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             ‫ׁשַּבָת ׁשָלֹום‬
             Shabbat Shalom

Created by Student Rabbi Dan Medwin, MAHL, MAJE • • 2009
.‫מַה ּיָפֶה הַיֹום, ׁשַּבָת ׁשָלֹום‬
   Mah yafeh hayom, Shabbat shalom.
 How beautiful today is, Shabbat Shalom.
Come, let us sing joyously to Adonai
raise a shout for our Rock and Deliverer;
let us come into God’s presence with praise;
let us raise a shout for God in song!

       For Adonai is a great God, the great ruler of all
       divine beings. In God’s hand are the depths of the
 earth; the peaks of the mountains are God’s. God is
 the sea, God made it; and the land, which God’s hands

                      Psalm 95:1-5
Psalm 140                           ‫מִזְמֹור ׁשִיר לְיֹום הַׁשַּּבָת‏‬

 ָ‫הַלְלּוי‬          ‫מַה ּגְָדלּו מַעֲׂשֶיָ יָה מְאֹד‬
       .‫ ּה‬ma’asecha ya, me’od amku ‫עָמְקּו מַחְׁשְבֹת‬
Mah gadlu
                                .‬‭‫ ֶיָ‏‬mash’votecha. Halleluya.
     How great are your works God, how very subtle your designs.
ָ‫הַלְלּוי‬          ‫מַה ּגְָדלּו מַעֲׂשֶיָ יָה מְאֹד‬
       .‫ ּה‬ma’asecha ya, me’od amku ‫עָמְקּו מַחְׁשְבֹת‬
Mah gadlu
                                .‬‭‫ ֶיָ‏‬mash’votecha. Halleluya.
     How great are your works God, how very subtle your designs.
‫לְכָה דֹוִדי לְִקַראת ּכַּלָה‏‮. ‬ּפְנֵי‬
Lecha dodi likrat kalah. Pnei
                               ָ‫ׁשַּבָת ְַקּבְל‬

‫ׁשָמֹור וְזָכֹור ּבְִדּבּור אֶחָד‏‮, ‬הִשְמִיעָנּו אֵל‬
    ‫יְיָ אֶחָד ּושְמֹו אֶחָד‏‮. ‬לְׁשֵם ּולְתִפְאֶֶרת‬
Shamor v’zachor b’dibor echad, hishmi’anu El hamuchad.
Adonai echad ushmo echad. L’shem ul’tif’eret v’lit’hilah.
‫לְכָה דֹוִדי לְִקַראת ּכַּלָה‏‮. ‬ּפְנֵי‬
Lecha dodi likrat kalah. Pnei
                               ָ‫ׁשַּבָת ְַקּבְל‬

        ‫לְִקַראת ׁשַּבָת לְכּו וְנֵלְכָה‏‮. ‬ּכִי הִיא‬
                                      ‬.‫מְקֹור הַּבְָרכָה‏‮‬
       ‫מֵֹראׁש מִּקֶֶדם נְסּוכָה‏‮. ‬סֹוף מַעֲׂשֶה‬
Likrat Shabbat l’chu v’nelcha. Ki hi m’kor    ‫ׁשָבָה‬
M’rosh mikedem nesucha. Sof ma’aseh b’machsava t’chilah.
‫לְכָה דֹוִדי לְִקַראת ּכַּלָה‏‮. ‬ּפְנֵי‬
Lecha dodi likrat kalah. Pnei
                               ָ‫ׁשַּבָת ְַקּבְל‬

‫הִתְעֹוְרִרי הִתְעֹוְרִרי‏‮. ‬ּכִי בָא אֹוֵרְ קּומִי‬
      ְִ‫עּוִרי עּוִרי ׁשִיר ַדּבִֵרי‏‮. ‬ּכְבֹוד יְיָ עָלַי‬
Hitoreri hitoreri. Ki vah orech kumi ori.          ‬ .‫נִגְלָה‏‮‬
Uri uri shir daberi. K’vod Adonai alayich niglah.
‫לְכָה דֹוִדי לְִקַראת ּכַּלָה‏‮. ‬ּפְנֵי‬
 Lecha dodi likrat kalah. Pnei
                                ָ‫ׁשַּבָת ְַקּבְל‬

               ‫ּבֹואִי בְׁשָלֹום עֲטֶֶרת ּבַעְלָּה‏‮. ‬ּגַם‬
                                  ‬.‫ּבְׂשִמְחָה ּובְצָהֳלָה‏‮‬
‫ּתֹוְ אֱמּונֵי עַם סְּגֻּלָה‏‮. ‬ּבֹואִי כַּלָה‏‮, ‬ּבֹואִי‬
                                                    ‬ .‫כַּלָה‏‮‬
 Bo’i v’shalom atteret ba’alah. Gam b’simcha uv’tzoholah.
Toch emuneh am s’gulah. Bo’i chalah, bo’i chalah.
Yitgadal v’yitkadash sh’meih     ‫ּבְחַּיֵיכֹון ּובְיֹומֵיכֹון‬
raba b’alma di vra chiruteih,        ‫ּובְחַּיֵי ְדכָל ּבֵית‬
v’yamlich malchuteih                            .‫יִׂשְָראֵל‬
                                       ‫ּבַעֲגָלָא ּובִזְמַן‬
b’chayeichon uv’yomeichon
                                 :‫ָקִריב וְאִמְרּו אָמֵן‬
uv’chayei d’chol beit Yisrael,
baagala uviz’man kariv,
v’imru: Amen.
                                    ‫יְהֵא ׁשְמֵּה ַרּבָא‬
Y’hei sh’meih raba m’varach          ‫לְעָלַם ּולְעָלְמֵי‬
l’alam ul’almei almaya.                       :‫עָלְמַּיָא‬
Yitbarach v’yishtabach           ‫יִתְ ּבַָרְ וְ יִׁשְּתַ ּבַח‬
v’yitpaar v’yitromam
v’yitnasei, v’yit’hadar
v’yitaleh v’yit’halal           ‫וְיִתְרֹומַם וְיִתְנַּשֵֹא‬
                                 ‫וְיִתְהַּדָר וְיִתְעַּלֶה‬
sh’meih d’kud’sha b’rich                         ‫וְיִתְהַּלָל‬
hu, l’eila min kol birchata
                              ְ‫ׁשְמֵּה ּדְֻקְדׁשָא ּבְִרי‬
tushb’chata v’nechemata,                           ‫הּוא‬
daamiran b’alma, v’imru:               ‫לְעֵּלָא מִן ּכָל‬
Amen.                            ‫ּבְִרכָתָא וְׁשִיָרתָא‬
‫ּבָרּוְ יְיָ הַּמְבָֹרך‬
                      ְ‫ּבְָרכּו אֶת יְיָ הַמְבָֹר‬
      ‫לְעֹולָם וָעֶד‬

      Barchu et Adonai hamvorach.
   Baruch Adonai hamvorach, l’olam va’ed.
‬.‫‬ּבָרּוְ אַּתָה יְיָ‏‮, ‬הַמַעֲִריב עֲָרבִים‏‮‬
  Baruch atah, Adonai, hamaariv aravim.

   Praise to You, Adonai, who brings on evening.
Everlasting love You offered Your     Day an
people Israel by teaching us Torah    for the
and mitzvot, laws and precepts.       our da
Therefore, Adonai our God, when       from u
we lie down and when we rise up, we   loves o
will meditate on Your laws and            ‫ּמֹו‬
commandments. We will rejoice in
Your Torah for ever.
Your    Day and night we will reflect on them
Torah    for they are our life and the length of
cepts.   our days. Never remove Your love
 when    from us. Blessed are You, Adonai, who
up, we   loves our people Israel.
  and        ‫ּבָרּוְ אַּתָָה יְיָ‮, אֹוהֵב עַּמֹו‬
ce in
         Baruch ata, Adonai, ohev amo Yisrael.
ָ‫ׁשְמַע יִׂשְָראֵל יְיָ אֱֹלהֵינּו יְי‬
  Shema Yisrael Adonai‫אֶח‬
                     ‫ ָד‬Eloheinu Adonai echad.
  Hear O Israel, Adonai is our God, Adonai is One.

.‫ּבָרּוְ ׁשֵם ּכְבֹוד מַלְכּותֹו לְעֹולָם וָעֶד‬
    Baruch shem kavod malchuto l’olam va’ed.
  Blessed is God’s glorious majesty now and forever.
V’AHAVTA et Adonai
Elohecha, b’chol l’vav’cha
uv’chol nafsh’cha uv’chol      h∞Dwh◊y t™Ea
V’hayu had’varim ha-eileh    äÔKVvVpÅn_lDkV
asher anochi m’tzav’cha
hayom al l’vavecha.                    b…w
V’shinantam l’vanecha
v’dibarta bam b’shivt’cha                 ;b
b’veitecha uv’lecht’cha
vaderech uv’shochb’cha
uv’kumecha.                          kVb…w
Uk’shartam l’ot al yadecha
v’hayu l’totafot bein
einecha. Uch’tavtam al                twäøaVl
m’zuzot beitecha             M¶D;t√rAvVq…w
uvish’arecha.                     :ÔKy`RnyEo
L’maan tizk’ru vaasitem et             Ny¶E;b
kol mitzvotai vih’yitem        täOpDfOfVl …
k’doshim l’Eloheichem.              wñyDh◊w
Ani Adonai Eloheichem,
asher hotzeiti et-chem      ÔK™RtyE;b tñOz…
mei-eretz Mitzrayim              wzVm_lAo M
lih’yot lachem l’Elohim ani   ¢D;tVbAtVk…w
Adonai Eloheichem.
In a world torn by violence and pain,
a world far from wholeness and peace,
give us the courage to say, Adonai:
There is one God in heaven and earth.
    The high heavens declare Your glory;
    may earth reveal Your justice and love.

From bondage in Egypt, we were delivered;
at Sinai, we bound ourselves to Your way.
    Inspired by prophets and instructed by sages,
    time and again, we overcame oppressive forces.
Though our failings are many and our faults are great,
it has been our glory to bear witness to our God,
keeping alive in dark ages
Your vision of a world redeemed.
    Let us continue to work for the day
    when the nations will be one and at peace.
    Then shall we rejoice as Israel did,
    singing on the shores of the Sea:
Let there be love and
understanding among us.
Let peace and friendship
be our shelter from life’s storms.
     Adonai, help us to walk
     with good companions,
     to live with hope in our hearts
     and eternity in our thoughts,
     that we may lie down in peace
     and rise up waiting to do Your will.
      ‫ּבָרּוְ אַּתָה, יְיָ, הַּפֹוֵרׂש סֻּכַת‬
                             ‫ׁשָלֹום עָלֵינּו‬
            ‫וְעַל ּכָל עַּמֹו יִׂשְָראֵל וְעַל‬
V’shamru v’nei Yisrael     ‫‮‬וְׁשָמְרּו בְנֵי יִׂשְָראֵל אֶת‬
et haShabbat,                                     ,‫הַׁשַּּבָת‏‮‬
la’asot et haShabbat
l’dorotam b’rit olam.          ‫‬לַעֲׂשֹות אֶת הַׁשַּּבָת‬
Beini u’vein b’nei Yisreal               :‬‭‫ּבְִרית עֹולָם‏‬
ot hi l’olam,
ki sheshet yamim asah Adonai ‫‬ּבֵינִי ּובֵין ּבְנֵי יִׂשְָראֵל‬
et hashamayim v’et ha’aretz,    ,‫אֹות הִיא לְעֹולָם‏‮‬
u’vayom hashvi’i shavat ָ‫‬ּכִי ׁשֵׁשֶת יָמִים עָׂשָה יְי‬
                                 ‫אֶת הַׁשָּמַיִם וְאֶת‬
‫אֲֹדנָי ׂשְפָתַי ּתִפְּתָח ּופִי‬
           Adonai, s’fatai tiftach, ufi yagid t’hilatecha

Adonai, open up my lips, that my mouth may declare Your praise.
B    aruch atah Adonai ‫אֱֹלהֵינּו‬
Eloheinu v’Elohei avoteinu ‫‬וְאִּמֹות‬
                                        ָ‫רּוְ אַּתָה יְי‬‫ּב‬
                                         ‫וֵאֹלהֵי אֲבֹותֵינּו‏‮‬
                                       ,‫‬אֱֹלהֵי אַבְָרְהָם‮‬
Elohei Avraham, Elohei
Yitzchak v’Elohei Yaakov,
                                           ,‫‬אֱֹלהֵי יִצְחָק‮‬
Elohei Sarah, Elohei                      ,‫‬וֵאֹלהֵי יַעֲֹקב‮‬
Rivkah, Elohei Rachel            ‫אֶֹלהֵי ׂשָָרה‮, ‬אֱֹלהֵי‬
v’Elohei Lei-ah.
                                 ‫הָאֵל הָּגָדֹול הַּגִּבֹור‬
Ha-El hagadol hagibor                             ,‫וְהַּנֹוָרא‮‬
v’hanora, El elyon,
                                               ,‫אֵל עֶלְיֹון‮‬
‫‬ּגֹומֵל חֲסִָדים‬
gomeil chasadim tovim,                               ,‫טֹובִים‮‬
v’koneih hakol, v’zocheir                  ,‫‬וְקֹונֵה הַּכֹל‮‬
chasdei avot v’imahot,                                  ‫‬וְזֹוכֵר‬
umeivi g’ulah liv’nei                       ‫חַסְֵדי אָבֹות‬
v’neihem l’maan sh’mo               ‫וְאִמָהֹו ּגֹו‮,אֵל לִבְנֵי‬
                                                  ‫‬ּומֵבִיא ת‬
b’ahavah. Melech ozeir                                ‫בְנֵיהֵֶם‬
u’moshia u’magen.
                                              ‫לְמַעַן ׁשְמֹו‬

B    aruch atah
Adonai, magein                        ,‫רּוְ אַּתָה יְיָ‮‬ ‫ּב‬
Avraham v’ezrat Sarah.‬.‫ׂשָָרה‮‬   ‫‬מָגֵן אַבְָרהָם וְעֶזְַרת‬
A                                                               ‫א‬
                                       ‫ּתָה ּגִּבֹור לְעֹולָם‬
         tah gibor l’olam,                                ,‫אֲֹדנָי‮‬
Adonai, m’chayeih hakol atah,         ‫מְחַּיֵה הַּכֹל ‬אַּתָה‮,‬ ‬ַרב‬
rav l’hoshia. M’chalkeil chayim
b’chesed, m’chayeih hakol              ,‫לְהֹוׁשִי חַּיִים ּבְחֶסֶד‮‬
b’rachamim rabim, someich                              ‫מְחַּיֵה הַּכֹל‮‬
noflim, v’rofei cholim, umatir         ְֵ‫‬ּבְַרחֲמִים ַרּבִים‮,‬ ‬סֹומ‬
asurim, um’kayeim emunato
lisheinei afar. Mi chamocha                                    ,‫נֹופְלִים‮‬
baal g’vurot umi domeh lach,
melech meimit um’chayeh         ‫מִי כָמֹוָ ּבַעַל ּגְבּורֹות ּומִי‬
umatzmiach y’shuah.                   ‫דֹומֶה ּלְָ‮,‬ ‬מֶלְֶ מֵמִית‬
V’ne’eman ata l’hachayot
                                  .‫ּומְחַּיֶה ּומַצְמִיחַ‮ ‬יְׁשּועָה‮‬
Baruch ata Adonai,             ‬.‫וְנֶאֱמָן אַּתָה לְהַחֲיֹות הַּכֹל‮‬
m’chayey hakol.            .‫ּבָרּוְ אַּתָה יְיָ‮, ‬מְחַּיֵה הַּכֹל‮‬
Days pass and the years vanish,
and we walk sightless among miracles.
God, fill our eyes with seeing
and our minds with knowing,
illuminate the darkness in which we walk.

Help us to see, wherever we gaze,
that the bush burns unconsumed.
And we, clay touched by God,
will reach out for holiness, and
exclaim in wonder:
How filled with awe is this place,
and we did not know it!

Blessed is the Eternal One, the Holy God!
.‫ּבָרֹוְ אַּתָה יְיָ, הָאֵל הַּקָדֹוׁש‬
Baruch atah, Adonai, Ha-El hakadosh.
May these hours of rest and renewal
open our hearts to joy and our minds to truth.
May all who struggle find rest on this day.
May all who suffer find solace.
May all who hurt find healing on this day.
May all who despair find purpose.
May all who hunger find fulfillment on this day.
And may this day fulfill its promise.

 .‫ּבָרּוְ אַּתָה, יְיָ, מְַקּדֵׁש הַּׁשַּבָת‬
Baruch atah, Adonai, m’kadeish HaShabbat.
You are with us in our prayer,
our love and our doubts,
in our longing to feel Your Presence
and do Your will.

You are the still clear voice within us.

Therefore, O God,
when doubt troubles us,
when anxiety makes us tremble,
when pain clouds the mind,
we look inward for
the answer to our prayers.
There may we find You,
and there find courage,
insight and endurance.
And let our worship
bring us closer to one another,
that all Israel, and all who seek You,
may find new strength
for Your service.

               ,ָ‫ּבָרּוְ אַּתָה, יְי‬
      ‫ׁשֶאֹותְָ לְבַּדְָ ּבְיְִראָה‬
Baruch atah, Adonai,
God of Goodness, we give thanks
for the gift of life, wonder beyond words;
for the awareness of soul, our light within;
for the world around us, so filled with beauty;
for the richness of the earth, which day by day sustain us;
for all these and more, we offer thanks.

   ‫ּבָרּוְ אַּתָה, יְיָ, הַּטֹוב ׁשִמְָ ּולְָ נָאֶה‬
ְָ‫ׁשָלֹום ָרב עַל יִׂשְָראֵל עַּמ‬
‫ּתָׂשִים לְעֹולָם‏‮, ‬ּכִי אַּתָה הּוא‬
‫מֶלְֶ אָדֹון לְכָל הַׁשָּלֹום‏‮. ‬וְטֹוב‬
           ְָ‫ּבְעֵינֶיָ לְבֵָרְ אֶת עַּמ‬
 ‫יִׂשְָראֵל‏‮, ‬ּבְכָל עֵת ּובְכָל ׁשָעָה‬

 Shalom rav al Yisrael amcha tasim l’olam,
 ki atah hu melech adon l’chol hashalom.
 v’tov b’einecha l’vareich et amcha Yisrael,
 b’chol eit uv’chol sha’a bishlomecha.
                  ‫הּוא יַעֲׂשֶה ׁשָלֹום‬
                      ‫וְעַל ּכָל יִׂשְָראֵל‬
Oseh Shalom bimromav,
hu ya’aseh shalom aleinu,
                          .‫וְאִמְרּו: אָמֵן‬
v’al kol Yisrael
v’imru: Amen.
Torah Service   wom

‫סדר קראת‬        to h
                to r
                to o

                to r
Assemble the people, men,
women and children,
and the strangers in your cities,
to hear, to learn,
to revere Adonai you God,
to observe faithfully
the words of this Torah.
And let their children,
who do not yet know it, hear,
that they, too, may learn
to revere Adonai your God.
ָ‫ּכִי מִּצִּיֹון ּתֵצֵא תֹוָרה‏‮, ‬ּוְדבַר יְי‬
Ki mi-Tzion teitzeih Torah, u’dvar Adonai mi’rushalayim.
         For the Torah will come forth from Zion,
         and the word of Adonai from Jerusalem.
In this scroll is the secret of our
people’s life from Sinai until now.
Its teaching is love and justice,
goodness and hope. Freedom is
its gift to all who treasure it.
‫ּבָרּוְ ׁשֶּנָתַן ּתֹוָרה לְעַּמֹו יִׂשְָראֵל‬
Baruch she’natan Torah l’amo Yisrael bikdushato.

    .‫ׁשְמַע יִׂשְָראֵל‮, יְיָ אֱֹלהֵינּו‮, יְיָ אֶחָד‮‬
    ‫אֶחָד אֱֹלהֵינּו‮, ּגָדֹול אֲדֹונֵנּו‮, ָקדֹוׁש‬
Shema Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai echad.   .‫ׁשְמֹו‮‬
Echad Eloheinu, gadol adoneinu, kadosh shemo.

.‫גַּדְלּו לַיְיָ אִּתִי‮, ּונְרֹומְמָה ׁשְמֹו יַחְּדָו‮‬
Gadlu l’Adonai iti, u’neromemah shemo yachdav.
‫לְָ יְיָ הַּגְֻדּלָה וְהַּגְבּוָרה וְהַּתִפְאֶֶרת‬
          ‫וְהַּנֵצַח וְהַהֹוד‮, ּכִי כֹל ּבַׁשָּמַיִם‬
  ‫ּובָאֶָרץ.‮ לְָ יְיָ הַּמַמְלָכָה וְהַּמִתְנַּשֵֹא‬
                                     .‫לְכֹל לְֹראׁש‬
Lecha Adonai ha’gedulah v’ha’gevurah v’hatiferet
v’ha’netzach v’hahod, ki chol bashamayim uva’aretz.
Lecha Adonai hamam’lacha v’hamit’naseh l’chol l’rosh.

                            ‫עַל ׁשְֹלׁשָה ּדְבִָרים‬
Al shlosha d’varim
ha’olam omed.                   .‫הָעֹולָם עֹומֵד‬
Al haTorah v’al ha’avodah     ‫עַל הַּתֹוָרה וְעַל‬
v’al g’milut chasadim.
Lo yisa goy el goy cherev     ‫ֹלא יִּׂשָא גֹוי אֶל ּגֹוי‬
v’lo yil’m’du od milchama.
                                     ‫וְֹלא יִלְמְדּו עֹוד‬
Hallelu...                                     …‫הַלְלּו‬
kol ha’nishama t’halel yah,                   .‫מִלְחָמָה‬
                              ‫ּכֹל הַּנְׂשָמָה ּתְהַּלֵל‬
Hallelu, halleluyah.
                                    .‫הַלְלּו, הַלְלּויָּה‬
Lo yisa goy el goy cherev     ‫ֹלא יִּׂשָא גֹוי אֶל ּגֹוי‬
v’lo yil’m’du od milchama.
                                     ‫וְֹלא יִלְמְדּו עֹוד‬
Hallelu...                                     …‫הַלְלּו‬
kol ha’nishama t’halel yah,                   .‫מִלְחָמָה‬
                              ‫ּכֹל הַּנְׂשָמָה ּתְהַּלֵל‬
Hallelu, halleluyah.
                                    .‫הַלְלּו, הַלְלּויָּה‬
Mi Sheberach
  by Craig Taubman

Mi she-bei-rach a-vo-tei-nu         
Av-ra-ham yitz-chak v’ya-a-kov
Sa-rah, Riv-kah, Rachel, v’Lei-ah    ‫מִי ׁשֶּבֵַרְ אֲבֹות‬
Hu Y’va-reich v’yi-ra-pei
et ha-Cho-lim
                                      ‫אַבְָרהָם יִצְחָק‬
   Eil na r’fa na la.                         ‬,‫וְיַעֲֹקב‏‮‬
May the One who             ,‫ׂשָָרה, ִרבְָקה, ָרחֶל‬
blessed our ancestors,
bless and heal
those who are ill.
God, please heal them.
                           ‫הּוא יְבֵָרְ וְיִָרּפֶא את‬
When To
                                      The who
‫וְזֹאת הַּתֹוָרה אֲׁשֶר ׂשָם‬             Its high
‫מֹׁשֶה לִפְנֵי ּבְנֵי יִׂשְָראֵל‬         What

  ‬.‫עַל ּפִי יְיָ ּבְיַד מׁשֶה‏‮‬      That is th
                                      Go and l
                                      true guar

This is the Torah that Moses placed      and m
                                         But the
   before the Children of Israel.        becaus

                                      Let us lea
                                      Let us lea
When Torah entered the world, freedom entered it.
         The whole Torah exists only to establish peace.
 ‫וְזֹא‬      Its highest teaching is love and kindness.
‫מֹׁש‬        What is hateful to you, do not do to any person.

 ‫ע‬       That is the whole Torah; all the rest is commentary.
         Go and learn it. Those who study Torah are the
         true guardians of civilization.

            Honoring one another, doing acts of kindness,
 aced       and making peace: these are our highest duties.
            But the study of Torah is equal to them all,
  l.        because it leads to them all.

         Let us learn in order to teach.
         Let us learn in order to do!
,‫עֵץ חַּיִים הִיא לַּמַחֲזִיִקים ּבָּה‏‮‬
       ‫‬וְתֹמְכֶיהָ מְאֻׁשָּר‏‬‮ ‬ּדְָרכֶיהָ ַדְרכֵי‬
                ‬ .‫‬וְכָל נְתִיבֹותֶיהָ ׁשָלֹום‏‮‬
                  Eitz chayim hi l’machazikim ba,
                  v’tomcheha m’ushar
                  d’racheha darchei noam,
                  v’chol n’tivoteha shalom

It is a tree of life to those who hold fast to it.
‫הֲׁשִיבֵנּו יְיָ‮, אֵלֶיָ וְנָׁשּובָה‮, חַּדֵׁש‬
                           .‫יָמֵינּו ּכְֶקֶדם‮‬

                Hashiveinu Adonai eilecha
                v’nashuva, chadesh yamienu

                 Return us Adonai to you and
                    we will return to you.
                  Renew our days as of old.
Dvar Torah
Let us now praise the Sovereign of the universe,
and proclaim the greatness of the Creator,
Who made us as guardians of the Earth,
And who placed us as messengers of Torah;
Who placed our lives with theirs,
And our fate with all of the world.
                                                   by Dan Medwin
Aleinu l’shabei-ach laadon hakol,ֹ‫הַּכ‬
                             ,‫ל‮‬          ‫עָלֵינּו לְשַּבֵחַ לַאֲדֹון‬
lateit g’dulah l’yotzier b’reishit,‫‬לָתֵת ּגְֻדּלָה לְיֹוצֵר ּבְֵראׁש‬
shehu asanu k’shomrei ha’adama, ‫ׁשֶהּוא עָׂשָנּו ּכְׁשֹומְֵרי‬
v’hu samanu kishlichei haTorah.                         ‬ ,‫הָאֲָדמָה‮‬
Shehu sam chayeinu itam,                ‫וְהּוא ׂשָמָנּו ּכִׁשְלִיחֵי‬
v’goraleinu im kol ha’olam.                               ‬ ,‫הַּתֹוָרה‮‬
     Let us now praise the Sovereign of the universe,
     and proclaim the greatness of the Creator,
     Who made us as guardians of the Earth,
     And who placed us as messengers of Torah;
     Who placed our lives with theirs,
     And our fate with all of the world.
                                                            by Dan Medwin
‬ ,‫וַאֲנַחְנּו ּכֹוְרעִים ּומִׁשְּתַחֲוִים ּומֹוִדים‏‮‬
        ‫לִפְנֵי מֶלְֶ‏‮, ‬מַלְכֵי הַּמְלָכִים‏‮, ‬הַּקָדֹוׁש‬
                                            ‬.‫ּבָרּוְ הּוא‏‮‬
Vaanachnu korim umishtachavim u’modim, lifnei Melech
malchei hamlachim, HaKadosh Baruch Hu.

Therefore we bow in awe and thanksgiving before the
One who is Sovereign over all, the Holy and Blessed One.
May we gain wisdom in our lives,
overflowing like a river with understanding.
Loved, each of us, for the peace we bring to others.
May our deeds exceed our speech,
and may we never lift up our hand
but to conquer fear and doubt and despair.

Rise up like the sun, O God, over all humanity.
Cause light to go forth over all the lands between
the seas. And light up the universe with the joy of
wholeness, of freedom, and of peace.

               ‫‬וְנֶאֱמַר‏‮, ‬וְהָיָה יְיָ‮ ‬לְמֶלְֶ עַל ּכָל‬
                                                ‬ ,‫הָאֶָרץ‏‮‬
Rise up like the sun, O God, over all humanity.
Cause light to go forth over all the lands between
the seas. And light up the universe with the joy of
wholeness, of freedom, and of peace.

                   ‫‬וְנֶאֱמַר‏‮, ‬וְהָיָה יְיָ‮ ‬לְמֶלְֶ עַל ּכָל‬
                                                        ‬ ,‫הָאֶָרץ‏‮‬
                        ,‫ יְיָ אֶחָד‏‮‬al‫ּבַּיֹום הַהּוא‮ ‬יִהְיֶה‬
V’ne’emar, v’haya Adonai le’Melech kol haaretz,
B’yom ha’hu y’hiyeh Adonai echad, ushmo echad.ָ‫‬‬ּושְמֹו אֶח‬
      Thus it has been said, Adonai will be Sovereign over all the earth.
      On that day, Adonai will be one, and God’s Name will be one.
The light of life   is a finite flame.
YITGADAL v’yitkadash
sh’meih raba b’alma di vra
                                           ‫יִתְּגַּדַל וְיִתְַקּדַׁש‬
chiruteih, v’yamlich                             .‫ׁשְמֵּה ַרּבָא‬
                                           ‫ּבְעָלְמָא ּדִי בְָרא‬
b’chayeichon uv’yomeichon                          ,‫כְִרעּותֵיּה‬
uv’chayei d’chol beit Yisrael,           ‫וְיַמְלִיְ מַלְכּותֵיּה‬
baagala uviz’man
kariv, v’imru: Amen.
                                        ‫ּבְחַּיֵיכֹון ּובְיֹומֵיכֹון‬
Y’hei sh’meih raba m’varach
                                            ‫ּוהֵאּי ׁשְְדכָל ּבֵית‬
                                  ְ‫מֵּה ַרּבָא מְבַָר‬     ‫יְבְחַ ֵי‬
l’alam ul’almei almaya.                                .‫לְעָלַםֵל‬
                                 :‫ּולְעָלְמֵי עָלְמַּיָא‬   ‫יִׂשְָרא‬
                                       ‫ּבַעֲגָלָא ּובִזְמַן ָקִריב‬
Yitbarach v’yishtabach                          :‫יִתְ ּבַָרְ וְמֵן‬
                           ‫יִׁשְּתַ ּבַח וְיִתְּפָאַר‬ ָ‫וְאִמְרּו א‬
v’yitpaar v’yitromam
v’yitnasei, v’yit’hadar                ‫וְיִתְרֹומַם וְיִתְנַּשֵֹא‬
v’yitaleh v’yit’halal
                           ‫וְיִתְהַּדָר וְיִתְעַּלֶה וְיִתְהַּלָל‬
sh’meih d’kud’sha b’rich
hu, l’eila min kol birchata ‫ׁשְמֵּה ּדְֻקְדׁשָא ּבְִריְ הּוא‬
                   ‫לְעֵּלָא מִן ּכָל ּבְִרכָתָא וְׁשִיָרתָא‬
tushb’chata v’nechemata,
daamiran b’alma, v’imru:
                                       ,‫ּתֻׁשְּבְחָתָא וְנֶחֱמָתָא‬
Amen.                 ‫ּדַאֲמִיָרן ּבְעָלְמָא, וְאִמְרּו אָמֵן‬
Oseh shalom bimromav                  ‫עֹׂשֶה ׁשָלֹום ּבִמְרֹומָיו‬
Hu ya’aseh shalom aleinu
v’al kol Yisrael, v’imru       ‫הּוא יַעֲׂשֶה ׁשָּלֹום עָלֵינּו‬
amen.                 ‬.‫וְעַל ּכָל יִׂשְָראֵל‏‮, ‬וְאִמְרּו‏‮ ‬אָמֵן‏‮‬
Adon olam asher malach,‫מָלְַ‏‮‬
                      ‬,             ‫אֲדֹון עֹולָם אֲׁשֶר‬
b’terem kol y’tzir nivrah. ‬.‫ּבְטֶֶרם ּכָל יְצִיר נִבְָרא‏‮‬
L’et nasah b’cheftzo kol, ֹ‫לְעֵת נַעֲׂשָה בְחֶפְצֹו ּכ‬
azai melech sh’mo nikrah. .‫אֲזַי מֶלְֶ ׁשְמֹו נְִקָרא‏‮‬

V’acharei kichlot hakol,      ‬ ,‫וְאַחֲֵרי ּכִכְלֹות הַּכֹל‏‮‬
l’vado yimloch norah.               ‬.‫לְבַּדֹו יִמְלֹוְ נֹוָרא‏‮‬
V’hu haya, v’hu hoveh, ,‫וְהּוא הָיָה‏‮, ‬וְהּוא הֹוֶה‏‮‬
v’hu yih’yeh, b’tif’arah. .‫וְהּוא יִהְיֶה‏‮, ‬ּבְתִפְאָָרה‏‮‬
Adon olam asher malach,‫מָלְַ‏‮‬
                      ‬,             ‫אֲדֹון עֹולָם אֲׁשֶר‬
b’terem kol y’tzir nivrah. ‬.‫ּבְטֶֶרם ּכָל יְצִיר נִבְָרא‏‮‬
L’et nasah b’cheftzo kol, ֹ‫לְעֵת נַעֲׂשָה בְחֶפְצֹו ּכ‬
azai melech sh’mo nikrah. .‫אֲזַי מֶלְֶ ׁשְמֹו נְִקָרא‏‮‬

V’hu echad v’ein sheini,       ,‫וְהּוא אֶחָד וְאֵין ׁשֵנִי‮‬
l’hamshil lo l’hachbirah. ‫לְהַמְׁשִיל לֹו לְהַחְּבִיָר‬
B’li reishit b’li tachlit,‫ּבְלִי ֵראׁשִית ּבְלִי תַכְלִית‬
v’lo ha’oz v’hamisrah.             .‫ולֹו הָעֹז וְהַּמִׂשְָרה‮‬
Adon olam asher malach,‫מָלְַ‏‮‬
                      ‬,             ‫אֲדֹון עֹולָם אֲׁשֶר‬
b’terem kol y’tzir nivrah. ‬.‫ּבְטֶֶרם ּכָל יְצִיר נִבְָרא‏‮‬
L’et nasah b’cheftzo kol, ֹ‫לְעֵת נַעֲׂשָה בְחֶפְצֹו ּכ‬
azai melech sh’mo nikrah. .‫אֲזַי מֶלְֶ ׁשְמֹו נְִקָרא‏‮‬

V’hu eli v’chai go’ali,       ,‫וְהּוא אֵלִי וְחַי ּגֹאֲלִי‮‬
v’tzur chevli b’eit tzara. .‫וְצּור חֶבְלִי ּבְעֵת צָָרה‮‬
v’hu nisi u’manos li            ‫וְהּוא נִּסִי ּומָנֹוס לִי‬
m’nat kosi b’yom ekrah. ‫מְנָת ּכֹוסִי ּבְיֹום אְֶקָר‬
Adon olam asher malach,‫מָלְַ‏‮‬
                      ‬,             ‫אֲדֹון עֹולָם אֲׁשֶר‬
b’terem kol y’tzir nivrah. ‬.‫ּבְטֶֶרם ּכָל יְצִיר נִבְָרא‏‮‬
L’et nasah b’cheftzo kol, ֹ‫לְעֵת נַעֲׂשָה בְחֶפְצֹו ּכ‬
azai melech sh’mo nikrah. .‫אֲזַי מֶלְֶ ׁשְמֹו נְִקָרא‏‮‬

B’yado afkid ruchi,            ,‫ּבְיָדֹו אַפְִקיד רּוחִי‮‬
b’eit ishan v’ah’ira.       .‫ּבְעֵת אִיׁשַן וְאָעִיָרה‮‬
V’im ruchi g’vi’ati,               ,‫ועִם רּוחִי ּגְוִּיָתִי‮‬
Adonai li v’lo irah.               .‫יְיָ לִי וְֹלא אִיָרא‮‬
‫ׁשַּבָת ׁשָלֹום‬
            Shabbat Shalom

Created by Student Rabbi Dan Medwin, MAHL, MAJE • • 2009

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Kabbalat Shabbat Sample Visual Tefillah

  • 1. No siddur (prayer book) is necessary to participate in this tefillah. ‫ׁשַּבָת ׁשָלֹום‬ Shabbat Shalom Created by Student Rabbi Dan Medwin, MAHL, MAJE • • 2009
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. .‫מַה ּיָפֶה הַיֹום, ׁשַּבָת ׁשָלֹום‬ Mah yafeh hayom, Shabbat shalom. How beautiful today is, Shabbat Shalom.
  • 7. Come, let us sing joyously to Adonai raise a shout for our Rock and Deliverer; let us come into God’s presence with praise; let us raise a shout for God in song! For Adonai is a great God, the great ruler of all divine beings. In God’s hand are the depths of the earth; the peaks of the mountains are God’s. God is the sea, God made it; and the land, which God’s hands fashioned. Psalm 95:1-5
  • 8. Psalm 140 ‫מִזְמֹור ׁשִיר לְיֹום הַׁשַּּבָת‏‬ ָ‫הַלְלּוי‬ ‫מַה ּגְָדלּו מַעֲׂשֶיָ יָה מְאֹד‬ .‫ ּה‬ma’asecha ya, me’od amku ‫עָמְקּו מַחְׁשְבֹת‬ Mah gadlu .‬‭‫ ֶיָ‏‬mash’votecha. Halleluya. How great are your works God, how very subtle your designs.
  • 9. ָ‫הַלְלּוי‬ ‫מַה ּגְָדלּו מַעֲׂשֶיָ יָה מְאֹד‬ .‫ ּה‬ma’asecha ya, me’od amku ‫עָמְקּו מַחְׁשְבֹת‬ Mah gadlu .‬‭‫ ֶיָ‏‬mash’votecha. Halleluya. How great are your works God, how very subtle your designs.
  • 10.
  • 11. ‫לְכָה דֹוִדי לְִקַראת ּכַּלָה‏‮. ‬ּפְנֵי‬ ‬.‫ה‏‮‬Shabbat‫נ‬n’kab’lah. Lecha dodi likrat kalah. Pnei ָ‫ׁשַּבָת ְַקּבְל‬ ‫ׁשָמֹור וְזָכֹור ּבְִדּבּור אֶחָד‏‮, ‬הִשְמִיעָנּו אֵל‬ ‬.‫הַּמְיֻחָד‏‮‬ ‫יְיָ אֶחָד ּושְמֹו אֶחָד‏‮. ‬לְׁשֵם ּולְתִפְאֶֶרת‬ .‫וְלִתְהִּלָה‏‮‬ Shamor v’zachor b’dibor echad, hishmi’anu El hamuchad. Adonai echad ushmo echad. L’shem ul’tif’eret v’lit’hilah.
  • 12. ‫לְכָה דֹוִדי לְִקַראת ּכַּלָה‏‮. ‬ּפְנֵי‬ ‬.‫ה‏‮‬Shabbat‫נ‬n’kab’lah. Lecha dodi likrat kalah. Pnei ָ‫ׁשַּבָת ְַקּבְל‬ ‫לְִקַראת ׁשַּבָת לְכּו וְנֵלְכָה‏‮. ‬ּכִי הִיא‬ ‬.‫מְקֹור הַּבְָרכָה‏‮‬ ‫מֵֹראׁש מִּקֶֶדם נְסּוכָה‏‮. ‬סֹוף מַעֲׂשֶה‬ .‫ּתְחִּלָה‏‮‬habracha.ֲ‫ּבְמַח‬ Likrat Shabbat l’chu v’nelcha. Ki hi m’kor ‫ׁשָבָה‬ M’rosh mikedem nesucha. Sof ma’aseh b’machsava t’chilah.
  • 13. ‫לְכָה דֹוִדי לְִקַראת ּכַּלָה‏‮. ‬ּפְנֵי‬ ‬.‫ה‏‮‬Shabbat‫נ‬n’kab’lah. Lecha dodi likrat kalah. Pnei ָ‫ׁשַּבָת ְַקּבְל‬ ‫הִתְעֹוְרִרי הִתְעֹוְרִרי‏‮. ‬ּכִי בָא אֹוֵרְ קּומִי‬ ‬.‫אֹוִרי‏‮‬ ְִ‫עּוִרי עּוִרי ׁשִיר ַדּבִֵרי‏‮. ‬ּכְבֹוד יְיָ עָלַי‬ Hitoreri hitoreri. Ki vah orech kumi ori. ‬ .‫נִגְלָה‏‮‬ Uri uri shir daberi. K’vod Adonai alayich niglah.
  • 14. ‫לְכָה דֹוִדי לְִקַראת ּכַּלָה‏‮. ‬ּפְנֵי‬ ‬.‫ה‏‮‬Shabbat‫נ‬n’kab’lah. Lecha dodi likrat kalah. Pnei ָ‫ׁשַּבָת ְַקּבְל‬ ‫ּבֹואִי בְׁשָלֹום עֲטֶֶרת ּבַעְלָּה‏‮. ‬ּגַם‬ ‬.‫ּבְׂשִמְחָה ּובְצָהֳלָה‏‮‬ ‫ּתֹוְ אֱמּונֵי עַם סְּגֻּלָה‏‮. ‬ּבֹואִי כַּלָה‏‮, ‬ּבֹואִי‬ ‬ .‫כַּלָה‏‮‬ Bo’i v’shalom atteret ba’alah. Gam b’simcha uv’tzoholah. Toch emuneh am s’gulah. Bo’i chalah, bo’i chalah.
  • 15. Yitgadal v’yitkadash sh’meih ‫ּבְחַּיֵיכֹון ּובְיֹומֵיכֹון‬ raba b’alma di vra chiruteih, ‫ּובְחַּיֵי ְדכָל ּבֵית‬ v’yamlich malchuteih .‫יִׂשְָראֵל‬ ‫ּבַעֲגָלָא ּובִזְמַן‬ b’chayeichon uv’yomeichon :‫ָקִריב וְאִמְרּו אָמֵן‬ uv’chayei d’chol beit Yisrael, baagala uviz’man kariv, v’imru: Amen. ‫יְהֵא ׁשְמֵּה ַרּבָא‬ ְ‫מְבַָר‬ Y’hei sh’meih raba m’varach ‫לְעָלַם ּולְעָלְמֵי‬ l’alam ul’almei almaya. :‫עָלְמַּיָא‬
  • 16. Yitbarach v’yishtabach ‫יִתְ ּבַָרְ וְ יִׁשְּתַ ּבַח‬ v’yitpaar v’yitromam ‫וְיִתְּפָאַר‬ v’yitnasei, v’yit’hadar v’yitaleh v’yit’halal ‫וְיִתְרֹומַם וְיִתְנַּשֵֹא‬ ‫וְיִתְהַּדָר וְיִתְעַּלֶה‬ sh’meih d’kud’sha b’rich ‫וְיִתְהַּלָל‬ hu, l’eila min kol birchata v’shirata, ְ‫ׁשְמֵּה ּדְֻקְדׁשָא ּבְִרי‬ tushb’chata v’nechemata, ‫הּוא‬ daamiran b’alma, v’imru: ‫לְעֵּלָא מִן ּכָל‬ Amen. ‫ּבְִרכָתָא וְׁשִיָרתָא‬
  • 17. ‫ּבָרּוְ יְיָ הַּמְבָֹרך‬ ְ‫ּבְָרכּו אֶת יְיָ הַמְבָֹר‬ ‫לְעֹולָם וָעֶד‬ Barchu et Adonai hamvorach. Baruch Adonai hamvorach, l’olam va’ed.
  • 18.
  • 19. ‬.‫‬ּבָרּוְ אַּתָה יְיָ‏‮, ‬הַמַעֲִריב עֲָרבִים‏‮‬ Baruch atah, Adonai, hamaariv aravim. Praise to You, Adonai, who brings on evening.
  • 20.
  • 21. Everlasting love You offered Your Day an people Israel by teaching us Torah for the and mitzvot, laws and precepts. our da Therefore, Adonai our God, when from u we lie down and when we rise up, we loves o will meditate on Your laws and ‫ּמֹו‬ commandments. We will rejoice in Your Torah for ever. Baruch
  • 22. Your Day and night we will reflect on them Torah for they are our life and the length of cepts. our days. Never remove Your love when from us. Blessed are You, Adonai, who up, we loves our people Israel. and ‫ּבָרּוְ אַּתָָה יְיָ‮, אֹוהֵב עַּמֹו‬ ce in .‫יִׂשְָראֵל‮‬ Baruch ata, Adonai, ohev amo Yisrael.
  • 23.
  • 24. ָ‫ׁשְמַע יִׂשְָראֵל יְיָ אֱֹלהֵינּו יְי‬ Shema Yisrael Adonai‫אֶח‬ ‫ ָד‬Eloheinu Adonai echad. Hear O Israel, Adonai is our God, Adonai is One. .‫ּבָרּוְ ׁשֵם ּכְבֹוד מַלְכּותֹו לְעֹולָם וָעֶד‬ Baruch shem kavod malchuto l’olam va’ed. Blessed is God’s glorious majesty now and forever.
  • 25. V’AHAVTA et Adonai ÔKy¡RhølTa Elohecha, b’chol l’vav’cha uv’chol nafsh’cha uv’chol h∞Dwh◊y t™Ea m’odecha. $D;tVbAh∞Da◊w V’hayu had’varim ha-eileh äÔKVvVpÅn_lDkV asher anochi m’tzav’cha hayom al l’vavecha. b…w ñÔKVbDbVl_lDkV V’shinantam l’vanecha v’dibarta bam b’shivt’cha ;b b’veitecha uv’lecht’cha vaderech uv’shochb’cha :ÔKá®dOaVm_lD uv’kumecha. kVb…w
  • 26. Uk’shartam l’ot al yadecha ÔKó®dÎy_lAo v’hayu l’totafot bein einecha. Uch’tavtam al twäøaVl m’zuzot beitecha M¶D;t√rAvVq…w uvish’arecha. :ÔKy`RnyEo L’maan tizk’ru vaasitem et Ny¶E;b kol mitzvotai vih’yitem täOpDfOfVl … k’doshim l’Eloheichem. wñyDh◊w Ani Adonai Eloheichem, asher hotzeiti et-chem ÔK™RtyE;b tñOz… mei-eretz Mitzrayim wzVm_lAo M lih’yot lachem l’Elohim ani ¢D;tVbAtVk…w Adonai Eloheichem.
  • 27.
  • 28. In a world torn by violence and pain, a world far from wholeness and peace, give us the courage to say, Adonai: There is one God in heaven and earth. The high heavens declare Your glory; may earth reveal Your justice and love. From bondage in Egypt, we were delivered; at Sinai, we bound ourselves to Your way. Inspired by prophets and instructed by sages, time and again, we overcame oppressive forces.
  • 29. Though our failings are many and our faults are great, it has been our glory to bear witness to our God, keeping alive in dark ages Your vision of a world redeemed. Let us continue to work for the day when the nations will be one and at peace. Then shall we rejoice as Israel did, singing on the shores of the Sea:
  • 30.
  • 31. Let there be love and understanding among us. Let peace and friendship be our shelter from life’s storms. Adonai, help us to walk with good companions, to live with hope in our hearts and eternity in our thoughts, that we may lie down in peace and rise up waiting to do Your will. ‫ּבָרּוְ אַּתָה, יְיָ, הַּפֹוֵרׂש סֻּכַת‬ ‫ׁשָלֹום עָלֵינּו‬ ‫וְעַל ּכָל עַּמֹו יִׂשְָראֵל וְעַל‬
  • 32. V’shamru v’nei Yisrael ‫‮‬וְׁשָמְרּו בְנֵי יִׂשְָראֵל אֶת‬ et haShabbat, ,‫הַׁשַּּבָת‏‮‬ la’asot et haShabbat l’dorotam b’rit olam. ‫‬לַעֲׂשֹות אֶת הַׁשַּּבָת‬ ‫לְֹדֹרתָם‬ Beini u’vein b’nei Yisreal :‬‭‫ּבְִרית עֹולָם‏‬ ot hi l’olam, ki sheshet yamim asah Adonai ‫‬ּבֵינִי ּובֵין ּבְנֵי יִׂשְָראֵל‬ et hashamayim v’et ha’aretz, ,‫אֹות הִיא לְעֹולָם‏‮‬ u’vayom hashvi’i shavat ָ‫‬ּכִי ׁשֵׁשֶת יָמִים עָׂשָה יְי‬ vayinafash ‫אֶת הַׁשָּמַיִם וְאֶת‬ ,‫הָאֶָרץ‏‮‬
  • 33. ‫אֲֹדנָי ׂשְפָתַי ּתִפְּתָח ּופִי‬ Adonai, s’fatai tiftach, ufi yagid t’hilatecha Adonai, open up my lips, that my mouth may declare Your praise.
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 37. B aruch atah Adonai ‫אֱֹלהֵינּו‬ Eloheinu v’Elohei avoteinu ‫‬וְאִּמֹות‬ v’imoteinu, ,‫ֵינּו‮‮‬ ָ‫רּוְ אַּתָה יְי‬‫ּב‬ ‫וֵאֹלהֵי אֲבֹותֵינּו‏‮‬ ,‫‬אֱֹלהֵי אַבְָרְהָם‮‬ Elohei Avraham, Elohei Yitzchak v’Elohei Yaakov, ,‫‬אֱֹלהֵי יִצְחָק‮‬ Elohei Sarah, Elohei ,‫‬וֵאֹלהֵי יַעֲֹקב‮‬ Rivkah, Elohei Rachel ‫אֶֹלהֵי ׂשָָרה‮, ‬אֱֹלהֵי‬ v’Elohei Lei-ah. ,‫ִרבְָקה‮‬ ‫הָאֵל הָּגָדֹול הַּגִּבֹור‬ Ha-El hagadol hagibor ,‫וְהַּנֹוָרא‮‬ v’hanora, El elyon, ,‫אֵל עֶלְיֹון‮‬
  • 38. ‫‬ּגֹומֵל חֲסִָדים‬ gomeil chasadim tovim, ,‫טֹובִים‮‬ v’koneih hakol, v’zocheir ,‫‬וְקֹונֵה הַּכֹל‮‬ chasdei avot v’imahot, ‫‬וְזֹוכֵר‬ umeivi g’ulah liv’nei ‫חַסְֵדי אָבֹות‬ v’neihem l’maan sh’mo ‫וְאִמָהֹו ּגֹו‮,אֵל לִבְנֵי‬ ‫‬ּומֵבִיא ת‬ b’ahavah. Melech ozeir ‫בְנֵיהֵֶם‬ u’moshia u’magen. ‫לְמַעַן ׁשְמֹו‬ B aruch atah Adonai, magein ,‫רּוְ אַּתָה יְיָ‮‬ ‫ּב‬ Avraham v’ezrat Sarah.‬.‫ׂשָָרה‮‬ ‫‬מָגֵן אַבְָרהָם וְעֶזְַרת‬
  • 39. A ‫א‬ ‫ּתָה ּגִּבֹור לְעֹולָם‬ tah gibor l’olam, ,‫אֲֹדנָי‮‬ Adonai, m’chayeih hakol atah, ‫מְחַּיֵה הַּכֹל ‬אַּתָה‮,‬ ‬ַרב‬ rav l’hoshia. M’chalkeil chayim b’chesed, m’chayeih hakol ,‫לְהֹוׁשִי חַּיִים ּבְחֶסֶד‮‬ .‫מְכַלְּכֵלעַ‮‬ b’rachamim rabim, someich ‫מְחַּיֵה הַּכֹל‮‬ noflim, v’rofei cholim, umatir ְֵ‫‬ּבְַרחֲמִים ַרּבִים‮,‬ ‬סֹומ‬ asurim, um’kayeim emunato lisheinei afar. Mi chamocha ,‫נֹופְלִים‮‬ baal g’vurot umi domeh lach, melech meimit um’chayeh ‫מִי כָמֹוָ ּבַעַל ּגְבּורֹות ּומִי‬ umatzmiach y’shuah. ‫דֹומֶה ּלְָ‮,‬ ‬מֶלְֶ מֵמִית‬ V’ne’eman ata l’hachayot hakol. .‫ּומְחַּיֶה ּומַצְמִיחַ‮ ‬יְׁשּועָה‮‬ Baruch ata Adonai, ‬.‫וְנֶאֱמָן אַּתָה לְהַחֲיֹות הַּכֹל‮‬ m’chayey hakol. .‫ּבָרּוְ אַּתָה יְיָ‮, ‬מְחַּיֵה הַּכֹל‮‬
  • 40. Days pass and the years vanish, and we walk sightless among miracles. God, fill our eyes with seeing and our minds with knowing, illuminate the darkness in which we walk. Help us to see, wherever we gaze, that the bush burns unconsumed. And we, clay touched by God, will reach out for holiness, and exclaim in wonder:
  • 41. How filled with awe is this place, and we did not know it! Blessed is the Eternal One, the Holy God! .‫ּבָרֹוְ אַּתָה יְיָ, הָאֵל הַּקָדֹוׁש‬ Baruch atah, Adonai, Ha-El hakadosh.
  • 42. May these hours of rest and renewal open our hearts to joy and our minds to truth. May all who struggle find rest on this day. May all who suffer find solace. May all who hurt find healing on this day. May all who despair find purpose. May all who hunger find fulfillment on this day. And may this day fulfill its promise. .‫ּבָרּוְ אַּתָה, יְיָ, מְַקּדֵׁש הַּׁשַּבָת‬ Baruch atah, Adonai, m’kadeish HaShabbat.
  • 43. You are with us in our prayer, our love and our doubts, in our longing to feel Your Presence and do Your will. You are the still clear voice within us. Therefore, O God, when doubt troubles us, when anxiety makes us tremble, when pain clouds the mind, we look inward for the answer to our prayers.
  • 44. There may we find You, and there find courage, insight and endurance. And let our worship bring us closer to one another, that all Israel, and all who seek You, may find new strength for Your service. ,ָ‫ּבָרּוְ אַּתָה, יְי‬ ‫ׁשֶאֹותְָ לְבַּדְָ ּבְיְִראָה‬ .‫נַעֲבֹד‬ Baruch atah, Adonai,
  • 45. God of Goodness, we give thanks for the gift of life, wonder beyond words; for the awareness of soul, our light within; for the world around us, so filled with beauty; for the richness of the earth, which day by day sustain us; for all these and more, we offer thanks. ‫ּבָרּוְ אַּתָה, יְיָ, הַּטֹוב ׁשִמְָ ּולְָ נָאֶה‬ .‫לְהֹודֹות‬
  • 46. ְָ‫ׁשָלֹום ָרב עַל יִׂשְָראֵל עַּמ‬ ‫ּתָׂשִים לְעֹולָם‏‮, ‬ּכִי אַּתָה הּוא‬ ‫מֶלְֶ אָדֹון לְכָל הַׁשָּלֹום‏‮. ‬וְטֹוב‬ ְָ‫ּבְעֵינֶיָ לְבֵָרְ אֶת עַּמ‬ ‫יִׂשְָראֵל‏‮, ‬ּבְכָל עֵת ּובְכָל ׁשָעָה‬ ‬.‫ּבִׁשְלֹומֶָ‏‮‬ Shalom rav al Yisrael amcha tasim l’olam, ki atah hu melech adon l’chol hashalom. v’tov b’einecha l’vareich et amcha Yisrael, b’chol eit uv’chol sha’a bishlomecha.
  • 47.
  • 48.
  • 49.
  • 50. ,‫ּבִמְרֹומָיו‬ ‫הּוא יַעֲׂשֶה ׁשָלֹום‬ ,‫עָלֵינּו‬ ‫וְעַל ּכָל יִׂשְָראֵל‬ Oseh Shalom bimromav, hu ya’aseh shalom aleinu, .‫וְאִמְרּו: אָמֵן‬ v’al kol Yisrael v’imru: Amen.
  • 51.
  • 52. Asse Torah Service wom and ‫סדר קראת‬ to h to r to o ‫התורה‬ the And who that to r
  • 53. Assemble the people, men, women and children, and the strangers in your cities, to hear, to learn, to revere Adonai you God, to observe faithfully the words of this Torah. And let their children, who do not yet know it, hear, that they, too, may learn to revere Adonai your God.
  • 54.
  • 55. ָ‫ּכִי מִּצִּיֹון ּתֵצֵא תֹוָרה‏‮, ‬ּוְדבַר יְי‬ .‫מִירּושָלָיִם‏‬ Ki mi-Tzion teitzeih Torah, u’dvar Adonai mi’rushalayim. For the Torah will come forth from Zion, and the word of Adonai from Jerusalem.
  • 56.
  • 57.
  • 58. In this scroll is the secret of our people’s life from Sinai until now. Its teaching is love and justice, goodness and hope. Freedom is its gift to all who treasure it.
  • 59.
  • 60. ‫ּבָרּוְ ׁשֶּנָתַן ּתֹוָרה לְעַּמֹו יִׂשְָראֵל‬ ‬.‫ּבְִקֻדׁשָּתֹו‏‬ Baruch she’natan Torah l’amo Yisrael bikdushato. .‫ׁשְמַע יִׂשְָראֵל‮, יְיָ אֱֹלהֵינּו‮, יְיָ אֶחָד‮‬ ‫אֶחָד אֱֹלהֵינּו‮, ּגָדֹול אֲדֹונֵנּו‮, ָקדֹוׁש‬ Shema Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai echad. .‫ׁשְמֹו‮‬ Echad Eloheinu, gadol adoneinu, kadosh shemo. .‫גַּדְלּו לַיְיָ אִּתִי‮, ּונְרֹומְמָה ׁשְמֹו יַחְּדָו‮‬ Gadlu l’Adonai iti, u’neromemah shemo yachdav.
  • 61. ‫לְָ יְיָ הַּגְֻדּלָה וְהַּגְבּוָרה וְהַּתִפְאֶֶרת‬ ‫וְהַּנֵצַח וְהַהֹוד‮, ּכִי כֹל ּבַׁשָּמַיִם‬ ‫ּובָאֶָרץ.‮ לְָ יְיָ הַּמַמְלָכָה וְהַּמִתְנַּשֵֹא‬ .‫לְכֹל לְֹראׁש‬ Lecha Adonai ha’gedulah v’ha’gevurah v’hatiferet v’ha’netzach v’hahod, ki chol bashamayim uva’aretz. Lecha Adonai hamam’lacha v’hamit’naseh l’chol l’rosh. ‫עַל ׁשְֹלׁשָה ּדְבִָרים‬ Al shlosha d’varim ha’olam omed. .‫הָעֹולָם עֹומֵד‬ Al haTorah v’al ha’avodah ‫עַל הַּתֹוָרה וְעַל‬ v’al g’milut chasadim. ‫הָעֲבֹוָדה‬
  • 62. Lo yisa goy el goy cherev ‫ֹלא יִּׂשָא גֹוי אֶל ּגֹוי‬ v’lo yil’m’du od milchama. ‫חֶֶרב‬ ‫וְֹלא יִלְמְדּו עֹוד‬ Hallelu... …‫הַלְלּו‬ kol ha’nishama t’halel yah, .‫מִלְחָמָה‬ ‫ּכֹל הַּנְׂשָמָה ּתְהַּלֵל‬ Hallelu, halleluyah. ,‫יָּה‬ .‫הַלְלּו, הַלְלּויָּה‬
  • 63. Lo yisa goy el goy cherev ‫ֹלא יִּׂשָא גֹוי אֶל ּגֹוי‬ v’lo yil’m’du od milchama. ‫חֶֶרב‬ ‫וְֹלא יִלְמְדּו עֹוד‬ Hallelu... …‫הַלְלּו‬ kol ha’nishama t’halel yah, .‫מִלְחָמָה‬ ‫ּכֹל הַּנְׂשָמָה ּתְהַּלֵל‬ Hallelu, halleluyah. ,‫יָּה‬ .‫הַלְלּו, הַלְלּויָּה‬
  • 64.
  • 65. Mi Sheberach by Craig Taubman Mi she-bei-rach a-vo-tei-nu          Av-ra-ham yitz-chak v’ya-a-kov Sa-rah, Riv-kah, Rachel, v’Lei-ah    ‫מִי ׁשֶּבֵַרְ אֲבֹות‬ ‫ֵינּו‬ Hu Y’va-reich v’yi-ra-pei et ha-Cho-lim ‫אַבְָרהָם יִצְחָק‬ Eil na r’fa na la. ‬,‫וְיַעֲֹקב‏‮‬ May the One who ,‫ׂשָָרה, ִרבְָקה, ָרחֶל‬ blessed our ancestors, bless and heal .‫וְלֵאָה‬ those who are ill. God, please heal them. ‫הּוא יְבֵָרְ וְיִָרּפֶא את‬
  • 66.
  • 67. When To The who ‫וְזֹאת הַּתֹוָרה אֲׁשֶר ׂשָם‬ Its high ‫מֹׁשֶה לִפְנֵי ּבְנֵי יִׂשְָראֵל‬ What ‬.‫עַל ּפִי יְיָ ּבְיַד מׁשֶה‏‮‬ That is th Go and l true guar Honor This is the Torah that Moses placed and m But the before the Children of Israel. becaus Let us lea Let us lea
  • 68. When Torah entered the world, freedom entered it. The whole Torah exists only to establish peace. ‫וְזֹא‬ Its highest teaching is love and kindness. ‫מֹׁש‬ What is hateful to you, do not do to any person. ‫ע‬ That is the whole Torah; all the rest is commentary. Go and learn it. Those who study Torah are the true guardians of civilization. Honoring one another, doing acts of kindness, aced and making peace: these are our highest duties. But the study of Torah is equal to them all, l. because it leads to them all. Let us learn in order to teach. Let us learn in order to do!
  • 69. ,‫עֵץ חַּיִים הִיא לַּמַחֲזִיִקים ּבָּה‏‮‬ ‫‬וְתֹמְכֶיהָ מְאֻׁשָּר‏‬‮ ‬ּדְָרכֶיהָ ַדְרכֵי‬ ,‫נֹעַם‏‮‬ ‬ .‫‬וְכָל נְתִיבֹותֶיהָ ׁשָלֹום‏‮‬ Eitz chayim hi l’machazikim ba, v’tomcheha m’ushar d’racheha darchei noam, v’chol n’tivoteha shalom It is a tree of life to those who hold fast to it.
  • 70. ‫הֲׁשִיבֵנּו יְיָ‮, אֵלֶיָ וְנָׁשּובָה‮, חַּדֵׁש‬ .‫יָמֵינּו ּכְֶקֶדם‮‬ Hashiveinu Adonai eilecha v’nashuva, chadesh yamienu kekedem. Return us Adonai to you and we will return to you. Renew our days as of old.
  • 72.
  • 73. Let us now praise the Sovereign of the universe, and proclaim the greatness of the Creator, Who made us as guardians of the Earth, And who placed us as messengers of Torah; Who placed our lives with theirs, And our fate with all of the world. by Dan Medwin
  • 74. Aleinu l’shabei-ach laadon hakol,ֹ‫הַּכ‬ ,‫ל‮‬ ‫עָלֵינּו לְשַּבֵחַ לַאֲדֹון‬ lateit g’dulah l’yotzier b’reishit,‫‬לָתֵת ּגְֻדּלָה לְיֹוצֵר ּבְֵראׁש‬ ,‫ִית‮‬ shehu asanu k’shomrei ha’adama, ‫ׁשֶהּוא עָׂשָנּו ּכְׁשֹומְֵרי‬ v’hu samanu kishlichei haTorah. ‬ ,‫הָאֲָדמָה‮‬ Shehu sam chayeinu itam, ‫וְהּוא ׂשָמָנּו ּכִׁשְלִיחֵי‬ v’goraleinu im kol ha’olam. ‬ ,‫הַּתֹוָרה‮‬ Let us now praise the Sovereign of the universe, and proclaim the greatness of the Creator, Who made us as guardians of the Earth, And who placed us as messengers of Torah; Who placed our lives with theirs, And our fate with all of the world. by Dan Medwin
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  • 76.
  • 77. ‬ ,‫וַאֲנַחְנּו ּכֹוְרעִים ּומִׁשְּתַחֲוִים ּומֹוִדים‏‮‬ ‫לִפְנֵי מֶלְֶ‏‮, ‬מַלְכֵי הַּמְלָכִים‏‮, ‬הַּקָדֹוׁש‬ ‬.‫ּבָרּוְ הּוא‏‮‬ Vaanachnu korim umishtachavim u’modim, lifnei Melech malchei hamlachim, HaKadosh Baruch Hu. Therefore we bow in awe and thanksgiving before the One who is Sovereign over all, the Holy and Blessed One.
  • 78. May we gain wisdom in our lives, overflowing like a river with understanding. Loved, each of us, for the peace we bring to others. May our deeds exceed our speech, and may we never lift up our hand but to conquer fear and doubt and despair. Rise up like the sun, O God, over all humanity. Cause light to go forth over all the lands between the seas. And light up the universe with the joy of wholeness, of freedom, and of peace. ‫‬וְנֶאֱמַר‏‮, ‬וְהָיָה יְיָ‮ ‬לְמֶלְֶ עַל ּכָל‬ ‬ ,‫הָאֶָרץ‏‮‬
  • 79. Rise up like the sun, O God, over all humanity. Cause light to go forth over all the lands between the seas. And light up the universe with the joy of wholeness, of freedom, and of peace. ‫‬וְנֶאֱמַר‏‮, ‬וְהָיָה יְיָ‮ ‬לְמֶלְֶ עַל ּכָל‬ ‬ ,‫הָאֶָרץ‏‮‬ ,‫ יְיָ אֶחָד‏‮‬al‫ּבַּיֹום הַהּוא‮ ‬יִהְיֶה‬ V’ne’emar, v’haya Adonai le’Melech kol haaretz, B’yom ha’hu y’hiyeh Adonai echad, ushmo echad.ָ‫‬‬ּושְמֹו אֶח‬ ‬.‫ד‏‮‬ Thus it has been said, Adonai will be Sovereign over all the earth. On that day, Adonai will be one, and God’s Name will be one.
  • 80. The light of life is a finite flame.
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  • 83.
  • 84. YITGADAL v’yitkadash sh’meih raba b’alma di vra ‫יִתְּגַּדַל וְיִתְַקּדַׁש‬ chiruteih, v’yamlich .‫ׁשְמֵּה ַרּבָא‬ malchuteih ‫ּבְעָלְמָא ּדִי בְָרא‬ b’chayeichon uv’yomeichon ,‫כְִרעּותֵיּה‬ uv’chayei d’chol beit Yisrael, ‫וְיַמְלִיְ מַלְכּותֵיּה‬ baagala uviz’man kariv, v’imru: Amen. ‫ּבְחַּיֵיכֹון ּובְיֹומֵיכֹון‬ Y’hei sh’meih raba m’varach ‫ּוהֵאּי ׁשְְדכָל ּבֵית‬ ְ‫מֵּה ַרּבָא מְבַָר‬ ‫יְבְחַ ֵי‬ l’alam ul’almei almaya. .‫לְעָלַםֵל‬ :‫ּולְעָלְמֵי עָלְמַּיָא‬ ‫יִׂשְָרא‬ ‫ּבַעֲגָלָא ּובִזְמַן ָקִריב‬
  • 85. Yitbarach v’yishtabach :‫יִתְ ּבַָרְ וְמֵן‬ ‫יִׁשְּתַ ּבַח וְיִתְּפָאַר‬ ָ‫וְאִמְרּו א‬ v’yitpaar v’yitromam v’yitnasei, v’yit’hadar ‫וְיִתְרֹומַם וְיִתְנַּשֵֹא‬ v’yitaleh v’yit’halal ‫וְיִתְהַּדָר וְיִתְעַּלֶה וְיִתְהַּלָל‬ sh’meih d’kud’sha b’rich hu, l’eila min kol birchata ‫ׁשְמֵּה ּדְֻקְדׁשָא ּבְִריְ הּוא‬ v’shirata, ‫לְעֵּלָא מִן ּכָל ּבְִרכָתָא וְׁשִיָרתָא‬ tushb’chata v’nechemata, daamiran b’alma, v’imru: ,‫ּתֻׁשְּבְחָתָא וְנֶחֱמָתָא‬ Amen. ‫ּדַאֲמִיָרן ּבְעָלְמָא, וְאִמְרּו אָמֵן‬ Oseh shalom bimromav ‫עֹׂשֶה ׁשָלֹום ּבִמְרֹומָיו‬ Hu ya’aseh shalom aleinu v’al kol Yisrael, v’imru ‫הּוא יַעֲׂשֶה ׁשָּלֹום עָלֵינּו‬ amen. ‬.‫וְעַל ּכָל יִׂשְָראֵל‏‮, ‬וְאִמְרּו‏‮ ‬אָמֵן‏‮‬
  • 86. Adon olam asher malach,‫מָלְַ‏‮‬ ‬, ‫אֲדֹון עֹולָם אֲׁשֶר‬ b’terem kol y’tzir nivrah. ‬.‫ּבְטֶֶרם ּכָל יְצִיר נִבְָרא‏‮‬ L’et nasah b’cheftzo kol, ֹ‫לְעֵת נַעֲׂשָה בְחֶפְצֹו ּכ‬ ‬,‫ל‏‮‬ azai melech sh’mo nikrah. .‫אֲזַי מֶלְֶ ׁשְמֹו נְִקָרא‏‮‬ ‬ V’acharei kichlot hakol, ‬ ,‫וְאַחֲֵרי ּכִכְלֹות הַּכֹל‏‮‬ l’vado yimloch norah. ‬.‫לְבַּדֹו יִמְלֹוְ נֹוָרא‏‮‬ V’hu haya, v’hu hoveh, ,‫וְהּוא הָיָה‏‮, ‬וְהּוא הֹוֶה‏‮‬ ‬ v’hu yih’yeh, b’tif’arah. .‫וְהּוא יִהְיֶה‏‮, ‬ּבְתִפְאָָרה‏‮‬ ‬
  • 87. Adon olam asher malach,‫מָלְַ‏‮‬ ‬, ‫אֲדֹון עֹולָם אֲׁשֶר‬ b’terem kol y’tzir nivrah. ‬.‫ּבְטֶֶרם ּכָל יְצִיר נִבְָרא‏‮‬ L’et nasah b’cheftzo kol, ֹ‫לְעֵת נַעֲׂשָה בְחֶפְצֹו ּכ‬ ‬,‫ל‏‮‬ azai melech sh’mo nikrah. .‫אֲזַי מֶלְֶ ׁשְמֹו נְִקָרא‏‮‬ ‬ V’hu echad v’ein sheini, ,‫וְהּוא אֶחָד וְאֵין ׁשֵנִי‮‬ l’hamshil lo l’hachbirah. ‫לְהַמְׁשִיל לֹו לְהַחְּבִיָר‬ .‫ה‮‬ B’li reishit b’li tachlit,‫ּבְלִי ֵראׁשִית ּבְלִי תַכְלִית‬ ,‫‮‬ v’lo ha’oz v’hamisrah. .‫ולֹו הָעֹז וְהַּמִׂשְָרה‮‬
  • 88. Adon olam asher malach,‫מָלְַ‏‮‬ ‬, ‫אֲדֹון עֹולָם אֲׁשֶר‬ b’terem kol y’tzir nivrah. ‬.‫ּבְטֶֶרם ּכָל יְצִיר נִבְָרא‏‮‬ L’et nasah b’cheftzo kol, ֹ‫לְעֵת נַעֲׂשָה בְחֶפְצֹו ּכ‬ ‬,‫ל‏‮‬ azai melech sh’mo nikrah. .‫אֲזַי מֶלְֶ ׁשְמֹו נְִקָרא‏‮‬ ‬ V’hu eli v’chai go’ali, ,‫וְהּוא אֵלִי וְחַי ּגֹאֲלִי‮‬ v’tzur chevli b’eit tzara. .‫וְצּור חֶבְלִי ּבְעֵת צָָרה‮‬ v’hu nisi u’manos li ‫וְהּוא נִּסִי ּומָנֹוס לִי‬ m’nat kosi b’yom ekrah. ‫מְנָת ּכֹוסִי ּבְיֹום אְֶקָר‬ .‫א‮‬
  • 89. Adon olam asher malach,‫מָלְַ‏‮‬ ‬, ‫אֲדֹון עֹולָם אֲׁשֶר‬ b’terem kol y’tzir nivrah. ‬.‫ּבְטֶֶרם ּכָל יְצִיר נִבְָרא‏‮‬ L’et nasah b’cheftzo kol, ֹ‫לְעֵת נַעֲׂשָה בְחֶפְצֹו ּכ‬ ‬,‫ל‏‮‬ azai melech sh’mo nikrah. .‫אֲזַי מֶלְֶ ׁשְמֹו נְִקָרא‏‮‬ ‬ B’yado afkid ruchi, ,‫ּבְיָדֹו אַפְִקיד רּוחִי‮‬ b’eit ishan v’ah’ira. .‫ּבְעֵת אִיׁשַן וְאָעִיָרה‮‬ V’im ruchi g’vi’ati, ,‫ועִם רּוחִי ּגְוִּיָתִי‮‬ Adonai li v’lo irah. .‫יְיָ לִי וְֹלא אִיָרא‮‬
  • 90. ‫ׁשַּבָת ׁשָלֹום‬ Shabbat Shalom Created by Student Rabbi Dan Medwin, MAHL, MAJE • • 2009

Editor's Notes

  1. slow down the water!!! (maybe have it wipe from top left?)
  2. Use the niagra falls clip!
  3. Switch to Torah Cam
  4. Dvar Torah
  5. Type reading here!!! “The light of life is a finite flame….”
  6. Type reading here!!! “The light of life is a finite flame….”