Promoting Products • Negotiation and Networking • Information Technology Tue Tue for Business • Business Law • Time Management • Licenses, Permits Fri • Communication skills and Insurance • Organizational Behavior • Presentation Skills • Business Ethics and • Management, Production Wed Social Responsibly and Customer satisfaction • Interview Preparation Wed • Human Resources • Behavioral Interviews • Entrepreneurship, Optimization • Mock Interviews New Ventures, and • Employee Behavior Thurs Business Ownership and Motivation • Job Hunting • The Business Plan • Workplace knowledge, • Evaluating a Job Offer Etiquette and Skills Fri • Prepare Personal Resume • -Course Evaluation 13
  • 14. TRAINING CERTIFICATION OPTIONS Food Handler Certification The National Registry’s Certified Food Safety Professional examination has been developed following the strictest test development procedures. The Certified Food Safety Manager examination is accredited by the American National Standards Institute using standards set by the Conference for Food Protection. National Registry’s exam is accepted in all states and jurisdictions that recognize those standards. That accreditation is assurance of quality in the development and maintenance of the exams. The exams must be taken at a computer test center or administered by an NRFSP administrator. Many states require Food Handler certification for each food service worker. Other states recommend food handler training. In either case, it is critical that food handlers understand the vital safety concepts for proper food handling and preparation. Food Handler Training Learning Objectives: • Hand washing • Employee and Management’s Role in • Cooking Requirements Helping Prevent Food borne Illness for Specific Foods • What Makes People Sick From Food • Cooking Temperature • Food Temperatures • Food Thermometers • Safe Storage Practices • Cooling Foods • Cleaning the Workplace • Date Marking • Utensils, Surfaces and Equipment • Employee Illness Goal The goal of this course is to provide a basic understanding of food safety. This will assist managers, responsible for ensuring preparation and serving of food safely. A food handler card and/or certificate confirm that a person has met the learning objectives of the course. Classes are given primarily in English and Spanish. However, you may check the Exam Schedule for a list of other language classes available. Examinations are in several languages. Prerequisite Experience - None required Certification Examination - Consists of 20 multiple-choice questions. Minimum of 15 14
  • 15. TRAINING CERTIFICATION OPTIONS correctly answered questions are required to pass. The limit. Monitoring may require materials test can be taken through affiliate web based sites for or devices to measure or otherwise as little as $10. evaluate the process at CCPs. See 5. Establish a corrective action if monitoring determines a CCP is not within the established Certification Valid for: Five years limits. Corrective actions are essential in order to ensure no public health hazard occurs. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) 6. Establish effective recordkeeping HACCP is used in the food industry to identify procedures documenting whether the potential food safety hazards, so that actions referred HACCP system is working properly. to as Critical Control Points (CCPs) can be taken to 7. Establish procedures for verifying whether the reduce or ultimately eliminate the risk of the hazards. HACCP system is working properly. These The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the procedures may include reviewing the HACCP United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) plan, CCP records, as well as critical limits. maintain that the mandatory HACCP programs for juice and meat are an effective approach to food safety. To obtain a HACCP Certification Interested individuals are required to enroll with How Does HACCP Work in Food Production? such organizations as the Online Institute of America There are seven principles form the foundation of the (‘OIA’), which offers an online course in the HACCP HACCP system, developed by the National Advisory standards for the price of $55. Once enrolled in the Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods. OIA, students are taught the importance and use These include: of all 7 principles, in order to make students safer, 1. Conduct a hazard analysis to identify more effective food service employees. In order to be potential hazards that could occur awarded the certificate, students must complete the in the food production process. course and pass the final exam with a passing grade of 2. Identify the critical control points (CCPs). 70% or higher. Upon completion students are certified CCPs are points in the process where in HACCP principles, which is valid for a period of two potential hazards may occur and can years from the date of completion. be prevented and/or controlled. 3. Establish critical limits for preventive measures associated with each CCP. Critical limits are criterion that must be met for each CCP. 4. Establish CCP monitoring requirements to ensure each CCP stays within its 15
  • 16. FINANCIAL ESTIMATES FOR TRAINING PROGRAM The launch of the kitchen incubator will require the investment of capitol to cover a variety of costs associated with launching and maintaining the training program. Foreseen expenses are listed in the chart below based on three categories: 1. Start-up costs 2. Annual costs 3. Recurring Training program costs There are various costs associated with different levels of bootstrapping versus collection of external funding. The estimates and suggestions below tend to be on the conservative side, with the assumption that partnerships will be optimized and expenses minimized during the initial phase of implementation. Please note that estimates do not include the financing of the for-profit sales model. 16
  • 17. FINANCIAL ESTIMATES FOR TRAINING PROGRAM Opportunities for Financing *It is important to note that The BlkProjek will likely We foresee various opportunities to attract financing need to secure a general liability policy and a NYC food and minimize costs for the incubator through strategic handler’s license before attempting to reserve a kitchen partnerships. Partnerships that could facilitate a facility for the training program. decrease in facility expenses (such as kitchen space, a computer lab and classrooms) include: • Restaurants • Churches • Community Colleges • -State Training facilities • Local Libraries Possible revenue generating steams include: • Grants • Such as: Fiskars Project Orange Thumb Grant • Donations • Online • On BlkProjek website • On • Sale of goods • Cookbook • Jared, value-added foods (details presented in a later section) • Merchandise like aprons and t-shirts • HRA subsidy through training program participation Incorporation Resources When the Kitchen Incubator is ready to begin retailing items, a for profit company will need to be established with the state. Articles of Organization, Certificate of Publication, Reservation of Name forms and filings: 17
  • 18. RESOURCE OVERVIEW Recruitment - Employees: I. Human Resources Administration (HRA) – Department of Social Services: 877-472-8411 a. Family Independence Administration (FIA) coordinates HRA/ DSS’s Job Center Operations and the Food Stamp Program b. Bronx Job Centers 1. Concourse – 1375 Jerome Ave – 718-590-7443 2. Rider – 305 Rider Ave – 718-742-3704 3. Crotona – 1910 Monterey Ave – 718-901-0201 4. Melrose – 260 East 161st St – 718-664-2143 5. Fordham – 2551 Bainbridge Ave – 718-220-6622 c. Business services for employers 1. Economic incentives, subsidies and tax credits 2. Business Link – 212-643-2881 a. fast, free and efficient way for employers to reach job seekers b. financial incentives for employers who use Business Link c. targets qualified candidates to meet employer specifications d. dedicated account manager works with business to create a posting and supply pre-screened candidates in seven days or less 3. Requirements for application include: Tax ID#, I9 forms, business history or proof of viable entity II. South Bronx Overall Economic Development Corp (SoBRO) a. Job Placement: “We build solid relationships with a large number of Bronx employers through our business assistance programs, as well as through our career fairs and community events. Employers approach us confident that we can consistently connect them with trained and qualified employees who are actively seeking work.” b. 555 Bergen Ave, Bronx, NY. 10455 (p) 718-292-3113 III. Seedco Wage Subsidy Program a. Michelle Bhattachary: 915 Broadway, 17th Fl., New York, NY 10010Tel: 212 473-0255, b. “The Seedco Green Jobs Wage Subsidy program is funded through President Obama’s stimulus program and is operated in coordination with the New York City Department of Human 18
  • 19. RESOURCE OVERVIEW Resources. The program covers 100% of an eligible new hire’s wages, up to $14 per hour, for a period of 3 to 6 months. The program supports the growth of businesses in the emerging green sector while also incentivizing these businesses to fill entry level positions with appropriately matched public assistance recipients. Many public assistance recipients have skills and experience yet may need additional on-the-job support and training when starting out in the emerging green sector. Wage subsidies allow businesses to provide this training and support by subsidizing 100% of the wages for the first few months on the job.” c. “To qualify for wage subsidies a job seeker must be a current public assistance recipient. All of our job seekers have completed job readiness training programs and many have completed specialized programs in such areas as building maintenance, weatherization, customer service, and food service to name a few. Because public assistance recipients have a wide range of skills and educational backgrounds, they will be pre-screened to meet the requirements set by the employer before they are referred for an interview. Our job seekers will have access to work support professionals if assistance during the first months of employment is needed.” Recruitment – Trainees: I. Human Resources Administration (HRA) – Department of Social Services: 877-472-8411 a. Work Experience Program (WEP) 1. Designed to provide a simulated work experience to individuals receiving cash assistance; employees assigned to work for his/her cash assistance and food stamp benefits at private not-for-profit agencies b. b. TEAM TAG 1. Training Approval Group (TAG): evaluates a participant’s request to participate in a stand- alone training or educational program in lieu of his/her full engagement requirements 2. Training Evaluation and Monitoring (TEAM): responsible for research and development of all education and vocational training programs for the cash assistance population c. Begin Employment Gain Independence Now (BEGIN) 1. A collaborative effort between HRA and education and training providers offers a coordinated program of employment preparation efforts of cash assistance recipients making the transition to employment. BEGIN programs include: a. Work Study, Language Work Study, Internship, Vocational Work Study, Employment Plus 2. BEGIN Vocational Work Study: VoWS is an integrated program in which participants learn a specific, marketable skill in a classroom setting two days and work site three days per week. VoWS participants are currently training in the personal care and food service fields. 19
  • 20. RESOURCE OVERVIEW II. South Bronx Job Corps center a. Job Corps is a free education and training program that helps young people learn a career, earn a high school diploma or GED, and find and keep a good job. b. In addition to academic training, South Bronx Job Corp provides career technical training in several vocational trades 1. Accounting, Certified Nursing Assistant, Clinical Medical Assistant, Computer Service Technician, Culinary Arts, Facilities Maintenance, Office Administration, Pharmacy Technician, Security and Protective Services. 2. Work is unpaid, and students receive a basic living allowance c. Business and Community Liaison: Ms. Margaret Van Glahn, 1. Business contact: 2. South Bronx Job Corps Center: 1771 Andrews Avenue, Bronx, NY. 10453 – (p) 718-731-7700 III. Grass Roots Outreach a. Promotion at Community Farm, Churches, Day Care Centers, Block Parties Recruitment - Teachers: I. Current Instructors at the Food Protection Course with the NYC Department of Health a. Health Academy at the East Harlem Multi Service Center, 413 E. 120th St, 2nd FL, New York, NY. 10035 – (p) 917-492-6990 b. Scripps Networks: includes Food Network, HGTV, DIY, Cooking Channel, Travel Channel, and GAC. i. Employees of Scripps Networks are encouraged to be active in industry associations and the company backs their involvement with solid financial support. ii. Food Network: 75 Ninth Ave, New York, NY. 10001, (p) 212-398-8836 iii. Food Network’s Official Partner is Share our Strength, the leading national organization dedicated to ending childhood hunger. c. Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York (NOFA-NY) i. 20
  • 21. RESOURCE OVERVIEW ii. Site for posting teaching employment opportunities d. The Institute of Culinary Education: i. “As a leading culinary education institution, we try to do our share with fundraising, scholarships and the support of non-profits in a range of spheres related or close to ICE®’s mission” 1. Spheres includes: ongoing support to education, hunger relief-at home and abroad, helping the NYC Community, Disaster response, and support of culinary and foodservice trade groups. 2. Additionally, ICE® contributes gift certificates and classes to dozens of charities throughout the year, including March of Dimes, Common Cause, Slow Food USA, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, God’s Love We Deliver, Central Park Conservancy and numerous schools and hospitals. e. South Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation Bronx Resource Initiative (BRI) i. “The BRI’s mission is to expand community-based organizations’ capacity to support merchants through the provision of technical assistance. BRI develops fiscal, material and intellectual capital by strengthening an agency’s infrastructure, enhancing its ability to provide quality services and market itself. BRI seeks to enhance non-profit groups and start-ups whose focus is business attraction, expan- sion and/or area marketing.” resource-initiative-bri ii. Career Development iii. “We tailor our employment services to meet the needs of businesses and high-growth sectors by monitoring trends in economic development and working with employers to fulfill their staffing re- quirements.” Facilities: I. Nos Quedamos a. Community development corporation comprised of residents, homeowners, and business owners from the South Bronx who are committed to promoting, supporting and advancing ideas of healthy and sustainable growth, both for local communities and the larger society b. c. La Casa de Felicidad – Meeting Rooms, Community Space, Technology Ready, (no kitchens) II. Mercy Center: 377 East 145th St, Bronx, NY. 718-993-2789 a. Community centre for women and their families – offers programs and services that empower women to reach their full potential b. c. Meeting rooms, Computer labs, Kitchen Space 21
  • 22. RESOURCE OVERVIEW III. Women’s Housing and Economic Development Corporation (WHEDCo) a. Urban Horizon’s Kitchen – Food Business Incubator, 50 East 168th St. Bronx, NY. b. State-of-the-art 4,000 sqft commercial kitchen available per diem or monthly basis. Fees are competitive for longer term rentals c. Tom Guiltinan: 718-839-1130, IV. NYCEDC East Harlem Kitchen Incubator a. 08/2009 city announced investment in 4,000 sqft commercial kitchen to be located at La Marquetta in East Harlem, providing shared workspace for start-up and expanding local food businesses i. Underneath MTA Metro North rail line on Park Ave from East 111th St. to East 119th. ii. Initiative Contacts: City Council Speaker Christine C. Quinn, Council Member Melissa Mark-Viverito, New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) President Seth W. Pinsky and Amy Scherber of Amy’s Bread V. Artisan Baking Center Kitchen Innovations Incubator (ABC-KI) a. A 5000 sq ft kitchen divided into 4 separate work areas with many pieces of specialty baking equipment. The kitchen is open 24/7. There is a pool of workers, all graduates from the Culinary Arts and Pastry Arts job training programs run by the facility, available for hire by the tenants of ABC-KI. b. Consortium For Worker Education Mi Kitchen es su Kitchen 36-46 37th Street Long Island City NY 11101-1606 212 452 1866 Partnership Opportunities: I. South Bronx Food Co-op – is a shopping alternative to the profit-oriented commercial food markets found in the Bronx. Founded and operated by committed residents, the SBxFC is dedicated to making a difference in the 22
  • 23. RESOURCE OVERVIEW community by working together to provide healthy practices. and affordable food to all who want it a. a. II. The Point Community Development Corporation VIII. Bronx River alliance – mission to protect, improve – non profit 501 (c)(3) dedicated to youth and restore the Bronx River corridor so that it can development and the cultural and economic be a healthy ecological, recreational, educational revitalization of the Hunts Point Section of the and economic resource for the communities South Bronx. through which the river flows. a. IX. Green Worker Cooperatives – South Bronx-based III. Hunts point alliance for Children – builds organization dedicated to incubating worker-owned collaborative relationships that sustain and nurture and environmentally friendly cooperatives in the neighbourhood families and children South Bronx. ReBuilders Source a. a. http://greenworker. coop/website_j/index. IV. Hunts Point Economic Development Corp php?option=com_frontpageItemid=1 X. Hunts Point High School for Sustainable – strives to improve the business and resident Community Initiatives environment of Hunts Point by providing programs and services to assist businesses and local residents a. V. Youth Ministries for Peach and Justice – purpose is to transform both the people and the physical infrastructure of blighted South Bronx neighbourhoods and change the systems that negatively impact them. a. VI. Hunts Points Market – meat market and distribution hub a. VII. Urban Health Plan – mission is to continuously improve the health status of underserved communities by providing affordable, comprehensive, and high quality primary and specialty medical care and by assuring the performance and advancement of innovative best 23
  • 26. GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES Requirements and Guidelines Commercial Food Processing, Jarring and Distribution Food processing is defined as the processing of foods in any manner, such as by manufacturing, canning, preserving, freezing, drying, dehydrating, juicing, pickling, bak- ing, brining, bottling, packing, repacking, pressing, waxing, heating or cooking. Almost all processing of foods requires prior notification to the regulatory agency. Because of the many rules for processing and preparing food for sale, the “Real Food” Kitchen needs to be aware of all below rules and requirements. I. Food Processing Facility a. Food must be produced, processed, and held in a manner that prevents spoilage and contamination to keep it wholesome. In addition, the food must be handled and prepared in healthy and sanitary conditions. For these reasons, sale of Salsa by “Real Food” Kitchen on a commercial basis needs to meet commercial grade kitchen standards and pass a health department inspection ( The following steps need to be completed prior to setting up the food processing facility for production. i. D-U-N-S ® Number (DB): Aside from obtaining a New York State busi- ness Tax ID for the “Real Food” Kitchen, an application for an assigned unique nine-digit sequence number identifying your physical business loca- tion is required to be submitted. DB Number keeps track of over 100 million businesses worldwide, enhances the credibility of the company in the marketplace and enables customers, suppliers and lenders to learn about the company. Note that it is FREE for all businesses required to register with the US Federal government for contracts or grants. (Small Business, 2009). To get more information call DB’s customer service at (866) 415-0043 or go to the following link: establish-your-business/12334338-1.html ii. Commercial Kitchen License: Food processing establishments that conduct any type of food preparation and/or other ready to eat exposed foods packaging activities need commercial kitchen licensing. This license assures that foods processed in the State of New York, are pure and wholesome and that commercial kitchens conform to proper operating 26
  • 27. GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES and sanitary standards. The fee for each location, expiring every two years, is $400. To apply online, please go to: or inquire by mail/phone: NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets Division of Food Safety and Inspection 10B Airline Drive Albany, NY 12235 Phone: (518) 457-1215 b. FDA Registration: The food regulatory agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services requires all food establishments that manufacture, process, pack, or hold food for human or animal consumption, to register the facility with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Whether or not food from the facility enters interstate commerce. (FDA, 2009) To register online go to: http:// Or get more information by mail/phone: Food and Drug Administration 10903 New Hampshire Ave Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002 Phone: (800) 216-7331 II. Food Regulations a. Beyond the requirement to prepare the food in a licensed kitchen, there are food preparation, testing and labeling laws. To be compliant with these rules guidelines, the following information needs to be obtained and implemented into the food production process. In addition, the “Real Food” Kitchen needs to have UPC codes, nutritional content information, list of ingredients, and location of the manufacturer. i. The model FDA Food Code Book: This is a reference document that provides a scientifically sound technical and legal basis for operating in the retail and food service industry. It is a key component of the President’s overall public-health-focused food safety framework for maintaining a safe food supply. The cost of the book is $69. To order the book by phone, call (800) 553-6847 or visit the website at: ii. Food Labeling: To find out requirements for food labeling and nutrition go to link: http://www.fda. gov/Food/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/GuidanceDocuments/FoodLabelingNutrition/ default.htm and download the following guideline documents: 1. A Food Labeling guide ( GuidanceDocuments/FoodLabelingNutrition/FoodLabelingGuide/default. htm) GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/GuidanceDocuments/ 27
  • 28. GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES FoodLabelingNutrition/FoodLabelingGuide/default.htm) 2. Nutritional Labeling Manual Food/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/ GuidanceDocuments/FoodLabelingNutrition/UCM063113 iii. PH testing: “Real Food” Kitchen will need to develop an “Original” recipe and then test by food laboratory for appropriate pH levels and nutritional content to create a safe product. The Cornell Cooperative Extension can actually help get products tested, packaged and ready for sale. For an office in your county, visit their website address: http://www.cce.cornell. edu/editor/show/In_Your_Community iv. Universal Product Code (UPC): In addition to above label guidelines, “Real Food” Kitchen is required to obtain a Universal Product Code (UPC). To apply for a UPC, contact the Uniform Code Council, Inc. by mail or phone at: 7887 Washington Village Drive, Suite 300 Dayton, Ohio 45459 (937) 435-3870 v. Or visit their website at for detailed information on the application process. III. 5 Day Production/Distribution Model- At last, the “Real Food” Kitchen can proceed with the setup of production and distribution model. The next section provides step-by-step instructions on how to prepare and cook Salsa yielding 72 half pints in a period of 5 days utilizing 12 women. *Note: Example Recipe from 28
  • 29. GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES Materials Needed for Jarring Per Cycle • 72 Ball® 8oz. Regular Mouth Jars with Lids • Canning Jar Lifter • Canning Jar Wrench • Kitchen Tongs • Canning Lid Lifter • Canning Lid Rack/Sterilizer • All American Pressure Canner 41.5 Qt. • Sauce Pans • Containers for Storage • Labels per Jar • large, deep saucepot with a lid • Common kitchen utensils, such as a wooden spoon, ladle, funnel, knifes, cutting board 29
  • 31. GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES Day 1 Prepare Ingredients Step 1 Wash Produce Tomatoes, Red Bell Pepper, Green Bell Pepper Cilantro Step 2 Prepare Tomatoes:Peel tomatoes by placing them in boiling water for approximately 1 minute or until skins loosen. Plunge in cold water, then peel skins and discard. Step 3 Prepare Onions: Remove onion skins and discard. Step 4 Prepare Peppers: Trim peppers stems. Step 5 Prepare for Storage : Place all ingredients in separate airtight containers and refrigerate. Tip: Wrap Cilantro in damp paper towel after cleaning to help life span. Tip: Prepare tomatoes in batches of 12 to prevent over cooking. Day 2 Dice Ingredients Step 1 Dice VegetablesDice: (one at a time) tomatoes, peppers, and onions into approximately ¼ inch cubes. Step 2 Prepare for Storage: Place all ingredients in separate airtight containers and refrigerate. Day 3 Clean Jars Step 1 Unpack Jars: Unpack 72 jars and separate all parts of the jar. Step 2 Prepare Jars: Wash jars, lids and bands in hot, soapy water. Rinse well. Dry bands. Step 3 Store CLEAN Jars: Place Jars in a clean dry area to store for jarring process Day 4 Cook and Jar (Full Day in the Kitchen) Step1 Prepare Garlic and Cilantro: Break down garlic shell and mince. Trim Cilantro stems, roll into bundle and mince. Step 2 Heat Jars: Heat jars and lids in hot water, not boiling, until ready for use. Fill a large saucepan or stockpot half-way with water. Place jars in water (filling jars with water from the saucepan will prevent flotation). Bring to a simmer over medium heat. Keep jars hot until ready for use. Place lids in a small saucepan. Cover lids with water and bring to a simmer over medium heat. Keep lids hot until ready to use. Do not boil lids. Keeping jars hot prevents them from breaking when hot food is added. To prevent seal failure, do not boil lids. Leave bands at room temperature for easy handling. 31
  • 32. GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES Step 3 Cook: Ingredients Mix onions, peppers and tomatoes in a saucepan and bring to a simmer. After coming to a simmer, add chopped cilantro, salt and lemon juice. Simmer an additional 10 minutes. Step 4 Prepare Canner: PREPARE boiling water canner by filling half-full with water and keep water at a simmer while covered with lid until jars are filled and placed in canner. Be sure your rackin resting on the rim of the canner. Step 5 Fill Jars: REMOVE hot jar from hot water, using a Jar Lifter, emptying water inside jar. Fill jar one at a time with prepared food using a Jar Funnel leaving ½ inch headspace. Step 6 Remove Air Bubbles: Remove trapped air and ensure proper headspace during processing. Repeat around jar 2 to 3 times. Step 7 Clean and Place Lid: Clean rim and threads of jar using a clean, damp cloth to remove any food residue. Remove lid from hot water using a Magnetic Lid Lifter. Center hot lid on jar allowing sealing compound to come in contact with the jar rim. Apply band and adjust until fit is fingertip tight. 32
  • 33. VALUE-ADDED FOOD PRODUCTION Step 8 Place FIlled Jars in Canner: Place filled jars in canner until full. (in one layer) Lower rack with jars into water. Make sure water covers jars by 1 to 2 inches. PLACE lid on canner. Bring water to a full rolling boil. Begin 15 minuteprocessing time. Step 9 Complete Processing: When processing time is complete, turn off the heat and remove the canner lid. Allow jars to stand in canner for 5 minutes to get acclimated to the outside temperature. Step 10 Remove from Canner: Remove jars from canner and set upright on a towel to prevent jar breakage that can occur from temperature differences. Leave jars undisturbed for 12 to 24 hours. Bands should not be retightened as this may interfere with the sealing process. Day 5 Checking Step 1 CHECK lids for seals. Lids should not flex up and down when center is pressed. Re- move bands. Try to lift lids off with your fingertips. If the lid cannot be lifted it has preserved correctly and can be stored for distribution. Caution: Product is not safe if jar deforms. * Resources Guide from: 33
  • 34. Local Distribution: Product: Value-Added food- Starting with Salsa Distribution: Farmer’s Stand (at church or garden)/ Home Delivery Customers: Local community members 34
  • 36. GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES Value-Added Food Sales to Mass Market Growth Plan Product: Jarred food, Sauces, Soups, Baby food, Jelly, Pickles Customers: Boutique food retailers, Restaurants, Ecommerce sales 36
  • 38. GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES Potential Customers: Local Casual Restaurants: Westerly Health Foods Brickyard Bistro 913 8th Avenue New York, NY 10019 16 Division Street (212) 586-5262 westerlynaturalmarket. New Rochelle, NY com Phone: 914-481-5365 Website: Westside Market NYC 2840 Broadway NY, NY 10025 (212) Mamosa Lounge 222-3367 1237 Castle Hill Avenue Bronx, NY 10462 Ecommerce Sales Phone: 718-414-6213 Fresh Direct E-mail Jackson Hole 6935 Phone 1-212-796-8002 Astoria Blvd East Elmhurst, NY 11370 Local Harvest, Inc. Phone: 718-204-7070 Fax: 718-728-0811 Phone: 831/515-5602 Website: www.jacksonholeburgers Local Boutique food retailers Good Natural 2173 White Plains Road Bronx, NY 10462- 1405 (718) 931-4335 38
  • 40. Designed by Pratt DM 2010